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Pre-Conditioning exercise

New concept of balance in dynamic stress response Bambang Purwanto

Friday, January 11, 13

Friday, January 11, 13

Human body organization ! function

Friday, January 11, 13

Human body organization ! function

Friday, January 11, 13

Human body organization ! function

Each level has it own balance

Friday, January 11, 13

Human body organization ! function

Each level has it own balance One to another are connected dynamically ! balancing system

Friday, January 11, 13

Human body organization ! function

Each level has it own balance One to another are connected dynamically ! balancing system Function is a result of balancing system

Friday, January 11, 13

Human body organization ! function

Each level has it own balance One to another are connected dynamically ! balancing system Function is a result of balancing system Mall- & dysfunction is result of balancing disorder/ failures ! clinical features

Friday, January 11, 13

Stress: challenge on balancing system

Stress disturb balancing system; if
It meet a new (re-)balance ! eustress Its failed ! imbalance ! distress; if
It is reversible ! compensated Its not ! de-compensated

Response to stress
Acute ! survival & repairing Chronic ! adaptation & conditioning
Friday, January 11, 13

Chemistry Stretch Electrical Reflex

Example: muscle contraction


Membrane depolarization





Ach Ach-R




Troponin C Xanthin oxidase AMPK Cathepsin Calpain Caspase 4

Friday, January 11, 13

Other perspective
Muscle contraction isnt independent mechanism in order to locomotive, but also co- with
Defense mechanism ! prevent myofibril detachment Energy reproduction ! glucose uptake via AMPK & Glut-1 expression Last scenario ! suicide/ apoptosis

Friday, January 11, 13

Muscle contraction: could be danger..?!

Yes, if the balancing system disturb!..
How can we control the radical oxidant effect? How can we sure that Ca is only bound troponin C?

Thats why Allah create!.

SERCA, activated by ATP from energy reproduction ! limit SR Ca release Na/K ATP pump, activated by ATP ! limit depolarization Hsp 27/72, activated by p38MAPK, MAPKAP & akt ! prevent apoptosis & myofibril repair Antioxidant system, as target and neutralize oxidative stress These molecules controls intracellular environment keep in balance
Friday, January 11, 13

Also, supports are given by

Hormone, especially GH ! stimulate akt, prevent apoptosis, muscle repair Macrophage ! cytokine release ! stimulate akt, prevent apoptosis, muscle repair Satellite cells ! pro genitor in situ stem cells, replace & regenerate a new muscle tissue
These are back up plan when muscle destruction occur Distress imbalance redirect to reversible repair
Friday, January 11, 13

Now, are u afraid to move!?

U should not!.. There is another scenario! What if we could increase
the defense stress response fitness capacity & stress threshold

Than, we will able to defense against stress, not only in similar magnitude but also bigger than before
Friday, January 11, 13

Make sure that u always ready!

Pre-conditioning is specific intervention before a truly stress coming Specific intervention
Specific target Mimic with the truly stress

Pre-conditioning let our body adapt to the stress Pre-conditioning needs times, depends on the target
Seconds to minutes Minute to hours Days to weeks
Friday, January 11, 13

Various, depends on it modalities
Physical, exercise, chemistry, medicine, radiation, ionized

2nd bout exercise isnt given any stress as seen at similar 1st bout exercise a week before Allopurinol which is taken orally an hour before exercise increases endurance two fold at maximum stress test 11 minutes of stretching and/ or 5 minutes treadmill (static cycling) reduce muscle injury at maximum stress test
Friday, January 11, 13

Other conditioning evidences!

Regular exercise reduce insulin secretion and increase beta cell survivors Stretch switch Glut-1 facilitated glucose uptake rather than Glut-4 in diabetic rat muscle Its more difficult to induce diabetes by streptozotocin in well trained rats Intermittent hyperbaric therapy increase antioxidant system capacity

Friday, January 11, 13

Pre-conditioning exercise
Goals :
increasing the amount of stress the body can endure before experiencing injury preventing injury because they get the body to become more tolerant of sustained effort

Strength, maintain control and keeps it from stretching to the injury point Flexibility, accommodate more stretching before reaching its limits and tearing Molecular defense: block the XO, increase (hsp27, Glut-1, antioxidant system) expression, !!

Exercise, physical activities Medicines, supplements
Friday, January 11, 13


Exercises used for conditioning

Mimic with the actual stress activity Include these programs
Weight training Aerobic exercise Anaerobic exercise plyometrics

Response are vary

2nd bout with a week interval in anaerobic strenuous exercise More than 30 minutes, 3-5 times a week needs minimum 3 weeks in low intensity aerobic exercise
13 Do not took any NSAIDs such as diclofenac during conditioning programs
Friday, January 11, 13

Exercise! (cont)
High intensity interval exercise induce muscle injury
Needs 4-7 days to recover Satellite cells differentiate to the muscle cells Increase number of muscle fiber Hypertrophy is a result in adaptation to similar strenuous activity

Conditioning is a recovery phase after destruction

Do not pre conditioning with prolonged strenuous exercise
Friday, January 11, 13

Supplements used for conditioning

Specific target, a certain predicted mechanism Dose dependent, time exposure dependent Example:
Allopurinol which is given half until an hour prior increase endurance in strenous exercise ! helps athlete to maintain his/her top perform during competition When allopurinol is given more than hour prior the competition ! muscle lost it strength When allopurinol is taken more than 100 mg, causing abdominal discomfort
Friday, January 11, 13

Supplement & strategy to win

the pre conditioning exercise has done Use it to protect muscle from injury before
having exercise for very first time Joining competition in sport

Strategy in feeding is important key to win

We should check pre treatment data such as
(Resting, maximum and target) heart rate, glucose level (min 2 hours before start), blood uric acid, blood lactic acid Consider to check also muscle injury marker, such as serum CK, sTnI

Creatine, vitamins, allopurinol, !!!

Be careful, use only legal supplements (look at WADA & IOC anti doping regulation)
Friday, January 11, 13


Allah create our body always able to adapt in every condition We must be prepared before stress coming Pre-conditioning exercise is a method to be prepared Please choose your suitable modalities: physical, exercise or supplement Pay attention the protocol, rules & forbidden

Friday, January 11, 13

Become a winner against stress is a must ----the end----

Friday, January 11, 13

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