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Table of Contents Decriminalization of Sex Workers

In this piece, I propose to give perspectives of sex

Editorial 1 workers about their trade. I will discuss the rights of sex
Articles workers as working citizens and the issue of
Decriminalization of Sex Workers 1 decriminalization.
Volunteering 3
Engineering Support by EngineerAid 3 Prostitutes are generally regarded as a social category, as
Campaigns persons who do not adhere to sexual and other
RTI 3 behavioral norms; pitied or despised, they are excluded
Meal a Month 4 from mainstream society, and their lowly and marginal
Organizational Shuffle at AID Delhi 5 position is similar to that of a low caste or minority
Project Updates ethnic group. Due to this outcast status, they are denied
Timarpur 5 whatever international, national, or customary
AID Gurgaon 6 protection from abuse is available to others as citizens,
Nai Disha 6 women, or workers. As a result of this social exclusion,
Khoj 6 prostitutes are vulnerable to exploitation. They are
Prayas 7 ostracized and are treated very differently.
Volunteer Profiles
Manish Agrawal 8 Prostitution is known as the oldest profession in the
world for a reason - it is because it continues to exist,
whether the law prohibits it or not. It is because the
trade is deemed illegal, ignored, and made a crime, that
Editorial it has become deeply associated with organized crime.
By giving sex workers space, recognizing their rights,
Aug 15, 1947 – India asserts its freedom from British and affording them protection, this association can be
Rule. Aug 15, 2006 – India (yet again) on the verge of broken. Further, because of the social status of sex
asserting freedom from clutches of corrupt babus. With workers, often their children etc. who are dependent on
government’s plans to shelve the amendments in RTI them are also left behind in terms of education and
Act, it was a victory of sorts for the Indian citizens who opportunities available to them for the betterment of
have always dreamed of a corruption-free India. It may their lives.
be a small victory but is a significant one. The issue may
resurface after a while (though we hope not) but this For all sex workers, irrespective of whether they are
victory gives us the confidence and the energy to tackle forced into the profession, it is important that sex work
it effectively. It is yet another example of how a few be recognized and given importance as any other form
informed citizens could make a big difference, if they of labor in society. We must recognize that sex workers
choose to. Isn’t that the crux of volunteering too? are, in fact, 'working'. Sex work is the chosen field of
work of some people, and the right to work and
This month saw a big re-shuffle at AID Delhi with new livelihood being fundamental rights under Articles 19
coordinators springing into action. The aim is to and 21 can only be subject to reasonable restrictions.
streamline our activities and work more actively towards The International Labor Organization too accepts that
building a progressive India. Stay tuned for our sex workers must be treated as laborers in the
upcoming Operations Review next month – A must- unorganized sector of the economy. They contribute to
attend for all. the national economy like all others, and must be
afforded the same facilities.
Contributed By: Riputapan
All efforts must be made by the State to ensure that sex
workers are not subjected to abusive living and recognizing rights of sex workers which they should
working conditions and are given the status of be able to enforce. These include the right to safe
ordinary workers. They can then be taxed etc., and can conditions of work; the right to refuse service on
ask for rights,unionize, and generally be in a better grounds of safety, health and hygiene; and the right to
position to fight for themselves against the claim damages for violation of their rights. Although
exploitation and danger from clients etc. present in the all people have the right to equality, sex workers need
trade. While presently those forced into sex work to be specially protected from discrimination in the
because of economic circumstances are equally form of denial of health care, custody of children etc.
victims, they need not be considered so if sex workers Since sex workers are in the high risk group as far as
are given respect as laborers. Once they are recognized the HIV/AIDS epidemic is concerned, knee jerk
as workers, they would be able to get themselves reactions from the state may also tend to proscribe
registered as self employed persons and avail of their rights, and this must be guarded against. With
welfare and medical benefits of all labor schemes. spread of information and voluntary checks, the health
Hopefully, such steps by the state would also pave the of sex workers and their clients can be maintained. For
way for greater social acceptability of sex workers, this too, it is imperative that they have access to
which in turn, would ensure that children of sex hospitals, condoms etc., and have the right to refuse
workers are not turned away from school. sex without a condom.

