U3 Nutrition Review 2012 Answers

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Unit 3:


Nutrition Review

Define: -nutrition the scientific understanding of how food is used by the body -nutrient a substance found in foods that is needed for life and growth Why are nutrients essential to our diet? (3 points 1 help build and repair cells 2 creates energy 3 !eeps the body functioning properly What are the si" #ain nutrients? Which ones are #acronutrients? Which ones are #icronutrients? $acronutrients $icronutrients Water %ita#ins &arbohydrates $inerals 'at (rotein Which three #ain nutrients are energy yielding? &arbohydrates (rotein 'at Which three #ain nutrients are non-energy yielding? Water $inerals %ita#ins 'or each of the following nutrients state: 2 good food sources and 2 of their functions. i Water (non-energy yielding ,ources: soup- be.erages- .egetables and fruits 'unctions: essential for sur.i.al- sweat cools the body when it is o.erheated ii &arbohydrates (energy yielding -sugar ,ources: pure sugar- fruit- #il! 'unctions: fuels our bodies and brains -starch ,ources: grains- .egetables 'unctions: fuels our bodies and brains -fibre (non-energy yielding ,ources: cereal- .egetable s!ins 'unctions: helps to regulate our waste/ helps pre.ent heart disease and cancer







(rotein (energy yielding -co#plete proteins ,ources: ani#al sources (#eat- eggs- fish 'unctions: helps growth and repair of .ital cells/ helps build #uscle tissue -inco#plete proteins ,ources: plant sources (bread- nuts 'unctions: helps growth and repair of .ital cells/ helps build #uscle tissue



(energy yielding -saturated ,ources: ani#al sources 'unctions: pro.ide calories and energy and adds fla.our to foods -unsaturated ,ources: plant sources 'unctions: pro.ide calories and energy and adds fla.our to foods

$inerals (non-energy yielding -iron ,ources: #eat- dar! green .eggies- grains 'unctions: helps #a!e he#oglobin -calciu# ,ources: dairy- cheese 'unctions: for#s strong bones and teeth -0inc ,ources: seafood- eggs 'unctions: helps build protein- helps wounds heal -sodiu# ,ources: water- salty foods 'unctions: necessary for nor#al ner.e functioning -phosphorous ,ources: #il!- ani#al proteins 'unctions: helps with #etabolis#- wor!s with calciu# and .ita#in D for strong bones and teeth


%ita#ins 'at-soluble %ita#ins %ita#in 2 (carotene ,ources: yellow- orange and red fruits and .egetables- #il! 'unctions: helps eye sight ad3ust to light- helps #aintain healthy s!in %ita#in D ,ources: #il!- sunlight 'unctions: helps body use calciu# and phosphorus for strong bones %ita#in 4 ,ources: whole grains- .egetables 'unctions: helps protect the body5s supply of %ita#ins 2 and & %ita#in 6 ,ources: green .egetables- yellow .egetables 'unctions: helps blood clot

Water-soluble %ita#ins %ita#in 11 (thia#in ,ources: legu#es- whole grains 'unctions: helps obtain energy fro# carbohydrates %ita#in 12 (ribofla.in ,ources: seafood- poultry 'unctions: helps brea! down food into energy %ita#in 13 (niacin ,ources: dairy- eggs 'unctions: heals the lining of the #outh- nose and digesti.e tracts %ita#in 1+ (pyrido"ine ,ources: whole grains- bananas 'unctions: helps body #a!e protein- helps release energy %ita#in 17 (folic acid ,ources: dar! green .egetables- dried beans and peas 'unctions: produces red blood cells %ita#in 112 (cobala#in ,ources: dairy- #eat 'unctions: #aintains healthy blood %ita#in & (ascorbic acid ,ources: fruits and .egetables (especially citrus fruits 'unctions: helps fight off infection- !eeps blood .essels strong 8.

9ow #uch energy do the following pro.ide? -1 gra# of protein ) calories -1 gra# of &9: (sugar and starch ) calories -1 gra# of &9: (fibre ; calories -1 gra# of fat 7 calories 9ow #any calories would the following foods ha.e? a. 2 glass of orange 3uice with 12 gra#s of carbohydrates 12 g " ) cal=g > )< cal b. 2 tbsp of peanut butter with < gra#s of protein < g " ) cal=g > 32 cal c. 2 eggs with ) gra#s of protein each )g " 2 > < g " ) cal=g > 32 cal d. 2 chocolate bar with 2 gra#s of protein- 2; gra#s of carbohydrates- and 1; gra#s of fat 2 g " ) cal=g ? 2; g " ) cal=g ? 1; g " 7 cal=g > < ? <; ? 7; > 18< cal



What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat in our body? Which type of fat should #a!e up #ost of our fat inta!e in our diet? ,aturated fat co#es fro# ani#al sources (and so#e oils e.g. coconut oil / increases bad cholesterol (@D@ Ansaturated fat co#es fro# plant sources and fish/ decreases bad (@D@ cholesterol and increases good (9D@ cholesterol. Ansaturated fat should #a!e up #ost of our fat inta!e in our diet.


