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Association for India’s Development August 2009

Delhi Chapter Newsletter

Table of Contents Editorial

Editorial 1
It’s always a privilege for me to write an editorial
Project Updates and meet you all through AID NCR’s newsletter. After
AID Aashayein 2 a short break in newsletter we are again back with the
AID Gurgaon 3 summary of the work done. The updates from the
AID Jaagriti 6 coordinators will give you a clear insight about the
AID Prayas 7 happenings at the projects. While Jaagriti, Prayas,
Jamghat 8 Parichay and Jamghat are doing well Aashayein with it’s
Parichay 9 revived energy with a set of enthused volunteers are
redefining their path while Gurgaon guys have got
Children’s Corner enormous volunteers about whom Munish have
mentioned in the updates. This newsletter also presents
esjh dgkuh & jk?kk dqekjh] 10 a painting from the painting competition conducted at
project Aashayein, Jaagriti and Gurgaon on the occasion
My Painting - Prince 11 of Independence Day, in an event called Udaan, in
collaboration with a web based company mywebera. An
Volunteer Speak – Robyn 12 inspiring story by Radha from Parichay adds up value to
this edition. Radha is so passionate about teaching and
Article one day she’ll be one of the best teachers in her locality.
Should a Delhiite dump his/her car Apart from our regular projects, AID NCR also had
and switch to public transport – Anuj 13 events organized by its volunteers for the I am No Lab
Rat campaign to generate awareness among the people
about the adverse health effects of GM foods. A Brinjal
Photo of the Month 14 festival at ST microelectronics is something to mention
about and there were movie screenings organized by
Contact us 14 volunteers in different colleges as well. Please do visit
the site to learn more about the
same. There are more such events on the pipe line.

AID NCR also has spread across the NCR and

now supporting projects going on at Munsiari. The
recent funding for the solar lighting of village at
Munsiari kick started the collaboration. Along with this
AID NCR would also soon consider supporting the
educational initiatives by community women at
Bhalaswa village in east delhi. AID NCR signed an MoU
with Evalueserve to work towards a target of admitting
a minimum of 500 children to formal schools by 2010.
With all the on going efforts and new volunteers
strength we think it can be achieved with ease. We also
had a tree plantation drive along with Kalpvriksh at
Navakriti school a couple of weeks back.

But this is not all, a teacher has been appointed at
As we are compiling the newsletter after a break, I’ve Aashayein who will be taking 2hrs classes from Monday
not discussed about any particular issue at the editorial to Friday. Children have been divided into 2 batches
but from our next issue onwards, we’ll be having a according to their age- senior group (7th to 10th class)
focused editorial. and junior group (3rd to 6th class). The teacher will join
September is a happening month with a lot of festivals from next week.
following. I wish our readers advance wishes for Id
and Dusherra. The next big event on the Aashayein activities
calendar for the month of August was the Independence
Also we’ll soon have a new team taking over the Day celebrations. On 15th August, amidst rain and
responsibilities of AID NCR and will contribute to patriotic fervor, the national flag was hoisted and songs
grow the organization to newer heights of “desh-bhakti” were sung. The main focus of the event
was the Udaan- Painting competition sponsored by
Happy Reading MyWebera. Along with that various competitions were
Selva organised like Independence Day Trivia, Leader
+91-9891358457 Recognition Competition. The event ended with distribution of refreshments and kites.

Project Updates: AID Aasahyein


On the occasion of Independence Day, we took

"Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, the opportunity to release Aashayein blog. It is an
Sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon initiative to connect better with people.
...must inevitably come to pass"
-Paul J.Meyer
And so was the case with Aashayein in the Volunteer meet happened as usual. Everyone was
month of August when after months and months of filled with ideas and plans for Aashayein. Due to newly
planning and strategizing, with the ceaseless efforts of found friendship and a great rapport between the
the volunteer team, those plans bore tangible results: a volunteers we now have a great team that works together,
freshly painted new room complete with electricity celebrates together. This is the 3rd consecutive month
supply and the fittings, blackboard, models made by where we have collected MEAL A MONTH. The
children. collections are increasing every month.
Regular weekend classes were taken by University Awareness Drive is one of the major
Volunteers but with a new agenda. Saturdays are now ventures of Aashayein starting from 28th August
dedicated to dance, music, art classes. On Sunday, onwards. Screening of AID’s 5th Anniversary video
Audio Visual aids are being used to teach varied subjects along with Aashayein’s video will take place in association
like Human Anatomy, India’s map etc. with Pravah. Street plays will be done by volunteers in
the respective colleges. Posters and Flyers will be put up
Dance classes have got a heartening response in colleges. Along with that T-shirts and Handmade bags
from the children which was evident from the will be sold by our volunteers.
reluctance everyone displayed in ending the class and
halting the music beats. To the foot tapping numbers, On the Cards is our plan to raise funds through Candle
the children were instructed in basic dance exercises and and Diya making for Diwali. Volunteers and children
various positions with a few elements of jazz dance together will make them. Along with that various other
thrown in. items will be sold in attractive packing to corporate and
women’s club.
Same goes with Sunday classes. Children are
excited and eagerly responding to Audio-visual classes.

