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Micromax Bolt A27 (Black)

Brand : Micromax 48 !e"ie#s$ Seller : Coce%t &nternational )ccom%anied b* se"eral a#e+ins%irin, -eatures( the recentl* unleashed Bolt )2. -rom Micromax is nice o%tion -or those #ho are cra"in, -or sensibl*+%ri More///

COD Available '(999 Earn 133 Naaptol Rewards/PAYBACK Points

Shipping Charges: 99 onl*/ arrant!: 12 Months Standard Manu-acturer 0arrant*


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Micromax Bolt )2. Blac9$
)ccom%anied b* se"eral a#e+ins%irin, -eatures( the recentl* unleashed Bolt )2. -rom Micromax is nice o%tion -or those #ho are cra"in, -or sensibl*+%riced touchscreen handset/ :ou #ill locate a %er-ect blend o- )ndroid 4in,erbread and 1 4H; %rocessor( #hich thus o--ers *ou s#i-t do#nloadin, o- *our -a"orite a%%s and -iles and alon,side o--ers ,alactic %rocessin, o- those do#nloaded -iles and a%%s< &cin, on the ca9e( built #ith S#i%e =n= Share -eature cou%led #ith 8lash >rans-er technolo,*( the ne# Bolt )2. lets *ou share or trans-er -iles to and -rom other de"ices ?ust b* s#i%in, *our hand across the screen< @ot onl* this( but also the %hone #ould lure *ou #ith its 253 MB !)M and 512 MB !AM that can be ex%anded u% to 13 4B i- necessar*/ )t the to% notch( its '/5 inches >8> BCC touchscreen and 1455 m)h batter* renders a#e+ins%irin, results in terms o- dis%la* and bac9u% res%ecti"el*<

Related ,ideo

'i"roma( Bolt A-. /Bla"#0 Pri"e in *ndia:31222


Spe"i3i"ations o3 'i"roma( Bolt A-. /Bla"#0

'a() E(panda&le 'emor! *nternal 'emor! Call re"ords Card slot 2% to 13 4B 135 MB


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'essaging 5perating S!stem 6!pe

SMS )ndroid "2/'/5 4in,erbread$

'%si" Pla!er '%si" 7ormat Hands3ree Spea#er 7' Radio Camera Resol%tion ,ideo 7ormat A%dio 8a"# /3)9mm0 ,ideo Pla!er Camera 7eat%res Multi+shot Mode( Doom + 8x( 0hite Balance Mode Ci,ital Camera '4P( MP4 M&C&( MP'

*nternet Conne"ti$it! 6C46 4P!S 4SM

Networ# 6!pe 3: Networ# S%pported Sim 5ption

4SM Cual Sim

Pro"essor Batter! Batter! Ba"#%p 1 4H; Bi+ion 1455 Mah Batter* >al9 >ime:+ 4 hrs 24$ Standb* >ime:+ 235 hrs 24$ RA' :PS 253 MB

;SB Conne"tor i7i Bl%etooth :es( micro 2SB( "2

+ispla! N%m&er o3 Colo%rs +ispla! Resol%tion 7orm 7a"tor *np%t 'ethod '/5 &nches( >8> BCC 35E HF4)( '25 x 485 Pixels Bar >ouchscreen

Additional +etails
5ther 7eat%res S#i%e Sharin,( &ntuiti"e >ext &n%ut( &nternational Call( Mer,e Call( S*nc Contact( )udio !ecorder( Foice &n%ut( M+li"e

*nternal ,i&rating Alert Clo"# )larm Cloc9

E(pert Re$iew
*ntrod%"tion Someone has ri,htl* stated that the &ndian handset se,ment has been cro#ded b* a %lethora o- bud,et oriented nati"e tech manu-acturers/ A- the lot( there are a "er* -e# that ha"e a remar9able name in the industr*/ Ane such handset "endor is Micromax #ho is constantl* s%lashin, the bud,et tech mar9et #ith man* launches/ >his reno#ned com%an* has launched so man* o- )ndroid handsets that countin, and includin, e"er* name became di--icult( and increasin, this %roblem Micromax has launched the brand ne# )2. or -ull* is named as Micromax Bolt )2./ Most o- %eo%le thin9 that lo# %hone renders %oor %er-ormance( but this case doesnGt a%%l* here at least/ Po#ered b* ,alactic %rocessor( the %hone ensures incessantl* s#i-t %er-ormance/ &cin, on the ca9e( this %hone -eatures Micromax S#i%e GnG Share #ith 8lash >rans-er technolo,* that allo#s *ou to share *our content -rom one de"ice to another b* sim%l* s#i%in, it across the screen b* usin, an ad+hoc 0i+8i net#or9/ So( sta* connected to *our #orld/ +esign and B%ild <%alit! !ecentl* un"eiled( the Bolt )2. has been build and desi,ned "er* nicel*/ &t has ,ot ,ood desi,n and made in such a #a* that it seems to be in @in?a series/ >he #hole bod* is made u% o- %lastic and the bac9 %anel has dots %attern %rinted on #hole to ensure the ,ri% o- user/ >he desi,n is ,ood and the sil"er stri% is noticeable #hen seein, -rom side #hich ma9es the de"ice %remium/ An the -ront %anel( the %hone -launts a '/5 inch 8/89 cm$ >8> screen and the

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2/2/2014 12:57 PM

Micromax Bolt A27 Price in India - Buy Micromax Bolt A27 Online In ...


