Employee Rights and Responsibilities Workbook For Apprentices in The Automotive Industry

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Employee Rights and Responsibilities Workbook for Apprentices in the Automotive Industry

Vehicle Body and Paint Vehicle Fitting Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Vehicle Parts Vehicle Sales

The Instit te o! Motor Ind stry Fansha"s Bric#enden $ert!ord SG13 8PQ Tel: 01992511521 Email: apprenticeships@motor.org. ! """.theimi.org. ! an# """.a tocit$.org. !

December 2012

CONTENT !age WE"CO#E AN$ INTRO$%CTION &OW TO % E T&I WOR'(OO' )* +O%R E#!"O+#ENT RI,&T AN$ RE !ON I(I"ITIE %mployment Rights &ct 1''( and %mployment Relations &ct 1''') Protection o! "ages incl ding the *ational minim m "age +or#ing ho rs, holiday entitlement, sic#ness, time o!! !or st dy and training Maternity, adoption, paternity, parental lea-e, !le.ible "or#ing /omplaints, grie-ance and disciplinary proced res, n!air dismissal, red ndancy %mployee representati-es and the role o! Trades 0nions %1 ality &ct 2010 2o r contract o! employment &EA"T&. A/ET+ AN$ EC%RIT+ IN T&E A%TO#OTI0E IN$% TR+ 1* $ealth and Sa!ety at +or# etc &ct 1'34 $ealth and sa!ety in yo r "or#place The Data Protection &ct 1''5 &cti-ity 1) Floor plan sho"ing !ire e1 ipment and emergency e.its &cti-ity 2) Potential ha6ards in yo r "or#place and possible sol tions


T&E A%TO#OTI0E IN$% TR+. +O%R E#!"O+ER AN$ +O%R CAREER The & tomoti-e Ind stry 7cc pations in the ind stry /areer De-elopment Iss es o! concern to employers and !or the ind stry


O%RCE O/ IN/OR#ATION AN$ A$0ICE %mployment, employee relations, e1 ality and learning s pport /areers ad-ice Data protection and !reedom o! in!ormation $ealth and sa!ety at "or# 08 legislation ERR E0I$ENCE RECOR$ C&EC'"I T ERR $EC"ARATION

3* 4*

Dear &pprentice

+elcome to the &pprenticeship programme !or the a tomoti-e ind stry9 %mployers ha-e been s pporting o r &pprenticeship programmes !or many years : they help "ith the design o! the programme to ma#e s re that their employees ha-e the s#ills and #no"ledge that they need9 This "or#boo# has been de-eloped to) ma#e s re that yo nderstand e-erything to do "ith being a -al able employee ; to "or# sa!ely and "ithin the la", to respect colleag es and !ollo" the employer<s proced res and codes o! practice !or "or#ing ho rs, entitlements s ch as holidays and other bene!its= help yo to complete the %mployee Responsibilities and Rights >%RR? &"ard "hich is part o! this &pprenticeship programme= s pport, b t not replace, the employer and training pro-ider<s ind ction programmes and policies and proced res= pro-ide e-idence to"ards the de-elopment o! yo r Personal @earning and Thin#ing S#ills >%ngland? and +ider 8ey S#ills >+ales?9

%-ery &pprentice m st complete this "or#boo#, e-en i! yo ha-e been employed by the company !or a "hile and ha-e completed an ind ction programme be!ore ; it means that yo "ill already ha-e some o! the #no"ledge and can complete it !aster9 I! yo ha-e any 1 estions or 1 eries abo t yo r training, tal# to yo r training pro-ider, employer or mentor !irst, or !eel !ree to contact o r &pprenticeship De-eloper on 01''2A11A21 or email) apprenticeshipsBmotor9org9 #

+e "ish yo e-ery s ccess "ith yo r programme9

@inda Stans!ield /hie! 7perating 7!!icer, The Instit te o! the Motor Ind stry >IMI? C


&ll &pprentices m st recei-e an ind ction to the "or#place and into the &pprenticeship programme as soon as they start the &pprenticeship9 This "ill help yo to settle do"n into the programme 1 ic#ly and nderstand "hat yo "ill be doing, ho" and "hen9 I! yo are interested in seeing a copy o! the &pprenticeship !rame"or# "hich contains in!ormation abo t yo r programme, yo can do"nload this !rom o r "ebsite at http)DD"""9theimi9org9 #DstandardsEandEF ali!icationsDapprenticeshipDapprenticeship: programmes The "or#boo# incl des the !ollo"ing sections co-ering the %RR re1 irements !or yo r &pprenticeship) 19 yo r employment rights and responsibilities ; "hat the la" says and "hat policies and proced res yo r employer m st ha-e= 29 health, sa!ety and sec rity in the "or#place, incl ding data protection= C9 the a tomoti-e ind stry, yo r Gob and career= 49 So rces o! in!ormation and ad-ice= A9 &n e-idence chec#list ; to #eep trac# o! yo r progress in competing the "or#boo#= (9 %RR declaration !orm con!irming that yo ha-e completed the "or#boo# ; this m st be completed and signed by yo and yo r employer9

%ach section incl des)

