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TASK 1 : Lesson Planning

Date Time Class Theme Topic Learning Outcomes

: 6 July 2013 : 8.00 a.m - 9.00 a.m (60 minutes) : 5 Arif : World of knowledge : Festivals in Malaysia : 1.5.3 Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and factual texts and talk about them. 2.3.3 Talk about things heard, seen, read. 2.5.2 Talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard, read or viewed. 4.4.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on a given stimulus.

Language skills focus Integrated skills Educational emphasis

: Speaking skill : Listening skill and writing skill : Multiple intelligences: Visual, kinaesthetic, interpersonal and verbal-linguistics. Thinking skills : Arranging, reasoning, creative thinking and predicting.

Moral values Aim

: Teamwork and respect others' festivals, : To teach pupils to talk about festivals by using suitable verbs.

Behavioural objectives

: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to; 1) recall and say aloud at least 3 out of 5 verbs from the video correctly. 2) write at least 2 simple sentences with guidance correctly. 3) talk about at least one festival in Malaysia.

Teaching aids Word list Sentence pattern

: Pictures, video, balls and puzzle. : Celebrate, shake hand, light up, visit, greet : The boy _____________ with his mother. My mother _____________ my grandfather at the hospital.

Grammar Pupils' previous knowledge

: Verb : Pupils know about major festivals in Malaysia.

Step / Time

Content, EE, Values

Teacher's/ Pupils' activities

Teaching aids / Comments

Set induction (5 minutes)

M.I. : Visual. L.S. : Speaking skill.

Teacher asks pupils about festivals in Malaysia. Teacher introduces a picture of festivals in Malaysia. Teacher asks pupils the name of festivals in Malaysia based on the picture. (Expected answer : Deepavali festival)

Picture (Appendix 1)

Presentation M.I. : Visual, (15 minutes) kinaesthetic.

Teacher shows a video about celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia. Teacher lists out the verbs from the video. Teacher explains function of the verbs. Teacher shows a few sentences based on the verbs listed. Teacher demonstrates action of the verbs.

Video (Appendix 2)

Values : Respect.

Graphic organiser (Appendix 2) Teacher stresses out on vocabulary: - shake hand - celebrate - greet - visit - light up


M.I. :

Teacher divides pupils into group of four. Teacher gives envelopes to


Pieces of puzzle (Appendix 3)

(10 minutes) Kinaesthetic, verbal-


each group. Each envelopes contain pieces of

Thinking skill: Arranging.

puzzle. Teacher asks pupils to arrange the puzzle. Teacher asks pupils construct simple sentences based on the puzzle by using the verbs given. Teacher assists pupils with their works. Teacher calls out each group to speak out their sentences. To give pupils chance to speak out their sentences. -Speaking skill

Values: Teamwork.

Production (25 minutes)

Role play

In group, teacher asks pupils to do role play based

M.I. : Kinaesthetic, interpersonal, verballinguistics.

on the puzzle given. Teacher calls out each group to do draws lot to choose the celebration that they are going to act. Teacher gives each groups Songkok , angpau and present. (Appendix 4) Balls (draw lot)

Thinking skill: Creative thinking.

costume or accessory to do the role play. Teacher gives pupils 5 minutes to discuss on how

Values: Teamwork

to role play the celebration. Teacher calls each group to present their role play within 3 minutes.

Closure (5 minutes)

Thinking skill: Reasoning, predicting.

Teacher asks pupils about the reasons of knowing others' festivals. Teacher asks pupils about

Values : Respect others' festivals.

their preparation on the coming festival.


BOOKS Dodson, C.J. (2002). 101 Innovative Ideas for Creative Kids. CA, United States : Corwin Press. Lee, W.R.(2006). Language Teaching Games and Contest. United Kingdom: Oxford English. Norton, D.E. & Norton, S.E. (2004). Language Arts Activities for children (5th ed.). United States :Merril Prentice Hall.

WEBS Kizlik, B.(2013). Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas. on 10 July 2013. Vimla, C.( 2011). Learning English can be fun. on 8 July 2013.


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