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1. Age : 2. Gender : 18-30 Male 31-40 Female 41-50 51-60 above 60

3. Educat !na" "e#e":10th /Diploma/UG/PG/Profe io!al $% Occu&at !n : Govt "mplo#ee (o& e %ife '% L!cat !n: Metropolita! Urba! ,emi r&ral -&ral Private emplo#ee $%! b& i!e Profe io!al Politi'ia!

other ) pe'if#*++++++++++++++

(% Inc!)e "e#e" *&er )!nt+,: .elo% 10000 10001 to 25000 25001 to 40000 40001 to 50000 above 50000

-% Fre.uenc/ !0 &urc+a1 ng n t+e H/&er )ar2et1 and Su&er )ar2et1: Dail# /ee0l# o!'e /ee0l# t%i'e Mo!thl# o!'e Mo!thl# t%i'e

1o&2re $pi!io! abo&t the F!re gn D rect In#e1t)ent *FDI, i! -etail ,e'tor3

3ue1t !n1
4he FD5 i! retaili!6 %ill lea7 to ma ive 8ob lo e to the people 7oi!6 b& i!e i! &!or6a!i e7 retail e'tor. 5!7ia 7oe !ot !ee7 forei6! retailer . 4ra7itio!al mar0et i e!o&6h. Ma8or profit %ill be ear!e7 b# forei6!er 9 if %e allo% FD5 i! retaili!6 4he 6over!me!t too0 a 'orre't 7e'i io! o! FD5 i! retaili!6 . 4he FD5 i! retaili!6 %ill fo'& o!l# o! the :itie a!7 .i6 to%! . 4hi %ill 'reate a! ob ta'le for r&ral 7evelopme!t FD5 i! retaili!6 %ill re7&'e the &!emplo#me!t rate i! 5!7ia

Str!ng"/ d 1agree

D 1agree



Str!ng"/ agree

4% 5% 6% $% '% (%

-% 7% 8% 49%

4hro&6h 6lobal i!te6ratio!9 o&r home a!7 farmi!6 pro7&'t %ill i!'rea e the e;port rate9 if FD5 i! retaili!6 i allo%e7. FD5 i! retaili!6 %ill re7&'e the i!flatio! rate i! 5!7ia 4hro&6h FD5 ma!# < ia! 'o&!trie li0e Mala# ia9 4ai%a!9 4haila!7 are hi6hl# be!efite7. 5t %ill happe! i! 5!7ia too. FD5 i! retaili!6 ear! more profit . < reve!&e to o&r !atio! &'h it %ill 6e!erate more


Gover!me!t 'a! re tri't the FD59 &'h a amo&!t of i!ve tme!t9 !&mber of part!er or 'ollaborator 9 mar0et hare et'.9 a!7 thi ma# help the lo'al retailer i.e.9 b# p&tti!6 'o! trai!t o! i!ve tor FD5 or6a!i=e7 retail e'tor li0e9 ,&per mar0et a!7 (#per mar0et et'9 %ill avoi7 /a ta6e a!7 >o e i! Foo7 pro7&'t . 4he FD5 or6a!i=e7 e'tor %ill emplo# the %or0er %ith proper 'o!tra't a!7 be able to 7o a%a# %ith 'hil7 labo&r i.e.9 i!ter!atio!al !orm of emplo#me!t %ill be follo%e7 FD5 i! retaili!6 or6a!i=e7 e'tor %ill mai!tai! a 'lo e relatio! hip %ith farmer a!7 '& tomer . 4hi %ill help the e'tor to promote pro7&'t a!7 ati f# the !ee7 of the '& tomer . $!l# Fra!'hi ee Format of retaili!6 hall be allo%e7 thro&6h FD5 )>o'al per o! 7oi!6 b& i!e %ith the !ame of forei6! 'ompa!ie &!7er a 'o!tra't* 4hro&6h FD5 i! retaili!6 the i!'ome level a!7 p&r'ha i!6 po%er of 'o! &mer %ill i!'rea e 5f the FD5 i! retaili!6 i allo%e79 there %ill be po itive reform i! the -etail ,e'tor. FD5 i! retaili!6 %ill 6e!erate more 'a h i!flo% a!7 le 'a h

45% 46%



4(% 4-% 47% 48% 59%

o&tflo% for 5!7ia 4he M?:2 a!7 i!ve tor %ill f&ll# follo% the 5!7ia! la% a!7 the emplo#ee a!7 'o! &mer %ill be more e'&re7 4here i !o ri 0 for the i!ter!al / e;ter!al e'&rit# of the 'o&!tr#9 if FD5 i permitte7 i! retail i!7& tr#

54% $verall9 5 e!'o&ra6e Forei6! Dire't 5!ve tme!t i! 5!7ia! retaili!6 ,tro!6l# 7i a6ree Di a6ree ?e&tral <6ree tro!6l# a6ree

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