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Marching Band

Marching band is a unique performing group. On the marching field, we combine dynamic music, motion, dance, visual art, theater, athleticism and unity into an entertaining and moving show. The experience of performing in marching band is demanding, but very rewarding. The feeling as we exit the field after an excellent show cannot be duplicated in any other art form. We are a competitive band, but competitions are simply viewed as a different medium of music education. Our focus remains the same for any audienceexcellence in performance. During the marching season (August-October) the band will perform in a variety of settings. They will perform within the community at football games, in parades, and community festivals. They will also perform in regional and statewide marching band competitions. Marching Band does require rehearsal time outside of school hours, as well as the aforementioned performances. The band rehearses daily at 7am through the end of the first period band time. This time is integral to the success of the band, and all members must attend these rehearsals. Expectations 1. Be on time- To be early is on time. To be on time is late. To be late is unacceptable. 2. Respect- You must respect yourself, respect others, and respect our equipment and facilities. 3. Always strive for excellence in musicianship ATTENDANCE POLICY Participation in the Band Program requires a strong commitment to all scheduled events. All members are a vital component of each and every performance. Attendance at all rehearsals directly impacts the quality of these performances. Unlike any other class, time missed in rehearsals cannot be made up. Please examine the calendar carefully to avoid conflicts. Work schedules, other non-school activities, and family trips must not interfere with the schedule. Students who enroll in other school activities such as athletics, choir, drama, etc., need to plan ahead to resolve unavoidable conflicts. The band directors will work together with other teachers, coaches, and other activity directors to work out potential conflicts. Each student will be given every opportunity to participate in other activities. Jobs are not an excused absence for rehearsals or performances and will not be approved. Plan Ahead!! Absences All absences must be approved 1 week prior to the rehearsal and require a parent/guardian to complete an Absence Request Form. ALL forms must be submitted to Mr. Starace at least one week prior to the absence. No exceptions. In case of a family emergency, see Mr. Starace. Excused absences include: 1. Illness 2. Death in the Family 3. School Activities

4. Weddings 5. Religious Events Unexcused absences or truancy from class will result in a deduction from the students grade, in addition to disciplinary action. Performances ATTENDANCE AT PERFORMANCES IS MANDATORY!! Any absences from a performance will negatively affect a students grade greatly, and their participation in any other ensembles in the future. Any unexcused absence will result in the loss of one letter grade. An Absence Request Form must be completed no later than 4 weeks prior to the performance to be considered as an excused absence. An excused absence will require the student to make up the performance grade through a music research project. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Starace. Tardy Policy Please refer to School Student Handbook for the school tardy policy regarding disciplinary action. Note that tardiness will result in a loss of points per day. Habitual tardiness or absence will result in being unable to perform with the ensemble. Band Camp Band camp will be the foundation of a fulfilling and successful marching band season. Camp will be held the (Insert Dates and Times Here) at the school. This will be communicated at the end of the previous school year. Every member needs to be in attendance. Band camp will require much time and effort on the part of everyone involved. Students must be prepared for long strenuous rehearsals outside in the heat of summer. Here is a short list of items to be sure you have with you all of Band Camp 1. Water bottle- there will be water made available to you, but bringing your own water bottle is a good idea 2. Sun Screen- Without sun screen you will have much pain and discomfort all of camp 3. Tennis Shoes- No one will be allowed on the field without close toed shoes. 4. Hat and/or sunglasses 5. Drill Charts, Music, and Pencil 6. Instruments in proper working order. Note* All students are required to wear shirts and shoes at all points during rehearsals

Band Fees
There is a participation fee of $30 that will be paid to the High School Bands. This fee covers curricular expenses, such as the purchase of music repertoire and other materials needed for music instruction. This is a yearly fee for students enrolled in band. This fee is paid to the Booster Organization during yearly registration. Checks can be made out to Band Boosters. Marching Band and Trip Fees Marching Band and Trip Fees are set in April before the fall season. A payment plan is devised to help families manage their budget. Fees need to be up to date for the student to be able to travel and perform with the band. The fees include bussing, housing, music, drill writing, show design, competition registration, and auxiliary instruction. Marching Band and Trip Fees are non-refundable. We make every attempt to limit the amount of fees charged to students to participate in band activities. Every year it is a challenge to keep it economical and still provide for our students. Please be aware that NO student will be kept out of band due to financial difficulties. Anyone needing assistance must contact the Director. All conversations are confidential and we will find the necessary aid for anyone in need.

