Current GK Apr - Jun 2011

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GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK


Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week April 3 to 9, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

Indias population reaches 1210 million Census 2011
Govt. constitutes committee for drafting Lok Pal Bill
Health research in India poor: Lancet study
Govt sets up committee on superbug report
No blanket ban on proposals for mining coal in forest areas Jairam Ramesh
CBI charges Raja, 8 others, 3 cos. in 2G case
Committee set up to fine-tune National Sports Development Bill
Youth Employability Skill project launched
Journalist Ajit Bhattacharjea passes away
Former IAF Chief La Fontaine passes away
Astronomer Hafiz Saleh Muhammad Alladin passes away
Ajai Malhotra is new ambassador to Russia
India-Bangladesh plan Robi Tirtha for Tagore birth anniversary
Sangeet Natak Akademi launches magazine Sangna
National Maritime Day celebrated
Environment ministry calls for banning diclofenac to save vultures
C-DAC introduces tool to detect data duplication in documents
C-DAC launches tool to detect epidemics
NHAI starts Secret Service Fund to reward whistle-blowers
Gujarat, HP to set up Aryabhatta Space Centre
Uttarakhand opposes eco-sensitive zone along river Bhagirathi
Karnataka to revise tariffs of The Golden Chariot
AP launches subsidised medicine scheme Jeevandhara

Section B: WORLD
World Health Day 2011 observed
President Guelleh wins 3rd term in Djibouti
Ivory Coasts Laurent Gbagbo arrested
Singer Michel Martelly elected new President of Haiti
Nazarbayev re-elected President of Kazakhstan
UN commission to probe human rights excesses in Libya
US-Ecuador in diplomatic row over Wikileaks
Japan quake moved sea bed 24 metres coastguard
SAARC conference on sanitation organised in Colombo
SAARC conference on police matters organised
IRENA to have permanent HQ in UAE
Guatemala president divorces to enable wife to contest
Humala-Fujimori to contest in Presidential election run-off in Peru
Jahangir portrait sold for Rs. 10 cr at Bonhams auction

Section C: AWARDS
Gopinath Muthukad wins Merlin Award
S. L. Bhyrappa wins Saraswati Samman

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

D. Seshagiri Rao selected for The Pride of India Leadership Award
M. S. Dhoni offered honorary commission in Territorial Army
Goldman Environmental Prizes announced
Iranian journalist wins UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize
WikiLeaks coverage wins Guardian Newspaper of the Year award
Russian cosmonauts awarded Belgian Order of the Crown
Bernardo Bertolucci to receive Palme dOr
14 win India Development Marketplace grant
T3 awarded gold-rating for eco-friendly features
Wisden selects 4 in Cricketers of the Year list
Kapil wins Global Diversity Award for Sport 2011

India, Thailand to double bilateral trade in three years
Commerce Ministry launches Buyers Credit to boost project exports
India signs chemicals test data-sharing pact with OECD
Union government increases minimum wage hiked by Rs.15
Cairn-Vedanta deal referred to GoM
Task force set up to address pharma industry issues
National Clean Energy Fund gets Cabinet nod
Committee on Central Economic Intelligence Bureau constituted
National Water Mission document approved
3rd Advance estimates of crop production for 2010-11 released
CACP calls for lifting of ban on wheat exports
ADB lowers Indias 2011-12 GDP forecast to 8.2%
CII National Conference organised
IRDA issues guidelines for distance marketing of products
Passenger vehicle sales grow 29% in 2010-11
World Gold Council unveils India: Heart of Gold
BEE starts energy efficiency labels for laptops
Record power capacity added in 2010-11
Railways acquire highest no. of wagons in 2010-11
Railways earn Rs 94,850 crore in 2010-11
Major ports handle 569.90 mt of traffic in 2010-11
FIIs invested Rs 10 lakh crore in 2010-11 SEBI
Indias forex reserves at $305.486 bn on April 1
Bank loans grow 21.4% in 2010-11, deposits rise 15.8%
Govt ups stake in Indian Overseas Bank to 65.87%
India offers to host International Centre on Energy Access
India to study Indonesias Zero Kero programme to reduce kerosene use
Pratip Chaudhuri appointed new SBI Chairman
Munhot appointed SIDBI CMD
Coal India Ltd. to bid for The Kraal

Section E: SPORTS

Sangakkara named captain of ICC dream team
Shane Watson hits world-record 15 sixes in ODI match
Bhupathi, Paes win Sony Ericsson doubles
FIFA confirms bin Hammam, Blatter as candidates for presidency

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA

Indias population reaches 1210 million
Census 2011

UP remains most populous state with 199 million
Overall sex ratio at 940 7 point increase over 2001
Literacy rate goes up to 74.04% from 64.83%

The population of the country as per the provisional figures
of Census 2011 is 1210.19 million of which 623.72 million
(51.54%) are males and 586.46 million (48.46%) are
females. The provisional figures of Census 2011 were
released in New Delhi on March 31, 2011 by Union Home
Secretary G. K. Pillai and Registrar-General of India C.

Population Balance Sheet (in crore)
2011 2001 Increase
121.10 102.8 18.15 (17.64)
(a) Male 62.37 53.22 9.15 (17.19)
(b) Female 58.64 49.65 8.99 (18.12)
Sex Ratio 940.27 932.91 736
382 325 57
0-6 years
15.88 16.38 0.50 (3.08)
(a) Male 8.29 8.5 0.20 (2.42)
(b) Female 7.58 7.88 0.29 (3.80)
Child Sex
914.23 927.31 13.08
Literacy rate
74.04 64.83 9.21
(a) Male 82.14 75.26 6.88
(b) Female 65.46 53.67 11.79
Note: Figures in brackets indicate percentage increase
*Females per 1000 males; +Number of persons/sq. km

The major highlights of the Census 2011 (Provisional
figures) are as under:

Population growth:
The population of India has increased by more than 181
million during the decade 2001-2011.

Percentage growth in 2001-2011 is 17.64; males 17.19 and
females 18.12.

2001-2011 is the first decade (with the exception of 1911-
1921) which has actually added lesser population compared
to the previous decade.
Uttar Pradesh (199.5 million) is the most populous State in
the country followed by Maharashtra with 112 million.

Growth rates of six most populous States

The percentage decadal growth rates of the six most
populous States have declined during 2001-2011 compared
to 1991-2001:

Uttar Pradesh (25.85% to 20.09%)
Maharashtra (22.73% to 15.99%)
Bihar (28.62% to 25.07%)
West Bengal (17.77 % to 13.93%)
Andhra Pradesh (14.59% to 11.10%)
Madhya Pradesh (24.26% to 20.30%)

Child population:

The total number of children in the age-group 0-6 is 158.8
million (-5 million since 2001)

Twenty States and Union Territories now have over one
million children in the age group 0-6 years. On the other
extreme, there are five States and Union Territories in the
country that are yet to reach the one hundred thousand

Uttar Pradesh (29.7 million), Bihar (18.6 million),
Maharashtra (12.8 million), Madhya Pradesh (10.5 million)
and Rajasthan (10.5 million) constitute 52% children in the
age group of 0-6 years.

Population (0-6 years) 2001-2011 registered (minus) 3.08
percent growth with 2.42 for males and 3.80 for females.

The proportion of Child Population in the age group of 0-6
years to total population is 13.1 percent while the
corresponding figure in 2001 was 15.9 percent. The decline
has been to the extent of 2.8 points.

Sex ratio
Overall sex ratio at the national level has increased by 7
points to reach 940 at Census 2011 as against 933 in
Census 2001. This is the highest sex ratio recorded since
Census 1971 and a shade lower than 1961. Increase in sex
ratio is observed in 29 States/UTs.

Three major States (J&K, Bihar & Gujarat) have shown
decline in sex ratio as compared to Census 2001.
Kerala with 1084 has the highest sex ratio followed by
Puducherry with 1038, Daman & Diu has the lowest sex
ratio of 618.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Child sex ratio (0-6 years) is 914. It was 927.31 in 2001.
Increasing trend in the child sex ratio (0-6) seen in Punjab,
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Mizoram
and A&N Islands. In all remaining 27 States/UTs, the child
sex ratio show decline over Census 2001. Mizoram has the
highest child sex ratio (0-6 years) of 971 followed by
Meghalaya with 970. Haryana is at the bottom with ratio of
830 followed by Punjab with 846.

Literacy rate

Literacy rate has gone up from 64.83 per cent in 2001 to
74.04 per cent in 2011 showing an increase of 9.21
percentage points.

Percentage growth in literacy during 2001-2011 is 38.82;
males: 31.98% & females: 49.10%.

Literates constitute 74 per cent of the total population aged
seven and above and illiterates form 26 per cent.

Tripura and Mizoram are the best performers on the literacy
front. Literacy level is 91.58 per cent in Mizoram and 87.75
per cent in Tripura. They are only behind Kerala (93.91 per
cent), which continues to occupy the top position in the
literacy chart.


There is finally some encouraging news on the population
front. For the first time since Independence, the country has
added fewer people during a decade compared with the one
preceding it.

The lower absolute growth revealed by the latest Census
could well be the precursor to Indias population stabilising
at around 165 crore by 2060 or so, according to projections
by demographers. This is also suggested by the Census
data pertaining to the population in the 0-6 years age group
that again for the first time has registered an absolute
decline. Since these children would be the parents of
tomorrow, their diminishing numbers may contribute to a
further population growth slowdown.

The sex ratio has shown a marginal improvement while only
three States Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir and, significantly,
Gujarat have shown a decline over the Census of 2001.
This can be explained by the greater natural longevity of
women and improvements in health care over the years. But
the improved overall sex ratio masks a rather worrying fall in
the child sex ratio which is the lowest since Independence.
What this indicates is that while the overall female share in
the population may have gone up due to better nutrition and
access to healthcare, there is still a widespread preference
for male children. It can only be explained by the tendency
of the son preference on a growing scale through the
instrumentality of sex-selective abortion, or female foeticide.
Attempts to tackle female foeticide through bans on sex-
determination tests imposed by the Pre-Natal Diagnostic
Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act have
been largely ineffective.

The full census data, to be released next year, should
provide policymakers a comprehensive view of where India
stands on key indicators of socio-economic development,
set against the goal of creating a more egalitarian and just

Govt. constitutes committee for drafting Lok
Pal Bill

The Government of India on April 9, 2011 issued a
notification constituting a Joint Drafting Committee to
prepare a draft of the Lok Pal Bill. The Joint Drafting
Committee shall consist of five nominee Ministers of the
Government of India and five nominees of Anna Hazare
(including himself).

The five nominee Ministers of the Government of India are:
(i) Pranab Mukherjee, Union Minister of Finance; (ii) P.
Chidambaram, Union Minister of Home Affairs; (iii) Dr
Veerappa Moily, Union Minister of Law and Justice; (iv)
Kapil Sibal, Union Minister of Human Resource and
Development and Minister of Communication and
Information Technology and Salman Khursheed, Union
Minister of Water Resources and Minister of Minority Affairs

The five nominees of Anna Hazare (including himself) are:
(i) Anna Hazare; (ii) Justice N. Santosh Hedge; (iii) Shanti
Bhushan, Senior Advocate; (iv) Prashan Bhushan,
Advocate and (v) Arvind Kejriwal.

The Chairperson of the Joint Drafting Committee shall be
Pranab Mukherjee while Shanti Bhushan shall be the Co-
Chairperson. The Convenor of the Join Drafting Committee
shall be Dr M. Veerappa Moily.

The Joint Drafting Committee shall commence its work
forthwith and evolve its own procedure to prepare the
proposed legislation. The Committee shall complete its work
latest by 30th June, 2011.

Health research in India poor: Lancet study

A paper on Research to achieve health care for all in India
published in the latest edition of The Lancet medical journal
has expressed concern over the scarcity of research on the
health-information system in India. It has suggested that
major national organisations of health research in India
come together to provide effective stewardship.

Co-authored, among others, by Vishwa Mohan Katoch,
Director-General of the Indian Council of Medical Research

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

(ICMR), the paper suggests that there are useful lessons to
be learnt from the systematic efforts of other countries
aimed at matching research with public health priorities to
more effectively improve population health.

Quoting PubMed United States National Library of
Medicine the paper says that the proportion of published
papers from India increased from 04 per cent of the global
total in 1988 to 18 per cent in 2008, but the proportion of
public health research continues to be small, at 5 per cent of
the total health research published.

Additionally, many of the leading causes of disease burden
across communicable diseases, non-communicable
diseases, and injuries continue to be under-represented in
this published research, indicating that even among the
limited papers on public health research, public health
priority conditions in India are not adequately addressed.

Govt sets up committee on superbug report

The government on April 9, 2011 formed a committee to
look into the findings of a study published in the latest
edition of the British medical journal The Lancet Infectious
Diseases which claims the presence of superbug in water
samples in the capital. In their study British researchers had
found the NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-Beta lactamase-1)
superbug in two out of the 50 tap-water samples and 51 out
of the 171 samples of water from puddles in Delhi. A
scientific committee comprising experts and health officials
was formed by the Union Health Ministry to examine the
findings so that appropriate action can be taken.

The Health Ministry on April 7 had rejected the study, saying
it had been conducted with motivated intentions. Asserting
that it was illegal in the first place to remove water samples
from the country, the Ministry questioned the authenticity as
the samples were lifted by a TV journalist.

The Health Ministry claims that there was a conflict of
interest as the researchers received payment for lectures,
travel and accommodation from pharmaceutical companies.
Dr V M Katoch, DG, Indian Council of Medical Research,
refuted the studys that claims to have found the NDM-1
superbug in 11 different types of bacteria, including those
that cause dysentery and cholera. The government said
there was no evidence to suggest that NDM-1 was a threat
to public health. The chlorination carried out for making
water safe for drinking inactivates sensitive and drug-
resistant bacteria alike.

No blanket ban on proposals for mining coal
in forest areas Jairam Ramesh
In a compromise that effectively ends the divide between
go and no go areas with regard to coal mining in forested
land, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has offered to
let his Ministry consider clearance applications from both
go and no go categories, and send the rejected projects
to the Cabinet for a final decision.

In the Group of Ministers (GoM) meeting held in April 2011,
Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh offered to let all
projects be considered for a clearance by his Ministrys
Forest Advisory Committee (FAC). The original purpose of
the categorisation was that coal projects in the heavily
forested no go zones should not be considered for
clearance at all.

Those in no go zones would be subject to scrutiny and
possibilities of a compromise will be tried. The example
given was the case of IFFCO (Indian Farmers Fertilizer
Cooperative Limited) in Chhattisgarh, where dense forest
area diversion was reduced by 61 per cent. Finally, in no
go cases where the FAC was unable to find any possible
compromise, the decision on approval or rejection of the
project would be taken by the Union Cabinet.

The categorisation was the result of a joint survey of nine
major coal fields carried out jointly in February 2010 by the
Coal and Environment Ministries, which superimposed
forest maps onto coal maps to identify go and no go

The Power Ministry told the GoM that a fast-track decision
on coal mining projects was important as any delay could
jeopardise the commissioning of plants. It warned that the
coal shortage would become acute in 2011-12 as PSU Coal
India could supply only 331 million tonnes as against a
requirement of 426 MT. The Environment Minister
responded that Coal India already had 200,000 hectares of
land in its possession and could easily meet production
targets from this area. The Coal Ministry reportedly
accepted that under-production was largely due to internal
problems relating to rehabilitation and resettlement, land
acquisition and equipments.

CBI charges Raja, 8 others, 3 cos. in 2G case

The CBI on April 2, 2011 filed its first charge-sheet in the 2G
spectrum allocation case before a Special Court here
naming nine individuals and three companies. It said the
wrongful acts of the accused deprived the exchequer of
possible revenues amounting to Rs 30,984.55 crore.

The accused include the former IT and Communications
Minister, A. Raja; former Telecom Secretary, Siddhartha
Behura; Rajas personal secretary, Mr R.K. Chandolia;
Director of Swan Telecom (now Etisalat DB), Shahid Usman
Balwa; and Managing Director of Unitech Ltd and Unitech
Wireless (Tamil Nadu) Pvt Ltd, Sanjay Chandra. The other

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

accused are Gautam Doshi, Group MD, Reliance Anil
Dhirubhai Ambani Group; Hari Nair, Senior Vice-President,
Reliance ADA Group; Surendra Pipara, Senior Vice-
President, R-ADA Group and Reliance Telecom Ltd, and
Vinod Goenka, Director, Swan Telecom and Managing
Director of DB Realty.

The three companies named are Swan Telecom, Unitech
Wireless (both alleged to be ineligible applicants for 2G
licence) and Reliance Telecom.

The accused face charges including that of criminal
conspiracy, cheating, forgery and abetment under the Indian
Penal Code as well as abuse of official position, criminal
misconduct (by a public servant) and corruption under the
Prevention of Corruption Act (PC Act).

The CBI has named 125 witnesses, including the Attorney-
General, G.E. Vahanvati, and corporate lobbyist, Niira

The charge-sheet has accused the former telecom minister
of manipulating the priority list for awarding licences based
on compliance of eligibility for letter of intent, instead of the
existing practice whereby seniority is based on the date of

The charge-sheet details CBIs investigation into five issues
concerned with the 2G scam. These include:

how the cut-off date of applying for new licences was
violation of first-come-first-serve policy
how irregularities in awarding dual technology permission
deprived Tata Teleservices from getting GSM spectrum
how Reliance Telecom concealed its association with
Swan Telecom and
how the exchequer was cheated of revenues by not
revising the entry fee.

Committee set up to fine-tune National Sports
Development Bill

The Union Sports Ministry on April 6, 2011 formed a
committee, headed by Justice Mukul Mudgal, Retd. Chief
Justice of the High Court of Punjab and Haryana, to make
appropriate recommendations to fine-tune the draft National
Sports Development Bill that puts a limit on the age and
tenure of sports federation heads. The other members of
the committee include badminton legend Prakash Padukone
and former sprinter Ashwini Nachappa, who is also the
Vice-President of Cleansports India, a body that advocates
the theory that sports bodies should essentially be run by
former sportspersons.

The other members of the panel are: Jhanja Tripathi,
Secretary and Executive Director, Railway Sports Promotion
Board, a representative of the Indian Olympic Association
(IOA) and the Joint Secretary (Sports) of the Ministry of
Youth Affairs and Sports. The committee would look into
suggestions and comments from sports governance and
legal angles; give specific comments on role delineation
among the Government, the IOA, the federations and the
Sports Authority of India (SAI); and provide comments on
sports arbitration mechanism, among other things.

The ministry had placed the exposure draft of the proposed
National Sports Development Bill in the public domain since
February 22, seeking comments from all stakeholders and
the general public. The IOA has so far opposed the
proposed Bill, while the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) has cautioned the Government that any step that
could be a direct interference in the autonomy of the
Olympic Movement could attract sanctions against the
country that can eventually lead to its isolation from
international sports.

Youth Employability Skill project launched

Ajay Maken, Union Minister of State (I/C) for Youth Affairs
and Sports, inaugurated Youth Employability Skill (YES)
Project at Imphal, Manipur, on April 4, 2011 by enrolling 100
youths for skill development. Under the Project, skill relating
training would be given to the youths in the North-Eastern
Region to boost their chances of finding jobs or starting their
own enterprises. The scheme has been launched keeping in
view the Prime Ministers vision to create 500 million
certified and skilled persons by the year, 2022 throughout
the Country.

The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), which
has been co-promoted by the Ministry of Finance to
catalyze private sector involvement in skill development,
would partner the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports
(M/oYAS) for the YES venture. The YES initiative would see
training in employable skills being provided to unemployed
youth in 59 districts of 8 North Eastern states.

The Minister also announced the setting up of 10,000
Mentor Youth Club throughout the Country. It was
mentioned that earlier approximately 3 lakhs Youth Clubs
were set up, out of which only 1.25 lakh Youth Clubs are
surviving. Out of these Clubs, the Mentor Youth Clubs will
be picked up. Local Member of Parliament will be a part of
the selection Committee. These Mentor Clubs will be
provided with back up and Master Trainers. They will be
involved in the process of selecting other clubs and training
the youths. Marketed as human resource pool, they can
take up activities of other govt. departments/schemes and
liaison with corporate sector, wherever required.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Journalist Ajit Bhattacharjea passes away: Veteran
journalist Ajit Bhattacharjea, a leading figure of the right to
information movement, passed away on April 4, 2011 at the
age of 87. In a career spanning 37 years, Bhattacharjea
served as Editor of The Hindustan Times, The Times of
India and The Indian Express and after retirement had held
the post of Press Institute of India Director among some of
his assignments. He began his journalistic career in 1946
with The Hindustan Times. In 1971, he moved to Bombay
as Resident Editor of The Times of India. He became a
close associate of Jayaprakash Narayan and in 1975 quit
ToI to edit JPs weekly Everymans. When the weekly was
closed during the Emergency, Bhattacharjea became the
Editor of the Indian Express. In 1995, Ajit Bhattacharjea was
appointed Director of the Press Institute of India where he
edited the journal Vidura and launched Grassroots, a
monthly compilation of reportage on local development
issues from English and Indian-language press. He retired
from the Press Institute of India in 2004 at the age of 80 but
went on to serve as the Editor of Transparency Review, a
journal of the Centre for Media Studies, New Delhi, which
focuses on the right to information. Bhattacharjea edited,
and wrote, several books which include Dateline
Bangladesh, Kashmir: The Wounded Valley, Jayaprakash
Narayan: A Political Biography, Countdown to Partition,
Tragic Hero of Kashmir: Sheikh Abdullah and Social
Justice and the Constitution.

Former IAF Chief La Fontaine passes away: The former
Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Dennis A. La Fontaine,
passed away on April 6, 2011 at the age of 84 at
Brahmanapally near Hyderabad.

Astronomer Alladin passes away: Astronomer Hafiz
Saleh Muhammad Alladin, 80, educational adviser to former
president APJ Abdul Kalam passed away on March 21,
2011. He was known for his research on the solar and lunar
eclipses of 1984. He was also president of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community of India.

Ajai Malhotra is new ambassador to Russia: Ajai
Malhotra was on March 28, 2011 appointed as the new
ambassador to Russia. He is currently the ambassador to
Kuwait. He succeeds P.P. Shukla. A 1977-batch IFS officer,
Malhotra served in Moscow from 1982-85 and from 1993-

India-Bangladesh plan Robi Tirtha for Tagore birth
anniversary: Joint commemoration of the 150
anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, a Tagore tourist
circuit, Robi Tirtha, dramatisation of his works and feature
films on him, and expansion of terms of the 1972 cultural
agreement these were the issues discussed by Culture
Secretaries of India and Bangladesh on April 8, 2011. The
joint commemoration of Tagores birth anniversary will begin
in Dhaka on May 6 and in India the next day. This will be
followed by a range of joint programmes, including painting
exhibitions, cultural events, scholar retreats and seminars till
May 2012. Robi Tirath will include three sites in
Bangladesh, including Zamindari headquarters on Padma
river where Tagore spent some of the most productive years
of his life, Shantiniketan and his ancestral home at

Sangeet Natak Akademi launches magazine Sangna:
Sangeet Natak Akademi chairperson Leela Samson and
Member of Parliament Kapila Vatsyayan launching the
Akademis first Hindi quarterly magazine, Sangna, in New
Delhi on April 4, 2011.

National Maritime Day celebrated: April 5, 2011 was
celebrated as the National Maritime Day. The theme for this
year is Indian Coast Line-A New Opportunity. Every year
April is celebrated as the National Maritime Day. It was
on this day in 1919 that the first Indian Steamship S.S.
LOYALTY of M/s.Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.,
Mumbai, ventured into international water on her maiden
voyage from Mumbai to London (UK). National Maritime
Day is celebrated by several maritime countries like U.S.A.,
Japan and Germany. In India the 48
National Maritime
Week began with Union Minister of Shipping, G.K. Vasan
pinning the first Merchant Navy Flag on the wearing apparel
of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh on March 29. The
week-long celebrations culminated today with a number of
programmes all over the country.

Environment ministry calls for banning diclofenac to
save vultures: The Ministry of Environment and Forests
has said that support from State agriculture departments
was crucial to save the three critically endangered species
of vultures in India. Scientists have concluded that the
painkiller diclofenac was the cause for extermination of
about 95 per cent of the estimated populations of oriental
white-backed, slender-billed, and long-billed vultures in the
subcontinents. Feeding on carcasses of cattle that had been
administered the drug proved fatal to the birds. The Ministry,
in April 2011, recommended banning veterinary
formulations of diclofenac and popularising the use of drug
meloxicam to eliminate the threat to vultures from
contaminated carcasses.

C-DAC introduces tool to detect data duplication in
documents: Pune-based Centre for Development of
Advanced Computing (C-DAC) has introduced a tool that
can help in detecting the problem of data duplication where
a single individual is issued more than one copy of a
document. The tool, Namescape, can help in detecting
names which can be spelling variants or sound-alikes. The
areas in which the tool can be used are public distribution
system, election commission, I-T department, passport and
visa offices, banks, insurance and credit card companies
and mobile phone providers. The tool was announced to
mark C-DACs 24
Foundation Day on April 4, 2011.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

C-DAC launches tool to detect epidemics: Apart from
Namescape, C-DAC has developed another tool named
TaxoGrid that can help in rapid identification of the causes
of an epidemic. This will help speed up development of
vaccines by about 20 times.

NHAI starts Secret Service Fund to reward whistle-
blowers: NHAI has come out with a Secret Service Fund
that is aimed at rewarding whistle-blowers and cleansing the
system of corruption in April 2011. The fund with an
allocation of Rs. 10 lakh for 2011-12 will be used to offer
cash rewards to informants providing authentic information,
regarding corruption and irregularities. The move is the first
such step by NHAI to refurbish its image, as it faces
corruption charges in appointments and bids. Cash rewards
of up to Rs 25,000 crore, depending on authenticity of
information and in terms of gain to the organisation, would
be given to the informants whether from NHAI or from
general public,.

Gujarat, HP to set up Aryabhatta Space Centre: Gujarat
and Himachal Pradesh on April 6, 2011 signed a
memorandum of understanding to set up Aryabhatta Geo-
Informatics and Space Application Centre (AGiSAC) in
Himachal Pradesh collaboration with the Gandhinagar-
based Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Application and
Geo-Informatics (BISAG) to facilitate use of geo-spatial
technologies for decision-making and planning of
developmental activities in the hill State.

Uttarakhand opposes eco-sensitive zone: Uttarakhand
has opposed the 135-km eco-sensitive zone along the river
Bhagirathi from Gangotri to Uttarkashi in the Garhwal
region, describing it as an anti-development measure. Chief
Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank asked the centre to
reconsider the decision of declaring the region between
Gangotri and Uttarkashi as eco-sensitive zone during his
meeting with the Union Minister for Environment and
Forests Jairam Ramesh at New Delhi on April 6, 2011.
Nishank said that Uttarakhand was a small state that had 67
per cent land covered under forests; and because of tough
forest laws, the state government was facing problem in
carrying out development activities.

Karnataka to revise tariffs of The Golden Chariot: The
Golden Chariot, the luxury train run by the Karnataka State
Tourism Development Corporation (KSTDC) will see
another round of tariff revision in October. The state says
this has been necessitated due to high haulage charge
imposed by the Indian Railways. With the revision, the tariff
for the Pride of the South trip, covering Karnataka and
Goa, has gone up to $ 495 per person per day from $ 425
for an international traveller. For Southern Splendour,
covering Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the cost has
gone up to $ 570 per person per day from $ 490.

AP launches subsidised medicine scheme: Andhra
Pradesh chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy on April 9,
2011 launched JeevanDhara, a concept outlet to provide
quality medicines at affordable prices to the poor, in the
state. The Jeevandhara programme is expected to reduce
states expenditure on the overall healthcare for branded
medicines, patient coverage and popularisation of the use of
unbranded generic medicines.

Core industries grow 5.7% in Apr-Feb 2010-11
The Index of Six core industries having a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) with
base 1993-94 stood at 268.9 (provisional) in February 2011 and registered a growth of 6.8% (provisional) compared to 4.2%
registered in February 2010. During April-February 2010-11, six core industries registered a growth of 5.7% (provisional) as
against 5.4% during the corresponding period of the previous year.
(Weight in Index of Industrial Production IIP: 26.68 %) Base Year: 1993-94
Sector-wise Growth Rate (%) in Production
Sector Weight (%) Feb 2010 Feb 2011 April-Feb 2009-
April-Feb 2010-
Crude Oil 4.17 4.0 12.2 0.3 11.9
Petroleum Refinery Products 2.00 0.7 3.2 -0.4 2.5
Coal 3.22 6.7 - 5.7 7.9 0.1
Electricity 10.17 6.9 7.2 6.0 5.4
Cement 1.99 7.9 6.5 10.8 4.3
Finished steel (carbon) 5.13 - 0.2 11.5 5.2 8.1
Overall 26.68 4.2 6.8 5.4 5.7

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD
News round up

World Health Day 2011 observed

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has called for
intensification of the global commitment to safeguard
antibiotics for future generations on the occasion of the
World Health Day 2011 on April 7, 2011. Growing
resistance by microbes to antibiotics has threatened the
continued effectiveness of many medicines. The WHO has
made increasing effects of antimicrobial resistance as the
theme of this years World Health Day.

The rise of resistance as a natural consequence of the
process of evolution is perhaps inevitable. But the misuse of
antibiotics greatly hastens this process. The WHO has
outlined several steps to be taken to ensure continued
effectiveness of antibiotics. These include: Over-the-counter
sales of antibiotics must be stopped. Physicians need to be
educated on when it is appropriate to use antibiotics. Even
when an antibiotic is needed, it is essential that the right
drug is given at an adequate dosage and for a suitable
duration. A proper system of surveillance for antimicrobial
resistance as well as regularly updated guidelines for
treatment would help doctors make the right choices.
Further, the use of antibiotics as growth-promoters in
livestock needs to be curtailed. In all of this, the
government, the medical fraternity, and the public must play
their part.

President Guelleh wins 3
term in Djibouti: The
president of Djibouti has
secured a third term in office
after a landslide election
victory, despite recent
protests against his rule.
Ismail Omar Guelleh has
won 80% of the votes cast,
according to the countrys
electoral commission. The opposition had urged a boycott of
the polls on April 8, 2011 alleging irregularities. The East
African nation of Djibouti has a population of only about
800,000 people, but is strategically important. The country
hosts the only US military base in Africa, as well as being
the base for international navies fighting pirates off
neighbouring Somalia. Guellehs family has governed the
Red Sea city state since independence from France in

Ivory Coasts Laurent Gbagbo arrested: Having refused
to stand down for four months after losing the presidential
election, even as the country descended into civil war, Ivory
Coasts Laurent Gbagbo was on April 11, 2011 detained at
his personal residence by forces loyal to the countrys
elected president, Alassane Ouattara. French troops and
United Nations peacekeepers, who had earlier struck
Gbagbos home in the main city, Abidjan, from the air,
provided crucial support. The political trajectory of Laurent
Gbagbo is that of a democratic reformist who became a
dictator. A history lecturer by profession, with a doctorate
from a Paris university, Gbagbo was crucial in Ivory Coasts
transition toward multi-party democracy in the 1980s and
early 1990s. After becoming president in 2000, however, he
adopted draconian measures to stifle political dissent and
manipulated issues of nationality and religion to maintain

Singer Michel Martelly elected new Haiti President:
Michel Joseph Martelly was elected President of Haiti
following his victory in the Haitian presidential election of
2011. Before entering the political scene, Martelly was a
performing and recording artist, composer, and
businessman. Martelly won the run-off Presidential Election
against candidate Mirlande Manigat on April 4, 2011.
Martelly, 50, will succeed President Rene Preval, who has
been in office for five years. Haiti is still struggling after the
2010 earthquake and a cholera epidemic. Turnout in the
second round was high and voting was largely peaceful,
although still marred by fraud.

Nazarbayev re-elected as Kazakh President:
Kazakhstans President of two-decades Nursultan
Nazarbayev was re-elected for another five-year term
winning an astonishing 95 per cent of the vote in the poll on
April 3, 2011 that saw a record 90-per cent turnout.
European monitors criticised the election as falling short of
democratic standards, citing cases of people being pressed
to vote, ballot box-stuffing and lack of transparency in the
vote count.

UN commission to probe human rights excesses in
Libya: The UN on April 8, 2011 decided to send a three-
member commission under veteran war crimes expert Prof
Cherif Bassiouni to probe the human rights excesses in
Libya in the ongoing civil war with both rebels and
government agreeing to give the panel an access. The
beleaguered Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafi has
agreed to allow an International Commission of Inquiry to
investigate all human rights violations, in what appears to be
a move to expose the alleged killing of civilians by NATO

US-Ecuador in diplomatic row over Wikileaks: The
United States on April 7, 2011 expelled the Ecuadorian
ambassador in retaliation for the expulsion of the U.S.
envoy to Ecuador, who was asked to leave the country after
her confidential allegations of official corruption were
exposed by the website Wikileaks. The expulsion of Luis

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Gallegos follows Ecuadors recent expulsion of Heather
Hodges, the U.S. ambassador in Quito, over corruption
allegations she made about senior Ecuadorian authorities in
documents released by WikiLeaks.

Japan quake moved sea bed 24 metres coastguard:
The seabed near the epicentre of the massive earthquake
that rocked Japan last month was shifted 24 metres by the
tremor, the countrys coastguard said on April 6, 2011.
Sensors found that one part of the ocean floor had been
stretched to a point 24 metres east-southeast of its position
before the 9.0 undersea quake, which triggered a massive
tsunami that engulfed large areas of Japans northeast
coast. The US Geological Survey (USGS) said in March that
the force of the quake moved Honshu Japans main island
by 2.4 metres.

SAARC conference on sanitation organised in
Colombo: The fourth South Asian Conference on Sanitation
(SACOSAN-IV) was organised in Colombo on April 4, 2011
to discuss plans for creating sanitation facilities for the 700
million plus uncovered people of the SAARC region. India
has the largest uncovered population in the world.

SAARC conference on police matters organised: Top
police officers from the South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries discussed
terrorism and drug traffic-related problems in the region,
among other policing issues, at a two-day conference in
Colombo on April 4-5, 2011. Meetings of the SAARC
terrorist offences monitoring desk (STOMD) and the SAARC
drug offences monitoring desk (SDOMD), consumed a
major part of the deliberations at the ninth SAARC
conference in Police Matters. While SDOMD has made
some progress treading on common ground, the terrorist
offences monitoring desk is yet to achieve the same amount
of success.
IRENA to have permanent HQ in UAE: The UAE will
house the permanent headquarters of the International
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the body that aims to
help its 149 members define their strategy in renewable
energies. The announcement was made April 4, 2011
during the assembly being held in Abu Dhabi as part of its
transition into a fully-fledged international organisation from
the status of a preparatory commission. This is the second
headquarters of an international agency affiliated to the UN
in a developing country after Nairobi in Kenya, which
houses the headquarters of UNEP (United Nations
Environment Programme).

Guatemala president gets divorce to enable wife to
contest: A family court in Guatemala on April 8, 2011
approved the divorce of President Alvaro Colom and his
wife Sandra Torres. The decision clears the way for her to
stand for election to be his successor. The couple filed for
divorce to overcome a constitutional ban on close relatives
of the president running for the top office.

Humala-Fujimori to contest in Presidential election run-
off: Perus presidential election will go to a second round on
5 June, pitting former army officer Ollanta Humala against
Keiko Fujimori, daughter of disgraced ex-President Alberto
Fujimori after no candidate received the 50% needed to
secure victory outright in the first round on April 10, 2011.

Jahangir portrait sold for Rs. 10 cr at auction: A six-foot
high, life-size portrait of Mughal Emperor Jahangir attributed
to Abul Hasan, Nadir al-Zaman and dated 1617 AD, was
auctioned for 1.42 million (Rs. 10 crore) at an Bonhams
auction in London on April 5, 2011. It went to a Middle
Eastern museum. Other items sold included an inscribed
century Mughal emerald seal, owned by an officer of
the East India Company that fetched 90,000.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS


Gopinath Muthukad wins Merlin Award:
Thiruvananthapuram-based illusionist and stunt performer
Gopinath Muthukad has been selected by the International
Magicians Society (IMS) of the US for the International
Merlin Award this year. He is the second Indian magician,
after P.C. Sorcar Jr. of West Bengal, to receive the award.
The jury selected Muthukad April 2011 for his contributions
to the development and popularisation of magical art and
science over the last 35 years.

S. L. Bhyrappa wins Saraswati Samman: Kannada writer
S. L. Bhyrappa was on April 5, 2011 chosen for the
prestigious Saraswati Samman for his novel Mandra. The
award, constituted by the K. K. Birla Foundation, consists of
Rs.7.50 lakh, a citation and a plaque. The jury which
selected Bhyrappa was headed by former Chief Justice of
India G. B. Patnaik. Seventy-five-year-old Bhyrappa has so
far published 22 novels, the first being Bheemakaya in
1959. He is one of the bestselling novelists in Kannada over
the past 25 years.

D. Seshagiri Rao selected for The Pride of India
Leadership Award: D. Seshagiri Rao, cardiologist and
Head of the Department, of Hyderabad-based Nizams
Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), has been selected for
The Pride of India Leadership Award, an international
award given by NRI Institute, a Delhi-based not-for-profit
NGO of People of Indian Origin. The award is being given to
Dr. Rao for the outstanding service and excellence in
cardiology. It will be presented on April 15 by Mauritius
President Sir Anerood Jugnauth in Delhi.

M. S. Dhoni offered honorary commission in Territorial
Army: World Cup winning captain of the Indian team,
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, was offered an honorary
commission in the Territorial Army, during his meeting with
the Chief of the Army Staff General V.K. Singh in New Delhi
on April 5, 2011. Dhoni readily accepted the offer. The
commission would go through as per the laid-down
procedure of the service. It may be noted that former
captain Kapil Dev, is already an honorary Lieutenant
Colonel in the Territorial Army, while Sachin Tendulkar was
conferred an honorary Group Captain rank of the IAF in
September last year, which was approved by the President
of India.

Goldman Environmental Prizes announced

Raoul du Toit, a Zimbabwe-based conservationist who has
made efforts in saving Africas Critically Endangered black
rhino, was selected as one of the six winners of this years
Goldman Environmental Prize on 11 April 2011. The prize,
founded by American philanthropist Richard Goldman, is the
worlds largest award for grassroots environmentalists. One
recipient from each of the worlds six inhabited continents
will receive the $150,000 prize. This years other winners

Francisco Pineda, from El Salvador, led a citizens
movement that stopped a gold mine from destroying the
countrys water resources. He now lives under constant
threat of assassination and has 24-hour police protection.

Dmitry Lisitsyn, from Russia, who has fought to protect the
threatened ecosystem of Sakhalin Island in Russias far
east from being damaged by a large petroleum
development project.

Ursula Sladek, from Germany, created her countrys first
cooperatively-owned renewable power company.

Prigi Arisandi, from Indonesia, initiated a local movement
to stop industrial pollution from flowing into a river that
provides water to three million people.

Hilton Kelley, from the US, has fought for poor
communities affected by pollution from petrochemical and
hazardous waste facilities on the Gulf coast of Texas.

Iranian journalist wins UNESCO World Press Freedom
Prize: Imprisoned Iranian journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi was
on April 7, 2011 selected as winner of this years UNESCO
Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. A former
editor-in-chief of the Azad newspaper and contributor to the
Tehran-based daily Hamshahari, the BBC Persian service,
and the Persian/English news site Rooz, Zeidabadi is
currently serving a six-year jail sentence after he was
convicted of spreading propaganda against the ruling
Islamic establishment on Irans disputed presidential
election in 2009. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova
says Zeidabadi has courageously and unceasingly spoken
out for press freedom and freedom of expression.

WikiLeaks coverage wins Guardian Newspaper of the
Year award: British newspaper The Guardians coverage
of the secret U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks
has won it recognition as Britains Newspaper of the Year
at the prestigious 2011 Press Awards given on April 5,
2011. The publication of thousands of secret cables,
including a cache of India cables by The Hindu, revealing
controversial aspects of American foreign policy, has
embarrassed the U.S. administration and its friends abroad.
The Guardian was one of the worlds four leading
newspapers, besides the New York Times, Le Monde and

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Der Spiegel, that originally collaborated with WikiLeaks to
publish the cables.

Russian cosmonauts awarded Belgian Order: Belgiums
Crown Prince Philippe, the Duke of Brabant, on April 6,
2011 presented the Order of the Crown, Commander Class,
to Russian cosmonauts Sergei Zaletin, Roman Romanenko,
and Gennady Padalka in Moscow. The three cosmonauts,
together with Belgian astronaut Franc De Winne, had flown
a six-month space mission aboard the International Space
Station in 2009. The Order of the Crown (Ordre de la
Couronne) was instituted by King Leopold II in 1887 and is
awarded for distinguished artistic, literary or scientific
achievements or for commercial or industrial services to the
kingdom subjects in the Belgian Congo.

Bernardo Bertolucci to receive Palme dOr: An honorary
Palme dOr award is to be presented at the Cannes Film
Festivals opening ceremony from this year onwards. The
inaugural award will be given to director Bernardo
Bertolucci, of Last Tango in Paris and The Last Emperor
fame in May. Festival organisers on April 11, 2011 said the
award would go each year to an important film-maker
whose work is authoritative but who had never won
Cannes top award, the Palme dOr.


14 win India Development Marketplace grant

A competitive grant programme jointly organised by
International Finance Corporation and Development
Marketplace has announced 14 winners out of 30 finalists
from Rajasthan, Bihar and Orissa in the India Development
Marketplace Competition in April 2011. Each of these 14
winning business models will receive a grant of US$50,000
(about Rs. 2,247,500). The selection was made through
screening and online assessment of the proposals received
this year by officials from the World Bank Group.

The jury reviewed the 30 shortlisted proposals on
parameters including social impact, sustainability, growth
potential and innovation during their presentation at the
Marketplace event in Jaipur. The winning models outlined
activities to address vital development needs in Rajasthan,
Bihar and Orissa. A majority of them addressed two sectors
Handicrafts and Education and skills training.

T3 awarded gold-rating for eco-friendly features:
Terminal-3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport, New
Delhi has been conferred the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design New Construction gold rating by the
Indian Green Building Congress for green buildings in April
2011. The IGBC is the local chapter of U.S. Green Building
Council. A gold rating was awarded to T3 on the basis of its
features with regard to sustainability, water efficiency,
energy and atmosphere, material and resources, indoor
environmental quality and innovation in design.


Wisden selects 4 in Cricketers of the Year list

The 2011 edition of the Wisden Cricketers Almanack will
feature only four Cricketers of the Year, instead of the usual
five, after one of the chosen Five Cricketers became
embroiled in the spot-fixing furore which broke during the
Lords Test between England and Pakistan last August. The
truncated list will feature in the Almanacs 148
which was officially unveiled on April 3, 2011. Pakistans
Mohammad Amir was to be chosen for his 19 wickets at
18.36 in four Tests against England followed by a further 11
in the two-match series against Australia last year.

The other four nominees include the first players from
Bangladesh and Ireland to receive the award. Tamim Iqbal
struck hundreds at both Lords and Old Trafford during
Bangladeshs Test tour in May and June 2010, while Eoin
Morgan helped propel England to the World Twenty20 in the
Caribbean, as well as secure home ODI series wins over
Australia and Pakistan. The other two players are Jonathan
Trott, who scored 1,325 Test runs for England in the
calendar year, including scores of 226 and 184 in
consecutive Lords Tests, and Chris Read, who captained
Nottinghamshire to a County Championship victory.

Kapil wins Global Diversity Award for Sport 2011: Indias
first World Cup winning captain Kapil Dev was on April 7,
2011 chosen for the Global Diversity Award for Sports 2011
in London for his outstanding achievements in cricket and
his recent induction into the ICC Hall of Fame 2010. The
award was instituted by the Next Step Foundation, a not-for-
profit organisation set up Labour MP Keith Vaz that
promotes diversity and leadership issues in the United

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

News round up

India, Thailand to double bilateral trade in
three years

India and Thailand on April 4, 2011 agreed to intensify
Defence and security cooperation as well as double bilateral
trade over the next three years. Bilateral trade between the
two countries has grown 6 fold in the last decade and
touched US $ 6 billion last year, growing at over 30% from
the previous year. A joint statement, which was released
after the summit meeting between Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh and his Thai counterpart Abhisit Vejjajiva
in New Delhi, announced the establishment of a regular
High-Level Dialogue on Defence Cooperation that would
consider widening the scope of cooperation in the sector.

This dialogue is expected to lead to a Memorandum of
Understanding on Defence Cooperation and is part of
Indias burgeoning defence ties with ASEAN (Association of
Southeast Asian Nations) countries, South Korea and
Japan. In addition to taking a closer look at the ongoing
exchanges between the armed forces, the dialogue would
attempt to broaden the scope of cooperation to include the
Defence industry and technology.

The summit meeting saw both sides agreeing to intensify
coordinated patrolling, which would be aimed at sanitising
the busy but narrow and vulnerable Malacca Straits. Ever
since the September 11, 2001 attacks, naval ships from
both countries jointly patrol their respective stretches to foil
any piracy or disruption of shipping through the deliberate
disabling of a ship.

On the security side, the two Prime Ministers resolved to
improve sharing of intelligence, develop more effective
counter-terrorism policies and increase interaction between
law enforcement agencies. In this respect, they decided to
expedite discussions on some of the building blocks, such
as the Extradition Treaty, the Mutual Legal Assistance
Treaty in Civil and Commercial Matters.

Commerce Ministry launches Buyers Credit
to boost project exports

The Union Commerce and Industry Ministry on April 6, 2011
launched a new product Buyers Credit under the National
Export Insurance Account (NEIA) to boost project exports
from India. The product is to ensure that Indian companies
are in a competitive position in project bids vis-a-vis their
peers from other nations. The Buyers Credit facility can be
used by sovereign Governments and Government-owned
entities overseas to finance import of projects from India on
deferred payment terms. Project exports include civil
construction (of structures and infrastructure), turnkey
projects, process and engineering consultancy services.

The loan would be disbursed for large project exports
especially in the infrastructure sector, such as roads,
bridges, railways, power line, sewerage plants, water
treatment facilities and housing. A single project exposure
covered by the loan could be $100 million (or Rs 450 crore).
A higher amount, of even up to $2 billion, could be
considered if the project is strategically important to India,
sources said.

The scheme has been developed by Export-Import Bank of
India (Exim Bank) along with the Export Credit Guarantee
Corporation of India (ECGC).

NEIA, a Trust with a corpus of Rs 2,000 crore, was set up
by the Ministry to provide export credit insurance cover for
promoting project exports from India administered by
ECGC. The ECGC aims to strengthen the export promotion
drive by covering the risk of exporting on credit.

India signs chemicals test data-sharing pact
with OECD

India has joined the system for the Mutual Acceptance of
Data (MAD) in the Assessment of Chemicals, a multilateral
agreement supported by the Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD). The objective is to
bring about quality parity with international standards in the
manufacturing of non-clinical chemicals. Its decision to join
the OECD pact in April 2011 makes India the third key
emerging economy after South Africa and Singapore to get
on board the platform for ensuring that the results of its non-
clinical chemical safety testing will be accepted in all other
participating countries.

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurra said that the MAD
system saved governments and chemical producers around
150 million every year by allowing the results of a variety of
non-clinical safety tests done on chemicals and chemical
products, such as industrial chemicals and pesticides, to be
shared across OECD and other countries that adhere to the

Under the system it would be mandatory for testing to be
carried out using OECD standards for test methods and for
data quality and governments would have to verify
compliance of laboratories by using the OECD-agreed
procedures. These procedures would now apply to India, as
they do to all OECD countries.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

In most cases the rules for testing and quality have been
implemented via the appropriate legislative and
administrative procedures, the OECD said, highlighting the
benefits that would arise from the MAD system through the
removal of a potential non-tariff trade barrier between
countries for marketing chemicals.

Minimum wage hiked by Rs.15

The Union government has revised the minimum wages,
payable for any work, coming under the schedule of
employment, by Rs.15 per day and fixed the new National
Floor Level Minimum Wage (NFLMW) at Rs.115 instead of
Rs. 100/- per day effective from April 1.

The new rate has been fixed on the basis of All India
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers. The NFLMW
is a non-statutory measure. All the State governments and
the Union Territories have been requested to revise
minimum wages in such a way that in none of the scheduled
employments, the minimum wage is less than NFLMW of
Rs.115 per day.

The last time NFLMW revised was on November 1, 2009. It
moved up by Rs.20 per day to Rs.100 from Rs.80 then. In
the Central Sphere, minimum rates of wages were revised
for workers in the employment of agriculture, stone
breaking and stone crushing, sweeping and cleaning and
watch and ward.

Cairn-Vedanta deal referred to GoM

The deal has been delayed cue to a dispute over royalty
payments by Cairn Indias partner, PSU ONGC
ONGC, which has a 30% stake in the Cairn operated
Rajasthan fields, pays 100% of the royalties
Petroleum Ministry and ONCC have been pushing to
share the royalty burden. Cairn has opposed the move
Cairn has set an internal deadline of April 15 to seal the
deal. Vedanta on April 6 said it would go ahead with its
open offer as scheduled

Cairn Energys proposal to sell majority stake in its Indian
arm to Vedanta Resources suffered a set back on April 6,
2011 after the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
(CCEA) referred the deal to a Group of Ministers (GoM).

Cairn Energy Plc proposes to sell a maximum 51 per cent
stake in Cairn India Ltd to Vedanta Resources for up to
$8.48 billion. The decision to refer the deal to a ministerial
panel follows differences among some ministries on certain
legal issues relating to the transaction. Issues of royalty and
cess have continued to plague the deal. The CCEA was to
take a call on issues relating to royalty, being borne by
ONGC for the pre-NELP (New Exploration Licensing Policy)
Rajasthan oil fields and the dispute on cess being paid
under protest by Cairn for the fields. Foreign companies
were provided incentives such as 100% royalty waiver on
their share of oil produced in the pre-NELP era to
encourage them to form JVs in India. So even though
ONGCs share in the oil produced from its JV is 30%, it pays
the entire royalty while Cairn pays nothing for its 70% share.

Vedanta Resources and Cairn Energy on April 8, 2011
extended the April 15 deadline for conclusion of their deal
by more than a month.

Task force set up to address pharma industry

An task force comprising top representatives of the
health ministry, the Department of Industrial Policy and
Promotion, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority,
various drug industry bodies and business chambers has
been formed to bring out a report on a long-term policy for
the pharma sector.

The task force, headed by V M Katoch, director general of
Indian Council of Medical Research and secretary to
Department of Health Research, has been asked to give its
report within three months of its first meeting. The order to
set up the task force was issued on April 3, 2011.

The task force would evolve policies and strategies to make
India a hub for drug discovery and research and
development. It has been told to recommend strategies to
further the interests of the pharma industry in the light of
issues related to intellectual property rights. It will also
suggest steps to capitalise the opportunity of drugs worth
$60 billion going off-patent over the next five years.

National drugs security is another focus area of the task
force. It will find ways to promote indigenous production of
bulk drugs, prevent takeover of Indian pharma companies
by multinational companies, tackle problems of spurious
drugs and promote generic drugs. The task force will also
make recommendations on drug pricing.

National Clean Energy Fund gets Cabinet nod

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on April 7,
2011 approved the constitution of a National Clean Energy
Fund (NCEF) along with guidelines and modalities for
approval of projects to be eligible for financing under this
fund. The fund was set up to serve as a separate non-
lapsable corpus for funding green energy projects with the
broader objective of cutting down Indias carbon footprint.

An inter-ministerial group has been constituted to approve
the projects or schemes eligible for financing. NCEF will be

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

used for funding research and innovative projects in clean
energy technologies. Government assistance under it will
not exceed 40 per cent of the total project cost. The group
will design a standard format for submission and evaluation
of the projects. There will be a time frame specified under
the scheme for processing of applications at each stage.
The group will identify or appoint appropriate professional
agencies to monitor the progress of NCEF-funded projects.

The Union Cabinet also approved the comprehensive
document for the National Water Mission drafted by the
Ministry of Water Resources. The National Water Mission is
one of the eight national missions which form the core of the
National Action Plan for Climate Change. The objective of
the mission is conservation of water, minimising wastage
and ensuring its equitable distribution both across and
within states through integrated water resources
development and management.

Committee on Central Economic Intelligence
Bureau constituted

The President of India on April 5, 2011 has sanctioned the
constitution of a Committee to review the role, functioning
and structure of the Central Economic Intelligence Bureau
(CEIB) in the changed economic scenario.

The members are: S. S. Khan Retired Member, Central
Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT); Vijay Lakshmi Sharma
Member, Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC); Dr.
Kewal Ram, Senior Economic Advisor Department of
Consumer Affairs and Deputy Director General (CEIB)
Member (Secretary) to the Committee

Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (CEIB) is a nodal
point in the Ministry of Finance for collection and
dissemination of information to the various Intelligence

The Committee will have the following terms of reference:
a. To study the existing structure of CEIB and make
recommendations on measures
(i) To streamline and strengthen the existing financial
intelligence gathering and its dissemination.
(ii) For effective coordination amongst the intelligence
Organizations in the Ministry of Finance and with
Intelligence Organizations of the Government of India.
b. To identify relevant commercial databases for business
intelligence analysis by CEIB
c. To suggest structural linkages between CEIB and FIU-
d. To prepare a roadmap for CEIB to work in line with the
best global practices.
e. Any other related issues.
The Committee will furnish its Report to the Government of
India within two months of its constitution.

About CEIB

The Role of Central Economic Intelligence Bureau

It is well recognised that the evasion of one tax usually
entails evasion of other taxes as well. For the purpose of
effective information gathering, collation and dissemination,
a close co-ordination between the Agencies enforcing
different tax laws is essential. The Central Economic
Intelligence Bureau was set up with the intention of creating
a body which would coordinate and strengthen the
intelligence gathering activities as well as investigative
efforts of all the Agencies which enforce economic laws.

Accordingly, the following functions have been entrusted to
the Central Economic Intelligence Bureau:-

To collect intelligence and information regarding aspects
of the black economy which require close watch and
investigation. Also, keeping in view the scene of
economic offences, the Bureau is required to collect
information and provide periodical and special reports to
the concerned authorities;

To keep a watch on different aspects of economic
offences and the emergence of new types of such
offences. The Bureau was made responsible for evolving
counter-measures required for effectively dealing with
existing and new types of economic offences;

To act as the nodal agency for cooperation and
coordination at the international level with other customs ,
drugs, law enforcement and other agencies in the area of
economic offences.

To implementation of the COFEPOSA (i.e. Conservation
of Foreign Exchange & Prevention of Smuggling
Activities Act, 1971 which provides for preventive
detention of persons involved in smuggling and foreign
exchange rackets under certain specified circumstances)

To act as a Secretariat of the Economic Intelligence
Council which acts as the apex body to ensure full co-
ordination among the various Agencies including Central
Bureau of Investigation, Reserve Bank of India,
Intelligence Bureau etc.

National Water Mission document approved

The Union Cabinet on April 6, 2011 approved the
Comprehensive Mission Document of the National Water

The National Water Mission is one of the 8 National
Missions which form the core of the National Action Plan for
Climate Change. The Mission Document for National Water
Mission was drafted by the Ministry of Water Resources

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

through consultative process with involvement of State
Governments, concerned Central Ministries, Non-
Governmental Organizations, academicians and other

The objective of National Water Mission is conservation of
water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its equitable
distribution both across and within States through integrated
water resources development and management.

Five goals identified in the National Water Mission are
Comprehensive water data base in public domain and
assessment of the impact of climate change on water
resources; promotion of citizen and state actions for water
conservation, augmentation and preservation; focused
attention to vulnerable areas including over-exploited areas;
increasing water use efficiency by 20%; and promotion of
basin level integrated water resources management.

A two-tier setup has been proposed, one at Central level
and the other at State level for framing the policies and
guidelines for implementation of the National Water Mission.
At the Central level, an apex Board under the Chairmanship
of the Minister of Water Resources and at the State level, a
Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of the
Principal Secretary / Secretary will be constituted.

A very compact Mission Secretariat under a Mission
Director to be supported by Adviser (Technical) and Adviser
(Coordination and Monitoring) is envisaged under the
National Water Mission. The technical support to the
Secretariat will be provided by Central Water Commission,
Central Ground Water Board, Brahmaputra Board and
National Institute of Hydrology.

The prioritized strategies of the Mission will be taken up
through the continuing schemes of Ministry of Water
Resources by suitably modifying scope and outlay of the
respective schemes. The overall additional requirements for
such activities have been duly taken into consideration while
working out the revised outlays of the various schemes of
the Ministry of Water Resources.

Advance estimates of crop production for
2010-11 released

Agriculture and Food Processing Industries Minister, Sharad
Pawar on April 6, 2011 released the third advance
estimates of crop production for 2010-11. Despite a setback
in the production of rice due to drought in some of the major
rice producing areas in the country, foodgrains production
reached the record level due to significant improvement in
production of wheat, pulses and coarse cereals.

As per the latest estimates, India has produced 235.88
million tonnes of foodgrains during 2010-11 compared to
218.11 million tonnes in the previous year. This is highest
ever foodgrains production, surpassing the earlier record of
234.47 million tonnes achieved in 2008-09.

The production of wheat, estimated at 84.27 million tones, is
an all time record. Similarly, production of pulses, estimated
at 17.29 million tones, is an all time record.

Contributed by steady increase in production of soyabean
and a quantum jump of 2.62 million tonnes over its
production during 2009-10, the oilseeds production,
estimated at 30.25 million tones, is also an all time record.

Cotton production has increased from 24.23 million bales in
2009-10 to 33.93 million bales in 2010-11.

The production of sugarcane, which had attained a record
level of 355.52 million tonnes during 2006-07 and declined
in subsequent years, has again started witnessing
increasing trend with an estimated production of 340.55
million tonnes in the current year.

The production estimates for major crops for 2010-11 are as
Foodgrains 235.88 million tonnes: highest ever
Rice 94.11 million tonnes
Wheat 84.27 million tonnes: highest ever
Coarse Cereals 40.21 million tonnes
Maize 20.23 million tonnes
Pulses 17.29 million tonnes: highest ever
Tur 3.15 million tonnes
Urad 1.82 million tonnes
Moong 1.37 million tonnes
Oilseeds 30.25 million tonnes: highest ever
Soyabean 12.59 million tonnes
Groundnut 7.09 million tonnes
Cotton 33.93 million bales of 170 kg each: highest ever
Sugarcane 340.55 million tonnes

CACP calls for lifting of ban on wheat exports

The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)
said that the country can easily export 3-4 million tonne of
wheat to take benefit of higher global prices as the
government godowns had foodgrains stock worth Rs
40,000-43,000 crore over and above the buffer norm. The
government had banned wheat exports in early 2007 and
rice in April 2008.

CACP Chairman Ashok Gulati on April 10, 2011 warned that
if export of rice and wheat are not allowed now, the
government will end up having huge stock of 60 million
tonne plus as on July 1, this year, when wheat procurement
would be over. The country could be faced with a scenario
of higher foodgrains stocks and lower global prices. This
was the situation in 2002 when India had to liquidate excess
stocks (to save them from rotting) by subsidising exports as

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

global prices had gone down drastically. But today, the
government can liquidate a part of the stock for export
without subsidy.

CACP, which suggests minimum support price (MSP) of 40
agri-commodities, has recommended to the government
allowing export of the grain in its recent report submitted to
the Agriculture Ministry. Food Corporation of India (FCI), the
nodal agency for procurement and distribution of foodgrains,
has a huge stock pile of foodgrains of over 47 million tonne
as against the required buffer norm of over 25 million tonne.
India is estimated to have produced a record 84.27 million
tonne of wheat in 2010-11 crop year ending June. Rice
output, too, is expected to rise to 94 million tonne from 89
million tonne in the previous crop year.

ADB lowers Indias GDP forecast to 8.2%

The Manila-based Asian Development Bank (ADB) on April
6, 2011 scaled down its projections for Indias economic
growth in 2011-12 to 8.2 per cent from earlier forecast of 8.7
per cent, expecting high global crude prices and RBIs tight
monetary policy to cast shadow on economic expansion. At
8.2 per cent, economic growth would be lower by 0.4
percentage points over the expected economic growth rate
last financial year. Governments Advance Estimates have
put economic growth at 8.6 per cent during 2010-11.

Blaming lack of reforms for decline in FDI in 2010-11, ADB,
in its Asian Development Outlook Report, expects India to
pursue industry-friendlier environment that would push
economic growth to 8.8 per cent during 2012-13. This
means that Direct Taxes Code, Goods and Services Tax,
expected by next financial year, as well as pension, banking
reforms and likely FDI in multi-retail will fetch dividends for
economic expansion.

However, inclusive growth will continue to remain a
challenge as buoyancy in services is yet to be spread to
agriculture and manufacturing, that give higher employment
than the tertiary sector. For making Indian manufacturing
competitive, the official said India should not protect small
sector, but promote it to tap economies of scale.

CII National Conference organised

The Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on April 8,
2011 said that the greatest challenge before us today is to
create and sustain more and better opportunities for a
young, growing and aspiring India. He specifically
mentioned some of these concerns which include:

accelerating capacity in key infrastructure and core
industries, which also entails dealing with financing
issues in view of large investment needs;
focusing on universalisation of elementary education and
improvement in its quality to raise transition and retention
at middle school and at secondary level;
upgrading vocational skills of the workforce, improve job
opportunities and productivity, thereby reaping the
demographic dividend in full measure; and
addressing environmental concerns and promoting
cleaner technologies while sustaining the growth

The Finance Minister was addressing the captains of Indian
business and industry at CII National Conference and
Annual Session 2011.The theme of this year annual
conference was Securing the Future: Framewoprk for
Inclusive Growth.

The Finance Minister appreciated the leadership CII is
providing to the National Skill Development Corporation and
the platform to address its members, there is scope to
enhance the role of industry in this area. He told them that
large sustainable skill development initiatives could be taken
up to contribute to meeting the NSDC target of 150 million
skilled persons. The CII could also take the lead in at least 5
to 10 sectors in setting-up sector skill councils including in
manufacturing, healthcare and mining.

IRDA issues guidelines for distance marketing
of products

The sale of insurance products through telemarketing, SMS,
Internet or through any other modes of distance marketing
will soon be more reliable. The new guidelines will require
every tele-caller to be trained by any institute accredited by
the Authority. J. Hari Narayan, Chairman, Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), released the
new guidelines on distance marketing of insurance products
on April 6, 2011.

The guidelines require insurers, brokers and corporate
agents to maintain a register of all persons engaged by
them or by the telemarketers hired by them for the purpose
of lead generation/solicitation of insurance business.
Further, all calls would have to be recorded to be
transferred to the insurer.

ULIP: The IRDA had also barred the insurers from soliciting
Unit-Linked Insurance Products (ULIPs) of non-single
premium type for annualised premiums exceeding Rs
50,000 over telephonic mode (voice as well as SMS). The
single premium ULIPs shall not be solicited for a premium of
more than Rs 1 lakh over telephonic mode.

No variable insurance product shall be solicited or sold over
distance marketing mode, according to the guidelines,
which would come into effect from October 1, 2011.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Passenger vehicle sales grow 29% in 2010-11

The cumulative production data for April-March 2011 shows
production growth of 27.45 percent over same period last
year. The industry produced 17,916,035 million vehicles of
which share of two wheelers, passenger vehicles (cars),
three wheelers and commercial vehicles were 75 percent,
17 percent, 4 percent and 4 percent respectively.

Domestic Sales

The growth rate recorded for Domestic Sales for 2010-11
was 26.17 percent amounting to 15,513,156 vehicles.

Passenger Vehicles segment grew at 29.16 percent during
April-March 2011 over same period last year. Passenger
Cars grew by 29.73 percent, Utility Vehicles grew by 18.87
percent and Multi-Purpose Vehicles grew by 42.10 percent
in this period.

The Commercial Vehicles segment registered growth of
26.97 percent during April-March 2011 as compared to the
same period last year. While Medium & Heavy Commercial
Vehicles (M&HCVs) registered growth of 31.78 percent,
Light Commercial Vehicles grew at 22.88 percent.

Three Wheelers sales recorded a growth rate of 19.44
percent in April-March 2011. While Passenger Carriers grew
by 22.03 percent during April-March 2011, Goods Carriers
registered growth of 9.45 percent.

Two Wheelers registered a growth of 25.82 percent during
April-March 2011. Mopeds, Motorcycles and Scooters grew
by 23.53 percent, 22.86 percent and 41.79 percent


During April-March 2011, overall automobile exports
registered a growth rate of 29.64 percent. Passenger
Vehicles registered marginal growth at 1.64 percent in this
period. Commercial Vehicles, Three Wheelers and Two
Wheelers segments recorded growth of 69.51 percent,
55.86 percent and 35.04 percent respectively during April-
March 2011.

World Gold Council unveils India: Heart of Gold: A
study by the World Gold Council, India: Heart of Gold,
states Indian households hold the largest stock of gold in
the world at 18,000 tonnes. Gold purchases in India
accounted for 32 per cent of the global total in 2010, says
the study unveiled in April 2011. The consumer demand for
gold is estimated to touch 1,200 tonnes, at a value of Rs
2500 billion, by 2020, from 963 tonnes (Rs 1700 billion) in
2010, fuelled by GDP growth, rapid urbanisation,
emergence of strong middle class, and increased savings
and income levels.
BEE starts energy efficiency labels for laptops: The
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in April 2011 launched a
voluntary endorsement label BEE STAR Ver 1 for
notebook computers and laptops, which will indicate that the
product is among the most energy efficient models available
in the country. The label provides an endorsement
indicating that a product meets specified criteria of energy
efficiency. The purpose of endorsement labelling is to
indicate to the consumer that the product saves more
energy than similar products in the category. Devices
carrying the energy star label, such as computer products
and peripherals, kitchen appliances, buildings and other
products, generally use 20-30 per cent less energy than
required by Government standards.

Record power capacity added in 2010-11: Union Power
Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on April 5, 2011 announced
that the country had achieved the addition of a record power
generation capacity of 15795 MW in 2010-11. The earlier
record for generation capacity commissioned in a single
year was in fiscal 2009-10, when 9,585 MW was added.
Notwithstanding the new landmark in terms of the highest
capacity added in a single year since independence, the
achievement is well short of the official target of 21,441 MW
set for the period. The prominent companies which added to
the capacity include NTPC, Adani Power, Reliance Power
and Tata Power etc.

Railways acquire highest no. of wagons in 2010-11: The
Indian Railways recorded the highest-ever rolling stock
acquisition/production of more than twenty thousand units
during fiscal 2010-10. Indian Railways acquired 16,638
wagons, produced 3079 passenger coaches and 497
locomotives (267 diesel & 230 electric) which all total to
20214 rolling stock units in the year 2010-11. The wagons
were procured from companies including Texmaco,
Titagarh, Besco, Modern, HEI, and Railways-run public
sector units.

Railways earn Rs 94,850 crore in 2010-11: Against the
target of Rs 94,742 crore, the Railways approx. total
earnings stood at Rs 94,850 crore for 2010-11, informed
Railway Board Chairman, Vivek Sahai on April 7, 2011. Of
this, freight earnings accounted for about Rs 62,900 crore
while passenger earnings were Rs 26,007 crore. The
growth in earnings was primarily because of positive trends
in loading of coal, foodgrains and fertilisers.

Major ports handle 569.90 mt of traffic in 2010-11: During
2010-11 fiscal, the countrys major ports handled a total of
569.90 million tonnes (mt) of traffic, up from 561.09 mt in
2009-10 thus posting a 1.57 per cent growth, according to
tentative figures released by the Indian Ports Association. In
2009-10, the volume growth was 5.8 per cent. Volumewise,
the Kandla port topped the list with a throughput of 81.88 mt
(79.5 mt in 2009-10) followed Visakhapatnam 68.04 mt
(65.50 mt), the Jawaharlal Nehru port 64.29 mt (60.76 mt),

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Chennai 61.46 mt (61.05 mt) and Paradip 56.03 mt (57.01
mt). Commoditywise, the highest growth was recorded in
the throughput of finished fertilisers 13.47 per cent at
12.41 mt (10.9 mt in 2009-10), followed by containers 12.64
per cent at 114.04 mt (101.24 mt) and raw fertilisers 12.42
per cent at 7.6 mt (6.77 mt).

FIIs invested Rs 10 lakh crore in 2010-11 SEBI:
Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) purchased stocks and
debt securities worth Rs 9,92,595.15 crore in the financial
year ending March 31, 2011, according to the latest
available data with SEBI in April 2011. At the same time,
FIIs sold shares and bonds worth Rs 84,6157.71 crore
during the financial year, still leaving behind an investment
of over Rs 1.46 lakh crore for the financial year. In dollar
terms, foreign funds invested $32.22 billion. FII inflows are
described as hot money because they can be pulled out
anytime. In the calender year 2010, overseas investors
infused a whopping Rs 1.79 lakh crore or $39.47 billion. FIIs
had poured in Rs 83,423 crore in the Indian market in 2009.

Indias forex reserves at $305.486 bn on April 1: The
countrys foreign exchange reserves have gone up by
$2.004 billion to $305.486 billion for the week ended April 1,
according to the Weekly Statistical Bulletin released by the
Reserve Bank of India. In the week under consideration,
foreign currency assets increased to $275.019 billion while
the countrys reserve position at the IMF increased to
$2.939 billion. Meanwhile, SDRs declined to $4.556 billion,
while gold reserves were up to $22.972 billion.

Bank loans grow 21.4% in 2010-11, deposits rise 15.8%:
Bank loans registered a growth of 21.38 per cent in 2010-
11, while deposit growth stood at 15.84 per cent, according
to data released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on April
7, 2011. Deposit growth for 2009-10 was 17 per cent, while
the growth in credit was 16 per cent.

Govt ups stake in IOB to 65.87%: The governments stake
in public sector Indian Overseas Bank has increased from
61.23 per cent to 65.87 per cent as a result of capital
infusion of Rs 1,054 crore into the Bank. IOB allotted
7,39,49,343 equity shares of Rs 10 each at an issue price of
Rs 142.53 per equity share totalling Rs 1,054 crore to
Government of India on preferential basis, the Bank said in
a statement in April 2011.

India offers to host International Centre on Energy
Access: India on April 5, 2011 offered to set up an
international centre on energy access to boost the provision
of energy to remote and inaccessible areas. The offer was
made by Dr. Farooq Abdullah, Minister for New and
Renewable Energy, at the assembly of the International
Renewable Energy agency-IRENA held at Abu Dhabi, UAE.
IRENA is the worlds first intergovernmental agency on
renewable agency was established in 2009 with the
objective of fostering international cooperation and
promoting international understanding on renewable energy.
India has been associated with the formation of IRENA from
the beginning and was among the first 25 countries to ratify
its statute. The Minister offered Indias expertise in building
and hosting, in cooperation with IRENA, a Centre of Energy
Access in India. This centre will serve as Centre of
Excellence in the field of energy access through the use of
renewable energy.

India to study Indonesias Zero Kero programme to
reduce kerosene use: An Indian delegation on April 5,
2011 visited an LPG bottling plant near Jakarta to study a
key programme in Indonesia under which LPG kit is
provided to customers to stop kerosene supply. The
delegation led by Minister of State for Petroleum and
Natural Gas R P N Singh visited the LPG bottling plant of
Pertamina near Jakarta to study Zero Kero Programme
implemented by Indonesia. As part of the programme
Indonesia is providing an LPG kit comprising 3kg cylinder,
cooking stove and pressure regulator free to kerosene
customers and thereafter stop kerosene supply. The
Government of Indonesia has converted 48 million kerosene
users to LPG in the last three years.

Pratip Chaudhuri appointed new SBI Chairman: Pratip
Chaudhuri on 8, 2011 took over as the new Chairman of the
countrys largest commercial bank State Bank of India (SBI).
Chaudhuri succeeds managing director R Sridharan, who
was the acting chairman after O P Bhatt retired on March

Munhot appointed SIDBI CMD: Sushil Munhot, Executive
Director, IDBI Bank, was in April 2011 appointed as
Chairman and Managing Director of the Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI). SIDBI was established
on April 2, 1990 as the principal financial institution for the
promotion, financing and development of industry in the
small scale sector and to co-ordinate the functions of the
institutions engaged in the promotion and financing or
developing industry in the small scale sector. Small scale
industries are the industrial units in which the investment in
plant and machinery does not exceed Rs.10 million.

Coal India Ltd. to bid for The Kraal: India is once again
trying to acquire The KraalMahatma Gandhis house in
Johannesburg. The Union government, in March 2011, gave
PSU Coal India Ltd the approval to acquire the property and
convert it into a Gandhi memorial. Indias earlier attempt to
acquire the heritage property was unsuccessful. The house
was designed by Hermann Kallenbach, whose relation with
the Mahatma was in news in Joseph Lelyvelds new book
Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and his Struggle with India.
Indias father of the nation is said to have lived there
between 1908 and 1911.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 3 to 9, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Sangakkara named captain of ICC dream team: Sachin
Tendulkar, Yuvraj Singh and Zaheer Khan have found a
place in the International Cricket Councils Team of the
Tournament unveiled on April 4, 2011. Kumar Sangakkara
has been named the captain of this team of 12 that was
chosen by a select group of experts who were given the
task of picking a balanced side for sub-continental
conditions on the basis of performances in the tournament.
The Team: Sachin Tendulkar, Yuvraj Singh, Zaheer Khan
(all from India), Tillakaratne Dilshan, Kumar Sangakkara
(WK and captain), Mahela Jayawardena,Muttiah
Muralitharan (all from Sri Lanka), AB de Villiers, Dale Steyn
(both South Africa), Shane Watson (Australia), Shahid Afridi
(Pakistan), Dale Steyn (South Africa). 12th man: Tim
Southee (New Zealand).

Shane Watson hits world-record 15 sixes in ODI: Shane
Watson hit a record 15 sixes on his way to making the
highest one-day innings by an Australian as Bangladesh
were beaten by nine wickets in the one-day international at
Mirpur on April 11, 2011. Australia 232-1 (26 overs) beat
Bangladesh 229-7 (50 overs) by nine wickets. The 29-year-
old, who also hit 15 fours, scored 185 off 96 balls - beating
Matthew Haydens previous total of 181 made against New
Zealand in 2007. Watson beat West Indies Xavier
Marshalls record of 12 sixes.

Bhupathi, Paes win Sony Ericsson doubles: Mahesh
Bhupathi and Leander Paes beat Belarusian-Canadian pair
of Max Mirnyi and Daniel Nestor 6-7(5), 6-2, 10-5 in the final
to win the mens doubles title at the Sony Ericsson Open in
Miami on April 2, 2011. The title also gave them No. 1
position in the ATP World Tour doubles team rankings. It is
Paes and Bhupathis second team title of the year, following
the Chennai Open at the start of the season. Mens Singles
title was won by Serbias Novak Djokovic who beat Spains
Rafael Nadal 4-6, 6-3, 7-6(4) in the final.