What do I need to kno56 In!ormation "hich yo "ill need to complete the %RR &"ard H

7&o5 am I doing68 & series o! 1 estions to test yo r #no"ledge and to pro-ide space !or yo to "rite in yo r ans"ers 4

)* +O%R E#!"O+#ENT RI,&T AN$ RE !ON I(I"ITIE

This section relates to Assessment Criteria )*) 9 )*: of the ERR A5ard This section "ill help yo to nderstand) the main la"s "hich protect yo r rights at "or# to ens re that yo are treated !airly= "hat yo r employer e.pects o! yo , "hat yo are entitled to in ret rn !or "ages and the proced res yo m st !ollo" to #eep "ithin the la"= yo r contract o! employment= the bene!its o! good employeeDemployer relations9

Employment Rights Act )::4 and Employment Relations Act ):::

These &cts broadly co-er) protection o! "ages incl ding the *ational minim m "age, sic# pay= "or#ing ho rs, holiday entitlement, sic#ness, time o!! !or st dy and training= maternity, adoption, paternity, parental lea-e, !le.ible "or#ing= complaints, grie-ance and disciplinary proced res, n!air dismissal, red ndancy= employee representati-es and the role o! Trades 0nions9 2o r employer m st ha-e policies and proced res to ma#e s re that all employees are a"are o! their rights and responsibilities nder these la"s and this "ill normally be done thro gh ind ction, yo r contract o! employment and, depending on the employer, yo "ill ha-e a sta!! handboo# "ith this important in!ormation9 This is a short s mmary o! the main employment rights and responsibilities)

National #inimum Wage;

From 7ctober 2012, the *ational Minim m +age >*M+? is) &pprentices nder the age o! 1', and those o-er the age o! 1' b t in the !irst year o! an &pprenticeship "ill be entitled to a *M+ o! I29(A per ho r9 &pprentices aged 1' ; 20 and not in their !irst year o! an &pprenticeship are entitled to a *M+ o! I49'5 per ho r &pprentices o-er 21 and not in their !irst year o! an &pprenticeship "ill be entitled to a *M+ o! I(91' per ho r9 $o"e-er some employers do pay more than the *ational Minim m +age9 For p to date in!ormation on the *ational Minim m +age please -isit https)DD"""9go-9 #Dnational:minim m:"age:rates

Working &ours. holiday entitlement and sickness and absence

Working Time The +or#ing Time Reg lations 1''5) control employees "or#ing ho rs and holiday entitlement= apply to all employers in the 08, regardless o! "hat type o! b siness they ha-e or the si6e o! the company= limit the a-erage ho rs "or#ed each "ee# to a ma.im m o! 45 ho rs per "ee#, nless the "or#er -ol nteers to do more ho rs9 +or#ing time incl des reg lar d ties as "ell as) Job related training Job related tra-elling time e9g9 i! yo are a sales rep= Time spent "or#ing abroad i! yo "or# !or a 08 based company Paid and some npaid o-ertime Time spent on call at the "or#place It does not incl de time "here no "or# is done e9g9 tra-el !rom home to "or#, npaid o-ertime "hich yo ha-e -ol nteered !or9 Rest brea#s can be paid or npaid= this all depends on yo r indi-id al employer9 I! yo r brea#s are npaid yo may !ind that yo r "or#ing day is slightly longer9 %.ception) There are also certain cases "here an employee is legally entitled to time o!! "or# b t the employer does not ha-e to pay them9 &n e.ample is G ry d ty9 The employee can claim loss o! "ages and e.penses thro gh the co rt administrati-e system9 &bsence re1 ests "ill only be allo"ed by prior permission !rom yo r employer9 2o m st chec# "ith yo r employer !or the !ollo"ing reasons) DoctorDDentist appointment $oliday Family reasons e9g9 berea-ement o! a close relati-e or time needed to loo# a!ter a dependant9 7ther) may incl de Territorial &rmy Vol nteer Reser-e d ty, trade nion meetings etc9 Holiday entitlement &!ter three month<s ser-ice, all employees ha-e a stat tory right to 25 days paid lea-e : incl ding 5 ban# holidays9 I! yo are "or#ing part time yo "o ld recei-e a proportion o! this entitlement9 Sickness absence and sick pay %mployees ha-e a right to recei-e stat tory sic# pay i! they meet certain criteria9 Some employers go beyond this and pay additional entitlements i! yo are n"ell9 I! yo are sic# and are going to be absent !rom "or# yo need to in!orm yo r employer as soon as possible9 In most places o! "or#, yo "ill need to phone yo r line manager and in!orm them o! yo r absence, saying ho" long yo thin# yo "ill be o!! "or# !or9 %mployees are allo"ed to sel! certi!icate !or the !irst se-en days o! their sic#ness "itho t the need to get a certi!icate !rom the doctor, b t yo "ill need

to chec# "ith yo r employer "hat their r les are9 Doctors Hsic# notesK ha-e been replaced by HFit notesK or Hstatements o! !itness !or "or#K9 This means that yo r doctor can let yo #no" ho" yo r condition "ill a!!ect yo r ability to "or#9 This "ill help yo r employer to nderstand ho" they can help yo get bac# to "or# sooner9 2o r doctor can) &d-ise "hen yo may be !it !or "or# "ith some s pport= S ggest "ays to help yo ret rn to "or# Li-e in!ormation on ho" yo r condition "ill a!!ect "hat yo can do9 Time off for study and training &s an &pprentice yo "ill already ha-e been granted time o!! !or on and o!! the Gob training, ho"e-er, the right to re1 est time o!! !or training applies to all employees "ith the introd ction o! the Employee tudy and Training Regulations -<)< "hich came into !orce on ( &pril 20109 This also applies to companies "ith less than 2A0 employees !rom &pril 20119

