Cara Setting TP Link Wa601g1

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Cara setting TP-LINK TLWA601

Setting Access Point dengan Merk TP-LINK seri TL WA601 G, : Setting Client, ( !date "erik tn#a tentang AP " at $ots!otan% 1& '"a$ IP ko(! ter( (en)adi dengan s "net (ask *++&*++&*++&0 cara (eng "a$n#a : contro, !ane, -- net.ork connection -- Loca, Area Net.ork -- !ro!erties -- T/P0IP -- !ro!erties *& 1 ka .e" "ro.ser ke( dian ketik (ini IP de2a ,t 3adio terse" t% dan (as kan ser : ad(in, !ass : ad(in

4& Pi,i$ (en wireless ke( dian !i,i$ asi! setting 5& Pi,i$ c,ient dan (as kan SSI6 dan MA/ #ang anda (aks dkan, a!a"i,a anda "e, ( #akin dengan na(a SSI6n#a anda "isa (encarin#a , to("o, s r7er #ang "erada di !a,ing "a.a$ (en , na( n se"e, (n#a !er, di ingat nt k (e(i,i$ "#ti"n !lient ter,e"i$ da$ ,

+& k,ik to("o, s r7e#&

6& K,ik to("o, connect

8& Ke("a,i ke a.a, (en dan centang !i,i$an re"oot, ke( dian k,ik to("o, sa7e&

Me(" at 9ot S!ot dir (a$ dengan Access Point TP-Link TL-WA601G

Me(" at $ots!ot (engg nakan 9P Nokia N:+ sa#a "isa konek ke Internet di r (a$, Peralatan $ 1& Acces Point TP-Link seri TP-WA601G *& Ka"e, 'TP ;3<5+ 3. K"%#&ter'La#t"# (ang a)a LanCar)n(a Langka$-,angka$n#a : 1& /o,okan ka"e, 'TP dari radio ke Ko(!i0La!to! 2. Mas&* *e +a)i"n(a 4& 5& Isi IP Ko(! ter = IP Address : 1:*&16>&1&* S "net M sk : *++&*++&*++&0 ?K dan /,ose

+& 1 ka 1ro.ser Internet, isi Address : 1:*&16>&1&1 (enter% 6& Isi 'ser : ad(in

8& Pass.ord : ad(in Setela, %as&* *e ra)i", )i %en& se ela, *iri !ari $ >& Wire,ess :& 1asic Settings 10& Ganti SSI6 (isa, @Pai)o 9ot S!ot AreeB 11& di Access Point = centang Cna",e SSI6 1roadcast 1*& centang 3e"oot 14& Sa7e 15& T ngg "ooting "e"era!a saat 1+& /o!ot ka"e, 'TP di ko(!i

16& /o,okin ke s ("er internet (isa, Sa!id# Persona, 18& Searc$ dengan S(artP$one, P6A, La!to! dan sia! 1ro.sing 1>& Se,esai 2. C,ange t,e LAN IP A))ress "- t,e Wireless +e#eater T$e de2a ,t LAN IP address o2 TL-WA+01G0TL-WA601G is 1:*&16>&1&1& So i2 t$e LAN IP o2 t$e re(ote AP or .ire,ess 3o ter is 1:*&16>&1&1 too, #o DEd "etter c$ange t$e LAN IP address o2 TLWA+01G0TL-WA601G to a7oid IP /on2,ict& T$at is, i2 t$e LAN IP o2 t$e re(ote AP or Wire,ess 3o ter isnEt 1:*&16>&1&1, #o donDEt need do an#t$ing in t$is ste!, !,ease ski! to neFt ste!& Ste# 1$ ?!en t$e .e" "ro.ser and t#!e t$e LAN IP address o2 t$e ro ter in t$e address "ar, t$e de2a ,t IP address o2 TP-LINK ro ter is 1:*&16>&1&1, and t$en !ress .nter&

Ste# 2 T#!e t$e serna(e and !ass.ord in t$e ,ogin !age, t$e de2a ,t serna(e and !ass.ord "ot$ are a)%in in , case&

Ste# /$ /,ick Netw"r* on t$e ,e2t, c$ange t$e LAN IP address in t$e IP A))ress 2ie,d& T$en !ress t$e Sa0e " tton to re"oot t$e Access Point and Cna",e t$e ne. IP address& N"te$ T$e IP address s$o ,d "e in t$e range o2 t$e sa(e s "net .it$ #o r .ire,ess ro ter& T$e S "net (ask s$o ,d "e *++&*++&*++&0G t,e )e-a&lt gatewa( is t,e sa%e wit, ("&r gatewa( )e0i!e 1s&!, as wireless r"&ter234s IP a))ress .$ic$ is s a,1:*&16>&1&1&

/. Set &# +e#eater 5")e "n TL-WA6017' TL-WA6017 N"te$ 1e2ore .e set ! t$e Access Point to 3e!eater (ode, !,ease (ake s re t$e re(ote AP or .ire,ess ro ter is !o.ered on and .orking nor(a,,#& A2ter ,ogin t$e .e"-"ased ti,it# o2 TL-WA+01G0TL-WA601G "# sing t$e ne. IP address, .e can set t$e Access Point as 3e!eater Mode no.& Ste# 8$ /,ick Wireless -9 :asi! Settings on t$e ,e2t o2 t$e !age, se,ect t$e +e#eater. I2 t$e .ire,ess ro ter .$ic$ #o .ant to re!eat is not s !!orting W6S .e can ena",e 'ni7ersa, 3e!eater&