A picnic to Rail museum is also planned for the
month of September. We have planned to celebrate Nutrition Program
birthdays of children and volunteers together on the last It started in Disha on the lines of Unnati, and
Sunday of every month to strengthen the bond between programme is now running on regular basis. Children
our team. and Teacher, coordinate among themselves for the
smooth running of this programme.
Also, here is the link of Aashayein video made
by Anirban. A great video that bought smile on our RSEP
faces and took us down the memory lane. All the children admitted under this programme
rejoined the school In July .A big setback was Sanayak, who dropped out in between from Pallavan, as per her
grandparents he went to his home town in Bihar.
Progress of the children is being checked regularly by
Project Location: Timarpur ( 10minute walk from the volunteers. There have been few challenges with
Delhi University metro station ) these children, but volunteers are trying to motivate the
children their parents and are meeting the teachers in
Regular Class timings: the school for tracing the progress of these children.

Weekdays – Mon – Fri: 5:00 – 7:00 pm Tracking sheet of Progress of Children at Disha
As per the understanding reached between AID
Weekends - Saturday: 4:30 pm -6:30 pm - Gurgaon and AID-Atlanta, it was agreed to give a
monthly progress tracking sheet of the children at
Sunday : 11:00 am – 01:00 pm Disha. This was a requirement for the funding
assistance for AID-Atlanta. Rohit Gupta (McAfee) took
Regular volunteers: Anandita, Deboshree, Nikita, over this task voluntarily and has submitted one report,
Srishti, Manoj, Swastik, Neelu, Harpreet, Prachi which was posted on website also. He is working to
develop a model which is easy, simple and credible. In
New volunteers this month: Nikita, Srishti, Ritu between as backup Swati Sinha (Law Student, Final Yr)
had volunteered for this task, she is observing this
Contact Information: Prachi Aggarwal – 9811462868 model and is working closely with Rohit for better
Prachi Aggarwal
Independence Day Celebrations I-Day was celebrated with lot of joy, excitement
at Disha .Children from both schools gathered at Disha
+91 -9811462868. along with volunteers, teachers and few visitors.
National Flag was hoisted and National Anthem was
sung with pride. There was lot of performance by
Project Updates: AID Gurgaon children which was a great learning for the fellow
children and for volunteers also.
Corporate Collaboration Creativity Classes
AID – NCR took initiative to share a vision with These classes are run by Robyn, who is one of
Evalueserve, to mainstream a minimum of 500 our International volunteers have been regularly coming
underprivileged children in to regular schools. A on the Tuesdays and have come with a ART PLAN,
memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed which shall serve the purpose to guide interested new
between Evalueserve and AID –NCR, whereby EVS volunteers to join in these classes . The plan will be
had assured volunteers and committed funding to AID finalized soon and shall be published on the website.
projects across NCR region to help achieve the target.

Health Initiative Skill Building Programme for Girls
“If problems are interconnected so shall be the Sewing classes were started at Unnati a month
solutions” Team Guragon had a detailed discussion on back by Literacy India .As of now there are Six sewing
this aspect and came on the conclusion that apart from machines and 12 adolescent girls .The response have
Education and Nutrition, child health should be the been very good and there is very good scope to scale
component our strategic efforts towards mainstreaming this programme.
of these children . Further this was felt imperative when Community Connect
few our RSEP children felt ill and missed their classes Among Gurgaon AIDers it’s popularly known
for one whole week .We are planning to work out this as “Basti Visit “. This is being done on regular basis on
with some hospitals in Gugaon and would soon come Sunday evenings. Objective of these visits are constantly
up with a plan on this . re-discovered and achieved by volunteers.
Out Reach Efforts Purpose of these visits is:
Bradley Gamage, Sapient-UK Director and • To get connected with the community.
Directors of UK Health Services visited AID – • Win their confidence
Gurgaon projects and were amazed to see the
performance of the children and humbleness of our • motivate them to send there children to school
efforts. They had great time at school and amused the • make them realize the importance of education
children by their magic tricks .We plan to take this
association with Sapient to higher levels, for which Recently we had few international volunteers joining us
volunteers are constantly following up. Prachi (Project on these visits.
Aashayien) and me also accompanied to the slum areas IT Updates
where these children live .Ruhi an international It was a grueling month for the IT team as we did a lot
volunteer also helped visitors to show around . of fine tuning of our website and had a lot of things to
Volunteers have been working regularly to reach report to our well wishers :-)
more and more corporate for Volunteers, resources and For the past few months, we have been trying hard to
funds for new and existing projects in Gurgaon. As a make our website more users friendly and informative.
result few corporate representatives had visited us and
have appreciated our efforts and looking forward to Some key updates are:
work with us. Also some corporate had requested us to > AID Gurgaon volunteer opportunities were posted
give a presentation at their offices. on various web classifieds.
Volunteers are very excited to start a new > Volunteer experiences, project updates, pictures,
project in Gurgaon and have been regularly doing slideshows and much more were posted on AID
ground surveys and community surveys in different Gurgaon website regularly.
location in Gurgaon. Once team finds some new > New features like facebook fan box, volunteer
committed volunteers to manage these projects these registration link, contact us form, projects map and tell a
will be started with no scope for delays. friend have been added.
Adult Literacy > Updates were posted on social media like orkut,
This program was started with an object to facebook, twitter and various other community portals
facilitate the Adolescent boys who work throughout the to create mass awareness about our work.
day and are willing to study in the evening and are > Google analytics has been very helpful in
interested to learn computers. The project is in trouble understanding the shortcomings of our website and we
due to lack of volunteers to monitor it on daily basis have tried to rectify them as and when time permitted.
and basic infrastructure .We expect to get furniture As a result of our online efforts, we have got a decent
from AT Karney very soon next month. Also talks are number of volunteer requests via internet in spite of
on with another corporate company to get few substantial downtime of AID Gurgaon website due to
computers, so that this project could be accelerated and server problems.
expanded. Also lack of proper modules and an We hope to keep all our well wishers informed about
experienced teacher is major challenge faced by this our work regularly in the future as well, so please keep
programme. We are still open to NAME this project.. visiting our website (

