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Timing Advance With Calculation

A Timing Advance (TA) is used to compensate for the propagation delay as the signal travels between the Mobile Station (MS) and Base Transceiver Station (BTS). The Base Station System (BSS) assigns the TA to the MS based on how far away it perceives the MS to be. Determination of the TA is a normally a function of the Base Station ontroller (BS )! bit this function can be handled anywhere in the BSS! depending on the manufacturer.

Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) re"uires precise timing of both the MS and BTS systems. #hen a MS wants to gain access to the networ$! it sends an access burst on the %A &. The further away the MS is from the BTS! the longer it will ta$e the access burst to arrive at the BTS! due to propagation delay. 'ventually there comes a certain point where the access burst would arrive so late that it would occur outside its designated timeslot and would interfere with the ne(t time slot.

Access Burst
As you recall from the TDMA Tutorial! an access burst has )*.+, guard bits at the end of it.

This guard time is to compensate for propagation delay due to the un$nown distance of the MS from the BTS. -t allows an access burst to arrive up to )*.+, bits later than it is supposed to without interfering with the ne(t time slot.

)*.+, bits doesnt mean much to us in the sense of time! so we must convert )*.+, bits into a frame of time. To do this! it is necessary to calculate the duration of a

single bit! the duration is the amount of time it would ta$e to transmit a single bit.

Duration of a Single Bit

As you recall! .SM uses .aussian Minimum Shift /eying (.MS/) as its modulation method! which has a data throughput of +01.*22 $ilobits3second ($b3s).

Calculate duration of a bit.

So now we $now that it ta$es 2.)45s to transmit a single bit.

Propagation Delay
6ow! if an access burst has a guard period of )*.+, bits this results in a ma(imum delay time of appro(imately +,+5s (2.)45s 7 )*.+, bits). This means that a signal from the MS could arrive up to +,+5s after it is e(pected and it would not interfere with the ne(t time slot.

The next step is to calculate how far away a mobile station would have to be for a radio wave to take 252s to arrive at the BTS, this would be the theoretical maximum distance that a MS could transmit and still arrive within the correct time slot

!sin" the speed of li"ht, we can calculate the distance that a radio wave would travel in a "iven time frame The speed of li"ht #c$ is %&&,&&& km's

So, we can determine that a MS could theoretically be up to (5 )km away from a BTS when it transmits its access burst and still not interfere with the next time slot *owever, we must take into account that the MS synchroni+es with the si"nal it receives from the BTS ,e must account for the time it takes for the synchroni+ation si"nal to travel from the BTS to the MS ,hen the MS receives the synchroni+ation si"nal from the BTS, it has no way of determinin" how far away it is from the BTS So, when the MS receives the syncroni+ation si"nal on the S-*, it synchroni+es its time with the timin" of the system *owever, by the time the si"nal arrives at the MS, the timin" of the BTS has already pro"ressed some Therefore, the timin" of the MS will now be behind the timin" of the BTS for an amount of time e.ual to the travel time from the BTS to the MS /or example, if a MS were exactly (5 )km away from the BTS, then it would take 252s for the si"nal to travel from the BTS to the MS

The MS would then synchronize with this timing and send its access burst on the RACH. It would take 2 2!s "or this signal to return to the #TS. The total round tri$ time would be %&!s. So' by the time the signal "rom the MS arri(es at the #TS' it will be %&!s behind the timing o" the #TS. %&!s e)uals about *+,. bits.

The ,-.2 bits o" guard time would absorb some o" the delay o" *+,. bits' but the access burst would still cut into the ne.t time slot a who$$ing ,-.2 bits.

Maximum Si+e of a -ell

-n order to compensate for the two8way trip of the radio lin$! we must divide the ma(imum delay distance in half. So! dividing 0,.)$m in half! we get

appro(imately 20.* $m. -f a MS is further out than 20.*$m and transmits an access burst it will most li$ely interfere with the following time slot. Any distance less than 20.*$m and the access burst should arrive within the guard time allowed for an access burst and it will not interfere with the ne(t time slot. -n .SM! the ma(imum distance of a cell is standardi9ed at 2,$m. This is due mainly to the number of timing advances allowed in .SM! which is e(plained below.

*ow a BSS 0etermines a Timin" 1dvance

:or each 2.)45s of propagation delay! the TA will be incremented by ;. -f the delay is less than 2.)45s! no ad<ustment is used and this is $nown as TA1. :or every TA! the MS will start its transmission 2.)45s (or one bit) early. 'ach TA really corresponds to a range of propagation delay. 'ach TA is essentially e"ual to a ;8bit delay detected in the synchroni9ation se"uence.

-n order to determine the propagation delay between the MS and the BSS! the BSS uses the synchroni9ation se"uence within an access burst. The BSS e(amines the synchroni9ation se"uence and sees how long it arrived after the time that it e(pected it to arrive. As we learned from above! the duration of a single bit is appro(imately 2.)45s. So! if the BSS sees that the synchroni9ation is late by a single bit! then it $nows that the propagation delay is 2.)45s. This is how the BSS $nows which TA to send to the MS.

The 0istance of a Timin" 1dvance

#hen calculating the distances involved for each TA! we must remember that the total propagation delay accounts for a two8way trip of the radio wave. The first leg is the synchroni9ation signal traveling from the BTS to the MS! and the second leg is the access burst traveling from the MS to the BTS. -f we want to $now the true distance of the MS from the BTS! we must divide the total propagation delay in half. :or e(ample! if the BSS determines the total propagation delay to be 2.)45s! we can determine the distance of the MS from the BTS.

#e determined earlier that for each propagation delay of 2.)45s the TA is incremented by one. #e <ust learned that a propagation delay of 2.)45s e"uals a one8way distance of ,,2., meters. So! we see that each TA is e"ual to a distance of ,,2., meters from the tower. Starting from the BTS (1 meters) a new TA will start every ,,2.,m.

The TA becomes very important when the MS switches over to using a normal burst in order to transmit data. The normal burst does not have the )*.+, bits of guard time. The normal burst only has *.+, bits of guard time! so the MS must transmit with more precise timing. #ith a guard time of *.+, bits! the normal burst can only be received up to 21.==5s late and not interfere with the ne(t time slot. Because of the two8way trip of the radio signal! if the MS transmits more than ;,.++5s after it is supposed to then it will interfere with the ne(t time slot.
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Hi All Thanks all "or your mails. /ow we are co(ering 0SM basic and 20 o$timization and C1MA basics. Soon we are going to start a blog o" +0 and wima. basics. Ho$e all o" you will en2oy these blogs also. /eed 3our suggestions to make it better.

kee$ mailing

cellular.$lanning.o$timization4gmail. com
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What is Frequency Hopping?

:re"uency &opping is an old techni"ue introduced firstly in military transmission system to ensure the secrecy of communications and combat <amming. :re"uency &opping is mechanism in which the system changes the fre"uency (uplin$ and downlin$) during transmission at regular intervals. -t allows the %: channel used for signaling channel (SD &) timeslot or traffic channel (T &) timeslots! to change fre"uency every TDMA frame (=.);, ms). The fre"uency is changed on a per burst basis! which means that all the bits in a burst are transmitted in the same fre"uency.

Ad antages of Frequency Hopping

2 /re.uency 0iversity -n cellular urban environment! multipath propagation e(ists in most cases. Due to %ayleigh fading! short8term variations in received level are fre"uently observed. This mainly affects stationary or "uasi8stationary mobiles. :or a fast moving mobile! the fading situation can be avoided from one burst to another because it also depends on the position of the mobile so the problem is not so serious. :re"uency &opping is able to ta$e the advantage due to fre"uency selective nature of fading to decrease the number of errors and at the same time they are temporally spread. As a result! the decoding and de8interleaving processes can more effectively remove bit errors caused by bursts received whilst on fading fre"uencies (errors will be randomly distributed instead of having long bursts of errors). This increase in effectiveness leads to a transmission "uality improvement of the same proportion. > > > :rame 'rasure %ate reduces due to ) dB to * dB gain. 6umber of reports with r("ual ) and 0 reduce. %eported values of r(lev are more concentrated around mean.

2 3nterference 1vera"in" -nterference Averaging means spreading raw bit errors (B'% caused by the interference) in order to have random distribution of errors instead of having burst of errors! and therefore! enhance the effectiveness of decoding and de8 interleaving process to cope with the B'% and lead to better value of :'%. #ith hopping! the set of interfering calls will be continually changing and the effect is that all the calls e(perience average "uality rather than e(treme situations of either good or bad "uality. All the calls suffer from controlled interference but only for short and distant periods of time! not for all the duration of the call. > > > :or the same capacity! :re"uency &opping improves "uality and for a given average "uality :re"uency &opping ma$es possible increase in capacity. #hen more than 2 ? of the reports have r("ual of ) or 0 then voice "uality disturbances start to appear. .ains (reduction in the 3- value needed to satisfy the "uality re"uirements involved in the criterion) from hopping relative to fi(ed fre"uency operation can be achieved. ;32 interference@ ; dB gain i.e. if ; out of 2 fre"uencies are e(periencing a continuous interference a gain of ; dB in 3- re"uirement is obtained. Similarly! ;3= interference@ = dB gain ;3, interference@ ) dB gain +3= interference@ 1 dB gain +3, interference@ = dB gain The effective gain obtained with :re"uency &opping is due to the fact that the interference effect is minimi9ed and it is easier to $eep it under control.

!ypes of Frequency Hopping

There are two ways of implementing :re"uency &opping in a Base Station System! one referred as Base Band :re"uency &opping (BB&) and another as Synthesi9er :re"uency &opping (S:&). Their operation differs in the way they establish the Base to Mobile Station lin$ (downlin$)! however there is not difference at all between Mobile Station to Base Station lin$ in both types of hopping. Motorola does not allow BB& and S:& to be used together on the same site 2 Base Band /re.uency *oppin" This is accomplished by routing the traffic channel data through fi(ed fre"uency D% As via the TDM highway on a timeslot basis. -n this case! the D% A would

have fi(ed tuned transmitters combined either in low loss tuned combiners or hybrid combiners. > > > > > > > > > > > D% A always transmits fi(ed fre"uency. The information for every call is moved among the available D% As on a per burst basis. (Burst of ,00 5s) all hops between same timeslots of all D% As. Brocessing (coding and interleaving) is done by digital part associated with D% A on which call was initially assigned. :or uplin$ C call is always processed by D% A on which the call was initially assigned. 6umber of D% As needed is e"ual to the number of fre"uencies in the hopping se"uence. B & fre"uency can be included in the hopping se"uence. Bower control does not apply to B & or bursts transmitting B & fre"uency. B &! timeslot 1 will never hop. Any timeslot with & will never hop. Timeslot carrying all SD &s can hop. -f a networ$ running with fi(ed fre"uency plan is switched over to BB& (B & included in MA list) without any fre"uency changes! significant "uality improvement can be observed in the networ$. As a result drop call rate reduces in the networ$. Alternatively! for the e(isting networ$ "uality additional capacity can be provided. :&- can be used effectively in BB&. :urther details regarding :&- planning are discussed later in the document. 2 Synthesi+er /re.uency *oppin" This is accomplished by high speed switching of the transmit and receive fre"uency synthesi9ers of the individual D% As. As a result of dynamic nature of the transmit fre"uency! broadband (hybrid) combining of the transmitters is necessary. > > > > > D% A changes transmitting fre"uency every burst. all stays on the same D% A where it started. %emote tune combiners (%T ) are not allowed. 6umber of D% As is not related to number of fre"uencies in hopping se"uence. B & can be included in the hopping se"uence@ 1. -f B & is included in the hopping se"uence! timeslots ; to 0 can not be used to carry traffic. They transmit dummy burst when B & fre"uency is not in the burst. #henever B & fre"uency is being transmitted in a burst by D% A! it will be transmitted at full power. 2. B & D% A will never hop. -t either carries traffic in timeslots ; to 0 or it transmits dummy bursts. Transmission and reception is done on the same timeslot and same D% A.


