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Sleeper's Answers on ATS

Source: Forum Above Top Secret, Sleeper's Thread: " Are Extraterrestrials Real? As Real as the Nose on our Face" From April !""# to $a% !""&, Sleeper, a member o' the Above Top Secret Forum ans(ered )uestions about his experience (ith ET's in a thread named: "Are Extraterrestrials Real? As Real as the Nose on our Face" The thread runs 'or **" pa+es and is still online, - extracted most o' Sleeper's ans(ers, +roupin+ them in cate+ories, The members' )uestions are not copied, the% are easil% +uessed 'rom Sleeper's ans(ers, Ans(ers includin+ personal context to be read b% individual members are not included, The text appears here in the same order it (as posted on the thread, the 'irst month's )uestionin+ (as mostl% about the cra't, the Arm% and disclosure, (hile months later the interest (as set on the soul, death and a'ter death, and cosmolo+%, All to+ether, it is )uite dense, Sleeper's text is copied as it is (ithout an% chan+es, except 'or punctuation, - mainl% added periods at the end o' sentences, There are *. chapters and #& pa+es, The number be'ore the chapter's title re'ers to the pa+e number,

!/ The 0ra't 1/ $ilitar% #/ 0ontact *2! ./ Technolo+ies *2! *!/ 3isclosure 4 5overnment *#/ Aliens 6ersus 7umans *21 *8/ 0ontact !2! !*/ Far 4 9e%ond !!/ Aliens 6ersus 7umans !21 !&/ The Future !8/ Technolo+ies !2! 1!/ The Soul 1:/ Aliens 6ersus 7umans 121 1./ ;i'e 4 3eath :!/ Reli+ions :</ Abductions :8/ 0osmolo+% #!/ Earth Toda% #&/ Epilo+ue

-mmense thanks to Sleeper and thanks to John Lear (ho made me discover these +reat conversations, Thanks to all ATS members 'or their (ish to =no( more, -t has been a >o% and an honor to do this, Ras=a 'rom ?pen $inds Forum ?ctober !"".

The Craft ?nce upon a time - (as in the @nited States Arm% and - not onl% seen alien space ships @F?s, but (as in one, -nside the ship is real li'e Alice in Aonderland stu'', 3istin+uishin+ (hat is real or ima+inar% is impossible, -tBs another dimension li=e the T(ili+ht Cone, Derhaps ever%thin+ is real, but (hile inside the ship the atmosphere is li=e a dru+ induced experience and di''icult to di''erentiate bet(een realit% and ima+inar%, The minute %ou step out o' the cra't the mind +oes bac= to normal, The ship - (as in (as about thirt% 'eet (ide, but once inside the ship (as much lar+er, The propulsion s%stem is ma+netic (ave o' sorts, and runs on a mixture o' pix% dust, 'ar to complex to explain or understand, Reverse en+ineerin+ is a lon+ (a% o'' on that s%stem, The cra't had no seats, and no coc=pit, -t operated on its o(n, perhaps controlled b% telepath%, not sure, All - can do is tell some o' m% stor%, - (as in a ship, the ship 'le( a(a% 'rom this planet (hile - (as in it////there (as no sensation o' movement///no +/'orce, - (as standin+ up loo=in+ out one o' the port holes and in seconds - (as in space, the 'orce didn't =noc= me do(n, - don't =no( i' it's a dimensional shi't or i' it has somethin+ to do (ith the hi+h ma+netic ener+% on the ship that someho( alters or inter'eres (ith the electrical circuits in the human brain, The ship is de'initel% a dreamland but it can be a chamber o' horrors////man% un=no(ns inside the ship, There (ere others perhaps 'our or 'ive, on the ship but (e didnBt spea= to each other, The% (ere preoccupied (ith stu'', - (as in contact (ith an alien, the siEe o' a six %ear old child, - donBt recall (hat it told me, -t (as not a )uestion and ans(er session, it told me thin+s and that (as it, - had other encounters but - canBt +o into ever% detail, As - mentioned - (as stationed at several militar% installations, - received m% >o% rides more than once and at more than one base, - (as able to observe the exterior o' the ship on a militar% base////not +oin+ to mention (hich one 'or obvious reasons, 9ut enterin+ the alien ship too= place mostl% a(a% 'rom militar% bases, and - 'ound m%sel' inside them, in other (ords - didnBt (al= into them, - (as ta=en into them, Ahen - entered the ship there (ere a 'e( people standin+ behind (hat (as a protective ? +lass partition, no +uards near the ship, the% (ere posted outside the buildin+, The ship - remember the most about had corridors, There (as a main corridor that circled around the main compartment li=e a hall(a% separatin+ the portholes or vie(in+ area 'rom the interior o' the ship, - (as able to (al= around the interior circum'erence and loo= out o' the ship 'rom the man% portholes, Never noticed it the% (ere tinted, the vie( (as cr%stal clear, The ship (as not a lar+e open space, there (ere rooms or compartments, - never seen the en+ine or propulsion s%stem, -Bm +uessin+ that it (as ma+netic because in certain parts o' the ship - could 'eel a

stron+ ener+% 'orce around m% bod%, electrical or somethin+ li=e it, di''icult to put into (ords, 9esides bein+ disoriented at times the ship (as a com'ortable place/////the materials (ere so't, it seemed to be some(here bet(een or+anic and s%nthetic////(ith ver% stran+e properties////li=e standin+ on a cloud////i' %ou can ima+ine that, There is more than one (a% to 'l% alien ships, depends on the ship and the person, (hat %ou describe ma% be a real experience and not a dream, 9ut the true experience (ould be di''erent 'rom the dream////the dream or i' it reall% happened to %ou////the memor%, are sometimes altered to 'it the concepts (e are 'amiliar (ith on earth, - (as able to maneuver the ship - (as in (hile loo=in+ out one o' the portholes and thin=in+ (here (anted to +o, Ahen the ship be+an to move it (as li=e - (as 'l%in+ and not the ship, the ship became part o' me//// li=e (hat (e call 'oo/'i+hters or spheres o' pure ener+%, As %ou =no( our biolo+ical cloc=s are tri++ered b% da%li+ht and ni+ht time based on the earth 's rotation, Ets biolo+ical cloc= runs on a di''erent 're)uenc%, assumin+ the% have one, (hile on the ship their bodies are not (ei+hed do(n b% +ravit% so the% need less ener+% than i' the% existed onl% on Earth as humans do, Ahile in space the human brain someho( detects the loss o' +ravit% and the absence o' dar=ness/ and (e can literall% +o (ithout sleepin+ 'or lon+ periods, ETs as 'ar as - =no( don't sleep at all, 9ecause o' the lac= o' +ravit% and the bri+htness on the ship, the mind and bod% are not taxed/ no >et la+/ no 'ati+ue no mental exhaustion, Ahat does that translate too? ;ess 'ood and drin=/ i don't recall ever eatin+ or drin=in+ on the ship/ obviousl% to =eep the =idne%s 'rom 'ailin+ there must be some s%stem that compensates 'or that, The 'lip side to >o% rides, i' %our +one an% len+ht o' time //Earth can be a dra+ both mentall% and ph%sicall%, There is no ta=in+ an%thin+ 'rom the ship/ ever% ob>ect is a livin+ thin+, biolo+ical or machine/ and the% (ould not allo( themselves to be ta=en/ (ould %ou put somethin+ li=e that in %our poc=et?

Military The militar% never told me (h% the% +ave me access to the ship/ m% +uess the% didnt =no(, Even thou+h - (as in arm% uni'orm those (ho +ave me access to the ship acted li=e the% didn't trust me, so there (as little conversation bet(een us, The% (ere not allo(ed access to the ship (hen it 'le( into space, perhaps the% (ere >ealous, The aliens are +arrisoned on this planet and on the moon,The% have bases in several countries in cooperation (ith those +overnmentsF the% let us pla% (ith their to%s, ta=e them 'or a spin, learn a 'e( thin+s alon+ the (a% on ho( to improve our technolo+%, 7umans are on the ver+e o' steppin+ into space//there is a lot o' stu'' to =no( about that,

- =no( the% are stationned here because - (as in their ships,The% are not plannin+ to ta=e control o' this planet, control (as theirs 'rom da% one, $% militar% ran= and clearance have nothin+ to do (ith m% involvement (ith the aliens, it came about because o' m% previous contact (ith aliens 'rom childhood, $% clearance to enter the ship (as 'rom the aliens, not the militar%, - (as not a militar% experiment ta=in+ dru+s and havin+ hallucinations, The militar% (as curious o' m% involvment (ith the aliens,//much li=e those postin+ )uestions on this post// except the% =no( aliens are real, The militar% is ea+er to =no( as much as possible about aliens , li=e ever%one else the% cannot )uite +et a handle on them and the% are scared to death o' that 'act, The aliens have no intention o' con)uerin+ the human race, nor (ould the% be concerned about preservin+ in'rastructure i' the% did//in comparison to them//(e live in caves, 7o(ever the% are involved in (orld a''airs, nothin+ happens (ithout their =no(led+e and possibl% their approval, Ther is nothin+ spectacular about m% militar% service, - enlisted in Ganuar% o'*8<" and m% ended three %ears later in *8<1, $% ran= (as spec:, primar% mos (as tan= cre(men, secondar% mos (as suppl%, $% basic trainin+ (as in 'ort ;eonard Aood, $o, - (as stationed in Fort Hnox, Hentuc=%, Fort ?rd 0ali'ornia, Fort 7ood, Texas, and did a tour in ?=ina(a, - have some colle+e, The militar% =no( more than - do, the% also =no( ho( helpless the% are in comparison to the aliens// the (orst part the% onl% have contact (ith a 'e( o' the visitors to this planet// man% aliens remain inco+nito, The militar% brass never +ave me permission to enter the ship even (hen it (as on a militar% installation///it (asn't theirs to +ive, the% accepted it, The militar% don't o(n the ships, but the% have "diplomatic" relations (ith the aliens, the aliens have par=in+ privile+es on an% militar% base, 7o(ever the% don't control (ho can enter the ships, - (as never debrie'ed b% the militar% because - never entered the ships on behal' o' the militar% or the +overnment, - (as never 'ormall% )uestionned b% militar% people but - have observed certain "special" militar% people abductin+ other humans "'or speci'ic pro+rammin+," - =ne( the% (ere humans because aliens radiate ener+% that a''ect humans ps%cholo+icall% and ph%siolo+icall%, and these particular soldiers didn't, Ae had in're)uent conversation about human stu''/ the% never tal=ed shop, The arm% didn't allo( an%thin+/ 'rom (hat i could tell the% (ent alon+ (ith (hatever the aliens (anted/ the aliens (ere trainin+ them, ?thers that have seen the ships one (ould presume (ould be a 'e( select scientists, +overnments o''icials, and certain militar% people, The aliens don't (ant to create panic in the militar% establishment and the% tr% to be diplomatic/ lettin+ the militar% =no( (ho the% have an onterest in/ it's li=e diplomats here on earth the% have

immunit% but there is protocol that must be 'ollo(ed, The aliens =no( our paranoia and as 'ar as - have been able to determine the% don't (ant to roc= the boat, - have no idea ho( man% are on this planet/ but - =no( there are man% thousands, The% are not uni)ue, but the% come in man% varieties, do the maths, :#" billion star s%stems in our +alax%, there are lots o' (hat (e call aliens out there, The% 'ire on aliens all the time, a'ter all the% don't =no( (ho the aliens are and the aliens routinel% violate protected airspace in ever% countr%, The aliens are intruders on Earth/ the militar% has contact (ith a 'raction o' the aliens that visit this planet/ so there is a nervous tri++er 'in+er in the militar%, Aliens are not allo(ed to =ill humans Iinter+alactic protocolJ althou+h in some cases the% have provided support, The militar% is a (ell oiled machine, and hi+hl% bureaucratic, Ever% second o' ever% member's li'e is accounted 'or/ %ou don't sneeEe (ithout a re)uisition order, Nevertheless o' m% three %ears o' active dut% nearl% ei+ht months o' it is unaccounted 'or/ totall% blan=ed out o' m% mind/ most o' that blan= space (as (hile - (as overseas, - (as 'etched b% an N0?, dropped o'' at a han+ar and told to +o inside / - (as mentall% brie'ed b% ET be'ore hand, $ost o' the times - never sa( the ship, - (al=ed throu+h pl%(ood corridors that led into the ship, Sometimes there (as no one around/ not even +uards/ that - could see, $uch o' (hat +oes on in the ship sta%s in the ship,//sometimes - have a clear understandin+ o' ever%thin+ - did but (hen - tr% to put it on paper / - can't ma=e it happen, nor can - verbaliEe it,

Contact 1/2 -' the aliens (anted to ma=e contact (ith the +eneral population there is nothin+ stoppin+ them// the% don't (ant to// %et, - had contact (ith them but in an altered state o' mind, and telepathic communications, ou have to reall% be drun= or dru++ed up to meet them 'ace to 'ace////the% provided the altered state telepathicall%, other(ise no communication (as possible, Alien contact is a 9-5 3EA;, but 'or those o' us that claim to have it it's a 0?$D;EK 3EA;,Ae are not al(a%s 'ascinated b% the prospect o' our relationship (ith Lhi+hl% m%sterious bein+s,M Aliens are not li=e the nei+hbors next door, 'riendl% or other(ise, Aliens can be %our (orst ni+htmare or the% can be li=e an+els 'rom heaven, The ma>orit% o' people that come into contact (ith aliens/////are terri'ied be%ond belie' 'or havin+ done so, and have no desire to ever experience aliens a+ain, So be care'ul (hat %ou (ish 'orN This is not 3isne% ;and, 'e( people ever (hat to return a'ter their 'irst visit/////not 'or the 'aint o' heart, ?n the other hand some li=e m%sel' have had en>o%able times/////'antastic experiences////and loo=

'or(ard to more contact/////but not al(a%s, there have been some hellish rides, (here - (as ta=en L=ic=in+ and screamin+,M And - never (ant to +o there a+ain/////(herever there (as, $a=in+ up a stor% is eas%/////there are millions o' 'iction (riters and stor% tellers,Aritin+ or relatin+ alien contact is so di''icult////thatBs (h% there are so man% s=eptics and thatBs (h% there are 'e( that ma=e the mista=e - did b% attemptin+ to tell m% stor%, Ae are not allo(ed////or our human brains canBt +rasp and hold onto the mind/bo++lin+ thin+s (e see and experience (hen (e are (ith aliens////in their machines or in their cities, planets, etc, Ae live in t(o realities/////and in'ormation does not trans'er 'rom one o' the realities to the other ver% (ell, There are hu+e +aps/////ho( do (e I-J 'ill them in? $% experience be+an be'ore - (as born on this planet, - donBt =no( i' - came 'rom another planet or i' the% too= me out o' m% motherBs (omb durin+ her abduction Ino one in m% 'amil% believes in aliens includin+ m% motherJ, $% mental a(areness (as not that o' a child but near to that o' an adult, The ship - (as in (as all over the place li=e - (as bein+ +iven a tour o' the solar s%stem be'ore the% dropped me o'' or returned me to m% motherBs bell%, - remember leavin+ this solar s%stem and then returnin+, -t (as li=e a train ride - could see planets in the distance some shrouded in the haEe o' the sun as (e made our approach to the earth////at that time - did not =no( that the planet - (as loo=in+ at (as earth and m% ne( home? The +lare o' the sun did not bother m% e%es///presumabl% the +lass or (hatever it (as bloc=ed out harm'ul radiation, The aliens never told me (here the% (ere 'rom but the% did tell me that planets li=e earth and humans similar to us are the most common species in the +alax%/////the planets (ith li'e number in the billions, -n other (ords (e are not uni)ue, - have experienced more than one alien////donBt =no( ho( man%/////'or some reason - cannot retain (hat the% loo= li=e, $ost o' the time the% are not near me but at a distance, and the% communicate (ith me////- donBt as= them )uestions the% =no( (hat is on m% mind and sometimes the% ans(er, 7ere is an experiment 'or those (ishin+ to =no( a Ltin%M bit o' the 'eelin+ o' an alien encounter, At ni+ht, no moon out, in the dar=, in the (oods, no li+hts around %ou, no 'lashli+ht//////b% %oursel'//// anticipate an alien touchin+ %our hand, ou can +o into a dar= basement Iat ni+htJ alone and experience the same e''ect, i' no one else is in the house, Stand in the )uite dar=ness 'or 'i'teen minutes////%ou mi+ht 'orce an encounter, ou ma% also have a heart attac=, Aliens (or= at ni+ht and in the da%li+ht but mostl% late at ni+ht, (hen %ou are sleepin+, The human mind can handle alien contact better 'rom a semi/sleep state, and thatBs (here the% =eep %ou 'or the duration o' time spent (ith them, -t ta=es a mi+ht% lar+e hair up %ou butt to meet an alien (hile %ou are (ide a(a=e, -t don't matter ho( bad %ou thin= %ou are Iaround other humansJ (hen %ou are in the presents o' an alien %ou are a small helpless creature////in shoc= (ith 'ear, - have been present at some abductions and - have seen lar+e +ro(n men cr% li=e babies/////even


be'ore an%thin+ (as done to them////>ust bein+ in the presence o' an alien, Aliens ta=e lots o' +ettin+ use to, 9TA aliens communicate (ith humans ever%da%////on man% di''erent levels/////the% can tal= to us and do////the% donBt 'eel the need to tal= to ever%one, 7o( o'ten have %ou tal=ed to the president o' the @S, the pope, or other hi+h ups? -' the president or the pope had a one on one conversation (ith an alien %esterda% do %ou th in= the (orld (ould =no( about it other than them and a 'e( top advisers? Aliens can ma=e communications eas%, the% can ma=e themselves loo= li=e humans, and chat (ith %ou at %our 'avorite drin=in+ hole, 7o( o'ten do the% do that and those the% are ta=in+ to =no(? $an% donBt =no( the% are ta=in+ to ETs, and ETs do it plent%, At this ver% moment and ever% minute o' the da% ETs are tal=in+ (ith humans////most >ust donBt =no( it, Times are chan+in+F more people believe or (ant to believe in extraterrestrials, so there is more acceptance, Still i' %ou are in a certain >ob li=e airline pilot, teacher, cler+%, 0E?, scientist, politics, and the militar%////tal=in+ ET stu'' is a sure route to earl% retirement/////(ithout the bene'its, -t too= me a lon+ time to come out o' the closet, m% (i'e =ne(, but - never told m% o''sprin+ until the% (ere older, ?ne da% m% dau+hter came home 'rom school, she (as in the 'orth +rade and rode the school bus, Ae lived in the t%pical nei+hborhood in one o' the suburbs that (ere sproutin+ up all over the place, Ahile on the bus ride to school a bo% older than her came over to her seat and told her that he sa( a @F? hoverin+ over our house the ni+ht be'ore////he lived three houses up on the other side o' the street and had a clear vie( o' our house, She didn't =no( (hat a @F? (as, but she (as in shoc= that an older bo% spo=e to her, she didn't responded to him and he returned to his seat (ithout sa%in+ an%thin+ else, She as=ed me (hat a @F? (as and (h% (as it over our house//// - told her it (as an unidenti'ied 'l%in+ ob>ect, - didn't elaborated and she shru++ed it o'', - (as tempted to +et her to as= that bo% more about it but not (antin+ to put her into a position o' tal=in+ about "those =ind o' thin+s" - decided not too, - don't re+ret m% decisionF sti+matiEin+ %oun+ children (ith stran+e phenomena can be detrimental, 7i+h school and above is a di''erent stor%, $% children are much older no( and - have mentioned a 'e( thin+s about ETs to them////ho(ever the% don't seem that interested, i' and (hen the% become curious - (ill tell them (hatever the% (ish to =no(, *, This planet is in the incubation sta+es////there are more than one race o' ETs here because there are man% pro+rams involved////humans share identical 3NA because that is a re)uirement o' this planet/////but that doesnBt mean all humans ori+inated 'rom one place, but 'rom hundreds o' places in the +alax%, !, The% interact (ith those OhumansP the% use as vehicles to brin+ thin+s into this planet, li=e technolo+%, and hi+her a(areness, :, The population as a (hole (ould revolt a+ainst an entit% 'rom other (orlds/////not ever%one (ants ETs do(n here tellin+ us (hat to do, The vast ma>orit% is not read%, #, -t is ethical to =eep this planet 'rom a mental meltdo(n, because thatBs (hat (ould happen i' all o'


