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PARADIGM an original screenplay by Stephen Wise

story by Stephen Wise & Eric Charles Kaplan

(c) 2012

FADE IN: SERIES OF SHOTS: BLOODY HANDS held out with bent, glistening fingers pointing upward. anguished cry. A TARP whooshes open. A MAN-SIZED SHAPE rolls the tarp over something equally large on concrete. A DEAD HAND flops out from the tarp. Trembling, the bloody hands tuck the dead one back inside the tarp. A ROLL OF DUCT TAPE rips open, a large strip pulled from the roll. DUCT TAPE wraps around the tarp-covered body. THE MAKE-SHIFT BODY BAG drags across pavement. CAR TRUNK fills with the body bag landing in an awkward angle. lid of the trunk slams shut. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "3 DAYS AGO" EXT. BACK YARD - DAY The blades of a hedge clipper close on a small branch, shearing it in two. MORGAN SHAW, 39, fit and handsome wearing a sweaty T-shirt and shorts, trims shrubbery along the property line that borders the woods. The An

2. The house behind him is a pleasant, middle class home safe and secure among the dense trees that surround it. The back yard is a cornucopia of a variety of beautiful flora. ABBIE SHAW, 36, comes out of the back door of the house. She is reserved and very precise in her movements. Morgan! In a bit. ABBIE Time for dinner. MORGAN I need to finish up. The

ABBIE You can worry about that later. food will get cold.

Morgan sighs and drops the clippers on the ground. MORGAN And I was having so much fun. He heads across the yard while Abbie waters the potted plants on the back porch. ABBIE Don't leave those clippers out there. They'll be ruined. I know. MORGAN You tell me that every time.

ABBIE And you forget every time and I have to pick up after you. MORGAN You know, I don't know why I'm out here getting all hot and sweaty taking care of your plants. ABBIE Because you're a pushover. love me so much. MORGAN One of the two is true. He comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her. tries to push him away. Stop! ABBIE You're disgusting. She And you

3. MORGAN Wanna roll around on the ground and get dirty? ABBIE You're already dirty. Dinner, remember? Morgan kisses her. MORGAN Spoil sport. He takes a dab of dirt and smudges it on the tip of Abbie's nose, then walks away grinning. ABBIE Track any mud in the house and I'll throw you in the lake. She wipes off the dirt. INT. DINING ROOM - DAY The house is a well-furnished middle class home. Everything is precisely in its place. Plants fill every available spot. Morgan and Abbie eat their dinner. MORGAN I'd like to invite Tommy over for dinner. Abbie stops chewing and stares at him. MORGAN (CONT'D) I haven't seen him a while. I'd really like to have him over. ABBIE I thought you two have drifted apart. MORGAN I've been busy, but he's still my best friend. ABBIE I never said you can't be friends with him. Go hang out with him somewhere. See if there's a baseball card show in town. Go wash up.

4. MORGAN Tommy has a new girlfriend and I thought it would be nice if he could introduce her to us. ABBIE I can imagine what kind of woman would go for someone like him. Abbie stands up, clears her dishes from the table, and takes them into-KITCHEN Abbie brings her dishes to the sink. Morgan follows her in.

MORGAN Abbie, that's not fair. Can you just please bear with him for one evening? ABBIE I never know what to talk to him about. I have no frame of reference with him. She proceeds to wash her dishes. MORGAN There'll be another woman here to talk to. Morgan dumps his plate in the sink. ABBIE Why don't you meet them at a restaurant somewhere? MORGAN How will that look if I show up without my wife? ABBIE Tell them I'm sick. MORGAN He's been seeing her for two months and I haven't even met her yet. What's the problem with them coming here for an evening? ABBIE Nothing.

5. MORGAN It's obviously something, otherwise you wouldn't be acting this way. ABBIE And what way is that? Morgan places his hands on her arms, stopping her from attending to the dishes. He turns her to face him. MORGAN Look, I know you don't like him. But I've known him since fifth grade. ABBIE I just don't like him in my house. Why? MORGAN What's he going to do?

ABBIE I don't know. He's just creepy. MORGAN What does that say about me? ABBIE That you're a good-hearted person who has a lousy taste in friends. MORGAN When my little brother died of leukemia, all of the other kids avoided me, like I was contagious or something. But not Tommy. He was the only one that stayed friends with me. And he was there for me when...during some other rough spots in my life. He has no social skills, but he's not a bad guy. You'd know that if you let yourself get to know him. ABBIE Your loyalty to him is commendable. I don't feel comfortable around him. MORGAN I'm just talking about a couple hours. C'mon, it's not going to kill you. Abbie turns her eyes to the floor and considers this in silence. Morgan lifts her chin with his index finger until she meets his eyes. He smiles. She sighs.

6. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "2 DAYS AGO" EXT. PARK - DAY A glob of ketchup drips down the front of a shirt. A hand immediately tries to clean it off, but ends up smearing the ketchup all over his palm and fingers. TOMMY KREMWELL, 39, looks at his messy hand while fumbling with the dripping hot dog in his other hand. He is out of shape, awkward, and unkempt. CHRISTINE KING, 37, pulls several napkins from the dispenser on the nearby hot dog cart, then blots the front of his shirt to clean the spillage. An over-abundance of makeup attempts to cover the lines on her sallow face framed by a shock of bleach blonde hair. Her trashy clothes belie her weariness from a harsh life. CHRISTINE (strong Southern accent) Can't take you anywhere. TOMMY Sorry. CHRISTINE Ain't nothing to be sorry for. You just need someone to take care of you, that's all. That's what makes you so adorable. TOMMY If you say so. CHRISTINE I do say so. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Finish your hot dog. She cleans off his ketchup-y hand, then tosses the red, goopy napkins in a trash can. He wolfs down the hot dog. CHRISTINE (CONT'D) So I finally get to meet your friends. TOMMY Yep. CHRISTINE I was beginning to think that you were ashamed of me or something.

7. TOMMY Are you kidding? Of course not. They stroll away, hand-in-hand. CHRISTINE You can never be sure about what people want to hide. TOMMY Like I have any secrets. CHRISTINE Sugar, everyone has secrets. TOMMY Not me. CHRISTINE You telling me you don't hide nothing from no one? TOMMY Okay, you got me. I'm actually a secret long distance runner. She slaps him playfully on the chest. CHRISTINE Be serious. TOMMY I wouldn't hide anything from you. CHRISTINE Right. TOMMY I wouldn't. Christine stops walking and crosses her arms. After a moment of confusion, he realizes that she has stopped. CHRISTINE Thomas Kremwell, I challenge you on that. TOMMY Um, okay... CHRISTINE I bet you there's something that you don't want me to know about.

8. TOMMY What, like how many times I go to the bathroom in a day? CHRISTINE Why would I want to know about that? TOMMY I don't know. You're the one who's saying-CHRISTINE I mean a secret. Something that matters. Like how much money you got in that trust fund your grandparents left you. TOMMY I dunno. Enough to live on for a few more years. CHRISTINE See. You're avoiding the issue because you don't want me to know. That's a secret. TOMMY I can look it up. I don't care if you know how much I got. What about you? What are your secrets? CHRISTINE Honey, you know better than to ask a lady a thing like that. Tommy looks around, as if looking for eavesdroppers. TOMMY Actually, I do have one secret... CHRISTINE Yeah? TOMMY (lowering his voice) I think I love you. He steals a kiss, then blushes. Laughing, Christine hugs him before taking his hand again and continuing on. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "1 DAY AGO"

9. EXT. ROAD - DUSK Morgan jogs down the country road. Trees along one side open up to reveal a lake. The red of the sunset reflects in the water as Morgan passes it. He reaches a hidden driveway. EXT. HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Morgan trots up the driveway. Woods line one side, the expansive front yard the other. Reaching the house, he slows, panting hard, and heads around to the back. INT. KITCHEN - DUSK Entering from the back yard, Morgan grabs a paper towel and mops his face. He then takes a carton of orange juice from the refrigerator and guzzles several swallows before returning the carton. COMPUTER ROOM On the computer screen is a web site called "Abbie's Plant Rant." Abbie types on the keyboard, updating the blog online. Her complete concentration is on writing. Morgan enters without her realizing it. her and kisses her neck. ABBIE Morgan, I'm trying to work. He ignores her and wraps his arms around her. Gross. ABBIE (CONT'D) You're sweaty. He creeps up behind

She pushes him away, but he resists. MORGAN And you work too much. You need to come jogging with me again. You never work out anymore. ABBIE Telling me that I'm fat? MORGAN Hardly. You're the most gorgeous wife I have.

10. ABBIE I'm sure all your other wives are jealous. Now go take a shower. I have to finish this article. She focuses on the computer screen. Morgan leans over her shoulder to read what she has written. MORGAN Still mad at me about the dinner tomorrow? ABBIE Yep. Morgan spins Abbie's chair around so that she faces him. sits on the spare chair to face her eye-to-eye. MORGAN I know Tommy annoys you. Thank you for doing this for me. It'll only be for a couple hours. ABBIE I have this feeling--a premonition, I guess--that it's going to be a disaster. MORGAN I'm sure that whatever you cook will be delicious. ABBIE Can you be serious for one moment? MORGAN Okay, I'm sorry. Look, everything will be fine. I promise. He takes her hand in both of his in an intimate gesture. They stare longingly at each other. MORGAN (CONT'D) I would never let anything happen to you. I would give my life for you. ABBIE I know it. That's what makes you such a wonderful man. MORGAN I don't know what I'd ever do without you. You've brought so much joy into my life. (MORE) He

11. MORGAN (CONT'D) (overly-sentimental) You complete me. Despite herself, Abbie laughs. ABBIE Okay, Jerry Maguire. MORGAN Wanna join me? He waggles his eyebrows in a comically seductive manner. ABBIE How could I resist such a romantic gesture? Morgan laughs, then kisses her. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "3 HOURS AGO" EXT. HOUSE - DAY A car pulls up into the driveway of Morgan and Abbie's house. Tommy maneuvers out of the driver's side of the car. dressed nicely, though his clothes seem ill-fitting. Dressed in a tacky outfit, Christine emerges from the passenger side. CHRISTINE Wow, they really live out in the middle of nowhere. TOMMY Yeah. She walks around to Tommy, who stands next to the car with a pensive attitude. CHRISTINE What's the matter? TOMMY It's weird. I've never brought a girl over. Anywhere. CHRISTINE I'm not just any girl. He is Go shower.

12. TOMMY You can say that again. She gives him a peck on the mouth. TOMMY (CONT'D) I've always been the one sitting in the corner watching the couples talk. Now I'm a couple. CHRISTINE We are. TOMMY Yeah. We. CHRISTINE You're not the fifth wheel anymore. TOMMY I thought it was third wheel. No, wait, yeah fifth wheel. Cause a car has four wheels and a fifth one is just in the way. CHRISTINE Tommy, you're rambling. TOMMY Right. Morgan's always been the one with the girls. I can't wait to see his face when he meets you. Christine takes his hand. CHRISTINE Me too. Tommy smiles, takes Christine's hand, and swaggers up the driveway. With his free hand, he aims the car door remote over his shoulder and presses the button. Behind them, the car bleeps and the headlights flash. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Abbie puts the last touches on the food that is cooking. She is dressed up in tasteful way. Morgan enters, also dressed for the evening. He tries to taste some of the food, but Abbie slaps his hand. ABBIE Get out of here.

