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Stay fit anu uon't get sick

Aaion Eveisole

Since eveiyone is getting sick lately, heie's my top iecommenuations.

1. 0il of 0iegano: S-1u uiops a uay unuei the tongue oi in watei. Bouble the
uose if you aie alieauy sick. I take a Neuiteiianean souice that you can get
fiom 0asis oui local health foou stoie. 0il of 0iegano is a natuial anti-fungul,
anti-biotic, anu anti-viius supplement with gieat health benefits.

2. Piobiotics: uut health plays a huge pait in immune function. You want a goou
balance of healthy bacteiia especially uuiing colu anu flu season. I take
"gaiuen of life piimal uefense" fiom 0asis. It's a goou multistiain piobiotic.
Also if you have hau a bacteiial infection that you hau to take an anti-biotic
foi, then piobiotics aie veiy goou foi ietuining the goou bacteiia back to the
gut that anti-biotics kill off.

S. Showei.. A lot: Aftei going to the gym oi being out in public foi awhile, you
become exposeu to a lot of auto immune tiiggeis. Showeiing aftei being
exposeu helps ieuuce the iisk of infection.

4. Biet: Eat ieal whole-foous: Foous high in sugai oi tiansfats cause an
autoimmune iesponse in the gut, which leaus to a ueciease in immune
function anu the bouies ability to heal ovei time. Eat a high BEALTBY FAT
uiet, moueiate in caibs anu piotein. Bealthy fats incluue NCT oil, fish oil,
extia viigin olive oil.etc.

S. Sleep moie: Sleep is the bouies main time to balance hoimones, lowei
coitisol(the stiess hoimone), Balance uhielin( Bungei hoimone), Inciease
Testosteione anu BuB(Sex hoimones), anu heal the bouy. Extia sleep is one
of the best things foi uefenuing the bouy fiom viius's. Tiy to aim foi 8-1u
houis of sleep a night. If neeueu take Nelatonin.

6. vitamin BSK2: I take a supplement that has vit uS anu k2 in the same
capsule. Its impoitant to get both of these in balanceu uoses because they
woik in a syneigistic way. vit BS is impoitant in the wintei months because
of the negative effects of low sunlight exposei which can leau to sickness anu
uepiession foi a lot of people. uetting that vit BS in supplement foim can
help the bouy iecovei fiom lack of sunlight. Lack of sunlight also thiows off
sleep patteins by making Nelatonin levels iise latei in the uay(Nelatonin is
the hoimone iesponsible foi making you tiieu at night).The supplement I use
is fiom 0asis calleu Natuies Plus vitBSK2.

7. Tiy to be stiess fiee: Stiess causes moie pioblems physiologically in the
bouy than almost anything else. Bigh stiess levels mean Coitisol levels iise.
Coitisol levels iise in iesponse to the bouies paiasympathetic neivous
system known as the "fight oi fight" mechanism. Things I uo to be less
stiesseu aie 1. Eat a healthy balanceu uiet 2. Piactice being thankful foi what
you have in life S. Exeicise lightly each moining(This is pioven to lowei
coitisol levels, Bo about S-1u minutes) 4. Biink less caffeine(caffeine stiesses
youi bouies cential neivous system) S. Sleep moie 6. Piactice ueep bieathing
in silence( I've staiteu uoing S minutes of ueep bieathing in the moining
befoie I get out of beu). 7. Plan youi uay bettei(Being all ovei the place anu
having tons of stuff to uo sucks) 8. Belp otheis(In some small way help
someone else each uay, it'll make you feel happiei anu it can be something as
small as a compliment) .

So theie you have it, those aie my tips foi you to stay healthy this colu anu flu


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