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2013 AIME I Solutions

1. (Answer: 150)

2013 AIME I Solutions

14. (Answer: 036)

Let r be the rate that Tom bicycles in minutes per mile. Then Tom runs at the
rate of 2r and swims at the rate of lOr. Because four and a quarter hours is 255

Notice that

Q+iP = 1 + (- sin B+ i cos 0) +

- . lOr + 30r + 8 . 2r = 255.

This simplifies to 51r = 255, so r = 5. Tom bicycles at the rate of 5 minutes

per mile, so the number of minutes he spends bicycling is 30 . 5 = 150.

1+ ~iei9 + ~ee2i9 + ~i3e3i9 + . "


2 (2 + sin 8 + icos8)
2 - ie i9
5 + 4sinB

2 co~9 and Q = 42s!n9. So

Thus P

2. (Answer: 200)

~ (- cos 2B-i sin 20) + ~ (sin30-i cos 38) + ...

If a number satisfies the given conditions, then because its first and last digits
are equal, and the number is a multiple of 5, its first and last digits must be 5.
The sum of the middle three digits must also be a multiple of 5. If one chooses
any two values for the first two of those three digits, there will be two possible
choices for the third digit that will make the sum equal to a multiple of 5. Thus
there are 10 102 = 200 choices for such a number.

= 5+4 ~n9


cos 8
- = - = -,
Q 2 + sin8
32 + 32sinO + 8sin 2 8 = 49 - 49sin 2 0,

57sin B + 32sin B - 17 = (3sinO - 1)(19sinO + 17) = 0,


The requested sum for the negative solution is

3. (Answer: 018)





= --


17 + 19 = 36.

15. (Answer: 272)



Let d = a - b = c - a. Then there are integers m and n so that np _ d =

B - A = C - B = mp+ 2d, implying that 3d = (n - m)p. Note that 2d < p, so
3 cannot divide n - m. It follows that p = 3, and (b, a, c) = (0,1,2). Therefore
the ordered triples that meet the conditions are precisely those of the form
(1 +3j,3+3j+3k,5+3j+6k), wherej 2 0, k 2 0, and j+2k ~ 31. Thus

N =


- 2k) = 1632 - 2 - 2 -


Let the sides of the two smaller squares have lengths x and y so that the square
ABCD has side length x + y. It is given that x 2 + y2 = i'o(x + y)2. Then
1O(x 2 + y2) = 9(x 2 + y2) + 18xy , and x 2 + y2 = 18xy. The requested sum is
.;: + 11. = ""+I!' = 18.




4. (Answer: 429)
The colors of the 13 cells in the array can be chosen in (~) = 1287 ways. For
an array to satisfy the given symmetry condition, the center square must be
blue, and each of the three-square "L" shapes must contain 2 red squares and 1

= 272.

2(JJ~$ A AlC 12B S()ll"jon~

" i ''----"() ..--"~~-'.



SOfl1l i()!1.~



lOJ:J AMC1213



. ~.,




. ... ' ...

:r" + ( I + .,nf'.r'l + (1 + /2).1'2

- (G


r \" .... i

+ a/2).r'l .


amI "oh'illJ!, for .r~ giVl''' t IJ(' l'l''llll's(('d HllS\\,(!'.

. .. . . .


hilS there are C~O) pflir:-; of panlhoJas and tiJ(' pair:; tlia t do nut intersecl arc
exactly Ihose \\'It()~() Jirccl riee,s have t he saJ1lc s lop(" aud wl lo::,e !}-iull'l'Ccpb ] Iave
111(' same sign . There ,WI' G ilillert'llt slopes ane! 2
= G pairs of .1J-u lkrcl'pts
witlr l ir e :;<1)]1(' sigll Il\krll i'rOIl! {- :3, -2, - I . J. 2. 3 }, Be(:all~(, t he pairs ofpanliJo
las that illlcr:-;rct do ,,0 al exacl ly two points <l1Id IlO poWI is in 1hWl' parabola:;,
it [()llows t hat thc lotal 111111l b cr of i nterSP('L ion poinb is


:2 (

It is

C2 ) - 5 . n)

= 8 10


I() ('tl1ls11'l ld I he two circle:; through 0 and t f'lug<' 111 I () I II<'

l int'~
iUld I ~ as fo llows: Let {" be I IJe bisector of t ire angle ddf'l'IIl i llCd hy I he
rlllgular S(~(tor spa lllleJ by {I alld ('2 thaI contaills 0 (or tIle midlin(' 01' 1'1 ilIlr l /''2
if 1hes(> lines an' parallel (\l1d 0 is bet ween I hem ), Let Q be the s.\'l1ll11etric poi fit
of 0 will i I'C5P(,(,1 10 (' iUal !Pt P be tlte ln tel'sedioll of fl <mel rill' line OQ (i f'
0= Q t11<'11 h'l P be I JJC intersection of (I and H perpelldit1 llar line to fi' bv 0) .
If Cis olle of t hl' desired ei re'I(,s. t hen C pas~w:-; Ilrwllgb 0 .:llJJ Q Hud i ~ ta ll gellt
to i l . LeI T ho Illc point or t.ill1gt'IlCY or C illid fl' By t he P OIVPr o f a Poillt
T lleorem. PT 2 = PO PQ . T he circle wil lt center Pawl nuliu:, JPO PQ
intcrsf'ctH (I in two point s TI nu ti 12 TILe eircII n Icircles of OQ1'I <l nrl oq'],:! Hre
t,he desired circles.







