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Video Performance Assessment

Objective: As CISB enters its second year as a 1:1 iPad environment it is essential we demonstrate how technology is improving the quality of education we provide. Teachers will demonstrate how they use technology to address all areas of SAMR. (What is SAMR? See below) Task: Teachers will create an 8 - 10 minute video demonstrating how they have used technology in their teaching. Video should include footage of technology at use in the classroom. The video will show technology being used at all levels of SAMR. Teachers will use voice-over to reect on their experience. Due: February 26th Who: Everyone who teaches a class.

What is SAMR: SAMR is a model designed to understand how technology is impacting education. At the very base of technology use we are replacing existing resources. When used at its best technology is transforming education by creating new possibilities for tasks that were previously unimaginable. We understand that not every moment of every class can be spent transforming education, however it is something every teacher should routinely be capable of achieving. SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modication & Redening Substitution: Technology is used to perform the same task that was previously done. ! Example: Student receives pdf worksheet rather than print out. Augmentation: Technology is used as a more effective tool to perform a common task. ! Example: Students writes document on pages. Uses spell check.

Modication: This is where enhancing education begins. Common tasks are being completed in a way that was not possible without the technology. ! Example: Several students work together on group a project using google docs. Students work on document form their homes or silently around the classroom. Redenition: Technology allows for new tasks that were unimaginable before the technology was present. ! Example: Student solves math problem using Explain Everything. Student narrates their solution and shares video with peers online. Peers comment and correct their problems. For More Information Click Here SAMR in 120 Seconds


Examples of Routine Tasks Organized by SAMR

SUPPORT: Shwa will be available to support you at every step along this process. It will take time, so plan accordingly. Tech Integration will be available for appointments throughout the entire school year. While Shwa is always happy to help you it is essential that you make an appointment 24 hours in advance. On Wednesdays from 3:45 - 4:45 Shwa will offer weekly workshops where you can receive help working on your video. He will only stay for this time if you have signed up for help at least 24 hours in advance. Sign up here. Ways you may use Tech Integration Support: Plan Lessons That Apply to all levels of SAMR Exploring Apps Video Editing or Voice Over Filming Evaluating Current Practices

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