#aternity. adoption. paternity. parental leave and fle=ible 5orking;

I! yo become a parent, yo "ill be entitled to a period o! maternity, paternity or parental lea-e9 Maternity leave: employers cannot a tomatically dismiss a "oman beca se she is pregnant= all pregnant employees are entitled to ta#e p to one year >A2 "ee#s? maternity lea-e and m st gi-e a least 5 "ee#s notice i! there is a change o! ret rn date= !or the !irst si. "ee#s yo "ill be paid '0M o! yo r a-erage "ee#ly earnings and !or the remaining CC "ee#s at a standard rate o! '0M o! yo r a-erage "ee#ly earning or I1CA94A "hiche-er is the lo"er !ig re?= to 1 ali!y !or maternity lea-e yo m st be employed by yo r employer contin o sly !or at least 2( "ee#s into the 1A th "ee# be!ore yo r baby is d e= optional #eeping in to ch days o! p to 10 days enabling a "oman to "or# d ring the maternity lea-e= all "omen ha-e the right to ret rn to "or# a!ter maternity lea-e9 Paternity Leave ne" !athers can ta#e either one "ee#<s lea-e or t"o consec ti-e "ee#s< paternity lea-e and, d ring this time, yo may be entitled to Paternity pay9 2o cannot ta#e odd days o!! and i! yo ta#e t"o "ee#s they m st be ta#en together= the &dditional Paternity @ea-e Reg lations entitle male employees "ho are also !athers, partners o! mothers or adopters to ta#e p to 2( "ee#s< paternity lea-e in the !irst year o! the child<s li!e or its placement !or adoption= this means that the !ather can share the maternity lea-e "ith the mother "ho "ill be able to ret rn to "or# any time a!ter ( months, enabling the !ather to ha-e "hate-er remains o! the 12 month maternity lea-e period9 Parental leave parents can ta#e time o!! "or# to loo# a!ter a child or ma#e arrangements !or the child to be loo#ed a!ter9 Parents can se this to

spend more time "ith their children and reach a better balance bet"een "or# and !amily commitments= there are strict r les abo t ho" m ch time can be ta#en in a year ; parents can ta#e lea-e in bloc#s o! one "ee# p to a ma.im m o! !o r "ee#s and parents o! a child "ith a disability can ta#e lea-e one day at a time9 employees get 1C "ee#s in total !or each child ntil the child is A years old or in the case o! adopted children or children "ith a disability, 15 "ee#s ntil they reach 15 years o! age

Time off for dependents yo are allo"ed to ta#e a reasonable amo nt o! npaid lea-e to handle an emergency related to someone "ho depends on yo = a dependent co ld be h sband, "i!e, partner, child, parent or anyone li-ing in yo r ho sehold "ho relies on yo !or help in an emergency9

,rievance and disciplinary procedures. unfair dismissal and redundancy

all employers m st ha-e proced res to handle cases "here employees !eel that they ha-e a ca se !or complaint >grie-ance? abo t their treatment and employers m st be able to discipline employees !or not !ollo"ing agreed proced res9 re!er to the %1 ality &ct 2010 section !or a s mmary o! areas "here it is illegal to discriminate against people and treat them n!airly= yo "ill need to chec# yo r contract o! employment !or the terms and conditions yo ha-e agreed to, incl ding red ndancy and "hat the conse1 ences are !or brea#ing these conditions !or yo and yo r employer9

Representative (odies and Employee Representatives &ll employees ha-e the right to ha-e an employee representati-e to s pport and g ide them d ring grie-ance, disciplinary and n!air dismissal and red ndancy processes9 &n employee representati-e o! a Trades 0nion is allo"ed to ta#e time o!! to do this "or#9 The name NTrades 0nion< applies to an organisation "hose role is to reg late relations bet"een employees and employers > Trade %nion and "abour Relations >Consolidation? Act )::-* Trades 0nions c rrently operating in the a tomoti-e ind stry incl de) The Vehicle B ilding and & tomoti-e Lro p o! the Transport and Leneral +or#ers 0nion9 The &malgamated %ngineering and %lectrical 0nion9 The Leneral Boilerma#ers and &llied Trade 0nion >LM+ Section?9 The Man !act ring, Science and Finance 0nion >MSF?9 The %mployers side is represented by the Retail Motor Ind stry Federation9 Trade associations "ithin the retail motor ind stry represent gro ps o! employers and ha-e codes o! practice that employers agree to abide by9 Many employers are members o! not G st one association b t a n mber co-ering all parts o! their b siness9 They also represent the ind stry to other organisations and bodies, incl ding go-ernment ; see Section C abo t the a tomoti-e ind stry9