Sex workers can be given their due status as workers Some argue that mere decriminalization of sex work is
only if prostitution is fully decriminalized. inadequate, and that prostitution must be legalized.
Decriminalization means the removal of laws against The difference between the two is that if the trade is
prostitution, especially from the purview of criminal legalized, the state would exercise greater control and
law. In India, this would mean major amendments to impose restrictions such as licenses or specific areas
the trafficking law, and repeal of Section 377 of the where the trade can be practiced etc. While it may be a
Indian Penal Code. To punish sex workers as better option if enforced efficiently and without
criminals, which the law presently does is absurd prejudice but the experiences of sex workers in India
simply because of the fact that no victims of the crime and the stigma attached to them convey that excessive
can be discerned. Instead, the law must provide for control by the state authorities would only further
adequate rehabilitation of sex workers if they wish to their harassment and exploitation by those in power.
leave the trade, rather than punishing them. Excepting Even where healthcare is concerned, legalization
situations of exploitation and public nuisance, sex might entail punitive quarantine etc., which would go
workers must be allowed to carry on their work against the rights of sex workers as free individuals.
without interference. Legalization in the view of sex workers would thus
perpetuate discrimination against them. Thus, most
There are several advantages in decriminalizing sex workers and their organizations advocate
prostitution. Firstly, since it will no longer need to be decriminalization, rather than legalization. This is
regulated, the resources wasted in uselessly arresting bolstered by the fact that even in countries where sex
sex workers could be more effectively utilized in work has been legalized, sex workers continue to live
preventing traffic and exploitation. Secondly, the on the fringes of society and exploited. While brothel
present harassment and exploitation of sex workers by owners and some sex workers benefit, legalization fails
the police and others would cease, as the police would to secure the economic and personal rights of all sex
no longer have the power to interfere and extort workers.
money and sexual favors from sex workers. Instead, it
would be under an obligation to protect the sex All of this would go some way towards alleviating
workers if molested and harassed by others. Thirdly, it forced prostitution defined as a situation where the
may help in breaking the link between sex work and person engaged in sex work cannot change the
other organized crime. Once it is decriminalized, it immediate conditions of his/her existence, regardless
would be easier to monitor the workers for health of how they got into the work. If the work is
concerns. It might also encourage the sex workers to decriminalized and the society ceases to see it as
be more conscious of their health and go for checks something derogatory, such people would have greater
etc. fearlessly. opportunity to switch to work they find preferable..

One of the components of decriminalization, which is Contributed by: Aditi Mittal

related to sex work being dignified labor, is
The engineers offer advice and expertise online to assist
Article: Volunteering
the development projects or relief operations in the
developing countries.
“Any activity which involves spending time, unpaid,
doing something which aims to benefit someone John Paul McKeown, founder of EngineerAid, says,
(individuals or groups) other than or in addition to “Many organizations in the Third World don’t have the
close relatives, or to benefit the environment.” means or specialist skills required to solve their
This is how most people define volunteering. I would problems, because of a lack of money or resources. Our
first like to appreciate my fellows to take over this engineers can help solve problems by volunteering some
responsibility of volunteering. While thinking one of their time to give advice over the Internet. Volunteer
should ask a question - why should that responsibility engineers are only asked to answer enquiries if they have
come to an individual? The answer to it is simple - time but they find it enormously satisfying because they
responsibility comes with ownership. When one owns a can do something to help.”
thing, they begin to attach some responsibility towards
it. All of us have taken this responsibility because we “Many queries come through aid organizations working
took ownership of it. Now, one should look at the next in particular regions although we also welcome
step after taking the ownership. For example, a person questions from individuals. They could be building a
takes a responsibility to keep the road in front of his hospital or school and have a civil engineering problem,
house clean because he owns that house. This person alternatively, they may be trying to keep a dilapidated
would be a keen onlooker. He would take care that no piece of equipment working or need assistance on a
one throws any waste over there or spits in front of the design project. Our engineers have helped install
house etc., because he knows that if he fails to do so, he computers in a Kenyan school to disaster relief in South
is the ultimate loser as it would cost him the cleanliness Asia and everything in between covering all sectors,
of his own home. Likewise, we come to volunteer with including: health, transport, agriculture, energy, water,
an ownership towards our society, which draws in some sanitation, and construction.”
responsibility from us. After committing to fulfill our
responsibility, if we fail to give it our due efforts, we will All volunteer engineers are accredited by at least one of
be the ultimate losers by losing on our ownership of the the 40-plus engineering institutes worldwide and have
society. Committing might be a relatively easier an average work experience of 10 years.
decision; the real element is sticking to the commitment.
I mean, I may chose to call myself a Volunteer, but if I At EngineerAid we believe that our free services can
fail to take up the ownership of the community/society make a meaningful long-term difference across the
I live in, I fail in my commitment. If we must commit, globe. For more information, contact us at
we must also try to accomplish our commitment at any or visit our site
cost. I hope that all of remain committed for ourselves
and let us aim to do something to have a better society.
Contributed By: Varda
Contributed By: Selva

