Concentration For Standard Curve

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Results: Concentration for standard curve The original concentration of drug was give as 1g/ml. Therefore, M1 = 1 1.

(M1)(V1) = (M2)(V2) (1)(1) = (M2)(10) M2 = 0.1mg/ml 2. (M1)(V1) = (M2)(V2) (0.1)(1) = (M2)(10) M2 = 0.01mg/ml 3. (M1)(V1) = (M2)(V2) (0.01)(1) = (M2)(10) M2 = 0.001mg/ml 4. (M1)(V1) = (M2)(V2) (0.001)(1) = (M2)(10) M2 = 0.0001mg/ml 5. (M1)(V1) = (M2)(V2) (0.0001)(1) = (M2)(10) M2 = 0.00001mg/ml The graph was attached with the report. Then draw the second graph of concentration vs time, we use the equation y = mx + c. From the first graph (absorbance vs concentration), the y-intercept is 0.035. From the graph, 2 points were used to calculate the gradient (m) of the graph. The 2 points are (0.26, 0.15) and (0.83, 0.40). m= time 0 2 4 6 8 10 = 0.44 Average OD (y) 0.0599 0.058 0.0532 0.0518 0.0458 0.0415 Concentration, Cp (X) X = 0.0599 / 0.44 = 0.136 X = 0.0580 / 0.44 = 0.132 X = 0.0532 / 0.44 = 0.121 X = 0.0518 / 0.44 = 0.118 X = 0.0458 / 0.44 = 0.104 X = 0.0415 / 0.44 = 0.094 ln Cp ln (0.136) = -1.99 ln (0.132) = -2.02 ln (0.121) = -2.11 ln (0.118) = -2.14 ln (0.104) = -2.26 ln (0.094) = -2.36

12 14 16 18

0.0404 0.0414 0.0409 0.0390

X = 0.0404 / 0.44 = 0.092 X = 0.0414 / 0.44 = 0.094 X = 0.0409 / 0.44 = 0.093 X = 0.0390 / 0.44 = 0.089

ln (0.092) = -2.39 ln (0.094) = -2.36 ln (0.093) = -2.38 ln (0.089) = -2.42

Calculation: Vd =

= 7.35 ml CL = Vd x Kel = 7.35 ml x 0.027 min-1 = 0.198 ml min-1 T1/2 = =

= 25.98min

Discussion: In this experiment, the drug that is used for pharmacokinetics properties studies will be potassium permanganate. According to ACT (Anatomical Therapeutic and Chemical Classification) classification system, a system introduced by World Health Organization, every drug and chemical is categorized based on five criteria and are assigned with a code, for example A10BA06. The first alphabet A10BA06 is represented by anatomical main group, second digit which is A10BA06 will be the therapeutic subgroup, and third digit which is A10BA06 will be the pharmacological subgroup, and fourth digit A10BA06 is the chemical subgroup and the last digit A10BA06 will be the chemical substance. Potassium Permanganate is assigned with two codes to describe the function of it which is D08AX06 and also V03AB18. The first code D08AX06 described










dermatological use whereas V03AB18 described potassium permanganate in various group and act as an antidote. (Oslo, 2012) Practically, potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent with disinfectant, deodorizing and astringent properties and is used in various dermatological conditions such as wound cleansing specifically used in weeping ulcers and also as disinfectants for fungal infection like athletes foot. (DermNet NZ, 2013) The precaution when handling potassium permanganate in this experiment is that glove must be worn before pipetting the potassium permanganate because it will burn and cause corrosion to the skin and stained anything it touch brown in colour. (DermNet NZ, 2013) Other than that, potassium permanganate should be protected and covered from exposed it to light as it is very light sensitive and will undergo photodecomposition into different chemical compound. The equation of the photodecomposition of potassium permanganate is shown as follow. 2 KMnO4 K2MnO4 + MnO2(s) + O Potassium Permanganate Potassium Manganate + Manganese Dioxide + Oxygen Potassium Permanganate is decomposed photochemically and reduced to form potassium manganate and manganese dioxide which is a brown precipitate as the observation of this photodecomposition reaction. (Sundar, 1937) In this experiment, we intended to monitor the change of plasma concentration of potassium permanganate in the body with respect to time. Based on our graph, the concentration of potassium permanganate decreased gradually from time of 2 minute to 12 minute. From 12 minute onwards, the potassium permanganate concentration in plasma kept falling until reaching a plateau stage at 18 minute. During the plateau phase, the concentration of potassium permanganate is greatly reduced compared to the original concentration. Based on the two-compartment model in pharmacokinetics, we are able to prove that when the specific drug is administered into the body, this drug will be absorbed into the bloodstream, distributed from the bloodstream into the tissue and eventually, removed from the body. As a result, the plasma concentration of potassium

permanganate in the body will be reduced accordingly after certain period of times due to these common routes every drug must be experienced within the body (Katzung, 2012) . From the result of the experiment, the clearance (CL) of potassium permanganate is 0.198 mL min-1 while the volume of distribution (Vd) of this drug is 7.35mL. Moreover, the half-life of potassium permanganate is 25.98 minute. From the above information, we are able to predict the properties of the drug within the body. As we known, after drug administration, plasma drug concentration falls shortly due to distribution of drug from the bloodstream to the body tissues. Potassium permanganate has a low value of Vd, meaning that this drugs distribution is probably restricted to the plasma. In contrast, if the drug has a high Vd value, it indicated that this drug might be limited within the tissues. Half-life is defined as the time required to reduce the plasma concentration of drug by 50%. From the half-life of potassium permanganate, it

indicated that amount of the drug will be degraded by half every 25.98 minutes. In this case, we can assume that potassium permanganate is able to reside within the body for a long period of time resulting from low elimination rate (Katzung, 2012). Regrettably, the half-life of potassium permanganate in this experiment is not consistent with the theoretical value which is in the range between 30 to 40 minutes. This error might be attributed to inappropriate handling of the light sensitive drug, potassium permanganate during setting up the experiment. Excessive exposure of drug to surrounding light will directly affect the final value of the half-life. Thereby, this manmade mistake can be rectified by handling this light-sensitive reagent with great care.

Reference: Katzung, B.G., Masters, S.B. and Trevor, A.J. (2012). Basic and clinical pharmacology (12th ed.). New York:McGraw-Hill.

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