F19 $o" m ch paid ann al lea-e are yo entitled toO

F29I! yo don<t nderstand the in!ormation on yo r payslip "hat "o ld yo doO

FC9 +hat rest brea#s are yo entitled to and "ill yo be paid !or these brea#sO

F49 +hat m st yo do i! yo need to as# !or time o!!, incl ding i! yo are illO

FA9 $o" m ch stat tory sic# pay yo can e.pect i! yo are o!! "or# and ho" long "ill yo be paid thisO

F(9 @ist the titles o! yo r employer<s codes o! practice !or employees and "here these can be !o nd9


F39 +hat are the main conse1 ences i! yo do not !ollo" these codes o! practiceO

F59 Brie!ly e.plain "hat the !ollo"ing terms mean and ho" yo can get this s pport i! yo need it) Additional "earning upport

Access to Work;



E@uality Act -<)<

%-eryone is entitled to !air treatment and not to be treated n!airly on the gro nds o! their) 19 &ge 29 Disability C9 Lender reassignment 49 Marriage or ci-il partnership A9 Pregnancy or maternity (9 Race 39 Religion or belie! 59 Se. '9 Se. al orientation The ne" %1 ality &ct 2010 ma#es it nla"! l to discriminate against any o! these nine Nprotected characteristics< and it replaces most o! the e.isting e1 ality legislation in the 089 There are !o r types o! discrimination co-ered by this la") $irect discrimination "hich is "here someone is treated less !airly than someone "ho does not ha-e one or more o! the protected characteristics9 Associative discrimination is "here someone is treated less !airly beca se they associate "ith or #no" someone "ith a protected characteristic9 !erceptive discrimination is "here someone is treated less !airly beca se others thin# that they possess one o! the protected characteristics and applies e-en i! a person does not act ally possess that characteristics Indirect discrimination is "here a pro-ision, criteria or practice is applied to e-eryone in the same "ay9 e9g9 insisting that training ta#es place on a Sat rday "hich co ld a!!ect those "ith childcare responsibilities or those "ith religio s belie!s9 This might not be intentional9

F'9 Li-e an e.ample o! each o! the !o r types o! discrimination in employment or training, sing any o! the nine protected characteristics9 e.g Direct discrimination on the grounds of a persons age is where they are refused training because they are near to retirement ( is this example accurate/clear?) 19 Direct discrimination on the gro nds o! PPPPPPPPPPP is "here

29 &ssociati-e discrimination on the gro nds o! PPPPPPPP is "here

C9 Percepti-e discrimination on the gro nds o! PPPPPPPPP9 "here



49 Indirect discrimination on the gro nds o! PPPPPPPPPPP "here


Contract of Employment
Section 1:3 o! the %mployment Rights &ct 1''( >amended by the %mployment &ct 2002?, describes "hat m st be stated in a /ontract o! %mployment9 The statement can be di-ided into t"o parts ; the !irst part m st be incl ded in yo r contract, the other in!ormation can be deli-ered in instalments, s ally "ithin t"o months o! starting the employment and may be incl ded in a sta!! handboo# i! they are lengthy doc ments The main contract must include; names o! the employer and employee date "hen employment began date on "hich the employee<s contin o s employment began scale or rate o! "ages or the method o! calc lating this inter-als at "hich "ages are paid : "ee#ly, monthly or other inter-als terms and conditions relating to ho rs o! "or#, incl ding any terms and conditions relating to normal "or#ing ho rs terms and conditions relating to entitlement to holidays, incl ding p blic holidays and holiday pay Gob title or a brie! description o! the type o! "or# the employee is employed to do place o! "or# or an indication that an employee is re1 ired or permitted to "or# at -ario s locations9

Information that must be provided 5ithin t5o months of starting your Aob; . terms and conditions relating to incapacity !or "or# d e to sic#ness or inG ry, incl ding any pro-ision !or sic# pay terms and conditions relating to pensions and pension schemes length o! notice the employee is re1 ired to gi-e and recei-e to terminate the contract "here the employment is not intended to be permanent, the length it is intended to last, or the end date i! it is !or a !i.ed term "here the employee is re1 ired to "or# o tside the 08 !or a period o! one month or more, details o! the time they are to "or# abroad, the


c rrency they "ill be paid in etc9

F109 *ame three bene!its o! ha-ing a contract o! employment !or) 2o as an employeeO 19 29 C9

2o r employerO 19 29 C9 F119 +hat "o ld yo do i! yo !eel that yo are being discriminated against on one or more o! the nine protected characteristics e9g being b llied or being s bGected to se. al harassment

F129 +hat "o ld yo do i! yo !eel as tho gh one or more terms and conditions o! yo r contract o! employment are being bro#enO




This section relates to Assessment Criteria -*) and -*- of the ERR A5ard This section "ill help yo to nderstand) "hat the la" says abo t health and sa!ety at "or#= yo r employers proced res !or sa!e "or#ing to protect yo and yo r colleag es at "or#= ho" to process personal in!ormation abo t c stomers !airly and sec rely9

