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Web resources for English teachers Good ideas!!!!

. vocabulary spelling teaching . visual dictionaries . comics makers . online notice board/ board creators .meeting room . activities with movies . online collaborative writing
.Interactive poster tool

. using smartphones in exercises . media creation . puzzle maker

Other tools
Tool Twitter Google Drive/Docs YouTube Google Search PowerPoint Evernote Dropbox WordPress Facebook Google+ & Hangouts Moodle LinkedIn Skype Wikipedia Prezi Slideshare Word Blogger/Blogspot Feedly Yammer Diigo Pinterest Scoopit Articulate TED Talks/Ed Google Chrome Jing Camtasia Edmodo Adobe Connect Snagit Purpose Social network and micro-blogging site Office suite & file storage service Video-sharing site Web search engine Presentation software Productivity tool File storage & synchronization Blogging/website tool Social network Social networking & video meetings Course management system Professional social network Text and voice chat tool Collaborative encyclopaedia Presentation creation and hosting service Presentation hosting service Word processing software Blogging tool RSS reader/aggregator Enterprise social network Social bookmarking/ annotation tool Pinning tool Curation tool E-learning authoring software Inspirational tools/lessons Web browser and apps Screen capture and screencasting tool Screencasting tool Educational social networking platform Web conferencing software Screen capture software

Gmail Audacity iPad and apps Google Scholar Flipboard Adobe Captivate Coursera Outlook Voicethread Khan Academy Adobe Photoshop Skydrive WebEx Screenr iSpring Hootsuite GoToMeeting/Training Pocket Udutu Symbaloo Flickr Keynote Excel SurveyMonkey Quizlet Padlet (prev Wallwisher) Storify SharePoint Delicious iTunes & iTunesU Etherpad Tweetdeck Glogster EDU Tumblr eFront iMovie OneNote Google Maps Google Apps Socrative Wordle

Web mail Audio recorder/editing tool Apple tablet and apps Search engine for scholarly works Social magazine for iPad Simulation authoring software MOOC platform Email client Digital storytelling platform Video learning platform Photo editing software File storage and synchronization Web conferencing software Screencasting tool E-Learning authoring tools Social media dashboard Web meeting and conferencing tools Read it later software Collaborative course authoring Visual bookmarking dashboard Photo sharing site Presentation software Spreadsheet software Survey software Flashcards & study games Online noticeboard Curate stories using social media Enterprise collaboration platform Social bookmarking tool Digital media player & course distribution platform Online editor for collaborative writing Twitter dashboard Interactive poster tool Blogging platform Course/learning management system Video creation software Note taking software Interactive maps Branded Google Apps for Bus & Edu Student response system Word cloud generator

Blackboard Collaborate Web conferencing software

PB Works Poll Everywhere Popplet Google Translate Kindle & Kindle App Doodle Wikispaces Animoto Livebinders Voki Zite Todays Meet WhatsApp Trello Blackboard Learn Vimeo eLearningArt ProProfs Quiz Maker Google Sites Pearltrees Ning Firefox OpenOffice Learnist

Wiki/collaboration software Audience poling software Online noticeboard Online language translator E-Book reader device & app Event scheduling tool Wiki hosting platform Video creation software Digital organiser Create speaking avatars Social magazine for mobile devices Private backchannel service Personal real-time messaging app Productivity tool Course management system Video sharing site eLearning images and templates Online quiz maker Web/wiki hosting platform Visual curation tool Private social network hosting platform Web browser and add-ons Office software Pinning tool for learning Curation tool

Mindjet (Mindmanager) Mindmapping softwre

Android tables/phones & apps

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