22. Answer (A ):
sing clUJ chcmge of base idell1 ity gives Jog 1/ logn
logx . The equivalent cql1Atioli is

(log .r)- -

8I (7log iii + 6 10g n) log


= log:1' (IBJ


J' -

log (/1 ' IOf!;1II

-S- log fII . log 17

= (),


:25 . Answer (B): L('( P(;.) Iw fl P()J~/IIOlJl i<lJ in (,' . BT'C';!ttSI' 111(' ('(I('ilie-iT'Il(:- of PI:)
<l\'(' Iwd. it follows that Ihc nOlln,.1! I'!lots III f' (:;) 1111 lsI 1)(' Il1Iirl'd II,\' ,'ollj llJ!,llt " ,, :
t hat is. if (/ + ill is a rool . llr(,l1 II
ib is II root ns \wl !. III ]>W' I jeltl,,!'. P(:.) ",,11
Ill' fa!'! ol'('d illto t Ire product uf pairwise dUfon'lll lilll',lI' p()IYlttlllJi;d:-; 01' t ltv fill'1ll
(;; - I') wit Ir ( E Z /Juel (]lI<ldrati(' Jl()i,I' l l olllial~ of t 11(' roml (;: - ({J + ill))( ~ - (II
ib)) = .:;" 2,,: + ((/2 ~ 11'2) \\-itll u h E Z alld Ii f (J , l\ ]orcOH'l'. I I If' prnillll'l o f I Irv
ilHlqJl:lld('lI l IpJ'w:-; of Ill('s(' polynomials 1111 1S1 Ill' p[pHi I III fil l. so 1'rH" 1r o r ,,2 + II:.!
or (' ll111St 1)(' H f ac t or
!il)' Call lliest lincar ()J' ll'mdratic Jl() I .\' II()lIlial~ /'(}S II'
Clild ror (,\,C'1') dE {1. 2, 5, 10, 2f). ;jU}. let 13,1 Lc tlil' HPI or Im"ic pUj ~'III ) ll l i ftiS will i
iJldl'pI'lHlc'lIi tel'lll ('<jIHlI/( , II .


TI I(, ('llItllt il lll ,, + 1/ = IlHls a pajr (Jf "olljllg;lIc' HolllrioJII; i ll ilJt('g(r.~ wi tli /) =J: 11.
(D, I ), Tlll\:-, lIlt'\( , i" olily j IHI."i( qWl.(lratic POIYlIllllrill1 wjllt
ill(jf']wl1dl'1l 1 ll'm ll lrJlmgllil llc\1' I: (:-i)(:'+i) = Z2+ 1. Silllilllrl,v. ill('l'ql1l1tioll
/)'2 = 21m" '2 pnirs or (,lIl1jll)!,fl ll' s()llltiLl tl ~ wiiL b
(0 . /1)
( I . I) alld
( - I. I ) . TIH'SI' g ivc I hc' fol lowillg 2 Ilil;,ir ])OlYI IOlllials wit 11 illt!I'Pl'lI,kIl1 (NIIl
2: (.:: - I i)(: - 1 t- i)
:2 -:2~ f- 2 il lid (z I- J + i )(.: -'- 1
i) - ~~ + 2:: 2.
III til(, :-;1I111P wily I hI' l' q ll al illl l" II :.! + /)2 = f) . {/ 2
/i..!. = [0 . 0:1. +- /i'- = 1!i,
iIlld (/2 I Ir'- = ;j() l];Ivc 1. I . ,j. Hild (i I'P"p l'('tive Imin;
\'0 IIj li)!,n I I' s"l lIt iO Il,.,

1I11 IU<'I)' (11./1)

i ().


(f/ .h) These nre (2. 1), ( 1, I ). ( 1. 2) . and ( 1. +2); (:I, I ). ( :Lr ll .
( I , :I) . IlIlel (- l. ~~) : (:~ . J: I ). (-:1.:1:,\), (.~ . 3). ( -' I. ;~) , nlld (O,!i); :llId
(7 . 1) ( 7. ::l I) , O T) (- I. 7), ( f) , +0} . cilld (- G, r ,) . 1'lw;,I' W'IIl'J'H I l' (-il l
po""jhk IlHHic qmulratie POlYllolllinls w i l h lIollrral rools ali t! jnd !'jw l li/"lIl 1" 1' 111
Ih,,1 cliv id()~ SU . Thl' Imsic linear P()I.YII(llllirtl~ Wilil n'<11 roots ,In' .' " 11'111'1'('
(' E { l . 2. 5. 10. 2,-), + 5()} . Thlls Ill(' IIIH'fll' hH:;il' pulYl1() llI inl:-; 1'0 11 1ril lilit
21 () IB,d, [L fuUow" that 113 11= :3 I 1J~ 1 = I, IB"I = (j lillOl = (i IB'2;-,1 = 7 , alii I
113-,lJl 8.
DC(,1I11s(' P IIH:; iu dc-Pl' llCll' llt t ('rll l .jU, there <ll'r either ~ cJloic(':-; rtll';1 pol,VII()l lIi,ti
ill Dr,u. or 7 I dloit!':; f(ll' /1 pw<lllct 01' twu POI,v llol1rials. o Ill' i ll iJ'.!.:. ;111<1 I II('
utlH'1' i ll 8 2 , ur G G elwil:e" fur a produd of hvo Pol.vI1OJlliab . (J1l(' ill Dill mid
I Itl' ot II!'I' ill [3" , or 1 . (~) dloj('(~~ 1'01' II product of t bree ]Julvlloliliah;, Olll ' ill fl2
alit! t,llt' 01 II(')' t \\'CI ill Br" Fillillly. ('ad I of 11)(' polynolll ials ;:; + I IIIld .:? f J ill
I ( '<\ 11 appCfll' or /101 ill lhe prodllct . Inl\ lile prl'.~(,IIl'(' of the pol~ Ilollliai::
is ,1c>1l'J'llJilJNI by Ill(' 1'(',,1 : it' til(;: pmd 'lci. ()f Iltv r elHili uillg illdcpcndellt tenll" is
- fjO. thell it helS tu b(' prCS('IIt. amI if till' pruclllC't is 50, thell it lI[mit llot ])(' ill
ilic' prod llCt. Tlll1K . (lie gTiH\t! lotal is