Campaign: RTI
Article: Engineering Support by
RTI Act attempts to redeem the public their inherent
EngineerAid provides specialist assistance around the Right to Information. The act leverages the right to
world by linking engineering experts with technical seek information on matters concerning public welfare
problems through Internet. EngineerAid promotes the and in attempt makes the government directly
sharing of knowledge across the globe promoting self- answerable to the public. The act could have been a
help to facilitate long-term sustainable development. good tool to track the lacuna in the functioning of the
government, thereby giving them an opportunity to
We have a growing network of over 200 engineers work on the pain points.
from a range of companies including BAE Systems,
BP, and Rolls Royce, who are qualified in a range of With most states passing the law, the opportunities
disciplines and are spread across 22 countries. seemed bright for the citizens who could benefit from
this act, by demanding information on government
policies and the government records. The act empowers Campaign: Meal a Month
the masses by giving them an opportunity to participate
in the day-to-day governance of India, thus making a
sincere attempt to reduce corruption at all levels. Pledge Your Meal a Month Today!
Wherever you are, you can make a difference to lives of
Witnessing the passing of the law was bliss. The millions of underprivileged people in India. AID
stepping stones of the right have been activists such as supports and participates in projects in various spheres
Aruna Roy, Anna Hazare, and various organizations like including education, health, empowerment and rural
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS), Nagrik technology. ( AID's ultra-low
Chetna Manch, and Parivartan. overheads also ensure that the funds are maximally
utilized for the beneficiaries of the projects. In fact,
Proposed amendments to the act diluted the provisions AID has been rated as one of the best charities by the
of the act. The amendments which sought to make only worldwide charity monitoring service.
file notings on social and development issues accessible
to the public met with contentions from the media, At present, funds are most urgently needed to support
NGOs and members of parliament. The amendments AID-Delhi’s Project: Khoj. Khoj - "step towards
are bound to rob the act of its essence, almost crippling change" is a project started by Students of Delhi
it of its promised benefits. University to teach non- formal education to the street
kids. Volunteers from AID-Delhi have joined hands to
AID Delhi lent its voice to the campaign in a big way. support Khoj. These kids during the day time roam
The discussion forums of AID Delhi enlightened the around signals, are mostly beggars and are deprived of
minds and hearts of many enthusiasts, who came even basic amenities. There are around 50 kids being
forward and lent both financial and non-financial taught at the moment. Funds are needed to provide
support to the campaign. food, clothing, medicines and other basic amenities to
these children.
A dharna was organized by various NGOs at Jantar
Mantar where noted activist Sandeep Panday was on Your one act of humanity can bring about a difference
hunger strike. AID Delhi volunteer Rajeshwar was at in lives of these children. Join hands with AID-Delhi
the Dharna for days at a stretch. The dharna saw and pledge support for the cause. We ask you to donate
amazing success, and the zero-rupee anit-bribery notes "one" meal every month for any of the causes / projects
circulated at the dharna were a major hit. AID Delhi on which AID Delhi is working. This will mean a
contributed funds to the tune of Rs. 15000 for the different amount for every individual, for some it will be
support of Dharna. a lunch or dinner at some 5-Star, for some at Pizza Hut
and for some at a roadside dhaba. Though cost of a
meal may be different for everyone, but it holds the
same value for all of us - rich or poor. So, everyone can
participate in this drive. And this is a very powerful step,
considering how many millions of people die of hunger
around the world. This campaign makes everyone
realize the value of the food we get to eat, and in the
long run, help feed the hungry.

