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1.tardy-late,not on tym 2.coax-to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.

; cajole: He coaxed her to sing, but she refused. 3.vanquish-to conquer or to defeat 4.excursion- to visit a place,a short trip 5.amidst or amid-in the middle of,surrounded by 6.sharply witty 7.pedantic-a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details. 8.rampant-furious,raging,violent in action 9.wages-dihadi 10.accolade-any award,honor or praise 11.boast-to speak with pride about oneself 12.conceal-to hide,to keep secret 13.lurk-to lie or wait in concealment 14.freckle-one of the small, brownish spots on the skin that are caused by depos ition of pigment 15.exquisite-extraordinarily fine or admirable 16.clumsy-awkward in movement or action; without skill or grace 17.gleam-a flash or beam of light 18.stealth-secret 19.obsolete-no longer in general use,old,effaced by wearing down or away. 20.seldom-on only a few occasions; rarely; infrequently; not often 21.torrent-a rushing, violent, or abundant and unceasing stream of anything:eg=a torrent of lava. 22.whiskers-beard,a single hair of the beard 23.callous-insensitive,made hard,hardened 24.husky-big and strong 25.grin-to smile broadly, especially as an indication of pleasure, amusement, or the like. 26.brute-beast,a brutal, insensitive, or crude person 27.prologue-an introductory part of novel or poem. 28.frown-to contract the brow,hv an angry look 29.potent-strong,mighty 30.intrigue-to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual qualities 31.sniffle-to sniff repeatedly, as from a head cold or in repressing tears 32.squint-to look with the eyes partly closed. 33.sulk-offended mood 34.smirk-to smile in an affected, smug, or offensively familiar way. 35.regal-of splendid,befitting or resembling a king. 35.damp-slightly wet; moist: 36.goon-a stupid, foolish, or awkward person. 37.conscience-the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct 38.furious-full of fury,violent,angry 39.perplex-to be puzzled,to hamper with complications, confusion, or uncertainty . 40.hamper-hinder,to interfere with 41.vague-not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed,not definitely determined 42.hassle-a disorderly dispute.,difficult,to dispute or quarrel 43.torment-a state of great bodily or mental suffering; agony; misery. 44.taut-in good order or condition; tidy; neat 45.scrutiny-a searching examination or investigation; minute inquiry. 46.cynical-bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic. 47.credible-capable of being believed; believable: 48.babus- any native Indian having only a limited knowledge of English. 49.brag-boast,to use boastful language rakhna, 51.adamant-utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals, ur gings,too hard to cut 52.inevitable-sure to occur, happen, or come; unalterable 53.rant-to speak or declaim extravagantly or violentl

54.rowdy-a rough, disorderly person. 55.shrewd-astute or sharp in practical matters,eg.-a shrewd politician 56.scoff-to speak derisively; mock,an expression of mockery, derision, doubt 57.dearth-lack,an inadequate supply; scarcity 58.immaculate-free from spot or stain; spotlessly clean,pure 59.concede-admit,just,to acknowledge as true 60.vicious-unpleasantly severe, malicious,evil 61.indispensable-absolutely necessary, essential, or requisite 62.obligations-a binding promise, contract, sense of duty 63.respite-an interval of relief 64.rejuvenate-make fresh or new again "Everybody dies twice. Once when their childhood ends." :) 65.exile-a person banished from his or her native land. 66.swanky-elegant,expensive,showy 67.vivacious-lively,animated 68.under the wraps-luka ke rakhna 69.haste-speed,rash, or undue speed 70.feeble-physically weak, as from age or sickness 71.oblige-to place under a debt of gratitude for some benefit, favor, 72.reckless-careless,incautious 73.despair-loss of hope; hopelessness,to lose, give up, 74.profound-deep,of deep meaning; 75.repentance,penance-regret,prachisit 76.countenance-appearance,the face 77.gore-murder, bloodshed, violence 78.eccentric-bizzare,strange,weird person,a person who has an unusualor odd pers onality 79.rigorous-stiff,harsh,inflexible 80.elusive-cleverly or skillfully evasive: a fish too elusive to catch,difficult to catch: an elusive thief 81.spree-a lively frolic or outing 82.sheer-unmixed,pure, unadulterated 83.retorts-to reply to, usually in a sharp or retaliatory way 84.pounce-to seize (prey) suddenly: The bird quickly pounced its prey. 85.pacify-to bring or restore to a state of peace 86.miffed-annoyed,irritate 87.pivotal-of vital or critical importance 88.impel-to drive or cause to move onward; propel; impart motion to 89.submissive-humbly, childre have to be submissive to their parents 90.havoc-great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage. 91.upheaval-turmoil,disruption,disorder 92.apprentice-a person who works for another in order to learn a trade,learner 93.veteran-a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation, off ice 94.sane-free from mental derangement; having a sound, healthy mind: a sane perso n. 95.flick-a cinema film 96.impromptu-spontaneous,suddenly or hastily prepared, made 97.exaggerate-to increase or enlarge abnormally: 98.menace-something that threatens to cause evil, harm, injury,a threat 99.accomplish-carry out; perform; finish,to complete 100.catastrophes-failure,mishap 101.tentative-unsure; uncertain; not definite 102.dwell-to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside 103.deter-to prevent; check; the effect of plague has not been deterr ed 104.glimpse-a momentary or slight appearance,a very brief, passing look, sight, or view 105.acute-intense,extremely great or serious; crucial; critical 106.evade-elude,to escape,to get around by trickery