2" (8 I- 7 . .j + 6 ' (j +1 '

G) )

= 22(8

28 + 3{j

+ (iO) = '-I . 1:t2 =



2(J) J l"lMC J2B Sollltions

/\s a quadratic ccplalion ilt log .r. Lh(' !--11111 oi' tite two :;ul u l iollS log .!1 Hlld log .!":,!
is equal 10 1I1(, l]('galiy(' of thl' lil1C'nJ ('odTicic'lIl. I t follow:; Ill'll

log(.I'I.l':.d ~ lo~ .l'1

+ log .1'1 =


+ Glog 1/) =

- I;)
lo~ (( /11'11




I ()


thCll 2;V == (j()ol + 2uII = 1O(al + emil + 1111 + ho =: lO(nl -r hrJ + (nil + /111 )
( Ill od lOO). ]3p('mlS(' 0 S (II < ,I und 0 < hi < S. it follows iha l I llcrc <lI'C' (,Xfl('ll)
:, dilf('l'('llt pairs (ol . li l ) . llHmely (0. 0). (2 . 0) . (,1. 0), (1. 5), mid (:3,5). Ench of


he comhiued with fI difkrPli1 valllP:-; of (/u (0



I) , to dp\Pl'Illil1f'

pX;1('lly 23 diff'('n'lti 11111111)('1':; N wit h I It!' n'qlli),pd propC'J'I,\'.

Lc,t N
.I'I.I":.! b!' t he product of tlt(' sO llltiullS. Suppos(' p i::; 11 prime (lividing
m, Lpl p" il.n d Ii' b (' Il l(' largest PO\\'C'I"S of Ii I II HI d i\;ck II/ n.lld II r('sIH'C'1 iV0ly.
Then ]1,,, "'61, is Llll' largesl pow('r of /, tha i di " idf's III ' /II; = Xli. I I fo llows I hal
( II+G b == 0 (mod 8) . IJ II is odd . t 11('11 I hcJ'f' is no solu l iun to 7o + 0/; == f) (mod x)
h r(,HlI Sl' 7(1 is n ot diyi;;ihlc' by gccl (6. 8) = 2. If 0 == () ( Illod 1.-:). 1111'11 11 ('('n 11;;( '
(/ > (J . il follows t ha i .V~ - /11' 1/ (; ::::: (l")T jlSO ? i'iG SO X 2: '27 = 128. If
(J == :2 (1110<18) then 11 + OIl == () (!Clod 8) is ('cplinl1C'1I1 to :5b+ ;1 == 3b+ ( == [)
(lliOd 'l) Tl,ll:-- h == 3 (n lod I) Hnd 1111'11 N" = m'iln 2: (P:'!)'(p:I)G
p:12 2: il2
so X 2: 2 I = I G witl! equality for 111 = 22 aud 11 = 1:1 . Fiw-lll\,. if' (I > .1 and II i:-;
no r. a multiple of K t hell b > 1 and l l1 us Nfl = 111 T 1/(; ~ (pi) 7 (pi )(1 = Ii:! I 2: 231
SO N > 2"/ > 2' = Hi. Tllcrefo\'(' Ih(' ll1illillllllIl prodllCl b /\; = 16 niJt<lilWd
IIniCJuely will'lJ III = 2'1 alit] Ii = :2 3 . The requcstl'd sllIn i~ III + Ii = 1 + 8 = ]:2 .

Lt'1 {\ = LAC'1\'
LNCB alld .f'
BN . 13(,CrllIh(' 6 B.\.fI.'
2-1. Answer (A);
is cqn ilCltPnd it fo11 o\\'s tlm l L73XC = LeJVA = I :'W ~ . LCB.\' = LB ..1C' =
(iO ' - fl . -nnd Le nA = L H ,\I(, = 120U - II. T illiS b. . I UC .... 6 1J .\1 (' ,1l1e1
6 J!.\'C ~ 6 liXC TIL(,lJ

.;() Be = /2: ;l1ld

su C.Y =

.s . .s



== 2N == lou




+ 200 == :i()()n I +

;~OOb I + 200

== lOa I +

I Of' l + 'lao

T h erefore i/o \ == 111 (JIII .I! IIJ), I!jlli vHit'lIt l,;:.iJ l =: n (1Ilod !j) all(]01 ==UI (mud 2) .
C(ll1vl:!r"e\y. if A - !)()(J " I I I ~()(/ I (,5111)1 !iu, fill = Illl ' ;}1I(\ 50 == 1)1 (HlOd 10) .

ex +,1







12 '



Le' l r J he the lI1idpoiul of X 1'\1 . BeCilllSC b.B x:. /\7 is C'qnilatC'ral. t lie i l'iallg le B PC
is Ilrighl frinuglp wit li LBPC = DOo. Tlj('lJ by tlJ(' P,vIlJagOI'(>;111 T IIl'ore'lIl.



(I liod lOU ) .





