Minute May27

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Carleton Condominium Corporation No 419

Minute of the meeting of the Board of Directors
May 27, 2009, at 7:00pm, Unit #311

Alessandro Alasia - President
Henri Proulx - Director at Large
Jack Cadieux - Director at Large
Maria Lo - Treasurer
Mike Shaikin - Secretary
James McHugh - Property Manager, Axia Management Ltd.

Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the President, Alessandro Alasia.
A quorum was noted. The meeting is recorded.

Approval of agenda. The Agenda is approved. Approval of Minutes of April 2009 is postponed.

Status Certificate. The directors and Manager confirmed that they were not aware of any
circumstances that could affect the Condominium legally or may require a special assessment.
The Special Meeting for hallway renovation (May 6, 2009) confirmed that renovation costs will be
within the guidelines of the Reserve Fund Study and no special assessment is expected. The
Manager confirmed that the current financial condition of the Corporation is good.

Review of finance with Management

The Board and Manager reviewed the financial accounts. The Corporation had approximately
$94,000 in the reserve fund account, and about $40,000 in the operating account, some of this
would cover current expenses. The corporation is in a position to cover the cost of the hallway

The preliminary indication for the fiscal year 2008/09 is that the corporation ended the FY with a
small surplus (about $4,000); however these figures are preliminary and need to be audited.

Review of maintenance and repairs

The background documents for the invoice of Environtower Inc. are provided (see Minutes of
March 2009) and the Board signed the cheque (0419-005531). The Manager will arrange for an
independent test of the water. Environtower conducts the test four times a year on the water
recycling in the cooling system used by the Corporation. The cost of this would be about $300
which would be confirmed to the Board.

A water test was conducted on the balcony of #408 for repairs work that was still under warranty.
No leak was identified. The Manager said that another test in late July or early August would be
conducted to ensure no potential leak before going into Winter. The cost of the test is estimated
at about $100.

The Manager updated the Board on the invoice for the emergency repair made to a fire system
pipe in the garage, in January. According to the Manager, the invoice received is too high for the
work that was done. The Manager has requested a clarification from the company. It was also
reported by the Manager that this repair needs to be completed (insulation needs to be placed
around the pipe).

The manager is questioned about the repair that was about to start on the windows and adjacent
stones of Calligrammes Galley, May 25. The manager indicates that the contractor had
misunderstood and assumed the work was approved, the proposal submitted by the contractor
was for $7,500 (most of the cost is labour cost, because we have the material/stones). The Board
did not approve this work and asked the Manage to verify the nature of the repair, noting that the
current patch seems to have solved the leaking problems. The manager indicates that the work
would imply removing the stones, put a membrane system, do water testing and put back the

Forthcoming/planning of maintenance and repairs

Windows. The Board reviewed the document on the work done by unit provided by the manager,
for the period 2004-2007. The Manager will update the document for 2008 and provide it to the

A director indicates that an owner (#204) reported small problem with a window, follow up is
needed. The repair at #509 is mentioned, the Manager needs to organize a meeting with the

One quote for the window has been received; the Manager is waiting for another quote from
another company, which should come in the next few days.

The Board discussed the work of the windows for this season. The part of the building with more
windows that need to be replaced are the on the West side of the building.

Various options are discussed about possible alternative to scaffolding or alternative

arrangements for contracting the scaffolds. The Manager reported that a cherry-picker would
work for the front of the building but this would not work for the side of the building.

The Board also discussed budgetary issues. The original budget allocation defined in February
2009 for window replacement was $20,000. The Board agreed that there should be two guiding
principles for window replacement: budget and conditions of the window (priority is given to the
windows in poorest conditions).

Following this discussion and considerations, the Board decided to meet a representative from
Dryview to have more information on their procedure for moisture removal. This could be done on
the worst windows in terms of moisture problem.

Notice for the window cleaning will be posted in the following day. Weather permitting window
cleaning will be done next week (beginning of June).

New Reserve Fund Study. The Board reviewed the Reserve Fund Study proposals received from
engineering companies and discussed the extensions and focus of the study (e.g. energy audit of
focus on energy saving initiatives). Further explanations on the previous Reserve Fund Study
(RFS) are requested by the Board; and these are provided by the Manager in the Manager report.

The Board decided to contact the engineering companies that submitted the proposals, for a
short follow up meeting to discuss the details of the proposal and the company’s approach.

Form for Request of Service. A director proposed a new form for Request of Service to be used
by owners. The Board unanimously approved the use of the form, which will be announced in the
next Commentary and made available online to owners (copies will also be provided to the
Superintendent). The Board and management need to use a planning tool to avoid issues like
that mentioned above of contractors starting major work without Board approval.

Other minor items. A problem with cement on the patio door is reported at #403. The Manager
will follow up on this which should be a minor repair.

The Manager reported a problem with ants at #404 and #403 which has been taken care of by
the pest control company.

Major projects
Brief discussion on preliminary results of the vote for the hallways renovation project and
preparation of the next steps (announcing results, contact contractors),

Seasonal work
Plants and flowers: the proposal of Tivoli is presented ($400). The plant/flowers can be planted in
June depending on whether conditions.

Legal / regulation issues. The Board was made aware of an issue that may arise between the
Corporation and NCC. The renovation work completed by NCC on the western side of the
building resulted in a modification to the area adjacent to one of the commercial unit on that side
of the building. Letters exchanged between an owner and NCC was put on record. No other
issues were reported.

Next meeting and Adjournment

The date for the next Board meeting will be confirmed by email. With no further business to come
before the Board meeting and upon motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the
meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Mike Shaikin, Secretary
Alessandro Alasia, President

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