107.indolent-inactive,lazy 108.juvenile-youth,youthful,immature; childish 109.delinquent-guilty of a misdeed or offense,bad behaviour 110.quench- satisfy (thirst, desires, passion, etc.) 111.impeccable-flawless,faultless 112.abscond-to depart in a sudden and secret manner, especially to avoid capture and legal prosecution 113.intimidate-frighten,terrify by superior display of wealth, talent 114.typical-usual,normal, 115.raunchy-vulgar,untidy,dirty 116.redundant-useless,repetitive,excessive 117.phenomenal-highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional,fantastic 118.elicit-fire,kindle,arouse 119.composure-calmness,serene,self-controlled state of mind 120.crematorium-shamshanghat 121.voracious-uncontrallable, readers; a voracious collector. 122.compliment-praise, honor,an expression of praise, commendation, or admiratio n 123.skank-filth,foul-smelling,disgusting 124.unveils-display; reveal,expose. 125.heed-to give careful attention to,note,notice; observation: He did not heed the warning. 126.truce-an agreement or treaty establishing cease fire,mutual agreement 127.tenure-the period or term of holding tenure of an office 128.meek-submissive,mild,docile, compliant,modest,humble 129.Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder 130.juvenile-immature,childish,young 131.felony-crime,offence 132.comprehensive-full,extensive,covers all aspects 133.comprehend-to understand,grasp with the mind; perceive 134.apprehend-to take into custody;to grasp the meaning of; understand 135.apprehension-anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of f uture trouble or evil. 136.anticipate-to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee,to think 137.slury-rude or bad-tempered,unfriendly or hostile,arrogant 138.arrogant-haughty, presumptuous, Fans his flames of HATRED 139.discord-contention,disagreement; difference of opinion,war,dispute 140.lame-crippled, lame arm,weak; inadequate; unsatisfactory; clum sy: a lame excuse. 141.cannibal-a person who eats human flesh, especially for magical or religious purposes, as among certain tribal peoples. 142.murky-dark, gloomy,vague; unclear; confused: a murky statement 143.stigma-blemish,taint,a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as o n one's reputation,blot,blame 144.rapport-relation; connection, especially harmonious or sympathetic,ellowship ,affinity, understanding,relationship,togetherness 145.baron-big businessman, business leader, king,.eg a liquor baron,an oil baron 146.dapper-neat; trim; smart,swanky,stylish,dashing: He looked very dapper in hi s new suit. 147.bicker-dispute,quarrel,argue,hassle 148.tussle-to struggle or fight roughly or vigorously; wrestle,conflict,contest, battle 148.strand or stranded- to bring into or leave in a helpless position: He was st randed in the middle of nowhere,chain 149.recuperate-mend,heal,recover,to recover from sickness or exhaustion; regain health 150.exuberant-extremely joyful and vigorous,vivacious, high-spirited,lively 151.imbibe-swallow,suck,soak,absorb 152.bestow-to present as a gift; give,add,grant,award,The trophy was bestowed up

on the winner. 153.bewilder-bemuse,to confuse,perplex,baffle,dumbfound 154.jeopardise-to put in jeopardy; hazard; risk,stake,endanger, He jeopardized h is life every time he dived from the tower. 155.stern-firm,strict,hard,harsh, 156.consent-to permit, approve, or agree,approval,permission 157.intermittent-stopping or ceasing for a time,interrupted, intermi ttent pain 158.lucrative-profitable, moneymaking,worthwhile, lucrative busine ss 159.In every love story sister support brother but brother never support sister..... U know why? :p Because sister know what LOVE is and brother knows what BOYS are. 160.hitch-to fasten or tie.Steve hitched the horse to one of the posts. 161.hitch-to bind by marriage vows; unite in marriage; marry: They got hitched i n '79. 162.suave-smooth,elegant,sophisticated.he looked suave with his moustache. 163.celibacy-the state of being unmarried,abstention from sexual relations. 164.celibate-brahmchari,a person who abstains from sexual relations or from marr iage. 165.hoax-deception,fraud,fake, 166.blasphemy167.corrigible-capable of being corrected or reformed: a corrigible criminal. 168.incorrigible-cannot be corrected. 169.seclude-to place in or withdraw into solitude; remove from social contact an d activity,to isolate,desolation,solitude,separation 170.petrify-to benumb or paralyze with astonishment, horror, or other strong emo tion: I was petrified with fear.,astonish,startle

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