13. MORGAN I'm just trying-ABBIE You're just trying to get in the way. MORGAN Relax. He massages her shoulders. She eventually loosens up and leans back into him. He wraps his arms around her, but she still seems bothered by something. The doorbell rings. Abbie flinches.

MORGAN (CONT'D) Ready or not, they're here. Morgan takes Abbie's hand and leads her to-LIVING ROOM Morgan and Abbie go to the front door and open it to reveal Tommy and Christine waiting on the porch, grinning. Hey! MORGAN Come on in.

Tommy and Christine enter and Morgan closes the door behind them. A look of poorly-hidden disgust crosses Abbie's face at the sight of Tommy, then she cooly assesses Christine. As she opens her mouth to speak, Tommy wraps his bare arms around her in a bear hug. TOMMY Abbie! It's been so long. so much for inviting us. Abbie grimaces and gasps for air. Thanks

Tommy releases her.

Morgan takes a good look at Christine, then pauses for a moment with slight confusion. He shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts. MORGAN You must be Christine. I'm Morgan Shaw and this is my wife Abbie. CHRISTINE Nice to meet y'all.

14. Morgan shakes her hand with warmth. Christine extends her hand to Abbie, who takes it with icy rigidity. MORGAN Make yourselves at home. He motions them toward the living room. Again, vague concern overcomes him, but he promptly puts on his game face. Abbie catches his subtle change in demeanor, but remains silent. CHRISTINE You have a beautiful home. MORGAN Thanks. Abbie's to credit for that. She's a wiz with plants. TOMMY (chuckling) Wiz. CHRISTINE I'd be a bit nervous living out here in such a remote locale. Anything could happen. MORGAN It's pretty quiet around here. We don't have much to worry about. (hesitates) This may be a strange question, but have we met before? CHRISTINE Not that I can recall. MORGAN You seem very familiar. CHRISTINE I'm sure you'd remember me. She runs her fingers up his chest. MORGAN Yeah, I suppose so. ABBIE I'm going to check on the food. should be ready soon. (to Morgan) Want to give me a hand? It

15. MORGAN (to Tommy and Christine) Have a seat. We'll be right back. Morgan follows Abbie to the kitchen while Tommy and Christine sit close to each other on the couch. TOMMY I think they like you. CHRISTINE It's going to be an amazing evening. She runs her finger through the hair on the side of his head. He giggles. KITCHEN Morgan helps Abbie with the appetizers. upset. They speak in whispers. Abbie is visibly

ABBIE He had to hug me. He smells like he hasn't showered in a week and just sprayed an air freshener all over himself. MORGAN Lay off. Otherwise it's going to be a long night. ABBIE It's not too late to cancel. Say I burned the dinner or something. MORGAN Abbie, stop it, okay? She is taken aback by the vehemence in his statement. MORGAN (CONT'D) Are you trying to make me miserable? ABBIE Of course not. MORGAN You're doing a good job of it. ABBIE (sighs) I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a bitch.

16. MORGAN (grinning) You're doing a good job of it. Abbie doesn't react. MORGAN (CONT'D) Lighten up, will you? Abbie struggles, but finally nods. ABBIE Morgan, do you know that woman? MORGAN No. I thought I recognized her, but I guess she just reminded me of someone. ABBIE Your other wife? MORGAN No, she's taller. Abbie's stony demeanor finally breaks with a laugh. Morgan picks up the tray of goodies. MORGAN (CONT'D) (snooty accent) Madame, shall we attend to our honored guests? Abbie takes a deep breath, then motions for him to proceed, which he does by imitating a waiter with his nose stuck in the air. DINING ROOM - LATER Morgan, Abbie, Tommy, and Christine sit around the dining room table with most of the food eaten. TOMMY The two guys meet in heaven. The first one asks, "Why'd you laugh? You almost got away with it!" So the second one says, "I couldn't help it, I saw the third guy coming back with pineapples." He breaks into a peal of laughter. Christine squeals in an outburst of hilarity. Morgan chuckles politely, trying to hide embarrassment. Abbie glares at Tommy with disgust.

17. Tommy tries to eat a bite of his food while still laughing. The food falls off his fork and slops down the front of his shirt. TOMMY (CONT'D) Ah, damn it. Abbie rolls her eyes. Christine titters like Betty Boop and mops off Tommy's shirt with her napkin. CHRISTINE There you go. All cleaned up. Sorry. TOMMY I'm such a slob.

CHRISTINE Don't worry about it, sweetie. When you're reared on a farm, you learn not to concern yourself about a little mess. Try keeping clean while slopping hogs. MORGAN You grew up on a farm, huh? CHRISTINE Yes, sir. In Maycomb, Alabama. I was out milking cows when I was just knee-high to a grasshopper. Until the rat bastards at the bank stole it from us. She gives Morgan a meaningful look. CHRISTINE (CONT'D) I swore that I'd get even with the man who took everything from me. Uncomfortable, Morgan eats his food. Abbie eyes him suspiciously, then tries to change the mood. ABBIE It's not good to hold a grudge. You find yourself doing terrible things. CHRISTINE But there's something to be said for finding justice to past wrongs.

18. MORGAN (changing the subject) How long have you been in town? CHRISTINE A few months. Been bouncing around here and there for a stretch. I guess you could say I've been looking for the right man. She runs her fingers up Tommy's arm, which makes him blush. However, she keeps her gaze on Morgan. TOMMY She just got divorced. ABBIE Really? CHRISTINE Yep. Twelve years of pure hell. It was like being in a prison. But I'm free now, and things are definitely looking up. Christine and Tommy exchange gleeful glances. CHRISTINE (CONT'D) I'm so happy that I met Mister Thomas here. MORGAN It didn't take long for you two to meet after moving here. CHRISTINE Fate brought us together. ABBIE There's no such thing as fate. Everything happens because of choices we make. CHRISTINE Honey, don't be so cynical. Things happen for a reason. You and Morgan were brought together. I was led to Tommy like an old friend told me where to find him. She grasps Tommy's hand. He grins like an idiot at her.

CHRISTINE (CONT'D) I'm sure there's a reason why I was brought here to meet you two.

19. Abbie looks at her plate. MORGAN I think things happen at random. You can make the best decisions, live like a saint, and then something comes out the blue that destroys your life. Or you could be a complete screw-up and things somehow work out for the best. If that's fate, then fate has a pretty lousy sense of humor. TOMMY What are you talking about? You have the luck of the devil. You've always been able to walk into any job you've wanted, have any girl you desired--sorry, Abbie. Tommy gives Abbie an apologetic look, but she remains frosty. CHRISTINE (to Abbie) Hon, I'd take that as a compliment, that he chose you. Abbie says nothing, but gulps her wine. TOMMY Morgan's had a charmed life. Everything's always gone his way. MORGAN That's not true. TOMMY Sure it is. In school, he could do anything and get away with it. This one time, he tried to ride a fire extinguisher-powered skateboard down the hall. Ugh, you should've seen the mess. But did he get in trouble? No. Johnny Cartwright did because it was his skateboard. Five days suspension! Christine guffaws. CHRISTINE You sound like quite a scoundrel. Letting someone else take the fall for what you did.

20. MORGAN Tommy conveniently left out the part that Johnny bullied me into it. I would never have taken part in something like that on my own. The day after Johnny was suspended, he found me after school and beat me senseless. TOMMY Yeah, but you still manage to get out of everything. I mean, look at when you were-MORGAN Y'know, I don't think Christine wants to hear about my past. Especially what's long dead. Tommy takes the hint and focuses his attention on his food. The foursome sits in awkward silence. EXT. BACK YARD - DUSK Morgan and Tommy wander among the tree line at the far side of the yard. MORGAN Things are getting serious between you two? TOMMY I dunno. I think so. Maybe. I don't want to jinx it by saying anything too positive. Morgan absently picks up the hedge clippers he had left on the ground and snaps them. MORGAN Tommy...sure you're not in over your head? TOMMY What do you mean? MORGAN I'd hate to see you being taken advantage of. TOMMY I may not be experienced with women, but I can take care of myself.

21. MORGAN I just don't want you to get hurt. TOMMY I'm a big boy. MORGAN How much do you know about Christine? TOMMY Wow. It's fine for you to be happily married, but when I finally find a great woman, you act like this. MORGAN Not all women are great. to be careful. You have

TOMMY Yeah, I know. I haven't forgotten. But just because something bad happened to you doesn't mean it'll happen to me. MORGAN Right. TOMMY I'm tired of sitting in the dugout while you hit all the home runs. I finally got a time at bat. MORGAN Try not to get smacked by the ball. Morgan stabs the clippers point-down into the ground, then drapes his arm around Tommy and leads him back to the house. INT. LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Morgan and Tommy enter from the back yard to find Abbie and Christine sitting across from each other. Christine grins broadly, as if greatly enjoying herself. Abbie, however, has withdrawn even more. MORGAN How are you two getting along? CHRISTINE Like we're old friends. Tommy snuggles up to Christine.

22. TOMMY Didja miss me? CHRISTINE Every second you were away. She plants a kiss on him, causing him to giggle and blush. Morgan goes to the small wine rack near the dining room table and returns with a bottle of red wine. MORGAN Wine time. (to Abbie) Wanna scrounge up some glasses for us? Begrudgingly, Annie stands and heads for the kitchen. Morgan pops the bottle's cap. Christine rises and follows her. CHRISTINE I'll give y'all a hand. Her shirt has ridden up, exposing a tramp stamp on the small of her back. The tattoo is of a snake with its mouth open intertwined on a stem of a rose. Morgan notices this. with shock. His eyes widen and his face goes slack It lands on the floor. Red

The bottle slips from his hand. win pours out into a puddle.

Abbie and Tommy turn to him with concern. ABBIE Morgan, are you okay? Morgan stares at Christine, who pulls the hem of her shirt down to cover the tattoo. She smiles at him. TOMMY You're freaking us out. MORGAN I--I'm okay. I'm sorry. I just--if you'll excuse me. I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. He gets up and rushes down the hall, leaving the other three watch with concern and puzzlement.

23. MASTER BEDROOM Morgan marches back and forth in distress. Oh my God. He sits on the bed. Abbie enters. ABBIE Morgan, what is wrong with you? Nothing. MORGAN Nothing. MORGAN Oh my God. Stands back up. Paces.

She takes his hand to try to calm him. ABBIE Something is wrong. out. You're spazzing

MORGAN Nope. No spazz here. Just me. Go on back out. I'll be there in a minute. Abbie sits him on the bed. ABBIE Something's got you upset. I've never seen you like this. You're shaking. And you're cold and clammy. At a loss of words, Morgan chokes back tears. ABBIE (CONT'D) You can talk to me. What is it? He looks away from her. MORGAN Nothing. Really. I'm just--I don't feel well, that's all. ABBIE Was it the dinner? What? MORGAN No, of course not. ABBIE Something I said?

Then what?

24. MORGAN No. ABBIE Something Tommy said? Morgan shakes his head. ABBIE (CONT'D) Christine? No response. ABBIE (CONT'D) Morgan, is there something I should know about her? Did you remember when you met her? Morgan works his mouth, but is unable to speak. ABBIE (CONT'D) You can trust me. MORGAN Abbie, I love you so much. ABBIE I love you, too. MORGAN You know that I would do anything for you. ABBIE Of course. MORGAN You mean more to me than my own life. I'd die for you. ABBIE You're starting to scare me. He composes himself, then smiles at Abbie. MORGAN I'm okay now. I guess it was just some sort of attack. I don't know. But it's over. Abbie gives him a critical look. ABBIE Are you sure?

