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Engineering Standard

SAES-B-063 Aviation Obstruction Marking and Lig ting Loss Prevention Standards Committee Members
Ashoor, E.A., Chief Fire Prevention Engr., Chairman Fadley, G.L., Vice Chairman, Loss Prevention Al-Ghobari, A.M., Ab ai Area Loss Prevention Al-!assar, F.A., "iyadh Area Loss Prevention Al-#anaby, M.A. "as $an%ra Area Loss Prevention Al-&ayed, &.M., #eddah Area Loss Prevention Al-&eba, '.A., Materials Control Al-&%ltan, &.A., (hahran Area Loss Prevention Al-)taibi, A.&., Cons%lting &ervices Al-'ahrani, M.#., $erminal Anderson, &.V., #eddah "efinery *ard $.E., Loss Prevention Ch%rches, (.+., )tilities , Facilities Maintenance Cole, A."., Fire Protection +arvois, E.F., &o%thern Area Prod%cing Engrg. &olomon, C."., !a-iyah Gas Plant

29 June 2005

Saudi Ara!co "esk#o$ Standards

#ab%e o& 'ontents

1 2 3 4

Scope............................................................. Conflicts and Deviations................................ References..................................................... General Requirements for Obstruction Mar in! and "i!#tin!..........

2 2 2 4

Previous Issue: 28 June 2000 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010 !evised para"rap#s are indi$ated in t#e ri"#t mar"inPa"e 1 o% 8 Primar $onta$t: &sam '( 's#oor on 8)2*8+,1

-o$ument !esponsibilit : Loss Prevention Issue -ate: 20 June 2001 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010

S'&S*.*0/, 'viation 2bstru$tion Mar3in" and Li"#tin"

Sco$e This Standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design and installation for the marking and lighting of communications towers and other obstructions that may pose a hazard to aviation. If any object or portion thereof, either temporary or permanent, e ceeds an overall height of !" m above ground level #$%&', if the object meets the criteria for determining obstructions set forth under () *+, part -- of the .nited States +ederal $viation $dministration #+$$' ,egulations regardless of height, or if the /anager of the $viation or &oss 0revention 1epartments or their representative deems a structure as an obstruction, that object shall be marked and lighted according to the requirements in this standard. The overall height includes all appurtenances such as lights, rods, or antennas.
Commentary Note: The information in this Standard is based on the latest FAA Circular AC 70/7460- !"

'on&%icts and "eviations 2.( $ny conflicts between this Standard and applicable Saudi $ramco 3ngineering Standards #S$3Ss', /aterials System Specifications #S$/SSs', Standard 1rawings #S$S1s', or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the company or buyer representative through the /anager, &oss 0revention 1epartment of Saudi $ramco, 1hahran. 1irect all requests to deviate from this Standard in writing to the company or buyer representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager, Loss Prevention Department of Saudi $ramco, 1hahran.


)e&erences The selection of material and equipment and the design, construction, maintenance, and repair covered by this Standard shall meet the latest edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted. 4.( Saudi $ramco ,eferences Saudi $ramco 3ngineering 0rocedure SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement Painting Requirements for Industrial Facilities Approved Protective Coating Systems
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Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards SAES-H-100 SAES-H-101

-o$ument !esponsibilit : Loss Prevention Issue -ate: 20 June 2001 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010

S'&S*.*0/, 'viation 2bstru$tion Mar3in" and Li"#tin"


Industry *odes and Standards 5ritish Standards Institution BS 381C British Color Standard ,$& *olor Standard 6o. ,$& 7, Series 84 .nited States +ederal $ir ,egulation FAR Part 77, 14 CFR 77 O !ects A""ecting the #aviga le Airs$ace, co$ies availa le "rom FAA %e site at &&&'"aa'gov(ats(ata(ata4)) or *anager, AS+,11) +e$artment o" -rans$ortation +oc.mentation Control Center *artin *arietta(Air -ra""ic Systems

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-o$ument !esponsibilit : Loss Prevention Issue -ate: 20 June 2001 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010

S'&S*.*0/, 'viation 2bstru$tion Mar3in" and Li"#tin"

47/ School St', S% %ashington, +C 0))04 ..S. +ederal $viation $dministration $dvisory *irculars AC 7)(741),12 O str.ction *ar3ing and 4ighting, co$ies availa le "rom htt$5((&&&'"aa'gov(ats(ata(ai(inde6'html or

htt$5((&ireless'"cc'gov(antenna(doc.mentation(FAAdoc.ments'html or

Pa"e + o% 8

-o$ument !esponsibilit : Loss Prevention Issue -ate: 20 June 2001 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010

S'&S*.*0/, 'viation 2bstru$tion Mar3in" and Li"#tin"