Ste# 6$ /,ick S&r0e( 1 tton in t$e "otto( o2 t$e !age&

T$en it .i,, 2ind t$e SSI; o2 Wire,ess 3o ters in t$e AP ,ist& Se,ect t$e SSI; o2 #o r o.n Wire,ess 3o ter and c,ick !"nne!t&

Ste# 6$ Se,ect +e ""t and /,ick t$e Sa0e " tton in t$e !age o2 :asi! Settings to sa7e #o r settings& T$en t$e ro ter .i,, re"oot and re!eat t$e signa, o2 #o r .ire,ess ro ter a to(atica,,#&

Ste# 7$ Make #o r .ire,ess connection to DH< tain an IP a))ress a&t"%ati!all(DI and t$en detect t$e signa, o2 #o r .ire,ess ro ter and connect it&

Ste# 8$ /$eck t$e .ire,ess connection, i2 it is s$o.n si(i,ar as 2o,, !ict re, congrat ,ation, no. #o $a7e eFtended t$e range o2 #o r .ire,ess net.ork&

9o. to con2ig re T/P0IP Pro!erties o2 (# co(! ter to connect to TP-LINK .ire,ess ro terJ S ita",e 2or : TL-W3:51N0TL-W3>51N0TL-W365*G0TL-W3651G0TL-W3+54G0TL-W3+5*G0TLW3+51G0TL-W3450G

9ere .e take Windo.s KP as an eFa(!,e, and !,ease (ake certain t$at #o r Ct$ernet Ada!ter is .orking .e,,& Ste# 1 ?n t$e Windo.s task"ar, c,ick t$e Start-9C"ntr"l Panel, t$en se,ect and do ",e-c,ick Netw"r*ing C"nne!ti"ns& Ste# 2 3ig$t /,ick L"!al Area C"nne!ti"n, se,ect and c,ick Pr"#erties. Ste# / Se,ect Internet Pr"t"!"l 1TCP'IP2, t$en do ",e c,ick it or c,ick Pr"#erties.

Ste# 8 T$e T/P0IP Pro!erties .indo. .i,, dis!,a#, t$ere are t.o .a#s to con2ig re t$e T/P0IP Pro!erties, a&t"%ati!all( or %an&all(& 1. Assigne) a&t"%ati!all( ( ;=CP ser0er Se,ect < tain an IP a))ress a&t"%ati!all( and e7en < tain ;NS ser0er a))ress a&t"%ati!all( i2 necessar#, t$en c,ick <K to sa7e t$e settings&

2. Assigne) %an&all( Se,ect >se t,e -"ll"wing IP a))ress, t#!e IP address, s "net (ask and de2a ,t gate.a# IP address into it& Se,ect >se t,e -"ll"wing ;NS ser0er a))resses, t#!e #o r ,oca, area 6NS ser7er IP addresses into it&

Ste# 6 /,ick <K to sa7e and a!!,# #o r settings& N"te$ 1& T$e IP address s$o ,d "e in range o2 1:*&16>&1&* to 1:*&16>&1&*+4, #o can se an#one o2 t$e(& T$e S "net (ask s$o ,d "e *++&*++&*++&0G t$e de2a ,t gate.a# is s a, 1:*&16>&1&1 .$ic$ is t$e sa(e .it$ #o r ro terDEs IP address& *& T$e 6NS ser7er addresses are !ro7ided "# #o r ISP, !,ease contact .it$ #o r ISP to c$eck t$e(&

9o. do I rene. an IP address 2or (# co(! terJ S ita",e 2or : Windo.s *0000KP0*0040Lista

I2 #o $ad con2ig re #o r co(! ter as < tain an IP a))ress a&t"%ati!all(, so(e ti(es s c$ as a2ter #o c$ange t$e IP address o2 #o r ro ter, t$en #o need rene. t$e IP address o2 #o r co(! ter to access t$e net.ork0ro ter& 1. ?"r Win)"ws 2000'@P'200/

Ste# 1 /,ick Start-9+&n, t#!e !%) and !ress .nter&

Ste# 2 T#!e i#!"n-ig 'release at t$e !ro(!t .indo., !ress .nter, it .i,, re,ease t$e c rrent IP con2ig ration&

Ste# / T#!e i#!"n-ig 'renw at t$e !ro(!t .indo., !ress .nter, .ait 2or a .$i,e, t$e 69/P ser7er .i,, assign a ne. IP address 2or #o r co(! ter&

2. ?"r Aista Ste# 1 /,ick Start on t$e task "ar, t#!e !%) into t$e searc$ "oF and !ress .nter&

Ste# 2 T#!e i#!"n-ig 'renew at t$e !ro(!t .indo., .ait 2or a .$i,e, t$e 69/P ser7er .i,, assign a ne. IP address 2or #o r co(! ter&

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