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Chapter 1: The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management Multiple Choice 1.

The basic functions of management include all of the following except _____. a. planning b. organizing c. motivating d. leading e. staffing (c; moderate; p. ! The management process is made up of _____ basic functions. a. three b. four c. five d. eight e. ten (c; moderate; p. ! $hich basic function of management includes establishing goals and standards% developing rules and procedures% and forecasting& a. planning b. organizing c. motivating d. leading e. staffing (a; eas'; p. ! $hat specific activities listed below are part of the planning function& a. giving each subordinate a specific tas( b. recruiting prospective emplo'ees c. training and developing emplo'ees d. developing rules and procedures e. all of the above (d; moderate; p. ! Celeste spends most of her time at wor( setting goals and standards and developing rules and procedures. $hich function of management does Celeste specialize in& a. planning b. organizing c. motivating d. leading e. staffing (a; eas'; p. !





$hich basic function of management includes delegating authorit' to subordinates and establishing channels of communication& a. planning b. organizing c. motivating d. leading e. staffing (b; eas'; p. ! $hat specific activities listed below are part of the organizing function& a. giving each subordinate a specific tas( b. recruiting prospective emplo'ees c. training and developing emplo'ees d. developing rules and procedures e. all of the above (a; moderate; p. ! $hich basic function of management includes selecting emplo'ees% setting performance standards% and compensating emplo'ees& a. planning b. organizing c. motivating d. leading e. staffing (e; eas'; p. ! $hat specific activities listed below are part of the staffing function& a. giving each subordinate a specific tas( b. maintaining morale c. recruiting prospective emplo'ees d. developing rules and procedures e. both b and c (c; moderate; p. ! $hich basic function of management includes setting standards such a sales /uotas and /ualit' standards& a. planning b. organizing c. controlling d. leading e. staffing (c; eas'; p. !







$hat specific activities listed below are part of the controlling function& a. giving each subordinate a specific tas( b. recruiting prospective emplo'ees c. training and developing emplo'ees d. developing rules and procedures e. chec(ing to see how actual performance compares with standards (e; moderate; p. ! _____ is the process of ac/uiring% training% appraising% and compensating emplo'ees% and attending to their labor relations% health and safet'% and fairness concerns. a. 0uman 1esource Management b. 2abor 1elations c. 3ndustrial 4s'cholog' d. 5rganizational 6ehavior e. 5rganizational 0ealth and 7afet' Management (a; eas'; p. ! 0uman resource management is _____. a. the concepts and techni/ues used to control people at wor( b. the process of organizing wor( activities c. the process of identif'ing countries with cheaper labor costs and relocating 8obs to those countries d. the process of ac/uiring% training% appraising% and compensating emplo'ees% and attending to their labor relations% health and safet'% and fairness concerns e. all of the above (d; moderate; p. ! _____ is the right to ma(e decisions% to direct the wor( of others% and to give orders. a. 2eadership b. 9uthorit' c. :elegation d. Management e. 1esponsibilit' (b; eas'; p. *! _____ are authorized to direct the wor( of subordinates. a. 2ine managers b. 7taff managers c. 2eaders d. 9dvisor' board members e. 9ll of the above (a; eas'; p. *!



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_____ are responsible for assisting and advising line managers in areas li(e recruiting% hiring% and compensation. a. 0uman resource managers b. 7taff managers c. 2ine managers d. ;;5 officers e. 6oard members (a; eas'; p. *! ;ffective human resource management could include all of the following responsibilities except _____. a. placing the right person in the right 8ob b. training emplo'ees c. controlling labor costs d. protecting emplo'ees< health e. all are responsibilities necessar' for effective human resource management (e; moderate; p. *! 0uman resource managers generall' exert _____ within the human resources department and _____ outside the human resources department. a. line authorit'; implied authorit' b. staff authorit'; line authorit' c. line authorit'; staff authorit' d. functional control; authoritarian control e. staff authorit'; specific authorit' (a; difficult; p. +! 2ine managers respect the (nowledge human resource managers have in areas such as testing and affirmative action. Conse/uentl'% human resource managers can influence line managers through _____. a. line authorit' b. functional control c. implied authorit' d. explicit authorit' e. human capital (c; moderate; p. +!