Our Web coordinators Anirban, Puneet and During one his visits Rohit shares “I learned that a right
Sanchit are never short of ideas, and are passionate to blend or resources and guidance can take these children
volunteer in this way. They infact set a model in to new heights. I learned that it’s important to be in the
volunteering and show the flexibility of options to right place at the right time. If we can ensure this
volunteer with AID. Just one need to donate is his/her synchronization for these children, they will fly on their
little time! own. They gave mementos to cherish of my own past, a
New Volunteers updates! food for thought to reorganize my relationships and the
This month good number of volunteers came motivation to come again. I offered them a bird and
forward and showing there commitment and desire to they fetched for me two from the bush!! “
make this society more inclusive and share this vision Smita Singla
with us. An Engineer by profession and works with Floor
However it was observed that its something lacking on Denial. Smita is very passionate about seeing the change
our part that we are not able to retain these volunteers around her…..positively.
.We are have initiated a volunteer management plan She have been accompanying on Community Connect
where we will decide the proper volunteering modules and have is working to play an active role in Publication
which can give an ease to volunteering considering the team of Gurgaon.
grueling work pressure on the volunteers working with She feels “Every single moment I spent with those
corporate in Gurgaon. Also we strongly feel personal children and their parents was an experience for me. I
commitments also should not suffer on weekends, so could see a twinkle, a joy in their eyes. They felt wanted
this way we need some innovative to work out with and cared for. I thanked God for providing me with an
such volunteers. opportunity to do my bit for these disadvantaged angel-
Following are the new volunteers:- like souls. We think sometimes that poverty is only
Dileep: being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of
Works with Evalueserve as Research Associate and has being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest
been working with fellow AIDers on all Saturdays and poverty. We must start in our own surroundings, our
Community Connect on Sundays. He is actively own cities to remedy this kind of poverty….The
participating in discussion with community people and combined efforts of millions of concerned citizens
closely monitoring the Adult literacy programme. He could do wonders to help the impoverished.”
keep on motivating adolescent and adult men working Swati Sinha
in his company and business centre, who work as A final year Law student in Delhi she lives in Gurgaon.
guards, housekeeping, and office boys to add value to Swati has been volunteering since June. She bring along
there work by acquiring technical skills . with her a charm that engages all children in Unnati , to
Gauri Mathur such a level that children forget all other voluntees
A Psychology student studying in Noida she present there. She prepared children on song “Ek din
volunteered during her summer vacations at Unnati. She mitjaya maati key mol, jagg mein rehjayenge pyare tere
have been working on the English literacy of children bol” which inspires not only children but we volunteers
and worked very hard with full commitment during her also. She aspires to work with UNICEF later in her
vacations .She now comes intermittently as most of the career.
time she is in hostel in Noida. Aastha Chalana
Rohit Gupta An Engineer by profession she works as Research
An Engineer by profession he works with McAfee as a Associate with Evaluserve.
Software Engineer. Aastha joined AID through the CSR cell of Evaluserve
Rohit enjoys the analytical work in his profession and and had actively participated in the Independence Day
choose the similar volunteering activity in AID Gurgaon celibrations. She is very keen to work on Out Reach
also. Endeavour’s of AID_Gurgaon and looks forwards to
He volunteers every Saturday at Disha, where he works work on it.
to track and analyze the progress of the children. Recently she posted her experiences in the “Volunteer
Rohit feels that "Educating a child today is equivalent to speak “on website where she says
uplifting a full family in the next generation”.