a sudden humanit% became a(are that there are thousands o' ET ships on earth, on the moon, in orbit around the planet and throu+hout the solar s%stem, -n this bi+ bad (orld %ou have to +et %our o(n proo'/////no earthlin+ has the authorit% to hand it out, - have proo' but - can't share it so - loo= the 'ool/////still, since - am able to remember man% o' m% experiences - ta=e that as si+n that - can spea= about some o' them, $an% =no( somethin+ is +oin+ on/////so - tell a 'e( thin+s to validate that there is somethin+ +oin+ on, Ahat is proo' 'or me? - have listed some in this tread, - have been in ET ships////most o' the time 'ind m%sel' inside them (ith no idea ho( - +ot there////- leave the same (a%, - entered them on militar% bases I(al=ed inJ ////as - have alread% stated in this thread, 7o(ever, - have a clear memor% o' somethin+ li=e a (orm hole openin+ up in m% bedroom (all, and an alien came out o' it, (e tal=ed 'or a(hile and then it too= me into the hole and (e (ere in the ship, This did not occur 'rom a sleep state////it happened be'ore - (ent to bed, - (as one hundred percent a(a=e and co+niEant/////until - entered the ship, ?nce in the ship - have patches o' memor%////(ith man% empt% +aps, The% too= me places a(a% 'rom this planet/////much o' the time - (as asleep or =noc=ed out, - tal= about (hat - remember/////the% obviousl% don't (ant me or others to come bac= (ith more detailed accounts/////but >ust enou+h to =no( that there is somethin+ bi+ +oin+ on in our solar s%stem, and that the +alax% is s(armin+ (ith civiliEations millions o' %ears ahead o' us, The% +ave me proo'////and - never as=ed 'or it/////the% +ive proo' to thousands o' people////most (ill never admit to it, and man% (ill ta=e (hat the% =no( to the +rave (ith them, -t too= me 'i't%/t(o %ears to tal= about m% involvement, The proo' is not "out there" it's here on this planet/////'or thousands, ma%be millions o' people that have tasted it, ETs have al(a%s been here/////the% are ever%(here, There are millions o' solar s%stems that are pure @topias/////(hether earth (ill be turned into one////- have no idea, Ever%thin+ alread% existsF there is no technolo+% that (e can ima+ine that doesnBt exist, Sic=ness, povert%, (ar, pestilence, hate, pre>udice and a host o' other calamities, are simpl% apparatus o' planets as this one/////and not a permanent condition o' man=ind, ?nl% one hundred %ears a+o indoor plumbin+ didnBt exist 'or the vast ma>orit% o' people, There (ere no airplanes////other than a 'e( experimental ones, Electricit% that (ould revolutioniEe ever%thin+ and ta=e man=ind into the t(ent%/'irst centur% (as slo(l% bein+ introduced to man=ind b% IEJdison and ITJesla, As %ou can see ET has been helpin+/////(e didnBt +et 'rom horse dro(n (a+ons to space shuttles in less than sixt% %ears b% ourselves/////9% puttin+ thin+s into our minds (e then turn around and put those thin+s into blueprints, ne( inventions, and build a better mouse trap, a 'aster airplane, etc, Technolo y 1/2 There (ould be no militar% (ithout alien technolo+%, The militar% I@SJ receives hu+e amounts o' in'ormation 'rom the aliens////but 'e( understand ho( that =no(led+e is trans'erred, The aliens don't had our people a set o' blueprints and tell them to +o build it, -n'ormation is trans'erred partiall% thre(

telepath%, li=e uploadin+ in'ormation on a computer, - use the (ord telepath% because (e don't have a (ord to describe hi+her 'orms o' brain/to/brain trans'ers o' =no(led+e, ideas, creativit%, Ae I-J don't al(a%s =no( (ho is sendin+ the in'ormation////aliens, a super computer on the ship////a livin+ mind on the ship? Ae are li=e ants cleanin+ up a piece o' cand% that has melted on the side(al=, From (hat - learned li'e has been around 'orever, trillions o' %ears,That contradicts the a+e o' the universe Iaccordin+ to our scientistJ b% a (hole lot////so - don't =no( i' - misunderstood, but - 'i+ured the% (ould =no( more than (e////(e haven't hatched 'orm this planet %et///(hat the hec= could (e =no( about an%thin+ in the universe? 5o to an% cit% on this planet and the% have their o(n uni)ue buildin+s and traditions////but the% have one thin+ in common///crime, hate, rape, robber%, love, povert%, abundance, etc, - never as=ed that )uestion but - do =no( that there are man% levels////there are millions o' planets much more primitive than this one and millions much more advanced, ?n this planet (e have the (hole +amut////'rom primitive villa+es////to modern cities////- assume that (ould be true throu+hout the +alax%, Reverse en+ineerin+////and - have used the term m%sel'////is misleadin+/////there is no (a% (e could reverse en+ineer their stu'', The% simpl% teach us and sho( us ho( to +et to the next step o' technolo+% the old 'ashion (a%, li=e teachin+ a child to ride a bi=e/////the% 'all o'' until the% 'ine tune their e)uilibrium, ThatBs (h% (e have to test thin+s over and over, be'ore (e +et it ri+ht, To test the reverse en+ineer thin+ tr% it %oursel' reversed en+ineer %our television/////'rom scratch, ma=e the resistors, capacitor, transistors, -0s picture tube, That should be simple 'or the avera+e person, And the avera+e person is (hat our best scientists are (hen 'aced (ith alien technolo+%F the% understand nothin+ about it, Televisions have been around 'or more than 'i't% %ears////%et most people have no clue ho( the% (or=/////ma=e one 'rom scratch, %eahN -t's more li=e (hat don't the aliens have? The% have ever% +ad+et ima+inable, and mostl% unima+inable////b% human concepts,Their stu'' is so 'uturistic compared to our stu'', that much o' it has li'e li=e )ualities////animation, 7umans are slo(l% +ettin+ there////(e have tal=in+ cars, co''ee pots, micro(aves, etc, Their stu'' can move about, ma=e decisions, communicate, and ta=e man% 'orms/////that sometimes chan+e in 'ront o' %our e%es, Some o' the ob>ects have more personalit% than the alien bein+s, The onl% battles (e are bein+ thou+ht to 'i+ht are the ever%da% battles o' li'e, The ETs have millions o' %ears o' technolo+ical superiorit% to humans/////believe me the% can 'i+ht their o(n battles, The nuclear ph%sics that came 'rom ET has +iven us the abilit% to 'i+ht (ithout the use o' +round troops////one or t(o (ell placed nuclear or biolo+ical (eapons can disable an% countr% and or planet, sendin+ them bac= to the Stone A+e or eternal rest, -' humans can do that thin= (hat ETs can do,

ETs in'use people on earth (ith ne( =no(led+e at appropriate sta+es, and it (ill +o on 'or a lon+ time//////humans are still pla%in+ in the sandbox (ith little shovels and buc=ets/////but bi++er stu'' is comin+ o'' the assembl% line, Some stu'' ta=es %ears be'ore the +eneral public becomes a(are o' it, Ne( ideas and technolo+ies continue unabated to be introduced across the board, not onl% to the militar%, but to individuals, entrepreneurs, industr%, and universities, The exotic stu'' 'alls to the militar% and their contractors because the avera+e Goe shouldnBt be runnin+ around (ith dan+erous materials that onl% select ET approved scientist and ph%sicists =no( ho( to pla% (ith, Aor=er drones are part o' the pro+ram/////the% do the manual, tedious and dirt% (or=, The% are hi+hl% advance machines that are di''icult 'or the human mind to comprehended////it (ould be li=e %our dish(asher movin+ about the house collectin+ dirt% dishes, or %our car runnin+ errands, chan+in+ its o(n oil, ta=in+ the do+ out 'or a (al=, 3rones process abducted humans li=e nurses ta=in+ %our temperature and blood pressure be'ore the doctor sees %ou, ;i=e some nurses the% are impersonal////itBs a >ob/////and the% scare the crap out o' those the% handle, ETs manipulate the same (a% %our boss, teacher, or parents do////to +et %ou to do somethin+ %ou donBt (ant to do, Are the% manipulatin+ man=ind/////%es/////thatBs (h% the% are here////to entice us into space, li=e a mother bird nud+es its %oun+ to ta=e 'li+ht out o' the next, Technolo+% is released b% ETs/////and controlled b% ETs, not +reed% humans, 9ut no one (ants to believe stu'' li=e that, nevertheless, that is the (a% it is, $an% ETs have thousands and millions o' %ears on us/////donBt %ou thin= that the% could simpl% create or ma=e an% 3NA the% need? 3NA is complex 'or us but not 'or them, The% do manipulate our 3NA////'or us////the% also use it on intermediate species////human2alien breeds////but - donBt =no( much about it, Alien ships have been shot do(n on this planet//////since human technolo+% canBt do it that leaves other ETs, - havenBt seen an% o' their (eapons, the% donBt need them a+ainst us/////and - donBt thin= the% Ithose other ETsJ can use them on us, No doubt there are battles +oin+ on/////there are billions o' solar s%stems in this +alax% (hich e)uate to hundreds o' millions o' hi+hl% advanced races/////chances are disputes happen, This planet is a nurser% and (e have %et to hatch 'rom it, Ahat (e see as brilliant technolo+% and scienti'ic brea=throu+hs////is nothin+ but 0hilds pla% compared to (hat exist in the real bi+ +alax% (e live in, Ae (ere planted here man% eons a+o////and nurtured b% certain ETs, 7o(ever, the bod% is onl% one element////there is an everlastin+ soul plu++ed into each bod%/////so there are man% levels o' ETs involved in this process (e call man=ind, Ahile in -tal% durin+ m% earl% %ears o' li'e, post AA!, - (as in ships that 'le( into space in a blin= o' an e%e and - sa( earth and the other planets 'rom these ships////loo=in+ throu+h portholes, Those (ere m% 'irst experiences////-tal% (as li=e a Third Aorld countr% at the time, devastated b% (ar////the villa+e - lived in had no radios, televisions, or an% concepts o' space travel////bic%cles and horses (ere the main 'orm o' transportation,


ears later in American - (as in the militar% in the earl% seventies////- (as priv% to much o' the leadin+ ed+e technolo+% (e had, ////the SR/<* sp%/plane used 'or reconnaissance over 6ietnam, ;aos, 0ambodia, 0hina, and the @SSR (as secret and leadin+ ed+e technolo+% at the time////the +eneral public (ouldnBt =no( o' it 'or man% %ears a'ter the (ar (as over, The SR/<* (as a to% in comparison to (hat - (as 'l%in+ in bac= in the earl% nineteen 'i'ties, man% %ears be'ore the SR/<* (as even on the dra(in+ board, - (as able to compare our American technolo+% (ith alien technolo+% (hile in the service////ho( can - put it///ours tin=er to%s, theirs pure ma+ic////no comparison///not even close, not in the ballpar=, (e are in'ants the% are Einsteins times a thousand,Even our Sci/Fi stu'' li=e Star Tre= is embarrassin+l% insi+ni'icant in comparison, The% have thousands i' not millions o' %ears advanta+e over us////the us militar% and the secret +overnments are a'raid o' these ETs and their ma+ic machiner%, ;i=e - said in m% earlier post the nearer - +et to tellin+ the truth the more biEarre it sounds and the more people that (ill thin= me nuts////so ho( the hec= do - tell m% stor% and ma=e it believable short o' dra++in+ an extraterrestrial out into public? So - tell m% stor% 'or those (ho are interested in =no(in+ the 'antastic possibilities that are out there////no one has to believe it, but itBs true, ou ma% have had contact (ith drones the% are unpleasant the% do a >ob and =ic= %ou out the door (hen the% are throu+h (ith %ou, 9ut usuall% the% onl% treat adults that (a%, - havenBt had an% bad experiences (hile - (as %oun+, - pla%ed (ith others m% a+e inside the ship, sometimes it (as par=ed above earth other times it 'le( around the solar s%stem and (e +ot to loo= out thou+ht the portholes, - hear man% stories (here people li=e %ou describe abductions at an earl% a+e and bein+ a'raid///man% visits are 'or medical procedures////ET doesnBt use anesthesia so that ma% explain the 'ear, Ae humans are a'raid o' a lot o' thin+s includin+ li'e itsel'////%ou can onl% ima+ine (hen 'aced (ith somethin+ extraterrestrial///(ith brains that are not (ired 'or that =ind o' experience, -' %ou are nuts then (e all are, No point 'earin+ ET the% have %our best interest in mind////even the drones can't hurt %ou, There is no such thin+ as ne( technolo+%, ever%thin+ alread% exist some(here, There are people and places on earth that donBt have cellular phones and computers////'e(er and 'e(er places, ET ships exist and some da% that ma+ic technolo+% (ill be >ust another part o' ever% da% thin+s li=e 'ormer ma+ic stu''///electricit%, the phone, radio, 'li+ht, and sliced bread, The militar% is pla%in+ (ith some 'l%in+ machines no( that (ould bo++le the minds o' ever%one on this planet i' the% =ne( about them////ET is releasin+ 'antastic to%s at a rapid rate into the hands o' certain +overnments, onl% slo(in+ do(n to +ive us time to incorporate their ma+ic into our realit%, Ever%thin+ (e have toda% is ma+ic, the airplane, computer, electricit% li'e itsel' ////%et because people are use to those thin+s the% donBt see them 'or (hat the% are////thin+s o' the supernatural (orld $ost non human ph%sical bodies are soulless the% operate on a hi+h level o' intelli+ence (hat (e call arti'icial intelli+ence or instinct/////one and the same bt(/////%et souls can enter them////but usuall% 'or a short duration There is no such thin+ as soulless behavior %ou are either a soul or a toaster/////insects and animals are complex 'orms o' toasters


0rop circles are made b% ET and some are made b% humans in ships and e)uipment provided b% ET/////some are coded messa+es li=e billboards 'or other ETs and humans (ho (or= 'or ET, some are nothin+ more than +ra''iti made b% bored humans pla%in+ (ith cool alien stu'', Not one sin+le +rain is dama+e (hen ET ma=es them ou as=ed i' humans (ill build machines that the% can trans'er their souls to////thatBs (a% di''erent 'rom a heart pump, 9illions o' planets have technolo+% 'ar more advanced than earth, And li'e +oes on (ithout machines or human t%pe bodies///'or most li'e is 'orever and althou+h %ou ma% not travel bet(een the stars (hile on earth and in human 'orm %ou (ill travel to other stars in other lives////most li=el% %ou have unless %ou are 'airl% ne( to the universe Ros(ell happened and the ETs recovered (ere biolo+ical machines (ith no souls/////most o' (hat abductees come in contact (ith are these t%pes o' alien e)uipment, 9iolo+ical machines do the +runt (or=, the tedious >obs////li=e the robots that build carsalon+ side o' humans on the assembl% line, 7umans use man% robots and are +ettin+ close to ma=in+ arti'icial intelli+ence so that robots can thin= on their o(n////ET is much more advance the% created the human machine and human t%pe robots (hich have the abilit% to operate ships alone////li=e intelli+ent probes So (hat reall% happened at Ros(ell in *8:<? There (ere t(o ships and six biolo+ical machines////the crash (as sta+ed 'or the purpose that it achieved/////it made ever% ne(spaper in the (orld//// disclosure o' sorts 9ut too much =no(led+e is not a +ood thin+ and the cover up (as implemented b% ET not the arm% air 'orce////the idea o' other li'e (as planted in the human ps%che, $ean(hile a lar+e amount o' ne( technolo+% (as handed over to America usin+ the crashed ships, Ae need ET technolo+% to +et out and the% are not +ivin+ it/////nevertheless it (ill ta=e the next thousand %ears to explore this solar s%stem/////and the next 'e( thousands o' %ears to build cities on man% o' the moons in this solar s%stem, Ah% do (e have lar+e cities and small to(ns/////(h% not build up all the small to(ns and ma=e them lar+e cities?////because some people li=e small to(ns and some li=e lar+e cities/////each presents di''erent challen+es and opportunities ET stu'' has peculiar properties that leave no mental 'in+er prints or ph%sical litter, ?nce the items leave the ship the% have short li'e spans, some last a 'e( hours some a 'e( da%s be'ore the% deteriorate and vanish into the air li=e a +as, The material most o' these thin+s are made o' is hi+h in ener+% and extremel% unstable in earthBs environment, 7o(ever, some items can be stabiliEed and last much lon+er (hen ET chooses to +ive them added properties/////sort o' li=e a 'ood preservative, ou canBt =eep ET stu'' hidden in a dra(er, basement or +ara+e unless itBs a duplicate made o' materials that can be 'ound on this planet but these duplicates have 'e( or none o' the properties o' the ori+inal, So (here do - =eep m% stu''? -' %ou donBt (ant the 'ood to spoil %ou =eep it in the re'ri+erator, i' %ou have ET stu'' %ou =eep it in the ship, !isclosure " #o$ernment That is onl% one reason +overnments don't tal= about extraterrestrials, the% don't =no( (hat the% are


and have Eero abilit% to de'end a+ainst them, Ahat +overnment is +oin+ to admit the% are in'erior? reall% in'erior, li=e an ant a+ainst an elephant, 5overnments are terri'ied o' the aliens, should the% tell that to the people? The +overnments are not callin+ the shots/never have/ never (ill, From (hat - have learned the% are not here to ma=e themselves =no(n to the ma>orit% o' the people o' the (orld/ the% don't have to have contacts (ith an% +overnments, the% onl% do so because o' some hi+her extraterrestrial protocol,The% can do their (or= (ithout humanit% =no(in+ about them, Since the% have made contact (ith certain +overnments and individuals it seems practical that the% have intentions o' ma=in+ themselves =no(n at some point// - have no in'ormation on this, Derhaps humans need to ma=e a ph%siolo+ical leap be'ore (e can handle them 'ace to 'ace, A leap that (ill not happen until (e hatch 'rom this e++ (e call planet Earth and move out into the solar s%stem, 9ecause the% =no( ho( detrimental that (ould be to our development, -' the% came out our lives (ould be totall% disrupted/ no one (ould +o to (or=, eve%thin+ (ould come to a standstill/ (hose operatin+ the trains,the street li+hts, deliverin+ the 'ood to the stores, +as pumps (ould +o dr%, //and on and on, Ever%one (ould be so blo(n a(a% that the% (ouldn't 'unction, 0ould %ou +o about %our dail% routine i' an armada o' alien ships suddenl% appeared on this planet? 9TA the% are here, inco+nito 'or %our protection, The% (ould have to ta=e complete char+e o' six billion people, reor+aniEe the (hole planet pronto be'ore humans starved to death, -t (ould not be a prett% picture, 'or one there (ould be lots o' people a+ainst (hat the% (ould see as an alien invasion and 'orm a resistance movement, in the mean time chaos (ould en+ul' the planet, Formal alien contact sounds nice but its impossible at this sta+e o' human development, 7umans need to cut their teeth in space and become more li=e the aliens be'orte (e can communicate (ith them openl%, -t (ill happen, Ae have stealth cra't desi+ned to avoid radar and other 'orms o' detection because (e (ish to remain inco+nito durin+ reconnaissance, The ETs have the abilit% to mas= their ships in in'inite (a%s, includin+ ma=in+ them ver% di''icult to photo+raph,The% are invisible most o' the times and uncloa= onl% (hen the% (ant certain people to see them,// ho(ever the% don't allo( clear photos o' their ships because the% are not read% to ma=e 'ull contact, That is (h% most contactees can onl% +ive brie's statements o' theirs experiences/ ninet% 'ive percent o' (hat most experience is bloc=ed 'rom memor%/ re+ression onl% reveals (hat the aliens allo( and most o' the time in'o 'rom re+ression is onl% stu'' the ETS put there 'or that purpose/ ETs are not as dumb as some people thin=, ETs (ill dictate in'ormation tQlQpathicall% li=e )uestions as=ed o' them / sein+ is believin+ the% =no( this and don't (ant much o' their stu'' described on the 'ront pa+es o' ne(spapers, -' ETs (anted 'ull disclosure it (ould be eas% 'or them to do it /the% don't (ant that/ (a% too disruptive, instead the% let it permeate out slo(l% throu+h crops circles, abductions, movies, boo=s


and people li=e me (ho see= lots o' attention, $ost (ill not believe// loo= ho( lon+ it too= to 'i+ure out that the Earth moves around the Sun and this planet is not 'lat// even throu+h simple instruments and common sense could have disclosed those 'acts, Some people (ill believe // not because the% are easil% 'ooled but because the% =no( instinctivel%, $ost (ill continue to +raEe on the same old sod because that's (hat ever%one else is doin+, Secret +overnments do abduct people and animals 'or various reasons but the% don't have to leave evidence, neither does ET, The% can't allo( 'ull disclosure but @F? si+htin+s, mutilations and alien crashes are part o' the mind +ames pla%ed on humans b% both ET and covert or+anisation, $an% are expectin+ disclosure in a lar+e (a% but the vast ma>orities on this planet are not, nor are the% trul% a(are o' the possibilit% o' extraterrestrials residin+ on Earth//and in siEeable number// i' that (ere to +et out it (ould scare the sh/t out o' a lot o' people, The numbers o' humans read% 'or (holesale disclosure are not there and (ill not be 'or some time, -n the mean time personnal disclosure +oes on ever% da%// ho(ever man% o' those people have a di''icult time (ith it// even those (ho believed the% (ere read% 'or an%thin+ have discovered that the% can't handle it, ET has contact (ith man% in our +overnment but onl% a 'e( +overnment people =no( it, The% =no( exactl% (ho is at 'ault and some or+anisation (ho believe themselves ri+hteous in that re+ard have onl% deceived the (orld, The% have spelled it out to lots o' people but it (ill be a (hile be'ore the% come out o' the closet 'or the +eneral population, The +overnment has no choice but to cooperate (ith ET, ET is not a threat to national securit% but i' the avera+e person (ho is oblivious o' ET should ever =no( that the% exist and are in'initel% superior, that (ould be a problem, -ts (a% too earl% 'or a one (orld +overnment and that's (hat (ill happen (hen the% disclose themlselves, 3isclosure is not happenin+ 'rom the human end// no +overnment has that authorit% or abilit% to do it, -t's 'ar too soon 'or (orld(ide "'irst contact," 9esides there is nothin+ that %ou could do or sa% that (ill convince non/believers o' an%thin+ other than %ou mi+ht have a mental problem 'or tal=in+ about ET, The vast ma>orit% remains stuc= attemptin+ to comprehend human phenomena/ the% are not read% 'or the extraterrestrial stu'', The memo 'or 'ull disclosure has not been sent out ho(ever there (ill be a hu+e increase in personnal contacts in the comin+ %ears, ETs are not +oin+ to ma=e themselves =no(n to the +eneral population o' earth an%time soon//// unless there are ma>or earth chan+es in the (or=s li=e natural or economic catastrophe, Short o' that, (orld(ide contact is not +oin+ to happen/////it's no(here near time 'or them to come out, Ever% president be+innin+ (ith 5eor+e Aashin+ton =ne( and met (ith ET///so have other (orld


leaders, Alien %ersus &uman 1/' The extraterrestrials are not +oin+ to ta=e over this planet, it's possible the% have al(a%s had some control o' this planet and the inhabitants, Aliens are not here to do harm, /i' the% (ere a snap o' the 'in+er (ould eliminate all li'e on this planet, Ahat do the% loo= li=e? (hatever the% (ant to loo= li=e, The aliens carr% some =ind o' electrical char+e/////and the% radiate this 'ield///there is a subtle ph%siolo+ical e''ect on the human bod% (hen the% are near,Ahen the% +et to close////it ma% be loveN////=iddin+, Ae can't ac=no(led+e them/////the% have total control o' the encounter////thatBs (h% the +overnments o' the (orld don't li=e them////the% love their technolo+% exchan+e pro+ram thou+h, 0ompared to humans, aliens are per'ect, the% don't ma=e mista=es, An%one (ho sees an alien ship I@F?J that close more than li=el% has been inside the cra't, and possibl% ta=en on a leisurel% cruse around the solar s%stem, ?r the% (ere pro+rammed 'or somethin+, repaired o' somethin+ Iillness, disease, etcJ or even dama+ed 'or reasons onl% the aliens =no(, The% also ta=e sperm, e++s and 'etuses, ETs can +et into %our head and access ever%thin+ in there////li=e a computer hac=, So plottin+ a+ainst them is impossible, Some ETs are essential to humans, and - believe that i' the% (ere not here shieldin+ us, earth and humans mi+ht loo= much di''erent, perhaps more chaos, more povert%////li'e mi+ht me li=e it (as in the 3ar= A+es, -t's not that bi+ a deal 'or ETs to be omnipotent, the% have the technolo+%, 7ave %ou noticed that cameras are +oin+ up ever%(here in %our cit%? 7ave %ou ever driven in a nei+hborhood (ithout seein+ a sin+le cop and the moment %ou +o over the speed limit the% are ri+ht there on %ou? ETs are in'initel% more attune to humanit% than that, ho(ever, to (hat de+ree the% +et involved, don't =no(, ETs never bar+e in/////the% permeate into %our room, Apparentl% their concepts o' privac% and individual ri+hts are vastl% di''erent than ours////and the po(ers that be "alien protocol" must allo( it, Ae hold a po(er over our children////(e discipline them, +o into their room (ithout as=in+ and treat them badl%//////as the% o'ten interpret our actions to(ards them/////(hen i' 'act (e are onl% loo=in+ out 'or their (ell bein+, 7umans have a mind and humans can out(it other humans/////un'ortunatel% and - =no( no one (ants to hear or believe it but ETs hold all the cards, Derhaps there are humans able to condition themselves better////a'ter all (e are all uni)ue////- havenBt run into an%, - see no reason to be a'raid o' them but (e are, Dic= up a turtle on the road and move it to sa'et% o'' the road////the turtle =no(s not that %ou save its li'e////it pees out o' 'ear because somethin+ stran+e pic=ed it up,


