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Minister for Education Leader of the House


E&OE TRANSCRIPT Ringwood Secondary College, Melbourne 3 ebruary !"#$ Sub%ec&'( )aunc* o+ &*e Au'&ralian ,o-ern.en&/' Inde0enden& Public Sc*ool' ini&ia&i-e MICHAE) PHI))IPS 1PRINCIPA)2( Good morning everyone. Welcome to Ringwood Secondary College. This morning it s my !leasure to welcome the Minister" #ederal Minister for Education Mr Christo!her $yne and the State Minister for Education Mr Martin %i&on to Ringwood Secondary College. 'nd of course our Local #ederal Mem(er Mr Michael Su))ar. *t s a !leasure to have you all here in what s a really im!ortant year for Ringwood Secondary College as we cele(rate our +,th anniversary. The Minister has decided to -oin Mr Su))ar in the electorate of %ea)in for an announcement this morning" which we have the !leasure of hosting. So without any further ado * would now li)e to hand over to Mr $yne. Than) you. CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Well than) you very much Michael. *t s very )ind of you to host us here at Ringwood Secondary College here in Mel(ourne. * m very !leased to (e -oined (y my $arliamentary Secretary Senator Scott Ryan and most !articularly (y the State Minister for Education Martin %i&on and my !arliamentary colleague Michael Su))ar the Mem(er for %ea)in. Today is a great start to the year from the #ederal Government s !oint of view in education (ecause we are today announcing our initiative for inde!endent !u(lic schools. .efore the election we !romised we would have a focus on teacher /uality" !rinci!al autonomy" a ro(ust curriculum and more !arental engagement.

We ve already made announcements early in 0anuary a(out the 1ational Curriculum and today we are announcing that the *nde!endent $u(lic Schools *nitiative has (een launched. We !lan (y 2,34 to have at least 35,, more !u(lic schools as inde!endent !u(lic schools or their e/uivalent in different states and territories. *t s a 64, million !rogramme and * m very !leased to say that every state and territory" including La(or states and territories have signed on to the initiative with the e&ce!tion of South 'ustralia who are currently in the middle of a state election cam!aign and * m ho!ing that once that s over they might (e !re!ared to (e more li)ely to get involved. The im!ortance of the *nde!endent $u(lic Schools *nitiative is that all the international and domestic research into autonomy and into good education suggests that the really im!ortant elements of giving students the (est !ossi(ly of having a good outcome at school. *t revolves around teacher /uality and their curriculum" (ut also very im!ortantly the more autonomous a school the (etter the outcomes for students. This is (ecause the more a !rinci!al and his or her leadershi! team have control over the destiny of their own school" the more that seems to lift the school !erformance. Western 'ustralia has a !articular (rand of inde!endent !u(lic schools which is very autonomous. They are a one line (udget item in the Western 'ustralian state (udget and the school is run (y the !rinci!al and their leadershi! teams and the (oard of !arents" local government !eo!le" (usiness !eo!le" !rofessional !eo!le with some )nowledge a(out how to ma)e a school hum. 7ictoria has (een having more autonomous schools for even longer than Western 'ustralia" since the 8ennett Government in the 399,s" 7ictoria (ro)e the mould of central command and control features that had (een the hallmar) of education de!artments since the seventies" and * m very !leased that Martin %i&on is here today to hel! me launch the #ederal Government s initiative (ecause it shows that the State and Commonwealth Governments are wor)ing together. The other thing that * m launching today is our 'm(assadors !rogramme. So * m going to write to every #ederal Mem(er of $arliament and Senator" as)ing them to -oin the Government in (eing 'm(assadors for *nde!endent $u(lic Schooling across 'ustralia. This won t -ust (e -oined (y Li(eral and 1ational Mem(ers of $arliament (ecause of course 0ulia Gillard" when she was the $rime Minister" used to ta)e credit for *nde!endent $u(lic Schools in Western 'ustralia so * m sure La(or will want to get on (oard. Chris .owen s written in his (oo)" last year" another (oo) from a La(or figure" that he was in favour of *nde!endent $u(lic Schools and 'lannah MacTiernan in $erth" has (een an advocate for more autonomy for !u(lic schools so this is not -ust a Li(eral: 1ational issue this is also su!!orted (y many !eo!le across the aisle in the La(or $arty and * loo) forward to wor)ing with all of them" with the State and territory governments" with education de!artments everywhere to ma)e good schools even (etter" to give more autonomy to local schools" for the !rimary o(-ective" the only o(-ective" which is to im!rove the outcomes for our students and give them the o!!ortunity to reach their full