25. MORGAN Yeah. They're probably worried sick about me. Can you let them know I'll be out in a minute. Just want to wash my face. ABBIE Okay. They kiss. Abbie leaves. Morgan stares at the closed door, lost in troubled thought for a long moment. As if spurred by a sudden rush of adrenaline, he rushes to the closet and throws open the door. He digs through the top shelf and removes several items before finding a box. Looks at it intently. Sets it on the bed. Opens it. Retrieves a pistol. Morgan flips open the revolver's barrel. loads bullets in it. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "12 YEARS AGO" INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT BEDROOM - NIGHT Morgan, 27, kisses the bare back of a woman lying next to him in bed. He traces his finger over a tattoo of a snake with an open mouth entwined with a stem of a rose embossed on the woman's lower back. The woman rolls over, revealing herself as Christine, 25. She is practically unrecognizable from the woman she is later in life--youthful, vibrant, and healthy with long, dark hair. She wraps her arms around Morgan and kisses him passionately. INT. BASEBALL CARD SHOP - DAY Morgan opens a box and sifts through pages of sleeves of baseball cards. Tommy, 27, rushes to him, pawing at him. Morgan! TOMMY You gotta see this. One by one, he

26. MORGAN Personal space, Tommy. He places a hand on Tommy's arm and slides him back to an acceptable distance. Oh, sorry. TOMMY But check this out.

He shows Morgan the item that has gotten him excited. TOMMY (CONT'D) A near-mint Hank Aaron rookie card. It's the sixteenth most important sports card of all time. You know Hank Aaron once appeared on Happy Days as himself. Of course, he was twenty years too old because that was in 1980-MORGAN You're a font of useless information. TOMMY You wish you had my memory. MORGAN Who are you again? Tommy laughs and pushes him away. MORGAN (CONT'D) (indicating the card) So you gonna get it? TOMMY It's over a thousand dollars. MORGAN You can afford it. TOMMY What would you do? MORGAN (smiling) Give the money away to charity. TOMMY Yeah, you probably would. What the hell. Who else am I going to spend it on? Now.

27. Don't worry. some day. MORGAN You'll find someone

TOMMY Yeah, right. I'm not you. You change girls more than you change your underwear. And I think your underwear is cleaner than some of the girls. MORGAN Shh! Embarrassed, Morgan looks the store, but no one is paying attention to them. MORGAN (CONT'D) From now on, I'm a one-woman man. TOMMY I'll believe that when I see it. MORGAN You're gonna see it. You need to meet Carrie. She's so amazing. TOMMY That good in bed, huh? MORGAN (laughs) Well, yeah. But that's not all. I can't explain it. She's like a gift from heaven. TOMMY Let's see how long until your angel turns into a devil. Seriously. MORGAN I want you to meet her.

TOMMY If she lasts more than a month, we'll do lunch. MORGAN Trust me, it'll last longer than that. TOMMY You're such a sucker. Morgan picks up some new packages of cards.

28. TOMMY (CONT'D) Don't waste your money on those. They always have crappy cards. MORGAN I like the surprise. You never know what you're going to get. TOMMY Like I said, a sucker. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - DAY Morgan shakes his head, distressed and uncertain. MORGAN Carrie, I don't think this is a good idea. Carrie (A.K.A. Christine) cuddles with him. She shows none of the Southern characteristics that she displays years later, but rather has a Bronx accent and attitude. She could be a totally different person. CARRIE (CHRISTINE) It's a terrific idea. It's a perfect idea. Perfect? MORGAN What you're asking--

CARRIE Babe, it'll go off without a hitch. MORGAN It's not that. Carrie, I'm not a criminal. CARRIE I'm not asking you to be. MORGAN Stealing two hundred and fifty thousand dollars isn't being a criminal? CARRIE Think of it as acting. doing a character. You're just

Morgan gets up and paces around the room. MORGAN I can't.

29. Carrie goes to him and wraps her arms around him, stilling his hyperactivity. CARRIE The money is sitting there waiting for someone to take it. Someone smart. You're a smart guy, right. MORGAN Of course, but that's not the issue. CARRIE That company won't even miss it. It's insured. They'll get it back. MORGAN It's still stealing. Carrie kisses him seductively. CARRIE It'll solve all our problems. Just imagine what you can do with a quarter of a million dollars. MORGAN We'll get caught. CARRIE No we won't. I'll be the innocent employee dealing with post traumatic stress syndrome, which will force me to quit. Nothing will connect you to it if we do it right. Morgan closes his eyes and sighs. EXT. CHECK CASHING STORE PARKING LOT - DAY Morgan's car parks on the far side in a secluded place. CARRIE (V.O.) Park your car in the far corner. A security camera's at the door, but not in the parking lot. INT. MORGAN'S CAR - CONTINUOUS Morgan is visibly nervous and he turns off the ignition. He wears several layers of clothing to make him appear heavier.

30. CARRIE (V.O.) Disguise yourself by wearing several sweat shirts to look bigger. Put on a ski mask and rubber gloves before entering the store. He snaps on rubber gloves and pulls a ski mask over his head. CARRIE (V.O.) (CONT'D) Use a pellet gun that looks real. Take out the red thing in the barrel and no one will know the difference. He picks up a realistic-looking pistol, sans the red identifying piece that marks it as a toy. INT. KASH IT STORE LOBBY - DAY Carrie emerges through a security door from the employee work area that is separated from the lobby by bullet-proof glass. A cell phone is hidden in her palm. CARRIE I'll send you a signal when I'm getting ready to lock the front door. Her thumb hits the SEND button on the phone. INT. MORGAN'S CAR - DAY Morgan's cell phone rings a single time. action and jumps out of the car. He springs into

EXT. KASH IT STORE PARKING LOT - CONTINUOUS With the gun in one hand and a duffel bag slung over a shoulder, Morgan dashes across the parking lot to the front of the store. CARRIE (V.O.) You need to make it believable that you're catching me off-guard. He faces Carrie, who stands on the other side of the glass door, presumably to lock it. She gives him a meaningful look, then he shoves the door open. INT. KASH IT STORE LOBBY - CONTINUOUS Morgan bursts in, grabs Carrie, and puts the pistol against her head.

31. CARRIE (V.O.) Slouch a little so the cameras don't pick up how tall you are. Pretend to force me into the back room. He takes her to the security door. code and the door opens. EMPLOYEE WORK AREA Morgan and Carrie rush in from the lobby. CARRIE (V.O.) It'll just be me and one co-worker. She'll be scared to death, but she has enough sense to do what you tell her to do. An unidentified FEMALE CO-WORKER enters from a back room and freezes in surprise as Morgan points his gun at her. MORGAN Get on the floor. Now! The co-worker drops to the floor. CARRIE (V.O.) Be aware of the various silent alarm buttons in the store. You don't want those triggered. VAULT - LATER Morgan stands behind Carrie and her co-worker. uses a key in tandem to open the vault. The it. key you key CARRIE (V.O.) vault requires two keys to open Remember that we have a fake that will set off the alarm, so have to tell us to use the real or you'll kill us. Each woman Carrie punches in the

Morgan hands the duffel bag to Carrie, who proceeds to fill it with the stacks of money inside the vault. EMPLOYEE WORK AREA - LATER Carrie and her co-worker lie face-down on the floor as Morgan zip-ties their wrists together. CARRIE (V.O.) Make it fast and efficient. By the time we can call the police, you'll be long gone.

32. Morgan grabs the filled duffel bag and runs out. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Morgan stares in horror at the pile of cash spread across the coffee table. Carrie counts it, putting the bills in stacks. The empty duffel bag lies on the floor nearby, along with the pistol, ski mask, rubber gloves, and extra sweat shirts. MORGAN I can't believe I did it. CARRIE You should be happy. You look like you're gonna throw up. MORGAN What are we going to do with the money? Put it in a safe deposit box? CARRIE We can't do anything that will leave a paper trail. No safe deposit box, no bank account, not even a storage facility. We can't do anything that will raise suspicions. The money needs to be completely hidden where only me and you know where it is. Once things settle down, we can get it again and go anywhere we want. EXT. BRIDGE - DAY The two-lane country road fords a small river that winds into the woods. Under the bridge, Morgan finishes digging a hole several feet deep. He jabs the shovel in the dirt. The duffel bag and a plastic bag with the items from the robbery lie nearby. MORGAN Sure no one will find it out here? CARRIE No one will find it. MORGAN Is the hole deep enough? If the river rises, it might wash it away.

33. CARRIE Stop worrying. Taking a deep breath, Morgan picks up the duffel bag and drops it into the hole. He reaches for the grocery bag, but Carrie stops him. CARRIE (CONT'D) Maybe we shouldn't bury them with the cash. Each thing should be somewhere different so nobody can connect them to the robbery. I'll get rid of them. She takes the plastic bag from Morgan. the duffel bag. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - DAWN Violent pounding from the front door. Morgan stumbles out of his bedroom, groggy. The pounding continues. MORGAN Who is it? Police! BROWNING (O.S.) Open the door! He proceeds to bury

Terrified, Morgan opens the door. DETECTIVE BROWNING, 61, stands outside the door, surrounded by several POLICE OFFICERS. Morgan is frozen in place. BROWNING (CONT'D) Are you Morgan Shaw? MORGAN Yes. BROWNING Is there anyone else in the apartment with you? MORGAN What? BROWNING Is there anyone else here?

34. MORGAN No. BROWNING Are you certain you are alone? Yes! MORGAN What's this about?

Browning motions for his accompanying police officers to push past Morgan into the apartment. He produces an officiallooking sheet of paper. BROWNING I have a warrant to search your premises. Please step over here. He directs Morgan to move aside. shock. Morgan is in a state of

The officers spread out through the apartment and start searching through everything. BROWNING (CONT'D) We have reason to suspect that you were involved in a robbery and that evidence regarding the robbery is located here. MORGAN Th-that's insane. BROWNING Where were you at eight o'clock p.m. three days ago? MORGAN Um, at home I think. BROWNING Was there anyone with you who could verify that. MORGAN I--no, I don't think so. BROWNING Did you lend your car to anyone that evening? MORGAN What? No. BROWNING Have a seat.

