Phrasal Verb Formal Verb Adittional Information (Ejemplos) Spanish

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PHRASAL VERB Ask for Apply for Break into Break out Bring up



Solicitar Solicitar

Force entry

Our house was broken into

Entrar para robar Estallar

Her parents died when she was very young, so her grandparents brought her up as if she was their own daughter.

Criar o educar

Cater for

Provide what is wanted or needed by someone or something

Its an enormous music shop which carters for all musical tastes from classical music metal. to heavy

Abastecer o atender

Come against Come up






I never expected to come up against so many problems trying to get my mobile phone repaired. Do you remember the meaning of binge? it came up in the last lesson. Aparece o surge

problem Appear

Come up with Come across

Suggest or think of an idea

Chantal came up wih the brilliant idea of selling her old clothes in the market on Saturday (Ej: He suddenly came across an advertisement showing a .)

Proponer o Salir con la idea de Topar con Cruzarse

Went through

We were walking in the woods when we came across an old abandoned cottage.

Come round or around Come with Cut down on down


My parents are out tonight. Would you like to come around and watch TV with me?

To get an illness

I dont feel very well. I think Im coming down with flu


Reduce Do less of something or use sth in smaller amounts.

Im spending far more than I can afford. Ill really have to cut down on something.



Dress up

Dress smartly Go in a fancy dress or wear a costume Im going to dress up as a pirate

Vestir elegante Disfrazarse

Drop out (of) Fall apart Fall over

Leave before the end Clothing:deshacerse Relation ship:fracasar To fall over oneself or each other to do something

Drop out of School/of politics/of the course ..

Abandonar Deshacerse desmoronarse o

They were falling over themselves to help


Fall for Fall out with






It was her smaile which first attracted me and I fell for her immediately. It was love at first sight Unfortunately, we had an argument last week and we fell out with each other. We havent spoken since


someone To argue and stop being friendly with someone


Find out Figure out

Discover Understand Work out

The next day the teacher found out the truth I cant figure out why he did it

Descubrir Entender respuesta) (encontrar

PHRASAL VERB Fit out Fold up Give up Give away

Provide with everything thatll be needed

Ill probably take some two years to assemble and fit out the hotel I always fold my clothes up before go to bed


Plegar o doblar

Stop doing something Disclose To show someones true nature or identity Give sth away for free

Im so unfit!I really ought to give up smoking. Shes such a gossip- you cant tell her anything! she loves giving away at her people secret. Revelar

Give off Give out

(=hand out)

To produce or emit and send into the air Distribute or make known. Announce or broadcast information

So a building that was once used as a church, for example, may give off the smell of incense. Im going to give out the test paper now, but you mustnt begin until I tell you.


Divulgar o repartir

Give in

Hand in Succumb or Submit

Id like you to give in your homework at the end of the lesson. Although my parents were against the idea at first, I went on about the all-night party so much that eventually they give in and agreed to let me go.

Entregar Sucumbir o Rendirse

Get rid of Give back Get with Get paid Get ready Get into trouble Get by with Get away (from) Get away with Get out of Get over in touch

Throw away

Ej: This sueter is so old, when are you going to get rid of it?

Tirar Deshacerse Devolver


Ill mar kit tonight and ill give it back to you tomorrow


Estar en contacto

Earn Prepare

Ganar prepararse

Ej: hes always getting into trouble at school Survive Ej: I always manage to get by with a dictionary and a few gestures Escape Escape punishment Hes trying to get away from the police She let him off with nothing more than an unconvincing warning, but he didnt get away with it. Salirse con la suya. Salir impune Salir de Recover after an Fell better after an illness I think about her a lot, so I suppose I havent got over her yet. I miss her very much. Sobreponerse, Superar Sobrevivir

illness/after the end of a relationship someone. with

Get on Get the chance Grow up

I was born in England but I grew up in France, I lived in Paris until I was 18.

Llevarse gente Tener




oportunidad Crecer/madurar


Continue doing the same activity. Change activity. to a different

Verb+ing (Ej:Lets hope you can go on winning) Verb+to inf (Ej:You mean, you might go on to become a full time model?) Cher tends to get rid of a lot of her things each year and we just go over with a truck and pick them up

Continuar Cambiar a

Go over Go out with


Recoger coleccionar Salir

Have a romantic or not relationship with someone (to date someone)

The girl who he is going out with hopes to be a famous film star. (we started going out with each other exactly one years ago)

Hand with Hand in


Spend time with someone

Melanie doesnt like hanging around with her parents, so shes gone shopping on her own.

Give in Not =deliver, this is more focused in doing in other the place.

