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February 2, 2014

CONTACT (630) 759-2542


Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project celebrates Day of the Immigrant 2012 (Bolingbroo I!" #une 12$% The Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project (SSIP !re!ares to host "Da# o$ the Immigrant% Satur&a#' (une )* at +o,ingbroo- .i,,age /a,,' ,ocate& on )01 23 +riarc,i$$ roa&' $rom 44 a3m3 to ) !3m3 The e5ent was &esigne& to high,ight the contributions' success stories an& cu,tura, in$,uences o$ the immigrant communit# ,i5ing in the southwest suburbs o$ DuPage an& 2i,, 6ount#3 This #ear "Da# o$ the Immigrant% wi,, showcase this message in the $orm o$ a cu,tura, entertainment e7!o an& resource $air3 "Da# o$ the Immigrant% wi,, o!en with an hour8,ong !ress con$erence $eaturing +o,ingbrooMa#or' Roger 63 6,aar' 6ongresswoman (u&# +iggert an& other ,oca, !o,iticians an& ,ea&ers inc,u&ing the Presi&ent o$ Romeo5i,,e 6hamber o$ 6ommerce' +ri&get Domberg3 The !ress con$erence wi,, co5er the im!ortant immigrant issues a,ong with sharing !ersona, success stories3 Immigrant entre!reneurs an& moti5ationa, s!ea-ers wi,, a,so !resent their stories at the !ress con$erence3
&he Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project is a non'rofit organi(ation )e)icate) to em'owering our immigrant neighbors with the tools necessary to become fully engage)" contributing members of the communities that we all call home*

Once the con$erence c,oses musica, !er$ormers wi,, showcase immigrant tra&itions o$ &ance' music an& other cu,tura, art $orms3 The !er$ormances wi,, be he,& in ha,$ hour s,ots s!rea& out throughout the e5ent3

In a&&ition to the !er$ormances' resources wi,, be !asse& out $rom ,oca, business owners coming a,, aroun& the 2i,, an& DuPage 6ounties3 These owners wi,, ha5e &esignate& booths to share the# 6ommunit# members are a,so we,come to !urchase $oo& at the e5ent' which wi,, be catere& b# Shonu$$ 9oo& 6atering' who wi,, be $eaturing their signature barbecue an& com$ort $oo& &ishes3 Fami,ies are a,so we,come to engage in acti5ities such as roc- c,imbing' train ri&es an& tours o$ the ,oca, $ire trucan& ambu,ance3 "This &a# is about ce,ebrating the contributions o$ our immigrant neighbors'% sai& SSIP Director Sheena :au;,arich3 "2e want to show that the &i$$erences o$ our cu,tures ma-e us uni<ue' an& $urther strengthen the bon&s we ha5e as resi&ents o$ the southwest suburbs3% SSIP is sti,, o!en to new s!onsors an& 5en&ors $or the "Da# o$ the Immigrant3% The organi;ation shows s!ecia, interest in high,ighting ,oca, businesses an& non8$or !ro$its that ser5e immigrants3 For more in$ormation 5isit SSIP=s website' ssi!chicago3org or ca,, at >)*301?3@1A@3 The Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project is a non8!ro$it organi;ation &e&icate& to em!owering our immigrant neighbors with the too,s necessar# to become $u,,#8engage&' contributing members o$ the communities that we a,, ca,, home BBB

&he Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project is a non'rofit organi(ation )e)icate) to em'owering our immigrant neighbors with the tools necessary to become fully engage)" contributing members of the communities that we all call home*

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