35. Morgan plops down on the couch, trembling. Browning sits close next to him and then pulls several photographs from a folder and lays them on the coffee table in front of Morgan. BROWNING (CONT'D) These were taken by a security camera in the parking lot of the Kash It store on Bodega Avenue. MORGAN Security camera? The photos show Morgan's car clearly as he parks and crosses the parking lot wearing the ski mask. BROWNING That look like your car? MORGAN Yeah, but I'm sure there are a lot of cars that look like mine. That guy doesn't look anything like me. BROWNING Here's what's interesting. We were able to enlarge the shot of the license plate. He shows Morgan a grainy blow-up of the car's license plate. The number on the plate is fuzzy, but can still be read. BROWNING (CONT'D) We ran the plate and it matches your car. Morgan is speechless. A police officer approaches them carrying the plastic bag containing the pistol, ski mask, rubber gloves and sweat shirts. POLICE OFFICER Detective Browning, excuse me. We found these stashed in the spare bedroom closet. He removes the pistol from the bag. Shocked horror crosses Morgan's face. BROWNING Morgan Shaw, you are under arrest for armed robbery. You have the right to remain silent--

36. EXT. JAIL PARKING LOT - DAY Tommy escorts Morgan from the jail. Morgan appears shell shocked. They reach Tommy's car and get in. INT. TOMMY'S CAR - CONTINUOUS Tommy sits down behind the wheel while Morgan occupies the passenger seat. He is appears to be in a trance. TOMMY Are you okay? MORGAN How'd you pay the bail? TOMMY Don't worry about it. MORGAN Did you use your trust fund? Tommy shrugs. MORGAN (CONT'D) You can't spend your money on me. Not that much. TOMMY Already done. And I had to put my condo up for collateral, so don't skip town. MORGAN You don't have to worry about that. TOMMY The next step is to get you a lawyer. There's no way I'm gonna let a public defender get his hands on you. Morgan breaks down in tears. Tommy places an awkward hand on Morgan's shoulder in an attempt for comfort. INT. LAW OFFICE - DAY Morgan is in a consultation with his attorney, DEVON ST. JOHN, 45. ST. JOHN I've reviewed the discovery package and here's the situation. It's mostly (MORE)

37. ST. JOHN (CONT'D) circumstantial evidence, but it doesn't look good. The police can't identify you, but they can place your car at the scene of the crime. Based on the security camera recording, the pistol the perpetrator carried and the clothes he wore match those found in your apartment. The gun has your fingerprints on it. MORGAN It's not even real. ST. JOHN It doesn't matter. A perceived weapon used in a crime is the same as the real thing. You're facing twenty years to life if convicted. Morgan rubs his temples. ST. JOHN (CONT'D) Another thing--they know that you're dating one of the employees who was robbed that night. Carrie Bachman? MORGAN Yeah. ST. JOHN Cell phone records show that she called you right before she was robbed. The prosecutor is making the case that you were aware of the exact time to make the hit and had garnered information about the store from her. You used her to get to the money. MORGAN Unbelievable. What do you advise? ST. JOHN We could argue that someone close to you borrowed your car without your knowledge and then planted the evidence in your apartment. Is there anyone who could have done this? MORGAN No.

38. ST. JOHN Then instead of a defense, we should think about negotiating a plea deal. Even then, we don't have much leverage. The prosecutor may cut a deal if the money is returned. Morgan's spirits are crushed. INT. PROSECUTOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Morgan and St. John sit across from BARBARA HENDERSON, 52, the stern, no-nonsense prosecutor. Detective Browning leans against the wall, hovering over them like a watchful hawk. HENDERSON What confuses me, Mister Shaw, is why a young man such as yourself would commit this crime. You're educated. You have a good job with a bright future. Had. MORGAN I was fired.

Henderson ignores the comment and continues. HENDERSON You volunteer for the United Leukemia Fund. You've never been in trouble with the law, not even a speeding ticket. In fact, all things considered, you seem to be a pretty decent guy. ST. JOHN What's your point? HENDERSON We're just trying to understand why such an upstanding citizen would suddenly turn into a criminal. BROWNING How much do you know about Carrie Bachman? Morgan and St. John exchange glances. BROWNING (CONT'D) We checked into her past. It seems she moves around quite a bit, and she's been the victim of an unusual number of armed robberies.

39. He places some papers in front of Morgan and St. John. BROWNING (CONT'D) Five years ago in Wichita she was held up while working at a convenience store. The robber got away with over three thousand dollars. Two years later, she worked for a grocery store in Columbus. That time the bad guy got away with ten grand. The police caught him, and it turns out that he had been dating our Miss Bachman. He professed his undying love for her and claimed she had nothing to do with it. Morgan looks through the police reports of these crimes. BROWNING (CONT'D) Last year an Atlanta pawn shop. Close to fifty G's. Miraculously, they snared that guy, too. Something to do with security cameras. Low and behold, he was Carrie's boyfriend. Notice a pattern here? The twist this time is he said she was the mastermind. But there was no evidence connecting her to the crime. The money never turned up, either. St. John's attitude changes and is now on the offensive. ST. JOHN So you're looking at a serial con artist who convinces her boyfriends to do her dirty work. She sets them up and keeps the cash. What are you offering? BROWNING (to Morgan) Do you want to take the fall for your sweetheart? ST. JOHN Lay it on the table. Henderson leans close to Morgan. HENDERSON You were the gun man, Mister Shaw. We can't let you get away unpunished. But we are willing to work with you. If you cooperate.

40. MORGAN You want me to testify against her? HENDERSON Testifying isn't going to be enough. We need solid evidence that she was behind all of this. ST. JOHN For that, we want no prison time. HENDERSON Only if we retrieve the money. Morgan thinks it over. MORGAN I don't know where it is. took it. Carrie

Browning closes in on Morgan in a threatening manner. BROWNING Then you'd better get it back from her. St. John jumps to his feet to intercede. ST. JOHN Back off! Henderson waves Browning aside, and he abides like a welltrained guard dog. ST. JOHN (CONT'D) My client is no threat to society, and he will never offend again. You know that. The way I see it, you either prosecute him and Carrie Bachman remains free to run her con again, or you allow Mr. Shaw to help you and hope that you can recover the cash. Which is more important to you? HENDERSON Five years probation. ST. JOHN Three. Plus, we plead nolo contendere and you request adjudication to be withheld. My client deserves a chance to pick up the pieces of his life and rebuild.

41. HENDERSON (to Morgan) I expect you to fully cooperate with Detective Browning. St. John turns to Morgan, who nods. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - DAY Carrie wraps her arms around Morgan, who is tense. CARRIE It's going to work out. have anything on you. They don't

MORGAN You said there weren't any cameras in the parking lot. They got my license plate number. CARRIE They must've recently installed it. I didn't know. Honest. You could claim that someone stole your car. MORGAN That's what my lawyer said. CARRIE Smart man. MORGAN What about the pistol? And the clothes? I don't understand how the police found that stuff here. You said you were gonna get rid of it. Carrie snuggles up to Morgan as a diversion. CARRIE I'm sorry. We got a bit distracted, if you don't remember. INT. POLICE VAN - DAY The back of the vehicle is completely enclosed and filled with surveillance equipment. Browning listens to the conversation. Come on. BROWNING Gotta do better than that.

42. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - DAY Morgan moves away from Carrie. MORGAN You don't seem too concerned about my situation. CARRIE Of course not. There's nothing to worry about. MORGAN Sure the money's safe? Trust me. CARRIE No one will find it.

MORGAN I have this crazy idea that you want me to go to prison so you can keep the money all to yourself. A glimmer of concern passes through Carrie, but then she recovers. CARRIE That's crazy. I want you. The whole reason I came up with this idea in the first place was so we could go off together and live our lives without any worries. As if to make her point, she caresses Morgan's chest. CARRIE (CONT'D) But you can't say anything about the plan. Keep denying it and let your lawyer do his job. We'll be free and clear in no time. This will all be behind us very soon. INT. POLICE VAN - DAY Browning rips off his headphone and turns to the other police officers. BROWNING We got her. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - DAY A knock on the door.

43. Morgan remains still for a moment, staring at Carrie. returns a confused expression. She

He opens the door, letting in Detective Browning and two police officers. BROWNING Carrie Bachman, you are under arrest for armed robbery. The cops cuff her. She glares at Morgan with a mixture of hatred and betrayal. Morgan stares at the floor. INT. COURT ROOM - DAY Morgan sits on the witness chair, clad in a suit and clean shaven. Henderson stands nearby, questioning him. MORGAN I was terrified. I had never done anything like this before and never will again. I keep thinking of that other clerk. I feel so bad about what I must've put her through. HENDERSON Why did you do it? You knew it was illegal and immoral. MORGAN Carrie had a hold over me. It's hard to explain. I loved her so much that I would have done anything for her. I would have died for her. At the defendant's table, Carrie stares stony-faced at Morgan. Her ATTORNEY sits at her side. HENDERSON Why this change of heart? If you felt this way about her, why not go to prison for her? MORGAN Have you ever been manipulated by someone who you thought loved you? It's a devastating feeling. HENDERSON You wanted revenge.

44. MORGAN No. I wanted to make sure that she never does this to anyone again. In the galley among other spectators, Tommy watches. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - DAWN The doorbell rings insistently. In his sleeping clothes with hair askew, Morgan answers the door. Tommy barges in. TOMMY Why aren't you dressed? sentencing is today. MORGAN I'm not going. TOMMY What do you mean? You have to go. The

MORGAN You can tell me what happens. I never want to set foot in a courtroom again. TOMMY It's the last time you'll ever see Carrie. MORGAN I never want to see her face again. TOMMY Morgan, I don't know what happened and I don't want But she got you into this you owe it to yourself to bitch get her justice. INT. COURT ROOM - DAY Morgan sits in the galley next to Tommy. They watch Carrie, who stands with her attorney before JUDGE CHARLES RICE. JUDGE RICE Caroline Bachman, you have been convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit armed robbery. For this charge, I sentence you to fifteen years in prison, eligible for parole in ten. really to know. mess, and see that

45. He bangs his gavel. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "8 YEARS AGO" INT. GYM - DAY Morgan, 31, runs on a treadmill. He slows to a stop and climbs off the machine. He towels off the sweat running down his face, then guzzles down some sports drink. Abbie, 28, jogs lightly on the treadmill next to him. ABBIE You shouldn't run yourself so hard. You'll end up with a heart attack. MORGAN Naw, I'm from hardy stock. at it for hours. I can go

ABBIE I'm assuming you're referring to the tread mill. MORGAN (laughs) Believe it or not, that's exactly what I meant. But you can take whatever meaning you want. ABBIE I'll stick to running. MORGAN I'm Morgan Shaw. He proffers his hand to her. ABBIE Abbie Thornhill. She pauses her running to shake his hand, smiling. resume their stationary runs. EXT. PARK - DAY Morgan jogs down a trail and reaches the end of his run, sweaty and panting. They For now.

46. Tommy brings him water. element. He seems completely out of his

TOMMY Six-forty-two. You're slipping. MORGAN You should be out here running with me. TOMMY I'm exhausted just watching you. Morgan plops down on the grass. Tommy falls into a sitting position next to him, then digs a snack cake out of his bag. As he takes a bite, it crumbles and drops a glob of the filling down the front of his shirt. TOMMY (CONT'D) Ah, crap. He wipes at the mess, but only succeeds in smearing it. MORGAN I gotta tell you about this girl I met. TOMMY (sighs) Again? MORGAN C'mon. I haven't seen anyone in what, four years? TOMMY Yeah, I remember how the last one turned out. MORGAN Not everyone is like Carrie. TOMMY I just figured that you would've sworn off women after her. MORGAN I might've taken a break, but there's no way it'll be permanent. TOMMY Guess not. So you gonna tell her? About what happened?

47. MORGAN Are you crazy? I'll never tell her about that. TOMMY What if it gets serious? Wouldn't she have the right to know about your past? MORGAN The records were sealed. I've been able to get a decent job and move on with my life. There's no reason to bring that up. With anybody. Ever. TOMMY What if she finds out? MORGAN She won't! Tommy reacts as if punched. Morgan calms down.