Band Grading System

We recognizes band as a curricular course receiving credit and a grade. The grading policy is designed to recognize all of the elements that go into being a successful band member. We want all students to succeed and we believe that by achieving success in our grading system, students will achieve greater success as musicians and the band will improve as well. Please read and understand this system; if you have questions, please ask them. The grading system is broken down into these elements: 1) Rehearsals 2) Rehearsal Skills 3) Lessons 4) Performance Checks 5) Written Work

1. Rehearsals/Performances (25%) Each student is graded during each rehearsal. Maximum credit is earned by being on time, having all equipment, being attentive and giving full effort. Points are deducted for any tardies or for forgetting equipment. Also, assume that if you have to be corrected for inappropriate behavior during a rehearsal you will not receive full credit. Inappropriate behavior can range from unnecessary talking to chewing gum in rehearsal. We believe that rehearsals are the core of our program and your performance in those rehearsals ultimately defines our ability to grow as musical ensembles 2. Rehearsal Skills (25%) It is our belief that rehearsals are at the core of what we do in the band program. In order for our rehearsals to be productive it is important that students display appropriate rehearsal skills. Those skills include being on time, having necessary equipment, listening attentively, using appropriate posture, being an active participant in each rehearsal, and displaying evidence of having understood the concepts that are being taught. 3. Lessons (20%) All students will be required to take lessons. Students will be responsible for attending up to six lessons during each nine week quarter. A lesson schedule will be posted regularly that will let students know when they are expected to attend lessons. It is the students responsibility to make sure that they attend the required number of lessons. Students taking private lessons will receive credit for those lessons. Mr. Starace will provide students with a form to fill out to receive this credit. Lessons are meant to develop practical playing skills and to work on ensemble music as necessary. Full lesson credit is achieved by showing progress from lesson to lesson. A variety of materials will be used for each student to improve playing skills. Lessons may also include occasional structured practice time in the band room. 4. Performance Checks (20%) Periodically throughout the year each student will be required to take performance checks. As with all other classes students are accountable for the information that is taught during class time. During these performance checks students will be asked to play material that has been assigned by the band director. Directors will be checking for complete performance of the requested material. All performance skills including accuracy, intonation, tempo, dynamics, articulations, posture, tone and support will be evaluated during these checks.

5. Written Work (10%) Over the course of the year students will be asked to do a variety of written work. The written work will include such things as concert evaluations, tests over material covered in rehearsals, as well as self-evaluations. We believe that having students analyze their own performances will improve their problem solving and communication skills. Extra-Credit The following activities are options for students to receive extra credit toward their grade. Each activity must be approved for extra credit prior to its completion. 1. All-State, District, or IBA Honor Band auditions 2. Attendance at professional or collegiate band concerts 3. District Solo and Ensemble 4. Performing in an outside group on your primary band instrument Uniforms Uniforms will be fitted and checked out to students during summer band camp. Students will, at that time, receive; Overalls, a uniform jacket, shako with plume. New students must purchase gloves and marching shoes. Under the uniform all students must wear athletic shorts, a band t-shirt, and calf-high black socks. Students will have possession of their uniform until after the performance at the final football game. Uniforms will be checked for damages before being checked out, and after being checked in. Any damages incurred will be charged to the student. If the damage is irreparable the student will be charged the cost of that part of the uniform. REPLACEMENT COSTS OF UNIFORM PARTS: Marching Band Coat $200.00 Marching Band Pants $130.00 Marching Band Shako $50.00 Shako Plume $27.50 Band Garment Bag $2.50 After each use, uniforms must be hung neatly on the hangers provided, then placed in the garment bag and given to the Band Boosters present for storage. Any cleaning necessary due to mistreatment of uniforms will be charged to the student.

Performance Uniformity Due to the nature of marching band, and our want for no individual it stick out on the performance field; there are a few guidelines that members must follow during performances. 1. Any person with hair that is longer than the collar of the uniform must tuck hair into the shako. 2. No jewelry is allowed on the field. This includes watches, ear rings or other piercings, sunglasses, necklaces. 3. No extreme make up.

TRIP PERMISSION AND MEDICAL CONSENT FORMS Before a student is allowed to travel with the band, trip permission and medical consent forms must be complete by a parent or guardian. The permission forms acknowledge that students and parents/guardians are aware of the terms Bands Handbook policies of the trip. All forms are kept confidential and information is only released to proper authorities in the event of a medical emergency while on a music trip

Daily Rehearsal Schedule 1. Meeting with staff and student leaders (pre-rehearsal) a. Give a quick overview of lesson plan including drill and music spots to be hit. 2. Sectionals (Drum Majors will get attendance from section leaders) a. Beginning of season i. Strong focus on marching fundamentals ii. Section warm-up iii. Hit tricky spots in music b. Contest season i. Small focus on marching fundamentals ii. Section warm up 3. Full Band warm up a. Some sort of flow, scalar, and lip slur exercise for full band b. If need be at the beginning of the season, this is where a music rehearsal would go 4. Drill Rehearsal a. Do a run through of what is on the field b. Spend time cleaning spots, adding visuals, hitting small chunks of music. 5. Meeting with staff (no student leaders) a. Reflect and plan for next day.

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