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Character Analysis Short Essay

We all make judgments about people. We see classmates in the hall and comment on their
clothes, behavior, or something they may have done. Often we come to a conclusion about what
kind of person we think that they are, or reason why they do certain things. In doing so, we are
characterizing them. We use the same tools authors use to create realistic characters in a
literary text. As readers, our job is to identify those reasons why a character may believe or act
a certain way in a literary text. This assignment will demonstrate your ability to identify and
analyze a character’s reasons for actions or beliefs.

This assignment is Due: 09/30/09

Here’s the assignment:

1. Read Assigned Short Story.

2. Identify examples of characterization for two main characters.
3. Choose one of the main characters from the short story assigned in class.
4. Identify an abstract noun that best describes the character you chose. This noun must be
based on your reading and reflection of the Characterization in the story.
5. Follow the organizational form on the PLAN SHEET for writing your analysis
6. Identify at least three examples / quotes that support your topic sentence.
7. Write an outline on the practice sheet. Then write a draft on a separate piece of paper.
8. Rewrite a final copy on a separate sheet of paper double-spaced. Write your name in the
top left. Followed by my name, the date, and class period.


Your final product will be evaluated on the following state standard:

• LI.07 Identify and analyze unstated reasons for actions or beliefs based on explicitly stated

5,6 = Exceeds 4 = Meets 3 = Nearly Meets 2 = Does Not 1 = No Evidence

Expectations Expectations Expectations Meet

Essay is at least Essay is one page Essay is one Essay may be No Evidence
one page in in length. Essay approximately shorter than one
length. Essay includes at least one page in page in length.
includes four or three supporting length. Essay Essay may
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examples / quotes. Essay fewer examples; than three
quotes to support includes analysis some examples examples /
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includes effective Transitions make sentences include specific details or
analysis for each the essay easy to analysis; some of analysis; essay
example. Smooth follow/understand the essay may be difficult
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the essay easy to transitions and is follow/understand
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understand. follow/understand

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