ca%aciti"e touch 9e*s -or tabs( home( return and search #hich ha"e de-ault )ndroid -unctionalit*/ >he color combination and densit* has been maintained to 359 and the bri,htness is also ,ood #ith ri,ht amount o- saturation/ &n sunli,ht *ou ma* -eel %roblem as it is HF4) dis%la*( and *ou need to set *our handset at hi,her bri,htness to see the stu--s inside the dis%la*/ An le-t( *ou #ill -ind the Folume !oc9er and on to% there is an audio ?ac9 and a micro2SB slot/ Bac9 %anel o- the )2. is "er* nice #hich %resents "el"et touch alon, #ith dot %atterned %ro?ection #hich 9ee%s the ,ri% o- userH the %anel consists o- a F4) camera and s%ea9er ,rill located side b* side and brand name %rinted at lo#er side/ ;ser *nter3a"e )2. ,ot the )ndroid 2/' 4in,erbread installed b* the com%an*/ :ou #ill ,et the decent %er-ormance and -ast o%eration on #hole 2&/ Micromax has added some o- the custom Bi"e #all%a%ers and renders *ou some o- the com%an* a%%s #hich reIuire data usa,e/ >he dialer and 9e*board is o- mediocre Iualit*( since *ou can re%lace them a-ter #ards #ith other custom 9e*boards or dialers< Per3orman"e >al9in, about the hard#are o- )2.( it has the 1 4H; %rocessor built on S%readtrum SC3825 chi%set and 253 MB !)M #hich is enou,h to carr* on the usual tas9 and ,i"es the "ideo su%%ort u% to 485%/ )lso( the %hone comes #ith internal memor* o- 135 MB and 512 MB !AM/ :our memor* reIuirement can be -ul-illed b* the ex%ansion slot o- microSC u% to 13 4B/ 8urthermore( the %er-ormance o- )2. is ,ood as 9ee%in, the %rice in mind/ :ou can do all the causal tas9s and run almost usual a%%s that are o- ,reat utilit* -or %la*ers or ,amers/ Since the ,amesG %er-ormance is alri,ht i- *ou %la* causal ,ames li9e )n,r* Birds or other ali9e/ But #ith the lo#er !AM a"ailabilit*( *ou cannot install lar,e number o- a%%s/ )lso( *ou #ill -ind that bro#sin, throu,h the internet is mediocre due to absence o- '4 and it la,s #hile ;oomin, in %a,es as #ell/ Cli"#er Camera is a"era,e as it is F4) so *ou cannot ex%ect more #ith it/ But #ill allo# sa"orin, all the )ndroid 2/' de-ault camera o%tions and -eatures/ Micromax has ,ot the Multi+shot mode( Doom+ 8x and 0hite Balance Mode to enhance the camera/ >he Iualit* o- still shots #ith this camera is a"era,e and ob"iousl* the "ideo recordin, is also not a%%ealin, at 15 -%s and #ith 345 x 485 %ixels resolution/ &n lo# li,ht condition( it doesnGt e"en deli"er mediocre results due to absence o- B6C -lash/ Batter! =i3e Aut-itted #ith 1455 m)h batter*( the ne# Bolt )2. %romises to render incessant %er-ormance -or lon, hours #hen -ull* char,ed/ :es( the %hone can easil* lasts u% to 4/5 hrs in tal9 time mode and u% to 235 hrs in standb* mode/ Con"l%sion A"erall( Micromax Bolt )2. is Iuite decent %hone a"ailable at as9in, %rice/ Since the %er-ormance decreases on lo#er %rice( but )2. contains more -eatures and %resents ,ood %er-ormance accordin, to #hich it is %riced/ So( i- *ou ha"e lo# bud,et and huntin, -or )ndroid %hone then o- course it is -or *ou/

ritten &!: Cee%i9a Ehatri

6x%ert !atin,
5$erall Rating: Ease o3 %se: +%ra&ilit!: <%alit!: 7eat%res: +esign: &s this re"ie# hel%-ul= :es @o >? out o- .1 people -ound this re"ie# hel%-ul$

All <@A 3or this prod%"t

As# A <%estion

Upragadable or not
&s it u%,eradeable or not= B* B)BB2 F6!M) J 51 Cecember 251' J 1 )ns#er s$KK J )ns#er 1uestion L$ J !e%ort )buse

Which is better
& #ant to bu* an android %hone so %lease tell me #hich is better in Earbonn )3 or Micromax bolt )2. = B* Srimonta Halder J 58 Actober 251' J 8 )ns#er s$KK J )ns#er 1uestion L$ J !e%ort )buse

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'i"roma( Bolt A-. /Bla"#0 Re$iews

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Micromax bolt a27

!ecentl* & ha"e %urchase this/ & #ould li9e to tell *ou that & *ou #ant to %urchase a cell %hone/ So ,o -or it because i- & tal9 about Micromax bolt series/ So in this series/ Micromax bolt )2. itGs so cool/ >here is all the -eatures li9e *ou #ill -ind in smart %hone and no# there is onl* one thin,/ &ts %rice itGs too less/ & donGt thin9 so in this %rice *ou #ill -ind this t*%e o- cell %hone/
!e%ort )buse J 0as this re"ie# hel%-ul to *ou=
1 out o- 1 people -ound this re"ie# hel%-ul$

B* N*SHAN6 :;P6A
Posted on: 2' @o"ember 251'

:es J @o

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Micromax Bolt A27

>his is a smart%hone at "er* a--ordable %rice/ Cesi,n is ama;in,( and comes #ith 1,h; %rocessor and android 2/ ' ,in,erbread installed *ou #ill ,et the decent %er-ormance and -ast o%eration on #hole ui/

B* Rah%l Hippar#ar
Posted on: 55 @o"ember 251'

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!e%ort )buse J 0as this re"ie# hel%-ul to *ou=

A out o- A people -ound this re"ie# hel%-ul$

:es J @o

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