FIFA confirms bin Hammam, Blatter as candidates:
World footballs governing body FIFA on April 4, 2011
confirmed the incumbent Joseph S. Blatter (Switzerland)
and Mohamed bin Hammam (Qatar) as candidates for the
FIFA presidency. Blatter, 75, has served as FIFA President
since 1998, while bin Hammam, 61, is currently president of
the Asian Football Confederation (AFC). Blatters image has
taken a knock recently after he refused to look into goal-line
technology despite a series of refereeing errors at the World

Federalism and Fiscal Transfers in India by C. Rangarajan, D. K. Srivastava
Handbook of Psychology in India by Girishwar Misra
Hand of Destiny: Vol. III - Eventful Decades by C. Subramaniam
Zapata - The Ideology of a Peasant Revolutionary by Robert P. Millon
A Dreamer of Freedom - A Historical Play About 1857 Indian War of Independence by Basavaraj Naikar
Environment Change and National Security by Manoj Kumar
Rethinking Towards Post Rational Architecture Modernity by Jaimini Mehta
Contested Spaces - Citizenship and Belonging in Contemporary Times by (edited) Meenakshi Thapan
The History of Brahmans and Brahmanism in India - Part I by PK Arasakumar
Justice Disgraced by Baldev Singh
Adult Education - Myths and Realities by Rameshwari Pandya & Richa Kapoor
The World Parliament of Religions, 1893 by Lakshmi Niwas Jhunjhunwala
Pollution, Untouchability and Harijans by Yasumasa Sekine
Maritime Security - The Unlawful Dimension by Prabhakaran Paleri
Arming Without Aiming Indias Military Modernisation by Stephen P. Cohen, Sunil Dasgupta
Indian Philosophy And Its Social Concern by Sharada Subramaniam and Rani P.L.
Dalit Assertion In Society, Literature And History by (edited) Imtiaz Ahmad, Shashi Bhushan Upadhyay
The Intolerant Indian: Why we must rediscover a liberal space by Gautam Adhikari
Bismarck: A Life by Jonathan Steinberg
Consumer India: Inside The Indian Mind And Wallet by Dheeraj Sinha
The Popcorn Essayists by (edited) Jai Arjun Singh
Indian Aircraft Industry: by Air Commodore Jasjit Singh
Going Native: Gandhis Relationship With Western Women by Thomas Weber
How to Change the World: Tales of Marx and Marxism by Eric Hobsbawm

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week April 10 to 16, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

Jacob Mathew elected WAN-IFRA president
Yasmeen Abrar is new Chairperson of NCW
SC asks govt to appoint Lalit as prosecutor in 2G
Dr. Binayak Sen granted bail by SC
C. Bhaskaran, first SFI president, passes away
Screenwriter Sachin Bhowmick passes away
Supervisory board on child sex ratio reconstituted
India Water Forum 2011 organised
Reprieve for 44 deemed univs. facing derecognition
Tata Sons files defamation case against Outlook
SC finds large-scale illegal mining in Karnataka
Govt. to promote Nagpur as Tiger Capital
Navy to get INS Vikramaditya from Russia in Dec
Assam Rifles celebrates 176th anniversary
New guide for relief agencies released
Festival organised on 75 years of Odia Cinema
German grant received for Chausath Khambha
SC admits petition against jallikattu
Lancet says India concealing presence of NDM-1
Bourn Hall Clinic opens first IVF centre in India

Section B: WORLD
3rd BRICS Summit concludes with Sanya Declaration
Indian PM, Chinese President hold bilateral talks
50th anniversary of worlds space flight observed
India, Kazakhstan sign civil nuclear agreement
India in world's top 7 economies under G-20 scanner
Global military growth slowest since 2001 SIPRI
World Bank launches new Education Strategy 2020
Fukushima accident reclassified as a major accident'
International Contact Group on Libya meets
Russian copters for NATO in Afghanistan
UNSC passes anti-piracy resolution
Piracy reaches all-time high in the first Q of 2011
France returns ancient Korean books
Sweden is most competitive digital economy WEF
China launches 8th navigation satellite
World Parkinson's Day observed
India to participate in Venice Biennale
NASA releases WISE data for Cosmos gazers
Mitchell is Special US envoy for Myanmar
Laurent Gbagbo captured in Ivory Coast
Croat commander convicted of war crimes at ICJ
Worlds oldest man Bruening passes away
Archaeologist Binford passes away

Section C: AWARDS
Vikas Jha wins Indu Sharma Katha Samman
Nandita Das receives French civilian award
Kanishtha Dhankhar is PFMI World
Dharmendra is Bollywood Evergreen Hero'
41 CRPF men get gallantry medals on Valour Day
Moroccan journalist wins Gebran Tueni Prize
SCOPE awards conferred on Public Sector Day
O&M wins highest no. of golds at Goafest 2011
FICCI Young Women Achievers Awards conferred
National Architectural Design awards conferred
Four Indian students win Gates Scholarship
P.M. Belliappa conferred MBE

National Telecom Policy 2011 announced
TRAI calls to boost telecom manufacturing
Rural India has 12.1 mn active internet users IMRB
Insurance penetration at 5.2% of GDP FICCI-BCG
CACP calls for freer trade in foodgrains
Govt. to introduce simpler IT return form Sugam
IMF lowers India's growth forecast to 8.2 % for 2011
Indias rate of GDP growth higher than China IMF
Govt eases rules for posts of CMDs in banks
Banks get more time on new NPA norm
Government to issue biometric PAN cards
RBI survey to gauge manufacturing growth
Govt bans Nokia pushmail
Top 5 control over half of the MF businessAMFI
Cement sector to grow in double-digits E&Y
Tatas bag deal to modernise Air force bases
Security policy stresses on local IT products
Auto majors lose car market share in 2010-11
Indians work 8 hours a day OECD
RIL declines govt.s prioritisation directive
Metro earns Rs. 2 crore from carbon credits sales
Retail customers happy with Indian banks E&Y
Muthuraman takes over as CII President

Section E: SPORTS

Sania-Vesnina win WTA title in Charleston
Charl Schwartzel wins 75th U.S. Masters
SSP Chowrasia is No. 1 ranked Indian Golfer
Anirban Lahiri wins Panasonic Open
Tendulkar is Wisden's Leading Cricketer for 2010
India wins $175,000 for No. 1 Test side
Alok Kumar wins Billiards & Snooker Asian titles
Rajput wins gold at Shooting World Cup
Vettel wins Malaysian GP
Kiptoo, Jeptoo win Paris marathon
Come And Play scheme for CWG venues launched
Force India sports academy to identify racing talent
Two Centres of Excellence in sports to come up in Delhi
Spain retains No. 1 position in FIFA ranking
1960 Rome Olympics football team felicitated

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA


Jacob Mathew elected WAN-IFRA president

Jacob Mathew, Executive Editor of the Malayala Manorama
Group of Publications, has unanimously been elected
president of WAN-IFRA at its annual general meeting held
in Dublin, Ireland. He is the first Indian and second Asian,
after Seok Hyun Hong of Korea, to be elected to this office.
He will take over from Gavin K O'Reilly, Group Chief
Executive Officer of The Independent News and Media
Group, Ireland, on July 1, 2011. Tomas Brunegard, CEO,
Stampen Group, Sweden, has been elected vice-president.

WAN-IFRA, based in Paris and Darmstadt, Germany, is a
global organisation of newspaper editors and publishers,
representing more than 18,000 publications, 15,000 online
sites and over 3,000 companies in more than
120 countries. The World Association of
Newspapers, founded in 1948, and IFRA, the
research and service organisation of the news
publishing industry, founded in 1962, merged
in 2009 to form WAN-IFRA. Its core mission is
to defend and promote quality journalism,
editorial integrity, press freedom and
development of new media business.

Jacob Mathew is now a trustee of the Press
Institute of India/Research Institute for
Newspaper Development and is also on the
Asia Board of the International Newspaper Marketing
Association (INMA).

Yasmeen Abrar is new Chairperson of NCW:
Yasmeen Abrar, member of the National Commission for
Women, has assumed charge as chairperson of the
National Commission for Women following completion of the
tenure of Girija Vyas. She will hold the Office of
Chairperson, NCW till the vacancy is filled by a fresh
nomination under sub-Section IV of Section IV of NCW Act
1990, a government press release said on April 11, 2011.

The NCW was set up as statutory body in January 1992
under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 ( Act
No. 20 of 1990 of Governemnt of India) to review the
Constitutional and legal safeguards for women; recommend
remedial legislative measures, facilitate redressal of
grievances and advise the Government on all policy matters
affecting women.

The First Commission was constituted on 31
January 1992
with Jayanti Patnaik as the Chairperson. The Fifth
Commission has been constituted on February 2005 and
the government has nominated Dr. Girija Vyas as the

SC asks govt to appoint Lalit as prosecutor in 2G:
The Supreme Court on April 11, 2011 directed the
government to appoint senior advocate U U Lalit as Special
Public Prosecutor for the trial of 2G spectrum case involving
former Telecom Minister A Raja and others. The apex court
said that Lalit will be at liberty to choose his team of
prosecutors from the panel of advocates working for the CBI
which said it will file its supplementary charge sheet by April
24 in the case. Earlier, the Centre had objected to the
appointment of Lalit as Special Public Prosecutor saying he
did not meet the eligibility criteria for the task.

Dr. Binayak Sen granted bail by
SC: The Supreme Court on April 15,
2011 granted bail to Dr. Binayak Sen,
observing that no case of sedition was
made out against the rights activist, who
was convicted and sentenced to life
imprisonment by a trial court in
Chhattisgarh. A Bench of Justices H.S.
Bedi and C.K. Prasad, after hearing
senior counsel Ram Jethmalani for the
petitioner and senior counsel U.U. Lalit
for the State, granted bail to Dr. Sen.

Bhaskaran, first SFI president, passes away: C.
Bhaskaran, first all-India president of the Students
Federation of India (SFI) and editor of the Chintha
Publishers of the CPI(M) in Kerala, passed away on April 9,
2011 at the age of 65. Born at Vengad in Kannur district,
Bhaskaran became a political activist at an early age and
played a key role in the formation of the SFI, becoming its
president in 1970. He remained in the post till 1974.

Screenwriter Sachin Bhowmick passes away:
Bollywood screenwriter Sachin Bhowmick passed away on
April 12, 2011 at the age of 82. Among the last of his
achievements was the creation of superhero Krissh.
Bhowmick started his writing career in 1958 with Mohan
Segals Nargis. Working for over five decades, he was
associated with films such as An Evening In Paris (1967),
Aradhana (1969), Caravan (1971), Khel Khel Main
(1975) Golmaal (1979), Karz (1980) Karan Arjun (1995),
Koi Mil Gaya (2003) and Krrish (2006).

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK


Central supervisory board reconstituted to
tackle declining child sex ratio

The Union government has reconstituted the Central
Supervisory Board set up under the Pre-conception & Pre-
natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994 (PC & PNDT Act) to
address the sharp decline in the child sex ratio as reflected
in the provisional Census figures.

The new Board will have 35 members including Ghulam
Nabi Azad, Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare as
the chairperson and Krishna Tirath, Minister of State
(Women & Child Development) as Co-Chair. The non-
official members include representatives from non-
governmental organisations working in the field of women's
health, gynaecologists and obstetricians, social scientists,
paediatricians, and health experts.

The Board advises the Centre on policy matters relating to
use of pre-natal diagnostic techniques, sex-selection
techniques and against their misuse; review and monitor
implementation of the Act and rules made under it and
recommend to the Union government changes in the said
Act and rules. It also helps to create public awareness
against the practice of pre-conception sex selection and
pre-natal determination of sex of foetus; lays down code of
conduct to be observed by persons working at genetic
counselling centres, laboratories and clinics; and oversees
the performance of various bodies constituted under the Act
and take appropriate steps to ensure its proper and effective

In order to check female foeticide, the Pre-natal Diagnostic
Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act,
1994 was brought into operation from January 1, 1996. The
Act was amended to make it more comprehensive and was
renamed Pre-conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic
Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994.

India Water Forum 2011 organised

A three-day India Water Forum (IWF) was organised by The
Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and the Ministry of
Water Resources to discuss water issues faced by the
country from April 13 to 15, 2011 at the India Habitat
Centre, New Delhi. Water Security and Climate Change:
Challenges and opportunities was theme of the IWF.

The National Water Mission (2009) has called for reforms
on regulation of water resources including that of pricing of
water for various uses and penalties for polluters. India has
only 4 per cent of available fresh water, though the country
hosts 16 per cent of the world's population. About 85 per
cent of the water is used for irrigation, whereas drinking
water accounts for 7 per cent and the rest is used by
industry including the energy sector. The per capita water
availability has seen a drastic decline of 70 per cent in the
past 60 years from 5,177 cubic metres a year in 1951 to
1,544 cubic metres a year in 2011.

The main objective of the National Water Mission is
conservation of water, minimizing wastage and ensuring its
more equitable distribution both across and within States
through integrated water resources development and
management. The five identified goals of the Mission are:

(a) comprehensive water data base in public domain and
assessment of impact of climate change on water resource;
(b) promotion of citizen and state action for water
conservation, augmentation and preservation;
(c) focused attention to over-exploited areas;
(d) increasing water use efficiency by 20%, and
(e) promotion of basin level integrated water resources

Reprieve for 44 deemed universities facing
derecognition: The Supreme Court on April 11, 2011
gave a reprieve to the 44 deemed universities (DUs) facing
de-recognition on the basis of the deficiencies pointed out
by the Tandon Committee, by extending the status quo
order (viz., restraining the government from taking further
action on the basis of the report). This would mean that
these DUs would be at liberty to take admissions for the
academic year 2011-12. A Bench of Justices Dalveer
Bhandari and Deepak Verma also directed the Centre to
reconstitute the three-member committee to examine the
responses submitted by the DUs to the deficiencies pointed
by the Tandon Committee. The responses would be
examined by the three-member committee and thereafter
they would be sent to the Tandon Committee for its
comments vis--vis the deficiencies. Thereafter each
institution would be heard and orders passed.

Tata Sons files defamation case against Outlook:
Tata Sons Ltd on April 12, 2011 filed a criminal defamation
complaint against news magazine Outlook for publishing
articles which had claimed that the group received undue
pecuniary advantage from former Disinvestment Minister
Arun Shourie during divestment of state-owned VSNL in
2002. According to the complaint, the article published by
Outlook in its March 28 edition titled Arun Shouries Gift to
Tatas suggests that the Tatas received undue pecuniary
advantage from Arun Shourie in his capacity as Minister of
Disinvestment in relation to the groups acquisition bid for 25
per cent stake in VSNL when it was privatised by the Centre
in 2002. It further said another article published in April 4,

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

2011 edition titled A Land of No Return also related to the
disinvestment of VSNL levelled certain additional
allegations without any basis.

Committee finds large-scale illegal mining in
Karnataka: The Supreme Court-appointed Central
Empowered Committee (CEC) on April 15, 2011 criticised
the Karnataka Government for allowing large-scale illegal
mining in the State, particularly in Bellary district, in
connivance with officials and public representatives. Taking
on record the CEC's interim report submitted by senior
counsel and amicus curiae Harish Salve, the Bench
comprising Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia, Justice Aftab Alam
and Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan issued notice to the State
Government and sought its response by April 21.

Govt. to promote Nagpur as Tiger Capital: Union
Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam
Ramesh on April 15, 2011 announced that Nagpur will be
promoted as the tiger capital and a gateway to tiger land, he
said. The Minister also complimented Maharashtra on the
increase in tiger population in the State. Thirteen of the
country's 39 tiger reserves are in Maharashtra. New tiger
reserves have been approved in the state at Nagzira-
Navegaon and Bor. Another major decision was to
decentralise the National Tiger Conservation Authority
(NTCA) and set up three field offices and the first one would
be opened in Nagpur. In addition, Rs.50 crore will be
provided for resettlement of villages inside the Melghat and
Tadoba tiger reserves. The environment ministry also
announced that bamboo can now be treated a minor forest
produce (MFP). Also forest officials will now be required to
take mandatory permission of the gram sabhas for filing
cases against tribals.

Navy to get INS Vikramaditya from Russia in Dec:
The Navy has started preparations to take charge of aircraft
carrier INS Vikramaditya (Admiral Gorshkov) from Russia,
with the first batch of officers and sailors having
commenced training there ahead of its induction next year.
The Navy has sent a 152-member crew for training on the
45,000-tonne aircraft carrier in St. Petersburg, Russia. The
warship is to be delivered by December next. Earlier, the
Navy began a shore-based test facility in Goa to train the
naval aviators who would eventually fly the MiG29-K fighter
aircraft that would be operated from INS Vikramaditya. The
INS Vikramaditya project, sanctioned in January 2004
envisaged delivery of the warship in August 2008 but it got
delayed over price with Russia demanding $2.9 billion to
carry out repair and re-equipping for converting the cruiser
into an aircraft carrier.

Assam Rifles celebrates 176
anniversary: Assam
Rifles, the oldest Para-Military force in the country,
celebrated its 176
anniversary on April 9, 2011. Assam
Rifles is the only para-military force to have taken part in
both the World Wars and all operations in Independent
India. Since is humble birth in 1835 as a civil protection
force, known as the Cachar Levy during the British Colonial
rule, the Assam Rifles has metamorphosed into a tough
paramilitary force, providing peace and political stability in
the insurgency-ravaged region as well as safeguarding
tenuous frontiers.

New guide for relief agencies released: A handbook
defining minimum standards for relief and response
mechanisms during natural calamities and man-made
disasters across the world was released in New Delhi on
April 14, 2011. The objective of the handbook put together
by the Sphere Project is to guide relief agencies involved in
protecting rights of people affected by disasters. The
Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum
Standards in Humanitarian Response was launched as part
of a three-day Collaborative learning and advocacy
programme hosted by Sphere India and GDFR. The latest
edition of the handbook covers responses to disasters such
as the recent earthquake in Japan. Sphere India is a
national coalition of humanitarian agencies in India that
works in collaboration with government agencies, UN
agencies, Red Cross, international, national and local NGOs
and communities. GDFR works for promotion of sustainable
disaster reduction through knowledge and skills.

Festival organised on 75 years of Odia Cinema: A
three day Odia Film Festival was organised by the
Directorate of Film Festival in New Delhi from April 15 to 17,
2011 to mark 75 years of Odia Cinema. Sita Bibah in 1936
was the first Odia Talkie

German grant received for Chausath Khambha:
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) on April 13, 2011
received a Rs.96-lakh grant from the German Government
for conservation and restoration of the 17
Century Mughal-
era tomb Chausath Khamba at Nizamuddin in Delhi. The
AKTC will undertake conservation work as part of the
Humayun's Tomb-Sundar Nursery-Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti
Urban Renewal Initiative, a public-private partnership
between the Aga Khan Development Network and the
Archaeological Survey of India, the Municipal Corporation of
Delhi and the Central Public Works Department. Chausath
Khambha, built in 1623-24 A.D., is the tomb of Mughal
Emperor Akbar's foster brother Mirza Aziz Kokaltash. A
unique structure built entirely in marble, the monument has
suffered severe damage due to excessive water seepage
and inappropriate repair work in the 20

SC admits petition against jallikattu: The Supreme
Court on April 11, 2011 admitted a writ petition filed by the
People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, challenging the
Tamil Nadu law regulating the conduct of jallikattu. The

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

petitioner challenged the TN Regulation of Jallikattu Act,
2009 contending that it had declared legal an activity, which
was an offence under Section 11 of the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals Act. Apart from the cruelty to animals,
this was a fatal event where not only tamers but also
spectators were killed and injured seriously year after year.

Lancet says India concealing presence of NDM-1:
International health journal Lancet has accused the
Government of India of suppressing truth about the
presence of a drug-resistant bacteria in the public water
system here by threatening and abusing its own
scientists. It also dubbed as unfortunate the government's
denial of presence of such bacteria. Mark Toleman, one of
the co-authors of the study that claimed to have detected
the bacteria in the capital's waters, said it was named New
Delhi-beta-lactamase' first in an American journal called
Antibiotic Agents and Chemotherapy in 2009 and the
naming had nothing to do with Lancet. The journal says that
the debate over naming the bacteria should not detract from
the importance of the findings and the implications that they
might have for human health.

Bourn Hall Clinic opens first IVF centre in India:
Bourn Hall Clinic, the world's first IVF (In-vitro Fertilisation)
clinic, has opened a centre in Kochi, Kerala the first one
outside the United Kingdom. The assisted conception clinic,
which has to its credit the world's first test tube baby, will be
opening 16-18 centres across the country in the next three
to five years. The IVF pioneers, the 2010 Nobel laureate
Professor Robert Edwards and Dr. Patrick Steptoe, set up
the Bourn Hall Clinic in 1978 when they first revolutionised
infertility treatment with the birth of the first test tube baby,
Louise Brown.

The Eichmann Trial by Deborah E Lipstadt
Indias New Economic Policy: A Critical Analysis by (edited) Waquar Ahmed, Amitabh Kundu and Richard Peet
Communalism Explained! A Graphic Account by Ram Puniyani and Sharad Sharma
Getting it Right - India's Unfolding Infrastructure Agenda' by Vinayak Chatterjee
Report On The State Of Food Insecurity In Urban India by MS Swaminathan Research Foundation
South Asia, Envisioning A Regional Future by Smruti S. Pattanaik
News as Culture - Journalistic Practices and the Remaking of Indian Leadership Traditions by Ursula Rao
The Marshall Albums: Photography and Archaeology by Sudeshna Guha
Civilization: The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson
Financial Policies And Everyday Life (The Indian Context) by S. S. Tarapore
Challenges of Nation-Building in Developing Societies edited by Suranjan Das, Shantanu Chakrabarti
India's Higher Defence by R. Venkataraman
The Oxford India Anthology of Business History by Medha M. Kudaisya
'An Envoy Looks Back - A Memoir by KH Patel
Vinod Kambli: The Lost Hero by Kunal Purandare
5 Years Guarantee How to Make India Richer by Shrawan K. Vikram
CBI Top Cop Recalls by S.K. Datta
Secrets of RSS - Demystifying the Sangh by Ratan Sharda
Free the CBI - Power Games in Bhopal & Other Cases by BR Lall
Speeches that Reshaped the World by Alan J Whiticker
The Splendour of Hyderabad - The Last Phase of an Oriental Culture by MA Nayeem
Travelling with Darwin - Evolution of an Evolutionary by Gaurangi Maitra
Exploring Medieval India by Meena Bhargava
Afghanistan - A Role for India by R.K. Sawhney, Arun Sahgal, Gurmeet Kanwal
Literary Criticism - A New History by Gary Day
Great Indians - Surendranath Banerjea to Gandhi by Balraj Krishna
Towards Freedom 1941 - Part-1 by Amit K. Gupta and Arjun Dev
How to Change the World: Tales of Marx and Marxism by Professor Eric Hobsbawm
Standing My Ground by Mathew Hayden
Patrons of the Poor: Caste Politics and Policymaking in India by Narayan Lakshman
The Crisis This Time - Socialist Register 2011 by Leo Panitch, Greg Albo, Vivek Chibber

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK


Section B: WORLD

BRICS Summit concludes with Sanya

BRICS leaders of five emerging economies concluded their
third Summit at Sanya, China on April 14, 2011 in which
they discussed the global economic situation hoping to build
up a new era of prosperity in the world.

Participants: The Forum, which initially began as BRIC
(without South Africa), has held two Summits earlier (June
2009 at Yekaterinburg, Russia & April 2010 at Brasilia,
Brazil). This year South Africa was formally admitted to the
Forum. All the five BRICS nations are members of the UN
Security Council and G-20. The Summit was attended by
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Presidents of China
Hun Jintao, Russia Dmitry Medvedev, Brazil Dilma Rousseff
and South Africa Jacob Zuma

Share in world GDP: The BRICS countries are the most
representative countries among emerging markets. The
combined population of the five countries is close to three
billion, accounting for 43 per cent of the world total. Their
combined gross domestic product, or GDP, is $11 trillion, or
16 per cent of the worlds total GDP. Their GDP share in the
global pie, however, goes up to almost 25 per cent when
compared against their GDP on a purchasing-power-parity

Trade in local currencies: India on April 14, 2011 agreed
to an arrangement to facilitate and expand the system of
settling in local currencies all trade transactions among
members of the BRICS group of countries. The agreement
followed consultations among development banks
representing Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa,
held with a view to strengthening the BRICS inter-bank
cooperation. At $4.6 trillion, the five BRICS countries
account for almost 15 per cent of global trade volume, but
trade among them is only about $230 billion a year. The
expanded system of settling trade in local currencies could
boost intra-BRICS trade.

Permanent membership of UNSC: India has secured a
significant endorsement of its aspirations for a permanent
place in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The
endorsement came in the form of the Sanya Declaration,
adopted after the BRICS Summit held in Sanya on April 14,
2011, when leaders of the five countries met and reviewed
the global economic and political situation. The Declaration
has reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the
UN, including the Security Council. In addition, it has noted:
China and Russia reiterate the importance they attach to
the status of India, Brazil and South Africa in international
affairs and understand and support their aspiration to play a
greater role in the UN. India, Brazil and South Africa at
present are non-permanent members of the UNSC for

International economic issues: The Sanya Declaration is
significant also for the stance it has adopted on major
international economic issues. It has stepped up the
pressure on the developed world to expedite necessary
reforms in the international financial and monetary system,
so that they can remove the inadequacies and deficiencies
brought to light by the financial crisis in 2008. The leaders
reiterated the need for a broad-based international reserve
currency system and welcomed the discussion about the
role of special drawing rights or SDRs in the existing
international monetary system, including the composition of
SDRs basket of currencies. It has also endorsed the need
to resist all protectionist policies, conclude the Doha round
of trade talks under the World Trade Organisation without
further delay and strengthen the institution of the Group of
20, already in place as the primary instrument for settling all
international economic issues

Libya: The Sanya Declaration does not shy away from
politically sensitive international developments. On the
developments in Libya, the leaders have affirmed to
continue the BRICS solidarity and co-operation in the UN
Security Council, in addition to supporting the African Union
High-Level Panel Initiative on Libya.

IBSA: The grouping of India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA)
on April 14, 2011 reaffirmed its relevance despite the
formation of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
Africa). This was endorsed in separate meetings Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh held with Brazilian President
Dilma Rousseff and South African President Jacob Zuma at

Indian PM & Chinese President meet at Sanya

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese
President Hu Jintao conducted a bilateral meeting at Sanya,
China on April 14, 2011 opening up new possibilities of
stronger ties between two of the worlds largest emerging
and neighbouring economies. The two leaders, meeting a
day before the BRICS Summit, agreed to establish a
working mechanism to handle border-related problems. The
mechanism would be in addition to the existing dialogue that
the special representatives of the two countries were
holding to settle boundary disputes.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

The Indian PM called for deepening Indias strategic and
economic partnership with China. Both countries foresee
the two-way trade target to reach $100 billion by 2015, from
the 2010 level of $60 billion.Hu reciprocated when he
offered to find a solution to Indias vexed problem of rising
trade deficit with China. In 2010, Chinas exports to India
were $40 billion, while Indias exports to China were only
$20 billion, leaving a trade deficit of $20 billion. Singh raised
the issue of greater market access for Indian
pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, engineering goods
and information technology services.

Year of the India-China Exchange in 2011 was also
launched on the occasion. China will invite 500 young
Indians from all walks of life and support teaching of
Chinese in Indian middle and high schools.

anniversary of worlds space flight

First man in space: Russia on April 12, 2011 marked a half
century since
Yuri Gagarin
became the first
man in space.
On the morning
of April 12,
1961, 27-year
old Soviet
Cosmonaut Yuri
Gagarin blasted
off in a Vostok
spacecraft from
the Baikonur cosmodrome in the Soviet republic of
Kazakhstan. After a voyage lasting just 108 minutes,
Gagarin ejected from his capsule and parachuted down into
a field in the Saratov region of central Russia.

In a break with tradition in a country which unlike the U.S.
space agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) never gives names to its spacecraft,
Moscow named a Soyuz spaceship after Gagarin which in
April 2011 brought a new team to the International Space
Station (ISS).

April 12 is marked in Russia every year as Day of
Cosmonautics. The U.N. General Assembly on April 7,
2011 adopted a Russia-moved resolution declaring April 12
International Day of Human Space Flight.

With Gagarin's flight, the Soviet Union scored its greatest
propaganda victory over the United States, spurring its Cold
War foe to take up the challenge in the space race. Just a
month after Gagarin's historic space voyage, President
John F. Kennedy declared that the U.S. would put a man on
the Moon by the end of the decade. The space race was on
and it was a race that America won hands down. In July
1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first
men to set foot on the moon with the success of their Apollo
mission. The U.S. space agency then turned to building the
world's first reusable spacecraft that could take humans and
cargo into orbit. The first space shuttle, Columbia, flew in
1981, followed by four of its siblings, Challenger, Discovery,
Atlantis, and Endeavour.

In contrast to the tense battle of the 1960s, space is
increasingly a matter of international cooperation with the
orbiting International Space Station a joint effort between
Russia, the United States and other partners. Many major
space initiatives are now joint endeavours involving many
countries. The launch of the Hubble space telescope in
1990, a joint venture between the U.S.'s and the European
Space Agency was the first such initiative. The International
Space Station (ISS) involving 16 countries, including the
U.S. and Russia, is another example. NASA has announced
the shut-down of its shuttle programme by the end of this
year. Russia's Soyuz spacecraft will now be the only way
that astronauts can travel to the ISS.

Russia is also remembering the genius of the man who
created the rocket that put him into space and
masterminded the flight chief Soviet rocket engineer
Sergei Korolev. One of the most remarkable figures in the
history of space travel, Korolev survived being sent to the
Gulag under Stalin to become a figure of such importance
his role was only disclosed after his death in 1966.

The anniversary has also prompted a release of information
from Russia about the most mysterious aspects of
Gagarin's life, most notably his still unsolved death in a
plane crash in 1968. Declassified documents released
recently said his jet likely manoeuvred sharply to avoid a
weather balloon, prompting it to crash in a region outside
Moscow and killing Gagarin and instructor Vladimir

India, Kazakhstan sign civil nuclear
cooperation agreement

India and Kazakhstan on April 16, 2011 signed an inter-
governmental framework agreement on civil nuclear
cooperation and some other key pacts, including a Mutual
Legal Assistance Treaty. The pacts were inked following
talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Kazakh
President Nursultan Nazarbaev at capital Astana.

The agreement will broad-base the cooperation and is
expected to cover aspects like research, technology transfer
and exploration of uranium in Kazakhstan, which is known

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

to have one of the richest reserves of the nuclear fuel that
India needs in increasing quantity.

India and Kazakhstan already have civil nuclear cooperation
since January 2009 when Nuclear Power Corporation of
India Limited (NPCIL) and Kazakh nuclear company
KazAtomProm signed an MoU during the visit of Nazarbaev
to Delhi. Under the contract, KazAtomProm supplies
uranium for use by Indian reactors.

Ever since the Nuclear Supplies Group (NSG) ended India's
34-year-old isolation in 2008 by giving a one-time waiver to
have cooperation in civil nuclear field, it has signed such
civil nuclear agreements with a number of countries
including the US, France, Russia, Canada, Argentina and

Another agreement signed on April 16 was the one between
state-run ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) and Kazakhstan's
national oil firm KazMunaiGaz JSC under which the Indian
company will acquire 25% stake in the Satpayev block in
the Caspian Sea. The agreement will provide for exploration
and production of oil from the Satpayev block which is
spread over 1,582 sq km and is believed to have 1.75 billion
barrels of reserves. OVL is expected to invest to the tune of
$400 million in the block.

The two countries also signed a Mutual Legal Assistance
Treaty during the Indian Prime Minister's visit who arrived in
Astana on a two-day visit as part of his two-nation tour that
earlier took him to the Chinese city of Sanya, where he
attended the summit of the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South
Africa (BRICS) grouping.

India among world's top 7 economies under G-
20 scanner

The G-20 on April 15, 2011 announced that International
Monetary Fund (IMF) would review policies of the world's
seven largest economies, including India and China, with
the objective of rectifying flaws before they imperil growth.
The US, Japan, Germany, France and Britain are the other
five countries that influence the global economy

The seven countries would be examined for economically
destabilizing policies, such as large government budget
deficits and debt, high personal saving rates and debt, or
big trade surpluses or deficits, the G-20 said after taking the
decision at a meeting of member finance ministers and
heads of their central banks in Paris. Further, it said that the
group also settled on approaches for evaluating the causes
of the imbalances and barriers for reducing them.

Christine Lagarde, Finance Minister of France, which holds
the G-20 presidency this year, said seven countries, clearly
large economies, were filtered through the process to go to
the second stage of analysis, and possibly some policy
adjustments will be recommended for them ". The IMF will
conduct its evaluations based on methods the G-20
members have developed.

Global military spending growth slowest
since 2001 SIPRI

Growth in global military spending slowed to its lowest level
since 2001 last year as the world economic crisis hit
defence budgets, Swedish think-tank SIPRI said on April 11,
2011. World military spending rose only 1.3 per cent in 2010
to USD 1.63 trillion (1.14 trillion euros), after average annual
growth of 5.1 percent between 2001 and 2009, the
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
said as it released its latest report on international military

The United States significantly slowed its military
investments last year but remained by far the biggest
defence spender in the world. US defence spending went
up by only 2.8 per cent in 2010 to USD 698 billion, after
averaging growth of 7.4 per cent between 2001, when
SIPRI began publishing its reports, and 2009.

Despite the slowdown, the United States' spending increase
of USD 19.6 billion still accounted for nearly all of the USD
20.6 billion global increase last year.

The USA has increased its military spending by 81 per cent
since 2001, and now accounts for 43 per cent of the global
total. At 4.8 per cent of GDP, US military spending in 2010
represents the largest economic burden outside the Middle

USA was followed by China ($119 billion), UK ($59.6 bn),
France ($59.3 bn), Russia ($58.7 bn), Japan ($54.5 bn),
Saudi Arabia ($45.2 bn), Germany ($45.2 bn), India ($41.3
bn, 2.7% of GDP, decline of -2.8% over 2009-10) and Italy
($37 bn).

The region with the largest increase in military spending last
year was South America with 5.8 per cent growth, reaching
a total of USD 63.3 billion.

In Europe, military spending fell by 2.8 per cent as
governments cut costs to address soaring budget deficits,
SIPRI said, noting that cuts were particularly heavy in the
more vulnerable economies of Central and Eastern Europe
and in Greece.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

World Bank launches new Education Strategy

From its overarching goal of schooling for all' as its
education strategy in the past, the World Bank Group made
a paradigm shift in its new Education Strategy 2020 to
learning for all' in the developing countries. This is driven by
the conviction that the driver of development eventually is
what individuals learn, both in and out of school, from
preschool through the labour market.

In its Education Strategy 2020 unveiled in Washington on
April 12, 2011 with the accent of investing in people's
knowledge and skills to promote development, the World
Bank Group said since launching a project to build
secondary schools in Tunisia in 1962, it had traversed a
long way by investing $69 billion globally in education via
more than 1,500 projects in developing countries including
India over the years.

Its financial support for education has risen over the decade
since the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were set,
surging to more than $5 billion in 2010. Alongside, its
private sector lending window, the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) began focusing on the education sector
since 2001, it has invested $500 million in 46 private
education projects.

The new education strategy reaffirmed its commitment to
helping countries get all children into school by the 2015
deadline for the MDGs. But with conditions in the world
changing rapidly from a record surge of young people at
the secondary, tertiary levels in West Asia and emerging
economies to the rise of new middle-income countries
anxious to boost their economic competitiveness by training
more skilled workforces developing countries must
transform gains in schooling into improved learning

Fukushima accident reclassified as a major
accident': The nuclear radiation crisis at the Fukushima
Daiichi plant in Japan was reclassified on April 12, 2011 as
a major accident with the same worst-case rating as the
1986 Chernobyl disaster. The level of the Fukushima crisis
was now provisionally raised from five' to the worst-
possible seven' on the International Nuclear and
Radiological Event Scale (INES). The previous rating of
five', assigned on the basis of radiation readings one week
after the March 11 temblor and tsunami, was the same as
that of the 1979 civil-nuclear accident in the U.S. The
Vienna-based IAEA said a score of seven' under the INES
framework would imply the occurrence of a major release
of radioactive material, with widespread health and
environmental effects, requiring the implementation of
planned and extended countermeasures.

International Contact Group on Libya meets: The
first meeting of an international contact group on Libya held
in Doha on April 13, 2011 has agreed to exert more
pressure on the regime of Libyan strongman Muammar
Qadhafi, but stopped short of expanding the list of countries
that formally recognise the opposition. The participants
discussed establishing a fund that will channel resources to
the opposition operating from Benghazi, Libya's second
largest city. British Foreign Minister William Hague, who co-
chaired the first session of the conference with Qatar's
leadership called for setting up a temporary financial
mechanism that would support the Transitional National
Council (TNC) of the opposition.

Russian copters for NATO in Afghanistan: Russia on
April 15, 2011 finalised a deal with NATO to supply two
dozen combat helicopters to Afghanistan and train local
pilots. Russia and NATO will set up a trust fund for the
supply and maintenance of Mi-17 and Mi-35 helicopters.
Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said
cooperation in Afghanistan was one of the most tangible
achievements of the Russia-NATO Council. He recalled
that Russia trains Afghan anti-drug personnel and has
provided land and air transit corridors for the coalition forces
in Afghanistan.

UNSC passes anti-piracy resolution: The United
Nations Security Council on April 11, 2011 passed a
resolution that tackles the problem of piracy for the first
time. The UNSC Resolution 1976 adopted by the Security
Council strongly condemned the growing practice of
hostage-taking by pirates operating off the coast of Somalia
and expresses serious concern at the inhuman conditions
hostages face in captivity. It also recognised the adverse
impact of the act of hostage-taking on the families of the
victims. Resolution 1976, adopted under Chapter VII of the
UN Charter and co-sponsored by India, also called upon all
member countries to cooperate on the issue of hostage-
taking. The resolution urged states and international
organisations to share evidence and information for anti-
piracy law enforcement purposes. With these elements,
resolution 1976 is expected to help countries in dealing with
the scourge of piracy and hostage-taking.

Piracy reaches all-time high in the first Q of 2011:
Piracy at sea hit an all-time high in the first quarter of this
year with 142 attacks reported worldwide, a bulk of them off
the coast of Somalia where a sharp rise was witnessed in
the crime, the International Maritime Bureau said in its
global report on April 14, 2011. The figures for piracy
attacks and armed robbery at sea recorded this year were
the highest in the first quarter of any past year. IMB's Piracy

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

Reporting Centre (PRC) is the only manned centre to
receive reports of pirate attacks 24 hours a day from across
the globe.

France returns ancient Korean books: France on
April 14, 2011 returned of ancient Korean royal books, 145
years after its troops looted them during a retaliatory raid on
an island west of Seoul in the earlier decades of the 20

century. The books, returned by the National Library of
France, were illustrated manuals on royal protocol written
during the Chosun Dynasty (1392-1910). The books will be
housed at South Korea's National Museum. Technically
they are "on lease" for a five-year permanently renewable
term but Seoul believes France is unlikely to try to reclaim
them. The return of the books became the subject of intense
diplomatic wrangling after a South Korean historian working
at the National Library of France stumbled upon the
volumes in 1975.

Sweden is the most competitive country in digital
economy WEF: Sweden and Singapore are the most
competitive countries in the digital economy, according to a
study by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Nordic and
Asian economies are best at using information and
communications technologies (ICT) to boost their growth,
the WEF said on April 12, 2011. Finland is in third place,
Switzerland fourth and the United States fifth. The WEF said
ICT was "a key enabler of a more economically,
environmentally and socially sustainable world". The WEF
study focuses on the power of ICT to transform society in
the next decade through modernisation and innovation.
Meanwhile, led by Singapore in second place, the other
Asian Tiger economies highly placed are Taiwan and South
Korea in sixth and tenth position respectively. The report,
which covers 138 economies, looks at three areas. They are
the general business, regulatory and infrastructure
environment for ICT; the readiness of the three key
stakeholder sectors - individuals, businesses and
governments - to use and benefit from ICT; and the actual
usage of available ICT.

China launches 8
navigation satellite: China on
April 10, 2011 launched its eighth navigation satellite, which
will form part of its indigenous satellite-navigation set-up to
rival the American Global Positioning System (GPS). A
Long March-3A carrier rocket carrying the "Beidou" or
Compass navigation satellite was launched from the
Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in southwest China's
Sichuan Province. It will join seven other satellites already in
orbit to form a network which will eventually consist of more
than 30 satellites.

World Parkinson's Day observed: World Parkinson's
Disease Day was observed on April 11, 2011. It is estimated
that approximately 6.3 million people have PD worldwide.
India to participate in Venice Biennale: India will
feature in the prestigious Venice Biennale after a gap of 116
years in 2011. India will have its own national pavilion to be
inaugurated on June 3, 2011. India will be one of the 94
countries in this world famous art event that saw its
inception in 1895. The theme for the different national
pavilions this year is Illuminations. For the Indian pavilion,
art critic Ranjit Hoskote has been appointed the curator who
has selected four artists from different genres and locations
with differing perceptions and artistic expressions to
participate in the exposition.

NASA releases WISE data for Cosmos gazers:
NASA on April 16, 2011 released a trove of data from its
sky-mapping mission, allowing scientists and anyone with
access to the Internet to peruse millions of galaxies, stars,
asteroids and other hard-to-see objects. The mission's finds
include more than 33,000 new asteroids floating between
Mars and Jupiter and 20 comets. NASA launched the Wide-
field Infrared Survey Explorer, which carried an infrared
telescope, in December 2009 to scan the cosmos in finer
detail than previous missions. The spacecraft, known as
WISE, mapped the sky 1 1/2 times during its 14-month
mission, snapping more than 2 1/2 million images from its
polar orbit. The spacecraft's ability to detect heat glow helps
it find dusty, cold and distant objects that are often invisible
to regular telescopes.

Mitchell is Special US envoy for Myanmar: US
President Barack Obama on April 15, 2011 appointed Derek
Mitchell as a special envoy to Burma. His formal title will be
Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma,
with the rank of Ambassador, Department of State. The US
wants the military regime in Myanmar to free political
prisoners and end conflicts with ethnic minorities. Recently
pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi was released from
house arrest at the expiry of her detention order and the
junta held elections marking a move towards civilian rule.

Laurent Gbagbo captured in Ivory Coast: Ivory Coast
leader Alassane Ouattara's forces, backed by French and
U.N. troops, captured his besieged rival Laurent Gbagbo in
capital Abidjan on April 11, 2011 at the climax of a deadly
months-long crisis. Gbagbo, who has held power since
2000, has stubbornly refused to admit defeat in November's
presidential election to Ouattara.

Croat convicted of war crimes at ICJ: A commander
hailed by Croats as a hero of the Balkan conflict was
convicted of war crimes by International Court of Justice
(ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands on April 15, 2011 and
sentenced to 24 years in prison for a campaign of shelling,
shootings and expulsions aimed at driving Serbs out of a
Croatian border region in 1995. The conviction of General
Ante Gotovina was a blow to the Croatian view of its

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

wartime generals as national heroes who reclaimed
Croatian land from a more powerful Serb force.

Worlds oldest man Bruening passes away: Walter
Bruening, a retired rail-worker who was the world's oldest
man, has died in the US state of Montana at the age of 114
on April 14, 2011. Breuning attributed his long life to eating
only two meals a day for the past 35 years.

Archaeologist Binford passes away: Lewis Binford,
founder of the New Archaeology movement and one of the
seniormost figures in world archaeology, passed away at
the age of 80 on April 11, 2011. Professor Binford brought
about a virtual revolution in archaeology in the 1960s and
1970s by elevating its status from a descriptive study of
antiquities to a scientific discipline devoted to
anthropological understanding of ways of life of ancient
societies. Professor Binford's field studies covered
archaeological sites in North America, Europe, Africa and
Middle East.

His major contributions include interpretation of differences
in prehistoric stone tool assemblages in terms of seasonal
variations in human activity early man as a mere
scavenger of leftovers from carnivorous kills rather than a
mighty hunter; and emergence of agricultural way of life due
to innovative initiatives of splinter hunter-gatherer groups
that moved away from their parent communities.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS


Vikas Jha wins Indu Sharma Katha Samman: Indian
novelist Vikas Kumar Jha was on April 11, 2011 chosen for
the 2011 International Indu Sharma Katha Samman, for his
novel McCluskieganj '. The award will be presented to Jha
at a function in the House of Commons in London on June
27, 2011. A post-graduate in Sociology, 47-year-old Jha is
the editor of Hindi magazine Rang Prasang.

Nandita Das receives French civilian award:
Actress-director Nandita Das has been conferred with the
Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters, one of the highest
civilian awards of France, for her contribution to the
development of Indo-French cooperation in cinema. The
actress, known for her performances in films like Fire,
Earth and Bawander, on April 15, 2011 received the
award from French Ambassdor Jerome Bonnafont.

Kanishtha Dhankhar is PFMI World: The winners of
the Pantaloons Femina Miss India (PFMI) 2011 pageant
were declared in Mumbai on April 14, 2011. Mumbais
Kanishtha Dhankhar won the PFMI World while Ankita
Shorey was PFMI International. Delhis Hasleen Kaur was
crowned PFMI Earth.

Dharmendra is Bollywood Evergreen Hero': Actor
Dharmendra was conferred with the Bollywood Evergreen
Hero' award at the TSR-TV9 Film Awards 2010 in
Hyderabad on April 10, 2011. The awards were given by the
T. Subbarami Reddy Lalithakala Parishath. Shatrughan
Sinha was felicitated as Bollywood Dynamic Star. Subhash
Ghai (Star Director) and Juhi Chawla (Shining Actress) were
among the others from Bollywood to be honoured. N.
Balakrishna received the Best Actor Award and the best
actress award went to Priyamani. Akkinneni Nageswara
Rao was honoured with Pride of India Award.

41 CRPF men get gallantry medals on Valour Day:
41 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) officers were
presented gallantry medals on the occasion of Valour Day
on April 9, 2011 in New Delhi.

Valour Day is celebrated to commemorate a 1965 incident,
when an attack from an entire brigade of Pakistani Army
was repulsed by two companies of the CRPF 2nd Battalion.

CRPF Director General K Vijay Kumar also honoured the
three surviving officers of the Sardar Post incident
Inspector Har Dev Ram, S-I Bhawani Dutt and water carrier
Ratan Singh. The CRPF is also the first force in the world to
raise an all-women battalion.
Moroccan journalist wins Gebran Tueni Prize:
Aboubakr Jama, co-founder and former managing director
of the weekly newspaper Le Journal Hebdomadaire, was
presented the 2010 Gebran Tueni Award in Beirut, Lebanon
on April 12, 2011. The annual prize of the World Association
of Newspapers and News Publishers honours an editor or
publisher from the Arab region. The award recognises
Jama's struggles in pursuing independent journalism while
dealing with a monarchy that, despite promises of reform,
maintains strict control on the Moroccan media. Gebran
Tueni, in whose name the award is given, was killed by a
car bomb in Beirut in 2005. WAN-IFRA, based in Paris and
Darmstadt (Germany), with subsidiaries in Singapore, India,
Spain, France and Sweden, is a global organisation of
newspapers and publishers. It represents 18,000
publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies
in more than 120 countries. It was created by the merger of
the World Association of Newspapers and IFRA, the
research and service organisation for the news publishing


Scope awards conferred on Public Sector Day

The SCOPE meritorious awards for the year 2009-10 were
conferred on their winners by the President Pratibha Patil on
the occasion of Public Sector Day organised jointly by
Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) and Standing
Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) on April 11,
2011. Arup Roy Choudhury is the Chairman of SCOPE
while Dr. U.D. Choubey is the Director General. The Public
Sector Flag was also released on the occasion.

SCOPE Gold trophy winners are:
Steel Authority of India Ltd. for Environmental
Excellence & Sustainable Development
Bharat Electronic Limited for Corporate Governance
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. for Corporate
Social Responsibility & Responsiveness
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. for R&D, Technology
Development & Innovation
Indian Oil Corporation Limited for best practices in
Human Resource Management
Punjab National Bank for best managed bank, financial
institution or insurance company
National Safai Karmacharis Finance & Development
Corporation for best managed PSE set up under section

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

Commendation certificates were given to:
NMDC Limited for corporate social responsibility &
Central Mine Planning & design institute Ltd. for R&D,
Technology Development & Innovation
Power Finance Corporation for best Managed Bank,
Financial Institution or Insurance Company

SCOPE felicitation awards were given to Maharatna
CPSES Indian Oil Corporation Limited, NTPC Limited, Oil
& Natural Gas Corporation Limited and Steel Authority of
India Limited.

The President also gave away certificates of conferment of
Mahartna status to Coal India Limited, conferment of
Navratna status to Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited and
conferment of Miniratna status to Pawan Hans Helicopters

O&M wins highest no. of golds at Goafest

With five golds and one Grand Prix, Ogilvy & Mather (O&M)
emerged as the winner at the Creative Abbies the final
and key set of awards declared at the Goafest 2011 on April
10, 2011.

O&M was followed by Leo Burnett and Mudra in second and
third spots respectively. O&M had five golds one Grand
Prix, eight silvers and 17 bronze metals. Mudra had a total
of 37 comprising two golds, 13 silvers and 22 bronze
metals. Leo Burnett total tally of 20 included three golds,
eight silvers and nine bronze trophies. Despite having the
maximum haul, Mudra was third in the pecking order based
on the number of golds it won.

FICCI Young Women Achievers Awards conferred:
Young FICCI Ladies Organization (YFLO), in association
with Zoya, conferred the Young Women Achievers Awards
2010 2011 in New Delhi on April 15, 2011. Every year
ACHIEVERS who have excelled in their respective fields
and made a significant contribution to society. The primary
objective of these awards is to promote entrepreneurship
and professional excellence. 10 women under the age of 45
are chosen from diverse fields and are felicitated through
these awards. The awardees for this year were Rani
Mukherjee (Acting), Agatha Sangma (Politics), Sonal
Agrawal (Business), Namrata Joshipura (Fashion), Arushi
Mudgal (Performing Arts), Surinder Kaur (Sports), Anjali
Bhardwaj (Community Service), Manvi Dhillon (Media),
Reena Saini Kallat (Visual Arts) and Namita Devidayal

National Architectural Design awards conferred:
The prize winning architects of the National Architectural
Design Competition for Rajaswa Bhawan were presented
with Citation and Cash Prize by Union Finance Minister
Pranab Mukherjee on April 16, 2011 in Delhi.

The first prize of Rs. 10 Lakhs was awarded to Architect
Siddharth Shirur of M/s Vistaar Architects & Planners of
Mumbai. The second prize of Rs. 5 Lakhs has been
awarded to Architect S. R. Sikka of M/s Sikka Associates
while the third prize of Rs. 3 Lakhs has been given to the
entry submitted by Architect Manit Rastogi of M/s

Three consolation prizes of 1 lakh each were received by
Architect Nishant Lall of M/s Sen & Lall Consultants Pvt.
Ltd., Architect Sanjay Nayak of M/s Edifice Consultants Pvt.
Ltd. and Architect Virender Khanna of M/s Virender Khanna
Associates respectively. The winning entries were chosen
by a panel of jurors, from a total of 58 participants from all
over the country.

Four Indian students win Gates Scholarship: Four
Indian students are among 60 from 29 countries who have
been awarded the prestigious Gates Scholarship for post-
graduate studies at the Cambridge University in April 2011.
Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, it enables
academically gifted postgraduates with a strong interest in
social leadership and responsibility to study at Cambridge.
Those selected include Sukrit Silas from Delhi, Divya
Venkatesh from Bangalore, Raghu Mahajan from
Chandigarh and Anand Shrivastava of Madras.

P.M. Belliappa conferred MBE: The British High
Commission presented the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire (MBE) badge to P.M. Belliappa, president of
the Association of British Scholars (ABS), in Chennai on
April 11, 2011. The award recognises Belliappa's services
to environmental protection and for promoting Indo-U.K.
alumni relations through the ABS.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK


National Telecom Policy 2011 announced

The Union Telecom Minister, Kapil Sibal, on April 11, 2011
announced the basic contours of the National Telecom
Policy 2011 (NTP-2011), which will include for the first time,
audit of spectrum held by telecom players, spectrum
sharing, reduction in the tenure of renewed telecom licences
from 20 years to 10 years, and liberalising of merger and
acquisition norms. Sibal had taken over from scam-tainted
telecom minister A Raja on January 1. The details will take
a year to finalise to take all stakeholder opinion on board.
The NTP will replace the 1999 policy that many regard as
being at the root of the 2G scam.

Mergers, acquisitions should be further liberalised; but
each circle should have at least six firms
Spectrum sharing should be considered
Spectrum to be delinked from licence
Regular audit of spectrum by agencies
Licence to be renewed after 10 years, not 20 years like

The telecom ministry has announced that in future 2G
spectrum will not come bundled with telecom licences and
that operators would have to pay market-driven prices for

The minister also announced the formation of a committee
to draft the National Spectrum Act, which will be headed by
retired judge Shivraj V. Patil.

The government will decide soon if TRAI, the telecom
regulator, or the CAG will be entrusted with the task of
auditing spectrum usage by telecom companies. Rival
companies have in the past accused each other of spectrum
hoarding and not using this scarce resource in an efficient
manner. The ministry will review the existing criteria under
which additional spectrum is granted after a mobile operator
acquires a specific number of subscribers.

Roll-out obligations: The department of telecom will also
review the existing rollout obligations of new telecom
companies, which it considers has got outdated. Under the
current norms, mobile operators are required to cover at
least 10 per cent of the district headquarters in each circle
within 12 months of the date of award of the licence.

M&A: The government is also considering easier merger
and acquisition (M&A) rules for telecom companies. The
liberalisation of M&A rules is expected to drive consolidation
in the industry, which is facing intense pressure on margins
due to tough competition and low tariffs. At present, there
are 10-12 operators per circle. Sibal said that while the M&A
guidelines need to be liberal, the number of competitors
(including state-run BSNL/MTNL) in a circle should not be
allowed to fall below six. At present, a telecom service
provider cannot hold more than 10 per cent stake in another
operator in the circle where it operates. There is also a lock-
in period of three years for companies which got licences in
2008. This means they cannot exit the venture before the
end of this period.

License period to be shortened: In a setback to old
telecom companies like Airtel, whose licence in some circles
is coming up for renewal in 2014, Mr Sibal said such
licences will now be renewed only for 10 years, instead of
the existing 20 years. These companies will need to apply
for renewal at least 30 months before the date of expiry of
their licences so that the department of telecom has
sufficient time to set up policy framework. These firms are
likely to pay a high market rate for spectrum when they
renew their licences.

TRAI issues recommendations to boost
telecom manufacturing

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on April
13, 2011 issued recommendations related to manufacturing,
infrastructure and green telecom to promote structured
growth of the sector. It has also proposed investments of
over Rs.1-lakh crore for technical upgradation and
improvement of manufacturing capabilities of the sector.

TRAI has recommended preferential market access to
domestic manufacturers and tax concessions in equipment
manufacturing policy. It has called for treating telecom
infrastructure as an essential infrastructure. It has also
asked for making green measures as an integral part of the
proposed National Telecom Policy 2011 and ensuring
energy certification for all telecom products, equipment and
services in the telecom network. The regulator said export
of domestic products should be actively encouraged and
telecom should be included in grant-in-aid programmes and
bilateral trade agreements.

It has also recommended setting up of Telecom Research
and Development Corporation (TRDC) at an investment
of Rs.15,000 crore, besides establishing a Telecom
Research and Development Park with a fund of Rs.5,000
crore for carrying out on-site R&D. It has also recommended
setting up of a Telecom Manufacturing Fund (TMF) with

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

an initial amount of Rs.3,000 crore for providing venture
capital to Indian product manufacturers in the form of equity
and soft-loans.

It has also called for setting up of a Telecom Standards
Organisation (TSO) for carrying out all works related to
telecom standards, driving international standards and
drawing up specifications of the equipment to be used in the
Indian telecom networks, including security standards.
Pointing out that Indian market for semiconductor chips is
around $8 billion, TRAI has recommended setting up of two
fabrication units with government assistance.

Rural India has 12.1 mn active internet users

The penetration of the internet in rural areas will see an all
time high this year. In a survey conducted by IMRB for the
Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), the total
number of active internet users in rural area will rise by 98
per cent to touch 24 million by the end of this year from 12.1
million in December 2010. The survey said that the claimed
internet user category is also set to grow by 96 per cent to
reach 29.9 million by December 2011 from 15.2 million in
December 2010. (Active users are those, who have used
the internet at least once in the past one month. Claimed
internet users are those, who have used the internet
sometime but not necessarily in the past one month). As
many as 40% of the users access internet for
watching/downloading music, video, photos while 39% per
cent prefer to access internet for email, chat.

The study found three reasons for this growth. One of the
main reasons is the growing awareness about internet.
According to the research, about 69 per cent of the rural
population is aware of the internet as opposed to 16 per
cent projected in last years report. The second reason for
the growth of rural internet users is that access has become
easier. The report further added that CSCs (Common
Services Centers) and Cyber cafes continue to be access
points for the use of internet. The syndicated research is
based upon a primary research survey that interviewed
about 15,000 people from various age groups, across SECs
and genders from the states of Assam, Maharashtra,
Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar

Government initiatives facilitated by DIT (Department of
Information Technology) such as National e-Governance
Plan (NeGP), State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and CSC
are increasingly maturing, said the survey. As per latest
reports provided by the DIT, there are about 90,000 CSCs
operational in various parts of India. With India having about
600,000 villages, each CSC on an average serves about six
villages approximately. Private sector initiatives such as
ITCs e-Choupal, HULs Project Shakti, Microsofts Project
Shiksha and Googles Internet bus among various others,
helped to create awareness and usage.

Insurance penetration at 5.2% of GDP in 2011

Size: The insurance industry will continue to march with a
rapid growth to reach 350 to 400 billion dollars in premium
income by 2020, making India amongst the top three life
insurance markets in the next nine years, says a report by
FICCI and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) titled 'India
Insurance, Turning 10, Going on 20'.

The report highlights the importance of insurance in India's
economy, the progress made in the last decade, key
challenges associated with the sector and an action agenda
for insurance companies and the government. A bill to raise
the foreign direct investment cap in private insurance from
the current 26 per cent to 49 per cent is pending in
Parliament. The report calls for relaxing the ownership

Growth: There has been a vast increase in the coverage of
insurance. The total penetration of insurance (premium as
percentage of GDP) has increased from 2.3 per cent in
2001 to 5.2 per cent in 2011, says the report unveiled on
April 10, 2011. The number of life policies in force has
increased nearly 12fold over the past decade and health
insurance nearly 25fold.

The progress has been aided by the dramatic shift in the
availability of products such as better term, Unit-linked,
whole life, maximum Net Asset Value guarantee, auto
assistance, auto pay per km insurance, disease
management, wellness. In addition, there has been a vast
increase in coverage. The report estimates the total
insurance premium will be about Rs 17 lakh crore to Rs 22
lakh crore in 2020 (with life being Rs 15 lakh crore to Rs 20
lakh crore).

Profitability: The report also notes that insurers' priority for
growth at any cost has resulted in inefficient operating
models as compared to global benchmarks, in both life and
non-life sector. The claims cost in the case of non-life are
very high arising from four key reasons- third party liability
claims, health loss ratios (group health cross subsidy), fraud
in the case of auto and health and lack of supplier
(hospital/garage) management by insurers. The private
sector insurance industry is yet to attain profitability. Private
life insurers accumulated losses of Rs 16,000 crore till
March 2010. Similarly, the nonlife industry (both public and
private) has cumulative underwriting losses of nearly Rs
30,000 crore, according to the report.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

CACP calls for freer trade in foodgrains

The new chairperson of the Commission for Agricultural
Costs and Prices (CACP), Ashok Gulati, in the CACP report
on kharif prices, presented to the government in April 2011,
has gone beyond just recommending an increase in
minimum support prices (MSPs) of paddy and other kharif

The report has drawn attention to fundamental flaws in
official policies, which continue to hurt farmers and impede
agricultural growth. The CACP believes that regulations
imposed by the government on trade in agricultural products
prevent farmers from securing better prices and better
incomes. Freer trade, including external trade, says the
CACP, will benefit farmers. Many agricultural commodities,
including rice and wheat, are barred from being exported.
This means Indian farmers are not benefiting from rising
global commodity prices.

The governments godowns are filled with stocks higher
than the minimum buffer required for supply to the public
distribution system and maintenance of a reasonable food
security. The CACP has, therefore, recommended lifting the
curbs on exports and is in favour of allowing private traders
to directly buy produce from farmers.

Finance Ministry to introduce simpler IT return
form Sugam

The Union Finance Ministry is expected to soon unveil a
simpler income tax return form called Sugam to reduce the
compliance burden on small businessmen and
professionals. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, in his
budget speech for 2011-12, announced the new simplified
return form Sugam' to reduce the compliance burden of
small taxpayers who fall within the scope of presumptive

The new form is in line with the government's effort to make
filing of returns simpler and user-friendly. The filing of
returns for individual salaried people was simplified
significantly with the introduction of SARAL-II form. This has
enabled individuals to enter relevant details in a simple
format in only two pages.

Presumptive taxation involves the use of indirect means to
ascertain the tax liability, which differ from the usual rules
based on the taxpayer's accounts. Under presumptive
taxation, a person carrying on business will not be required
to get his accounts audited if the annual total sales, turnover
or gross receipts is less than Rs. 60 lakh. The presumptive
tax limit in the case of professionals was increased to Rs.
15 lakh from Rs. 10 lakh.

IMF lowers India's growth forecast to 8.2 % for

International Monetary Fund (IMF) has lowered India's
economic growth rate forecast to 8.2 per cent for 2011 and
warned that boom like conditions could lead to over-heating
of the economy. The challenge for many emerging and
some developing economies (is) to ensure that present
boom-like conditions do not develop into overheating over
the coming year, the IMF said in its World Economic
Outlook report in April 2011. The multilateral lending agency
had earlier projected the country's economy to grow by 8.4
per cent in 2011.

IMF took note of the high inflation in India, recorded at 8.31
per cent in February, even as Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
expects it to come down to 8 per cent by March-end.
Further, it projected the Indian economy to grow at a
moderate 7.8 per cent in 2012 and cautioned that rising
commodity prices and disruptions to oil supply could pose
new risks to economic recovery.

However, the IMF retained its projection for global economic
growth at 4.5 per cent in 2011 and 2012, which is lower than
5 per cent growth it projected for 2010.

Indias rate of GDP growth higher than China
in 2010 IMF

Meanwhile India has overtaken China in growth for 2010.
According to data from the IMF, Indias GDP grew 10.4 per
cent in 2010 versus Chinas 10.3 per cent. This is the first
time that Indias growth has overtaken that of China, since
the latter initiated reforms in the 1980s, a decade ahead of

At 10.4 per cent, the growth numbers for India are higher
than the official data. The reason for this is provided in the
method used by the IMF to arrive at its numbers. The IMF
estimates growth rates by converting the GDP of countries
in local currencies to $ at market exchange. So, if a
currency appreciates, this raises its GDP growth in $ terms,
and the country whose currency appreciates more will grow
faster in $ terms.

If Indias GDP was Rs 100 and the exchange rate 48.85,
this means Indias $ GDP is 2.05. If, however, the exchange
rate appreciates to 45.93, the same GDP will rise to 2.18.
While Indias currency appreciated 6.4 per cent in 2010,
from Rs 48.85 per $ in 2009 to Rs 45.93 in 2010, Chinas
currency appreciated only 0.9 per cent, from 6.84 per $ in
2009 to 6.77 in 2010. So Indias GDP growth got a push that
was higher than Chinas and thereby ended up beating the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

Govt. deadline for digitisation of cable systems:
The Information and Broadcasting Ministry has fixed March
31, 2012 as the deadline for digitisation of all cable systems
in the four metro cities Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and
Chennai. Phase II will cover cities, with a population of more
than one million and will be completed by March 31, 2013.
All urban areas which fall under municipal corporations will
be covered by September 30, 2014, and the rest of India by
December 31 the same year, the Ministry said on April 13,
2011. The TRAI had recommended that digitisation with
addressability be implemented in the cable TV sector on

Govt eases rules for bank top jobs: The government
has relaxed the norms for appointment to top jobs at public
sector banks in April 2011. To be eligible for the post of
chairman and managing director (CMD), a candidate will
now require at least 18 months of residual service, with six
months experience as an executive director (ED). Earlier, a
candidate was required to have at least two years of
residual service, with one-year stint as an ED.

Banks get more time on new NPA norm: The
government has given a six-month extension for classifying
non-performing assets (NPAs) using technology, without
human interference. The deadline of March 31 has been
extended by six months to September 30. Although most
banks have adopted the core banking solution (CBS), a few
are facing certain problems with the software. As a result,
some banks are yet to bring all their operations under CBS.

Government to issue biometric PAN cards: The
government on April 12, 2011 announced it would issue
biometric PAN cards to taxpayers across the country to
weed out the duplicate and fake ones. The proposed new
biometric Permanent Account Number (PAN) cards would
bear the I-T assessee fingerprints (two from each hand)
and the face. There could be an option to existing PAN card
holders to opt for the biometric cards, but it may not be
mandatory. The Finance Ministry and the I-T department
had put on hold the biometric PAN card project last year to
avoid duplication with the UID numbers, to be issued by
Nandan Nilekanis Unique Identity Authority of India. The
biometric PAN card was proposed in 2006 by the then
Finance Minister P Chidambaram to counter the problem of
duplicate PAN cards uncovered during I-T searches and
raids by police and other enforcement agencies.

RBI survey to gauge manufacturing growth: The
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on April 14, 2011 launched its
Industrial Outlook Survey for April-June, 2011 period to
gauge the progress of the manufacturing sector that has
pulled down industrial growth. The survey would give an
insight into the perception of the public and private
companies engaged in manufacturing activities about their
own performance and their prospects. The findings of the
Survey, being conducted by the Centre for Research
Planning and Action (CERPA), would provide useful forward
looking inputs for policymakers, analysts and businesses.
The survey is being conducted at a time when the countrys
manufacturing sector is witnessing slowdown with
expansion plummeting to 3.5 per cent in February, 2011,
from 16.1 per cent a year ago. The poor show from the
sector pulled down the countries index of industrial
production to 3.6 per cent in February.

Govt bans Nokia pushmail: The government on April
15, 2011 asked telecom service providers to bar Nokias
proposed pushmail service till it puts in place a legal
monitoring system. In view of the Intelligence Bureaus
report, DoT is requested to advice the Telecom Service
Providers not to launch Nokias proposed
pushmail/powermail service without putting in place
monitoring facilities to the satisfaction of the LEAs, Ministry
of Home Affairs said in a communication to DoT. Messaging
services from Nokia involve push email for companies and
consumers and enables mobile users to manage multiple
email accounts from widely used email services like Yahoo!,
Gmail, Rediff to Sify. The communique came at a time when
Blackberry services are under the governments scanner
due to the security related issue for not providing a solution
to intercept its Enterprise mail services. The government
had asked BlackBerry-maker Research in Motion (RIM) to
come out with a satisfactory solution to intercept its
Enterprise mail services by March 31, which has been
already expired.

Top 5 control over half of the MF business: The
number of fund houses are increasing each year in the fast
growing Indian economy but when it comes about the size,
the top five players control over half of the country's mutual
fund business. An analysis of average assets under
management (AUM) by over 40 fund houses shows that the
top five players Reliance MF, HDFC MF, ICICI MF, UTI
MF and Birla Sun Life together control more than half of
the total assets managed by the MF industry in India. The
Indian mutual fund industry is valued worth Rs 7 lakh crore
as per the latest data available with the industry association
of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI). And putting together, these
top five fund houses own assets worth nearly Rs 4 lakh
crore, which is about 55 per cent of the average AUM of all
the fund houses.

Cement sector to grow in double-digits E&Y:
The 197-million tonne domestic cement industry is set to
clock double-digit growth from next fiscal with demand
outstripping even the 57-million tonne capacity addition
expected by 2013-14, says an industry report titled
Cementing India by Ernst & Young India. The Rs 77,800-
crore (as of March '10) domestic cement market; already

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

one of the fastest growing ones globally and the second-
largest among the emerging markets after China; is on
course to a double-digit growth path. The report places its
optimism on two factors mainly: the very low per capita
intake and the massive $1-trillion infrastructure push being
given by the government over the next five years.

Tatas bag deal to modernise Air force bases: A Tata
company has won the largest-ever defence contract
awarded to an Indian private sector company through a
competitive global tender. The Ministry of Defence signed a
Rs 1,094-crore contract called Modernization of Airfield
Infrastructure (MAFI) with Tata Powers Strategic
Electronics Division (Tata Power SED) for modernising 30
Indian Air Force (IAF) airbases across the country in March
2011. Tata Power SED has 42 months to execute this
strategically vital contract.

Security policy stresses on local IT products:
The government has issued draft of proposed National
Cyber Security Policy (NCSP) that identifies indigenous
development of IT products essential for curbing threats
from imported hi-tech products. The draft issued on April 10,
2011 has asked government to identify the most dangerous
classes of cyber security threats to the nation, critical IT
infrastructure vulnerabilities and the cyber security problems
and use these findings to develop and implement a
coordinated R&D effort focused on the key research needs.

Auto majors lose car market share in 2010-11:
Leading players like Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motor and Tata
Motors lost their market share in 2010-11 to mainly Ford
India and Volkswagen, says SIAM. According to figures
released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
(SIAM) on April 10, 2011, the country's car market leader
Maruti Suzuki India's (MSI) market share in the passenger
car segment fell to 48.74 per cent in 2010-11 from 50.09 per
cent in 2009-10. MSI's domestic sales, however, increased
to 9,66,447 units from 7,65,533 units in the previous fiscal.
In 2010-11, the overall domestic passenger car sales rose
by 29.73 per cent to 19,82,702 units from 15,28,337 units in
the previous fiscal. Hyundai Motor India also saw its market
share declining to 18.10 per cent in FY 2011 from 20.61 per
cent in the previous year.

Indians work 8 hours a day OECD: Indians work
for 8.1 hours every day, more than the average figure for
the entire developed world, a new global survey conducted
by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) has found. The survey unveiled in
April 2011 shows that people in Mexico work for the longest
number of hours (10 hours) followed by Japan (9 hours)
while Belgium has been ranked lowest (7.1 hours). The total
work-time has been pegged at 594 minutes for Mexico, 540
minutes for Japan, 504 minutes for China, 498 minutes in
New Zealand and 496 minutes for the US.

RIL declines to comply with govt.s prioritisation
directive: Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), the operator of the
KG-D6 gas block, on April 14, 2011 told the government it
cannot comply with its latest directive on prioritising gas
supply. The company said it was against cutting supply to
non-priority sectors such as steel, petrochemicals and
refineries to expand supplies to priority sectors such as
fertiliser and power. RIL said its contractual obligation does
not allow it to divert supplies from one sector to another and
a cut in allocation can only be done on a pro-rata basis. It
has asked the ministry to suggest how it can do so without
attracting penalty under the contract.

Metro earns Rs. 2 crore from carbon credits sales:
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation earned over Rs.2 crore
from the sale of its 82,000 Certified Emission Reductions
(CERs) under the carbon credits scheme by the Japan
Finance Carbon Limited for the years 2008 and 2009. The
DMRC was the first railway project in the world to be
registered by the United Nations under the clean
development mechanism which enabled it to claim carbon
credits for the use of regenerative braking system in its
rolling stock (trains). The regenerative braking process
involves regenerating electrical energy each time trains on
the metro network apply brakes. A three phase-traction
motor installed on the trains acts as electrical energy
generator whenever brakes are applied. This regenerated
electrical energy goes back into overhead electricity lines,
from where it is used by other accelerating trains on the
same service line. This system reduces 30 per cent
electricity requirement on the line.

Retail customers happy with Indian banks E&Y:
A survey by global consultancy firm Ernst & Young has
found that majority of retail customers in India are satisfied
with the country's banking system and that trust has
increased after its' astute handling of the 2008 global
financial crisis. According to the survey, 'A New era of
Customer Expectation', 75 per cent of the retail banking
customers in India said that their trust in the banking
industry grew in 2010. Unlike many other countries, India
was less affected by the meltdown, mainly on account of
conservative banking policies followed by the RBI.

Muthuraman takes over as CII President: The Vice-
Chairman, Tata Steel Ltd and Chairman, Tata International
Ltd, B. Muthuraman, has been elected President of the
Confederation of Indian Industry for 2011-12 on April 11,
2011. Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director,
Infosys S. Gopalakrishnan, been elected as Vice-President
of CII for 2011-2012.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK


Section E: SPORTS

Sania-Vesnina win WTA title in Charleston: Sania
Mirza and her Russian partner Elena Vesnina won the WTA
Family Circle Cup doubles trophy with a straight-set triumph
over Americans Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Meghann
Shaughnessy with a score of 6-4, 6-4 at Charleston (USA)
on April 11, 2011.

Charl Schwartzel wins 75
U.S. Masters: South
African Charl Schwartzel birdied the last four holes to win
the 75
U.S. Masters at Augusta on April 9, 2011 by two
strokes over Australians Adam Scott and Jason Day.
Schwartzel captured a $1.44 million top prize and the green
jacket symbolic of Masters supremacy.

SSP Chowrasia is No. 1 ranked Indian Golfer: Indian
professional golfers are currently ruling the roost on the
Asian Tour Order of Merit with as many as five Indians
placed inside the top-10, thanks to their exceptional
performances in the first quarter of the 2011 season. SSP
Chowrasia maintains his stranglehold on the Order of Merit
where he has a comfortable lead with a earnings of USD
410,077. Chowrasia won the prestigious Avantha Masters
on home soil in February and followed that up with a tied
12th finish at the Panasonic Open in April 2011. Sujjan
Singh is in second place.

Anirban Lahiri wins Panasonic Open: Indias Anirban
Lahiri beat Mardan Mamat of Singapore to win the inaugural
$300,000 Panasonic Open in New Delhi on April 10, 2011.
The 23-year-old Lahiri got the top prize of $47,000. Mamat
was followed by Manav Jaini, Prom Meesawat (Thailand),
Ali Sher and Jyoti Randhawa.

Tendulkar is Wisden's Leading Cricketer for 2010:
Sachin Tendulkar was on April 13, 2011 named Wisden's
Leading Cricketer in the World for the year 2010. The Indian
batsman is the seventh recipient of the Wisden award.
Unlike the winners of Wisden's coveted five cricketers of the
year, it is possible to be named the world's best in the
almanack more than once. Tendulkar is making it an Indian
hat-trick, after Test opener Virender Sehwag took the
honour in each of the last two years.

India wins $175,000 for No. 1 Test side: India will be
handed USD 175,000 for finishing as the number one Test
side while also pocketing another USD 75,000 for finishing
as second-ranked ODI team this season, the ICC said on
April 15, 2011. Indian team (128 points) has been sitting on
top of the Test Championship table since December 2009.
South Africa (127 points) will pocket USD 75,000 for ending
in second position in the Test Championship table at the
cut-off date of April 1. Australia have earned USD 175,000
for finishing on top of the ODI table with 128 points at the
cut-off date. In the latest ODI rankings issued, Australia has
129 points, eight points more than India's (121 points).

Alok Kumar wins Billiards & Snooker Asian titles:
National champion Alok Kumar on April 14, 2011 became
the first cueist to achieve the rare feat of winning both the
Billiards and Snooker Asian titles when he blanked Praput
Chaithanasukan of Thailand 6-0 to win the Asian Billiards
championship at the Olympic Stadium of Kish Island in Iran.
Earlier, back in 2004 in Jordan, Alok had lifted the Asian
Snooker title by defeating his compatriot former World
Professional Billiards champion Pankaj Advani in the finals.

Rajput wins gold at Shooting World Cup:
Commonwealth Games bronze winner Sanjeev Rajput on
April 14, 2011 became the third Indian marksman to book a
berth for London Olympics after winning the gold medal at
the 50m Rifle 3 Positions Men Final at Shooting World Cup
in Changwon, Korea. World record holder Gagan Narang
was the first Indian shooter to book a place for the London
Olympics when he won the bronze medal in men's 10m air
rifle in the World Shooting Championships in Munich last
year. Hariom Singh had bagged the country's second quota
place and the first ever in the 50m rifle prone event for the
London Olympics when he finished sixth at the 50th World
Shooting Championship in Munich last year.

Vettel wins Malaysian GP: World champion Sebastien
Vettel won the Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang on April 10,
2011 to take an early grip on the Formula One season. The
23-year-old German steered his Red Bull car from pole
position to the chequered flag to win ahead of McLaren's
Jenson Button, the 2009 champion, and Nick Heidfeld who
finished third for Renault. Force India drivers Paul di Resta
and Adrian Sutil finished 10
and 11

Kiptoo, Jeptoo win Paris marathon: Benjamin Kiptoo
and Priscah Jeptoo secured a Kenyan double in the Paris
marathon on April 10, 2011. Kiptoo was the first man home
in 2hr 06min 31sec, ahead of compatriot Bernard Kipyego
(2.07:14) and Ethiopian Eshetu Wendimu (2.07:28). Jeptoo
smashed her personal record by more than four minutes to
win the women's event in 2.22:52, almost two minutes
ahead of compatriot Agnes Kiprop (2.24:41).

Come And Play for CWG venues launched: In
order to ensure optimum utilisation of the newly-built and
renovated Commonwealth Games venues, the Union Sports
Ministry on April 15, 2011 unveiled a new scheme Come
And Play (CAP). Under this scheme, the stadia owned by
the Sports Authority of India (SAI) in the capital would be

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 10 to 16, 2011 Current GK

opened for school children, sportspersons and common

Force India sports academy to identify racing
talent: Force India, the racing sports venture of Vijay
Mallya, on April 13, 2011 launched Force India F1 Team
Academy to identify racing talent in the country, along with
providing vocational and academic training to young Indians
for pursuing a professional career in motor sports. Force
India will go about the Hunt for One from a Billion' on a
regional level wherein all participants will be given a week to
practice karting and then go through the selection process
with 14 of them selected for the National level.

