Argumentative Essay

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An argumentative essay When you write an argumentative essay, you should try to keep a balance between opposing ideas.

It is also very important to use connectors to organise your reasoning. And finally, don't forget to introduce your ideas, explain them, and give examples and / or talk about possible conse uences. Paragraph 1 / Introduction Explain the topic and / or problem in your own words. Assume the reader doesn't know anything about the question. ody Paragraph ! Present the positi"e or negati"e aspects o# the topic / problem. !eal with each one separately and try to give an example and mention a possible conse uence. Add another reason if you can and repeat the process. "aragraph # "resent opposite points of view. !eal with each one separately and try to give an example and mention a possible conse uence. Add another reason if you can and repeat the process. $onclusion / "aragraph % &ummarise and give your own personal opinion whether in favour or against. $se#ul language #or an argumentati"e essay Introduction %any people think that... / It is thought that... &thers belie"e that... I will present both points o# "iew and express my opinion on the matter. 'ere, I've presented the opposing points of view and explained that will not only talk about the differences but also give my personal opinion. (ou'll have to be brave in the conclusion. ody Paragraph !

&n the one hand... / 'irst o# all( I should like to consider... / )he #irst thing to be considered is... 'or instance( / )o be speci#ic(... *onsequently(... In addition +to this,( / A second bene#it is... / 'urthermore( we should also consider the #act that... / -ing illustrates the way... / 'or example(... As a result( / )here#ore( ... In this paragraph I've presented a positive / negative aspect of the problem. I've then given an example and mentioned a possible conse uence. )hen, I've added another reason to support this particular view and repeated the process of giving an example and / or mention a possible conse uence. (ou can also talk about the conse uences first and then give an example or even more than one, but be careful with word length. Paragraph . &n the other hand( / /owe"er( there are also disad"antages. )he most important o# these is that... *onsequently(... 'or instance(... )he second point is that( / 0econdly( / 'urthermore( / In addition( ... 'or example(... )here#ore(... / 1ue to the #act that... / 'inally( it is worth stating that... In this paragraph you must present one or two opposing points of view and explain the conse uences and / or give relevant examples. $onclusion / "aragraph % In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. )o sum up, / *n the basis of the arguments I have presented in favour / against, it can be concluded that... All in all, I personally believe... 2es( summarise and gi"e your own personal opinion.

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