Frequency Hopping Para"eters

.SM defines the following set of parameters@ Mobile 1llocation #M1$4 Set of fre"uencies the mobile is allowed to hop over. Ma(imum of )2 fre"uencies can be defined in the MA list. *oppin" Se.uence 5umber #*S5$4 Determines the hopping order used in the cell. -t is possible to assign )= different &S6s. Setting &S6 D 1 provides cyclic hopping se"uence and &S6 D ; to )2 provide various pseudorandom hopping se"uences. Mobile 1llocation 3ndex 6ffset #M136$4 Determines inside the hopping se"uence! which fre"uency the mobile starts to transmit on. The value of MA-E ranges between 1 to (68;) where 6 is the number of fre"uencies defined in the MA list. MA-E is set on per carrier basis. Motorola has defined an additional parameter! :&-. /re.uency *oppin" 3ndicator #/*3$4 Defines a hopping system! made up by an associated set of fre"uencies (MA) to hop over and se"uence of hopping (&S6). The value of :&- varies between 1 to 2. -t is possible to define all = :&-s in a single cell. Motorola system allows to define the hopping system on a per timeslot basis. So different hopping configurations are allowed for different timeslots. This is very useful for interference averaging and to randomi9e the distribution of errors.

7SM al"orithm
.SM has defined an algorithm for deciding hopping se"uence. The algorithm is used to generate Mobile Allocation -nde( (MA-) for a given set of parameters. A%: 6@ absolute radio fre"uency channel number MA@ mobile allocation fre"uencies. MA-E@ Mobile allocation offset (1 to 68;)! where 6 is the number of fre"uencies defined in MA. &S6@ &opping se"uence number (18)2) T;@ Super frame number (18+1=0) T+@ T & multiframe number (18+,) T2@ Signaling multiframe number (18,1) This algorithm generates a pseudorandom se"uence of MA-s. MA- along with MA-E and MA will decide the actual A%: 6 to be used for the burst.

8lannin" for /re.uency *oppin"

2 /re.uency 8lan4 :re"uency &opping plan differs from the conventional fi(ed fre"uency plan. The plan depends upon the type of :re"uency &opping system used. -n case of S:& including B & fre"uency in hopping se"uence is not a practical option! as it results in loss of traffic channels on B & carrier. A separate fre"uency plan is prepared for the B & carriers. This planning is very much similar to the conventional fi(ed fre"uency plan with lesser number of fre"uencies. This plan needs to be done very carefully as the system monitors cells based on the B & fre"uency only. Since B & carrier radiates continuously without downlin$ power control! fre"uencies used for B & on one cell should not be used as hopping fre"uencies on other cell. The reason is to avoid continuous interference from B & carriers. The benefits of hopping increase if more fre"uencies are available for hopping. .enerally the fre"uency band is divided into two parts! one used for B & fre"uency plan and other for hopping fre"uencies. The division of fre"uency band for allocation of B & and hopping carriers should be done to maintain reasonable 3- for B & carriers as well as to have enough fre"uencies for hopping. e.g. consider a networ$ with 2; fre"uencies! using ;+ fre"uencies for B & and using ;* for hopping with ; fre"uency as guard! is the ideal option. But it may not be practically possible to plan B &s with ;+ fre"uencies (=3;+ reuse). Asing ;, for B & plan and ;, for hopping fre"uencies is more practical. There always e(ists a trade8off between B & and hopping plans. Asing very less fre"uencies for B & plan might result in poor "uality on B & carrier and the advantages of having "uality improvement on hopping carriers may be lost. -n case of BB&! generally B & carrier is included in the hopping se"uence. The benefits of BB& can be obtained only when most of the sites in the networ$ are having more than one 6B & carriers. Benefits of BB& comparable to S:& can only be obtained by e"uipping additional hardware in order to include more fre"uencies in hopping se"uence. &owever BB& without additional hardware will result in "uality improvements and provide scope of additional capacity as compared to fi(ed fre"uency plan though the benefits may not be as significant as seen in S:&. 2 8lannin" of *S54 &S6 allocation to the cells is done in random fashion. Farious scenarios are e(plained below@


MA list is same for all the cells of the site C -n this case &S6 is $ept same for all the cells of the site. MA-E is used on per carrier basis to provide offset for starting fre"uency in hopping se"uence and avoid hits among carriers of the site. Bractically it is possible to achieve 1? hit rate within the site! as all the cells of the same site are synchroni9ed. b. MA list is same for the cells of different sites C -n this case &S6 should be different for all such cells. MA-E can be same or different in this case as &S6 is different. c. MA list is different for the cells C -n this case &S6 planning is not important! as there can not be any hits between these cells. d. &S6 is set to 1 C This is the case of cyclic hopping. The se"uence for hopping remains same and is repeated continuously. This is not recommended in the urban environment where fre"uency reuse is more. This is because the networ$ is not synchroni9ed so if there is any one hit it will result in continuous se"uence of hits. yclic hopping is preferred in rural environment as it provides the ma(imum benefits of fre"uency diversity. % 8lannin" of M1364 The benefits of MA-E planning can be best achieved only in case when sectors having same MA list are synchroni9ed. :or non8synchroni9ed sectors MA-E can be the same. -n the present version (.S%+)! Motorola does not provide manual MA-E setting. -t is set automatically by the system. &owever from .S%2 onwards it will be possible to set MA-E manually. -t has to be changed on a case to case basis. -n cases where there are large numbers of hits! MA-E change can be very effective as it adds the offset in the hopping se"uence and hitrate can be reduced.

9 8lannin" of /*34 This parameter is not specified in .SM. :&- is the Motorola defined hopping system. -t actually means an independent hopping system consisting of MA and &S6. Total of = such hopping systems can be set in a cell. :&- can be defined on a timeslot basis. e.g. consider a cell with 2 carriers i.e. + carriers are hopping. -t is then possible to define = different :&-s for ;) timeslots. That means timeslot 1 to 2 of ; carrier can have one :&- and so on. Benefits and Drawbac$s of :&> Separate :&- can be defined even for each carrier with separate MA list.

> >

> >

:or a fully utili9ed cell! :&- can be used to control increase in hitrate during pea$ hours. This can be done by defining different MA list associated with a :&- for one of the carriers. Main benefits of :&- can be obtained in BB&. onsider a cell with + carriers using BB& with B & included in the hopping se"uence. Timeslot 1 of B & will not hop. A separate :&- (with MA list without B & fre"uency) has to be defined for timeslot 1 of 6B &. Different :&-s in the same cell is not used e(tensively in Motorola networ$s with S:&! where B & fre"uency is not included in hopping se"uence. Ene drawbac$ of using :&- on timeslot basis is that it adds more comple(ity to the database. 5 :euse pattern for hoppin" carriers4 onventionally there are 2 main reuse patterns followed for hopping fre"uencies. 2 ; 24 -t means all the cells in the networ$ use the same fre"uencies for hopping. e.g. -f ;, fre"uencies are to be used for hopping! then every cell will have all ;, fre"uencies in the MA list. This type of reuse is useful in urban areas! where capacity re"uirement is large. &owever there is very less planning involved and so less control over "uality problems. % ; <4 Three hopping groups are used in 2 sites! one per site. -n this case all the sites should be considered as omni sites for planning fre"uency reuse. The advantage of this scheme is it provides better isolation between sites using same hopping fre"uencies. The problem with this method is that! addition of new site may re"uire fre"uency replan for the area. 2 ; %4 This scheme is very commonly used in Motorola networ$s. &opping fre"uencies are divided in 2 groups. 'ach cell on a site uses one group and it is repeated on all sites. e.g. consider a networ$ with standard orientation! all F; sectors will use the same group and so on. -t is very easy to add a site in the networ$. This reuse scheme is suitable for homogeneous networ$ with minimum overlapping areas. The problem with this scheme is in pea$ hours there may be more hits. ) =ffect of /re.uency *oppin" *andovers4 #hen S:& is implemented! B & plan is done using lesser number of fre"uencies as compared to fi(ed fre"uency plan. This may result in "uality degradation. &owever "uality of hopping carriers improves than before. Also! "uality threshold for handovers on hopping carrier should be increased as compared to fi(ed fre"uency plan. -n the present version (.S%+)! same "uality threshold settings are set for both B & and 6B &. This may result on more drop calls on B & carriers. &owever .S% 2 provides separate settings for B & and 6B & carriers. By setting lower "uality thresholds for B & as compared to 6B &! number of dropped calls can be controlled.

-all setup4 -n call setup! SD & hopping is also possible. There are no separate settings re"uired for SD & hopping. b Since .S%2 allows control over SD & configuration (location of SD & on timeslot basis)! SD & hopping depends on the location of SD &. -n case of S:& (with B & not included in MA list)! if SD &s are on B & carrier they will not hop whereas SD &s on 6B & carriers may hop. .enerally it is preferred to $eep SD &s on hopping carriers as they have better 3- compared to B & carriers. all success rate will depend on the cleanliness of B & carriers. /rame =rasure :ate #/=:$4 :'% indicates the number of TDMA frames that could not be decoded by the mobile due to interference. This parameter gives the indication of hitrate. :'% improves (gain of ) to * dB) after implementation of fre"uency hopping. ( Tools for simulation and drive test4 Motorola uses a tool G&andsemH which can simulate S:& plan (different reuse patters and &S6 plan). Iatest versions of pla6'T and .olf are supposed to support :re"uency &opping simulation. Drive test tools that display decoded layer 2 information are used for monitoring fre"uency hopping networ$s. T'MS is one of the drive test tools that can be used for the purpose.
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Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is a technology for shared medium (usually radio) networks. It allows several users to share the same frequency by dividing it into different time slots. The users transmit in rapid succession, one after the other, each using their own timeslot. This allows multiple users to share the same transmission medium (e.g. radio frequency) whilst using only the part of its bandwidth they require. Used in the !", #$% and i$&' digital cellular standards, among others. T$"( is also used e)tensively in satellite systems, local area networks, physical security systems, and combat*net radio systems. The name +TDMA+ is also commonly used in (merica to refer to a specific second generation (, ) mobile phone standard, more properly referred to as I!*-./ or $*("#!, which uses the T$"( technique to timeshare the bandwidth of the carrier wave. The two different uses of this term can be confusing. T$"( (the technique) is used in the !" standard. 0owever, T$"( (the standard, i.e. I!*-./) has been competing against !" and systems based on %$"( modulation for adoption by the

carriers, although it is now being phased out in favor of !" technology.

T$"( frame structure showing a data stream divided into frames and those frames divided into timeslots. TDMA is a type of Time*division multiple)ing, with the special point that instead of having one transmitter connected to one receiver, there are multiple transmitters. In the case of the uplink from a mobile phone to a base station this becomes particularly difficult because the mobile phone can move around and vary the timing offset required to make its transmission match the gap in transmission from its peers. In the !" system, the synchroni1ation of the mobile phones is achieved by sending timing offset commands from the base station which instructs the mobile phone to transmit earlier or later. The mobile phone is not allowed to transmit for its entire timeslot, but there is a guard period at the beginning and end of the timeslot. (s the transmission moves into the guard period, the mobile network ad2usts the timing offset to re*center the transmission.

Initial synchronisation of a phone requires even more care. 3efore a mobile transmits there is no way to actually know the offset required. 4or this reason, an entire timeslot has to be dedicated to mobiles attempting to contact the network (known as the 5(%0 in GSM). The mobile attempts to broadcast at the beginning of the timeslot, as received from the network. If the mobile is located ne)t to the base station, there will be no time delay and this will succeed. If, however, the mobile phone is at 2ust less than .6km from the base station, the time delay will mean the mobile7s broadcast arrives at the very end of the timeslot. In that case, the mobile will be instructed to broadcast its messages starting a whole timeslot earlier than would be e)pected otherwise. 4inally, if the mobile is beyond the .6 km cell range in !", then the 5(%0 will arrive in a neighboring time slot and be ignored. It is this feature, rather than limitations of power which limits the range of a !" cell to .6 kilometers when no special tricks are used. 3y changing the synchroni1ation between the uplink and downlink at the base station, however, this limitation can be overcome. In radio systems, T$"( is almost always used alongside 4$"( (4requency division multiple access) and 4$$ (4requency division duple))8 the combination is referred to as 4$"(9T$"(94$$. This is the case in both !" and I!*-./ for e)ample. The e)ceptions to this rule include :%$"(*T$$ which combines 4$"(9%$"(9T$"( and T$$ instead.