$hich of the following responsibilities do human resource managers fulfill in their role as emplo'ee advocates& a. establish guidelines for how management should be treating emplo'ees b. provide support for emplo'ees contesting unfair practices c. represent emplo'ees< interests as appropriate d. all of the above e. none of the above (d; moderate; p. +! 9ll of the following are examples of human resource 8ob duties except _____. a. recruiter b. e/ual emplo'ment opportunit' coordinator c. financial advisor d. compensation manager e. labor relations specialist (c; moderate; p. +! $hich of the following 8ob titles indicates a position in human resources& a. recruiter b. 8ob anal'st c. training specialist d. ;;5 coordinator e. all of the above (e; eas'; p. +! $hich of the following tas(s related to recruiting and hiring is not t'picall' handled b' 01 staff& a. specif' necessar' 8ob /ualifications b. develop pool of /ualified applicants c. conduct initial screening interviews d. administer tests e. explain benefits pac(ages (a; eas'; p. ,! The expertise of human resource departments became indispensable with the _____. a. emergence of union legislation in the 1-#.s b. passing of e/ual emplo'ment legislation c. increase of women in the wor(force d. movement of 8obs to countries with cheaper labor costs e. both a and b (e; moderate; p. -!




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_____ refers to the tendenc' of firms to extend their sales% ownership% and=or manufacturing to new mar(ets abroad. a. ;xpansion b. Mar(et development c. >lobalization d. ;xport growth e. :iversification (c; eas'; p. 1.! Most people who are classified as nontraditional wor(ers are _____. a. contingent wor(ers b. independent contractors c. 8ob sharing d. wor(ing multiple 8obs e. caring for an elderl' parent (b; difficult; p. 1"! $hich of the following is a t'pe of nontraditional wor(er& a. contingent wor(ers b. part?time wor(ers c. people wor(ing in alternative wor( arrangements d. people with multiple 8obs e. all of the above (e; moderate; p. 1"! @ason @ac(son ta(es on various pro8ects as an independent contractor. 0e wor(s on several pro8ects for a variet' of companies. $hen a pro8ect is complete% he moves on to another pro8ect% often with a different compan'. @ason is a t'pe of _____. a. contingent wor(er b. collateral wor(er c. manager d. consultant e. none of the above (a; moderate; p. 1"! 7arah 7mith and her mother% 9nne% share one flight attendant 8ob at @et6lue airlines. 7arah and 9nne could be classified as _____. a. flex?time wor(ers b. contingent wor(ers c. nontraditional wor(ers d. traditional wor(ers e. none of the above (c; eas'; p. 1"!






$hat term refers to the (nowledge% education% training% s(ills% and expertise of a firm<s wor(ers& a. human resources b. human capital c. intangible assets d. (nowledge assets e. intellectual propert' (b; moderate; p. 1#! $hich of the following demographic issues represents a challenge for human resource managers& a. increasingl' diverse wor(force b. aging wor(force c. increasing use of contingent wor(ers d. both a and b e. all of the above (d; moderate; p. 1#! The proportion of women in the wor(force is pro8ected to _____. a. increase significantl' over the coming decade b. decrease as more women decide to sta' home with children c. stop growing d. increase at a decreasing rate e. decrease at an increasing rate (c; difficult; p. 1#! 5ver the next few 'ears% emplo'ers ma' face a severe labor shortage because _____. a. there are fewer people entering the 8ob mar(et than there are retiring bab' boomers b. one?third of single mothers are not in the labor force c. 0ispanics will represent 11A of the civilian labor force d. people are living longer e. all of the above (a; difficult; p. 1#! $hat tactic will emplo'ers li(el' have to ta(e to fill openings left b' retiring emplo'ees& a. instituting flexible wor( hours b. providing elder care c. hiring more women d. rehiring retirees e. lowering the retirement age (d; difficult; p. 1#!




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9 _____ is a compan'<s plan for how it will balance its internal strengths and wea(nesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage. a. 7$5T anal'sis b. mission statement c. strateg' d. tactic e. scorecard (c; eas'; p. 1#! The performance of human resource departments is evaluated based on _____. a. measurable evidence of efficienc' b. measurable evidence of effectiveness c. anecdotal evidence d. /ualitative measures of success e. both a and b (e; moderate; p. 1 ! Buantitative performance measures used b' human resource managers to assess operations are called _____. a. ratios b. benchmar(s c. metrics d. grades e. goals (c; moderate; p. 1 ! The _____ metric can be used as a measurement to show improvements to savings in recruitment and retention costs. a. absence rate b. cost per hire c. 01 expense factor d. human capital 153 e. time to fill (b; moderate; p. 1)! $hich metric indicates the cost of health care per emplo'ee b' providing the per capita cost of emplo'ee benefits& a. 01 expense factor b. human capital 153 c. health care costs per emplo'ee d. human capital value added e. revenue factor (c; moderate; p. 1)!






