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Alice-Inspired Mitts

Ellie Thouret

I love the knitted mittens that Alice wears in New Moon but Im not confident enough in my knitting to tackle them. Heres a crochet version for crafters like me.

Materials List
mm !"# hook $orsted%weight yarn I used a mm hook and the New Moon colourway yarn from &ristol 'ounty (yeworks. It)s a great* soft worsted yarn. My hands are slim but I)ve received some comments that the mitts are coming out too big. If this is the case* I)d recommend going down to a +.,mm hook.

Finished Size
A--ro.. +/cm in length

"auge , hdc -er inch + rows -er inch

The Pattern
0attern ch+1* 2oin with sl st in 3st ch* ensuring that chain is not twisted. row 34 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc around* 2oin with sl st in first st 5 +1 sts row 1% 4 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc in ne.t + sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* 6dc in ne.t sts* f-dc in ne.t sts6* re- from 6 to 6 around* ending with f-dc in last sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % +1 sts 5 1 -attern re-eats row ,4 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc1tog over ne.t 1 sts* dc in ne.t st 6f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t st* dc1tog over ne.t 1 sts6* re- from 6 to 6 around* ending with f-dc in ne.t sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % +/ sts 5 1 -attern re-eats row 84 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc in ne.t 1 sts* 6f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t st* dc1tog in ne.t 1 sts* dc in ne.t st* f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t + sts6* re- from 6 to 6 around* ending with f-dc in last sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % 19 sts* 1 -attern re-eats

row :4 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc 1tog over ne.t 1 sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* 6dc in ne.t + sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* dc1tog over ne.t 1 sts* f-dc in ne.t sts6* re- from 6 to 6 around* ending with f-dc in last sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % 18 sts* 1 -attern re-eats row 94 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc in ne.t dc f-dc in ne.t sts* 6dc in ne.t st* dc1tog over ne.t 1 sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t 1 sts* f-dc in ne.t sts6* re- from 6 to 6 around* ending with f-dc in ne.t sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % 1 sts* 1 -attern re-eats row ;4 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc in ne.t st* 6f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t 1 sts6* refrom 6 to 6 around* ending with f-dc in ne.t sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % 1 sts* -attern re-eats row 3/4 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* hdc around* 2oin with sl st in first st. % 1 sts row 334 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* 6hdc in ne.t sts* 1 hdc in ne.t st* hdc in ne.t , sts* 1hdc in ne.t st6* re- from 6 to 6 around* hdc in last + sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % 19 sts* 1 -attern re-eats row 314 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* hdc around* 2oin with sl st in first st. % 19 sts row 3+4 ch1 !counts as first hdc# 6hdc in ne.t , st* 1 hdc in ne.t st* hdc in ne.t + sts* 1 hdc in ne.t st6* re- from 6 to 6* ending with hdc in , sts* 1 hdc in ne.t st* hdc in last st. 7oin with sl st in first st. % ++ sts* 1 -attern re-eats row 3 %384 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* hdc around* 2oin with sl st in first st. % ++ sts row 3:4 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* 6hdc in ne.t sts* 1 hdc in ne.t st* hdc in ne.t , sts* 1hdc in ne.t st6* re- from 6 to 6 around* ending with hdc in last , sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % +9 sts* 1 -attern re-eats row 39%1/4 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* hdc around* 2oin with sl st in first st. % +9 sts row 134 ch1 !counts as first hdc# 6hdc in ne.t : st* 1 hdc in ne.t st* hdc in ne.t + sts* 1 hdc in ne.t st6* re- from 6 to 6* ending with hdc in , sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % + sts* 1 -attern re-eats row 114 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* hdc in ne.t 1/ sts* ch,* sk ne.t 9 sts* hdc around* 2oin with sl st in first st. / sts including ch,* + sts including ski--ed 9 sts. row 1+4 ch1 !counts as first hdc#* hdc in ne.t 1/ sts* hdc in each of ch,* hdc around* 2oin with sl st in first st. / sts rows 1 %184 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc in ne.t + sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* 6dc in ne.t sts* f-dc in ne.t sts6* re- from 6 to 6 around* ending with f-dc in last sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % / sts 5 -attern re-eats row 1:4 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc in ne.t + sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* 6dc in ne.t st* dc1tog over ne.t 1 sts* dc in ne.t st* f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t dc* f-dc in ne.t sts6* refrom 6 to around to ending with f-dc in last sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % +9 sts 5 1 -attern re-eats row 194 ch+ !counts as first dc#* dc in ne.t st* dc1tog in ne.t 1 sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* 6dc in ne.t + sts* f-dc in ne.t sts* dc in ne.t st* dc1tog over ne.t 1 sts* dc in ne.t st* f-dc in ne.t sts6* re- from 6 to around to ending with f-dc in last sts. 7oin with sl st in first st. % +, sts 5 1 -attern re-eats <asten off and weave in ends. &lock to desired measurements.

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