Sociology 471/507 Lab Assignment #3 Due: Friday, November 29, 2013

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Sociology 471/507 Lab Assignment #3 Due: Friday, November 29, 2013 For this lab you will use

the wvs2000c.sas7bdat data file again to estimate various regression models. Refer to the codebook below for variable coding. For this lab, use PROC GLM to run your models. The focus of this lab is on interactions. Again, restrict your analysis to only Canada and the USA. You will need to estimate models with a mixture of categorical and continuous independent variables including the following (see attached sheet for coding): country (s003), gender (x001), age (x003), marital status (x007), income (x047), town size (x049), education (x025), and church attendance (f0280), and number of children respondent has (x011) Before running regression models you may want to recode variables as appropriate. Recall that you do not need to dummy code categorical variables when using proc GLM as long as you use the CLASS command. Question 1: Construct a model with C006 (satisfaction with financial situation) as the dependent variable and the following independent variables: gender, country, age, education and income. Determine if there is an interaction between gender and country. Discuss the overall model as well as the interaction term. Is the interaction significant? Does it contribute to the overall model? Write out the interaction regression equation and create a table to show how the interaction works (include the intercept and the associated variables, the other independent variables in the model can be held constant for this purpose). Discuss what this table tells you about the interaction of gender and country on satisfaction with financial situation. Answer 1: The overall regression model is significant with an F-value of 91.58 and a p-value of >.0001. This means that the independent variables, including the interaction term (which we will explain further below), have a statistically significant explanatory power with regard to the dependent variable, satisfaction with financial situation. The interaction term (gender by country) significantly contributes to the model with f (3.92) and p (.0478). Full: Y=B0 + X001 1 + X001 2 + S003 124 + S003 840 + X003 + X047 + X025 + X001 1*S003 124 + X001 1*S003 840 + X001 2*S003 124 + X001 2*S003 840 Nested: Y=B0+ (B1) X001 1 + (B2)X001 2 + (B3) S003 124 + (B4)S003 840 + (B5)X001 1*S003 124 + (B6)X001 1*S003 840 + (B7)X001 2*S003 124 + (B8)X001 2*S003 840

Female (X001 2)

Canada (S003 124) B0 (3.525) + B2 (0.000) + B3 (.5199) + B7 (0.000)=4.0449

US (S003 840) B0 (3.525) + B2 (0.000) + B4 (0.000) + B8 (0.000)=3.525

Male (X001 1)

B0 (3.525) + B1 (.394) + B3 (.519) + B5 (-.334)=3.71

B0 (3.525) + B1 (.394) + B4 (0.00) + B6 (0.000)=3.919

This table indicates that satisfaction with financial situation varies not only according to gender but also according to country. In Canada, females are more likely to be satisfied with their financial situation than are males. In the US, the opposite is the case: females are less likely to be satisfied with their financial situation than are males. Furthermore, Canadian females are more likely to be happy with their financial situation than American females and American males are more likely to be happy with their financial situation than Canadian males. The greatest disparity between males and females in terms of their satisfaction with their financial situation occurs in the US (relative to Canada). Question 2: Construct a model with F066 as the dependent variable and the following independent variables: gender, country, education, age, income and religious service attendance. Determine if there is an interaction between gender and religious service attendance. Discuss the overall model as well as the interaction term. Is the interaction significant? Does it contribute to the model? On what do you base that? Write out the interaction regression equation and create a table to show how the interaction works (include the intercept and the associated variables, the other independent variables in the model can be held constant for this purpose). Discuss what this table tells you about the religious service attendance and gender interaction on frequency of prayer outside of religious service. Answer: The overall model is significant at F (270.44) and p <.0001. R-square is around 40%, indicating that the models independent variables explain 40% of the dependent variable, how often one prays to God outside of religious service. The interaction term (gender by church attendance) is also significant at F (46.45) and P <.0001. This indicates that it contributes to the model. Full: Y=B0 + X001 + S003+ X025 + X003 + X047 + Churchatt + Churchatt*X001 Nested: Y= B0 + B1 (X001 1) + B2 (X001 2) + B3 (Churchatt) + B4 (Churchatt*X001 1) + B5 (Churchatt*X001 2) Females: Females Males: Males Church Attendance B0 (3.809) + B1 (1.562) + B3 (-.4395) + B4 (-.214) Church Attendance B0 (3.809) + B2 (0.000) + B3 (-.4395) + B5 (0.000)