Two Centres of Excellence in sports to come up in
Delhi: The government on April 15, 2011 announced the
setting up of two Centres of Excellence dedicated to football
and swimming in the national capital to raise the standard of
the two sports to international level. Sports Minister Ajay
Maken said that the two Centres will be set up at Jawaharlal
Nehru Stadium and Talkatora Swimming Pool Complex.

Spain retains No. 1 position in FIFA ranking: Brazil
climbed to third place in the latest FIFA world rankings
published on April 13, 2011, knocking Germany off the
podium and dropping South American rival Argentina one
place to fifth. Latest FIFA rankings (Top ten): 1. Spain; 2.
the Netherlands; 3. Brazil; 4. Germany; 5. Argentina; 6.
England; 7. Uruguay; 8. Portugal; 9. Italy; 10. Croatia.

1960 Rome Olympics football team felicitated:
Indian football players who took part in the 1960 Rome
Olympics were felicitated by the Union Sports Minister Ajay
Maken at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium in New
Delhi on April 13, 2011. Ten living members of the 1960
side which held France 1-1, gave a world-class
Hungarian team a run for its money in a 1-2 loss and fought
hard against Peru for a 1-3 defeat were felicitated. They
were P.K. Banerjee, Tulsidas Balaram, S. Narayan, O.
Chandrasekhar, F.A. Franco, Chunni Goswami, S.S. Hakim,
S.S.H. Hamid, Arun Ghosh and Simon Sunderraj. The
recognition included a cheque for Rs 1.5 lakh, a shawl and
a plaque.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

PSLV-C16 puts 3 satellites in orbit
India, Kazakhstan sign 7 agreements during PM Singhs visit
New Delhi-Dhaka to strengthen economic integration
Essential Steps for Progress in Higher Education unveiled
India to sign of Nagoya Protocol on Access & Benefit Sharing
South-West monsoon will be normal IMD
Conference of Cooperative Ministers organised
ICMR invites scientists to study drug resistant bacteria
Navy sends INS Talwar to tackles pirates off Somali coast
SC bans employment of children in circuses
Govt. makes double fortified salt mandatory in midday meals
Uttarakhand selected 'first' tourism destination
The Darbhanga Gita-Govinda unveiled
Chandigarh Police the first to get UAV

Section B: WORLD
5 Indians in Time list of 100 most influential people in 2011
UNESCOs 2011 Global Monitoring Report released
National Coalition Party wins in Finland elections
Jonathan wins presidential election in Nigeria
Raul Castro named first secretary of Cuba's Communist Party
De Niro to head Cannes Film Fest jury
Christopher Painter appointed US cyber envoy
Whistle blower Bradley Manning to be shifted to new prison
Victoria Cross holder Nepalese passes away
British ex-PM Gordon Brown joins WEF
UK to hold referendum on Alternative Vote system
European Parliament condemns Pak for supporting Taliban
Pakistan test-fires short-range missile Hatf
Laos defers decision to build Mekong river dam
Earth Day observed
World Heritage Day observed
World Book Day observed
I Am Kalam screening at Buckingham Palace
FAO, World Food Programme launch food security platform
NASA awards contracts for space shuttle replacements
UN non-proliferation committee gets 10-year extension
Well-being survey puts India in 71st spot
Maritime Counter-Piracy Conference organised

Section C: AWARDS
Awards conferred on National Panchayati Raj Diwas
PMs Excellence Awards conferred on Civil Services Day
Rajeev Bhargava wins Dr Malcolm Adiseshiah Award
Super 30 founder is Europe journal's global personality
Pulitzer Prizes announced
Binayak Sen wins Korean human rights prize

Exports register growth of 37.5% in 2010-11
Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing set up
National rollout of e-District Mission Mode project approved
India and Japan Sign TKDL Access Agreement
Manufacturing sector profits most from employees PwC
Poverty rate declines to 32% Planning Commission
Refining capacity to reach 240 MTPA by March 2012
Navigation to be separated from AAI functions
Consultant appointed to set up modern silos
Central tax collection reaches Rs 7.92 lakh cr in 2010-11
CACP for private sector role in foodgrain procurement
CMIE projects 8.8% GDP growth in 2011-12
CIBIL launches credit score for consumers
SBI to discontinue teaser' home loans
Air India forms panel to study HR issues
New simpler forms for IT returns introduced
SEBI calls for higher stake for Sovereign wealth funds
Marine products exports at $2.67 bn
Inter-ministerial group to review pharma FDI policy
NSDC partners Everonn to skill' nine sectors
Railway Week celebrated
New Delhi, Mumbai in worlds top global cities index
MMTC to launch gold jewellery brand
FICCI and YES Bank study on health tourism unveiled
Asia to account for 50% of global GDP by 2050 ADB
British Petroleum to sue Transocean over oil spill
Amway's Yoginder Singh elected IDSA head

Section E: SPORTS

Dilshan appointed Lankan skipper
Malinga quits Test cricket
Former Windies skipper Alexander passes away
Nadal wins Monte Carlo Masters
Czech Republic enters Fed Cup final
Wimbledon prize money increased
Real Madrid wins Spanish Cup
Abhijeet Gupta wins Dubai Open chess
McLaren's Hamilton wins F1 Chinese Grand Prix
New Badminton clothing regulations postponed
Marathon runner Grete Waitz passes away

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA


PSLV-C16 puts 3 satellites in orbit

The Indian Space Resource Organisation (ISRO)
successfully launched PSLV
(Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle)
C16, carrying the remote sensing
satellite Resourcesat2 and two
auxiliary satellites, from the Satish
Dhawan Space Centre at
Sriharikota on April 20, 2011. The
launch was at 10.12 am, and the
satellites reached the orbit in 18
minutes from the time of launch.
The Sun Synchronous Polar Orbit
fixed for the vehicle was at 822 km (from the earth), reached
in 18 minutes. P. Kunhikrishnan was the Mission Director of

ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan said that the mission
cost Rs 250 crore, including around Rs 135 crore on
developing the Resourcesat2 satellite and another Rs 90
crore for the launching vehicle.

The PSLV-C16 put three satellites in orbit India's 1,206-kg
Resourcesat-2, the Indo-Russian 93-kg Youthsat and the
106-kg X-Sat from the Nangyang Technological University
of Singapore.

The Resourcesat-2, a 1,206-kg satellite would work with the
Resourcesat-1 launched in 2003, with three cameras to
monitor specific areas such as agriculture, water resources,
rural development, bioresources, coastal studies, urban
development, forest resource inventory and monitoring and
geological exploration.

The images from the satellite would be useful in monitoring
the earth's resources, including crop yield before harvest,
the snow-cover in mountains, the glaciers advancing or the
changes in the coastal zones and the urban landscape;
locating groundwater; and realigning roads in rural areas.

The information would be used for national requirements
and the data from ground stations out of India could be sold
to other countries. India has nine remote sensing satellites
in the atmosphere, delivering information on various

Resourcesat-2 also carries an additional payload known as
Automatic Identification System from Comdev, Canada, as
an experimental payload for ship surveillance in the VHF
band to derive position, speed and other information on

With the successful launch of Resourcesat-2, India now has
nine remote sensing satellites in service. They are the
Technology Experiment Satellite, the Resourcesat-2, the
Cartosat-1, 2, 2A and 2B, the Indian Mini Satellite-1, the
Radar Imaging Satellite-2 and the Oceansat-2. They make
the IRS system the largest civilian remote-sensing satellite
constellation in the world.

Youthsat, second in the Indian Mini Satellite series, intends
to investigate the relationship between solar variability and
thermosphere-ionosphere (upper layers of the atmosphere)
changes. The satellite carries three payloads, of which two
are Indian and one Russian. They would be useful in
studying the solar X-ray and gamma ray fluxes, and the
influence of the activities in the sun on the upper layers of
the earth's atmosphere.

X-Sat, also Singapores first satellite, is a mini-version with a
multispectral camera as its primary payload. The mission is
to demonstrate technologies related to satellite-based
remote sending and onboard image processing.

PSLV record
India launched its first remote sensing satellite, the IRS-1A,
aboard a Russian rocket in 1988. Many more followed,
especially after the PSLV became available. India now has
one of the largest constellations of remote sensing satellites
in operation, supplying data to users at home and across
the globe.

The PSLV was conceived as a rocket that would put 1,000-
kg remote sensing satellites into orbit. After the failure of its
first flight in 1993, the rocket was successfully flown a year
later and has not looked back since. In the course of 17
successful launches, it has put 47 satellites into orbit, 21 of
them Indian. Through a variety of weight-reducing measures
and increased propellant loading, the rocket's performance
has been steadily enhanced. In the flight on April 20, the
PSLV effortlessly carried three satellites that together
weighed over 1,400 kg.

The rocket has also proved capable of carrying out a range
of missions. Apart from launching remote sensing satellites
into polar orbit, it put the Kalpana meteorological satellite
into a near-equatorial orbit and took the Chandrayaan-1
spacecraft on the first leg of its journey to the Moon. Three
more launches of the PSLV are scheduled this year.

GSLV Challenge
In recent times, ISRO has suffered setbacks such as the
consecutive failures of the Geosynchronous Satellite
Launch Vehicle (GSLV) and the scandal that erupted over a

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

deal to provide S-band spectrum to a private company. The
space agency had gone to great lengths to ensure a
successful flight of the PSLVC16. The launch, originally
scheduled for earlier this year, was postponed for checks on
the Vikas liquid propellant engine. The engine was made by
MTAR Technologies Private Ltd., jointly with Godrej Boyce.

ISRO is preparing to launch the Communication Satellite,
GSAT-8, on May 19. The vehicle, weighing 3,200 kg would
carry 24 transponders in KU Band. Indeed, a key challenge
for the space agency will be to transform trouble-prone
GSLV, equipped with an indigenous cryogenic stage, into as
reliable a rocket as its predecessor.

Also Chandrayaan-2 would be put in an orbit around the
moon by a Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
(GSLV) in 2013. It would be a joint mission with Russia:
while the spacecraft and the rover would be built by India,
the lander would be from Russia.

Meanwhile, NASA has asked ISRO to build an orbiter that
will provide the communication between the soil samples
collected from the far side of the moon and the earth. This
joint venture between the ISRO and the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California, would be part of the
Moonrise missions planned by the NASA.

India, Kazakhstan sign 7 agreements during
PM Singhs visit

ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) on April 16, 2011 signed definitive
agreements with KazMunaiGas (KMG), the national oil
company of Kazakhstan, for acquiring a 25 per cent
participating interest in the Satpayev exploration block. With
this, the company has marked its entry in the Kazakhstan
hydrocarbon sector. The agreement was one of the seven
initialled between India and Kazakhstan in Astana during
the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh's visit. The other
agreements include cooperation in the civil nuclear field,
agriculture, cyber security and healthcare.

The Satpayev exploration block is situated in a highly
prospective region of North Caspian Sea. The block
contains two prospective structures with 256 million tonnes
in estimated hydrocarbon resources. OVL has already got
the Cabinet's approval to invest $400 million in the block.

The package of three agreements signed between OVL and
KMG apart from the participating share assignment
agreement, include carry agreement and joint operating
agreement. Carry agreement spells out that OVL can sell
any discovery in Satpayev Block locally and use cash
generated from such transaction for purchases elsewhere.
This is mainly because there is no means to transport oil
from Kazakhstan to India. A Joint Operating Agreement on
running the exploration block was also signed by OVL and
KMG. Kazakhstan is important for world energy markets
because it has significant oil and natural gas reserves.

The agreement on atomic energy envisages a legal
framework for mutually beneficial cooperation between the
two sides in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. These include
fuel supply, nuclear medicine, reactor safety mechanism,
exploration and joint mining of uranium, design construction
and operation of nuclear plants. The Kazakh President
Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that his country was
ready to supply India with 2,100 tonnes of uranium.

The agreement between Ministries of Agriculture is for
cooperation in agricultural research and technologies, food
and agriculture production.

New Delhi-Dhaka to strengthen economic

The Union Commerce and Industry Minister, Anand Sharma
called for further strengthening of economic integration
between the two countries during his visit to Bangladesh
from April 23-24, 2011. Increased Indian investments in
Bangladesh will provide employment and value addition for
Bangladesh exports to the rest of the world.

The two countries agreed to take further steps to promote
trade and economic cooperation. These include:-

(a) India has offered a tariff-free quota of 10 million pieces
of apparel exports from Bangladesh, marking an increase of
25% over previous years.
(b) Countervailing Duties lifted on all jute exports from
(c) Strengthening of infrastructure at borders, including
construction of Land Custom Stations and Integrated Check
Posts, particularly at Petrapole and Agartala such that trade
is facilitated. A Working Group on Infrastructure will
coordinate implementation.
(d) Stepping up schedule for completion of border haats in
Meghalaya for a formal launch in June 2011.
(e) India offered assistance for the upgradation of BSTI
such that their certification and level of standards improve.
It has also been agreed to provide training facilities for
capacity building.
(f) India welcomed the submission of DPRs by the
Bangladesh side for infrastructure projects under the US $ 1
billion LOC.
(g) India has offered assistance in the construction of the
bridge over river Feni, including the construction of the
connecting road on the Bangladesh side.
(h) India renewed its offer to export 300,000 tonnes of par-
boiled rice to Bangladesh

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

(i) India welcomed the offer of use of Chittagong and
Mongola ports and noted that this will provide tremendous
benefit for trade and development of Bangladesh and the
North-East of India.

Science Advisory Council lists Essential
Steps for Progress in Higher Education

The Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (SAC-
PM) submitted its check-list on higher
education titled Essential Steps for
Progress in Higher Education on April 21,
2011. Prof. C.N.R. Rao, Chairman, SAC-
PM has called on the government to
declare higher education as a National
Mission for the next decade. It has asked
the government to prepare an action-
oriented document on higher education to
prepare the country to face many of the problems and
challenges in the higher education sector.

The check-list begins with a serious manpower planning
effort. It says it is necessary to handle the surge of young
students in the next two to three decades and to give them
direction to different areas of study, instead of all of them
going for standard university courses in science,
engineering and other subjects.

The Council wants the government to ensure that
undergraduate education is relevant to employment, well
rounded and at the same time sufficient for taking up higher
studies. Variety of course packages and flexible curricula
will be helpful in this direction. A group needs to be
appointed by MHRD to prepare a vision document, which
foresees the problems 20 years hence.

To make India a major contributor of higher quality research
and a global leader in science and technology, around ten
higher educational institutions could be provided all the
support required to enable them compete with the best of
institutions in the advanced countries.

About the present examination system, the Council has
called for a re-look at the entire examination system
including the system of final examinations, entrance
examinations, qualifying examinations, selection
examinations, and so on. For entrance examinations related
to admission to higher education institutions, the Council
recommends only one national examination, which should
be able to assess the eligibility of the candidates.

The Council suggests the administration of the education
system must be given to persons having interest in
education and background from that particular stream
instead of giving them to administrators trained in
bureaucratic practice.

Universities are overloaded with work related to the conduct
of examinations. Some of them are too large because of the
affiliated colleges. There should be guidelines as to the
maximum number of students in educational institutions.

State governments should be persuaded to support higher
education with greater care as well as investment.

Administrative autonomy, dedicated budget for R&D,
recruitment and promotion of faculty are some of the other
issues that require attention. It will be counter-productive to
allow uncontrolled increase in the number of government-
supported colleges and universities without careful
consideration of manpower requirements.

Greater importance to the teaching profession and accord
due respect to teachers is necessary. This would involve
providing good emoluments and amenities as well as
continuing education opportunities to teachers. It also
recommends High-quality continuing education and training
programmes for teachers at all levels should be provided on
a massive scale.

Cabinet approves signing of Nagoya Protocol
on Access & Benefit Sharing

The Union Cabinet on April 20, 2011 approved the signing
of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing
(ABS) by India.

The Nagoya Protocol would also contribute to the other two
objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
relating to conservation and sustainable use, since benefits
accruing from utilization of genetic resources would act as
incentive to biodiversity-rich countries and their local
communities to conserve and sustainably use their

India would be hosting the next Conference of Parties (CoP)
to the CBD in October 2011. This will give India an
opportunity to consolidate, scale up and showcase its
strengths and initiatives on biodiversity before the world.

The ABS Protocol is open for signature from February 2,
2011 to February 1, 2012. So far six countries have signed
the Protocol including three megadiverse countries (namely
Brazil, Mexico and Colombia). As the incoming President of
CoP-11, it is expected that India would be one of the early
signatories to the ABS Protocol.

India is one of the identified megadiverse countries rich in
biodiversity. With only 2.4% of the earth's land area, India

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

accounts for 7-8% of the recorded species of the world.
India is also rich in associated traditional knowledge, which
is both coded as in the ancient texts of Indian systems of
medicines such as Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha and also
non-coded, as it exists in oral undocumented traditions. The
genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge can
be used to develop a wide range of products and services
for human benefit, such as medicines, agricultural practices,
cosmetics etc.

India is a Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD) which is one of the agreements adopted during the
Rio Earth Summit held in 1992. One of the three objectives
of the CBD relates to ABS, which refers to the way in which
genetic resources may be accessed, and benefits resulting
from their use shared by the users with the countries that
provide them. The CBD prescribes that access to genetic
resources is subject to national legislation. Accordingly,
India enacted Biological Diversity Act in 2002 for giving
effect to the provisions of the CBD. However, in the near
absence of user country measures, once the resource
leaves the country providing the resources, there is no way
to ensure compliance of ABS provisions in the country
where it is used. Towards this, a protocol on access and
benefit sharing has been negotiated under the aegis of
CBD, and adopted by the tenth Conference of Parties (CoP-
10) held in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010.

The objective of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS is fair and
equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic
resources, including by appropriate access to genetic
resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant
technologies. It is expected that the ABS Protocol would
address the concern of misappropriation or biopiracy of its
genetic resources.

South-West monsoon will be normal IMD

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on April 19,
2011 predicted normal rainfall this
year. This brightened the prospects of
a higher farm output providing relief
from high food prices. IMD said
rainfall in the southwest monsoon was
expected to be 98 per cent of the
long-period average (LPA). This
means the monsoon will be normal for
the second consecutive year. Large
parts of the country were hit by a
drought in 2009.

The southwest monsoon is important as 60 per cent of the
countrys area under agriculture depends on rain. Almost 70
per cent of the total annual rainfall occurs during the
monsoon months (June-September). The output of major
crops such as paddy, pulses, oilseeds and sugarcane
depends on the quantum, timeliness and distribution of the
southwest monsoon. IMD said there was a very low
probability of either any deficiency or excess. Normal
monsoon is defined as 96-104 per cent of the LPA the
average from 1951 to 2000 which is 89 centimetres.

Drought in many states in 2009 had dragged down farm
sector growth to 0.4 per cent in 2009-10. Farm output is
projected to expand by 5.4 per cent in 2010-11. Agriculture
contributes a little over 17 per cent to the gross domestic
product. Also, it boosts the economy through higher
demand from those whose income depends on the farm
sector, the biggest employer in the country. During 2010-11,
foodgrain output was estimated at 235.88 million tonnes, the
highest ever, as compared to 218.11 million tonnes in the
previous year. All crops, except rice, saw record production.

Conference of Cooperative Ministers

The Conference of Cooperative Ministers of States and
Union Territories organised in New Delhi on April 20, 2011
unanimously resolved to take steps for revitalising the
cooperative sector which is facing the challenge of tough
competition on the one hand and government issues on the
other. The Conference has been organised in the backdrop
of United Nations Declaration to observe 2012 as the
International Year of Cooperatives.

The major initiatives taken by the Central Government to
reform the cooperatives to make them vibrant, viable and
democratic institutions include:

(i) enunciation of National Policy on Cooperatives
(ii) enactment of the Multi-State Cooperatives Societies Act,
2002 and its proposed amendment to provide greater
functional autonomy to cooperatives; reduce Government
interference and to encourage them to become
professionally managed institutions
(iii) proposed amendment in Constitution of India with a
view to ensure the democratic, autonomous and
professional functioning of co-operatives and
(iv) approval of revival package for Short Term Cooperative
Credit Structure (STCCS) envisaging financial outlay of
Rs.13, 596 crores.

The Conference unanimously resolved to take action in the
following areas to strengthen the cooperative movement in
the country:
(i) Government of India and the States may take steps for
early passage of the Constitution (111
Amendment) Bill,

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

(ii) States may initiate measures for bringing in legal,
institutional and systemic reforms on the lines of
recommendations made by High Powered Committee on
(iii) States may take steps to accelerate the pace of
implementation of revival package for short term
cooperative credit structure for having robust cooperative
credit institutions in the State for enhancing credit flow to the
(iv) Government of India and the States will constitute
appropriate institutional mechanism to facilitate revival and
rehabilitation of sick cooperatives.
(v) To strengthen and revitalize the cooperative sector,
Government of India, States, cooperative institutions and
other stake holders will work in close collaboration to take
various measures and initiatives in the International Year of
Cooperatives, 2012.
(vi) The States will create conducive environment for
facilitating growth of micro-finance institutions and joint
liability groups for expanding the outreach of institutional
credit to farmers.

ICMR invites scientists to study drug resistant

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has invited
research proposals from scientists across the country to
study the superbug or the drug resistant bacteria. The
announcement comes soon after the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare announced a national anti-microbial policy to
help address the issue of superbug, which became
international news after the presence of such bacteria
(NDM-1) was reported in British medical journal The

The study would be jointly conducted by the Ministry and a
special task force set up for the purpose. A project
coordinator and the surveillance team set up in select
tertiary care hospitals will implement the surveillance of
antimicrobials. The ICMR has invited researchers to submit
proposals by May 15, 2011.

The research is vital to understand the unknown
mechanisms of drug resistance in various micro-organisms.
The applications have been invited for funding research
projects in genetic analysis of microbes to determine the
sequences of genes and reveal vulnerable areas in a
microbe's genome that could be used as potential drug
targets or aid in the development of better diagnostic tests.

Other areas include mechanisms of emergence and transfer
of resistance genes among pathogens in vivo (in the host),
and the distribution and dissemination of specific
antimicrobial resistance genes over time.

The investigations will also probe contamination of water
and soil by pesticides, heavy metals and antibiotic residues
and its relationship to drug resistance as well as role of
normal flora and probiotics in the emergence/control of drug

The journal recently claimed the presence of antibiotic-
resistant superbug NDM-I in the public water supply of the
National Capital. The claim was denied by the Ministry as
well as the Delhi government.

Navy sends INS Talwar to tackles pirates off
Somali coast: The Navy has sent a warship towards the
Somali coast to keep a vigil on the hijacked merchant vessel
on which seven Indian sailors are being held as hostages,
despite payment of ransom by the owners of the ship. INS
Talwar, currently deployed on an anti-piracy patrol mission
off the Gulf of Aden, was diverted towards the coast in April
2011. After releasing eight other Indian sailors of the cargo
ship MV Asphalt Venture, the pirates who were holding
them hostage since last September have sought to hold the
other seven back. It is understood that they are seeking
release of 120 pirates held in Indian prisons following naval
action in the Indian Ocean during the past few months.

SC bans employment of children in circuses: The
Supreme Court on April 18, 2011 banned the employment
of children in circuses and directed the Union government to
take immediate steps to rescue those engaged in such
employment. A Bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and
A.K. Patnaik, passing orders on a petition filed by the
Bachpan Bachao Andolan, said: To implement the
fundamental right of children under Article 21A [right to
education], it is imperative that the Central government
issue suitable notifications prohibiting the employment of
children in circuses within two months.

Govt. makes double fortified salt mandatory in
midday meals: The Union government on April 18, 2011
said it will promote the use of iron fortified iodised salt
(double fortified salt) to battle anaemia, one of the major
causes of malnutrition, particularly among women and
children. Wide prevalence of anaemia is a major public
health challenge and should be tackled urgently. Anaemia is
caused by inadequate intake and poor absorption of iron. It
can be prevented and cured by promoting consumption of
iron rich foods and iron supplements.

One cost-effective way of increasing iron intake is
fortification of salt with iron in addition to iodine. To begin
with, the Ministries dealing with food and nutrition
programmes such as the Integrated Child Development
Services and midday meal will make the use of double
fortified salt (DFS) mandatory. The Department of Food and

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Public Distribution will also examine the possibility of
supplying DFS through the Public Distribution System.
Uttarakhand selected 'first' tourism destination:
Uttarakhand was on April 23, 2011 selected as the first
tourist destination of India which would be developed in the
new Five-Year Plan. A total of 10 new destinations would be
developed in the country, said Union Tourism Minister
Subodh Kant Sahay. Centre would provide nearly Rs 200-
250 crore for the development of each tourist destination.
The government is developing investment plans for key
circuits/destinations. These plans will identify components
requiring investments through public-private partnership
(PPP) models. IL&FS was chosen as the infrastructure
partner to explore new destinations & bring new
investments in the PPP mode from home & abroad.

The Darbhanga Gita-Govinda unveiled: The
Darbhanga Gita-Govinda, a book authored by noted writer
and Rajya Sabha Member Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan was
released by the Vice President of India M. Hamid Ansari on
April 20, 2011. The Darbhanga Gita-Govinda is the eighth in
the series of monographs by Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan on the
Gita-Govinda and the miniature painting tradition of India. It
exemplifies both the continuity and changes which take
place over time in comprehending the text as also its visual

Chandigarh Police the first to get UAV: Chandigarh
Police on April 20, 2011 became the first police force in the
country to acquire an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to
keep a strict vigil on the movements of criminals and trouble
mongers. It has procured the UAV named Golden Hawk for
four months on trial basis. UAVs, equipped with a high-
power small camera to record the activities on the ground,
are mainly used by armies around the world for surveillance
and reconnaissance purposes.

An Inspirational Journey Pratibha Devisingh Patil by Rasika Chaube, Chhaya Mahajan
Matters of Discretion - An Autobiography by IK Gujral
Inside WikiLeaks: My Time at the World's Most Dangerous Website by Daniel Domscheit-Berg
Bismillah Khan: The Maestro from Benaras' by Juhi Sinha
Supreme Court on Words, Phrases and Legal Expressions by T.L. Garg and Rohan Garg
Pakistan - Terrorism Ground Zero by Rohan Gunaratna, Khuram Iqbal
Towards The Next Orbit - A Corporate Odyssey (edited) by Subir Verma
Diversions And Distractions In English Literature by R. K. Bhushan
Catching Up With Gandhi by Graham Turner
Poverty, Inequality And Population Essays in Development and Applied Measurement by D. Jayaraj, S. Subramanian
Climate Wars - The Fight for Survival as the World Overheats by Gwynne Dyer
Environmental History of Early India - A Reader (edited) by Nandini Sinha Kapur
A Book of Memory - Confessions and Reflections by Sudhir Kakar
India's Parliamentary Democracy on Trial by Madhav Godbole
Celluloid Deities - The Visual Culture of Cinema and Politics in South India by Preminda Jacob
Cheating Death - The Doctors and Medical Miracles that are Saving Life Against All Odds by Sanjay Gupta
The Vault of Shiva by Andy McDermott
Jamali-Kamali - A Tale of Passion in Mughal India by Karen Chase
Zafarnama, Guru Gobind Singh (translated) by Navtej Sarna
In the Bazaar of Love: The Selected Poetry of Amir Khusrau (translated) by Paul Losensky and Sunil Sharma
Toyota Under Fire: Lessons for turning crisis into opportunity by Jeffrey K. Liker and Timothy N. Ogden
Ashoka The Great by Wytze Keuning
The Millennium Declaration, Rights, and Constitutions by Yash Ghai, Jill Cottrell
The Indian Ocean Tsunami The Global Response to a Natural Disaster (edited) by Pradyumna P. Karan and
Shanmugam P. Subbiah
Triumph of Secularism: Battle of the Opinion Poll in Goa by Rajan Narayan, Sharon D'Cruz
Idea Man: A Memoir by Paul Allen
The Origins Of Political Order From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution by Francis Fukuyama
The Darker Side of Black Money by B. V. Kumar

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK


GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

5 Indians in Time list of 100 most influential
people in 2011

As many as five Indians including cricket captain Mahendra
Singh Dhoni, who inspired the country to its first World Cup
title in 28 years, are included in the Time magazine's list of
100 most influential people in the world for the year 2010
released in April 2011. Dhoni, ranked 52
in the chart, was
the only Indian
sportsperson to make
the list which also
included four of his
compatriots in Titan of
Industry Mukesh
Ambani (61), Brain
Mapper V.S.
Ramachandran (79),
Philanthropist Azim
Premji (88) and
Change Agent Aruna
Roy (89). Dhoni is only
the second Indian sportsman after Sachin Tendulkar to find
place in Time list till date.

The list is topped by Wael Ghonim, the Google executive
who became the Spokesman for a Revolution in Egypt.
Wael Ghonim is followed by American economist and 2001
Nobel Economics Laureate Joseph Stiglitz (2
), Netflix
Inc. CEO Reed Hastings (3
), US comedian actress Amy
Poehler (4
), American social activist and educator
Geoffrey Canada (5
), Facebook founder Mark
Zuckerberg (6
), creator of Angry Birds, a puzzle video
game developed by Finland-based Rovio Mobile, Peter
Vesterbacka (7
), German Chancellor Angela Merkel (8
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (9
) and US real estate
developer and founder of Middle-East based Education for
Employment Foundation (EFE) Ron Bruder (10
) in the top
ten list.

Others in the list include President Barack Obama (86), US
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (43) and
Pakistans ISI Chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha (17).

UNESCOs 2011 Global Monitoring Report

Armed conflict is robbing 28 million children of an education
by exposing them to widespread rape and other sexual
violence, targeted attacks on schools and other human
rights abuses, says the UNESCOs 2011 Global Monitoring
Report released on March 1, 2011. The report, The hidden
crisis: Armed conflict and education, cautions that the world
is not on track to achieve by 2015 the six Education for All
goals that over 160 countries signed up to in 2000. Although
there has been progress in many areas, most of the goals
will be missed by a wide margin especially in regions
affected by conflict.

UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said that this
groundbreaking report documents the scale of this hidden
crisis, identifies its root causes and offers solid proposals for
change. The report is endorsed by four Nobel Peace Prize
laureates: Oscar Arias Snchez (Costa Rica), Shirin Ebadi
(Islamic Republic of Iran), Jos Ramos-Horta (Timor-Leste)
and Archbishop Desmond Tutu (South Africa)

Of the total number of primary school age children in the
world who are not enrolled in school, 42% 28 million live
in poor countries affected by conflict. This years report sets
out a comprehensive agenda for change, including tougher
action against human rights violations, an overhaul of global
aid priorities, strengthened rights for displaced people and
more attention to the ways education failures can increase
the risk of conflict.

Thirty-five countries were affected by armed conflict from
1999 to 2008. Children and schools are on the front line of
these conflicts, with classrooms, teachers and pupils seen
as legitimate targets. Hundreds of schools in conflict-ridden
countries were destroyed, damaged or looted during fighting
in 2009 and 2010 between government and rebel forces.
Insecurity and fear associated with sexual violence keep
young girls, in particular, out of school.

Armed conflict is also diverting public funds from education
into military spending, the report warns. Many of the poorest
countries spend significantly more on arms than on basic
education. Twenty-one countries spend more on the military
than on basic education; if they were to cut military
spending by just 10%, they could put 9.5 million more
children in school. Military spending is also diverting the
resources of aid donor countries.

The humanitarian aid system is failing children, warns the
report, which calls for a major overhaul in aid to education in
conflict-affected countries. Education accounts for just 2%
of humanitarian aid, and only a small fraction of requests for
humanitarian aid for education are met. Financing for
humanitarian pooled funds must be increased to US$2
billion to cover shortfalls in education financing.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

National Coalition Party wins in Finland elections:
The National Coalition Party led by Jyrki Katainen won the
highest number of 44 seats (20.4% vote share) in the
elections for the 200-member Parliament called Eduskunta
in the held on April 17, 2011. The Social Democrats led by
Jutta Urpilainen won 42 seats (19.1%) followed by 39
(19.1%) for Timo Soinis True Finns and 35 (15.8%) seats
for Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemis Centre Party. Left
Alliance (14 seats), Green League (9 seats), Swedish
People's Party (10 seats) and Christian Democrats (6 seats)
accounted for the rest. The True Finns Party, which
campaigned on a platform of stringent fiscal and
immigration controls in the European Union and held just
five seats in the outgoing Parliament, is almost certain to
become a part of a new governing coalition in Helsinki.
Finland's new political landscape might jeopardise
economic bailout packages for governments like that of
Greece or Portugal which are facing huge and
unmanageable deficits. The True Finns said they could use
their veto to block any EU legislation giving more aid to
ailing and failing European economies.

Jonathan wins presidential election in Nigeria:
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan of the ruling
People's Democratic Party (PDP) has won the presidential
election with 58.89% of the votes polled, according to the
results announced by the electoral commission on April 18,
2011. His main challenger, ex-military ruler Muhammadu
Buhari of the Congress for Progressive Change, got 31.98%
votes. Jonathan had become President of the country
following the demise of President Umaru Yar'Adua in May

Raul Castro named first secretary of Cuba's
Communist Party: President Raul Castro was named
first secretary of Cuba's Communist Party on April 19, 2011,
with his brother Fidel not included in the leadership for the
first time since the party's creation 46 years ago. Despite
raising hopes during the gathering that a new generation of
leaders was poised to take up important positions, Raul
Castro announced that Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, an
80-year-old long-time confidante, would be his No. 2.
Ramiro Valdes, a 78-year-old Vice-President, was named to
the No. 3 spot.

De Niro to head Cannes Film Fest jury: Robert De
Niro will be the head of the jury at the 64
Cannes Festival
from May 11 to 22, 2011. Jury members include Argentine
actress and producer Martina Gusman, Chinese producer
Nansun Shi, Norwegian critic, writer Linn Ullmann,
Hollywoods Jude Law and Uma Thurman, French director
Olivier Assayas, Chadian director Mahamat Saleh Haroun,
winner of Cannes' 2010 Jury Prize, and Hong Kong director
Johnny To. The festival features 19 films in competition for
the Palme d'Or.

Christopher Painter appointed US cyber envoy: US
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on April 22, 2011
appointed a cyber envoy to handle issues related to Internet
and the World Wide Web. In this capacity, Christopher
Painter will bring together the many elements in the State
Department working on cyber issues to more effectively
advance US cyber interests.

Bradley Manning to be shifted to new prison:
Bradley Manning, a US Army serviceman suspected of
passing classified information to the whistle-blowing website
WikiLeaks, is being transferred to a new prison, the
Pentagon said on April 20, 2011. Manning was arrested in
May 2010 in Iraq on suspicion of having passed restricted
material to the website WikiLeaks. He was charged in July
that year with transferring classified data onto his personal
computer, and communicating national defense information
to an unauthorized source.

Victoria Cross holder Nepalese passes away: Tul
Bahadur Pun, a Nepalese soldier who won Britain's highest
military honour and later spearheaded the Gurkha rights
campaign, passed away on April 21, 2011. Pun was
awarded the rare Victoria Cross, Britain's greatest possible
decoration for bravery in the face of the enemy, for his
extraordinary heroics in Burma in June 1944. He single-
handedly stormed a Japanese machine gun position, under
heavy fire. The VC takes precedence over all other military
honours and Pun's death leaves just one living recipient
from World War II, and only eight in total. Pun's bravery won
him an invitation to Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953
and he had tea with her mother, queen Elizabeth.

British ex-PM Gordon Brown joins WEF: Former
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been appointed
unpaid chairman of a new policy group at the World
Economic Forum, the organisation announced on April 22,
2011. The WEF, which organises the annual meeting of
global business and political elites in Davos, said Brown had
"valuable insights into the global agenda" from his ten years
as British finance minister and three years as premier.
Brown will chair a new "policy and initiatives coordination
board," an informal group of heads of international
organisations and government representatives.

UK to hold referendum on Alternative Vote system:
United Kingdom's first referendum in more than 30 years
will be held on May 5 when people will decide whether to
abandon the current first-past-the-post voting system in
favour of Alternative Vote (AV), a form of Proportional
Representation, in which voters rank candidates in order of
preference. It is practised only in three countries
Australia, Fiji and Papua New Guinea. Opinion polls give a
significant lead to the no'' camp and barring a dramatic

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

surge in the closing days of the campaign, the yes''
campaign looks set to lose. A defeat will be a huge personal
blow to the Liberal Democrat leader and Deputy Prime
Minister Nick Clegg who has tried to sell the referendum as
a major victory for his party's campaign for more
comprehensive electoral reforms.

European Parliament condemns Pak for
supporting Taliban: The European Parliament (EP) on
April 22, 2011 two declarations against the Pakistan
government condemning it for its support to the Taliban and
instructed the European Commission to re-evaluate the size
of financial packages provided to Islamabad to eradicate
terrorists from its soil. These declarations came after
recognising the need for urgent measures to be taken for
the safety and security of EU, as Pakistan didn't stop
supporting the Taliban and has been involved in supporting
export of terrorism to EU countries. Expressing the EU's
worry, one declaration warned about infiltration of the
Taliban in Pakistan governmental structures especially
military, intelligence and security establishment and cited
U.S. President Barack Obama's 2009 warning of Taliban
snatching a nuclear weapon in transport or inserting
sympathisers in laboratories.

Pakistan test-fires short-range missile Hatf:
Pakistan on April 19, 2011 conducted the first test of Hatf-9
or Nasr missile, a newly developed short-range surface-to-
surface missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The
Pak military said the launch was aimed at boosting the
"deterrence value" of the country's strategic weapons

Laos defers decision to build Mekong river dam:
Laos announced on April 19, 2011 that it would defer a
decision on building the first dam on the lower Mekong river
in the face of opposition from its neighbouring countries
including its closest ally, Vietnam. Those opposing feared
the $3.5 billion Xayaburi dam would open the door for a
building spree of as many as 10 others on the Mekong's
lower mainstream, degrading the river's fragile ecology and
affecting the lives of millions who depend on it for their
livelihoods. Vietnam has urged at least a 10-year
moratorium on all mainstream dams on the river. But
hydropower is one of Laos' few major resources, and the
landlocked country has argued that revenue from the 1,260
megawatt dam will spur economic and social development.
Thailand agreed last year to buy 95 per cent of Xayaburi's
electricity output.

Earth Day observed: The Earth Day was observed
worldwide on April 22, 2011. The day intended to inspire
awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural
environment, was founded by US Senator Gaylord Nelson
on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was focused on
the United States, an organization launched by Denis
Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970,
took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141
nations. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth
Day Network, and is celebrated in more than 175 countries
every year. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22
International Mother Earth Day.

World Heritage Day observed: The International Day
for Monuments and Sites (informally known as the World
Heritage Day) was created on 18
April, 1982, by ICOMOS
(International Council on Monuments and Sites) and later
approved at the UNESCO General Conference in 1983.
This special day offers an opportunity to raise publics
awareness concerning the diversity of the worlds heritage
and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it,
as well as to draw attention to its vulnerability. The Cultural
Heritage of Water was the theme of the World Heritage Day
observed on April 18, 2011. Some recent World Heritage
Day themes include: 2010: Agricultural Heritage; 2009:
Heritage and Science; 2008: Religious heritage and sacred
places; 2007: Cultural landscapes and monuments of nature
& 2006: Industrial Heritage.

World Book Day observed: World Book Day and
Copyright Day is a yearly event on 23 April, organized by
UNESCO to promote reading, publishing and copyright. The
Day was first celebrated in 1995. The connection between
23 April and books were first made in 1923 by booksellers in
Spain as a way to honour the author "Miguel de Cervantes"
who died on that day. The idea for this celebration
originated in Catalonia where on 23 April, Saint George's
Day, a rose is traditionally given as a gift for each book sold.

I Am Kalam screening at Buckingham Palace:
After winning the Audience Choice Award at the Indian Film
Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA), I Am Kalam, a film
directed by Nila Madhab Panda and produced by Smile
Foundation on a child's struggle to get an education
against all odds, is reportedly headed to the Buckingham
Palace after Prince Charles expressed an interest in
watching the movie. The film, which has won 11
international awards, is set in Bikaner, Rajasthan, and
revolves around the trials and tribulations of Chhotu.

FAO, World Food Programme launch global food
security platform: In order to maximise its food assistance
efforts, United Nation's bodies FAO and the World Food
Programme (WFP) on April 17, 2011 launched a new global
food security platform for effective co-ordination during
crises such as natural disaster and conflicts. Apart from
FAO and WFP, the global team comprises of International
Red Cross, Red Crescent Movement, non governmental
organisations (NGOs) among other humanitarian agencies.
FAO said that a food security clusters already exist and is

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

helping in coordinating food security responses in more than
25 countries worldwide affected by crises like natural
disasters, conflicts, etc.

NASA awards contracts for space shuttle
replacements: NASA on April 19, 2011 announced it has
awarded nearly 270 million dollars to four US companies to
help their pursuit of making a spacecraft to replace the US
space shuttle. The companies winning contracts under the
NASA commercial crew development programme, or
CCDev2, include Boeing, Sierra Nevada Corporation
(developing DreamChaser shuttle), SpaceX (a company
that last year completed its first successful test of an
unmanned space capsule into orbit and back) and Blue

UN non-proliferation committee gets 10-year
extension: The UN Security Council on April 20, 2011
unanimously adopted a resolution to extend the mandate by
10 years of the committee established pursuant to UNSCR
1540, which obliges states to implement measures to
prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD). Resolution 1540 is considered a landmark measure
because it was the first to recognise the nuclear threat from
terrorist and militant groups.

Well-being survey puts India in 71
spot: With only
17 per cent people describing themselves as "thriving",
India ranked 71, in a new Gallup study on overall well-being
conducted in 124 countries unveiled on April 20, 2011. The
study had asked people to rate themselves on a ladder with
steps labelled 0 to 10. People who rate their current lives a
7 or higher and say they expect their lives in five years to be
an 8 or higher are considered to be thriving. Those who rate
their lives between 4 or less, are considered "suffering",
while "struggling" respondents fall between the two groups.

Denmark topped as the most contented country as almost
two-thirds of its residents described themselves as thriving.
With having 69 per cent happy people, Sweden and Canada
ranked as the second most happiest countries, followed by
Australia (66 per cent), Finland and Venezuela (64 per
cent), Israel and New Zealand (63 per cent), Netherlands
and Ireland (62 per cent).

Maritime Counter-Piracy Conference organised:
Maritime industry has proposed a set of measures including
a stronger public-private effort to combat the increasing
incidence of pirate attacks on commercial and non-
commercial vessels. The continual loss of ships and their
cargoes, and the serious risk to the lives of mariners, is too
great for the international community to endure for much
longer, Diplomats and shipping industry representatives
said at the conclusion of the Maritime Counter-Piracy
Conference in Dubai on April 19, 2011. DP World, which co-
organised the meet, stressed the need for an increased
military presence in the waters off the shores of Somalia, in
the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS


Awards conferred on National Panchayati Raj

The Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Puraskar 2011, e
Panchayat Puraskar 2011 and the Prizes for the National
Level Winners of Drawing Painting and Essay Competitions
held during the Year of the Gram Sabha (2
October 2011) were conferred on their winners by
Union Minister of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development
Vilasrao Deshmukh on the occasion of National Panchayati
Raj Diwas on April 24, 2011.

Panchayat Empowerment & Accountability Incentive
Scheme (PEAIS)

Panchayat Empowerment Accountability Incentive Scheme
(PEAIS) was implemented by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj
(MoPR) in 2005-06 to motivate states to empower the
Panchayats by devolving Funds, functions and functionaries

The scheme aims at encouraging the States for
empowering the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and
putting in place mechanism for transparency and
accountability of the PRIs. Performance of the States in
these respects is measured through a Devolution Index (DI)
formulated by an independent institution. A token award is
also given to the States, for which the annual provision is
currently at Rs. 10 crore.

This year in addition to the cumulative achievement of the
state, the DI study also took into account incremental
achievement since 1st April 2009.For 2010-11, the Indian
Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi was
engaged for the task of preparation of DI and ranking the

Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Puraskar 2011

In order to appreciate and devise an appropriate structure of
incentives and to recognize and encourage the Panchayats
for outstanding performance through effective Gram
Sabhas, especially in respect of improvements in the social
and economic structure of the village, the Ministry of
Panchayati Raj instituted National level Awards for Best
Gram Sabhas and name it as Rashtriya Gaurav Gram

The prize money for this award is Rs 10 lakhs. The Award
money will be utilized by the Panchayats for public purposes
such as augmentation of civic services like primary
education, primary health care, safe drinking water, public
utilities; provision rural infrastructure in the Panchayat
jurisdiction etc.

This year the following Gram Sabhas and Gram Panchayats
have merited for RGGS 2011:

of the
Name of
Name of
the Gram
State Name of
( recipient
of the
1 Belgau
Athani Shiraguppi Karnataka Vinesh
2 South
Sanguem Kirlapal
Goa Rama
3 Rajkot Padadhari Depaliya Gujarat Rasilaben
4 Rohtak Rohtak Assan Haryana Raj Singh
5 Jalgao
Chopda Chahardi Maharashtr
6 Ajmer Shrinagar Aradaka Rajasthan Raheesa
7 South
Melli Mellidara-
Sikkim Ganesh

e Panchayat Puraskar 2011

This Year a national award in the category of e panchayat
Puraskar has been instituted by MoPr in order to appreciate
the excellent achieving of various States in the
implementation of Model Accounting system for Panchayats
(MAS) and PRIASoft.

A prize money of Rs 50 lakhs for first prize, Rs 30 lakhs for
second and Rs 20 lakhs for third prize will be given to the
winning states.

It is expected that the prize money would be utilised for
further strengthening / development of MAS/ PRIASoft
initiative in the state viz., provision of computers, training to
concerned functionaries etc. The following States have
been selected for the e Panchayat Puraskar:


GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Prizes for the National level winners of Drawing
Painting and Essay Competitions held during the Year
of the Gram Sabha (2
October 2009-2
October 2011)


Name of the
Tehsil /
State Prize Money
1 Parasad
Maharashtra Rs 25,000
2 Meghawi
Haryana Rs. 15,000
3(1) Ajaz-Ul-Haq Akramabad
Jammu &
Rs. 10,000
3(2) Jyoti
Maharashtra Rs. 10,000


Name of the
State Prize
1 Rini Joshi New Cera, District -

2 Diana
3 Kalluri Eswar
Datt Adarsh
Chillakur Village,

Highlights of National Panchayati Raj Diwas

Maharashtra bags maximum awards: RGGS, PEAIS -3

prize, 2 prizes for national drawing and painting and
Second Prize in e Panchayat Puraskar)
Haryana bags three awards (RGGS, PEAIS 5
incremental index and Winner of National Drawing
Painting Competition -2nd prize).
J&K bags one prize in Drawing and Painting competition.
Karnataka bags three awards (RGGS and 2 PEAIS
Odisha bags first prize in e Panchayat Puraskar.
Sikkim bags two awards (RGGS and PEAIS)
Rajasthan gets two awards (RGGS and 1st prize in
PEAIS Incremental devolution)
PMs Excellence Awards conferred on Civil
Services Day

The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated the
Civil Services Day in New Delhi on April 21, 2011 and gave
away the `PMs Awards for Excellence in Public
Administration for the year 200910 on the occasion. The
Civil Services is being celebrated since 2006.

Five initiatives in three categories individual, group and
organization were selected for the award.

Individual category: Bridging the Gap the Turnaround of
Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam, (Bihar)
Group category: (i) Success Story of Malkapur 24x7 Water
Supply Scheme (Maharashtra) and (ii) Education and
Training Centre Dreams to Reality, Navi Mumbai
Municipal Corporation, (Maharashtra).
Organization category: (i) Sickle Cell Anemia Control
Programme, of Government of Gujarat and (ii) Sustainable
Plastic Waste Management of Himachal Pradesh.

Under this scheme of awards, all officers of Central and
State Governments individually or as group or as
organization are eligible. The award includes a medal, scroll
and a cash amount of Rs.1 lakh. In case of a group, the
total award money is Rs.5 lakh subject to a maximum of Rs.
1 lakh per person. For an organization this is limited to Rs. 5

Rajeev Bhargava wins Dr Malcolm Adiseshiah
Award: Prof Rajeev Bhargava, director and senior fellow,
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi,
will be the recipient of the Dr Malcolm Adiseshiah award this
year. The announcement was made by the Elizabeth
Adiseshiah Trust on April 19, 2011. The award is
announced on the birth anniversary of Dr Malcolm
Adiseshiah, distinguished economist and educationist who
passed away in 1994. The award will be presented to
Bhargava on November 21, the death anniversary of
Adiseshiah, during which he will deliver a memorial lecture.
The award consists of a citation and a cash award of Rs 2
lakh. The award is given to make economics research
attractive for scholars.

Super 30 founder is Europe journal's global
personality: Anand Kumar, who founded Super 30,
Bihar's free coaching centre which helps economically
backward students crack the IIT-JEE, was on April 20, 2011
selected by Europe's magazine Focus as one of the global
personalities who have the ability to shape exceptionally
talented people. He is the only Indian named in the list.
Focus is published by Italy's biggest publishing house
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Pulitzer Prizes announced

The New York Times won Pulitzer Prizes on April 18, 2011
for its economics commentary and its reporting on Russia,
while The Los Angeles Times received the coveted public
service Pulitzer and the award for feature photography.

The Pulitzer Prize is a U.S. award for achievements in
newspaper and online journalism, literature and musical
composition. It was established by Hungarian-American
publisher Joseph Pulitzer and is administered by Columbia
University in New York City. Pulitzers are awarded in 13
journalism categories and seven arts categories. In twenty
of these, each winner receives a certificate and a
US$10,000 cash award. The winner in the public service
category of the journalism competition is awarded a gold
medal. Complete list of winners for 2011 is as follows:


Public Service: Los Angeles Times
Breaking News Reporting: No award
Investigative Reporting: Paige St. John of Sarasota
Explanatory Reporting: Mark Johnson, Kathleen
Gallagher, Gary Porter, Lou Saldivar and Alison Sherwood
of Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Local Reporting: Frank Main, Mark Konkol and John J.
Kim of Chicago Sun-Times
National Reporting: Jesse Eisinger and Jake Bernstein of
International Reporting: Clifford J. Levy and Ellen Barry of
The New York Times
Feature Writing: Amy Ellis Nutt of The Star-Ledger,
Newark, NJ
Commentary: David Leonhardt of The New York Times
Criticism: Sebastian Smee of The Boston Globe
Editorial Writing: Joseph Rago of The Wall Street Journal
Editorial Cartooning: Mike Keefe of The Denver Post
Breaking News Photography: Carol Guzy, Nikki Kahn and
Ricky Carioti of The Washington Post
Feature Photography: Barbara Davidson of Los Angeles

Letters, Drama and Music

Fiction: A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
(Alfred A. Knopf)
Drama: Clybourne Park by Bruce Norris
History: The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American
Slavery by Eric Foner (W.W. Norton & Company)
Biography or Autobiography: Washington: A Life by Ron
Chernow (The Penguin Press)
Poetry: The Best of It New and Selected Poems by Kay
Ryan (Grove/Atlantic)
General Nonfiction: The Emperor of All Maladies: A
Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee (Scribner)
Music: Madame White Snake by Zhou Long (Oxford
University Press)
Special Citations: There are no special citations this year

Indian-American doctor's book wins Pulitzer in

Indian-American physician Siddhartha Mukherjee's
acclaimed book on cancer, The Emperor of All Maladies: A
Biography of Cancer, has won the prestigious 2011 Pulitzer
Prize in the general non-fiction category. According to the
Pulitzer citation, the book by the New York-based cancer
physician and researcher is an elegant inquiry, at once
clinical and personal, into the
long history of an insidious
disease that, despite treatment
breakthroughs, still bedevils
medical science.

The Pulitzer for general non-
fiction is awarded to a
distinguished and appropriately
documented book of non-fiction
by an American author that is
not eligible for consideration in any other category.

India-born Dr. Mukherjee is an assistant professor of
medicine at Columbia University and a cancer physician at
the Columbia University Medical Centre. A Rhodes scholar,
he graduated from Stanford University, University of Oxford,
Harvard Medical School. In his book, Dr. Mukherjee
recounts centuries of discoveries, setbacks, victories and
deaths, told through the eyes of his predecessors and
peers, training their wits against an infinitely resourceful
adversary that, just three decades ago, was thought to be
easily vanquished in an all-out war against cancer. An
award-winning science writer, Dr. Mukherjee examines
cancer with a cellular biologist's precision, a historian's
perspective and a biographer's passion.

Binayak Sen wins Korean human rights prize: Civil
rights activist Binayak Sen, recently freed on bail by the
Supreme Court in a sedition case, has been honoured with
the 2011 Gwangju Prize for Human Rights, South Korea's
most prestigious award for those working on peace,
democracy and justice in Asia. The award was announced
on April 21, 2011 by 2011 Gwangju Prize Committee in
Seoul. The prize, which carries a sum of USD 50,000 is
awarded each year on May 18 on the anniversary of the
May 1980 Gwangju democratic uprising -- to a person or
organisation who has made significant contributions in the
field of human rights and democracy.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK



Exports register growth of 37.5% in 2010-11

EXPORTS in 2010-11
Major Sectors (in $ billion) Growth (%)
Engineering 60.1 84.8
Oil 42.5 50.6
Gems & jewellery 33.5 15.3
Readymade garments 11.1 4.2
Manmade yarn & fabrics 4.2 16.1
Cotton yarn and made-ups 5.7 43
Textiles 21 14.5
Electronics goods 7.4 35.5
Drugs & pharmaceuticals 10.3 15.1
Chemicals 8.6 26
Plastics 4.6 38
Leather 3.7 12
Iron ore 4.5 25
Marine products 2.5 21
Carpets 1.1 53.3

IMPORTS in 2010-11
Major Sectors (in $ billion) Growth (%)
Oil 101.3 16.7
Pearls, gems & jewellery 28.2 72.8
Gold & silver 36.8 23.6
Fertilsers 6.7 0
Vegetable oil 6.5 16.5
Machinery 27.2 29
Electronics 21.7 3.5
Chemicals 14.9 25
Iron & steel 10.5 26.6
Ores & scrap 9.6 24.6
Resins & plastics 6.9 38

Indias merchandise exports for the year ending March 2011
touched US$ 245.9 billion registering a growth of 37.5%.
This was the first time export figure reached the US$ 200
billion mark. Imports for the same period grew 21.5% to
US$ 350.3 billion. The trade deficit figure has come down to
US$ 10.4.4 billion.

The government had set a target of achieving exports worth
$200 billion in the last financial year. It had also set an
ambitious goal of realising $450 billion in export of goods by
2014. In 2009-2010, exports ended up falling 3.6 per cent to
$178.6 billion and imports declined by 5.5 per cent year-on-
year at $286.8 billion.

Union Minister for Commerce & Industry Anand Sharma, in
his briefing about the trade performance for the financial
year 2010-11 on April 19, 2011, said the growth had mainly
come from newer markets such as Latin America and Africa
and not from traditional destinations of the US, Europe and
Japan. Recent bilateral trade agreements signed with South
Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) would
contribute in achieving the target of $450 billion in exports
by 2014. Highlights of Indias trade in 2010-11 are:

Engineering goods by far constituted the largest component
of exports. Entailing considerable domestic value addition,
engineering exports crossed US$ 60 billion registering a
growth of 84.76%.

Petroleum Products export were in the range of US$ 42.45
billion registering a growth of 50.58%

Gems & Jewellery sector which is a considerable employer
of people saw an export of US$ 33.54 billion showing a
growth of 15.34%

Drugs & pharmaceuticals sectors for which India has gained
a considerable global reputation saw total exports of US$
10.32 billion showing a growth of 15.08%.

Textiles exports were $21 billion registering a growth of
34.5% over 2009-10. Readymade garments exports
crossed US$ 11.1 billion showing a growth of 4.23%. Man-
made yarn & fabrics saw exports of US$ 4.2 billion
registering a growth of 16.1%. Cotton yarn fabrics saw an
export of US$ 5.66 billion registering a growth of 42.87%.

Exports of carpet, jute and leather which are the labour
intensive sectors assured considerable dynamism in growth.
Carpets exports reached $1.1 billion in 2010-11, the first
time they have exceeded the $1 billion-mark.

Exports of electronic goods grew 34.5 per cent at $7.4

Agricultural exports and allied sectors including tea, coffee,
tobacco, spices, cashew, oil meals, fruits and vegetables
and marine products crossed US$ 12.92 billion.

Iron Ore exports went down by 25% at US$ 4.5 billion.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Committee on Semiconductor Manufacturing
set up

The Union Cabinet on April 20, 2011 approved the proposal
to set up an Empowered Committee for identifying
technology and investors for setting up two Semiconductor
Wafer Fabrication (Fab) Manufacturing Facilities in the

The Empowered Committee comprising Adviser to PM on
Public Information, Infrastructure and Innovation; Chairman,
National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC);
Secretary, Department of Expenditure; Member (Industry),
Planning Commission; Dr. M. J. Zarabi, Former CMD,
Semiconductor Complex Ltd. (SCL) - Technical Expert and
Secretary, DIT - Member Convenor has been set up.

The Empowered Committee will identify technology and
potential investors for establishment of Semiconductor
Wafer Fabs, and thereafter ascertain their interest in setting
up of Semiconductor Fab facilities in the country; to assess
and recommend the nature and Quantum of Government
support such as equity/grant/ subsidy in physical/financial
terms that may be required. The Committee shall submit its
recommendations to the Government by 31.7.2011.

Background: A, earlier Committee comprising the Chairman,
National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC)
and others had made five recommendations:

(i) Set up Semiconductor Wafer Fabs;
(ii) Create policies for preferential access to "Manufactured-
in-lndia "Indian Products" electronics goods for all
government procurements and procurement by Government
(iii) Set up a dedicated "Electronic Development Fund";
(iv) Set up of a National Electronics Mission (NEM) and
(v) Encourage manufacture of specific high priority
electronic product line in India by providing capital grant and
creation of electronic manufacturing clusters.

Electronics hardware sector is capital intensive. The Rough
Order of Magnitude (ROM) of investment for the two wafer
fabs (Fab-1 and Fab-2) is estimated at to be Rs.25,000
Crore (approx. US$ 5 Billion).

The Indian electronics hardware industry and the Indian
economy would be the direct beneficiaries of the proposal.
The Semiconductor Wafer Fabs will have catalytic impact
on development of downstream and upstream products,
including ancillaries. It would have sizable impact on the
development of IT/ITES sector particularly in Very Large
Scale Integration (VLSI) design software, solutions and
services. It will also bootstrap innovation and R&D,
especially in the area of semiconductors and others. It will
help generating employment of the order of about 3 Crore
(direct and indirect) by 2020 across various levels of

National rollout of e-District Mission Mode
project approved
The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure has approved the
scheme of National Rollout of e-District Mission Mode
Project on April 21, 2011. The estimated total project cost
for the nation-wide rollout of e-District MMP is Rs 1663.08
crore spread over years 2011-2012 to 2014-2015. The
Government of India's share is estimated to be Rs 1233.08
crore and States' share Rs 430 crore. The project will be
implemented in all 640 districts (including the 41 districts
where e-District Pilot Projects have already been initiated)
of the country for a period of 4 years. The approval is for an
outlay of Rs 1663.08 crore with an expenditure of Rs 541.22
crore in the Eleventh Five Year Plan and of Rs 1121.86
crore in the Twelfth Five Year Plan.

Back ground
The Government had in May 2006, approved the National e
Governance Plan (NeGP) with the following vision: Make
all Government Services accessible to the common man in
his locality, through common service delivery outlets and
ensure efficiency, transparency and reliability of such
services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the
common man.

To realize this vision, 27 Central, State and Integrated
Mission Mode projects (MMPs) along with 8 support
components were identified and approved under NeGP.
States have the flexibility to identify upto 5 additional state-
specific projects, which are particularly relevant for the
economic development of the State. NeGP also envisages
creation of the core IT infrastructure in the form of State
Wide Area Networks (SWANs), State Data Centres (SDCs)
State Service Delivery Gateways (SSDGs) and one lakh
Front Ends namely Common Services Centres (CSCs), in
rural areas across the country to deliver public services

e-District is one of the 27 MMPs under NeGP, with the
Department of Information Technology (DIT), Government
of India as the nodal Department, to be implemented by
State Government or their designated agencies. The MMP
aims at electronic delivery of identified high volume citizen
centric services, at such district and sub-district level.

India and Japan Sign TKDL Access Agreement

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India
signed the TKDL (Traditional Knowledge Digital Library)
Access Agreement with the Japan Patent Office (JPO) on
April 20, 2011. The Agreement would help prevent

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

misappropriation of Indias traditional knowledge at JPO. It
also successfully concludes the arrangement of protection
of Indias traditional knowledge with trilateral offices like
United States Patent & Trademark Office, European Patent
Office and Japan Patent Office.

This is considered significant as most of the international
patent applications get filed at least in one of these trilateral
offices. Rejection of a patent application at any one of these
offices would facilitate its rejection at any other International
Patent Office.

A recent study carried out by TKDL expert team has
revealed a sharp decline (44%) on filing of patent
applications concerning Indian systems of medicine at EPO
in particular on generic group concerning medicinal plant

Misappropriation and bio-piracy are the issues of great
concern for 130 developing countries and this agenda is
being pursued at multilateral forums such as Convention on
Biological Diversity, TRIPs Council at World Trade
Organization and at World Intellectual Property
Organization. However, so far there has been no
consensus on ensuring protection of traditional knowledge.

TKDL, a collaborative project between CSIR and
Department of AYUSH, is a maiden Indian effort to help
prevent misappropriation of traditional knowledge belonging
to India at International Patent Offices. It has scientifically
converted and structured the Indias traditional knowledge
available in 148 ancient books on Indian Systems of
Medicine, into five international languages, namely, English,
Japanese, French, German and Spanish (30 million A4 size
pages), with the help of IT tools and a novel classification
system, namely, Traditional Knowledge Resource
Classification (TKRC).

Today, India through TKDL is capable of protecting about 2
lakh (0.226 million) medical formulations similar to those of
neem and turmeric. On an average, it takes five to seven
years for opposing a granted patent at international level
which may cost Rs 1-3 crore (0.2-0.6 million US$).

These unique international TKDL Access Agreements would
have long-term implications on the protection of traditional
knowledge and global intellectual property systems in view
of the fact that in the past, patents have been granted at
EPO and USPTO on the use of over 200 medicinal plants
due to the lack of access to the documented knowledge in
public domain.

Also, at any point in time, 40-50 patent applications based
on Indian traditional knowledge are awaiting grant of patent.

Manufacturing sector profits most from
employees PwC Study

Engineering and manufacturing generate the most
revenue and profits per employee followed by FMCG
and pharma space.
Overall, companies make an investment of Rs. 7,000 on
learning and development (L&D) per employee.
IT and ITeS have the lowest spend on learning and
development per employee.

Measuring Human Capital - Driving Business Results, a
PwC Saratoga India Survey 2010 on human capital
effectiveness was conducted amongst 37 Indian companies
across different industries recently.

According to the survey, with an average remuneration of
Rs 4.8 lakh and profit of Rs 6 lakh per employee, the human
capital return on investment is 1.79 for organisations in

Indian companies make a pure profit of Rs 15 from every Rs
100 worth revenue generated by their employees.

According to the study, the engineering and manufacturing
sectors earn the most revenue and profit per employee.
This is followed by the FMCG and pharma sectors.

Companies make an investment of Rs 7,000 on learning
and development (L&D) per employee. Pharmaceutical
companies spent the highest (Rs 10,000) on learning and
development (L&D) per employee and delivered the highest
number of L&D hours per employee, while IT and ITeS were
found to spend the least on L&D per employee. IT/ITeS
witnessed the highest termination and resignation rate.

Poverty rate declines to 32%: The latest data of the
Planning Commission indicates that poverty has declined to
32 per cent in 2009-10 from 37.2 per cent five years ago.
The preliminary estimates are based on the formula
suggested by the Tendulkar Committee for computing the
number of poor. Planning Commission Deputy Chairman
Montek Singh Ahluwalia on April 20, 2011 said that the
2009-10 data shows a decline in poverty from 37.2 per cent
in 2004-05 to 32 per cent in 2009-10 as the per the
preliminary data worked out by the Planning Commission
member Abhijit Sen. The Tendulkar Committee had
suggested that poverty be estimated on the basis of
consumption based on the cost of living index instead of
caloric intake. It said that the basket of goods should also
include services such as health and education. The new
poverty line, as suggested by the Tendulkar Committee, is
different for rich and poor States, and for rural and urban
areas within a State. Estimates of poverty are important

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

because the cheap grains under the proposed Food
Security law will be provided based on these numbers.

Refining capacity to reach 240 MTPA by March
2012: India's petroleum refining capacities is expected to
rise to 240 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) by March
2012 from the current 188 MTPA, attracting an estimated
investment of Rs 60,000-65,000 crore. The capacity
addition is believed to boost country's exports of petroleum
products, said Petroleum Secretary P Sundereshan on April
20, 2011. Currently, India's total demand for the petroleum
products is estimated at 140 MTPA. This creates a spare
capacity of 48 million tonnes per annum at the refineries.
The spare capacity will increase to around 90 million tonnes
per annum which will be exported.

Navigation to be separated from AAI functions: To
demarcate the functional responsibility of the Airports
Authority of India (AAI) as an 'aerodrome operator' and air
navigation service (ANS) provider, the government on April
17, 2011 announced separation of the air navigation wing
from the airport operator. The decision follows
recommendations of the Ajay Prasad Committee for
formulation of next generation futuristic Air Navigation
Services Master Plan. The Committee had opined that the
present structure does not clearly demarcate its functional
responsibility of an 'aerodrome operator' and of ANS
provider, a senior AAI official said.

Consultant appointed to set up modern silos: The
Planning Commission on April 17, 2011 appointed a
consultant to prepare a feasibility report for creating 20 lakh
tonnes capacity of modern foodgrains storage facilities like
silos in the country. The Committee headed by Planning
Commission Member Abhijit Sen has appointed Matt
Macdonald as consultant for creating modern silos. The
term of reference includes cost comparison between
modern silos and conventional storage, identification of
location and setting parameters for tender process. The
study is being commissioned in view of announcement
made by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in his Budget
speech that the government has decided to construct 20
lakh tonnes of storage capacity in the form of modern silos.

Central tax collection reaches Rs 7.92 lakh crore in
2010-11: The central tax collection direct and indirect
reached about Rs 7.92 lakh crore in 2010-11, exceeding
even the revised estimate, on the back of strong economic
growth. The total Budget estimate for direct and indirect tax
collections was Rs 7.45 lakh crore for the last fiscal, which
was revised upwards to Rs 7.80 lakh crore. Higher tax
collection will not only provide the government resources to
fund development projects but also help reduce the fiscal
deficit. Of the total, the direct tax mop up was about Rs 4.50
lakh crore and indirect tax, about Rs 3.42 lakh crore.
CACP for private sector role in foodgrain
procurement: The Commission for Agriculture Costs and
Prices (CACP), a statutory body which advises the
government on pricing policy for major farm items, on April
18, 2011 has suggested private sector participation in
foodgrains procurement to boost the purchase process. It
also favoured export of 3-5 million tonnes (MT) of rice and
wheat to cash in the booming international markets. CACP
Chairman Ashok Gulati said that the export will not only
solve the problem of storage but will also benefit the
farmers. The government godowns have foodgrains stock
worth Rs 40,000-43,000 crore over and above the buffer
norm. The country is witnessing decline in procurement of
wheat and rice in the ongoing marketing season (October-

CMIE projects 8.8% GDP growth in 2011-12: India's
GDP is projected to grow at a brisk pace of 8.8 per cent in
2011-12, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
said on April 18, 2011. The domestic environment is
conducive for growth and private final consumption
expenditure is projected to grow by a healthy 7.5 per cent
and gross fixed capital formation by 14.6 per cent, said the
CMIE in its latest monthly review of the country's economy.
In 2010-11, the performance of India's economy has been
robust, it said, adding that the real GDP is estimated to have
grown by nine per cent during the fiscal. This has been
powered by a rebound in the agricultural sector following the
drought in 2009-10, and a sharp pick-up in private
consumption and gross fixed capital formation. In 2011-12,
the agricultural and allied sector is projected to grow by
3.1% on top of the 5.1% growth estimated in 2010-11. The
industrial sector, including construction, is likely to grow by
9.4% during 2011-12, as compared to 8.5% estimated in

CIBIL launches credit score for consumers: The
country's oldest credit information bureau, CIBIL, launched
its CIBIL TransUnion Score for retail consumers, on April
20, 2011. This score will be available for a fee of Rs 450,
will take into consideration factors such as the loan amount,
the nature of loan (secured or unsecured), the tenure,
delinquencies (repayment history or defaults if any), number
of loans, among others. The final score is arrived at based
on the weightage assigned to each of these aspects. It
ranges between 300 and 900 and provides a snapshot of a
consumer's credit history. CIBIL provides the score along
with the Credit Information Report, which is available
separately for a fee of Rs 142. While the report is an
analysis of 36 months of the consumer's repayment history,
the score uses that history and other information to indicate
the likelihood of default in future. While lenders have been
using the score for the past two years, now individual
borrowers can also access it.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

SBI to discontinue teaser' home loans: State Bank
of India has finally decided to toe the Reserve Bank of India
line on its much debated teaser' home loan scheme. SBI on
April 20, 2011 said it will discontinue the scheme from April
30. The withdrawal of teaser rates comes soon after the
new chairman Pratip Chaudhuri took over the charge at SBI.
The scheme was started by former Chairman, O.P. Bhatt.
SBI will replace teaser loans with a new floating rate home
loan product with effect from May 1. Teaser loans are
advances offered at a comparatively lower rate of interest
for the first few years, after which rates are re-set at higher
rates. SBI introduced the teaser home loan product two
years ago. Under the new floating rate structure, customers
can get home loans at a spread above the base rate,
currently at 8.5 per cent. Besides, the bank has waived
penalty on pre-payment and introduced a graded
processing fee, which will be charged only if the loan
application is passed.

Air India forms panel to study wage and HR issues
of merger: Air India's Board of Directors on April 21, 2011
constituted an independent committee, headed by Justice
(retd) D.N. Dharmadhikari of the Supreme Court to address
the wage and human resource-related issues after the
merger of Indian Airlines Ltd and Air India Ltd. The
committee will examine the principles of integration across
various cadres and determination of level and seniority.

New simpler forms for IT returns introduced: The Union
Finance Ministry has introduced simpler income tax return
forms Sahaj' and Sugam' aimed at reducing compliance
burden on salaried persons and small businessmen. Central
Board of Direct Taxes Chairman Sudhir Chandra in April
2011 said the new forms were major steps towards
simplification of income tax return filing. While Sahaj is for
salaried people, the Sugam return form is applicable to
small businessmen and professionals covered under
presumptive taxation. Under presumptive taxation, person
carrying on business are not required to get accounts
audited if the annual total sales, turnover or gross receipts is
less than Rs.60 lakh. The earlier limit of Rs. 40 lakh was
increased by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee in the
2010-11 Union Budget. The presumptive tax limit in case of
professionals was increased from Rs.10 lakh to Rs.15 lakh.
The Government also plans to notify a provision in early
June exempting people of salary income up to Rs. 5 lakh a
year from filing returns. However such salaried people
(earning up to Rs.5 lakh) will have to file the return if they
seek refund.

SEBI calls for higher stake for Sovereign wealth funds:
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has
mooted a proposal to allow sovereign wealth funds to pick
up a 20 per cent stake in an entity without invoking an open
offer. The stake buy should not lead to a change in
management control. Sovereign wealth funds are state-
owned investment funds that consist of all kinds of asset
classes debt, equity, commodities, and the like. This
proposal was made at the SEBI board meeting on March

Marine products exports at $2.67 bn: Export of
marine products from the country were USD 2.67 billion
during the fiscal 2010-11 by registering a growth of 10.96
per cent in quantity, over the year-ago period. This is 20.42
per cent in rupee value and 25.55 per cent in USD
realisation compared to the previous fiscal, according to the
provisional export figures released on April 21, 2011. This
was the first time in the history of Marine Products Industry,
that India had crossed the USD 2.5 billion mark. A total
quantity of 75,2791 tonnes of marine products were
exported during April-March 2010-11 valued at Rs
12,100.48 crore against 67,8436 tonnes valued at Rs
10,048.53 crore over the year-ago period.

Inter-ministerial group to review pharma FDI
policy: The government on April 21, 2011 said it will form
an inter-ministerial group chaired by Planning Commission
member Arun Maira to examine the issue of imposing a
ceiling on FDI in pharmaceutical industry in the country.
Currently the government permits 100 per cent foreign
direct investment (FDI) via automatic route.

NSDC partners Everonn to skill' nine sectors: The
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), a not-for-
profit company under the Ministry of Finance and Everonn
Education Ltd (EEL) have jointly launched International
Skills School' on April 18, 2011. Through the venture with
Everonn, 1.5 crore people will be imparted skills in 12 years,
across nine sectors textile and apparel, retail, hospitality,
automobile, healthcare, construction, IT and ITeS, basic
engineering and multimedia. Dilip Chenoy is the Managing
Director and CEO, NSDC while Dr. J.J. Irani is the
Chairman of Everonn. The International Skills School' will
impart training through 271 multi skill development centres
across the country.

Railway Week celebrated: The 56
Railway Week
celebrations were held across Indian railways from April 10
to 16, 2011 in commemoration of the first train run on Indian
soil on April 16, 1853 from Bombay to Thane.

New Delhi, Mumbai in worlds top global cities
index: Two Indian cities have made it to the list of top
global cities index by the Annual Citi/Knight Frank Wealth
Report and the next decade is likely to witness significant
improvements from emerging market cities particularly in
the Asian behemoths. New York has topped the overall
cities index ranking released on April 21, 2011, followed by
London and Paris. New Delhi and Mumbai were ranked 37

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

and 38 in the list. The 2011 Wealth Report assessed key
markets across the world in terms of their provision of
investment opportunities and their influence on global
business leaders and the political elite.

MMTC to launch gold jewellery brand: Public sector
MMTC on April 19, 2011 announced plans to launch a new
gold jewellery brand, aimed at expanding its footprint in the
domestic retail market. Of the company's estimated turnover
of Rs 67,500 crore in 2010-11, precious metals are
expected to contribute Rs 50,000 crore. The company also
plans to set up more over 30 more retail outlets to sell the
branded jewellery. At present, it has about 15 outlets across
the country. Currently, the company has a silverware brand
named 'Sanchi.' At present, the PSU has a joint venture with
Gitanjali Group for gold and diamond jewellery retail.

FICCI and YES Bank study outlines roadmap to
boost health tourism: India needs to identify and
develop circuits to cater to health tourists, says a joint study
by industry chamber FICCI and YES Bank, released on
April 17, 2011. The study offers a 10-point prescription to
boost health and wellness tourism in India. Titled Health
and Wellness Tourism Advantage India', the study
recommends increasing the health tourist base in India
through appropriate marketing initiatives keeping in mind
good quality accommodation, hospitals and post treatment
recuperative centres. It also recommends that the
government should offer tax breaks to hospitals to promote
medical tourism

Asia to account for 50% of global GDP by 2050
ADB: Calling for improved economic collaboration among
India, China and Japan, an ADB report has said Asia could
re-emerge as engine of global growth by 2050 accounting
for over 50 per cent of the world GDP, up from 35 per cent,
at present. The report unveiled by the ADB on April 17,
2011 said Asian nations would account for 52 per cent of
the global economic output, followed by Europe at 18 per
cent and North America at 16 per cent by 2050. Besides
greater cooperation among the leading nations of India,
Japan and China, the report also called for open trading
system and peace and security for expediting growth.

British Petroleum to sue Transocean over oil spill:
Energy giant British Petroleum has filed lawsuits against
Swiss-based rig owner Transocean, suing it for USD 40
billion for failing to stop the calamitous Gulf oil spill last year.
It is also suing US firm Cameron International, the
manufacturers of the blowout preventer (BOP), BP said in a
lawsuit filed on April 20, 2011 in a New Orleans federal
court. The British company said they (Transocean and
Cameron) were largely to blame for the accident that killed
11 and spilled 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of
Mexico on April 20, 2010 in the worst offshore oil spill in US

Amway's Yoginder Singh elected IDSA head:
Yoginder Singh, Vice- President - Legal & Corporate Affairs,
Amway India was elected for a second-term as the
Chairman, Indian Direct Selling Association on April 18,
2011. S. Subramanian, Finance Director, for Oriflame India
was elected for the position of Vice-Chairman and P.
Devadas from K-Link Health was elected for the position of
Secretary. The new Executive Committee shall be in force
for FY 2011-12. The elected members of the Indian Direct
Selling Association will each serve one-year term in their
elected positions.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 17 to 23, 2011, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS
Dilshan appointed Lankan skipper: The 34-year-old
Tillakaratne Dilshan was on April 18, 2011 appointed the
captain of the Sri Lankan cricket team for the tour of
England from May 2011. Sri Lanka will play three Tests, a
one-off Twenty20 international and five ODIs. Dilshan takes
over from Kumar Sangakkara, who led Sri Lanka to the ICC
ODI World Cup final. Dilshan emerged as the highest scorer
in the World Cup with 500 runs at an average of 62.50. In
66 Tests, he has 3990 runs at 42.44 with 11 centuries. The
right-hander has also collected 5456 runs in 203 ODIs at
36.61 (strike rate 87.54). And in Twenty20 internationals, he
has 758 runs in 32 games at 29.15 (strike rate 120.70).

