Directions For Using The HACCP Plan Form

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Heat Treated, Shelf Stable Directions for Using the HACCP Plan Form 1.

Examine your Hazard Analysis form to determine which steps are CC !s and what type of hazard "#iolo$ical, Chemical, or hysical% each CC controls. &. Chec' to see whether each CC is already listed on the HACC lan (orm. )f a CC is not already listed, enter the CC number and step in the column labeled *CC + and ,ocation-. .. (or CC !s already listed on the model form, examine the Critical ,imits listed. )n the HACC lan (orm for some HACC cate$ories there will be se/eral options for Critical ,imits. )f this is the case, choose the Critical ,imits that will wor' best in your plant and cross out, white out, or delete the other Critical ,imits and the 0onitorin$ rocedures that $o with them. )t may be helpful to chec' the *0onitorin$ rocedures and (re1uency- column durin$ your decision2ma'in$. (or CC !s already on the model form, supportin$ scientific documentation is already included in your manual. 3. )f you are addin$ a new CC , you will need to determine the scientifically /alid Critical ,imits to be used with the CC . 4ou must also obtain scientific information supportin$ your choice of Critical ,imits. Consult your inspector or uni/ersity extension specialists for help. 5. Examine the *0onitorin$ rocedures and (re1uency- column for each CC . )f you wish to chan$e the procedure and6or the fre1uency, chec' with your inspector or a uni/ersity extension specialist for help. )f a chan$e is 78, you will need to write down your reasonin$ for ma'in$ the chan$e and include this reasonin$ in your HACC manual. 9. Examine the *HACC :ecords- column. )f you are usin$ different forms for record2 'eepin$ in this HACC lan, please put the correct form title"s% in the *HACC :ecords- column. ;. The /erification acti/ities listed in the *<erification rocedures and (re1uency- column are re1uired by the re$ulation. Howe/er, you may choose to do additional acti/ities= for example, for /erification, beef >er'y samples may be sent to the lab each 1uarter for water acti/ity testin$. 0oisture? rotein :atio "0 :% testin$ would not be necessary to meet HACC re1uirements for >er'y. Howe/er, 0 : testin$ and6or water acti/ity testin$ may be needed to meet HACC re1uirements for other shelf2stable products. )f you do any additional /erification acti/ities, enter them in the *<erification rocedures and (re1uency- column. )f you choose to use a fre1uency for the re1uired /erification acti/ities that is different than the fre1uency shown, you must pro/ide written >ustification for the different fre1uency. Consult your inspector or uni/ersity extension specialists for help. @. Ae su$$est that you ma'e no chan$es in the *Correcti/e Actions- column. #e sure to ha/e a form for documentin$ correcti/e actions that you ta'e. A correcti/e action form is included in this model.

1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&
-. Fermenting
(Snack Sticks, Summer Sausage produced w/ a fermentation step)

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

:sta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! re iew the Fermentation 8og, #orrecti e 9ction 8og, $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og, and pH &eter #a!i"ration 8og once per week. :sta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! ca!i"rate a!! thermometers to a known standard month!2. $hermometers wi!! "e ca!i"rated to ; .% F or taken out of operation as stated in the S63. #a!i"ration actions are recorded in the $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og. :sta"!ishment owner or

Correct#,e Act#o!s
0f a de iation from a critica! !imit occurs, the esta"!ishment owner or designee is responsi"!e for correcti e action protoco! as stated in - #F4, ,/(.3

pH 5.3 achie ed within one of the fo!!owing time !imits ("ased on a constant cham"er temperature). #onstant #ham"er $emp (%F) &a' Hrs (5 )* )* +* )5 ,) -* 33 -5 .) /** .5 /*5 .* //* /) 0n addition, pH must "e reduced to either a) 5./15.. if product water acti it2 wi!! "e *.-. *.-5, or ") no more than 5.* if &34 is 3./ or !ower. 0f product &34 is /.- or !ower, or

Sausage maker or designee wi!! take a product samp!e for pH measurement from each !ot at the comp!etion of the fermentation c2c!e. 5efore remo a! from fermentation, determine comp!iance with the critica! !imit time re!ated to the specified fermentation cham"er temperature. $he pH is measured using S63 for #a!i"ration of pH &eter and 3roduct pH &easurement. $he num"er of product pieces tested for pH wi!! "e determined "ased on !ot si7e, product histor2, recent changes in formu!ation, pre ious!2

Fermentation 8og #orrecti e 9ction 8og $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og pH &eter #a!i"ration 8og




$he cause of the de iation wi!! "e identified and e!iminated. $he ##3 wi!! "e under contro! after the correcti e action is taken. &easures to pre ent recurrence wi!! "e esta"!ished. <o product that

1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&
if product water acti it2 is *.-/ or !ower, no pH standard must "e met "eside reaching 5.3 or !ower within the specified time. o"ser ed ariation, etc.

