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BLUE CLASS Ann Class Teacher Sarah Nursery Nurse (part time) !amar " Nursery Nurse (part time) R#shan LSA YELLOW CLASS Taslema Class Teacher Linda Nursery Nurse + utreach L#retta " LSA

C#n&ratulati#ns t# all the children 'h# (#ined us last term and are n#' happily settled int# Nursery) *elc#me t# all the ne' children and their +amilies that are startin& this term, The +irst hal+ #+ this term 'e 'ill -e +#cussin& #n %AT.S) *e 'ill -e runnin& %aths Champi#ns '#r/sh#ps and h#pe t# c#ntinue these thr#u&h#ut the year) *e als# ha0e a dedicated %aths *ee/ planned 'here y#u 'ill -e in0ited t# stay and participate in #ur many maths -ased acti0ities) %aths ideas +#r y#u t# supp#rt y#ur child at h#me are -ein& sent h#me each 'ee/) 1urin& the sec#nd hal+ 'e 'ill -e turnin& #ur attenti#n t# L$TERACY and C %%UN$CAT$ N) *e intend t# start up #ur success+ul Literacy Champi#ns pr#(ect a&ain) *e 'ill als# -e runnin& a Readin& *ee/2 Stay and Sin& sessi#n2 st#ry sessi#ns and #ther acti0ities desi&ned t# pr#m#te &##d c#mmunicati#n and literacy s/ills) 3lease ta/e a m#ment t# read the n#tice -#ards #n y#ur 'ay int# the nursery) These 'ill pr#0ide y#u 'ith +urther in+#rmati#n a-#ut +uture e0ents)


5S AN1 * * S.EETS

Y#ur child6s '#r/ and sta++ #-ser0ati#ns are displayed in their Special 4##/s 'hich are al'ays a0aila-le +#r y#u t# l##/ at) *e are /een +#r y#u t# c#ntri-ute t# these -y lettin& us /n#' 'hat they ha0e -een d#in& at h#me) 3lease +ill #ut a * * Sheet 'ith y#ur child) 7ust 'rite a -rie+ e8planati#n #+ 'hat they ha0e d#ne and a picture #r ph#t#&raph) $deas c#uld include9 :randma c#min& t# 0isit2 a trip t# the sh#ps2 helpin& t# tidy #r t# c##/ at h#me2 a special day #ut etc; The children en(#y sharin& their special m#ments 'ith their +riends and the sheet can then &# int# their Special 4##/) A supply 'ill -e /ept #n the -#ard -y the entrance #r as/ a mem-er #+ sta++)

*e as/ parents +#r a <=p a 'ee/ d#nati#n) This helps us t# -uy in&redients +#r #ur 'ee/ly c##/in& acti0ities and t# ma/e play d#u&h) A mem-er #+ sta++ 'ill c#llect y#ur d#nati#ns in a -i& red m#ney -#8 #n y#ur 'ay in)

As part #+ the Early Years Curriculum children 'ill -e &i0en the #pp#rtunity t# play #utside) 3lease ensure that y#u send y#ur child t# sch##l 'ith appr#priate cl#thin& ('arm c#at>(ac/et2 hat2 scar+2 &l#0es)) 3lease LA4EL all these items clearly and enc#ura&e y#ur child t# ta/e care #+ their -el#n&in&s) *e enc#ura&e the children t# han& their #'n c#at #n their pe& and t# put their hats>&l#0es etc int# the -i& red -#8es 'hich are situated in -#th the 4lue and Yell#' r##ms)


Than/ y#u t# th#se #+ y#u 'h# /eep t# time -#th #n arri0al and 'hen y#u c#me t# c#llect y#ur child) 3unctuality really d#es ma/e a p#siti0e impact #n y#ur child) They settle ?uic/er 'hen they arri0e at the same time as their +riends and are happy t# see y#u arri0e 'ith the #ther parents>carers at the end #+ the sessi#n) %#rnin& Sessi#n @am AB n##n A+tern##n Sessi#n AB)C=pm C)C=pm The &ate int# the nursery is l#c/ed at @"A<am and AB"D<pm +#r sa+ety reas#ns) ) *e d# appreciate that there are al'ays #ccasi#ns 'hen pr#-lems #ccur and y#u may -e late) 3lease in+#rm the #++ice #n =B=E"<<F"=A=C 'h# 'ill then -e a-le t# n#ti+y sta++) *e can then reassure y#ur child that y#u are #n y#ur 'ay) 3lease als# in+#rm us i+ y#ur child is &#in& t# -e a-sent due t# illness) $+ they are a-sent +#r any #ther reas#n e)&) a h#liday re?uest y#u need t# in+#rm the #++ice)


Stay and 3lay sessi#ns are run -y Linda e0ery Tuesday m#rnin& @"A<am t# A="D<am in the sch##l hall) 3arents ha0e the #pp#rtunity t# meet and chat and &enerally un'ind 'hilst their under <6s can play in a sa+e and in0itin& en0ir#nment) 3lease c#me al#n&, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

3lease remem-er that the c#rner (ust -y the entrance in the 'aitin& area is +#r sc##ters and -i/es #nly) The children play in this area durin& the sessi#n and it is als# a Fire E8it) 3lease ta/e y#ur -u&&ies h#me 'ith y#u)

Finally2 the Nursery Team '#uld li/e t# than/ y#u +#r y#ur #n&#in& supp#rt) Feel +ree t# tal/ t# any mem-er #+ sta++ i+ y#u ha0e any c#ncerns #r ideas that y#u '#uld li/e us t# e8plre)

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