!otential. * might leave it there and let Martin" and if Michael would li)e to say a few words" and then o!en u! to /uestions if there are any. Martin. MARTIN 3I4ON( Than) you Christo!her. 'nd to Michael" to Scott" my State colleagues" ;unclear<. *t really is great to (e here. 'nd as Christo!her said" 7ictorian schools have the highest level of autonomy" it s every single school here in 7ictoria com!ared to all other states and territories. 'nd that s (een !art of our education culture for a cou!le of decades now and it s stood the test of time and it s stood changes in !olitical !arties leading the state (ecause it s the right thing to do for our schools and it ma)es 7ictorian schools the (est in the country. What * really li)e a(out the !rogramme that we re launching today is that it recognises that it s not a one si=e fits all a!!roach. 'nd different states and territories are at different stages of autonomy and understanding of autonomy and im!lementation of autonomy in their government schools. So" we in 7ictoria" as leaders in the country now have the o!!ortunity" and this is with the full endorsement of the Commonwealth Government" we now have the o!!ortunity to ta)e our autonomy further and so our su(mission that will (e going to the #ederal Government will (e a(out !ursuing the elements that we thin) will ma)e a difference in ma)ing our schools more autonomous. 'nd what that means is that our schools will (etter (e a(le to serve the communities in which they re located. *t ll mean that the !arents" the governance of the school" the !rinci!als" the teachers will (e (etter e/ui!!ed to use the authority and the autonomy that they do have" to im!rove student learning. 'nd that s what it s all a(out" im!roving student learning. This is not a(out a la(el" it s a(out im!roving student learning. 'nd that s what we re on a(out" and we thin) our schools" (eing more autonomous reflecting the needs of the community" s!ecialising and having> governments" state governments and #ederal governments having a hands?off a!!roach really does ma)e a difference" and research shows that. 'utonomous schools ma)e a difference to student learning and student outcomes. So we in 7ictoria really do welcome this initiative and we ll (e using it to great advantage to 7ictorian schools. Than) you. . CHRISTOPHER PYNE( ;inaudi(le< might li)e to (e the first am(assador. MICHAE) S566AR( Than)you" Minister %i&on" and a very warm welcome to Minister $yne and Senator Scott Ryan for (eing here today and in !articular can * than) Michael $hilli!s and everyone at Ringwood Secondary College for welcoming us here today. * m very !roud that the *nde!endent $u(lic School !olicy has (een launched in the %ea)in electorate. We have e&traordinary school councils and !rinci!als in the %ea)in electorate and Michael $hilli!s is a good e&am!le of the cali(re of !rinci!al we have. Which gives me confidence that greater !rinci!al autonomy and local school control will ultimately lead to