The _____ metric views human resource expenses in relation to the total operating expenses of the organization. a. 01 expense factor b. human capital 153 c. health care costs per emplo'ee d. human capital value added e. revenue factor (a; moderate; p. 1)! _____ are a useful tool for determining wh' emplo'ees are leaving an organization. a. 6C9 Turnover 1eports b. ;xit interviews c. 6enchmar(s d. 01 portals e. Turnover rates (b; eas'; p. 1)! $hich of the following human resource practices can be useful in reducing wor(ers< compensation cost per emplo'ee& a. safet' training b. disabilit' management c. safet' incentives d. all of the above e. a and b onl' (d; moderate; p. 1)! $hich metric views emplo'ees as capital rather than as an expense& a. time to fill b. training investment c. 01 expense factor d. revenue factor e. none of the above (d; difficult; p. 1)! The _____ measures the rate at which emplo'ees leave the compan'. a. turnover costs b. turnover rate c. time to fill d. cost per hire e. absence rate (b; moderate; p. 1)!





$hen managers use metrics to assess performance and then develop strategies for corrective action% the' are performing the _____ function of management. a. planning b. leading c. staffing d. controlling e. organizing (d; difficult; p. ! The term _____ means contributing in a measurable wa' to achieving the compan'<s strategic goals. a. competitive advantage b. achievement success c. value creation d. success metric e. none of the above (c; moderate; p. 1*! Managers use a(n! _____ to measure the 01 function<s effectiveness and efficienc' in producing emplo'ee behaviors the compan' needs to achieve its strategic goals. a. metric b. 01 7corecard c. benchmar( d. high performance wor( s'stem e. M65 format (b; eas'; p. 1*! Metrics can be compared against _____ to evaluate an organization<s performance. a. last 'ear<s metric b. competitor<s metric c. surve' data d. national standard e. all of the above (e; eas'; p. 1*!






The 1evenue Dactor is e/ual to _____. a. revenue divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! b. total da's elapsed to fill re/uisitions divided b' the number hired c. revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit cost divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! d. 01 expense divided b' the total operating expense e. advertising plus agenc' fees plus emplo'ee referrals plus travel costs of applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pa' and benefits divided b' number of hires (a; difficult; p. 1)! The 01 expense factor is e/ual to _____. a. revenue divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! b. total da's elapsed to fill re/uisitions divided b' the number hired c. revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit cost divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! d. 01 expense divided b' the total operating expense e. advertising plus agenc' fees plus emplo'ee referrals plus travel costs of applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pa' and benefits divided b' number of hires (d; difficult; p. 1)! The cost per hire is e/ual to _____. a. revenue divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! b. total da's elapsed to fill re/uisitions divided b' the number hired c. revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit cost divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! d. 01 expense divided b' the total operating expense e. advertising plus agenc' fees plus emplo'ee referrals plus travel costs of applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pa' and benefits divided b' number of hires (e; moderate; p. 1)! The human capital value added is e/ual to _____. a. revenue divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! b. total da's elapsed to fill re/uisitions divided b' the number hired c. revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit cost divided b' the total number of full?time e/uivalents (DT;! d. 01 expense divided b' the total operating expense e. advertising plus agenc' fees plus emplo'ee referrals plus travel costs of applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pa' and benefits divided b' number of hires (c; difficult; p. 1)!






$hat metric evaluates retention efforts b' an organization& a. turnover costs b. turnover rate c. cost per hire d. absence rate e. both a and b (e; eas'; p. 1)! Dirms can use the _____ as a benchmar( for the cost per hire metric. a. 6C9 @ob 9bsence 1eport b. ;M9= Cost 4er 0ire 7taffing Metrics 7urve' c. ;mplo'er Costs for ;mplo'ee Compensation 1eport d. 6C9 Turnover 1eport e. Cone of the above (b; eas'; p. 1)! Dirms can use the _____ as a benchmar( for the time to fill metric. a. 6C9 @ob 9bsence 1eport b. ;M9= Cost 4er 0ire 7taffing Metrics 7urve' c. ;mplo'er Costs for ;mplo'ee Compensation 1eport d. 6C9 Turnover 1eport e. Cone of the above (b; difficult; p. 1)! The concise measurement s'stem used b' companies to show the /uantitative standards the firm uses to measure 01 activities% emplo'ee behaviors resulting from the activities% and the strategicall' relevant organizational outcomes of those emplo'ee behaviors is called a(n! _____. a. evaluation s'stem b. 01 scorecard c. appraisal s'stem d. evaluation benchmar( e. annual report (b; moderate; p. 1*! $hen see(ing to improve the wor(ers< compensation cost per emplo'ee metric% human resource managers should anal'ze _____. a. t'pes of in8uries b. in8uries b' department c. in8uries b' 8ob t'pe d. changes in in8uries over time e. all of the above (e; eas'; p. 1)!

