Zestaw 1

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Vocabulary and grammar Rearrange the letters and write the last word in each group.

1 consultant trainer courier tplio pilot 2 artist sculptureexhibition apignitn 3 chemistry science languages tyihsor 4 tram undergroundballoon pihs 5 backache flu antibiotics slipl 6 rugby judo snorkelling oflg

10 *he spent all day the most delicious meal! a' to do b' to cook c' cooking 11 1arl has to ork late tonight so # see him! a' am going to b' might not c' mustnt

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITALS. 1 Hes al ays late! He isnt a "ery good employee . !PL"# 2 #ts ne"er too late to learn a instrument! !$SIC 3 $our daughter ga"e a "ery good in the school play! P R%"R! 4 He ants a personal because he doesnt ha"e time to go to the gym! TRAI& 5 $oure so keen on computers% you should be an #& ! C"&S$LT 6 # al ays anted to be a hen # gre up! SCI &C $nderline the correct answer' a(' b( or c(. 1 $ou b hang out ith those boys! a' might not b' shouldnt c' should 2 (hat time he getting the train tonight) a' did b' is c' are 3 *hes ne"er been keen on ! a' fly b' to fly c' flying 4 # heard that they got back together! a' ha"e b' has c' didnt 5 He ants something more interesting ith his life! a' to make b' doing c' to do 6 $ou must stop your health in that stressful job! a' to risk b' risking c' to risking + he collect stamps at primary school) a' ,id b' Ha"e c' (ere - .ark lost his job because he too much time off! a' has b' as ha"ing c' as spending / ,ont look up e"ery ne ord in that book or you enjoy reading it! a' ont b' may c' ill

Complete the sentences using the words in CAPITALS. 1 $ou cant make mistakes in the exam! !$ST You mustn't make mistakes in the exam. 2 *he hates making decisions! STA&) *he ! 3 # 2uite like orking under pressure! !I&) # dont ! 4 (e ha"ent eaten out since 3uly! * +S (e ! 5 .atts going to phone me later! PR"!IS .att ! 6 .y grandparents ere eating hen # arri"ed! L$&C, .y grandparents !

%ind and correct the mista-es in the .uestions below. Then write short answers. 1 ,id you sa see the .onet exhibition in 4aris last year) No, I didnt! 2 #s he going to made a speech at the conference) $es% he ! 3 ,o e ha"e to earing a school uniform) $es% you ! 4 Ha"e they ritten to you since recently) 5o% they ! 5 (as she orking as a fashion designer hen you"e seen her in 4aris) $es% she ! 6 (ill # to deal ith customers in this job) 5o% you !

!a-e .uestions with the prompts. Then match .uestions /01 to answers a(0f(. 1 (hich director 6 make 6 the film ET) Which director made the film ET) e 2 (here 6 they 6 get 6 kno 6each other)

3 (ho 6 gi"e 6 her 6 that atch) 4 (hat time 6 he 6 arri"e 6 tomorro ) 5 (hose book 6 in 6 the .an 7ooker pri8e 6 in 200-) 6 (hich subject 6 study 6 hen you 6 be 6at uni"ersity)

a' 9ra"ind 9digas The White Ti er! b' 9t about six in the e"ening! c' # did 1omputer &echnology! d' Her boyfriend did! e' *te"en *pielberg! f' # think they orked in the same office! Complete the tra2el ad2ice with "& word in each gap. :irst% dont forget 1 to check your passport one month before you tra"el! ;nly 2 eek% a friend of mine missed her plane to <ome because her 3 as out of date! #t took t o days to get a ne one 4 she had to buy another flight to meet up ith her friends in <ome! &hey 5 ha"ing a great time hile she as standing in a passport office 2ueue= *econdly% its a 6 idea to get to the airport early! 4assengers usually ha"e to check in at least t o + before their flight! &he last time # tra"elled% # got to the airport three hours early! &here no 2ueue and # got the best seat on the plane! &hirdly% the aeroplane meals might not / "ery tasty so take your fa"ourite sand iches in case you get 10 ! :inally% a"oid sitting by the indo ! &hen you 11 need to climb o"er the other passengers during the night to go to the bathroom! Reading // Read the article and underline the correct answer' a(' b( or c(. 3ercise your brain. >xercise is essential for good health! #t keeps the body young and helps the brain to gro ! Ho e"er% physical exercise is no longer enough! *cientists ha"e disco"ered ne ays of increasing our brain po er! &ake

