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Renewable Research Journal

System Integration: Smart Grid with Renewable Energy

Mrs ! " "a#er Research stu#ent $Re% 1&1'1((')* JJT Univercity+ Rajstan ,ea# o- .lect /ower Syste0 1e2art " / M 3s /olytechnic+ Thane In#ia

Mr Man#ar " 4ha#an% 5ecturer+ .lectrical /ower syste0 1e2art " / M 3s /olytechnic+ Thane+ In#ia
Issue 1 JJT University & COSIA 1


Renewable Research Journal

System Integration: Smart Grid with Renewable Energy

Abstract:As electricity #e0an#s are increasin% #ay by #ay causin% unbalance in the 2resent %ri# syste0 which results in various causes li6e loa# she##in%+ unbalance volta%e etc which ulti0ately a--ects the consu0ers !ow to avoi# all such situations the only o2tion is to 0eet the #e0an# by increasin% %eneration but+ we are also la%%in% with the conventional sources so %eneratin% 0ore 2ower is also not convenient by conventional ways Thus+ use o- Renewable is 7uite i02ortant The solar 2ower reachin% the earth3s sur-ace is about )8+''' T9 Coverin% ' ((: o- our 2lanet with solar collectors with an e--iciency o- ): woul# be enou%h to satis-y the current %lobal 2ower consu02tion solar have tre0en#ous 2otential -or -ul-illin% the worl#3s ener%y nee#s S0art %ri#s 2ro0ise to -acilitate the 2er-or0ance o- the %ri# syste0 The 2ower in#ustry has a#o2te# ;s0art< %ri#s that use in-or0ation an# co00unication technolo%ies+ which 0ay 0a6e electric 2ower syste0s 0ore reliable an# e--icient Renewable technolo%y enhances the available ener%y resources These technolo%ies also enable inte%ration o- hi%her levels o- renewable ener%y an# conventional ener%y sources The renewable sources are not ;#is2atch=able<>the 2ower out2ut cannot be controlle# ?uture ener%y sustainability #e2en#s heavily on how the renewable ener%y 2roble0 is a##resse# in the next -ew #eca#es Solar ener%y can be 0a#e 0ore econo0ical by re#ucin% invest0ent an# o2eratin% costs an# by increasin% solar 2lant 2er-or0ance Inte%ration o- solar syste0 with the s0art %ri# have to co0e u2 with the challen%es 2ut -orwar# by solar syste0s li6e technolo%y barrier+ uncertainty+ social i02act+ econo0ical as2ects+ -ree acce2tance etc Several countries have a#o2te# s2ecial 2ro%ra0s to subsi#i@e an# 2ro0ote solar ener%y A0on% the 0ost success-ul ones are the ?ee#=In=Tari-- $?IT* 2ro%ra0s an# the /ro#uction Tax Cre#it $/TC* 2ro%ra0s In this 2a2er+ we consi#er 2ath -ro0 conventional %ri# towar#s s0art %ri#+ challen%es a%ainst inte%ration o- renewable ener%y+ i e solar syste0 An# i02act o- solar on %ri# stability+ reliability o- su22ly ?ailure o- %ri# which lea#s to total blac6out which 0ay lea# to renewable ener%y as one o- the solution to re#uce i02act o- blac6out= case stu#y o- total blac6out in !orth In#ia on (Ath& B'th July ('1( The section o- the 2a2er will concentrate on 9ays o- assi0ilation o- Solar syste0 in S0art %ri#+ challen%es & bene-its o- inte%rate# %ri# syste0s Issue 1 JJT University & COSIA (