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3n which area must 01 managers be proficient in order to perform well in toda'<s environment& a. 01 proficiencies b. business proficiencies c. leadership proficiencies d. learning proficiencies e. all of the above (e; moderate; p. 1*! Marshall wants to report the value of the (nowledge% s(ill% and performance of the organization<s wor(force. To illustrate how emplo'ees add value to an organization% Marshall should utilize the _____ metric. a. revenue factor b. human capital value added c. training investment d. 01 expense factor e. intangible assets (b; moderate; p. 1)! 5f the four categories of proficiencies necessar' for 01 managers% which one refers to traditional (nowledge and s(ills in areas such as emplo'ee selection% training% and compensation& a. 01 proficiencies b. business proficiencies c. leadership proficiencies d. learning proficiencies e. staffing proficiencies (a; moderate; p. 1+! 5f the four categories of proficiencies necessar' for 01 managers% which one refers to (nowledge of strategic planning% mar(eting% production% and finance& a. 01 proficiencies b. business proficiencies c. leadership proficiencies d. learning proficiencies e. staffing proficiencies (b; moderate; p. 1+!






5f the four categories of proficiencies necessar' for 01 managers% which one refers to the abilit' to wor( with and lead management groups& a. 01 proficiencies b. business proficiencies c. leadership proficiencies d. learning proficiencies e. staffing proficiencies (c; moderate; p. 1+! 7usan 0olmes is an 01 manager for a Dortune ).. compan'. The M69 degree she earned prior to ta(ing this position has been helpful to her because it prepared her to better understand the role of strategic planning% mar(eting% production% and finance in creating a profitable organization. $hich categor' of proficienc' has 7usan<s M69 prepared her for& a. 01 proficiencies b. business proficiencies c. leadership proficiencies d. learning proficiencies e. staffing proficiencies (b; moderate; p. 1+! Morgan is particularl' good at sta'ing abreast of new technologies and practices affecting human resources management. $hich proficienc' is Morgan s(illed in& a. 01 proficiencies b. business proficiencies c. leadership proficiencies d. learning proficiencies e. staffing proficiencies (d; moderate; p. 1+! $hich of the following t'pes of laws does not affect the decisions of human resource managers& a. e/ual emplo'ment laws b. occupational safet' and health laws c. labor laws d. advertising regulations e. all of the above affect the decisions of human resource managers (d; difficult; p. 1+!


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_____ set guidelines regarding how the compan' writes its recruiting ads% what /uestions its 8ob interviewers as(% and how it selects candidates for training programs or evaluates its managers. a. ;/ual emplo'ment laws b. 5ccupational safet' and health laws c. 2abor laws d. 9dvertising regulations e. Dairness in ;mplo'ment regulations (a; moderate; p. 1+! _____ set guidelines regarding safet' practices at wor(. a. ;/ual emplo'ment laws b. 5ccupational safet' and health laws c. 2abor laws d. 9dvertising regulations e. Dairness in ;mplo'ment regulations (b; moderate; p. 1+! $hich of the following 01 activities ma' be outsourced to specialist service providers& a. administration of .1 ((! pension plans b. emplo'ee assistance= counseling plans c. retirement planning d. bac(ground chec(s e. all of the above (e; moderate; p. 1-! Companies ma' use a(n! _____ to provide emplo'ees with a single access point or gatewa' on a compan'<s intranet to all human resource information. a. database b. 01 portal c. data warehouse d. 974 e. E12 (b; eas'; p. "1!






9nheuser?6usch streamlined its annual benefits pac(age enrollments b' digitizing and aggregating the former paper benefits reports% electronic spreadsheets% and benefit summaries and providing the materials at a single location on the compan' intranet. 9nheuser?6usch is using a(n! _____. a. database b. 01 portal c. data warehouse d. customer relationship management s'stem e. outsourcing model (b; moderate; p. "1!