Advantage of TDMA
( ma2or advantage of T$"( is that the radio part of the mobile only needs to listen and broadcast for its own timeslot. 4or the rest of the time, the mobile can carry out measurements on the network, detecting surrounding transmitters on different frequencies. This allows safe inter frequency handovers, something which is difficult in %$"( systems, not supported at all in I!*;6 and supported through comple) system additions in U"T!. This in turn allows for co* e)istence of microcell layers with macrocell layers. 3ut, %$"( supports +soft hand*off+ which allows a mobile phone to be in communication with up to / base stations simultaneously, a type of +same*frequency

handover+. The incoming packets are compared for quality, and the best one is selected. This enables %$"( to perform in areas where T$"( calls would be dropped.
Disadvantage of TDMA

( disadvantage of T$"( systems is that they create interference at a frequency which is directly connected to the time slot length. This is the irritating bu11 which can sometimes be heard if a !" phone is left ne)t to a radio. (nother disadvantage is that the +dead time+ between time slots limits the potential bandwidth of a T$"( channel. This is why early efforts to incorporate timeslots into U"T! failed, leaving U"T! as a purely %$"( technology. The only country to continue pursuing T$*!%$"( (time division synchronous %$"() is mainland %hina, because the government does not want to pay patent royalties to <ualcomm of the U!( or licensing fees to the mainly &uropean U"T! consortium. GSM TIMERS GSM Timers
Timer Name Description Value

) SA&&' m,!tiframes+ That is T100 RADIO- Detects the presence of the ra io !in" #$ etectin% SA&&' 1+-. secon s if the LINK-TIMEOUT frames e(er$ )*0 ms+ SA&&' is comp!ete!$ a#sent+ T.00 Data !in" timer T101 A!ertin% 2rin%in%3 timer T101 Mo#i!it$ Mana%ement connection timer T10/ Re!ease timer T107 In-#an tones re!ease timer Use for re-transmission on the ata !in"+ The (a!,e (aries 1// ms for 0A&&' epen in% on the messa%e t$pe+ Timer ,se to !imit the amo,nt of time a ,ser has to ans4er a ca!!+ Time the net4or" 4aits after sen in% a &M SER5I&E RE6UEST ,nti! recei(in% a response+ This occ,rs #efore initiatin% ca!! c!earin% proce ,res to4ar s the MS+ Time the net4or" 4aits after transmittin% a DIS&ONNE&T messa%e ,nti! recei(in% a RELEASE messa%e+ Time the net4or" 4aits after transmittin% a DIS&ONNE&T messa%e 4hi!e in-#an tones8anno,ncements are pro(i e 9 ,nti! recei(in% a RELEASE messa%e+ .0 secon s 10 secon s 10 secon s 10 secon s

Timer Name T10* Re!ease timer

Description Time the net4or" 4aits after sen in% a RELEASE messa%e ,nti! recei(in% a RELEASE &OM:LETE messa%e+ This occ,rs #efore re-transmittin% the RELEASE or re!easin% the Mo#i!it$ Mana%ement connection+ Time the net4or" 4aits after recei(in% a &ALL &ON0IRMED messa%e ,nti! recei(in% a ALERTING9 &ONNE&T9 or DIS&ONNE&T messa%e #efore initiatin% c!earin% proce ,res to4ar s the MS+


10 secon s

T110 &a!! procee in% timer

10 secon s

Time the net4or" 4aits after transmittin% a &ONNE&T T111 &onnect messa%e ,nti! recei(in% the &ONNE&T A&KNO;LEDGE ac"no4!e %e timer messa%e #efore performin% c!earin% proce ,res 4ith the MS+ T1.1 Mo if$ comp!ete timer Time the net4or" 4aits after sen in% a MODI0< messa%e ,rin% ca!! mo e chan%es9 ,nti! recei(in% a MODI0< &OM:LETE or MODI0< RE=E&T messa%e #efore initiatin% ca!! c!earin% proce ,res+ Time the net4or" 4aits after sen in% the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT or IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT E>TENDED messa%e ,nti! the main si%na!!in% !in" is esta#!ishe #efore re!easin% the ne4!$ a!!ocate channe!s+ Time the net4or" 4aits after transmittin% a 'ANDO5ER &OMMAND messa%e ,nti! recei(in% 'ANDO5ER &OM:LETE or 'ANDO5ER 0AILURE or the MS reesta#!ishes the ca!! #efore the o! channe!s are re!ease + If the timer e?pires an the net4or" has not recei(e a correct!$ eco e L. 2format A or @3 or T&' frame9 then the ne4!$ a!!ocate channe!s are re!ease + Time the net4or" 4aits after sen in% the :'<SI&AL IN0ORMATION messa%e ,nti! recei(in% a correct!$ eco e L. 2format A or @3 or T&' frame+ This occ,r #efore re-transmittin% the :'<SI&AL IN0ORMATION messa%e or re!easin% the ne4!$ a!!ocate channe!s+ Time the net4or" 4aits after transmittin% an ASSIGNMENT &OMMAND messa%e ,nti! recei(in% the ASSESSMENT 0AILURE messa%e or the MS reesta#!ishes the ca!! #efore re!easin% the o! an the ne4 channe!s+ Time the net4or" 4aits after sen in% the &'ANNEL RELEASE messa%e #efore isconnectin% the si%na!!in% !in"+ Time the net4or" 4aits after isconnectin% the si%na!!in% !in" #efore eacti(atin% the channe!+ Time the net4or" 4aits after transmittin% the :AGING RE6UEST messa%e ,nti! recei(in% the :AGING RES:ONSE messa%e+ This occ,rs #efore re-transmittin% the :AGING RE6UEST 2if the ma?im,m n,m#er of retransmissions ha(e not #een e?cee e 3+

10 secon s

10 secon s

T1101 Imme iate assi%nment timer

1 secon

T1101 'an o(er timer

. secon s

T110/ :h$sica! information repetition timer

/0 ms

T110A &hanne! assi%nment timer T110- Si%na!in% isconnection timer T1111 &hanne! eacti(ation after isconnection timer T1111 :a%in% timer

1 secon s

/ secon s

/00 ms

/ secon s

Timer Name



The !ocation ,p ate timer is set to Bero9 perio ic !ocation T1.1. Location ,p ate #$ the MS are isa#!e + If the MS camps to the Bero C infinite time ,p ate timer @&' an eco es a ne4 M&& or MN& from the one it !ast campe on9 it sho,! perform a !ocation ,p ate+ Time the net4or" 4aits after sen in% the TMSI REALLO&ATION &OMMAND ,nti! recei(in% TMSI T1./0 TMSI REALLO&ATION &OM:LETE+ This occ,rs #efore rea!!ocation timer a#ortin% the proce ,re an re!easin% the Ra io Reso,rce connection+ T1.70 A,thentication response timer Time the net4or" 4aits after an AUT'ENTI&ATION RE6UEST ,nti! recei(in% AUT'ENTI&ATION RES:ONSE+ This occ,rs #efore a#ortin% the proce ,re an re!easin% the Ra io Reso,rce connection+

/ secon s

/ secon s

GSM Timers on the mobile station side T3122D This timer is ,se ,rin% ran om access9 after the receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGN RE=E&T messa%e+ Its (a!,e is %i(en #$ the net4or" in the IMMEDIATE ASSIGN RE=E&T messa%e+ T3124D This timer is ,se in the seiB,re proce ,re ,rin% a han -o(er9 4hen the t4o ce!!s are not s$nchroniBe + Its p,rpose is to etect the !ac" of ans4er from the net4or" to the specia! si%na!+ Its (a!,e is set to 7A/ ms if the channe! t$pe of the channe! a!!ocate in the 'ANDO5ER &OMMAND is an SD&&' 2E SA&&'3F other4ise its (a!,e is set to 1.0 ms+ T3126DThis timer is starte either after sen in% the ma?im,m a!!o4e n,m#er of &'ANNEL RE6UEST messa%es ,rin% an imme iate assi%nment proce ,re+ Or on receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT RE=E&T messa%e9 4hiche(er occ,rs first+ It is stoppe at receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messa%e9 or an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT E>TENDED messa%e+ At its e?pir$9 the imme iate assi%nment proce ,re is a#orte + The minim,m (a!,e of this timer is eG,a! to the time ta"en #$ TE.S s!ots of the mo#i!e stationHs RA&'+ S an T+ The ma?im,m (a!,e of this timer is / secon s+ T3128D This timer is starte 4hen the mo#i!e station starts the ,p!in" in(esti%ation proce ,re an the ,p!in" is #,s$+ It is stoppe at receipt of the first U:LINK 0REE messa%e+ At its e?pir$9 the ,p!in" in(esti%ation proce ,re is a#orte + The (a!,e of this timer is set to 1 secon + T3130D This timer is starte after sen in% the first U:LINK A&&ESS messa%e ,rin% a 5G&S ,p!in" access proce ,re+ It is stoppe at receipt of a 5G&S A&&ESS GRANT messa%e+ At its e?pir$9 the ,p!in" access proce ,re is a#orte + The (a!,e of this timer is set to / secon s+ T3110D This timer is ,se to e!a$ the channe! eacti(ation after the receipt of a 2f,!!3 &'ANNEL RELEASE+ Its p,rpose is to !et some time for isconnection of the main

si%na!!in% !in"+ Its (a!,e is set to s,ch that the DIS& frame is sent t4ice in case of no ans4er from the net4or"+ 2It sho,! #e chosen to o#tain a %oo pro#a#i!it$ of norma! termination 2i+e+ no time o,t of T110-3 of the channe! re!ease proce ,re+3 T3134DThis timer is ,se in the seiB,re proce ,re ,rin% an RR net4or" comman e ce!! chan%e or er proce ,re+ Its p,rpose is to etect the !ac" of ans4er from the net4or" or the !ac" of a(ai!a#i!it$ of the tar%et ce!!+ Its (a!,e is set to / secon s+ T3142D The timer is ,se ,rin% pac"et access on &&&'9 after the receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT RE=E&T messa%e+ Its (a!,e is %i(en #$ the net4or" in the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT RE=E&T messa%e+ T3146DThis timer is starte either after sen in% the ma?im,m a!!o4e n,m#er of &'ANNEL RE6UEST messa%es ,rin% a pac"et access proce ,re+ Or on receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT RE=E&T messa%e ,rin% a pac"et access proce ,re9 4hiche(er occ,rs first+ It is stoppe at receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messa%e9 or an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT E>TENDED messa%e+ At its e?pir$9 the pac"et access proce ,re is a#orte + The minim,m (a!,e of this timer is eG,a! to the time ta"en #$ TE.S s!ots of the mo#i!e stationHs RA&'+ S an T are efine in section 1+1+1+.+ The ma?im,m (a!,e of this timer is / secon s+ T3164D This timer is ,se ,rin% pac"et access ,sin% &&&'+ It is starte at the receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messa%e+ It is stoppe at the transmission of a RL&8MA& #!oc" on the assi%ne temporar$ #!oc" f!o49 see GSM 0)+70+ At e?pire9 the mo#i!e station ret,rns to the pac"et i !e mo e+ The (a!,e of the timer is / secon s+ T31 0D The timer is ,se ,rin% pac"et o4n!in" assi%nment on &&&'+ It is starte at the receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messa%e or of an :D&' ASSIGNMENT &OMMAND messa%e 4hen in e icate mo e+It is stoppe at the receipt of a RL&8MA& #!oc" on the assi%ne temporar$ #!oc" f!o49 see GSM 0)+70+ At e?pir$9 the mo#i!e station ret,rns to the pac"et i !e mo e+ The (a!,e of the timer is /+

GSM Timers-Net4or" si e
Timers on the network side T%2&2@ This timer is started when a channel is allocated with an -MM'D-AT' ASS-.6M'6T message. -t is stopped when the MS has correctly sei9ed the channels. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ -t could be higher than the ma(imum time for a I+ establishment attempt.

