1st Tranche of Nanophotonics Course Material-2012 For Students 110112

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Nano-photonics Course material

Reference: 1. Nanophotonic by Paras N. Prasad, Wiley Interscience, 2004, USA 2. Photonic Crystals: Molding the flow of Light by John . Joanno!o"los, Ste#en $. Johnson, Josh"a N.Winn, %obert . &eade A!ril 1', 200' (. Nanooptics )y Sotoshi *a+ata, &otichi ,hts", &asahiro Irie, S!rin-er .erla- 2002 4. Optical Nanotechnology by J. /o0in-a and P /sai, S!rin-er 200( 1. Principles of Nano-Optics by 2"3as No#otny, )ert4echt, 5a0brid-e Uni#ersity Press 2006. 6. Electromagnetic Metametrials: ransmission Line heory by 5hristoo!he 5alo7, /ats"o Itoh, Wiley I888 Press 2001

!"# $%&&EREN %# E'


1. Electron is a Charged particle 2. Photon is a Non-charged particle 3. Electron has mass associated with it. 4. Photon is a mass-less particle 5. Both behave as a Particle and as ave.

!. Both are governed b" E# theor" b$t their behaviors are di%%erent &. Electron ave is a 'ector propagation $nder %ield and there%ore has vector %ield while Photon is a (calar Propagation there%ore has 'ector %ield associated with it and both move in 3-). *. Electron is de%ined b" 3 components vi+. frequency or wavelength, amplitude -as voltage or c$rrent. and phase. /. Photon has 4 components vi+. frequency or wavelength, amplitude -as power., phase and polarization. 10.Electron wave $p to 300123 is bipolar and a%ter that it becomes unipolar. hen it becomes $nipolar it is called Electronic 4 Photon. 11.Photon is alwa"s Unipolar. 12.Electrons posses (P5N, and their distrib$tions are de%ined b" F !"#-$#!%C (tatistics and there%ore are called F !"#&N' 13.Photons do not have (P5N there%ore their distrib$tion is governed b" (ose ) instein statistics and are there%ore called (&'&N'. 14.Electrons being charged particles get g$ided within vac$$m or an" media onl" $nder electric %ield, while photons being noncharged particle, need a dielectric medi$m %or g$idance. 15. Electron has smaller $e-(roglie wave-length and Photon has a longer $e-(roglie wave-length.


1 fffffffffff ` a5

` a fffff B B r = B r 9or o!tical +a#e c ` a


O F = C F where C is an eigen value and is given b"

and O is the &perator and F is the *+ $ N'#*, &F '*&!%devices igen function

fffff c


%C+# .%(/

0#*+ Nanophotonics

N6N7P2787N5C( wor9s BE:7N) the )5;;<6C857N =5#58 or is )5;;<6C857N ;<EE, where the x > and k x 1 and k is the ?NCE<865N58: in the wave n$mber k . 5t is this characteristics that enable 2512 <E(7=?857N and 2512 ;<E@?ENC: 7PE<6857N(.

When the incident li-ht radiation WA.828N$/4 is -reater than the PA%/I528 SI:8 8lectric i!oles are 9or0ed at e#ery di99raction !oint +hich e;!lains the I<<%A5/I,N <%88 trans0ission as ,P/I5A2 N8A% <I82 %adiation. 1. /he radiated N8A% <I82 is inde!endent o9 the !hase o9 the inco0in- incident li-ht. 2. /here9ore the SPA/IA2 IS/%I)U/I,N and 85A= 28N$/4 o9 the ,!tical Near <ield 8ner-y does not de!end on the WA.828N$/4 o9 the incident li-ht b"t on the si(e, conformation and the str)ct)re of the particle*

! .# 0 &F / C*!&"%-N *#C' and "%10 //2s 3U%*#&N'

'*%*#C and $,N%"#C / C*!&"%-N *#C'

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+a)ss, heorem in $%&&EREN %#L and %N E+R#L &ORM


