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NOTIFICATION GeneralAdministrationDepartment, Sachi valaya,Gandhinagar Dated the, 20th Septmber,2004 No.GS-2004-(45)CDR 10-2003-2255-Inq.

Cell : In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Gujarat Hereby makesthe following rules further to amendthe GujaratCivil Services(Discipline andAppeal) Rules, 1971,namely: 1. (2) 2. (a) (1) Theserules may be called the Gujarat Civil Services(Discipline and Appeal) (First Amendment) Rules, 2004. They shallcomeinto force on theexpiry of ninety daysfrom thedateof their publicationin theOfficial Gazette. In GujaratCivil Services(Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1971,in rule 5, in sub-rule(1) for clause(a), the following shall be sbstituted, namely :Where a disciplinary proceedingagainsthim is contemplatedor is pending: Provided that, where a GovernmentServantagainstwhom disciplinary proceedingis contemplated is suspended, suchsuspensionshall not be valid unlessbefore theexpiry of a period of ninety days from the date from the date from which the Government servantwas suspended, disciplinary proceeding is initiated againsthim : Providedfurther that theGovernmentor any otherauthorityempoweredby theGovernmentby specialor generalorder may at any time before the expiry of the saidperiod of ninety daysand after considering the special circumstancesfor not initiating disciplinxy proceedings,to be recordedin
writing expend the period of suspensionbeyond the period of ninety days without disciPlinmY proceeding

beinginitiated. Providedalsothat suchextentionof suspension shall not be for a period of ninety daysat a time. By order and in the nameof the Governor of Gujarat. (Kirtida Brahmbatt) Deputy Secretaryto Governmet. To, .

The Secretaryto the Governor,Raj Bhavan,Gandhinagar. The Principal Secretaryto the Chief Minister. The PersonalSecretaries to All Ministers / Ministers of State. . The RegistarGujarat High Court, Ahmedabad. . The Secretary, Gujarat LegislatureSeceretariat, Gandhinagar. . The Secretary, GujaratCivil ServiciesTribunal, Gandhinagar. The Secretary,GujaratPublic ServiciesCommission, Sector-lOB, . Gandhinagar. . The Secretary,Gujarat Service SelectionBoard, Ahmedabad. The Manager,GovernmentCentral Press,Gandhinagar. -With arequestto publish this notification in the Gazette imamediatelyandsend10copiesthereofto General AdministrationDepartment. All the Departments of secretarial. All Headsof Departments/ Headsof Offices. All Officers of GeneralAdministration Department All Branches of GeneralAdministration Department The SelectFile. By letter.


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