Aliens have >obs to do/////the% are not here to pla% 'ootsies (ith us, Ahen the% abduct people it is strictl% business, ho(ever some o' them have a sense o' humor and pran=s are not out o' the )uestion, Ah% are %ou on here? 7as somethin+ happened to %ou that %ou can't explain? $ost human specimens don't =no( the% have ever had contact (ith ETs/////some have bits and pieces o' memories o' aliens, others onl% a stran+e 'eelin+ or deep curiosit%, ETs =no( us inside and out, better than (e =no( ourselves/////thatBs (h% the% have limited contact (ith us, ETs come in man% di''erent 'lavors, some care deepl%/////most are indi''erent/////itBs a >ob/////then there are those that plain donBt li=e us///// (h%? 7ave no idea, Time is an illusion/////+et out into space a(a% 'rom planet Earth and (hat do %ou use to measure time (ith? ?ur t(ent%/'our hour s%stem is based on the rotation o' this planet, and its movement around the sun/////- =no( that %ou =no( this, - onl% point it out to demonstrate ho( 'ic=le the (hole idea o' time is, ETs are not constrained b% the illusion o' time/////the% donBt have time cloc=s/////the% donBt have to be an%(here at certain times/////most o' the li'e 'orms in this +alax% do not con'orm to time and schedules, -tBs a 'airl% ne( phenomenon on this planetF it became important (ith the industrial revolution at the turn o' the nineteenth centur%, Eventuall% it (ill not be important 'or the vast ma>orit% once (e enter the next transitional period/////possibl% in the next 'e( decades, The% are capable o' inter/dimensional travel//////(e are too, our souls can travel on that super hi+h(a% There are millions o' planets in this +alax% >ust li=e earth/////same t%pe o' people////same t%pe o' problems, The% nurse us throu+h li'e because there is no other (a% to +et us 'rom point A to point 9, ETs are technical advisers, teachers, slave drivers, %our best 'riend and %our (orst ni+htmare, The% donBt sit bac= and (atch/////the% are nec= deep in man=indBs a''airs, Ae have 'ree (ill/////althou+h it doesnBt al(a%s 'eel li=e it, The% mind the crib, and are no( preparin+ the house so that (e can cra(l around some o' the rooms, As is obvious to most o' us the next 'e( decades (eBll be steppin+ out o' the crib and venturin+ into space, The% are preparin+ the (a%////but (ill remain behind the sta+e scener%/////so not to distract, Ae are enterin+ a phase o' phenomenal chan+e/////the problems on this planet are onl% a distraction////not a deterrent to (hat is ahead, Ahile man% 'ear the 'uture and believe that li'e on this (orld is +oin+ do(n the toilet 'antastic chan+es (ill happen ri+ht under their noses, $an% (ill participate////man% (ill run and hide 'earin+ the chan+e, The ETs donBt have to +et com'ortable (ith us/////(e have to +et com'ortable (ith them/////thatBs a prett% bi+ leap/////and it (ill onl% ta=e place over time, - donBt =no( (here the% are concernin+ their level o' spiritualit%, - believe it to be )uite hi+h, much o' our contact is (ith their machines////(hich are intelli+ent but lac=in+ in that area, The ones - am a(are o' are not in need o' an%thin+ (e have, instead the% provide incremental in'ormation that (e need to advance to the next sta+e, These ETs are not 'rom a d%in+ planet/////the%


are 'rom hi+hl% advance s%stems in this +alax% in need o' nothin+, -n our +alax% there is no shorta+e o' an% material and those (ith the technolo+% can harvest (hatever the% need//////inde'initel%, There is a hi+her po(er that rules over our solar s%stem and this planet and itBs not a bunch o' +reed% people hordin+ resources unless the% are ETs or put in place b% ET, There are no humans callin+ the shots////thatBs onl% a smo=e screen, Technolo+% is not =ept 'rom people b% 0E?s because the% havenBt 'i+ured out a (a% to ma=e mone% on it, Dlanet earth is ETBs pla%+roundF humans are more alien to earth than ETs,The% are not a''ected b% placin+ cups o' (ater around the house////the% cannot be loc=ed into a room/////nor can earthl% +erms harm them////the% created the +erms, Their minds are not a''ected b% the earthBs environment at all/////ho(ever lots o' humans areF aller+ies, colds and 'lu etc, ETs have been in LtheirM atmosphere here on earth eons be'ore humans and are (ell adapted to it, ETs donBt +et sic=, or disoriented, 9ut then ho( (ould - =no( that? $a%be - am ma=in+ it all up, ?r the ETs have lied to me////%ou never =no( (ho to trust, The idea that the universe has al(a%s been is harder to s(allo( than the existence o' one all po(er'ul +od////or that Ets are real, or that (e are intelli+ent apes, Ae humans +et com'ortable (ith somethin+ and (ould rather die than +ive it up, The idea o' a perpetual universe (ould thro( mon=e% (renches into man% belie's Ireli+ious and secularJ, overturnin+ the (hole concept o' (hat matter is, Ahat - mean b% hatchin+ is spreadin+ out into the solar s%stem, buildin+ cities on other planets, moons and in space, Eventuall% creatin+ a me+a complex o' cities containin+ billions o' people, The purpose o' humanit% is to desi+n and build the extraterrestrial structures and in so doin+ add exponentiall% to our collective =no(led+e as (e discover and (or= (ith ne( and exotic materials 'ound on the other planets, 7umans are individual cells creatin+ a bi++er sel', li=e cells that multipl% and 'ill/in the cranium o' a human brain, Thousands o' %ears 'rom no( the solar s%stem (ill be +lo(in+ (ith human activit%////and a +reater ran+e o' intelli+ence, Ae (ill then be closer to understandin+ our ori+ins and (hat it is that pulls the strin+s, There is no death////and some come bac= to this place, others (ill remain in the spiritual sector////and continue their (or= 'rom there////some become other t%pes o' bein+s (or=in+ in this solar s%stem or one o' the trillions o' others, As %ou =no( here on earth metabolism is nonstop to meet the demands o' mind and bod% !:2<, 9ut in space////inside ETBs ship thin+s are di''erent/////the bod% and the mind re)uire a 'raction o' the ener+%/////and that 'raction seems to be met 'rom the +lo( o' ener+% radiated b% the ship, 5oin+ into the ship is ph%siolo+icall% easier on the s%stem than leavin+, There is a di''erence//// ad>ustin+ to the +ravit% and the metabolism +oin+ 'rom near hibernation bac= up to 'ull speed creates a drain on ener+%/////but its usuall% o' short duration////ho(ever there (ere times - 'elt li=e - (or=ed in the coal mines 'or a couple o' shi'ts, - never 'loated, nor (as - a(are o' a +ravitational pull, There is no up, do(n or side(a%s in space but there is a sense o' e)uilibrium, standin+ up and (al=in+ is the same as i' %ou are on earth/////less an%


'ati+ue, so the +ravit% or (hatever 'orce that =eeps %ou 'rom bouncin+ about the ship hardl% taxes the muscles, There (as no sensation o' movin+ (hen the ship beamed around at nec=/brea= speeds/////there are no harnesses that - (as a(are o'/////- (asn't strapped into a seat/////- never sa( a seat/////perhaps the% ta=e them out onl% 'or the 6-Ds, -'m thin=in+ that since there is little i' an% (ear/and/tear on the bod% (hile in the ship that the a+ein+ process is suspended durin+ those moments, hours, or da%s (ith ET, ETs and their machines (ill not hurt %ou////that's not their purpose, -' %ou are evil or have done somethin+ bad then %ou (ill have to ma=e amends////i' not don't (orr% about them/////the% ma% be there to protect %ou, -' %ou have done somethin+ (ron+ and (ish to chan+e %our (a%s the% can help %ou +et the encoura+ement %ou need (ithout 'ace to 'ace contact, The% hear ever% thou+ht %ou have and %ou can communicate %our (ishes to them that (a%, 9ottom line +o about %ou dail% business and don't (orr%////the% (ill do (hatever >ob it is the% have to do////and %ou don't have to be a(are o' it, 9ecause o' the nature o' (hat the% are/////humans have a natural 'ear o' them/////"'ear not" because there is nothin+ to 'ear, ETs are not here to entertain us that is (h% most abductees don't remember much/////there is nothin+ +ood to remember in man% encounters, ou don't have to do an%thin+ 'or them to notice %ou the% =no( (ho %ou are and deal (ith %ou accordin+ to (hatever reason the% are in contact (ith %ou, The% ma=e the call on ho( much %ou (ill remember////i' %ou remember little or nothin+/////then that's 'or %our o(n +ood, An% concerns or re)uests %ou have///the% =no( about/////'orcin+ an encounter can be a double ed+e s(ord//////%ou =no( (ithout a doubt the% are real but the encounter ma% not be a positive one and %ou mi+ht even be+ them to erase it, Ah% are some encounters so bad/////because the% mi+ht sho( %ou somethin+ about %oursel'/////%ou (ould rather not =no(, The% have an interest in %ou that (hich onl% the% =no( (hat that is, ho(ever, it ma% not be necessar% 'or %ou to remember (hat and (h% the% have this connection (ith %ou, The% al(a%s (or= behind the scenes////in a 'e( cases the% (ill +raduall% let %ou remember thin+s//// but it can be a slo( and lon+ process/////the% are extremel% di''erent than us/////their appearance//// the ener+% the% emit////the% tal= into %our mind//////the% =no( %our thou+hts/////there is no causal conversation/////as (e humans are use to, The% ma% sense that %ou reall% (ant to remember more and are conditionin+ %ou 'or that eventualit%////assumin+ it is the% that are puttin+ those ideas in %our head and not %ou, Nevertheless, no need to lose sleep, there is nothin+ %ou can do about them////the% canBt and (ill not harm %ou, -n the meantime en>o% li'e, donBt 'ret over an%thin+/////most people 'or+et to ta=e advanta+e o' the thin+s (e can control, ?nl% an in'ant mind can believe ETs don't exist, 9illions o' planetar% s%stems e)ual billions o' inhabited planets, -nhabited not b% microbes but b% people li=e us////some less advanced and some 'ar 'ar more advanced, Aa=e up little children, This thread is about aliens 'rom space that have traveled billions o' miles in 'antastic machines and the% have been doin+ it 'or thousands o' %ears and (ill be doin+ it 'or thousands o' %ears to come, The% do this (ithout human approval because the% (ere here 'irst and the% are in'initel% more


complex than humans////an adult does not need to as= his 'ive %ear old child permission to do an%thin+////can such a child +ive an% usable advice to the adult? The child depends completel% on the adult////(ithout ever understandin+ an%thin+ about that adult, And thatBs no 'air%taleN ;et me put it this (a%////- =no( there are thousands o' aliens comin+ and +oin+, and livin+ on this planet///lots o' people =no(, Ahat are the odds that nothin+ is ever 'ound b% the civilian population///litter, @F? parts and alien bodies? Nothin+ is 'ound because the% ma=e no mista=es, Ships and aliens or most li=el% androids 'rom crashed ET vehicles that are in possession o' various +overnments and their militaries are planted 'or the purpose o' the a(a=in+ process man=ind is under+oin+, - donBt =no( ho( man% alien species there are visitin+ this planet and - doubt an%one =no(s////'our to 'ive hundred billion star s%stems in this +alax% e)uates to countless possibilities, Nevertheless, itBs a bi+ puEEle and the pieces are hi+hl% dispersed amon+ the population////the a(a=in+ process is slo( and dra(n out, so that a =in= in the pro+ram doesnBt 'orm and thro( ever%thin+ o'' =ilter, Nevertheless (ithout extraterrestrials humans are nothin+, The di''erence bet(een humans and ET is that ET needs not to have reco+nition////the% do ever%thin+ (hile =eepin+ themselves hidden in the bac=+round, Ah% then don't the% 'ix all the problems?////ans(er///the% have 'ixed man% problems millions o' them///loo= at human histor%///loo= at toda%////bi+ di''erence, 7o( lon+ does it ta=e us to 'ix our personal problems? The (orld is a bi+ and complex place and problems are bein+ 'ixed at the appropriate pace, Contact 2/2 $% earl% encounters (ere casual almost 'riendship li=e, As - +ot older the% became distant, the% (ere around me but not 'ace to 'ace (hile on the ship, ETs in human costume o'' ship could 'ool an%one, the% are eccentric but 'or the most part the% communicate li=e humans////the% tal=, - have had some horri'ic encounters but it ma% have been m% misinterpretation/////the% ma% have been sho(in+ me some t%pe o' disaster////or somethin+ in the 'uture/////li=e an earth)ua=e or battle scene/////-Bm not ph%sic, and canBt predict thin+s but - have 'elt the pain and 'ear and seen some stran+e thin+s li=e - (as (atchin+ a movie (hile on the ship, Derhaps it (as onl% movie ni+ht (ith ET and the 'eature 'ilm (as some horror sho(////other(ise (h% expose me to situations - canBt do an%thin+ about? Area #* is 'amous because lots o' people believe thatBs (here////i' aliens are reall% visitin+ earth//// the% are hidin+ out, - have been to lots o' places (here ETs are "hidin+ outM, $ost o' these places onl% see 'rom the inside so - reall% don't =no( (here the% are located, -'m never a(are o' ever%thin+ in those places/////not bein+ a smart a//, but the% don't have si+ns tellin+ %ou (here %ou are/////the ETs don't believe that to be pertinent in'ormation to +ive us////especiall% since (hat the% are doin+ is obviousl% secret, The% come mostl% in the earl% mornin+ hours/////- am usuall% a(a=e in bed, Ahen the% enter the room m% (hole brain becomes electricall% a(are similar to a 'luorescent bulb (hen placed in the


vicinit% o' a hi+h ener+% 'ield////it pic=s up the ener+% and li+hts up, and a loud sound 'ills m% ears//// no one hears it but the intended////m% (i'e sleeps ri+ht throu+h it, the% =eep her sleepin+, - have met them durin+ da%time and the% (ere +arbed as humans and their ener+% 'ield a''ects me/// sometimes causin+ stomach cramps, The% a''ect certain electrical thin+s includin+ m% car (hen - too= them places, - sa( earth 'rom space more than once/////not a dream, not an illusion, Ahen - (as ver% %oun+ some 'i't% %ears a+o be'ore the @SSR and the @S put people into orbit, be'ore an% television sho(s li=e Star Tre=, and man% alien movies, and boo=s/////- (as runnin+ around a space ship (ith other children////o'ten loo=ed out the ship and sa( hu+e +lobes han+in+ in the dar=ness o' space, - lived in a small villa+e (ith no modern conveniences, televisions and radios and boo=s o' 'iction didnBt exist 'or us/////there is no (a% m% mind could have created (hat - experience (ithout havin+ some re'erence/////li=e tv, boo=s and stories, $% parents didnBt and donBt believe in ET, so the% didnBt tell me stories, And ho( (ould the% have described a 'antastical ship (hen the bic%cle (as our main 'orm o' transportation, ETs sho( themselves ever% sin+le da%, the% are in constant contact (ith certain people on this planet in an advisor% capacit%, 7o(ever, most donBt =no( the% are dealin+ (ith ETs, Ahen %ou tal= to %oursel' in %our head %ou can also tal= to ET///in a conversational voice Ahen - said to sit alone in the dar= - (as re'errin+ to the 'ear 'actor one (ill encounter (hen the% are 'ace to 'ace (ith ET, -tBs not a >ob %ou appl% 'or, nor can %ou +et in throu+h a +overnment a+enc%, ET chooses those (ho (or= 'or them////no ne+otiations, no contracts/////most donBt =no( that the% (or= 'or ET, ET tal=s to certain leaders ever% sin+le da%, the% ma=e su++estions and those re)uest are carried out (ithout hesitation or resistance/////sounds creep% but that is the (a% it has al(a%s been done, So (hat technolo+% have (e been +iven b% ET? All our technolo+% came 'rom ET, 0orso told the truth////ho(ever, he (as +iven little in'ormation about ETs, ETs do personal disclosures all the time//////the% have no reason to do an overt disclosure to the +eneral population an%time soon////once humans are in space in si+ni'icant numbers the% (ill =no( a little more about the bi+ picture, Dresentl% the% are enticin+ humans to +o into space b% sho(in+ themselves more o'ten to the astronauts and the space a+encies, ?nce thousands o' humans are in space the existence o' ETs (ill be un)uestionable////but ET (ill continue to remain out o' reach////the carrot is ver% important to +et the don=e% movin+ and =eep him movin+, ;i=e - pointed out in m% last post man% people have 'ound bein+ 'ace to 'ace (ith an ET the most terri'%in+ experience in their li'e short o' a ni+htmare, No one =no(s (hat is +oin+ on bet(een an ET and the person the% are in contact (ith///itBs bet(een the t(o o' them and no one else, Teachers can be intimidatin+////in some countries the% are t%rannical////- (ent to a 0atholic school (hen - (as %oun+////an encounter (ith a nun (as to be avoided at all cost////the% could do (ith a simple t(elve inch ruler (hat no one else on this planet could do/////put the 'ear o' +od in %ou,


- (ill put it another (a%////the @S militar% is terri'ied o' all ETs////%et the% have re+ular contact (ith man%, There are man% +roups that (or= (ith ETs, most o' the people////scientists donBt =no( it and believe it is the% and their collea+ues ma=in+ the brea=throu+hs////ETs donBt ta=e credit 'or an%thin+ the% do and the% li=e to =eep it that (a%////nevertheless the% let people li=e me lea= out that realit%///not sure (h%,