(etter outcomes for our students. 'nd that s what myself as a mem(er of the Government and the entire Government is here for. *t s for student outcomes. So * would very much li)e to ta)e u! Minister $yne on his offer to (e an am(assador and * will (e ta)ing this to all of my schools in the electorate. 'nd * d li)e to ho!e that Ringwood Secondary could (e the model where we start and set the great e&am!le for the electorate. So than) you once again for having us and for visiting" Minister $yne. CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Than) you. E&cellent. 're there any /uestions@ 75ESTION( * was -ust wondering how you ll go a(out>are there going to (e incentives for schools>how do you get these 3"5,, schools on (oard@ CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Well" we have 64, million on the ta(le and in very tight (udget circumstances it s a real measure of the Government s commitment to inde!endent !u(lic schooling that that 64, million is availa(le. We will wor) with each state and territory (ecause as Martin !ointed out" every state and territory is in a different !eriod of transition. Western 'ustralia" Aueensland" enthusiastically em(racing inde!endent !u(lic schools as a newish measure. 7ictoria has had a high level of autonomy in every school for 2, years. Some state and territories have very little autonomy and we want to o(viously wor) with them to try and (oost their o!enness to inde!endent !u(lic schools. * imagine and * am sure that the (ureaucracy and the ministers will wor) this out one?on? one (ut * imagine the Commonwealth s money will mostly (e s!ent on (uilding the s)ills (ase for !rinci!als and their leadershi! teams in schools that a!!ly for inde!endent !u(lic schooling. So in Western 'ustralia and in Aueensland the way it wor)s is that a school a!!lies to (e an inde!endent !u(lic school. They have to (e assessed a(out whether they have the ca!acity in their leadershi! team and in their school community to e&ist as an inde!endent !u(lic school. So * am ho!ing that the Commonwealth s money will (e s!ent to re(oot if you li)e" those school communities and those leadershi! teams to give them the s)ills necessary to (e a(le to (ecome successful inde!endent !u(lic schools. .ecause we don t want to have some headlong rush into inde!endent !u(lic schooling which ends u! failing. Each school needs to (e a success and its students outcomes need to (e im!roved otherwise this !olicy won t have (een a success. 75ESTION( How do you maintain the /uality if different !rinci!als have different leadershi! teams" have different !riorities@ How do you ensure there are still standards (eing set in terms of curriculum" in terms of outcomes@ CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Well there are !arameters in every state and territory that has levels of autonomy" there are of course !arameters in which schools can o!erate. .ut what we re loo)ing for is that !rinci!als will have more ca!acity to choose their own staff B so in Western 'ustralia while !rinci!als can t yet choose staff outside the Western 'ustralian %e!artment of Education" rather than (eing sent a new teacher (y the %e!artment" regardless of what they need" they can advertise within the Western 'ustralian !ool and they get a!!lications from 3C,B2,, teachers in some cases and

they can choose from that grou! where as !reviously they ve (een sent a teacher (y the de!artment. That s -ust one e&am!le of the )ind of autonomy we re loo)ing towards. $rinci!als should (e a(le to ma)e their teams" and their !arent (odies" decisions a(out e&tra?curricular activities B their !riorities and what they thin) is the ethos of the school and where they want that school to go B whether it s towards sciences or languages or for ma-or su(-ects that we all study. Whether it s s!ending money on music B we want to give them the o!!ortunities to ma)e these decisions in their schools. 'nd that s the model that has (een wor)ing here in 7ictoria and in Western 'ustralia. 'nd schools are clamouring" (eating on the doors of Western 'ustralia" to (e *nde!endent $u(lic Schools. $eter Collier" our colleague in Western 'ustralia" has a list of !eo!le wanting to (e *nde!endent $u(lic Schools B much longer than they can accommodate. So this is em(raced (y school communities and * want everyone to get on (oard. 'nd * m delighted that Michael Su))ar will (e the first am(assador for *nde!endent $u(lic Schools. 75ESTION( Will it (e a two?tiered system or a danger of a two?tiered system" where those who aren t !arta)ing in the inde!endent system aren t (enefitting in the same way@ CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Well no" there can t (e. Dne day * would li)e to see every !u(lic school having a level of autonomy and inde!endence that means that student outcomes are a student first !riority. 7ictoria has a level of autonomy. 1o one suggests there is a two?tiered system in 7ictoria in education. So that is a red herring" raised usually (y !eo!le who don t su!!ort inde!endent !u(lic schooling and they continue to su!!ort the central command and control as!ects of education that" * thin)" are inimical to the (est results for student interests. 75ESTION( 0ust wanting to as) your thoughts on .arna(y 0oyce s !lan for drought assistance B 64 (illion. Where might you come down on this !articular issue@ CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Well" loo)" we all have tremendous sym!athy and em!athy with the agricultural sector that are facing weather conditions" whether it s drought or flooding rains in our continent. 'nd for decades the Commonwealth Government and State Governments have wor)ed to ensure that farmers can get (ac) on their feet after an unfortunate event or a long drought" and we will continue to do that. There are already !olicies in !lace for drought assistance" and the Ca(inet * m sure will discuss in the coming wee)s and months ways to ensure that our farming sector" our agricultural sector" is thriving" and everyone who can (e in the sector" who wants to (e" is in it. .ut o(viously * won t (e !re?em!ting any discussions that we might (e having. 75ESTION( .ut 64 (illion is a lot of money considering what has (een ha!!ening in manufacturing in term of su(sidies for the !rivate sector as Einaudi(leF> CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Well" as * said" * won t (e !re?em!ting Ca(inet discussions or views that might (e e&!ressed. The most im!ortant thing we can do is ensure that the agricultural sector is su!!orted (y government in difficult circumstances li)e drought and floods. There are !olicies in !lace to do that. Whether we want to enhance those

