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Review Test 1B (Units 1 4)

1 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I 2 Diane
school. am

There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct it.

(be) from Italy.

(not work) in a English (be) she married? (be) yo and yo r wife from the !"#? Dave (live) in "$ain? (not be) a teacher. (fly) to hel$ $eo$le. (rela() at home at the weekend. )eris team (train)? (not collect) the (make) breakfast for yo r family? (not cook) meat. (not hel$) in o r fathers (not be) a $ostman. (be) )lara and ,ans from?

1 I have 18 years.
I am 18 years old.

3 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2 Im st dent. 3 'e live at a flat. 4 %here are 1+ womans in my class. 5 ,er brothers name is -ob. 6 Do yo like eat in resta rants?

%iago &am 'e 'hen 'hat

(be) yo r teachers s rname?

*rs *c"$orran $ost. 12 yo

13 I often 14 !rs la and I


15 I 16 'here

5 Com"#ete the "ara$ra"h with the correct form of the verbs in the bo%.
be not be co##ect not $o have #ive de#iver drive make be $et u" #ike

2 Write the correct question word. 1 ' h e r e are yo from. / ki? 2 '0 0 0 s yo r name? 3 D0 yo like learning English?
1 '0 0 0 do yo rela(?

5 ,0 0 old are yo ? 6 '0 0 0 0 do yo work?


&enn' (on)a#e) *1+ lives in New ,ork with her husband- .ab#o. /he *!+ a schoo# bus driver. Ever' mornin$- &enn' and .ab#o *0+ at 1.22 and *3+ breakfast. Then &enn' *5+ 32 chi#dren to schoo# on her bus. .ab#o *1+ a bus driver- he *4+ a "ostman. 5e *6+ #etters to two hundred f#ats and offices in Manhattan. &enn' and .ab#o *7+ two chi#dren- 8enn' and 8e##a. The chi#dren *12+ to schoo# on &enn'9s bus- the' *11+ wa#kin$ with their friends. 12

3 Write answers for the questions in !.

1 Im from Japan.

6 Match.

1! :eview Test 1B PHOT O C OPIABLE New 5eadwa' E#ementar' ; the third edition < =%ford >niversit' .ress


1 ! 0 3 5 1

$oin$ watchin$ "#a'in$ $oin$ #istenin$ eatin$ 2 1 3 + 4

T? footba## runnin$ to music in restaurants to the cinema

5 5

1! :eview Test 1B PHOT O C OPIABLE New 5eadwa' E#ementar' ; the third edition < =%ford >niversit' .ress

7 >nder#ine the correct "re"ositions. 1 'here are yo to / in / from? 2 I $lay football at / in / of my free time. 3 %his is a $ict re at / of / to my children.
1 'ere in a class from / about / with nine st dents. 5 I s ally get $ early at / in / on *ondays. 6 ,e goes to work early at / in / of the mornings. 7 I love going walking at / to / in a t mn. 8 5 r lesson starts at / in / to nine oclock. 9 "he rela(es at / on / in the weekends.

11 Make notes about 'ourse#f.

M' name: M' a$e: M' Cob: =ther information: A B s"eak: A B #ive in: A B #ike D don9t #ike:

Now write an informa# #etter to a new "enfriend: /and' Eee- F#at 30- (rebe 5ouse- Genned' :oad- 5on$ Gon$. Write 52;12 words in 'our #etter.

8 >nder#ine the odd@one@out.

:eview Test 1B 10 PHOT O C OPIABLE New 5eadwa' E#ementar' ; the third edition < =%ford >niversit' .ress

1 2 1 3 + chef 4 7

Italy ,amb r g a$$le brother $ilot s$ring

"$ain *osco w orange father cold r n s mmer

English 6a$an stam$ ncle model ski a t m n

# stralia - da$est chicken n rse driver swim mo ntain

12 for responses to prompts, 3 marks for layout and salutations, 5 discretionary marks for additional information


1 Com"#ete the ever'da' conversations. 2 1 A ,i. *innie. (1) , a y o

ow r e B (!) I0 f0 0 0 . t0 0 0 0 0 . u

9 Write the "#ura#s.

1 a$$l
e apples

2 A -ye. see yo at 7.88. ,enry. (0) ,ave a n0 0 0 d0 0 9 B %hanks. (3) a0 0 y0 0 . (5) "0 0 y0 0 later. 1 A :ood morning. (1) )0 0 I h0 0 0 y0 0 ? B /es. (4) )0 0 I h0 0 0 a sandwich. $lease? A (6) ,0 0 0 yo are. (7) #0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e0 0 0 ? B ;o. thanks. 1 A (12) E0 0 0 0 0 m 0 . (11) )0 0 y0 0 t0 0 0 m0 t0 0 time. $lease? B Its abo t seven oclock.

2 dictionary 3 letter
1 men

5 clock 6 child

:eview Test 1B 10 PHOT O C OPIABLE New 5eadwa' E#ementar' ; the third edition < =%ford >niversit' .ress


10 Write the o""osite adCectives.

1 2 0 1 1 0 big chea$ lovely easy s0 0 0 0 e0000000 h0000000 d0000000 y0000 s000

m a l l

! "#


5 old 6 fast

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