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From: To: barrylw11@hotmail.

com Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 09:26:02 -0500 Subject: RE: Update (Confidential) I'm giving your emails to Cheryl today Barry Karen McDonald, Constituency Assistant to Cheryl Gallant, M.P. Renfrew Nipissing Pembroke "This e-mail (including attachments, if any) is confidential. If the reader is not the intended recipient or its agent, be advised that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email or any of its content is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately and delete the e-mail without retaining or printing a copy. Thank you." ________________________________________ From: Barry Westholm [] Sent: February 17, 2013 09:15 To: Gallant, Cheryl - Assistant 1 Subject: Update (Confidential) Cheryl Well, I hope your received my last e-mail, it was a rather important (to me) one. Here is the response to it and my reply, sent to you in confidence. Barry -----Original Message----From: Westholm MWO BL@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa Sent: Friday, 15, February, 2013 15:08 PM To: Blais Col GJ@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: RESIGNATION Sir Ref: The Warriors Way; A Treatise on Military Ethics, Ch 10 (CF Ethics Programme) I have discussed my upcoming departure with my CoC, and the reasoning behind it over a month ago (ref D of my letter), I regret that you were not made aware of this. Every item in my letter has been raised either with you directly or through my CoC many times over, beginning in 2009 (attached). The last time I communicated with you, I was rebuked by the RSM (then CWO Nassif) and told that you didn't have time for my recommendations and to cease immediately.

The path I have chosen is ethically sound and maintains the professionalism expected of my Rank, Branch, Regiment and the Canadian Armed Forces and is recognised as such (ref). At this point my personal welfare is no longer at issue; I receive email regularly from Regions in distress (also attached) and despite my best efforts, I cannot convince my CoC for legitimate assistance and basic contingency planning. This also goes to the recent, and quite brutal, issuances of information regarding changes to Annuitant Policy and Reg Force Conversions, which I also tried to influence with no success (email attached). Thank you for accepting my resignation. B.L. Westholm Master Warrant Officer / Adjudant Matre Regional Sergeant Major / Sergent Major Rgional Joint Personnel Support Unit/Unit Interarme de Soutien au Personnel Eastern Ontario Region/Region Est de l`Ontario Director Casualty Support Management/Directeur - Gestion du soutien aux blesss National Defence / dfense nationale Petawawa, ON, Canada, K8H 2X3 E-mail / Courriel Telephone / Tlphone: (613) 687-5511 ext / poste 2766 CSN: 677-2766 Tlcopieur / Facsimile: 613-588-2650 Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada -----Original Message----From: Blais Col GJ@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull Sent: Friday, 15, February, 2013 14:18 PM To: Westholm MWO BL@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa Cc: Chute LCol FD@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull; Head CWO DW@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RESIGNATION Sergeant-Major, I acknowledge receipt of your request for expedited release. Your request will be granted. I must say that I am extremely disappointed that a military member of your rank and experience would choose to send such a letter to the selected distribution list prior to requesting to speak with me to discuss the matter. Your letter also leadsa me to believe that members of the unit in Petawawa went to their MP to discuss unit issues rather than raise them directly with me. There are nuances to many of the points raised and it is unfortunate that you are leaving the CF in this manner. Sent from my wireless handheld device / Transmis de mon appareil portable ATTACHMENT --Forwarded Message Attachment--

Subject: RE: Holding off on postings until after PER season Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 10:12:17 -0500 From: To: JAMES. WO 1. Thank you for the email - I will have a one-on-one with the OC on this issue - he is on the ground Tuesday, so I will approach him then (in person) to discuss. 2. As always, you have my greatest respect for you efforts in support of your troops and I'd like you to know your situation is not an isolated one (small comfort, I know). If we had persons to spare at another IPSC we would send them to you, but the numbers are such that all Sp Pl's are above max. 3. It was regrettable the way the Annuitant and Reg Force Conversion information was promulgated; I want you to know that as your SM I did my best to try and bring some order and respect to the process (attached). However it was not accepted - I was also in the dark until the last possible moment WRT this and understand your frustration - MTF.

B.L. Westholm Master Warrant Officer / Adjudant Matre Regional Sergeant Major / Sergent Major Rgional Joint Personnel Support Unit/Unit Interarme de Soutien au Personnel Eastern Ontario Region/Region Est de l`Ontario Director Casualty Support Management/Directeur - Gestion du soutien aux blesss National Defence / dfense nationale Petawawa, ON, Canada, K8H 2X3 E-mail / Courriel Telephone / Tlphone: (613) 687-5511 ext / poste 2766 CSN: 677-2766 Tlcopieur / Facsimile: 613-588-2650 Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada -----Original Message----> From: WO JW@IPSC > Sent: Thursday, 14, February, 2013 09:50 AM > To: Westholm MWO BL@JPSU E ON Region@Petawawa > Subject: FW: Holding off on postings until after PER season > Sensitivity: Confidential > > MWO Westholm, > I am forwarding this to you as I have an issue with the response to our request for the following reasons: > > 1. The problem here is that we are maxed out and stressed out. This time of year is particularly busy with PERs and leave audit.

> > 2. The Pl Comd has been close to getting up to speed but to be honest is not there yet. Since we were both given our "letter" back in Nov, our morale has been in the toilet. She is looking for employment and so am I which should not affect our effectiveness here but I feel that it is. > > 3. We have 67 members posted in including the three in Mar. Of the 67, 13 were posted in the Dec-Mar timeframe. I just simply do not have the time to chase units for PERs for this volume. > > 4. The part about the former units needing to back-fill a posn from Dec-Mar is quite laughable as in my 26 years of experience, it is very seldom that members are posted to units outside of APS. The trades that we are generally dealing with in Kingston are RED for the most part so back-fills even in APS are unlikely. > > 5. Responses such as these make it feel as though our CoC is not supportive. I do not feel as though this is an unreasonable request and ask that you discuss further with the OC. > > Thanks. > > > James (Jim) > Warrant Officer | Adjudant > Platoon Warrant Officer > National Defence | Dfence nationale > B4 > > Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada


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