Anyone and everyone can participate in this drive.

All you need to do is fill up the pledge form by clicking
“Meal a Month” on and our
volunteers will get in touch with you.
Contributed By: Lippika

Finally, it was victory for the people of India when Errata

government decided not to table the bill in current
session of Parliament. We sincerely hope that RTI Act In the TSR article, it was Bhaskar who tried the TSR
stays undiluted and gives way to a corruption-free India. complaint procedure and not Bhargava as mentioned.
Contributed By: Puneeta, Riputapan The error is regretted.
Organizational Shuffle at AID Delhi in every class. Children request us to visit on Sundays
also. Seeing this, we plan to conduct at least the non-
There has been a recent organizational shuffle at AID formal and fun sessions on Sundays also.
After the class, we play catch-me-if-you-can, tipi-tipi-
• Chapter President: Riputapan Singh (Previously:
tap, oonch-neech, loha-lakkad, and many other games
Mayank Agarwal)
with the children. The favorite of many children is sui-
• Volunteer coordinator: Selva Ganapathy dhaaga.
(Previously: Somendra Chakraborty)
• Fundraising coordinator: Lippika Parwani The response from the MCD staff is also good. In the
(Previously: Ankit Khanna) previous class we took a "dari" with us - in the last
• Publications coordinator: Puneeta Chugh class, the staff had themselves spread a carpet on the
(Previously: Riputapan Singh) floor. They have also started trusting us more and
• Shammi takes charge as overall coordinator for usually ask us to independently lock the premises after
Noida. they leave.
• Pheroza becomes the New Nai Disha
coordinator (Previously: Shammi) However, we have stopped conducting vocational
• Ankita to coordinate Prayas evening class and training sessions for young girls due to the following
Pratyush - the night class. reasons:
• Chirag becomes Khoj project coordinator a. Lack of enough volunteers to teach them skills
b. The girls were not enthusiastic about coming to
(Previously: Selva)
the godown. It being rainy season, we have stopped
conducting sessions of krotia
Anuj, Nishant, Somen and Anirban continue to be the
leading lights for all of us!
We were continuously getting feelers that girls are
learning krotia to enhance their skill-set and not to
actually improve their financial/social standing. So, till
Project Updates: Timarpur the time we gain better understanding of their
expectations from a vocational training program, we
The education initiative at the Patrachar slum do not intend to restart it.
in Timarpur has grown well. We are thankful to the
local councilor who permitted us to use the premises of Meanwhile, we are exploring possibilities of using
MCD godown to conduct the classes. teaching techniques from Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti
(BGVS) and other organizations involved in non-
Initially, we started with a common class for all children formal/alternative teaching practices to introduce
(as was the practice before the availability of godown), concepts to children. If possible, we will try and
but soon realized that with the availability of the conduct a training session from such people for
godown we can segregate students into "formal" and volunteers in all projects. We are also thinking to
"non-formal" sections. The "formal" section includes conduct a health check-up camp at the project soon.
those students who regularly go to school and need help This will be a first formal step to introduce the
with understanding what is taught. This is very concept of health-education and healthy-living to the
important because if this help is not provided, they may children.
lose interest in going to school and may very well drop-
out. The "formal" section is conducted inside the room. At AID level, we feel a need to build a legal or
There are about 15 students in the class. The "non- logistics or some such cell which can help people
formal" section has students who are either too young, resolve their problems related to electricity and water
or do not go to school. We first need to evoke interest bills and other such stuff. This will help us in getting
in them regarding education and schooling. We play more involved in community related activities and not
some games with them, read them stories etc. and try to just education initiative etc.
keep them engaged. There are about 30 students in the
non-formal section. Present set of volunteers include Sudipta, Aparna,
Somya, Mukta, Sherry, Nishant Jain, Nishant Bhaskar,
The community has begun to recognize us and is Vijender Chauhan, Amit Gupta, Nitin Gupta, Anuj
interested in working with us. We have new admissions At present the classes are conducted on Saturdays
from 4:00pm-6:00pm. Timings for Sundays will also The bond between Students and Volunteers reached a
be the same. We invite all the interested people to visit new dimension on the auspicious occasion of Rakhi,
the project and give their inputs. If you are interested when students tied Rakhi to volunteers. Volunteers were
in volunteering or need more details, please write to us equally jubilant on being tied Rakhi by students, which
at or went upto 9-10 per volunteer.
Contributed by: Anuj Grover
We ensured that Saturday computer classes remain
unaffected by the I-Day celebrations. A Test was
conducted recently for Class IV students and many of
Project Updates: AID Gurgaon
them did exceptionally well.