Renewable Research Journal

Introduction:CIn recent years availability o- 2ower in In#ia has bothincrease# an# i02rove# but #e0an# has consistently outstri22e#su22ly an# substantial ener%y an# 2ea6 shorta%es 2revaile# in recent years The selection o- an ener%y resource-or electricity %eneration is %rowin% concern about other as2ects such as social+ environ0ental an# technolo%ical bene-itsan# conse7uences othe ener%y source selection A#o2tion o- Syste0 inte%ration by utilitieswill hel2 to -in# ways to 0aintain the -unctionality o- their current syste0s while also ri#in% the wave o- innovative technolo%y that 6ee2s the0 ahea# o- the co02etition ?or inte%ration o- s0art %ri# an# renewable ener%y syste0s into a inte%rate# syste0 nee#s broa# ran%e o- s6ills These s6ills are li6ely to inclu#e a#vance technolo%y+ inter-ace 2roce#ures+ an# %eneral 2roble0 solvin% s6ills They are li6ely to inclu#e new an# challen%in% 2roble0s with an in2ut -ro0 a broa# ran%e o- en%ineers where the syste0 inte%ration en%ineer D2ulls it all to%ether D

Electrical Grid system:An electrical %ri# is an interconnecte# networ6 -or #eliverin% electricity -ro0 su22liers to consu0ers The electrical %ri# has evolve# -ro0 an insular syste0 that service# a 2articular %eo%ra2hic area to a wi#er+ ex2ansive networ6 that incor2orate# 0ulti2le areas In#ia is %eo%ra2hically #ivi#e# in -ive re%ions na0ely+ !orthern+ .astern+ 9estern !orth .astern an# Southern All the states an# union territories in In#ia -all in either othese re%ions .xce2t the Southern re%ion all other re%ions are o2eratin% in syncrons 0o#e The Southern Re%ion will be synchroni@e# in ('1& All re%ional %ri#s are interconnecte# throu%h tie lines so that the 2ower across these re%ions can -low sea0lessly as 2er the relative loa# %eneration balance Issue 1 JJT University & COSIA B


Renewable Research Journal

To 0eet the increase# trans0ission ca2acity+ to re#uce the trans0ission losses $Technical & co00ercial* an# to a#o2t .ner%y conservation techni7ues ;S0art %ri#< 2heno0enon is been a#o2te# by utilities in trans0ission levels To enhance the %eneration ca2acity as well as to i02rove the 2er-or0ance o- the #istribution syste0 local %eneration 2heno0enon has been inclu#e# -or which renewable ener%y is the 6ey source The ability to increase usa%e ointer0ittent ener%y sources by balancin% the0 across vast %eolo%ical re%ions 2rovi#e# an electrical 0ar6et which will re0ove the con%estion

Path from vertical integration to Vertical cum hori ontal integration:Al0ost since their ori%in+ electric utilities have been vertically inte%rate#+ with %eneration+ trans0ission+ an# #istribution co0bine# in a sin%le -ir0 Centrali@e# or%ani@ationuse to ensure0aintenance o- reliability+ the su22ly o- ener%y e7uals #e0an#+ 5ow= cost 2ro#uction si0ultaneously o2ti0i@ation o- %enerator #is2atch an# allocation o- trans0ission ca2acity So 0oney -low was uni#irectional -ro0 consu0er to utility an# in-or0ation -low was only between trans0ission an# %eneration stations 1raw bac6s econo0ical as2ect an# lac6 o- coor#ination between #i--erent co02onents o- utility resulte# into #ere%ulation o- 2ower syste0 The .ner%y /olicy Act $./ Act* o- 1AA( a#vocate# #ere%ulation o- electric utilities by creatin% wholesale electric 0ar6ets 1ere%ulation syste0 a#o2te# vertical as well as hori@ontal inte%ration There is no %overn0ent restriction on entry or exit -ro0 the electricity in#ustry at various sta%es !o o- 2rivate 2ower su22liers are intro#uce# at as %eneration co02anies+ trans0ission co02anies an# also wor6 as 2ower #istributors /ower %eneration can be #one at 0e%a level or at 0icro level Micro %eneration is the s0all=scale %eneration o- electric 2ower by in#ivi#uals+ s0all businesses an# co00unities to 0eet their own nee#s+ as alternatives or su22le0ents to tra#itional centrali@e# %ri#=connecte# 2ower Many s0all %enerators are allowe# to sell electricity bac6 to the %ri# -or the sa0e 2rice they woul# 2ay to buy it The s0art %ri# si%ni-ies #i%ital u2%ra#e o- trans0ission %ri#s an# #istribution syste0s to o2ti0i@e current o2erations+ re#uce cost an# intensi-ications reliability 3