&ealth and afety at Work etc Act ):B2

The $ealth and Sa!ety at +or# etc &ct 1'34, also re!erred to as $&S&+ or $S+, is the main legislation co-ering occ pational health and sa!ety in the 0nited 8ingdom9 The $ealth and Sa!ety %.ec ti-e is responsible !or en!orcing the &ct and a n mber o! other &cts and reg lations abo t sa!e "or#ing9 F rther in!ormation on the &ct is a-ailable !rom the $ealth and Sa!ety %.ec ti-e ; see Section 4 !or so rces o! in!ormation and ad-ice9 Employer responsibilities %mployers m st) ha-e a policy and proced res relating to sa!e "or#ing= assess the ris#s in the "or#place= ma#e s re that e-erybody in-ol-ed is a"are o! the ris#s and proced res to be !ollo"ed= e.plain the sa!ety policy to yo and yo r part in ma#ing s re the policy is !ollo"ed= ma#e someone responsible !or trainingDs per-ising yo at "or#9= i! the "or#erDapprentice is nder the age o! 15, the employer m st comply "ith the $ealth and Sa!ety >2o ng Persons? Reg lations9 +our responsibilities yo ha-e a Goint responsibility "ith the employer to ens re that health and sa!ety is the n mber one priority in the "or#place= yo ha-e a responsibility to act in a sa!e and responsible manner and li#e yo r company yo may be prosec ted !or !ail re to comply9


&ealth and safety in your 5orkplace

If you 5ork in a vehicle 5orkshop; there are li#ely to be -ehicles mo-ing aro nd in con!ined spaces9 there may be Vehicle Inspection Pits, "hich ha-e been nco-ered to allo" "or# on a -ehicle, b t the -ehicle may not yet be in place9 there "ill be -ario s ha6ardo s chemicals in se s ch as Petrol, Diesel, 7ils, and &nti Free6e etc9 there may be -ario s types o! machinery in se s ch as Vehicle $oists, &ir /ompressors, Lrinding +heels, 7.y &cetylene +elding e1 ipment etc there "ill be -ario s electrical cables and !le.ible air pipes in se and these may be trailed across the !loor9 /are m st be ta#en not to trip or !all o-er these items9 in the Parts Department components "ill in general be stored in rac#s against the "all9 I! the components "anted are stored high p there "ill be ladders in se9

&aCards 5hen 5orking on 0ehicles @i!ting and handling parts o! the -ehicle, "hich may be hea-y, a"#"ardly shaped or di!!ic lt to get at9 I! it is necessary to go nder a -ehicle it is important to ens re that it is properly s pported "ith the correct type o! s pport9 Bric#s and thin pieces o! "ood are not s itable s pport9 They "ill collapse nder the -ehicles "eight9 Some repairs "ill in-ol-e "or#ing -ery close to mo-ing parts o! the engine9 /are m st be ta#en not to to ch these parts "ith any part o! the body, yo r clothing or tools9 $ybrid and electrically po"ered -ehicles, and some o! the electrical components o! a -ehicle, operate at an e.tremely high -oltage9 &ll electrical po"er so rces sho ld be Nnon:li-e< and handled "ith great care9 /ommercial "heels are -ery hea-y and e.tremely dangero s to in!late9 In!lation m st al"ays be carried o t "ith the "heel sec rely restrained by a g ard9 +or#ing at height, !or e.ample "hen carrying o t maintenance and repair acti-ities on /ommercial Vehicles9 Storage and handling o! dangero s chemicals9

$riving 0nder no circ mstances may yo dri-e a company -ehicle nless yo ha-e a c rrent ! ll dri-ing license and the permission o! the company "ith "hom yo are training9 &pprentices sho ld chec# "ith the employer that they are co-ered by the employer<s ins rance policy9 !ersonal !rotection It is important to be a"are o! "hat personal protection e1 ipment yo sho ld se to minimise ris#s to yo rsel!9 Protecti-e boots and o-eralls m st be "orn at all times d ring training9 They are the !irst line o! protection !or yo r body9 Dirty or oily o-eralls ho"e-er are a ha6ard and sho ld be replaced "ith a clean set at reg lar inter-als or "hen they become e.cessi-ely oily9 Rings and metal "atch straps are a ha6ard9 Rings can catch on proGecting pieces o! car bodies or mechanical parts9 +atch straps can short o t