Females: Y= B0 + B2 + B3 + B5 Y= 3.809 - .4395 Males: Y= B0 + B1 + B3 + B4 Y = 3.809 + 1.562 -.4395 -.214 Question 3:

For this question you will be examining a categorical by continuous interaction. You can choose either C006 or F066 as your dependent variable. If using C006, run a model with sex, country, education, age income and include the income by sex interaction. If using F066, run a model with sex, country, education, income, age and an interaction between age and country. Discuss the overall model as well as the interaction term. Does the interaction term contribute to the model? On what do you base this? Write out the interaction regression equation and create a graph to show how the interaction works (include the intercept and the associated variables, the other independent variables in the model can be held constant for this purpose). Discuss what this graph tells you about the interaction (you may use excel to input the numbers and then create a line graph). Answer: The overall model is significant at F 93.61 and P at <.0001. R-squared is roughly 17%. The interaction term is also significant at F 13.52 and P .0002, indicating that it contributes to the model. Y= B0 + B1 (X001 1) + B2 (X001 2) + B3 (X047) + B4 (X047*X001 1) + B5 (X047*X001 2) Income B0 (3.437) + B2 (0.000) + B3 (.371) + B5 (0.000) B0 (3.437) + B1 (.806) + B3 (.371) + B4 (-.115)

Females Males

This graph indicates that overall there is a main effect, gender gap between males and females when it comes to satisfaction with ones financial situation. Males tend to be more satisfied with their financial situation than are females (by .806). However, the negative interaction term (-.115) indicates that the higher income one makes, this gender gap is likely to be less disparate. In other words, the higher a womans income is, the more likely her satisfaction with her financial situation is closer to that of her male counterpart. Question 4: Create a model with income (x047) as your dependent variable and include the following independent variables: sex, age, education, size of town, how many children you have, and country. Discuss the overall model and each of the independent variables in turn. a) Now include marital status (x007) in the model. How does the inclusion of this variable change the overall model and the other variables in the model? Conduct an R square change (F test) to determine if this variable significantly improves the model. What is your decision? b) You suspect that age may not be linearly related to income. Run the model again, this time adding a quadratic term for age. Does this new term change the model? How? c) Using the existing IVs, generate a model that includes a 2-way interaction (can be either categorical x continuous, categorical x categorical or continuous x continuous). Once you have found a significant interaction, interpret the model and then show how the interaction

works by writing out the equation and creating the appropriate table or diagram/chart. (include the regression output in your assignment).

Question 5: Create a composite variable that combines interest in politics (e023) and importance of politics (a004) into one variable Politics. Obtain frequency and mean information on the new composite variable. a) Run a regression model with the new Politics variable as your DV. Include age, education, income, town size, gender and country as your IVs. Interpret the model in several sentences. b) You suspect age may not be linearly related to interest in politics. Test the quadratic term and provide evidence for your decision regarding the (linear) relationship between age and interest in politics.

Codebook S003 Country 124= Canada 826=United Kingdom [deleted in first step] 840 = USA

C006 How satisfied are you with your financial situation? (Respondent asked to rate on 1-10 scale) 1=completely dissatisfied through 10= completely satisfied F066 Pray to God outside of religious service (1=every day, 7 = never)

F028 Apart from weddings, funerals and christenings, about how often do you attend religious services these days? 1=more than once a week 2=once a week, 3=once a month 4=only on Christmas, Easter 5= only on other holy days (e.g., Muslim holy days) 6=once a year, 7=less often, 8=never, practically never X001 Sex X003 Age X007 1=male 2= female In years

Marital Status 1=married, 2=com law, 3=divorced, 4=separated, 5=widowed, 6=single/never mar

X011 Number of children (8 = 8 or more) X023 Age completed education X025 Highest level of education (recode into 6 categories): 1=less than elementary 2=elementary 3=some secondary (technical) 4=completed secondary (technical) 5=some secondary (univ. prep) 6=completed secondary (univ. prep) 7=some university 8=university with degree X047 X049 Income, deciles (1=lowest, 10=highest) Size of town 1=<2,000 2=2-5,000 3=5-10,000 4=10-20,000 5=20-50,000 6=50100,000 , 7=100,000-500,000 8=>500,000

A004 How important is politics in your life: 1=very important 2=rather important, 3=Not very important 4 =Not at all important E023 How interested are you in politics? 1= very interested, 2=somewhat interested, 3=not very interested, 4=not at all interested

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