N F A I: Ational Oreclosure Nalysts, NC

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A Mortgage Foreclosure Consultancy Company

Thank you for your inquiry regarding our services. We have gathered the answers to some of the
most frequently asked questions to help you get the most out of your first appointment.

1001 GALAXY WAY, SUITE 107 . CONCORD . CA . 94520

1. Why do I need NFA?

NFA provides options and guidance to you, the homeowner, who may wish
and may need to obtain a modification of your home mortgage. The loan
modification process can be difficult and complicated and the big banks have a
history, just see all the litigation and legislation in the news, of not being transparent
with their processes. NFA helps you to understand the big bank lingo and levels the
playing field so that you can negotiate and better obtain a loan modification from your
lender if you are eligible.
2. What is it that NFA will do for me?
NFA will provide a customized Analysis Report, known as a Loan
Modification Forecasting and Financial Modeling Assumptions Report. The full
result of NFAs calculations and documents supporting the results will be provided to
you in this report. You should then take this Analysis Report to your lender and work
with them to secure a loan modification if you are eligible to do so.
3. Why should I try to pursue a loan modification with NFA when I have
failed so many times in the past? What are you going to do that I haven't
Most likely you have submitted to the bank blindly hoping to get approved.
NFA will perform the NPV test to see if you fail or pass for the HAMP Tier 1 loan
modification program. This is the test setup by the US Dept. Of Treasury that the
banks must use to determine if it is more profitable for them to modify or foreclose.
When determining whether a borrower is eligible for a modification under the Tier 1
Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), the loan must be evaluated using a
standardized Net Present Value (NPV) test that compares the expected economic
outcome of the loan with and without the proposed modification.
By NFA performing the NPV test and putting a Plan of Action together to
enable you to pass the NPV test will be the best way to increase your chance of
receiving an approval. With the pass on NPV, you will then be able to submit to the
bank with confidence as the Making Home Affordable guidelines mandate that the
homeowner with positive pass results from the NPV test must be given a loan
modification. The NPV takes multiple factors into account, including and not limited

1001 GALAXY WAY, SUITE 107 . CONCORD . CA . 94520

to what kind of payment the borrower can afford, the value of the property, and how
encumbered the property is. NFA will show you how you can increase your chances
of having a successful outcome by having a pass on your NPV test.
4. What happens if I receive an Analysis packet from NFA, use that and
include that in conjunction with a loan modification packet to my lender
and still get denied for a loan modification, will you rework my analysis so
I can retry?
Yes. We will need to receive the exact inputs by your lender from your NPV
test so that we can bring a solution to an issue your bank may have found. Your bank
is required to give that information to you by a written request within 30 days of
receipt of a denial. In the unlikely event that this does happen, we will work with you
to address the issue and to enable you to re-submit to your bank.
5. Why should I provide NFA with accurate and timely information?
The Analysis Report and NFAs consulting services are only as effective as
they accurately reflect a snapshot of your real-life financial situation. When you
negotiate with your lender or servicer, they will require documentation to verify your
income and expenses, assets and liabilities. NFA does not.
NFA cannot act as your CPA retrieving tax documents on your properties or
businesses and is not your accountant calculating your income and expenses from
your profit and loss statements or federal tax returns. NFA relies upon the
information provided by you, as you have shared with NFA on its forms, and this
information will be relied upon even if it is in conflict with any other non-NFA
documents that suggest otherwise. Thus, the Analysis Report may not be based on
your actual or current income and expenses, but what you reported to us.
When you submit a formal application to your lender, you cannot provide
inaccurate or incomplete information, as you would be otherwise misrepresenting
your income and expenses to your lender. Remember, your lender will request W-2
forms and federal tax returns, among other supporting documents. Your numbers will
be verified and they need to be accurate and timely.
6. So, if my financial circumstances change over time, I may or may not
have a better chance of securing approval for a loan modification from
my lender?
Yes. NFAs Analysis Report also informs you of what your projected income
and expenses would need to be to give you the best chance of receiving a loan
modification in the future. NFAs team will start their work using the information
provided by you. They will see if your income and expenses and other information

