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Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher: Guramulta Renata Grade: the VIth Lyceum :A.I.Cuza Chisinau Topic: The Olympic Games Time:45 min Type of the lesson: Mixe Curriculum Objectives: !y the en "# the less"n stu ents $ill %e a%le t":
&'4.(. in the curriculum) resp"n "rally t" a sp"*en pr"mpt #r"m the teacher "n a #amiliar t"pic at an appr"priate le+el "# i##iculty. The resp"nse $ill last a%"ut ,- sec. The pr"mpt must elicit an authentic se.ment "# text/ n"t "ne0$"r . Criteri"n: clear pr"nunciati"n an appr"priate stress/ int"nati"n.

Operational Objectives:
1.t" spea* a%"ut the Olympic Games2 '.t" c"mpare the Ancient an M" ern Olympic Games2 ,.t" classi#y the sp"rts acc"r in. t" s"me criteria. 4. 3nc" expressin. pupils4 p"int "# +ie$. 5. Teachin. them t" " clusters

Materials:(th #"rm text%""*s2 #lashcar s2 han "uts2 lapt"p2 Methods and Techni ues: acti+ities .r"up0$"r*/ #ull class $"r*2 %rainst"rmin.2 True56alse 7tatements2 t"
c"mment "n picture2 Venn 8ia.ram etc. Literature used: 9"hn an :iz 7"ars/ ;e$ <ea $ay 3n.lish C"urse/ 3lementary 7tu ent4s %""* Ox#"r =ni+ersity >ress. $$$.37:T"$er.c"m

:ess"n 1.M"ti+ati"n Aarmin. up

O%?ecti+es 3sta%lishin. c"ntact $ith pupils

Teacher4s Acti+ity Teacher .reets >upils. Teacher sh"$s them a p"$er p"int presentati"n representin. i##erent em"ti"ns/ a#ter $hich the teacher as*s the pupils: <"$ many "# y"u are Bhappy/sa /sleepy/ "rtire t" ayC BAs $e can "%ser+e the ma?"rity "# y"u are in a ."" m"" t" ay. It is a ."" si.n %ecause as a .reat sp"rtsman "nce sai that:G"" m"" lea s t" a .reat success. D. Di ane. I als" h"pe that "ur less"n t" ay $ills a success#ul "ne. Teacher sh"$s them a picture/ an ma*es pupils c"mment "n it: Ah" are the pe"pleC Ahy " pe"ple " sp"rtC The ch""sin. "# this picture an ta*en int" acc"unt the auth"r "# the pre+i"us sayin. is n"t acci ental/ %"th has re#erence t" "ur t" ay4s less"n t"pic: Ahat " y"u thin* are $e ."in. t" spea* a%"ut t" ayC The teacher ann"unces the t"pic "# the less"n an ma*es pupils $rite "$n the ate an the t"pic "# the less"n in their c"py%""*s. The teacher names "%?ecti+es "# the less"n.

7tu ents4 Acti+ity >upils .reet the teacher.

Meth" s an Techni@ues C"n+ersati"n/ :ar.e .r"up iscussi"ns.

Material nee e

Time 'min

The pupils ans$er the @uesti"n .i+in. ar.uments.

'. Intr" ucin. the ne$ t"pic.

T" spea* a%"ut the t"pic "# the ne$ less"n




>upils express their "pini"ns.

,.Teachin. rea in. pre0rea in. $"r*/ >re icti"n

>upils express their "pini"ns. 3nc" expressin. >s4 p"ints "# +ie$. Teacher as*s a pre0@uesti"n a%"ut the text: Guess $hat the text is a%"ut ?u .in. %y the pictureC

c"urse %""*s


>upils rea ch"rally an then in i+i ually the ne$ $"r s

Teachin. +"ca%ulary a)presentati"n !e#"re rea in. the text/ the teacher #amiliarizes the pupils $ith the ne$ $"r s #r"m A"r !an* Ru%ric. Teacher rea s al"u the ne$ $"r s an then ma*es pupils rea an pr"n"unce c"rrectly the $"r s. A#ter $hich the teacher istri%utes t" each .r"up han "uts $ith the ne$ +"ca%ulary . >upils $"r* in .r"up an match the picture $ith the $"r s.

Ch"ral an C"urse in i+i ual %""*s pr"nunciati"n/

4 min

%)practice Rein#"rcin. the ne$ +"ca%ulary

Gr"up $"r*/ matchin.


$hile0rea in. acti+ities

>upils are rea in. the text an #ul#il the tas* .i+en %y the teacher. The pupils $"r* in .r"up/ an #in the #alse sentences a#ter $hich they must c"rrect them.

In i+i ual $"r* Emin <an "uts Gr"up $"r*/ True5#alse statements 5min

p"st0rea in. acti+ities

Gettin. e+ery"ne in+"l+e in .r"up $"r*.

BAhile rea in. un erlines $ith a pencil the in#"rmati"n that is ne$ #"r y"u an that y"u #in it interestin..

5.Teachin. spea*in. a)pre0spea*in. acti+ities

3nc" expressin. pupils4 p"int "# +ie$.

The teacher as*s the pupils t" #in #alse The pupils $"r* in .r"up an c"mplete the Venn ia.ram. sentences an c"rrect them. >upils are .i+en car s $ith sentences.

A"r* car s Gr"up $"r*/ Venn ia.ram 1-min

The teacher .i+es t" the pupils an"ther .r"up0$"r* acti+ity. 3ach .r"up must c"mplete the Venn ia.ram: The 1st .r"up must escri%e the ancient Olympic .ames2

>upils $"r* in .r"up an #ul#il

Teachin. them t" %)$hile spea*in. " clusters acti+ities In+"l+e in i actic .ames

The 'n .r"up must escri%e the m" ern ancient Olympic .ames2 The ,r t" $rite "$n $hat " they ha+e in c"mm"n. Teacher irects pupil4s attenti"n t" a list "# sp"rts that they must classi#y it acc"r in. t" s"me criteria. Teacher ann"unces the next acti+ity:>an "ra4s !"x. The teacher istri%utes t" each .r"up a %"x/ each .r"up must "pen an l""* insi e it an t" escri%e the sp"rt that is "n the picture in such a $ay the "ther .r"up .uess the sp"rt. The stu ents are as*e t" $rite in 50E lines Ahat sp"rt they $"ul li*e t" per#"rm an $hy

the ta%le. Gr"up $"r*/

6lashcar s 5min

>upils $"r* in .r"up an #ul#il the tas*. Gr"up $"r*/ Guessin. .ame


!"xes/ pictures 5min

>upils #ul#il the tas* explanati"n 1min


(.6ee %ac*

,min 8i actic em"nstrati"n 'min


The teacher "##ers "ral c"mments "n the results "# the less"n. The stu ents are as*e t" e+aluate the less"n an t" state $hat they ha+e learnt urin. the less"n.

The teacher e+aluates the stu ents4 acti+ity at the less"n.

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