!olicies is a decision that the Government will ma)e" in total" over the coming wee)s and months. 75ESTION( ;inaudi(le<. CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Well" not really" (ecause at the moment there s a lot of red ta!e and (ureaucracy (urdening schools that they currently have to com!ly with. Many different acts of !arliaments they have to com!ly with in (oth the government and the non?government sector. So * can t see that this would (e adding to the (urden of red ta!e. *n fact" it will give more autonomy to schools to ma)e their own decisions. We ll (e trusting !rinci!als" trusting their leadershi! teams" to ma)e the right decisions for their schools and to not s!end as much of their time on the grind of red ta!e and (ureaucracy. 'nd Martin might li)e to comment on the situation in 7ictoria in terms of the red ta!e (urden and how it s (eing lifted (ecause of more autonomy in !u(lic schools. MARTIN 3I4ON( Than) you Christo!her. * was cham!ing at the (it there> CHRISTOPHER PYNE( * could hear youG MARTIN 3I4ON( The reality here in 7ictoria is that with our very autonomous system that the accounta(ility (ac) to the central office has (een reduced. The school is accounta(le to its local community" the !rinci!al to the !arents and to the students and teachers" and o(viously the teachers to the !rinci!al and to the students and the !arents. So that s where the real accounta(ility is and that doesn t re/uire a whole lot of red ta!e" and in fact 7ictorian schools" u! to a(out three years ago" had a com!liance manual which was this thic). Even though they were accounta(le they still had this. This massive folder" which most !rinci!als li)e to show me when * went into their schools" we said that is no longer" school don t have to use that" they re not accounta(le to that massive form and the world hasn t finished" we ve -ust said Hno it s not going on" schools are doing a fantastic -o( still" they re educating children well" getting great outcomes" and there s (een a vast reduction in red ta!e as a result of the autonomy. 75ESTION( Minister %i&on" the 1'$L'1 results of last year indicate issues in 7ictoria with Iear 4s and Iear 9s. How does that wor) into the autonomy e/uation@ MARTIN 3I4ON( The idea is" and there s a lot of studies that show that one of the (est ways to actually im!rove the student outcomes and their results is to allow schools to meet the individual needs of individual children" to meet the needs and as!irations of their local community" rather than have su(-ects and courses and !rograms !ushed on them from a(ove. So" we (elieve that (y allowing schools to use their e&!ertise to !rofessionally trust schools to do that that s where you get the (est results. 'nd we" in 7ictoria" we do overall our 1'$L'1 results !ro(a(ly the (est in the country and what we want to see" though" is to (e one of the (est results in the world. Iou )now" our children and our schools at Ringwood here" these students will (e" in fact their tal)ing to the school ca!tain" they re out there wor)ing in the world" literally around the world" they ll (e studying around the world" they ll (e wor)ing there" they ll (e travelling. 'nd they re the sorts of s)ills that we want our students to have and that s who they ll (e com!eting with and that s where raise our as!irations to a world class system" not -ust the (est in the country.

CHRISTOPHER PYNE( Hear" hear. D8" than) you very much. Media Con&ac&( ,J,4 +93 ,5," !

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