= cr:.! + PB~ =


+ .\ J>f +

(J3 ):!
J3 '1 ., _
.) + ()
( .J2 + 2)
2" ./"
(CXI- 21)2



l l C'

(mor! lO ),

Tlms 00 '= /ill (ulOd 10) cWu beclluse 0

11 0
4 lU lU 0
5, it I'o lluws
Ihal ao = bu ileca1lsc IV == IIU (m od 5). it ['oJlow:-- lI lal (ll erc is all il ll ("g<' 1 NI
:--l1 ('iI thai I\' = 5N I + 110 . Also . V = flo (11I0d 6) il11plif's I hal !)I\'I + (jn == (10
(mod 6) and so :VJ ~ 0 (mod 6) . II tl)]JOW::; Illllt J\' I = uX:! for :-;omC' iutl'ger
N:.! aud ';0 :\' = ;3O.V" .L (/lJ . Shuil,1 rI~'. jV == 5f1, + fl O (\1Iod 25) i III pliel> 1b li
5a \ +ou (1l1Od 25) a11d tben N2 == G/V:! == (I] (111Od!i) . JI [ollow;; I ha 1
J\''2 = SN:! + {J [ ror sOlUe illt egel' .\13 and :-;0 N ~ L:;U .Y,i -r :300 I + 11(1 . OTl(,(' llIore.
N == Gb l + 00 (mod :,36) illlpi ies litnl 6N:I-(io 1+00 == I fJ()N~T;3lJ(J I +0(1 == li/J \-oo
(\l1Od 3G) ami t hell v,.. == (j I -l III (wod Ci ). It follows that N3 = (i N I I a I + hi
for some il lt egcr 1\'4 and so N = DUON I + IbOo r + 150/) r + (l() . F imllly, 2K ==
JO (u I + lit) + l()o (H10e! 100) impli('s i hal


(v0 + 1).1' .

23. Answer (E): Expa n d llic' s('1 or (111'PC'-digi t posil in' i 1Jj('gl'I'S 1.0 iud\l( II' illl P[!PI'S
' ~P\'llS appclld('(I . 13 ('('allse 1nil ('J
., = !JOO .
. II btl l lUg
tv . ()
9[), Wit
r; " . (j-.) . l!)-)
sIH,;L all i.lIt0ger .\1 meets 1he l'<'C]uirpd ('o udi li()n if ill1d ()lily if N + !)()[) d ops .
T h erefore N Cilr l Ill' ('ol1sic\('l'pd 10 \)0 dlosel l I'rOIll Ihe :;('1 of' inl q;('rs h( 'I\\'('('ll
000 aud S[)D, intl llsiVC'. Snppu:;c lilill t l)(' 1aSI two digits iu ordpr of t\w has('-'i
rcprcscntation or tv arc~ "I awl lIll ' SilIliiarly. SIlPpO~f' tl ml tll(' [nst IWO digits
or Ilw ])a..o.;('- (i l'C'pres('lllat ion or N ar(' b l ano bo . 13v a.-;sumption . 21\' == ao -t bu
(mod 10), hut N == all (mud 5) ;Ulc! so



2 BN



= (: J


:3./2)./'" .


1." - --

10 - G.;'2

- ,-, +:3.;'2

EsLaulj~11 ,I.<;iu tlw 61':.i :;oluLiOlllllat

a pplied to 6BeX !,riw:;

:2 = f3C~ =

ex =

ax2 + ('X 2

(.;'2 + 1).1' . Thell the LawufCosrnC'1.>

2BX ex ('l)s(120"')

2013 .1111 C12B Soi utiw is


tlw eqllations , (I + b = 2 - c amJ (12 + 1>" 12 - (.2. Let:r b e an ar b itrary

uum u er. t bcn (:r-IJ.)2+(a -I)~ 2: 0; that. is, 2. ,.2_2( u +b).r +(u 2 +b 2 ) 2: O.

?rOl ll


2013 .4 MC12D Soiutiolls


23. 2

2(2 - e)l

+ (12

I :~

- c 2 ) 2: ()

ror tI ll nml vI-d ues .1' . TIUlt IU('flm; t.he- discr im imlI l1 ~(2 - (-)2 - .1 2( 12 - (.2) S'. O.
Simplifying and factoring givcb (3c - }U)( c+2)
O. So the range of values of c i::;
-2 < e -$ ~ . B oth maximum and [llin imum are ultnin ablc by letti n g (a, b, c) =
(2 . 2.-2) tllH l ((I . b,c) = (-~. - lJ:). Therefo re I]w differellce between tlte
rumdlllulll awl ulll po::>siblc value::> of r: is ~ - (- 2) = -W .


!'i l FLrl s

If r. ht game starb wil h 20 J. ..J ('(Jills (;llld .Jeulla. starlS . I hell she picks 1 ('oiu

aud reducc::> the !1.<l1I1(' l u tIl(' plc\' io\1~ G l:;C of 2llU ('oi us wllCr(' sh (' Wi th If
Barbara SL1Hts, she sd(>('ts I coills. Theil 110 mel t! er w hal .J(,1I11(\ chooses, f3arb'-I1'ii
H' spouds h \ kl'epiug 1lie munLer OfrClllUillLllg coim, tOIl14 r \l('11 1 to lJ (mod,)) . This
(,llsmcs tbat 011 her l as l t urn Barbara will Ie-ave' 0 (~(Jin~ amI ",ri n 1he gamC' T IlliS
wllO('vp r go,,:,> fin;1 wil l will I IiC" g,UJ I(' wil li 20 Lei co iwl .