(ar " )eyon* Alpha 0entauri one o' the nearb% stars is about :,1 li+ht %ears a(a%, For an alien thatBs not ver% 'ar, 'or humans (ith our present technolo+% it (ould ta=e several li'etimes, ?ur probes can travel about !!,""" miles an hour////(e donBt have a ship that can carr% humans that 'ast %et, 9ut i' (e did, it (ould onl% ta=e about *1",""" %ears to +et to our nearest nei+hbor, so pac= a bi+ lunch, - visited a star s%stem much 'urther than Alpha 0entauri////donBt =no( (hich one and it didnBt ta=e more than a 'e( (ee=s, i' that, - donBt =no( ho( lon+ the >ourne% (as, but it (as under a month that - (as a(a%, -t (as li=e ta=in+ an ape into Ne( or= 0it% and sho(in+ it the to(n and ta=in+ it bac= to the >un+le and lettin+ it tell the other apes (hat it sa(, - remember cr%stal t%pe structures////not much about the people, 7o(ever - have seen places more in line (ith earth, human loo=in+ people in (hat (e (ould call 'uturistic cities, Even a'ter humans build cities throu+hout the solar s%stem L9oldl% travelin+ in a star ship out o' this solar s%stem is unli=el% in a ph%sical bod%, 7o(ever there are man% solar s%stems that have multiple suns, and there are star clusters (here L9oldl% 5oin+ to other stars in 'antastic Star Tre= =ind o' ship is a realit%, 7umans (ould lose most o' their bone mass travelin+ to our nearest planet $ars////i' the% (ere not in an ET ship////ET ships move rapidl% and human bodies do not///so %ou have to ta=e them o''//// sounds to craE%? Sorr%, - said to travel out o' our solar s%stem %ou have to remove %our ph%sical bod%, Ahile in the solar s%stem %ou can remain in %our bod%////but some (ho are abducted////onl% their soul is ta=en, (hile their bod% remains asleep in their bed, The trip lasts a 'e( hours, (ith plent% o' time 'or si+htseein+////to one or t(o o' the SaturnianBs moons, 0onsiderin+ that Saturn is one li+ht hour 'rom the sun and it (ould ta=e nearl% t(o %ears to +et there one (a% (ith theoretical conventional cra't/////cra't that humans donBt even have on the dra(in+


board %et////and (ill not until sometime in the next centur%, ETs travel prett% dan+ 'ast/////nearl% 'aster than the speed o' li+ht (hile in the solar s%stem/////but theoretical ph%sics can't explain that =ind o' speed (hen concernin+ ph%sical ob>ects////ever%thin+ seems to brea= do(n - (as covered in a substance that 'it me ti+htl% li=e a (et suit, 9ut the% sa% that time 'lies (hen %ou are havin+ 'un////ma%be it too= lon+er and - (as havin+ so much 'un that it onl% seemed li=e a 'e( hours, Alien %ersus &uman 2/' -tBs best that most don't remember (ho the% are and (h% the% are here, 'or one that in'ormation (ould detract and add nothin+ to this experience, Aithout the aid o' ET there (ould be no escape 'rom this planet, no movin+ 'or(ard, no advancement in technolo+% and no hope 'or man=ind, earth (ould be a dead Eone, 7umans helpin+ humans is li=e the blind leadin+ the blind, %et 'e( people understand that or are a(are o' that realit%, The vast ma>orit% need not =no( an% di''erent that's the (a% ET (ants it, *""R is true, but there is no chance that the apple cart is +oin+ to +et over turned an% time soon, $ost people are loc=ed into their illusions////ho(ever////ever so slo(l%, ET unloc=s the minds o' thousands o' people, and these people suddenl% notice that there are billions o' stars in the ni+ht s=%, and their curiosit% be+ins to un'old, 7o( man% people do %ou =no(////need or (ant their vie( o' the (orld to come to an end? No one is +oin+ to be dra++ed "=ic=in+ and screamin+" into another realit%///into the truth o' (hat li'e reall% is about, Droo' (ould shatter the illusions o' this (orld 'or all////but all are not read% 'or the next bi+ step, The ETs that are here, the ones that ma=e contact (ith humans are strictl% business and sho( no si+ns o' +ender, There are alien tourist but the% don't have an% contact (ith humans that - =no( o', The aliens that are in human Luni'ormsM have bodies that are anatomicall% correct but (hether the% 'unction or are sterile - don't =no(, m% 'eelin+ is the% are sterile, 7o( the% procreated on their planets is a blan=, 7o(ever the% do have 'acilities in our solar s%stem that house h%brids, man% o' them, but these h%brids are not 'or this planet or 'or this solar s%stem, 7umans have a soul, the animal part////the bod% is onl% a vehicle, nevertheless because o' the soul ever% human has immeasurable value, Deople in prison have immeasurable value also %et the% are not treated (ell///the% believe and in man% cases itBs true, ?ur situations (hether bad or +ood is not a statement b% ET that (e are nothin+ but animals or commodities, 7o(ever, our lives are not accidents, or coincidences, ever%thin+ (e +o throu+h or experience on this planet has a purpose, ETs are not attracted to our personal spiritualit%, intelli+ence or +ood loo=s///ET (or=s (ith ever%one on some level, $ost people donBt need to understand (hat ma=es the en+ine in a car operate///to operate a car///ET (or=s in a similar (a%///ET is the en+ine that ma=es thin+ +o///hidden underneath


the hood, 3octors have a purpose but the% are onl% one small part o' the e)uation to +ood health, America (ith its state o' the health industr% has more sic= people than Third Aorld countries, There'ore the best health care is not the total solution, Extraterrestrials donBt have doctors and hospitals as (e do on earth, The% donBt +et sic= or ill, their bodies and minds 'ix thin+s be'ore the% brea=, Accidents are practicall% non existent 'or ET 7uman minds are e)uipped to 'ix man% thin+s that ail man=ind////the human mind is desi+ned to 'ix an%thin+ and some da% (hen people realiEe the po(er that resides in their head, health care (ill be obsolete////the vast ma>orit% is not there %et////but man% are, 9ut %ou never =no(, ma%be ET (ill snea= in (hen %ou are not loo=in+ and 'ix %ou up, -t happens all the time, 5o loo= in the mirror///(hat %ou see (as created b% ET, To simple and absurd %ou sa%? -s there an% human technolo+% that could create %our e%es? our hearin+, %our taste buds, %our heart, lun+s, billions o' cells that replaced themselves ever% 'e( da%s (ithout %ou bein+ a(are////that the bod% %ou resided in toda% is not the same bod% %ou (ere in last (ee= and the (ee= be'ore all the (a% bac= to (hen %ou (ere born? And b% the (a% be'ore %ou (ere born////at the ver% be+innin+ o' %ou, t(o strands o' microscopic 3NA >oined to+ether and be+an creatin+ %our bod%////the% (ould build the most complex machine =no(n to man and do it in less than nine months, Ahat have %ou done in the last nine months? ou =no( that all radio and television si+nals are perpetuall% dri'tin+ out in space 6ibration live on 'orever///ever% thou+ht///ever% action////and thou+h (e can hide behind names such as sleeper or an% other moni=er ever%thin+ that is mine can be traced bac= to me or (hoever it ori+inated 'rom////'or eternit%, 3ata is not collected////(hatever %ou +enerate 'ollo(s %ou (here ever %ou are or +o////and (hatever %ou are is =no(n b% ET and those at that level, The moment %ou die dependin+ on (ho %ou are %ou ma% be at that echelon, Drobabilities and possibilities are human level concepts, There are thousands o' ETs on this planet ever% second o' the da%////comin+, +oin+ and permanentl% +arrisoned////stran+e thin+s happen 'or man% reasons////mostl% to =eep people a(a% or to de'lect attention 'rom other places, Ever%one has the capacit% to =no(////the soul can tap into the vast librar% o' =no(led+e that exists in the universe///see= and %ou (ill 'ind////blame others 'or %our predicament and %ou (ill remain buried in i+norance, A cit% lar+e or small is li=e a +alax% and there are man% +alax% some lar+e some small, Each cit% has enou+h da%care centers to service the needs o' the cities, each +alax% has more than enou+h ETs to service all the needs o' each solar s%stem, ETs have >obs li=e us///but not the ei+ht to 'ive =ind////the% love their >obs////once %ou leave earth dependin+ on (ho %ou are and (hat %ou have accomplished durin+ %our existence here and other places %ou ma% have the pic= o' +reat >obs or return here or some other planet and be a roc= star or


president////or a coal miner, dish(asher///etc,,, - m +oin+ to post a disclaimer: Thin+s on m% thread can be haEardous to the belie's (hich are standard issue 'rom our learnin+ institutions, @n'ortunatel% (e cant have it both (a%s, %ou either believe in one or the other////its oil and (ater, the% dont mix (ell, Ae are not a civiliEation (e are individuals livin+ in a civiliEation/////(e are not a colon% o' ants or a herd, or robots, nor Eombies/////(e are each uni)ue individuals (ith souls 'or+ed in celestial 'urnaces b% the +ods, Ae enter this planet alone and (e leave it alone////(e dont come and +o as a societ%, herd or colon%, No civiliEation ac)uire an%thin+ on their o(n, intelli+ence or technolo+%////>ust li=e (e have children, and our children have children, each +eneration o' parents ta=es care o' their children////other(ise there (ould be no children, Some people have to die to learn ho( to live/////those (ho have died are more alive than those (ho are on this planet///and thin= that the% are alive, ;i'e and death are both illusion, Deople on this planet are here because the% are not per'ect, The trip to per'ection is a lon+ and treacherous >ourne%////and not achieved easil% in one li'e/////most people re)uire man% li'etimes to +et there, 3o %ou thin= that the human mind is per'ect? EvolutionBs +reatest masterpiece? -n the bi+ picture the human mind is no more than a calculator////processes numbers and probabilities////human minds are barel% conscience////their onl% purpose in li'e is to as= )uestions//// (ho am -////(hatBs m% purpose in li'e/////is this all there is/////(hat does that remind %ou o'?///// perhaps an in)uisitive child////and -Bm tal=in+ about adult minds, The bod% %ou reside in is li=e a universe////ever% cell rene(s itsel' and ever% 'e( da%s %ou have a completel% ne( bod%/////the universe is the same it constantl% rene(s itsel' And as 'ar as (h%////no particular reason/////because there could be an in'inite number o' reasons//// and %et not enou+h to satis'% ever%one, ETs are the ori+inal t(o/'ace////the% can be both +ood and bad////but the% are al(a%s ri+ht////and loo=in+ out 'or %our best interest, ETs are emissaries 'rom the other side////other planets in other star s%stems and dimensions in this universe, - (ould sa% that the% are o' the spirit t%pe o' existence except that ever%thin+ is a spirit existence o' one 'orm or other////matter is onl% another level o' that =ind o' ener+%, Ahat these ETs have sho(n me leaves no doubt in m% mind that the% are on the same level as deities/////the% are not out there tr%in+ to 'i+ure thin+s out/////their cities are be%ond 'antastic//// ever%thin+ is ma+ic/////and love radiates 'rom ever%thin+ includin+ them////(hen the% donBt have their bad 'ace on////(hich the% onl% put on (hile on earth, 7ere on earth as (e all =no( the truth is di''icult to come b%////and most o' us (ouldnBt =no( the truth i' it 'ell on us li=e a bric= (all////the truth is a tou+h concept do(n here, 9ut itBs not on the other side, Also ET can ta=e on an% shape and personalit% the% (ish/////- remember tourin+ the solar s%stem (ith


m% +randmother/////- (as %oun+ about ten and she (as still alive and livin+ in -tal% (hile - (as in the @S////- never (as able to as= her i' she remembered an episode li=e that////she lived man% %ears a'ter but - (ould never see her a+ain, The% have consciousness but to (hat level - donBt =no(/////man% machines that accompan% ETs have the same =ind o' a(areness that animals displa% %et the% are nothin+ but smart e)uipment that per'orm services/////in a (a% similar to (hat pets provide/////companionship, protection, entertainment, and help'ul li=e seein+ e%e do+s, or beasts o' burden li=e horses, mules etc, $ost machines are autonomous robots and 'unction (ithout an%one at the controls/////the human machine is the exception, it is desi+ned speci'icall% 'or a soul, No one can discover ever%thin+ in a sin+le li'e time////do 'irst +raders 'i+ure it all out their 'irst %ear in school? And even a'ter colle+e or hi+h school learnin+ is a constant re)uirement to move 'or(ard in this li'e and all the rest, Aithout ETBs help nothin+ happens////ET is the extended 'amil%, -tBs a bi+ universe and a ver% bi+ consciousness////the hi+her %ou +o the more %ou can +rasp, ET canBt lie, not so 'or humans/////(hen (e die itBs not over////itBs never over unless some(here do(n the line %ou decided to pull the plu+////or %ou are so bad that the% +ive up on %ou////(hich is rare ET ph%siolo+% is vastl% di''erent than human////no human can manhandle an ET/////nor interro+ate an ET////it (ould be more believable that a tribe o' pi+mies captured one o' our +enerals and held him captive/////+enerals have man% la%ers o' protection around them (ith state o' the art 'irepo(er////ET is more untouchable than a thousand +enerals, Ever%one shares the 3NA o' their parents////ET created human bodies a lon+ time a+o///and the% are sel'/perpetuatin+////usin+ sex as the carrot to =eep the humans 'rom depletin+, ETs (ith souls are li=e us on the other side but (hile the% are on this plane the% use ph%sical bodies/////much di''erent than ours, 7uman bodies are (hat the% strap the soul into li=e a seatbelt on a car/////so that (e can experience li'e on earth////the challen+es and ever%thin+ that +oes (ith individuals lives, Ever%thin+ is under ET control because ET is part o' us////our extended 'amil%, Ever%thin+ is created b% the li'e 'orce that is made up o' ET, humans and all other intelli+ent bein+s in the universe, Nothin+ happens (ithout ETBs =no(led+e or input////sounds cruel but no one said this planet (as heaven/////'or some itBs li=e hell, Their bodies can be =illed or dama+ed but not b% humans, their ph%siolo+% is not li=e ours////the% donBt 'eel pain, ;i=e a lion tamer in a ca+e (ith lions////the lions could tear him apart but the tamer has the mental advanta+e////ET al(a%s has the advanta+e////has an%one ever beat the crap out o' an ET and sho(ed it to an%one?////out o' the thousands o' abductees it never happened even once, The% see the bi+ picture and =no( that all pain and su''erin+ is temporar%////do (e +o o'' the deep end ever% time a child 'alls and scrapes his =nee? Some children act as i' itBs the end o' the (orld especiall% i' there is blood, ,,,on this planet pain, 'ear, terror, and ps%chopaths are part o' the pro+ram////itBs an incentive to =eep us movin+ 'or(ard and =eepin+ our nose clean, Ever%one (ill die itBs the onl% (a% to +et to the next level////up or do(n, So when the ET uses a human body as a "vehicle" to be among us incognito. Do they just make a


human form and go into it, or "take" one from an unsuspecting person to use The% create a human bod% 'rom 3NA the% ac)uired 'rom an abductee////its ne( and never used, The% have thousands o' clones////in a population o' & and a hal' billion people the%Bve had no trouble remainin+ inco+nito, Ae and the% are spirits, their spirit can move 'rom one bod% to another as simpl% as (e chan+e shirts, The human bod% and the bodies ET o'ten use are simpl% machines////(hen the% enter a clone or another human or (hatever costume the% choose/////itBs their spirit///soul that resides in the machine/////the% donBt become the machine/////as humans tend to do, -n other (ords, i' %ou drive a Ford car %ou are not a Ford car %ou are a person drivin+ a Ford car/////i' %ou pre'er somethin+ other than a Ford////thatBs o= too, The% let %ou see them to let %ou =no( that there is more to li'e than (hat is on this planet/////not all human brains are capable o' understandin+ that////hence the tantrums on this thread, ou =no( (hat humans are capable o' , hate and env% bein+ the bi+ ones////ET neither hates or envies////and most o' the 'ear people report is un(arranted and in some cases exa++erated, Those that live on this planet as humans do ever%thin+ that humans do////the% could be %our nei+hbors////and the% (ould be the ones %ou least suspect////the% have the human thin+ do(n ver% (ell and the% do it better than humans, -' %ou suspect someone is an alien///ET, then the% are not//// the% cover their trac=s per'ectl%, Those that are +arrisoned here and in human 'orm have t%pical human 'amilies,

The (uture 5ood point, ?nce (e +et into space and set up colonies on $ars and the moon////0hina, @S, @N, E@, Gapan, -ndia, and others////do %ou thin= itBs +oin+ to be smooth sailin+? There (ill be disa+reements, con'licts, and (ars over land and boarders on those planets, Eventuall% $ars and the moon (ill uni'% under their o(n 'la+s and separate 'rom earthlin+s,That has been the pattern 'or thousands o' %ears////(ho believes that (ill chan+e? Aliens do battle each other, - thin= there is a misconception about (hat the ETs (ill do, Ahat the% (ill not do is trans'orm our (a% o' li'e into their (a% o' li'e in a da%, %ear, decade, or centur%///ies, Ae have a lar+e portion o' the (orld livin+ li=e the% did 'our thousand %ears a+o////simple huts, no sanitation, no clean and runnin+ (ater, mind/bo++lin+ povert%////(h% donBt the advanced nations o' the (orld cooperate and brin+ them into the t(ent%/'irst centur%? 9ecause not ever%one thin=s the% should inter'ere (ith soverei+n nations, re+ardless on ho( bad o'' the% are, There is disa+reement amon+ the ETs about the level o' inter'erence the% parta=e in on this planet as (ell, Dersonall% - thin= ever%one should be brou+ht up to a minimum o' civiliEed standards/////and i' it (ere up to me - (ould love to see this (orld ta=en into a (a% o' li'e similar to that o' the ETs////the% exist in (hat (e call utopia, From (hat - can tell, the% are +oin+ to +raduall% and ever/so/slo(l% ta=e us there/////most (ill not see it un'oldin+, Aill the% sho( themselves openl% around !"*!/////- (ould be surprised/////ho(ever a lot more


people (ill be (or=in+ (ith them and =no( it, There is no end time, no Arma+eddon as tal=ed about in the bible and other ancient literature (ith (orld (ide destruction, 7o(ever, there (ill be a ma>or shi't in technolo+% and standard o' livin+ as (e +ear up to meet the challen+es o' space travel, $ost people (ill not even notice, so 'or those (aitin+ 'or the bi+ chan+e or revolution or to be ta=en into the s=% b% a savior/////is not +oin+ to happen, 9TA lots o' people have been ta=en into the s=% in ships///itBs been +oin+ on 'or thousands o' %ears, The trip usuall% doesnBt last lon+ and the% brin+ %ou bac=, There is no need 'or the primitives to communicate (ith each other////'or one the distance (ill never be traversed and ph%sical contact completel% out o' the )uestion, Eventuall% people on earth (ill build cities on man% o' the moons and planets in the solar s%stem but the human race (ill never leave this solar s%stem////alive, $an% people alive toda% (ill move on to other more advanced planets and solar s%stems and en>o% contact (ith a multitude o' other li'e 'orms/////thin+s that (ill bo++le the mind even once the human blinders are removed, ?thers (ill return to this planet or other cities that +et built in the next thousand %ears///so either (a% it (ill be a 'un time 'or most///but not ever%one, !"*! (ill be onl% one more %ear that (e have to pa% taxes, +et up and +o to (or=, ta=e vacations, be happ% about the +ood thin+s that are happenin+ and sad about the bad thin+s There (ill al(a%s be (ars, rumors o' (ars, 'amines, and natural disasters////other(ise (e (ill never +et o'' this planet, ;i'e and death is one and the same////%ou die here and live some(here else, The% have opened the 'lood +ates o' technolo+% comin+ into this planet because earth is on the brin= o' hatchin+ out into the solar s%stem////perhaps not as 'ast as man% people (ould li=e////but maintainin+ the illusion that humans are doin+ it on their o(n is important, $an% solar s%stems are isolated 'or man% reasons, (hich (ould 'ill hundreds o' libraries i' (ritten do(n, The human race is not doomed////it is made o' up hundreds o' +enerations and each +eneration +ets to experience certain thin+s////%our children (ill venture 'urther into space than %our +eneration////and their children even 'urther////%our +eneration (ill be part o' buildin+ the 'irst structures on the moon and perhaps on $ars but the vast ma>orit% o' %our +eneration (ill not venture into space at all//// -' %ou (ish to increase %our odds o' +ettin+ into space in an% meanin+'ul (a% %ou should concentrate on 'ields o' stud% that (ill place %ou in those coveted positions/////humans (ill not travel 'urther than $ars until the next centur%////unless the% are ta=en b% ET, $ost solar s%stems have limits but that still leaves billions that donBt, Aith lar+e populations lar+e cities are the onl% (a%////sanitation, clean (ater, resources etc, Earth (ill have a population o' over t(elve billion b% the end o' this centur%////cities (ill be much lar+er, more e''icient and sa'er,


A lot is +oin+ to happen in !"*! but un'ortunatel% 'or those that are expectin+ the (orld as (e =no( it to come to an end the% (ill be disappointed, ;oo= at the (orld toda%, most o' us can onl% see it 'rom our (indo(, our little corner and much o' (hat (e see is run/o'/the/mill////nothin+ excitin+, For drama (e have to (atch or read the ne(s////the (ar in -ra), the riots in France, the craE% (eather do(n under There is plent% o' turmoil +oin+ on ever% da% some(here in the (orld (hether it is (ar or a climate induced 'amine and other calamities that =eep stirrin+ the pot o' humanit%, The population (ill continue to increase substantiall% this centur% and +ro( even more rapidl% in the next one, As the population +ro(s chaos and overcro(din+ (ill actuall% decrease and resources (ill increase substantiall%////believe it or not, Deople (ill (or=, live and be entertained (ithin the same super structures (hich (ill reduce the need 'or cars and con+estion/////people o' toda% (ill not reco+niEe this planet in as little as 'i't% %ears 'rom no(, As most people =no( the climate o' the earth has chan+ed man% times, but the (eather is onl% one 'actor o' the e)uation,
I mean, is there no line between flesh and machine that should-not be crossed?