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

designee wi!! check the pH meter used for monitoring, to erif2 accurac2 "efore each "atch of product is produced. $he S63 for ca!i"ration wi!! "e used and ca!i"ration wi!! "e accurate to ; *./. #a!i"ration acti ities wi!! "e recorded in the pH &eter #a!i"ration 8og. :sta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! o"ser e monitoring of temperature and pH at !east once per month. :sta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! re iew Smokehouse/3roduct $emperature 8og, #orrecti e 9ction 8og, and $hermometer #a!i"ration

Correct#,e Act#o!s
is in=urious to hea!th or otherwise adu!terated as a resu!t of the de iation wi!! "e permitted to enter commerce.

.5 Heat $reatment (summer sausage, snack sticks

Snack Sticks to "e cooked to an interna! temperature of at !east /5*%F for at !east (. seconds, or another pre1 determined 9ppendi' 9 temperature/time com"ination.

Smokehouse operator or designee wi!! take the interna! temperature at appropriate times using a ca!i"rated interna! pro"e or thermometer and/or

Smokehouse/ 3roduct $emperature 8og $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og

0f a de iation from a critica! !imit occurs, the esta"!ishment owner or designee is responsi"!e for

1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&
with fermentn./ 9cidificn. step) Summer sausages to "e cooked to a pre1determined 9ppendi' 9 temperature/time com"ination. <ote that !ess se ere temperature/time com"inations ha e "een a!idated for products with !ow pH. For more info contact Ste e 0ngham (+*)1.+51,)*/ or scingham> re iew smokehouse chart for each !ot at comp!etion of cooking c2c!e and "efore remo a! of product from smokehouse. $he num"er of product pieces monitored for temperature wi!! "e determined "ased on !ot si7e, product histor2, recent changes in formu!ation, pre ious!2 o"ser ed ariation, etc.

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

8og once per week. 6nce per week the esta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! o"ser e the monitoring of process time and temperature. $hermometer ca!i"ration wi!! "e done in accordance with the S63 for #a!i"ration of $hermometer.

Correct#,e Act#o!s
correcti e action protoco! as stated in - #F4, ,/(.3

#orrecti e 9ction 8og

/. $he cause of the de iation wi!! "e identified and e!iminated. .. $he ##3 wi!! "e under contro! after the correcti e action is taken. 3. &easures to pre ent recurrence are esta"!ished. ,. <o product that is in=urious to hea!th or otherwise adu!terated as a resu!t of the de iation wi!! "e permitted to

1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

Correct#,e Act#o!s
enter commerce.

/ . Heat $reatment (?erk2 e'cept 3ou!tr2)

9pp!ication of one of the processing schedu!es "e!ow@ /. Set o en dr21"u!" temperature to reach /(*%F within 3* minutes, and then app!2 one of the fo!!owing wet1 "u!" temperature spikes. a. /.5%F for +* min. ". /3*%F for +* min. c. /35%F for 3* min. d. /,*%F for /* min. $hen dr2 to reAuired dr2ness at a dr21"u!" temperature of at !east /(* %F. .. 3rocess product at a cham"er 0et1bulb temperature and time com"ination at !east eAui a!ent to a pre1determined 9ppendi'

6 en temperature wi!! "e monitored using ca!i"rated smokehouse dr21"u!" and wet1"u!" thermometers.

Smokehouse/ 3roduct $emperature and Bie!d 8og #orrecti e 9ction 8og $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og

Smokehouse operator or designee wi!! erif2 that the wet "u!" wick is c!ean and the wet1"u!" water we!! contains the appropriate amount of water prior to startup. 6nce per week, the esta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! re iew the Smokehouse/3roduct $emperature 8og, #orrecti e 9ction 8og, $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og. 6nce per month the esta"!ishment owner or

0f a de iation from a critica! !imit occurs, the esta"!ishment owner or designee is responsi"!e for correcti e action protoco! as stated in - #F4, ,/(.3
/. $he cause of the de iation wi!! "e identified and e!iminated. $he ##3 wi!! "e under contro! after the correcti e action is taken.

Smokehouse/ 3roduct $emperature and Bie!d 8og


1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&
9 com"ination. 9n 9ppendi' 9 com"ination ma2 "e used with a dr21"u!" temperature pro ided at !east -*C 4e!ati e Humidit2 is maintained throughout the process.