Why is there a range gi.en for the nu#ber of reco##ended ser.ings in the food groups? (ie. 2ge- gender- etcB (&'C ,uggested ser.ing si0es are based on a person5s age- gender- height- and acti.ity le.el. 2ccurate ser.ing si0es are difficult to deter#ine because e.eryone is different. Dhe reco##ended ser.ings are based on the a.erage a#ount people should try and eat each day. Why do so#e foods fall into the Eli#itedE food group? Ci.e 3 e"a#ples of foods in the group. ,o#e foods fall into the FotherG food category because they do not #eet the nutritional standards called FDietary Heference Inta!es (DHI G uniJue to each food group. F:ther foodsG ha.e #ini#al or no nutritional .alue. &'C reco##ends li#iting foods and be.erages high in calories- fat- sugar or salt such as ca!es and pastries- chocolate and candies- coo!ies and granola bars- doughnuts and #uffins- ice crea# and fro0en desserts- 'rench fries- potato chips- nachos and other salty snac!s- alcohol- fruit fla.oured drin!s- sports and energy drin!s and sweetened hot or cold drin!s. 1elow is a daily record of food inta!e for ,cott- a 1*-year-old Crade 1rea!fast: +;g of &heerios (cereal with 12* #l #il! 2*; #l glass of le#onade @unch: 9a# and cheese on a 6aiser roll ,#all order of fries and gra.y 2*; #l chocolate #il! ,nac!: &hocolate bar 3** #l pop Dinner: 1 'ried &hic!en leg @arge order of fries and gra.y &orn on the cob 2*; #l Ice crea# ,nac!: ,#all bag of chips 3** #l pop 1; student. 2 C- K D 2 'L% 1 $t- 1 $!- 2 C 1 @- oils (2 1 $! 1@ 1K@ 1 $t- oils (2 3 @- oils (2 1 'L% 1 @1@ 1K@



&alculate the M of ser.ings of each food group ,cott has had this day. ,cott5s ,er.ings &'C Heco##ended ,er.ings (Deen $ale 'L% >3 >< C >) >8 $! > 3 1=2 > 3 to ) $t >2 >3 @ >7 > low 'L: > +? > 2-3 D1sp 92: >; > < cups Which food groups is ,cott getting enough of? $il! L 2lternati.es

Which food groups is ,cott short the reJuired M of ser.ings? %egetables and 'ruits and Crain (roducts 9ow can he i#pro.e his food choices to #eet his daily reJuire#ents? - lower his inta!e of @I$ID4D foods by consu#ing water and not pop - ha.e unsalted potatoes instead of 'rench fries - eat carrots or a fruit instead of chips for a snac!


'or each of the following diseases- identify the nutrient responsible and whether it is caused from an excess or deficiency of that nutrient and food sources that would help to correct it or that should be a.oided. i osteoporosis Nutrient: .ita#in D- calciu#- phosphorus 'ood sources: eat dairy product- green .egetables (especially spinach and broccoli ii heart disease Nutrient: fat 'ood sources: a.oid foods with saturated and trans fats (e.g. #ayonnaise- salad dressings- deep fried foods- fast foods- etc hypertension (high blood pressure Nutrient: sodiu#- fat 'ood sources: a.oid foods high in sodiu# and saturated and trans fats (e.g. chipsprepac!aged foods- canned foods obesity Nutrient: fat 'ood sources: a.oid food sources that are .ery high in fat: fast foods- 3un! food- popani#al s!in- too #uch carbs- foods .ery high in sugar cancer Nutrient: no specific nutrient responsible 'ood sources: a.oid food sources that #ay increase the ris! of breast and colon cancer include fried foods- alcohol- high fat foods- high sodiu# foods diabetes type I diabetes type 2 Nutrient: sugar (glucose / fat 'ood sources: a.oid high sugar foods- alcohol scur.y Nutrient: .ita#in & 'ood sources: eat a lot of citrus fruits- dar! orange and yellow .egetables ric!ets Nutrient: .ita#in D and calciu# 'ood sources: eat dairy products- green .egetables (esp. spinach and broccoli night blindness (Nyctablopia Nutrient: %ita#in 2 'ood sources: eat dar! green and orange .egetables and orange coloured fruits (e.g. spinach- carrots- sweet potatoes- apricots- #angos








ane#ia Nutrient: Iron 'ood sources: eat red #eats- green .egetables- li.er- other organ #eats- .ita#in supple#ents