+ ! 0 %! $ !#.#N3U%*#&N' F&! "%10 //2' 3U%*#&N' F&! $# / C*!#C " $#U". /%* ! 0+ N 0 C&" *& 4/%'"&N#C' 0 0#// $ !#. ' 4%!%* 3U%*#&N' F&! " **%/#C 'U!F%C '. *he basic set of F&U! "a5well2s equations for 4ropagation through $ielectric "edium when written in the C-' units are as follows6

5 A B =0 5 A D = 4 1 D ffff ffffffffff 5 x E +j k =0 c t 1k D ffffffffff j ffff 5 xH@ =0 c t

h i h i


Ma.well E/)ations cgs and M-' )nits

/he syste0 o9 !artial di99erential e>"ations describin- classical electro0a-netis0 and there9ore o9 central i0!ortance in !hysics. In the so?called c-s syste0 o9 "nits, the &a;+ell e>"ations are -i#en by @1 A @2 A @( A @4 A +here is the electric dis!lace0ent 9ield, is the char-e density, is the electric 9ield, is the s!eed o9 li-ht, is the 0a-netic 9ield, is the 0a-neti7in- 9ield, and is the c"rrent density. As "s"al, is the di#er-ence and is the c"rl. In the &*S syste0 o9 "nits, the e>"ations are +ritten @1 A @6 A @' A @B A +here is the !er0itti#ity o9 9ree s!ace and is the !er0eability o9 9ree s!ace.

E and H are the Electric and #agnetic ;ield 'ectors, D and B are the Electric and #agnetic ;l$C )ensit" 'ectors and c is the velocit" o% light in vac$$m. is the charge densit". 6ss$ming that the Electromagnetic Energ" is propagating in the medi$m with %l$ct$ating dielectric constant and there are no so$rces o% light within the )ielectric #edi$m then = 0 . 8he medi$m is linear %or small %ield strengths and dielectric constant also remains same. ;$rther ass$ming a loss in isotropic medi$m, is considered real and a scalar D$antit". 5t is independent o% the operating %reD$enc". ith these ass$mptions, the Electric ;ield E and Electric ;l$C )ensit" D are related as
D r = r E r
` a ` a ` a


8h$s is a %$nction o% space within the #icro-str$ct$red s"stems. ;or most o% the dielectrics the magnetic permeabilit" is ver" close to $nit" and hence
B =H


8he 1st ED$ation above can be written as

5A H r,t = 0
` a b

5A r E r,t = 0
b c h

b c i H r ,t 1 ffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffff f 5 xE r,t +j k =0 ` a E r,t m r kl ffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffff j j k =0 5 xH r,t @ c t b c h




5n this, the %ield vectors E and 2 are ass$med to be the %$nctions o% time and space, i.e. t and r. =et the time dependenc" be denoted b" an eCponential %$nction s$ch as
H r,t = H r e j w t
b c ` a

AAAAAAAAAAAAA.-5. ($bstit$ting the above in the previo$s eD$ation we have

5A H r =0 ` a ` a 5A r E r =0 j k ` a ffffffff 5 x E r +j H r =0 c
` a h i
` a

E r,t = E r,t e j w t


j k ` a j ffffffff 5 xH r @ E r =0 c
` a

8he last 8 7 eD$ations o% -!. in the above set o% %o$r eD$ations can be manip$lated to deco$ple each other to get eD$ations entirel" in H-r. or E-r. as %ollows
I 1 ` a ffffffffffffff 5 xJ ` a 5 x H r K = H H I f g2 ffff M ` a L J KH r



I @ jc ` a ffffffffffffffffffff K E r =J ` a 5 xH r ` a


ED$ation -&. above is a compleC di%%erential eD$ation which gives the harmonic mode in a miCed dielectric medi$m. 5% the operation o% ` a r ta9ing the C$rl, dividing b" and again ta9ing the C$rl is attrib$ted to a compleC operation de%ined as operator ,then
H r =
` a
2 V W ff ff

H r

` a

AAAAAAAAAAAAA..-/. igen Function +7r8 is leaving it

2 V W ffff

8h$s the res$lt o% &perator on

as it is and is m$ltipl"ing it b" a constant #N $# / C*!#C " $#%

as its

igen .alue.

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