Malinga quits Test cricket: Sri Lanka fast bowler Lasith
Malinga on April 22, 2011 quit Test cricket in a bid to
prolong his career in One-Day Internationals and Twenty20
matches. Malinga made his Test debut in July 2004 against
Australia and has taken 101 wickets in 30 tests at an
average of 33.15. He is currently playing for Mumbai Indians
in the Indian Premier League. He is the only bowler with two
World Cup hat tricks, against South Africa in the 2007 and
the other against Kenya in the 2011.

Former Windies skipper Alexander passes away:
Former West Indies captain and wicketkeeper Franz Gerry'
Alexander, who represented the team in 25 Test matches,
passed away at the age of 82 on April 23, 2011 at Kingston,
Jamaica. Alexander, who made his debut against England
in 1957, scored 961 runs at an average of 30.03, including a
top score of 108 against Australia.

Nadal wins Monte Carlo Masters: Rafael Nadal beat
his Spanish compatriot David Ferrer 6-4, 7-5 on April 17,
2011 to win his seventh straight Monte Carlo Masters tennis
title. It was his 44
career title and 19
at a Masters event.
Doubles title was won by Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan who
beat Juan Ignacio Chela & Bruno Soares 6-3, 6-2 in final.

Czech Republic enters Fed Cup final: Czech Republic
beat hosts Belgium in the semi-final 3-2 on April 16-17,
2011 at Charleroi, Belgium to meet Russia in the final of the
Fed Cup tennis tournament in November. The Czech team
comprised Iveta Benesova, Petra Kvitova, Lucie afov
and Kveta Peschke while the Belgian team consisted of Kim
Clijsters, Kirsten Flipkens, An-Sophie Mestach and Yanina
Wickmayer. Russia entered the final by beating Italy 5-0 in
the semi-final played at Moscow on April 16-17, 2011. The
winning team had Vera Zvonareva, Ekaterina Makarova,
Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova and Svetlana Kuznetsova while
the Italian team comprised Francesca Schiavone, Flavia
Pennetta, Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci.
Wimbledon prize money increased: Wimbledon
organizers have increased the prize money for the winners
of this year's tournament to 1.1m, which amounts to a rise
of 10 per cent. The total prize fund for the 125
edition of
the tournament has also been increased and by 6.4% from
last year and is 14.6m. The singles runners-up will earn
550,000 pound, the beaten semi-finalists will get 275,000
pound and even a first-round loser pockets 11,500 pound
for their efforts. Rafael Nadal and Serena Williams
triumphed last year. Nadal had defeated Tomas Berdych of
the Czech Republic, while Williams got past Vera
Zvonareva of Russia.

Real Madrid wins Spanish Cup: Real
Madrid defeated archrivals Barcelona 1-0
after extra time in a dramatic finale on April
21, 2011 at Valencia to win the Spanish Cup
for the first time since 1993. A header from
Cristiano Ronaldo sealed the championship,
delivering coach Jose Mourinho's first trophy
since joining the club last May.

Abhijeet Gupta wins Dubai Open chess: Former
World junior champion and Grandmaster Abhijeet Gupta
defeated BPCL teammate Parimarjan Negi in a battle of
nerves to clinch the Dubai International Open chess title in
Dubai on April 19, 2011. Abhijeet finished the tournament
on 7.5 points out of a possible nine and took the winner's
purse of $8000.

McLaren's Hamilton wins F1 Chinese Grand Prix:
McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton won the Chinese Grand Prix
on April 17, 2011 at Shanghai followed by Red Bull drivers
Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber in second and third
positions respectively.

New Badminton clothing regulations postponed:
The Badminton World Federation (BWF) has decided to
push back the date of implementation of its new clothing
regulations, which require female players to wear skirts or
dresses for Level 1 to 3 tournaments, to June 1, 2011

Marathon runner Grete Waitz passes away:
Norwegian race legend Grete Waitz, who won nine New
York marathons and a world title, passed away at the age of
57 on April 19, 2011. In addition to her nine New York
marathon wins between 1979 and 1988, she became
marathon world champion in Helsinki 1983 and won the
silver medal at the Los Angeles Olympics the following year.
Waitz also broke the 3000 metres world record twice in
1975 and 1977.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

Indo-Pak commerce secretary-level talks held
Sai Baba passes away
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan meeting held
Only Dassault, Eurofighter in IAF aircraft selection
New Delhi, Dhaka to restore abandoned rail lines
Work on Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra begins
Morocco, India to share expertise on food products
SC Bench delivers split verdict in BCCI case
SC stays impeachment of Justice Dinakaran
Creative Services Support Group launched
IAF to observe 2011 as Year of Consolidation
Map indicating coastal erosion in Orissa unveiled
AP launches project for cyclone-prone districts
MP is the first state to link Aadhaar to PDS
Gadchiroli village is first to get bamboo sales rights
Colloquium on Freedom of Expression held
Padmanabh Singh appointed ruler of Jaipur
M. M. Joshi submits PAC report to the Speaker
CBI chargesheets Kanimozhi in 2G case
Kalmadi, two others remanded in CBI custody in CWG case
ED grills Puducherry Lt Governor on Ali links
US ambassador Timothy Roemer resigns

Section B: WORLD
China census shows population ageing and urban
Thai-Cambodia clashes reach Preah Vihear
Rising food prices to worsen poverty ADB
Lobsang Sangay elected Tibetan exile leader
Gen David Petraeus is new CIA director
Leon Panetta is new US Defence Secretary
U.N. panel accuses Colombo, LTTE of war crimes
Israel rejects Palestinian unity govt. with Hamas
Ukraine marks 25
anniversary of Chernobyl
Pakistan tests Raad missile
France returns ancient Korean books
Elders visit N. Korea to resolve nuclear standoff
Australia, New Zealand mark Anzac Day
US Religious Freedom Commission critical of India
Stockholm Convention for ban on Endosulfan
Aronofsky to head Venice film festival jury
Russian space agency head replaced
Teleprompter inventor Schlafly passes away
Chilean poet Gonzalo Rojas passes away
Section C: AWARDS
K. Balachander selected for Dada Saheb Phalke Award
Indian mathematician wins Knuth Prize
Congolese activist wins World Childrens Prize
Swedish film She Monkeys wins Tribeca prize
Chaskielberg wins world photographer of the year award
CII Intellectual Property Awards conferred
GAIL receives Outstanding PSU of the Year award
AP minister wins Pride of India Leadership award
RSP bags Srishti Good Green Governance Award


Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline meet held
PM approves Jaitapur nuclear project
DGH review blames RIL for falling D6 gas output
ONGC reports two oil finds in Gujarat
FTA with EU not to go beyond TRIPS/domestic law PM
CCEA approves funds for automotive testing project
CCEA approves funds for Ganga River Authority
CCEA approves funds for Food Technology Institute
CCEA approves funds for Malaria Control Project
Negotiable warehouse receipt system launched
Govt. committee to track black money
SC suspend 19 mining leases in Bellary
Non-food credit up by 20.6% in 2010-11 RBI
India Corruption Study: 2010 unveiled
India ranks 48
on Networked Readiness Index
Indias electricity generation at 811 BU in 2010-11
Development fee at Mumbai, Delhi airports quashed
Cuddalore PCPIR proposal goes before CCEA
US firm gets DRDO technology for Explosive Detection Kit
HCL to develop system for CCI M&A cases
Rajendra Pawar is new NASSCOM Chairman
K V Kamath appointed Infosys Chairman

Section E: SPORTS

Duncan Fletcher appointed India coach
BCCI increases cash prize for World Cup win
IFA launches Premier League Soccer
Former footballer Abdus Sattar passes away
India win 2 golds at Belgrade boxing tournament

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA


Indo-Pak commerce secretary-level talks held


Bilateral trade is around $2 billion
Plan to initiate trade in electricity and petroleum products
Plan to sign a preferential trade agreement
Expansion of the Wagah-Attari land route
Dedicated corridors for passengers and freight
Faster clearance of cargo on the Wagah-Attari border
Movement of large containers and trucks
To explore trade in Bt cotton

India and Pakistan have agreed to remove trade barriers
and ensure easier movement of goods between the two
countries, while deciding to explore signing of a preferential
trade agreement. A six-page joint statement issued on April
28, 2011 listed 19 areas for boosting trade. The statement
was issued at the end of the 5
round of talks on
commercial and economic cooperation held in Islamabad on
April 27-28. The Indian delegation was led by Commerce
Secretary Rahul Khullar, while Pakistan was represented by
his counterpart Zafar Mahmood.

Pakistan would grant the most-favoured nation (MFN) status
to India. India has already given the MFN status to Pakistan.

The two sides agreed to expand trade in all petroleum
products. An expert group has been set up to discuss trade
arrangements, building of cross-border pipelines and use of
road/rail routes, including the Munabao-Khokrapar route.

The two sides also decided to trade electricity. A committee
of experts to look into this would meet in October.

Both countries also agreed to establish a working group to
address issues such as lowering of sector-specific trade
barriers. The group would meet by September this year.

The two also decided to expand trade through the Wagah-
Attari land route and to open a second gate, besides
creating dedicated routes for passenger and freight
movement. The new Integrated Check Post at Wagah would
be fully functional by October. The two countries also
pledged to increase trading hours on the Wagah-Attari
border, facilitate faster movement of cargo and allow
movement of large container trucks.

The two sides also decided to relax the process of granting
business visas.

Both would also seek to initiate trade in Bt cotton seeds to
help Pakistans farmers and textile industry.

The last round of bilateral trade talks was held in August
2007. The relations between the two were strained after the
terror attack on Mumbai in November 2008.

Sai Baba passes away

Sri Sathya Sai Baba (born November 1926) passed away
on April 24, 2011 at Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh. Born into
an ordinary family as Satyanarayana Raju in the Puttaparthi
village in the dry Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh, on
November 23, 1926, he was to later become Satya Sai
Baba, the reincarnation of the saintly Sai Baba of Shirdi. It
was on October 20, 1940 at the age of 14 that
Satyanarayana Raju declared himself as the reincarnation
of Sai Baba of Shirdi.

Satya Sai Baba became famous for his magic tricks by
producing objects from thin air. But he was reviled by critics
and rationalists who campaigned against him with magic

In 1944, a small temple was built for Satya Sai Babas
devotees at Puttaparthi and in 1950 a sprawling ashram
popularly called the Prasanthi Nilayam was built, making it
his permanent abode. His divine preaching apart, Satya Sai
Baba pioneered many social service activities beginning
with a tiny general hospital at Puttaparthi which has now
transformed into the Satya Sai Institute of Higher Medical
Sciences, a 220-bedded super-speciality hospital.

The Satya Sai Central Trust manages all the service
activities and also runs the Satya Sai University (formerly
Satya Sai Institute of Higher Learning) at Puttaparthi.
Besides, the trust also runs many schools and dispensaries
in different states while it has also completed large water
supply projects in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and

Volunteers from the Satya Sai Seva Organisation are known
for carrying out relief and rehabilitation work during natural
calamities not only in AP but also in other states.

Satya Sai Baba established three primary mandirs (spiritual
centres) in India Dharmakshetra in Mumbai, Shivam in
Hyderabad and Sundaram in Chennai. Besides, there are
Satya Sai centres located in over 114 countries in the world.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

In 1957, Satya Sai Baba went on a temple tour of north
India and made his only overseas trip to Uganda in June

Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
meeting held

The first Meeting of the National Mission of Rashtriya
Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) was held under the
Chairmanship of Union HRD minister Kapil Sibal on April
25, 2011. The National Mission is the apex body to take
decisions on implementation, monitoring and evaluation of
RMSA so as to implement the programme efficiently and
effectively. The RMSA was launched in March, 2009 as part
of the Central Governments commitment to make
secondary education of good quality available, accessible
and affordable to all young persons.

The objective of RMSA is to enhance access to and
improve quality of education at secondary stage, while
ensuring equity. The scheme envisages enhancing the
enrolment ratio from 52.26% in 2005-06 to 75% for classes
IX-X within 5 years by providing a secondary school within a
reasonable distance of every habitation, improving quality of
education imparted at secondary level through making all
secondary schools conform to prescribed norms, removal of
gender, socio-economic and disability barriers, universal
access to secondary level education by 2017, and universal
retention by 2020.

Broad physical targets include providing facilities for
opening of about 11,000 new secondary schools,
strengthening of about 44,000 existing govt. secondary
schools, appointment of additional teachers to improve Pupil
Teacher Ratio (PTR) and to provide subject specific

Only Dassault, Eurofighter in IAF aircraft selection:
Indias purchase of 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft
(MMRCA) for some Rs 42,000 crore ($9.5 billion) entered its
final phase when four of the six vendors were officially ruled
out of the fray on April 29, 2011. The aircraft that the MoD
ruled out of contention include Boeings F/A-18 Super
Hornet; Lockheed Martins F-16IN Super Viper; the Russian
MiG-35; and the Swedish Gripen NG. The Ministry of
Defence (MoD) wrote to them, providing full details about
how their fighters had failed to meet the specifications laid
down by the Indian Air Force (IAF). Just two vendors did not
receive letters of rejection: Eurofighter Typhoon of EADS
and Rafale of French company Dassault.

New Delhi, Dhaka to restore abandoned rail lines:
The Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Anand
Sharma called on the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Smt
Sheikh Hasina at Dhaka on April 24, 2011. Both sides
agreed that serious efforts are needed to restore the railway
lines that went into disuse after 1965 war. During the visit
India got further assurance on the use of Chittagong and
Mongola ports which will help in trade and development of
Bangladesh and the North-East of India. Similarly, there
was stepping up of schedule for completion of border haats
in Meghalaya for a formal launch in June 2011. India has
offered many trade concessions to Bangladesh. These
include, enhanced tariff-free quota of 10 million pieces of
apparel exports from Bangladesh, marking an increase of
25% over previous years. Lifting of countervailing duties on
Bangladesh Jute items, strengthening of infrastructure at
borders, including construction of Land Custom Stations
and Integrated Check Posts, particularly at Petrapole and
Agartala such that trade is facilitated.

Work on Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra begins: Ground
breaking ceremony of the Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra (PBK),
which will be a prominent centre for Overseas Indians, was
held in New Delhi on April 28, 2011. Vayalar Ravi, Minister
of Overseas Indian Affairs and Civil Aviation said that the
PBK would develop into the hub of activities for sustainable,
symbiotic and mutually rewarding economic, social and
cultural engagement between India and its Diaspora. The
cost of construction of the Kendra has been estimated at
about Rs. 80 crore. The National Building Construction
Corporation (NBCC) has been appointed as the Consultant
and Project Manager on a turn-key basis from concept to
completion of the building. Overseas Indians estimated at
over 27 million are spread across every region of the world.

Morocco, India to share expertise: India has offered to
provide expertise in the area of standardization of products,
packaging and managing Food Distribution System to
Morocco. This was conveyed by Prof. K.V.Thomas, Minister
of Food to Abdellatif Maazous, Moroccan Minster for
Foreign Trade in New Delhi on April 28, 2011. Briefing
about the latest developments in the field of retail marketing,
consumer protection and standardization of goods in
Morocco, the visiting minister said that his country can
provide edible oil and pulses to India. He said that both the
countries can share technology and expertise in related

SC Bench delivers split verdict in BCCI case: A two-
judge bench of the Supreme Court on April 28, 2011
delivered a split verdict on a petition challenging
amendment in BCCI regulation to exclude IPL and T-20
tournaments from its purview and has referred the matter to
the Chief Justice for allocating it to a larger bench. The
petition, filed by former BCCI president A C Muthiah, had
alleged that the amendment was brought to favour the
cricket boards secretary N Srinivasan, owner of the
Chennai Super Kings team. While Justice Panchal
dismissed the petition filed by Muthiah, challenging the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

validity of the amendment in clause 6.2.4, Justice Mishra
allowed the petition holding that a BCCI officer-bearer
cannot have stake in the IPL team.

SC stays impeachment of Justice Dinakaran:
Paying heed to Sikkim High Court Chief Justice P D
Dinakarans reasonable apprehension of bias against the
panel inquiring into his judicial misconduct, the Supreme
Court on April 29, 2011 stayed the impeachment process
against him. The probe panel led by Justice Aftab Alam of
the SC, which was appointed by Rajya Sabha Chairperson
Hamid Ansari, has framed 16 charges against Justice
Dinakaran, including possession of wealth disproportionate
to his sources of income and encroachment on public
property and land in Tamil Nadu. The SCs decision comes
after Justice Dinakaran complained to the SC about the
presence of senior advocate P. P. Rao on the panel. He
alleged that Rao was part of a delegation that met then CJI
K G Balakrishnan in 2009 to protest his elevation to the
Supreme Court.

Creative Services Support Group launched: To
promote Indian creativity globally, a non-profit organisation,
Creative Services Support Group that focuses on dance,
opera, fashion, music, theatre, design, cinema, literature,
education, architecture and other sectors was launched in
New Delhi in April 2011. Founded by Image Foundry
Studios director Anand Kapoor, CSSR is attempting to
herald a cultural exchange between India and Britain by
organising a two-day summit at Manchester beginning in

IAF to observe 2011 as Year of Consolidation:
The Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal P.V. Naik, has said
the Indian Air Force which is in the process of
modernisation would observe the period as Year of
Consolidation at the Air Force Commanders Conference in
Delhi in April 2011. Over the past few years, the IAF has
added different platforms, radars and weapon systems in its
quest to look first and look farthest and the Air Chief
emphasised the need to consolidate the operational
availability of weapon systems and sensors on account of
times of transformation. Earlier this year, the IAF inducted
the first of the six C 130J Super Hercules transport aircraft.
It has completed the evaluation and report to procure 126
Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft, and a decision as to
which of the six competitors would get the deal is expected
to be taken by the government during the current financial
year. In addition, the IAF has ordered for two squadrons of
indigenous Akash surface-to-air missiles besides other
equipment. At a separate Army Commanders Conference,
the Chief of Army Staff, General V.K. Singh, underlined the
global and regional trend and said the strategic shift was
more in favour of balance of interests than balance of
Map to indicate coastal erosion in Orissa unveiled:
The vulnerability of Orissas coastline and the extent of
coastal erosion which the state has witnessed came to the
fore with the release of Shoreline Change Assessment
Atlas of Orissa and Report of Shoreline Change. The
assessment atlas and shoreline report was released by the
Union minister for environment & forests Jairam Ramesh in
the states Kendrapara district on April 29, 2011. The
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZMP), a
joint initiative of the Union ministry of environment & forests
(MoEF), World Bank and the Orissa government, being
implemented in the state on a pilot basis, is aimed at
developing an integrated approach to coordinate activities of
various government agencies and departments for
sustainable management and use of coastal resources. The
shoreline change assessment is done by Anna University
and is funded by the MoEF. Orissa is the third state to have
the Shoreline Change Atlas after Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.

AP launches project for cyclone-prone districts:
The AP state government on April 29, 2011 launched a
disaster mitigation project for nine coastal districts of the
state prone to cyclones, to be funded by an interest-free
loan of Rs 771.5 crore from the World Bank. The three-year
project in the state is part of the National Cyclone Risk
Mitigation Project-I initiated by the National Disaster
Management Authority that also covers Orissa in the
current phase. The second phase would cover states like
Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Funds for these
projects would be routed through the central government to
the respective state governments. The project involves four
components, namely, early-warning system, infrastructure
like shelters and roads, capacity building and knowledge
creation, and project management and implementation
support. Except for the infrastructure component, the
funding for all the other three components would be in the
form of a 100 per cent grant from the Centre. For the
infrastructure segment, the state government would have to
contribute 25 per cent of the project cost.

MP is the 1
state to link Aadhaar to PDS: Madhya
Pradesh has become the first state to link Aadhaar, the 12-
digit number issued by UIDAI, to the subsidised foodgrain
scheme. The objective of the new arrangement is to
eliminate fake beneficiaries of the subsidised foodgrain
scheme. MP has cancelled lakhs of bogus ration cards over
the last couple of years that were proving to be a drain on
the public distribution system. The first phase of issuing
cards in 5 districts was completed in April 2011.

Gadchiroli village is 1
to get bamboo rights:
Mendha-lekha in Naxal-affected Gadchiroli district on April
28, 2011 became the first village in the country to become
eligible to own, cut, use and sell bamboo declared minor
forest produce by the Forest Rights Act. Mendha-Lekha is

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

the also the first village to get community rights over its
forest under FRA. In a programme attended by, among
others, Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan, Union Environment
Minister Jairam Ramesh handed over the transit pass
required to transport bamboo out of the village.

Colloquium on Freedom of Expression held: A two
day International Colloquium on Freedom of Expression &
Human Rights was organised by the Press Council of India
(PCI) in New Delhi on April 28-29, 2011. Minister for
Information and Broadcasting, Ambika Soni said the
Government is committed in ensuring level playing field for
different segments of the media in order to promote a
sustainable growth process and a robust industry. The
growing number of newspaper readers within the country is
an indicator of the growth of the regional press in different
forms and dialects. In the broadcast sector, 653 satellite
channels had been granted permission till date, while the
FM Phase-III roll out shortly would ensure availability of 806
radio stations across 283 cities. Chairman, PCI, Justice G.
N. Ray said the endeavour of Press Council of India was to
ensure that media enjoyed the utmost freedom.

Padmanabh Singh appointed ruler of Jaipur:
Teenager Padmanabh Singh grandson of the erstwhile
Jaipur ruler, the late Brigadier Sawai Bhawani Singh
ascended the titular throne of the Pink City at a coronation
ceremony at the City Palace in Jaipur on April 27, 2011.
Brig. Singh, who died on April 17 at the age of 80, had
adopted Padmanabh, son of his daughter Diya Kumari, as
the heir to the Kachwaha Rajput dynasty at a grand
ceremony in November 2002.

M. M. Joshi submits PAC report to the Speaker:
The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and
BJP veteran Murali Manohar Joshi submitted the
committees controversial draft report to the Lok Sabha
Speaker Meira Kumar on April 30, 2011. Kumar has not
indicated so far if Joshis report is accepted or not. The UPA
members of PAC have already rejected the report. In the
draft report, the Joshi-led PAC had indirectly criticised the
Prime Minister apart from indicting the PMs Office, then
Finance Minister P Chidambaram and Department of
Telecom. The UPA members, along with SP and BSP, had
voted against the draft report. Eleven out of 21 members
had rejected the draft.

CBI chargesheets Kanimozhi in 2G case: The CBI on
April 25, 2011 chargesheeted Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.
Karunanidhis daughter and Rajya Sabha member M.K.
Kanimozhi along with four others for criminal conspiracy
and receiving illegal gratification in the 2G spectrum case.
Kanimozhi, a 20 per cent stakeholder in Kalaignar TV Pvt.
Ltd., is the second DMK politician chargesheeted by the CBI
after the former Union Telecom Minister, A. Raja. The
others who figured in the supplementary charge sheet are
Kalaignar TV director and 20 per cent equity holder Sharad
Kumar; Asif Balwa and Rajiv Aggarwal, directors of
Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables; and Cineyug Films
director Karim Morani. The five accused, along with Raja
and DB Realty co-owners Shahid Balwa and Vinod Goenka,
have been indicted for alleged involvement in the transfer of
Rs. 200 crore from the DB Realty group to Kalaignar TV
between December 2008 and August 2009 by following a
circuitous route through Dynamix Realty, Kusegaon Fruits
and Vegetables Ltd. and Cineyug Films.

Kalmadi, two others remanded in CBI custody: The
CBI on April 26, 2011 got eight-day custody of the former
Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chairman
and suspended Congress leader, Suresh Kalmadi, along
with two other former Organising Committee (OC) officials
from a special court in New Delhi, for their alleged
involvement in the criminal conspiracy to award the
Games Timing, Scoring and Results system contract to a
Swiss company. The accused are said to have abused their
official position and awarded the contract to Swiss Timing
at an exorbitant rate of approximately Rs.107 crore, in a
most wrongful manner, restricting and eliminating all
competition, causing wrongful loss to the Government of
India and corresponding wrongful gain to Swiss Timing.
The Defence Counsel rebutted the allegation that Kalmadi
took the decision on the TSR contract noting that the file
had been vetted by different committees and that it was a
matter of record that the ultimate decision in the matter was
taken by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports under M.
S. Gill.

ED grills Puducherry Lt Governor on Ali links: A
five-member ED team from Mumbai on April 25, 2011
questioned Puducherry Lieutenant Governor Iqbal Singh at
his official residence in New Delhi on his alleged links with
Hasan Ali who is embroiled in one of the countrys biggest
money-laundering cases. Singh has clarified that though he
had recommended Alis case for expeditious issue of
passport, he never knew Ali personally. ED questioned
Singh on his association with Ali and Kashinath Tapuriah.

US ambassador Timothy Roemer resigns: Timothy
Roemer, the US ambassador to India resigned on April 28,
2011. 54-year-old Roemer, a political appointee, said he
has accomplished all of the strategic objectives set two
years ago and he wants to go back home to look after his
family. Roemer, who was nominated by US President
Barack Obama in May 2009, is expected to leave by June.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK


Section B: WORLD

China census shows population ageing and

Chinas census shows its population grew to 1.34 billion
people by 2010, 73.9 million more than that of 2000, when
China conducted its fifth national census.

The figures released on April 28, 2011 reveal that Chinas
population has shown a sharp rise in the number of people
over 60 and is growing more slowly than in the past. Nearly
half of all Chinese now live in cities and people over the age
of 60 now account for 13.3% of the population, up nearly
3% since 2000. That could affect the economy, as the
number of potential workers, especially from rural areas,
could shrink.

The proportion of mainland Chinese people aged 14 or
younger was 16.6%, down by 6.29 percentage points from
the last census in 2000. The number aged 60 or older grew
to 13.26%, up 2.93 percentage points. The governments
strict controls on family size, including its one-child policy for
most urban families, have reduced annual population
growth to below 1% percent. The rate is projected to turn
negative in coming decades. The average household now
numbers 3.1 people.

Some demographers have said that the limits on family size
may now threaten Chinas economic future, with fewer
people left to pay and care for an older population, as well
as to work in the factories that have transformed the country
into the worlds second largest economy.

"The data from this census show that our country faces
some tensions and challenges regarding population, the
economy and social development," said Ma Jiantang, head
of the National Bureau of Statistics.

But state-run Xinhua news agency said President Hu Jintao
on April 26 reiterated that Chinas family planning policy
would remain unchanged and the low birth-rate be

Thai-Cambodia clashes reach Preah Vihear

Fighting has erupted between soldiers from Cambodia and
Thailand along their disputed mountainous border.
Skirmishes broke out near the Preah Vihear temple on April
26, 2011. The violence follows four days of fighting around
the temple of Ta Krabey, 160km (100 miles) to the west. At
least 12 soldiers have been killed in the latest outbreak of
violence between the two neighbours. Parts of the Thai-
Cambodian border have never been formally demarcated,
causing continuing tensions and firing nationalist sentiment
in each country.

The 11
Century hill-top temple of Preah Vihear is a
particular flashpoint. An international court awarded the
temple to Cambodia in 1962 but both sides claim ownership
of the surrounding area. At least 10 people were killed in
clashes around the temple in February.

It comes after days of fighting around Ta Krabey and
another temple, Ta Moan, which stand in jungle areas
further to the west that both sides claim. Some 36,000
people have been displaced by the fighting, and the UN has
called for a ceasefire. On April 23, 2011 UN Secretary
General Ban Ki-moon said the border dispute could not be
resolved by military means and both sides needed to
engage in "serious dialogue".

Rising food prices to worsen poverty ADB

Resurgent global food prices, which averaged 10 per cent in
many economies and posted record increases in the first
two months of this year, may push nearly 30 million Indians
and 64 million people in the Asian region into extreme
poverty, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said on April
26, 2011.

In a report titled Global Food Price Inflation and Developing
Asia, the Manila-based bank warned that a 10 per cent rise
in food prices would push as many as 23 million Indians
living in the rural areas and 6.68 million in the urban areas
to below poverty line (BPL) at $ 1.25 (around Rs. 55.65)
earnings a day. In case, the food price hike is to the extent
of 20 per cent, the resultant impact would push 45.64 million
in the rural areas and 13.36 million in the urban areas into
extreme poverty in India.

The report pointed out that while food prices were expected
to continue a gradual ascent in the wake of a spike in 2008,
the fast and persistent increases in the cost of many Asian
food staples since the middle of last year, coupled with
crude oil reaching a 31-month high in March, are a serious
setback for the region, which has rebounded rapidly and
strongly from the global meltdown. For poor families in
developing Asia, who already spend more than 60 per cent
of their income on food, higher food prices will further
reduce their ability to pay for medicare and their childrens
education, ADBs Chief Economist Changyong Rhee said.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Left unchecked, the food crisis will badly undermine recent
gains in poverty reduction made in Asia.

Lobsang Sangay elected Tibetan exile leader
Harvard University academic Lobsang Sangay has been
elected prime minister of the Tibetan government-in-exile
and will take on the political role previously played by the
Dalai Lama. Lobsang Sangay won 55% of the votes cast by
Tibetans around the world. He defeated two candidates for
the role, Tenzin Tethong and Tashi Wangdi. Sangay will
inherit the spiritual leaders political powers when he
assumes office on August 15, the day the term of the
present House expires and the incumbent kalon tripa, or
PM, Samdhong Rinpoche, steps down. Sangay must now
assume the political functions of the Dalai Lama, who said
in March he wanted to devolve this responsibility to an
elected official. The Dalai Lama will retain his role as
Tibetan spiritual leader.

The elections were held in March and the result announced
on April 27, 2011 in Dharamsala, India, where the Tibetan
government-in-exile is based. Almost 83,400 Tibetan exiles
were eligible to vote and more than 49,000 ballots were
cast. The 42-year-old winner is an Indian-born legal expert
who has never lived in Tibet. His father fled Tibet in 1959,
the same year as the Dalai Lama. He says he will move to
Dharamsala to serve as prime minister and that he supports
the Dalai Lamas stance on ties with China.

Dalai Lama had announced that he wanted an elected
official to assume some of his responsibilities, saying that
such a move was in the best interests of the Tibetan people.
Analysts say he aims to ensure that even if Chinas
government tries to select the next Dalai Lama, the Tibetans
will have an elected leader they can look to who is outside
China and beyond the Communist Partys control.

Sangay has the daunting task of trying to keep the issue of
Tibet alive while the man who embodies the struggle for
Tibetan rights gradually steps back from the limelight. He
has been elected head of a government which no country
recognises and will face in China an opponent which has
shown no sign of wanting to compromise. A section of
Tibetans feels Sangay could be effective as he shares the
Harvard department with US President Barak Obama and
has a massive network of contacts to push Tibets case.

Gen David Petraeus is new CIA director: US
President Barack Obama on April 28, 2011 nominated
General David Petraeus, the US head of international
forces in Afghanistan, as the next Director of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA). Gen Petraeus, who will replace
Leon Panetta as CIA Director, will be replaced in
Afghanistan by Lt Gen Allen, currently deputy head of US
Central Command - the command unit covering central Asia
and the Middle East. Obama also nominated CIA director
Leon Panetta to take over as the next Defence Secretary
when Robert Gates retires in June. Panetta, a 72-year-old
Democrat from California, served as chief of staff to
President Bill Clinton between 1994 and 1997 and took over
as the Director of the CIA in February 2009. He is a
Democratic Party insider seen as close to Obama who
could be more receptive to deeper defense spending cuts
than outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a holdover
from the Republican Bush administration.

U.N. panel accuses Colombo, LTTE of war crimes:
A United Nations (UN) advisory panel, led by former
Indonesian Attorney General Marzuki Darusman on April
25, 2011 submitted a report to the UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon, which found credible evidence that the Sri
Lankan military shelled civilians in no-fire zones and sought
to silence critics in a brutal fashion, during the war against
the guerrilla group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
in 2009. The report also accuses the LTTE of forcibly
recruiting ethnic Tamil citizens to fight for them; they also
killed other Tamils who tried to flee as the Sri Lankan army
surrounded them in the North of Sri Lanka during the war.
The Sri Lankan government has condemned the 196 page
report, dismissing it as flawed and biased. The panel said
there were credible allegations of serious violations of
international law by government forces and the LTTE,
some of which would amount to war crimes and crimes
against humanity.

Israel rejects Palestinian unity govt. with Hamas:
Israel has criticised a reconciliation deal between rival
Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas. The foreign
minister, Avigdor Lieberman warned that Israel would not
negotiate with the new unity government. Under the
agreement brokered in Egypt on April 27, 2011, an interim
Palestinian government will be formed and a date fixed for
elections. The Fatah party of the Palestinian Authority (PA)
President Mahmoud Abbas - which runs parts of the West
Bank - and Hamas, which governs Gaza, have been divided
for more than four years. Israel has threatened measures to
restrict the freedom of movement of Abbas and the
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and freeze the
transfer of taxes collected by Israel for the PA. Hamas has
carried out bombings and rocket attacks against Israel for
years and does not recognise its right to exist. The split
between Fatah and Hamas occurred when violence erupted
a year after Hamas won Palestinian elections in 2006.
Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007.

Ukraine marks 25
anniversary of Chernobyl:
Ukraine on April 26, 2011 marked the 25
anniversary of
the worlds worst nuclear accident - at the Chernobyl power
plant. An explosion at one of the plants reactors sent a
plume of radiation across Europe in 1986, harming or killing
possibly thousands of people. Ukrainian President Viktor
Yanukovych and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry
Medvedev, visited the site for a memorial ceremony. The

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

anniversary comes amid renewed global protest over
nuclear power. The debate has been reinvigorated by the
threat of radiation from Japans crippled Fukushima plant in
the aftermath of a devastating earthquake and tsunami. It
was on 26 April 1986 that Number Four reactor at
Chernobyl, which was then in the Soviet Union, exploded.
The accident forced the evacuation of hundreds of
thousands of people from their homes in Ukraine, western
Russia and Belarus. Soviet officials held off reporting the
accident for several days. There is still a 30 km exclusion
zone around the plant. Soviet engineers encased the
damaged reactor in a temporary concrete casing to limit the
radiation but a new shield is needed. A conference of
donors in Kiev, Ukraine, in April 2011 raised 550m euros of
the 740m euros needed to build a new shelter and a storage
facility for spent fuel.

Pakistan tests Raad missile: Pakistan on April 29,
2011 successfully tested the nuclear-capable Hatf-VIII or
Raad ("thunder" in Arabic) cruise missile that has a range
of 350 km, with the military saying the weapon system
would give the country "greater strategic stand-off
capability" on land and at sea. The air-launched cruise
missile, which can carry a nuclear or a conventional
warhead, was tested at an undisclosed location.

France returns ancient Korean books: A second
batch of ancient Korean royal books that had been stored in
France for 145 years were returned on April 29, 2011, two
weeks after the first shipment, under a summit deal between
the two sides. Seventy-three of the 297-volume
"Oegyujanggak" books reached Incheon International
Airport in Seoul as scheduled. The texts featuring the
protocols of royal ceremonies and rites will be displayed at
the National Museum of Korea in Seoul. Oegyujanggak was
part of a royal library in the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910).
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and his French
counterpart Nicholas Sarkozy agreed in November last year
to the transfer of the royal texts that French troops looted in
1866 when they invaded Ganghwa Island in retaliation for
Koreans persecution of French Catholic missionaries. The
books had since been kept at the National Library of

Elders visit N. Korea to resolve nuclear standoff:
Former US President Jimmy Carter has arrived in the North
Korean capital Pyongyang as part of a push to resolve the
stand-off over the countrys nuclear programme on April 26,
2011. Carter is taking part in a three-day visit by former
world leaders from a group known as the Elders. They hope
to meet North Koreas reclusive leader, Kim Jong-il and
heir-apparent Kim Jong-un. The group includes former
Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, former Irish President
Mary Robinson and former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro
Brundtland. Talks aimed at ending Pyongyangs nuclear
programme have been stalled for months. The Elders group
was formed four years ago by former South African
President Nelson Mandela. Members believe that their
unique experience as former leaders - and their
independence from any country or organisation - allows
them to help resolve some of the worlds most intractable

Australia, New Zealand mark Anzac Day: Australians
and New Zealanders on April 25, 2011 marked Anzac Day
to remember those who died fighting for their country. The
Anzacs were the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
who suffered huge losses at Gallipoli in Turkey in a failed
allied assault in 1915. New Zealand PM John Key has made
an address in the UK, while his Australian counterpart, Julia
Gillard, is taking part in a ceremony in South Korea. Anzac
Day has become one of the most revered occasions in both
countries. Gallipoli was the first time that Australia and New
Zealand had fought as independent countries and the heroic
defeat on the Aegean coast is widely seen to have forged
the nations character.

US Religious Freedom Comm. critical of India: The
US Commission for International Religious Freedom has, for
the second year in a row, placed India under its watch list of
religious freedom in April 2011, saying justice for the victims
of 1984 anti-Sikh riots, 2002 Gujarat riots and the 2007
Orissa violence remains slow and often ineffective. The
USCIRF is an independent federal body that monitors
religious freedom violations abroad and makes
recommendations to the US President. Also on its 2011
Watch List Countries are Afghanistan, Cuba, Indonesia,
Russia and Turkey. But two important panel members
Felice Gaer and William Shaw said the decision to include
India was ill advised. It ignores the logic of its own
observationsthat the Indian government and Supreme
Court have taken a range of commendable and significant
steps demons trating the will to prevent new outbreaks of
religiously motivated communal violence, they wrote.

Stockholm Convention for ban on Endosulfan: The
Conference of Parties to the Stockholm Convention in
Geneva on April 29, 2011 approved the recommendation for
elimination of production and use of Endosulfan subject to
certain exemptions. The decision will not be binding on India
unless specifically ratified by the country. The Persistent
Organic Pollutants Review Committee to the Convention,
which recommended the ban in 2010, will come up with
alternatives to Endosulfan. The Convention also approve
financial assistance to developing countries for replacing
Endosulfan with alternatives..

Aronofsky to head Venice film festival jury: Oscar-
nominated director Darren Aronofsky will head the jury for
this years Venice film festival, it was announced on April
27, 2011. Aronofsky won the Golden Lion at the festival in

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

2008 for Mickey Rourke film The Wrestler, while Black
Swan opened last years festival. This years festival runs
from 31 August to 10 September. Aronofsky was Oscar-
nominated this year for Black Swan, which picked up the
award for Natalie Portmans performance as a leading
Russia space agency head replaced: Russia on April
29, 2011 replaced the head of its space agency, Anatoly
Perminov, who was reprimanded over a failed satellite
launch in December. Russia lost three satellites when a
rocket crashed into the Pacific Ocean. In December
President Dmitry Medvedev had fired Roscosmos deputy
chief Viktor Remishevsky and Vyacheslav Filin, deputy head
of the space rocket corporation Energia, over the loss of the
three Glonass-M navigation satellites. He also reprimanded
Perminov. An inquiry showed the Proton-M rocket failed to
reach orbit because of a fuel miscalculation.

Teleprompter inventor Schlafly passes away:
Hubert Schlafly Jr., a key member of the team that invented
the teleprompter, which feeds scripts to actors, politicians
and newsreaders, died at the age of 91 on April 27, 2011.
Schlafly was working at 20
Century Fox film studios in
1950 when he developed the teleprompter, which is also
known as the autocue. He had been asked by the company
to build a device that would help actors remember their
lines. Schlaflys prototype teleprompter, which debuted on
the set of a US soap opera, was placed beside a film
camera and used a motorised scroll of paper inside a
suitcase to assist the shows actors.

Chilean poet Gonzalo Rojas passes away: Chilean
poet Gonzalo Rojas, regarded as one of Latin Americas
greatest modern writers, died in Santiago on April 25, 2011,
at the age of 93. He won numerous literary prizes, including
the 2003 Cervantes Prize, the top award for Spanish-
language literature. Rojas was forced into exile for some
years after the 1973 military coup led by Gen Augusto
Pinochet. Rojas produced a huge body of work, with his
poems translated into several languages. His works
included The Misery of Man, Against Death, Dark and
On Lightning.

Recent Books
Federalism And Fiscal Transfers In India by C Rangarajan and D K Srivastava
Faith and Power: Religion and Politics in the Middle East by Bernard Lewis
Economic Diplomacy: Indias Experience (edited) by Kishan S Rana and Bipul Chatterjee
A Sea In Flames: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Blowout by Carl Safina
The Cage: The Fight for Sri Lanka & the Last Days of the Tigers by Gordon Weiss
Footprints On the Sands of Time; Indian Armys Unique Achievements
Jayalalithaa A Portrait by Vaasanthi
Patrons Of The Poor - Caste Politics And Policymaking In India by Narayan Lakshman
Contested Spaces, Citizenship And Belonging In Contemporary Times (edited) by Meenakshi Thapan
The Nowhere Nation by Ashok Mitra
Empires Apart - America and Russia From the Vikings to Iraq by Brian Landers
Business and Polity - Dynamics of a Changing Relationship by D.N. Ghosh
Hazard Ecology - Approaches and Techniques by B.W. Pandey
Inclusive Growth in Agriculture (edited) by M. Upender, B. Shiva Reddy, TLN Swamy
Billy Arian Singh - Tiger of Dudhwa by Shaminder Boparai
Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro - Seriously Funny Since 1983 by Jai Arjun Singh

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS


K. Balachander conferred Dada Saheb Phalke
Award for 2010

Director K. Balachander, one of the influential filmmakers
and trendsetters in Indian cinema, will receive the
Dadasaheb Phalke Award for the year 2010, the Information
and Broadcasting Ministry announced on April 29, 2011.
The award is conferred by the Government of India for
outstanding contribution to the growth and development of
Indian Cinema. The award consists of a Swarn Kamal, a
cash prize of Rs.10 lakhs and a shawl.

K. Balachander has been film director, screen play writer
and producer for more than 45 years. He has written,
directed and produced more than 100 films in Tamil, Telugu,
Hindi and Kannada. Balachander is known for his distinct
film-making style and has the uncanny knack of spotting
talent. He has been responsible for bringing into limelight
many stars of the present day, including Rajnikanth, Kamal
Haasan, Prakashraaj and Vivek.

Born in Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu in July 1930,
Balachander came into prominence as a playwright with his
dynamic plays like Major Chandrakanth, Server
Sundaram, Naanal and Neerkumizhi. These plays
enjoyed huge popular and critical acclaim.

He entered the film industry in 1965 and shot into fame with
his very first film Neerkumizhi. Since then he has directed
and produced a number of movies which have won many
National Awards, awards from the State Govts. and other
organizations. Some of the prominent films he has directed
include Apoorva Raagagal, Avargal 47 Natkal, Sindhu
Bhairavi, Ek Duuje Ke Liye (Hindi), Maro Charithra, and
Rudraveena in Telugu and Bekiyalli Aralida Hoovu, in

He was conferred the Padma Shri in 1987 and was
honoured with the title Kalaimamani by the Tamil Nadu
Government in 1973. He has also won the Golden Nandi
award and Silver Nandi awards from Govt of Andhra
Pradesh and has also won the Filmfare award as Best
Director numerous times.

Indian mathematician wins Knuth Prize: Indian
mathematician and theoretical computer scientist Ravi
Kannan was on April 26, 2011 selected for the 2011 Knuth
Prize, a prestigious international recognition for research in
computer science. Professor Kannan, who leads the
algorithms research group at Microsoft Research Labs
India, is the first Indian to receive the award. He is also the
first adjunct faculty of the Computer Science and
Automation department at the Indian Institute of Science.
The Association for Computing Machinerys (ACM) Special
Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory has
awarded the prize to Professor Kannan for developing
influential algorithmic techniques aimed at solving long-
standing computational problems.

Congolese activist wins World Childrens Prize:
Congolese childrens rights activist Murhabazi Namegabe
has won the $100,000 World Childrens Prize. The
Stockholm-based award foundation, on April 26, 2011, cited
Murhabazis dangerous struggle to free children forced to
be child soldiers or sex slaves in Congo. The foundation
says that since 1989, Murhabazi and his organisation BVES
have freed 4,000 child soldiers and more than 4,500 girls
who had been assaulted by armed groups. It says the
winner was decided in a vote among 3.2 million children
worldwide. Since 1999, the Swedish Childrens World
Association has awarded the annual Worlds Childrens
Prize for the Rights of the Child for outstanding contributions
in defending the rights of children and youth.

Swedish film She Monkeys wins Tribeca prize: A
Swedish film about two teenage girls whose friendship turns
to rivalry has won a top award at the Tribeca film festival in
New York on April 29, 2011. She Monkeys, directed by
Lisa Aschan and set in the world of equestrian acrobatics,
won the $25,000 (15,000) prize for best narrative feature.
Bombay Beach by Israeli director Alma Harel won the
$25,000 best documentary prize. Ramadhan "Shami"
Bizimana won the award for best actor in the Rwandan and
Australian film about genocide, Grey Matter. Carice van
Houten was named best actress in Black Butterflies, a
drama based on the life during apartheid of South African
poet Ingrid Jonker. British writer and director Jerry Rothwell
won the best feature film prize in the online competition,
voted for by visitors to the Tribeca website. Rothwell also
won a $25,000 prize for his film, Donor Unknown, about a
womans quest to find her biological father.

Chaskielberg wins world photographer of the year
award: Argentinas Alejandro Chaskielberg was named
Sony World Photographer of the Year for his series of
photographs titled High Tide. The 34-year-old won the
LIris DOr for his photos of a community of islanders living
on the Parana River Delta in his native Argentina.
Chaskielberg lived with the residents for two years to
document their lives for his series of striking pictures. He
was presented with the award plus a $25,000 (15,100)
cash prize at a London ceremony on April 27, 2011. The

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Open photographer of the year title was awarded to Chan
Kwok Hung for his dramatic image, Buffalo Race.
American photographer Bruce Davidson also collected the
award for outstanding contribution to photography. The 77-
year-olds past work has included following a Brooklyn gang
in the 1950s and chronicling the civil rights movement in the
early 1960s. Other awards presented at the ceremony
included the professional category winners covering current
affairs, to travel and fine art portraiture. Over 105,000
images were entered into the 2011 competition from 162


Intellectual Property Awards conferred

India celebrates the World Intellectual Property Day by
honouring some of the outstanding achievements for
development of Intellectual property in India. Confederation
of Indian (CII) in collaboration with Department of Industrial
Policy & Promotion (DIPP) & Indian Intellectual Property
Office, Govt of India on April 26, 2011 conferred awards to:

The Indian Owned Private Company securing highest
number of patents in last five years (103 patents) TATA
Steel Limited
The Public Sector Undertaking securing highest number
of patents in last five years (240 patents) Bharat Heavy
Electricals Ltd
The Educational Institution / University securing highest
number of patents in last five years (78 patents) IIT
An Indian Individual for securing highest number of
patents in last five years (23 patents) Lalit Mahajan
Securing highest number of registered Designs in last
five year (539 registered Designs) - Crompton Greaves
Dipak Bharali of National Innovation Foundation GE
India Innovator award for designing accessory for
Jacquard Loom

GAIL receives Outstanding PSU of the Year award:
State-owned gas utility GAIL India Ltd was on Apr 21, 2011
conferred the Outstanding PSU of the Year award by All
India Management Association (AIMA). The company has
been earlier ranked the number one gas utility in Asia and
number two gas utility in the world by Platts, an eminent
petroleum research and publishing house. GAIL is Indias
principal natural gas company with activities ranging from
gas transmission and marketing to processing (for
fractionating LPG and propane); transmission of Liquefied
Petroleum Gas (LPG); production and marketing of
Petrochemicals like HDPE and LLDPE and leasing
bandwidth in Telecommunications. The company has
extended its presence in power, liquefied natural gas (LNG)
re-gasification, city gas distribution and exploration and
production through equity and joint venture participations.
GAIL owns and operates a network of around 8,000 km of
natural gas high pressure trunk pipeline with a capacity to
carry 180 million standard cubic meters of natural gas per

AP minister wins Pride of India Leadership award:
Mauritius President Anirudh Jagannath on April 16, 2011
presented the prestigious Pride of India Leadership Award
2011 to Andhra Pradesh Information and Public Relations
Minister D K Aruna in Social Service category at a function
in Mauritius on Friday. The awards were instituted by the
Mauritius based NRI Institute to honour Indians who
rendered services in various fields.

RSP bags Srishti Good Green Governance Award:
Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) on April 26, 2011 won the
prestigious Srishti Good Green Governance Award for
2010. The award was conferred on RSP in recognition of its
eco-friendly efforts to reduce pollutants and green house
gas emissions and effluent discharge, as well as measures
to optimise waste utilisation and water conservation and
expand green and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Srishti Publication publishes the magazine, "Creativity in
Nature", and "Prakriti ke roop rang".

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK


Pipeline meet held

The Ministerial-level Steering Committee of Turkmenistan-
Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Pipeline project met in
New Delhi on April 28, 2011. It was attended by S. Jaipal
Reddy, Minister, MoP&NG, Government of India, W
Shahrani, Minister of Mines, Afghanistan, Dr. Asim
Husasain, Advisor to PM on P&NR, Pakistan and B Nedirov,
Minister of Oil & Gas Industry and Mineral Resources,
Turkmenistan. It has been decided that the Gas Sales
Purchase Agreement (GSPA) between the four countries
should be finalized, so that it can be signed by 31st July,

The TWG also finalized the Terms of Reference of the
Transaction Advisor, who would facilitate the formation of
the consortium for execution of the TAPI project. As per the
Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement (GFPA) signed by all
the participating countries in December 2010, a consortium
of technically competent and financially capable
international companies would be formed for finance, design
and construction of the project.

While a transit fee is payable to the countries through which
the TAPI pipeline passes, transportation charges would be
levied by the consortium operating the pipeline. A
consortium of international companies with experience in
implementing such projects would operate the pipeline. The
consortium would take over the project after the
construction is completed, on reimbursement of cost basis.

The TAPI Pipeline project envisages the construction of a
1,700 km long pipeline which would originate from
Dauletabad field in Turkmenistan, travel through
Afghanistan and Pakistan before entering India. The
estimated cost of the pipeline is US $ 7.6 billion and it would
carry 90 MMSCMD (million standard cubic metres per day)
gas. Of this, 14 MMSCMD would be meant for Afghanistan
and 38 MMSCMD each for India and Pakistan.

The project was originally conceived in the 1990s by
Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. India was formally
admitted as a member of the TAPI project in April 2008. The
Government of India has nominated GAIL (India) Limited for
off-taking the Indian portion of the gas.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been designated
as the lead development partner of the project.

PM approves Jaitapur nuclear project

The first phase of the nuclear power plant project at Jaitapur
in Maharashtra has been approved with additional safety
measures and a generous new compensation package to
be announced soon. The decision to approve the setting up
of two 1,650-MWe reactors at Jaitapur was taken at a
meeting convened by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on
April 26, 2011. Among those who briefed the Prime Minister
were S. Banerjee, Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy;
S.K. Jain of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India that will
operate the plant at Jaitapur and National Security Advisor
Shivshankar Menon.

The government has also decided to introduce a bill in the
next session of Parliament creating an independent and
autonomous Nuclear Regulatory Authority of India (NRAI)
that would subsume the existing Atomic Energy Regulatory
Board (AERB). The AERB has been criticised for being
administratively subordinate to the very atomic energy
establishment whose operations it is meant to regulate.

The meeting also decided to make public the initial results
of the six safety review committees set up after the
Fukushima accident, as also the action taken on previous
safety reviews. The government will invite the Operational
Safety Review Team of the International Atomic Energy
Authority to assist in its own safety reviews and audit. All
reactors and technologies, whether indigenous or imported,
will, without exception, meet the safety standards that are
stipulated by the regulatory authorities.

Nuclear power at present contributes about three per cent
towards Indias energy needs. The government plans to
increase the contribution of nuclear energy to six per cent
by 2020 and 13 per cent by 2030.

JNPP details

Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant (JNPP) derived its name From
Jaitapur lighthouse which is mentioned in many international
maps. The Jaitapur site is not considered earthquake-prone.
As per seismic zoning map of Government of India, Jaitapur
site falls within zone III. As per the Atomic Energy
Regulatory Board (AERB) codal requirement, there should
not be any active fault within 5 km radius from the proposed
site of an NPP. Further, based on the studies carried out by
various government institutes/ organisations, there is no
active fault found up to 30 km radius from JNPP site.
Hence, the site is not considered earthquake-prone.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Generation Capacity of JNPP: One unit of 1650 MWe plant
operating at full capacity shall generate 36-39 million units
per day. Presently, generation capacity of six units is 1650
MWe capacity each. Evolutionary Pressurised Reactors
(EPR) from AREVA, France is under consideration of the
Government of India.

Number of Reactor Units: There will be six reactor units of
1650 MWe each at JNPP. The distance between each
adjacent reactor unit is planned to be 250-300 meters.

Completion of Project: 5 to 6 months time is required to
declare commercial operation after completion of
construction. The time required for completion of each unit
is approximately six years from the start date.
Approximately all the six units of 1650 MWe each will be
constructed in a twin-unit mode in phased manner and
implemented in a period of 15-18 years.

Life Span of Each Plant: The guaranteed life of the
proposed plant is 60 years.

Type of Fuel: This plant will be PWR-type, based on
enriched uranium fuel. The uranium will be supplied by
AREVA, France, which will be also supplying the reactor

Source of Fresh Water: The fresh water requirement of the
plant units and the proposed residential complex of JNPP
will be met from a desalination plant facility installed by

DGH review blames RIL for falling D6 gas

An independent review of Reliance Industries (RILs) D6
block in the Krishna-Godavari (KG) basin off the east coast
has found the company responsible for the fall in gas
production from the countrys most-prolific field.

An independent review of the KG-D6 block commissioned
by the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) recently
pointed out that the non-drilling of four additional wells has
caused the decline in production. The report, submitted to
the government in April 2011, says the slow pace of field
development by RIL is the reason for fall in production.

The report said non-drilling of four additional wells was
behind the fall in production. The report said 22 wells were
required to be on stream in the second year to produce 61.8
million standard cubic metres a day (mscmd) but the
company has only 18 wells in operation. Earlier Director
General of Hydrocarbons S K Srivastava said the DGH was
not satisfied with the reasons given by RIL and the
Due to lower production, gas supply to critical sectors such
as power, fertilizer and steel has been affected. RIL has so
far signed up customers for 60.76 mscmd gas, while
production is around 50 mscmd. The government has given
priority to fertiliser plants, followed by LPG extraction units,
power plants and city gas distribution projects.

With production falling, RIL has cut supplies to customers
on a pro-rata basis. But the government has asked RIL to
divert gas from sectors such as steel and petrochemicals to
fertilizer and power in line with its gas-use policy.

ONGC reports two oil finds in Gujarat

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation on April 27, 2011 said it
had made two discoveries in Gujarat, taking the number of
oil and gas strikes to 24 in 2010-11. ONGC said it added
almost 237 million tonne of inplace oil and gas reserves in
the fiscal gone by. With this, its reserve replacement ratio
stands at 1.76. In other words, for every unit of oil or gas
pumped, the company has added nearly twice the quantity
to its reserves.

According to Chairman A K Hazarika, the first of the two
latest discoveries was made in block CB-ONN-2004/2 in
Gujarat. ONGC has 50% interest in the concession it had
won along with Gujarat State Petroleum Corp (40%) and
Sunterra (10%). The second discovery was made in a
nomination block in the western offshore, identified as Linch
Extn-I PML.

ONGC produced over 27 million tonne of crude in 2010-11,
marginally higher than the target. Gas production stood at
25.322 billion cubic metres, which too was a tad higher than
the target. It sold over 20 bcm (billion cubic metres) of gas
and produced over 3 million tonnes of value added products
in 2010-11.

FTA with EU not to go beyond
TRIPS/domestic law PM

The Trade and Economic Relations Committee (TERC) held
its 17
meeting on April 29, 2011 under the chairmanship of
the Prime Minister. The committee reviewed the status of
the India-European Union Bilateral Trade and Investment
Agreement (FTA) and discussed the various issues involved
in the negotiations. It was observed that concern has been
raised by various quarters about the Indian stand on issues
on Intellectual Property Rights, especially in the context of
the Indian Pharma products. The PM directed that the
Indian side shall not take on any obligation beyond TRIPS/
Domestic Law. The Committee also discussed proposals for
two new economic engagements through the mechanism of
FTA with Australia and with the Common Market of Eastern
and Southern Africa (COMESA).

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

FTA with Australia: The Joint Study Group constituted for
studying the feasibility of a FTA with Australia has observed
that India and Australia produce highly competitive and
largely complementary goods for export to international
markets. While economic activity in each country has led to
substantial growth in bilateral goods trade, tariffs and non-
tariff barriers continue to raise the cost of imports, imposing
implicit taxes on businesses and consumers alike. A
comprehensive FTA between Australia and India would
benefit both countries and such liberalization would provide
impetus to economic activity and economic welfare in each
economy. The Committee accorded approval to the launch
of the FTA negotiations with Australia.

FTA with COMESA: The TERC also considered the
proposal for establishing a Joint Study Group to examine
the policy framework for enhancing the bilateral economic
relationship between India and COMESA and assessing the
feasibility of a comprehensive FTA/PTA covering trade in
goods, services and investment and accorded its approval
for the same. It was observed that bilateral trade between
India and COMESA has shown very good growth during the
last five years and the trade balance continues to be in our

Funds approved for automotive testing project

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on
April 28, 2011 approved the revised cost estimate of Rs
2,288.06 crore for the National Automotive Testing and R&D
Infrastructure Project in place of the original approved cost
estimate of Rs 1,718 crore.

NATRIP, the flagship project of Department of Heavy
Industry (DHI), was approved by the CCEA in July, 2005,
with a total investment of Rs.1718 crore, for up-gradation of
three existing automotive testing and R&D centers viz.
(Vehicle Research & Development Establishments) at
Ahmednagar, Automotive Research Association of India
(ARAI) at Pune and International Centre for Automotive
Technology (ICAT) at Manesar and for setting up of four
greenfield centers at Chennai, Indore, Silchar and Rae
Bareilly for automotive testing, homologation and R&D.

The completion of project will ensure that full bouquet of
automotive testing and R&D facilities are available for
introduction of higher emission and safety norms by 2015.
This will contribute to lowering of vehicular emissions and
improve vehicle safety. The Project will also lead to
manifold increase in the growth of the automotive sector
and its contribution to national economy.

Funds approved for Ganga River Authority
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on April 28,
2011 approved the Project for cleaning of River Ganga to be
implemented by the National Ganga River Basin Authority
(NGRBA) at an estimated cost of Rs. 7000 crore. The share
of Government of India will be Rs 5100 crore and that of the
State Governments of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Jharkhand and West Bengal will be Rs 1900 crore. The
World Bank has agreed in-principle to provide a loan
assistance of US $ 1 billion (approx. Rs 4600 crore) to the
Government of India for the NGRBA project, which will form
part of the central share of the project. The duration of the
project will be eight years.

NGRBA was constituted in February, 2009 as an
empowered planning, financing, monitoring and
coordinating authority for the Ganga River under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The objective of the
Authority, which is chaired by the Prime Minister, is to
ensure conservation of the river Ganga and to maintain
environmental flows by comprehensive planning and
management, adopting a river basin approach.

The project is envisaged as the first phase in a long-term
programme of World Bank support to NGRBA. The project
will support NGRBAs objective of Mission Clean Ganga.
The project has been designed keeping in view the lessons
learnt from the previous Ganga Action Plan and
International River clean-ups. The project will have three
components relating to (a) institutional development for
setting up dedicated institutions for implementing the
NGRBA program, setting up Ganga Knowledge Centre,
strengthening environmental regulators (Pollution Control
Boards) and local institutions (ULBs, etc) (b) infrastructure
investments including for municipal sewage, industrial
pollution, solid wastes and river front management, and (c)
project implementation support.

Funds approved for Food Technology Institute

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on April 28,
2011 approved revised cost estimates from Rs 244.60 crore
to Rs 479.91 crore for setting up of the National Institute of
Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management
at Kundli, Haryana. This increased cost will have a foreign
exchange component of $ 8.1 million. NIFTEM will be a
global centre of excellence integrating all facets of food
science, technology, entrepreneurship, research and
management and will be recognized as the focal point for
catalyzing the growth of the food processing industries in
India in the global context.
The Institute will cater to the needs of various stakeholders
such as entrepreneurs, industry, exporters, policy makers,
the government and existing institutions. It will develop
world-class managerial talent and entrepreneurship with
advanced know-how in food science and technology,
increase the importance of food hygiene and safety

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

standards, facilitate business incubation services, collect
and disseminate information on national and international
market trends for food products.

Funds approved for Malaria Control Project

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on April 28,
2011 approved a Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
proposal for second phase of the Intensified Malaria
Control Project for seven North Eastern States (except
Sikkim) under National Vector Borne Disease Control
Programme with support from Global Fund for AIDS, TB
and Malaria at a cost of Rs 417.22 crore.

The programme is being run under the National Vector
Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) with support
from Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM -
Round 9).

The approval envisages continuance of the erstwhile Global
Fund Supported Intensified Malaria Control Project (IMCP-I)
(2005-10), with revised geographical focus in high-endemic
seven North-Eastern States for accelerated control of

Human resources development, procurement and
distribution of commodities and drugs, information,
education and communication, behaviour change
communication (BCC) activities and planning, monitoring
and evaluation are the main components of the programme.

Further, it includes measures for improving behaviour
change communication, vector and parasite surveillance,
partnership development and capacity building.
The aim of the project is to reduce malaria-related mortality
and morbidity in project States by at least 30 per cent by
2015 as compared with the 2008 levels.

The project will cover a five-year period from October 1,
2010 to September 30, 2015.

Negotiable warehouse receipt system

Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution,
Prof. K.V.Thomas launched the Negotiable Warehouse
Receipt System (NWRs) on April 26, 2011. Henceforth,
farmers can seek loans from banks against the warehouse
receipts issued to them against their storage. These
receipts issued by the warehouses registered with the
Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority
(WDRA) would become a fully negotiable instrument backed
by a Central legislation. The WDRA was setup by the
Government in October 2010 to regulate and development
of warehouses in the country.

The new initiative would help the farmers to avoid distress
sale and become a tool of trade and facilitate finance to the
farmers. It would also allow banks to improve the quality of
their lending services in agriculture sector, increase the
liquidity in the rural areas and encourage better price risk
management in agriculture commodities.

The Minister has directed the Central Warehousing
Authority to undertake extensive training programme for
scientific storage of goods to minimise losses. He also
called for linkages of registered warehouses should also be
provided with Agriculture Produce & Marketing Committee
(APMC) and Spot Exchanges so as to enable the farmers to
fetch better prices of their agriculture produce.

Govt. committee to track black money

The Union government on April 25, 2011 informed the
Supreme Court that it would set up a 10-member high-
powered supervisory committee to track black money and
their link to terror funding and drug syndicates.

The revenue secretary will head the committee, which will
include directors of the CBI, Enforcement Directorate (ED),
Intelligence Bureau (IB), Directorate of Revenue Intelligence
and chiefs of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT),
Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Financial Intelligence
Bureau, Foreign Trade and Tax division as well as deputy
governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Solicitor general Gopal Subramaniam said that this
committee will start work immediately. Every time any of the
investigating agencies comes across some information
about black moneyboth abroad and domesticit will be
shared with other investigating agencies and investigation
will be coordinated.

During the last hearing, the Supreme Court had asked the
Centre to respond to why an Special Investigation Team
(SIT) should not be set up to track black money as the
government appeared to have done nothing concrete and
why names of foreign bank account holders who had
stashed black money there not be disclosed.

SC suspend 19 mining leases in Bellary

The Supreme Court, acting on a report of the Central
Empowered Committee (CEC), on April 29, 2011 directed
suspension of the 19 mining leases in Karnataka in the
Bellary region and restrained these mines from carrying on
operations until further orders. The order was passed after

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

taking into account the interim reports of the CEC
appointed by the court to look into violations of mining laws
by the companies. The reports said massive illegal mining
was conducted in the forest area in connivance with officials
and public representatives.

Karnataka has iron ore reserves of 8,277.5 million tonnes,
16.5 per cent of the countrys reserves. The huge resource
base of magnetite ore is in the Western Ghats, where
mining is banned. Most iron ore mining happens in Bellary,
Chitradurga and Tumkur districts. The state has granted
166 mining leases. It produces around 40 million tonnes,
which is about one-fifth of Indias production. Karnataka
exports about 30 million tonnes, one-third of the national
figure. The state imposed a ban on iron ore exports in July

Non-food credit up by 20.6% in 2010-11 RBI

Non-food bank credit grew by 20.6 per cent during 2010-11
as compared with 16.8 per cent during 2009-10, according
to the RBI on April 29, 2011. In 2010-11, banks extended
non-food credit aggregating Rs 6,27,347 crore (Rs 4,38,182
crore in 2009-10).

As per the RBIs sectoral deployment of credit data, credit to
the services sector, led by non-banking finance companies
(59 per cent increase or by Rs 62,136 crore), professional
services, transport operators and tourism, hotels and
restaurants, grew by 23.9 per cent during 2010-11,
compared with 12.5 per cent in the previous year.

Personal loans grew significantly by 17 per cent (or by Rs
99,739 crore) during 2010-11 as compared with 4.1 per cent
(or by Rs 23,154 crore) during the previous year, with all its
components barring credit card outstanding exhibiting high

Credit to industry, led by infrastructure, metals, food
processing, rubber, plastic and their products and
engineering grew by 23.6 per cent in 2010-11, compared
with 24.4 per cent in the previous year.

Credit growth to agriculture, however, decelerated to 10.6
per cent during 2010-11 from 22.9 per cent in the previous

India Corruption Study: 2010 unveiled
The India Corruption Study: 2010 prepared by the Centre
for Media Studies was released in New Delhi on April 29,
2011. The study says that the grievance redress system in
the country is poor and public service providers lack
accountability. This is indicated by the fact that 95 per cent
of the households that were asked to pay a bribe ended up
doing so.

The report based on a survey of around 10,000 households
across 12 major cities claims that the general perception
about corruption in public services involving the aam admi
has shown a declining trend. However, people continued
paying bribes for services like the public distribution
scheme, medical assistance and water supply.

The bribe paid by households for various purposes ranged
between as low as Rs. 5 to as high as Rs. 800. For
example, to get an application form to apply for a ration
card, some households paid Rs. 5 while to get the BPL
ration card, without being eligible fore the same or not
having supporting documents, some households paid Rs.
800, the study quotes.

The estimation of bribe amount paid by the rural
households brings out an amount of Rs. 471.8 crore...The
percentage of rural households that paid bribe during the
last year was relatively higher in PDS (11.5 per cent),
followed by hospitals (9 per cent), schools (5.8 per cent),
water (4.3 per cent), the study said.

The study claims that the socio-economically weaker
sections were most affected by corrupt practices in public
services. Four to six per cent of rural households were
deprived of these public services as they could not afford to
pay bribe.

The study puts Rs. 156.8 crore as bribe that could have
been paid in PDS while for water supply services, rural
households could have paid Rs. 83.3 crore.

India ranks 48
on Networked Readiness

India has slipped by five places on the INSEAD and World
Economic Forums Annual Global Information Technology
Report unveiled on April 29, 2011. India has moved to 48

rank on the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) featured in
the report, down from 43
position last year. With coverage
of 138 economies worldwide, the Report is a
comprehensive international assessment of the impact of
ICT (information and communication technology) on the
development process and the competitiveness of nations.
NRI examines how prepared countries are to use ICT
effectively on three dimensions: the general business,
regulatory and infrastructure environment for ICT; the
readiness of individuals, businesses and governments to
use and benefit from ICT; and, third, their actual usage of
available ICT. While India was better on the readiness
component, ranking at 33, it ranked 67 on the usage
component. On the environment component, India ranked

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Sweden and Singapore led the rankings by placing first and
second in the NRI, respectively. Finland (3) rose in the
rankings, followed by Switzerland (4) and the US (5). The
Nordic countries led in leveraging ICT. With Denmark in 7

and Norway in 9
place, all are in the top 10, except for
Iceland, ranked in 16th position. Led by Singapore in
second place, the other Asian economies continue to make
progress in the ranking, with Taiwan and Korea improving
five places to 6th and 10th, respectively, and Hong Kong at

The NRI uses a combination of data from publicly available
sources, as well as the results of the Executive Opinion
Survey, a comprehensive annual survey conducted by the
World Economic Forum with its network of partner institutes
(leading research institutes and business organisations) in
the countries included in the report.

Indias electricity generation at 811 BU in 2010-11:
India saw an electricity generation of 811 billion units in the
last fiscal, marginally lower than the set target, primarily on
account of shortage of coal and water. The country had
targeted an electricity generation of 830.8 billion units (BU)
in 2010-11. Latest figures from the Central Electricity
Authority (CEA) show that power generation stood at 811.1
BU in 2010-11. The figure represents a growth of over five
per cent as against 768.4 BU achieved in 2009-10 financial
year. The statistics exclude generation from plants having
capacity of 25 MW capacity. In the last fiscal, the electricity
generation from thermal power sources stood at 664.9 BU
compared to the target of 690.9 BU.
Develop. fee at Mumbai, Delhi airports quashed:
The Supreme Court on April 26, 2011 quashed the levying
of Airport Development Fee (ADF) by private airport
developers in Delhi and Mumbai on international and
domestic passengers. A bench of Justices Cyriac Joseph
and A K Patnaik set aside the policy of airport developers by
which passengers departing from Delhi airport had to pay a
fee of Rs 200 for domestic flights and Rs 1,300 for
international flights while fliers departing from Mumbai were
charged Rs 100 for domestic and Rs 600 for international
flights. The bench set aside the Delhi High Courts order
which had upheld levying of ADF. The court passed the
order on a petition filed by the NGO, Consumer Online
Foundation, contending that the fee was illegal, as it was
not approved by Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of
India (AERA).

Cuddalore PCPIR proposal goes before CCEA: The
government has given its approval for the fifth Petroleum,
Chemicals and Petrochemical Investment Region (PCPIR)
in the country which will come in Tamil Nadu. According to
the Tamil Nadu government on April 30, 2011, the project
has got an in-principle approval from the Cabinet Secretary
and would go to the Cabinet Committee on Economic
Affairs for approval. The proposed PCPIR is coming up on
250 sq km on the coastline of Cuddalore, around 200 km
south of Chennai. So far four PCPIRs have been notified by
the government, including Dahej in Gujarat, Haldia in West
Bengal, Paradip in Orissa and Vishakhapatnam in Andhra
Pradesh. Each notified zone is expected to bring in an
investment, both domestic and international, to the tune of
Rs 2 - 3 lakh crore. PCPIR is aimed at promoting large
investments in the chemicals sector in the country.

US gets DRDO tech for Explosive Detection Kit: A
USA based firm Crowe & Company, LLC on April 25, 2011
entered into a licensing agreement with DRDO to acquire
the technology of Explosive Detection Kit developed by the
High Energy Material Research Lab (HEMRL), Pune, one of
the constituent laboratories of DRDO. HEMRL has
developed the kit for quick detection and identification of
explosives that can detect and identify explosives based on
any combination of nitro esters, nitramines, trinitrotoluene
(TNT), dynamite or black powder. The explosive detection
kit comes packed in a box the size of a vanity case and in
miniature vials that can be kept in shirt pockets.

HCL to develop system for CCI M&A cases: The
Competition Commission of India (CCI) on April 28, 2011
selected HCL Technologies to develop an electronic system
ensuring confidentiality of sensitive documents given by
companies for merger and acquisition (M&A) scrutiny. HCL
would develop security firewalls to protect the electronic
data filed by industry. Confidentiality of data has been a
major concern of the industry after the government notified
provisions under the Competition Act, 2002, for CCI to
handle M&A scrutiny from June 1. While M&As officially
announced until June 1 would be excluded from this
scrutiny, all new ones where the acquirer has a minimum
turnover of Rs 4,500 crore or more will have to be vetted by

Rajendra Pawar is new NASSCOM Chairman: NIIT
Ltd co-founder and chairman Rajendra S Pawar was on

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

April 27, 2011 appointed as the next Chairman of IT industry
body National Association of Software and Services
Companies (NASSCOM) for the year 2011-12. He will
replace Accentures Harsh Manglik. Pawar (60) has
pioneered computer education market in India,
when he co-founded NIIT in 1981. The NIIT
Group now encompasses two businesses
NIIT Technologies Ltd, the software and
services arm, and NIIT Ltd, the leading Global
Talent Development Corporation. Besides NIIT,
Pawar is a member of Prime Ministers National Council on
Skill Development, a council chaired by prime minister. He
is a member of the Planning Commissions Task Force on
Skill Development. He did his schooling from the Scindia
School, Gwalior and graduated from IIT, Delhi in 1972
where he pursued B Tech programme in electrical
engineering. He worked at HCL Technologies before
starting NIIT in 1981.

K V Kamath appointed Infosys Chairman: Indias second
largest software firm Infosys on April 30, 2011 named K V
Kamath as the new chairman to succeed founder N R
Narayana Murthy, who retires in August. Kamath, 63, is the
non-Executive Chairman of ICICI Bank, the countrys largest
private sector bank. He is also an independent director on
the board of Infosys. The company also appointed current
CEO S. Gopalakrishnan as the Executive Co-Chairman
and promoted COO S D Shibulal as CEO and MD. Murthy,
who turns 65 in August, would become Chairman Emeritus.
These appointments will be effective August 21, 2011.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: April 24 to 30, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Duncan Fletcher appointed India coach: The former
England coach, Duncan Fletcher, was on April 27, 2011
appointed coach of the Indian cricket team for a period of
two years by the Board of Control for Cricket in India
(BCCI). He takes over from the highly successful Gary
Kirsten. Eric Simons role as the bowling coach was also

The 62-year-old Fletcher was a path-breaking coach for
England from 1999 to 2007. During his tenure, England
registered its first Ashes triumph in 18 years and recorded
significant away Test series victories in Sri Lanka, Pakistan,
the West Indies and South Africa. As a player, he was a left-
handed batsman and bowled tight right-arm medium pace
for Zimbabwe. The highlight of his career was when he
skippered Zimbabwe to a stunning win over Australia in a
group match of the 1983 World Cup in England. He led from
the front too, scoring 69 not out and claiming four wickets
for 42.

BCCI increases cash prize for World Cup win: The
BCCI on April 27, 2011 increased the prize money
announced for the Indian Cricket team for World Cup
triumph from Rs one crore to Rs two crore each. "The cash
incentive to the members of the World Cup winning Indian
team has been increased from Rs 1 crore per player to Rs 2
crore per player," BCCI secretary and president-elect N
Srinivasan said in a media release.

IFA launches Premier League Soccer: The Indian
Football Association in April 2011 announced the launch of
Premier League Soccer (PLS), an innovative venture that
looks to bring together professional players from across the
world in a franchise-based system like cricket. The
tournament, which will be played in the January-March
period in 2012, will initially have six franchises chosen
through competitive bidding. The PLS will have six
franchises to be chosen through competitive bidding for 10
years with successful bidders paying a yearly franchise fee.
Only limited companies with a minimum net worth of Rs 10
crores could bid for a franchisee license. The tournament,
which will be conducted in association with Celebrity
Management Group, will have franchises from the six major
cities in the state Kolkata, Howrah, Barasat, Asansol,
Midnapore and Siliguri.

The PLS will look to bring together franchises and stadium
authorities in the different venues in a bid to upgrade the
infrastructure and provide the spectators all modern
amenities. Each team will have one icon player, three
overseas players, a minimum of five catchment-players, and
six players in the under-21 age-group. Each team will be
headed by an overseas coach having FIFA or UEFA A
license. The franchises are also required to have their own
youth development programme.

Former footballer Abdus Sattar passes away:
Former Olympian football star Mohammad Abdus Sattar,
who was part of the 1951 Asian Games gold winning team
and led Mohun Bagan to their maiden Rovers Cup victory in
1955, passed away at the age of 85 in Kolkata on April 25,
2011. Sattar also played in the 1952 Helsinki Olympics.

