Intex Aqua Wonder (White)

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Intex Mobile Handsets


Inte !qua "onder #"hite$ is not a"ailable (or &urchase currentl)1 Custo'ers also sho# interest in belo# &roducts1

Intex Aqua Wonder (White)

Brand : Intex ( !e"ie#s$ Seller : I( action is #hat )ou *ust can not +et enou+h o(, the Intex %-ua .onder /SM Mobile Phone 'a0es the ri+ht choice (or )ou1 2his Intex %ndroid &hone, #ith its 1 /H3 dual core &rocessor, 'a0es the (astest a&&lications e"en 'ore en*o)able1 Po#ered b) an %ndroid "411 (5ell) Bean$ 6S, this Intex &hone lets )ou &ee0 into the %ndroid #orld1 7ou #ill lo"e ca&turin+ "i"id 'o'ents in a#eso'e clarit) #ith its 8 MP &ri'ar) ca'era1 6ther (eatures include 2/ and 9/ net#or0, /P!S, :;/:, .i<=i More111

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%roduct &etails
Intex %-ua .onder (.hite$
I( action is #hat )ou *ust can not +et enou+h o(, the Intex %-ua .onder /SM Mobile Phone 'a0es the ri+ht choice (or )ou1 2his Intex %ndroid &hone, #ith its 1 /H3 dual core &rocessor, 'a0es the (astest a&&lications e"en 'ore en*o)able1 Po#ered b) an %ndroid "411 (5ell) Bean$ 6S, this Intex &hone lets )ou &ee0 into the %ndroid #orld1 7ou #ill lo"e ca&turin+ "i"id 'o'ents in a#eso'e clarit) #ith its 8 MP &ri'ar) ca'era1 6ther (eatures include 2/ and 9/ net#or0, /P!S, :;/:, .i<=i, Bluetooth, @SB, .%P, internal 'e'or) o( 11C9 /B that is ex&andable u& to 92 /B, 512 MB !%M, 1800 '%h Di<Ion batter), dual si', /<'ail,and access to /oo+le Pla) Store1

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Intex Aqua Wonder Price in India - Buy Intex Aqua Wonder Online In India


!qua "onder #"hite$ %rice in India5!ppro imate %rice


Specifications of Inte
(a . ) pandable (emory Internal (emory Call records Card slot

!qua "onder #"hite$

@& to 92 /B 11C9 /B

(essa*in* +peratin* System ,ype SMS %ndroid "41111 (5ell) Bean$

(usic %layer (usic -ormat Handsfree Speaker -( Radio Camera Resolution 'ideo -ormat !udio .ack #/.0mm$ 'ideo %layer Camera -eatures =ront Ca'era : 119 Me+a&ixel 8 Me+a&ixel MP4, 9/P, 9/PP MP9

Internet Connectivity Net1ork ,ype /2 Net1ork Supported Sim +ption /SM ;ual Si' /P!S /SM

3attery 3attery 3ackup Di<ion 1800 Mah Batter) 2al0 2i'e:< 915 hrs Standb) 2i'e:< 228 hrs 512 MB

R!( 2%S

&imensions "ei*ht (H$19912 x (.$6 1C x (;$81C 125 +'s

4S3 Connector 3luetooth ,ype

2 of 5

2/2/2014 12:52 PM

Intex Aqua Wonder Price in India - Buy Intex Aqua Wonder Online In India

"i-i 3luetooth

&isplay Number of Colours &isplay Resolution -orm -actor Input (ethod 415 Inches, =ull 2ouch 16 M -H;, C60 x 540 Pixels Bar 2ouchscreen

!dditional &etails
+ther -eatures %udio :-uali3er, Sound !ecorder, :n+lish and Hindi Dan+ua+e Su&&ort, Mobile 2rac0er, 2orch, %uto Call !ecord, Caller /rou&, !e*ect b) SMS, Blac0 and .hite Dist, /a'es, =li& Mute, Screen =ace @nloc0, Proxi'it) Sensor, /<Sensor, Di+ht Sensor, %ccelero'eter Internal 'ibratin* !lert Clock %lar' Cloc0