es, but (e have a lon+ (a% be'ore (e +et to that brid+e, Seems li=e %ou are sa%in+ that mer+in+ 'lesh and machine (ill be +ood 'or humans? -tBs one machine inter'acin+ (ith another, the human machine and the mechanical one, Ae interact (ith computers ever% da% (ithout +ivin+ it much thou+ht but (hat are (e doin+ (hen (e sit in 'ront o' a computer screen? Ae are scannin+ in'ormation 'rom it and uploadin+ it into our brains (ith our biolo+ical e%es and mind////then (e upload in'ormation 'rom our brain into the computer (ith a =e%board usin+ our 'in+ers ?ur 'in+ers and e%es can onl% move so 'ast////not 'ast enou+h 'or the 'utureF the onl% solution is to plu+ ourselves into the ever increasin+ technolo+ical advances, ?nl% one hundred %ears a+o people (ere a'raid to enter the industrial a+e, Ahat does ET have to sa% about this? -tBs their bab%, Fear mon+ers prevail because 'or some stran+e reason (e humans are attracted to +loom and doom li=e moths to a 'ire, A one (orld +overnment is not +oin+ to happen in %our or m% li'etime and ma% not happen 'or another hundred %ears///but it (ill happen, Even in a one (orld +overnment there (ill be outcasts and millions o' people that (ill live in the hills, in the +host to(ns and other abandoned cities////choosin+ to live in s)ualor rather than live in the me+a cities, As is true toda% there are man% able bodied people that chose to live on the 'rin+es o' societ%////and mean chose, because the% donBt (ant the structure and responsibilit% that societ% imposes///not tal=in+ about those do(n on their luc= or mentall% and ph%sicall% handicapped////those people (ill be ta=en care o', And there (ill be ne( 'orms o' ener+% comin+ on line such as superconductivit% that (ill curtail the need 'or oil and other expensive 'uels, The %ear !"*! has man% people excited about earth chan+es but (hat the% are tellin+ me doesnBt portent an%thin+ si+ni'icant////certainl% there (ill be man% more thousands o' humans made a(are o'


the existence o' extraterrestrial li'e////other than that -Bm +ettin+ nothin+, Dlanet K also =no( as Nibiru is 'abled to be a planet past Dluto, 'rom (here one o' the earlier civiliEations on earth called the Sumerians had their be+innin+s, Ets have man% places on moons and planets and hu+e space cities in and around this solar s%stem//// man% o' them harbored exiled and imprisoned peoples 'rom certain places in the +alax%////some o' these people (ere eventuall% relocated on earth////some are still located in places in this solar s%stem////chillin+ i' the% (ere able to escape and ma=e it to earth////but hi+hl% unli=el% than=s to the hu+e contin+ent o' +ood ETs patrollin+ earth and the (hole solar s%stem, That li'e on earth, (hich remains a prison o' sorts, (ill improve considerabl% in this centur% because a ne( class o' humans are +oin+ to be put do(n here////so this isnBt necessaril% +reat ne(s 'or the present population but those ne( humans are +oin+ to be the o''sprin+ o' people livin+ toda%////and (e tend to (ant the best 'or our o''sprin+,

Technolo y 2/2 There is a reason no one has photos o' the inside o' ET ships the ener+% levels are too hi+h and biEarre, the ima+e doesnBt stic= or 'orm to an% =no(n material, di+ital cameras are no exception, The most advanced photo+raphic e)uipment on earth is the human mind %et %ou see ho( di''icult it is 'or those (ho have been abducted to remember their experiences (hile on ET ships, Some do better than others because there are exceptions to ever% rule and ET ma=es the rules, 7%brids are real, the% have human 'eatures, The% are h%brids because the% are a product o' human and alien material/////their souls are not h%brid////the souls occup% a di''erent machine the onl% di''erence is that the% have a hi+her a(areness than humans once the% enter the ne( machine////h%brid, 0ertain souls are captured a'ter the% leave the human bod%////died and are placed into the h%brid units and sent else(here in the +alax%, Not sure (hat %ou sa( but ET ships come in ever% siEe and shape/////some are ships 'illed (ith tourist 'rom other star s%stems, some are 'illed (ith human h%brids, ET ships 'l% around the cloc=, the% have the abilit% to hide behind clouds or +o invisible, 88,88888SSS percent o' ET cra't +o undetected, $an% o' the entities that are reported b% abductees are simpl% machines////ET ma% be present but the% usuall% sta% in the bac=+round out o' si+ht////and communicate telepathicall% (ith the person, ETs o'ten inhabit human t%pe bodies and the% can ta=e on an% appearance the% chose////even canine////not the tal=in+ =ind li=e in the movie $-9, The% are slo(l% li'tin+ the curtain////not 'or 'ull disclosure but 'or some a(areness////the more technolo+% the% release to us brin+s us closer to (here the% are, ?nce humans ma=e the leap into space in a si+ni'icant (a% the )uestion o' (hether (e are alone (ill be ans(ered 'or the masses, -n the mean time onl% a 'e( at a time (ill =no(, Dart o' m% >ob is to put a little o' that in'o out there,


Advancements in technolo+% (ill 'urther the understandin+ o' our existence and purpose////'or instance satellites and cell phone have opened up ne( 'orms o' communications and understandin+ bet(een vastl% di''erent cultures////not to mention (e can vie( much more o' the universe around us (ith the ne( to%s, Eventuall% technolo+% (ill broaden our ph%sical horiEons as (e (or= to build communities in space and on other planets in the solar s%stem, (hich in turn (ill vastl% open up our minds to our place in the universe and our purpose, - have seen stran+e cr%stal t%pe ob>ects but - donBt =no( i' the% (ere part o' the propulsion s%stem o' the ship, Nevertheless all our technolo+% comes 'rom ET////and the militar% +ets to pla% (ith it 'irst, 3id - create the brain that is behind the po(er o' m% 'in+ers that are t%pin+ these (ords? Ae humans (ould li=e to ta=e credit 'or a machine/////the human brain and bod% that is capable o' puttin+ a man on the moon////%et (e didnBt create the elements that bind the materials o' the roc=ets, cars, toasters, buildin+s etc, Ae didnBt create the air (e breathe and depend on 'or li'e itsel', Ae didnBt create the =no(led+e (e learn in school so that (e could become scientist, teachers, >anitors, politicians, house(ives, etc, Ae humans have inherited ever%thin+? (e have created nothin+, Ahen %ou are able to prove that %ou are the exclusive master o' %our o(n destin% let me =no( and - (ill +ive %ou the credit, ?ur souls and the souls 'urther up the ladder control matter/////matter is not important but it is use'ul as a substance li=e buildin+ bloc=s, (e build thin+s (ith it////technolo+% is important (hile on this planet////(ithout it (e (ould live li=e the animals, Ever% 'ield is an ET 'ield but the 'ield o' nanotechnolo+% is the threshold o' a hu+e leap in technolo+ical brea=throu+hs//////that (ill open up man% doors across the spectrum o' human =no(led+e and abilities, Similar in scope to (hat the introduction o' the transistor in *8:< did to revolutioniEed electronics/////except nanotechnolo+% (ill be much more, Ahen a step is b%passed as it (as (ith nuclear po(er pro+ress is slo(ed do(n////be'ore (e +et to the next bi+ step in ener+% revolution certain technolo+ies have to be developed to their 'ull potential, that (as not allo(ed to happen (ith nuclear/////man=ind has 'ree(ill and collectivel% (e have a sa% in ho( )uic=l% our development comes about////so 'ar (e as a people havenBt made an% bold moves//// the 'ear 'actor prevails/////case in point the space shuttle shuts do(n 'or %ears (henever there is an accident/////those (ho 'ear should step out o' the (a% and let those (ho donBt +et thin+s done, Ros(ell is the real deal////ET +ave the @S (atered do(n versions o' t(o o' their ships and a 'e( biolo+ical androids to +o (ith them, The ships (ere 'illed (ith man% +ad+ets that (ere made speci'icall% to be easil% bac= en+ineered b% technolo+icall% challen+ed people such as us, $an% o' those ob>ects have since evaporated a(a%////all ET stu'' comes (ith an expiration date, except 'or the ships////the% remain in use b% the militar%////'or trainin+ purposes, ET releases billions o' bits o' ne( in'ormation into human societ% ever% da%////but the% donBt ta=e the credit 'or it////there'ore 'e( believe the% exist////thatBs ho( the% (ant it, $uch o' this thread is about ET transmittin+ technolo+% and other =no(led+e to scientists, politicians and ordinar% people////either telepathicall% or in person, The% are at the helm as %ou put it o' most


human advances, The% have no interest in earthBs resources////once the% +et us into space the% (ill sho( us that resources have no limit////a'ter (e understand ho( to manipulate substance in the purit% o' space and Eero +ravit% shorta+es (ill be a thin+ o' the past, Ae are not the end result o' experiments////our particular t%pe, model, bod%, is uni)ue and (as more suitable 'or the time period (hich it occupied and occupies/////once (e move into space this model (ill not do and people (ill live in di''erent bodies////scientist li=e to use the (ord evolve, 9ut (e donBt evolve, its li=e (e use cars to transport people and truc=s to transport stu''////so (e build cars 'or that purpose and truc=s 'or another purpose////the car does not evolve into a truc=//// althou+h that (ould be niceN Dresent technolo+% li=e 'usion, solar, h%dro+en, ethanol etc, can ta=e up the slac= and replace the need 'or oil in a 'e( %ears should it become necessar%, 0onsumers drive (hat (ill be available b% (hat (e bu% and (ho (e vote 'or////i' ever%one be+an bu%in+ electric or h%brid cars then thatBs (hat (ould be comin+ o'' the assembl% lines, Thirt% %ears a+o the American publics shut do(n the nuclear industr%////choosin+ instead to burn and pollute the air (ith increased use o' 'ossil 'uels////that (as a bi+ step bac=(ards in ener+% development and advancement, Nevertheless, there are al(a%s alternatives because (e are surrounded b% ener+% all (e need is the means to tap into it////ne( technolo+% is the =e%////and (e +et the =e% at the appropriate time//// nanotechnolo+% is the AladdinBs lamp and (ill open up man% thin+s, (hich (ill create personal 'reedom in the not to distant 'uture, 0omposites 'rom nanocarbons and other allo% t%pe materials available no( and man% more (ill come on line as nanotechnolo+% improves and (ill replace plastics as (e =no( them, Dlastics and petroleum b%products are old ne(s, li=e (hale oil the% have served their purpose but have no place in the 'uture, Alien technolo+% is so 'ar ahead o' (hatBs on earth itBs not 'unn%, 7umans receive technolo+% as the% need it////onl% one hundred %ears a+o the% onl% needed (hale oil 'or their lamps, There are millions o' planets >ust li=e earth and the% too have the same technolo+%///and computers as (e have, -nside the ship - 'ound no instrumentation as (hat (e (ould have in a coc=pit o' an airplane////there (as nothin+ on the ship that - could determine to be instrumentation///the ship moved b% brain (aves////the% let me pla% a little bit (ith it, 0ompared to our (orld their (orld is total ma+ic, There is no such thin+ as human technolo+%,-n the @nited States there are thousands o' public schools and most o' the schools have the same textboo=s////each school did not create the textboo=s the% bu% them 'rom the publishers The same technolo+% that earth "receives" other planets li=e earth receive as (ell, -' %ou (ere ta=en o'' this planet and put do(n onto a planet that is at the same level as earth %ou (ouldn't =no( %ou ever le't earth,


The technolo+% (e have no( is (hat is re)uired to sustain a planet (ith &,# billion people more or less////(ithout the present technolo+% earth (ould be a +rave %ard, And the% could end hun+er and povert% and (ars and diseases and ma=e this planet a utopia///but the% are not +oin+ to////ho(ever the% are +oin+ to slac= up on it and ma=e thin+s better than the% are no( but (e still have a couple o' speed bumps to pass over be'ore that happens, -' ET (ants it out there it (ill be put out there, -Bm not ho++in+ in'ormation 'or m% o(n consumption////(hat (ould be the point? An entit% li=e ET can enter into an% machine///animal2insect2etc, to interact (ith humans 'or a verit% o' reasons and purposes, ET can also place a soul into an% machine///as containment, 'or example, and that soul ma% or ma% not be a(are o' (here it is, The Soul ?ur souls are attached to the bodies (e resided in, (e are here inside a machine (e call a human bod%////the pain is real, the >o% is real, hate and love are real//// The% sa% %ou canBt ta=e it (ith %ou (hen %ou die////not )uite true, ever%one leaves earth (ith plent% o' ba++a+e////all the pain %ou caused to others and %oursel', and all the >o% %ou created 'or %ou and others///that all +oes (ith %ou (hen %ou die, our soul is priceless and there is a hu+e amount o' ener+% bein+ expanded on %our behal'///as is true 'or all o' us, ?nce %ou are on the other side %ou have certain options and li'e choices %ou can choose 'rom 'or %our next li'e////perhaps %ou mi+ht (ant to be a leader o' a countr%, a +eneral in some arm%, a school teacher, or a >anitor, 3ependin+ on (hat level o' consciousness %ou are////determines ho( man% thin+s %ou can pic= 'rom////and the )ualit% o' those thin+s, ou can also be someone (ho is sel'less, li=e a mother Theresa////or return to earth to help a 'amil% member or 'riend, A'ter %ou ma=e %our choice %ou (ill be placed into circumstances that lead %ou to those positions in li'e, An%thin+ %ou chose is not a +uarantee o' success or happiness////%ou have to ma=e those thin+s happen 'or %oursel'/////once %ou are in the shoes o' a (orld leader or super stars li=e Gohn 9elushi, Gimi 7endrix, and Ganis Goplin %ou (ill learn that those lo't% positions are not necessaril% eas% street/////as %ou pointed out, All li'e 'orms are sophisticated machines (ithout souls, ho(ever a soul is a soul////and a soul can enter into an% machine includin+ pets and insects/////'or a variet% o' purposes includin+ entertainment or punishment////the machine one enters into determines (hat that soul can or canBt do/////an%thin+ less than a human li'e can be a ver% borin+ and tedious existence 'or a soul, Stars and planets are bein+ created b% the billions as (e spea=////a process that has no be+innin+ or


endin+////ne( stars and planets replace diein+ ones/////unli=e stars most souls live 'orever////some die 'or a number o' reasons includin+ extin+uishin+ themselves////'ree(ill havin+ +ot the best o' them and the% re'use to +o on, Aho creates souls? A +od? A committee o' super bein+s? A soul machine? A mad scientist?/////souls are created in a similar (a% as (e procreate here on earth////throu+h immense love////on earth it ta=es the love o' t(o people to reproduce a human machine///bod%////and then a soul is inserted, 0reatin+ a soul is accomplished b% a number o' souls (ho have reached a hi+h level o' unconditional love////and this soul becomes a part o' their communit%////or 'amil%, 7umans could ma=e the machine throu+h clonin+ but the% never (ill have the abilit% to trans'er the soul 'rom one bod% to the next////(ithout ET, 7%potheticall% i' ET allo(s humans to success'ul clone a human a soul o' ETBs choosin+ (ill be placed into the bod%////ET has al(a%s used clones 'or themselves and 'or humans that (or= 'or them to enter into, Aill humans ever create a mechanical replacement 'or themselves 'or the purpose o' extendin+ their lives////no, itBs not allo(ed, 7umans are placed into bab% bodies so that the% have a ne( slate to (or= 'rom (ithout the distractions o' other lives or experiences, ?nce %ou leave this li'e %ou donBt need a mechanical or ph%sical contraption to exist, The soul is advanced be%ond (hat (e are allo(ed to do here on earth, The soul has been to nei+hborin+ stars and other +alaxies////unless %ou are brand ne(, 7umans on this planet (ill not travel outside this solar s%stem (hile the% are alive or in human bodies, This is not 7oll%(ood, Star Tre= t%pe o' travel is not in the cards 'or earth, ;i'e never ends unless %ou opt out or are thro(n out////most souls remain in the universe 'or a lon+ time////even 'orever, The souls on the other side are pure ener+% and some exhibit more li+ht than others////some are radiant////(hen a 0hristian comes in contact (ith a radiant bein+ the% see Gesus, (hen a 9uddhist sees a radiant bein+ the% see 9uddha///a $uslim (ould see Allah, etc////even (hen itBs the same bein+, The soul cannot be +iven a(a% or ta=en a(a% 'rom an%one////%our soul belon+s to %ou////%ou are stuc= (ith it 'or a lon+ time, The soul is ener+% not the =ind (e are 'amiliar (ith on this planet but ener+% nonetheless///the onl% di''erence is that some souls have more o' it than others, 7uman souls and the collective ener+% o' the baEillions o' other souls in this and other +alaxies is the petrol that 'uels the universe, 7o(ever, it ma% not 'eel li=e it (hile (e are stuc= here in the 8 to # doldrums called li'e/////but the vie( +ets better the hi+her up %ou +o, A'ter the soul reaches a certain level reincarnation is a choice//////besides, at hi+her levels li'e becomes en>o%able and (ithout stress, and is nothin+ li=e (e experience here on earth re+ardless o' (hether %ou are in a ph%sical t%pe bod% or a 'ree spirit, Dast mista=es are irrelevant////the onl% thin+ that counts is (hat %ou do (ith this li'e///(hich (ill


determine (hat %ou do next, Souls are not 'or sale////(e canBt even +ive them a(a%////(e are stuc= (ith our souls 'or a lon+ time////throu+h +ood times and bad/////li=e marria+e, ?ur deepest desires cannot be 'ul'illed b% others////the% can be 'acilitated b% others but (e are (illin+ participants in the outcome, 7umans are 'ree to sell themselves short/////thatBs the extent o' the soul trade, Souls on earth are mostl% attached inside o' a human bod%, us/////spirits are souls that have le't the bod% at death and are roamin+ around this (orld 'or an% number o' reasons////the% have re+rets a'ter the% passed a(a%, the% are lost and con'used, or the% have been +iven an opportunit% to visit a place or a person, The soul is the :th dimension, Alien %ersus &uman '/' $ost ETs are souls li=e us in di''erent uni'orms and at a hi+her level than us////the% are here on numerous assi+nments////most are asexual bein+s that travel bet(een planets per'ormin+ their >obs//// but bac= on home planet the% do not have the nuclear 'amil% structure (e have on earth////its more o' an extended 'amil% that can include thousands o' other souls////some o' those 'amil% member are on earth and donBt =no( that the% are part o' these clans, ET verses humans at (ar is impossible because the% are a more enli+hten version o' us///and the% reall% li=e us///// i' that (ere not the case (e all (ould be (orm 'ood////all six plus billion o' us//// and the% (ouldnBt even su''er one sin+le casualt%,, 9ut the% are ever%(here and in lar+e numbers includin+ America and Europe/////(ere the% remain mostl% inco+nito 0an %ou ima+ine a displa% li=e that over a lar+e American cit%?/////lots o' >ets (ould +et scrambled////man% people (ould be unnerved b% it, Aords do no >ustice to explain itF ETs are ma+ical bein+s that radiate immense pleasurable ener+%//// but (ith some the% radiate the opposite, A 'e( minutes (ith them and m% (hole (ee= 'eels +ood, !ow do you communicate with them Do you have conversations or do you communicate via telepathy 9oth, but - pre'er bein+ in their presents to receive communication////the% are too cool, -n previous posts - stated that - could not remember (hat the% loo=ed li=e, that has chan+ed, the% have let me see them, the% have sli+ht human characteristics, the% are small, and the% have a thrillin+ radiance, +ra%ish dar= (ith (hite spec=les, 88,8 percent o' the ET phenomenon has no human (ords to describe it, -tBs mind bo++lin+ ho( 'ar removed (e are 'rom them, 9ut then a+ain ever%thin+ is perspective, i' %ou (ere able to +o bac= and meet 9en Fran=lin and %ou handed him a credit card////ho( could %ou explain plastic to him? ?r even the concept o' livin+ in a


time (here plastic cards are used as mone%////that %ou can use over and over a+ain (ithout +ivin+ up that m%sterious card in exchan+e 'or the +oods, There is no amount o' (ords that (ould explain a simple piece o' plastic to people a 'e( centuries bac= much less the rest o' the thin+s that ma=e up our lives toda%, 9ut - can tell %ou (ant the +ood stu'', the drin= reserved 'or 6-Ds, Aell - donBt tal= about it much because itBs too craE% and ammo 'or the s=eptics but here is a smid+e/// (here %ou can +o into a room inside the ship and actuall% meet 9en Fran=lin////not time travel, not holo+ram, but the man himsel' as he is no(, he loo=s exactl% the same except he (as (earin+ a li+ht bro(n robe///(e tal=ed about the (eather, The% can and do probe our minds but not (ith devices, the% do it (ith their minds, 7umans canBt hide their thou+hts 'rom ET, 7umans have similar po(ers over animals and insects, (e canBt read the brains o' animals but (e =no( (hat the% are capable o'/////our intellect is 'ar superior because animals and insects donBt have intellect, the% operate solel% on instinct, -n comparison to ETsB intellectual po(ers human intellect is reduced to the level o' instinct////the% anticipate our action be'ore (e act on them, -n addition the% telepathicall% hear ever% thou+ht in our heads/////and the% can scan ever% bit o' in'ormation in our minds////the% have access to our memories, The% have ever%thin+ (e have plus a (hole lot more, $ost o' the ETs that are here on earth are on the >ob and doin+ business, ho(ever tourist 're)uentl% visit earth inco+nito -n realit% other humans canBt harm %ou other than to do ph%sical harm and perhaps some mental an+uish (hile in this li'e, an%thin+ humans do to other humans is temporar% and con'ined to this planet and the ph%sical bod%, ET on the other hand can e''ect us lon+ term////their reach spans other li'etimes and planets, and the% have access to our ver% essence, the soul, -tBs a +ood thin+ the% are on our side, ,,,ho(ever, the% loo= some(hat li=e the +ra%s, small bodies, e%es not as lar+e, dar=er in complexion (ith (hitish spots////but their appearance chan+ed dependin+ on (here the% (ere, Ahile in m% house the% had a +lo( li=e a blac= li+ht, (hile outside their appearance too= on a human shade2)ualit%, - (ish - could claim m% intellect as m% o(n but - didnBt create the brain that houses it or the so't(are that runs it, -Bm simpl% a messen+er 'or those (ho hear the messa+e and an anno%ance to those that donBt, ?ur minds are (hat trip us up, 'or instance animals are not a(are o' be+innin+ and endin+ the% simpl% exist ?nce %ou are removed 'rom the limits put upon us b% our so called intellect existence is not all that complicated, The (orld became complicated a'ter (e replaced the +ods (ith humanism durin+ the Renaissance a 'e( centuries bac=5o to an% culture that (e consider in'erior and the% donBt have a problem (ith the existence thin+, Althou+h most o' the +ods o' anti)uit% are simpl% 'ables the% represent more truth than our (iEards o' modern da% science ever (ill, Toda% i' (e canBt 'i+ure it out (ith a 'ormula or calculation then li'e


doesnBt compute, Ahat (e perceive as ph%sical matter is but a vibration////ever%thin+ is an ener+% 'ield vibration, the hi+her up the more exotic the ener+% and ET is (a% up on that scale////literall%, ET moves ver% rapidl%///li=e a hummin+ bird except that hummin+ birds are 'roEen in the air compared to the level o' vibration ET is at, For us humans to see them the% have to slo( themselves do(n a bunch////and 'or communications to ta=e place the% have to speed us up b% some t%pe o' ph%sical contact li=e puttin+ a can o' paint into a sha=er////the can and sha=er are on the same level o' vibration, Some people li=e to call them interdimensional bein+s but (e are in the same dimension as the% are/////li=e radio band(idth and li+ht spectrum////all in the same dimension %et thin+s are ver% di''erent 'rom one end o' the spectrum to the other and ever%thin+ in bet(een, Sounds biEarre? ////that doesnBt be+in to describe contact (ith them, ET is not +oin+ to 'ix %our problems 'or %ou or the 6an 5oh+s o' the (orld////the% +ave him a talent////and the% +ave the (orld the paintin+ he produced, No one +rabs %ou and shoves +enius into %our head////%ou have to +o out and (or= 'or it///and %ou mi+ht +et luc=% and the% (ill +ive %ou somethin+////but happiness is elusive////that is one thin+ %ou have to +et on %our o(n, The 'eelin+s chan+e over time, - donBt =no( i' the% 'ine tune themselves to us or ho( it (or=s, -n m% earl% %ears the% seemed normal to me and - donBt remember 'eelin+ an% di''erent around them verses around m% 'amil% and 'riends, ?nce - became a teena+er the% dealt (ith me di''erentl% and 'ear came on me (hen the% sho(ed up///even (hen the% (ere invisible, As an adult their po(er'ul ener+% e''ected me and - =ne( it (as comin+ 'rom them, also i' - (as asleep (hen the% came m% brain lit up li=e a li+htnin+ storm and m% eardrums buEEed////and then the% made their appearance as i' the% came throu+h a vortex and permeated into m% room, No( - +et a mild buEE (henever the% sho( up////sometimes nothin+/////and the% emanate euphoria////and as - stated in an earlier post that 'eelin+ rubs o' on me and lasts several da%s, -' onl% the% could bottle up that stu''N DS: -Bm not =noc=in+ or >ud+in+ an%one about dru+ use but the% continue to tell me its not the (a% to +o, Their messa+e isnBt 'or me, - have no desire 'or narcotics or an% =ind o' stimulants, and - onl% ta=e the occasional Advil and one +lass o' (ine (ith m% dinner, ETs can access ever% po(er ima+inable, humans onl% a 'e(///and not ver% (ell, ESD is available to us and man% o' us use it (ithout =no(in+ it////our brains broadcast thou+hts////brain (aves, li=e radio stations and some people pic= up the (aves////have %ou ever notice that some people///relatives or close 'riends seem to be able to read %our mind///or %ou read theirs? Tele=inesis is a little tou+her 'or the human brain to master, but it can be done////especiall% i' %ou have an ET shill hidin+ in the bac=+round, The% exist mostl% as ener+%, but the% also have bodies the% enter into 'or reasons onl% the% =no(/// and those bodies are more advance than the human bod%////the% donBt need nourishment as (e do, nor do the% have the bodil% 'unctions////completel% di''erent anatom%, Those masters o' the past that (e call enli+htened came to earth (ith their L;i+hts onMF the% did not