India win 2 golds at Belgrade boxing tournament:
17-year-old boxer Shiva Thapa won the gold in bantam
weight (56kg) category at the Winners Invitational
Tournament in Belgrade, Serbia. India won two golds and a
bronze medal. Commonwealth Games gold-medallist and
Asian Games bronze-winner Paramjeet Samota (+91kg) got
a gold, while Asian silver-medallist Manpreet Singh (91kg)
settled for a bronze. Shiva beat Bulgarias Detelin Dalakliev,
the world champion from the 2009 Milan edition, despite
trailing by a couple of points in the first two rounds.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011
Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA
Arunachal CM Khandu dies in air mishap
Gamlin appointed new Arunachal CM
Tagore souvenirs released on birth anniversary
PMs committee suggests per person PDS allocation
MPLAD funds for physically challenged persons allowed
Let IIMs award degrees Menon committee
Pact with United Peoples Democratic Solidarity extended
SC sets up team to survey Karnataka iron ore mines
AIIMS book on Organ Donation released
Howrah-Delhi Rajdhani to soon have Wi-Fi facility
HRD Min. to unveil framework to boost vocational education
Indian Navy saves Chinese ship from pirates
Army to set up jungle warfare training in Chhattisgarh
Audit soon of 17-lakh acres of Defence land holdings
India fast-tracking road projects on China border
Marine commando force launched by Goa police
Benefit Scheme for Gramin Dak Sevaks launched
Lighthouses to show new direction to costal tourism
India first cluster bus service launched in Delhi
S.C. Chetal takes over as new IGCAR Director
BJP renominates M. M. Joshi as PAC chairman
Sunil Lanba is new Eastern Naval Command Chief
K D Tripathi appointed as new CVC secretary
Maharashtra CM resigns as Rajya Sabha member
Journalist K. Kasturi Rangan passes away
Kanimozhi denies knowledge of money transfer in 2G scam

Section B: WORLD
Harper wins Parliamentary elections in Canada
Fatah, Hamas sign reconciliation agreement in Palestine
World Population Prospects unveiled
Asian Development Bank AGM organised in Hanoi
President Patil visits Mauritius
Britain says no to Alternative Vote
People's Action Party wins Singapore election
WEF meet on Africa organised
May Day observed
World Press Freedom Day observed
World Asthma Day observed
Portugal agrees to Euro 78 bn bailout
N. Korea, worst-rated in press freedom Freedom House
EU wins super-observer status at United Nations
S Korean parliament approves FTA with EU
Osama's death 3rd biggest news of 21st century
WHO for mental disorders as non-communicable disease
Tagore bust presented to Singapore institute
World Red Cross Day celebrated
Osama bin Laden killed in Abbottabad
Ouattara takes oath as Ivory Coast President
Lakshmi Mittal stays on top of UK rich list for 7th yr

Section C: AWARDS
President gives away Certificate of Honour to scholars
Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research announced
Hazare rejects IIPM Tagore Peace Prize
Lalit Kala Akademi chairman rejects UP govt.s award
Jailed Iranian journalist wins UNESCO prize
Cannes to honour jailed Iranian directors
Marco Bellocchio wins Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement
Indian nanny honoured by Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
Columbia journalism award for Al Jazeera English

Monetary policy statement for 2011-12 unveiled
Indias foreign trade data unveiled
Plan Com for quota boost to domestic hardware production
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010 comes into effect
Loans to NBFCs lose priority sector tag
RBI increases m-wallet limit
Inter-ministerial group discusses high inflation with RBI
India on US priority watch list on IPRs
FICCI proposes to set up National Knowledge Functional Hub
ISRO stakes claim to India's fastest supercomputer
Mumbai Airport calls AERA on restoring Development Fees
India, China to grow the most in APAC UN Agency
Business confidence falls 8% in October-March
R.K. Upadhyay appointed BSNL CMD
G. C. Chaturvedi appointed Petroleum Secretary
Rakesh Singh is interim LIC Chairman
Shekhar Shah appointed NCAER director-general
Balachandran is Pharmaceuticals Authority Chairman
Nirmal Chandra Jha is new Coal India Chairman

Section E: SPORTS
Sri Lankas T20 league to start in July-August
BCCI recommends Zaheer Khan for Arjuna award
Alastair Cook named England's new ODI skipper
Cricket South Africa reinstates Nyoka as President
Lee wins India Open badminton championship
Saina ends runner-up in Malaysian Open Grand Prix
Potro wins Estoril Open
Djokovic beats Nadal to win Madrid Open
Djokovic wins Serbia Open
AC Milan claim 18th Serie A title
Gurmeet sets new national record in men's 20km walk
Vettal wins Turkish Grand Prix
Suwannawat wins Asian Snooker Championship
Former world No. 1 golfer Ballesteros passes away
Lee Westwood retains No. 1 ranking in Golf

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK


Section A: INDIA

News round up

Arunachal CM Khandu dies in air mishap

Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu was found dead in the remote and inaccessible Luguthang village, about
30 km from Tawang near the India-China border, on May 8, 2011. The news of his demise came after five days of intense
search operations since the Pawan Hans A350-B3 helicopter carrying Khandu and four others went missing near the Sela
Pass at 10.05 AM on April 30 while flying from Tawang to Itanagar.

Military career

A military intelligence man who participated in the 1971 Bangladesh war, Khandu had worked his way up as a local politician
helping set up schools and organising drinking water supplies in far-flung areas of the mountainous State. Khandu, 56, who
became the Chief Minister twice, was with the Army's intelligence wing for seven years and received a gold medal for
rendering meritorious services during the India-Pakistan war that led to the creation of Bangladesh. Khandu also led a
cultural troupe to the 1982 Asiad in Delhi from Tawang and it won a silver medal.

Political career

Born on March 3, 1955 at Gyangkhar village in Tawang district, Khandu belonged to the Monpa tribe and was a Buddhist with
little formal education.

His political innings started in 1983 when he was elected uncontested as the district vice- president of the West Kameng
district zilla parishad and worked in that capacity till 1987.

On September 21, 1996, he was elevated to Cabinet rank and given Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Dairy Development

In 1999, he was elected to the third Legislative Assembly and served as Power Minister from 1998 to 2006.

He also served as the Minister for Mines and held the portfolio of Minister for Relief and Rehabilitation and Disaster

Khandu revolted against Apang in 2007. When the Congress high command first refused to accept him as a replacement for
Apang as Chief Minister, Khandu went to New Delhi with most party legislators and stayed put for 10 days till the AICC
leaders relented.

Gamlin appointed new Arunachal CM

Governor, J.J. Singh, on May 9, 2011 administered the oath of offices to newly elected leader of Congress legislative party,
Jarbom Gamlin, as new the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh. Gamlin, who was the power minister in the late Khandu
government, was also the member of 13
Lok Sabha and also considered his close confidante.

Committee of Inquiry set up

The Union government on May 10, 2011 appointed a Committee of Inquiry headed by the former Western Air Command
chief, Air Marshal (Retd.) P.S. Ahluwalia, to inquire into the circumstances of accident. The Committee of Inquiry, which
includes other retired officials of the Indian Air Force and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), will submit its
report within three months.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

Tagore souvenirs released on birth anniversary

A National Committee (NC), has been constituted under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh for the
Anniversary Commemorations of Rabindranath Tagore. A National Implementation Committee (NIC) under the
chairmanship of the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee has also been set up to follow up the policy guidelines laid down by
the National Committee.

The inaugural function was organised on May 7, 2011 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. The Chief Guest was the Planning
Minister of Bangladesh, Air Vice Marshal (Retd.), A. K. Khandker. This function also marked the formal launch of the Indo-
Bangla Joint Commemorations that had been announced in the Joint Communique of January 2010 after the visit of Ms.
Sheikh Hasina, the Bangladesh Prime Minister, to India.

Several commemorative souvenirs on Rabindranath Tagore, including a compilation of the digital prints of his paintings, a
DVD pack of his restored movies and stamps, were released in New Delhi on May 7, 2011 on the occasion of the 150
anniversary celebrations of the Nobel laureate.

The first of the four commemorative volumes of Tagores paintings titled Rabindra Chitravali and a set of commemorative
stamps on Tagore, the second one after those released in 1961, were released. The paintings have been sourced from
National Gallery of Modern Art and Visva Bharati University, set up by Tagore at Santiniketan in West Bengal. The stamps
show Tagore writing, with the Upasana Ghar in Santiniketan as the backdrop, him performing in his play Valmiki Pratibha
and also one of his paintings.

Tagore Stories on Film, a DVD of five popular movies based on Tagore`s stories, restored by the National Film
Development Corporation (NFDC) was also released on the occasion. The movies are Kshudito Pashan (The Hungry
Stones), Teen Kanya (The Three Daughters), Char Adhyaye (Four Chapters), Notir Puja (The Dancer`s Prayer), with
which Tagore was personally involved, and Ghare Baire (Home and the World). The movies have English subtitles.

The Union government will facilitate setting up of new cultural complexes in different parts of the country as part of the
commemoration of Tagore's 150th birth anniversary. The government has revamped the Multipurpose Cultural Complexes
(MPCCs) scheme and renamed it as Tagore Cultural Complexes Scheme. Meanwhile, the Bangladeshi Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina Wajed thanked the Indian government for accepting her suggestion to name the train that will run between
Kolkata and Dhaka Sonar Tori' (Golden Boat) after a collection of poems written by Tagore.

External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna released a special issue of India Perspective the ministrys publication, while Indian
Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) president Karan Singh released a special issue of the councils publication Indian
Horizons. The special issues of both magazines are devoted to Tagore.

National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA), National School of Drama (NSD), Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA), Sahitya Akademi
(SA), Lalit Kala Akademi (LKA) and IGNCA organized exclusive functions to celebrate Tagore between 7-9 May 2011 at their
premises and select locations in Delhi.

PMs committee suggests per person PDS allocation: The Prime Minister-appointed committee on Food and Public
Distribution System (F&PDS) headed by Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia on May 2, 2011
suggested that the current system of distributing PDS foodgrain per household should be replaced with per capita allocation.
According to National Sample Survey (NSS) data, lower income households have more members per family than higher
income households. The grain entitlement may be converted from a per-household to a per-individual monthly entitlement,
said the committee in its draft report. The committee, which had the chief ministers of Chhattisgarh and Assam as its
members along with the Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council chairman C Rangarajan, said that the 6.52-crore ration
card cap fixed by the government on the basis of 1993-94 poverty estimates resulted into lower per family foodgrain
availability. Consequently, it has asked the government to notify the revised BPL figures based on latest poverty estimates of
the Planning Commission at the earliest.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

MPLAD funds for aid to physically challenged persons allowed: The Ministry of Statistics & Programme
Implementation on May 6, 2011 allowed MPs to spend a maximum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs per year, from their MPLAD funds, for
giving assistance to the physically challenged. Such assistance can be given only for the purchase of tri-cycles and artificial
limbs, for differently abled persons. All applications for such assistance will be examined and approved, by the Chief Medical
Officer (CMO) of the district, to ensure proper eligibility. This change will come into effect from 1st of June, 2011.

Let IIMs award degrees Menon committee: A six-member committee, headed by professor N R Madhava Menon,
on May 1, 2011 recommended bringing in an overarching legislation governing all IIMs, allowing them to award degrees.
Unlike central universities and IITs, the IIMs currently award only diplomas. IIMs have not been set up through an Act of
Parliament, but through the charitable societies route. The suggestions comes months after the HRD ministry rejected IIM-
Bs proposal to amend its Memorandum of Association its primary rulebook allowing it to confer degrees. The
committee, appointed to evolve a policy of autonomy for higher education institutions, also proposed a peer-based academic
review of departments/areas every five years and complete autonomy to boards to appoint IIM directors solely via a search
and selection committee. It has further recommended flow of liberal grants to IIMs to enhance their level of academic
activities to global standards, and funding of doctoral students.

SoO agreement with United Peoples Democratic Solidarity extended: The Ministry of Home Affairs and the
United Peoples Democratic Solidarity (active in North Cachar Hills and Karbi Anglong districts of Assam) on May 2, 2011
mutually agreed to extend the Suspension of Operations (SoO) Agreement for a further period of six months up to
31.10.2011. Tripartite talks on the demands of UPDS are continuing.

SC sets up team to survey Karnataka iron ore mines: The Supreme Court on May 6, 2011 set up a team to survey
and demarcate the ninety-nine iron ore mines in Bellary-Hospet region of Karnataka to identify sites of alleged illegal mining.
A Bench led by CJI S H Kapadia ordered forming of a team of representatives of the states Forest and Mines departments,
the Lokayukta and the court-appointed Central Empowered Committee (CEC). The team would conduct survey and
demarcation of the leased mines in the presence of representatives of the mining firms and if any encroachment was found,
the mining in the entire leased area would stop. The apex court directed the joint team to visit the site of all 99 mines to carry
out demarcation.

AIIMS book on Organ Donation released: The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad has
called for stepping up the drive to generate awareness about organ and tissue donation in the society. The Minister noted
that there is a huge gap between demand and availability of human organs and tissues. Azad on May 3, 2011 released a
book published by the Organ Retrieval Banking Organization (ORBO) of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, titled A
Tribute to Life. The book features the donors and their families who have taken the crucial decision of donating organs and
tissues of their near and dear ones and rendered yeomen service to society by saving lives of many other people in need.
The ORBO at AIIMS is striving to meet the needs of terminally ill patients by educating and motivating people to come
forward to donate organs and tissues after death.

Howrah-Delhi Rajdhani to soon have Wi-Fi facility: The Howrah-Delhi Rajdhani is set to become the first train in
India to have Wi-Fi connectivity that would enable passengers to access internet during their rail journey. Railways have
awarded a contract of Rs 5.3 crore for making equipping three rakes of the Delhi-Howrah-Delhi Rajdhani with the facility.
While the satellite link-up cost is more than Rs 1 crore, it would cost about Rs 4 crore for the equipment to facilitate internet
access, the Railway Ministry said on May 2, 2011.

HRD Ministry to unveil framework to boost vocational education: A national framework to promote vocational
education will be unveiled to meet the requirement of skilled hands for driving industrial growth, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal said
on May 6, 2011. The National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework will address the needs and demands of various
sectors like automobile, telecom and entertainment industry to meet manpower requirements. The Ministry had in February
this year set up a GoM of education of various states to prepare a roadmap for implementation of the framework. At the
completion of the programme students will be awarded a CBSE vocational degree similar to the CBSE academic degree they
get today.

Indian Navy saves Chinese ship from pirates: A Navy patrol plane foiled a pirate attack on a Chinese merchant
vessel, MV Full City, off Karwar coast in the Arabian sea on May 5, 2011. It flew warning sorties and coordinated with the
NATO Task Force to complete the mission successfully. Receiving an SOS that the vessel was under attack, the Navy

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

directed a TU124 aircraft which was on anti-piracy patrol and a Coast Guard ship to the spot, some 450 nautical miles (850
km) west of Karwar.

Army to set up jungle warfare training in Chhattisgarh: The Army is awaiting clearance from the Ministry of Defence
(MoD) to conduct training in jungle warfare to a brigade size force in Chhattisgarh. The land for setting up the training area,
also called the manoeuvre range, has been identified at Narainpur in Chhattisgarh and approval accorded in principle.
General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Central Command Lt. Gen. V.K. Ahluwalia said this at a press conference at the
Command's headquarters in Lucknow on May 6, 2011. Lt. Gen. Ahluwalia said the objective of setting up the training range
was only to impart training and not anti-Naxal operations. The area under the Central Command, which encompasses
Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, and parts of Madhya Pradesh, were affected by left wing extremism, but presently
the Army was not mandated to operate against such elements. Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand were the other two States in
the Command. The Army's role in this context was advisory and providing assistance in capacity building to the Union
government. The Command is celebrating its 48
Raising Day anniversary celebrations. It was the Chinese aggression in
1962 that led to the creation of the Central Command. It came into being on May 1, 1963. In fact, prior to May 1, 1963,

Audit soon of 17-lakh acres of Defence land holdings: More than 17-lakh acres held by 62 cantonments and the
Defence estates will soon be audited. Land records will also be digitised and indexed. Announcing this at the first
Performance Appraisal Conference of the Chief Executive Officers of the Cantonment Boards in New Delhi on April 4, 2011,
the Defence Minister, A. K. Antony, said issuance of no objection certificates (NoCs) for Defence land would be done strictly
according to the laid down policy. The minister added that all vacant pieces of Defence land would be constantly monitored to
avert encroachment.

India fast-tracking road projects on China border: With China making strides in building of infrastructure along the
border, India is fast-tracking the construction of strategic roads in the North East and Ladakh, completing much of the work
and aiming to finish bulk of projects in two years. Border Roads Organization (BRO) Director General Lt Gen S Ravi
Shankar on May 7, 2011 said high priority was being accorded to these projects which are closely monitored at the highest
level. About 63 per cent of work on 27 roads in Arunachal Pradesh and 12 in Ladakh is complete.

Marine commando force launched by Goa police: The Goa police on May 7, 2011 launched a Marine Commando
Force, an elite team of trained policemen armed with sophisticated weapons like AK-47 rifles and bullet proof vessels to
tackle terrorist attacks. The force would be known as 'Sheshnag' and commandos would be sent for further training with
Indian Navy's academy, INS Mandovi.

Benefit Scheme for Gramin Dak Sevaks launched: The Service Discharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) for Gramin Dak
Sevaks (GDS) was launched in New Delhi on May 3, 2011. The social security scheme, launched by Department of Posts,
seeks to provide post-retirement financial security to over 2.73 lakh GDS by depositing Rs. 200 per GDS per month in their
accounts. Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) cards to some GDSs on the occasion. The monthly deposits by
the government would constantly grow through investments in different schemes/securities by the pension fund managers
(PFM) appointed by the PFRDA.

Lighthouses to show new direction to costal tourism: The government has identified about 13 lighthouses across
the Indian coastline that will serve as tourist spots and add a new experience in tourism. The proposal is to develop the
coastal land in and around these lighthouses with tourist facilities, including resorts and water sports under the public private
partnership mode. The initiative has been undertaken by the directorate general of lighthouses and lightships (DGLL) under
the ministry of shipping, which has awarded the work of compiling a detailed project report for each of the sites to
Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd (IL&FS).

Cluster bus service launched in Delhi: Chief minister Sheila Dikshit launched the cluster bus service in the city on May
5, 2011. This is the first of its kind service in the country and will be run by corporate entities on the lines of those in London
and Paris. All the low -floor orange-coloured buses under cluster service will have an onboard passenger information system
similar to that of Delhi Metro, global positioning system, temperature reader, clock, electronic display board, CCTV cameras
and electronic ticketing machines (ETMs). The first cluster will be run by Star Bus Pvt Ltd on 32 routes in south Delhi. It will
have a total of 231 buses, including around 20 air-conditioned ones. The remaining buses will be added to the current fleet of
50 within three months. All the buses are Euro-IV compliant.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

S.C. Chetal takes over as new IGCAR Director: S.C. Chetal took over as Director of the Indira Gandhi Centre for
Atomic Research (IGCAR) at Kalpakkam, Chennai on April 30, 2011. He succeeds Baldev Raj. The IGCAR is the architect of
Fast Breeder Reactor programme and it has designed and developed the 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR)
under construction at Kalpakkam. Before taking over as IGCAR Director, Chetal was its Director, Reactor Engineering Group.
He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from New Delhi in 1970 and joined the prestigious Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
(BARC) Training School at Trombay that year. After completing the one-year course at the BARC Training School, he joined
the IGCAR in 1971 and had been engaging himself in Fast Reactor engineering. He contributed to the design and
development of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor at Kalpakkam. Chetal played an important role in the research and
development, design, engineering, materials and manufacturing technology of the PFBR.

BJP renominates M. M. Joshi as PAC chairman: Lok Sabha member and senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Murli
Manohar Joshi was on May 2, 2011 nominated by his party for a second term as chairman of the Public Accounts Committee
of Parliament (the first one ended on May 1, 2011). By convention, the PAC is chaired by a member of the opposition. The
BJP is the largest opposition party.

Sunil Lanba is new Eastern Naval Command Chief: Vice Admiral Sunil Lanba, a veteran warship commander, on
May 2, 2011 took over as the first three-star Chief of Staff of the Vishakhapatanam-based Eastern Naval Command. Lanba is
replacing Rear Admiral Karambir Singh, who will proceed to Port Blair on transfer as the Chief of Staff at the tri-services
Andaman Nicobar Command. The post, which till now was being held by a Rear Admiral-rank officer, has been upgraded in
view of Navy's increasing capabilities on the eastern sea board. The Navy has been strengthening its capabilities on the
eastern front as important assets such as the amphibious warfare vessel INS Jalashwa, nuclear submarine Arihant and an
important conventional submarine base, are based there. It is also planning to deploy its recently acquired Long Range
Maritime Reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft P-8I there.

K D Tripathi appointed as new CVC secretary: Kapil Dev Tripathi, a 1980 batch IAS officer of Assam-Manipur cadre,
on May 8, 2011 took over as secretary in the Central Vigilance Commission. The CVC is an independent body, which advises
the Government on vigilance-related matters and check corruption in various departments, among others. It is also probing
several scams, including cases relating to Commonwealth Games.

Maharashtra CM resigns as Rajya Sabha member: Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on May 6, 2011
resigned as a member of the Rajya Sabha. Chavan was appointed as Chief Minister of Maharashtra in November last year
after the then incumbent Ashok Chavan resigned in the wake of allegations against him in the Adarsh Housing Society scam.
Prithviraj Chavan was elected unopposed to Maharashtra Legislative Council on April 27, fulfilling the constitutional
requirement of getting elected to the state legislature within six months of being sworn-in as Chief Minister. The Chief Minister
was never a member of the state legislature until now. An engineer by training, Chavan started his political career in 1991,
winning the Lok Sabha election in family bastion of Karad.

Journalist K. Kasturi Rangan passes away: Veteran journalist K. Kasturi Rangan passed away at the age of 78 on
May 4, 2011 in Chennai. Kasturi Rangan began his career as the New Delhi correspondent of The New York Times in 1963.
During his nearly-two decade tenure with the paper, he covered key issues, including the Nellie massacre in Assam and the
liberation of Bangladesh. While in New Delhi, he founded the Tamil literary magazine Kanaiyazhi, collaborating with eminent
writers such as T. Janakiraman, Asokamitran, Indira Parthasarathy and Sujatha (Rangarajan). The magazine was highly
regarded in serious literary circles and was an incubator for several creative attempts in Tamil literature, besides providing a
launch pad for promising young writers. He moved to Chennai in the early eighties and joined Dinamani as Associate Editor.
He later became the Editor of the publication. A Gandhian, Kasturi Rangan also ran Swachid, a journal that sought to
espouse Gandhian philosophy and values.

Kanimozhi denies knowledge of money transfer in 2G scam case: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi's
daughter Kanimozhi on May 6, 2011 pleaded ignorance of the Rs.200-crore transfer from Dynamix Realty to Kalaignar TV.
Her lawyer, senior advocate Ram Jethmalani, blamed the channel's managing director Sharad Kumar and the former
Telecom Minister, A. Raja, co-accused in the 2G spectrum scam case, for the money transfer. Kanimozhi, Rajya Sabha
member, holds a 20 per cent stake in the channel.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

News round up

Harper wins Parliamentary elections in Canada

Prime Minister Stephen Harpers Conservative Party re-emerged as the largest party in Parliament in the 308-seat House of
Commons following general elections organised on May 2, 2011. The Conservative Party remained in power, moving from a
minority to a majority government by winning 167 of the 308 seats. The New Democratic Party won the largest number of
seats in their history and will form the Official Opposition for the first time. The Liberal Party won the fewest seats in their
history and party leader Michael Ignatieff was defeated in his own constituency. The Bloc Qubcois, which had always won
at least a majority of seats in Quebec in every election of their existence, lost nearly all their seats, and thus also their official
party status. Green Party leader Elizabeth May became the first Member of Parliament to represent the party.

Harper had advised the Governor General to dissolve parliament after the House of Commons passed a motion of non-
confidence against the government. The motion, introduced by the opposition leader Michael Ignatieff, approvingly cited and
affirmed the charge of contempt of parliament by the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

Harper, who took office in 2006, has won two elections but until now had never held a majority of Parliament's 308 seats,
forcing him to rely on the opposition to pass legislation. While his hold on the 308-member Parliament has been tenuous
during his five-year tenure, he has managed to nudge an instinctively centre-left country to the right. He has gradually
lowered sales and corporate taxes, avoided climate change legislation, promoted Arctic sovereignty, upped military spending
and extended Canada's military mission in Afghanistan.

Canadian federal election, 2011: Results
308 seats in the House of Commons of Canada: 155 seats needed for a majority
Turnout: 61.4%
Party Conservative Party New Democratic Party Liberal Party Bloc Qubcois Green Party
Leader Stephen Harper Jack Layton
Gilles Duceppe Elizabeth May
Seats in 2011/vote share 167, 39.62% 102, 30.63% 34, 18.91% 4, 6.04% 1, 3.91%
Seats in 2006/vote share 143, 37.65% 37, 18.18% 77, 26.26% 49, 9.98% 0, 6.78%
Seat change +24 +66 -43 -43 +1

Fatah, Hamas sign reconciliation agreement

The leaders of two main Palestinian-factions, Fatah and Hamas have signed a reconciliation agreement paving the way for
the formation of transitional national unity government followed by elections. The accord signed on May 11, 2011 in Cairo,
ends a four year feud between Fatah and Hamas and will be followed by preparations for the formation of an interim
government. The two factions will also form a committee that will recommend internal reforms within the Palestine Liberation
Organisation (PLO) the umbrella group of the Palestinian factions.

The reconciliation deal is designed to unify the dueling governments that emerged after Hamas violently wrested control of
Gaza from security forces loyal to Abbas in June 2007 and left his Fatah controlling only the West Bank.

While Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said that the accord reflected a newly-discovered spirit of Palestinian assertion,
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas observed that the agreement did not oblige Hamas to recognise Israel.
Israel has rejected the pact and warned Abbas that he must choose between Israel or peace with Hamas, who aspires to
destroy Israel. Like the US and the EU, Israel considers Hamas a terrorist organisation and says it will not negotiate with a
future Palestinian government that includes the Iran-Syria backed militant group.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

World Population Prospects unveiled

World population projections: The latest numbers come from the UNs 2010 revision of the World Population Prospects.
The last revision was in 2008. The medium variant for 2010 the population projections based on national trends, which is
neither the best nor worst-case scenario produces a world population in 2050 of 9.31 billion, which is 156 million larger than
the 2008 revision. At the turn of the century, the world will have 10.1 billion people. On October 31 this year, the world will
have its seven billionth person.

Indias population growth: Indias population is projected to peak at 1.718 billion in 2060, after which it will decline. At its
peak, India will be the most populous country there has ever been or probably ever will be. According to population
projections released by the United Nations on May 3, 2011, Indias share in the worlds population will peak in 2030 after
which it will decline, and the growth in the worlds population from then on will be fuelled by Africa.

India Vs China: China at its peak in 2025 will have 1.395 billion people. In fact, when China peaks, India will have already
surpassed it in population. Indias population will begin to decline only in 2060, a full 35 years after China. By the turn of the
century, Indias population, though declining, will be almost double that of China.

Impact on India: Indias growing population is regarded by many as a time bomb, by others as a blessing. Both these
approaches miss the point. A huge population is in itself neither a boon nor a curse. It all depends on how productive it can
be made. Educating a billion-plus people and ensuring they are healthy would create a world-beating nation. A nation of the
same size with a huge population of the poor, malnourished and illiterate would be a disaster. The way to go should be clear:
invest heavily in developing human capital and the world will be at our feet.

Asian Development Bank AGM organised in Hanoi

ADB on May 6, 2011 concluded the 44
Annual Meeting of its Board of Governors in Hanoi, Vietnam and announced that the
2012 meeting would take place in Manila, Philippines. The meeting started on May 3 and gathered a record number of
around 4,000 delegates including finance ministers and other key policymakers, business leaders, academics and civil
society representatives.

Key issues at this years meeting included soaring food and fuel prices, infrastructure and connectivity, and climate change
as well as how Asia and the Pacific can ensure a prosperous future in coming decades. Record high commodity prices are
already pushing millions back below the $1.25 a day poverty line. Meanwhile, rising energy usage in Asia and the Pacific is
deepening the regions carbon footprint. These, along with economic and demographic issues, need to be tackled if
developing Asias 3.3 billion people are to improve their livelihoods in the immediate and the longer term.

Initial findings of ADBs upcoming study, Asia 2050Realizing the Asian Century, unveiled at the AGM on May 4, said Asia
and the Pacific could account for half of the world economy by 2050, up from around quarter now, if it deals with these issues
head on.

Participants included ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda with French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde; Indian Finance
Minister Pranab Mukherjee; Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda; and Deputy Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) Naoyuki Shinohara.

The Board of Governors is ADBs highest policy-making body and the annual meetings are statutory occasions at which
Governors can provide guidance on ADBs administrative, financial, and operational priorities.

Meanwhile, the finance ministers of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), China, Japan and
Korea, together known as ASEAN + 3, decided to initiate a study on the design of a possible crisis prevention function for the
Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM), a multilateral currency swap agreement.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

President Patil visits Mauritius

President Pratibha Patil went on a five-day state visit to Mauritius from April 23-27, 2011, during which she addressed the
countrys parliament and received a doctorate degree. Patil held meetings with her counterpart, Mauritius President Anerood
Jugnauth, and also with the island nations Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam during the visit.

The President addressed the 70-member National Assembly of Mauritius and was conferred a degree of Doctor of Civil Law
Honoris Causa by the University of Mauritius.

Her other engagements included unveiling a bust of former Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi at the Indira Gandhi Centre
for Indian Culture and address a business meet.

A high-level group of 57 Indian business people also accompanied the President during the state visit. Mauritius is the single
largest source for foreign direct investment to India, accounting for 40 percent of FDI flows in the last ten years. According to
Reserve Bank of India, the amount of FDI flows from Mauritius to India was $49.11 billion from April 2000 to December 2009.
Last year alone, the FDI from Mauritius stood at $10.37 billion.

There had been a sharp increase in the use of Mauritius as a base for offshore entities targeting India, especially after the
signing of Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement in 1998.

The bilateral trade volume currently stands at $460-470 million.

Reaffirming historical ties
India shares historical ties with Mauritius. President Patil revisited the milestones of history during her visit.

These include, the aapravasi ghat where the ship, Atlas, carrying the first batch of Indian indentured labourers reached on
November 2, 1834, setting in motion a process by which about half a million Indians were estimated to have been brought
into Mauritius over the next century or so, of whom about two-thirds settled permanently on the island. The People of Indian
Origin form over 66% of the population in Mauritius today. She then visited the Ganga Talao, the small lake imagined and
revered as the Ganga by those who carried its memory from their old home to the new. And finally, the Mahatma Gandhi
Institute, commemorating Gandhis brief stopover in Mauritius en route to India from South Africa, October 29 to November
15, 1901, while awaiting the departure of his ship SS Nowshera.

Mauritius celebrates its National Day on March 12, the date on which the Dandi march took off in 1930.

Britain says no to Alternative Vote: British voters have overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to abandon the first-past-
the-post system in favour of Alternative Vote (AV), in which people rank candidates in order of preference. Up to 70 per cent
of those who voted in the referendum organised on May 5, 2011 said no to AV. The sheer scale of the defeat shocked the
yes camp led by the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, junior partners of the PM David Cameron's
Conservative Party in the coalition government. The referendum was called at the insistence of Lib Dems as part of their
demand for broader electoral reforms and a condition for joining the coalition. The Conservative Party campaigned on a no
platform, arguing that AV practised only in Australia, Fiji and Papua New Guinea was complicated, more expensive and
less fair than the first-past-the-post system. The Opposition Labour party was divided on the issue with its leader Ed Miliband
backing a change, while nearly half the party, including some senior figures, in the opposite bloc.

People's Action Party wins Singapore election: Singapore's ruling People's Action Party (PAP) has returned to power
with an absolute majority winning 81 of the 87 seats in the general election results announced on May 8, 2011. Opposition
Workers' Party (WP) took the other six seats. PAP's overall vote share was reduced to 60.4 per cent from about 67 per cent
in the 2006 general elections. The PAP had faced issues related to influx of foreign workers, higher cost of housing caused
by high net worth expatriates, housing affordability, rising cost of living for the locals, the slower progress on transportation,
and the high salaries for the ministers in the prosperous city state.

WEF meet on Africa organised: Anand Sharma, Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, lead a high-level business
delegation to the 21
Meeting of the World Economic Forum on Africa under the theme From Vision to Action, Africas Next
Chapter held in Cape Town, South Africa from 4-6 May 2011. More than 900 participants from 60 countries, including

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

several African Heads of state and government, Cabinet Ministers, Heads of International Organizations and Captains of
Industry attended this high profile event which provided a platform for interaction among key stakeholders on how to advance
Africas socio-economic development. The underlying theme for the meeting focused on how African countries, communities
and companies could move the continent forward in view of the unfolding global transformation.

May Day observed: International Workers' Day (also known as May Day) is a celebration of the international labour
movement and left-wing movements on May 1. It commonly sees organized street demonstrations and marches by working
people and their labour unions throughout most of the world. International Workers' Day is the commemoration of the 1886
Haymarket Massacre in Chicago, when, after an unknown person threw a dynamite bomb at police as they dispersed a public
meeting, Chicago police fired on workers during a general strike for the eight hour workday, killing several demonstrators. In
1889 an international federation of socialist groups and trade unions declared the date of May 1 as Worker's Day to
commemorate the Haymarket Massacre of 1886.

World Press Freedom Day observed: World Press Freedom Day was observed on May 3, 2011. Every year, May 3
a date which celebrates the fundamental principles of press freedom; to evaluate press freedom around the world, to defend
the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the exercise of their
profession. 3 May was proclaimed World Press Freedom Day the UN General Assembly in 1993 following a
Recommendation adopted at the twenty-sixth session of UNESCO's General Conference in 1991. The 2011 World Press
Freedom Day was hosted by the US. The theme of this year's event is 21
Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers.
The event affirmed fundamental principles of media freedom in the digital agethe ability of citizens to voice their opinions
and access diverse, independent information sources20 years after the original declaration was made in Windhoek,

World Asthma Day observed: World Asthma Day is an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma
(GINA) to improve asthma awareness and care around the world. World Asthma Day takes place on the first Tuesday of May.
The theme of this year's event observed on May 3, 2011 was "You Can Control Your Asthma".

Portugal agrees to Euro 78 bn bailout: Portugal on May 5 2011 reached a deal with the European Union and the IMF
on a 78 billion euro 3-year bailout, the third euro zone member to do so after Greece and Ireland. According to the agreement
reached between Portugals caretaker Prime Minister Jose Socrates and the EU & IMF the deadline for Lisbons meeting
budget deficit goals will be extended.

N. Korea, worst-rated country in press freedom Freedom House: North Korea remained the worst-rated country
in press freedom in 2010, Freedom House, a Washington-based non-governmental organization advocating democracy,
freedom and human rights said on May 2, 2011. In its Press Freedom in 2010 Report, Freedom House also lowered South
Korea's range to Partly Free from last year's Free, citing increased censorship and the government's attempts to influence
media outlets. North Korea's ranking was 196
, the lowest of the countries surveyed. Out of the 196 countries and territories
assessed during 2010, 68 were rated Free, 65 Partly Free and 63 Not Free.

EU wins super-observer status at United Nations: The European Union on May 3, 2011 secured super-observer
status at the United Nations after overcoming objections from small states that they could see their influence eroded. A vote
was passed by the 192-nation UN General Assembly after high-powered lobbying by EU foreign affairs representative
Catherine Ashton and ambassadors from the 27-nation bloc. Other regional groups such as the Arab League, African Union
and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) may now seek a similar extra observer rights at the global body. The EU made
one attempt to get the extra powers at the General Assembly last year, but suffered an embarrassing defeat when small
states opposed a vote and sought extra time for negotiations.

S Korean parliament approves FTA with EU: South Korea's parliament on May 4, 2011 ratified a sweeping free trade
agreement (FTA) with the European Union, giving European firms a head start over the United States in Asia's fourth-largest
economy. The deal signed last October is due to take effect on July 1. Europe's parliament approved it in February. The
ruling Grand National Party, which holds a majority in the 299-seat parliament, passed the FTA bill in the absence of
opposition legislators. The pact was ratified in a vote of 163 against one. The main opposition Democratic Party had insisted
it would not approve the legislation until there had been a full study of the impact on the economy.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

Osama's death 3
biggest news of 21
century: The killing of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden by US special forces
in Pakistan surpassed Britain's much publicised Royal Wedding to be ranked as the third biggest news of the 21
according to a study whose findings were unveiled on May 6, 2011. The survey conducted by the Austin-based Global
Language Monitor said Osama's death news was placed at the third place behind the rise of China to first-tier nation status
and the election of Barack Obama as the US President which are placed at 1
and 2
spot respectively. It said the Royal
Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 was ranked 5th, just ahead of the media blitz surrounding the 2009
sudden death of Michael Jackson. The Wikileaks revelations was ranked 4th whereas, Japan's last month quake-tsunami
disasters was at 8th and Arab revolutions at 9th place respectively. There was no India-centric news among top 20.

WHO includes mental disorders as non-communicable disease: Mental disorders were included in the non-
communicable diseases (NCDs) list at the first Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Non-communicable Disease
Control organised by the World Health Organisation in Moscow on April 28-29, 2010 in Moscow. Mental health as a NCD was
adopted in the Moscow Declaration on April 29 which reads: Other NCDs such as mental disorders also significantly
contribute to the global disease burden. The principal non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,
cancers and chronic respiratory diseases, which are the leading causes of preventable morbidity and disability, and currently
cause over 60 per cent of global deaths, 80 per cent of which occur in developing countries. By 2030, the NCDs are
estimated to contribute to 75 per cent of global deaths.

Tagore bust presented to Singapore institute: A made-in-India bust of poet-laureate Rabindranath Tagore was
presented to the Singapore-based Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) by External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna on
May 5, 2011. The sculpture will be housed in Singapore's Indian Heritage Centre. Tagore's voyage to several East Asian
countries in the 1920s was aimed at renewing India's millennial cultural ties with this region.

World Red Cross Day celebrated: The World Reed Cross Day was celebrated on May 8, 2011. Red Cross Day was
celebrated for the first time throughout the world on 8 May 1948, the anniversary of the birth of Henry Dunant, the founder of
the Red Cross. It subsequently changed names several times and in 1984 became World Red Cross and Red Crescent
Day. In 1901 Dunant, received the first Nobel Peace Prize together with Frederic Passy. The International Federation of the
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in March 2011 announced that the 31
International Conference slated for
November 28-30 will take place in Geneva under the theme, Our World. Your Move. Meanwhile, marking the World Red
Cross Day, Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said tax exemption will be allowed on donations to
and income of Indian Red Cross Society from June this year.

Osama bin Laden killed in Abbottabad: Osama bin Laden, leader of terror outfit al-Qaeda and alleged mastermind of
the 9/11 attacks in New York City, was killed in Pakistan in a Special Forces operation code-named Operation Geronimo on
May 1, 2011. Meanwhile native American leaders in the United States expressed outrage on May 4 that the name of
legendary Apache warrior Geronimo was used as a military codename during the commando raid that killed al-Qaeda head
Osama bin Laden. Geronimo, an Apache chief who lived from 1829 to 1909, was a famed warrior who fought in what is now
the U.S. State of New Mexico, battling U.S. and Mexican authorities as the American West was being settled. The elite U.S.
Navy SEAL team that stormed bin Laden's compound uttered the words Geronimo-EKIA' Geronimo Enemy Killed in
Action.' Meanwhile United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) Navi Pillay on May 5, 2011 called for a
full disclosure of the accurate facts to determine the legality of the killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Pillay's
declarations come a day after US Attorney General Eric Holder told a Senate hearing the raid during which bin Laden was
killed was lawful and consistent with our values.

Ouattara takes oath as Ivory Coast President: Alassane Ouattara was sworn in as President of strife torn African nation
Ivory Coast on May 6, 2011. His appointment comes five months after the election and the post-result violence that left
hundreds dead when the loser incumbent Gbagbo refused to concede defeat. Ouattara spent much of that time barricaded
inside a hotel, surrounded by troops loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, who used the army to terrorise the population. Gbagbo was
removed militarily last month and is now under house arrest in a remote town 700 kilometers north of capital Abidjan.

Lakshmi Mittal stays on top of UK rich list for 7
yr: Indian-origin steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, with an estimated wealth
of 17.51 billion pounds, has retained his position as the richest person in the UK for the 7th year in a row in 2011, though his
wealth declined by 4.93 billion pounds during the last one year. The Sunday Times Rich List 2011 unveiled on May 8, 2011
shows that Mittal continues to top Britain's wealthiest with a personal fortune of 17.5 billion pounds.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK



President gives away Certificate of Honour to scholars

The President of India on May 6, 2011 gave away Certificate of Honour and Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman for the
years 2008 and 2009 to the Scholars of Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Pali/Prakrit to 51 recipients for the years 2008 and 2009
(announced on the eve of the Independence Day, 2008 and 2009) and also 17 Presidential Awards for Classical Tamil for the
years 2005-06 to 2007-08.

Certificate of Honour

Presidential Award of Certificate of Honour is announced on the eve of Independence Day every year in recognition of the
outstanding contribution by various scholars of eminence over 60 years of age, in the field of Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian or
Pali/Prakrit in recognition of their teaching experience, published work and their efforts in keeping the tradition of these
languages alive. Further from the year 2008 it has also been decided to institute one international award for Sanskrit to non-
resident Indians or persons of non-Indian origin on the same lines of as of award to an Indian. The total number of awards
from the year 2008 onwards would be 15 awards for Sanskrit, one international Award for Sanskrit, consisting of one time
monetary grant of Rs. 5 lakh to each awards, 3 awards each for Arabic and Persian and one award for Pali/Prakrit, each
carrying a monetary grant of Rs.50,000/- per annum for lifetime. A Sanad and a shawl is also presented to each of the
awardees by the President of India.

Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman

Young scholars of (Sanskrit, Pali/Prakit, Arabic and Persian) in the age group of 30 to 40 years, who have made a
breakthrough in the interdisciplinary studies involving contribution of these languages or the ancient Indian wisdom, to the
process of synergy between modernity and tradition are granted Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman on this occasion every
year. This Award carries a one-time cash award of Rs.1.00 lakh along with a Sanad and a shawl, which is presented by the
President of India. A maximum number of 5 young scholars of Sanskrit and one each in Pali/Prakrit, Arabic and Persian are
conferred with the award every year.

Presidential Awards for scholars in classical Tamil were instituted from 2005-2006 with provision of eight (8) awards each
year as under:-

(i) Three (3) awards, one for person of India national (Tholkappiyar Award) and two international awards, one each fro person
of India origin and another for Non Indian origin (Kural Peedam Award), for eminent scholars of Tamil as lifetime achievement
awards. The award consists of a one time monetary grant of Rs.5.00 lakh each, along with a Sanad and a Shawl.

(ii) Five (5) for scholars of Tamil in the age group of 30-40 years (Young scholar Award) with a one time financial grant of
Rs.1.00 lakh each, apart from a Sanad and a shawl.

A total of 17 scholars have been selected for these awards for the year 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008.

List of Awardees for the year 2008

Certificate of Honour
The following scholars (or their representatives) of Sanskrit, Pali/Prakrit, Arabic and Persian received Certificate of Honour for
the year 2008:

Prof. K. Hayavadana, Puranik, Dr. Vishnubhatla Subrahamanya Sastry, Dr. Uma Ramana Jha, Prof. (Dr.) Smt. Aruna Goel,
Nar Deo Shastri, Dr. M.E. Rangachar, Dr. Keshavrao Musalgaonkar, Saroja Bhate, Pandit Baikuntha Bihari Nanda, Pandit
Satya Narayan Shastri, Ananthakrishnan Sivarnamakrishna Sastry, Janardan Pandey, Pandit Purushottama Tripathi,
Bhabani Prasad Bhattacharya, Dr. Sitanath Acharya

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Prof. Gokul Chandra Jain,

Dr. Zohurul Bari Azmi, Muhammad Burhanuddin Sambhali, Dr. Taqi UD Din Nadwi

Dr. Idris Ahmad, Dr. Syeda Bilqis Fatima Husaini, Prof. Marghoob Banihali

Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman
In addition, the President also gave away the Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman to the following scholar of Sanskrit: Prof. K.

The List of Awardees for the year 2009

Certificate of Honour

Prof. Kompella Ramasuryanarayana, Prof. (Dr.) Vachaspati Sharma Tripathi, Dr. Ramakant Shukla, Prof. Vishwa Murti
Shastri, Dr. N.S. Anatha Rangachar, Dr. N. Gopala Panicker, Dr. Sudyumna Acharya, Prof. Keshao Ramrao Joshi, Dr.
Bhagaban Panda, Dr. (Smt.) Kamal Anand, Pt. Badari Prasad Shastri, Pt. Annadur Rajagopala Chariar, Prof. Ram Chandra
Pandey, Prof. Ashok Kumar Kalia, Dr. Samiran Chandra Chakrabarti,

Sanskrit International
Prof Sheldon Pollock

Dr. Dharma Chandra Jain

Prof. Shabbir Ahmad Nadvi, Prof. (Dr.) Shah Abdus Salam, Abullais Ansari

Prof. (Smt.) Rehana Khatoon, Dr. Mohd. Yaseen Quddusi, Prof. Syed Mohammad Tariq Hasan,

Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman

In addition, the President also gave away the Maharshi Badrayan Vyas Samman to the following scholars:

Dr. Malhar Arvind Kulkarni, Dr. Sachchidanand Mishra, Dr. Narayan Dash, Dr. Sashibhusan Mishra

Dr. Asad Ali Khurshid

The Presidential Awards for Classical Tamil

The following scholars of Classical Tamil have been given The Presidential Awards for Classical Tamil for the years 2005-
06, 2006-07 and 2007-08:-

1. Tholkappiar Award (2005-06): Prof. Adigalasiriyar

2. Kural Peedam Award (2006-07): Dr. George L. Hart, USA

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

3. Young Scholar Award:
(a) For the year 2005-06:
Dr. R. Aravendan (Thamotharan), Dr. Y. Manikandan, Dr.S. Kalaimagal, Dr. Va. Mu. Se. Muthuramalinga Aandavar, Dr. K.
(b) For the year 2006-07:
Dr. S. Chandra, Dr. Aranga Pari, Dr. Mu. Elangovan, Dr. M. Bhavani, Dr. R. Kalaivani
(c) For the year 2007-08:
Dr. A. Selvarasu, Dr. P. Velmurugan, Dr. A. Manavalagan, S. Chandrasekaran, Dr. S. Simon John

Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research announced

The Ministry of Culture introduced in November, 2009, a new scheme by the name of Visiting Fellows in Art, Culture &
Heritage. Later, to mark the Commemoration of the 150
Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, the scheme was
renamed as Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research. Under the scheme, scholars of iconic stature were to be
invited to devote 2 years of their time to pursue research in one or more of the 17 cultural institutions covered by the scheme,
so as to produce a valuable work based on the resources available in the institutions, to make those known to the wider
public. A 3-part National Selection Committee (NSC), comprising eminent scholars in different cultural fields, was set up to
select the Fellows and the research projects to be taken up by them. In all, 13 scholars were selected as Tagore National
Fellows, in the first cycle of selections. Details of selected Fellows are attached.

Name of the Institution Name of Tagore National Fellow Title of the Project
National Museum, New Delhi Dr. Chhaya Bhattacharya- Haesner Preparation of a comprehensive and comparative
catalogue on the Painted Temple Banners from
Dunhuang (Central Asia) in the Stein Collection
of the National Museum, New Delhi.
Archaeological Survey of India, New
Dr. M.L.K. Murty

Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in India: Ecology and
Cultural Systems.
Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library
(KBOPL), Patna
Prof. Som Prakash Verma

Descriptive Catalogue of Illustrated Manuscripts
preserved at Khuda Baksh Oriental Public
Library, Patna.
National Library, Kolkata Prof. Gautam Bhadra

A Social History of Bengali Almanacs (1818-
Raja Rammohan Roy Library
Foundation, Kolkata
Prof. P.B. Mangla

Public Library Service in Delhi: An Overview
National Museum, New Delhi Prof. Sadashiv V Gorakshkar

A Comprehensive Survey of Indian Metal
Sculptures from the 1
cent AD to 12
cent AD
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu
Sangrahalay, Mumbai
Prof. M.K.Dhavalikar

Heritage of a Metropolis : Art and Archaeology
of Mumbai (upto 1200 C.E)
Indian Museum, Kolkata

Dr. Asok Kumar Das

A Comprehensive Study of the Collection of
Drawings and Paintings in the Art Section, Indian
Museum, Kolkata
Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata

Prof. Barun De

A Catalogue of late Eighteenth and Early
Nineteenth Century Visual Materials in the
Victoria Memorial Hall, with a Introductory
Historical Reinterpretation of the Era in the Bay
of Bengal Hinterlands
National Gallery of Modern Art, New
Ella Datta

Annotated Catalogue of NGMA Collection
Archaeological Survey of India, New
Dr. K.S. Saraswat

Beginning of Agriculture in Trans-Ghaghara
Region: Middle Ganga Plain
Indira Gandhi Rastriya Manav
Sangrahalaya, Bhopal
Prof. Ravindra Kumar Jain

Processes and the Product : Anthropology,
Museology and Community
Archaeological Survey of India, New
Prof. V.D. Mishra

Stone Age Cultures for the North-Central India

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

Hazare rejects IIPM Tagore Peace Prize: Social activist Anna Hazare, whose fast for a stronger anti-corruption Lok Pal
Bill last month made global headlines, on May 6 2011 spurned the Rs one crore 2011 Rabindranath Tagore Peace Prize
announced by the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). The award carries a cash reward of one crore rupees,
a gold medal and a citation. While announcing the award, IIPM Dean, Professor Arindam Chaudhuri, had said the anti-
corruption crusader was selected for the award to show strong solidarity to his determined and non-violent protest against

Lalit Kala Akademi chairman rejects UP govt.s award: Hindi poet and Lalit Kala Akademi chairperson Ashok
Vajpeyi on May 6, 2011 refused an award by an Uttar Pradesh government body, accusing it of showing disrespect to some
other writers by scrapping their awards retrospectively. Vajpeyi has been chosen for the Rs 2.5-lakh Bharat Bharati award
for Hindi writing, one of 102 literary prizes that the Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthan used to hand out every year. But this year,
the Sansthan has scrapped 99 of the prizes retaining only the top three: Bharat Bharati, Hindi Gaurav and Mahatma
Gandhi Sahitya Samman. Vajpeyi says these awards were cancelled though the jury had nominated the winners more than a
year ago. A letter Vajpeyi has written to the Uttar Pradesh principal secretary (language) hints at a second reason for his
refusal of the award, to be given out with the other two prizes by state urban development minister on May 19. Vajpayee has
also objected to the award being given by a minister instead of the Chief Minister or the Governor.


Jailed Iranian journalist wins UNESCO prize: Imprisoned Iranian journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi is the laureate of this
years UNESCO Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. A former editor-in-chief of the Azad newspaper and
contributor to the Tehran-based daily Hamshahari, the BBC Persian service, and the Persian/English news site Rooz,
Ahmad Zeidabadi is also a member of the Association of Iranian Journalists, and the elected president of one of Iran's largest
student organizations, the Iranian Alumni Association. He is also a professor of political science, and has lectured at
numerous academic institutions. Ahmad Zeidabadi is currently serving a six-year jail sentence following Irans disputed
presidential election in 2009.

Cannes to honour jailed Iranian directors: Jailed Iranian film directors Jafar Panahi and Mohammad Rasoulof are to
be honoured at the Cannes Film Festival. Rasoulof's film Goodbye and Pahani's This Is Not a Film will be shown at the
festival, the organisers announced on May 9, 2011. Panahi will also be awarded the Carrosse d'Or - the Golden Coach
prize - by the French Film Director's Society (SRF) at the event. The film-makers were convicted in December for making a
film without permission and inciting opposition protests after the disputed 2009 presidential election that led to months of
political turmoil. Panahi has been a vocal critic of Iran's strict Islamic law and government system, while his films are known
for their social commentary. He is a winner of many international awards, most recently for his film Offside, which won the
2006 Berlin Film Festival's Silver Bear award. The Cannes festival runs from May 111 to 22, 2011. Meanwhile, organisers of
the Venice Film Festival have announced plans to honour Italian director Marco Bellocchio at this year's event. The 71-
year-old will receive the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in September for his tireless work exploring the shifting
boundaries between himself, cinema and history.

Indian nanny honoured by Raoul Wallenberg Foundation: Sandra Samuel, the Indian nanny who became famous
for showing exemplary courage in saving the life of a toddler risking her own during the 26/11 terror attacks on Nariman
House in Mumbai, was honoured by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation in Jerusalem. The public recognition of
Samuel's act was made at the Ceremony of Remembrance of the Day of the Holocaust and Heroism on May 1, 2011. The
Indian nanny captured worldwide attention as she barged into the Chabad house, amid shooting by terrorists all around her,
and rescued two-year-old Moshe Holtzberg from the clutches of death. She has been living with Moshe and his grandparents
in Israel since then, and was conferred an honourary citizenship by Israel last year.

Columbia journalism award for Al Jazeera English: The Middle-East based Qatari English news channel Al Jazeera
was on May 5, 2011 named as the winner of a prestigious journalism award from the New York-based Columbia University.
Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism said Al Jazeera English was being honored with the Columbia
Journalism Award which recognises an individual or organisation for singular journalism in the public interest.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK


News round up

Monetary policy statement for 2011-12 unveiled

Key Rates
Short-term lending rate (Repo) hiked by 50 basis points (bps) to 7.2%
Repo Rate to be only effective policy rate to better signal monetary policy stance from now on
Reverse Repo to be fixed 100 Bps lower than the Repo Rate.
Short-term borrowing rate (Reverse Repo) up by 50 bps to 6.25%
Cash Reserve Ratio and Bank Rate left unchanged
Macro View
Economic growth projected lower at 8% for 2011-12
WPI inflation projection lowered to 6%
To contain inflation by curbing demand-side pressures
Favours aligning of fuel prices with international crude prices to avert widening of fiscal deficit
Interest rates on savings bank deposits hiked to 4% from 3.5%
Banks to get a new overnight borrowing window under Marginal Standing Facility at 8.25%
Likelihood of oil prices moderating significantly is low
Malegam Committee recommendations on MFI sector broadly accepted
Bank loan to MFIs on or after April 1, 2011 will be treated as priority sector loans

The RBI unveiled its monetary policy statement for 2011-12 on May 3, 2011. Following are the highlights:

Savings rate
The RBI hiked the deposit rate on savings accounts from 3.5 per cent to four per cent. Savings deposit rates have remained
unchanged since 2003, while all other rates had gone up. The spread between savings deposits and term deposit rates has
widened significantly. Savings accounts constitute around 2.3 per cent of the total deposits in the banking system.

Policy Rates
The RBI raised the repo rate by half a per cent to 7.25 per cent from 6.75 per cent. Similarly the reverse repo rate has been
raised by half a per cent from 5.75% to 5.25%. The bank rate and the cash reserve ratio rates remain unchanged at six per
cent each, respectively.

Growth forecasts
The RBI governor, Dr Subbarao revised downwards the GDP growth rate to 8 per cent from 8.67 per cent and raised the
inflation rate for March 2012 to six per cent with an upward bias.

Repo to be reference rate
The RBI has decided to anchor monetary policy through a single short term lending rate known as repo rate. Unlike in the
past, the rate at which the RBI borrows from banks (reverse-repo) will be the benchmarked 100 basis points below the repo
rates. RBI Governor D Subbarao said that this transition to a single independently varying policy rate is expected to more
accurately signal the monetary policy stance.

Micro finance institutions
The Reserve Bank has capped interest rates charged by micro finance institutions from small borrowers at 26 per cent, but
opened for MFIs the bank credit line which was curtailed following the crisis faced by the sector in October, 2010. The loan by
the banks to MFIs for on-lending to small borrowers will fall under 'priority sector' category if the RBI guidelines are met.
Broadly accepting the recommendations of the Malegam Committee, the RBI has fixed the loan amount for an individual
borrower at Rs 35,000 from an MFI. The expert panel had suggested the limit of Rs 25,000 with an interest rate cap of 24 per

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Debt-oriented mutual funds
The Reserve Bank has decided to limit bank investment in liquid schemes of debt-oriented mutual funds (DoMF) at 10 per
cent of their net worth. The RBI said that same money was circularly moving between the banks and the DoMFs, which could
potentially lead to systemic risk. It said the liquid schemes continue to rely heavily on institutional investors such as
commercial banks for investment. In turn, DoMFs invest heavily in certificates of deposit (CDs) of banks.

Indias foreign trade data unveiled

Indias Foreign Trade
2009-10 178751.41
2010-11 245868.29
%Growth: 2010-11/ 2009-2010 37.55
2009-10 288372.87
2010-11 350694.97
%Growth: 2010-11/ 2009-2010 21.61
2009-2010 -109621.46
2010-11 -104826.68


2009-10 845533.62
2010-11 1118822.85
%Growth: 2010-11/ 2009-2010 32.32
2009-10 1363735.55
2010-11 1596869.37
%Growth: 2010-11/ 2009-2010 17.10
2009-2010 -518201.93
2010-11 -478046.52

Union Commerce Ministry unveiled Indias foreign trade data on May 3, 2011. While exports grew 37.5% to $245.86 billion
imports went up by 21.6% to $350.69 billion in 2010-11. The Commerce Ministry also unveiled salient points of strategy for
doubling exports in next three years from US $ 246 billion in 2010-11 to US$ 500 billion in 2013-14.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK


Indias exports for the period April-March 2010 -11 was US $ 245868.29 million (Rs 1118822.85 crore) as against US $
178751.41 million (Rs. 845533.62 crore) registering a growth of 37.5 per cent in Dollar terms and 32.3 per cent in Rupee terms
over the same period last year.


Indias imports for the period April-March, 2010-11 was US $ 350694.97 million (Rs. 1596869.37 crore) as against US $
288372.87 million (Rs. 1363735.55 crore) registering a growth of 21.6 per cent in Dollar terms and 17.1 per cent in Rupee
terms over the same period last year.


Oil imports during April-March, 2010-11 were valued at US$ 101689.2 million which was 16.7 per cent higher than the oil
imports of US $ 87135.9 million in the corresponding period last year.

Non-oil imports during April - March, 2010-11 were valued at US$ 249005.7 million which was 23.7 per cent higher than the
level of such imports valued at US$ 201236.9 million in April - March, 2009-10.

The trade deficit for April - March, 2010-11 was estimated at US $ 104826.68 million which was lower than the deficit of US $
109621.46 million during April -March, 2009-10.

Salient Points of Strategy for Doubling Exports in next Three Years (2011-12 to 2013-14)


The target is to double the countrys merchandise exports in dollar terms over the next three years (2011-12 to 2013-14) from
US $ 246 billion in 2010-11 to US$ 500 billion in 2013-14.

To realize this, exports have to grow at a compound average growth of 26.7 % per annum.

The overall strategy to realize this goal is

Product Strategy

1. Build on our strength in sectors with great growth potential
engineering goods
basic chemical industries and organic and inorganic chemical industries
pharmaceutical industry (including biotech)

2. Promote light manufacturing exports with high value addition
leather products and textiles

3. Encourage high employment generating sectors
gems and jewellery
agricultural products

Market Strategy
Focus on markets in Asia (including ASEAN), Africa and Latin America.
Open up new vistas, both in terms of markets and new products in these new markets
Retain presence and market share in our old developed country markets;
Move up the value chain in providing products in these old developed country markets

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

Technologies and R&D
Areas that hold out promise for high technology exports
Computer and software based smart engineering
Environmental products; green technology and high-value engineering products
High end areas in electronics, aerospace, and engineering products

Building a Brand Image
thrust for quality upgradation
expanded certification of export products encouraged, where needed
Brand India promotion campaign for key export products

Essential Support
Essential policy support needed to realize the ambitious export targets for 2013-14 and beyond is:
Stable policy environment: Continuation of existing incentive schemes
Preferential access to new markets: putting in place conducive trading arrangements
Reduction in transaction costs: Implementation of recommendations of Task Force
Substantial step up in overall Plan support
Strengthening of trade related infrastructure, 2011 16:40 IST

Plan Com suggests quota to boost domestic electronic hardware production

The Planning Commission on May 2, 2011 recommended that 30 per cent of the governments procurement of electronic
hardware be reserved for domestic companies. The objective is to encourage domestic manufacture of electronic hardware.
The commission says the countrys manufacturing capacities for electronic hardware are woefully behind the demand and
would not expand unless a big push is given. According to the commission's estimates, the countrys capacity of electronic
manufactured goods stood at about $20 billion in 2009, whereas the demand was at $45 billion.

If the countrys capacity of manufacturing electronic hardware continues at the current rate and the demand also grows at the
present pace, the demand would expand to $400 billion and the capacity to $106 billion by 2030. The Commission fears that
by 2030, the import bill for electronic equipment could outpace the petroleum, oil and lubricants segment. During 2010-11,
India's import bill of this segment stood at $101.7 billion, while that of electronic equipment was at $36.8 billion.

The Commission has also suggested to the Cabinet to set up two plants to manufacture semiconductor wafers with a total
investment of Rs 7,500 crore to boost the countrys electronic hardware production.

Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 2010 comes into effect: The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
2010, which bans organisations of political nature from receiving foreign contribution, came into effect from May 1, 2011. Till
now, such organisations had to get prior clearances from the government. The Act has also done away with the system of
granting permanent registration to any organisation. The legislation will ensure that every five years the organisations renew
their registration so that the dormant ones can be weeded out. The fresh rules are stringent and disallow organisations of
political nature from receiving foreign contribution. Further, to deal with bona fide mistakes of NGOs, provision has been
made for compounding of offences. The Act, which was passed by both Houses of Parliament, is aimed at consolidating the
law to regulate the acceptance and utilisation of foreign contribution or foreign hospitality by certain individuals or
associations or companies. The new Act was necessitated in the wake of security concerns.

Loans to NBFCs lose priority sector tag: The Reserve Bank of India on May 5, 2011 clarified that bank loans to non-
banking finance companies (NBFCs), excluding microfinance institutions which are categorised as NBFC, would not be
classified as priority sector loans. This means that the NBFCs will have to pay a higher rate of interest on loans taken from
banks and their cost of funds will go up. NBFCs depend on banks for 80 per cent of their credit requirement. About 10-12 per
cent of the total bank loans are classified as priority sector loans. There would also be some reduction of credit flow to the
sector because some of these transactions were happening only because of priority sector classification. The objective
behind the RBI move is to bring parity between MFIs and NBFCs (other than MFIs such as housing loan, vehicle loan

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

companies). Bank loans to microfinance institutions come with stringent conditions attached. For a bank loan to be classified
as priority sector loan, banks are required to ensure a margin cap of 12 per cent and an interest rate cap of 26 per cent by the
MFI. No such conditions are there for all other NBFCs. In such a scenario, banks would prefer giving loans to NBFCs rather
than MFIs.

RBI increases m-wallet limit: Relaxing the norms for making payments using the mobile phones, known as m-wallet, the
Reserve Bank of India on May 4, 2011 decided to increase the limit of money loading to Rs. 50,000 from the existing limit of
Rs. 5,000. Leading mobile operators such as Bharti Airtel and Vodafone had tied up with State Bank of India and ICICI Bank
respectively to offer such facilities to their subscribers. The apex bank in its notification has also said that it would treat semi-
closed mobile wallet at par with the other semi-closed prepaid instruments. In the semi-closed mobile wallet, money can be
loaded on to a cell phone from a licenced company, which can be used to make payments. But it cannot be used to withdraw
money from the mobile.

Inter-ministerial group discusses high inflation with RBI: An inter-ministerial group (IMG) chaired by Chief
Economic Adviser Kaushik Basu on May 6, 2011 discussed ways to tackle high inflation with Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Governor D Subbarao. Secretaries from finance, commerce and agriculture ministries who are part of the IMG also attended
the meeting. Recently, the RBI had hiked the key policy rates by 50 basis points to contain inflation, which is seen as an
aggressive stand which may slow down economic growth. With a view to check rising prices, the RBI has hiked key policy
rates nine times since March 2010. Although food inflation came down to 8.53% in April from the 20% level seen in February
last year, actual prices of food items continue to remain high. This is the third meeting of the IMG since its formation in
February to suggest measures to control spiralling prices, particularly that of essential items.

India on US priority watch list on intellectual property rights: United States on May 3, 2011 placed India,
Pakistan, China and nine other countries on the top priority watch list with regard to violations of intellectual property rights
(IPR). Countries on the Priority Watch List present the most significant concerns for the US regarding insufficient IPR
protection or enforcement, or otherwise limited market access for persons relying on intellectual property protection. Twelve
countries India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Algeria, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Israel, Thailand and Venezuela
are on the Priority Watch List. These countries will be the subject of particularly intense bilateral engagement during the
coming year, the US Trade Representative (USTR) said as it released its annual Special 301 Report on the adequacy and
effectiveness of US trading partners' protection of IPR.

FICCI proposes to set up National Knowledge Functional Hub: Industry body FICCI on May 3, 2011 proposed the
setting up of National Knowledge Functional Hub (NKFH) to engage higher educational institutions with the industry to
produce quality engineering graduates and meet increasing requirement of skilled hands in the market. FICCI Capital Goods
Committee Chairman K Venkataramanan said that the NKFH would facilitate industry-academia connect in tier-II and tier-III
institutions which are the source of bulk engineering graduates for the capital goods industry. Venkataramanan
recommended that each capital goods company can adopt two to three institutions in its vicinity for sustained interaction and
collaboration under the proposed initiative.

ISRO stakes claim to India's fastest supercomputer: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has
announced that it had built Indias fastest supercomputer in terms of theoretical peak performance of 220 Trillion Floating
Point Operations Per Second (TeraFLOPS). The supercomputer christened SAGA-220, built by the Satish Dhawan
Supercomputing Facility located at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram, for about Rs 14 crore, was
inaugurated by ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan on May 2, 2011. The new Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) based
supercomputer, SAGA-220 (Supercomputer for Aerospace with GPU Architecture-220 TeraFLOPS) is being used by space
scientists for solving complex aerospace problems. SAGA-220 is designed and built by the VSSC using commercially-
available hardware, open source software components and in-house developments. The system uses 400 NVIDIA Tesla
2070 GPUs and 400 Intel Quad Core Xeon CPUs supplied by Wipro with high speed interconnect. The present GPU system
offers significant advantage over the conventional CPU-based system in terms of cost, power and space requirements. The
system is environmentally friendly and consumes only 150 Kw of power. This system can easily be scaled up to many
PetaFLOPS (1,000 TeraFLOPS).

Mumbai Airport approaches AERA on restoring Development Fees: The GVK-led Mumbai International Airport
(MIAL) on May 5, 2011 approached sectoral regulator Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) seeking permission to
charge Airport Development Fees (ADF) from passengers. The move follows the Supreme Court order, which ruled recently

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

that only the AERA has the power to allow privately developed Delhi and Mumbai airports to collect the fee. AERA Chairman
Yashwant Bhawe informed that GVK had applied for the permission.

India, China to grow the most in APAC UN Agency: India and China will remain the fastest growing economies in
Asia-Pacific by expanding at respective rates of 8.7% and 9.5% in 2011, much above the average of the region, UN agency
ESCAP said on May 9, 2011. The UNESCAP report outlook for the Indian economy is healthy even as Reserve Bank and
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee have lowered the growth estimates for the economy for 2011-12. Both the RBI and
Mukherjee have pegged the Indian growth in this fiscal at 8% from the earlier estimates of 9%. ESCAP's projection for India is
higher than that for developing economies in the Asia-Pacific region, where growth is pegged at around 7.3% in 2011.

Business confidence falls 8% in October-March: A latest business expectation survey, carried out in March 2011
shortly after the Union Budget, shows a further dip of 8 per cent in the NCAER-MasterCard Index of Business Confidence
(BCI). In the previous survey, the BCI declined by 2 per cent compared to October 2010, so this is the second consecutive
decline since October 2010. According to the findings of the survey revealed on May 3, 2011, the public mood was affected
by scams and legal proceedings on corruption cases.The survey results provide strong indications of sluggish industrial
growth. As indicators of the short-term outlook, the findings point to the need for addressing uncertainties affecting the
business environment.

R.K. Upadhyay appointed BSNL CMD: The Government on May 2, 2011 appointed R.K. Upadhyay as the Chairman
and Managing Director of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. Upadhyay is a 1975 batch officer of Indian Telecom Services and
currently heads Telecom Consultants India Ltd. The Government had appointed a search-cum-selection panel under National
Knowledge Commission head, Sam Pitroda, with the objective of attracting the best talent for turning around the loss-making
telecom PSU. Over the past two months, the panel got in touch with as many as 20 candidates from the private sector but no
one showed interest for the post citing political and labour related issues.

G. C. Chaturvedi appointed Petroleum Secretary: G. C. Chaturvedi, special director general in the Organising
Committee of the Commonwealth Games 2010 took charge as petroleum secretary on May 4, 2011 from S. Sundareshan
who has taken over as new Secretary, Department of Heavy Industries. Sundareshan succeeds B.S. Meena, who demitted
office on superannuation on 30 April, 2011. Chaturvedis appointment comes at a time when Vedanta Resources Plcs
proposed acquisition of a majority stake in Cairn India Ltd for $9.6 billion is stuck. A group of ministers (GoM) has been asked
by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs to give its assent for government approval. State-owned Oil and Natural Gas
Corp. Ltd (ONGC) has made the resolution of a royalty payment dispute a precondition for the deals approval. ONGC is
Cairn Indias partner in a joint venture that runs the latters main oil asset in the countryblock RJ-ON-90/1 in Rajasthan.
ONGC wants to be compensated for royalty payments to the government that it has been making on the Rajasthan oil

Rakesh Singh is interim LIC Chairman: Rakesh Singh, an Additional Secretary in the Finance Ministry, has been
appointed as the acting Chairman of LIC. T.S. Vijayan, erstwhile LIC Chairman, has failed to get an extension as Chairman
although he still has two more years to reach superannuation. Vijayan is now being relegated to Managing Director, a post he
held before getting elevated as Chairman in 2006. His five-year term as LIC Chairman came to an end on May 2, 2011.

Shekhar Shah appointed NCAER director-general: Economic think-tank National Council of Applied Economic
Research (NCAER) on May 6, 2011 announced appointment of Shekhar Shah as its new director-general. Shah was the
World Banks Regional Economic Advisor for South Asia until recently. He will succeed Suman Bery. Shashanka Bhide,
senior research counsellor at NCAER has been officiating as Director-General since Berys exit. Unique Identification
Authority Chairman Nandan Nilekani is the President of NCAERs governing body.

Balachandran appointed Pharmaceuticals Authority Chairman: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
(ACC) on May 5, 2011 approved the appointment of G. Balachandran, presently Adviser, Inter State Council Secretariat, as
Chairman, National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority under the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and
Fertilizers, in the rank and pay of Additional Secretary in the vacancy of S.M.Jharwal, IES.

Nirmal Chandra Jha is new Coal India Chairman: Nirmal Chandra Jha was on May 4, 2011 appointed as Chairman of
worlds largest coal mining company, Coal India Ltd (CIL). Jha, who was appointed interim Chairman in March, succeeded
Partha S. Bhattacharyya, who retired on February 28.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK


GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Sri Lankas T20 league to start in July-August: Some of the best players from India, Australia, Pakistan, West Indies
and South Africa are set to participate in a Twenty20 league that will be held in July-August this year. Five domestic teams
from Sri Lanka, captained by the likes of Mahela Jayawardene and Kumar Sangakkara, among others, will feature in the
tournament. Somerset Entertainment, a company that bought rights to Sri Lanka Cricket last year, will run the league, it was
announced on May 5, 2011.

BCCI recommends Zaheer Khan for Arjuna award: The BCCI on May 3, 2011 recommended pace spearhead
Zaheer Khan for the prestigious Arjuna award for his excellent showing in the cricket World Cup. The bowler, who took 21
wickets to finish the tournament as the joint-highest wicket-taker with Shahid Afridi of Pakistan, has been in good form over
the past one year. If Zaheer wins the award, he will join the likes of Salim Durani, Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi Vijay Manjrekar
and team-mates Virender Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir, Harbhajan Singh, Sachin Tendulkar amongst others. Gambhir was the
last male cricketer to have won the award, in 2009, while women's team bowler Jhulan Goswamy received the honour last

Alastair Cook named England's new ODI skipper: Opening batsman Alastair Cook was on May 5, 2011 named
England's new ODI skipper and young paceman Stuart Broad was appointed Twenty20 captain. Cook took over from Andrew
Strauss, who has retired from ODI cricket while Broad replaced Paul Collingwood, who had led the national side to World
Twenty20 title last year. England is the only team to have different captains for all three formats of the game.

Cricket South Africa reinstates Nyoka as President: Cricket South Africa (CSA) on May 5, 2011 reinstated ousted
president Mtutuzeli Nyoka and is to order an independent investigation into its finances after a public spat over bonuses.
Nyoka was fired following a feud with the organisation's chief executive, Gerald Majola, over the payment of a 1.7-million-
rand ($248,000) bonus to Majola after the staging of the IPL in South Africa in 2009. Nyoka took CSA to court after the
federation passed a vote of no confidence in him at a special meeting in February.

Lee wins India Open badminton championship: Malaysias Lee Chong Wei on May 1, 2011 beat Denmarks Peter
Gade to win the Mens Singles title at the $200,000 India Open Super Series badminton championship in New Delhi. The
21-12, 12-21, 21-15 victory in 62 minutes was worth $15,000 for Lee. The Womens Singles title went to unseeded
Thailands Porntip Buranaprasertsuk, who scored a 21-13, 21-16 triumph over third seed Korean Bae Youn Joo. The Mens
Doubles title was won by Hirokatsu Hashimoto and Noriyasu Hirata of Japan who defeated Angga Pratama and Ryan Agung
Saputra of Indonesia 21-17, 21-9. Womens Doubles title was won by the Japanese team of Miyuki Maeka and Satoko
Suetsuna who beat their compatriots Mizuki Fujii and Reika Kakiiwa. Mixed Doubles title was won by the Indonesian team of
Tantowi Ahmad and Lilyana Natsir who beat Fran Kurniawan and Pia Zebadiah Bernadeth also from Indonesia 21-18, 23-21
in the final.

Saina ends runner-up in Malaysian Open Grand Prix: Xin Wang of China beat Indias Saina Nehwal 13-21, 21-8, 21-
14 to win the womens singles title at the Malaysian Open Grand Prix Gold Badminton tournament at Kuala Lumpur on May 8,
2011. Men's Singles title was won by Chong Wei Lee of Malaysia who defeated Chinas Chunlai Bao 21-9, 21-19 in the final.

Potro wins Estoril Open: Juan del Potro defeated Spain's Fernando Verdasco 6-2, 6-2 at the Estoril Open for his first title
on clay in three years at Estoril, Portugal on May 1, 2011. Del Potro's title was his second of the season after winning on hard
court in Delray Beach, Florida, in February. The Argentine missed much of 2010 after a wrist surgery. Meanwhile Annabel
Medina Garrigues cruised past Kristina Barrois 6-1, 6-2 to win the women's singles title at the Estoril Open on April 30.

Djokovic beats Nadal to win Madrid Open: Novak Djokovic beat Rafael Nadal 7-5 6-4 to win the Madrid Open final in
straight sets on May 8, 2011. His win also ended Nadal's run of 37 straight wins on clay, stretching back to the 2009 French

Djokovic wins Serbia Open: Serbias Novak Djokovic defeated Spains Feliciano Lopez 7-6(4), 6-2 to win the Serbia
Open at Belgrade on April 30, 2011. This was Djokovic's 27
straight victory and fifth title this season. Meanwhile in Munich,
Nikolay Davydenko of Russia defeated Germanys Florian Mayer 6-3, 3-6, 6-1 in the final to win the BMW Open on April 30.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 1 to 7, 2011 Current GK

AC Milan claim 18
Serie A title: AC Milan on May 8, 2011 claimed an 18
Serie A title following a 0-0 draw at Roma
that gave them an unassailable lead at the top of the table. Serie A is a professional league competition for football clubs
located at the top of the Italian football league system and has been operating for over eighty years since 1929. The 0-0 draw
ensured that with two rounds remaining Milan's nearest rival Internazionale (also known as Inter Milan) could only draw level
on points, and Milan holds the tiebreaker based on their better head-to-head record. The trophy will be presented at Milan's
next home game on 14 May. It was Milan's first Serie A title since 2004 and it ended a run of five successive Serie A titles by
their rival Internazionale. It was also the first league title for manager Massimiliano Allegri, winning in his first year with AC

Gurmeet sets new national record in men's 20km walk: Gurmeet Singh of Jharkhand on May 3, 2011 set a new
national record in men's 20km walk by improving upon the earlier mark by nearly three minutes to hog the limelight in the
season-opening Indian Grand Prix at Patiala. Gurmeet clocked 1:20:35 to eclipse the earlier national record of 1:23:06 set in
2009 by Babubhai Panocha.