• AID Delhi is happy to announce the successful Since only one computer is working out of the four
official collaboration of AID Gurgaon with computers there, it becomes highly unmanageable for
EVS! the volunteers to give practical classes for a set of 30
• Many members of EVS CSR have started students or so. I urge volunteers (Hardware Engineers)
visiting Mobile Crèches with AID Gurgaon to come forward and look into the matter as school
volunteers. admin is finding it very difficult to afford one.
• Requirement for doctors in Mobile Crèches has
been identified. The volunteer number visiting Nai Disha (atleast once)
• CSR team comprising has identified the doctors has also increased. As most of them are students, we
working in EVS for help. have identified small term plans for them to get
• Various methods have been identified for fund associated with Nai Disha. Volunteers are also being
generation. Collection boxes will soon be placed encouraged to visit Prayas. Present Volunteers: Pheroza
at Evalueserve reception to collect Rs. 50 or , Vipul , Abrahim, Priyanka, Rajat Goel, Rinku , Shammi
more per month from CSR volunteers.
Contributed By: Shammi
• Plans are also on to generate awareness amongst
EVS employees, regarding cleaner environment.
Volunteers have been stressing on the need for Project Updates: Khoj
optimal use of resources, such as electricity and
Activity Highlights
• We are also trying to build awareness on hygiene
and general living amongst housekeeping and • AID Delhi has approved funds for Khoj - Rs
pantry staff and their families. 8000 pm. First installment will amount to Rs.
• Significant steps have been taken to create 9000 (1000 one-time payment). Funding will
awareness on the importance of education of start from the month of September.
their children and to ensure that their children • Provisions need to be made to organize regular
are not bereft of this opportunity. health camps at Khoj. Need for an eye specialist
• CSR team is also making efforts to help organize and dentist has also been felt. It has been
a health check-up camp for them. observed that children at Ber Serai center have
been suffering serious dental ailments owing to
Contributed By: Deepak Syal their poor eating habits.
• The hygiene habits amongst the children
are extremely poor and they are improving very
Project Updates: Nai Disha slowly. Given the conditions in which the
children live - they are very prone to diseases
Independence Day preparations took the top priority and accidents. None of them have been given
last month, as most of students were involved in vaccinations and de-worming tablets so far. One
various cultural events that were suppose to take place health checkup per month thus seems to be an
on 15th of August. The Sponsors were invited for I- indispensable move to ensure the well-being of
Day celebrations at Nai Disha. We also helped the children.
students of Class V to come up with a small Skit based • Khoj is on a lookout for the volunteers who can
on History to enrich the importance of freedom and render medical aid to the kids.
• A new volunteer Sahil has started going to the o Tackle the issue of violence against the
Hyatt flyover everyday (except wednesdays).He children. Nearly all the children of Dilli
is extremely committed and very good at Haat are beaten up very badly regularly by
teaching. the committee member (and one police
• The final presentation for Khoj has been officer). Something definitely needs to be
prepared by Vaibhav Tandon & Divya with done in this respect.
inputs from all. o Discuss a chart of common diseases and
• SMS campaign to get new volunteers was their remedies and preventions in the
launched. Each volunteer sent 10 sms's whose community.
recipient was to send 10 further messages. o Explore whether anyone there is facing or
• Posters for cloth drive and book drive were has faced any kind of physical or sexual
distributed. assault. This is a relatively tough task and it
• An action plan about getting vocational training will need further discussions amongst the
was discussed in detail. team members to arrive at a plan to
• A three month plan was chalked out to ensure achieve this objective.
that everyone’s on the same page to achieve the o Get as many students as possible into the
goals set by the team. This is to: school. The group has already been
receiving good results in this regard.
o Get more and regular funds for Khoj o Introduce vocational training at Dilli Haat.
o Get new committed volunteers who can
teach at Jor Bagh, Hyatt flyover, and Ber
Sarai on weekdays. We have enough
volunteers for weekends.
o Launch a Health Drive ASAP. De-worming
and vitamin tablets need to be distributed.
And also blood tests and vaccinations need
to be done. An eye check up camp is desired