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA


!hat is "Smart Grid#$$$

Renewable Research Journal

The S0art Fri# is a co02ilation o- conce2ts+ technolo%ies+ an# o2eratin% 2ractices inten#e# to brin% the electric %ri# into the (1st century A ;s0art %ri#< is an electric %ri# syste0 where all acco02lices in the %ri# syste0 $i e electricity %enerators+ trans0ission an# #istribution o2erators+ electricity consu0ers* co00unicate an# wor6 with each other to raise the e--iciency an# reliability o- the %ri# The s0art %ri# #elivers electricity to consu0ers usin% two=way #i%ital technolo%y to enable the 0ore e--icient 0ana%e0ent o- consu0ers3 en# uses o- electricity as well as the 0ore e--icient use o- the %ri# to i#enti-y an# correct su22ly #e0an#=i0balances instantaneously an# #etect -aults in a ;sel-=healin%< 2rocess that i02roves service 7uality+ enhances reliability+ an# re#uces costs The s0art %ri# is 0ore than si02ly installin% s0art 0eters G by brin%in% an in-or0ation technolo%y to the electric %ri#+ we will #evelo2 nu0erous a22lications that use the #evices+ networ6in% an# co00unications technolo%y+ an# control an# #ata 0ana%e0ent syste0s

Smart grid in Indian %ower sector:?ollowin% -actors e02hasi@e the a#o2tion o- the s0art %ri# in In#iaH Peak shortfalls: In#ia is worl#Is 8th lar%est ener%y consu0er+ accountin% -or B &: o%lobal ener%y consu02tion 1e0an# -or ener%y has %rown at an avera%e o- B 8: 2er annu0 there is short -all o- 2ea6 #e0an# Loss reduction: In#ia3s a%%re%ate trans0ission $technical an# co00ercial* losses are on av ('=(J: A#o2tion o- s0art %ri# has re#uce# losses Performance Efficiency: The s0art %ri# can i02rove loa# -actors an# re#uce syste0 losses This will re#uce the #i2s in loa# curves an# i02roves the 2er-or0ance e--iciency o- entire 2ower syste0 Human Error: .rror in 0eter rea#in%+ #eliberate errors+ 2ower the-t+ -aulty 0eters+ an# 2oor 0aintenance o- 0eter intentional #a0a%e has resulte# with si%ni-icant losses ,owever+ auto0ate# 0eter rea#in% woul# lower recor#in% an# other errors thereby re#uce# co00ercial losses

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA


Renewable Research Journal

Peak load management: In#ia3s su22ly short-alls are #urin% 2ea6 hours an# are 2ersistin% -or 0any years I02le0entation o- #e0an# si#e 0ana%e0ent ha# allowe# 0ore ;intelli%ent< loa# control Restructurin% o- tari-- with incentives has been co00unicate# to consu0ers in a #yna0ic 0anner which woul# hel2 0o#erate the su22ly=#e0an# %a2 uture energy: In#ia has su22orte# the a22lication o- renewable ener%y G win# ener%y an# solar ener%y !early (=B: 2ower %eneration is consi#ere# by renewable ener%y MO/ has un#er ta6en !ational Solar Mission an# set a %oal to a## ('+''' M9 o- 2ower by ('(' This will hel2 us to overco0e 2ea6 hour short -all an# also re#ucin% carbon e0ission !echnological lea": /erha2s the 0ost intri%uin% #river -or In#ia is the 2otential to ;lea2-ro%< into a new -uture -or electricity+ as it #i# with teleco00unications Also+ the ;s0art< in a s0art %ri# is ICT > an area o- uni7ue ca2ability in In#ia