T Ilt' Pythagol'pan Thcor('m applied ro right triangles .. lBD

and . 1C'D givC',; AB2 - BD2 = AD2
/ lC 2 - G'D~: t haI is , 1:3 2 - BD2 =
15 2 - (1 1- I3D)2 [row wlli clr il follows I linl B J) = ,5, CD = 9. m Id AD = '12.
Becm lse Iriill lglC's :IED an d , IDr arc sim ilar .

illl 111.ving U la! ED







aJ ld AE

= ..\.!i

Becau<>c LAFB = LADB = DO , it fo llows timl ABDF i~ evclic . Thus LABD+

L AFD = 180 0 from wlticl l LABD = LAPb. Therefore riglJt t,rianglcs ABD
(lnd AFE ale silliHm . Hellce




fro m wh ich it fu llows j[Ja1 FE = .1. C OlJl:]Nluently DF = D E - FE =



4f - -! =


Cl)S./ '

< () < siJI .r il ))(.1

Icot .1'1

T!1C'r('r'o]'c ('01 .I' < trul '/.. i\ lor('ov('f . co t .I' = ~;:~.~ < ('os .r. Tlms Ill(' lilllr \l('rt i t(~
P. Q . n . nu d ;:; are loeat.lxl on t be pnra lJol a y = .1'2 m id P mId') fin' ill ile tw('PII
Q n ll d R. II' An and CD /-tn' rJlO1'd~ l)1 1 i.he fJ:ll'n iloIH Ij = ./,2 s llt 11 I hnl t ll('
T-coordillflLcs of ..J and lJ arc I('s~ t han I' h e .1:-coorrlinatcs of C amI D, rJ lell i 11 ('
slope of .4B is less t lIan tbe slope of CD. Tt follows t b<lt 11i(' I wo pl-Hid lpl si d !'S
or tilt' I rnpezoid Ill ll S!. be qR 1-llI ei PS . T hus t he :-;Io p (~ or QR is ('(JllIl l to IiI('
slope of [' S . T hus .
cot. .f + si n ;1' = tall;r + cos.f.
I\l n lt ip lying by Hi ll .r (,us.r
(co~ . (


=I fl

i;l li d rea r nW~l l !1. g i ves I he equind c'l ll icl c' IILitv

~ilJ.r J ( (' (),~ . T'

+ siLl .l' -

s in .r CO.~ .fJ = U.

CO~.1: - ::;in T '" (j ill

sin TCOS.!'

J j- iiin(2:r )
.i n . Answer (B) :

T IIIl:; t,;1I I ..1'


[80 C , it ['o l lows tLlilj

O. ('0 1 ,r < U. ami

Isin 1'1
leos 1'1
11;1\ l.1'1 = - - . < 1 < - . - =
IS IIl 1'1
I('os .r!

18. Answer (B):

wi t tl 2() 13 ('oi 11::; iln d .1 ell nn SI FLrtS . H ICll she p icks 3 ('o i I1S .
,uld thelL no m a l l er how 1IIallY Bmharn chooses . .) elllW responds bv kt'epiug
11IC' lilln Jiwr D
r r('l llfliniJlg ('oillS (:Ol\gr\l f'lI L 10 0 (mod :i) . T ha i is . s h c p i ck~ :3 if
U:lrhnra picks 2, a.nd s lw picks I if 13Rrbara p icks L1. Th is Pllsnrps t lmt on IlPr
last lUI!] .IClllW will l!';.Jvc (] ('oins aJld I'hus ~u(' wil l will . Sim ilarly. if Barhnra
slar l s. tlH' ll .J0JIII(I ('ill! n'ply as before so Ihal th(' Il ll mlwl' o f remaining ('oins i~
congruenl to :j (1I1Od f). On her last LlIrII Baruant will 1111\,C :l coins (;1\a ilable.
She is forced to [-C'1110\'(' 2 and thus .JcnnCl w ill win by tllking the last coin .


il(>CFl I1SC J 35"

2 0. Answer (A):

Isill J'I < 1('.0:0;1'1

Lf 111(' g<lll l(,

= O.


the required rang<' . it follows i hat cos ./: sin.f

SqlHlrillg C111e! lIsilig t Ile f'lIet, I.Iial 2si ll.rcos.r = sill{2.r) giv!'s
siIl 2 (2:r) . Solvillp; t. ll is q llHdraric cqnatioll in 1'li (" Vilriablc sin(2.r)

g ives sin(2r) = 2.12\1'2 Bcccl\ ls(' - 1 < sill 2.1' < 1 Ilw on ly
'2 - 2\1'2 . T hf'rf' is iluk rd ,..1 1Ch ;\ In.qwzn id fo t ,r = 18(1 ' +
152 .03 1" .

is sin(:.!.)) =
Mrsin( 2 - 2 /:2) ~

SO I II t.iol1

21 . Answer (C ): If ti lt-' dir('ct ri ('(' s of two parahola wi l It 11 Ie sa111(, rO CII :'; illt.(,l's('(' I .
Il1en thf' corre~po ll diJlg par alm la.s intc, pwct ill pxaet ly I W(J p o i nts . TI le> SHIIlt'
conclusio n lJ o l d~ if the dircetricC'5 ilJ'(' paralkl ,md 111(' focl\s is \)('twr('l1 t 11<' two
lilIes . \ [oreov('r, if' Li irpclr i('Ps I1.r(' plw Ali d fl lId I.he 1'0(' 11:-' is 1101 il C'tw('f'lI til('
lwo line'S . l.llplI Ihe ('OlTE's])()l1d ilig prlrabo las do 1101 inlC'rs('c\.. b ILic('<i , 1-1 poi]}1
belongs 10 I ll(' intersect iOlI of t he parabolas wil L i'ocll S 0 and cl irpc( r i ('~'s (i lilt d
i'2. ir fl l\ d on ly ii, d(C' ['I) = OC = r/(C, (2) ' T hn l is, I Ii(' eir('1e IV i! II ('cllter ('
ami rnd ins O C is !angf'1ll to hot.h fl amI (12 .
(I M Id f'~ Hre p;oml 11el FLll d () is
nm. lwtwC'e n I hem, then (,\ parl,v such eire je d oes no1 ex ist . If I ;m rl {2 in1 ('rse-n
and 0 is 1101 011 t l10lll. l.he n I hc'\'(! flrc nrc exactl.v Iwo circj(,s tangcn l to hoth II
amI 2 t ha t go tlu'ouglt O . The ~amc is true iJ CJ and C2 a.rc parallel and 0 is


between tbem .