their ad"ice ? youll think faster and youll be more intelligent! *atch less TV. (hen you atch tele"ision% your brain usually s itches off! #f you must do it% try to atch interesting% informati"e programmes to keep your brain acti"e! )on4t miss brea-fast. #ts the most important meal of the day! 1hildren ho ha"e fi88y drinks and sugary cereals before they go to school get lo er marks on tests of memory and attention! >at baked beans for the best results= Increase your 2ocabulary. &his ill help to make a good impression on those around you! &ry to learn fi"e ne ords e"ery day! (rite the ords on cards and look at them three or four times during the day! 7y the end of the year% you ill kno o"er 1%500 more ords! Laugh. *cientists ha"e pro"ed that people think more creati"ely after they"e atched a comedy sho ! &hey feel more acti"e and interested in life around them! Learn something new. *tudy a ne language or join a drama club! ,oing ne acti"ities ill stimulate your brain and make it more po erful! #f you dont ha"e time for this% try doing cross ords ? or brushing your teeth ith your other hand= 1 *cientists ha"e disco"ered that e a increase our brain po er a' can b' cant c' mustnt 2 (atching cartoons on &@ help to keep your brain acti"e! a' ill b' might c' ont 3 1hildren ill get better marks in tests if they ha"e for breakfast! a' cereals b' baked beans c' fi88y drinks 4 #ts possible to learn fi"e ne ords ! a' e"ery eek b' e"ery day c' e"ery year 5 $oull be more creati"e if you ! a' laugh b' think c' atch &@ 6 $our brain po er ill impro"e if you ! a' brush your teeth b' go to the theatre c' learn ne things!

Read the poster and the message. Then complete the notes. .emorial &heatre 5orth *treet &he .agnus Auartet 1+?20 3une +!00p!m! 7ook early! 1all 0164+ 63/403 9dmissionB C15 and C10 Hi .ack% 3ust going to the airport to catch the flight to *hanghai! #ll be back on the 1/th! 1an you do me a fa"our) # forgot to buy tickets for the ja88 concert yesterday ? # had so much to do! 4lease get t o tickets for the 20th ? the more expensi"e ones! # hope youll come ith me= &he phone number is on the fridge in the kitchen! #ll pay you hen # get back ? promise= *ally xxx 5ame of theatreB 1 !emorial &ype of musicB 2 &imeB 3 5umber of ticketsB 4 4rice of each ticketB 5 ,ate antedB 6 3une!

f' 9bout +0%000 hours=

Complete with con2ersation with the words in the bo3. dont look getting on back together elcome cant stand seeing her to her started kno n you month ago thinks A5 Hi% 3im! $ou 1 don't look "ery happy! (hats rong) 65 ;h% hi% .arcia! 5othing! A5 1ome on% 3im! #"e 2 since e ere six! # can see theres something rong! 65 $eah% ell E its Findsay! #m not 3 anymore! A5 (hat) # thought you t o ere 4 so ell! 65 (e ere! 7ut then e 5 arguing 6 about a ! A5 9bout hat) 65 # dont kno ? little things really! 9nd my rugby! *he + it! A5 Ho often do you play) 65 >"ery *aturday ? and e train three nights a eek! A5 9h% no # understand= *he that rugbys more important than she is! 65 # suppose so! A5 ,o you ant to get / ) 65 $es= # really miss her! (hat should # do) A5 $ou should talk 10 ! &ell her that rugby is "ery important to you ? but that shes more important! 65 $oure right% .arcia! &hanks! A5 $oure 11 % 3im! Good luck= *riting

Communication !atch sentences /01 with a(0f(. 1 (here exactly do you come from) c 2 #"e got this mar"ellous ne running machine! 3 (hy dont e go and see the 1D8anne exhibition) 4 Ho much time do people spend eating in their li"es) 5 *o its straight on and second right) 6 Ho long ha"e you had a sore back) a' 5o% straight on and second left! b' 5o% thanks! # cant stand #mpressionist paintings= c' 9ntalya! #ts on the south coast of &urkey! d' <eally) *o ho does it ork) e' *ince # played tennis last eek!

7oin the sentences using the lin-ing word in brac-ets. 1 # ant to li"e a healthy life! # do regular exercise! Hso' I "ant to li#e a healthy life so I do re ular exercise. 2 #m careful about hat # eat! # dont eat junk food! # dont eat fatty food! Hso 6 or'

3 # try to eat oily fish t ice a eek! # eat "egetables e"ery day! Hand 6 also'

4 # do yoga! # may start playing tennis soon! Hand'

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