Vettal wins Turkish Grand Prix: World champion Sebastian Vettal, who started from the pole, led a Red Bull one-two
with Mark Webber finishing second at the Turkish Grand Prix in Istanbul on May 8, 2011. Fernando Alonso claimed Ferrari's
first podium finish of the season by securing the third position. Force Indias Adrian Sutil finished 13
while his team-mate
Paul Di Resta was unable to finish the race. India's Narain Karthikeyan, racing for Hispania, finished 21
, ahead of his
teammate Vitantonio Liuzzi.

Suwannawat wins Asian Snooker Championship: Thailands Passakorn Suwannawat beat Indias Aditya Mehta to
win the title in the Asian snooker championship at the Yeshwant Club, Indore on April 30, 2011. Suwannawat displayed a
focused and skillful performance to outsmart 2008 runner-up Mehta 60 (33)-41, 0-77 (57), 76 (40)-20, 59-58, 69 (69)-66 (66),
24-87, 83 (70)-13, 72-61 in the best of 11-frame summit clash. This was the maiden continental title for the 25-year-old Thai,
who bagged the winner's purse of $3,500. Mehta got $1,750 as the runner-up. The losing semifinalists, Pankaj Advani and
Mohammad Rais Senzahi, took home $500 each.

Former world No. 1 golfer Ballesteros passes away: Former World No. 1 golfer Severiano Ballesteros of Spain
passed away at the age of 54 on May 7, 2011. One of the sport's leading figures from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s,
Ballesteros won five major championships between 1979 and 1988, the Open Championship three times, and the Masters
Tournament twice. He was also successful in the Ryder Cup, helping the European team to five wins both as a player and
captain against the US, and won the World Match Play Championship a record-tying five times.

Lee Westwood retains No. 1 ranking in Golf: Britains Lee Westwood on May 1, 2011 clinched the Ballantines
Championship by a stroke at Seoul and consolidated his world number one ranking. Miguel Angel Jimenez of Spain came
second while Park Sang-hyun of South Korea finished.

The Great Golden Sacrifice Of The Mahabharata by Maggi Lidchi-Grassi
Indira Gandhi: The Final Chapter by Suraj Eskay Sriram Niyogi
Towards The True Kinship: How The World's Religions Can Come Together by The Dalai Lama
Curry: The Story Of Britain's Favourite Dish by Stirabant Basu
Niche: Why the Market No Longer Favours The Mainstream by James Harkin
Tress Incredible: Ufe Sustaining Lives by Madan Mohan Pant
Lost Years Of The RSS By Sanjeev Kelkar
City Of The Lion By Carl Muller
Colonial Justice in British India: White Violence and the Rule of Law by Elizabeth Kolsky
Insurgent Sepoys: Europe views the Revolt of 1857 edited by Shaswati Mazumdar
An Odyssey in War and Peace by Lieutenant General J F R Jacob
Federalism And Fiscal Transfers In India by C. Rangarajan, D. K. Srivastava
Lata - Voice of the Golden Era by Mandar V Bichu
Biodiversity Conservation An Antidote to Climate Change by C.H. Basappanavar.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

Assembly election results announced
Y S Jaganmohan Reddy wins by-election in AP
SC stays Allahabad High Court verdict on Ayodhya
SC quashes Karnataka MLAs disqualification
India ratifies UN Conventions against crime & corruption
IT Ministry clarifies liability of intermediaries in IT Act, 2000
Vaccine Policy for govt. run Immunisation Programme
UN Decade of Action for road safety launched
RTI to have precedence over apex courts internal rules CIC
India signs Nagoya Protocol on Genetic Resources
Special issue of Think India Quarterly on Faiz released
Indias first hydropower engg institute in Uttarakhand
Army, Air Force joint exercise conducted
Govt. to assess impact of GDP growth on ecology
UN report praises NREGA
Gold plating of Tirupati temple shelved
CCEA approves GSI proposal for new research vessel
India signs DTAA with Colombia
India releases list of 50 most wanted fugitives
Jamia Millia issues new reservation norms
India, Pakistan resume talks on Tulbul project
New Tiger Reserves to come up in Karnataka
Bombay to replace Gujarat in nomenclature
Gujarat to place LED screens in villages
Parekh elected SCBA president
Bevan is new British High Commissioner to India
Talwar to head reconstituted MCI Board
Binayak Sen in Plan Comm health committee
P. Sridevan assumes office as IPAB Chairman

Section B: WORLD
US Defence Budget at $690 bn in 2012
Pak nuclear plant at Chashma inaugurated
World Nursing Day observed
Indian PM pledges $500m to Afghanistan during PMs visit
Official UK inquiry into Iraq war to be revealed after Oct 2011
Nepal to see 1-year extension for Constituent Assembly
UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries organised
Centre for Rising Powers launched at Cambridge
Syria withdraws bid for UN Human Right Council
Chile approves Patagonia hydro project
Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus quits as MD
Obama seeks extension for FBI Director Mueller
Museveni sworn in as President of Uganda
Queen Elizabeth II reign 2
longest in UK history
Section C: AWARDS
Technology Day awards presented
Samsung India Tagore Awards announced
Merkel chosen for Jawaharlal Nehru Award
Women bag top 2 positions in civil services exam
Govt. announces award named after Tagore
Orissa NGO wins Equator Prize
Julian Assange awarded Sydney Peace Prize
Whitley Award for IISER professor
Mouttappa wins Chevalier award
Kerala Tourism ad film wins honour at NY festival

CCI releases regulation for M&As in corporate sector
Govt. to conduct 6
economic census as a central scheme
SC imposes two-month ban on endosulfan
Guidelines on clinical trials introduced
Parikh committee recommends higher tax on diesel vehicles
Electronic Service Delivery Bill, 2011 introduced
India, Australia to launch FTA talks in June
FDI in Limited Liability Partnership cos. allowed
Poscos Orissa project gets clearance for land acquisition
RBI sets up committee on forex facilities to individuals
Exports from SEZs up 43% in 2010-11
Credit cards transaction up over 22% in 2010-11
Home loan priority tag revised
India to invite bids for exploration of shale gas reserves
RIL stops gas supply to non-priority sector
PNGRB can now process CNG, city gas & PNG licences
ISMA lowers sugar output estimate to 24.2 mt
CSIR registers pvt co. to reap profits on patents
Karnataka launches e-payment for commercial tax payers
New Socio Economic Classification introduced
World Spice Organisation formed
Indo-US Chamber of Commerce to open its 1st office in NY

Section E: SPORTS

Gopi Chand, Saina part ways
Mary Kom clinches gold in Asian Cup
Pinki Jangra wins gold at Arafura Games
FIH to launch Project Chak De
Harikrishna & Harika win Asian Chess
Manchester United win EPL title
Barcelona secure La Liga Spanish title hat-trick
Tendulkar wins Polly Umrigar Award

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA


Assembly election results announced

A convincing victory for the Trinamool Congress in West
Bengal and the
Congress in Assam
gave new confidence
and authority to the
ruling United
Progressive Alliance
(UPA). These are
among the five
assemblies for which
election results were
announced on May 13, 2011. Although the victory in Kerala
was narrow, it marked another point in the ruling coalitions
winning run. However, the alliance lost badly in Tamil Nadu
and Puducherry. These elections were about bold,
unequivocal verdicts. Kerala was the exception.

While the provisional polling percentage for the 30-member
Puducherry Assembly was recorded as 83.62 per cent, it
was 75.21 per cent for the election to the 234-member
Assembly in Tamil Nadu, and 74.4 per cent in Kerala, which
has the Legislative Assembly strength of 140 members. In
the 126-member Assam Assembly election overall
percentage of voting registered at 76.3. West Bengal saw a
poll percentage of over 75%.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), second largest party in
the Parliament, got just five seats in the 828 seats that went
to the polls.

Equations within UPA generally favoured the Congress.
Although one of its allies (K Karunanidhis DMK) went out of
power and the other ally (Mamata Banerjees Trinamool
Congress) routed the 34-year Left rule, the Congress finds
itself in a position from which it can dictate terms to DMK
and use its power at the Centre to keep Banerjee in check.

The biggest victory came from West Bengal, where the
Trinamool alone crossed the half-way mark the longest
serving communist government. The Congress almost
tripled its tally from the 2006 elections.

V S Achuthanandan led a brave fight in Kerala. VS, as he is
popularly called, was initially denied ticket by the lobby led
by Karat and Kerala CPI(M) Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan.

The Congress, too, will have to do a tightrope walk in
Kerala, as it has a margin of just two seats. Already, the
partners have raised the price for support and started
demanding plum portfolios.

In policy terms, the Congress-led UPA will now have to
battle a newly empowered victorious ally, the Trinamool, on
land acquisition. Trinamool leader Banerjee is strongly
opposed to giving agricultural land to industry. But the
leverage the Congress has is Banerjees and West Bengals
dependence on the Centre for funds and cooperation. West
Bengal and Kerala are two of the biggest debt-ridden states
and Banerjees efforts at good governance cant succeed
without pro-active support from the Centre. As of now, the
Congress will continue its alliance with DMK at the Centre.
In Assam, the party is in a comfortable position. Following is
an account of election results in each state.


The West Bengal state assembly election, 2011 was held in
six phases between 18 April and 10 May, 2011 for all the
294 seats of the Vidhan Sabha in the state of West Bengal
in India. The Trinamool Congress won an absolute majority
of seats. The election also marked the defeat for the longest
serving democratically elected Communist government in
the world after the 34-year rule of the Left Front government
West Bengal :294

2006 2011
Parties/Alliances % Votes Seats
Left Front+ 48.41 227 41 61
CPI (M) 37.13 176

AIFB 5.66 23

RSP 3.71 20

CPI 1.91 8


Trinamool+ 41.61 52 49 227
Trinamool 26.64 30 39 184
Congress 14.71 21 10 42

Others+ 9.98 15

Independents 4.22 6

GJM 0.5 3



GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

With the grand alliance of the Trinamool and the Congress
sweeping the elections, the Left Front faced its worst-ever
electoral debacle. In an Assembly of 294, with the TMC-
Congress-SUCI alliance securing 226 seats (Trinamool 183,
Congress 42, SUCI one), the Left managed to get 63 seats
(CPM getting 40). The Congress benefited from the alliance,
with its tally jumping from 17 seats in 2006 jumping to 42 in

The Chief Minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee was defeated
in Jadavpur constituency by the Trinamools Manish Gupta,
a former state chief secretary contesting his first election.
Gupta had been considered a close confidant of the CM in
his role as the states top bureaucrat. This is the first time
the CPM has been defeated in Jadavpur since the
constituency was formed in 1967.

Left front ministers who were trounced included the industry
minister, Nirupam Sen, the finance minister, Asim Dasgupta
, the sports minister, Kanti Ganguly, the urban development
minister, Ashok Bhattacharya, the housing minister, Gautam
Deb, the higher education minister. Sudershan
Roychowdhury, and the PWD minister, Kshiti Goswami. A
total of 23 ministers failed to get re-elected, including 14 at
the Cabinet level.

Tamil Nadu :234

2006 2011
DMK+ 41.78 150 40 31
DMK 26.46 96

Congress 8.38 34

PMK 5.65 18

AIADMK+ 45.54 77 53 203
AIADMK 32.64 61

DMDK [2] 8.33 1

CPI(M)[3] 2.65 9


AIFB [3] 0.31 0



Others+ 12.68 7 6 0

The fourteenth legislative assembly election was held on
April 13, 2011 to elect members from 234 constituencies in
Tamil Nadu. Results were released on May 13, 2011. Two
major parties Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and All
India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) faced
the election as coalitions of multiple parties with the DMK
front consisting of 8 parties and the AIADMK of 11 parties.
Actor Vijayakanths Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam
(DMDK) which had contested the previous elections
independently allied with AIADMK coalition

It was a grand win for J. Jayalalithaa and her AIADMK in a
contest that saw a huge amount of cash and promised
freebies. Chief Minister, M. Karunanidhi, won his Tiruvarur
seat with a big lead of over 50,000 votes but his son, M.K.
Stalin, managed to scrape through with a margin of about
2,400 votes. Almost all the DMK heavyweights lost and that
list includes the general secretary, K. Anbazhagan, in
Villivakkam in north Chennai.

Kerala :140

2006 2011
LDF+ 44.17 90 45 68
CPI (M) 30.45 61

CPI 8.09 17

RSP 1.44 3

JDS 2.44 5

Independents 6.03 5


UDF+ 36.78 40 46 72
Congress 24.09 24

Muslim League 7.30 7

KC (M) 3.26 7

KC (B) 0.62 1

KC (J)



Others+ 19.05 10 0 0

The thirteenth legislative assembly election was held on
April 13, 2011 to elect members of the 140 constituencies in
Kerala. Election results were released on May 13, 2011.
The results proved to be one of the closest elections in
Keralas history, with the UDF beating the LDF by a margin
of 4 seats. The Congress-led UDF wrested power by
winning 72 of the 140 seats in the Kerala Assembly, but
buoyed by a spirited campaign by chief minister V S

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

Achuthanandan the ruling the CPM-led LDF averted a rout
in the state lashed until recently by an anti-incumbency
wave. The LDF won 68 seats, drastically improving its
position from the defeat it had suffered in the Lok Sabha
elections in 2009 and local polls. BJPs attempts to open
account, however, came to a naught again.

The UDFs narrow victory raised fears of political
uncertainty, even in the Congress because it has won just
one seat above the number of 71 required to form the
government. The coalition comprises of several parties
representing strong interest groups as well as some tiny
parties with just one or two MLAs.

What compounds worries for Congress is the success of its
allies. The Muslim League which contested 25 seats won 20
while the Kerala Congress (M) led by K M Mani returned in
10 of its 15 seats. The Congress could secure only 38 of the
82 seats where it had fielded candidates.

UDF schemes to wrest a clean sweep by roping in leaders
of certain communal groups seem to have failed to yield
much dividends. On the other side, the strong campaigns of
VS against corruption, attack on women, against plundering
of the environment and a host of related issues appear to
have struck a chord among large sections of the people,
especially women.

The 17
Assam legislative assembly election was held in
two phases on 4 and 11 April, 2011 to elect members from
126 constituencies in Assam, India. The result was
announced on May 13, 2011. The election resulted in a
landslide victory for the Indian National Congress and its
incumbent Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, who will be sworn in
for the third straight term.

Assam :126

2006 2011
Congress 31.08 53 40 78
AGP 20.39 24

BJP 11.98 10

AIUDF 9.03 10

Independents 16.62 22

Others 8.47 4



The Congress won an absolute majority in the 126-member
state assembly, winning in 78 seats. The majority mark in
the Assam assembly is 64. Gogoi proved he is the
Congresss best mascot in Assam by leading the party to
victory from panchayat to Parliament in all the elections,
barring one, since 2001. He also showed, once again, that
the people of Assam have no alternative to him at this
juncture, when the state is seriously trying to buy peace with
rebel outfit ULFA.
The biggest surprise in this election was the All India United
Democratic Front (AIUDF), led by Badaruddin Ajmal. By
winning 18 seats, the AIUDF emerged as the largest
opposition party. Its 2006 tally was only 10. The party, which
champions the cause of Muslims, proved wrong the
predictions of all exit polls.
The main opposition, AGP, which went all out against
Gogoi, accusing his government of being neck-deep in
corruption, faced a humiliating defeat and managed only 10

Puducherry :30

2006 2011
Cong+ 46.3 19

Congress 29.91 10

DMK 12.59 7

AIADMK+ 16.04 3

AIADMK 16.04 3

NR Congress

Others+ 37.66 8

Independents 13.92 3


The All India NR Congress (AINRC)-All India Anna Dravida
Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) alliance won 20 of the 30
constituencies in Puducherry, setting stage for the alliance
to forge a government. The 30 constituencies in the Union
Territory, comprising 23 constituencies in Puducherry, five
in Karaikal and one each in Yanam and Mahe, AINRC alone
won 15 seats, while the AIADMK won five. The alliance has
crossed the halfway mark of 16 seats to form the next

The Indian National Congress (INC)-Dravida Munnetra
Kazhagam (DMK) alliance, ruling till now, won a total of nine
constituencies. INC has won in seven seats and DMK
candidates were elected in two seats.

N Rangasamy, former chief minister for the Union Territory
and chief of AINRC, won in Indira Nagar against V

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

Aroumougam of INC for a margin of 16,677 votes. He also
marked a victory in Kadirgamam constituency against V
Pethaperumal of INC for a margin of 9757 votes.

Chief Minister V Vaithilingam won in Kamaraj Nagar,
defeating Nara Kalainathan of Communist Party of India.
Rangasamy formed AINRC after he was replaced by
Vaithilingam as Chief Minister of the Congress-led
government in Puducherry in 2008.

Puducherry recorded a turnout of 85.57 per cent of 805,000
votes during the polling held on April 13.

Y S Jaganmohan Reddy wins by-election in AP: Y S
Jaganmohan Reddy, founder of the YSR Congress and son
of former chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy (YSR), on
May 14, 2011 created a record in the electoral history of
Andhra Pradesh. He retained the Lok Sabha seat of
Kadapa, which he had won in 2009 on a Congress ticket, by
defeating the rival Congress and Telugu Desam Party
(TDP) candidates with a margin of 543,053 votes in a by-
election. The victory margin surpasses the earlier record win
by 500,000 votes of former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao,
when he got elected from Nandyal in a by-election in 1991.
Jagans mother, Vijayamma, also retained the Pulivendula
assembly segment defeating her nearest Congress rival,
her own brother-in-law, Y S Vivekananda Reddy, the states
agriculture minister, by 85,191 votes. Both elections were
necessitated by mother and son quitting the party and their
seats last November, later forming their breakaway party.
After YSRs death in a helicopter crash in September 2009,
Vijayamma was elected unopposed to the Assembly from
Pulivendula, the seat he had held. However, both mother
and son differed with Congress president Sonia Gandhi and
quit the party and also resigned from Parliament and

Supreme Court stays Allahabad High Court
verdict on Ayodhya

The Supreme Court on May 9, 2011 stayed the Allahabad
High Court verdict that directed division of 2.77 acres of
land of the disputed Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid site in
Ayodhya into three parts among Hindus, Muslims and the
Nirmohi Akhara.

A Bench of Justices Aftab Alam and R.M. Lodha, admitting
a batch of appeals from both Hindu and Muslim
organisations, stayed the September 30, 2010 judgment of
the Lucknow Bench of the High Court and directed the
parties to maintain the status quo at the site.

Those who filed the appeals included the Sunni Central
Wakf Board, U.P.; the Nirmohi Akhara; the All-India Hindu
Mahasabha and Bhagwan Shri Ram Virajman.

The petitioners unanimously urged the apex court to stay
the High Court verdict and restore the status quo order
passed by the Supreme Court in 1994 and March 2002 in
respect of the activities on the 67.703 acres of government
land acquired in January 1993.

The Bench said the status quo at the disputed site would
remain as directed by the 1994 Constitution Bench and the
order passed on March 13-14, 2002.

The Bench, taking note of the 2002 order, directed that on
the 67.703 acres located in various plots detailed in the
Schedule to the Acquisition of Certain Area at Ayodhya Act,
1993, which is vested in the Central government, no
religious activity of any kind by anyone be permitted or
allowed to take place. The Bench, while directing the status
quo to continue, made it clear that the existing pujas in the
make-shift Ram Lala temple at the disputed site would go
on as usual.

SC quashes Karnataka MLAs disqualification

In a major setback to the BJP government in Karnataka, the
Supreme Court on May 13, 2011 set aside the Assembly
Speaker, K.G. Bopaiahs decision disqualifying 11 rebel
party MLAs and five Independents before the trust vote by
the Chief Minister, B.S. Yeddyurappa, in 2010 declaring his
order as unconstitutional and against the principles of
natural justice.

The speaker had disqualified the rebel legislators on an
October 8, 2010 petition of the ruling party after they gave a
letter to Governor H R Bhardwaj on October 6, withdrawing
support to the BJP government and for expressing their lack
of confidence in the leadership of Chief Minister B S
Yeddyurappa. Along with the 11 legislators, five
Independents were also disqualified on the same grounds.

Regarding the position of five Independents, the Supreme
Court explained that there was nothing on record to show
that five Independent MLAs had expressed anything, which
indicated that while joining the Council of Ministers, they
actually had intended to join the BJP, which would make
them liable to the provisions of the anti-defection law.

India ratifies UN Conventions against
organised crime and corruption

India on May 12, 2011 ratified the United Nations
Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and its
three protocols and the United Nations Convention against

Organised crime
The United Nations Convention against Transnational
Organised Crime is the main international instrument in the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

fight against transnational organized crime. It recognizes the
need to foster and enhance close international cooperation
in order to tackle those problems. The convention is further
supplemented by three Protocols, which target specific
areas and manifestations of organized crime namely
Protocols to combat (1) trafficking in persons (2) migrant
smuggling and (3) illicit trafficking in firearms.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption
complements the United Nations Convention against
Transnational Organised Crime. The Convention introduces
a comprehensive set of standards, measures and rules that
all countries can apply in order to strengthen their legal and
regulatory regimes to fight corruption.

The Convention enumerates in detail the measures to
prevent corruption, including the application of prevention
policies and practices, the establishment of bodies for that
purpose, the application of codes of conduct for public
servants, and public procurement. It recommends promoting
transparency and accountability in the management of
public finances and in the private sector, with tougher
accounting and auditing standards.

Measures to prevent money-laundering are also provided
for, together with measures to secure the independence of
the judiciary, public reporting and participation of society are
encouraged as preventive measures. The Convention
recommends the State Parties to adopt such legislative and
other measures as may be necessary to establish a whole
series of criminal offences. These are:
Corruption of national or foreign public officials and
officials of public international organizations;
embezzlement, misappropriation or other diversion by a
public official of any public or private property;
trading in influence;
abuse of functions and illicit enrichment

In the private sector, the Convention calls for the creation of
offences of embezzlement and corruption. There are other
offences relating to laundering the proceeds of crime,
handling stolen property, obstructing the administration of
justice, and participating in and attempting embezzlement or

IT Ministry clarifies on liability of
intermediaries under the IT Act, 2000

The government on May 11, 2011 responded to news items
in a section of media on certain aspects of the Rules notified
under Section 79 pertaining to liability of intermediaries
under the Information Technology Act, 2000.

These news items have raised two broad issues. One is that
words used in Rules for objectionable content are broad and
could be interpreted subjectively. Secondly, there is an
apprehension that the Rules enable the Government to
regulate content in a highly subjective and possibly arbitrary

The Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry
of Communications & IT has clarified that the Intermediaries
Guidelines Rules, 2011 prescribe that due diligence need to
be observed by the Intermediaries to enjoy exemption from
liability for hosting any third party information under Section
79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000. These due
diligence practices are the best practices followed
internationally by well-known mega corporations operating
on the Internet.

In case any issue arises concerning the interpretation of the
terms used by the Intermediary, which is not agreed to by
the user or affected person, the same can only be
adjudicated by a Court of Law. The Government or any of
its agencies have no power to intervene or even interpret.

DIT has also reiterated that there is no intention of the
Government to acquire regulatory jurisdiction over content
under these Rules. It has categorically said that these rules
do not provide for any regulation or control of content by the

According to the DIT, the government adopted a very
transparent process for formulation of the Rules under the
Information Technology Act. The draft Rules were published
on the Department of Information Technology website for
comments and were widely covered by the media. None of
the Industry Associations and other stakeholders objected
to the formulation which is now being cited in some section
of media.

The Government has been forward looking to create a
conducive environment for the Internet medium to catapult
itself onto a different plane with the evolution of the Internet.
The Government remains fully committed to freedom of
speech and expression and the citizens rights in this

Under the Information Technology Amendment Act, the
definition of Intermediary includes telecom services
providers, network providers, internet service providers,
web-hosting service providers in the definition of
intermediaries. Furthermore, search engines, online
payment sites, online-auction sites, online market places
and cyber cafs are also included in the definition of the

Vaccine Policy calls for govt. to take over
Immunisation Programme

The draft National Vaccine Policy has recommended that
the government take ownership of the countrys Universal
Immunisation Programme (UIP) for ensuring vaccine

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

security and equity by creating fiscal and legislative
provisions with appropriate support from external donors.

The draft policy unveiled on May 8, 2011 says that as such
funding depends heavily upon donor countries it is important
that India creates and strengthens its own mechanisms and
systems for long-term sustenance of programmes for
vaccine-preventable diseases. The draft policy also
recommends creation of a National Immunisation Authority
that could be supported by several cells responsible for
different functions, and a similar set up right up to the district

The draft policy was commissioned in September last to
address issues such as strengthening of the institutional
framework, processes, evidence base and framework
required for decision-making for new vaccine introduction,
vaccine security, and regulatory guidelines. The nine-
member team was chaired by the former Director-General
of the Indian Council of Medical Research, N.K. Ganguly.

The UIP targets 2.7 crore infants and 3 crore pregnant
women annually and is one of the largest programmes in
the world. The country also has a vaccine industry that
caters to 43 per cent of the Expanded Programme for
Immunisation vaccines as well as some of the new vaccines
purchased by Global alliance for Vaccines and
Immunisation. Thirty-five per cent of the countrys
population buys the vaccines through the private market.

UN Decade of Action for road safety launched

The Decade of Action for Road Safety plan promoted by
United Nations (UN) to stabilize and then reduce the road
traffic fatalities worldwide by year 2020 was launched in
India along with 100 more countries on May 11, 2011.
Developed with the support of the World Health
Organization,(WHO) the plan for the Decade enjoins all
concerned agencies, organizations, and groups, including
all road users, to work together to strengthen preventive
programs, improve trauma care, and monitor progress
achieved. Road accidents and related tragedies have
alarmingly increased in the past decades.

In India the UN decade of Action for road Safety was
launched jointly by the International Road Federation (IRF)
Institute of Road Traffic Education, (IRTE), AIIMS Apex
Trauma Centre, Department of Road Transport & Highways,
Government of India in New Delhi.

As per the WHOs global status report on road safety, India
tops the global list of deaths in road accidents with 125,000
fatalities and at least 2.2 million serious injuries each year.
India accounts for 10 per cent of global road accident
deaths. The national campaign has been launched with the
target of reducing road accident deaths by 50 per cent by
the year 2012.
A scheme with the joint input of the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare and the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways for up-gradation of trauma care facilities on
National Highways has been drawn up. Trauma care
facilities in 140 State Government Hospitals along the
Golden Quadrilateral, North-South and East West Corridors
of National Highways will be upgraded. Fully equipped
ambulances will be provided at an interval of 50km on
completed sections of National Highways under the control
of N.H.A.I.

RTI Act to have precedence over apex courts
internal rules CIC: The Central Information
Commission (CIC) has ruled that in a conflict between the
Right to Information Act and the internal rules of a Public
Authority, the RTI Act must prevail. It would prevail even if
the internal rules pertain to the Supreme Court. CIC
Shailesh Gandhi passed this order in a case, in which
information on certain judicial records was sought from the
Supreme Court under the RTI Act. The First Appellate
Authority (FFA) in the court held that any information on
judicial records could be accessed only under Order XII of
the Supreme Court rules. The CIC held that the Supreme
Court could not cite internal rules to deny information if it
had been sought under the RTI Act. Further that information
could be denied only if the information sought was
prohibited under the RTI Act itself.

India signs Nagoya Protocol on Genetic
Resources: India, along with 10 other countries, on May
12, 2011 signed the Nagoya Protocol on Genetic
Resources, with an aim to promote sustainable use of
biological diversity, at the United Nations headquarters in
New York. The objective of the Protocol is to share the
benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources in a
fair and equitable way, which would promote sustainable
use of biological diversity but not exploit it or those who
claim a right over its components.

Special issue of Think India Quarterly on Faiz
released: A special issue of Think India quarterly on Faiz
Ahmad Faiz published by NGO VicharNyas was released by
the Vice President of India M. Hamid Ansari on May 10,
2011. Think India quarterly is a journal devoted to ideas in
many disciplines and areas of human intellectual and
creative endeavour with accent on contemporary issues
facing India. Faiz (19111984) was a renowned Pakistani
poet and a member of the Anjuman Tarraqi Pasand
Mussanafin-e-Hind (All India Progressive Writers
Movement) and an avowed Marxist. In 1962, he was
awarded the Lenin Peace Prize by the Soviet Union.

Uttarakhand varsity signs MoU for Indias first
hydropower engg institute: THDC India Ltd and
Uttarakhand Technical University (UTU) on May 12, 2011
signed MoU to run Indias first hydropower engineering

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

institute which is coming up in Tehri district of the hill state.
The objective behind setting up of the THDC Institute of
Hydropower Engineering & Technology is to create a pool of
continuously upgraded skilled set of knowledge with special
thrust on construction and operation of Hydro Power
stations in Uttarakhand where there is an estimated
hydropower potential of 20,000-25,000 MW.

Six-day Army, Air Force joint exercise conducted:
Vijayee Bhava, a six-day long joint exercise of the Army
and the Air Force was conducted in the deserts of Bikaner
and Suratgarh near Pakistan border in Rajasthan from May
9 to 14, 2011. The exercise envisaged sustained massed
mechanised manoeuvres in a simulated environment by
composite combat entities, ably supported by air and
complemented by a wide array of weapon systems and
enabling combat logistics. According to the Army, it has
conducted 10 major exercises near the Pakistan border in
the last six years and this exercise will boost synergy
between the Indian defence forces.

Govt. to assess impact of GDP growth on ecology:
The government has decided to conduct an assessment of
the impact of GDP growth on ecology using Green
Accounting System and the process will be completed by
2015. The government will soon set up of an expert group
headed by environmental economist Partha Dasgupta to
provide a road map for Green National Accounting (GNA)
system to evaluate impact of economic growth on
environment by 2015. Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh
on May 9, 2011 said that the expert group would be set up
jointly by the Planning Commission and Enviroment
Ministry. The GNA would help government bringing out
gross domestic product (GDP) growth data co-relating it
with impact on the environment.

UN report praises NREGA: The Government of India
was on May 10, 2011 complimented by the United nations
for its National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA).
The UNs Global Assessment Report (GAR) praises
NREGA and asked other nations to emulate the programme
that has helped empower millions of marginalized. The UN
report gave credit to the success of the NREGA programme
to the impetus provided by strong political will and a
committed high-level bureaucracy. The second edition of
the GAR, which was released after two years, is a vital
resource document used for understanding and analyzing
global disaster risk and how communities worldwide can be
strengthened to cope with natural calamities such as
earthquakes, floods, drought and cyclones.

Gold plating of Tirupati temple shelved: Tirumala
Tirupati Devesthanam (TTD) on May 10, 2011 told the
Supreme Court that it has shelved the controversial decision
on gold plating of the sanctum sanctorum of the shrine of
Lord Venkateswara at Tirupati, the worlds richest temple.
The decision to reconsider the move was taken in deference
to the sentiments expressed by a large number of devotees
and the Andhra Pradesh High Courts judgement quashing
the earlier resolution passed by the TTD for the gold plating
exercise, the board told the apex court. The TTD said it had
no powers to carry out the exercise of drilling thousands of
holes in the inner recess adorning the deities in view of the
restrictions imposed by Section 2(a) of the Ancient
Monuments and Archeolgoical Sites and Remains Act,

CCEA approves GSI proposal for new research
vessel: India may soon get a new floating research
laboratory that would help scientists map and explore the
vast mineral resources embedded under the sea. The
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, at a meeting
chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on May 11,
2011 gave its approval to the Geological Survey of India to
acquire a new research vessel for seabed survey and
exploration for non-living resources. The CCEA has
approved the revised cost estimate proposal of the Ministry
of Mines for sanction of Rs 549.50 crore for the research
vessel which will replace RV Samudra Manthan. This new
multi-disciplinary research vessel fitted with state-of-the-art
equipment is meant for undertaking geological, geophysical
and geo-chemical mapping of the seabed. The data
generated, will be useful for creating and updating the
national database which will be useful for undertaking
research in the fields of earth science, oceanography and
offshore mineral resources and exploitation of mineral
resources embedded under the sea.

India signs DTAA with Colombia: India on May 13,
2011 signed a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
(DTAA) with the Republic of Colombia for the avoidance of
double taxation and for the prevention of fiscal evasion with
respect to taxes on income. The Agreement further
incorporates provisions for effective exchange of information
and assistance in collection of taxes between tax authorities
of the two countries in line with internationally accepted

India releases list of 50 most wanted fugitives:
India on May 11, 2011 came out with a list of 50 most
wanted fugitives hiding in Pakistan. They include
underworld don Dawood Ibrahim, 26/11 mastermind and
Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed and dreaded terrorist
Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi. The list, which was given to
Pakistan at the Home Secretary-level talks in March, has
Hafiz Saeed on top, followed by Major Iqbal, a suspected
serving Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) officer, who also
figures in the FBI indictment in a Chicago court in
connection with the 2008 Mumbai attack.

Jamia Millia issues new reservation norms: Jamia
Millia Islamia on May 11, 2011 issued fresh reservation
norms, allowing 50 per cent seats to be kept aside for
Muslim applicants. The new rules will be applicable from the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

2011-12 academic session. This follows an amendment in
Statute 39 of the Jamia Millia Islamia Act, 1988, in
pursuance of the February 22 order of the National
Commission for Minority Educational Institutions. As per the
new rules, 30 per cent of the total seats in each course will
be earmarked for Muslim applicants, 10 per cent for Muslim
women applicants, 10 per cent for Muslim Other Backward
Classes and Scheduled Tribes, as notified under the Central
government list.

India, Pakistan resume talks on Tulbul project: After
a gap of four years, India and Pakistan on May 12, 2011
resume talks in Islamabad on the Tulbul navigation project,
also known as the Wular Lake project, in Jammu and
Kashmir. Work was suspended in October 2007 after
Islamabad imposed it as a pre-condition for talks at the
government-level. Before that, the matter was being
handled at the level of the Permanent Indus Commission.
India has sought an early resolution so that it can resume
work on the project, which is located on the Jhelum river in
Jammu and Kashmirs Baramullah district.

New Tiger Reserves to come up in Karnataka:
Minister for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh on
May 8, 2011 said that the Union government had approved
two more tiger reserves in Karnataka. B.R. Hills in
Chamarajanagar district and Kudremukh in Chikmagalur
district would become the 40
and 41
tiger reserves in the
country. The total number of tiger reserves in Karnataka
would go up to six. The state also has the most number of
tigers in the country.

Bombay to replace Gujarat in nomenclature:
Bombay will now be replaced by Gujarat in the
nomenclature of all the acts and rules in force in Gujarat,
the Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, announced in
Gandhinagar on May 1, 2011. Even after Gujarat was
carved out as a separate state on May 1, 1960, no step was
taken in the last 50 years to identify the acts and laws with
Gujarat. Some other acts which came into force only after
the formation of the State, however, carry the nomenclature
Gujarat act in the short title.

Gujarat to place LED screens in villages: In a bid to
make rural community abreast with the climatic changes,
commodity prices and keep them well-informed about the
government schemes for their respective villages, the
Gujarat government will place LED screens in the villages.
As a pilot project, the state chief minister Narendra Modi
launched Gujarat Swarnim Gram E-Broadcast Project in
Amreli district on May 6, 2011.

Parekh elected SCBA president: Senior advocate P.H.
Parekh has been elected president of the Supreme Court
Bar Association (SCBA) for 2011-2012. In the elections held
on May 11, 2011,. Parekh won by a margin of two votes
over his nearest rival, Adish Aggarwala. While Parekh got
757 votes, Aggarwala secured 755 votes. The present
president, senior advocate Ram Jethmalani, got 735 votes.

Bevan is new British High Commissioner to India:
James Bevan has been appointed British High
Commissioner to India. He will take up his appointment in
November. He succeeds Richard Stagg and, like his
predecessor, has not served in the subcontinent.

Talwar to head reconstituted MCI Board: The Union
government on May 13, 2011 reconstituted the Board of
Governors of the Medical Council of India (MCI). The term
of the existing Board ended on May 14. The new Board will
be chaired by K.K. Talwar, former Director of the
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh. The reconstitution follows the promulgation of
an ordinance extending the term of the board, since the
supersession of the MCI, by another year.

Binayak Sen in Plan Comm health committee:
Months after being arrested on charges of sedition, Binayak
Sen has been included in the Planning Commissions
steering committee on health chaired by member Syeda
Hameed. Sen was recently released on bail by the Supreme
Court which found insufficient evidence against him to slap
charges of sedition. He will represent the Bilaspur-based
Jan Swasthya Sahayog, a NGO working in the field of
health. The committee will review the national health policy
of 2002 and recommend governance reforms in primary,
tertiary and secondary health care.

P. Sridevan assumes office as IPAB Chairman:
Justice Prabha Sridevan, a retired Judge of the Madras
High Court, on May 9, 2011 assumed charge as Chairman
of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB.) The
IPAB has been constituted to hear appeals against the
decisions of the Registrar under the Trade Marks Act, 1999,
Patents Act, 2003 and the Geographical Indications of
Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999. IPAB has its
Headquarters at Chennai and conducts its circuit bench
sittings at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Ahmedabad.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

US Defence Budget at $690 bn in 2012: A bill that
would provide $690 billion for the U.S. military complex in
fiscal 2012, including operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,
was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives
Armed Services Committee on May 12, 2011. The
legislation would authorize $553 billion for the Defense
Departments base budget, the same amount sought by
President Barack Obama in the request he sent to
Congress in February. The bill also includes $119 billion for
overseas contingency operations such as Iraq and
Afghanistan plus $18 billion for the Energy Departments
military-related nuclear activities. The Senate Armed
Services Committee is expected to take up its version of
the National Defense Authorization Act next month. The two
versions must be passed by the full House and Senate and
any differences must be ironed out before being sent to
Obama for his signature into law. Congress provided $668.6
billion for the U.S. military complex in fiscal 2011, which
ends on Sept. 30, down from the $709 billion requested by

Pak nuclear plant at Chashma inaugurated:
Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani inaugurated the
second nuclear power plant at Chashma in Punjab on May
12, 2011, with an appeal to the international community to
stop discriminating between nations and allow Pakistan
access to nuclear technology for power generation. The
second unit of Chashma Nuclear Power Plant has been
built in collaboration with China and is expected to produce
330 MW of electricity and bring some relief from the power
shortages being faced across the country. This is the third
nuclear power plant in Pakistan, the first being in Karachi
which began commercial operations in 1972. Gilani said that
Pakistan would comply with the requirements of nuclear
safeguard agreements mandated by the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

World Nursing Day observed: May 12, 2011 was
observed as the World Nursing Day worldwide. In January
1974, the decision was made to celebrate the day on 12
May as it is the anniversary of the birth of Florence
Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of
modern nursing.

Indian PM pledges $500m to Afghanistan during
PMs visit: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
pledged a further $500m to Afghanistan over the next six
years following his talks with President Hamid Karzai during
his official visit to Kabul on May 12, 2011. This is in addition
to $1.5bn already promised. The funds will be spent on
agriculture, schools and roads. India is already building the
new parliament in Kabul - at a cost of $19m. The two
leaders held discussions on May 12 about regional stability,
counter-terrorism and the India-Afghanistan strategic
partnership, built on a shared mistrust of Pakistan. The
Indian prime minister also said he strongly backs the Afghan
governments efforts to reconcile with the Taliban. India
worries that any rapid reduction of the US presence in
Afghanistan could result in a country dominated by a
Taliban-influenced government friendly towards Pakistan.
Analysts say that India may now accept that the Taliban has
to be part of any political resolution to the war in
Afghanistan. But it also does not want Pakistan leading any
reconciliation process. The growing closeness between the
two countries has infuriated Islamabad, which also wants to
increase its influence in Afghanistan. Singh addressed a
joint session of Afghan parliament on May 13, 2011.

Official UK inquiry into Iraq war to be revealed
after Oct 2011: The official British inquiry into the Iraq war
will publish its conclusions by the end of the year but not
before October, Chairman John Chilcot said in London on
May 12, 2011. Chilcot had previously refused to say when
the five-member panel would publish its report on Britains
role in the 2003 US-led invasion. The inquiry was set up to
learn lessons from the conflict, in which 179 British troops
died. More than 100,000 Iraqi civilians died in the conflict,
according to the NGO Iraq Body Count.

Nepal govt. proposes 1-year extension for
Constituent Assembly: The Nepal government on May
12, 2011 proposed a second one-year extension for Nepals
Constituent Assembly, amid the failure of the interim
parliament to draft a new constitution in the face of a
deadlock among the political parties. The Communist-led
coalition government registered a constitution amendment
bill in parliament proposing a one-year extension for the
601-member Assembly, whose term was extended last year
in a bid to prevent a constitutional crisis after it failed to
promulgate a constitution for the new republic. Prime
Minister Jhalanath Khanal held a key meeting of his cabinet
which decided to amend the constitution so that the term of
the parliament could be extended beyond May 28, the
deadline for the promulgation of a new constitution

UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries
organised: The Fourth United Nations Conference on the
Least Developed Countries was organised in Istanbul,
Turkey from May 9 to 13, 2011. World leaders discussed
ways to fulfil long-term commitments to reduce poverty,
hunger and disease in the worlds 48 Least Developed
Countries (LDC). The LDCs include 33 in Africa, 14 in Asia
& Oceania, and one (Haiti) in the Western hemisphere.
Nepal currently holds the presidency of the LDCs. Climate

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

change, in particular, poses a severe challenge to the
LDCs. While LDCs produce the least greenhouse gas
emissions compared with any other country grouping, their
agriculture-oriented economies are the most threatened by
the effects of a changing climate. Many are prone to
desertification, or are at risk from sea-level rise and tropical
storms. Others, like Nepal, depend on run-off from mountain
glaciers that appear to be receding.

Centre for Rising Powers launched at Cambridge:
A new research hub dedicated to the study of India and
other emerging powers and how different nations evolve to
become leading political forces on the world stage was
launched at the University of Cambridge in London on
May 12, 2011. The Centre for Rising Powers will bring
together academics from different subject areas whose
research touches on one of the most important questions in
international relations: How different powers rise to the top
of global politics, and how to predict the impact they will
have when they do so? The centres director is Amrita
Narlikar, an alumnus of St Stephens College, New Delhi,
and Jawaharlal Nehru University. The centres formal
launch was followed by an inaugural lecture by Joseph Nye,
Professor at Harvard University and one of the most
influential researchers in the field of foreign policy and
international relations.

Syria withdraws bid for UN Human Right Council:
Syria on May 11, 2011 gave up its bid for a seat on UN
Human Right Council after it failed to get sufficient support
from member states of the Asia Group because of its poor
human rights record in recent times. Susan Rice, US envoy
to the UN, Rice said Syria is in the process of killing its own
people on the streets, arresting thousands, and terrorising a
population that is seeking to express itself through largely
peaceful means. Syria officially gave up its seat to Kuwait.
The Asian bloc had been under pressure from Western
nations to withdraw Syrias nomination.

Chile approves Patagonia hydro project: Chilean
authorities on May 10, 2011 approved a 1.8-billion plan to
dam two rivers in Patagonia for hydroelectricity. The
HidroAysen project envisages five dams to tap the Baker
and Pascua rivers, an isolated area of fjords and valleys,
and generate 2.75 Giga Watts of power for Chile. The
government has championed the dams as vital to poverty
alleviation and growth, but public opinion has split, with
many saying the project is unnecessary and will devastate
an ecological haven.

Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus quits as MD:
The founder of the pioneering Bangladeshi micro-lending
Grameen Bank on May 13, 2011 decided to resign as its
Managing Director after a long-running row with the
government. Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus said he was
relinquishing his post to prevent undue disruption of the
banks work. Earlier in May the Bangladeshi Supreme Court
dismissed a final appeal by Yunus to overturn his sacking.
Authorities said he was over the legal retirement age, but
supporters say his dismissal was politically motivated. Prof
Yunus, 71, launched the Grameen Bank in the late 1970s to
offer microcredit to the poor. The Bangladesh central bank
removed Prof Yunus from his post in March 2011, saying
his continuing role at Grameen Bank violated laws that state
public servants must retire at the age of 60.

Obama seeks extension for FBI Director Mueller:
US President Barack Obama on May 12, 2011 asked
Congress to extend the tenure of FBI director Robert
Mueller for two years. Muellers 10-year term is to end on 4
September, but Obama said continuity and stability at the
FBI is critical at this time. Mueller was appointed by
President George Bush in 2001 and took office a week
before the 9/11 terror attacks. No previous FBI director had
been given an extension.

Museveni sworn in as President of Uganda:
Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of National
Resistance Movement Party was on May 11, 2011 sworn in
for the fifth time as the Head of State, at a ceremony in
Kampala, amid post-election tensions with the opposition.
He has been President of Uganda since 26 January 1986.
As Museveni was being sworn in, his key rival, the Forum
for Democratic Change (FDC) leader, Dr Kizza Besigye,
returned home following treatment in Kenya for injuries
suffered in a brutal attack by plainclothes police in a
Kampala street.

Queen Elizabeth II reign 2
longest in UK history:
The reign of Queen Elizabeth II has become became the
second longest in British history, overtaking that of George
III. She was coronated on the death of her father, George VI
on February 6, 1952. Since then, she has reigned for a total
of 59 years and 110 days. She now ranks second only to
Queen Victoria, who died in 1901 after 63 years and seven
months on the throne, the Daily Telegraph reported on May
12, 2011. Among living heads of state in world, only King
Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, who has occupied the
countrys throne since 1946, has served for longer.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK


Section C: AWARDS

Technology Day awards presented

Former President of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, on May
11, 2011 gave away national awards on technology to
industrial/individual concern for developing indigenous
technology. Technology Day is celebrated as a symbol of
quest for scientific inquiry and technological creativity and
the translation of that quest in the integration of science,
society and industry from 1998. The awards are instituted
by Department of Science and Technology (DST) and
Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) to the successful
commercialization of indigenous technology by an
industrial/individual concern.

National Award
The national awards have two components: (i) to the
industrial concern, which has successfully commercialized
indigenous technology and (ii) to the developer / provider of
such technology. Each component carries a cash award of
Rs. 10.00 lakhs along with the trophy.

The national awards of Rs. 10.00 lakhs for the year 2011
was awarded to Reliance Industries Limited, Hazira
manufacturing Unit, Surat, Gujrat for indigenous
development and commercialization of advanced donor
RELD1000 technology for high performance raffia grade
polypropylene production.

TDB Award
In addition to the National Award, the Technology
Development Board (TDB) has introduced cash Award of
Rs. 5.00 lakhs to be given to maximum three SSI units,
which have successfully commercialized a technology-
based product.

Award to SSI units 2011 of Rs. 5.00 lakhs each was
awarded to two companies, Top Gear Transmission, Addl.
MIDC, Satara, Maharashtra and NUMAC, MIDC, Hingna,
Nagpur, Maharashtra for developing and commercialization
of product.

DST, DSIR and DBT awards

Apart from these awards DST, DSIR and DBT awards were
also presented. The winning companies are: Kritikal Secure
Scan, Noida; Neurosynaptic Communication, Bangalore;
Aurora Integrated Systems, Bangalore and Veejay Lakshmi
Engineering Works, Coimbatore

The award for the best technology business Incubator was
given to Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, IIM,

Dr. Kalam also launched products of these companies.
They are:

(a) Company Profile - Kritikal Secure Scan Pvt. Ltd., Noida
(U.P.) Kritikal Secure Scan a technology product
development company which provides high security and
surveillance based product in critical areas like Airport, VIP
Zone, and Hotels through computer vision and image

(b) Product Profile Zen Scan hold the distinction of being
completely developed in-house and is an under vehicle
scanner system that incorporate the latest security and
scanning technology complemented by the largest
installation base in India.

(a) Company Profile - Neurosynaptic Communication Pvt.
Ltd., Bangalore - The company got Technology Pioneer -
2008 Award in the healthcare area for ReMeDi by the
World Economic Forum. It is the only Indian company to
receive this recognition in 2008 at World Economic Forum.

(b) Product Profile The company has a indigenously
developed a tele-medicine solution called ReMeDi, in
collaboration with T-Net Group of IIT, Madras and has
developed medical equipment that can record physical and
clinical parameter for the diagnosis of a patient remotely by
a Doctor. This helps a rural population gain access to
quality health care.

(a) Company Profile - Aurora Integrated Systems Private
Limited, Bangalore, incorporated in 2006, is promoted by a
team of young entrepreneurs graduated from IIT with an
objective to develop and manufacture small Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAV) primarily for civil and defence
markets. The team has expertise in embedded systems,
computer vision solutions, aircraft design, network solutions
and guidance & control systems.

(b) Product Profile Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) is
designed for over-the-hill reconnaissance to provide image
intelligence in real time. It is hand launched with very long
capability that is ideal for providing increased situational
awareness. UAV is equipped with payloads, including front
and side locked electric optic camera(s) with zoom and
forward looking infrared. The UAV weigh upto 2 kg with
endurance of 1 hour, flying range of 10 km and cruise speed
of 55 kmphr. The product is ready for commercialization.


GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

(a) Company Profile M/s Veejay Lakshmi Engineering
Works Limited, Coimbatore, incorporated in 1974, is in the
business of manufacturing textile machineries. The main
products being manufactured, with significant market stake,
are Two-for-One (TFO) twisting machine and Automatic
Cone Winding machine (ACW). The company is presently
the only manufacturer of the ACW machine in the country.

(b) Product Profile The company has indigenously
developed a new generation Automatic Cone Winding
Machine incorporating latest technology in mechatronics
and information technology. The Automatic Cone Winder is
used in Textile Spinning Mills for post spinning operation for
winding yarn from bobbins to cones and the yarn faults are
also identified and eliminated by both Electronic Yarn
Clearer and Splicer. All the new Electronic Yarn Clearers
can be integrated with the new machine.

Samsung India Tagore Awards announced

Samsung India and the Sahitya Akademi instituted the
Tagore Awards to recognise and felicitate the best literary
contributions of writers who have given their all to nurture
regional language writing in India. The second edition of the
awards organised in Mumbai in May 2011, honoured writers
in Assamese, Dogri, Marathi, Oriya, Rajasthani, Santali,
Tamil and Urdu for their works across different genres
including essays, poetry, biography or autobiography. List
Of Samsung Tagore Award winners:
Language: Assamese Genre: Short Stories Debabrata
Das for Nirbachita Galpa Year of Publication: 2007
Language: Dogri Genre: Poetry Santosh Khajuria for
Badlondian Bahaaraan Year of Publication: 2006
Language: Marathi Genre: Criticism
Prof RG Jadhav for Nivadak Samiksha Year of
Publication: 2006
Language: Oriya Genre: Poetry Brajnath Rath for
Samanya Asamanya Year of Publication: 2007
Language: Rajasthani Genre: Short Stories Vijay Dan
Detha for Bataan Ri Fulwari Vol.14 Year of
Publication: 2008
Language: Santhali Genre: Novel Somai Kisku for
Namalia Year of Publication: 2008
Language: Tamil Genre: Novel S Ramakrishnan for
Yaamam Year of Publication: 2007
Language: Urdu Genre: Poetry Chander Bhan Khayal for
Subah-e-Mashriq Year of Publication: 2008

Merkel chosen for Jawaharlal Nehru Award: New
Delhi: German Chancellor Angela Merkel was on May 9,
2011 chosen for the 2009 Jawaharlal Nehru Award for
International Understanding for her enormous efforts toward
sustainable and equitable development. The award carries
prize money of Rs.1 crore besides a trophy and citation.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Mother
Teresa, Kenneth Kaunda, Aung San Suu Kyi, Hosni
Mubarak, Josip Broz Tito and Nelson Mandela are some of
past recipients of the award.

Women bag top 2 positions in civil services exam:
The top two positions in the Civil Services Examination
2010, the results of which were announced by the Ministry
of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions on May 11,
2011, have been bagged by women candidates. A total of
920 candidates 717 men and 203 women have been
recommended for appointment to the Indian Administrative
Service, the Indian Foreign Service, the Indian Police
Service and other Central Services. Chennai-based law
student S. Divyadharshini stood first in the examination.
Sweta Mohanty, who studied B. Tech in Hyderabad, took
the second rank. R.V. Varun Kumar, who has studied
dentistry in Chennai, is in third place. Among the top 25
candidates, five are women, 15 have an engineering
background, five are from the medical sciences and five
belong to Commerce, Management, Humanities, Science
and Social Sciences.

Govt. announces award named after Tagore: The
Indian government has decided to institute a Rs. 1 crore
award in the name of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore
on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. The
government of India has decided to institute a prestigious
international award in the name of Rabindranath Tagore to
recognise very distinguished contributions towards the
promotion of international brotherhood and fraternity, said
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, inaugurating the year-long
celebrations on May 7, 2011. The first award is likely to be
presented next summer. Each year, a jury headed by the
Prime Minister will select a person of outstanding public
eminence whose life and work epitomises the high
universal ideals that Rabindranath Tagore stood for.

Orissa NGO wins Equator Prize: Orissa Chief Minister
Naveen Patnaik on May 13, 2011 felicitated B. Chittiama
and Mangaraj Panda, the members of Samudram Womens
Federation (SWF) that received the prestigious Equator
Prize for the 2010. As many as 25 groups from across the
world have been selected for The Equator Prize which is
awarded to recognise and celebrate outstanding community
efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation of
biodiversity. Winners of the Equator Prize 2010 received Rs.
2.24 lakh each. SWF is the only organisation from India to
receive the prize. The SWF, comprising 1500 members
across the State, is working on twin objectives
empowering women and protecting threatened nesting sites
of Olive Ridley Turtle. The organisation has taken up
conservation campaigns against ecologically destructive
pollution and fishing practices.

Julian Assange awarded Sydney Peace Prize:
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was on May 11, 2011
awarded the Sydney Peace Foundations top honour for
exceptional courage in pursuit of human rights. Assange,

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

an Australian former computer hacker who is fighting
extradition from Britain to Sweden over alleged sex crimes,
was praised and rewarded with the Sydney Peace Prizes
Gold Medal. Though the Peace Prize is awarded annually
by the foundation, only three other people in its 14-year
history have been awarded the gold award for courage in
pursuit of human rights the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela
and Japanese Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda. The
foundation paid tribute to Assanges determination to seek
greater transparency and accountability from governments
around the world, having challenged centuries old practices
of government secrecy. Assange is the founder of the
WikiLeaks whistleblowing website that has published
thousands of cables in which U.S. diplomats give their often
candid views on world leaders, to Washingtons acute
embarrassment. It has also leaked countless secret
documents about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Whitley Award for IISER professor: Ramana Athreya,
associate professor Indian Institute of Science Education
and Research (IISER), Pune, has been honoured with
Whitley Award, one of the worlds top prizes for grassroots
nature conservation, at the Royal Geographic Society in
London on May 12, 2011. The prize includes a project grant
of 30,000, donated by the Friends of the Whitley Fund for
Nature (WFN). It recognises Athreyas work with Eco-
Systems India to unite Arunachal Pradeshs culturally
diverse communities, forestry staff and government officials
to work together to safeguard the states scenic beauty and
wildlife. The top honour the 60,000 Whitley Gold Award
went to marine biologist Rachel Graham of Belize, for her
work to protect sharks and coastal biodiversity and
safeguard livelihood and food security of Belizes fishing
communities and its economically-important tourism

Mouttappa wins Chevalier award: The Consul General
of France in Puducherry, Pierre Fournier, conferred the
Chevalier dans lordre des arts et des letters (Knights of the
order of Arts and Letters) on musicologist J. Gaspar
Arokiaraj Mouttappa at the French Consulate at Puducherry
on May 12, 2011. Commonly known as the Chevalier
award, the honour has been presented to Mouttappa for his
contribution and commitment in serving the culture of both
France and India.

Kerala Tourism ad film wins honour at NY festival:
Your Moment is Waiting, a three-minute advertisement film
of Kerala Tourism has won the bronze medal for
cinematography and three certificates for Travel TV and
cinema advertising, film direction and music score at the
New York Indian film festival on May 12, 2011. The film,
conceptualised and created by Stark Communications, was
the only ad film from India to win an award this year at the
festival. The film has already won several awards at the
global level including three gold medals at the Pacific Asia
Travel Association (PATA) international awards and a
bronze at the Berlin Golden Gate awards. V Venu,
Secretary, Kerala Tourism, said the departments aim was
to break through the clutter in the area of tourism and
depict our destination in a different, true-to-life manner.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK


CCI releases regulation for M&As in corporate

The regulations pertaining to mergers and amalgamations
(M&A) were issued by the Competition Commission of India
(CCI) Chairman Dhanendra Kumar on May 12, 2011. The
regulations operationalise the sections 5 and 6 relating to
mergers and combinations of the Competition Act, 2002.

The CCI agreed to almost all demands by Corporate India
and significantly diluted the regulations when compared with
the revised draft put in public domain in February. Besides
sparing a bulk of routine transactions from knocking at its
doors for approval, the CCI took care of the concerns of
Indian multinationals by exempting M&As with no positive
impact on the domestic market.

The regulations exempt companies from notifying M&A
deals to the CCI talks for which were initiated before June 1.

Deals in which the target companys assets and turnover
are less than Rs 250 crore and Rs 750 crore respectively
are exempted.

The CCI has also exempted certain routine M&A deals like
acquisition of shares or voting rights solely as an investment
or in the ordinary course of business; acquisition of stock-in-
trade, raw materials, stores and spares in the ordinary
course of business; acquisition of shares after a bonus
issue or stock splits or acquisition of shares by underwriter
among other transactions.

Time for decision
Scrutiny of all M&A deals will be completed by the CCI
within 180 calendar days.

Pre-condition for notifications
Under the Act, if the combined asset and turnover of the
merging entities exceeds Rs 1,500 crore and Rs 4,500 crore
respectively, the companies will have to seek approval of
the CCI.

Only when the target companys assets and turnover will
exceed Rs 250 crore and Rs 750 crore respectively, the
deal would have to be notified to the CCI.

Notice fees
Regulatory compliance has also been made much more
cheaper by drastically reducing the fee for filing the notice.
Companies will have to pay Rs 50,000 to fill form I (which
requires just preliminary information about the deal)
compared with Rs 40 lakh proposed in the February draft.

Govt. to conduct 6
economic census as a
central sector plan scheme

The Union Government on May 13, 2011 unveiled plans to
conduct the Sixth Economic Census as a Central Sector
Plan Scheme during 2012. The Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation plans to carry out the fieldwork
of this Census during January to June 2012, in collaboration
with all State and Union Territory Governments. Dr. M. S.
Gill, Union Minister of Statistics and Programme
Implementation has reviewed the plan of action for the
conduct of the Sixth Economic Census.

The census would involve collection of data from
entrepreneurial units in the country. Data on sectoral activity
of the unit, number of workers, social group of the owner,
female owned enterprise among others would be collected
for micro level planning and policy formulations with respect
to various economic activities.

The unorganized sector has assumed greater importance
due to its significant contribution towards the Gross
Domestic Product and also in generation of employment.
The database would enable policy makers and analysts to
assess the impact of the economic liberalization process on
entrepreneurial activities, especially in the unorganized

The data at lower geographical levels like tehsil/village in
case of rural areas, and wards in the case of urban areas,
would also be a valuable input for local level planning
required under 73
and 74
Constitutional Amendments.
Further, the information on number and distribution of
entrepreneurial units would provide the framework for
undertaking follow-up statistical sample surveys to assess
the individual contribution of various industrial sectors, in the
countrys GDP.

SC imposes two-month ban on endosulfan

The Supreme Court on May 14, 2011 imposed a two-month
immediate country-wide ban on the production, sale and
use of controversial pesticide endosulfan, awaiting the
report of an expert committee to study side effects of the
chemical. The court said its order was an interim measure in
view of the threat perception to human life. Meanwhile the
government is gearing up to find a cost-effective and
sustainable alternative for farmers, following the ban.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

While ordering the ban on endosulfan, a Supreme Court
bench headed by Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia also ordered
two separate detailed studies on the adverse effects of the
pesticide on human life and environment by two committees
headed by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
Director General and the Agricultural Commissioner and
sought their reports within eight weeks. They will study the
impact of endosulfan on farming, its benefits and drawbacks
and also the kind of alternatives available.

The sense of urgency is also due to the upcoming kharif
season, which starts in June. India is the biggest producer
and consumer of endosulfan and the pesticide has large
usages in pulses, mustard, sunflower, fruits and vegetables
crops. The country annually produces around 12 million
litres of endosulfan, of which 5-6 million litres is used during
the kharif season. The alternative to endosulfan is priced 5-
10 times more than the pesticide.

The court passed its order on a petition filed by the
Communist Party of India (Marxist)s youth wing, the
Democratic Youth Federation of India, seeking a country-
wide ban on the sale and production of endosulfan in its
present form or any other derivatives in the market.

Guidelines on clinical trials introduced, firms
to pay for deaths, injuries

Companies conducting clinical trials in India will not be able
to get away in case any untoward incident occurs during the
tests. As per the new draft guidelines released on May 11,
2011, for the first time, it has been made mandatory for
companies to take the written consent of the volunteer,
stating his/her socio-economic status.

Also, companies will have to compensate if any untoward
incident happens during the trials.

The guidelines gain significance following the controversy
over the deaths of girls in Andhra Pradesh, allegedly during
the trials of the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer. Questions
regarding their socio-economic background and proper
consent not being taken have been raised.

Currently, pharmaceutical industries and contract research
organisations use multiple formats for reporting serious
adverse effects (SAE) during trials. The Drug Controller
General of India (DCGI) has made it clear that the
companies would have to provide details of serious adverse
effects as per a uniform format to the DCGI and the Director
General Health Services. As per the new regulations, all
cases of serious adverse effects will have to be reported to
DCGI within 14 days.

The new draft guidelines also make it mandatory for
companies to submit a causality assessment by an
investigator and the medical monitor of the companies or
research organisations.

The primary objective of the guidelines is to make sure
consent is voluntarily taken and compensation is given.

According to Health Ministry data, 670 deaths took place in
2010 during clinical trials; 132 deaths were reported in
2007, 288 deaths in 2008 and 637 deaths in 2009.

From January 2010 till now, permission has been granted
for about 117 global clinical trials (by international
companies) and 134 local (Indian) trials.

In 2009, 258 global and 195 local trials took place in India.
In 2008, approximately 246 global and 275 local trials took

Parikh committee recommends higher tax on
diesel vehicles

An expert group constituted to plan a low-carbon growth for
the country has concluded that India can comfortably reach
its target of 20-25 per cent reductions in its emission
intensity by the year 2020 compared to 2005 levels, even
while pursuing a growth rate of 9 per cent.

This expert group, led by former Planning Commission
member Kirit Parikh, was constituted in the wake of the
2009 climate change conference in Copenhagen, to suggest
policies and initiatives for a low-carbon roadmap for India.
This group submitted its interim report on May 9, 2011.

The interim report says that just a proper implementation of
the existing policies by the government would enable India
to reduce its emission intensity the amount of
greenhouse gas emissions released per unit of GDP by
about 25 per cent by the year 2020 as compared to 2005

With a little extra effort, through new policy interventions
and vigilant implementation, India can bring down its
emissions intensity by 32-35 per cent. The report projects
two scenarios one with existing policies and another with
new interventions, and lists possibilities for growth both at 8
per cent and 9 per cent. The group has based its findings on
the study of five sectors power, transport, industry,
buildings and forestry.

The report says that diesel cars and SUVs owners should
pay higher tax when purchasing these vehicles. While
diesel is cheaper in India, diesel cars will cost more as the
committee suggest an up-front tax on vehicles to
compensate for differential fuel pricing.

The group also recommended mandatory vehicle rating
system and minimum efficiency standards for all vehicles.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

The committee views that the measures will lead to a 10%
reduction in fuel consumption along with improvement in air
quality, road safety, mobility and energy security.

Green building norms find prominence in the report. It says
that if 10% of the new buildings adopt the star rating
system, it would save 50% of emission, if 10% new
structures are energy conservation building code compliant,
it would save 30% of emission.

The government has announced to set up another high-
level expert group to evaluate impact of economic growth on
environment and suggest ways to introduce institutional
reforms and policy changes. This new panel to be
headed by environmental economist Partha Dasgupta
will provide roadmap for Green National Accounting (GNA),
which will analyze the impact on GDP growth on
environment by 2015.

Electronic Service Delivery Bill, 2011

The Electronic Service Delivery Bill, 2011, which aims at
delivering all public services to citizens in the electronic
mode, seeks to eliminate paperwork on a large scale and
cut red tape & corruption that plague governance in the
country. The draft Bill published by the Ministry of
Information Technology at its website in May 2011
incorporates a complaints mechanism and prescribes
penalties for failure to comply with the provisions.

It sets a five-year deadline for all public services to make
the online transition, with a further concession of three years
in some cases. The Bill envisages electronic submission of
forms and applications, issue or grant of any licence, permit,
certificate, sanction or approval, and receipt or payment of
money. The introduction of the Bill is timely given Indias
poor record of delivery of citizen services.

The draft provisions make it incumbent on the central and
State governments to publish a list within six months of the
date of enactment, and they would do well to pick the worst-
performing departments for inclusion first.

India needs a major initiative on electronic service delivery
and e-governance. That it has done little to use Information
and Communications Technology to help citizens is evident
from its 119
rank among 192 countries in the United
Nations E-Government Development Index 2010. Although
there is no standardised measure of e-governance, the
indicators used by the U.N. online service availability,
telecom infrastructure, and human capital suggest that
India is below the world average for the composite index.

India, Australia to launch FTA talks in June

Setting a target of doubling bilateral trade in five years, India
and Australia on May 12, 2011 agreed to start talks on a
comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA) in June. This
was announced by Union Commerce and Industry Minister
Anand Sharma in a joint press conference with Australian
Trade Minister Craig Emerson at Canberra, Australia. A free
trade agreement will open up markets in goods and services
and facilitate investments in both countries.

Services is one area where India is seen benefiting the
most, as an FTA would offer more opportunities to Indian
professionals to work in Australia. India also expects to
make gains from greater market access for goods such as

Bilateral trade between the two economies was about $20
billion in 2009-10, tilted in favour of Australia because of
Indias need for natural resources. Australias main exports
to India include coal, gold, copper, fertilisers, manganese,
wool and aluminium. India is also a big contributor to
Australias lucrative foreign student market. India mainly
exports machinery & equipment, clothing, diamonds, iron
and steel products and medicines to Australia. In the nine
months to March, India had a trade deficit of A$9.6 billion
with Australia. Indias share is likely to go up once the FTA
was in place.

FDI in Limited Liability Partnership cos.

The government on May 11, 2011 allowed foreign direct
investment (FDI) in Limited Liability Partnership companies
but only in sectors like mining, power, roads and highways,
manufacturing activities, drugs and pharmaceuticals. These
are the sectors where 100 per cent FDI is allowed for
companies through automatic route. But LLPs engaged in
agricultural and plantation activities, print media or real
estate business are not allowed to have FDI, according to
the decision taken by the Cabinet Committee on Economic

LLP is a new business structure that has hybrid features of
a partnership firm and a corporate body a companys
limited liability and the flexibility of a partnership firm. The
LLP structure was introduced from April 2009. As on May 2
this year, as many as 4,679 LLPs were registered with the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The Cabinet further decided
that foreign institutional investors and foreign venture capital
investors would not be permitted to invest in LLPs.

LLPs will also not be permitted to avail of external
commercial borrowings. Besides, LLPs with FDI will not be
eligible to make any downstream investments. Also, the
Cabinet decided to allow claimants to seek assets of a

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

deceased up to Rs 10 lakh against the present ceiling of Rs
2 lakh.

Poscos Orissa project gets clearance for land
acquisition: The environment ministry on May 2, 2011
gave the Orissa government the go-ahead for using 1,253
hectares forest land for the project. The final approval has
come six years after Poscos agreement with the state
government. This will be the biggest foreign direct
investment into the country to date. Posco had got the
environmental clearance in January, but with 60 riders. The
project was held up on the issue of use of forest land. The
final nod has also come with riders. One is that Posco
cannot export iron ore. Posco would also have to pay for
regeneration of an equivalent degraded forest land in a
district determined by the state government. The Orissa
government and Posco had signed an agreement on June
22, 2005, for setting up an integrated steel plant with a
capacity of 12 million tonnes per annum (with four million
tonnes in the first phase) at Paradip in Jagatsinghpur
district. The project requires about 1,621 hectares land, of
which about 1,253 hectares is forest land.

RBI sets up committee on forex facilities to
individuals: The Reserve Bank on May 10, 2011 set up a
committee for streamlining foreign exchange transactions
and also invited comments from public and other
stakeholders for improving facilities pertaining to
investments and repatriation of funds. The Reserve Bank,
while referring to the Monetary Policy Statement for 2011-
12, said in a statement that the Committee chaired by
former RBI Deputy Governor K J Udeshi has been set up to
streamline and simplify the procedures for facilitating
genuine foreign exchange transactions by individuals. The
individuals are categorised into residents, non-resident
Indians (NRIs), Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and
expatriates employed in India under the Foreign Exchange
Management Act (FEMA), 1999.

Exports from SEZs up 43% in 2010-11: Exports from
special economic zones (SEZs) grew 43.11 per cent to Rs
3.15 lakh crore in 2010-11, according to the data of the
Export Promotion Council for EOUs on May 10, 2011.
During 2009-10, exports from SEZs stood at Rs 2.20 lakh
crore. The total investments in Special Economic Zones
(SEZs) as on March, 2011 are about Rs 2 lakh crore. The
sector has provided employment to 6 lakh people as on
March 31, this year. The council said that of the 584
formally approved SEZs, 377 have been notified and 133
are in operation. At present, these units in these zones
enjoy 100 per cent tax exemption on their income for the
first five years and 50 per cent in the next five years.

Credit cards transaction up over 22% in 2010-11:
Transaction through credit cards in the country went up by
22.15 per cent during 2010-11, touching Rs 75,515.68 crore
in value terms. Credit card transactions during the previous
fiscal had amounted to Rs 61,824.15 core, according to
latest data of the Reserve Bank unveiled on May 11, 2011.
The number of credit cards in circulation have, however,
declined by around 1.5 per cent to 1.80 crore as on March
31, 2011, from 1.83 crore in the same period of the previous
fiscal. Meanwhile, debit card transactions jumped by
46.46 per cent in the last fiscal to Rs 38,691.88 crore as
against Rs 26,418.11 crore in 2009-10. There were 22.78
crore debit cards in use in the country as on March 31,
2011, up over 25 per cent over the figure of 18.19 crore in
the year-ago period.

Home loan priority tag revised: The Reserve Bank of
India on May 9, 2011 raised housing loan limit to up to Rs.
25 lakh against the existing Rs. 20 lakh to be eligible for
classification as priority sector lending. This was announced
by the finance minister, Pranab Mukherjee, in the Budget
2011-12. This change in categorisation is applicable to
housing loans sanctioned on or after April 1, 2011.

India to invite bids for exploration of shale gas
reserves: India will soon launch its first- ever bid round for
exploration of shale gas, oil regulator DGH Director General
S K Srivastava said at the 14
Energy Summit organised by
Assocham in New delhi on May 10, 2011. As per the
available data and studies undertaken, India has huge shale
gas potential. Six basins, namely Cambay, Assam-Arakan,
Gondawana, KG onshore, Cauvery onshore and Indo
Gangatic basins, have been identified. India has so far only
explored and produced conventional oil and gas as well as
unconventional sources like coal bed methane (CBM).
Shale gas, the gas trapped in sedimentary rocks below the
earths surface, is the new focus area in the US, Canada
and China as an alternative to conventional oil and gas for
meeting growing energy needs.

RIL stops gas supply to non-priority sector:
Reliance Industries (RIL) on May 10, 2011 cut natural gas
supplies to non-core users like refineries and steel plants
following orders from the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas. With gas production from RILs block in the Krishna
Godavari (KG) basin seeing a decline to 50 million standard
cubic metres a day (mscmd) from 62 mscmd in March 2010,
the government has asked RIL to give priority to users in
fertiliser, LPG, power and city gas distribution sectors. This
meant cutting supply to users in the steel, petrochemical
and refining sectors.

PNGRB can now process CNG, city gas & PNG
licences: The Supreme Court on May 12, 2011 allowed oil
regulator PNGRB to process all pending applications for the
grant of licences to provide retail CNG to automobiles and
piped cooking gas to households in cities. The Petroleum
and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) had not been
able to issue a single city gas distribution (CGD) license
during its four-year existence as the government had not

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

notified a crucial section of the PNGRB Act that gave the
multimember board powers to issue such authorisations.
Section 16 of the PNGRB Act was notified last year and on
May 12, a three-judge bench headed by Justice Dalveer
Bhandari allowed applications for CGD licences to be
processed by the multi-member board.

ISMA lowers sugar output estimate to 24.2 mt:
Indias sugar production in the 2010-11 crop marketing
season was estimated to be 24.2 million tonnes (mt), down
from the earlier estimates of 25 mt, the Indian Sugar Mills
Association (Isma), the countrys premier association of
sugar industry, said on May 14, 2011. However, the
marginal drop in output is not expected to have any
significant impact on prices as supplies are still expected to
be more than the annual demand of 22 mt.

CSIR registers pvt co. to reap profits on patents:
Aiming to monetise its numerous patents, the Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has launched a
private company to commercialise various technologies.
The company CSIR-Tech was registered in Pune on
May 2, 2011 with economist Vijay Kelkar as Chairman.
CSIR, countrys largest network of state-funded research
laboratories, holds nearly 4,000 patents, including those
registered in the country and abroad. CSIR Director General
Samir Brahmachari said that CSIR-Tech has been set up to
enhance the innovation capacity of CSIR and to explore
newer models of bringing processes, products and services
to the markets.

Karnataka launches e-payment for commercial tax
payers: Karnataka on May 12, 2011 became the first state
in the country to launch an e-payment system for
commercial tax payers. Reserve Bank of India Deputy
Governor Shyamala Gopinath said that such a system
would be adopted by other states. The system enables
dealers to remit their commercial taxes anytime, anywhere,
without physically approaching an office of the Commercial
Taxes Department (CTD). Right now, e-remittances can be
made from six banks SBI, SBM, SBH, Syndicate Bank,
Canara Bank and Union Bank of India. The system would
also help curb tax evasion. Gopinath also launched the
reconciliation portal of the CTD on the occasion.

New Socio Economic Classification introduced:
The Media Research Users Council (MRUC) and Market
Research Society of India (MRSI) have together introduced
a new Socio Economic Classification (SEC) system in May
2011. The changes in SEC, brought about after 25 years,
will mean that urban and rural consumers will now come
under one roof and households will be classified on the
basis of educational qualifications of the chief earner in the
household and the number of consumer durables owned by
the family. Occupation was considered as a subjective
indicator of socio-economic indicator and hence removed.
Experts point out that the earlier system needed to be
modified as the purchasing power among Indian consumers
has gone up significantly in the last two decades.

World Spice Organisation formed: In an effort at
connecting end-users to farmers and address food safety
and security laws at the farm level, stakeholders in the spice
industry have come together to form the World Spice
Organisation. The Kochi-based organisation is a common
platform for all stakeholders farmers, processors and end
users to come together and work for sustainable
development of the spice industry, WSO Chairman Philip
Kuruvilla said on May 10, 2011 in Kochi.