As they say, life is too short to do all. But Sangarsh Seva Volunteer Visit frequency –Roles
Nirman can anyways be carried through out one’s life. Dilip Kumar Regular-Cordinates Unnati
In order to work on these lines I decided to join hands (Comverse) Project and Nutrition
with AID Gurgaon for this noble cause. The idea of Programme.
getting involved in the AID team was to interact with Shankar Kumar (Hero Intermittent –On Community
the potential population (young children) who is directly Honda) Connect and Events
benefited through it.
In this age of neck to neck competition, mad race of Anirban Mudi Regular- Remotely works on
earning money, fame and respect. I always used to (University of Web Cordination
wonder if there are some people who actually think Calgary,Canada )
anything over and above themselves. But after meeting Bittu (ConstructionIntermittent –Out Reach
the team my views got transformed. I met some great Suprivisor) Efforts and Local Village
people, who if not more is as enthusiastic as I am. I was Support Cordination.
more than surprised to see the spirit of the members Aashish Kumar Regular –at Unnati ,conducts
and their way to interpret things. I came to believe that (Maruti Suzuki) Dance clases
there is no dearth of good people around us, the art to Robyn (International Regular –On Tuesdays –
have an eye to see them, spot them. As every one of us Volunteer) Executes Art Plan
is either studying or works to earn our own living, but Sukrit Chopra (HR - Intermittant
after joining the team I realized something very special. Consultant)
It is that we have not come to this mother earth just to Puneet Sharma Regular-Remotely handles the
do any job, but we have come here to provide our (Aricent Technolgies) web cordination and the
services to the society. Everyone in the team contributes Financials of AID –Gurgaon.
to the maximum of his/her capacity. The level of Anshul Sachdev Offline -Due to Personal
cooperation is very mature among the mates. (AT Karney) Reasons
According to me, when we help people or work for
them, we in turn help ourselves. The rewards we get are
beyond obvious and tangible. We develop as a person Munish Duvedi Regular-Cordinator AID –
and a human being. So according to me my contribution (Quintiles Gurgaon
to society is more my own progress and happiness. I Transnational Corp.)
shall keep my up all my sincere efforts to work the max
I can. Munish Duvedi
Varun Jain
An Engineer by profession works with an overseas +91-9999623000
commodity trading firm.
He joined us first time on ORM and is willing to work Project Updates: AID Jaagriti
with publication team and modules development team
of Gurgaon.
Prateek Vijayvergia Project Updates
Software Engineer by profession and working with The month of August was very exciting for the
Royal Bank of Scotland in Gurgaon. Jaagriti children as well as the volunteers. Many new
Prateek while sharing his first view at AID-Gurgaon volunteers have joined up and are very actively
that involved community visit was a mixed-bag. He felt taking part in all the activities. Following has
sad to see that so many people live without proper happened at Jaagriti in August 09:
shelter (forget electricity) in such conditions but at the 1. Arts Classes: The classes, started in July 09, have
same time he was pleased and motivated to find that been really going on well, with the Children
even in those small basti's (slum-dwelling houses) the showing a lot of interest to learn new drawings,
children were so eager to learn.
shapes and about usage of different colours. The
He very keen to work in educating chlidren and look
forward to work on it.
volunteers take 2 hour classes every Saturday with
Other Volunteers of AID –Gurgaon around 35-40 children. For pictures of the classes,

