Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

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Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Topic/Theme: Women and the Fight for Equality Time frame: 3 weeks Class/Grade Level: 11th grade- Advanced Placement United States History Performance Tasks/Formal Assessment:
Task / Assessment

UBD Template

UP Connects

1. Policy Recommendation- Each student will create a policy recommendation for a senator/congressperson, who is thinking about re-introducing the Equal Rights Amendment to Congress. Students should include the history of womens equality, pros/cons for passage of the ERA, and the implications (social, political and economic) of Amendment passage. Key Criteria- Students will include a background of the ERA and the Womens Movement, social political and economic consideration of passage, a clear rationale for chosen point of view, qualitative and quantitative evidence. 2. Timeline blog- Each student will pick 2 people/events, from each time period studied in class, that were key to the womens movement. The student will then create blog posts about each person/event, incorporating several types of media (videos, text, pictures) to enhance learning. Students will have to analyze the historical significance of the person/event. These posts will create a timeline for the student. Key Criteria- Students will complete all required posts in an accurate and well-reasoned manner. Students will include several types of resources (videos, speeches, pictures) for all posts. Students will include at least 2 arguments/pieces of evidence for historical significance of each event/person. 3. Historical Journals- Student will write a journal at the beginning of each class based on the learning from the last class period. Student will imagine that he/she is a woman in ______ time period (time period chosen will depend on lesson from the previous day). They will write a journal based on the daily life of the woman. Students should include the political, economic and social situations and events that occurred during this time period. Key Criteria- Students will complete each journal in correct journal format and with 90% accuracy. Students will describe the political, economic and social status of women during this time period. 4. Shifting Roles Worksheet- Students will be given a worksheet to analyze the changing roles of women in society. The worksheet will state the given time periods (e.g. the late 19th century and early 20th century). The worksheet will split the analysis into three parts: how the government viewed women, how the media portrayed women and the involvement of women in the economy. Key Criteria-Students will complete all parts of analysis accurately. In addition, students will complete this task with 2 pieces of evidence for each category on the worksheet.

U: 1, 2, 7, 9

U: 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10

U: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11

U: 1, 6, 7, 11

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

5. Media and Society Project- Students will find three examples of how the media portrayed women during two time periods studied during class. Then they will complete an analysis of the historical significance of these portrayals. Key Criteria- Students will find three correct and historically relevant examples of media portrayal of women. Students will analyze these examples based on social, economic and political significance. 6. Governmental Institutions and Inequality Worksheet- Students will complete a worksheet about key governmental policies that affected womens rights. The policies will be given to the students. Their task is to find each policy and define what it is and the result of each policy. Key Criteria- Students will complete worksheet definitions with 100% accuracy. Students will correctly state result of each policy on womens fight for equality. 7. Journal Connection Chart- Students will review each journal written in class and analyze the change in a womans daily life. Students will write a short paper on how the lives of women, both in the public and private sphere, have changed. Key Criteria- Students will complete this work sheet with numerous examples of how womens roles in society have changed throughout time. 8. Test- Test on facts about the womens movement, life of a woman during each period studied in class and relationships between events/actions and progress of womens equality. Test will include selected response, short answer and essay. Key Criteria- Students will complete the test with an average score of 80%. 9. Concept Formation Map- Students will complete concept formation map about gender equality. Students will have to fill out examples/nonexamples of gender equality. Students will note the similarities and differences between these examples and nonexamples and form characteristics for gender equality. In summary, students will define gender equality. Key Criteria- Students will complete this concept map with numerous examples and nonexamples of gender equality, 3 or more characteristics of the term and a thorough and thoughtful definition of gender equality.

UBD Template

U: 4, 6

U: 2, 3, 5, 9, 11

U: 1, 6, 7

U: All

U: 1, 2, 6

Other Evidence/Informal Assessment:

Task / Assessment UP Connects

10. Questionnaire- At the end of each week students will be given a questionnaire to check for understanding. Each student will answer a series of 3 questions. One question will be focused on key concepts, one will focus on student feelings toward material (self assessment) and one question will be focused on any additional comments/questions/concerns the student may have. Key Criteria- Students will complete questionnaire to the best of their ability. Students will accurately

U: 1, 6, 7

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

define key concepts from the class, without teacher prompting. 11. Individual Note Packet- Students will be given a packet with an outline of notes for the unit. This packet will include key terms and events that students should know by the end of the unit. The teacher will check for student work every other day, to make sure students are keeping up with material. Key Criteria- Students will complete the entire packet with 100% accuracy. 12. Classroom Participation- Students will be observed throughout the unit, in both classroom discussion and small-group work. Notes will be taken on a whole class and individual basis. These notes will discuss student learning (correct or incorrect), application of concepts and grasp of material. Key Criteria- Students will participate at least 70% of the time during classroom discussion and small-group work. Students will make substantive contributions to classroom discussion and small-group work.

UBD Template

U: All

U: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9

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