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8ulldlng a Plgh erformance

1haL Lngages ln your buslness and
your sLraLegy
Why bulld a culLure?
1he 3 sLages of dlfferenL culLures
Movlng Lhrough Lhe SLages
Why bulld a culLure?
At some level you know that
there must be another way
1he 1rlbe
SLage 1
Llfe Sucks"
SLage 2 - My llfe sucks"
SLage 3 - l'm CreaL"
SLage 3 (conL'd) - l'm CreaL, and
you're noL"
1 to 1 relationships
Me against you
Top down
Scaling builds increased complexity
and builds resistance from the culture
SLage 4 - We're CreaL"
ueflnlng purpose of Lhe culLure
values provlde a sLrucLure for people Lo
operaLe from
SLlll requlres an opponenL
Scalable, LransporLable
Plgh proflL per employee
ALLracLs lnnovaLlon
SLage 3 - Llfe ls CreaL"
2 of culLures reach Lhls sLage
When lnLervlewed, sLaff couldn'L really explaln
how Lhey dld lL. 1hey were ln awe of Lhelr own
LxponenLlal proflL per employee
Lmployee aLLlLude was LhaL Lhey dldn'L really
see Lhemselves as havlng any real compeLlLlon
Movlng Lhrough Lhe sLages
1. SLarL wlLh Lhe end ln mlnd
2. lorm a SLraLegy
3. 1hen a SLrucLure LhaL supporLs your sLraLegy
4. 8rlng your people along for Lhe rlde
3. Lmpower leadershlp wlLhln your
6. 8ellnqulsh conLrol and galn peoples LrusL
8ecome aware of whlch sLage you're operaLlng from
Lead your people Lhrough each sLage, from Lhe sLage
uemonsLraLe by your acLlons and noL whaL you say
SLablllze aL each sLage before progresslng Lo Lhe nexL
Language ls Lhe access Lo shlfLlng perspecLlves
Leadershlp and re-lnvenLlng your
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ulsempowers our people and
lnvalldaLes Lhelr efforLs
1op down
uon'L Lake responslblllLy for your
locus on lowerlng mlsLakes
ulscourages lnnovaLlon
Seek perfecLlon - conLlnuous
lmprovemenL model
ConLrol ouLcomes
1he era of creaLlvlLy - AuLhorlLy and
leadershlp are seperaLe
ALLracLs and allows lnnovaLlon
MulLlple Leaders operaLlng wlLhln Leams
1rusL lncreases over Llme
lallures and errors are acknowledged
producLlvely and sLandards ralsed
ro[ecLs shlp on Llme, even lf Lhey aren'L
100 rlghL
1eams largely self govern around Lhe
1he buslness owner becomes Lhe sherper
lnsplres CLn ?'s
SLraLegy forms Lhe bones of SLrucLure
Go over there
But, but,
Oh well, youre the
Promised Land
CreaLe an envlronmenL LhaL wlll supporL Lhe people
enLrusLed Lo dellver Lhe sLraLegy!
Leadlng Clever eople
CeL your people lnvolved, or you're
golng no where
The resistance will win!
1he AcknowledgemenL uroughL
ln sLaff engagemenL surveys produced by Callup
8esearch CrganlsaLlon, Lhey found one of Lhe Lop
12 Lhlngs LhaL people wanL ls AcknowledgmenL"
Llvlng wlLhouL AcknowledgemenL ls llke llvlng ln a
C: WhaL are you acknowledglng?
And you wlll have Lhls!

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