please visit: Project Updates: AID Prayas
sesAtJaagriti?feat=directlink The month of August was very significant for
2. Independence Day Celebrations: Project AID-Prayas .We celebrated "Independence Day" in a
Jaagriti celebrated Independence Day with a lot of very nice way .The whole event was very well planned
activities, including singing, flag hoisting, balloon and executed by Raj & Linkan. Both took the lead with
competition, painting competition etc. For many support from all others .Each child was excited about
Children, it was the first time they got to know 15th August and they worked hard along with
about the significance of the day and why and how volunteers to perform different activities like Song
,Dance etc .We were privileged to have Nai Disha
we celebrate it. And for most of the volunteers also,
Founders (Capt. Jaiswal & Col. Jeeta ram ji ) ,Principal
it was the first time they had celebrated the and teacher with us on the event .The entire Prayas
Independence Day in such a manner, with true family did a wonderful job to make the event a success .
spirit of contributing towards the welfare of the
nation. At the painting competition, children 15th august is always an inspiring day for all of us
displayed their arts skills, learned during the arts but for AID-Prayas it's special, since 2007 .The
classes and came up with wonderful paintings on celebration of 15th august 2007 at Nai Disha inspired us
the two themes “I love my India” and “Draw as you and the aspiration from there lead us to produce the
like”. At end, total 5 winners received lunch boxes result s and bring us to a position whatever we are now.
and drawing books. The competition was And 15th August 2009 inspired us in a way that our team
sponsored by Mywebera. decided to make a robust plan of opening a school for
For pictures of the Independence Day, please visit: under-privileged by 15th august 2010.
Our different classes for different batches
are running satisfactory .Three batches are catered in the
Events planned in next month :
evening, night and weekend class, and the best part is that all the volunteers are doing their part exceptionally
s9cdk well. One major development has been “Charu our
most dedicated volunteer" took the charge of children
Project Location : Dwarka. in the next year batch i.e. "fresher’s batch" along with
other volunteers. Now the situation of crisis which
Regular Class timings: click here to learn more existed after the departure of our full timer Abhinash is
resolved for this batch :) .
Regular volunteers: Aayush, Aditya, Abhishek,
Anchit, Ankit, Debashish, Gaurav, Joy, Kshitij, We had a parents meet to understand their
Manish, Nishit, Rahul, Rajeev, Saurabh, Vivek. issues and children who are not going to govt. school
can be admitted .We are going to admit rest of the
Contact Information Anchit Goel - 9818115226 children into govt. school with the help of volunteers
very soon .
Anchit Goel
Our last year and this year batch children (around 25-30) are doing good into the school .From
last month we have arranged a school bus for them
+91- 9818115226 which is becoming helpful for them to be regular at
school. Raj is taking activity classes for these children on
weekends and Anant has started computer classes

Apart from all above we’ve divided some key Rotary Club came to celebrate Independence Day with
responsibilities within the executive committee for the children. It all started with the national anthem sung
better functionality of our work i.e. posts like by children. They organised a painting competition and
Volunteer coordinator ,Community coordinator, also gave kites to the children to decorate the area.
Event coordinator ,Project coordinator has been created There was a prize distribution ceremony as well.
and assigned to key volunteers .
Live on Campus, a website portal for the University
students also did a small event with us. They taught
Events planned in next month : Teacher’s Day yoga and meditation to the children. It was followed by
celebration, Id Celebration, some dance and origami. Children just loved making
different things with paper.
Project Location : Sector -15 & Sector – 16, Noida.
We also had 15-20 volunteers from Taiwan who spent
Regular Class timings: Click here to learn more few hours with children at outdoor shelter. They played
games with the children, danced and sang songs. They
Regular volunteers: also taught children a song in their native language. It
was fun.
Volunteers with Freshers batch :-
Charu,Daisy,Nirmala,Megha ,Anvita,Sonika We have volunteers from abroad who spend time with
Volunteers with Eureka batch :- children, teach them and play with them. They try their
Charu,Akanksha,Dileep & Shweta hand on teaching alphabets and numbers which children
Volunteers with Senior batch :- learn at an instant. They also teach the children to draw
Raj,Rajiv,Sugandha,Linkan,Gaurang,Gaurav, Anant and paint which children enjoy the most!
& Darshan
Prayas Executive Committee :- Night walk has always been a thrilling experience. We
Vikas,Anand,Raj,Rajiv,Selva & Darshan did a night walk with an NRI group from US called
Treasurer :- Anand INSPIRE. There were around 25 students who came
with us on this trail to Old Delhi. They had a learning
There may be many people whose names might not be experience.Also we had a Night Walk with volunteers
mentioned in the list above but Prayas is doing good and general people to make them aware about the
because of each volunteer’s contribution. miseries people face while living on streets.

New volunteers this month: Shweta, Nirmala Events planned in next month : Id Celebration,
Contact Information Rajiv – 9811981809
Project Location : Ladoo Sarai [2 shelter homes] &
Darshan Mehra Jamma Masjid
+91-9818361122 Regular Class timings: Any day and anytime

Regular volunteers: Suchita

Project Updates: Jamghat
New volunteers this month: NIL
Jamghat has seen a tremendous growth in the
past and is still on uphill. It is constantly being Contact Information Amit Sinha - 981870715
supported by its volunteers across the globe.
Leaders for Tomorrow, a unit of Lady Shriram
College made a visit for compassion at our indoor +91-9811656740
shelter. Around 7-8 students came in and taught thumb
painting to these children. They distributed story books,
games and clothes as well. They spent a lot of time and
had a blast with the kids.
Project Updates: Parichay Prizes will be distributed to those who
demonstrate exceptional knowledge. Parichay
also plans to involve such children in the
awareness program.