+e$artment o" -rans$ortation Pro$erty 7se and Storage Section S. se8.ent +istri .tion O""ice, *483'1 Ardmore 9ast B.siness Center 3341 : 7/th Aven.e 4andover, *+ 0)78/ .nited States +ederal Standard F9+ S-+ /;/ Colors -he circ.lar on $aint is availa le "rom5 <SA,S$eci"ication Section 47) 4=9n"ant Pla>a S.ite 81)) .ashington, (C /0102 * +enera% )e,uire!ents &or Obstruction Marking and Lig ting The following chapter and paragraph numbers refer to +ederal $viation $dministration *ircular $* -"9-)!":(8 which is a part of this standard. The te t in each paragraph is an addition, modification, e ception, or deletion to the requirements of $* -"9-)!":(8, as noted. *hapter (. *hapter 2. #/odification' $dministrative and %eneral 0rocedures %eneral 24. &ight +ailure 6otification #1eletion' 1elete $ll

Pa"e 1 o% 8

-o$ument !esponsibilit : Loss Prevention Issue -ate: 20 June 2001 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010

S'&S*.*0/, 'viation 2bstru$tion Mar3in" and Li"#tin"

$ny observed or otherwise known e tinguishment or improper functioning of any top steady:burning light or any flashing obstruction light, regardless of its position on a natural or man: made obstruction, which will last more than 4" minutes, shall be immediately reported. Such reports shall be made by telephone to both the /anager, $viation 1epartment and, if the lighting is for a communications facility, the /anager, *ommunications ;perations 1epartment. Set forth the condition of the light, or lights, the circumstances which caused the failure, if known, and the probable date the normal operation will be resumed. +urther notification shall be given immediately upon resumption of normal operation of the light, or lights. $ny e tinguishment or improper functioning of a steady:burning side or intermediate light, or lights, installed on a natural or man:made obstruction shall be corrected as soon as possible, but notification of such e tinguishment or improper functioning is not necessary. #1eletion' 2). 6otification of ,estoration < 1elete $ll #1eletion' 2=. +** ,equirement :: 1elete $ll *hapter 4. #/odification' /arking %uidelines 42. a. /aterials and $pplication >uality paint and materials shall be selected to provide e tra years of service. The paint shall be compatible with the surfaces to be painted, including any previous coatings, and suitable for the environmental conditions. Surface preparation and paint application shall be in accordance with SAES-H-100, SAES-H101, the appropriate Saudi Aramco Data Sheets (SAES-H-101V) that give the application requirements for the paint systems, and the manufacturer?s recommendations. See Section (2( for further information on paint specifications. In:Service $viation ;range Tolerance *harts shall be used to determine when repainting is required. The color should be sampled on the upper half of the structure, since weathering is greater there. ?$revio.sly /'3'1@ *hapter ). *hapter =. &ighting %uideline ,ed ;bstruction &ight System

#$ddition'=@. ;ffshore 7eliports

Pa"e / o% 8

-o$ument !esponsibilit : Loss Prevention Issue -ate: 20 June 2001 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010

S'&S*.*0/, 'viation 2bstru$tion Mar3in" and Li"#tin"

Ahere the highest point on the platform e ceeds the elevation of the helideck by more that (= m, an omnidirectional red light shall be fitted at the highest elevation of the platform, with additional such lights fitted at (" m intervals down to the elevation of the helideck. ?$revio.sly 7'4'3@ *hapter !. *hapter -. *hapter B. *hapter @. *hapter (". *hapter ((. *hapter (2. #/odification' /edium Intensity +lashing Ahite ;bstruction &ight Systems 7igh Intensity +lashing Ahite ;bstruction &ight Systems 1ual &ighting with ,ed9/edium Intensity +lashing Ahite Systems 1ual &ighting with ,ed97igh Intensity +lashing Ahite Systems /arking and &ighting of *atenary and *atenary Support Structures /arking and &ighting /oored 5alloons and 8ites /arking and &ighting 3quipment Information (2(. 0aint Standard 0aint and aviation colors shall comply with *hromaticity and luminance factors requirements per .. S. +ederal Standards +31 ST1 =@=C 5ritish Standard, 5S 4B(*C and ,$& B)" 7,, Series 84 as followsD 0aint Standards *olor Table
-ed Std. 'o%or /0 10 2 3u!ber Oran!e 121$% )#ite 1%'%( ,ello13(3' A%ternate Std. 3u!ber &S 3'1C R*" &S 3'1C A%ternate 'o%or 3u!ber ($2 $++3 3(.

3otes4 1. /ederal Specification /0D S10C 21313($4 *viation Surface 1aint4 Read53Mi6ed 7820R8*27O8*" OR*8G0. 2. 3. /ederal Specification /0D S10C 2131+24 *viation Surface 1aint4 Oil titanium 9inc. /ederal Specification /0D S10C 2131+24 *viation Surface 1aint4 Oil4 06terior4 Read53Mi6ed4 ):720 *8D "7G:2 2782S.

$ppendi ( $ppendi 2

Specifications for ;bstruction &ighting 3quipment *lassification /iscellaneous

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-o$ument !esponsibilit : Loss Prevention Issue -ate: 20 June 2001 Next Planned Update: 1 Jul 2010
)evision Su!!ar5 Ma<or revision.

S'&S*.*0/, 'viation 2bstru$tion Mar3in" and Li"#tin"

2$ ;une 2++(

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