) pert Revie1
Introduction 2oda), 'ar0et is (looded #ith nu'ber o( bud+et )et (eature rich s'art &hones #ith #ide screen and dual core &rocessor1 2he ne# to enter the band#a+on is the %-ua .onder (ro' Intex1 2his &hone is bolstered #ith bundle o( (eatures #ith user (riendl) inter(ace1 &esi*n and 3uild quality %-ua .onder is one o( the li+htest s'art&hone #ith a 415 inch dis&la)1 .ith the di'ensions o( 6 1C E 81C E 19912 and 125 +'s this &hone is "er) eas) to handle1 It co'es #ith a shin) but non<sli&&er) bac0 &anel1 6ne #ould (ind a shin) 'etal stri& around the sides o( the handset to 'a0e it loo0 'ore stunnin+1 2he "olu'e roc0er is &laced on the le(t hand side #hile the &o#er button is on the ri+ht1 2he @SB cu' &o#er &ort and the 915 '' *ac0 are rested on the to&1 2he (ront is occu&ied b) a 415 Inches, (ull 2ouch -H;, C60 x 540 &ixel dis&la)1 2his screen is decent and res&onds to 'ost touches1 ;ey features and performance 2he hi+hli+ht o( this &hone is that it is &o#ered b) 1 /H3, ;ual Core &rocessor so that one can run resource hun+r) a&&lication s'oothl)1 It runs on %ndroid "41111 (5ell) Bean$ o&eratin+ s)ste' and co'es #ith 512 MB !%M, 11C9 /B o( internal 'e'or) and u& to 92 /B extendable 'e'or) "ia a 'icroS; card1 .hen it co'es to entertain'ent this tablet o((ers the user #ith a 'ulti (or'at 'usic and "ideo &la)er #ith excellent sound clarit)1 .ith re+ards to connecti"it) it tic0s all the ri+ht boxes #ith @SB, :;/:, /P!S, 9/, .i=i, and Bluetooth1 2hus, one can sea'lessl) share, trans(er and store "arious data, i'a+es and "ideos 1 %ccess to internet is also s'ooth1 1 Camera Intex %-ua .onder (eatures a 8 'e+a&ixel auto (ocus ca'era in the bac0 and a 119 'e+a&ixel (ront ca'era (or s'art &hoto+ra&h) and real (ace to (ace chat1 3attery 2his tablet is &o#ered b) 1800 '%h batter) that ser"es the user #ith 915 hrs o( tal0 ti'e and 228 hrs o( standb) ti'e #hich is reall) not i'&ressi"e1 %ros Di+ht#ei+ht bod) excellent #ide dis&la), and dual si' Cons Poor batter) ')R&IC, 6"erall this s'art &hone (ro' the house o( Intex #ins our heart #ith its #ide screen , state o( art (eatures and hi+h end &er(or'ance &ac0ed in a slee0 bod)

"ritten by5 Sa&na /olecha

:x&ert !atin+
+verall Ratin*5 )ase of use5 &urability5 Quality5 -eatures5 &esi*n5 Is this re"ie# hel&(ul? 7es >o ( <0 out o( <= people (ound this re"ie# hel&(ul$

!ll Q>! for this product

!sk ! Question

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Smart phone
;oes this &roduct belon+ to S'art Phone Cate+or)? B) !ohit Pachlor H 18 March 2019 H 2 %ns#er(s$II H %ns#er Auestion ( J $ H !e&ort %buse

.hat is the touch screen t)&e resisti"e or ca&aciti"e? B) %BHIS:K B%!P%>;% H 16 March 2019 H 2 %ns#er(s$II H %ns#er Auestion ( J $ H !e&ort %buse

'ie1 !ll Q > !


!qua "onder #"hite$ Revie1s

see 'oreJ

"rite ! Revie1

Intex Aqua Wonder (White)

2he dual SIM 'obile &hone co'es loaded #ith %ndroid 41111 5ell) Bean 6S and +i"es )ou "er) soothin+ co''unication cu' entertain'ent ex&erience1 It is &o#ered b) a 1/H3 ;ual Core &rocessor #hich is noted (or its s&eed and accurac)1 2he &hone &ac0s 512MB !%M and al#a)s initiate a&&s in a *i(()1 2he dual ca'era (unction o( the &hone (8MP rear and 119MP (ront$ +i"es 'uch #ei+hta+e to the de"ice 'a0in+ it a reall) stunnin+ blo0e1 2he 11149 c' H;<IPS dis&la) +i"es a #hole ne# 'eanin+ ho# )ou #atch contents on the 'o"e1 2he Bluetooth enables &hone also &ac0s other excitin+ (eatures such as .i<=i, /P!S, 'usic and "ideo &la)er, =M radio and +a'es1
!e&ort %buse H .as this re"ie# hel&(ul to )ou?
( < out o( < people (ound this re"ie# hel&(ul$

B) Sourabh Sin*h
Posted on: 14 5une 2019

7es H >o

see 'oreJ

Feature rich phone

Intex %-ua .onder (.hite$ is a (eature rich &hone #ith a #ide 415 inch screen and &o#er(ul &rocessor1
!e&ort %buse H .as this re"ie# hel&(ul to )ou?
( < out o( < people (ound this re"ie# hel&(ul$

B) Rahul Shah
Posted on: 0C %&ril 2019

7es H >o

Read !ll Revie1s

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11 Mobile Batteries< >e# li(e 21 Mobile Phones< 2rend setters 91 Mobile Char+ers< Kee& the batter) ali"e 41 Bluetooth< .ireless #orld 51 Mobile Handsets< Per(ect 'obile co''unication de"ice

People Activity
11 %'it Pande) added this &roduct in Dist1 21 Din+a' Sel"a added this &roduct in Dist1 91 Salee' !eshi added this &roduct in Dist1 41 Srini"asa %n*ana&&a added this &roduct in Dist1 51 %'ar*)oti Ka0ati added this &roduct in Dist1

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