True= Dalse +1. +". +#. + . +). +*. ++. +,. +-. ,.. ,1. ,". ,#. , . 7taff managers are authorized to direct the wor( of subordinates and are directl' in charge of accomplishing the organization<s basic goals. (D; eas'; p. *! 0uman resource managers are generall' staff managers. (T; eas'; p. *! 7taff managers are alwa's someone<s boss. (D; moderate; p. *! 3n small organizations% line managers ma' carr' out all personnel duties without the assistance of a human resource staff. (T; moderate; p. *! 0uman resource managers assist in hiring% training% evaluating% rewarding% counseling% promoting% and hiring emplo'ees. (T; eas'; p. *! $hen human resource managers ma(e sure emplo'ees can contest unfair practices% the' are carr'ing out an innovator role. (D; eas'; p. +! The division of human resource responsibilities for line managers and staff managers varies from organization to organization. (T; moderate; p. +! 9s firms see( to (eep costs down% there has been a shift to using more traditional wor(ers. (D; eas'; p. 1"! $ith the aging of its wor(force% 9merica is facing a demographic shift as significant as the massive entr' of women into the wor(force that began in the 1-*.s. (T; moderate; p. 1#! 9s bab' boomers retire from the wor(force% there will be more people entering the labor pool than leaving it. (D; eas'; p. 1#! 1atios are /uantitative performance measures used to assess operations. (D; moderate; p. 1 ! The 01 7corecard is a concise measurement s'stem which shows the /uantitative standards the firm used to measure the effectiveness and efficienc' of human resource activities. (T; moderate; p. 1*! 0uman resource management creates value for an organization b' engaging in activities that produce the emplo'ee behaviors the compan' needs to achieve its strategic goals. (T; moderate; p. 1*! Enli(e other divisions% such as research and development% in an organization% the 01 function is not evaluated on the extent to which it creates value for the compan'. (D; eas'; p. 1*!


,). ,*. ,+. ,,. ,-. -.. -1. -". -#. - . -). -*. -+. -,. --. 1...

The absence rate is focused on more than an' other metric used in an 01 7corecard. (D; eas'; p. 1)! 0uman capital 153 reports the return on investment ratio for emplo'ees. (T; eas'; p. 1)! The revenue factor shows emplo'ees as an expense rather than as capital. (D; moderate; p. 1)! The time to fill metric illustrates the efficienc' of the firm<s recruiting function. (T; moderate; p. 1)! The training investment factor measures the total training cost for all emplo'ees ta(en as a whole. (D; moderate; p. 1)! The acron'm DT; used in man' of the 01 metrics stands for foreign or temporar' emplo'ees. (D; eas'; p. 1)! Turnover rate and turnover costs can both be improved with retention efforts. (T; eas'; p. 1)! 01 should see( to increase the wor(ers< compensation cost per emplo'ee b' eliminating such practices as disabilit' management. (D; moderate; p. 1)! The most important proficienc' of the four highlighted in the text for human resource managers is law proficienc'. (D; moderate; p. 1*! ;/ual emplo'ment laws la' out what a supervisor can and cannot sa' and do when dealing with labor unions. (D; moderate; p. 1+! The 7arbanes?5xle' 9ct is intended to curb erroneous corporate financial reporting. (T; moderate; p. 1,! 6ecause of the 7arbanes?5xle' 9ct % 01 managers must now review and approve a firm<s financial statements. (D; moderate; p. 1,! 0uman resource managers can complete professional certification exams to earn the 7401 or 401 certificates. (T; eas'; p. 1,! 974 is a special wireless technolog' used to s'nchronize various electronic tools li(e cellular phones and 4Cs and facilitate emplo'ee access to emplo'er online 01 services. (D; moderate; p. ".! ;thical issues such as wor(place safet'% securit' of emplo'ee records% comparable wor(% and emplo'ee privac' rights are all related to human resource management. (T; moderate; p. 1,! 01 portals represent a form of outsourcing. (D; moderate; p. "1!