T%2&%@ This timer is started by the sending of a &A6DEF'% message and is normally stopped when the MS has correctly sei9ed the new channel. -ts purpose is to $eep the old channels sufficiently long for the MS to be able to return to the old channels! and to release the channels if the MS is lost. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ -t could be higher than the ma(imum transmission time of the &A6DEF'% EMMA6D! plus the value of T2;+=! plus the ma(imum duration of an attempt to establish a data lin$ in multiframe mode.) T%2&5@ This timer is used for the repetition of the B&JS- AI -6:E%MAT-E6 message during the hand8over procedure. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ This timer may be set to such a low value that the message is in fact continuously transmitted. T%2&(@ This timer is started by the sending of an ASS-.6M'6T EMMA6D message and is normally stopped when the MS has correctly sei9ed the new channels. -ts purpose is to $eep the old channel sufficiently long for the MS to be able to return to the old channels! and to release the channels if the MS is lost. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ -t could be higher than the ma(imum transmission time of the ASS-.6M'6T EMMA6D message plus twice the ma(imum duration of an attempt to establish a data lin$ multiframe mode. T%2&<@ This timer is started when a lower layer failure is detected by the networ$! when it is not engaged in a %: procedure. -t is also used in the channel release procedure. -ts purpose is to release the channels in case of loss of communication. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ -ts value should be large enough to ensure that the MS detects a radio lin$ failure. T%222@ This timer is used to delay the channel deactivation after disconnection of the main signalling lin$. -ts purpose is to let some time for possible repetition of the disconnection. -ts value is e"ual to the value of T2;;1. T%22%@ This timer is started when the networ$ has sent a BA.-6. %'KA'ST message and is stopped when the networ$ has received the BA.-6. %'SBE6S' message. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ The value could allow for repetitions of the hannel %e"uest message and the re"uirements associated with T2;1;. T%225@ This timer is used for the repetition of the F. S ABI-6/ .%A6T message during the uplin$ access procedure. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ This timer may be set to such a low value that the message is in fact continuously transmitted.

T%22(@ This timer is started by the sending of a BD & ASS-.6M'6T EMMA6D message and is normally stopped when the MS has correctly accessed the target TB:. -ts purpose is to $eep the old channel sufficiently long for the MS to be able to return to the old channels! and to release the channels if the MS is lost. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ -t could be higher than the ma(imum transmission time of the BD & ASS-.6M'6T EMMA6D message plus T2;2+ plus the ma(imum duration of an attempt to establish a data lin$ in multiframe mode. T%22<@ This timer is started by the sending of a %%8 'II &A6.' E%D'% message and is normally stopped when the MS has correctly accessed the new cell. -ts purpose is to $eep the old channels sufficiently long for the MS to be able to return to the old channels! and to release the channels if the MS is lost. -ts value is networ$ dependent. 6ET'@ -t could be higher than the ma(imum transmission time of the %%L 'II &A6.' E%D'%! plus T2;2=! plus the ma(imum duration of an attempt to establish a data lin$ in multiframe mode. T%292@ This timer is started when a temporary bloc$ flow is allocated with an -MM'D-AT' ASS-.6M'6T message during a pac$et access procedure. -t is stopped when the mobile station has correctly sei9ed the temporary bloc$ flow. -ts value is networ$ dependent.


7SM /rame =rasure :ate #/=:$ Measurement 0escription

This section is only applicable to the lab applications and is not applicable to .B%S or '.B%S. Jou can use the .SM :rame 'rasure %ate (:'%) measurement to verify the mobile stationMs reference sensitivity for control channels.

*ow is the /=: Measurement Made>

The test set measures :'% by sending a Iayer 2 message that does not re"uire a Iayer 2 response from the mobile station. -t does re"uire ac$nowledgment in the form of an %% frame from the mobile station. #hen the test set does not receive

the %% frame in ac$nowledgment! it retransmits the Iayer + message. The test set counts the number of times it resends Iayer + messages. The test set uses an MM -nformation message with all the optional fields omitted for the Iayer 2 message. Jou can ma$e the :rame 'rasure %ate Measurement on a full8rate :A channel (:A &3:) or a half8rate :A & channel (:A &3&). &

6peratin" -onsiderations
The :'% measurement can only be performed in Active ell Eperating Mode. The connection type must be Auto.

/=: Measurement 8arameters

Samples to Test 8 The number of samples to be ta$en by the measurement. Minimum :rame -nterval (:A :A &3:)8 The minimum interval between

& frames (full rate) being sent to the mobile station. &3&)8 The minimum interval between

Minimum :rame -nterval (:A :A

& frames (half rate) being sent to the mobile station.

Trigger Arm Measurement Timeout

/=: Measurement :esults

-ntegrity -ndicator 8 :rames Sampled 8 The count of samples tested. :rames 'rased 8 The count of frames re"uiring retransmission by the test set.

:rame 'rasure %ate 8 The ratio of :rames 'rased to :rames Sampled

GSM I entifiers

.SM -dentifiers @

3M=3 ? 3nternational Mobile =.uipment 3dentifier The -M'- is an internationally8uni"ue serial number allocated to the MS hardware at the time of manufacture. -t is registered by the networ$ operator and (optionally) stored in the Au for validation purposes. 3MS3 ? 3nternational Mobile Subscriber 3dentifier #hen a subscriber registers with a networ$ operator! a uni"ue subscriber -MSidentifier is issued and stored in the S-M of the MS. An MS can only function fully if it is operated with a valid S-M inserted into an TMS3 ?Temporary Mobile Subscriber 3dentity A TMS- is used to protect the true identity (-MS-) of a subscriber. -t is issued by and stored within a FI% (not in the &I%) when an -MS- attach ta$es place or a Iocation Area (IA) update ta$es place. At the MS it is stored in the MSNs S-M. The issued TMS- only has validity within a specific IA. MS3S05 ? Mobile Subscriber 3S05 number The MS-SD6 represents the OtrueN or OdialledN number associated with the subscriber. -t is assigned to the subscriber by the networ$ operator at registration and is stored in the S-M. -t is possible for an MS to hold multiple MS-SD6s! each associated with a different service. MS:5 ? Mobile Station :oamin" 5umber The MS%6 is a temporary! location8dependant -SD6 number issued by the parent FI% to all MSs within its area of responsibility. -t is stored in the FI% and associated &I% but not in the MS. The MS%6 is used by the FI%8associated MS for call routing within the MS 3FI% service area. @13 ? @ocation 1rea 3dentity 'ach Iocation Area within the BIM6 has an associated internationally8uni"ue identifier (IA-). The IA- is broadcast regularly by BTSs on the Broadcast

ontrol hannel (B

&)! thus uni"uely identifying each cell with an associated

IA. The purpose of IAs is covered later in this course. -3 ? -ell 3dentifier The - an identifier assigned to each cell within a networ$. &owever! the - is only uni"ue within a specific Iocation Area. #hen combined with the internationally uni"ue IA- for its associated IA! the 7lobal -ell 3dentity #7-3$ is produced which is also internationally uni"ue. BS3- ? Base Station 3dentity -ode 'ach BTS is issued with a uni"ue identity! the BS- and is used to distinguish neighbouring BTSs.

GSM Interfaces

Interface between the MS- and Base Station System #1Ainterface$ The interface between the MS and its BSS is specified in the 1*8series of .SM Technical Specifications. The BSS8MS interface is used to carry information concerning@ > > > BSS managementP call handlingP mobility management.

1AB3S 35T=:/1-= #BS- A BTS$ #hen the BSS consists of a Base Station ontroller (BS ) and one or more Base Transceiver Stations (BTS)! this interface is used between the BS and BTS to support the services offered to the .SM users and subscribers. The interface also allows control of the radio e"uipment and radio fre"uency allocation in the BTS. This interface is specified in the 1*.,(8series of .SM Technical Specifications. B 35T=:/1-= #MS- A B@:$ The FI% is the location and management data base for the mobile subscribers roaming in the area controlled by the associated MS (s). #henever the MS needs data related to a given mobile station currently located in its area! it interrogates the FI%. #hen a mobile station initiates a location updating procedure with an MS ! the MS informs its FI% which stores the relevant information. This procedure occurs whenever an MS roams to another location area. Also! when a subscriber activates a specific supplementary service or modifies some data attached to a service! the MS informs (via the FI%) the &I% which stores these modifications and updates the FI% if re"uired. - 35T=:/1-= #*@: and the MS-$ The .ateway MS must interrogate the &I% of the re"uired subscriber to obtain routing information for a call or a short message directed to that subscriber. 0 35T=:/1-= #*@: A B@:$ This interface is used to e(change the data related to the location of the mobile station and to the management of the subscriber. The main service provided to the mobile subscriber is the capability to set up or to receive calls within the whole service area. To support this! the location registers have to e(change data. The FI% informs the &I% of the location of a mobile station managed by the latter and provides it (either at location updating or at call set8up) with the roaming number of that station. The &I% sends to the FI% all the data needed to support the service to the mobile subscriber. The &I% then instructs the previous FI% to cancel the location registration of this subscriber. '(changes of data may occur when the mobile subscriber re"uires a particular service! when he wants to

change some data attached to his subscription or when some parameters of the subscription are modified by administrative means. = 35T=:/1-= #MS- ? MS-$ #hen a mobile station moves from one MS area to another during a call! a handover procedure has to be performed in order to continue the communication. :or that purpose the MS s have to e(change data to initiate and then to reali9e the operation. After the handover operation has been completed! the MS s will e(change information to transfer A8interface signalling as necessary. #hen a short message is to be transferred between a Mobile Station and Short Message Service entre (S )! in either direction! this interface is used to transfer the message between the MS serving the Mobile Station and the MS which acts as the interface to the S .

/ 35T=:/1-= #MS- and =3:$ This interface is used between MS and '-% to e(change data! in order that the '-% can verify the status of the -M'- retrieved from the Mobile Station. 7 35T=:/1-= #B@: ? B@:$ #hen a mobile subscriber moves from a FI% area to another Iocation %egistration procedure will happen. This procedure may include the retrieval of the -MS- and authentication parameters from the old FI%. * 35T=:/1-= #*@: A 1u-$ #hen an &I% receives a re"uest for authentication and ciphering data for a Mobile Subscriber and it does not hold the re"uested data! the &I% re"uests the data from the Au . The protocol used to transfer the data over this interface is not standardi9ed. !m 35T=:/1-= #MSA BTS$ The interface between the MS and the BSS is specified in the 1=8 and 1,8series of .SM Technical Specifications.