Indo-American Chamber of Commerce to open its
office in NY: Indo-American Chamber of Commerce
(IACC) will soon open its first office in New York, aimed at
facilitating cooperation between the US and Indian small
and medium enterprises. The chamber would also organise
the US-India Trade and Economics (UITE) 2011, wherein
members would deliberate on issues like infrastructure, real
estate, agriculture and finance. IACC would take a 50-
member business delegation to the US to participate in the
two-day summit starting May 25. IACC President Gautam
Mahajan on May 10, 2011 said that the chambers initiative
is aimed at encouraging investments and building a healthy
relationship with both the countries.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 8 to 14, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Gopi Chand, Saina part ways: Indias ace woman
shuttler and World No. 4 Saina Nehwal will not be trained by
Pullela Gopi Chand anymore. Gopi Chand, who is also the
national coach, will be succeeded by Bhaskar Babu (SAI
coach). Under Bhaskars guidance, Saina won the bronze
medal in the Commonwealth Games in 2006, the
Philippines Open her first international title and the Asian
Satellite Badminton Tournament in 2006. In 2007, she went
on to win the senior nationals and the Chinese Taipei Open
Grand Prix. In 2010, two of Nehwals three successive titles
Indonesia and Singapore came with Bhaskar Babu
court-side, as did Hong Kong later. Nehwals first major final
loss at Malaysia Open in May 2011 was Babus latest

Mary Kom clinches gold in Asian Cup: Five-time
World champion M C Mary Kom (48kg) clinched her first
gold medal of the year by finishing on top in the Asian Cup
Womens Boxing tournament in Haikou, China in May 2011.
Kom claimed the gold after beating Asian champion Kim
Myong Sim of North Korea 4-3 in the final. This was her first
tournament since her bronze medal at the 2010 Guangzhou
Asian Games. The other Indian in the fray, Pavitra (57kg)
had to face defeat in the final as she lost 6-11 to
Tossamalee Thonalan of Thailand. Earlier in the tournament
Neetu (60kg), Kavita Goyat (75kg), Laxmi Padiya (81kg)
and Kavita Chahal (+81kg) earned bronze medals for their

Pinki Jangra wins gold at Arafura Games: Pinki
Jangra (51kg) on May 13, 2011 was the lone Indian pugilist
to strike gold at the Arafura Games while two of her
compatriots settled for silver medals after losing in the finals
of the event in Darwin, Australia. The 21-year-old Jangra,
who beat Siona Fernandes of New Zealand 18-13, also won
the Best Boxer title. Among men, Vijender Singh (81kg)
and Akhil Kumar (56kg) settled for bronze medals after
losing in the semifinals.

FIH to launch Project Chak De: The International
Hockey Federation (FIH) on May 11, 2011 announced its
intention to make India a hub of hockey activities. Unveiling
its plan of reviving its erstwhile Project India, now called
FIH Project Chak De, the FIH has charted out the major
features of the initiative. Under the project, the FIH
promised five important tournaments to be held in India in
the next three years, creation of a professional Indian
league, administrative and international coaching support to
assist Hockey India and support to schools and academies.
FIH President Leandro Negre and Chief Executive Kelly
Fairweather on May 11, 2011 agreed to commit a few more
events to India apart from those already allotted following
the success of the World Cup and Commonwealth Games

Harikrishna & Harika win Asian Chess: Grandmaster
P. Harikrishna and double GM norm holder D. Harika made
it a grand Indian double in the Asian Individual Chess
Championships at Mashhad, Iran as they clinched the gold
in the open and womens sections respectively in May 2011.
There were more cheers for India in the womens section,
as apart from Harika, Eesha Karavade also won the bronze

Manchester United win EPL title: Manchester United
were crowned English Premier League champions after a
Wayne Rooney penalty earned them the point they needed
in a 1-1 draw away to Blackburn Rovers at Ewood Park,
Blackburn on May 14, 2011. The result meant Sir Alex
Fergusons side clinched a record 19
EPL title, going one
in front of arch-rivals Liverpool.

Barcelona secure La Liga Spanish title hat-trick:
Barcelona clinched their third Spanish La Liga title in a row
with a 1-1 draw at Levante on May 11, 2011. Their rivals
Real Madrid will finish as runners-up for the third season in
a row. Real are 19 points ahead of third-place Valencia.
Much of Barcelonas success has been built on the
phenomenal abilities of reigning world player of the year
Lionel Messi, who has weighed in with 31 league goals, on
his way to becoming the first player to score 50 goals in a
Spanish season.

Tendulkar wins Polly Umrigar Award: Batsman
Sachin Tendulkar is all set to add another trophy to his
already crowded cupboard with the BCCI on May 14, 2011
deciding to bestow the Polly Umrigar Award for Indias best
cricketer of 2009-10 on him. Tendulkar would be presented
the award during the fourth annual BCCI awards ceremony
on May 31. The other highlight of the ceremony will be the
felicitation of the Indian team that won the coveted cricket
World Cup after 28 years recently. Another highlight will be
the presentation of the C.K. Nayudu Lifetime Achievement
Award. The recipient of the same will be announced on 27
May 2011. The winner will receive a trophy and cheque for
Rs. 15 lakhs.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

Union Cabinet approves BPL Census
India, Uzbekistan sign 30 MoUs during Karimov visit
Foundation stone for Agartala Check Post unveiled
Air Marshal NAK Browne will be the next Chief of Air Staff
NAC draft Communal Violence Bill released
MPCC renamed Tagore Cultural Complexes
Govt. modifies Tagore Fellowship for Cultural Research
Government orders update of fugitives list
Allahabad HC stays land acquisition by Noida Authority
Rail Bandhu launched
Govt. to provide easy access to sanitary napkins
Anti-Terrorism Day observed
Committee on IITs calls for 5-fold rise in fees
Know India Programme organised
India must increase healthcare spend WHO
Silent Observer to check female foeticide
Bihars 1st River Patrolling Police Station launched
Tatas open cancer hospital in Kolkata
Lok Sabha Speaker unveils Tagore bust in Seoul
Theni neutrino observatory site gets clearance
75% of Himalayan glaciers on retreat ISRO
Defence Minister inaugurates Karwar township
India-Pak hold talks on Sir Creek dispute
BJP parades Karnataka MLAs before President
AG says Army Chiefs birth year is 1950
Kanimozhi denied bail, sent to Tihar jail
Kalmadi the brain behind TSR scam CBI
Mamata to return Singurs 400 acres to farmers
Mamata resigns as Railway Minister
Mamata Banerjee is new CM of West Bengal
Oommen Chandy sworn in as Kerala CM
Rangasamy sworn in as Puducherry CM
Gogoi sworn in as CM of Assam
J. Jayalalithaa sworn in as CM of Tamil Nadu
West Bengal Pro-tem Speaker sworn in
Shaan is Tobacco Control Ambassador of India'
Dramatist Sircar passes away
Photographer Benu Sen passes away
Kisan leader Tikait passes away

Section B: WORLD
PM Manmohan Singh to attend India-Africa Forum
World Summit on Information Society held in Geneva
World Meteorological Congress organised in Geneva
International Museum Day Celebrated
Endeavour docks with International Space Station
Bangladesh leases farmland in Africa
Conference on Devanagari organised
Singapore Indians get key portfolios in cabinet
Pakistans Shamsi airbase is under UAE control
Worlds largest womens university launched
Debt-hit Portugal gets 78 bn euro bailout
El-Arabi is new Secretary General of Arab League
King of Bhutan announces engagement
A. Raja in Times Top 10 Abuses of Power
Strauss-Kahn resigns as IMF Managing Director
US imposes sanctions against Syrian President Assad
Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan
Trial of 97-year-old Nazi war criminal begins
Last WWI combat veteran Choules passes away
Section C: AWARDS
National Film Awards announced
Dr. Raghuvansh conferred Moortidevi Award
High Court judge wins PETA Compassionate Action award
Dr. Gullapalli N. Rao presented Kupfer Award
Sriram, Dabholkar win Doors to Diplomacy Award in US
Indian doctors win British Medical Journal awards
Gulshan Kumar creates wheelchair spinning record
Premlata is oldest Indian woman to scale Mt Everest
Delhi student scales Mt. Lhotse
Trisha Rays film wins Gold Remi at Houstons Worldfest
Coen brothers win $1m Dan David Prize
Philip Roth wins the Man Booker Prize

World Bank for streamlining of anti-poverty schemes
India ranked 32nd in world competitiveness
SEZ Exports in 2010-11 grow 43%
Paperless compliance under Companies Act 1956 enabled
Govt policy to boost domestic electronic hardware industry
1% interest waiver on loan against warehouse receipts
India not for IPR beyond domestic law in FTA with EU PM
Consumer Price Index at 106 in April 2011
Tamil Nadu is top state in bio-fertilizer production
Govt. to offload equity in Scooters India Ltd
Govt. approves Neyveli Lignites power project
PCRA to set up Indias 1
Carbon Credit Centre in Rajasthan
25-paisa coins to be phased out by June 30
Natural gas, fertilisers included in core sector data
Petrol price hiked by Rs. 5 a litre
SC orders release of 5 mn tonnes of foodgrains
Star Alliance sets deadline for Air India to join
Indias seafood exports grow 25.5% in 2010-11
Govt. to set up of Debt Management Office
Testing centre for vehicles to be set up in Rohtak
CII for continuation of export incentive scheme
No. of Indian stocks in MSCI rises to 72
Indian EVMs get first export order
Sand artist is NALCO brand ambassador
Bharat-Oman Bina refinery inaugurated
Amit Mitra resigns from FICCI

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Shane Warne retires from international Cricket
West Indies beat Pakistan in first test
Australia wins Sultan Azlan Shah Cup
Sharapova wins Rome International
Somdev Devvarman rises to career best ranking
Djokovic wins Rome Masters
Natt, Gaudet to coach national basketball teams
Khade wins 3 golds at Malaysia Open Swimming
Porto wins Europa League
Orissa wins national womens football
Maradona to coach Dubai club
Annu Raj Singh wins silver in shooting World Cup

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA


Union Cabinet approves BPL Census

The Union Cabinet on May 19, 2011 gave approval for
conducting the Below Poverty Line (BPL) Census in rural
and urban areas. The Census would be conducted by the
Ministry of Rural Development in association with the
Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA)
and the Registrar General of India (RGI). The BPL Census
would pave the way to identify the households living below
the poverty line in rural and urban areas of the country. The
census would be conducted separately for rural and urban
areas, and would include criteria like caste and religion. The
entire process will be completed by December 2011. The
results of the BPL Census would be utilized in the 12th Five
Year Plan (2012-13 to 2016-17). The enumeration of castes
will also be done simultaneously along with the BPL census.

For rural as well as urban areas
The last BPL census was carried out in 2002. The survey
marks two firsts: firstly, in a break with past practice, the
Below Poverty Line (BPL) Census has been widened to
include urban areas; earlier, it was restricted to rural India.
Secondly, the caste headcount, which will be conducted
simultaneously with the BPL census, will be done for the
first time after 1931.

Identification of BPL households in urban areas
In an effort to refine the BPL census, the government has
redefined what constitutes poverty: BPL households in
urban areas would be identified through an inclusion
criteria, based on three factors place of residence, social
vulnerability (illiteracy, chronic disability or female headed
households etc.) and occupational vulnerability (those in the
most informal and least remunerative sectors).

Identification of BPL households in rural areas
For rural households the automatic exclusion criteria
includes owning at least one two-wheeler; a fishing board;
three-wheeler mechanised agricultural equipment; a kisan
credit card with a limit of Rs. 50,000; 2.5 acre irrigated land
with one irrigation equipment; having government
employment; earnings of more than Rs.10,000 per month;
and paying income tax.

The automatic inclusion criteria include households without
shelter; the destitute or those living on alms; primitive tribal
groups; legally released bonded labourers; and manual

The rest will have to satisfy the seven other deprivation
indicators on a scale from a minimum to seven, where the
order of priority in the BPL list will be from the largest
number of deprivations to the smallest number of

These factors are: households with only one room with
kucha walls and roof; households with no adult member
between 16 and 59 years of age; female-headed household
with no adult male; households with a disabled member;
households with no able-bodied adult member; SC and ST
households with no literate adult above 25 years of age; and
landless households deriving a major part of their income
from manual casual labour.

Union Rural Development Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh has
been asked to factor in his colleagues' suggestions before
finalising the seven deprivation indicators.

How will the results be used?
The entire process would be completed by December 2011,
and the results of the BPL census would be utilised in the
Five Year Plan (2012-13 to 2016-17).

While the BPL lists would be placed in the public domain in
case anyone wishes to challenge inclusions or exclusions,
the data on caste and religion would be given to the
Registrar-General and kept confidential. The last BPL
census was conducted in 2002.

Apart from exposing fake BPL cardholders, the exercise is
expected to bridge the gap between the BPL estimates of
the Planning Commission and various state governments.
Currently, states find the Planning Commissions estimate of
the number of households under the BPL category a gross

The BPL census data would be used for the targeted
subsidy schemes and welfare measures of the Government,
as well as the Aadhar programme of the Unique
Identification Authority of India.

The Government, however, is likely to keep the individual
caste and religion data confidential, while overall figures
may be used in policy planning and released in the public
domain, if required.

What if the figures are challenged?

In the past, many Chief Ministers have challenged the BPL
figures for their States, claiming that the numbers of the
poor were much higher than those computed by the Centre.
If any State government challenged the figures that
emerged from the BPL census, it would have to sort it out
with the Planning Commission.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

India, Uzbekistan sign 30 MoUs

India and Uzbekistan have signed more than 30 bilateral
agreements in areas such as coal gasification, oil and gas,
banking, pharmaceuticals, textiles, science and technology,
standardisation, small and medium enterprises, and
tourism. The agreements were signed during the State visit
of the Uzbek President, Islam Abduganievich Karimov, to
India on May 18, 2011.

Coal: MoU signed was between Open Joint-Stock Company
Uzbeko mir (Uzbekcoal) and GAIL (India) for collaboration
in underground coal gasification in Rajasthan and Tamil
Nadu. Uzbekistan has developed advanced technologies in
coal gasification. The MoU envisages establishment of a
joint working group.

Oil & gas: ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) and Uzbekneftegaz
(UNG), the National Oil Company of Uzbekistan inked an
MoU for joint cooperation in upstream oil and gas sector in
Uzbekistan as well as third countries. The MoU provides for
the formation of joint working group for identifying specific
oil and gas fields in Uzbekistan and in third countries for
exploration and production activities. Uzbekneftegaz also
inked an MoU with the Essar Group for cooperation in oil
and gas sector modernisation, gas transport system, and
electronic reading system.

Banking: In the banking sector, an agreement for
cooperation between Export Import Bank of India and
National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of Uzbekistan
was signed. The MoU envisages exchange of information in
areas of trade and financing of projects, especially in the
fields of road building, house construction and oil and gas
sector, which are backed by State guarantees. The two
sides will also pool their resources for collaborative research
and identification of projects in Uzbekistan.

DTAA: A protocol on introducing amendments in the
existing double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA)
signed on July 29, 1993 was agreed upon. The proposed
protocol amends the article on exchange of information on
India-Uzbekistan DTAA to meet internationally accepted
standards and other articles for rationalising the withholding
of tax rates in line with Indias treaty negotiations with other
countries to promote investment and cross border
movement of goods, services and technology.

Chemicals and fertilisers: In the chemicals and fertilisers
sector a memorandum of cooperation for supply of 50,000
tonne of urea and 10,000 tonne potassium chloride to India
was inked. The urea and potassium chloride is to be
supplied between 2011 and 2015. The agreement, one of
the four signed, was inked between Markazsonoat Export
and Birla Holding.
Tourism: An Action plan on Tourism cooperation between
the two countries was also signed during Karimovs vist.

Foundation stone for Agartala Post unveiled

The Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on May 17,
2011 unveiled the foundation stone for the construction of
an Integrated Check Post (ICP) at Agartala in Tripura on the
Indo-Bangladesh border in presence of Chief Minister Manik
Sarkar. The setting up of ICPs along Indias internal border
is a major initiative, which the Government of India has
taken as part of a Plan scheme with an initial outlay of Rs.
635 crores during the 11
Five Year Plan. The estimated
cost of Agartala ICP Project is Rs. 73.50 crore and the
project is likely to be completed by July, 2012. Government
of Bangladesh has also been apprised to create similar
infrastructure and facilities to bring about proper synergy.

The Department of Border Management has finalized the
Detailed Project Reports for all the 13 ICPs to be initially set
up on the borders between India and Bangladesh, Nepal,
Pakistan and Myanmar. The construction work of ICPs at
Attari on the Indo-Pakistan border, Raxaul and Jogbani on
the Indo-Nepal border has already started. The ICPs are
envisaged to overcome the infrastructural bottlenecks at the
various entry and exit points on the land borders of the
country. They are expected to provide facilities for the
effective and efficient discharge of sovereign functions such
as security, immigration, customs, quarantine, etc. while
also providing support facilities for smooth cross-border
movement of persons, goods and transport.

The Land Ports Authority of India Act, 2010 has been
notified in the Official Gazette on September 1, 2010. It will
be functional soon. This body will be vested with powers on
the lines of similar bodies like the Airports Authority of India.
LPAI has been envisaged as a statutory body for the
planning, construction, maintenance and management of
these ICPs.

The salient features of the ICP are a modular design,
dedicated lanes for each process, separate gates for traffic
across the border, least traffic conflicts, Self-evident routes,
guide signage and administrative and facility area.

Air Marshal NAK Browne will be the next Chief
of Air Staff

Vice Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal NAK Browne will be the
next Chief of Air Staff on the retirement of Air Chief Marshal
PV Naik from government service on July 31, 2011. Born in
Allahabad on 15 December 1951, Air Marshal NAK Browne
was commissioned into the Fighter stream of Indian Air
Force on 24 June 1972. With about 3100 hours of flying to

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

his credit, he has had a varied operational experience that
included flying Hunters, all variants of MiG-21s, Jaguars and

An alumnus of National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla,
Pune, he is a Fighter Combat Leader, who has also served
as an instructor at the Tactics and Air Combat Development
Establishment (TACDE) - a premiere flying establishment of
the IAF and the Tri-services Defence Services Staff College
(DSSC), Wellington. A graduate of the Air Command and
Staff College, Albama, USA, he had trained with the Royal
Air Force (RAF) in the United Kingdom, on Jaguar aircraft
and went on to command a Jaguar Squadron subsequently.

During his long and distinguished career spanning 38 years,
he has held various operational and staff appointments that
include - Joint Director at Air War Strategy Cell at Air
Headquarters, Chief Operations Officer and Air Officer
Commanding of a SU-30 base, Air-I at New Delhi based
Western Air Command (WAC) and Assistant Chief of the Air
Staff (Intelligence) at Air Headquarters.

He was also responsible for establishing the Indian Defence
Wing in Tel Aviv, Israel in April 1997 where he served as the
Defence Attache till July 2000. From March 2007 to 31 May
2009 he functioned as the Deputy Chief of the Air Staff
(DCAS) at Air Headquarters and was responsible for lAFs
major Modernization Programmes.

Before taking over as the Vice Chief of the Air Staff (VCAS)
at Air Headquarters on 01 January 2011, he was the AOC-
in-C of Western Air Command, lAFs most vital operational
Command. Under his command and personal supervision,
the first ever landing of an AN-32 (fixed wing aircraft) took
place at Nyoma, Advance Landing Ground (ALG), located at
an altitude of 13,300 feet on 18 September 2009.

Air Marshal Browne is recipient of Param Vishist Seva
Medal (PVSM), Ati Vishist Seva Medal (AVSM), Vayu Sena
Medal (VM) and is appointed as one of the Honorary ADCs
to the President of India.

NAC draft Communal Violence Bill released

The draft Communal Violence Bill, prepared by a Working
Group (WG) of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory
Council (NAC), goes beyond existing legislation in several
significant ways: it recognises identity-based or targeted
crimes and organised mass violence as special offences,
while placing accountability of public officials at the heart of
the law, with varying penalties for dereliction of duty. Finally,
it provides for the creation of a National Authority and State
authorities to ensure both accountability of public officials as
well as to ensure justice and reparation in the wake of
After months of discussions amongst civil society groups,
and with government representatives, the NAC has placed
the draft Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence
(Access to Justice and Repatriation) Bill, 2011 on its
website on May 20, 2011 for public comment.
Simultaneously, it has been sent to the Union Ministries of
Home Affairs and Law and Justice for their comments.

The NACs WG draft Bill seeks to address the shortcomings
in the governments draft bill.

The NAC Bill stresses that the proposed National Authority/
State authorities are not intended to supersede the existing
law enforcement machinery; neither will their advisories and
recommendations be binding on any state government.
Their authority will be to monitor, inquire into complaints,
receive or suo motu seek information, and issue advisories
and recommendations only when there is alleged inaction or
malafide action by public officials and governments.

The NAC says that the objective of the Bill is to create a
mechanism to make the administrative and criminal justice
system work, free from favour or bias or malafide intent, and
prepare a paper trail to ensure accountability of public
officials in a court of law.

The NACs WG wants the new law to cover religious and
linguistic minorities as well as Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.

The draft bill specifically defines acts that could create an
intimidating or hostile environment against members of
groups , including economic boycott, denial of public
services, and forced migration. It mandates that public
servants must identify the creation of such a hostile
environment and prevent any communal and targeted
violence against such members of groups.

MPCC renamed Tagore Cultural Complexes

As part of the commemoration of Tagores 150
anniversary, the government on May 17, 2011 decided to
revamp the Multipurpose Cultural Complexes (MPCC)
Scheme and replace it with an improved scheme, to be
known as the Scheme for Tagore Cultural Complexes.
Besides facilitating the setting up of new cultural complexes
of varying scale, in big and small towns, the newly-
introduced scheme will support the upgradation,
modernization and modification into state-of-the-art cultural
complexes, of the existing Rabindra Bhawans, Manchas,
Sadans, Rangshalas and other Cultural Centres created
across the country as part of a nation-wide programme that
was launched on the occasion of Centenary Celebrations of
Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore in 1961.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Under this new scheme, Central Government will support
not only those projects that are taken up by the State
Governments and Government-sponsored bodies, but also
those that are promoted by universities and reputed not-for-
profit organizations. Central Governments support will be
upto 60% of the project cost.

For about 15 years (1992-2007), Ministry of Culture was
operating a scheme for setting up of Multipurpose Cultural
Complexes (MPCCs), with a view to support State-
sponsored bodies in setting up integrated cultural
complexes for fostering activities in various cultural fields
like music, dance, drama, literature, fine arts, etc. In all,
about 50 MPCCs were sanctioned in different States/ UTs,
with Central assistance ranging from Rs. 1 crore to Rs. 2.5
crores for each project.

Government modifies Tagore National
Fellowship for Cultural Research

The Ministry of Culture introduced in November, 2009, a
new scheme by the name of Visiting Fellows in Art, Culture
& Heritage. Later, to mark the Commemoration of the 150

Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, the scheme was
on May 17, 2011 renamed as Tagore National Fellowship
for Cultural Research.

The objective of this scheme was to invigorate the various
institutions under the Ministry of Culture which have vast
treasures in the form of manuscripts, documents, artifacts,
antiquities and paintings. It was meant to encourage serious
researches into our cultural resources so that the nation
stands to benefits from the results.

Under the scheme, scholars of iconic stature were to be
invited to devote 2 years of their time to pursue research in
one or more of the 17 cultural institutions covered by the
scheme, so as to produce a valuable work based on the
resources available in the institutions, to make those known
to the wider public. In all, 13 scholars were selected as
Tagore National Fellows, in the first cycle of selections.

The Ministry of Culture has issued a modified scheme of
Tagore National Fellowship for Cultural Research recently.

Following are the highlights of the modified Scheme:

Coverage of institutions increased: While the existing
scheme covers only 17 institutions under the Ministry of
Culture (MoC), including one supported by it, the modified
scheme will cover 29 MoC institutions, including all the three
National Akademies and seven Zonal Cultural Centres.
Apart from Ministrys own institutions, the modified scheme
will also cover other selected institutions that are not under
the Ministry of Culture, but have cultural resources waiting
to be explored. While eight such institutions stand covered
by the modified scheme, other Non-MoC institutions that
seek to take advantage of this scheme will be free to
approach the Ministry of Culture for their inclusion. Such
institutions whose name is approved by the NSC will keep
getting included in the scheme.

Application process modified: All the 13 Fellows selected
in the first round of selections, were selected by the NSC
from out of the applications received for the Fellowship.
Since it was felt that many top-grade scholars are reluctant
to apply as non-acceptance of their application may harm
their reputation, the modified scheme lays a greater
emphasis on Search and Invitation mode of selection.

Second category of scholars introduced: In the first two
rounds of its meetings, NSC felt that there are many
scholars who are not of iconic stature but have a standing
and can do research projects that may be very useful to the
cultural institutions in disseminating their resources. Hence,
the modified scheme incorporates a second category of
scholars, to be known as Tagore Research Scholars, who
will be paid a monthly honorarium of Rs. 50,000/- as against
the honorarium of Rs. 80,000/- per month payable to Tagore
National Fellows. Under this category, upto 25 awards will
be given in a year. These will be in addition to 15 Tagore
National Fellowships to be awarded each year.

Govt. orders update of fugitives list: The Union
government on May 20, 2011 directed the nations probe
agencies the CBI, the Intelligence Bureau (IB), and the
National Investigation Agency (NIA) to conduct a process
of comprehensive verification and correction upon the list.
This follows detection of grave mistakes in the 50 most
wanted list of terror fugitives given to Pakistan in March
2010. Two people included in the list of those wanted from
Pakistan were recently found to be in India. While Feroz
Abdul Rashid Khan alias Hamza, an accused in the 1993
Mumbai serial blasts case, was arrested in February 2010
and is lodged in Mumbais Arthur Road jail, Wazhul Kamar
Khan, an accused in the 2003 Mulund blast, was found to
be residing at his house in Thane. Meanwhile, the Union
Home Ministry has also asked all States, Union Territories
and investigating agencies to update their list of wanted
persons every three months and keep the Centre informed
about it. The CBI is the countrys designated National Crime
Bureau (NCB) in charge of Interpol matters such as issuing
of Red Corner Notices.

Court stays land acquisition by Noida Authority:
The Allahabad High Court on May 19, 2011 set aside
notifications issued for acquisition of more than 100
hectares of land by the Greater Noida Industrial
Development Authority in Gautam Buddh Nagar district for

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

'planned industrial development in Greater Noida. The
Authority is planning to move the Supreme Court against
the HC verdict. Meanwhile the High Court on May 20, 2011
issued notices to the Centre and the state government,
seeking their reply on why a CBI inquiry should not be
ordered into the firing incident at Bhatta-Parsaul in Greater
Noida. The firing, which occurred in the backdrop of
farmers agitation demanding more compensation, had led
to four deaths, including two policemen. While the Mayawati
government denied instances of human rights violations in
Bhatta-Parsaul, the National Commission for Women
(NCW) said that there was merit in the charges of

Rail Bandhu launched: The Minister of Railways,
Mamata Banerjee, on May 16, 2011 released Rail Bandhu
an onboard magazine of Indian Railways. The magazine
will be distributed free on Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains
and AC coaches of Duranto Express trains. An editorial
board has been formed for the execution of the magazine. It
comprises Shivaprasana, Chairman Passenger Amenities
Committee, Derek OBrien, Chairman Passenger Services
Committee, V.K. Jain, CCM/G/NR, Seema Sharma, Director
Information & Publicity Railway Board (who is also
coordinator for the Editorial Board) and Kalyani M.R., Editor
Indian Railway magazine. The editorial team which shall
assist the editorial board, publish, and design the magazine
is from M/s CMYK Printech.

Govt. to provide easy access to sanitary napkins:
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on May 16, 2011
approved a new scheme for ensuring easy access to
sanitary napkins as part of promotion of menstrual hygiene
among adolescent girls in the age group of 10-19 years in
rural areas. The girls will be provided a pack of six sanitary
napkins under the National Rural Health Missions brand
Freedays at a cost of Rs. one per piece by the Accredited
Social Health Activist (ASHA). In the first phase, the scheme
will cover 25% of the population i.e. 1.5 crore girls in the age
group of 10-19 years in 152 districts of 20 states. The ASHA
will get an incentive of Re. one on sale of each pack,
besides a free pack of sanitary napkins per month.
Evidence suggests that lack of access to menstrual hygiene
could contribute to local infections including Reproductive
Tract Infections (RTI). With specific reference to ensuring
better menstrual health and hygiene for adolescent girls,
Government of India is launching this scheme as part of the
Adolescent Reproductive Sexual Health (ARSH) in the
Reproductive Child Health II Programme (RCH II).

Anti-Terrorism Day observed: May 21, 2011 was
observed as Anti-Terrorism Day throughout the country. The
day marks the death of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi
in a terrorist attack on 21
May in 1991. The Day is
observed to generate awareness in the country among all
sections of people, about the danger of terrorism and
violence and their effect on the people, society and the
country as a whole.

Committee on IITs calls for 5-fold rise in fees: A
committee of experts appointed by the government has
recommended that the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)
be allowed to increase fees five-fold, so they are not
dependent on state funds and, therefore, have greater
autonomy. The committee, headed by nuclear scientist Anil
Kakodkar, in its 278-page report to the HRD ministry, has
recommended an increase in tuition fees from the current
Rs 50,000 per year to about Rs 2 lakh-2.5 lakh annually. A
hassle-free bank loan scheme without collateral should be
devised for IIT students. Every student whose parentss
annual income is less than Rs 4.5 lakh should be offered a
scholarship to cover fees, plus a monthly stipend. Each IIT,
it said, should progressively grow to have around 1,200
faculty from the 500-odd currently, and closer to 12,000
students the increased numbers being made up mostly
by Ph.D students.

Know India Programme organised: A group of 24
diaspora youth participants of 17
Know India Programme
(KIP) from seven countries (from Fiji, France, Peru, South
Africa, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and USA) called on
the Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs and Civil
Aviation, Vayalar Ravi in New Delhi on May 16, 2011. The
Programme was conducted by the Ministry of Overseas
Indian Affairs in partnership with State of Punjab. The
programme provides a forum for students and young
professionals of Indian origin to visit India, share their views
and bond closely with todays India. Earlier, the participants
met the President of India, Pratibha Patil and Chief Election
Commissioner, S.Y Quraishi. The 18
KIP is proposed to be
held during August - September, 2011 with Goa as the
Partner State. The KIP is organized for diaspora youth, in
the age group of 18-26 years is conducted by the Ministry of
Overseas Indian Affairs.

India must increase healthcare spend WHO: An
abysmally low government spending on health at USD 32
per capita characterises the poor state of healthcare in
India which is facing a double burden of diseases afflicting
both the poor and rich classes, says a new WHO report
released on May 17, 2011 in Geneva. While Indias life
expectancy has gone up to 65 years in 2009, up from 61
years in 2000. Global life expectancy was still higher at 68
years in 2009 as compared to 64 in 1990. While per capita
health expenditure is about USD 32 in poor countries,
including in India, it is around USD 4590 in rich countries
(more than 140 times). The high income countries
consequently have 10 times more doctors, 12 times more
nurses and midwifes and 30 times more dentists.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Silent Observer to check female foeticide:
Maharashtra's Buldhana district, with a sex ratio of 842 was
one of the poorest performers in the State, according to the
2011 census. To tackle the rising number of female
foeticide, the district administration has taken a step
towards better reporting, and monitoring the use of
sonography machines to check the practice of illegal sex
determination. This has been enabled by a Pune-based
firm, Visionindia Software Exports Limited, through two of its
initiatives. Silent Observer, a device developed by ex
IITian Narendra Saini, helps the district authorities to check
the practice of sex selective abortions. The device is to be
embedded in the sonography machines and records the
activity of the tests conducted. Visionindia is in talks with
several State governments and district authorities to make
Silent Observer mandatory in all the registered
sonography centres.

Bihars 1
River Patrolling Police Station launched:
Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on May 20, 2011 launched
Bihars first River Patrolling Police Station (RPPS) on the
banks of the Ganges in Patna district. The first-ever RPPS
near Maujipur village under Fatuha police station has been
built at a cost of Rs 56 lakh. The state government had
identified 18 places on the banks of important rivers for
setting up of RPPS in Bihar. Initially, it would start
functioning at five places covering a long stretch of the
Ganges, Kosi and Gandak rivers. The RPPSs would be set
up at Patna Rural (Fatuha), Naugachhia, Bagaha, Supaul
and Darbhanga.

Tatas open cancer hospital in Kolkata: Tata Sons
Chairman Ratan Tata on May 16, 2011 inaugurated the
Tata Medical Center, a state-of-the-art facility for the care,
treatment and rehabilitation of those suffering from cancer in
Kolkata. The hospital, set up at a cost of Rs 350 crore, is a
not-for-profit initiative that is aimed specifically at helping
cancer patients from the east and northeast of India and
also from Bangladesh. The healthcare Center is modelled
on the Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), the renowned cancer-
care institution in Mumbai.

Lok Sabha Speaker unveils Tagore bust in Seoul:
Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on May 18, 2011 unveiled
a bronze bust of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore in
Seoul. Kumar, in Seoul for the G20 Speakers Conference,
conveyed Indias appreciation to President of Republic of
Korea Lee Myung-bak for the friendly gesture on the 150

anniversary of the poet-philosopher. The approximately four
feet high metal masterpiece, carved by renowned sculptor
Gautam Pal has been gifted to Korea by the Indian Council
for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

Theni neutrino observatory site gets clearance: The
India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO), a multi-institutional
effort to build a world class underground laboratory, at a
cost of Rs. 1,260 crore, to study neutrinos in the
atmosphere, will be set up in West Bodi Hills of Theni
district, 110 km west of Madurai. The Expert Appraisal
Committee (EAC) of the Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MoEF) recommended an environmental clearance
for the site in May 2011. The approval comes after years of
negotiations with the State government, the Forest
department and activists and the rejection of two sites. The
INO is listed by the Planning Commission as one of the
mega science projects under the XI five-year plan. It will be
jointly funded by the Department of Atomic Energy and
Department of Science and Technology.

75% of Himalayan glaciers on retreat ISRO:
Himalayan glaciers, which were clouded in controversy over
various claims by IPCC authors and other experts about
their rapid retreat, will now gain a little more clarity. ISRO
satellite images taken by Resourcesat-1 over a period of 15
years (1989-2004) have revealed that 75% of the glaciers
have retreated while 8% have advanced and 17% are
stable. There has been a retreat of about 3.75km on an
average. The study included 2,190 glaciers. It was
commissioned by the ministry of environment and forests
(MoEF) and department of space (DoS) to break the myths
about Himalayan glaciers disappearing. The findings
revealed by Marine, Geo and Planetary Science Group
(MPSG), Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad in May
2011 will be published soon. The ISRO satellite imagery
also shows that the area under mangroves has improved
slightly. From 4,441 sqkm in 1993, it has improved to
4,956.2 sqkm in 2004-06.

Defence Minister inaugurates Karwar township:
India is moving fast to set-up its third major naval base after
Mumbai and Cochin on the western coast at Karwar in
Karnataka. Defence Minister A K Antony inaugurated an
integrated defence-civilian township at Karwar on May 21
with 326 dwelling units under Project Seabird, also known
as Karwar Project. The township will accommodate defence
and civilian employees posted at Karwar. It is part of the
Project Seabird which was aimed to transform Karwar into a
state-of-art major naval base on western coast with docking
facilities for an aircraft carrier-size vessel. Completed at a
cost of Rs 2400 crore approximately, the phase one of the
project has seen commissioning of base ship INS Kadamba
in 2005 and a ship-lift facility in 2006 along with a hospital
and the township which was inaugurated on May 21.

India-Pak hold talks on Sir Creek dispute: India and
Pakistan on May 20-21, 2011 conducted a two-day talk on
the Sir Creek issue as part of a bilateral dialogue process,
with the two sides holding parleys on the maritime boundary
dispute after a gap of four years. An eight-member
delegation led by Surveyor General of India S Subba Rao

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

participated in the talks while the Pakistani side was headed
by Additional Defence Secretary Rear Admiral Shah Sohail
Masood. The talks which were held at the Defence Ministry
in the garrison city of Rawalpindi are part of the bilateral
dialogue process that recently revived after a gap of over
two years in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

BJP parades Karnataka MLAs before President:
The BJP on May 17, 2011 paraded its MLAs from
Karnataka before President Pratibha Patil seeking rejection
of Governor H R Bhardwajs recommendation for imposition
of Presidents rule in the state and demanded his immediate
recall. The Governor alleged that Constitutional mechanism
had broken down in the state because of the collusion
between the Speaker and the Chief Minister that led to
disqualification of rebel MLAs. Led by party President Nitin
Gadkari and other central leaders including Arun Jaitley and
Sushma Swaraj, Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa and 114
other MLAs presented themselves before the President and
handed over a memorandum containing their demands.

AG says Army Chiefs birth year is 1950: Attorney
General (AG) Goolam E Vahanvati has opined that 1950
should be treated as the year of Army Chief of Staff General
V K Singhs birth. AGs view had been sought by the Army
after it was found that Singh has two different dates of birth
May 10, 1950 and May 10, 1951 in various documents,
creating confusion regarding his date of retirement. The AG
has opined that Singhs date of birth should be treated as
May 10, 1950 which is mentioned in his UPSC application
form for the National Defence Academy and that tampering
with it at this point would lead to complications in the
succession line. If this view is taken into consideration,
Singh will retire on June 1, 2012. Defence Minister A K
Antony on May 20, 2011 said a decision on the issue would
be announced whenever it is taken by the government.

Kanimozhi denied bail, sent to Tihar jail: Kanimozhi,
DMK MP and former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M
Karunanidhis daughter, was sent to the Tihar Jail on May
21, 2011 as the special CBI court rejected her bail plea in
the ongoing 2G spectrum scam case. She has been
accused of criminal conspiracy and accepting bribe for
allocating 2G spectrum to companies. Kalaignar TV
managing director Sharad Kumar was also denied bail and
taken to prison. Kanimozhi and Kumar each hold 20 per
cent stake in Kalaignar TV and have been accused of
criminal conspiracy and accepting a bribe of Rs 200 crore
from Shahid Balwas company, DB Realty, under the
Prevention of Corruption Act. Kanimozhi was an active brain
behind the money transfer made to Kalaignar TV, CBI had
said, accusing her of complicity in the entire transaction and
being in regular touch with former Communications Minister
A Raja. Special CBI Judge O P Saini dismissed the bail
applications of Kanimozhi and Kumar on grounds of the
magnitude of the crime, character of evidence on record
and the apprehension that witnesses might be influenced in
case the accused are released on bail.

Kalmadi the brain behind TSR scam CBI: The
CBI has squarely named arrested Commonwealth Games
chief organizer Suresh Kalmadi as the mastermind in
fixing and inflating costs of a timing, scoring and results
contract awarded to a Swiss firm that caused a loss of Rs
95 crore. In its first chargesheet in a Games-related case,
the CBI on May 20, 2011 countered Kalmadis claim that the
controversial contract awarded to Swiss Timing was cleared
by an executive board and the sports ministry, maintaining
that the Pune MP was the supreme authority in the
organizing committee, having overriding powers. Kalmadi
and other accused caused loss of Rs 95 crore to the OC by
favouring Swiss Timing which charged Rs 157.6 crore
compared to the Rs 62 crore bid by a Spanish company.

Mamata to return Singurs 400 acres to farmers:
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced
that her government will return the 400 acres, a part of the
1,000 acres acquired for the Tatas Nano factory in Singur,
to the unwilling farmers. Trinamool Congress says it was
acquired forcibly. Bannerjee also invited the Tatas to build
their factory on the remaining 600 acres. The Nano project
became a big political issue in 2008 when Banerjee sided
with the farmers and asked the state government to return
the land acquired forcibly. The Tatas were forced to shift the
project to Sanand in Gujarat. Experts say the main
impediment in returning the land is law. Under the Land
Acquisition Act, 1894, land once acquired for a public
purpose cannot be returned. However, a new legislation can
be passed.

Mamata resigns as Railway Minister: Trinamool
Congress leader Mamata Banerjee resigned as Railway
Minister on May 19, 2011. Banerjee took over as Railway
Minister of UPA-II government in May, 2009. She had also
held the ministry for less than two years in the NDA
government. Trinanool Congress General Secretary Mukul
Roy, currently Minister of State for Shipping, is being seen
as the front-runner for taking over the Railway Ministry.
Banerjee, who engineered the landslide victory of the
Trinamool Congress-Congress combine, was sworn in as
West Bengals first woman Chief Minister on May 20.

Mamata Banerjee is new CM of West Bengal:
Trinamool Congress President Mamata Banerjee was sworn
in as the first woman Chief Minister of West Bengal on May
20, 2011 in Kolkata. Governor M.K. Narayanan
administered the oath of office and secrecy to. Banerjee and
37 Ministers of the Trinamool Congress-Congress alliance
government, which assumed power after more than 34

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

years of Left Front rule. The Cabinet includes four Ministers
of State.

Oommen Chandy sworn in as Kerala CM: Oommen
Chandy was sworn in as Keralas 21
Chief Minister on May
18, 2011 in Thiruvananthapuram by Governor R.S. Gavai.
Along with Chandy, six floor leaders of the UDF coalition
were also administered the oath of office and secrecy by the
Governor. The UDF unseated the CPI (M)-led LDF by
securing a thin majority of 72 seats in the 140-member
House after April 13 Assembly polls. Those sworn in as
ministers were P.K. Kunhalikutty (IUML), K.M. Mani (Kerala
Congress-M), K.P. Mohanan (SJD), T.M. Jacob (Kerala
Congress-J), K.B. Ganesh Kumar (Kerala Congress-B) and
Shibu Baby John (RSP-B). Chandy is becoming the Chief
Minister for the second time after an interim term in 2004-

Rangasamy sworn in as Puducherry CM: N
Rangasamy, who ended the 15-year-reign of his former
party, the Congress, in a stunning electoral debut for his All
India NR Congress, was sworn in as chief minister of
Puducherry for the third time on May 16, 2011. Rangasamy,
61, was administered oath of office by L-G Iqbal Singh,
making him the 18
CM of the Union Territory. Rangasamy
was Congress CM of Puducherry between 2001 and 2006,
and 2006 and 2008, when he was sacked following a revolt
in his cabinet. A few months before the polls, Rangasamy
floated his own party.

Gogoi sworn in as CM of Assam: Tarun Gogoi was on
May 19, 2011 sworn-in as the chief minister of Assam for
the third consecutive term by Governor JB Patnaik in
Guwahati. Gogoi, who was born on April 1, 1936, at
Rangajan tea estate in Jorhat district of Upper Assam, first
became the chief minister of the state in 2001; by defeating
the Prafulla Kumar Mahanta led Asom Gana Parishad
(AGP) government. He became the chief minister for the
second time in 2006, when the Congress formed the
government with support of Bodoland Peoples Front (BPF).
In 2011, putting to rest every speculation, the Congress
party stormed back to power with a thumping mandate,
winning 78 seats in the 126 member assembly.

Jaya sworn in as CM for third time: All India Anna
Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) Chief J
Jayalalithaa was on May 16, 2011 sworn in for the fourth
time as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu along with her 33
Cabinet ministers, which include 24 new faces. The new CM
has appointed a minister whose only job will be to
implement schemes promised by AIADMK in the 2011
assembly manifesto. S P Velumani, who won from the
Thondamuthur constituency, took over as the minister for
special programme implementation. Jayalalithaa-led
AIADMK swept the 13
Tamil Nadu Assembly elections,
winning 150 seats in the 234-member House.

West Bengal Pro-tem Speaker sworn in: Gyan Singh
Sohanpal, veteran Congress leader in the State, was sworn
in as the Pro-tem Speaker of the 15
West Bengal
Legislative Assembly by Governor M. K. Narayanan in
Kolkata on May 18, 2011.

Shaan is Tobacco Control Ambassador of India':
Singer Shaan was on May 10, 2011 announced as the
Tobacco Control Ambassador of India' by the Union
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Mumbai. The
singer also launched his music video on tobacco control
titled Life Se Panga Mat Le Yaar' on the occasion

Dramatist Sircar passes away: Well known dramatist
Badal Sircar passed away on May 20, 2011 in Kolkata. Born
in 1925 as Sudhindranath Sircar and later rechristened as
Badal, he was a civil engineer who worked as a town
planner before joining theatre. He formed the theatre group
Shatabdi and their first production was Evam Indrajit.
Some of his prominent works include Baaki Itihaas,
Pralap, Pagla Ghoda, Shesh Naai and Sagina Mahato,
among others. He received the Padma Shree in 1972 and
the Sangeet Natak Academy Award in 1968 and a Ratna
Sadasya fellowship. He declined Padma Bhusan in 2010.

Photographer Benu Sen passes away: Benu Sen, the
doyen of Indian photography, passed away in Kolkata on
May 17, 2011. He was only the third Master of
Photography (MFIAP) in the world and Secretary-General
of the Federation of Indian Photography (FIP) since 1997.
Born on May 26, 1932, in Calcutta, Benu Sen began his life
as a Ground Engineer (Aeronautical Engineering) at Dum-
Dum airport but soon left it to join the Indian Museum,
Calcutta, in 1963 as Head of the Department of
Photography. He retired from there in 1990. He was the
third man in the world to have received the rare honour of
Master of Photography (M.F.I.A.P.) from Federation
International de LArt Photographique.

Kisan leader Tikait passes away: Mahendra Singh Tikait,
a farmer leader from Western Uttar Pradesh who
spearheaded many a struggle uniting peasants in north
India, passed away on May 15, 2011 in Muzaffarnagar. 76-
year-old Tikait, who headed the Bharatiya Kisan Union, led
a number of mass movements against the state and central
governments to support the rights of the farmers. The BKU
had in 1988 laid a virtual siege to Meerut in pursuit of higher
prices for sugarcane, cancellation of loans and lowering of
water and electricity rates. The same year he had organised
a week-long protest in Delhis Boat Club to focus on the
plight of farmers.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

PM to attend India-Africa Forum

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will focus on strengthening
ties on development and bilateral trade during his visit to
Ethiopia and Tanzania the first ever by an Indian prime
minister. Singh is also expected to take up issues of
terrorism and piracy. Fifteen African nations will take part in
the summit of the second India-Africa Forum from May 24 to
25, 2011 at Addis Ababa, the seat of the African Union
(AU). The summit is expected to come out with the Addis
Ababa Declaration and an Africa-India Framework for
Enhanced Cooperation document, which would set the
roadmap for further consolidating the strategic partnership
between India and the African Union.

Indias Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma is
leading a 15-member CEOs delegation here. The trade
between India and Africa crossed $46 billion in 2010. The
minister also said that India has become one of the leading
investors in African countries. In sectors like oil and gas,
pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, IT, fertilisers and
infrastructure, Indian companies have invested $33 billion in
the region.

Sharma inaugurated the three-day India Show at
Millennium Hall, Addis Ababa on May 20, 2011. The theme
of the show was Africa & India: Partners in Progress
Friends Forever. He also released a special publication
entitled India-Africa Business Guide. India and Africa have
set a bilateral trade target of US $ 70 billion by 2015. The
India Show was only the second such Show in the African
continent after the one held in South Africa last year in
August at Johannesburg and Durban, and comprises of a
mega Trade Exhibition, a Business Seminar, and a
Cultural Programme.

Major exporting destinations for India in Africa are South
Africa, Mauritius, Nigeria, Egypt and Tanzania, and major
importing partners are Nigeria, South Africa, Congo and

Major items of African exports to India are mineral fuel,
mineral oils and products, copper ores and concentrates
natural or culture pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
coffee, coconut, edible fruit, etc. India, the largest importer
of rough diamonds, sources most of its requirement from

Similarly Indias exports to the African market constitute a
wide variety of products that include mineral fuel, mineral
oils and products of their distillation, cotton, iron and steel,
nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical
appliances, meat of bovine animals, etc.

The Indian government is also taking measures to promote
bilateral trade. Its commitment to provide a duty-free
preferential tariff scheme for 49 least developed countries
(LDCs) including 33 African countries is a major step
acknowledged by developed countries in WTO negotiations.

The impact of Indian investment in Africa has contributed to
the welfare of African nations. Leading pharma companies
such as Ranbaxy and Zydus have provided low-cost generic

World Summit on Information Society held

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Forum 2011 was organised from 16- 20 May 2011 in
Geneva, Switzerland. The Forum provided structured
opportunities to network, learn and to participate in multi-
stakeholder discussions and consultations on WSIS
implementation. The Forum was hosted by ITU and jointly
organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP. Kapil
Sibal, the Union Minister of Communications & IT,
Government of India addressed the inaugural session of the
WSIS Forum on May 16. The International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) completed 146
year of its
existence on May 17, 2011.

The WSIS is a two-phase United Nations (UN) summit that
was initiated in order to create an evolving multi-stakeholder
platform aimed at addressing the issues raised by
information and communication technologies (ICTs) through
a structured and inclusive approach at the national, regional
and international levels. The goal of WSIS is to achieve a
common vision, desire and commitment to build a people-
centric, inclusive and development-oriented Information
Society where everyone can create, access, utilize and
share information.

The UN General Assembly Resolution of December 2001
endorsed the holding of the WSIS in two phases. The first
phase took place in Geneva in December 2003 and the
second phase took place in Tunis in November 2005. In
2003, the number of participants was 11,000 representing
175 countries and in 2005 the number of participants was
more than 19,000 representing 174 countries. Since then, a
cluster of WSIS-related events was held on an annual basis
. In 2009, the cluster of WSIS-related events was rebranded
as WSIS Forum.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

World Meteorological Congress organised: The 16

World Meteorological Congress of the World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO) was organised at Geneva on May 16,
2011. India has supported the establishment of an
Intergovernmental Board for Climate Services that would
report to the WMO Congress and undertake the full and
sustained implementation of GFCS. India pledged to
support GFCS Secretariat with a grant of US $ 1,25,000.

International Museum Day Celebrated: The Union
Ministry of Culture on May 18, 2011 celebrated International
Museum Day. This day is an occasion to raise awareness
on how important museums are in the development of
society. Museum and Memory is the theme of International
Museum Day 2011. Memory is a preoccupation for
organisations beyond the museum community. The
International Councils of Museums (ICOM) has therefore
initiated close institutional partnerships with the UNESCO
Memory of the World Programme (World Documentary
Heritage), the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives
Associations (CCAAA), the International Council of Archives
(ICA), the International Council of Monuments and Sites
(ICOMOS) and the International Federation of Library
Associations (IFLA). IMD 2011 had focus on the African
continent whose cultural contribution to the world is often
unknown and deserves to be promoted.

Endeavour docks with ISS: The US space shuttle
Endeavour, with six astronauts on board including an Italian,
docked at the International Space Station (ISS) on May 18,
2011. The shuttle had blasted off on May 16 on a 16-day
mission to deliver a $2bn Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
(AMS) that will conduct experiments to probe the origins of
the universe and a tray of critical spare parts. The mission is
being led by astronaut Mark Kelly. The shuttle will remain at
the station until May 30, returning to the United States on
June 1. On its return to Earth on 1 June, Endeavour will be
prepared for public display at the California Science Center
in Los Angeles. Endeavour was built to replace the
Challenger, lost in a 1986 launch accident. Staring in 1992,
the shuttle has flown 116.4 million miles in 24 previous
flights. Beyond Endeavour, the US space agency (NASA)
plans one further shuttle mission to the station in July.
America will then use Russian Soyuz capsules to fly its
astronauts to the ISS, before a number of US national
commercial carriers enter service and take up the role
sometime in the middle of the decade.

Bangladesh leases farmland in Africa: Bangladeshi
companies have leased thousands of hectares of farmland
in African countries such as Uganda and Tanzania in May
2011 as part of a government drive to improve food security
in the South Asian nation. The aim is to bring most of the
farms output back to Bangladesh to ease food shortages.
Bangladeshs 150 million citizens have been hit hard by
sharp increases in the price of rice, the staple grain, which
was up by an average 50 per cent year-on-year in April.

Conference on Devanagari organised: A two-day
conference and competition with the objective of
popularising the Devanagari script, which is common among
Hindi, Nepali and Sanskrit languages, was organised in
Kathmandu, Nepal on May 18-19, 2011. The preservation of
Devanagari script will not only strengthen cultural ties
between Nepal and India but also help in preserving Hindi,
Nepali and other languages spoken in the south Asian

Singapore Indians get key portfolios in cabinet:
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on May 18,
2011 announced a post-election Cabinet, assigning several
key portfolios to leaders of the ethnic Indian minority and the
Chinese majority. The new cabinet features two Deputy
Prime Ministers, Teo Chee Hean and Tharman
Shanmugaratnam. Elevated as Deputy Prime Minister,
Shanmugaratnam would retain Finance and assume charge
as Manpower Minister and MAS Chairman. Vivian
Balakrishnan was assigned Environment and Water
Resources as his new portfolios. K. Shanmugam, while
being shifted from Home to Foreign Affairs, would retain
Law. On being promoted as a full-fledged Cabinet Minister
and inducted into the Prime Ministers Office, S. Iswaran
would also function as Second Minister for Home as also for
Trade and Industry. The ruling Peoples Action Party (PAP)
secured 81 of the 87 parliamentary seats but on a reduced
vote percentage of slightly over 60 in the May 7 general

Pakistans Shamsi airbase is under UAE control: A
Pakistani airbase long suspected of being the site from
which US drones are launched is under the control of the
UAE. Numerous reports have said that US drones are
based at the Shamsi airbase in Balochistan province.
Pakistan Air Force on May 19, 2011 admitted that the base
was funded and constructed by the UAE. Since the 1990s,
the airbase has been under the control of the UAE, which
handed it over to the US.

Worlds largest womens university launched:
Saudi Arabias King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz on May 16,
2011 inaugurated a state-of-the-art university for women,
claimed to be the worlds largest with a capacity to enroll
50,000 students. Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman
University (PNU), 25 km east of the Saudi capital of Riyadh,
has been built at a cost of USD 5.3 billion (20 billion Saudi
riyals) and is part of an ambitious education plan of the
Saudi government.

Debt-hit Portugal gets 78 bn euro bailout: EU
finance ministers on May 16, 2011 endorsed a 78 billion

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

euro (USD 110 billion) financial rescue package for debt-
stricken Portugal, making it the third eurozone nation after
Greece and Ireland in 2010 to receive a bail-out since the
introduction of the common currency 10 years ago. The
assistance, which is envisaged to be provided over the next
three years, will come in equal parts from the European
Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) -- a temporary financial
safety net for eurozone nations -- the European
Commissions European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism
(EFSM) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The
EU-IMF bail-out came in response to a request for financial
assistance by Portugals caretaker Prime Minister, Jose
Socrates, on April 7 after his government reached a stage
where it could no longer borrow money from capital markets
at affordable interest rates. Portugal will have to pay an
interest rate of 5.7 per cent on the loan from the EU and the
IMF. In return for the assistance, Lisbon will have to
implement far-reaching structural reforms, including a
credible fiscal adjustment to restore fiscal sustainability,
especially by scaling down its budgetary deficit by 2013.

El-Arabi is new Secretary General of Arab League:
Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil El-Arabi was on May 15,
2011 unanimously elected as Arab Leagues new Secretary
General, taking on a challenging task at a time when the
region is witnessing political upheaval. 76-year-old El-Arabi
replaces Amr Moussa, 73, who is running for the post of
Egyptian president after leading Arab League for a decade.
El-Arabi, who backed the uprising against longtime Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak, was chosen by consensus after
Qatar withdrew its choice Abdel-Rahman al-Attiyah for the
top post.

King of Bhutan announces engagement: Jigme
Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the 31-year-old Oxford-
educated bachelor crowned king of Bhutan in 2008,
announced his engagement on May 20, 2011. Wangchuck,
who helped usher in democracy in the Buddhist nation,
revealed his intention to marry 20-year-old student Jetsun
Pema during an address to Parliament. The wedding has
been scheduled for October. Bhutan is famed for the
invention of Gross National Happiness, which is used to
measure the progress and well-being of its citizens instead
of GDP other countries use to measure wealth.

A. Raja in Times Top 10 Abuses of Power: Former
Telecom Minister A Raja, at the centre of the 2G spectrum
scam, on May 20, 2011 earned the dubious distinction of
figuring in the list of Time magazines an ignominious club
of privileged leaders who stepped too far. The 2G scam is
ranked No 2 in the list of scandals and scams in the all-time
Top 10 Abuses of Power, only next to ex-American
President Richard Nixons Plumbers, a secret unit tasked
with digging up dirt on Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel
Ellsberg. Raja is ranked ahead of Libyan strongman
Muammar Gaddafi, North Korean leader Kim Jong-II and
Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi.

Strauss-Kahn resigns as IMF MD: Dominique Strauss-
Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
jailed over allegations of sexual assault on a New York hotel
maid, has quit his official role four days after the incident.
The IMF said Strauss-Kahn had on May 18, 2011 informed
its Executive Board of his resignation. The Fund also
announced John Lipsky as acting Managing Director.
Strauss-Kahn was on May 19 asked to post $1 million as
bail money and $5 million as bond if he wished to leave
Brooklyns infamous Rikers Island prison, where he is being
held. Even as he was granted bail, a grand jury indicted
Strauss-Kahn on all charges brought against him by the 32-
year-old Guinea-born immigrant widow, who alleges that the
former IMF MD attempted to rape her.

US sanctions target Syrian President Assad: The
United States on May 18, 2011 imposed sanctions on
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for human rights abuses.
Assad is now in the company of the Libyan leader,
Muammar Gaddafi, and the President of Belarus, Alexander

Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan: Motorcycle-
borne Taliban militants on May 16, 2011 shot dead a
diplomat from Saudi Arabia, Hasan M.M. Al-Kahtani, while
he was driving to work in Karachi. Claiming responsibility,
the Taliban said it was to avenge the killing of Osama bin
Laden and the continued drone attacks in Pakistans volatile

Trial of 97-year-old Nazi war criminal begins: The
trial of the world's most wanted Nazi war criminal, 97-year-
old Sandor Kepiro, who is charged with complicity in war
crimes in Serbia in 1942, opened in Budapest on May 5,
2011. The former Hungarian military officer is still number
one on the Simon Wiesenthal Center's latest list of most
wanted Nazi war criminals. He is accused of complicity in
war crimes in a raid by Hungarian forces on the northern
town of Novi Sad between January 21 and 23, 1942.

Last WWI combat veteran Choules passes away:
The world's last known combat veteran of World War I,
Claude Choules, passed away on May 5, 2011 in Australia
aged 110. British-born Choules joined the Royal Navy at 15
and went on to serve on HMS Revenge. He moved to
Australia in the 1920s and served in the military until 1956.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK


Section C: AWARDS

National Film Awards announced

National Film Awards for 2010 were announced on May 19, 2011. Feature Films jury was headed by J.P. Dutta, Non-
Feature Films jury was headed by A.K. Bir and Best Writing on Cinema jury was headed by Ashok Vajpeyi.


According to the jury, Malayalam film Adaminte Makan Abu was named the Best Feature Film for a simple yet evocative
articulation of humanist values that frees matters of faith from the constrictions of narrow parochialism. The concerns of Abu,
son of Adam, are timeless and universal in their scope.

Marathi film Baboo Band Baaja won the Indira Gandhi Award for the Best Debut Film of Director for its riveting tale of a
father reluctant to educate his son, a mother who fiercely believes in its liberatory value, and the son who is caught in the
crossfire, Baboo is an outstanding debut project by director. Complete list of winners is as follows:

S. No. Name of Award Name of Film Awardee Medal
& Cash Prize
1 BEST FEATURE FILM Adaminte Makan Abu
Producer: Salim

Director : Salim
Swarna Kamal

Rs 2,50,000/-
Baboo Band Baaja
Producer: Nita

Director : Rajesh
Swarna Kamal

Rs 1,25,000/-
Dabangg (Hindi) Producer: Arbaaz
Khan, Malaika
Arora Khan &
Dhilin Mehta

Director : Abhinav
Singh Kashyap
Swarna Kamal

Rs 2,00,000/-
Moner Manush
Producer: Gautam

Director : Goutam
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,50,000/-

Aishwarya Narkar

Director : Ramesh
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,50,000/-
Bettada Jeeva
Basantkumar Patil

Director : P.
Rajat Kamal
Rs 1,50,000/- Each
Basantkumar Patil
Swarna Kamal
Rs 1,50,000/- Each

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK


Director : P.R.
Ramadas Naidu
8 BEST DIRECTION Aadukalam (Tamil) Vetrimaran

Swarna Kamal
Rs 2,50,000/-
9 BEST ACTOR Aadukalam (Tamil)

Adaminte Makan Abu

Salim Kumar
Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
10 BEST ACTRESS Baboo Band Baaja

Thenmerkku Paruvakkatru
Mitalee Jagtap

Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-

J. Thambi
Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
12 BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Namma Gramam (Tamil) Sukumari Rajat Kamal
Rs 50,000/-
13 BEST CHILD ARTIST I am Kalam (Hindi)

Champions (Marathi)

Baboo Band Baaja
1. Harsh Mayar

2. Shantanu
Ranganekar &
3. Machindra

4. Vivek
Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
Suresh Wadkar Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
Ishqiya (Hindi) Rekha Bhardwaj Rajat Kamal
Rs 50,000/-
Cameraman :
Madhu Ambat

Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
17 BEST SCREENPLAY Aadukalam (Tamil)

Mee Sindhutai Sapkal

Mee Sindhutai Sapkal
Screenplay Writer
(Original) :

Screenplay Writer
(Adapted) :
Anant Mahadevan
& Sanjay Pawar

Dialogues :
Sanjay Pawar
Rajat Kamal
Rs 50,000/-

Rajat Kamal
Rs 50,000/-

Rajat Kamal
Rs 50,000/-
18 BEST AUDIOGRAPHY Ishqiya (Hindi)

Chitrasutram (Malayalam)

Location Sound
Recordist :
Kaamod Kharade
Sound Designer :
Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/- each

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK


Ishqiya (Hindi)

Re-recordist of the
final mixed track :
Debajit Changmai
19 BEST EDITING Aadukalam (Tamil)

T.E. Kishore Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
20 BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN Enthiran (Tamil) Sabu Cyril Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
21 BEST COSTUME DESIGNER Namma Gramam (Tamil) Indrans Jayan Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
Vikram Gaikwad Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-

Adaminte Makan Abu
Music Director
(Songs) : Vishal

Music Director
Score) : Issak
Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/- each
24 BEST LYRICS Thenmerkku Paruvakkatru
Vairamuthu Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
25 SPECIAL JURY AWARD Mee Sindhutai Sapkal
Producer: Bindiya &
Sachin Khanolkar

Director : Anant
Rajat Kamal

Rs 2,00,000/-
26 BEST SPECIAL EFFECTS Enthiran (Tamil) V. Srinivas M
Rajat Kamal

Rs 50,000/-
27 BEST CHOREOGRAPHY Aadukalam (Tamil)

Dinesh Kumar Rajat Kamal
Rs 50,000/-
28 BEST ASSAMESE FILM Jetuka Patar Dare Producer: Md.
Noorul Sultan

Director : Jadumoni
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,00,000/-
29 BEST BENGALI FILM Ami Aadu Producer: New
Theatres Pvt. Ltd
Director : Sonmath
Rajat Kamal
Rs 1,00,000/-

30 BEST HINDI FILM Do Dooni Char Producer: Arindam
Director :
Habib Faisal
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,00,000/-
31 BEST KANNADA Puttakkana Highway Producer:
Shylaja Nag &
Rajat Kamal

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Prakash Raj

Director :
B. Suresha
Rs 1,00,000/-

32 BEST MALAYALAM FILM Veettilekkulla Vazhi Producer: B.C.

Director : Dr Biju
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,00,000/-
33 BEST MARATHI FILM Mala Aai Vhhaychay Producer:
Samruddhi Porey

Director :
Samruddhi Porey
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,00,000/-
34 BEST TAMIL FILM Thenmerkku Paruvakkatru Producer: Shibu

Director : Seenu
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,00,000/-
35 BEST ENGLISH FILM Memories in March Producer: Shrikant

Director : Sanjoy
Rajat Kamal

Rs 1,00,000/-
36 SPECIAL MENTION Bettada Jeeva

Aadukalam (Tamil)
Late Shivaram

V.I.S. Jayaraman
Certificate only

Certificate only


S. No. Name of Award Name of Film Awardee Medal
& Cash Prize

Producer: Satyajit Ray
Film & Television
Institute, Kolkata
Director: Snehal R.
Swarna Kamal
Rs 1,50,000/- each


(Marathi & Telugu)
Nagraj Manjule

Director :
Nagraj Manjule

Rs 75,000/- each

(Tangkhul, Manipuri &
Oinam Doren

Director :
Oinam Doren

Rs 50,000/- each

Films Division

Director :
Dilip Patnaik

Rs 50,000/- each
Leaving Home

Jaideep Varma

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

(English & Hindi)
Director :
Jaideep Varma
Rs 50,000/- each

Heart to Heart

(Manipuri & English)
Rotary Club of Imphal

Director :

Rs 50,000/- each

Producer: Meghnath

Director :
Biju Toppo and

Rs 50,000/- each

Producer: Meghnath

Director :
Biju Toppo and

Rs 50,000/- each

(Bengali, Hindi &

Director :
Ananya Chakraborti

Rs 50,000/- each


K. Vijaypal Reddy

Director :
Pradeep Maadugula

Rs 50,000/- each

Boxing Ladies

Satyajit Ray Film &
Television Institute,

Director :
Anusha Nandakumar

Rs 50,000/- each

(Malayalam, Punjabi,
Hindi, English & Tulu)
Ranjini Krishnan

Director :
K. R. Manoj

Rs 50,000/- each

Kabira Khada Bazaar

Srishti School of Art,
Design & Technology,

Director :
Shabnam Virmani

Rs 1,00,000/- each

Kal 15 August Dukan
Band Rahegi

Producer: Film &
Television Institute of
India, Pune


Rs 50,000/- each

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Director :
Prateek Vats

Love in India

(Bengali & English)
Producer: Overdose

Director :
Kaushik Mukherjee


Rs 50,000/- each
16 BEST DIRECTION Shyam Raat Seher

(Hindi & Engish)
Director : Arunima

Swarna Kamal

Rs 1,50,000/-each

Shyam Raat Seher

(Hindi & English)
Murali G.

Laboratory :
Film Lab

Rs 50,000/- each
18 BEST AUDIOGRAPHY A Pestering Journey

(Malayalam, Punjabi,
Hindi English & Tulu)
Re-recordist (final
mixed track) :
Harikumar Madhavan

Rs 50,000/- each


Editor : Tinni Mitra


Rs 50,000/- each
20 BEST NARRATION (for Writing
the Narration)
Johar : Welcome to
Our World (Hindi &
Nilanjan Bhattacharya RAJAT Kamal

Rs 50,000/- each
21 Special Mention a. Ottayal (One
Woman Alone)
( Malayalam)

b. The Zeliangrongs
(Manipuri & English)

c. Pistulya
(Marathi & Telugu)
a. Director:
Shiny Jacob Benjamin

b. Director
Ronel Haobam

c. Child Artist: Suraj


S. No. Name of Award Name of Book Awardee Medal
1. BEST BOOK ON CINEMA From Rajahs and Yogis
to Gandhi and Beyond:
Images of India in
International Films of
the Twentieth Century
Publisher : Seagull

Author: Vijaya Mulay

Swarna Kamal

Rs 75,000
2. SPECIAL MENTION 1. Cinema Bhojpuri

2. Thiraicheelai

Publisher : Penguin
Books India Ltd
Author : Avijit Ghosh

Publisher : Trisakti
Sundar Raman

Author : Oviyar Jeeva

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

3 BEST FILM CRITIC Joshy Joseph (English)


N. Manu Chakravarthy
(Kannada & English)

Swarna Kamal

Rs 37,500

Swarna Kamal

Rs 37,500

Dr. Raghuvansh conferred Moortidevi Award: The 22
Moortidevi Award for the year 2008 was presented to eminent
Hindi writer and thinker Dr. Raghuvansh for his outstanding work Paschimi Bhautik Samskriti Ka Utthan Aur Patan on May
16, 2011 by Vice President of India M. Hamid Ansari. The Award has been instituted by Bhartiya Jnanpith in the year 1983
and is given annually for any thought provoking literature which depicts Indian philosophy and culture. The Award constitutes
a cash prize of Rs. 2 lakh and a momento alongwith a citation.

High Court judge wins PETA Compassionate Action award: Gujarat High Court judge, Justice M.R. Shah, was on
May 18, 2011 selected by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India for the Compassionate Action Award
for declaring that caging birds is illegal and ordering freedom for 494 birds and other animals seized from bird-sellers by
police. The bird-sellers had petitioned the court requesting return of the animals to them after police confiscated parrots,
doves, love birds and munias as well as rabbits and dogs. On May 12, Justice Shah said that keeping the birds caged was in
violation of both the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and the Wildlife Protection Act and ordered that the birds be set

Dr. Gullapalli N. Rao presented Kupfer Award: The US-based Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
(ARVO) has honoured the founder of L.V. Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), Dr. Gullapalli N. Rao, by presenting him with Kupfer
Award for distinguished public service and his outstanding accomplishments as a researcher, ophthalmologist, and
humanitarian, committed to moving forward the agenda of eliminating avoidable blindness by 2020. The award was
presented to Dr. Rao at the annual meeting of ARVO at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA in May 2011.

Sriram, Dabholkar win Doors to Diplomacy Award in US: Two Indian American students on May 20, 2011 won a
US State Department award for creating a website for cultural diplomacy with the Muslim world. Aparajit Sriram and Avanti
Dabholkar, 12
grade students in New Jersey, were selected for the 2011 Doors to Diplomacy Award that recognises the
web projects that best teach young people about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy.

Indian doctors win British Medical Journal awards: Two teams of medical professionals from India were awarded
top honours at the British Medical Journal Group Awards distributed on May 18, 2011. The award for Medical Team in a
Crisis Zone went to Doctors for You for their flood relief work in Bihar in 2008; and the award for Innovation in Health Care
went to Professor Subhashchandra Daga and his team at the Maharashtra Institute of Medical Education and Research
Medical College for their work in neo-natal health. The BMJ Group Awards, held in association with the Medical and Dental
Defence Union of Scotland recognise and celebrate excellence in healthcare across the globe.

Gulshan Kumar creates wheelchair spinning record: Delhi-boy Gulshan Kumar on May 16, 2011 broke the world
record for spinning his wheelchair the maximum times in a single minute. The 18-year-old differently-abled boy made 63
spins in a minute on a wheelchair, thereby breaking the existing world record of 32 spins previously held by Jeffrey of France
in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Premlata is oldest Indian woman to scale Mt Everest: Jharkhands Premlata Agarwal on May 20, 2011 became the
oldest Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest at the age of 45. Premlata, who is being supported by Tata Steel, is also the
first person from Jharkhand to go an expedition to the Mount Everest.

Delhi student scales Mt. Lhotse: A schoolboy from Noida has achieved a rare double; after being the youngest Indian to
scale Mount Everest, he has ascended the neighbouring peak Mt. Lhotse. Arjun Vajpayee, a class 12 student of the Ryan

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

International School in Noida, reached the peak of the 8,516 metre Mt. Lhotse, worlds fourth highest peak, on May 19, 2011.
On May 22, 2010, he climbed the 8,848 metre-high Everest at the age of 16 breaking the record of Krushnaa Patil, 18, from
Maharashtra who became the youngest Indian to reach Everest in 2009.

Trisha Rays film wins Gold Remi at Houstons Worldfest 2011: NRI director Trisha Rays film Sugarbaby, about a
trio of street singers in Kolkata, won a Gold Remi for the Best Theatrical Feature Film at the Houstons Worldfest 2011 on
May 16, 2011. Sugarbaby is based on a novel by Brian Stewart. The movie is about three girls, Maria (Iheny from
Venezuela), Sally (Cristina from the US) and Tara (Jasmine, also from the US), who are street singers. One day they find an
abandoned baby and their lives change forever.

Coen brothers win $1m Dan David Prize: Movie directors Joel and Ethan Coen on May 16, 2011 received the $1m Dan
David Prize for a creative partnership unique in the history of film-making at the Tel Aviv University in Israel. The Prize is
awarded to people who have made an outstanding contribution to humanity. The awards, established by international
businessman and philanthropist Dan David in 2002, give three annual prizes in past, present and future categories. The
Coens join previous winners of the present award including former British PM Tony Blair and environmental campaigner and
former US Vice-President Al Gore. The prizes citation said their debut movie Blood Simple showed their abilities as young
film-makers whose grasp of film genres, dark comedy and the capacity to bring narrative complexity to apparently simple
plots became hallmarks of their future films. In 2008, they won Oscars for best directing, best screenplay and best picture for
No Country for Old Men, while in 1997 they picked up the writing award for Fargo

Philip Roth wins the Man Booker Prize: 78-year old US writer Philip Roth was on May 18, 2011 announced winner of
the fourth Man Booker International Prize. The award and 60,000 prize money is presented to a writer for their achievement
in fiction on the world stage. His body of work includes the 1997 novel American Pastoral, for which he received the Pulitzer
Prize. At 26, he wrote his first book Goodbye, Columbus. Born in Newark, New Jersey in 1933, Roths controversial 1969
novel Portnoys Complaint brought him worldwide attention. Time magazine included the work in a list of the best novels of
the 20
century. The judging panel was chaired by writer, academic and rare-book dealer Dr Rick Gekoski, writer and critic
Carmen Callil and award-winning novelist Justin Cartwright. The Man Booker International Prize, which is presented every
two years, has previously been awarded to Ismail Kadare in 2005, Chinua Achebe in 2007 and Alice Munro in 2009

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK


WB for streamlining of anti-poverty schemes

The World Bank has suggested streamlining of some anti-
poverty schemes, such as the Public Distribution System

In a new report, the Bank said India spent about 2 per cent
of its gross domestic product (GDP) on social protection
schemes, but the overall returns to the spending have not
yet reached full potential.

The report, Social Protection for a Changing India,
commissioned by the Planning Commission in 2004, is the
Banks first comprehensive review of anti-poverty schemes
such as PDS, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), Rashtriya Suraksha Bima
Yojana (RSBY), Indira Awaas Yojana among others was
released on May 18, 2011 by John Blomquist, World Banks
Lead Economist for Social Protection in India.

India spends more than its South Asian neighbours as well
as many other developing countries on social protection
schemes. However, the countrys overall report on this front
is mixed. There are pockets of good performance.

On PDS, the largest safety net for the poor, the World
Bank advocated consolidated cash transfers to prevent
leakages and diversion of grains. It also favoured private
sector participation in grain procurement. In 2001, the
Planning Commission had estimated leakage of below
poverty line grains at 58 per cent nationally, the report said.

India spends one per cent of the GDP on PDS and covers
25 per cent of poor households. Declaring that no country in
the world had a well functioning PDS, the report said India
was no exception.

Among other PDS reforms suggested were measures to
make fair price shops (FPS) financially viable, introducing
community-based FPS, as in Tamil Nadu, decentralisation
of grain purchases, strengthening monitoring of the scheme,
use of food coupons, as in the case of Bihar, Andhra
Pradesh and Rajasthan.

In schemes such as MGNREGS and RSBY, too, some
public policy and implementation gaps were seen.

The report suggested that India should aim for a 3 Block
Strategy comprising three core schemes of PDS,
MGNREGS and RSBY. Proposing integration of some
schemes, it says that the large number of Central and State
schemes could be streamlined over time to a core set of
flagship schemes with an element of choice and flexibility
for meeting the varied needs of States.

India ranked 32
in world competitiveness

India slipped one rank, to 32
position in overall
competitiveness among 59 nations, according to the World
Competitiveness Rankings, announced on May 18, 2011 by
the International Institute for Management Development,
Lausanne (Switzerland).

The US and Hong Kong are joint first followed by followed
by last years topper, Singapore. In 2010, the US and Hong
Kong ranked second and third, respectively. Sweden
jumped to fourth, from sixth in 2010, and Germany came
sixth. Apart from Hong Kong and Singapore, two other
Asian nations, Taiwan and Qatar, came in the top 10 list.
Venezuela was the least competitive.

Sharply different trends were observed in Indias ranking in
four major parameters. While the ranking relating to
economic performance, government efficiency and
infrastructure availability marginally improved, India slipped
on business efficiency, which pulled down its overall

On government efficiency, which includes fiscal
management and business legislation, India did better than
last year improving its position from 30
in 2010 to 29

In economic performance, a macroeconomic evaluation of
the domestic economy and related to areas like trade,
investments, employment and prices, the position of India
improved by two ranks to 18

In the case of infrastructure availability to meet basic,
technological, scientific and human resources needs of
business, the country improved its position to 50
rank in
2011, from the 54
position last year. This indicates the
considerable infrastructure investment of recent years have
started showing results, the statement said.

However, on the business efficiency parameter, relating to
productivity and management practices, India slipped from
rank in 2010 to 22
rank in 2011.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

SEZ Exports in 2010-11 grow 43%

The Minister of State for Commerce Jyotiraditya M. Scindia
presented the EPCES Export Awards to EOUs and SEZ
Units for Outstanding Export Performance for 2008-09 on
May 18, 2011.

Exports from SEZs during 2010-11 were Rs. 3,15,867 crore
representing a growth of 43% over the previous year. The
contribution of exports from SEZs to national exports during
2010-11 is 28%. The SEZ sector is providing employment to
6,76,608 people in the country and the total investments in
SEZs are Rs. 2,02,810 crore as on March 31, 2011. The
EPCES (Export Promotion Council for Export Oriented Units
& SEZs) was set up in January 2003 and recognizes the
efforts of EOUs and SEZ Units by presenting Export Awards
for their excellent performance in exports every year since
inception. .