'ind enli+htenment (hile here on earth, ETs move at a hi+her rate o' 're)uenc% than humans because o' the level o' ener+% the% exist at///// their hi+h 're)uenc% is not a measure o' their enli+htenment////bad souls and polter+eist vibrate at hi+her 're)uencies than humans as (ell, Full% enli+htened donBt 're)uent places li=e earth////not that the% are Ltoo +oodM 'or earth but the% are occupied at hi+h levels////most o' the people on earth live in Third Aorld countries/////do those humans hi+her up the 'ood chain +o live amon+st them?////A 'e( do but the% do it 'or their o(n spiritual needs, There are man% t%pes o' ET but the most 're)uent are =ind o' blue/collar, the% are not mana+ement the% do the +runt (or=, The% use ships because the% are dealin+ (ith ph%sical humans, and the ships are plat'orms 'or their base o' operations, Also there a man% =inds o' ph%sical realities, not human but similar////'rom other star s%stems a 'e( notches up 'rom humans that visit earth on tour ships The ETs that are in m% li'e are small, humanoid (ith a bluish hue, sometimes the% seem to have spots////the% are not made o' the same stu'' (e humans are made o', the% seem to be somethin+ in bet(een ph%sical and ethereal///the% can move throu+h ph%sical ob>ects %et the% can hold onto ph%sical ob>ects, The brain is li=e a computer (e use as much as (e need, people in +eneral use more o' it no( than the% did a hundred %ears a+o, toda% and in the 'uture (e use the computer to resonate (ith the brain////to au+ment the po(er o' the mind/////The compute (ill not replace the brain onl% ma=e it more e''icient, ETs have never stopped tin=erin+ (ith humansF and -ndi+o children are not a ne( phenomenon ever% +eneration since the be+innin+ o' time had them in their midst, 7i+h 'oreheads and stron+ ps%chic abilities are not si+natures o' star children, 6ar%in+ de+rees o' ps%chic abilit% exist in all humans and non/sentient animals, Ae can communicate (ith an%one in the (orld (ith a simple device called a cell phone, et the cell phone and its correspondin+ paraphernalia support s%stems are no match to the communication device that is standard e)uipment in ever% brain, That e)uipment has al(a%s been there the onl% di''erence no( is that more people are becomin+ a(are o' it, and some are learnin+ ho( to use it, Sleeper, what is the best way "in your opinion which # hope will be influenced by ET$ to improve our ES% skills #&m serious as a heart attack. 7i 1*1 -t donBt +et an%more serious than that//// ESD (or=s best around others (ho also have the abilit% and =no( that the% have it, ;i=e the cell phone i' the person %ou are tr%in+ to reach is (ithout one (hat +ood is it? That is one reason man% people +et 'rustrated (ith ESD////the% =eep +ettin+ bus% si+nals, $ore people have to +et on line be'ore ESD can be a viable communications device, Nevertheless, ESD is ver% simple to use %ou simpl% thin= o' the person and the messa+e and =eep sendin+ that si+nal until the% receive it, -' the% are completel% o'' line then the% (ill not receive the messa+e or perhaps the% are not associatin+ the messa+e (ith an external source, 7o(ever, %ou must a+ree that humanit% in +eneral is not read% 'or mass consumption o' ESD,


-t can easil% be subverted and used to dama+e the minds o' unsuspectin+ persons, 0an %ou ima+ine boiler rooms o' hi+hl% advanced ps%chics 'illin+ the air(aves (ith ps%chic spam? For no( ET is =eepin+ the lid on////but allo(in+ a 'e( people to pla% (ith that po(er so that it remains a viable probabilit% 'or a 'uture time, The human brain is a receptor 'or =no(led+e/////humans did not create the brain nor do (e =no( ho( it (or=s/////ET created the brain and the% upload the so't(are that (e use to ma=e thin+s, Ae all need some e+o, thatBs (hat motivates us to accomplish thin+s, but li=e an%thin+ %ou have to control it and not let it control %ou, 7umanit% as a (hole (ill never a+ree on much o' an%thin+, and as 'ar as +raspin+ that (e =no( nothin+ (hile mortal (ell does an%one =no( an%thin+ no( or ever about li'e in the bi+ bad universe?////besides ET and (hoever the% chose to use as their mouth piece, 7uman brains are transmitters there'ore ever% thou+ht is pic=ed up b% ETs, The% i+nore most re)uests 'or obvious reasonsF this planet is not a theme par= and most o' them are here doin+ certain >obs, ETs are behind our inspirations, our technolo+%, and ever%thin+ that ma=es the (orld (hat it is, The% have the cure 'or ever%thin+ and the% can unloc= cures 'or an%one///i' those in need as= nicel% and then believe it possible////but thatBs the hard part, belie' is a po(er'ul tool but most on this planet donBt have it in them to use that mental resource to their advanta+e, Also, people are placed into certain situations////pain and su''erin+ are secondar% concerns to the broader realit% o' li'e experiences, ?verpopulation has nothin+ to do (ith an%thin+ and there is no such thin+////the% control ho( man% people are on this planet and the% can put a (hole lot more do(n here, (hich is the plan, 3ar(in (as (ron+////b% desi+n, There is no such thin+ as evolution, ever%thin+ is made///and sometimes improved upon///but thatBs illusion, 7umans need somethin+ to believe and ETs created illusions throu+hout histor%////ever%thin+ is sta+ed, Ae are enterin+ a ne( era and some o' the old illusions2props are outdated and are slo(l% bein+ deconstructed////%es there (ill be ne( illusions and props so that the vast ma>orit% can remain in their protective bubble o' realit%, Life " !eath $ost people livin+ in the (estern (orld are clueless to ho( bad man% people on this planet have it, more than 'our billion people live (a% belo( povert%////So the rest mi+ht count their blessin+ i' the% live above the povert% line, Stran+el% enou+h more people in the (est and (ell/o'' communities commit suicide, and sit around (aitin+ 'or death than those (ho live on the ed+e o' hell in Third Aorld countries, - paint a nice picture o' (hatBs to come a'ter here to encoura+e those (ho believe that li'e has nothin+ to o''er////but this li'e is ver% important and (hat %ou do (ith it (ill determine (here %ou end up next///use this li'e (isel%, Ahen %ou die %ou (ill see 'riends and 'amil% on the other side that are in the in bet(een place////


sta+in+ area be'ore %ou or the% +o else(here////and %ou (ill be 'ull% a(are o' those %ou le't behind////as much as %ou (ant to be////until %ou enter a ne( li'e, -' %ou return to earth or another planet li=e it %our memor% (ill be (iped////but the hi+her the level %ou achieve %ou retain more and more////re+ardless o' (here %ou +o, ou never stop be %ou (hen %ou die////%ou (ill be a(are o' more that (hat %ou are a(are o' no(, All %our memories (ill be intact and cr%stal clear////unli=e the% are here on earth, ou (ill =no( sleeper (as ri+ht, ;i'e and death are both illusion, Deople on this planet are here because the% are not per'ect, The trip to per'ection is a lon+ and treacherous >ourne%////and not achieve easil% in one li'e/////most people re)uire man% li'etimes to +et there, -n the sta+in+ area %ou and others (ill decide (hatBs best 'or %ou////ta=e it eas% in the sta+in+ area//// +o visit other planets in ph%sical or spirit 'orm includin+ this planet////or move on to other advanced planets/////i' %ou are reall% +ood %ou mi+ht even +et to be a super star, -' %ou commit suicide /////(ithout >ust cause///// %ou (ill be returned bac= to this planet ver% )uic=l% and placed into much more di''icult circumstances/////no i's, ands, or buts, ?n the other side all %our 'ears and an+er are +one (ith the (ind////(hile %ou are there////and %ou (ill be the best o' 'riends/////ho(ever man% centuries ma% pass be'ore %ou cross paths a+ain////in the sta+in+ area o' existence, Ever%one %ou come into contact (ith on earth has a connection to %ou 'rom the other side, ou canBt control (hat t%pe o' person she is nor ho( she 'eels about %ou////but %ou can control ho( %ou 'eel about her////%ou donBt have to be (ith her but %ou should 'or+ive an% trans+ressions or ill 'eelin+s %ou have about her////even i' its her 'ault////other(ise %ou ma% have to deal (ith that issue a+ain/////ever%thin+ has to be resolved in order to move up/////especiall% an+er bet(een t(o people/////disa+reement is o=, Each time %ou come bac= even (ith a purpose %ou still have that pes=% 'ree(ill to deal (ith////i' %ou choose to smo=e or >ump in 'ront o' a movin+ car %ou (ill alter the ori+inal contract, Rememberin+ has nothin+ to do (ith an%thin+////other than it can +ive %ou an advanta+e////sometimes %ou +et them but mostl% %ou donBt, Fear mon+ers come in man% dis+uises and those (ho 'all 'or their su+ar coated ideolo+% and lies usuall% end up havin+ to do another term on this planet, -' more people realiEed that li'e +oes on a'ter death and (hat %ou do in this li'e determines (hat %ou (ill do in the next//////the (orld (ould me a much better place, -t ta=es a stron+ (ill to see the truth and onl% those that are determined (ill see it, -' the boat has a lea= in it (e have t(o choices bail out the (ater to bu% some time or sit bac= and accept the 'act that %ou are sin=in+////%ou ma% die in both scenarios but (hich one do %ou thin= (ill loo= better on %our rQsumQ 'or the next li'e? The un'ortunate realities as (e humans see them is that death is inevitable and (ill eventuall% 'ind us///////and ta=e most o' us out o' this li'e =ic=in+ and screamin+, Not all planets are as horrible as this one/////but some are much (orst


For most death is )uic= and painless and %ou 'ind %oursel' in a tran)uil place/////the bad part is 'or tose le't behind (ho have to deal (ith the loss, Ae have 'ree(ill and can chose to ta=e it eas% should (e 'ind ourselves over(helmed b% the crap li'e thro(s at us////but some(here alon+ the line %ou have to ma=e up 'or it, -' %ou (ere in militar% basic trainin+////as an example////and %ou 'ell behind because %ou couldnBt handle the stress and constant abuse////%ou (ould have to +o bac= and start over at some point and tr% a+ain////or +et =ic=ed out o' this existence but (e do have to achieve a minimum o' (hat (e came do(n here to achieve////durin+ this li'e or the next, , - canBt spea= 'or %our li'e speci'icall% and i' %ou are content (ith (ho %ou are then perhaps %ou are on trac=/////pain is not a re)uirement to move ahead in this li'e or an% lives////nevertheless, 'or some that is the onl% (a%, Ae humans have that turned around a bit/////(e donBt +ive li'e a shot////li'e is the vehicle that +ives us a shot//////(e prove to ourselves (hat (e are made o' (hen (e are not de'eated b% the crap, and 'utilit% o' existence/////in other (ords can (e ta=e (hat li'e dishes out////even i' itBs mind numbin+ boredom? Still, there are cate+ories in li'e, (e are on earth 'or a number o' reason but the three main ones are, *, Dunishment 'or past li'e discrepancies and crimes, !, To learn and experience somethin+ ne( and endure a certain amount o' problems, 1, To en>o% this li'e////a +i't 'rom the +ods =ind o' deal/////'or extraordinar% achievements in other lives, $ost people are not a(are that the% are in a cate+or% and thatBs (h% li'e seems un'air and un>ust////// to the +eneral population, There is no real deathF (e (a=e up a'ter this li'e into another li'e, The% do not die, the% are not as connected to their bodies as (e are////in other (ords i' (e (ere li=e them (e could >ump 'rom one bod% to the next as easil% as chan+in+ clothes, No one comes into this (orld b% accident///the% are sent here or the% came b% their o(n choice, This planet is literall% 7eaven and 7ell, paradise 'or some hell 'or others////and the rest o' us are some(here in/bet(een, Ever%thin+ that happens on this planet +ood and bad is noted, those that do (ron+ ma% escape punishment (hile on earth but once the% leave earth the% (ill pa% 'or ever% misdeed, Nevertheless, memor% o' past lives, accomplishments and 'ailures are retained in a cosmic sa'e deposit box that %ou can access bet(een lives////ever%thin+ (e do counts, So (h% do (e exist? Filler, there is lots o' empt% space out there that needs 'illin+, Ahat space (e end up 'illin+ depends (hat (e are made o', so, $ost on this planet are here to prove themselves to themselves and others, -' - told %ou that %ou (ere a hate'ul person, a +reed% person, a +ood person a lovin+ person %ou mi+ht believe the +ood thin+s - sa% about %ou but not necessaril% the bad, All our actions are recorded and (hen (e leave earth (e +et to see (hat =ind o' person (e reall% are/////(e canBt den% an%thin+ because ever%thin+ (e do or thin= (ill be in 'ront o' us li=e a movie,


?ur deceit'ulness, charitable acts, compassions, hate'ulness, +reed, env%, heroic acts, co(ardliness, etc (ill be indisputable and part o' our +alactic rQsumQ, @ltimatel%, our acts (ill determine our place in the universe Re+ret o' opportunities lost is the end result 'or those clothed in the muc= o' arro+ance and stupidit%////'e( escape the allure o' those t(o +reat trans+ressions because do(n deep inside (e all crave to be bad////thatBs (h% (e are here////didactic me m% unintentional nature, ?n the other side o' the curtain (e 'ind purit% and truth, pain and an+uish +one and our consciousness 'ull% intact////(e are on vacation 'or a time, then (e contemplate our next curtain call////are (e read%?////the curtains are man% and can be no less con'usin+ than a house o' mirrors 'or those (ho indul+ed to much (ine o' 'oll% and pride (hile on earth, ?n the other side o' the curtain the vast ma>orit% o' souls///people i' %ou (ill, live li=e =in+s, $ost are richer than $idas, (ould ma=e 9ill 5ates loo= li=e a pauper in comparison, 7ere on earth the vast ma>orit% live no better than animals, The main di''erence is that those on the other side =no( that resources o' the mind are limitless, here man% believe that the% came 'rom slim and others believe the% must live impoverished lives to appease the +ods////rubbish, Each o' us have the po(er o' superman and each one o' us is as (ealth% as our brethren on the other side////'ilth% rich (ith unlimited resources, No one can ma=e a 'lo(er bloom, the 'lo(er must bloom on its o(n////no one on this planet can hold an%one do(n///the po(er to shine or not too shine is (ithin each o' us, Each soul came into this (orld alone and each soul (ill have to 'ind its (a% out o' the muc= on its o(n////some people appear to have advanta+es and thatBs because the% do///the% came in at a hi+her level, @topia alread% exists on billions o' (orlds in this +alax%, earth is not utopia, earth is a provin+ +round 'or those (ho (ant to +et to utopia////ho(ever ever%one is capable o' improvin+ their o(n lives considerabl% (hile here on earth i' the% pic= up on the clues all around them, Ahen (e be+in to use our minds and not abuse them (e become a(are o' the bi++er picture////there is no need or lac=, those are illusions to =eep people in their place///(allo(in+ in sel'/pit% and despair,Ae can brea= 'ree o' those chains or remain in them (ith the rest o' the con+re+ation, Extremel% important i' %ou donBt (ant to come bac=////important to %ou mostl%////once %ou are on the other side %ou empathiEe (ith those that are stru++lin+ on places li=e earth but %ou are not a''ected b% (hat the% have to +o throu+h because %ou (ill understand itBs necessar% li=e +ivin+ a child a shot, There are humans on other planets in this solar s%stem (hich are (or=in+ (ith ETs and there are humans bein+ held captive////imprisoned////these are not people %ou (ould (ant to be around, ETs are ever%(here in this solar s%stem, %ouBd thin= the% o(ned the place//// Dlanets li=e earth are places lo( on the totem pole and have 'e( i' an% privile+es //// +alaxies are =ind o' li=e societies (ith schools////elementar%, middle school, hi+h school and colle+e////the hi+her up the more 'reedoms and privile+es one has, $an% humans (hen the% leave earth////die, (ill +o directl% to a utopia planet and retain most o' their memories o' the li'e the% had here///or the% can choose to bloc= it out,