Drive testing:
Steps for DT-1 8hysical Berification Bhysical Ferification is carried out by verifying physical parameter of the 6ew Site with the TSS% (Technical Site Survey %eport) such as Address! Iat! Iong! Building &eight! Antenna &eight! Antenna Type! Erientation! Tilt. 1larm Berification Alarms are generated mainly due to number of reasons! and these needs to chec$ed before Drive is being carried out for the Site. Alarms are chec$ed from the 6E (6etwor$ Eperating entre) and if found needs to be verified before drive being carried out. /re.uency 8lan Berification :re"uency Blan can be verified from the 6E (6etwor$ Eperating entre) for B & and T & fre"uencies being implemented as per the Site -ntegration Sheet sent to 6E (6etwor$ Eperating entre). &ardware onfiguration Ferification &ardware verification is performed to $now the Site type! BTS Type! T%Q onfiguration! FS#% chec$ing ! Bower measurement for each T%Q.
Steps for DT-2

/ollowin" is the procedure and parameters that need to checked while performin" 0rive Test for a 5ew Site R B ( ell Barameter hec$) R ME (Mobile Eriginated alls) R MT (Mobile Terminated alls C Brepaid to Bostpaid) R SMS (Short Messaging Service) R .B%S R -ntra Site &andover R -nter Site &andover R T%Q Test R -dle Drive (6ormal Drive S :re"uency Ioc$ Drive) R Dedicated Drive Steps for DT-3

-8- #-ell 8arameter -heck$ 7iven are the parameters that need to be checked while performin" -8-73 #-ell 7lobal 3dentity$ consists if M--C5--C@1-C-3 B--* /re.uency BS37SM Band

n0efinitions4 2 Time@ -t is system time of computer. +.-ell name@ -t displays the name of the sector which is serving according to the cellfile that is loaded in T'MS. 2.-73 @ -t stands for the ell .lobal -dentity which is uni"ue for every sector of the site. -t consists of M !M6 !IA ! -. M--@ Mobile ountry ode 1 C 444 M6 @ Mobile 6etwor$ ode 1 C 44 IA @ Iocation Area ode 1 8),,2, -@ ell -dentity 1 C ),,2, R R R R R R -ell 78:S Support@ Tells sector is having .B%S or not. Falues are Jes or 6o . Band @ -t tells in which :re". Band mobile is operating e.g. .SM 4113 ;*11. B--* 1:/-5@ -t tells by which B & is the mobile station getting served. T-* 1:/-5@ En which Traffic :re". call is going on. BS3- (Base Station -dentity ode) @ -t is combination of 6etwor$ olor ode (6 ) (1 C 0) S Base Station olor ode (B ) (1 C 0). e.g. )+. -t is decoded by mobile on every Sync. hannel Message. Mode@ -t is shows in which state is mobile operating! -dle! Dedicated S Bac$et.


Time slot@ En which time slot of current T & call is going on. Fi9. time slot no. of T%Q.



-hannel Type@ Type of channel mobile is getting now. Ii$e B & 3 SD &3* T SA &3 * or B & 3 T &3: T:A &3: TSA &3:. -hannel Mode @ Shows mode of coding li$e Speech :ull %ate of &alf %ate. Speech odec@ -t shows :% for :ull %ate! &% for &alf %ate S ':% for 'nhanced :ull %ate. -ipherin" 1l"orithm @ -t shows ciphering algorithm used by the system to protect data for privacy. '.g. ipher by A,3+. Sub -hannel 5umber@ -t is displayed at a time when mobile is on dedicated mode at time of call setup when it is getting SD & at that time it shows which SD & it is getting out of * available. '.g. +. *oppin" -hannel 4 -t shows that current sector is having hopping feature or not. Falues are Jes or 6o. *oppin" /re.uencies @ -t displays no. of fre". on which mobile is allowed to hop. vi9. MA Iist for hopping of that sector. Mobile 1llocation 3ndex 6ffset #M136$@ -t is the number which tells from which fre". from given MA list for sector hopping has to be started. '.g. 1 means sector will start from first fre". to hop. *oppin" Se.uence 5umber #*S5$ @ -ndicates se"uence in which fre"uencies are allowed to hop from the MA Iist. 18 )2. 1 for yclic &opping! ; C )2 random hopping se"uences.

Steps for DT-4

M6- and MT7iven are parameter need to be checked while performin" M6- and MT%Q Ievel (8=0 dbm to 8;;1dbm) %Q Kuality (1 to 0) SK- (+1 to 21) DTQ &S6 (&opping Se"uence 6umber) (1 to )2) MA-E &opping :re"uency

3 - %atio (U;, dbm) 3 A %atio (U;+ dbm)

0efinition of :adio 8arameters4

\ R R R R :x@ev 4 %eceiving level in terms of dBm that mobile is receiving from the site. %ange of 821 dBm to 8;;1dBm. :xDual @ Kuality of voice which is measured on basis of B'%. %ange of %(Kual 1 80. /=: @ :rame 'rasure %ate it represents the percentage of frames being dropped due to high number of non8corrected bit errors in the frame. -t is indication of voice "uality in networ$. B=: 1ctual @ %atio of the number of bit errors to the total number of bits transmitted in a given time interval. B'% is a measure for the voice "uality in networ$.. Depending on B'% %(Kual is measured. '!g! B'% 1 to 1.+ ? corresponds to %(Kual 1. Ma(. B'% countable and useful is up to ;+.* ? which corresponds to %(Kual of ma(. 0. SD3 4 SK- is a more sophisticated measure which is dedicated to reflecting the "uality of the s$eech (as opposed to radio environment conditions). This means that when optimi9ing the speech "uality in your networ$! SKis the best criterion to use. SK- is updated at 1., s intervals. -t is computed on basis of B'% and :'%. :or ':% 21! :% C +; S &% C ;0 are respectively ideal values. -'3 @ The carrier8over8interference ratio is the ratio between the signal strength of the current serving cell and the signal strength of undesired (interfering) signal components. -t should be atleast U 4 . MS 8ower -ontrol @evel @ Displays range of power control from 1 to * depending upon networ$ design. '.g. 1 means no power control and ; means level that is defined by operator vi9. + dBm less acc. To airtel.


0T; 4 Discontinuous transmission (DTQ) is a mechanism allowing the radio transmitter to be switched off during speech pauses. This feature reduces the power consumption of the transmitter! which is important for MSs! and decreases the overall interference level on the radio channels affecting the capacity of the networ$..


T1 @ Falue that the base station calculates from access bursts and sends to the mobile station (MS) enabling the MS to advance the timing of its transmissions to the BS so as to compensate for propagation delay. Falue of 1 means MS in radius of ,,1mt. :rom BS. :@ Timeout -ounter #-ur$ 4 This parameter define the ma(imum value of the radio lin$ counter e(pressed in SA & bloc$s. %ange of = C )= in step si9e of =. it shows current value of %IT. Decrease by ; but increase by +. #hen it reaches 9ero it results in normal D%EB all. :@ Timeout -ounter #M1;$ 4 This parameter define the ma(imum value of the radio lin$ counter e(pressed in SA & bloc$s. %ange of = C )= in step si9e of =. it shows current value of %IT. 6ormally ;)! +1! +=. MS Behavior Modified 4 This window shows current settings for the mobile station! for instance whether handover is disabled or multiband reporting enabled.

Steps for DT-5

78:S #7eneral 8acket :adio System$

This is performed to chec$ whether .B%S is wor$ing on the Site. This is done by browsing a web page in browser of the phone. :or .B%S to be chec$ed it is necessary to see that the handset is #AB! .B%S enabled.

Steps for DT-6

T:; Test

T%Q Test is done to chec$ whether calls originated are being handled by all the T%QNs. all made during the process is trac$ed by the MA-E number displayed on the screen for all the T%QNs. e.g. for Site of configuration ) T%Q per sector the MA-E values for T%Q test shall be 1!;!+!2!=. all can be originated on the B & or the T & fre"uencies. &ence MA-E values will be reflected only for calls on T & fre"uency and not on B & fre"uency.


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Steps for DT-6

3ntra Site *andover -ntra &andover is performed to chec$ whether handover is ta$ing place both ways on the Site. &andover is performed among all the Sectors of the Site. 3nter Site *andover -nter &andover is performed to chec$ whether handover is ta$ing place both ways on the Site with itNs ad<acent neighbor. &andover needs to chec$ed mandatorarily for primary neighbor. &andover is performed with all the defined neighborMs in the integration sheet.

Steps for DT-7

Idle Drive is performed in two fashion Normal Drive Frequency Lock Drive

Normal Drive This is done to frame the potential area of the new site planned. It also helps us to get to know the important neighboring sites for which the handover has to take place. Frequency Lock Drive This is done by locking the BCCH frequency of the serving cell and performing the drive for the same cell unless the mobile enters into No Service Mode. This is useful for making decision related to GSM antenna height, tilt, and orientation.

0edicated 0rive
Dedicated drive is an important part of Drive Test. Here call is made to a test number and drive is done for the potential areas of the Site. During drive being carried out one has constantly monitor parameters such as RX Level, RX Quality, SQI, DTX, C/I Ratio, Hopping Channel, Neighbor list, TA (Timing Advance). Constant changes in these parameter are helpful for post Optimization of the site.

Steps for DT For My Junior RF Engineer brothers Steps followed to perform Drive Test
Physical Verification Alarm Checking Frequency Plan Verification Hardware Configuration Verification

Excessive Timing Advance (TA)
Drop ca!! ,e to e?cessi(e TA happens 4hen the TA (a!,e at rop ca!! connection is hi%her than the ce!! parameter TALIM 2TADRO: I TALIM3 an from this co,nter T0DISTA is incremente +

Brobable %eason Iocation &igh sites or sites ne(t to water pic$ up traffic from far away Fery low TAI-M setting! which would indicate a OfalseN e(cessive timing advance

Barameter setting

&ow to analy9e@ > hec$ cell parameter MAQTA and TAI-M. -f it covers far coverage! it is possible to setting of the cell parameters MAQTA and TAI-M to a higher value (for e.g. MAQTAD)2! TAI-MD)+) > -f the cell is really covering far away from the site! other options are reducing the coverage by down tilting the antennas! reducing antenna height! changing antenna or reducing output power > -f it is a rural area and need to cover a larger area! '(tended %ange feature might be useful to be considered. 6ther :eason

Drop due other reason e"ual to total number of drops subtracts all drops with reason. -f any of the above drop reason didnNt meet the criteria! the reason for drop will be in the OEther %easonN.

Probable Reason H/W fault #isturbance Parameter !etting Mobile !tation +nterference Hardware Problem (Managed Object in B !" $in%/ ransmission disturbance &roblem Wrongl' defined setting (for e.g. $() * $ocation (rea )ode" M! &roblem +nterference &roblem (,&lin%"

&ow to analy9e@ - ).ec% t.e B ! error log for .ardware faults. (run commands/ R01$P 2 R0M3P to loo% t.e .ardware faults log" - ).ec% if +)M is indicating u&lin% interference in t.e cell. - ).ec% wit. O2M regarding transmission &roblems4 HW &roblems and ser5ice affecting maintenance wor% during t.e time &eriod. .e a5erage cell downtime and )H a5ailabilit' s.ould also be +t mig.t be intermittent lin% connection. - ).ec% object t'&e MO !4 w.ic. is based on dro& on imeslot ( !" in order to find fault' de5ices.

Congestion Analysis This is second topic for today that is W ongestion AnalysisW a well $nown word for Telecom professionals . Traffic congestion is one of the ma<or networ$ problems in a mobile system. A high congestion deteriorates the overall performance of the networ$ and should be minimi9ed. > ;@ Short term growth

-f the high traffic related to an occasional event! li$e sports event! fairs! conference! a temporary solution might be considered. > +@ Iong term growth -f there is a long8term growth the networ$ capacity has to grow according to the demand.

Type of Congestion
The congestion analysis begins by identifying if there is only SD & or T & congestion or both. ongestion on both SD & and T & may mean that the only way to get rid of the congestion is to add more physical capacity in terms of transceivers or sites. onsider how many channels that are allocated in the cell. -f possible! e(pand the capacity with new transceivers! otherwise a new site must be implemented. :re"uency planning schemes such as M%B and :IB could be used to relieve congestion. Microcells could be used to ta$e traffic in severe congested areas.

SDCCH Congestion
-n %*! the time congestion should be used instead of congestion based on access attempts as there is no way to estimate the number of access attempts a single mobile does. The flowchart below! e(plains a general approach to investigate SD & ongestion. The ne(t section describes the action points in this flowchart. The reference to each action point is indicated on the flow chart as well.

