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TSM11: Targeted Individuals & Mind Control w/ Dr. John Hall 09/24 by Truthstream Media | News Podcasts

Welcome to the official blog of Truthstream Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton are alternative media journalists dedicated to reading between mainstream media lines, and exposing the New World Order, corporate fascism, propaganda, and the rise of the police state. Welcome to 1984! "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell


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Current News Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Truthstream Media on BlogTalkRadio Tonight on TSM Live, Aaron and Melissa interview Dr. John Hall, author of A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America on tonights Truthstream Media LIVE broadcast at a special time: 8 pm CST. Well be talking about targeting with microwave weapons, the governments capabilities and the revelations of the Navy Yard shooter carving My ELF Weapon into the shotgun he reportedly used to gun down 12 people. Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton of Truthstream apply years of research, focused analysis and wit to big picture questions about the reality we find ourselves living in.

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Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.
Noam Chomsky Quote via anarcho-queer

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#microwave weapons #gangstalking

#targeted individuals #EMF #Navy Yard Share

#electronic harassment #Aaron Alexis

#Mk Ultra

#Truthstream Media

4 months ago

BOMBSHELL: SWAT Team Told to Stand Down at Navy Yard Shooting

(Truthstream Media)

There was a duck race. We brought dolls and put on each duck. The result of the heated race, the winner was the Obama. We took a picture with the... Photo via my-esl-student

The official Navy Yard shooting story is beginning to fall apart.

First we were told that suspected shooter Aaron Alexis had filed a police report on Aug. 7 claiming he was being targeted with microwave weapons and was hearing voices through the walls, ceiling and floor of his hotel room. Next stories came out that Alexis carved My ELF Weapon" and "Better off this way" into his shotgun before the killings, seemingly corroborating his prior claim, and the mainstream media is actually reporting on directed energy weapon technology and the fact that ex-military intelligence officials have claimed such technology is used by the government to create assassins who can carry out objectives while giving authorities plausible deniability. Now the BBC is reporting the Containment and Emergency Response Team (CERT), a SWAT team specifically trained in active shooter scenarios, was told to stand down when they could have been on scene at the Navy Yard with long-range assault weapons in hand in 15 minutes or less after the shootings began. Instead, Aaron Alexis was not reportedly taken down until after 9 am, nearly an hour after the first shots were fired. Thirteen people are dead including Alexis who will never be able to tell anyone his side of the story. Where else in a heavily publicized mass killing event in this country have we heard this story before?
cynicalidealism: laliberty: When I first read that Drucker quote, I immediately thought of drones and how their efficiency makes possible aggression that...

Photo via hipsterlibertarian

Drone graffiti in Yemen: why did you kill my family? by @muradsubay

Photo via enemyofthestatist


Source: #Navy yard shooting #microwave weapons #police state #Aaron Alexis #mind control #false flags Share

#manchurian candidate

#Truthstream Media 6

4 months ago

Report: Was Navy Yard Shooter Gangstalked with Mind Control Microwave Weapons?
(Truthstream Media)

A newly uncovered document raises some startling questions about suspected shooter Aaron Alexis in the wake of the Washington D.C. Navy Yard shooting that left 13 people dead this week.
Alternative news outlet Activist Post published the following document on Facebook last night which has also been corroborated by The New York Times. Its a report narrative filed by a Rhode Island police officer who responded to a call made by Alexis on Aug. 7. Alexis claimed that people were harassing him using microwave weapons:

Alexis reportedly told the officer that three people were sent to follow him and keep him awake by talking to him and sending vibrations into his body. Alexis attempted to change hotel rooms to another at a Navy base where he heard the same voices talking to him through the walls, floor and ceiling. Alexis also noted these people were using some sort of microwave machine to send vibrations through the ceiling, penetrating his body so he cannot fall asleep. The office wrote, [Alexis] stated that he has never felt anything like this and is worried that these individuals are going to harm him. Alexis also told the officer that he did not have a history of mental illness, nor had he had any sort of mental episodes before. While the media has already played judge and jury to Alexis on the Navy Yard shooting, this new document is bombshell. People talking to him through walls everywhere he went so he couldnt sleep? Microwave weapons like nothing he ever felt? The mainstream media can try to spin this however it wants, but anyone who has done even a scant bit of research will recognize that those claims do not merely sound like the random thoughts of one mentally unhinged person. Directed energy weapons are not science fiction; there are a multitude of patents (see here, here, here and here) for exactly the kind of mind weapon Alexis is describing. Our government has been refining these technologies, based on Nikola Teslas research, for a long time now. For more on that, check out this unclassified document from the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command received via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request back in 2006 entitled, Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons. Read More @TSM
Source: #MK Ultra #assassins #mind control #manchurian candidate #Aaron Alexis #Conspiracy Theory Share #brainwashing

#Navy Yard shooting

#microwave weapons 4 months ago

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