Those (ho are here strictl% 'or punishment are bloc=ed 'rom leavin+ and (ill dependin+ on (h% the% are here have to do several tours be'ore the% can +et out, $an% are in their last sta+es o' their reincarnation c%cles and man% are here 'or learnin+ purposes and (ill leave this earth once the% achieved their +oal, and some are on vacation, +eli ions, Me*itation " Spirituality Deople meditate in order to discover a hi+her a(areness in themselves, $illions throu+hout the a+es pra%ed to their +ods 'or +uidance////and 'avors, $editation and pra%er is simpl% telepathic communications (ith hi+her bein+s, Deople 'ixate on an ob>ect or idea and 'ocus ener+% to it///// sometimes (ith supernatural results, Success usuall% comes to those most determined to +et (hat the% desire, The 'act is there are hi+her bein+s amon+ us////the% have al(a%s been around////in various 'orms///// spiritual, corporal, and somethin+ in/bet(een, -' %ou as= Lnicel%M the% mi+ht +ive %ou (hat %ou (ant//////a'ter all, the% have access to most o' the secrets o' the universe,The% don't care (hat reli+ion %ou are, or i' %ou have no belie's (hatsoever, $editation is mental communication (ith a hi+her po(er as is pra%er, @nless %ou believe that the subconscious is >ust another part o' the human brain and dies (ith the bod%/////at death////it doesnBt, The subconscious is a communications center (ith hi+her po(ers outside o' the human bod%, That part o' the mind is (here (e receive much o' our LintuitionM and other pertinent in'ormation that (e call creativit%, /////and itBs the place (here (e experience the thin+ =no(n as Leure=aM, a'ter ponderin+ over a problem and +ettin+ an ans(er, Dra%er uses these same 'acilities, Ahat is telepath%? Ta=in+ (ith other people or invisible entities non/ verball%, Ahen people pra% the% usuall% do so in silent meditation, -' the% pra% out loud their thou+hts are still aimed at certain deities, or ob>ects, All our verbal and non/verbal communications are monitored b% the +ods////- pre'er to call them ETs, Spiritualit% is a 'unn% thin+, no one =no(s exactl% (hat it is, Althou+h ever% livin+ thin+ has a 'orm o' it includin+ the ETs/////unless the% are biolo+ical machines created as probes, or as a (or='orce around the +alax%, All livin+ thin+s exist at some level o' a(areness, presumabl% the hi+her the level o' a(areness the hi+her the spiritualit%, 7o(ever, spiritualit% is use as a measure o' hi+her virtue b% those (ho claim to have lots o' it, 7ere on earth man% competin+ rivals have claimed exclusivit% to true Lspiritualit%M and all those others Ithose (ith contrar% belie'sJ are imposters, heathens, and spa(ns o' Satan, $ormons, 0atholics, all 'ive thousand denominations o' Drotestants, Ge(s, $uslims, 9uddhist, Anarchist, 0ommunist, Socialist, 3emocrats, Republicans and the thousands o' others that - havenBt mentioned, All these peoples and or+aniEations claim to be more virtuous, more enli+htened and there'ore, more


spiritual, than their competitors, -n that respect spirituall% is nothin+ more than an e+o trip, Ae have a soul and so do ETs/////unless the% are pure machine/////and there are lots o' machines out there involved in abductions as part o' the ET (or='orce, 7umans did not create reli+ion ETs did/////reli+ion has man% purposes/////it lets people =no( there is somethin+ bi++er than them and this earthl% existence, -t helps 'ocus +roups o' people////creatin+ communit% and purpose, Those (ho practice reli+ion tend to be proactive (ith those (ho share their belie's, Reli+ion tends to ma=e people more +enerous and LsometimesM more tolerant o' others, The% are less li=el% to en+a+e in criminal activit%F instead the% tend to be a positive in'luence in their communit%, The po(er o' reli+ion has also been abused because a lar+e arm% o' li=e minded 'ollo(ers can )uic=l% be activated/////most (ars are o' a reli+ious nature, There is a hi+her po(er but contrar% to the belie's o' ever% reli+ious or+aniEation it is not exclusive to an% o' them, ETs created reli+ion as temporar% +odheads to +ive direction and meanin+ to unciviliEed man///// (orship and discipline (ere and are necessar% evils 'or some people, 7o(ever////the real Supreme 9ein+ or 9ein+s donBt re)uire (orship o' an% =ind////(orship and pra%ers are strictl% 'or the devoteesB bene'it/////(hen it ma=es them 'eel +ood, The hi+her po(ers hear ever%oneBs cries, re)uests, desires////and al(a%s act on them////sometimes not in a (a% that the re)uester anticipated////thatBs (h% the% sa% be care'ul (hat %ou as= 'or, The ph%sical realm is an illusion and is onl% an extension o' the spiritual realm, Ever%thin+ is spiritual or plain ener+%, 0onsiderin+ that the universe is (ithout be+innin+ and (ill never end////and that souls have the same inextin+uishable )ualities reincarnation is a vehicle 'or man% =inds o' adventures///learnin+, vacation, +ro(th, punishment, re(ard and a +amut o' other motives, Also, do %ou have an% idea (hat t%pe o' reli+ion the ETs ascribe to? ?r (hat their philosoph% o' li'e and the universe is? Reli+ion has its purposes on earth////communit%////extended 'amil%////and man% other thin+s but not 'or (ar as man% speculate, Reli+ion as humans =no( it doesnBt exist at hi+her levels, the level (here ET resides, Dhilosoph% is 'or those (ho can onl% +uess about li'e and the universe////ET =no(s ever%thin+, All reli+ions and belie's are 'ables created b% ET as a component o' li'e on earth and millions o' other planets li=e earth, 7ave %ou read the boo= o' G?9? -n that boo= Satan is one o' +odBs servants//// (or=s 'or the bi+ +u%, 5ood and evil are illusions and nothin+ more than pro+rams runnin+ on this computer (e call earth, 7o(ever, there are re(ards and conse)uences on our actions based on that pro+ram////murder, rape and a host o' other criminal activit% (ill not +et %ou bro(nie points on the other side, our next tour o' dut% is determined b% %our actions on this place////more and better opportunities or 'e(er and crapp% ones, $an% people believe that i' the% are +ood and believe in certain thin+s that the% (ill be re(arded 'or all eternit% (ith pla%in+ the harp on a so't cloud 'or ever and ever////others that the% (ill be +iven a


bunch o' vir+ins to pla% (ith////their o(n personal cat house////and still others are hopin+ that the% (ill not have to come bac= as insects, Then there are those that believe this li'e is it///%ou die and become (orm 'ood, None o' that stu'' is true but most (ill not be allo(ed to =no( it until the% die///and +et their evaluation, There is no eternal hell li=e in the bible but there are some places and conditions even on earth that 'eel li=e hell is 'orever, The vast ma>orit% o' those on this planet are not +oin+ to an% place li=e hell once the% leave this hell////most are movin+ to a better place, Gesus (as not an ET, nor a manF he is a 'able, a (ell cra'ted 'able b% ET, ou (ill be one o' the >ud+es on the panel////the harshest >ud+es on the panel////and a thro( the boo= at %ou =ind o' >ud+e////once %ou cross over %our 'la(s (ill +lo( li=e hot coals////and it is %our responsibilit% to correct those 'la(s////no one else can do it 'or %ou, There is no old bearded man runnin+ the (hole sho(, or a mother earth///and there is no hell////but some o' us (ill have to put ourselves into hellish predicaments to remove our 'la(s///i' (e donBt do it voluntaril% it (ill be 'orced up on us//// The idea o' pra%er came 'rom ET, Essentiall% pra%er is a 'orm o' communication (ith them, ?ur thou+hts have 're)uencies li=e radio transmissions but the 're)uencies are to hi+h to be pic=ed up b% human e)uipment////ET pic=s them up instantl%, Six billion plus brains on earth///and all have their o(n uni)ue 're)uenc%///li=e 'in+er prints, ETs do +et on line and chat////most humans donBt =no( about ET and that the% can communicate directl% (ith ET so ET uses the conventional means o' communication///inco+nito///pra%er no matter (hich +od itBs directed to +oes to ET////sometimes ET responses to those re)uests, 0oncernin+ people (ho pra%, man% believe that bein+ in a church or on their =nees or spinnin+ a pra%er (heel (ill enhance communication (ith their deities, -ncantations, rituals and chantin+ not onl% anno%s humans it anno%s ET////strait tal= is all that is re)uired////the% hear %our thou+hts (hile %ou drive to (or=, +o shoppin+, ta=in+ a bath, (hile %ou are havin+ dinner, etc, 7umans have Eero privac%, An+els and demons are o'ten the same ET, but the% can be separate////it all pa%s the same, -tBs not the institution o' 0hristianit% or the other reli+ions and belie's that are +ood or bad, itBs the people that are put into positions and are +iven the opportunit% to be +ood or bad, Ever%one is tested on this planet////to prove to themselves (hat the% are trul% made o' , - donBt intend to mess (ith people's belie's, thatBs not m% >ob, 9ut - thin= - am 'ree to express m% opinions and share (ith those (ho mi+ht be interested////some o' m% experiences, ou sa% %ou believe in Gesus and extraterrestrials, that in itsel' is a )uandar%,The 'act that there are billions o' solar s%stems and billions o' +alaxies is common =no(led+e toda%, $an% people are slo(l% comin+ around to thin=in+ that perhaps (e are not alone////even %ou said %ou believe that, The problem is i' there are millions or billions o' planets similar to earth (ith sa% humans li=e us on them, then do all o' them need to be saved, is there millions o' GesusB out there or onl% one? ThatBs a


prett% bi+ >ob 'or one Gesus, Gesus also tried to bac= a(a% 'rom bein+ cruci'ied///he as= his 'ather 5od to Lta=e this cup 'rom me, i' it is %our I+odBsJ (ill" -' Gesus (ould have bac=ed out (hat (ould have happened to salvation? The 'act is the +od that man% people idoliEe (ould not 'orsa=e 'our or 'ive billion non believers on this planet alone////condemnin+ them to hell 'or eternit%////(hat 'ather (ould be so cruel to the children he loves////the most - have done (ith m% children (as +ive them a bad loo=////and then - 'elt bad about it, Eternal damnation////absurd, Even the (orst =ind o' human has a valuable soul////some (ill ta=e a lot o' (or= to +et the =in=s out but most o' the time it can be done////and is done For those that need 'ire and brimstone to +et throu+h the da%////sorr%///isnBt +oin+ to happen, 7ardships are not the cause o' suicide i' it (ere there (ould be no people in Third Aord 0ountries//// (here 9TA suicide is lo( compared to the rest o' the (orld, $an% people commit suicide to +et bac= at a parent or lover////the% do it out o' an+er and reven+e//// and it (or=s////suicide is devastatin+ 'or those le't to pic= up the pieces, $an% people have thou+hts o' suicide but the vast ma>orit% doesnBt carr% it out/////there is no suicide loop, All suicide is not (ron+////terminall% ill, and other circumstances li=e honor//// Samurai (arriors and others de'eated in battle////the reason behind it ma=es a di''erence, There are hi+her po(ers man% strata o' them/////a chain o' command o' sorts////i' %ou are reli+ious than %ou ma% see it as such/////but a'ter %ou are there lon+ enou+h to acclimate %ou (ill see thin+s much di''erentl% than %ou do no(, There is absolutel% nothin+ (ron+ (ith reli+ious belie's////or most belie's/////ET created all structures and institutions, - (as a 0atholic, and (hen - married - chan+ed m% reli+ion to one o' the protestant ones////the one m% (i'e and children belon+ to/////- even thou+ht m% children to be +ood 0hristians////%et - do not adhere to an% reli+ion or secular belie's, The stories in the ?T are metaphors created b% ET and +iven to the tribes o' -srael////the Ge(s did live in E+%pt and ruled it 'or nearl% t(o centuries///*#th and *.th d%nasties the% (ere =no(n as the 7%=sos////the% (ere dethroned and chased out o' E+%pt and (ondered in the desert some 'leein+ to Dalestine (here the% re+rouped////the% (ere +iven a mandate and a histor%, The NT (as created a'ter the Romans destro%ed Gerusalem and a 'action o' the 'e( remainin+ Ge(s =no(n as the Essenes (ho escaped banded to+ether and (ere +ive a ne( mandate and a ne( reli+ion////one that (ould encompass non/Ge(s///because there (ere 'e( Ge(s le't////the ne( reli+ion (as called 0hristianit% 'or a man that (as named Gesus, 7o(ever Gesus (as not an ET nor (as he the Gesus in the scripture////the scripture is *""R alle+or%, 7ave %ou read the boo= o' Gob? That boo= in a nutshell tells the stor% that Satan does 5odsB biddin+////'or those (ho believe in 5od and the devil, Ahat -Bm sa%in+ is that +ood and evil are tools used to 'or+e or repair our souls on planets li=e earth, For those (ho need 5od and the 9east////the biblical version, - tell them to read their o(n bible//// speci'icall% the boo= o' Gob////that boo= explains ver% (ell the divisions o' labor concernin+ 5od and


Satan, 9ecause - re'er people to that boo= doesnBt mean - advocate 0hristianit%/////nor do - dispara+e it or some other reli+ions////ET created them all so believin+ in them is 'ine 'or those (ho need to, Enoch (as one o' the ori+inal space co(bo%s that made 're)uent visits to earth, Enoch represents an earl% colon% o' extraterrestrials on this planet as do all the patriarchs o' that period/////he is associated (ith the Sumerians and $esopotamians////Enoch and his people established science and culture appropriate 'or that time and once their (or= (as done the% le't earth////the% set the sta+e////others (ould do the 'ollo( up, Deople (ho believe in +od donBt believe (hat - am sa%in+ because m% experiences contradicts man% reli+ious belie's, The% should believe me because itBs true////man% people believe me because the% =no( itBs true//// -Bm onl% one in thousands i' not millions (ho have experience this phenomena/////- am able to a''irm that this phenomena is true 'or those that =no( itBs true/////and thatBs (ho - (rite 'or/////those as %oursel' that have not experienced it have to ta=e it on 'aith////or not at all, Ae loo= up at the stars and (e see that the% have a be+innin+ and an endin+, stars 'orm and stars die, %et the material that ma=es up the stars remains and becomes the source 'or ne( stars, The essence o' ever%thin+ has no be+innin+ or endin+/////souls are o' a material 'ar more exotic than matter, $atter radiates 'rom the stu'' o' souls and is indestructible/////meanin+ it has no be+innin+ or endin+, Anti/matter is a 'i+ment o' the ima+inations o' a 'e( people tr%in+ desperatel% to understand an existence b% chance/////in other (ords a (orld (ithout +od, Dlanet earth is billions o' %ears old and technicall% (ould +o on 'orever i' the sun didnBt have an expiration date, 7o( man% o' us can +rasp a billion %ears, let alone 'orever? $ar% is a metaphor 'or the non/Ge(ish nations, primaril% 0hristianit%, 0hristianit%///$ar%, (as impre+nated (ith the +od o' the Ge(s////and +ave birth to a ne( reli+ion////0hristianit%, -t (as a vir+in birth because the Ge(ish nation did not consummate it, $etaphor////Gesus (al=in+ on (ater is an act o' 'aith/////those (ho believe can (al= on (ater////(hen DeterBs 'aith (aned and he be+an to (al= to Gesus 'rom the boat he san=////until Gesus too= him b% the hand and raised him up, The stor% o' Gesus (al=in+ on (ater is also a re'erence to the ?T stor% about Gonah, Reli+ion is 'or human consumption, ET doesnBt need a securit% blan=et and the promise o' re(ards such as harps and vir+ins, but the% understand that humans are motivated b% such thin+s, ET is behind the conception o' reli+ion =no(in+ the illusions created b% reli+ious tales helps man% people +et throu+h this li'e, ET doesnBt adhere to reli+ious belie'sF the% are in possession o' ever%thin+ the% desire, ET resides at a much hi+her vibration and a(areness and the% lac= in nothin+, The earthl% +ods o' biblical and secular 'ame that came do(n in ships or appeared to people in the past are not +ods, onl% advanced souls, ?ur souls =no( that (e are not alone and (hen (e are in 'ear (e cr% out 'or this un=no(n po(er to


help us // and the% do hear because no one is never alone in this (orld, The reason %ou hate to admit to believin+ in 5od or a hi+her bein+ is because it ma=es us 'eel 'oolish and (ea=// and no one li=es those 'eelin+s, Enli+htenment is not achieved throu+h meditation o' an% =indF enli+htenment is earned and 'or+ed in the 'urnaces o' li'e such as (e have on earth, $an% (ho spent their (hole lives in meditation hopin+ to escape reincarnation are bac= on +ood old planet earth////and are no( (or=in+ 'or a livin+, The road to enli+htenment is 'illed (ith blood, s(eat, and tears////those (ho attain it have callused souls to prove their (orth, There are innumerable realms o' existence and the bible onl% touched on a 'e( basic ones///those easil% understood b% the human mind, The battle over +ood and evil continues here on earth and each o' us have to decided (hich side (e (ill be on (hile on this planet///'or those =eepin+ score those choosin+ evil remain in the ma>orit%/// the% have al(a%s been in the ma>orit% because evil is more allurin+ than borin+ +ood%/t(o/shoes, Ahat man% o' us 'or+et is that evil has no po(er over us unless (e allo( ourselves to be seduced b% it////and it +oes b% several names but the t(o main ones are env% and hate, ;ots o' reli+ions and other ideas started out that (a% because it (as the same entities///ETs///that brou+ht////brin+ that in'ormation to this planet, 7umans are bein+ prepped 'or bi++er thin+s no( li=e buildin+ cities in space and other planets////still man% decades a(a% but the% plant the seeds earl%, ?nl% one hundred %ears a+o ever%thin+ that (e call common toda% (as pure ma+ic and craE% tal= bac= then Ahat - tal= about toda% is pure ma+ic and craE% tal=////but it (ill not be in a 'e( decades, Ab*uctions There are man% entities in the abduction business, includin+ some +overnments, Reasons 'or abductions are as varied as those doin+ the abductin+, 0ertain experiments can't be done openl% in a 'ree societ%/////there is lots o' paper (or=, red tape, and bureaucrac%, Deople could +et sued, and it >ust doesn't loo= +ood all around, $ost o' these experiments are done (ith alien e)uipment b% humans, and i' the humans botch somethin+ the aliens 'ix it, 0ompared to human hospitals abductees are in excellent hands, $ost abductees remember nothin+ o' the experiment, and in most cases are better o'' a'ter the visit, 'or instance, no more cancer in the person, Some aliens care little about terri'%in+ their sub>ects because the% =no( the% (ill (ipe a(a% all memor% o' the experience, -ts li=e dealin+ (ith +overnment personnel, the% treat people li=e cattle because the% can, un'ortunatel% the% don't erase the experience 'rom our memories, Abductions are ne+ative because there is no control o' the situation, and panic can set in, 'ollo(ed b% the survival instinct o' =ic=in+, screamin+, %ellin+, bitin+ and punchin+/////to no avail, the% simpl%


carr% %ou a(a%, Sometimes the% encase %ou in a rubber% substance Ithe movie "Fire in the S=%" is dead onJ, This substance instantl% immobiliEes %ou, %et %ou remain conscience, %ou canBt see an%thin+ because o' the cocoon %ou are in, Ever% experience and encounter is uni)ue, some pleasant others %ou don't (ant to +o there but once, Ahat separates the +ood 'rom the bad encounters is the level o' autonom% the% allo( %ou, Abductees remember (hat the% are allo(ed to remember, nothin+ more, nothin+ less, The 'act is there are numerous people that remember more than the% are (illin+ to tal= about, The% =no( about ETs ver% (ell and don't need additional in'ormation to validate their experiences, -n other (ords the% are not +oin+ to be searchin+ internet si+hts 'or @F? in'ormation, or readin+ @F? boo=s, $an% o' these people are pro'essionals in respectable leadership positions and (ill never divul+e (hat the% =no(/////the% don't have to//////i' the% did the% (ould compromise their standin+ in the communit%, The% are the same people that (ould call %ou craE% i' %ou mentioned an%thin+ about ETs and @F?s around them, The% shield themselves (ell, The people (ho are searchin+ 'or the "truth" about aliens are those (ith bits and pieces o' memories o' their encounters, and are tr%in+ to ma=e sense o' (hat happened to them, or is happenin+ to them/////some believe the% are losin+ their minds, and need to =no( i' ETs are real, ETs in addition to (hatever else the% do (ith these people, intentionall% leave bro=en memories in them as part o' their IETsJ pro+ram to slo(l% condition man=ind to extraterrestrial realit%, Thousands o' these people (ith their cumulative @F? stories Inot enou+h in'ormation to 'ill in the puEEleJ ma=e up the catal%st that 'uels the @F? phenomena, 9ecause o' them there are millions o' people a(are that somethin+ is +oin+ on/////even thou+h these millions o' people have never seen or experienced @F?s and ETs themselves, Real extraterrestrials don't ma=e mista=es, onl% those produced in 7oll%(ood do, The Ari+ht brothers remember ho( to build and t(ea= their 'l%in+ machine the% donBt remember their visit (ith ET////the source o' the in'ormation 'or the 'l%in+ machine, There are abductees that have problems inte+ratin+ (hat the% have received durin+ an abduction, perhaps the% (ere told to chan+e certain destructive behaviors and the% re'use to do so////and then the% are unsure o' (hat is causin+ their inner con'lict////@nder those conditions ET ma% let them remember parts o' their abduction////to let them =no(/////and others, those that eventuall% (ill hear their stor%, that humans are not alone in the universe////'or ET it's li=e hittin+ t(o birds (ith one stone, $ost o' the abductions people hear about are 'rom those people////the ones that remember the ni+htmares, the probes, the scar% aliens and their ships, The abductions no one hears about are those 'rom people that are pillars o' the communit%, scientist (ith brea=throu+hs in their 'ields o' research, etc, ET abductions serve primaril% to in>ect ne( ideas and technolo+% into the (orld and to help individuals (ho are see=in+ assistance (ith certain personal problems,


-n realit% the dead are more a(are than (e are so in essence (e are dead and the% are alive,The% can hear and see us////an%time %ou thin= o' someone that %ou =ne( that passed over////died/////the% can hear %ou/////i' the% are in the in/bet(een area/////some souls sta% there 'or a lon+ time, The% canBt inter'ere (ith our lives too much but dependin+ on ho( determined %ou are 'or some help or ans(ers the% can enter %our dreams and in some situations be the insti+ators o' %our abduction//// itBs the onl% (a% to ph%sicall% touch someone on the other side, -' someone 'rom the other side meets %ou that (a% and tries to slap some sense into %ou %our conscious mind (ill be terri'ied but %our unconscious sel' (ill +et the messa+e, The ball is in %our court (hen it comes to bein+ a'raid////itBs =ind o' li=e dealin+ (ith a bull%////%ou have to muster the coura+e 'or the con'rontation, ET is not a bull% but the% are intimidatin+/////%et the% are harmless/////and not a dan+er to %ou personall%, A lot o' in'ormation 'rom them is +iven on a need to =no( basis////and onl% the% =no( (hat each o' us need to =no(, Near death is >ust that////itBs not death so the in'ormation imparted is limited, 9ut man% that have experienced it =no( (ithout a doubt that there is li'e a'ter death////that li'e continues, 7o(ever, the% donBt =no( (here their next assi+nment is +oin+ to be or ho( lon+ the% can or (ill remain in that in/bet(een place, $ost N3E are similar to abductions////the% are not accidents////people are pulled in 'or a short revie(, (arnin+, or con+ratulations/////unli=e abductions N3Es tend to be pleasant, neutral, or horrible (ith much o' the memor% le't intact, Cosmolo y Aell (e have six billion people on earth/////b% some estimates about t(o billion are $uslim, one billion 0hristians, and ma%be another billion 9uddhist that leaves t(o billion 'or ever%thin+ else, $ore than three billion humans believe one +od created ever%thin+, Ahat came 'irst the chic=en or the e++/////3ar(inist believe the e++ came 'irst, 0reationist believe it (as the chic=en, Scientists believe the universe is about 'ourteen billion %ears old and came into existence in a split second////the 9i+ 9an+/////not much di''erent then (hat the creationist believe, 9ut the universe could easil% be ten times older than that and much more/////(hoBs countin+? -' it is then it thro(s the bi+ ban+ theor% out the door, -t's possible that the universe is not onl% in'inite////but that it has al(a%s existed/////constantl% rema=in+ itsel' at the centers o' +alaxies and explodin+ stars, So in essence intelli+ent li'e could have existed 'or trillions upon trillions o' earth %ears////(hich si+ni'ies absolutel% nothin+ in the scheme o' thin+s, So that leaves onl% one conclusion o' (ho the top do+ is////itBs 7illar% 0linton, There are ETs that (ill bac= me up on that, There are man% planets exactl% li=e earth, so much so that i' ET pluc=ed %ou 'rom this one and placed %ou into one o' the others %ou (ouldnBtB =no( until %ou tried to 'ind %our house and ma=e contact (ith %our 'amil% and 'riends///the% (ouldnBt be there,