Low Signal Strength Analysis

lets starts todays topic that is Iow signal strength analysis #hat could be the probable cause of low signal while you drive or optimi9e. :irst see the following flow chat and try to understand the things

Remember that

Low Signal strength is one of the reason of drop call. It can be indicated by many calls disconnected at low

signal strength by subscriber, drop calls due to excessi e T!, poor hando er performance and poor call setup performance. "hat could be the probable reasons
Probable Reason Poor B!)

'(change will give more drop reason due Broperty to SS and this might not show the actual drop. -t is because setting
drop due to SS is more priority than Kuality. ell might be isolated or standalone.


6o dominant cell

Antenna tilt S Too much downtilt sometimes orientation might not cover a larger area and the subscriber might lose the SS. Eutput Bower Iow output power might cause smaller border cell.

#ust try to obser ed what could be the right cause $% The following procedure should be performed for low signal strength analysis$ 1: -dentify the baseline re"uirement of design and BS e(change property (setting for IE#SSAI3IE#SSDI). +@ hec$ the value for IE#SSDI S IE#SSAI. -f it is higher than A M-6! change the parameter to a reasonable value since the drop reason will be more priority to SS compared to Kuality.

2@ hec$ the site position! antenna direction! position etc. This is to ensure the possible location is open to interference (open water environment) or isolated. .ood map is needed for this. =@ hec$ if the site is sectori9ed or Emni. -f it is Emni! set the cell into sectori9ed cell. ,@ hec$ if the signal strength is uplin$ or downlin$ limited. Mostly! -t is designed to be downlin$ limited. )@ hec$ the coverage cover e(pected area from the planet. -f it is not! chec$ the antenna tilt and orientation. hange the direction or tilt if it is too much downtilt or pointing to a wrong direction. 0@ Sometime! low output power might cause low SS. hec$ output power and if it is low! increase the output power. *@ hec$ cell whether it has hotspots from drivetests. -f found! adding new site is recommend. 4@ -n order to chec$ power distribution! run ell Traffic %ecording ( T%) to that particular cell. ;1@ hec$ if the cell has indoor coverage problem. -f yes! add micro site instead. TCH Drop Analysis

2 :adio @ink TimeA6ut 'very time a SA & message can not be decoded the radio lin$ time8 out counter is decreased by ;. -f the message can be decoded the counter is incremented by +. &owever! the value can not e(ceed the initial value. The initial value is set by the parameter %I-6/T for radio lin$ time8out in the mobile station and by %I-6/AB for timeout in the BS . -f the mobile moves out of coverage and no measurement reports are received in the BS ! there will be a radio lin$ time8out and the message hannel %elease (cause@ abnormal release! unspecified) is sent to the mobile station and the SA & is deactivated in the BTS. A lear %e"uest message is sent to the MS . To be sure that the mobile has stopped transmitting! the BS now waits %I-6/T SA & periods before the timeslot is released and a new call can be established on the channel. 2 @ayer 2 TimeA6ut -f the BTS never get an ac$nowledge on a Iayer + message after the time T+11Q6+11! the BTS will send 'rror -ndication (cause@ T+11 e(pired) to the BS ! which will send hannel %elease (cause@ abnormal release! timer e(pired) to the mobile station and a lear %e"uest to the MS . The SA & is deactivated and the BS waits %I-6/T SA & periods before the timeslot is released and a new call can use the channel. This is only valid if the call is in steady state! i.e. not during handover or assignment. % :elease 3ndication #hen the BTS received a layer + D-S frame from the mobile it replies with a Iayer + AA frame to the mobile station and a %elease -ndication to the BS . The system does only react on %elease -ndication if it is received during a normal disconnection situation. -f such a message is received une(pectedly this will usually cause radio lin$ time8out or timer T+11 e(piration as the mobile station stops the transmitting of measurement reports. -t is also possible that the release will be normal depending on when the %elease -ndication is received. 9 MS- TimeA6ut 6ormal %elease@

-f the MS never received a response on a message (e.g. -dentity %e"uest) and there is no radio lin$ time8out or layer + time8out! the MS will send a lear ommand to the BS . The time8out is depending on the message. #hen receiving lear ommand! the BS will send a hannel %elease (cause@ normal release) and then deactivates the SA &. %e<ect (only SD &)@

-f the MS never receives a response on the first message after 'stablish -ndication! the MS will send a re<ect message. -f the connection was a Iocation Apdate it will be a Iocation Apdate %e<ect (cause@ networ$ failure) and if the connection was a mobile originating call ( M Service %e"uest) a M Service %e<ect (cause@ networ$ failure) will be sent. The MS will then send a lear ommand to the BS and the call is cleared by hannel %elease (cause@ normal release). 5 1ssi"nment to T-* Before sending an Assignment ommand from the BS at T & assignment! the following two criterion have to be fulfilled@ a. There must be a T & channel available! i.e. no congestion b. The locating algorithm must have received at least one valid measurement report. -f either of the criterion is not fulfilled! Assignment ommand will not be sent and a hannel %elease (cause@ abnormal release! unspecified) will be sent to the mobile station and a lear %e"uest to the MS . T-* 0rop reason #2$ The classification of T & Drop %easons are arranged in the order of priority@ ;.'(cessiveTiming Advance +.Iow Signal Strength 2.Bad Kuality =.Sudden Ioss of onnection ,.Ether %easons =xcessive Timin" 1dvance

The T & Drop counters due to '(cessive Timing Advance will pegged when the during the time of disconnection! the last Timing Advance value recorded was higher than the TAI-M Barameter. This drop reason is commonly apparent to isolated or island sites with a wide coverage area. 1ction4 hec$ if the cell parameter TAI-M is X W)2W Solution4 Set TAI-M to a value close to )2. Tilt antenna3reduce antenna height3output power! etc. for co8channel cells. T-* 0rop :easons #2$ @ow Si"nal Stren"th on 0own or !plink or Both @inks The drops counters due to Iow Signal Strength will be pegged when the Signal Strength during the last Measurement %eport before the call dropped is below the IE#SSDI and3or IE#SSAI Thresholds. IE#SSDI and IE#SSAI are BS '(change Broperty parameters which is used only for statistics purposes and does not affect the behavior of calls. -f both AI and DI Signal Strength are below the thresholds! only Drop due to Iow SS BI will pegged. 6ormally a call is dropped at the border of large rural cell with insufficient coverage. Bad tunnel coverage cause many dropped calls as well as so called coverage holes. Bad indoor coverage will result in dropped calls. Building shadowing could be another reason. 1ction4 hec$ coverage plots. hec$ output power. hec$ power balance and lin$ budget. hec$ if Emni site. hec$ antenna configuration S type. hec$ antenna installation. Berform drive tests S site survey. hec$ T%Q3TS with high E6'%% 6T. Solution4 Add a repeater to increase coverage in for e(ample a tunnel.

hange to a better antenna (with higher gain) for the base station. Add a new base station if there are large coverage holes. Bloc$3Debloc$ T%Q T-* 0rop :easons #%$ 8oor Duality on 0own or !plink or Both @inks The drops counters due to Bad Kuality will be pegged when the Signal Strength during the last Measurement %eport before the call dropped is above the BADKDI and3or BADKAI Thresholds. BADKDI and BADKAI (e(pressed in DTKA) are BS '(change Broperty parameters which is used only for statistics purposes and does not affect the behavior of calls. -f both AI and DI Kuality are above the thresholds! only Drop due to BAD Kuality BI will pegged. Broblem on Bad Kuality is usually associated with o8channel -nterference on B & or T &. :aulty MA-E assignment can cause fre"uency collisions on co8sited cells especially on ;(; %euse. '(ternal interference is also one possible cause of problem on "uality. 1ction4 hec$ 3- and 3A plots. hec$ :re"uency Blan ( o8B & or o8BS- Broblem). hec$ MA-E! &EB! &S6 parameters. hec$ :&EB if correctly configured (BB or SJ). hec$ for '(ternal -nterference. Berform drive tests. Solution4 hange B & fre"uency. hange BS- . hange MA-E! &EB! &S6. hange :&EB. %ecord %-% or on8site :re"uency Scanning to identify source of interference. Ase available radio features. T-* 0rop :easons #9$ Sudden @oss of -onnection

Drops due to Sudden Ioss are drops that have not been registered as low signal strength! e(cessive timing advance! bad "uality or hardware (other) reasons! and the locating procedure indicates missing measurement results from the MS. There are some common scenarios that could lead to Sudden Ioss of connections such as very sudden and severe drops in signal strength! such as when subscribers enter into buildings! elevators! par$ing garages! etc.! very sudden and severe occurrence of interference! MS runs out of battery during conversation! &andover Iost! BTS &# faults! Synchroni9ation or A8bis lin$ fault (transmission faults)! and MS :aults. 1ction4 hec$ BTS 'rror Iogs! Alarms and :ault odes. hec$ E6'%% 6T per T%Q and TS. hec$ Transmission Iin$ (A8bis). hec$ for D-B Slips. hec$ IABD ongestion. orrelate &andover Iost to Drops due to Sudden Ioss Solution4 :i( &ardware :aults and Alarms. %eset T%Q with high E6'%% 6T. 'nsure that Synchroni9ation and A8bis Iin$ are stable. hange %BIT with high D-B Slips. hange E6:A T or increase Transmission apacity -nvestigate &E Iost Broblem T-* 0rop :easons #5$ T-* 0rops due to 6ther :easons T & drops due to Ether %easons are computed by subtracting the sum of drops due to '(cessive TA! Iow SS! Bad Kuality and Sudden Ioss from the Total T & Drop ounts. Drops due to Ether %easons are generally associated with hardware problems! transmission lin$ problems on A8bis! Ater or Ainterfaces! and sometimes &andover Iost. 1ction4 hec$ BTS 'rror Iogs. hec$ Alarms and :ault odes.

hec$ E6'%% 6T per T%Q and TS. hec$ Transmission Iin$ (A8bis). hec$ for D-B Slips. orrelate &andover Iost to Drops due to Ether %easons Solution4 :i( &ardware :aults and Alarms. %eset T%Q with high E6'%% 6T. 'nsure that Synchroni9ation and A8bis Iin$ are stable. hange %BIT with high D-B Slips. -nvestigate &E Iost Broblem 8roblem reason of drop in S0--* @ow Si"nal Stren"th on 0own or !plink The reason for poor coverage could be too few sites! wrong output power! shadowing! no indoor coverage or networ$ e"uipment failure. 1ction@ hec$ coverage plots. hec$ output power. Berform drive tests. hec$ BTS error log Solution@ Add new sites. -ncrease output power. %epair faulty e"uipment. 8oor Duality on 0own or !plink 1ction@ hec$ 3- and 3A plots. hec$ fre"uency plan. Berform drive tests. Solution@ hange fre"uency. Ase available radio features. Too *i"h Timin" 1dvance 1ction@ hec$ if the cell parameter TAI-M is X styleDWfont8weight@ boldPWUSolution@ Set TAI-M to a value close to )2. Tilt antenna3reduce antenna height3output power! etc. for cochannel cells. Mobile =rror Some old mobiles may cause dropped calls if certain radio networ$ features are used. Another reason is that the MS is damaged and not wor$ing properly. 1ction@ hec$ MS fleet. Solution@ -nform operator. Subscriber Behavior

Boorly educated subscribers could use their handsets incorrectly by not raising antennas! choosing illadvised locations to attempt calls! etc. 1ction@ hec$ customer complaints and their MS. Battery /law #hen a subscriber runs out of battery during a conversation! the call will be registered as dropped call due to low signal strength or others. 1ction@ hec$ if MS power regulation is used. hec$ if DTQ uplin$ is used. -on"estion on T-* The SD & is dropped when congestion on T &. 1ction@ hec$ T & congestion Solution@ -ncrease capacity on T & or using features li$e Assignment to another cell! ell Ioad Sharing! & S! Dynamic &alf8%ate Allocation and :%8&% Mode Adaptation etc HOSR Analysis 8robable :easons of Bad *andover 8erformance AAA5ei"hborin" -ell :elation 1ction4Add neighbor cell relation. 888Missed measurement fre.uencies in B1Alist 1ction4 hec$ measurement fre"uencies list. 8888ermitted 5etwork -olor -ode problem 1ction4 hec$ 6 Bermitted 888*, faults. 1ction@ hec$ BTS error log. 888Blockin" on Tar"et -ell 1ction4%emove Bloc$ing on Tager ell

888-on"estion A high congestion might lead to dragged calls (handover performed at a not intended location) and a lot of unsuccessful handovers. 1ction@ hec$ T & congestion. 888Timer =xpire 1fter MS is @ost The MS never answers the base station. 1ction@ hec$ coverage. hec$ interference. AAA@ink -onnection or *, /ailure 1ction@ hec$ BTS error log. Berform site visit. Berform lin$ performance measurements. AAABad 1ntenna 3nstallation 1ction@ Berform site survey and chec$ antenna installation. hec$ antenna cabling. 888Many 5ei"hbors 0efined Many defined measurement fre"uencies defined (U;)) will decrease the accuracy of the mobile measurements to locate the best si( servers. Many measurement fre"uencies mean few samples per fre"uency and problem for mobiles to decode the BS- . 1ction@ hec$ number of definitions. 8880elayed *andover 0ecision A delayed handover decision can be due to congestion in the target cell. 1ction@ hec$ handover parameters. 888,ron" @ocatin" 8arameter Settin" 1ction@ hec$ locating parameters. 888Bad :adio -overa"e 1ction@ hec$ coverage plots.