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

designee wi!! o"ser e the smokehouse operator or designee perform the monitoring acti it2. Smokehouse operator or designee wi!! erif2 that the wet "u!" wick is c!ean and the wet1"u!" water we!! contains the appropriate amount of water prior to startup.

Correct#,e Act#o!s
3. &easures to pre ent recurrence are esta"!ished. <o product that is in=urious to hea!th or otherwise adu!terated as a resu!t of the de iation wi!! "e permitted to enter commerce.

#orrecti e 9ction 8og $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og


3. 0ncrease dr21"u!" temperature to reach at !east /(*%F within -* minutes, and then dr2 to reAuired dr2ness at a dr21"u!" temperature of at !east /(*%F. ,. 0ncrease dr21"u!" temperature in smokehouse in /1hour inter a!s to /.*%F, /3*%F, /,*%F, and /(*%F, then dr2 to reAuired dr2ness at dr21 "u!" temperature of at !east /(*%F.

.5 Heat $reatment (pou!tr2 =erk2)

6 en temperature wi!! "e monitored using ca!i"rated smokehouse wet1"u!" thermometers.

6nce per week, the esta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! re iew the Smokehouse/3roduct

0f a de iation from a critica! !imit occurs, the esta"!ishment owner or designee

1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&
Det1"u!" temperature in cham"er must reach at !east /55%F (cured products) or /+*%F (uncured products.

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

$emperature 8og, #orrecti e 9ction 8og, $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og. 6nce per month the esta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! o"ser e the smokehouse operator or designee perform the monitoring acti it2.

Correct#,e Act#o!s
is responsi"!e for correcti e action protoco! as stated in - #F4, ,/(.3
/. $he cause of the de iation wi!! "e identified and e!iminated. .. $he ##3 wi!! "e under contro! after the correcti e action is taken. 3. &easures to pre ent recurrence are esta"!ished. ,.<o product that is in=urious to hea!th or otherwise adu!terated as a resu!t of the de iation wi!! "e permitted to enter commerce.

1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&
2. 3r&#!$ Bie!d pre1determined to resu!t in either@ =erk2 with &34 of *.(5 or !ower and water acti it2 of not higher than *.)5 (air storage) or *.)) (o'2gen1free packaging), 64 non1=erk2 product with a) &34 of /.- or !ower , or ") water acti it2 of *.-.1*.-5 and pH of 5./ 5.., or c) water acti it2 of *.-/ or !ower. Smokehouse operator or designee wi!! determine product 2ie!d (see S63 for re!ating product 2ie!d to water acti it2 and &oisture@3rotein 4atio) for e er2 !ot.

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

6nce per week, the esta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! re iew the Smokehouse/3roduct $emperature and Bie!d 8og, #orrecti e 9ction 8og,. 6nce per month the esta"!ishment owner or designee wi!! o"ser e the smokehouse operator or designee perform the monitoring acti it2. $wice per 2ear (once during warm weather, once during co!d weather), water acti it2 and &34 wi!! "e tested to ensure that product meets she!f1 sta"i!it2 standards (see S63 for 4e!ating 3roduct Bie!d to Dater 9cti it2 and

Correct#,e Act#o!s
0f a de iation from a critica! !imit occurs, the esta"!ishment owner or designee is responsi"!e for correcti e action protoco! as stated in - #F4, ,/(.3

Smokehouse/ 3roduct $emperature and Bie!d 8og #orrecti e 9ction 8og $hermometer #a!i"ration 8og 4esu!ts of 2ie!d and/or water acti it2 testing. &a2 "e part of Smokehouse/3roduct $emperature and Bie!d 8og

/. $he cause of the de iation wi!! "e identified and e!iminated. .. $he ##3 wi!! "e under contro! after the correcti e action is taken. 3. &easures to pre ent recurrence are esta"!ished. ,.<o product that is in=urious to hea!th or otherwise adu!terated as a

1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

Heat Treated, Shelf Stable

HACCP PLAN PROCESS CATEGORY: Heat treated, shelf stable Product exam le: S!ac" St#c"s, Summer Sausa$e, %er"& CCP' a!d Cr#t#cal L#m#ts (o!#tor#!$ Locat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

HACCP Records

+er#f#cat#o! Procedures a!d )re*ue!c&

&oisture@3rotein 4atio)E

Correct#,e Act#o!s
resu!t of the de iation wi!! "e permitted to enter commerce.


1B6&&6B; /ersion. Supersedes all pre/ious /ersions.

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