across a battery= this can ca se the strap to become heated and res lt in -ery bad s#in b rns9 %ye protection m st be "orn "hen "or#ing in areas "here there is a possibility o! small pieces o! metal or dirt hitting the !ace9 For e.ample sing a drill, a hammer and a chisel or grinder9 &ll inG ries sho ld recei-e attention as soon as possible and the reason !or the inG ry and treatment gi-en recorded in the company<s accident boo#9 @ong hair sho ld be sa!ely restrained9 I! it is not it can get ca ght in mo-ing parts9 2o sho ld be a"are o! the !ire preca tions in place in yo r place o! "or#, the types o! !ire e.ting ishers and their ses9 Barrier cream can be sed to pre-ent contamination o! the s#in by oils or components9 2o sho ld ma#e s re not to obstr ct !ire e.its "ith r bbish or components Bra#e and cl tch d st is a ha6ard9 Protecti-e e.traction e1 ipment andDor !ace mas#s sho ld be sed9 +hen "or#ing in a paint spraying en-ironment the correct type o! protecti-e e1 ipment m st be sed as some isocyanate paint processes are poisono s9 Reg lar l ng ! nctionDhealth chec#s are re1 ired9 Badly "orn tools sho ld be ta#en o t o! ser-ice and replaced9 &ll ! els are poisono s9 In the case o! petrol it is a -ery !lammable s bstance9 Diesel ! el, "hen in the !orm o! a spray !rom a ! el inGector, is also -ery !lammable and can penetrate the s#in and ca se blood poisoning9

$uring your training. you should be provided 5ith a copy of; Be Sa!eQ &n introd ctory g ide to $ealth and Sa!ety

This p blications contain the maGority o! the in!ormation yo "ill re1 ire on) %mergency arrangements >!ire, accidents and !irst aid?= &ny additional immediate signi!icant ris#s= /ontrol meas res !or the abo-e= S per-ision arrangements >and "ho is responsible !or yo as a learner? and contact person >i! not the s per-isorDinstr ctor? !or any health and sa!ety concerns= &ny restrictions or prohibitions that apply yo as a learner >e1 ipment, processes, areas, systems etc9?= and &ny personal protecti-e e1 ipment or clothing that is re1 ired to be "orn, "hen and ho" etc9 +here and "hat "el!are !acilities are pro-ided !or yo e9g9 toilets, "ashing !acilities, drin#ing "ater etc9

The NBe Sa!eQ< Boo#let can be do"nloaded !rom) http)DD"""9hse9go-9 #DcampaignsDe ro"ee#200(Dpd!sDlscbesa!eg idance9pd!9 The &ealth and afety >$isplay creen E@uipment? Regulations )::- 9 These reg lations "ere introd ced to minimise some o! the ris#s >i9e9 headaches? associated "ith sing -is al display nit >VD0s? by ens ring that "or#places and Gobs are "ell designed in the !irst place9 The reg lations apply to all employers "ho ha-e "or#ers "ho se VD0s !or a large part o! their "or#9


F1C9 Li-e t"o reasons "hy yo ng people > nder the age o! 15? might be more at ris# !rom accidents at "or# than ad lts9

F149 *ame three "ays in "hich yo can #eep yo rsel! and yo r colleag es sa!e at "or#)

F1A9 +hat m st yo do i! yo ha-e an accident at "or#O

F1( +here is the assembly point i! there is a !ire or e-ac ationO

F139 +ho is the !irst aider at "or# and "hat is their roleO

F159 +ho sho ld yo tal# to i! yo ha-e any health and sa!ety "orriesO


F1'9 +hat protecti-e clothing or e1 ipment m st yo "ear and "henO

F209 $o" does this e1 ipment or clothing help to #eep yo sa!eO

$ata !rotection Act )::D

The Data Protection &ct applies to personal in!ormation abo t an indi-id al9 This can be yo or other people, incl ding c stomers9 It can be a name, address or telephone n mber, Gob yo do, in!ormation abo t the things yo b y or sell9 The &ct "or#s in t"o "ays9 It helps to protect yo r interests by !ollo"ing eight principles, to ma#e s re that personal in!ormation abo t yo and yo r c stomers is)

19 29 C9 49 A9 (9 39 59

!airly and la"! lly processed= processed !or limited p rposes= ade1 ate, rele-ant and not e.cessi-e= acc rate and p to date= not #ept !or longer than is necessary= processed in line "ith yo r rights= sec re= and not trans!erred to other co ntries "itho t ade1 ate protection9

The second area co-ered by the &ct gi-es yo important rights, incl ding the right to #no" "hat in!ormation is held abo t yo , incl ding in!ormation held by yo r employer, and the right to correct in!ormation that is "rong9 2o also ha-e the right to claim compensation thro gh the co rts i! an organisation breaches the &ct and this ca ses yo damage, s ch as !inancial loss9 I! it has, yo can also claim !or distress9 2o m st !ollo" these eight principles and yo r employer "ill ha-e r les to ma#e s re that yo do not brea# the la"9 2o r employer can be prosec ted i! they brea# this la" and i! yo are !o nd negligent, yo might be liable to prosec tion too, so it is important that yo nderstand "hat yo can and can<t do9


F219 @ist three bene!its o! the Data Protection &ct9

F229 @ist three "ays in "hich the &ct protects yo r rights9

F2C9 %.plain brie!ly ho" yo "o ld #eep personal in!ormation abo t yo rsel!, colleag es or c stomer sec re9


ACTI0IT+ ) Look around your workplace and make a list of six possible dangers or a!ards and w at could be done to prevent accidents from appening:

&aCard 19

&o5 could accidents be prevented6







ACTI0IT+ 0sing the grid belo" to dra" a plan o! yo r "or# area, then mar# on the plan belo") Fire e.ting ishers and other !ire !ighting e1 ipment %mergency e.its &ssembly points