888*i"h 3nterference, -oA-hannel or 1dEacent The potential handover candidate is disturbed by interference. Eutgoing handover due to bad uplin$ "uality may indicate interference from co8 channel another MS. En the border! the "uality may be rather bad and the signal strength low. Bad downlin$ "uality may indicate interference from another co8channel base station. 1ction@ hec$ interference. hec$ if many handovers are performed due to downlin$ or uplin$ bad "uality. 888:eceiver 1ntenna 8roblem or :BS *, problems #in candidate cell$ 1ction@ hec$ antenna installation. hec$ %BS &# and 'rror log of the target cell 8888oor 3nterAMS-'BS- *andover 8erformance :or outer or e(ternal cell! wrong definitions in either MS or BS may be reason for the problem. 1ction@ hec$ inter8MS 3BS handover performance. AAA3ncorrect 0own Tilt 1ction@ Berform site survey and chec$ antenna installation. Solution@ orrect antenna tilting. SD&&' S,ccess Rate Ana!$sis-No"ia S$stem-1 8ossible 4 R -nterference on B

& fre"uency


& Bloc$ing

SD Drop on Iocation Apdate AL-f! T% or IABD :ail &# faulty '(cessive TA

0ata -ollection 4 R

6D %eport 0+ to chec$ B Alarm Iog

& clearance

TA distribution 6D %eport +2+ Kuality and Iin$ Balance 6D %eport ;4, and ;4). -nterference AI and 6D ;4)

SD&&' S,ccess Rate Ana!$sis-No"ia S$stem-.

8roblem 1nalysis 4 ;. hec$ possibility o. or Ad<. -nterference and clear the B & fre"uency. +. hec$ SD & utili9ation and add SD & if needed. 2. hange T%B or change SD & allocation on T%Q with good "uality based on 6D ;4). =. hec$ T%Q alarm (mostly 00=, together with00=2 or 00=)). hec$ T%Q configuration. ). hec$ TA distribution! coverage distribution and propose physical tune. 2. Eptimi9ing parameter + also if Iocation update is the highest contributor of SD Drop. =. &ighest contributor@ :ail on %AD-E! AB-S! AL-:! T% or IABD. ,. hec$ T%Q alarm (mostly 00=, alone or together with 00=2) 0. hec$ %Q Iev Access Min and Ma( 6umber of %etransmission. hec$ %A & %e<ected and SD & re"uest (fails or ghost).

'OSR Ana!$sis-Tips on No"ia s$stem-1

8ossibilities 4 R o or Ad<acent B


&igh T & Bloc$ing on target cell #rong TS setting regarding BS- allocation Bad 6eighbor %elation &# faulty or Anbalance T%Q power among a sector Ethers ( -nter BS 8-nter MS )

8reparation 0ata 4 ;. B &! BS- planning! 6D report 10+

ell Stat or TKM of &E distribution and 6D report ;,2 Alarm (V'E& S V'EI) and site visit Timing Advance +2+ Ad<acent onsistency hec$ 6D1)1! )+ or )4 6D %eport 02 to chec$ Andefined 6eighbor.

'OSR Ana!$sis-Tips on No"ia s$stem-.

8roblem 1nalysis ;. hec$ possibility o. or Ad<. -nterference then change B & fre"uency. +. hec$ neighbor traffic S T & bloc$ing! chec$ possibility for traffic sharing or directed retry. 2. TS value should be same with B ! chec$ performance &E out and incoming. =. Barameter setting ADY' to ma$e delay on worst target cell or faster &E on best target! focused on &igh &E :ail. %elate parameter :MT or AA I. ,. hec$ T%Q alarm (mostly 00=, together with 00=2 or 00=)). hec$ T%Q configuration. ). Eptimi9e coverage from TA distribution or update missing 6eighbor from 6D 02. 0. hec$ the highest handover cause@ by interference! "uality! level! power budget! .B%S! etc. hec$ for the highest &E failure@ by Bloc$ed! onn. :ail.! %eturn to Eld! 'nd of &E!etc. The highest value is possible as the highest contribution of &E fail.

K:I Ana!$sis on No"ia s$stem-T&' rop-1

&i All some guidelines for optimi9ation on 6o$ia system The first /B- is T & drop and -ts analysis.

8ossibilities 4 8 -nterference on B & T%Q 8 -nterference on hopping T%Q(DI -nterference) 8 '(ternal -nterference (AI interference) 8 Bad 6eighbor %elation (bad &E)

8 Iow overage 8 &# :aulty or T%Q Bower Anbalance 8 Ether @ AL-f! T% or IABD :ail Some 3mportant :eports number for 5okia system to analy+e the T-* drop4 8 8reparation 0ata 4 8 B & Blanning! 6D report 10+ (DI -nterference distribution) 8 6D %eport +;)! ;4) and Alarm (-nterference) 8 6D %eport +1=! ;,2! ;4, ( &E fail and Bath Balance) 8 6D %eport +2+ ( overage cell) 8 6D %eport ;)2 or TKM drop per causes.

K:I Ana!$sis on No"ia s$stem-T&' rop-.

8roblem 1nalysis4 ;. hec$ possibility o. or Ad<. -nterference. hec$ clean B & fre"uency. +. hec$ DI "uality Distribution and hec$ MAI and MA-E 2. hec$ AI "uality Distribution! chec$ AI interference Bwr ontrl setting to compensate interference. =. hec$ ? of &E fail from ad<acencies! focused on &igh &E :ail. hec$ T &L%:L&ELEID. hec$ possibility to add some neighbor. Try to prevent un proper &E and use :MT to reduce drop. ,. hec$ best serving cell! possibility &E to best serving cell (Macro or -ndoor) ma$e it faster to prevent drop. ). hec$ T%Q alarm (mostly 00=, together with 00=2 or 00=)). hec$ T%Q configuration or reset T%Q if needed. 0. hec$ TA distribution! coverage spillage and proposed physical tune. *. hec$ and compare which one the highest@ :ail on %AD-E! AB-S! AL-:! T% or IABD.

Interference Ana!$sis

The following procedure should be performed for interference analysis$ hec$ the drop call performance for that particular cell. #hen the interference problem occurs in the cell! the drop call will be higher than usual. This might depends on the severity of the interference whether it is co8channel or ad<acent channel. hec$ the handover performance of the cell. The &E performance will also loo$ bad especially when you loo$ into the neighbor relation that has interference. :or e.g. ad<acent channel. ( 6A consistency chec$ing can detect this)

hec$ the antenna direction! position etc. This is to see whether the direction covers the right area! open space area (this can be seen by having good and updated map) hec$ if the site is a dragon site. -f the site is a dragon site! it might be possible to get interfered by co8channel from far away. hec$ the co8channel sites! if found! change fre"uency and see the result. Mostly! changing the fre"uency will solve the interference problem. hec$ the -ntracell handover (normally for -ntracell handover +,? Aplin$ and 0,? Downlin$) and if the variation is different from this. -ntracell handover usually indicates bad "uality and high signal strength. Too high number of intracell handover show a bad "uality cell and if possible! you can reduce the number of intracell handover of MAQ-&E to a smaller value based on the channel group. Iocate the interference from statistics based on MS reversion to old channel of total attempt. &igh number of reversion will show that the target fre"uency might be interfered. hec$ the statistics from Eutgoing &andover decision due to bad "uality Aplin$ or Downlin$ from handover decision. &igh decision of handover due to "uality will show the direction of interference. hec$ if the interference is uplin$ interference (this might be an interference from other MSs) by analy9e the - M band for other band (not include band ;). -f found on - M U 2! change fre"uency. hec$ the MS power regulation setting. -f any poor setting found! correct the parameter. -mproper setting of MS power regulation might cause interference. The feature used to reduce the MS power when the MS is near to the BTS and hoping that it might not interfere the uplin$. hec$ if the fre"uency hopping on or off. -f more than ; T%A! turn on the fre"uency hopping. Turning on the fre"uency will help to reduce interference by interference averaging. hec$ if DTQA feature is on or off. -f off! turn the DTQ feature on. This will save the battery in the MS and reduce the interference. -f the interference is downlin$ (causing by other BTS interference)! hec$ BTS power regulation. -f any poor setting found! correct parameter setting. hec$ if DTQD feature is on or off. -f off! turn the DTQ feature on. This is used to reduce interference and decrease BTS power consumption -f changing fre"uency or parameter cannot solve the interference for both uplin$ S downlin$! it might be e(ternal interference. hec$ antenna installation! ensure that the antenna is correctly installed

hec$ if another mobile networ$ li$e AMBS is near to the location. hec$ from the statistics if there is any pattern of bad "uality reason. :or e(ample! for surveillance purpose! the TF or wireless alarm system might be turn on during nighttime only. -f e(ternal interference problem occurs! do drive test and report the usage of the fre"uency to authorities.

T&' Assi%nment Ana!$sis

Successful assignments show the number of successful T & allocations at call setup. At unsuccessful assignment! the Assignment omplete message! sent by the MS! was never received by the BTS. The formula is defined as@
?T & D T: ASSAII Q ;11 ? ASS-.6M'6T SA 'SS %AT' TASSATT Brobable %eason 6o dominant serving The serving cell cannot cope with the cell T & traffic.

Severe congestion on :ailing T & allocation for assignment T & or handover due to congestion Iow signal strength The signal strength might be higher on for call access the B & than on the T &. -nterference :aulty transceiver Disturbance on SD & or target T &

:aulty e"uipment

The followin" procedure should be performed for T-* 1ssi"nment analysis4 ;@ :or T & assignment success rate! the first thing! chec$ the T & Time ongestion. +@ -f there is congestion on T &! it is recommend doing the dimensioning and adding T%A based on carried T & traffic demand. 2@ -f there is no congestion on T &! chec$ the output power of the BTS. -f the output power is low! increase the output power. =@ -f the output power is o$! chec$ the faulty BTS by e(tracting BTS error log. ,@ -f hardware fault found! swap or repair &#. 8erform drivetests to check the covera"e and received :x@=B )@ -f no dominant cell or similar signal strengths of a few cells found during drivetests! it is recommended to add BTS. 0@ -f there is no problem on the dominant cell! chec$ the interference whether co8channel or ad<acent channel. *@ hec$ the disturbance whether it is on SD & or target T &. -f disturbance found! improve the fre"uency plan.

