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The basis of all Catholic Christian morality is our belief in the God who created all things and in Jesus who taught us even better how to live. We believe we are created in Gods image and that we, and all creation, are basically good. Yet we recognize our own tendencies toward evil, es ecially in an e!cess of our desires. "" jon jakoblich 2.Christians li#e to brag that they are the originators of, and the sole source for, morality on this lanet. They seem to feel that they are e! erts in and have a mono oly on morality.--Jay Bookman 3.$orality refers to ethical issues rinci les of right and wrong conduct as well as instances of real behaviour the manner in which individuals com ly more or less fully with such standards. "" Julia Douthwaite

ETHICS rational, o timal %regarded as the best solution of the given o tions& and a ro riate decision brought on the basis of common sense. This does not e!clude the ossibility of destruction if it is necessary and if it does not ta#e lace as the result of intentional malice.

MORAL THEOLOGY $oral theology is a term used by the 'oman Catholic Church to describe the study of God from a ers ective of how man must live in order to attain the resence or favor of God. . $oral theology e!amines such things as freedom, conscience, love, res onsibility, and law. $oral theology see#s to set forth general rinci les to hel individuals ma#e the right decisions and deal with the details of everyday living in a way that is in accordance with the Churchs dogmatic theology. $oral theology is essentially the 'oman Catholic e(uivalent to what )rotestants usually refer to as Christian *thics. $oral theology deals with the broad (uestions in life and attem ts to define what it means to live as a 'oman Catholic Christian. $oral theology addresses the different methods of moral discernment, the definitions of right and wrong, good and evil, sin and virtue . THEOLOGY Theology translates into *nglish from the Gree# theologia which derived from theos , meaning +God,+ and "logia meaning utterances, sayings, or oracles %a word related to logos meaning word, discourse, account, or reasoning& which had assed into ,atin as theologia and into -rench as th.ologie. +the science of things divine .it is the systematic and rational study of conce ts of God and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned rofession ac(uired by com leting s ecialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary.

CULTURES IN THE WOLRD WHCH WE FIND IT NOT ACCEPTABLE 1. Arab cu !ur" - /st, we should notice that the (uestion as#s about the 0rab Culture 12T 3slamic culture. There are many things allowed in 3slam but rohibited in some 0rabic cultures, not all 0rab countries obey the same traditions, and this can4t be e! lained in detail. 3n 5hali6, for e!am le, women cover their faces but 3slam allowed women to show their faces, 3slam banned women to travel abroad alone for their safety and for their comfort, some 0rab countries allow it and some rohibit traveling inside the same country. 2.b"#$% a &'(')"*ua "all humans have the same human rights that means that homose!uals have the right to to be wrong and sin 6ust li#e heterose!uals have the right to ma#e mista#es and do things wrong. 7omose!uality is not acce table and all homose!ualls have the right to thin# that being gay is o#. Just li#e heterose!ualls have the right to have se! out of wedloc# . 3.E+" c'$!ac! ,'r #) a( "+ $ost eo le in 0rab cultures share a great deal of eye contact and may regard too little as disres ectful. 3n *nglish culture, a certain amount of eye contact is re(uired, but too much ma#es many eo le uncomfortable. 3n 8outh 0sian and many other cultures direct eye contact is generally regarded as aggressive and rude. + -.Cu !ur") .&' "a! /'%)-3t is their mindset and tradition. -or e!am le in China, dogs are not bred as ets, but as a source of food. -or us not with that mindset it is hard to understand, but for them it is li#e when we breed cows and ma#e them into meat. 3 don4t say it is right, but that is the way they live there. You would have to re"create their whole culture for it to change, which would be really hard tas#.

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