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Chinese IV Spring 2014

Project Internet Description In groups of 3 or 4, please make a short video clip (3 or 4 minutes depending on how many people are in your group) for Castilleja Middle School students to educate them about appropriate use of computers and the Internet in our modern society. 3 4 Castilleja Some ideas Interviews: filming your classmates who give suggestions to MS students in Chinese Take or find some pictures on how students use computers and the Internet, create some slogans/descriptions for those pictures, and record yourselves expressing your opinions Deliverables and things to submit Video clip (accessible link or a video file) Script (underline L7 vocabulary and grammar structures used) Class presentation (9 or 11 minutes depending on the number of group members): showing your classmates the video clip and explaining what kind of messages your group wanted to convey (also, you can pose some discussion questions after showing the video). Make sure that you highlight the gist of the video clip. Responsibility sheet Original pictures and inspirational sources (accessible link or file; if any): the instructor may use these for future lessons on the same topic. Share with the instructor and help future students of Chinese.

(Updated on January 16, 2014)

Chinese IV Spring 2014

Scoring Criteria
Video clip and Script (60%) 15 Conveys intended messages clearly with appropriate and diverse verbal and nonverbal materials 12 Conveys intended messages clearly most of the time; uses appropriate verbal and nonverbal materials 9 Some messages are clearly conveyed, but some are rather vague given the materials used 6 Conveys rather limited messages clearly given the materials used and some materials are unrelated to the intended messages 3 Fails to convey the intended messages with the materials used 0 No work submitted or plagiarism; fall below the scoring scale (3 points) standards




Excellent pronunciation in general (<5 tone or other errors), mispronunciation does not interfere with understanding

Good pronunciation in general (6~8 tone or other errors), mispronunciation does not interfere with understanding

Fair pronunciation in general (9~12 tone or other errors), mispronunciation occasionally interferes with understanding

Average pronunciation (1316 tone or other errors), mispronunciation often interferes with understanding

Less than satisfactory pronunciation (>16 tone or other errors) and mispronunciation hinders understanding

Vocabulary and Grammar (See L7 Vocabulary List and Grammar)

Uses >15 vocabulary items and/or grammar points appropriately

Uses 11-15 vocabulary items and/or grammar points appropriately

Uses 6-10 vocabulary items and/or grammar points appropriately

Uses 1-5 vocabulary items and/or grammar points appropriately

Does not include or misuse the all vocabulary items and grammar points

Chinese IV Spring 2014


Within +/- 10 seconds of the required time

Within +/- 20 seconds of the required time

Within +/- 30 seconds of the required time

Within +/- 40 seconds of the required time

Within +/-50 minute of the required time

Class presentation (30%) It is expected that everyone come to the front and conduct part of the presentation. If not, 5 points will be deducted from the total score of class presentation.


8 Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes

6 Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes

4 Displayed minimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from the notes.

2 No eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from notes.

0 Does not conduct the presentation; fall below the scoring scale (4 points) standards

Nonverbal Skills

Organization (Introduction, body, and Conclusion)

Presents information in logical, interesting sequence (has a hook) which audience can follow

Presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow

Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around

Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.

Target Language Use

Uses Chinese almost all the time 6

Uses Chinese most of the time 4 Within +/- 2 minutes of the required time

Uses Chinese half of the time 2 Within +/- 3 minutes of the required time

Seldom uses Chinese

0 Longer or shorter than 3 minutes of the required time

Time Control

Within +/- 1 minute of the required time

Chinese IV Spring 2014

Responsibility sheet (5%)

Project Name :
Team Members : _________________________________________________________________ Project Link (if applicable) : _____________________________________________ Components of the Project and Individual Contributions
_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________

Member Responsible

Chinese IV Spring 2014 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ____________________

We agree that we have contributed equally to project work and to the highest standard. Signature: ______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________

Original pictures and inspirational sources (5%)

*Bonus points (1-5 points/100 points to honor your creativity and video making skills)

Chinese IV Spring 2014

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