;ssa'= 7hort 9nswer 1.1. $hat are the five basic functions of management& ;xplain some of the specific activities involved in each function. 3s one function more important for human resource management& (eas'; p. ! 9nswerF The five basic functions are planning% organizing% staffing% leading% and controlling. 4lanning activities include establishing goals and standards% developing rules and procedures% and developing plans and forecasting. 5rganizing activities include giving specific tas( assignments to subordinates% establishing departments% delegating authorit' to subordinates% and establishing channels of authorit' and communication. 7taffing activities include determining what t'pe of people should be hired% recruiting prospective emplo'ees% and setting performance standards. 2eading activities include maintaining morale and motivating subordinates. Controlling activities include setting standards such as sales /uotas% and /ualit' standards and ta(ing corrective action as needed. 7taffing is the function most readil' related to human resource management. 0owever% 01 managers actuall' perform all ) functions. 1.". ;xplain the difference between line authorit' and staff authorit'. $hat t'pe of authorit' do human resource managers have& (moderate; p. *! 9nswerF 9uthorit' is the right to ma(e decisions% to direct the wor( of others% and to give orders. 2ine managers are authorized to direct the wor( of subordinates and are directl' in charge of accomplishing the organization<s basic goals. 7taff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals. 0uman resource managers are usuall' staff managers because the' are responsible for assisting and advising line managers in areas li(e recruiting% hiring% and compensation. 0owever% human resource managers do have line authorit' within their own department. 1.#. 0uman resource managers carr' out three distinct functions. 2ist and explain the three functions. (moderate; p. +! 9nswerF The three functions include a line function% a coordination function% and a staff or service function. 01 managers exert line authorit' within the 01 department because the' direct the activities of the people in that department. 01 managers also coordinate personnel activities. 3n the service function% 01 managers assist in hiring% training% evaluating% rewarding% counseling% promoting% and firing emplo'ees. The' also administer benefit programs and help line managers compl' with ;;5% occupational health and safet'% and labor laws.


1. .

;xplain the meaning of the term nontraditional wor(er. 4rovide an example. (eas'; p. 1"! 9nswerF Contraditional wor(ers include those who hold multiple 8obs% or who are contingent or part?time% or people wor(ing in alternative wor( arrangements% or who wor( as independent contractors.


The Enited 7tates is becoming an hour?glass societ'. ;xplain how this change could negativel' affect the labor suppl' and the retirement s'stem. (difficult; p. 1#! 9nswerF The hour?glass metaphor is used to describe a societ' whose population is wider in older residents and in children but thinner for people in the wor(force. $hen drawn% the shape resembles an hour?glass. 9s bab' boomers retire% the shape of the 9merican population more closel' resembles an hour?glass. There are fewer people to ta(e the 8obs that bab' boomers left behind. This creates two problems. Dirst% the labor pool is smaller. This creates more demand for retirees% foreign labor% and 'ounger wor(ers. 7econd% it means that there are fewer people wor(ing and suppl'ing funds to the social securit' s'stem. This threatens the viabilit' of the s'stem funding the retirement of the bab' boomers.


3dentif' five metrics used to evaluate 01 performance. (moderate% p. 1)! 9nswerF There are several possible answers including cost per hire% absence rate% human capital 153% human capital value added% 01 expense factor% health care costs per emplo'ee% revenue factor% time to fill% training investment factor% turnover costs% turnover rate% and wor(ers< compensation cost per emplo'ee.


$hat are the four categories of proficiencies re/uired toda' for human resource managers& ;xplain the meaning of each t'pe of proficienc'. (moderate; p. 1*! 9nswerF The four categories of proficiencies are 01 proficiencies% business proficiencies% leadership proficiencies and learning proficiencies. 01 proficiencies represent traditional (nowledge and s(ills in such areas as emplo'ee selection% training% and compensation. 6usiness proficiencies refer to operations strateg'% strategic planning% mar(eting% production% and finance. 2eadership proficiencies include the abilit' to lead and manage groups. 2earning proficiencies include the abilit' to sta' abreast of and appl' new technologies.



;mplo'ment law increasingl' affects the decisions of human resource managers. Came three t'pes of laws and explain the purpose of each one. (moderate; p. 1+! 9nswerF The three t'pes of laws are e/ual emplo'ment laws% occupational safet' and health laws% and labor laws. ;/ual emplo'ment laws set guidelines regarding how the compan' writes its recruiting ads% what /uestions its 8ob interviewers as(% and how it selects candidates for training programs. 5ccupational safet' and health laws mandate strict guidelines regarding safet' practices at wor(. 2abor laws la' out what the supervisor can and cannot sa' and do when dealing with unions.


$hat are the three main wa's that technolog' improves 01 functioning& (moderate; p. 1-! 9nswerF Technolog' improves 01 functioning through self?service% call centers% and outsourcing.


;xplain the popularit' of 01 portals. (eas'; p. "1! 9nswerF 01 portals provide emplo'ees with a single access point to all 01 information. The' let emplo'ees and managers access and modif' 01 information. The' streamline the 01 process and enable 01 managers to focus more on strategic issues. 6ecause the' provide a single source of information and the abilit' for emplo'ees to update information directl'% the' improve efficienc' for 01 departments.


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