2() J:3 ltMCJ2B Solu tiolJl'>


= 5(/ 1 + 81J~ = 5b l + 8U2 . so :>(11 1 - (Ll) = 8((/2 - 112) ' BeCHIIS(' 5 au t! 8

eU-e r plal ively prime_ S d ivides hi - (/ I io1l1C1 .j divid('." (/'2 - 112 . ]( rollow:-; th el1
(/ I ::; III
8 < ~ - 8 ::; 1/2 - L3. The tnilliu lllm vnlne of J\' 1'C ';,uJts fn1111 c1100sillg
aJ = O. /)1 = li2 = 8. and fL2 = I:i_ iu w hid l ('HSe f\

After Lhis III omen!. h('(' A will tra ve l Ntsl 10 the poinl (3 ,3 . 2) Hlld hee B will
tl'av('1 w('st 10111(' point (- 1. - -1.0) . Tl l(' ir ri ist.Hn('(! ai'tpr travdi ug am' rool wi ll

)(3 - ( _ 4))2

+ (:3 -

( -"I)j2 + j~ =

v'102 >


2W ;J AMC12B Soill/ioJJS

I D.

!lencc ))('(' A is I r avelin g eH!,)l Ilnd b('(' B is IT1Jvd ing Wl'st whe n t hey are exacl ly
10 /'('('1 Hway from enel! ot her .

12. Answer (D ): Cit ies C RIllI E Hn d t ltP. roa ds lead ing in a nd o lll of t hem ca n 1)('
rc place d by a sC'cond A D ran d find a SCCUIlJ B D road, resp cc ti vely. If' r()Illps
Rl't' cI (os ig nat ed by Ill!' lisl or dues t hey visil in order, thell there nre I Iyp('~
or rOll tes: ABD !I DF3 . AD.IlBDB . ADBADB, and A D BDAB_ Eael! type of
route repn'scnls -I nct ual 1"011 1 ('s _ becansc the I rip hl'l Wf'f' lI !1 and D calt iI II'i 11(1('
Il lc dcl.otll' tltwnp;iJ E ei t\lI't' t he fi rst or the "C'colld t imc _ and a ~ i miltlr choice
r\p p lies 1'01' tIl e t ri p h ('twcen Baud D . Tlw rC'fore there arc ..) 4 = JG d iffcH'liI

Hi Answer (B) : The prime ' factorizal ion of 2() ]:3 is :3 J I . (H . T he rt' lJ1llSt be' iI
factor of 0 1 in tli(' f11 III lerll t or , so fll ~ (iL. Since (/I! wi ll have a factor o f 59 a nd
20 1:i does nol, I l l(~n' rum,l he' a ['a ctor of 59 ill 11 1(' dellominator . "'H I III ~ :in.
Thns (J I f iJ l > 120. and t his rnjniI 11 II li t valne call b e el(;lIi C'V(d ollly if (It = (j I
itnd ii i = 1)9 . F1m lll'nnore . I hi" lIIi nimtlltl \'aluc is ~ll ta ill abk b C('llll"( '


Lei the dCgT(,1' 1nC'llsurcs of' 1h(' Bllg le" he ;l S ~ h o\\' 11 ill 1/11'
ri g1Ire. T ll (, ang l('s or a I. t'i<lllgic: fur lll nJl ari ll ull('1ic progressioll i f Hnel ollly ir
t lie media n ang le- is (iOo. so o ll e of :1' . .'/. or ISO - .,. - !J 1I 1ll'lt be equal 10 GO .
13)' " ),111111('1r\' of t hc' rol(' o r I. h(' Iriangles A B D and DCB . aSHUllU' tltHt. .,. ::; .1/.
13e('Htlsc .r ::; .II < 180 -- .1' and :,; < 180 - II ::; 180 - J:. i L follo\\'s that thf'
nrit b11l Nic progre~i o n of t he allglf's in ABeD frolll smalle::.t to larg(>sl 111 111 1)('
c: itllPr .1:. !/ _1 80 .IJ_180 -./,or.J', 18ll - Y 1I, l80 - .J'. T huseither ;c + 180 - y = '2!J.
in whic" case 3.11 = :r + ]80: or .r + .11 = 2(180 - !I ), in whicli ra~t' 3" = :360 - .r.
Nci t\wr o f t hese is compatible -with /I
GO (11 11' ronnel' rOt'(TR I' = n ;lIl d 111('
laLter forcC's :1' = ISO), so ('illH'l' ;r = 60 or .r + II = l20.

T hll:i 1111 - iii I =

I(i ,

I ~II - r-'I

' 0" .1

(I I


'2 .


p eri1tl d (' r equais

.c\' C' + A' U f H' D


l.iJ('I'('f()rf' 111('


~ 13' R -t ("

llIHxi lill Ull


II t (";;; + 1)';\ -+ D'I3 + ' f3 1 '('