Generation &i':Renewable Power generation Potential ca"acity 9in# /ower &A+1B( Mw $EE:* /otential Solar 2ower 1'&& 18 Mw 2otential 4io0ass 1J+EB) Mw $(':* /ower /otential S0all ,y#ro 1E+B)E Mw $1J:* /ower Co%eneration E''' Mw $8:* in Su%ar Mills In#ia3s ener%y=0ix co02rises both non G renewable $coal+ li%nite+ 2etroleu0 an# natural %as* an# Renewable ener%y sources $9in#+ Solar+ s0all ,y#ro= 2lants+ 4io0ass+ co%eneration+ ba%asse etc * 1e2letion o- non= renewable sources na0e# renewable Sources as ?uture .ner%y Sources There are a hi%h 2otential -or %eneration o- renewable ener%y -ro0 various sources G win#+ solar+ bio0ass+ s0all hy#ro+ an# co%eneration ba%asse The total 2otential o- renewable 2ower %eneration in the country as on B1st 0arch+ ('11 is esti0ate# at )AJ8' M9

Renewable technolo%y enhances the available ener%y resources These technolo%ies also enable inte%ration o- hi%her levels o- renewable ener%y an# conventional ener%y sources The renewable sources are not ;#is2atch=able<>the 2ower out2ut cannot be controlle# ?uture ener%y sustainability #e2en#s heavily on how the renewable ener%y 2roble0 is a##resse# in the next -ew #eca#es Renewable $Solar & 9in#* ener%y can be 0a#e 0ore econo0ical by re#ucin% invest0ent an# o2eratin% costs an# by increasin% solar 2lant 2er-or0ance Inte%ration o- solar syste0 with the s0art %ri# have to co0e u2 with the challen%es 2ut -orwar# by solar syste0s li6e technolo%y barrier+ uncertainty+ social i02act+ econo0ical as2ects+ -ree acce2tance etc

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA

Renewable energy systems:-

Renewable Research Journal

Renewable=ener%y resources can be use# -or 2ower %eneration as stan#alone or isolate# syste0 4ut their bene-its are si%ni-icantly enhance# when they are inte%rate# into bi%%er electric 2ower %ri#s .ach resource is #i--erent -ro0 the %ri#3s 2ers2ective an# so0e are easier to inte%rate than others 9ith %reater use o- s0art %ri# technolo%ies+ hi%her #e%rees an# rates o2enetration can be acco00o#ate#

Role of Renewable energy:In I!1IA the renewable ener%y sector is #evelo2in% with a slower 2ace but to overco0e this -irst ste2 ta6en is -or0ation o0inistry onon=conventional ener%y resources ,owever+ In#ia la%s behin# the other nations in use o- renewable ener%ies In#ia3s total %ri# connecte# renewable ener%y ca2acity $exclu#in% lar%e hy#ro* is aroun# (8 A8 F9 out o- which 8) A: co0es -ro0 win# source while & EA: co0es -ro0 solar /" cells

Sr#$o# '1 '( 'B '& 'E '8 'J ') 'A 1'

State Ta0il !a#u Maharashtra Karnata6a Rajasthan Fujarat An#hra /ra#esh Ma#hya /ra#esh Kerala 9est 4en%al other states

Solar Energy (M9 11 (M9 1'M9 1'EM9 8E& )1M9 1'M9 (M9 ''M9 (M9 BEM9

%ind Energy &1B( J( M9 1)BJ )E M9 11)& &E M9 8J' AJ M9 1&B( J1 M9 1(( &E M9 1)J 8A M9 (B '' M9 1 1' M9 B (' M9

