Junior Resume EE

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Junior Rsum

1234 Resume Lane, Engineer NY, 123456 (111) 111-1111 | student1@binghamton.edu

To obtain the Software Intern Leadership Program Position at XYZ

Binghamton University, State University of New York, Watson School of Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Minor in Sustainability Engineering Cumulative GPA: 3.XX/4.00 | Deans List: Fall 2010-Fall 2012 Lockheed Martin Honors Scholarship: Fall 2012 Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society | Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society Expected May 20XX

Technical Skills:
C/C++ C# (Basic GUI concepts)


Digilent (logic program) Code Warrior (Assembly)

Eagle (PCB Artwork) Soldering

Technical Courses:
Signals and Systems, Semiconductor Devices, Sustainability by Design, Computer Organization and Microprocessors, Circuits, Electronics, Programming for Engineers I and II, Digital Logic Design Current Courses: Communications, Junior Design, Electromagnetics, Control Systems

Professional Experience:
Parker Aerospace Fluid Systems Division Hauppauge, NY Software Intern June 12 Aug 12 Utilized object-oriented programming and graphical user interface concepts to develop an application in Visual C# that decodes 128KB of raw data from the Non-Volatile Memory into readable fault information, which resulted in discovery of code issues regarding packet data transmission and decoding Designed test procedures to validate software requirements of both high and low level program requirements of the Bombardier C-Series main fuel-gauging computer in order to write instructions for customer use Watson Career and Alumni Connections Binghamton, NY Student Assistant Oct 12 - Present Design the layout and organize content of the career services website tailored to students within the Engineering Department that will provide resources and opportunities for students and alumni Advise students on rsum, interviewing, and professionalism skills necessary for a successful and rewarding career path Coordinate networking events and meetings for undergraduate and graduate students to meet and learn from professionals and faculty that have experience in engineering

Team Project Experience:

Multipath Issues in Communication Systems, Binghamton, NY Oct 12 Dec 12 Simulated communication scenarios involving multiple received signals due to environment, delay, and noise in MATLAB in order to create filters that will obtain the desired discrete-time input signal from the altered signal Mathematically analyzed the multipath systems frequency response and its effects on the original input signal to implement FIR and IIR filters that will attenuate unwanted frequencies and amplify the desired frequencies Temperature Control System, Binghamton, NY Oct 12 Dec 12 Assembled a model temperature controller that regulates temperature of a cement power resistor using voltage divider, 2-bit flash ADC, binary comparisons, and transistor circuit concepts Tested flash ADC conversion of the varying thermistor in order to utilize appropriate resistance values and choose reference voltage for the op-amp comparators of the flash ADC that will maximize temperature resolution Mine-Field Navigating Robot, Binghamton, NY Jan 12 May 12 Designed assembly code in Code Warrior using a MC9S08QG8 CPU, robot kit, and servos to create a robot that navigated a mine-field to detect light sensors and press the button to disarm the mines Developed technical problem solving skills through the use of pulse-width modulation and subroutine concepts in assembly code to implement hardware and software applications

Other Experiences:
Binghamton Nicaragua Initiative (BNI) Binghamton, NY Member Jan 11 April 11 Generated over $1500 in donations to fund the construction of a new house for a local family in Nicaragua through soliciting family, friends, as well as the student body at campus-wide events which resulted in enough money to fund an entire house Cultivated language and communication skills during an alternative Spring break trip by contributing to the construction of a house and traveling with natives around Managua, Lon, and Granada

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