Parichay (Main Center) Highlights: 1. Vijay Bhaiya plans to organize a workshop at

Parichay on August 31 for interns and children
1. Monthly Sale at STM: Rs. 9675 who are keen to contribute to the project for
mentally challenged. Some community people
2. Independence Day was celebrated at Parichay who have shown interest to work on this project
with great enthusiasm. The whole program was will also attend the workshop. The objective of
planned by senior children and women of conducting the workshop is to orient children,
Swayamsiddha Mahila samooh. Delicious lunch interns, and community people on how to
comprising Chana masala, Aloo dum, masaal interact with the targeted schools for the
Kachori, veg biryani, boondi raita and shahi awareness program.
toast was cooked by senior children and
community women for more than 140 children Gyanodya Updates:
and community people. Children from
Gyanodaya were also present to celebrate the 1. The literacy classes are catching up fast at the
day. Flag hoisting was followed by cultural new centre. 22 students have been regularly
program presented by children. Kites were attending the literacy classes, being organised by
distributed among the children at the end of the Haseen, who is now studying in class 8th.
2. 3 students have been admitted to the local
3. Preparation for Deepawali stalls have begun at government school.
Parichay. Children are busy preparing torans and
other handicrafts items. Diyas, gel candles, 3. Parichay organised a meeting with community
greeting cards, and other gift items will be ladies on August 23. They requested Vijay
available for all our supporters. This year, we Bhaiya to start a livelihood program, similar to
plan to introduce Parichay-made chocolates as one that is being run at Parichay. We plan to
gift packs. introduce embroidery and handicraft unit for
such ladies. A second meeting is being planned
Project for Mentally Challenged: in the next month.

2. A 3-days awareness program was conducted by Events planned in next month : Teacher’s Day
Vijay Bhaiya in a local Public school near celebration, Id Celebration, Roza Iftar party & Dusherra
Parichay. Bulbul and Rai Singh accompanied
Vijay Bhaiya to the program. They engaged Project Location : Tukhmirpur, Bhajanpura.
school students in several group activities to
inform them about various types of disabilities, Regular Class timings: Any day and anytime
and how such children need to be dealt with.
Aids like flip charts etc were used for Regular volunteers: Puneeta
presentation of concepts.
New volunteers this month: NIL
3. Parichay will organise a poster making
competition on August 31. Prizes will be Contact Information Vijay Bhaiya – 9810753425
distributed to the winners of the competition
and the selected posters will be utilised to Puneeta Chugh
generate awareness in other schools.
4. Parichay plans to organize a short Multiple
Choice Questions (MCQ) session for children to +91- 9891217839
ascertain their awareness level on issues related
to mentally challenged children. 9 does).
Children’s corner