MORGAN (CONT'D) Look...I'd really like you to meet her. She's special. TOMMY I've heard that before. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT - DAY Morgan opens the front door, letting Abbie in. She greets him with a kiss, then realizes that they are not alone. Tommy stands at the far side of the room, scowling. As Abbie's eyes fall on Tommy, her smile falters. it to remain and is coldly polite. MORGAN Abbie, this is Tommy. ABBIE Nice to meet you. about you. He gives her a once-over. Yeah. TOMMY Me too. I've heard a lot She forces

48. EXT. BRIDGE UNDER A ROAD - DAY The shovel breaks through the ground. Morgan digs while constantly glancing over his shoulder. Finally, he throws the shovel aside and pulls the duffel bag out of the dirt. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "1 HOUR AGO" EXT. HOUSE - DUSK The sun sets over the horizon, bathing the house in a dim, burnt-orange twilight. INT. LIVING ROOM - DUSK Morgan stalks into the room with a set purpose. MORGAN Christine, I need to talk to you. Tommy, I'm sure Abbie could use a hand with the dishes, if you don't mind. Abbie, Tommy, and Carrie regard him with quizzical concern. Oh. TOMMY Well, uh--

CARRIE Be a gentleman and help out. She runs her finger up and down his chest in an enticing manner. Morgan notices the familiar gesture. Carrie then follows Morgan to the garage. KITCHEN Tommy carries dishes and hands them to Abbie, who organizes them in the dish washer. TOMMY I made it through dinner. You didn't poison my food or anything. Abbie ignores him. TOMMY (CONT'D) Y'know, I'm not such a bad guy.

49. Abbie sighs, then closes the dishwasher. Here. ABBIE You can dry.

She hands him a dish towel, which he gladly takes from her. She walks away. It takes him a moment to realize that there are no dishes to dry. GARAGE Morgan closes the door from the house. in the surroundings. Carrie feigns interest

MORGAN See much of Scout and Gem when you were growing up? CARRIE Sorry? MORGAN In Maycomb. The fictional town where To Kill a Mockingbird takes place. You said you grew up there. CARRIE I think you misheard me. Macon. I said

She tries to glide past him toward the door, but he grabs her arm to stop her. This startles her. MORGAN How long have you been out? (beat) Carrie. Carrie pulls away from him and drops her pretenses--including the Southern belle routine. CARRIE A year or so. MORGAN I gotta say, prison life was not kind to you. I almost didn't recognize you. Especially with your skanky Scarlet O'Hara routine. CARRIE And I was having so much fun, too.

50. MORGAN So now you've come sniffing around for the money. It's mine. keep it. Seriously? CARRIE A decade behind bars entitles me to it more than you. Morgan shakes his head in disbelief. MORGAN You seduced me. You conned me. You framed me. And in your warped mind, you feel justified to show up here and start your tricks all over again? CARRIE You don't know the whole story. MORGAN You think it matters? CARRIE Where's the money? MORGAN I'm not going to tell you. CARRIE How much have you discussed with the ice princess in there? Have you bared your soul and shared your deep dark secret? Morgan remains silent. CARRIE (CONT'D) What will her reaction be when she finds out? How long until the divorce lawyer is called? MORGAN That won't happen. CARRIE I want my money. CARRIE You have no right to MORGAN

51. MORGAN How do you know I haven't spent it? CARRIE On what? This house? How would you explain that to Abbie? An inheritance? The lottery? No, I think you're playing it safe and maybe siphoning off a little at a time. You're too smart to blow it all at once and set off alarm bells with the cops. MORGAN You think you know so much. Where is it? Morgan looks away. CARRIE (CONT'D) It is here. Somewhere. (to herself) Where would you hide it? MORGAN You won't find it. CARRIE Just give it to me and poof! I'll disappear into the darkness like smoke in the wind. Wifey won't have to know a thing. And your idiot friend will never hear from me again. MORGAN Tell you what. I'll make a deal with you. He pulls out the pistol from the waist band of his pants, where it was hidden under his shirt. MORGAN (CONT'D) Get the hell out of my house. Leave me, my wife, and my friend alone. Then we won't have any problems. CARRIE Am I supposed to be scared? He points the gun at her. MORGAN I don't know. You tell me. CARRIE Hidden in the house?

52. CARRIE I spent the last twelve years hating you. MORGAN The feeling's mutual. CARRIE Put that away. You're not a very convincing tough guy. Morgan steps closer to her, the gun in his hand unwavering. MORGAN I think you underestimate me. I'm not the same guy you used to know. CARRIE A dead dinner guest would be hard to explain. MORGAN Yeah, that would suck. much as being dead. The door opens. Morgan hurriedly places the gun on a shelf and covers it with a rag. Abbie and Tommy enter. TOMMY Making the moves on my girlfriend? CARRIE (back in character) Morgan knows better than that. a one-woman man. But not as


She gives Abbie a knowing look. Abbie in turn questions Morgan with her eyes. Morgan remains expressionless. CARRIE (CONT'D) I think we've overstayed our welcome. It's time we hit the road. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Morgan opens the front door for Tommy and Carrie. only a hint of sunlight left on the horizon. Abbie hangs back in the room, a silent observer. There is

53. TOMMY Thanks again for inviting us over. It meant a lot to me. CARRIE We'll have to do it again sometime. Morgan pulls Abbie closer to him, his steely eyes never departing from Carrie's. INT. TOMMY'S CAR - NIGHT As Carrie climbs into the passenger side, she glances back toward the house. CARRIE'S POV At the front door, Morgan and Abbie watch, both faces emotionless masks. TOMMY'S CAR Carrie's gaze does not waver from them as the car pulls out of the driveway. She waves. CARRIE'S POV Abbie turns away. TOMMY'S CAR Carrie's smile is devoid of humor. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "10 MONTHS AGO" EXT. PRISON - DAY Carrie exits the building. Her prison experience is etched into her face and body language, which hides her wounds behind a tough veneer. With no makeup, she is plain and her features are harsh. Her hair is mousy and hangs limp. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "3 MONTHS AGO"

54. EXT. BACK YARD - DAY Carrie sits across from Abbie on the patio furniture. She has regained her aggressive attitude. She is wearing makeup, but her hair is still nondescript. CARRIE You can understand my position. I want is my money. Abbie looks as if she is going to be sick. ABBIE I don't know where it is. CARRIE Come on. ABBIE Morgan has never mentioned it. He's hidden that whole part of his life from me. CARRIE What kind of marriage is based on secrets? Abbie turns her eyes downward. Carrie rises to her feet. CARRIE (CONT'D) I suppose I'll have to come back later when hubby's home. We'll get this whole thing squared away. ABBIE Wait. Carrie pauses in her exit. ABBIE (CONT'D) What if you could get your hands on other money? CARRIE Other money? ABBIE Morgan has a friend whose grandparents left him a huge inheritance--condo, trust fund, stocks. Not sure how much, but he doesn't have to work. All

55. CARRIE I'd rather have the cash. Abbie stands to face Carrie. ABBIE You can stir up all sorts of trouble with Morgan, but what will that get you? CARRIE A whole hell of a lot of satisfaction. ABBIE What do you want? Money or revenge? You destroyed Morgan's life once. Do you think doing it again will make you any richer? Carrie thinks about it. CARRIE Who's the mark? ABBIE Ever meet Tommy? Kind of a loser. CARRIE Never had the pleasure. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Carrie dyes her hair. INT. CARRIE'S CAR - DAY Carrie watches as Tommy crosses the parking lot toward a grocery store. Her hair is now bleach blonde and she is heavily made-up to be in character. INT. GROCERY STORE - DAY Carrie pushes a shopping cart, keeping a good distance behind Tommy, who has not noticed her. Tommy looks at some gum on the bottom of his shoe, then tries to scrape it off on a display. Satisfied, he moves on to the next aisle. Quickening her pace, Carrie rounds the corner. She comes up behind Tommy, who has stopped and is scanning through products on a shelf.

56. As Tommy reaches for an item on a shelf, Carrie purposefully reaches for the same thing. Their hands touch. Tommy jerks his hand back, knocking products to the floor. TOMMY Oh, I'm so sorry. It's okay. CARRIE My fault.

TOMMY No, no. I should've been looking at what I was doing. Carrie regards him with a furrowed brow. CARRIE Hey, is your name Richard? No. Tommy. TOMMY Tommy Kremwell.

CARRIE Hmm. You look just like this guy I used to know named Richard. Sure you're not him? TOMMY Positive. Too bad. CARRIE He was kinda cute.

TOMMY (laughs) Then it definitely wasn't me. CARRIE I wouldn't say that. Tommy is at a loss for words. CARRIE (CONT'D) I'm Carrie King. She extends her hand, but Tommy doesn't move. CARRIE (CONT'D) This is usually the point where you shake my hand. Oh yeah! He shakes her hand. TOMMY Sorry.

57. TOMMY (CONT'D) I'm just not good at-CARRIE Shaking hands? You seem to be doing an okay job of it now. Self-consciously, Tommy pulls his hand away. hand on his pants. TOMMY Sorry, my hands get kind of sweaty sometimes. Well, guess I'll let you get back to your shopping. CARRIE I'm in no hurry. TOMMY Oh. CARRIE Unless I'm keeping you. No! TOMMY I' He wipes his

CARRIE A grocery store isn't the best place in the world to get to know someone. Let's go somewhere we can relax. INT. TOMMY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Both of their clothes are strewn on the floor. Under the covers in bed, Tommy and Carrie cavort. sounds Tommy is making, he is enjoying himself. Carrie rolls over away from him. revulsion. BACK TO THE PRESENT EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - NIGHT Tommy's car rolls down the two-lane blacktop, its headlights leading the way. From the

Her face contorts in

58. INT. TOMMY'S CAR - CONTINUOUS Carrie rides shotgun as Tommy drives. CARRIE Some friends you have. TOMMY Huh? CARRIE I can't believe the way they treated us. TOMMY What do you mean? CARRIE Don't tell me you were okay with that? I guess you're so used to being treated like garbage that you don't even notice it anymore. TOMMY CARRIE Abbie acted like our presence insulted her. Our very existence soiled her high and mighty palace. TOMMY Well... CARRIE And then Morgan. I don't even know what to say. TOMMY Morgan's a great guy. CARRIE To your face maybe. You know when we went out to the garage? He tried to convince me to break up with you. Tommy does not respond. CARRIE (CONT'D) He said I was too good for you. That you'd just bring me down. That you didn't deserve someone like me. She watches him shrewdly. Tommy reflects on her words. She is fuming.

59. CARRIE (CONT'D) I think he's jealous. I don't think things are going well between him and Abbie, and he just can't stand seeing you happy. TOMMY He's worried about me, that's all. CARRIE Yeah, worried that you'll find someone who makes you happy. TOMMY What do you mean? CARRIE He's always had you as a loyal puppy dog. You're there when he needs you, but when does he return the favor? We've been seeing each other for two months, and your supposed best friend is just now showing any interest? TOMMY He's busy. CARRIE He doesn't care. Except that he won't have you at his beck and call. He probably thinks he has a chance with me if he splits us up. TOMMY You don't know him. CARRIE Do you? Do you really know him? I know you got this man crush on him, but he's not all that wonderful. I'm sure he's done something in his life that's questionable. Maybe illegal. Tommy remains silent in thought. As if an amusing idea comes to her, Carrie barks out a laugh, covering her mouth with a hand. TOMMY What? Never mind. CARRIE Just a bit of folly.