I! yo "o ld pre!er to se a comp ter so!t"are programme instead, !eel !ree to do so, then copy and paste the diagram in belo"9 This "ill also pro-ide e-idence !or I/T i! this is part o! yo r &pprenticeship and "ill also pro-ide e-idence !or &pplication o! * mbers i! dra"n to scale9 #y 5ork area;



This section relates to Assessment Criteria 1*) 9 1*3 of the ERR A5ard* This section "ill help yo to nderstand) the ind stries "hich ma#e p the ind stry and "here yo r organisation !its= yo r Gob and "here it !its in "ith yo r employer and the a tomoti-e ind stry= "here to get in!ormation and ad-ice abo t yo r ind stry, occ pation, training and career= iss es o! p blic concern a!!ecting yo r organisation and the a tomoti-e ind stry9 The Automotive Industry The & tomoti-e Retail Ind stry pro-ides employment !or o-er hal! a million
employees "or#ing !or aro nd 30,000 employers and is a maGor contrib tor to the 08 economy9 It incl des) 0ehicle #anufacturers ; Design, man !act re, test and mar#et a range o! motor -ehicles9 0ehicle Importers ; Import -ehicles !rom o-erseas that are in most cases ready !or sale9 "arge $ealer ,roups ; & gro p consists o! many di!!erent o tlets selling the same or di!!erent ma#es o! -ehicles9 These gro ps o!ten ha-e a stoc# mar#et listing, employing h ndreds o! tho sands o! sta!!9 tructure of dealerships Motor -ehicle man !act rers, s ch as Toyota, Fiat or Va .hall grant dealerships permission to sell andDor repair their -ehicle "ithin a to"n or area9 This is called a Franchised Dealership9 &n independent b siness that does not depend on any partic lar man !act rer and may sell andDor repair a range o! -ehicle ma#es9 This is called a *on: Franchised Dealership9 #otoring organisations The motor ind stry has three maGor companies that pro-ide a brea#do"n and reco-ery ser-ice to the general p blic and are classed as Motoring 7rganisations9 These are the &&, R&/ and Lreen Flag9 The && and the R&/ are based pon the pro-ision o! ser-ices by their o"n sta!! "hilst Lreen Flag ses the retail motor ind stry to ser-ice membership9 0ehicle and Operator ervices Agency >0O A? Responsible !or the strategy, policy and planning o! the c rrent M7T reg lations that go-ern road going -ehicles9


Motorcycles and cars tested by appro-ed testing stations "ithin the motor ind stry9 @arger -ehicles tested at Vehicle Inspectorate Test /entres9

Occupations in the Automotive Industry

There are a "ide range o! occ pations in the ind stry and "ith training and de-elopment there are opport nities to "or# at technician and senior technician thro gh to management roles9 7cc pations c rrently co-ered by &pprenticeships incl de) 0ehicle Body and !aint %echanical& Electrical an# Trim 'o#$ ' il#ing 'o#$ (epair 'o#$ (e)inishing * tomoti+e Gla,ing -ehicle .amage *ssessor 0ehicle /itting Fast Fit Specialist Tyre Fitting 0ehicle #aintenance and Repair /ight -ehicle 0ea+$ -ehicle %otorc$cle * to Electrical 1 %o2ile Electrical 3nstallation 0ea+$ -ehicle Trailer /i)t Tr c! 4ara+ans an# %otorhomes 0ehicle !arts 0ehicles ales

Career development
&t e-ery stage o! yo r career, yo can "or# to"ards= F ali!ications at di!!erent le-els and in some cases di!!erent s bGect areas9 F rther or $igher ed cation a"ards9 /erti!icates !or attending other co rses9 Membership o! a pro!essional body or instit te9

Continuous professional development >C*!*$*?

2o r &pprenticeship is not the end o! yo r learning process ; in !act it is G st the beginning9 /ontin o s Pro!essional De-elopment "ill enable yo to per!orm yo r Gob to the best o! yo r ability and allo" yo to ad-ance ! rther in yo r career9 2o may "ish to become a Master Technician in yo r -ocational area or yo may "ant try other areas o! the Ind stry s ch as Parts, Reception, Management or starting yo r o"n b siness9 !rofessional status


&s yo gain 1 ali!ications, yo may "ant to Goin a pro!essional body and establish yo r commitment to yo r chosen ind stry9 Membership o! a body s ch as The Instit te o! the Motor Ind stry or The Society o! 7perations %ngineers >S7%? "ill gi-e yo the !ollo"ing bene!its) P blic and ind stry respect a!!orded by pro!essional stat s9 Prestigio s letters !ollo"ing a member<s name9 Formal recognition o! ability in a competiti-e en-ironment9 &dditional 1 ali!ications recognising technical ability9

