Citizens End Foreclosures

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US Citizen's Legislation Bill #001 written by an anonymous middle-class American Citizen

Re-igniting the great debate of what is the "American Dream"? - Similar to the Boston Tea Party of 1773
April 2nd, 2009 Released to the public at large ( global internet ) for immediate widespread consideration!!!
A Truly Modest Proposal to End Home Foreclosures ( forever ending the 'idea/concept' of home foreclosures )

{ So that every family's homestead residence be *guaranteed* lastingly & securely in a unique individual's name, or a particular
family's general surname, *permanently* until they would otherwise resell it or bequeath it to their lineage, and have up to 1-whole-
year grace period at any time between payments to resume payments with 0% risk of bank foreclosure. So a family homestead may be
incrementally paid-off slowly, if needed for a particular family, such as over 150 years (5 generations or 1.5 centuries), whereby the
individual person and their family would *never* risk losing their roof over their head to foreclosure.

We The Common People need to end the whole idea of foreclosure. This will save the Real Estate market from further collapse and
reinvigorate new home building nationwide. New houses can be built and should be built all the time, not made vacant while a tsunami
of jobless people/families are piling into tent cities, such as the large one now first forming in April 2009 in Sacramento California.
The home-lending/mortgage system should be dramatically remodeled immediately as the economy is not going to improve anytime in
the future as furnished by the existing corrupt system. New home builders should be given first right of refusal to be the lender for a
new type of mortgage called a "Variable Principle-Mortgage". Property Titles of existing homes should be stripped from banking
system possession and held by newly chartered "Variable Principle" lending firms.

Since the nation of the United State's national debt is mostly leveraged by the current system of 30-year-mortgage-based-securities, the
current bad financial system of leveraging home mortgage debt as the primary collateral held for the nation's national debt, would also
need to be dramatically remodeled first along with the abolishment of all derivative schemes. We should stick the politicians &
bankers that gave us this astronomical national debt the bill instead of us and our children having to pay for it with 40-60% tax rates.
The titles of people's homes should not be held collateral for a rouge government to increase an already too massive international
borrowing/national-debt scheme as is practiced today. Also the idea/concept of "property rent"/"property tax" should be *eliminated*
and people should instead receive a billing statement in the mail for local/city services as part of the solution to solving the foreclosure
problem. We recognize this as real positive "Change".

Death to bank home/farm foreclosures of our neighbors and fellow countrypeople! And home security forever for The People! }

This first proposal/draft citizen's legislation to stop foreclosures, as drafted in America April 2nd, 2009:

So that... property shall be guaranteed in their unique individual name or family surname *permanently*
until they bequeath inhabited property/contract to a subsequent generation of family or resell their contract/
property freely to another; that in such case of transfer of ownership, the transfer cost shall only include a
nominal transfer fee of no more than 1% of the principle value of the contract/property at that given time.

Home owners will now be able to view over the internet their constantly changing loan/contract principle
amount in order to pay off the principle. The principle debt-owed would only be affected by factors such as
general monetary inflation or deflation; and equally adjusted for all. Minimum yearly payments are that factor.

Each individual property/contract owner shall have at least 6 months to up to 1-year grace period at any time
to resume payments, between any two payments made. If it would take 3-4 generations of a family to pay off
a single home+yard then so be it; such as a 150 year period. Every "variable principle"-mortgage-contracted
person w/family members & lineage *nevermore* would lose their primary home residence to foreclosure.

Therefore no police, or military - goodness forbid, shall be given orders to evict the named individual or their
family from any contractually protected property, unless the nominal minimal yearly payment is not met.

For new homes built - individual new home residents shall remit payments to reduce their loan/contract
principle amount directly to the builder; who will hold the title until the contract is paid off. The value of the
public stock of the building companies will swell and be reinforced and remain strong into the future because
the building companies would be constantly creating and holding title to a large percentage of the new wealth
the nation; while lastingly and entirely restricted by the people of any power to foreclose on any and all
individual family homes under the stated terms described in the previous paragraphs of this proposal.
A Truly Modest Proposal to End all Foreclosures ... ( ending the 'idea/concept' of foreclosures )
Page 2

The individual will be required to make 1 nominal (minimal) payment per year that anyone with a job in a
family would be able to afford, for instance $1500. If the annual minimum payment (paying the principle
down to offset a general monetary inflation difference + a very small governed commission rate for the
mortgage service itself) isn't met, at that time the property could be retitled; the family would risk eviction.

If someone can save $5,000 they can move into a $100K home permanently (5% down should be standard)

However if the minimum required payment, for instance say $1500, is not paid annually (to cover at least any
annual general monetary inflation), then the builder/"variable principle mortgage"-lending-institution would
retain the right to resell/re-title the house to another party -- only then would the police have jurisdiction to
evict the family. { But what family would not be be able to pay one typical house payment - per year? }

This proposal is only for homes/properties. Car loans are unaffected by this proposal and auto loans would
still need to be paid off monthly or risk repossession.

In short summary, the existing banks of the existing banking system *should not* be allowed to furnish fixed
or variable rate mortgages on family homestead properties and have complete dominance over the home
mortgage industry. For-profit banks should furnish car and commercial loans, but bank-foreclosures on
family farms & homes should be stopped immediately by the middle-class People of this once great nation;
who at one time commonly believed in the Bill of Rights and the "American Dream". We just need to say so.

Existing for-profit banks companies would still be allowed to manage car, commercial, and business loans,
and ATMs, and savings and checking accounts - but no more banking foreclosures on distressed-american-
families, our countrypeople!!! If the banking system won't agree to relinquish titles to exiting homes (and
they won't initially), they should be met with force; in true old-fashioned American pioneer fashion. Maybe
only then will they hear the voice of the American People ROAR their voice in unison before this increasing
tsunami of family home foreclosures is allowed to continue. We know the Federal Reserve Bank and the
politicians have gotten us into astronomical debt and sabotaged our economy. We can end their tyranny this
way. The result would also be a boon to the building market; if there are more people entering homes. The
title owner of the property is the home building company - with no bank middleman; end of the foreclosure
problem. So then our brothers and sisters are secure in their homes no matter whatever might happen to the
economy; pending natural disaster(s) -or- government sponsored "false-flag" terrorism or world wars as have
been part of the tyrannical agenda of the existing corrupt banking system monarchy's agenda for decades.
Just a simple, better, system; for happiness for all.

As one example existing today outside of America: in Brazil if you own a house (only 1) and you live in that
house, you can declare it as "Bem de Familia!" ("Property of the Family!") and that property is 100%
protected from any foreclosure or family eviction. Additional benefits include helping keep families together.
Also there would be no need/function for credit analysis for an individual or family to move into their own
"homestead (just 1)" home; just one 5% down payment and at least one minimum payment per year.

Boston Tea Party

An act of defiance toward the British government by American colonists; it took place in 1773, before the Revolutionary
War. The government in London had given a British company the right to sell tea directly to the colonies, thereby
undercutting American merchants. A group of colonists found a ship in the harbor of Boston that was loaded with the
company's tea. They dressed as Native Americans, boarded the ship, and threw hundreds of chests of tea overboard. The
British government then tried to punish the colonists by closing the port of Boston, but this move only intensified American
resistance to the rule of the king/monarchy. For more information on the spirit of freedom see
Help dump more tea in the sea by printing and emailing this for your friends as fast as possible.
If the American People do exercise their voice in unison perhaps it may be commonly known as: The American Homestead Security Act

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