60. TOMMY What? CARRIE I just had the most mischievous idea. But you wouldn't want to hear it. It's just too naughty. TOMMY I won't know if you don't tell me. CARRIE Ever play pranks on people? TOMMY Pranks? CARRIE Harmless fun. Like ding-dong-ditch. TOMMY Why would you want to do that? CARRIE I knew you wouldn't go for it. You're not the adventurous type. After all, it wasn't you who rode the fire extinguisher-powered skateboard. TOMMY What did you have in mind? Carrie flashes him a predatory smile. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT The TV blares some nonsense. Now dressed in a T-shirt and jogging pants, Morgan slides next to Abbie on the bed. Despite being clad in comfortable clothing, her expression indicates displeasure. MORGAN You survived the evening. Abbie ignores this. Morgan massages her shoulders.

MORGAN (CONT'D) You're too uptight. Your muscles are in a knot. Abbie relaxes and gives in to his ministrations. with speaking. He sighs and closes his eyes. He struggles

61. MORGAN (CONT'D) Abbie, I have something to tell you. I should've told you this a long time ago. He pauses, uncertain as to how to proceed. Abbie takes his hand. ABBIE Go on. MORGAN I'm so afraid you'll hate me. I've been keeping a secret from you. EXT. ROAD IN FRONT OF HOUSE - NIGHT Tommy's car pulls to a stop, its headlights off. from view of the house. It is hidden

Tommy and Carrie get out and gently close their doors. TOMMY I'm not sure this is a good idea. CARRIE Don't wuss out on me now. We're just gonna give them a little scare. Tommy remains unconvinced. Carrie kisses him.

CARRIE (CONT'D) It's time to start living. Tommy sighs, relenting. He raises the key chain clicker, but before he can push the button, Carrie grabs his wrist. CARRIE (CONT'D) They might hear. Carrie takes him by the hand. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT Morgan and Abbie sit on the bed facing each other. Their hands are clasped together. She gazes lovingly at him, though he cannot meet her eyes. ABBIE I don't hate you. It took a lot of courage to tell me. They sneak up toward the house.

62. Morgan looks up, as if to make sure he heard correctly. ABBIE (CONT'D) You were taken in by a con artist who blinded you with your emotions. You screwed up, but it all worked out. You got me, didn't you? Laughing, Morgan wipes his eyes. ABBIE (CONT'D) I have my own secret. I already knew about your past. MORGAN And you never said anything? ABBIE I wanted you to tell me in your own time. When you were ready. MORGAN How'd you find out? ABBIE You don't think I'd marry a man without knowing his history, do you? Morgan embraces her, a weight lifted. MORGAN You have no idea what I went through. I still have nightmares about it sometimes. And I've never been able to tell you. ABBIE I'm so sorry you didn't feel that you could trust me. I'm here for you now. MORGAN When I was arrested, I thought I was going to be in a cell the rest of my life. It's hard to explain the complete hopelessness I felt. I thought everyone I knew, family and friends, would turn their backs on me. But Tommy was at my side the whole time. I owe my life to him. ABBIE Yeah, I suppose you do.

63. EXT. BACK YARD - NIGHT Tommy lifts a potted plant, revealing a house key that had been underneath. Carrie retrieves it. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT Abbie comforts Morgan. MORGAN Now she's back. I've been afraid of this for twelve years. ABBIE She can't hurt us. MORGAN I was afraid of losing you. ABBIE Not gonna happen. MORGAN I did love her. Then I hated her. After all these years, I still want her dead. I hate myself for feeling that way. Shh. ABBIE Don't think about that.

MORGAN I'm so glad I found you. Maybe fate knows what it's doing after all. They kiss. EXT. BACK YARD - NIGHT Now alone, Tommy paces nervously. shadows, startling him. TOMMY Where have-Carrie puts a finger to her mouth. --you been? CARRIE Just needed to take care of something. Ready for the main event? Tommy lowers his voice. Carrie emerges from the


64. TOMMY What are you gonna do? She waggles a finger at him and walks away. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT Abbie disengages from Morgan. ABBIE What happened to the stolen money? Morgan contemplates. A grin spreads across his face. He follows.

MORGAN I suppose you should know. EXT. SIDE OF THE HOUSE - NIGHT Tommy looks around nervously as he and Carrie approach the power main box. Carrie opens it and throws the switch to "Off." INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT The power goes out, bathing Morgan and Abbie in darkness. Stay here. MORGAN I'll check the breaker.

He fumbles around in the dark and locates a flashlight, which he turns on. He tosses another one to Abbie, who likewise illuminates hers. LIVING ROOM The flashlight beam leads Morgan to the garage. GARAGE Morgan carefully makes his way through the garage, which is now a shadowy maze of potential hazards. He reaches the breaker box, opens it, and flips switches. Nothing happens. KITCHEN Abbie climbs out of bed and goes to the doorway. The beam from her flashlight falls upon Tommy and Carrie emerging from the black recesses of the hallway. Abbie gasps and drops the flashlight.

65. GARAGE Morgan hurries to the shelf where he had hidden the pistol. He moves the rag that had covered it. The shelf is empty. MASTER BEDROOM Carrie aims the pistol at Abbie as she and Tommy enter the room and closes the door behind them. Tommy picks up the flashlight from the floor. TOMMY Where'd you get that? CARRIE (ignoring the question) Put this in her mouth. She hands Tommy a dishrag. object. Now! Tommy snaps out of his reverie. His eyes roam from the dishrag to the pistol and back again. He takes the dishrag, then holds it out before him as he approaches Abbie. She retreats from him. ABBIE Tommy, think about what you're doing. He grabs her arm. Abbie struggles, but Tommy holds firm. He examines it like it's a foreign


ABBIE (CONT'D) Morgan will never forgive you for this. Tommy brings the dishrag to her face. She tries to fight him off, but he forces her down on the bed. Morgan! ABBIE (CONT'D) Hel--

Tommy shoves the dishrag into her open mouth. LIVING ROOM As Morgan enters from the garage, he hears Abbie's voice cut off. He freezes momentarily, but then proceeds with caution.

66. MASTER BEDROOM At the open closet, Carrie throws some of Morgan's ties to Tommy. CARRIE Tie her up with these. Put one around her mouth so she can't get the gag loose. Tommy follows her directions as Abbie stares at him in terror. HALLWAY Muscles tense, Morgan steps down the hallway. He reaches the closed bedroom door. Grasps the door knob. Throws the door open. MASTER BEDROOM Bursting in, Morgan arcs the flashlight around the room. It is empty except for Abbie lying on the bed with her hands tied behind her back and the gag in her mouth. Morgan rushes to her. She shakes her head violently and makes urgent guttural noises. Carrie darts out from the closet, pistol held high. As Morgan turns toward her, she clobbers him across the face with the butt of the gun. He falls to the floor. Tommy timidly steps out from the bathroom. Rising to his knees, Morgan holds his wounded face. A chunk of cheek dangles open and blood pours down to his chin. CARRIE Okay, no more heroics. Morgan eyes Carrie with pure hatred. is overcome with confusion. MORGAN Tommy? TOMMY I'm sorry. Tommy looks away. Morgan climbs onto the bed to cradle Abbie in his arms. He notices Tommy and

67. MORGAN Are you hurt? Abbie shakes her head no. With shaking hands, he works the knot in the tie around Abbie's head until it comes free, then pulls the dishcloth out of her mouth. She breathes in a lungful of air. Morgan turns his venomous gaze back to Carrie. MORGAN (CONT'D) You're not getting your hands on it. CARRIE I think I will. She paces before them, toying with the pistol. CARRIE (CONT'D) I understand you never told Abbie that you committed armed robbery. Too late. MORGAN She knows.

CARRIE Oh, I know that. You weren't the only one keeping secrets in this house. MORGAN What are you talking about? ABBIE Don't listen to her. CARRIE Do you want to tell him, or shall I? Tears well in Abbie's eyes. INT. KASH IT STORE EMPLOYEE AREA (12 YEARS AGO) - DAY Abbie, 24, opens the vault and places stacks of money in it. ABBIE You're crazy, you know. Carrie lounges nearby with her feet up on the counter.

68. CARRIE Trust me. It'll work. You'd be amazed at how easily men are manipulated. ABBIE You'll never get away with it. They'll assume it's an inside job and investigate us. She closes the vault. CARRIE That's why we plan carefully. Make it look like we're the innocent victims. ABBIE What if your boy gets arrested? Carrie sits up in her chair, feet on the floor. CARRIE Oh, he'll be arrested. sure of that. We'll make

ABBIE You're going to send an innocent man to prison? CARRIE I wouldn't exactly call him innocent if he commits armed robbery. ABBIE The first thing he'll do is tell the cops about you and then you're history. CARRIE (innocent voice) "Gee, officer, I didn't know he was going to rob this place. He must have used me to get information." ABBIE What do you need me for? CARRIE You're my cover. Tell the police that he was always hanging around checking the place out, that you had a creepy feeling about him. You can even say you heard him joking about (MORE)

69. CARRIE (CONT'D) robbing us. We'll split the take fifty-fifty. Abbie considers this. ABBIE I'm not a thief. CARRIE You don't have to be. victim. ABBIE It's still dishonest. CARRIE Is this what you want to do with your life? Work at a check cashing store making next to nothing until you retire? ABBIE Of course not. CARRIE Didn't you tell me you wanted to be a botanist? Wasn't that your lifelong ambition? Abbie nods. CARRIE (CONT'D) So why don't you? ABBIE I can't afford college. I don't qualify for student loans. CARRIE Gee, that sucks. It's too bad that you didn't have the money. ABBIE Stealing's wrong. Carrie moves to Abbie's side. CARRIE And so is keeping an intelligent person from realizing her dreams. Abbie steels herself with inner resolve. You'll be the

70. ABBIE We'll have to plan everything perfectly. We can't leave anything to chance. BACK ROOM - LATER Abbie peeks through the door way to see the masked Morgan force his way in through the front door and into the lobby, where he holds Carrie at gunpoint. She takes a deep breath, readying herself, then steps out of the back room. EMPLOYEE WORK AREA Morgan points his gun at Abbie, who freezes. MORGAN Get on the floor. Now! Abbie drops to the floor. EXT. KASH IT STORE PARKING LOT - DAY Carrie walks to her car. Abbie catches up to her.

ABBIE Turn in your resignation? CARRIE The stress of working there was just too much after recent events. I'm sure it'll be too much for you to bear in a week or two. She winks. ABBIE I heard they arrested Morgan. Yep. CARRIE All according to plan.

ABBIE But he bonded out. CARRIE Don't worry about that. ABBIE What if he takes the money and runs?

71. CARRIE Are you kidding me? The police will be watching him like a hawk. ABBIE Where is the money? CARRIE It's safe. ABBIE How do I know you won't take off with it? CARRIE Gotta testify at the trial. And so do you. Cops talk to you yet? ABBIE No. CARRIE They will. They'll want to build as good a case against him as they can. Remember what we talked about. Stick to the plan and nothing can go wrong. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY Detective Browning places a mugshot of Morgan on the table in front of Abbie. BROWNING Have you seen this man before? Abbie examines it for a moment. ABBIE Yeah. That's the guy Carrie's dating. Morgan something-or-other. Why? BROWNING Is it possible that he was the man who robbed you? ABBIE Morgan? Not likely. That guy wasn't quite as tall and he was heavier. BROWNING How well do you know him?