CDMA CONCEPTS 3ntroduction To -ellular -ommunication To provide wireless communication access to subscribers we need a pair of %: channels per active call. -n a large city with several thousand subscribers number of channels re"uired would be so large that they cannot be accommodated on one site. Also there is a limit to availability of spectrum. -f an operators get a , M&9 band! then he has only +, channels to use with +, channels loaded at one site he can offer cellular service to +111 subscribers at most. To overcome this limitation! you have to create 9ones of coverage! which are called as cells. -ellular Structure ells in cellular system are he(agons. The actual cell covered by a base station ta$es a very different shape depending upon the terrain obstructions and transmitting antenna characteristics. The cells are of different si9es and shapes to cover a den sly populated area! smaller cells are used. #here a large cells cover a low subscriber density areas. En the highways and main roads cell si9e is optimised to cover larger length of the cell along the road. This is made possible by using directive antenna. -ode 0ivision Multiplexin" 1ccess4A The DMA standard allows up to ); simultaneous users in one ;.++** M&9 channel. By processing each voice pac$et with two B6 codes. -t is virtually impossible to monitor a DMA conversation or fraudulently access 'S6s! B-6s or credit card numbers. Though there are )= #alsh codes available to differentiate call and theoretical limits are around =1 calls. The operational limitations and "uality issues will reduce the ma(imum number of calls somewhat below this value. -hanneli+ation Methods

The band used in DMA is *+= M&9 to *4= M&9 (,1 M&9 T +1 M&9 separation)

:re"uency channel is divided into code channels ;.+, M&9 of :DMA channel is divided into )= code channels.

DMA is a ode Division Multiple Access

Spread spectrum techni"ue Multiple users share the same fre"uency in one cell Same fre"uency in all the cells Ta$es advantage of Multipath apacity is soft Eperates under presence of interference


Spread Spectrum Techni.ue

All of the modulation and demodulation techni"ues strive to achieve greater power and3or bandwidth efficiency in a stationary additive white .aussaian noise channel. Since bandwidth is a limited resource! one of the primary design ob<ectives of all modulation schemes is to minimi9e the re"uired transmission bandwidth. Spread spectrum techni"ues on the other hand employ a transmission bandwidth that is several orders of magnitude greater than the minimum re"uired signal bandwidth. #hile this system is very bandwidth inefficient for a single user! the advantage of spread spectrum techni"ue is that many users can simultaneously use the same bandwidth without significantly interfering with one another. -n a multiple8user multiple access interference environment! spread spectrum systems becomes very bandwidth efficient. There are two types of spread spectrum techni"ues are used

Direct Se"uence :re"uency &opping.

Direct Se"uence is adopted by DMA

0irect Se.uence Spread Spectrum

; chip period

.e base band data since is multi&lied b' a P6 code4 w.ic. is multi&lication of eac. bit of base band data wit. t.e P6 code4 will result into a s&read bandwidt. but t.e s&ectral &ower densit' remains t.e same4 because before s&reading t.e energ' was concentrated in a small bandwidt.4 now it is s&read o5er a large bandwidt.. 6ow w.en s&read signal is transmitted it is recei5ed at t.e recei5er4 wit. signal from user of t.e same s&ectrum4 w.ic. became noise for noise4 &lus interference from sources. .e recei5er in t.ese s'stems will .a5e a correlate4 w.ic. use t.e re&lica of t.e P6 code to e7tract t.e same information.

1dvanta"es of Spread Spectrum

1. (s t.e signal is s&read o5er a large fre8uenc' band4 t.e &ower s&ectral densit' is getting 5er' small4 so communications s'stems do not suffer from %ind of communications. Howe5er t.e 9aussian 6oise le5el is increasing. 2. Multi&le accesses can be deal wit.4 as large number of codes can be generated4 w.ic. will &ermit a large number of users. :. .e ma7imal number of users is not s&ectrum or resource limited4 li%e access s'stems li%e 3#M(4 .ere t.e' are onl' interference limited. ;. !ecurit'/ wit.out %nowing t.e s&reading code4 it is nearl' im&ossible to reco5er t.e transmitted data. <. 3ading rejection/ as large bandwidt. is used t.e s'stem is less susce&tible to distortions. CDMA CONCEPTS-3

-0M1 -oncept

-n DMA timing plays an important role. All the base stations are synchronised with satellite time. The base stations will start their transmission with reference to the satellite cloc$. All the base stations will not transmit at the same instant. #ith reference to the satellite cloc$! each base station will offset itNs timing by a certain offset. All base stations will have different offsets. So even if transmission is occurring in a neighbouring cell using the same B6 code! then though this come as an interference to the user in the e(isting cell but it will not effect the receiver in decoding the right information. This is because! information is decoded by correlating the B6 codes! since the neighbour base station is offset in time! it will not correlate with the code used in this cell. -0M1 -apacity The factors deciding capacity are

Brocessing .ain Signal to 6oise %atio Foice Activity :actor :re"uency %euse 'fficiency

apacity in DMA is soft! DMA has all users on each fre"uency and users are separated by code. This means DMA operates in the presence

of noise and interference. En top of this the neighbour cells use the same fre"uencies! which means no re8use. So DMA capacity calculations should be very simple. 6o of code channels in a cell! multiplied by no of cells. But it is not that simple. Though the no of code channels available are )=! it may not be possible to use all at one time! since DMA the fre"uency is same. Soft capacity means is that all code channels can be sued at one time! but at the cost of "uality. 8rocessin" 7ain4 8 #"ain$ F 2&lo" #,':$ , is Spread :ate : is 0ata :ate /or -0M1 8 #"ain$ F 2&lo" #222GG&&'<)&&$ F 22dB DMA is spread spectrum techni"ue. 'ach data bit is spread by a code se"uence. This means energy per bit is also increased. This means! that we get some gain out of this. This gain is a factor of spreading rate and actual data rate. En average! a typical transmission condition re"uires a signal to noise ratio of 0 dB for ade"uate voice "uality. Translated into a ratio! signal must be , times stronger than noise. Actual processing gain F 8 #"ain$ A S5: F 22 ? ( F 29dB DMA uses variable rate coder The Boice 1ctivity /actor of & 9 is considered F A9dB DMA has ;11? fre"uency reuse. Ase of same fre"uency in surrounding cells causes some additional interference. 3n -0M1 fre.uency reuse efficiency is & )( #(&H eff $ F A2 (%dB

Optimization Procedures in CDMA

Optimization Procedures
This document presents in detail optimization procedure for assuring effectively network quality. This procedure is based on Voice/ ata call in cdma!"""#1$ and ata call in %V &. &ptimization procedure shall be performed' when installation of (T) is completed and (T) is inter#worked with *)+. +ommercial service shall be provided' after completion and trial service is offered' at the result of optimization procedure. &ptimization ,rocedures are divided into the following stages based on operational stage. )tage 1 : )ingle +ell -unction Test )tage ! : +luster &ptimization )tage . : )ystem &ptimization Stage & $ Single Cell 'unction test Stage & is for erifying whether indi idual (TS wor)s well or not' by making a single cell function test of (T) hardware and software. %ssential items to be tested are as follows: 1/ (T) Transmitter &utput *easurement Test !/ 0nitial parameter establishment 1,ilot ,2/)ystem 0 /)ite 0 /-requency' 2eighbor 3ist/ ./ +all &rigination and Termination Test 4/ )ofter 5andoff Test/6ntenna installation check 1 irection' Tilt' Transmission 3ine/ 7/ )ingle +ell +overage Test 8/ 2oise -loor Test Stage * $ Cluster +ptimi,ation Stage * is for testing se eral (TSs in cluster, in order to erify the inter%wor) and performance between (TSs. )tage ! is aimed at checking basic field functions and performance in mobile communication system' assuring primary safety in system and network' and verifying conditions for maintaining the best quality of call and optimization in service aspects. 1/ (asic )ervice 6rea %stablishment !/ Voice +overage &ptimization ./ ata +overage &ptimization 4/ -%9 optimization 7/ Voice 5andoff &ptimization

8/ ata 5andoff &ptimization :/ )hadow 6rea &ptimization1if needed/ ;/ ,ilot ,ollution 6rea &ptimzation1if needed/ Stage - $ System +ptimi,ation Completion )tage . is for verifying finally comprehensive performance in network. %ssential tests to be performed at stage . are as follows: 1/ +all <uality &ptimization !/ )ystem +apacity test

3sotropic :/ Source IA point source that radiates #F energy unifor"ly in all directions $%.e.& in the shape of a sphere' (!heoretical only& does not physically e)ist. (Has a po*er gain of unity %.e. +dBi. ,ffecti e #adiated Po*er $,#P' IHas a po*er gain of unity i.e. +dBi (!he radiated po*er fro" a half-*a e dipole. (A lossless half-*a e dipole antenna has a po*er gain of +dBd or ../0dBi. I ,ffecti e %sotropic #adiated Po*er $,%#P' I!he radiated po*er fro" an isotropic source =3:8 F =:8 C 2 25 dB R R R :adio si"nals travel throu"h space at the Speed of @i"ht - F % J 2&G meters ' second /re.uency #/$ is the number of waves per second #unit4 *ert+$ ,avelen"th # $ #len"th of one wave$ F #distance traveled in one second$ #waves in one second$ F - ' / 3f fre.uency is <&&M*K then

*a elength 1 $ % J 2&G$'#<&& J 2&)$ 1 +.222 "eters

R R 3dB is a a relati e unit of "easure"ent used to describe po*er gain or loss. 3!he dB alue is calculated by ta4ing the log of the ratio of the "easured or calculated po*er $P.' *ith respect to a reference po*er $P/'. !his result is then "ultiplied by /+ to obtain the alue in dB. dB 1 /+ 3 log/+$P/5P.' R R R 3!he po*ers P/ ad P. "ust be in the sa"e units. %f the units are not co"patible6 then they should be transfor"ed. ,qual po*er corresponds to +dB. A factor of . corresponds to 2dB %f P/ 1 2+W and P. 1 /0 W then /+ 3 log/+$P/5P.' 1 /+ 3 /+ 3 log/+$2+5/0' 1.

R R 3!he "ost co""on 7defined reference7 use of the decibel is the dB"6 or decibel relati e to one "illi*att. 3%t is different fro" the dB because it uses the sa"e specific6 "easurable po*er le el as a reference in all cases6 *hereas the dB is relati e to either *hate er reference a particular user chooses or to no reference at all. R 3A dB has no particular defined reference *hile a dB" is referenced to a specific quantity& the "illi*att $/5/+++ of a *att'. R 3!he %,,, definition of dB" is 7a unit for e)pression of po*er le el in decibels *ith reference to a po*er of / "illi*att.7

3!he dB" is "erely an e)pression of po*er present in a circuit relati e to a 4no*n fi)ed a"ount $i.e.6 / "illi*att' and the circuit i"pedance is irrele ant.8

R dB" 1 /+ log $P' $/+++ "W5*att' *here dB" 1 Po*er in dB referenced to / "illi*att P 1 Po*er in *atts R %f po*er le el is / "illi*att& Po*er$dB"' 1 /+ log $+.++/ *att' $/+++ "W5*att' 1 /+ log $/' 1 /+ $+' 1+ R R !hus a po*er le el of / "illi*att is + dB". %f the po*er le el is / *att / *att Po*er in dB" 1 /+ log $/ *att' $/+++ "W5*att' 1 /+ $2' 1 2+

R R R dB" 1 /+ log $P' $/+++ "W5*att' !he dB" can also be negati e alue. %f po*er le el is / "icro*att Po*er in dB" 1 /+ log $/ ) /+,-9 *att' $/+++ "W5*att' 1 -2+ dB" R R Since the dB" has a defined reference it can be con erted bac4 to *atts if desired. Since it is in logarith"ic for" it "ay also be con eniently co"bined *ith other dB ter"s.

dB 5"
R !o con ert field strength in db 5" to recei ed po*er in dB" *ith a 0+ opti"u" ter"inal i"pedance and effecti e length of a half *a e dipole 5 +dBu 1 /+ log:$/+-9'.$/+++'$ 5 '.5$;30+'< dB" At =0+>H? +dBu 1 -/2. dB" 2@dBu 1 -@2 dB"

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