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Ldwy esa dc fy[ksxkA eSa dc cM+s vkSj vPNs ls Ldwy esa i<w¡xhA eSa viuk
liuk dc iwjk d:¡xhA eSa gj fnu ;gh lksprh jgrh Fkh fd eSa vius iSjksa esjs ikik eq>s fnYyh ys vk,A eSa ogk¡ ij lc ls feyhA eaS fdlh dks
ij dc [kM+h gks ikšxhA cgqr le; chr x;kA ,d fnu eSa Qwyksa ls [ksy tkurh ugha FkhA blhfy, eSa pqi jgrh FkhA tgka ij ge jgrs Fks] ogha ij
jgh Fkh] rHkh esjs cM+s HkbZ;k us dgk jk/kk Ldwy esa uke fy[kkvksxhA Ldwy ,d i<+kbZ dk lsUVj FkkA ogk¡ lc ‘kkafr ls i<+rs FksA ,d ckj eSa f[kM+dh
dk uke lqurs gh eSa mNy iM+hA EkaSus dgk& ^^g¡k&gk¡ D;ksa ugha! blh fnu ls >kad jgh FkhA rHkh ljth izkFkZuk djkus vk,A eq>s f[kM+dh ls >kadrk
dk rks eSa bUrtkj dj jgh FkhA** ns[kdj dgk] ^^vki dk ;gka uke fy[kk gS\** EkaSus dgk] ^^ugha!**
HkbZ;k us dgk vPNk rks pyks vHkh ds vHkh uke fy[kkrs gSaA Ldwy esa x, ljth us dgk& ^^rks ;gka D;k dj jgh gks vius ?kj tkvks ?kj dk dke
vkSj uke fy[kk;kA eS jkst i<+us tk;k d:¡] dqN eghus i<+kbZ esa è;ku ns[kks! vxj ;gka vPNk yxrk gS rks dy ls vkuk ‘kq: dj nksA**
yxk vkSj fQj i<+kbZ ls eaS nq%[kh gks xbZA D;ksafd tSlk eSa pkgrh Fkh oSlk
dqN Hkh ugha FkkA eSa lksprh Fkh fd lqcg mBdj ugkdj Ldwy tk;k eSa ogka ls pyh vkbZA nks rhu fnu ckn esjk uke mlh lsUVj esa fy[kk
d:¡xh vkSj NqV~Vh gksus ij ?kj ij cSB dj i<+k d:¡xhA fn;k x;k ftldk uke Fkk& ^ifjp;*A
vkSj gksrk D;k Fkk------ dqN fnu ckn esjs ikik us esjk uke cM+s Ldwy esa fy[kk fn;kA ogk¡ ij
lHkh ,d tSlh Mªsl esa vkrs FksA gj dke iwN dj djrs Fks vkSj dqflZ;ksa ij
lqqcg gqbZ dke esa yx tkvks( Ldwy dk Vkbe gks rks pys tkuk vkSj NqV~Vh cSBrs FksA
esa ?kj vkvks [kkuk [kkvks] ?kj ds dke dkt esa yx tkvksA fQj D;k FkkA
u rks i<+ ikÅ¡ vkSj u gh [ksy ikÅ¡A cl dke esa yxh jgw¡A dqN fnu eaS cgqr [kq’k FkhA pkj ik¡p efgus gh gq, Fks fd esjh fdlh ls Hk;adj
ckn esjs ikik vk x,] eSa cgqr [kq’k gqbZ esjs ikik vk x,] esjs ikik vk x,-- YkM+kbZ gks xbZA pkj&ik¡p fnuksa ls esjs cMs+ HkbZ;k vk, gq, FksA muls ;s lc
-- iwjs xk¡o esa eSus Madk ctk fn;kA ,d fnu eSaus ikik ls dgk& ^^eSa Hkh ns[kk ugha x;k blfy, oks eq>s xk¡o ys x,A tc eSaus fnYyh esa uke
‘kgj tkÅ¡xhA eSa i<+uk pkgrh gw¡A eSa viuh ftUnxh esa dqN cuuk pkgrh fy[kk;k Fkk rc esjk uke Ist Class esa fy[kkA eaS xk¡o xbZ rks ogka Hkh
gw¡A** esjk uke nqckjk ls igyh d{kk esa fy[kk x;kA igyh d{kk ls eSaus rhljh
d{kk rd dh i<+kbZ eSaus xkao esa dj yhA
^^Bhd gS**& ikik us dgk ys pyw¡xkA eaS cgqr [kq’k] bruh [kq’k fd Hkw[k gh
u yxs] esjs isV esa ;gh xqnxqnh eprh jgs fd eaS vc ‘kgj esa tkÅ¡xh vkSj pkSFkh d{kk esa vkus okyh Fkh fd esjs ikik vk x,A eSa xkao esa pkSFkh d{kk esa
<ax ls i<+kbZ d:¡xhA tc esjs ikik fnYyh vkus ds fy, rS;kj gq, rks eSaus tk jgh Fkh exj ‘kgj esa uke fy[kk;k rks fQj ls nwljh d{kk esaA
viuh HkkHkh ls dgk esjs u, diM+s fudky nks eSa Hkh vius ikik ds LkFk
tkšxhA eSaus nwljh d{kk dk uke lquk rks ,slk yxk iwjh i`Foh gh iyV xbZ gSA eaS
cM+h Hkh Fkh] vxj fdlh Hkh cM+s bUlku dks bruh esgur djus ds ckn Hkh
HkkHkh cksyh& ^^rqe dgha ugha tkvksxh] rqe ;gha jgksxh esjs lkFkA** dqN u feys rks dSlk yxsxkA
eSaus vius ikik ls dgk fd HkkHkh ,sls&,sls cksy jgh gSA lkjh ckr crk eaSus rks le>k Fkk fd vc eSa dHkh vkxs ugha c<+ ikšxhA esjk i<+kbZ esa
nhA esjs ikik us dgk& ^^lgh rks cksy jgh gSA vxj esjs lkFk tkvksxh rks fcYdqYk eu ugha yx jgk FkkA ifjp; esa esjs ljth us eq>s le>k;k fd
rqEgkjh ns[k Hkky dkSu djsxkA** i<+kbZ D;k gksrh gSA ljth fdLls dgkfu;k¡ lqukrs x, vkSj eq>s lc le>
esa vk x;k fd i<+kbZ ls D;k&D;k gks ldrk gSA mUgkssaus esjh ftUnxh esa
^^eSa [kqn viuh ns[kHkky dj yw¡xh**& eaSus dgk& ^^rqe ys ds rks pyksA** vk’kk dh fdj.k txkbZ vkSj eSa eu yxkdj i<+us yxhA
ikik us dgk& ^^ugha rqe ugha tkvksxh] rqe ;gha jgksxh HkbZ;k ds lkFkA eS blh esgur ds dkj.k eSa viuh d{kk esa izFke vkus yxh vkSj vkrh jgww¡xhA
rq>s dgha ugha ys tkšxkA**
eSa vius ljth ls ok;nk djrh gw¡ fd bl thou esas t:j ,d fnu
eSa rst&rst jksus yxhA esjs ikik tkus yxsA oks HkbZ;k ds lkFk tk jgs Fks vkleku Nwdj fn[kkšxhA ;s esjk ok;nk gS vius ljth ls vkSj [kqn esjh
cl vM~Ms dh vksjA ftUnxh lsA
HkbZ;k ikik dks lkbZfdy ij ys tk jgs Fks eSaus ns[kk fd oks rks tk jgs gSa A & jk?kk dqekjh] d{kk & 7
eSaus Hkh Bku yh fd eSa ‘kgj t:j tkÅ¡xhA eSa Hkh ihNs&ihNs Hkkxus yhA
Children’s corner

My Painting: Prince

Name : Prince Kumar

Project : Jaagriti, Dwarka

Event : Udaan – Painting competition on the occasion of Independence day in

collaboration with MyWebEra.