9ow are ingredients on pac!ages listed? Ingredients are listed on pac!ages fro# #ost to least. Dhis allows consu#ers to !now what ingredients are put into the product in case of allergies- dietary concerns- etc. Identify and e"plain the two types of nutrition (nutrient clai#s. (ro.ide one e"a#ple of each. Nutrition clai# tells you about one nutrient (e.g. no sugar added/ good source of %ita#in & 9ealth clai# tells you how your diet can affect your health (e.g. a healthy diet rich in a .ariety of .egetables and fruit #ay help reduce the ris! of so#e types of cancer (e.g. 2s part of a heart healthy diet- the soluble fibre in &heerios can help lower your cholesterol



What are food additi.es? 2ny substance added to food in s#all Juantities to enhance certain desirable Jualities (wouldn5t nor#ally eat the# on their own . Why are food additi.es used? Six Reasons Why Additives are Added to Food: 1. 2. 3. ). *. +. I#pro.es taste I#pro.es appearance I#pro.es te"ture (reser.ation of foodsO#a!ing a wider range of foods a.ailable- cheaply 'or con.enience L #anufactureO#a!es foods easier to handle 'or i#pro.ing nutritionOpro.iding essential .ita#ins and #inerals



Asing the following Nutrition 'acts table (for chocolate #il! answer the following Juestions a What is the si0e of one ser.ing of this product? 2*; #l or 1 cup b 9ow #any calories are in one ser.ing of this product? 1 gra# of fat > 7 calories 1 gra# of carbohydrate (fibre > ; calories 1 gra# of carbohydrate (sugars and starch > ) calories 1 gra# of protein > ) calories 'at 2.* g 7 " 2.* > 22.* calories &arbs 28 g ) " 28 > 1;< calories (rotein 8 g 8") > 2< calories Dotal > 1*<.* calories What percentage of daily .alue of sodiu# does this product pro.ide? 7P What #icronutrients are pro.ided by this product? What percentages of the daily .alue does the food pro.ide for each #icronutrient? %it 2 1*P &alciu# 2*P Iron 1;P %it D )*P

c d

9ow #any gra#s of fat are in this product? Would this product be considered high in fat? 4"plain. Dotal 'at > 2.* g# or )P of P Daily %alue (based on a 2;;; calorie diet Dhis product would be considered low in fat because the P Daily %alue is Q 1*P
Nutrition 'acts (er 2*; #l (1 cup 2#ount 'at 2.* g ,aturated 1.* g ? Drans ;g &holesterol ,odiu# 1* #g 21; #g 7P 7P ;P P Daily %alue )P


'at > total fat ,aturated L trans fat a subcategory of the total Ansaturated fat > Dotal fat (,aturated and Drans 'at (e.g. 2.* g 1.* g > 1 g

&arbohydrates 28g 'ibre ,ugars (roteins %ita#in 2 %ita#in & &alciu# Iron %ita#in D ;g 2* g 8g

&9: > total carbs (co#ple" L si#ple &o#ple" carbs (other than fibre is the balance of the total #inus the a#ount of fibre and sugar gra#s e.g. 28g 2*g > 2g are other co#ple" carbs

1*P ;P 2*P 1;P )*P

:ther e"a#ples : glass of :.R. with 12 gra#s of carbohydrates > 12 " ) > )< calories Dbsp of peanut butter with < gra#s of protein > < " ) 32 calories &hocolate bar with 2 g of protein- 2; g of carbo- 1; g of fat > (2 " ) ? (2; " ) ? (1; " 7 > 18< cal 17. Why is brea!fast i#portant? - to brea! the fast fro# the night before - to pro.ide your body with #uch needed energy and nutrients to start your day - to help #aintain weight - to i#pro.e brain functioning- etc Does s!ipping brea!fast help one to lose weight? 4"plain ,!ipping brea!fast does not help one lose weight because by not eating in the #orning a person is slowing their body5s #etabolis# and #a!es you want to eat #ore during the day. Dhe body thin!s you are trying to star.e it and thus will store fat for preser.ation. (lan a nutritious brea!fast--!eep in #ind the nu#ber of food and what foods=be.erages would be considered healthy. e.g. bowl (3; g of &heerios with K cup of #il! K cup of orange 3uice K cup of yogurt groups that should be included . 1 C- K $ 1 'L% K$



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