Id like you to give in your homework at the end of lesson, Ill mark it tonight and give it back to you tomorrow.


Hand out Head up Head for

Give out

Repartir Dirigir. Estar a la cabeza de

Go toward

The car was heading straight for me There are one or two potential problems which might make people think twice before heading for space.

Ir hacia.

Head off to (set out) Let down (to be let down) Let someone off Look into
To be disappointed you expected because

After they had finished, they headed off to a cafe for a sandwich and a cup of coffee. They felt they had been badly let down. They had given their son so much freedom and he had thanked them by becoming a thief She let him off with nothing more than an unconvincing warning The headteacher was informed, and after looking into the incident, decided to suspend him for a month


more from someone Let go without


punishment, forgive Investigate



o Considerer

Look up to


My father is an important figure to me. I have always looked up to him because of his patience and calmness.


Lose weight Make up

Invent something, such an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive. Sometimes when I arrive home late I make up an excuse to tell my parents why Im late. Inventar excusas

Make up for Make up

Compensate for

Their enthusiasm make up for their lack of experience.


With cosmetics

She taught me how to make up


Make up with somebody Make ready Make sure

Achieve reconciliation Become friends again

Lets kiss and make up

Hacer las paces

Prepararse Asegurarse


To confess To own up to the police/to a crime

She wouldnt let us go home until the person who was responsible for the damage owned up.


Pick up

Collect or to go and get someone or something Ligar

Do you want to come to the shopping centre with me? Im going to pick up those red shoes I ordered. Or pick up the children People used to go to clubs to drink, talk or pick each other up.



Pop into Pull in Put on weight Put up with

Go into Visit for a short time Attract

If youre in town, could you pop into the post office and post this parcel for me? This new film is so popular that it has been pulling in huge audiences


But for those who are prepared to put up with the lack of comfort in space, the view will definitely make up for the drawbacks


Put forward Run out Run over Run to See off Set up Start up Shoot off Show off Soak up Switch from Settle in Settle down Split up Sump up

Present Propose Exhaust supplies Knock down (a pedestrian) Last (amount to) Say good by Establish/Found He set up his own business The film runs to over four hours I went to make some tea but I realised wed run out

Presentar, Proponer. Quedarse sin Atropellar


Despedirse Establecer o montar algo

Start the engine of a bike o car Start moving very quickly

Mike found it hard to started up hos bike in the cold weather. When the meeting ended she suddenly shot off without saying a Word to anyone.

Display for admiration

He wanted to show off his new car

Presumir (negative way)

Soak up the culture Stop one thing and start another To settle in well=to be confortable Put down your roots To end a relationship with someone Sumarise. Describe the important facts about We were in a disco. Someone told me she had just split up with her boy friend, so I asked her to dance. To sum up(in conclusion) How would you sum up her personality in just a few

Absorver Alternar

Instalarse/adaptarse establecerse

something briefly




She takes after me in facial features She takes after me in my ways

Parecerse a (entre miembros de una misma familia y del mayor al menor)

Take aback Take up

Start doing an activity (hobby or sport) occupy

I was taken aback by the number of people who said Clare you cant go! I need to get more exercise, so Im thinking of taking up jogging or aerobics. Karate has become my life and takes up all my time. We have to take over an old building in the city centre to open our new shop

Sorprender, desconcertar. Empezar una

actividad (hobby)

Take over

Take control of/occupy

Ocupar o tomar el control Reemplazar alguien a

Take over from somebody Take on Take to Take out Take in To be Taken in by sth. Take pride in Take back Tell off Throw out Try out Turn sb down Turn out Turn on Turn off Wear off Wear out Work out


Whats more they needed someone to take over from the man who was my very first teacher.


The sport centre where I started al those years ago has just taken me on as a full-time karate teacher.

Start to like

I took to it immediately and by the en of the first class I was hooked.

To rent Deceive You believe someones lies To be proud of She is proud her achievements= she takes pride in her achievements Return His mother told him off for breaking the plate and he started crying To fire or sack Test (product/machine/method) Reject Result After several He turned out to have been there before Rechazar Result Encender Apagar Dont say you dont like if you havent even tried out Despedir Probar Reir Estar orgulloso de algo Our teacher will believe anything and she was completely taken in by his word. Engaar


The paint will soon disappear

Desaparecer Quitarse

Make someone extremely tired

Shopping in Oxford street wore us out, so we decided to take a taxi back to the hotel. She was made to work out at the start where the horizon was going to be, and how to make things at the front bigger than things at the back. Elaborar plan o Idear

Think about and plan

Work up

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