!ow is it possible for there to be other planets just like earth Aell i' 3ar(in is correct then itBs impossible, 3ar(in did his >ob ver% (ell, so (ell that millions (ill +o to the +rave believin+ in 3ar(inism///and +et the shoc= o' their lives (hen the% see him on the other side///perhaps pla%in+ 3ar(inism on some other planet, The +reat thin+ about d%in+ is that it onl% last a 'e( seconds and then %ou are alive a+ain some(here else, The place %ou (a=e up in (ill be a temporar% place////a 'antastic cit% that %ou (ill never (ant to leave, ou (ill be in spirit 'orm and in complete ecstas%////%ou ma% be there 'or a short time or hundreds o' earth %ears Itime as (e =no( it is non existent thereJ From there %ou (ill be sent to an% number o' planets, or bac= to this one, Ne( planets and stars are created ever% second in ever% +alax%, 9ut there is no tossin+ the dice as Einstein once said o'' +od, ET doesnBt toss the dice either, Dlanets are created 'or human habitation, There are planets at ever% sta+e o' so called evolution////man% people (ill remain (ith a planet 'rom be+innin+ to end////start out as a member o' a primitive tribe and end up cruisin+ around the solar s%stem, This stor% (ould ma=e a nice 'air%tale i' it (erenBt true, 9TA suicide 'or no +ood reason is unacceptable///and those (ho do it (ill be returned and presented (ith additional challen+es////more di''icult than (hat the% ran a(a% 'rom, ;i=e - said it's a bi+ universe trillions o' times bi++er then (hat is speculated///it (ill not =eep expandin+ and then li=e a slin=% 'all ban= to s)uare one and start all over a+ain////the onl% bi+ ban+ happens on the 'ourth o' Gul%////it never +ave birth to the cosmos 9ecause the universe is so bi+ and the possibilities endless///it's reall% not a 'ar stretch to believe that %ou (ill onl% live %ou li'e once/////but thatBs not to sa% %ou canBt relive %our li'e an in'inite amount o' times////%ou can, 5o to an% beach in the (orld and pic= up a +rain o' sand////thro( it into the ocean/////(hat are the chances that %ou (ill ever pic= up that same +rain o' sand? $ost souls have better thin+s to do than (ait 'or a +rain o' sand to come bac= to their hand, or live the same li'e over and over a+ain, ThatBs (h% memor% is (iped clean (hen enterin+ into planets li=e earth////so that %ou can concentrate on this li'e/////as i' it (ere %our 'irst time, $uch o' existence is that (a%////%ou donBt =no( that itBs 'orever////and %ou canBt =no( until %ou die, @nless ET sho(ed %ou, 9TA, human based reasonin+, mathematics and ph%sics do not appl% on the other side/// ?n earth the existence o' a soul is contradictor% to all scienti'ic absolutes and theories////it does not compute, The radiation is 'rom massive stars and +alaxies bein+ rec%cled (hich +ives o'' enormous amounts o' radiation across the spectrum////this radiation comes 'rom (hat scientist believe to be the ed+e o' the universe because that is the 'urthest their instruments can pic= up these exotic particles, (hich is about thirteen billion li+ht %ears a(a%////the% thin=,


The nearest star to earth is onl% 'our li+ht %ears a(a%////no human (ill ever visit that star (hile alive or in a human bod%////(a% to 'ar////can %ou +rasp the siEe o' the universe?////the best human minds canBt/////the universe is thousands o' times lar+er and more complex than an% human mind can ima+ine/////the possibilities are endless/////the abilit% to comprehend those possibilities (hile residin+ in a human brain are 'inite, The (hole idea o' random is nothin+ but a human to%////somethin+ to pla% (ith (hile in this pla%pen called earth, The onl% reason - can +ive this in'ormation is because most people (ill not believe it///// most people shouldnBt believe it////distracts them 'rom the li'e the% need to 'ocus on here on earth, -Bm tellin+ it because - (as told to tell it////re+ardless o' (hether people believe or not in'ormation is bein+ put out there////people tal=ed about 'li+ht (a% be'ore it became a realit%, - ta=e m% orders 'rom ET////the% decide i' and (hen, There are man% planets (ith intelli+ent li'e but not all o' them have the 'reedom to leave their solar s%stem, Those that can leave are able to visit other planets li=e earth on tourist visas but the% canBt interact (ith humans, Then there are rene+ades that +et throu+h the crac=s////+%psies, etc that seem to escape or 'l% under the radar o' the authorities, The ones that 'eed us in'ormation donBt come (ith name ta+s////the% operate behind the smo=escreen o' all those other aliens reported b% abductees,There are billions o' species and thousands that visit earth ever% da%/////most come here 'or the hec= o' it////others to visit the place the% use to live on in previous lives There are man% that seed in'ormation to this planet////- donBt =no( them personall%, There (as no bi+ ban+, the universe is not expandin+ nor (ill it contract and 'all into itsel'////it (ill never end, This universe is so lar+e that the ed+e (ill not be 'ound b% human instruments, ever, And because time and space are illusions so is 5enesis, Ener+% did not come into bein+/////it has al(a%s existed and it (ill never cease existin+, Ener+% existed 'orever/////(e are ener+%/////ener+% can chan+ed into man% thin+s but (e have al(a%s existed in one 'orm o' ener+% or other////there is no +enesis in the literal term unless %ou are spea=in+ about ever% time (e are born ane( on this planet or another, Seein+ the solar s%stem up close is more than most people can handle////+oin+ be%ond the solar s%stem is not +oin+ to happen/////but %ou could sa% thatBs onl% m% opinion, Are %ou serious? 6ie(in+ Saturn 'rom one o' its moons, or Gupiter/////Some people (ould have a heart attac=, some (ould 'aint, others (ould +et on their =nees and (orship it,//// ou have to see it to believe it, 9ecause the human bod% canBt ta=e the trip////the soul or essence (ould have to be ta=en out o' the bod% and placed into a container////in some cases onl% ta=en out o' the bod% and the% 'loat around the ship as a spirit, Still, most humans are not leavin+ the solar s%stem until the% die, Ae loo= up at the stars and (e see that the% have a be+innin+ and an endin+, stars 'orm and stars die, %et the material that ma=es up the stars remains and becomes the source 'or ne( stars, The essence o' ever%thin+ has no be+innin+ or endin+/////souls are o' a material 'ar more exotic than


matter $atter radiates 'rom the stu'' o' souls and is indestructible/////meanin+ it has no be+innin+ or endin+, Anti/matter is a 'i+ment o' the ima+inations o' a 'e( people tr%in+ desperatel% to understand an existence b% chance/////in other (ords a (orld (ithout +od, Dlanet earth is billions o' %ears old and technicall% (ould +o on 'orever i' the sun didnBt have an expiration date 7o( man% o' us can +rasp a billion %ears, let alone 'orever? The% sho(ed me other planets but never told me (hat the% (ere called,The cities - have seen loo=ed nothin+ li=e the cities on earth, the% (ere 'rom our point o' vie( hi+hl% 'uturistic////no ve+etation, no hu+e bubbles (ith arti'icial (eather///the% (ere slee= and a uni'orm coverin+ that (rapped around the (hole planet, There (ere man% moons and the% too had this coverin+, Ahile in this cit% the% sho(ed me (hat much o' the +alax% and the universe consist o', Dlanets li=e earth are man% and the% are at ever% sta+e o' arti'icial evolution, Ever%thin+ ima+inable exist in our +alax% 'rom the depths o' horror to the pea=s o' ecstas%, not onl% is all the (orld a sta+e but so is the (hole o' existence, There are billions o' planets li=e earth 'illed (ith people li=e us humans////and at ever% sta+e o' existence////co(bo%s and -ndians, Romans, E+%ptians, 5ree=s, Normans, -' %ou (ere li=e ET and had a ship %ou could 'l% to an% number o' planets and visit an% era that has happened on earth////not time travel////the% exist in those periods toda%////(ill the% pro+ress exactl% as the% have on earth///some (ill some (ill not, Also there are in'inite t%pes o' li'e 'orms out there////mind bo++lin+ numbers and verities The planets li=e earth populated (ith humans at this level o' understandin+ are >ust as clueless as people o' this (orld////but there are man% civiliEation 'ar more a(are o' the universe and the% =no( about li'e on other planets////and the% travel to other planets///there are man% tour ships that visit earth////(e call them s(ap +as, blimps, or the planet 6enus//// Aithout the moon li'e on earth (ould be a calmer place, too calm 'or the indi+enous li'e 'orms that are on it no(, The moon is not hollo( and it did not brea= o'' earth and distill into (hat it is toda%////the moon (as no accident or 'rea= chance it (as deliberatel% put there as a counter balance to the earths rotation and to stir the oceans////not to mention somethin+ to 'ill the ni+ht s=% and to loo= up at and marvel at the si+ht, The moon is also a hu+e repositor% o' minerals and metals that (ill be used to build cities in space, and there mi+ht be some +overnment cheese up there////(ell ma%be not, True, the% have been usin+ the moon 'or a number o' thin+s, less than one hundred %ears a+o the% had activit% on the side 'acin+ the earth but (ith the onset o' po(er'ul telescopes the% had to minimiEe and camou'la+e their actions///the% also have been cleanin+ up much o' the in'rastructure and returnin+ the landscape bac= to the (a% it (as in preparation o' human exploration, -arth To*ay


7umans have %et to hatch out o' this planet %et (e believe that (e can pic= up advanced extraterrestrial communications, 7umans are a 'e( hundred %ears 'rom that =ind o' abilit%, SET- is the pioneer, but the% hardl% have an% devices to detect exotic ET stu'', There are thousands o' alien ships buEEin+ all over the place ri+ht here on earth and our technolo+% canBt detect them, %et (e point our e)uipment at places li+ht %ears a(a% and (e expect (hat? -t (asnBt that lon+ a+o that (e communicated (ith smo=e si+nals, and cunei'orm tablets, The electroma+netic spectrum is a nice communications vehicle 'or us toda%, but itBs not (hat the bi+ bo%s in +alaxies 'ara(a% pla% (ith, Ae are not contained on this planet b% ETs (e are contained on this planet b% politicians (ho =eep us +rounded 'or personal a+endas, The% (ould rather spend tax mone% on other thin+s, NASA is so 'ear'ul that the% +round their 'leet 'or %ears ever% time a shuttle has a mishap, The space pro+ram belon+s to those (ho are not 'ri+htened so easil%, The +overnment has the mone% but the% don't have the (ill to put people into space, The chains o' containment (ill not be bro=en until private enterprise +ets into the +ame, ETs have been in'usin+ technolo+ical in'ormation into the hands and minds o' people 'or a lon+ time/////the% teach us ho( to build and ride a bi=e but the% (ill not do it 'or us, The onl% thin+ that is =eepin+ humanit% 'rom ta=in+ that next bi+ step into the cosmos is the lac= o' bac=bone 'rom the bureaucratic public sector, ETs are not concerned about the speed o' human development, nor are the% 'ear'ul that (e (ill brin+ our belli+erence into the +alax% and contaminate the (aters o' bliss'ul peace lovin+ advanced cultures, ?ur nuclear technolo+%////+iven to us b% the ETs, is li=e a small 'irecrac=er in the realm o' alien (eapons, ?ur belli+erence and (ar mon+erin+ is nothin+ but child pla%, rou+h/housin+ on the pla%+round, There are no ETs concerned about us causin+ mischie', Ae are centuries a(a% 'rom populatin+ our t(o closes roc=s, the moon and $ars, Thousands o' %ears a(a% 'rom bein+ able to leave our solar s%stem/////(hich (ill not happen until ETs +ive us the =no(/ ho( to traverse li+ht %ears in da%s, 9% then humanit% (ill understand their place in the +alax% a little better, and =no( (e are onl% a small 'ish in a bi+ ocean, There is no evidence o' ETs, Ae donBt see the ma+ic at (or= behind ever% da% phenomenon li=e simple thin+s as plants, Flo(ers sprout 'rom no(here, leaves turn ener+% 'rom the sun into apples oran+es and +rapes////poppin+ them out 'rom (ood////the process is slo(/////nevertheless, it happens (ithout our understandin+ it, ETs deliver incrementall%/////the% donBt drive up in a stealth bomber and hand us the =e%s, the% put ideas in man% peoples heads spread over man% %ears, This +alax% as (ell as most o' them are ver% complex/////but not chaotic, There is structure and accountabilit%/////un'ortunatel% there are outla(s too, Earth is an incubator/////and li=e an% nurser% there are lots o' incubators////millions o' them >ust li=e this place, 5ood help is hard to 'ind/////there'ore there are +ood careta=ers, and bad careta=ers, -'m inclined to believe that (hat (e see as +ood and bad is not necessaril% so/////(hen loo=in+ at the


bi+ picture, The reason - believe this is because - have learned more throu+h adverse situations than desirable ones, Fe( o' us (ill chose to +o throu+h hardship///////so all o' us are thro(n into it at sometime or other/////some (ould call it chance or bad luc=, This (orld didnBt need to ta=e a +iant leap 'or(ard until it reached a critical mass o' population///// and it could not 'eed, and house the numbers o' people comin+ in (ithout a ma>or shi't in technolo+%, That point in time (as the turn o' the centur%, 7umanit% is precisel% (here it should be, technolo+icall% spea=in+, That (as true one hundred %ears a+o, one thousand %ears a+o, etc, The (orld (ill never be a per'ect place/////in the minds o' ever%one/////%our idea o' utopia, ri+ht and (ron+, true happiness//////is not shared b% the six billion and +ro(in+ other 'ello( earthlin+s////// (ith their uni)ue perspective o' those same ideals, - live in a prosperous countr%/////amon+st people (ho have +ood and +reat livin+ conditions/////%et i' %ou tal= to them some are not happ%, the% are concerned about the 'uture, the econom%, their children, +ridloc= in the lar+e cities, the politicians, +ettin+ sic=, +ettin+ old, etc, -n +eneral humans tend to be pessimistic about li'e////re+ardless o' their economic condition, there are plent% o' optimists/////but the% are the exception, There'ore there never (ill be a Dromised ;and that (ill suit ever%one here on earth, ET too= man=ind/////=ic=in+ and screamin+ throu+h the -ndustrial Revolution, the% (ill ta=e man=ind into space/////re+ardless o' the un'inished problems man% perceive (e still have on earth, Not to sa% that (e as individuals, communities and nations shouldnBt do ever%thin+ (e possibl% can to help our 'ello( man/////a'ter all, that is the 'ine line that separates man 'rom beast, 7o(ever, man% o' the ans(ers to the problems on earth (ill onl% be 'ound in space/////in Eero +ravit%, and super clean labs/////'rom (hich (ill emer+e ne( advances in medicine, electronics, and a+riculture/////all there 'or the pic=in+, ?nce upon a time there (as a blue planet Lthird roc= 'rom the sunM and all o' its people believed the% (ere at the center o' the universe, and (h% not the sun IstarJ circled their 'air planet once ever% da%, surel% that meant that the +ods 'avored them out o' all the other star s%stems, No( one (ould thin= that (as a 'air%tale %et it (as (hat the avera+e person believed 'or eons, No( da%s (e =no( that the sun is stationar% %et (e still believe (e are at the center o' the universe//// millions still believe that the +ods have 'avored us above the rest o' the billion times billions o' star s%stems out there, le't them all empt% and void except 'or ours, Ahat sounds li=e a 'air%tale is in 'act a true stor%////most people reall% believe that, ?h there are man% that are (illin+ to believe that there is a possibilit% that some o' those planets have microbes and other in'erior li'e 'orms but dra(in+ the line at intelli+ent li'e li=e us or superior, Since ET has al(a%s been here the% have no need o' ambassadors, Deople are 'rustrated because man% suspect that somethin+ is +oin+ on and their +overnments are not addressin+ the ET issue, ?bviousl% the @N (hich sees itsel' as the (orld representative (ould thro( their hat in the rin+, and 0anada needin+ to sho( the (orld that it is a pro+ressive countr% (ould do so, 9ut the leaders are onl% placatin+ certain citiEens and doin+ some +randstandin+ in the process///doubt that the% are serious///or that the% are that naTve to thin= that ET hasnBt landed because the% are con'used on (ho to approach,


This planet is not behind it is exactl% (here is should be////all the problems in this (orld are here to be resolved////most (ill do +ood to resolve their o(n problems////i' thatBs all the% are up to doin+ then that is 'ine, There are places, planets, existences, (here people similar to humans =no( (ithout doubt the thin+s %ou as=/////some o' those people////entities are on this planet, All humans have the capacit% to =no( inside their soul, the 'irst step to unloc=in+ that in'ormation is believin+ itBs possible, The onl% dan+er is that i' %ou become too enli+htened (hile on earth %ou also can become on outcast because %ou still have to live around people that are not////and people are uncom'ortable around people that are di''erent, our true li'e is here also////(hat %ou do on this plane o' existence is part o' (hat %ou are////=no(in+ the real truth is not essential but it helps, An% extraterrestrial comin+ into our solar s%stem =no(s the color o' our planets, as 'ar as a planet K on the 'ri+id 'rin+es o' this solar s%stem - have no in'ormation about it, The Sumerians, (ere not the 'irst or the last to have Extraterrestrials in their midst, $an% ancient people as (ell as modern have similar stories as that o' the Sumerians about +ods comin+ do(n 'rom the s=%, %et 'e( believe those accounts even i' the% are (ritten in cunei'orm tablets, or inscribed in temples, At one time the $editerranean (as dr% land 'rom the Dillars o' 7ercules to the shores o' Dalestine///// the Strait o' 5ibraltar (as mountains and Europe and A'rica (ere connected/////ET caused a breach in those mountains and 'looded the lo( l%in+ lands o' the $editerranean (ith (aters 'rom the Atlantic ocean, and turned most o' the $editerranean into sea, There (as no (orld/(ide 'lood but 'or the people livin+ in the basin it seemed li=e it, - donBt =no( (hen - received that in'ormation but itBs been sometime a+o////b% ET///(h% do the% +ive me this in'ormation, not sure (h%, This planet (as2is used as a prison////in anti)uit% man% thousands and hundreds o' thousands o' %ears earth (as in'initel% more brutal than no(, and even our earl% civiliEation////those that casuall% tortured and sacri'iced humans 'or reli+ious, political, or simpl% entertainment////(ould have been horri'ied had the% =no(n (hat (ent on, -tBs no accident that the human bod% is a pain machine it (as made that (a%////toda% (e are 'ortunate, (e can onl% ta=e so much and the bod% dies////in the old da%s that (as not the case////and the (ardens could place an entit% into a human bod% or even into the bod% o' an animal////and the% could be =illed or tortured inde'inabl%, This planet remains a prison, some have it easier than others////and no one escapes////suicides are returned immediatel% or sent to a similar planet else(here, 9ut there are exceptions 'or some suicides and 'or others, This planet is a prison because 'e( can chose to leave it///but man% people are here to learn somethin+////not necessaril% to expand their understandin+ o' the bi+ picture////thatBs not important 'or the vast ma>orit%////countless humans are not here to learn an%thin+ the% are simple incarcerated, doin+ time and once the% leave the% (ill be returned to this planet (ithout =no(in+ or vacation time in bet(een the t(o lives, - can nonchalantl% tal= about thin+s o' this nature because most (ill not or cannot believe////and thatBs a +ood thin+,


-tBs a planet 'or ever%thin+ %ou mentioned above as (ell as a prison and place 'or punishment 'or man% souls that did not come here o' their o(n 'ree(ill, the% are incarcerated here, , Uuite a bit believe it or not, onl% one hundred %ears a+o the (hole (orld (as a 'e( notches belo( animals concernin+ man% o' the basics li=e 'ood, shelter and sanitation, toda% onl% a portion o' the (orld remains in those primitive conditions, $an% li=e to demoniEe technolo+% %et technolo+% is (hat (ill ma=e this planet a bit more humane, 0ro(ded cities and tra''ic par=in+ lots, 'ailed schools s%stems etc,, are the result o' human bureaucrac% not technolo+%////some o' these s%stems (ill need to 'ail completel% be'ore the% +et improved on, -pilo ue So (h% (ould an%one believe me? V-tBs much easier to stone us to death than deal (ith the possibilities that surround all o' us in this craE% existence, The proo' that the Earth moves around the Sun has al(a%s been there 'or those that care to loo= or investi+ate, The proo' that ETs are ever%(here is evident 'or those that dare step out o' their com'ort EoneWonce %ou do %ou cannot +o bac=, Are most people +oin+ to experience an ET cra't/ the% alread% do itBs called a car/ and airplane, 5o bac= one hundred and 'i't% %ears and tr% to explain a modern car or airliner to the people o' that era/ the% (ill lau+h and stone %ou to death as some =ind o' madman or demon, Extraterrestrial cra't are 'l%in+ around toda%/ some =no( about it/ eventuall% ever%one (ill, @ntil then people li=e me (ho ma=e those outra+eous claims have to =eep runnin+ 'or cover 'rom all those stones bein+ thro(n/ and that ta=es a lot o' ener+% and time/ and -Bm runnin+ out o' both, - simpl% tell m% stor%, m% experiences (ith the supernatural////not to entertain, not to enli+hten, but because the% are true and real////i' b% doin+ so entertains some and enli+htens others////so/be/it, XYXYXYXY::Z::XYXYXYXY::Z::XYXYXYXY::Z::XYXYXYXY




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