The IMI and S7% are the t"o pro!essional bodies that represent the Motor Ind stry9 %ach body pro-ides opport nities !or career de-elopment and pro!essional stat s9 Membership !ees "ill -ary according to yo r le-el o! membership9 The IMI is the Sector S#ills /o ncil "hich helps employers deal "ith these iss es and de-elops a range o! prod cts, incl ding) de-eloping and iss ing apprenticeship !rame"or#s !or the ind stry national occ pational standards, "hich !orm the basis o! 1 ali!ications !or the ind stry careers "ebsite """9a tocity9org9 # &T& and &M& ; IMI<s accreditation schemes other prod cts and ser-ices s ch as careers ad-ice and in!ormation &s one o! aro nd 22 Sector S#ills /o ncil, the IMI "or#s to"ards the !ollo"ing !o r #ey goals)

red ced s#ills gaps and shortages impro-ed prod cti-ity, b siness and p blic ser-ice per!ormance increased opport nities to boost the s#ills and prod cti-ity o! e-eryone in the sectorRs "or#!orce impro-ed learning s pply thro gh *ational 7cc pational Standards, apprenticeships, and ! rther and higher ed cation9

Issues of concern to employers and for the Industry

The Automotive Industry has to respond to government legislation and targets. customer pressure for more efficient vehicles and employee training has to keep up to date 5ith all these changes* /or e=ample; the Ind stry has to meet legislation and targets aro nd /72 emissions and the MoT test= cons mers demand -al e !or money, lo" r nning costs, sa!ety, en-ironmental per!ormance and better ! el cons mption= -ehicle technology mo-es at an incredible pace e9g9 hybrid engines and sta!! need to be able to #eep p "ith the technology to #eep a range o! -ehicles in good "or#ing order= the *ational /ons mer /o ncil<s Hs per complaintK has p t more !oc s on impro-ing the image o! the sector and dri-ing p s#ill le-els9 there is room !or impro-ement in management and leadership s#ills in the sector as managers and senior o!!icials ha-e relati-ely lo" le-els o! !ormal 1 ali!ications= 5AM o! the ind stry is made p o! small b sinesses "ho sometimes !ind it di!!ic lt to !ind training "hich meets their needs the ind stry !inds it hard to recr it people "ith the c stomer ser-ices


and sales, problem:sol-ing, comm nications, and team "or#ing s#ills9 the ind stry is mainly +hite, male and is not there!ore, tapping into the s#ills potential o! the "ider pop lation9

F 249 +hy do yo thin# the &pprenticeship programme yo are doing has been de-elopedO 0se at least t"o o! the NIss es and concerns< in!ormation to g ide yo r ans"er9

F2A9 $o" does yo r employer bene!it !rom the programmeO

F2(9 +hat "o ld yo do i! yo "anted to !ind o t more abo t ! rther training "hen yo ha-e completed yo r &pprenticeshipO




Advice on employment. employee relations and learning support Advisory. Conciliation and Arbitration ervice >ACA ? http)DD"""9acas9org9 # Access to Work http)DD"""9direct9go-9 #DenDDisabledPeopleD%mployments pportD+or#Schemes&ndProgram mesDDLE4000C43 E@uality and &uman Rights Commission http)DD"""9e1 alityh manrights9comD Additional "earning upport 9 +oung !eopleEs "earning Agency http)DD"ebarchi-e9nationalarchi-es9go-9 #D20120C1'1412C2Dhttp)D"""9ypla9go-9 # kill 9 National (ureau for students 5ith disabilities """9s#ill9org9 # Trades %nions T%C http)DD"""9t c9org9 #D Careers Advice and information about the Automotive Industry The Institute of #otor Industry http)DD"""9theimi9org9 #D """9a tocity9org9 # Conne=ions Careers Wales $ata !rotection and /reedom of Information In!ormation /ommissioner 7!!ice http)DD"""9ico9go-9 #D &ealth and afety &ealth and afety E=ecutive http)DD"""9hse9go-9 #DcontactD "egislation for the %' http)DD"""9legislation9go-9 #D



This chec#list "ill help yo to #eep trac# o! progress as yo "or# yo r "ay thro gh yo r "or#boo#9 Fuestion number ection ) F1 F2 FC F4 FA F( F3 F5 F' F10 F11 F12 ection F 1C F 14 F 1A F 1( F 13 F 15 F 1' F 20 F 21 F22 F 2C &cti-ity 1 &cti-ity 2 ection 1 F 249 F 2A9 F 2(9 $ate completed


A copy of this signed and dated page must be kept 5ith the 5orkbook and the original must accompany the Apprenticeship Completion Certification Application form* /RA#EWOR' Vehicle Body and Paint Vehicle Fitting Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Vehicle Parts Vehicle Sales Tick the frame5ork you have completed

+e, the ndersigned, agree that the #no"ledge and nderstanding co-ered in the %RR "or#boo# de-eloped by The IMI has been s ccess! lly completed by the &pprentice named belo") A!!RENTICEE $ETAI" &pprentices ! ll name &pprentices date o! birth &pprentice signat re &pprentices candidate n mber !or the %RR &"ard Date "or#boo# completed E#!"O+ERE $ETAI" *ame o! %mployer *ame o! &pprentice<s @ine Manager Signat re o! @ine Manager Date TRAININ, !RO0I$ERE $ETAI" *ame o! Pro-ider &ddress

Postcode A E ORE $ETAI" *ame o! &ssessor Signat re o! &ssessor Date


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