72. ABBIE Met him once or twice when he picked Carrie up from work. But she said he was really great, that she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have him. She made him sound like an Eagle Scout. In fact-A worried look crossing her face as if she remembered something upsetting. BROWNING What is it? ABBIE Nothing. Just remembered something Carrie mentioned not long ago. I'm sure it was just a joke. BROWNING I could use a laugh. ABBIE She said the perfect crime was one that someone else did for you. INT. COURT ROOM - DAY Abbie testifies on the stand. Henderson questions her.

ABBIE I overheard Carrie talking on the phone about the store's cash flow. Which day we expected to have the most money on hand. I thought it was weird, but just assumed she was talking to someone from the district office. When she saw me, she quickly changed the subject and hung up. HENDERSON Miss Thornhill, do you think that Carrie could have been involved in the robbery? ABBIE I never trusted her. She did things her own way and no one could tell her otherwise. She prided herself in being able to manipulate her boyfriend. Yes, I believe she put him up to it. Sitting next to her attorney, Carrie rages silently at Abbie.

73. LATER From the galley on the opposite side of the room from Morgan and Tommy, Abbie watches Carrie's sentencing. JUDGE RICE For this charge, I sentence you to fifteen years in prison, eligible for parole in ten. INT. GYM (8 YEARS AGO) - DAY Abbie follows Morgan through the facility without him noticing. He reaches the treadmill. She stops a good distance away and keeps out of sight. She psyches herself up, then approaches him as he performs a rugged workout on the machine. She steps on the empty treadmill next to him and jogs lightly. ABBIE You shouldn't run yourself so hard. You'll end up with a heart attack. MORGAN Naw, I'm from hearty stock. go at it for hours. EXT. BACK YARD (3 MONTHS AGO) - DAY Abbie positions a small tree into a freshly-dug hole. Carrie, recently released from prison, walks up behind Abbie unnoticed. CARRIE Well, if it isn't Miss Botanical Gardens. Abbie jumps, startled. She rises to her feet. I can

ABBIE I'm sorry, do I know you? CARRIE You've held up well, I have to admit. I wish I could say the same about myself. ABBIE Either tell me what you're doing in my back yard or please leave.

74. Disregarding Abbie's words, Carrie looks around the yard as if impressed by the surroundings. CARRIE Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you and Morgan got married. For a while I thought you two had planned the whole thing. But he wouldn't have been able to fool me. He's too emotional. You, on the other hand are a very calculating liar. Abbie gapes at her with dawning realization. ABBIE Carrie? CARRIE I got thinking. If you're so cold hearted to turn on me like you did, what would stop you for going after him to claim the cash? Abbie finds a chair on the patio and plops down onto it. ABBIE I didn't know you were free. CARRIE Surprise. She sits down next to Abbie. CARRIE (CONT'D) Gotten your hands on it yet? From the look of things, you got that Botany degree you so desired. ABBIE I put myself through school. need stolen money to do it. I didn't

CARRIE And I suppose good old fashioned American hard work paid for this house, too? ABBIE Yes. We both work. with money we earn. We pay our bills

75. CARRIE And the two of you just sit on a quarter of a million dollars? What are you waiting for? The gears in her mind grind. Comprehension hits her.

CARRIE (CONT'D) He never caught on that you were the one he robbed. Makes sense. He only saw you for an instant through his ski mask, and in his frantic state he wouldn't have remembered your face. Both of you testified at my trial, but they sequestered you separately to prevent influencing each other. He had no way of knowing your involvement. And you didn't tell him. ABBIE Morgan and I love each other. CARRIE He tends to fall in love with the wrong women. ABBIE I'm not like you. Right. CARRIE You got away with it.

ABBIE You need to leave. CARRIE I wonder what would happen if Morgan found out the truth. I'd hate for all this marital bliss to go up in flames. ABBIE Go to hell, you bitch. Carrie reacts with steadfast aggression. CARRIE You can understand my position. All I want is my money. Then you and Morgan will never see me again. ABBIE I don't know where the money is.

76. She looks as if she is going to be sick. BACK TO THE PRESENT INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT Morgan withdraws from Abbie, devastated by this betrayal. MORGAN You married me for the money? No! ABBIE You have to believe me! However,

Carrie leans against the dresser, enjoying herself. the pistol is still at the ready. Tommy watches from the bathroom door. MORGAN How can I believe you? supposed to believe? ABBIE I love you! MORGAN Our whole marriage is a lie. He breaks down. CARRIE (yawns) I'm just so moved. Morgan's grief turns to rage, directed at Carrie. MORGAN It's all your fault! He charges at Carrie. As if by instinct, the pistol in her hand whips up. I'll kill you! What am I

It fires.

A hole rips through Morgan's abdomen. He flies back and lands in a crumpled heap on the floor. Abbie screams. TOMMY Morgan!

77. Breaking her daze, Carrie grabs the rag lying on the floor and shoves it into Abbie's mouth, blocking the scream. TOMMY (CONT'D) You killed him! CARRIE If you don't shut the hell up, you'll be next. Tommy covers his mouth, but paces in a panic. Carrie walks over to Morgan and stands over his unmoving form. She then points the gun at Tommy. CARRIE (CONT'D) Put her in the closet. TOMMY (to Abbie) C'mon. Abbie is too upset to fight back and allows Tommy to lead her to the closet. Carrie collects Morgan's and Abbie's cell phones and keys from the dresser. LIVING ROOM Tommy drags Morgan across the house, straining at the effort. Carrie follows with the pistol trained on Tommy with the flashlight in her other hand. A trail of blood streaks the floor behind them. GARAGE Tommy drags Morgan into the middle of the cement floor. Releasing the body, he stands up straight with his hands held out before him. Seeing blood on his hands, he screams. Looking around the shelves, Carrie spins around at the sound of Tommy's scream. CARRIE Stop it or I'll shut you up permanently! Tommy closes his mouth and sniffles. Out of nervousness and fear, he circles the body. He wipes his brow with the back of his arm, leaving a smear of blood across his face. Carrie removes a tarp from the shelf.

78. CARRIE (CONT'D) Wrap him in this. He just looks at the tarp, uncomprehending. CARRIE (CONT'D) Get on with it. With shaky hands, Tommy whips the tarp open. He lays it open with the edge next to Morgan, then struggles to roll the body onto the tarp. TOMMY (to Morgan) I'm so sorry. As Tommy rolls Morgan in the tarp, one of Morgan's hands flops out. Tommy grimaces, tucks the hand back inside, and finishes rolling him up like a burrito. Carrie tosses him a roll of duct tape. Tommy pulls a long piece of tape off the roll. With much effort, he wraps the tape around the tarp-covered body. CARRIE We need to get rid that thing. Maybe take it out and throw it in the lake. TOMMY The lake? CARRIE Yeah. That big body of water down the street. TOMMY Wh-what are you gonna do with Abbie? CARRIE I don't even know what I'm going to do with you. Tommy groans. EXT. FRONT YARD - NIGHT Carrie escorts Tommy as he drags the tarp-covered body from the house, taking one slow, careful step at a time. TOMMY You'll get the death penalty for this, you know.

79. CARRIE You'll fry right along side with me. Let me introduce you to the word "accomplice." Tommy trips and lands on his rear. his bloody, dirty hands, he cries. Covering his face with

Carrie stands over him, pistol in one hand, shovel in the other. CARRIE (CONT'D) What a man. Tommy glares at her with bleary eyes. He wipes away the tears and chokes back the sobs. He then stands and gives Carrie a defiant stance. Carrie stares him down. Tommy reaches down and takes hold of Morgan's feet, then proceeds to drag him down the driveway. Carrie follows. INT. MASTER CLOSET - NIGHT Abbie lies on the floor of the walk-in closet among piles of odds and ends, her mouth once again tied with Morgan's tie to keep in the dishrag. She rubs her face against a box and slowly works the tie down under her chin. She then spits out the dishrag. EXT. ROAD IN FRONT OF HOUSE - NIGHT Tommy reaches the road with Morgan's body, but is out of breath and stops. TOMMY I can't... CARRIE Unbelievable. Put him in the trunk. We'll deal with him later. She motions toward Tommy's car with the pistol. Tommy drags his burden to the rear of the car. Opens the trunk. Strains to lift the body. Shoves it into the trunk. Closes the lid.

80. INT. MASTER CLOSET - NIGHT With her hands tied behind her back, Abbie attempts to open the door, but fails. EXT. SIDE OF THE HOUSE - NIGHT Carrie strolls along side Tommy, who staggers and stumbles. They reach the power main. CARRIE You know, we don't have to be enemies. She runs her finger up and down his chest in a sensual manner. He slaps her finger away. CARRIE (CONT'D) Finally growing a pair, huh? TOMMY You killed Morgan. CARRIE You know it was an accident. Here's the situation. There is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars somewhere in that house. Help me find it and I'll split it with you fifty-fifty. TOMMY We'd never get away with it. Abbie--

CARRIE We'll have to deal with her. Is that such a bad thing? What did she ever do for you? Do you want her to keep all the money? Think about it. If we go away, she'll get exactly what she's wanted. Morgan's out of the picture, and she'll be rich. TOMMY How can I trust you? Carrie slides the pistol into the waist band of her pants and then holds up her empty hands for him to see. CARRIE If you want to leave, go. But you know Abbie won't let us disappear into the sunset, either. Like it or not, you're involved. Make a decision. Her or us.

81. Tommy nods, conceding to her. Carrie opens the box and flips the switch back to "On." EXT. HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Windows light up as the power is restored. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT Tommy escorts Abbie from the closet to the bed. and eyes Carrie with malevolence. ABBIE What did you do with him? CARRIE Doesn't matter. He's gone. Now you have to think about your future. Tommy. Shut up. ABBIE Don't be fooled by her. She-ABBIE You have to do something. TOMMY She sits

Carrie punches Abbie across the face. CARRIE Tell me where the money is. ABBIE I don't know. CARRIE I don't buy it. ABBIE If you have waited another five minutes, I would've known. He was just getting ready to show me. CARRIE So it is here. She goes into the closet. Tommy leans in close to Abbie.

82. TOMMY This is all your fault. GARAGE Carrie examines the various nooks and crannies. COMPUTER ROOM Tommy searches the closet. MASTER CLOSET Once again tied up, Abbie lies among the clothes and other items stored in the closet, now strewn about haphazardly. KITCHEN Tommy looks through the cupboards and cabinet under the sink. ATTIC Carrie climbs into the crawl space and shines the flashlight around the support beams. LIVING ROOM The cover for the A/C intake wall vent has been removed. Tommy shines a flashlight into the hole in the wall. INT. STORAGE SHED - NIGHT Carrie rummages through all the yard tools. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - NIGHT Tommy stares at the open closet door and the open window, which has the screen removed. TOMMY Christine! Carrie immediately rushes in and assesses the room. EXT. ROAD IN FRONT OF HOUSE - NIGHT Abbie runs down the driveway, no longer bound with the ties. She reaches Tommy's car and tries one of the back doors. It opens. Reaching in the car, Abbie pulls on the back seat and it folds down. The body bag rolls into view.

83. Abbie claws at the duct tape surrounding the plastic tarp and manages to rip it open. She pulls at it while turning the body, unraveling the tarp surrounding it. Finally, Morgan's face falls into view. Abbie chokes back a cry, then finishes pulling Morgan from his confines. ABBIE Morgan. She checks for a pulse. Relief washes over her and she weeps.