1001 GALAXY WAY, SUITE 107 . CONCORD . CA . 94520

provided by you pre-qualifies you for any of the programs available to you by your
servicer and or investor under the right conditions. Therefore, if your income or
expenses does not pre-qualify you for any of the loan modification programs available
to you through your investor or servicer, NFA will recommend qualifying income or
expenses. It will be your responsibility to meet our recommendations before you
submit a formal application with your bank or servicer.
NFA is often asked to generally discuss the changing circumstances of past
clients and how their changing circumstances resulted in them becoming eligible for a
program they were previously denied. While you cannot artificially manipulate your
income by increasing or decreasing it merely to qualify, you may face changing
circumstances over time and should be aware of how that might impact your
eligibility for a lender program.
For example, your income may increase if you secure a second job, add a
spouses income that was not reported previously, ask a family member or friend to
help you out financially along with a letter of financial contribution, and/or rent out a
room in your house and provide a lease to your lender. You may also see your
income decrease if you are given less hours at work or lose your job. And your
expenses may change over time as you tighten up your living expenses and/or pay
down debt on your credit cards or make other arrangements.
7. Can I go back to NFA again and again to rework my Analysis Report?
Generally yes. However, if your circumstances change substantially,
including the possibility that your loan is sold to another bank or servicer, and so
much time has elapsed that a new Analysis Report will have to be generated from
scratch, then NFA and the client would enter into a new Service Agreement.
However, the fee is less than the original payment to save you money and as
there is an existing business relationship. Bear in mind that you need to provide
accurate and timely information at all times. If you provide inaccurate or incomplete
information, then NFA will charge you the flat fee because of the costs and time
associated with completely recalculating, researching and analyzing your financial
8. I have been scammed in the past by a loan modification company. How do
I know you are not another scam company?
NFA can do business in the State of California as a Mortgage Foreclosure
Consultancy Company providing foreclosure consultant services. NFA has received a
"Certification of Registration" from the California Attorney Generals Office and has
a bond on file with the California Secretary of State as these are required by
California law. Registration by the Attorney Generals Office is not to be considered
an endorsement of any company.

1001 GALAXY WAY, SUITE 107 . CONCORD . CA . 94520

Such registration can easily be verified by going to our home page

www.NFAcorp.com and taking the link to California Attorney Generals website and
entering NFA and validating the above information. Registration by the Attorney
Generals Office is not to be considered an endorsement of any company.
NFA is located at 1001 Galaxy Way, Suite 107, in Concord, California. Feel
free to drop on by and ask us any questions or for a cup of de-caffeinated coffee (as
this process is already nerve-wracking enough)!
9. If I pay you the fee, are you going to guarantee I will receive a loan
No. Only your bank or servicer can grant a loan modification. We will do our
best to figure out the programs that best match your unique situation and how you can
pass the NPV test, which is one of the pre-requisites for your bank or servicer to grant
a loan modification. Having NFA by your side advising you of the requirements of
each program, and whether you pre-qualify, and why and the results to be expected,
and then itemizing your income, expenses, and assets in an easy-to-read format for
your lender or servicer to process your request will vastly increase your chance of
having a successful outcome.
10. Do I pay at the beginning or the end?
You pay only after all work has been completed, as required by law. It means
after NFA finishes its underwriting and analysis and provides its NFA Analysis
Report to you. This may take approximately 5 days.
You will also be given the option to watch a Power Point presentation, which
is a useful reference guide that addresses questions related to the Analysis Report and
is also available to you to review at our offices and from your home. When you come
by our office to pick up the Analysis Report, we will also hold a meeting to explain
the various programs and expected results.
11. Why do we have to pay only by money order or cash payment?
Unfortunately, personal checks may not clear and cashiers checks can be
stopped after the receipt of completed NFA report. You will receive a receipt of
payment from NFA upon payment for services.

1001 GALAXY WAY, SUITE 107 . CONCORD . CA . 94520

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