'2('(CD + DE + E A + .. IB + fW ) = 2,'.
miuilll lllll

\'nlllC's me t hc


If 3!J = .1: + 180 . thel1 .IJ = 80. and the scqUC'lJ('(' of

- .1}- H:;O - .1' ) = (GO. 80.100 . 120). IT 3,1} = :J(iO
Ll ICll ,lj = j 00. and i Ite S(,C]l1PDCe o f a ng les in ABCD is (.1'. 180 - .fl . 11_ U)l) - :r) =
((iO. SO. l OU . 120). FilHtl] \'. suppose t hat.J' 1I - 120. 1I' :3!J = -r-! 180, then II = 75.
Rnd I h(~ s('qll cll('eof ang J es ill ABCDis (.1' . /) . 180 - !}. 180 .7') = ( Ifi, 75. 10:>_ 1:1;) .
I f 3!J = alio - .r. Il w ll .IJ = 120 and .1.' = 0_ which is i m pos~ibl('.
F irst suppose thaI :r

anglps ill ABeD is

= GJ


Answer (A): Tltl' stlm of the illll'l'I lHl '11I!!,lcs of 1Ii<' lll'lItagoll .tlI3CDf.' ih
:l ll\()O = 510 Ilnd b~' ftsSlllupl iO Il nil intC'l'IlHI ftllgl<';, an' ('(till" . so I lie ,Y a n ' HII
(qull l lo ~ (5.J[)O) = 108 . Tlwrefol'l' 1he stl pplC'lIlC'J)Llry <1l1gl('s al ('adl of I ill'
Vf'l'tiCC'H are all <'(lllal to
108e = Tr . II fu llolVs t lia l all III(' Iriall!!,lp;,
lI Jak iJlg tip 111(' p oints of the sl at' IU l ' isosC('il-s Iriangics witlt 11IIgl('s tll('H....;ttl'ill).!;
72 0 . 72 , <l n d :3(;0 . La l )('1 I II(' 1'(':>1 o f I l l(' \,('1'1i('('s of tll(' st." r i1S ill Ii I!' figltl'(, . Ry
111(' abO\'C' arp,nnwtl l. tl J('re is iI C'lJlIsta tl l (. ;,ltdl Unit A'C = .I'D = (" CIJ a llel
similel!' ex prcssiOl tl'> for I hI' lI t her four jloint>. or' 111l' sl <1 1'. T h('l'(>fut'(, li t(' t'('qltin'd

<1l ld


(6 I !)( II! )(:31)

(:;[}!)( IOt )(!"J!) .

roll l es .

1:3. Answer (D):

= 60 .

( ./" .1}

T hereforC', the Hllm in




t :'

of lite t \\'o lm-ge.'or possible I.lngles is 10;>+ 1 :3,. =

U. Answer (C): L('I' the two Sf'quences b e (a ,,) Hnd (b,,), <\li d HSS IItJJ(' withoul
loss of gcnern lil\' tha t U I < b l . T he definil iOlls of the ;,cq llellcC's imply I hal

~ot c: The constant ('

] 7. Ans wer (D ) :

CqllB Is

4('set, -th) = ~ (.,(5 + 1) .

SHIlIe' 11l1d

t l lci t' cl irrl'r

:l{) i ;1 A M e 12D SOil ltiollS


20 13 AMC12B Sollltions

Fro m I L1(' equations, (l + h = 2 - (. il1l d u,l + b2 = 12 - r,2 . Lpi .1: 1><> an ar bitrary
rpal number. IhpTI (.r - a f + (.1' _ /i)2 2. 0; i hat is . 2.,.1 2(0 /i ).r T ((I~ + Il) 2: O.

2,.-? - 2(2 -

(-)' 1'


12 ?
- (.-) 2.. 0

for all r ea l v~il lJ('s .r . T hat llie~w.,> 11lC' discriminant 4(2 - (:)'.1 - -1 2(12 - (,2) ~ {J.
Sim p u lyi ng ilnd f~lctoring givf'!-i (3(:- ] O)(r'+ 2) ~ O. So tile J"illlgC o r value;; of t is
-2 ~ (: :;;
Bol Ii IllHxilllllll1 an d minimulll arc attaina ulc by letting (0 . /i, r:) =
(2 , 2. -2) a ile! ((J ./J,c) = ( - 4 - ~ . 1jd) T herefore the d iffer'llC(, i><>IW(,f'1l 1ilp
maxi mum cwcl min im um p ossi b le val ues of c is ~ - ( - 2) = ~ .



20. Answer (A) : Bec<tll:-ie 1;3.5 < .,. < J8()o. it fo llows ll l<1 l
I sill :r l < I coo..,. l Thus t an.r < 0, cot:r < O. and

II" till' gctlll(" stiuts wit h 20 13 coills Hw l .kllnH starts. 1\1<'11 sllc picks :3 coins.
thell no lIlalter how lIHlII.Y BarhmH ("Ilooses . .j <' Il U tl u'sponds by keeping
Ihe 1l1Ullb('r of reJ lI ai lIi ll1', mins ('o ugnl(.'lll 10 [) (mod 5) . Tha i is . she picks 3 il'
B.wbanl picb 2, .oUld she picks 1 if Bnr bal'll pkh I. T hb f'1I" l lH'ii t.lllil Oll her
la.,t tum ./ ('ru IH will ic<IVC 0 coill:; Hlld tllll" site will win . Silllilarly. i.f Barln1nl
::.tarts, I ItPIl .1I' l1 lHl r-<III wply as lJcfore ~o I hat tI l(' llullllwr uf rl'lIluillillg ('oil I" is
C()lI~rt\('l1t 10 :~ (mod fi) . Oll hel' IHi-;t turn 13arham will I IH\"(' :3 mil lS avai ll-lblp.
Slle is 1'or('('<1 to f<'1lI0v(' '1 Hl ld llt lls .Jel lll fl wilJ win b~ laking t b(' lru:;t ((li n.
If tltP g(ll11C' st nrt:; with 2014 coins und Jemw s ll1rl:;, t hell "lie pi('ks 1 w ill
anel r(>Jl\(;{'~ til(' gallw 10 Ill(' prr\'iollli rase o f 201:3 ("OUL" wllcn' s lJ(' win s. U
13m-J-mra ,.,t ar1 s. s he s<-!lPCI.:; I ('niHs . T hclJ ut> mnttrf what .]('nml c hoosC'::; . TI arbHrH
['(''''Pl)1lC]s I l~' kpepillg the numher ofrrlll Hi n i llg coins (;O ll gI'U<'l1 t 'o (l (ul(Jd 5) . T IllS
r USlIl'C'ii tbfl t on h C'1' Im;I I ltn l BarbHrFl wi ll IC';1\'e 0 c:oius Hud w in tbe gaul<' . Tll1ls
whoew'l" ~()(.'s ri r~1 wil l win tlt f' g}WlC' witb 20J 4 eoi.u'>.