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA

(enefits of integration:-

Renewable Research Journal

5ea#in% characteristics o- renewable resources that i02act their inte%ration into 2ower %ri#s are their si@e $%eneration ca2acity as co02are# to other sources o- 2ower %eneration on a syste0*+ their location $both %eo%ra2hically an# with res2ect to networ6 to2olo%y*+ an# their variability $0inute=by=0inute+ #aily+ seasonally+ an# inter0ittently* Renewable inte%ration = re#ucin% our nation3s #e2en#ence on -orei%n coal by enablin% the sea0less inte%ration ocleaner+ %reener ener%y technolo%ies into our 2ower networ6 !or0ally Renewable resources are connecte# at the #istribution level an# as lar%er resources $win# -ar0s+ solar -ar0s* are connecte# at the trans0ission level 1 ?uture ener%y sustainabilityH Renewable ener%ies are 0a6in% a si%ni-icant contribution to cli0ate 2rotection+ #iversi-y resources+ ease #e2en#ence on -ossil resources+ not 2ro#uce any ty2e o- conta0ination+ #o0estic ener%y carriers an# there-ore contribute to re%ional value creation an# hel2 to secure e02loy0ent ,ence renewables as -uture ener%y 2rovi#es sustainability .02owerin% %ri# in 2ea6 hours HInte%ration o- 0ore renewables an# stora%e su22ort the s0art %ri# with real ti0e in-or0ation an# substitutin% renewable ener%y sources whenever 2ossible Increasin% 2ro2ortion o- Renewables in %eneration 0ix not only i02roves o2erational e--iciency but re#uces 2ea6 #e0an#s .ner%y 0ana%e0entH S0art 0eterin% hel2s to a#o2t ener%y 0ana%e0ent techni7ues such as 1e0an# si#e 0ana%e0entat consu0er level+ #e0an# res2onse usa%e lea#s to o2ti0u0 utili@ation an# results into savin% o- ener%y In#e2en#ent syste0sH R. syste0s wor6s as isolate# syste0 #urin% %ri# -ailure an# re#uces i02act on custo0er In#ustrial an# co00ercial consu0ers a#o2t %ri# connecte# R. syste0s which hel2s to re#uce 2ower #e0an# So0eti0es isolate# syste0 in resi#ential areas conserves the ener%y


E U2%ra#in% .lectrical 0ar6etH /ower exchan%e 2rovi#es an electronic 2lat-or0 to

-acilitate tra#in% o- electricity at national level Initiate# Renewable ener%y tra#e since ('11 In#ia ran6s -ourth -or its 0ar6et 2otential in renewable ener%y

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA


Renewable Research Journal

)hallenges in Integration of renewable with Smart grid:"ariable %eneration+ 2rovi#e# by 0any renewable=ener%y sources+ is a challen%e to electric %ri# o2erations 4ut when use# in inte%ration with s0art %ri# as res2onsive #istribute# %eneration can be a 2ro-it to syste0 o2erations i- coor#inate# to relieve stress in the syste0 $e % + 2ea6 loa#+ line overloa#s+ etc * S0art %ri# a22roaches can re#uce barriers an# -acilitate inte%ration o- renewable resources The challen%es can be cate%ori@e# below as technical+ -inancial+ business an# societal issues A--*echnical:1 A#vance# Control Strate%iesH Solar an# win# 2ower 2lants exhibit chan%in% #yna0ics+ nonlinearities+ an# uncertainties ,ence s0art %ri# re7uire a#vance# control strate%ies to solve e--ectively The use o- 0ore e--icient control techni7ues woul# not only increase the 2er-or0ance o- these syste0s+ but woul# increase the nu0ber o- o2erational hours osolar an# win# 2lants an# thus re#uce the cost 2er 6ilowatt=hour $K9h* 2ro#uce# 9in# an# solar ener%y are both inter0ittent resources 9in# behavior chan%es #aily an# seasonally+ an# sunli%ht is only available #urin% #ayli%ht hours 4oth win# an# solar ener%y can be viewe# as a%%re%ate resources -ro0 the 2oint o- view o- a 2ower %ri#+ with levels that vary within a 1' 0inute to 1 hour ti0e -ra0e+ so they #o not re2resent the sa0e -or0 o- inter0ittency as an un2lanne# interru2tion in a lar%e base=loa# %enerator Research in technolo%y is still in 2ro%ress ,ence existin% %eneration an# #elivery in-rastructure $i e le%acy* o- R. syste0s 0ust be a#a2tive to wor6 with new technolo%ies 4ein% -lexible to chan%in% technolo%ies re7uire i#enti-yin% the vital inter-ace between technolo%y co02onents Achievin% association across service 2rovi#ers+ en#=users an# technolo%y su22liers is #i--icult in 2articularly in %rowin% international 0ar6et 2lace .xchan%e o- 6nowle#%e an# in-or0ation can allow 0ulti2le 2arties to connect their #evices an# syste0 -or 2ro2er interaction+ but attainin% intero2erability is #i--icult