Volunteer Speak: Robyn

Every Tuesday morning at Disha the children

and I get creative and messy with all sorts of art
materials. It’s always lots of fun and we teach each
other English and Hindi along the way. They continue
to think my attempts at Hindi are hysterical (as do I) but
are very encouraging and I have noticed week by week a
steady improvement in their English so well done to
their teacher!!

Something else that I’ve noticed is how much

natural talent these children have when given some
materials and a topic. A couple of them in particular
blow me away every week. This has motivated me to Once the walls are full (which wont be long) I’m
come up with a plan/guide for these sessions the aim of going to get some folders that can be used to give them
which is to help me and any other volunteers who come each a portfolio of their work. It should be a good way
along to ensure that the classes have some structure and of seeing their progress over time too.
a whole variety of techniques and materials are shown
to the children. We will also have a theme each month The best thing of all is to see them have fun
that we’ll work around (eg solar system, plants, animals, each week, spend time with them, get incredibly messy
weather, food, countries). It’s still to be finalised but with them and learn together. We always have a lot of
hopefully will be helpful long term. laughs!

This month we dedicated one session to

Independence Day and they proudly held up their final
product for a photo at the end of the class (a slightly
chaotic but fun tradition we have at the end of each and
every class!!)

Next month we’re planning to do some printing,

paper folding and focus on the topic of countries. Wish
us luck!!!

Robyn Lister
We also put together the first Disha art
“newsletter” for them to take home to their parents. It
contains photos of things they have created during the
sessions and they decorate it before taking it home. A
lot of the art they make has gone onto the walls in the
classroom so this way their parents get to see it also.

Article: Should a Delhiite dump his/her 5. Delhi Metro - even if crowded - is
car and switch to public transport – Anuj comfortable because of A/C coaches... People don't
mind standing in A/C coaches for fast travel... If A/C
Grover buses are introduced on the corridor, it would make the
travel much more convenient... The low-floor DTC
buses are also comfortable, but AC buses would
The Times of India had thrown open a blog to increase the comfort... The travel in such buses would
record what people wanted to say about the possibility also be pollution free and therefore healthier...
of people dumping their cars in favor of public
transport on the BRT corridor. I felt that smart people 6. Delhi Metro is preferred mode of transport because it
would definitely prefer the switch... Here is why :-) connects the most congested parts of the city... BRT
-------------------- should be implemented in the congested regions of the
I think Delhi people are smart... city and its utility will become more than evident...
The success of Delhi Metro in converting 7. Delhi Metro has been expanded to mesh around the
people from car travellers to users of public transport city... Similar exercise should be done for BRT... If
can be replicated..If we look at reasons why people public transport across the city is fast, people would not
switched from private cars to public transport, we mind changing buses to reach destination because they
notice a few pertinent things: will get end-to-end fast connectivity...
1. Petrol and fuel prices are sky-rocketing... People want 8. Delhi Metro is a good example to prove that people
to cut down their cost of living in times of such switch from private transport to public transport... I
inflation... They are looking for alternatives personally have very high hopes with BRT... This
despite the fact that there is some teething troubles at
2. Driving on Delhi roads is a night-mare... If you drive the moment
to office and take about 1 hr in one side commute (quite
normal), then by the time you reach office, you are tired Anuj Grover
enough to not be able to contribute fruitfully for at least
another 30-45 minutes... And if by chance you meet an +91-9910013387
accident on the way (again scratches are quite
commong), forget about making good use of about 1-2
hrs... This article of Anuj was written on May 2008.
3. Delhi Metro offered fast travel... Speed of buses in
BRT will be very good (since as newspapers report, the
BRT corridor is almost vacant).. This means, that
commute time through buses would also reduce...

4. Delhi Metro offered predictable travel time... This

was significant gain when compared to traffic-jams
ridden road travel... With the advent of BRT, we do not
expect to see traffic jams in that corridor... So the public
travel will become more predictable than private
transport... So, DTC can come up with time-tables of
their buses - when a bus would reach a particular stop
etc (just like done by BEST in Mumbai and public
transport fleets in other countries)... Natural logic would
mean, people would switch..

Photo of the Month

The smile says it all. Volunteers and Children of AID Unnati at Gurgaon.

Feedback: Web: Phone: +91-9818248459

Send your Cheques to
Selva Ganapathy.R
Department of Chemical Engineering, Publications Team : AID Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology,
Delhi - 110016
Hauz Khas
Phone: +91-9891358457, +91-9818248459


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