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Lecture 10

Extension Fields: P roperties and C onstruction

Finite field: GF(4)

Finite field: GF(4)

One way to define GF(4): the (binary) polynomials over GF(2) modulo a prime polynomial over GF(2) of degree 2. The only prime polynomial of degree 2 over GF(2) is 2 ! ! ". GF(4) # $%& "& & !"'& polynomials of degree ( 2 modulo 2 ! ! ". Operation tables for GF(4) using this polynomial representation )an be found Obvious substitutions 2& !" * yields operation tables of last page. 3

Finite field: GF(4)

GF(4) ()ontinued)

+rithmeti) modulo 2 ! ! " is e,uivalent to repla)ing all o))urren)es of 2 ! ! " by %. -n parti)ular. 2 ! 2 !"#% # ! " (over GF(2)) Thus 2 and all higher powers of modulo 2 ! ! " )an be repla)ed by a polynomial of degree ". /very non0ero element of GF(4) is a power of : GF(4) # $%& "& & 2 # ! "'.

x is a primitive element, which we can denote by .

-n other words.

Representations of GF(4)
Polynomial Binary Notation Notation ! 1 !! !1 1! "1 11 Integer Notation ! 1 2 3 E ponential Notation !


GF(4) ()ontinued)

/very element in GF(4) is a linear )ombination of the basis ve)tors. " and GF(4) # $%. ". . ! "' Therefore multipli)ation in GF(4) is determined by the produ)ts of " and . 1rodu)ts of the basis ve)tors # define multipli)ation

GF(4) ()on)luded)

Finite field arithmeti): GF(2)

To define GF(2) we need a prime polynomial f( ) over GF(2) of degree *. 3onstant )oeffi)ient f% must be ". otherwise f( ) is divisible by . 1arity of )oeffi)ients must be odd& otherwise 4" is a fa)tor. Of the 2 moni) polynomials of degree *. two satisfy the above re,uirements: * ! ! " & * ! 2 ! ".


5oth are prime be)ause they have no fa)tors of degree " (i.e.. or ! "). /ither )an be used to define arithmeti) in GF(2). +rithmeti) tables are slightly simpler for * ! ! ". 6hen GF(2) # binary polynomials modulo * ! ! ". the 7ey e,uation is * ! ! " # % * # ! " &where the element is the polynomial .

1owers in GF(2)



/very non0ero element of GF(2) is a power of . i.e. is a primitive element. /very element of GF(2) is a binary linear )ombination of $"& & 2 '. 8en)e GF(2) # $ %.". . 2 . 9..: '


GF(2) operation tables


Finite field arithmeti): GF(;)


1owers in GF(;)


Primitive Polynomials

An irreducible polynomial p(x) over GF(p) of degree m is primitive if the smallest positive integer n for,which p(x) divides xn -1 is n=pm -1


& primiti'e polynomial is an irre()*i+le polynomial p( ) of (egree m o'er GF(p) ,a'ing a primiti'e element of GF(pm) as a root.,is (efinition means t,at/ if0 1- p( ) is irre()*i+le o'er GF(p)/ 2- is primiti'e in GF(pm)/ an( 3- p() 1 !/ t,en/ p( ) is a primiti'e polynomial an(

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