& E

(-(usiness and financial:1 Un#erstan#in% an# co00unicatin% the value 2ro2osition o- a s0art %ri# #e2loy0ent -or each sta6ehol#er in the electricity su22ly chain is scary

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA


Renewable Research Journal

The -inancial environ0ent ris6 an# rewar# can challen%e business 2lan -or s0art %ri# invest0ents as well as in Renewable ener%y syste0 B Re%ulatory un#erstan#in% an# sensitivity to 2rovi#in% an a22ro2riate environ0ent -or s0art %ri# invest0ent ta6es 2lace Re%ulatory #ecisions $or lac6 o- #ecisions* can create new challen%es & 1evelo2in% an a22ro2riate incentive structure that ali%ns econo0ic an# re%ulatory 2olicies with ener%y=e--iciency an# environ0ental %oal nee#s to be tailore# to each 0e0ber econo0y

)-Societal:1 ( B Strate%ies nee# to account -or a variety o- 2olicy objectives $a--or#ability+ sustainability+ %rowth an# cultural values* Assi%nin% value to externalities+ such as environ0ental i02acts+ is #i--icult+ but necessary+ in balance# #ecision= 0a6in% Un#erstan#in% an# accountin% -or the bene-icial as2ects o- s0art %ri# invest0ents as a 0echanis0 -or job creation an# a#vancin% a technically s6ille# wor6-orce nee#s #evelo20ent Freater awareness about ca2abilities o- s0art %ri# an# there bene-its -or i02rovin% ener%y=e--iciency an# renewable resource inte%ration 2olicies Research an# #evelo20ent activitiesH the s2ee# with which new i#eas an# #e2loy0ent tactics are bein% %enerate#

& E

)ase Study: &a+or Power failure in India -,-.,:On B'th June ('1( the two sta%es in !orth In#ia have #rawn excess 2ower -ro0 the %ri# which resulte# in #ro22in% -re7uency level which tri22e# the !.9 %ri# an# casca#e# the !orthern an# .astern Fri# 9estern %ri# has isolate# itsel- -ro0 !.9 %ri# by re#ucin% the #e0an# A0on% the two 0ajor circuits lin6in% A%ra=Fwalior an# a line lin6in% Ler#a in Fujarat an# Kan6roli in Rajasthan were out -or 0aintenance which 0ain lin6s connectin% western an# northen %ri# /rior to -ault on (Ath one o- this line was heavily loa#e# by aroun# 1'''M9 2ower -lowin% throu%h a sin%le circuit brou%ht it on a ver%e o- Colla2se by B20 4ecause o- such critical con#ition at ( B' 20 the !orthern trans0ission %ri# colla2se# an# too6 1elhi+ ,aryana+ /unjab+ Ja00u & Kash0ir+ ,i0achal /ra#esh+ Uttara6han#+ Uttar /ra#esh+ Rajasthan an# Chhattis%arh into #ar6ness !T/C3s six 2lantsH Sin%rauli $(''' M9*+

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA



Renewable Research Journal

Rihan# $(E'' M9*+ 1a#ri $1)('*+ Auiya $8E( M9*+ Anta $&1B M9* an# 4a#ra2ur $J'E M9* sto22e# %eneratin% -ollowin% the -ailure

Vital /bservations:Due to the above mentioned failure some vital observations were carried out which are as mentioned below:-