ABBIE (CONT'D) Wake up, honey. Please wake up. She shakes Morgan and receives no response. his face. He lets out a groan. ABBIE (CONT'D) Come on, baby. Morgan's eyes flutter open, but remain unfocused. escapes his lips. Shh. ABBIE (CONT'D) Don't try talking. A sound Abbie then slaps

She kisses his face, avoiding his injury. Morgan becomes more aware of his surroundings and focuses on Abbie. MORGAN Abbie... ABBIE You'll be okay. I'll get you to the hospital. Just hang in there. He doubles up in pain. Abbie holds him. front yard draws her attention. TOMMY (O.S.) Where do you think she went? EXT. FRONT YARD - NIGHT Tommy follows Carrie from the front door and across the yard. Carrie again has the gun drawn. A voice from the

84. CARRIE Is it possible for you to ever speak at a normal volume? TOMMY Sorry. They reach Morgan and Abbie's cars in the driveway. tries to catch his breath. TOMMY (CONT'D) She didn't take a car. CARRIE Thank you, Captain Obvious. the keys. TOMMY She's gonna call the police. gotta get out of here. CARRIE I don't think so. She heads down the driveway. Confused, Tommy trails behind. I have Tommy


EXT. ROAD IN FRONT OF HOUSE - NIGHT Abbie disentangles Morgan free of the plastic bag, still partially in the trunk. He is semi-conscious. ABBIE C'mon Morgan, I need your help. She wrenches Morgan's body clear of the car door. The two of them fall onto the ground in a heap, then Abbie pulls Morgan to his feet and guides him into the-WOODS Morgan's feet drag as Abbie supports his weight. They get far enough away from the road where the car can be barely seen through the trees. Abbie glances back. Two shapes move to the car. ABBIE (whispers) We need to move. Fast. Morgan nods an understanding. They press on into the bramble.

85. ROAD IN FRONT OF HOUSE Carrie examines the car while Tommy stands nearby. TOMMY He's still alive? CARRIE Looks that way. TOMMY Where'd they go? CARRIE Not far. Listen to me. We have to find them. Your life depends on it. TOMMY He needs a hospital. CARRIE Do you want to go to prison? If you don't start using your brain, that's exactly what will happen. Trust me, you won't survive prison. She surveys the area, thinking. CARRIE (CONT'D) Go that way. Make sure they aren't hiding along the road. Be sure to come back. They head in opposite directions. WOODS Navigating through the dense trees, Morgan's strength gives out and he collapses. Abbie helps him rest against an oak, then kneels in front of him so he can look her in the eye. ABBIE I need to go back to the house and call for help. MORGAN No... ABBIE If you don't get to a hospital, you'll die. You'll be safe here. I'll be right back. She stands. Morgan reaches out for her. She takes his hand.

86. ABBIE (CONT'D) Please believe me. I never cared about the money. When I saw you in the gym, I just wanted to know that you were okay after everything you went through. What I put you through. When I got to know you, I fell in love with you. I still love you. She kisses his hand, then departs. ROAD Tommy takes tentative steps down the road, looking around in the darkness with uncertainty. EXT. BACK YARD - NIGHT Abbie sneaks out of the woods and dashes to the back door. She places her hand on the door knob. Another hand grabs her wrist and pulls it away from the door. The pistol presses against her forehead. CARRIE I'm going to give you one more chance. Get me the money and live or I'll pull the trigger now. ABBIE I really don't know where the money is. But I'll take you to Morgan. She turns back toward the woods. Carrie follows, lowering the gun to a comfortable level. Abbie spins around with a savage yell. She forces Carrie back against the house, holding her gun hand out to the side. Carrie hits the wall with a grunt. Abbie smashes Carrie's hand several times until it releases the gun. Carrie punches Abbie in the stomach. while Carrie lunges for the gun. Abbie staggers backward

Abbie grabs a nearby shovel and swings it like a baseball bat, connecting with Carrie's shoulder. Carrie loses her footing and tumbles to the ground.

87. Carrie barely registers the shovel plunging down at her. She rolls aside. The shovel buries itself in the spot that she had just vacated. Abbie strains to pull the shovel back out of the ground. The force of impact stuck it in place. Using this opportunity, Carrie leaps at Abbie. sprawl across the lawn. EXT. WOODS - NIGHT Morgan staggers through the woods, drained of vitality. He props himself against a tree for a moment before forcing himself to continue on. EXT. BACK YARD - NIGHT The women roll on the ground, clawing at each other. Abbie clutches at Carrie's throat with both hands, cutting off Carrie's airway. Carrie fights for breath and tries to pull Abbie's hands away. Carrie rolls over and finds herself on top of Abbie. She reaches for a potted plant, which is just past her fingertips. EXT. WOODS - NIGHT Morgan approaches a thinning in the trees. The lights from the back yard shine through the branches. He pushes through the limbs and into the clearing. EXT. BACK YARD - NIGHT Carrie rolls over just enough to grasp the pot. it up and smashes it into Abbie's face. EDGE OF THE WOODS Morgan watches in horror as Abbie's body spasms. His mouth moves, but no sound comes out. Then he spots the hedge clippers stick up from the ground a few feet from him. In one swift move, he sweeps them up and storms across the yard. She swings The two women

88. BY THE HOUSE Carrie gets to her knees, coughing and holding her bruised stomach. Among the shards of the broken pot and spilled soil it contained, Abbie convulses. Her face is a bloody pulp. Gurgles emanate from her throat. Carrie rises to her feet and hovers over Abbie like a victor praising the spoils of war. She does not notice Morgan racing toward her from across the yard. The hedge clipper's blades open enough to make two sharp points two inches apart. Hearing a noise behind her, Carrie turns. time to recognize Morgan as he-Thrusts the hedge clippers forward. The blades find purchase with a sickening squish-crunch. Carrie's eyes bulge out. The bloody tips of the clippers rip through Carrie's shirt covering her back. Blood pours out of Carrie's mouth. point in space. Morgan lets go of the clippers. to the ground in a heap. Her eyes fixate on one She barely has

Carrie's lifeless body drops

His energy now spent, Morgan spirals down next to Abbie. Her body is now merely twitching. Her breath is but a ragged wheeze. Morgan wraps his arm around her and holds her close to his body. It's okay. MORGAN It's okay. Shh.

Abbie rolls her eyes toward Morgan, recognizing him. ABBIE Mm...mor...gan... Ssh. MORGAN Don't talk.

ABBIE Never...wanted to...hurt you... MORGAN Doesn't matter.

89. ABBIE you... Her eyes roll up, sightless. lips like a sigh. Her last breath escapes her His energy

Morgan presses his head against hers and weeps. is near depletion. A shadow falls over them.

Morgan looks up with weary eyes. He takes out

Tommy looms over him with a blank expression. a cell phone and dials 911. TOMMY I want to report a shooting at 1805 Indian Garden Lane. Three people are dead.

Showing no emotion, Tommy reaches down and picks up the fallen pistol. MORGAN Tommy? TOMMY She always hated me. MORGAN That's not true. TOMMY Yeah it is. Nobody ever liked me. Except for you. MORGAN Put the gun down, Tommy. get help. TOMMY It's too late. Tommy contemplates the pistol. TOMMY (CONT'D) It's all my fault. MORGAN Don't talk like that. TOMMY It's true. We need to

90. INT. COURT ROOM (12 YEARS AGO) - DAY In the galley, Tommy sits alone watching Abbie give testimony on the stand. ABBIE She prided herself in being able to manipulate her boyfriend. Yes, I believe she put him up to it. INT. COURT ROOM LOBBY - DAY As Abbie exits the court room, Tommy approaches her and touches her arm. She is startled by the contact. TOMMY Excuse me. ABBIE Yes? TOMMY I just wanted to say thank you. did the right thing. ABBIE Thanks. She pulls away from him and heads away. TOMMY It's a good thing she didn't have anyone else working with her. You know, on the inside. Abbie turns back to him. TOMMY (CONT'D) Cause the accomplice would have the money all to herself and no one would be the wiser. There'd be no justice in it. Without responding, Abbie walks away. INT. MORGAN'S APARTMENT (8 YEARS AGO) - DAY Morgan has just introduced Abbie to Tommy, who stands on the other side of the apartment in an unfriendly manner. MORGAN I gotta use the bathroom. know each other. Get to You

91. He exits. An awkward silence hangs between Abbie and Tommy. ABBIE Have we met before? familiar. Tommy shrugs. TOMMY Y'know, Morgan hasn't dated anyone in a few years. His last relationship ended badly. ABBIE Oh? TOMMY She took advantage of him and screwed him over. I'm sure he hasn't said anything to you about it. ABBIE No, he hasn't. TOMMY It was very traumatic. I'd hate for him to experience anything like that again. There'd be no justice in it. Abbie's eyes widen with recognition. INT. GROCERY STORE (2 YEARS AGO) - DAY Tommy and Carrie stand in an aisle talking. CARRIE A grocery store isn't the best place in the world to get to know someone. Let's go somewhere we can relax. She flits away from him. A cloud crosses over his face. He sees right through her. You seem very

Carrie turns back and wiggles her finger at him. His expression instantly changes to a dumb smile, and he tags along after her.

92. INT. TOMMY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT While Carrie sleeps, Tommy digs through her purse. out her ID card and looks at it. The name Caroline Bachman is printed on it. INT. MASTER CLOSET (EARLIER THAT NIGHT) - NIGHT The door opens and Tommy enters with a neutral expression. Abbie, bound and gagged, looks up at him with fear. TOMMY Why'd you have to marry him? Couldn't you have left well enough alone? He was happy without you. He didn't need you. Things were just fine. (he sobs) I don't know what I'm going to do now. I didn't know she was going to take it this far. It was just supposed to be a joke. To see how you'd react to her. He pulls out a pair of scissors. Hold still. Carefully, he slides one blade under the tie around her mouth and cuts it. He then snips the one binding her hands behind her back. She removes the gag from her mouth. ABBIE Why are you doing this? Really? MASTER BEDROOM Tommy emerges from the closet, followed by Abbie. TOMMY Get to a neighbor's house and call the police from there. ABBIE Where's Morgan? TOMMY In the trunk of my car. He's dead. TOMMY You have to ask? Abbie flinches. He takes


93. ABBIE Are you sure? Horror crosses Tommy's face. TOMMY I just assumed-A noise from down the hall draws their attention. Quick! TOMMY (CONT'D) Through the window.

Abbie opens the window and pushes the screen out. ABBIE What about you? TOMMY Don't worry about me. Just go.

Without another word, she climbs through the window. Tommy stares at the open closet door and the open window. TOMMY (CONT'D) Christine! BACK TO THE PRESENT EXT. BACK YARD - NIGHT Morgan squeezes his eyes shut, but does not release his hold on Abbie despite his growing frailty. Tommy looks at the dead women. TOMMY Guess I screwed up royally, huh? Morgan shakes his head. No... TOMMY You were the best friend I could ever ask for. Better than I ever deserved. Morgan watches helplessly as Tommy drops his cell phone. Places the barrel of the pistol against his own forehead. Pulls the trigger. It's all he can do now.


94. Blood splatters on the grass. Tommy's dead body falls to the ground and lies still. The yard is silent. In the distance, sirens howl. A tear runs down Morgan's face. OVER BLACK: TITLE CARD - "8 YEARS AGO" EXT. UNITED LEUKEMIA FUND OFFICES - DAY Morgan carries the duffel bag filled with money across the parking lot and to the offices of the charity. He sets the duffel bag down in front of the door, then walks away. FADE OUT. THE END His eyes close.

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