as well.
o Spearhead a clothes drive. Since winters are
approaching in 2 months from now, kids
would soon be needing woolens and
warmers. Also socks and shoes to be
collected. Blankets can be distributed in
o Collect books. A fixed curriculum needs to Contributed By: Chirag
be followed. And children need to be
divided into groups on the basis of their
current level of education. Different
volunteers will then be delegated the
Project Updates: Prayas
responsibility to take care of these different
groups. AID Prayas evening classes started in the month of
o Create awareness in the community about July. The mission of Prayas, evening classes is to
the benefits of education. The team has educate unprivileged girls in the society and make
succeeded so far in this task at all the them aware of their identity and right to live their life.
centers, except Ber sarai and the new centers
Currently, we are a team of six female volunteers
which have come up at Nehru place.
taking classes in the community itself. The classes are
o Ensure a regular attendance at all centers. conducted alternatively, thrice a week. The strength of
Timings of the classes also need to be girls has risen to 23. The response is good. Girls are
increased. keen to study - sometimes they skip the household
o Improve sense of hygiene among children. work to attend classes.
This project is in evolving stage, so we are in process of Volunteer Profile: Manish Agarwal
providing the basic necessities for education and trying
to raise their level of understanding. We are getting
great help from Rahul, Rajat, and Ripu as an experience Manish (AID Delhi webmaster) is doing PhD in
from Prayas, night school and from other projects. Computational Chemistry from IIT Delhi. He has been
Working toward growing education in India, a dear junior to me and Somendra (ex-AID Delhi
Prayas Team: Amita, Deepali, Rakhi,Sonia, Ankita, volunteer coordinator) since he started doing his MSc
Harleen project in the lab, where I finished my PhD in March
2006 and Somendra is on his way to finishing his.
H.E.L.P Updates at Prayas: In an effort to stabilize
the health initiatives at Prayas, additional health and Manish came to know about AID through the
hygiene sessions were conducted by Priyanka. Being the numerous conversations I and Somendra had with him
monsoon season, an interactive session on Dengue: in the lab. We often took his help to tweak the earlier
Prevention & Cure was conducted this month. Most of versions of AID Delhi website and for our research
the children were well aware of the practices to be work. Finally, when Manish finished his MSc in 2005 he
followed for prevention of mosquito breeding and got enough time to focus single mindedly to create a
getting bitten by mosquitoes. Though it seemed some of Content Management System (Mambo) based website
them really didn’t understand why it was necessary to from scratch. He didn’t have any knowledge about
follow these practices. We hope that this will be altered Mambo before he started off but it was his “intel
over future such sessions. inside” (title given by his MSc classmates) instincts
which enabled him to get the website up and running in
about one month’s time in quietest way possible. Since
then he has been a pillar of support for managing AID
Delhi website.

We also administered multivitamin tonic doses to the He has also helped the AID wide IT team with his
children this month. The tonic was given to more wizardry. He continues to be the most reliable resource
than fifty girls and boys of all age groups. We are person for taking care of technical aspects of AID Delhi
trying to regularize the administering of multivitamin website. You name a computer-related problem and he
doses and plan to do the same at least once in a will roll out several solutions to fix it instantly. He is a
fortnight. symbol of inspiration for those who are not from
computer science and still want to leave a mark in that
We have also expressed the need to extend this initiative field. With special powers comes enormous
to other projects in the city and need volunteers to help responsibilities and Manish has always stuck to it.
us make this happen.
Contributed by: Ankita, Priyanka Contributed By: Anirban

Feedback: Web: Phone: +91-9213797167

DONATE TO AID Publications Team
Online: E-transfer to ICICI Bank a/c 602201200299 Editors: Puneeta, Riputapan
By Cheque: Mail cheques in favor of AID-India to :- Designers: Chandan, Puneeta
AID Delhi,c/o R. Selva Ganapathy, Dept. of Chemical Coordinator: Puneeta
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi - 16
Individual views expressed in the newsletter,including those of the editor, may not necessarily coincide with those of AID Delhi

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