Railways and Delhi Metro came to halt for few hours due to failure of signaling systems. About 270 miners were stuc in coal mines in eastern !ndia as elevators sto""ed wor ing. Restoration time #$ hours %&0' of service(. Delhi Air"ort was o"en because of bac -u" "ower %Micro-)rid( in #$ seconds. *il refineries in +ani"at, Mathura - .hatinda continued o"erating because of ca"tive "ower stations %inde"endent of grid(. /illages li e Meerwada in Madhya +radesh were unaffected, because of #0 1 solar "ower station. Ma2ority of industries, sho""ing malls, commercial com"le3es not affected due to their bac u" systems which were run by diesel generators. Ma2or !4 hubs, small commercial sectors and some agricultural loads were still in line due to renewable energy generation li e solar energy - 1ind energy.

Due to this integrated system some of the ma2or brea downs were "revented by the use of such integrated systems and the minor "art of northern grid was o"erating without any disturbances. !f this would have been im"lemented on the com"lete grid system might be this ma2or blac out would have been "revented. 4hus integrating renewable energy into grid re5uires not only new technology but new attitude and o"erating "rocedure.

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA



Renewable Research Journal

Renewable %eneration has the bene-it o- enhancin% sustainability $re#ucin% environ0ental i02acts*+ re#ucin% %reenhouse %as $F,F* e0issions+ re#ucin% #e2en#ence on local or i02orte# -ossil -uels+ an# increasin% ener%y security throu%h #iversi-ication o- ener%y sources S0art %ri# technolo%y can control renewable resources to e--ect chan%es in the %ri#3s o2eratin% con#itions an# can 2rovi#e a##itional bene-its as #istribute# %eneration assets or when installe# at the trans0ission level 1istribute# %eneration can su22ort wea6 %ri#s+ a##in% %ri# volta%e an# i02rovin% 2ower 7uality In certain circu0stances+ #istribute# %eneration can be use# in conjunction with ca2acitor ban6s -or 0ana%e0ent o- 2ower -lows or to 0ana%e active an# reactive 2ower balance I- harveste# an# ta6en care o- control syste0+ "Renewable Resources will act as Smart Grid Assets <

Reference: Pa%ers Asia=/aci-ic .cono0ic Co=o2eration $A/.C* .ner%y 9or6in% Frou2 May ('11 Re2ort+ /aci-ic !orthwest !ational 5aboratory A'( 4attelle 4oulevar# Richlan#+ 9A AABE(+ USA /a2er on Control -or Renewable .ner%y an# S0art Fri# 4y+ .#uar#o ? Ca0acho+ Tari7 sa0a# + Mario Farcia=san@+ an# Ian ,is6ens /a2er on 4uil#in% a S0arter S0art Fri# throu%h better renewable ener%y In-or0ation 4y Ca0eron 9=/otter 0e0ber I... An intro#uction to the S0art Fri# $9hite 2a2er* 4y 9issa0 4alshe+ Sales A22lication .n%ineer S0art Fri#s 9hite /a2er 9,=1H1& ) (''A CST./ $www cste2 in* Rahul Ton%ia+ /h 1 JJT University & COSIA 1(

Issue 1


Renewable Research Journal

Central statistics o--ice national statistical or%ani@ation 0inistry o- statistics an# 2ro%ra00e i02le0entation %overn0ent o- In#ia $www 0os2i %ov in* !ebsites

htt2MMwww 2ower%ri# inMnational %ri# ht0l htt2HMMwww 2ower0in inMloa##is2acthcenter htt2HMMwww oe ener%y %ovM1ocu0entsan#Me#iaMsta6ehol#erNroun#tableNse2tN'AN-in al ( '' 2#(oo0s

The In#ia Solar ,an#boo6 June ('1( e#ition Renewable ener%y technolo%ies by Ra0esh R /ublicationH= house !arose 2ublishin%

Renewable ener%y sources an# their environ0ental i02act by Abbasi S A M Abbasi ! /ublicationH = /,IM!ew 1elhi Renewable ener%y sources an# e0er%in% technolo%ies by 1 / Kothari M Si%al K C /ublicationH= /,IM!ew 1elhi

Issue 1

JJT University & COSIA


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