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10$ YOUR PART IN T%E LESSONS A. Safety before and after lessons are your responsibility. The pool owners, Mindee and I assume NO responsibility for the safety of your children, your visitors, and/or you. Watch your children and remember you enter the pool-owners property at your own ris . It is your responsibility to inform your visitors of the rules. !. We eep a "ournal of your child#s daily pro$ress in his folder. If you have a specific comment about your child#s lesson, please ma e a note on the pro$ress chart in your child#s folder. %. &ur safety policy re'uires that you brin$ your child to the pool ed$e and hold onto him or her until we have them for their lesson. Then, we will release them bac into your arms at the end of their lesson. This is to avoid a possible accident at the pool ed$e. (o child will be allowed in the pool for any reason, e)cept for the lesson. !efore and after the lessons, your child is your responsibility. *. We appreciate you bein$ involved in the lessons by clappin$ and lettin$ your child now you are pleased with their +hard wor ., -ou will better help your child learn if you clap .or reinforce verbally/ only when you see me verbally praisin$ your child. This will help avoid confusin$ your child. Sometimes what we are loo in$ for durin$ lessons is different from what mi$ht loo $ood to you as a parent. If we, to$ether, show approval for the same thin$s, it will help your child feel successful and increase your child#s chances of correct swimmin$ behavior. 0. 1essons are held 2 days a wee , .M-T-W-T3/. If we have to chan$e the days of lessons for some reason .a holiday, etc./ we will let you now as soon as possible. 4. If possible, please leave other children at home or with sitters. Althou$h we do en"oy the added encoura$ement they can brin$ to the swimmers, it can also ta e away the concentration needed by your child and myself when we are worryin$ about a little one fallin$ in at the other end of the pool .which, believe it or not, has happened before/. So, 510AS0 for their safety, do not brin$ them if you can#t hold them. 6. -our attitude as a parent ma es a difference. We will teach the in-water s ills, you will teach the attitude toward the lessons, swimmin$, water, how to meet challen$es, and dealin$ with new situations. Try not to reinforce the ne$ative. .i.e. +It#s almost over, stop cryin$, or +I now it#s hard,/. 7einforce the positive by tellin$ him the thin$s you saw him do correctly. .i.e. +-es, but I saw you float, pic up a rin$, or $et the wall.,/ 5lease understand the impact you have with everythin$ you do and say, before durin$ and after the lessons. !y eepin$ your statements positive he will soon do positive thin$s for your attention.

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