19. Answer (B) :

T llc Py lhagort'an T lworrln applied to right t r iallgll':-i . 1ED
emd AC D g i n !;, AB2 - BD"}. = AD2 = AC 2 - C D:'L Lbat is . l3'.!
BD~ =
1.5 2 - (1 1 - ED? from wh.i('b it follows t hat BD =;j CD = 9. alld A D = 12.
BC'c'alls' tri..lllgles .lED and .4DC fin' :-;inI ill'lr.

t ltat BD

= 4,\i






and .tiE

= :!Jl

Beenuse LAF B = L ADE = !){) o . it fo llows 1bar ABDF iii ('~c1ic. TlJ11 ~ LABD+
LAFD = 180" I"rolll whic11 L,-lB D = L1 FE . T hcwfore rig hl tri a ng lC's AIJ D
Hnd AFE a\'(' ;;imilm. H C'ucc
h'Olll which i l I( JlIoWH that F


l. Cou:-ieqlleui Iy DF = D

- FF

5 -

4 -

<:O~ .r

< n < :;i lI .r alld

Isin .T:I
Icos .rl
Itau .1'1 = -Iem;:/"
- I < 1 < -I:-; '.-I = Icot .rl
!U .r

18. Answer (B ):


T h erefore cot :l; < l\lol'('oVPI", ('ol .r

~?'.r < COb.1" . Thw.; ~ II (' fOllr v('\" f il'('~
P. Q. R . a nd 8 are locat.(,cl on Ihe Jxmtbola.IJ = ,),2 il lld P (lnd S arC' ill 1)('1\\'('('11
2 aJl(l H. If . lB and
I-In' I'l lo n b Oil i.Ill' /lIHrlholH .lJf~ SllC'll t Il ell f Itt'
J'-C'o(lrd imli,es of rI awl Ban ' Ipss tI.ll1 u r ite .:r-coorriinat('s oj" C ' Ill d D . 1.1H'1l ( lt l'
I"lJUjll' or .4ll is l e~s than ( IIC' s lope of CD . TI ["ollows t 11111 11ll' Iwo ]llln d]!'t side ';;
or 111(' Irapezoid mu:o.t h e Q R Cl ucl ?S. TilliS t hr slop!' of Q R is I'qmtl io tl lP
slope o f" P S . Thus,
('o t .f T Si ll .l: = t flJI .1" + cos .r.
~ I II


~Ill lt ip l g

by s ill .ccos .r

1= {J

m id rl'H.r rangiug givcs 11IC' ( ~q l1i vn l (' 11 1 i d (' lll i t~i

(cos:r - sill .r) (cos.f'

+ siIl .1' -

sin.r cos .r)

= n.

B~'(,<lllse cOS.r - Hill .r ::/; 0 in t h(' reqni red nlllg(', il fo ll ows 111;11 ("us .r + si 11 .f"
si ll .reo;' .r = D. SquariJJg aIH l n:-.i ll p; Il l(' ffIC:t I. llat 2sill :t" ("OS .I' = !' in (:2.f') g ive's
1 + siu(2.r) = tSil/ (2J') ' Sol\:illg tltis qllml ratic cqualiol1 ill the' vHr ifli) ic sill (2.r)

giws sill{2.r) = 2~V2. BCCHU;,(.' - 1 < sill2:r < 1 . loll. : Oldy solll tiolJ is sill(~.I') =
2 2V2. T here is indeerl. :-illtll a t rap('zoic! fo r .1' = 180 0 + ~ mc,.,ill(2 - 2V2} ;::,;
1;)2.03 10.

2 1. A n swel' (C ) : If [he dircctricl'~ of two p <lra])o lall wit It i he' smllo fo clIs inLC'rscd .
then the corrcsponding parabolas illlcrst:d in exactly two pui ll t s. T lte >iI-I ll 1('
:onclnsion holds if Ihe directriC'cs ,lre parallel ilnd t 11<' [oem; b 1)('1 WC'Cl1 tlJ C I wo
lilleH. T\I(lrpOVCL if the directricp~ (I re paral lt'l flud Ihe f(Jclls is liO t b (,tw<'(,11 1]lc
two hn('s. lhell t hE' correspondin)!, p8raho!as do uot inters('( I. Indeed, ]loillt C
tX'iollg:; to llw intersection of the parabola:; wit II l"oclls 0 and d in 'clricps I and
f'2' if <wd ( if. d(C, fd = OC = r/(C. /2) ' Tlwt i!>, the circle \\' it li ("('Iller ('
cluO rarullb OC is tangen t to bol li II an d f 2 . If 1'1 }Ulel f2 arc parnlld and 0 is
n() 1 IWI Wef'll ll1C'JU, l hell dearly snch C'irdE' d ol'S not ('xist . H t I aJ ld r2 int er sC'ct
and 0 is not OJ J U..Icru . t h'1 1 Ilwre M(, a1'12' lxattl~r two eli'cles t augent It J bOI h II
aJlel ('2 t hat go t li ro ngiJ O . TJ ,e same is true if ( 1 and [~ ,II''' pnral k~ 1 and 0 is


bc'tween I hem .

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