The EPCES recognises export efforts in fields of gem &
jewellery, engineering, plastic products, electronic,
computer hardware, services, readymade garments,
handicrafts, chemical & allied products, textile products,
food products etc. These awards would be presented for the
export performance in the year 2008-09 to 48 awardees and
some of the award winners are M/s Nokia India Pvt.Ltd.,
(Rs.10,317 crore), M/s Rajesh Exports Ltd. (Rs.10,453
crore), M/s Suzlon Wind Corpn.Ltd. (Rs.1554 crore), M/s
Su-Raj Diamonds & Jewellery Ltd. (Rs.1230 crore ), M/s
Jindal Saw Ltd. (Rs.1520 crore), M/s Moser Baer India Ltd.
(Rs.1316 crore), M/s Hindustan Zinc Ltd. (Rs.1315 crore),
M/s Infosys (Rs.1123 crore) etc.

Paperless compliance under Companies Act
1956 enabled

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs on May 20, 2011
announced a Green Initiative in Corporate Governance by
allowing paperless compliances by the Companies (after
considering sections 2, 4, 5, and 81 of the Information
Technology Act, 2000) for legal validity of compliances
under Companies Act, 1956 through electronic mode.

The Registrar of Companies has to issue a number of
certificates to the companies and other stakeholders as
required under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 read
with Companies Regulation, 1956. At present these
certificates are issued physically under the manual
signature of Registrar of Companies and issued by post.

In order to cut timelines and an another step towards
Green Initiative it has been decided that all certificates and
standard letters issued by the Registrar of Companies will
now be issued electronically under the Digital Signature of
the Registrar of Companies. The Digital Certificates are
being developed and will be available for issue by 30th
June, 2011 in phased manner.

Meanwhile, the government on May 20, 2011 allowed
companies to hold annual general meetings (AGMs)
through video conferencing, with a view to provide larger
participation and for curbing costs, borne by the
shareholders to attend AGMs. Accordingly, a company
would have to send a notice informing shareholders about
the availability of participation through video conference,
and provide necessary information to enable shareholders
to access the available facility of videoconferencing, the
Corporate Affairs Ministry said in a notification. This is a part
of the MCAs Green Initiative Campaign for Corporate
Governance. Video conference facility enables all persons
participating in a meeting to communicate concurrently with
each other without an intermediary, and to participate
effectively in the meeting.

Govt policy to boost domestic electronic
hardware industry

The government plans to make procurement of at least 30%
of electronic hardware requirements of government owned
companies and departments from Indian companies to
shore up manufacturing capabilities in the country.

The Department of Information Technology (DIT), which first
mooted this proposal, has said its studies have shown that
the volume of electronic imports to India far exceeds the oil
import bill. Earlier, the DIT set up an industry-led task force
in 2009 chaired by HCL Infosystems chairman Ajay
Choudhry and former NASSCOM President Kiran Karnik to
suggest measures to stimulate electronic hardware
manufacturing. A key recommendation of this committee
was to give preference to domestically-manufactured

The telecom sector will be the most impacted if this
proposal is implemented, as it accounts for maximum import
of electronic hardware. The communications ministry is of
the view that this proposal can complement telecom
regulator TRAIs recent suggestion that mobile phone
companies be mandated to source 80% of their network
equipment and other related infrastructure from domestic
manufacturers by 2020.

1% interest waiver on loan against warehouse

Leading banks have agreed to lower the rates of interest on
loans against warehouse receipts in a meeting with the
Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority
(WDRA) in May 2011. WDRA chairman Dinesh Rai said that
the banks have committed a reduction of at least 1% in the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

maximum interest rate for loans against NWRs (negotiable
warehouse receipts). The maximum interest rate for loans
against warehouse receipts will drop to 11-11.5% from 12-
12.5% charged now.

In April 2011, the government made receipts issued by
warehouses registered with the regulator full negotiable
instruments backed by a central legislation. This will allow
the holder of the receipt to trade them easily, increasing
their value as collateral for loans. The countrys biggest
public sector bank, the State Bank of India, had last year
offered loans against warehouse and cold storage receipts
to farmers at a concessional rate of 8%.

The WDRA was set up in October 2010 to regulate the
development of warehouses in the country and to prevent
post-harvest distress sale by farmers. A greater legal
backing to the warehouse receipts will help farmers get
loans and hold onto their produce till they get a better price.
The farmer can later sell their produce physically or transfer
the warehouse receipts when the prices firm up.

The regulator has registered 54 warehouses from the 336
that applied. The highest number was from Rajasthan,
followed by Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya

India not for IPR beyond domestic law in FTA
with EU PM

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has directed Indian
negotiators not to take Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
obligation, particularly in pharmaceuticals, beyond domestic
laws or as mandated in the TRIPS (Trade Related
Intellectual Property Rights) agreement of the World Trade
Organisation, while entering into a Foreign Trade
Agreement (FTA) with European Union (EU).

This was disclosed by the PMO following a meeting of the
Trade and Economic Relations Committee (TERC) held on
April 30, 2011. India is in advanced stage of negotiations
with the 27-nation EU bloc for an FTA, officially known as
Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement. The EU has
been demanding that India should enforce a stricter IPR
regime than what has been mandated in its domestic laws
and the WTO agreement on TRIPS.

EU is Indias largest trading partner with commercial
engagement of $74 billion in 2009-10. The proposed FTA is
expected to remove roadblocks and boost trade between
the two sides.

The TERC, headed by the Prime Minister, also approved
launch of negotiations for an FTA with Australia. It was
apprised to TERC that while there has been a substantial
growth in bilateral merchandise trade with Australia, tariffs
and non-tariff barriers continue to raise the cost of imports,
imposing implicit taxes on businesses and consumers alike.
It was felt that a comprehensive FTA with Australia would
benefit both the countries. Indias bilateral trade with
Australia stood at around $14 billion in the financial year

The TERC which comprises, among others, finance minister
Pranab Mukherjee, commerce and industry minister Anand
Sharma and external affairs minister S M Krishna, also
considered proposal for establishing a joint study group to
examine feasibility of comprehensive FTA/Preferential
Trade Agreement with the Common Market of Eastern and
Southern Africa.

India has already implemented free trade pacts with South
Korea and ASEAN and has signed comprehensive pacts
with Japan and Malaysia. The duties and barriers on trade
are significantly removed or eliminated under FTAs.

Consumer Price Index at 106 in April

Consumer Price Index in 2011
April March February
Rural 108 107 107
Urban 105 104 104
Combined 106 106 105
Base = 100 (April 2010)

The overall Consumer Price Index (CPI) for April 2011 was
at the same level as in March despite prices of fruits,
protein-based items and milk showing an upward trend. The
CPI, according to the new series, clocked in at 106 points in
April, from a base of 100 in 2010. According to the data
released on May 18, 2011, the general indices for rural and
urban consumers stood at 108 and 105 points, respectively.

These consumer indices have been released for five major
groups food, beverages and tobacco; fuel and light;
housing; clothing, bedding and footwear; and miscellaneous

The new CPI was introduced to reflect the actual movement
of prices at the micro-level and help policy-makers like the
RBI in better framing of decisions. According to experts,
with the passage of the time, the new index would take over
Wholesale Price Index (WPI) as the main benchmark to
measure inflation.

Tamil Nadu is top state in bio-fertilizer production:
As per the latest firm data available on use of bio-fertilizers
on May 18, 2011, Tamil Nadu has overtaken Karnataka. In

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

2009-10, Tamil Nadu produced 3733 tonnes of bio-fertilizers
followed by Karnataka, 3696 tonnes. The other major
producers of bio-fertilizers are Kerala (1937 tonnes),
Maharashtra (1861 tonnes) and Madhya Pradesh (1588
tonnes). Bio-fertilizers are products containing living micro-
organisms which are agriculturally useful. Studies on
benefits and usefulness of bio-fertilizers on agriculture
production reveal that on an average 10-20% increase in
production can be realised by use of bio-fertilizers. Use of
bio-fertilizers is being promoted through Integrated Nutrient
Management, enhancing awareness and field
demonstration. Financial Support for establishment of bio-
fertilizer production units is also provided under the National
Project on Organic Farming as back-ended subsidy of 25%,
restricted to Rs. 40 lakh, through NABARD.

Govt. to offload equity in Scooters India Ltd: The
Union Cabinet on May 19, 2011 approved the revival of
Scooters India Limited (SIL) through induction of a joint
venture partner identified through the Department of
Disinvestment. It is proposed to revive the company through
induction of a strategic partner by offloading the entire
Government equity of around 95%. The balance 5% equity
will remain with banks, financial institutions, corporate
bodies and others. The Lucknow-based SIL, which
manufactures and sells three wheelers under the brand
name of Vikram, has been recording operational losses
since 2002-03 and net losses since 2006-07.

Govt. approves Neyveli Lignites power project:
The government on May 19, 2011 approved the proposal to
set up Neyveli Lignite Corporation's Rs 5,907 crore lignite-
based thermal power project in Tamil Nadu. The Cabinet
Committee on Infrastructure approved the proposal for
installing 1000 MW lignite based thermal power project at

PCRA to set up Indias 1
Carbon Credit Centre:
The Petroleum Conservation and Research Association
(PCRA) on May 16, 2011 unveiled plans to set up a Carbon
Credit Aggregation Centre (CCA) at the Pali textile cluster in
Rajasthan. This will be the first of 16 such CCA centres
proposed to be set up across the country and aim to
introduce and popularise Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM) initiatives in MSME (Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises) clusters under the Technology and Quality
Upgradation Support scheme for MSMEs. The centre will
not only help over 506 textile units in Pali adopt clean
development mechanisms to reduce carbon emissions, but
will also facilitate carbon credit trading at national and
international commodity exchanges.

25-paisa coins phased out: The Reserve Bank of India
on May 18, 2011 asked the public to exchange 25 paise
coins and those with lower denominations with banks before
June 30, the day from which they would be demonetised or
cease to be a legal tender for payment. These will not be
accepted for exchange at bank branches from July 1, 2011

Natural gas, fertilisers in core sector data: The
government on May 17, 2011 decided to include natural gas
and fertilisers in the list of core sector infrastructure
industries, a move which will help in capturing performance
of economy in a better way. Currently, the government
evaluates performance of six key sectors crude oil,
petroleum refinery, cement, electricity, finished steel and
coal on a monthly basis. The new series, which will have
data for eight key sectors, would be released on June 10.
The addition will increase the weight of the core sector to
about 37 per cent in the IIP. Presently, the six infrastructure
industries have a weight of 26.7 per cent in the overall Index
of Industrial Production (IIP).

Petrol price hiked by Rs. 5 a litre: State-owned oil
marketing companies (OMCs) on May 14, 2011 announced
an increase of Rs.5 a litre in the price of petrol. This was the
biggest-ever increase in petrol prices and the eighth since
the prices were deregulated in June 2010.

SC orders release of 5 mn tonnes of foodgrains: To
ensure that no starvation death takes place and people are
saved from malnutrition as far as possible, the Supreme
Court on May 14, 2011 directed the Centre to release five
million tonnes of foodgrains immediately for distribution in
150 most poverty-stricken districts or other poorer segments
in the country. The Bench of Justices Dalveer Bhandari and
Deepak Verma heard Gopal Subramaniam, Solicitor-
General; Mohan Parasaran, Additional Solicitor-General;
Colin Gonsalves, senior counsel for the petitioner (Peoples
Union for Civil Liberties), and other counsel for the
respective parties before passing the order.

Star Alliance sets deadline for Air India to join:
Lufthansa, a founding member of the Star Alliance, on May
17, 2011 said Air India needs to complete all formalities to
join the global airline grouping before the final deadline of
July 31. Lufthansa has been helping and guiding Air India to
complete all formalities for joining the alliance. Jet Airways
is likely to become second member of the Star Alliance.

Indias seafood exports grow 25.5% in 2010-11:
Indias Seafood exports grew by an impressive 25.5 per
cent year-on-year to USD 2.6 billion in 2010-11, surpassing
the target of USD 2.5 billion set by the government as
shipments to European and Japanese markets improved.
During 2009-10, Indias seafood exports were at USD 2.1
billion, according to figures released by the Marine Products
Export Development Authority (MPEDA) on May 17, 2011.
Of the countrys total seafood exports in the last fiscal,

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Europe accounted for 26 per cent, followed by Japan (20
per cent) and the US (17 per cent).

Govt. to set up of Debt Management Office: Joining
the debate over hiving off the debt management activities of
the Reserve Bank, Prime Ministers Economic Advisory
Council (PMEAC) Chairman C Rangarajan has favoured
setting up a separate Debt Management Office (DMO)
under the aegis of the central government. There are many
countries in the world where the public debt office is
managed only by the government. Therefore, even here, the
Reserve Bank can continue to play its role as a monetary
authority, without having the DMO under it, the PMEAC
Chairman said on May 17, 2011. The Reserve Bank has
opposed setting up a DMO under the Union government to
manage sovereign debt, saying only the central bank has
the requisite expertise to manage market volatility.

Testing centre for vehicles to be set up in Rohtak:
The Union Government in May 2011 sanctioned
establishment of a modern inspection and testing centre for
vehicles at Kanheli village in Rohtak district. Stating this
after a meeting with Union Road, Transport and Highways
Minister C. P. Joshi, Rohtak MP Deepender Singh Hooda
said the Centre would ensure road worthiness of motor
vehicles. It could perform the inspection and testing of 1.25
lakh to 1.50 lakh vehicles every year.

CII for continuation of export incentive scheme:
Discontinuation of the tax rebate scheme DEPB from June
will make exports uncompetitive, thus affecting its growth
momentum, industry body CII said on May 16, 2011. Under
DEPB, exporters get refund of duties on import content of
their export products. The CII said that withdrawal of the
Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEBP) scheme would have an
adverse impact on the exports growth momentum achieved
in the last few quarters. Indias exports registered the
highest ever growth of 37.5 per cent at USD 245.9 billion
during 2010-11, demonstrating a robust demand for Indian
merchandises both in western economies as well as in new
markets like Latin America. The 14-year-old scheme is the
most popular among exporters, especially in the
engineering and automobiles sectors.

No. of Indian stocks in MSCI rises to 72: In its
quarterly review, the Morgan Stanley Capital Index (MSCI)
on May 19, 2011 decided to induct six Indian stocks into the
MSCI Emerging Markets Index from May 31. These stocks
are: Titan Industries, Dabur India, Asian Paints, Shriram
Transport, Bank of India and Mundra Port and SEZ. Indias
tally of stocks in the emerging market index has gone up to
72 from 64. Consequently, Indias weighting in the index has
also gone up 13 basis points to 7.24 per cent. Several
foreign index funds follow the MSCIs global indices while
allocating money, so this increase will mean higher
allocation for Indian equities from such funds. There is a
direct link between Indias weighting in the index and
allocation of foreign funds to Indian markets. Top 5
countries in terms of weightage are: China (17.82%
weightage, 146 stocks, 8 new additions), Korea (14.83%,
103, 4), Taiwan (11.73, 123, 0), India (7.24%, 72, 6) and
Malaysia (3.08%, 42, 3).

Indian EVMs get first export order: India on May 17,
2011 got its first firm order to export the electronic voting
machines (EVMs) to Namibia. The EVMs were designed by
the Election Commission of India (ECI) in collaboration with
two public sector undertakings (PSUs) Bharat Electronics
(BEL), Bangalore, and Electronic Corporation of India
(ECIL), Hyderabad which manufacture and sell them.

Sand artist is NALCO brand ambassador: National
Aluminium Company Limited on May 20, 2011 announced
the appointment of world-renowned Orissa-based sand
artist Sudarsan Pattnaik as its first brand ambassador.

Bharat-Oman Bina refinery inaugurated: PM Dr.
Manmohan Singh dedicated the Bina Refinery to the nation
at a ceremony held at Bina, Madhya Pradesh on May 20,
2011. The refinery has a capacity of 6 Million Metric Tonnes
Per Annum (MMTPA) and is equipped with state-of-the-art
technology to produce Euro III & IV petroleum products.
Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd (BORL), a company formed to
set up the Bina Refinery, is promoted by Bharat Petroleum
Corporation Ltd. BORL also has an equity participation of
26% by Oman Oil Company and about 1% by Govt. of
Madhya Pradesh.

Amit Mitra resigns from FICCI: Dr Amit Mitra on May
18, 2011 resigned from the post of Secretary General of
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
on Wednesday to pursue a political career in West Bengal.
He defeated the former West Bengal Finance Minister, Asim
Dasgupta, by a significant margin in the recently concluded
Assembly elections. He contested as Trinamool Congress
candidate in the Kharadah constituency of North 24
Parganas. Dr Mitra spent more than 16 years with the
Chamber before moving on to play a larger role in State
politics and is tipped to become the State Finance Minister.
The new Secretary General of FICCI is expected to be
announced soon. The Director General FICCI, Rajiv Kumar,
is a frontrunner for the post.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Shane Warne retires from international Cricket
Legendary Australian leg-spinner Shane Warne played his
last professional cricket match on May 20, 2011 leading his
team Rajasthan Royals to a 10-wicket win over Mumbai
Indians in their final Indian Premier League game.

Warne made his first-class debut in February 1991 for his
Victoria, before being selected to face India in his first Test
11 months later. He took 708 wickets in 145 Tests for
Australia before retiring from international cricket in 2007.
His test record: 145 games, 708 wickets (average 25.41,
best 8-71), 3,154 runs (av 17.32, highest score 99), 125
catches At the time, the figure was a world record, although
it was broken by Muttiah Muralitharan less than a year later,
and the Sri Lanka spinner eventually finished with 800.
Warne also captured 293 wickets in 184 one-day
internationals. His ODI record: 194 games, 293 wickets (av
25.73, best 5-33), 1,018 runs (av 13.05, HS 55), 80 catches

Warne retired from the first-class cricket in 2008 after a spell
captaining English county side Hampshire. He joined the
IPL and under his captaincy, Rajasthan Royals won the
inaugural IPL title in 2008. His IPL career ended on a
slightly sour note after his $50,000 fine for his part in a row
with Sanjay Dixit, secretary of Rajasthan Cricket
Association, over the choice of wicket for a home game.

Credited with reviving the dormant art of leg-spin bowling,
Warnes phenomenal success led him to be named as one
of the five cricketers of the 20th century by leading
almanack Wisden in 2000, alongside Sir Jack Hobbs, Sir
Donald Bradman, Sir Garfield Sobers and Sir Vivian

West Indies beat Pakistan in first test: Skipper
Darren Sammy took five wickets and Ravi Rampaul claimed
four as the West Indies defeated Pakistan by 40 runs in the
first Test at the Guyana National Stadium in Georgetown,
Guyana on May 15, 2011. Chasing 219 for victory, Pakistan
were dismissed for 178 in their second innings on the fourth
day. Sammy finished with the impressive figures of five for
29 from 17 overs that helped him to earn the man-of-the-
match award, and Rampaul supported with four for 48 from
21 overs. The victory gave West Indies a 1-0 lead in the
two-match series, which concludes with the second Test,
starting on May 20 at Warner Park in St. Kitts

Australia wins Sultan Azlan Shah Cup: A golden goal
by Christopher Ciriello in the second half of the extra-time
enabled Australia to beat Pakistan 3-2 in the final at Ipoh,
Malaysia to win the Sulan Azlan Cup Hockey tournament for
the sixth time on May 15, 2011. The teams were
deadlocked 2-2 at the end of the regulation time. The
Aussies had last won the trophy in 2007. Ciriello (2) and
Glen Turner (1) were the goal scorers for Australia while
Sohail Abbas and Rehan Butt scored one goal each for
Pakistan. Australia took the lead twice which Pakistan
managed to equalise both times. Great Britain beat New
Zealand 4-2 defeat to pick the bronze medal. India slumped
to the sixth place following a 2-1 defeat against Korea. Host
Malaysia finished last in the seven-nation tournament.
Christopher Ciriello was Player of the final while Shakeel
Abbasi of Pakistan was Player of the tournament. Sohail
Abbas (Pakistan) and Rupinder Pal Singh (India) with six
goals each were the joint top-scorers in the tournament.

Sharapova wins Rome International: Russias Maria
Sharapova won her first tournament in almost a year when
she powered past Australias Samantha Stosur 6-2, 6-4 to
win the Rome International on May 15, 2011.

Somdev Devvarman rises to career best ranking:
Indian Davis Cup player Rohan Bopanna on May 16, 2011
achieved his carrer-best rank of 11 in the ATP doubles chart
while Somdev Devvarman rose to number 66, his career
best singles rank. Veteran doubles stars Mahesh Bhupathi
(5) and Leander Paes (7) were changed. In the doubles
team ranking, Paes and Bhupathi continue to be number
two but Bopanna and his Pakistani partner Aisam-ul-haq
Quereshi slipped to number seven from six. Meanwhile, in
the WTA charts, Sania Mirza was unchanged in singles (74)
but improved the doubles ranking by gaining a place to 26.

Djokovic wins Rome Masters: Novak Djokovic took his
unbeaten start to 2011 to 37 matches as he stunned world
number one Rafael Nadal 6-4, 6-4 to win the Rome Masters
on May 15, 2011. Djokovic has won all seven tournaments
he has played this year, including the Australian Open, and
must surely now be considered the favourite going into the
French Open which starts on May 22.

Natt, Gaudet to coach national basketball teams:
The Basketball Federation of India (BFI) on May 17, 2011
appointed Kenny Natt as the head coach of the mens
national team, while Pete Gaudet will shoulder the
responsibility of womens team. Natt has got 13 years
coaching experience in the National Basketball Association
while Gaudet is a veteran with more than four decades of
international exposure. Apart form the two, BFI has also
appointed Zak Penwell as the strength and conditioning

Khade wins 3 golds at Malaysia Open Swimming:
Asian Games bronze medallist Virdhawal Khade on May 18,

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 15 to 21, 2011 Current GK

2011 put up an impressive show at the 54
Malaysia Open
Swimming Championship by bagging eight medals,
including three gold. Khade won gold medals in the 50m,
100m and 200m freestyle events and two silver in the 50m
and 100m butterfly events at the National Aquatics Centre in
Bukit Jalil in Kuala Lumpur. Ashwin Menon won a bronze in
mens 200m backstroke with a timing of 2:10.86s. Apart
from individual events, Khade won three silver medals in the
relay events.

Porto wins Europa League: Falcao fired Porto to
Europa League glory as the Colombia striker capped a
remarkable campaign by clinching his sides 1-0 win over
Braga in the all-Portuguese final in Aviva stadium in Dublin
on May 18, 2011. Andre Villas-Boas side arrived at the
Aviva Stadium already crowned as Portuguese champion
after a record-breaking domestic season.

Orissa wins national womens football: Orissa
defeated three-time champions Bengal 5-0 to clinch their
maiden title in the 19
edition of the Senior National
womens football championship at Pant Stadium in Bhilai on
May 18, 2011. Orissas leading goal scorer Sasmita Mallick
struck a brace (5
and 80
), while Jabamoni Soren (50
Pinky Magar (60
) and Shradhanjali Samantaray (71
) fired
in one each to complete the rout.

Maradona to coach Dubai club: Argentine soccer
legend Diego Maradona is to take over as coach next
season at Dubais Al-Wasl Football Club, the club
announced on May 16, 2011. The 50-year-old Maradona
was manager of the Argentina national side at last years
World Cup in South Africa, but was sacked after they lost 4-
0 to Germany in the quarter-finals.

Annu Raj Singh wins silver in shooting World Cup:
Annu Raj Singh on May 17, 2011 became the fifth Indian
shooter to book a berth in next year's London Olympics
after clinching the 10m Air Pistol silver medal at the ongoing
ISSF World Cup in Fort Benning, USA. Olena Kostevych of
Ukraine won the gold while Celine Goberville of France won
the bronze. Singh joins rifle shooters Ronjan Sodhi, Gagan
Narang, Hari Om Singh and Sanjeev Rajput, to clinch a
quota place for the London Olympics.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011

Major news of the week
Section A: INDIA

Africa-India Forum Summit organised in Addis Ababa
UPA-II government completes 2 years in office
GSAT-8 launched successfully by Arianespace
NAC unveils recommendations on Land Acquisition Act
India to host Convention on Biological Diversity on Oct 2012
Environment Ministry launches Haathi Mere Saathi
UPA govt. rejects Karnataka Governors report
ITBP sends Rs.11-crore bill for Kasab security
India-US Homeland Security Dialogue concludes
Indian cautions France over military sales to Pak
Rs 251 crore allocated for Tripura-Bangladesh railway line
OFB developing Kawach rockets for Navy submarines
Astra test-fired successfully for 2nd day in a row
NPCIL launches comics to dispel nuclear fears at Jaitapur
CRPF men in naxal areas will be eligible for service medals
CBDT to retain phone-tapping authority
World Bank praises rural job guarantee scheme MGNREGA
Railways increase concessions for senior citizens
1st phase of demarcation of Bellary mines over
Bagha Jatins biography released
India and Afghanistan sign MoU for cultural cooperation
First cable-stayed bridge in J&K launched
Health Min to expand NPCDCS across the country
CBI files chargesheet against CWG accused
Accident at Strategic Petroleum Reserve kills 3
Accident Investigation Committee to probe aviation mishaps
Jindal Law School signs MoU to train IAS officers
IIT Kanpur is No. 1 among Indian institutes in QS Asian 2011
Ajit K. Seth is new Cabinet Secretary
D Jayakumar appointed TN Assembly Speaker
Naresh Tikait is new President of Bhartiya Kisan Union
Mamata retains 9 portfolios in Bengal Cabinet
President rejects mercy petitions of Bhullar, Das
Film critic Chidananda Dasgupta passes away
Social activist Dr Rajnikant Arole passes away
Harmonium player Mehmood Dholpuri passes away
Section B: WORLD
NSG to consider Indias request for membership
NAM Ministerial Conference organised in Bali
Pak naval base at Mehran attacked
Grimsvotn erupts in Iceland
Astronauts in final shuttle space-walk at ISS
Arab League backs Palestinian membership at UN
Egypt eases blockade at Gazas Rafah crossing
North Sudan takes over border town Abeyi
G-8 to fund democracy in Middle-East
India elected to UN Human Rights Council
Russia tests ICBM missile Sineva
International Day of UN Peacekeepers observed
China sets up special cyber warfare unit
DISY wins Cyprus elections
Ivory Coasts President Ouattara inaugurated
Ecuador referendum gives Correa victory
Rouzier named Haitis new prime minister
Obama nominates Panetta as secretary of defence
British boy is youngest seven-summit climber
War-crimes accused Mladic arrested in Serbia
Abkhazia President Bagapsh passes away
Section C: AWARDS
Subhasis Chaudhuri wins G. D. Birla Award
Aditya Sudarshan wins MetroPlus Award
Doordarshan Annual Awards presented
Mukherjee, Jaitley conferred doctorates in UK
Aminatta Forna wins Commonwealth Writers Prize
Santiago Roncagliolo wins Foreign Fiction Prize
Terrence Malick wins Palme dOr at Cannes
RBI for holding company structure for banking groups
Bankers Committee on Rural Housing submits report
Group of Ministers refers Cairn deal back to CCEA
Trade unions oppose relaxation in labour laws for NMIZs
DoT supports 30% quota for Made-in-India in telecom
IMG on inflation favours FDI in multi-brand retail
India 32
in World Competitiveness Rankings
India ranked 35
in the Global Talent Index
RBI disallows banks from giving loans against IDRs
Indias real GDP growth at 8.8% in 2011-12 CMIE
RBI eases overseas investment norms
RBI to release coin on 1,000 yrs of Brihadeeswara
Indias forex reserves at $308.534 bn on May 20
RBI limits NBFC stake in insurance JVs to 50%
RBI calls for 25% new branches in unbanked areas
RBI eases credit default swaps norms
Indian Bank records highest RoA among PSU banks
RBI asks banks to address ATM complaints within 7 days
Indias first rural bank ATM card launched in Varanasi
Incomes below Rs. 5 lakh exempted from filing IT returns
5.77 lakh villages have Village Public Telephones
Himachal is 1
state to sign MoU with World Bank on CDM
More foreigners than Indians receive patents in India in 10-11
Annual Conference of IT Commissioners organised
Gas prices should be market-driven Chawla Committee
Competition Commission of India penalises Multiplex owners
Duty-free apparel import quota from Bangladesh increased
Sanovi wins recovery management contract for UID
OECD projects global GDP growth for 2011 at 4.2%
Global accounting body calls for full IFRS adoption in India
McKinsey unveils Internet matters
M.D. Mallya elected Chairman of IBA
K Mehrotra appointed LICs interim chairman
Rajiv Kumar is new FICCI Secretary General
Section E: SPORTS

FIFA suspends Presidential candidate Bin Hammam
Bengal enter Santosh Trophy final
Salim Durani conferred Col. C K Nayudu Award
BPCL wins Aga Khan Hockey
Shooter Vijay Kumar wins silver and Olympic quota

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA

Africa-India Forum Summit organised

$5 billion line of credit for 3 years
Additional $700 mn for institutions, training programmes
$300 million for Ethio-Djibouti rail line
India-Africa virtual university with 10,000 new
India-Africa business council
$2 million for African Union mission in Somalia
Increased access of African airlines to India
India-Africa food processing and textiles clusters
More than 22,000 scholarships to African students
An India-Africa centre for weather forecasting

India and Africa on May 25, 2011 underscored the need for
urgent and comprehensive reform of the UN system and
backed each others aspirations to become permanent
members of the Security Council with full rights.

The two-day Africa-India Forum Summit, co-chaired by
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Equatorial Guinea
President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, was organised in
Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on May 24-25, 2011.

The eight-page Addis Ababa Declaration adopted at the end
of Summit said the African members of the UN Security
Council and India affirm their commitment to coordinate
closely during Indias tenure as non-permanent member of
the Council.

Following is a description of the happenings at the summit:

India pledges $5 bn credit: Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh unveiled a slew of initiatives to help African nations
build local capabilities, continuing the Indian strategy of
treading softly on a continent where there is a scramble for
natural resources. India pledged a $5 billion line of credit for
development initiatives and an additional $700 million for
education and skill development in Africa. The $5 billion line
of credit will be for three years. A substantial chunk of the
credit line, $300 million, will be to support the development
of a new Ethio-Djibouti railway line linking Addis Ababa and
the port of Djibouti.

India-Africa Business Council: PM Singh announced the
setting up of a formal arrangement for better interaction
between businesses in India and Africa. I propose that we
jointly establish an India-Africa Business Council which will
bring together CEOs of major corporation from both sides,
he said. Among the major business groups with operations
in Africa are mobile phone service provider Airtel, the Tata
group, the Essar group, Reliance Industries, BHEL and
software training company NIIT.
Food & textile clusters: To boost engagement in the
agriculture and allied sectors, the prime minister announced
the formation of an India-Africa food processing cluster. This
would contribute to value addition and the creation of
regional and export markets. Furthermore, an India-Africa
Integrated Textile Cluster will support the cotton industry
and the processing of the raw material into high-value

Environment: India and Africa asked the developed
counties to take ambitious actions to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions and also provide finance and
technology to the developing counties so that they could
effectively address the impact of climate change. Strongly
pitching to preserve the integrity of the international climate
change regime, Africa-India Forum Summit 2011 reaffirmed
the importance of reaching an agreement on a second
commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.

Libya: India today sought cessation of all hostilities in Libya
and supported the African Unions (AU) efforts to find a
peaceful solution to the civil war. The Addis Ababa
Declaration talked about the Libyan crisis. We take note of
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1970, 1973 on
Libya and stress that efforts to implement them should be
within the spirit and the letter of the resolutions, the joint
declaration read. NATO forces have already undertaken
military action in Libya, where a civil war-like situation
prevails, with Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi facing a
revolt in his country. India has called for an end to the
conflict in Libya and has spoken against the international
military action. At the UN Security Council, India abstained
from voting when the Libya resolution was put to vote.

Terrorism, piracy: India and Africa unequivocally
condemned terrorism and piracy in all its forms and
manifestation and called for active prosecution of authors of
such crimes. Both sides also supported each others claims
for permanent membership of the United Nations Security
Council. The Addis Ababa Declaration called on all
countries to ensure that acts of cross-border terrorism do
not occur and that their territories are not made a base for

Agriculture: India has decided to send teams of farm
experts to African countries to explore ways of helping the
dark continent to improve its agricultural practises. Indian
Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) teams would visit
Ethiopia, South Africa, Zambia and other countries of the
African continent. The objective is to study agriculture there
and explore role for India to help train manpower in the farm
sector there. A report would be submitted to the government
after the trip to chalk out how best India could help African
nations improve there agriculture.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Education: The Indian PM announced establishment of an
India-Africa Virtual University with 10,000 new scholarships,
a total of 22,000 scholarships to Africa students, institutes
for English language training, information technology,
entrepreneurship development and vocational training,
among other things.

Bilateral deals signed during the Summit

With Ethiopia on taxation & business cooperation: India
and Ethiopia on May 25, 2011 signed two agreements in the
area of taxation and medium scale enterprises to bring
benefits to business communities to both sides. After wide-
ranging discussions between Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh and his Ethiopian counterpart Meles Zenawi, the two
accords were signed which are expected to help further
deepen economic exchanges between the two countries.
Addressing a joint press conference with Singh, Zenawi
rejected charges of land grab by Indian companies and the
country being used as a dumping ground. He said that it
was unutilised land that was being offered to Indian
companies which were using them for investment purposes.

Joint Business Council with Kenya: Kenya and India are
set to establish a Joint Business Council as a forum to
expand trade and investments between the two countries
following an agreement reached in talks at Addis Ababa
between Kenyas President Mwai Kibaki and Indian Prime
Minister Dr Manmohan Singh. The council will be the
structured avenue for joint projects to be undertaken
between the two countries and will also facilitate private

Ethiopia-Djibouti rail route: The Indian PM announced a
$300 million line of credit to help revive the Ethiopia-Djibouti
rail route. With Ethiopia in a state of no war, no peace, with
Eritrea, Djibouti remains the only viable outlet to the sea for
this landlocked nation of 85 million people.

The second India-Africa summit at Addis Ababa has set the
stage for a comprehensive re-engagement between the
worlds largest democracy and an emerging continent. The
Declaration adopted at the summit envisage economic and
political cooperation, and also cooperation in a host of other
areas including science and technology, social and
infrastructure development, tourism, culture, and sports. As
a leading player in the global economy, it is natural for India
to seek participation in a resource-rich continent that Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh has described as the new
economic growth story. His announcement of a $5 billion
credit line over the next three years was the eye-catcher of
the summit, but clearly, African nations are interested in
enhancing their own skills and capabilities. India, with its
substantial technology knowledge pool, is well placed to
contribute to such capacity-building. This will also help in
better utilisation of Indian financial assistance of the
committed credit line, unused funds from a previous
financial package comprise $3.4 billion.

Following the first summit in 2008, India initiated several
such efforts, including the Pan-African e-Network Project
across 43 countries, which drew appreciation from the
beneficiary countries. That new proposals for capacity-
building discussed at this summit cover fields as diverse as
information technology, textiles, food processing, and
weather forecasting underscores the needs of a continent
seeking to stabilise itself economically and politically. As
important, it highlights Africas recognition of rising Indias
capabilities to assist other developing countries.

Reducing Indias ties with Africa to a rivalry with China is to
take a narrow view of history. Given the realities, it is also
meaningless Chinas $126 billion trade with Africa is way
ahead of Indias $ 46 billion. It is best for New Delhi to use
the present momentum to build its relationship with Africa in
ways that will be of optimal benefit to both sides.

India, Africa to boost bilateral trade

India and Africa on May 21, 2011 vowed to strengthen
trade-related capacity by concluding cooperation
agreements between India and African Regional Economic
Communities (RECs). This was decided at a meeting
between Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma
and the trade ministers of all African countries at Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia on May 22, 2011. It was decided that
trade ministers would meet prior to every India-Africa
forum summit and the India-Africa trade ministers
dialogue would be an annual event.

India Africa investments reached $90 billion while
bilateral trade topped $46 billion in 2010. Both sides on
Saturday agreed to increase trade to $70 billion by 2015
with greater focus on infrastructure, energy and capacity
building. India is particularly focused on Nigeria and Sudan
for greater cooperation on energy. India is heavily
dependent on these two countries for securing oil.

India also offered duty free tariff preference scheme for 33
least developed countries in Africa, which covers 94 per
cent of Indias total tariff lines. India and Africa is also
jointly setting up Africa-India Institute of Foreign Trade in
Kampala, Uganda.

UPA-II government completes 2 years in office

The UPA government headed by Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh stepped into the third year of its second term on May
22, 2011. For 79-year old Singh, who got to the Prime
Ministers seat after Sonia Gandhi refused to assume the
office in 2004, it has been hopping from one problem to

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

another in the last over eight months. The only relief that
came for the party heading the ruling coalition at the Centre
was the recent results of the Assembly elections. The party
retained its government in Assam convincingly, managed to
wrest one in Kerala and was in a happy position in West
Bengal where the ally knocked the Left front out of power
after 34 years. The economy registered a growth of 8.6% in
2010-11. This was composed of 5.4% growth in agriculture,
8.1% in industry and 9.6% in services. Following are the
highlights of the second year of UPA-II.


EDUCATION: There has been a significant reduction in the
number of out of school children at the elementary level.
More than 11 crore children are now provided hot cooked
meals under the Mid Day Meal Programme. The Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 came
into effect on 1
April 2010. Elementary education has now
become a fundamental right for all children in the 6-14 age
group. In higher education, all the sixteen new Central
universities, except that in Jammu have now commenced
academic activities. In 2010-11, three new Indian Institutes
of Management (IIMs), at Rohtak, Ranchi and Raipur
commenced their academic sessions. All the 10 new
National Institutes of Technology also started functioning
from July 2010.

HEALTH: The National Rural Health Mission has helped
strengthen healthcare delivery systems in the country. All
disease control programmes have also shown sustained
improvement. Progress in AIDS control and care is also
encouraging, with the annual new HIV infections in India
having declined by more than 50% in the last decade.
Construction of six new AIIMS-like institutions is in full

AADHAR: The unique identification project AADHAAR was
launched in September 2010. By April 2011, more than 50
lakh AADHAAR numbers have already been generated. The
AADHAAR project is expected to go a long way in helping
targeted delivery of benefits to the people. It will also enable
improvements in delivery of services across sectors and
greater financial inclusion. It will help our objective of
removing inequities in the society.

ENVIRONMENT: Environmental issues have acquired a
new urgency in recent years. During 2010-11 the National
Green Tribunal was established, projects worth Rs.2,500
crore were sanctioned under Mission Clean Ganga and the
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission started its work.

INTERNAL SECURITY: The internal security situation has
shown improvement in the last couple of years. During
2010-11, we set up the National Intelligence Grid
(NATGRID) and fully operationalised the National
Investigation Agency The situation in the North-East
witnessed a marked improvement. Jammu and Kashmir is
slowly and steadily moving towards peace and harmony.
Left-wing extremism, however, remains a major problem.
The government has made efforts to address the
development deficit in the areas affected by left wing
extremism. An Integrated Action Plan for accelerated
development of 60 selected Tribal and Backward Districts
was launched in 2010-11.

DEFENCE: The focus on modernization of the armed forces
and indigenous production of advanced weapon systems
continued. During 2010-11, the indigenously developed light
combat aircraft Tejas was cleared for operations by the Air
Force and the first indigenously designed and built stealth
frigate - INS Shivalik was commissioned. Two regiments of
the indigenous main battle tank, Arjun, were operationalised
by the Army.


AGRICULTURE: Farmers produced more than 235 million
tonnes of food grains in 2010-11, the highest since
independence. The National Food Security Mission has led
to substantial increases in the production of wheat, rice and
pulses. Under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, substantial
investments have been made in agricultural infrastructure
and several high growth and locally suitable projects have
been taken up in many states. The National Horticulture
Mission has resulted in increases in the production of fruits,
vegetables and spices. During 2010-11, a nutrient based
subsidy policy for P&K fertilizers was introduced, which is
expected to result in a more balanced use of fertilizers.

OIL & GAS: The natural gas output in 2010-11 was up 10
per cent to 52.22 billion cubic metre from the previous fiscal.
The crude oil output rose 11.9 per cent to 37.71 mt from the
earlier fiscal.

NUCLEAR ENERGY: With the commissioning of the 4
at the Kaiga station in January 2011, India now has 20
operating nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 4780
MWe. Significant progress has also been made in nuclear
fuel security, with the identification of additional uranium
resources in Andhra Pradesh and Meghalaya. The process
of strengthening the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and
making it an autonomous and independent regulatory
authority has commenced. The year 2010-11 also saw the
highest ever capacity addition from renewable energy
sources in any one year, at 3157 MW.

POWER: On the power front, capacity addition has been
faster. There has been an increase of about 32 per cent in
installed generation capacity till April 2011, over 132,329
MW at the beginning of Eleventh Plan period in 2007. A
record 15,795 MW was added in 2010-11. Nonetheless,
unlike the Tenth Plan period when there was a 50 per cent
shortfall in capacity addition target of 41,110 MW, the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

challenge in the sector this time is of actual generation,
considering that coal availability has become a big issue.
There are not only environmental challenges in enhancing
production but the demand itself has shot up considerably.

TELECOM & 3G: While auction of spectrum for 3G telecom
services and broadband wireless access (BWA) was seen
as a success story for UPA II for fetching big bucks (over Rs
1 lakh crore), the process was actually a spillover from UPA
I. The 3G and BWA auction was planned for early 2008, but
executed only in 2010. Mobile number portability, which
allowed subscribers to switch from one operators platform
to another in the same service area, was rolled out early this
year and is seen as a big plus for the telecom sector.
However, state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)
posted a loss for the first time, attributed to red-tapism and

ROADS: The pace of national highways and border roads
construction had slowed from a high of almost 90 per cent
growth in 2007-08 to about 13 per cent in 2009-10.
According to the figures of the Ministry of Road Transport
and Highways, 1,825 km were constructed in 2010-11,
down from 2,738 km built in 2009-10. This may be due to
the lag effect of the economic slowdown, since road
construction takes three years and project award had
suffered during 2008-09.

RAILWAYS: The story in railways is not much different. Not
only did former railway minister Mamata Banerjee undo the
private investment initiatives taken under the first UPA
regime, the railways under her failed to meet its freight
loading targets for 2009-10 and 2010-11. The railways
carried 887 million tonne (MT) cargo in 2009-10, down from
a revised estimate of 890 MT; and 922 MT in 2010-11,
down from a revised estimate of 924 MT. Besides, the ratio
of railways spending to its earnings, an indicator of its
efficiency, has risen from 90.5 per cent to 95.3 per cent in
2009-10, though the revised estimates show it could
improve to 92 per cent in 2010-11. Banerjee took a plea that
this was primarily due to arrears of the Sixth Pay
Commission and an unprecedented 97 per cent increase in
staff and pension bills.

FINANCE: After much inaction, the government tabled the
Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill, Pension Reforms Bill and
Factoring Services Bill. It also set up the Financial Sector
Legislative Reforms Commission to clean up financial sector
laws. The Direct Taxes Code timeline is on track for April
2012 rollout, but only after diluting some proposals. The
Goods and Services Tax, however, has already missed two
deadlines. The government fell short, by Rs 18,000 crore, of
the Rs 40,000-crore disinvestment target last year.

AVIATION: A new integrated terminal in public private
partnership mode became operational at the Indira Gandhi
International Airport at New Delhi, creating new benchmarks
for airport infrastructure being developed in the country. A
similar airport is under construction in Mumbai. The
modernization and development of Chennai and Kolkata
airports is also in progress. Air Indias performance
worsened, with the airline facing three strikes.

RETAIL: Despite years of consultation and multiple surveys,
theres been no headway yet on foreign direct investment
(FDI) in multi-brand retail. There are indications that foreign
investment may be permitted, but with riders.


CAG ON TELECOM: The Comptroller and Auditor General
said the faulty method of selling 2G spectrum licences by
former telecom minister A Raja had cost the exchequer Rs
1.76-lakh crore. Following the tabling of the report in
November 16, 2010, the Opposition didnt allow Parliament
to function for the complete winter session, demanding a
joint parliamentary committee.

SUPREME COURT ON 2G: Sending a strong signal, the
Supreme Court on December 16, 2010, decided to monitor
the Central Bureau of Investigation in the 2G spectrum
scam. This was the third instance when the apex court took
the task of monitoring an investigation in its own hands. The
court also appointed a special court to hear the proceedings
on a daily basis.

RADIA TAPES: The publishing of the recorded
conversations of corporate lobbyist Niira Radia with
journalists and politicians in November 2010 revealed
behind-the-scenes negotiations that went on before the
selection of Cabinet ministers for UPA-II in 2009. These
conversations raised questions over how the UPA-II Cabinet
was decided.

TELANGANA PROTESTS: Early January 2010 witnessed
violent protests in Hyderabad for the demand of a separate
state of Telangana. Following the violence, Justice
Srikrishna was asked to examine and recommend on the
issue. The subsequent Srikrishna report in January 2011
suggested six options, none yet acted on.

LOK PAL AGITATION: The government was pushed on the
back foot after social activist Anna Hazare sat on a fast-
unto-death in demand for a joint committee on the Lok Pal
Bill at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on April 6, 2011. Hazare,
whose movement attracted massive support, broke his fast
after four days, with the government agreeing to all his

CVC APPOINTMENT: The appointment of P J Thomas as
the Chief Vigilance Officer was struck down by the Supreme
Court calling it illegal on March 3, 2011. Thomas was
appointed by a high-powered committee headed by Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh, Home Minister P Chidambaram

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

and Leader of Opposition Sushma Swaraj. Swaraj had
disagreed with the appointment of Thomas.

CWG CORRUPTION: In October 2010, media reports of
widespread corruption in the allotment of tenders during the
preparation for the Delhi Commonwealth Games forced the
PM to order a probe by ex-CAG V K Shunglu. It confirmed
widespread corruption.

GSAT-8 launched successfully

Communication satellite GSAT-8, which will give a boost to
direct-to-home services in the
country, was successfully
launched by Arianespaces Ariane
5 rocket from Kourou in French
Guiana in equatorial South
America on May 21, 2011.
Weighing 3,100 kg at lift-off,
GSAT-8 is one of the heaviest and
high-powered satellites built by the
Bangalore-headquartered Indian
Space Research Organisation

Communications and
broadcasting: GSAT-8 is the 20
satellite designed and
built indigenously by ISRO to meet this countrys
requirements for space capacity in communications and
broadcasting. The 3,100-kg spacecrafts 24 transponders
will relay signals in radio frequencies known as the Ku-
band. These transponders will be used for Direct-To-Home
television broadcasts as well as to support communications
using small satellite dishes known as Very Small Aperture
Terminals (VSATs). Other Indian communication satellites
that are currently operational have about 150 transponders
working in various frequency bands. That capacity needs to
be augmented, given that two satellites, GSAT-4 and
GSAT-5P, were lost in consecutive failures of the
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) last year.
Navigation: The GSAT-8 is also carrying a payload that will
broadcast data to increase the accuracy and ensure the
integrity of navigation based on signals from orbiting
satellites of the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS) and
the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System
(GLONASS). The resulting improvement in accuracy and
reliability will allow aircraft, equipped with suitable receivers,
to make precision approaches for landing at all runways in
the country. Aircraft will also be able to fly more direct
routes to their destination, saving time and fuel. Such
space-based augmentation systems have begun functioning
in the U.S., Europe, and Japan. Ground stations for the
Indian system, known as GAGAN (GPS Aided GEO
Augmented Navigation), a joint effort by ISRO and the
Airports Authority of India, have been put in place.

NAC unveils recommendations on Land
Acquisition Act

The UPA chairperson, Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory
Council (NAC) on May 25, 2011 finalised its
recommendations on the proposed amendments to the land
acquisition Act. Following are the recommendations made
by the NAC:

The landowners should get six times the registered value of
their land as compensation in lieu of land acquired for public

The twin issues of land acquisition and rehabilitation and
resettlement should be combined under a single Bill named
National Development, Acquisition, Displacement and
Rehabilitation Bill.

Persons working on the land should be included in the
category of project affected persons, which would make
them eligible for receiving compensation.

The farmers should be given the right to annuity for a
certain number of years over and above the compensation
for the land acquired from him. The payouts should be
monthly instead of present system of annual payouts.

Consent of farmers should be compulsory for land
acquisition for projects by the private sector. 75 per cent of
the farmers and gram sabhass consent in writing should be
made must for acquiring land for development projects.

A commission should be set up to hear complaints related
to the land acquisition process.

India to host Convention on Biological

India is hosting the eleventh Conference of the Parties
(CoP-11) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),
and the sixth Conference of the
Parties serving as Meeting of
the Parties (CoP/MoP-6) to the
Cartagena Protocol on Bio-
safety to be held on 1-19
October, 2012.

The UN Decade on Biodiversity
(UNDB) for Asia and Pacific in
New Delhi on May 23, 2011.
The period 2011-2020 has been
proclaimed by the UN General
Assembly as the UN Decade on
Biodiversity (UNDB) to raise awareness about the
importance of and threats to biodiversity.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

The Decade coincides with the duration of the Strategic
Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 adopted by CoP-10 to the
CBD held in Nagoya, Japan in October, 2010. It contains 20
targets to help achieve the three objectives of the CBD and
the Millennium Development Goals.

The year 2012 would also be the year of 40th anniversary of
Stockholm Conference, 20th anniversary of Rio Earth
Summit (Rio + 20) and 10th anniversary of Johannesburg

During the formal launch of the UNDB for Asia and Pacific,
the Minister for Environment and Forests, Jairam Ramesh
unveiled the logo and slogan for CoP-11, which has been
developed by National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

Environment Ministry launches Haathi Mere
Saathi campaign: Reaching out to the people, to
improve conservation and welfare prospects of the
elephant - Indias National Heritage Animal, the Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF) in partnership with the
Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) on May 24, 2011 launched the
nationwide Haathi Mere Saathi campaign at the Elephant-8
Ministerial Meeting in New Delhi. The Minister of State for
Environment and Forests (I/C), Jairam Ramesh unveiled
the Campaign mascot, logo and website
( on the occasion. The
increasing pressure on elephant habitats is a serious
concern. The Ministry will try and address this concern by
involving people in elephant conservation and welfare
through this campaign. Representing regions with all three
species of elephants, the participants at the E-8 Meet were
from India, Botswana, Republic of Congo, Indonesia,
Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Thailand.

UPA government rejects Bhardwaj report: The
United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government decided on
May 22, 2011 to reject Karnataka Governor H.R. Bhardwajs
report recommending the dismissal of the Yeddyurappa-led
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in that State. The
decision was taken by the Cabinet Committee on Political
Affairs (CCPA). However, the CCPA has asked the Union
Home Ministry to send an advisory to the Karnataka
government, bringing to its notice the issues that had been
mentioned by the Governor of Karnataka. These included
repeated instances of corruption, resignations of Ministers
following allegations of corruption, instances of illegal
mining, the report of the Central Empowered Committee on
Illegal Mining, complaints by the Lok Ayukta and reports of
discrimination against and oppression of minorities. The
Governors report had followed a Supreme Court order,
reversing the Karnataka High Courts decision of
disqualifying 11 BJP rebel legislators and five independents,
ahead of a trust vote in the Assembly.

ITBP sends Rs.11-crore bill for Kasab security: The
Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) force, which has been
guarding 26/11 convict Ajmal Kasab over 18 months, has
slapped a bill of Rs.10.87 crore on the Maharashtra
government for guarding him at Arthur Road jail, Mumbai.
Medha Gadgil, principal secretary, Home, on May 24, 2011
said that state government received a request for
reimbursement of Rs 10.87 crore from the Director-General,
ITBP, New Delhi, R K Bhatia for expenses incurred between
March 28, 2009 and September 30, 2010.

India-US Homeland Security Dialogue concludes:
The India - USA Homeland Security Dialogue was held in
New Delhi on May 27, 2011. The Indian delegation was led
by the Union Home Minister, P. Chidambaram and the US
one by Secretary, Homeland Security Department Janet
Napolitano. The two sides affirmed the importance of
cooperation for the security of the two countries and their
people; the threat of terrorism and other challenges,
including cyber security, counterfeit currency, illicit financing
and transnational crimes; and, the deepening technological
and economic partnership between India and the United
States. The leaders expressed satisfaction with the growth
in counter-terrorism and related security cooperation
between the two countries. They noted the contribution of
existing mechanisms such as the Joint Working Group on
Counter-terrorism, established in 2000, the Defense Policy
Group, the Joint Working Group on Information and
Communications Technology and the Aviation Security
Working Group and the Counter-terrorism Cooperation
Initiative of July 2010 in advancing India-U.S. cooperation.

Indian cautions France over military sales to Pak:
India has underscored its concern over the sale of military
hardware by France to Pakistan in the name of fighting
terror. Defence Minister A.K. Antony conveyed New Delhis
disquiet over the development when French Defence
Minister Gerard Longuet called on him in New Delhi on May
26, 2011. France had earlier supplied Agosta submarines to
Pakistan. India and France would soon undertake a joint
exercise named Shakti, similar to the bilateral Garuda
between the two air forces and Varuna between the
navies. Longuets visit came at a time when the French
Dassault Rafale is competing with the four-nation European
consortium Eurofighter for the 126 Medium Multi-Role
Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) tender of the Indian Air Force. As
for the delays in construction of six French Scorpene
submarines in Mazagon Docks, the French Minister said the
programme was on course and initial late run occurred
since the dockyard had to be modernised to build the
submarines. The project is three years behind schedule,
with the first submarine expected in 2015. In addition to the
MMRCA, the French are eagerly awaiting a decision by the
Indian government to clear the upgrade programme for the
Mirage2000 fighter aircraft. The Minister said the decision
was in the final phase. On his part, the French Ambassador

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Jerome Bonnafont said negotiations over the price were

Rs 251 cr for Tripura-Bangladesh track: The Railway
Ministry on May 21, 2011 approved an outlay of Rs 251
crore for laying a 14 km railway track to connect Agartala
with Akhaura (via Gangasagar) in Bangladesh.
Northeastern Frontier Railway (NFR) is likely to undertake
work for laying tracks by October next year. While the
Department of North Eastern region (DoNER) ministry
would pay Rs 105 crore for construction of the rail link on
the Indian side, the Ministry of External Affairs will provide
Rs 146 crore to carry out the project on the Bangladesh

OFB developing Kawach rockets: State of the art
Kawach rockets being developed by Ordnance Factories
Board (OFB) is likely to be inducted into Indian Navy
sometime in 2013. The first trial has been conducted
successfully while the second trial will be conducted later in
2011, informed OFB Director General and Chairman D M
Gupta on May 21, 2011. Kawach, to be launched from Navy
submarines, will have a range of 40 km.

Astra test-flight successful: For the second day in a
row, DRDO conducted a successful ballistic flight test of
indigenously developed Astra - Beyond-Visual-Range Air-to-
Air Missile - from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in
Balasore district of Orissa on May 21, 2011. The missile is
envisaged to intercept and destroy enemy aircraft at
supersonic speeds in the head-on mode at a range of 80 km
and in tail-chase mode at 20 km. Astra, which uses solid
propellant, can carry a conventional warhead of 15 kg.

NPCIL launches comics to dispel nuclear fears:
Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) has turned to
comic strips to dispel safety fears of villagers about atomic
energy. The move by the Government-run nuclear plant
operator came in a bid to address the opposition by locals
and activists to the planned nuclear power project in
Jaitapur in Maharashtra. The colourful pictorial comic dwells
on the benefits of atomic power and dispels misconceptions.
Titled `Ek Tha Budhiya: Kahani Ek Khushal Gaon Ki (The
story of a prosperous village), the comic narrates the story
of Jagdishpur, a village that had been underdeveloped due
to ignorance and superstition, but gets transformed for
good, all thanks to a nuclear power plant. The conversations
are written in simple Hindi.

CRPF men in naxal areas eligible for medals: The
government on May 22, 2011 decided to include areas hit
by Left-wing extremism for granting special duty medals to
the personnel of central para-military forces deployed there.
This follows a letter written by Director General of CRPF K
Vijay Kumar to Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar in
which he had asked for a special Left-wing extremism
medal as the situation in the Naxal affected areas was far
more challenging than in Jammu and Kashmir and

CBDT to retain phone-tapping authority: The Central
Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) will continue to enjoy the
power of telephone tapping despite a strong
recommendation by a Committee of Secretaries against it
following a controversy in the wake of the Niira Radia
episode. However, it is not immediately clear the conditions
the CBDT will have to fulfil before tapping telephones of any
individual. The move comes after a Committee of
Secretaries, headed by Cabinet Secretary K M
Chandrasekhar, had recommended that the CBDT be taken
off the list of agencies which can file phone-tapping
requests as tax evasion cases neither have criminal liability
nor any national security issue as these were only civil

World Bank praises MGNREGA: The governments
flagship rural job guarantee scheme is innovative and has
achieved quite high coverage but faces challenges like
uneven implementation across states and some evidence
of leakage of funds, a new World Bank report says. The
study Social Protection for a Changing India unveiled on
May 22, 2011 also says ensuring higher degree of
awareness among people about the process of applying for
work under the scheme and a strong monitoring and
evaluation system will help in more successful
implementation of the programme. The Mahatma Gandhi
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has
significantly higher coverage compared to previous public
works programmes and impressive inclusion of scheduled
castes (31 per cent), scheduled tribes (25 per cent) and
women (50 per cent), it said, adding that MGNREGA serves
as a model for future reforms in other safety net

Railways increase concessions for senior citizens:
Women aged 58 years will be eligible to avail 50 per cent
concession as senior citizens while men in the category will
get a 40 per cent cut in their train fares from June one. As
announced in the Railways Budget speech for 2011-12, it
has been decided to reduce the minimum age for availing
concession from 60 years to 58 years in case of women
senior citizens. However, the element of concession will
continue to remain at 50 per cent, the Ministry of Railways
said in a release on May 25, 2011. It has also been decided
to increase the element of concession in case of senior
citizens among men from 30 per cent to 40 per cent. The
minimum age will, however, continue to be 60 years in case
of men.

phase of demarcation of Bellary mines over: The
Supreme Court-appointed joint survey teams on May 25,
2011 completed the first phase of the survey of 63 of 99 iron
ore mines in Bellary-Hospet region to identify sites of
alleged illegal mining in Karnataka. The five teams, headed

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

by Central Empowered Committee Chairman P V
Jayakrishnan, members Mahendra Vyas and M K Mattoo
completed demarcation of these mines. They have to
complete the demarcation process by June, on the basis of
which CEC will submit its report to the apex court on July 4.
The Supreme Court appointed the joint survey teams on
May 6.

Bagha Jatins biography released: Bagha Jatin Life
and Times of Jatindranath Mukherjee, a biography of
freedom fighter Jatindranath Mukherjee, written by Paris-
based scholar Prithwindra Mukherjee was released in New
Delhi on May 27, 2011. The book has been published by the
National Book Trust, which is also coming out with
biographies of Bengal revolutionaries Surjya Sen and
Kalpana Dutta soon.

Delhi, Kabul sign MoU for cultural cooperation:
India would provide capacity development support in
various areas to Afghanistan and cooperate with it in
promotion of art and culture, development of archaeological
institutions under a new MoU signed between the two
countries on May 27, 2011 in New Delhi. The MoU was
signed by Culture Minister Kumari Selja and Afghan Minister
for Information and Culture Dr Sayed Makhdoom Raheen.

First cable-stayed bridge in J&K launched: UPA
Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on May 23, 2011 laid the
foundation stone for the first cable stayed bridge in Jammu
and Kashmir over river Ravi at Basohli in Kathua district of
the state. The 592 meters long bridge will be constructed
by IRCON and is expected to be completed by end 2014.
The Basohli Bridge will be a cable stayed bridge similar to
the second Hooghly Bridge at Kolkata, Naini Bridge at
Allahabad and the Rajiv Gandhi Sea Link at Mumbai.

Health Min to expand NPCDCS across the country:
The government intends to expand its ambitious integrated
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer,
Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS)
across the country in the 12
Five Year Plan. This is being
done keeping in mind the increasing incidence of non-
communicable diseases in India said Union Health and
Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad in New Delhi on
May 27, 2011. The Union government launched the
NPCDCS in July last year in 100 districts on an
experimental basis in 21 states. These were selected on the
basis of backwardness, inaccessibility and lack of
healthcare facilities.

CBI files chargesheet against CWG accused: The
CBI, in a 36-page charge sheet filed in a New delhi Court on
May 24, 2011, implicated the former chairman of the
Commonwealth Games Organising Committee, Suresh
Kalmadi, Lalit Bhanot and V.K. Verma, besides seven
others, for making a wrongful pecuniary gain of nearly Rs.
20 crore in the award of the Timing, Scoring and Results
(TSR) system contract to Swiss Timing. Charging the
accused with awarding the contract to Swiss Timing, which
cost the government a total outgo of Rs.157.62 crore when
another bid was offered from MSL Spain that would have
cost the Organising Committee only Rs. 62.01 crore, the
charge sheet pegged the wrongful loss at Rs. 95.6 crore.

Accident at Strategic Petroleum Reserves kills 3: A
team of senior officials from Indian Strategic Petroleum
Reserves Ltd (ISPRL) visited the blast site near Mangalore
on May 27, 2011 where three people, including a Korean,
were killed and three others injured on May 26. The
deceased were trying to defuse misfired detonators near the
project site in Mangalore. Strategic crude oil reserve is
being set up to provide for emergency response mechanism
against short-term supply disruptions under various
scenarios. The underground rock caverns in the facility will
store 14-day supply of crude oil for the country in case of
supply disruptions. The government had approved building
of strategic crude oil reserve of 5 million tonnes at three
locations Mangalore (1.5 MT), Visakhapatnam (1 MMT)
and Padur in Udupi district (2.5 MT) in January 2005. A joint
venture of South Korea Engineering and Construction and
Karam Chand Thapar had bagged the Mangalore cavern
works for Rs 403 crore.

Accident Investigation Committee to probe
aviation mishaps: Separating the role of a regulator and
an investigator, the Union government on May 26, 2011 set
up an independent panel to probe major aviation accidents.
Till now, the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)
was performing both the roles. Aiming at creating an
independent investigation system in the country to match
the growth in aviation and the corresponding increase in the
number of incidents or accidents, an Accident Investigation
Committee (AIC) has been established to work under the
supervision of the Civil Aviation Ministry. The move came a
day after a small plane crashed in Faridabad, on the
outskirts of the national capital, claiming 10 lives. The
committee, to be headed by the Director of Air Safety, would
have all its five members from the DGCA. It would identify
the causes of accident and assist the formal probe panels
such as courts or committees of enquiry.

Jindal Law School signs MoU to train IAS officers:
O. P. Jindal Global University (JGU) on May 25, 2011
signed a memorandum of understanding with the National
Institute of Administrative Research of the Lal Bahadur
National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, which is
the premier national-level training institution for IAS officers.
The MoU provides for exchange of faculty, research
scholars, hosting of visiting academic delegations, teaching
and training of IAS officers and organisation of conferences.
The JGU has already built a relationship with the National
Police Academy in Hyderabad and has collaborative
arrangements with the Foreign Service Training Academy,
the CBI Academy and other similar national institutions.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

IIT Kanpur is No. 1 among Indian institutes in QS
Asian 2011: Despite the language barrier, China is taking
over from India, in terms of their ranking among top Asian
Universities. According to the latest QS Asian University
Rankings 2011 unveiled on May 26, 2011, six Chinese
universities have made it to the top 30. Indias position
starts from 36 with IIT Kanpur. The low rankings, according
to QS, are because Indian universities have far too few staff
to teach their students by world standards, with no-so-good
faculty/student ratios. Indian institutes in top 50 include IIT
Kanpur (36), IIT Delhi (37), IIT Bombay (38), IIT Madras and
IIT Kharagpur. Japan was the best-represented nation, with
five of the top 10 and 57 of the top 200 universities, ahead
of China (40) and South Korea (35), Taiwan (16), India (11),
Thailand (9), Indonesia (8), Malaysia (7) and Hong Kong
(7). The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
(HKUST) climbed up from second place last year to top the
rankings in 2011.

Ajit K. Seth is new Cabinet Secretary: The
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet on May 24, 2011
approved the appointment of Ajit Kumar Seth, IAS (UP: 74)
Secretary (Coordination & Public Grievances), Cabinet
Secretariat, as the next Cabinet Secretary with effect from
14.06.2011 for a period of two years or till further orders,
whichever is earlier; and also his appointment as OSD in
the Cabinet Secretariat with effect from the date of his
assumption of charge to 13
June, 2011, in the rank and
pay of Secretary. Seth did his B.Sc (Hons.) and M.Sc. in
Chemistry from St. Stephens College, New Delhi and also
M. Phil in Life Sciences from the Jawaharlal Nehru
University. He subsequently also obtained a Masters
Degree in Development Finance from the University of
D Jayakumar appointed TN Assembly Speaker:
AIADMK legislators D Jayakumar and P Dhanapal were on
May 27, 2011 unanimously elected as Speaker and Deputy
Speaker of the 14th Tamil Nadu Assembly. Jayakumar was
led to the Speakers chair by Leader of the House, Finance
Minister O Panneerselavam and Opposition Leader
Vijayakanth, keeping to the custom. Chief Minister J
Jayalalithaa and DMK floor leader M K Stalin were among
those present on the occasion.

Naresh Tikait is new President of Bhartiya Kisan
Union: BKU will not hesitate to launch an agitation on the
land acquisition issue for the welfare of the farmers, newly-
elected national President of Bhartiya Kisan Union Naresh
Tikait said in Muzaffarnagar on May 23, 2011. Naresh was
made the new national President of BKU on May 22 after
the death of his father and BKU head Mahendra Singh
Tikait who passed away on May 15. Naresh, the eldest son
of Mahendra, said that the party will remain a non political
organisation and its movement for the interest of the
farmers will also continue.
Mamata retains 9 portfolios in Bengal Cabinet:
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on May 20,
2011 allocated portfolios to her newly sworn-in Ministers,
keeping for herself nine departments, including Home,
Health, and Land Reforms. The Ministers were sworn in by
Governor M.K. Narayanan at the Raj Bhavan. As many as
33 Ministers were given Cabinet rank portfolios and four
others were made Ministers of State with independent
charge. The departments held by Ms. Banerjee include
Agriculture, Power, Hill Affairs, Information and Cultural
Affairs, Minority Affairs and Madrasa Education and
Personnel and Administrative Reforms.

President rejects mercy petitions of Bhullar, Das:
President Pratibha Patil on May 26, 2011 rejected the mercy
petitions of Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar of Punjab and
Mahendra Nath Das of Assam following the
recommendations from the Union Home Ministry. Bhullar
was sentenced to death by a trial court on August 25, 2001,
for plotting terror attacks on Punjab SSP Sumedh Singh
Saini in 1991 and the then Youth Congress president M S
Bitta in 1993 leading to several deaths in Delhi.
Film critic Chidananda Dasgupta passes away:
Renowned film critic, historian and a pioneer of the film
society movement in India, Chidananda Dasgupta, passed
away in Kolkata on May 22, 2011. The father of actress and
filmmaker Aparna Sen, Chidananda Dasgupta was born in
Shillong in 1921. A close association with legendary
filmmaker Satyajit Ray led to the formation of the Calcutta
Film Society in 1947 with Sergei Eisensteins classic
Battleship Potemkin as its first screening. More than a
decade later, the Federation of Film Societies of India was
set up on his initiative. Dasgupta was given the lifetime
achievement award at the Osians Cinefan Film Festival in
2004 in recognition for his writings on films, which include
books such as Talking about Films, The Cinema of Satyajit
Ray and Unpopular Cinema.

Social activist Dr Rajnikant Arole passes away:
Social activist and Magsaysay award winner Dr Rajnikant
Arole passed away at the age of 78 on May 26 at
Ahmednagar. Arole was the founder president of
Maharashtra Social Forum, a popular NGO network in

Harmonium player Dholpuri passes away: The
countrys most acclaimed harmonium player Mehmood
Dholpuri passed away at the age of 58 in New Delhi on May
25, 2011. Ustad Dholpuri trained with the masters of Dilli
Gharana, including Ustad Nasir Ahmad Khan. Harmonium
players are generally ignored but Ustad Dholpuri became a
favourite with Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Begum Parveen
Sultana, Pandit Jasraj, Girija Devi, Shubha Mudgal and
even Kishori Amonkar. He was also the first harmonium
artiste to be awarded Padma Shri a few years ago.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

Nuclear Suppliers Group to consider Indias
request for membership

The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the worlds premier
non-proliferation body, has decided to include Indias
request for membership as a special agenda item when it
holds its annual meeting in the third week of June. This has
been agreed upon during a meeting in May 2011 between
the Indian delegation led by Foreign Secretary Nirupama
Rao and the NSG troika currently consisting of the
Netherlands, New Zealand and Hungary at The Hague,

However, the fact that the NSG plenary will consider Indias
case does not mean membership will be granted
automatically. A long road of persuading all the members
lies ahead because decisions at NSG are taken
unanimously. Yet India has already received public
assurances of support from the Presidents of U.S., France
and Russia.

India is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT), an important precursor to NSG membership.
India wants to join all four international export control
regimes NSG, the Missile Technology Control Regime,
the Australia Group and the Wassenaar Group. India must
gain membership as early as possible because the NSG is
said to be planning to tighten procedures for export of ENR
(enrichment and reprocessing) technology which India
desperately needs. The NSG troika took note of Indias
commitment to non-proliferation and its attempt to meet
international standards in this regard.

The NSG, a U.S. initiative, was triggered by the first Indian
peaceful nuclear explosion in 1974. Since then, it has found
more adherents and only five among them are permitted to
maintain nuclear arsenals. India has found this
discriminatory and, along with Pakistan and Israel, refused
to sign the NPT.

NAM Ministerial Conference organised: The 16

Ministerial Conference and Commemorative Meeting of the
Anniversary of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) came to
an end in Bali, Indonesia on May 27, 2011. Marty
Natalegawa, Indonesian Foreign Minister, said that the
deliberations yielded an 127-page Final Document that
reflected the shared vision and common position of the
Movement, which sent strong message on the need to step
up NAM s efforts on the reform of the United Nations and
the global economic and financial system. The final
document as well as the Bali Commemorative Declaration
issued on May 24, 2011 prescribed measures to address
emerging challenges in the world of 21st century, called for
enhanced international cooperation to address challenges
that defy national solution alone, he added. The meeting
also affirmed the admission of Azerbaijan and Fiji into the
NAM family. The 16
NAM summit would be held next year
in Teheran. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono suggested the need to reshuffle the
membership position in the Council so that it reflects the
reality of the world today in his opening speech of the
Conference on May 25.

Pak naval base at Mehran attacked: Pakistan has lost
almost half of its sophisticated long-range maritime
snooping and strike capabilities in the well-targeted jihadi
attack by the Taliban on naval base PNS Mehran in Karachi
that ended on May 23, 2011 after a 15-hour gun-battle,
leaving ten security personnel and four attackers dead. At
least two of the five P-3C Orion long-range patrol aircraft,
supplied to Pakistan Navy by the US, were destroyed in the
attack. Pakistan got the P-3C Orions, packed with radars
and weapons like the E-2C Hawkeye 2000 airborne
earlywarning suites and antiship Harpoon missiles, from the
US as part of the around $15 billion military aid. India had
protested that the Orions were clearly meant for
conventional warfare, not counter-terrorism.

Grimsvotn erupts in Iceland: Ash spewing from an
Icelandic volcano is causing disruption and days of
uncertainty to more parts of Europe. Hundreds of flights
were cancelled on May 24, 2011 as winds blew the cloud of
ash from the Grimsvotn volcano over Scotland and other
parts of Europe. Experts say that particles in the ash could
stall jet engines and sandblast planes windows.

Astronauts in final shuttle space-walk at ISS: The
last space-walk in the 30-year history of the US shuttle
programme was completed by astronauts Mike Fincke and
Greg Chamitoff at the International Space Station (ISS) on
May 28, 2011. They also completed NASA part in
constructing the ISS. The astronauts will return to Earth in a
few days on space shuttle Endeavours last voyage. One
final shuttle is scheduled for July to bring supplies to the
ISS. The ISS is now of the size that can house six full-time
residents who spend their time conducting scientific
experiments and research conditions for possible longer
missions, such as travelling to Mars. After return to earth,
Endeavour will be prepared for public display at the
California Science Center in Los Angeles. Russia still plans
to carry out space-walks at the ISS, adding at least one
more chamber to the structure of ISS.

Arab League backs Palestinian membership at UN:
The Arab League on May 28, 2011 said it will seek full UN
membership for a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as
its capital. The decision was made at a meeting in Doha
attended by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas who

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

reiterated his determination to seek UN recognition in
September unless Israel began negotiations on a
substantial basis. US-led peace talks between Israel and
the Palestinians have been stalled for months. A statement
issued by the Arab League monitoring committee said it
supports the appeal to the UN asking that Palestine, within
the 1967 borders, becomes a full-fledged state of the
international organisation. Earlier, in a keynote policy
speech on May 19, US President Barack Obama had issued
a clear call for Israel and the Palestinians to use the borders
existing before the 1967 Six Day War, with land swaps, as
the basis for talks. UN General Assembly President Joseph
Deiss said that a Palestinian state would need the support
of all five veto-wielding permanent members of the Security
Council to be recognised.

Egypt eases blockade at Gazas Rafah crossing:
Egypts official news agency MENA has said that the Rafah
border crossing with Gaza will be permanently opened for
Palestinians from May 28, 2011, a move that will
significantly ease a blockade of the impoverished territory.
The move - strongly opposed by Israel - comes some three
months after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak lost power.
Egypt and Israel closed borders with Gaza when Hamas
seized power in 2007. Israel retains concerns that weapons
will be imported into Gaza through the Egyptian frontier, but
Egypt insists it will conduct thorough searches of all those
crossing. People leaving Gaza will also need to be carrying
Palestinian ID cards, which are issued by Israel.

North Sudan takes over Abeyi: The president of
Southern Sudan Salva Kiir on May 26, 2011 said that his
nascent nation will not return to war with the Khartoum-
based north despite the recent invasion of the contested
region of Abyei. The north-south border zone region of
Abyei was taken over by northern Sudanese troops, causing
civilians to flee southward. Southern Sudan has seceded
from the north and will formally be declared as an
independent nation on July 9. But north and south regions
claim Abyei, a fertile land that has oil. The latest skirmish
began after southern troops attacked northern and UN
forces. Kiir said that attack was a misunderstanding.

G-8 to fund democracy in Middle-East: Leaders of the
Group of Eight rich nations on May 27, 2011 said that
international development banks could give more than $ 20
billion to Egypt and Tunisia to support countries that
overthrew dictators this year and are trying to establish free
democracies. President Barack Obama and other G-8
leaders meeting in Deauville, France said in a final
statement that their countries will also mobilize substantial
bilateral support to scale up this effort. The leaders
encouraged other countries, including rich Arab world
nations, to contribute as well to shoring up economies in
Egypt and Tunisia, where uprisings this year overthrew
dictators but also scared away tourists and investors.
India elected to UN Human Rights Council: India and
14 other countries have been elected to the 47-nation UN
Human Rights Council based in Geneva on May 21, 2011.
India was not in competition for the seat since there were
four countries and four seats for the Asia block. With 189
countries voting, Indonesia received 184 votes, Philippines
183, India 181 and Kuwait 166. Other countries to be
elected to the Council included Burkina Faso, Botswana,
Congo, Benin, Czech Republic, Romania, Chile, Costa
Rica, Peru, Italy and Austria. These countries will begin their
term on June 19 for a three year term. In the wake of
international condemnation of its crackdown on protesters,
Syria gave up its seat to Kuwait. UN Watch, a Geneva-
based group that monitors the UN, said that Burkina Faso,
India, Philippines and Indonesia had questionable
qualifications to be on the human rights body.

Russia tests ICBM missile Sineva: Russia on May 20,
2011 conducted its second intercontinental ballistic missile
(ICBM) test in less than a month as it stepped up its
campaign against a US-backed interceptor system for
Europe. The Sineva missile was launched from a Russian
submarine in the Barents Sea and later successfully hit its
target on the opposite side of the country on the Kamchatka
Peninsula. The Sineva submarine-launched missile is one
of the most recent additions to Russias nuclear arsenal and
was only fully tested for the first time in 2008. Each missile
carries up to 10 warheads and has a range of more than
11,000 kilometres. It was the second submerged missile
launch conducted by Russia since April 26.

International Day of UN Peacekeepers observed:
The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers,
observed on May 29, 2011. According to the UN, it is a day
to pay tribute to all the men and women who have served
and continue to serve in United Nations peacekeeping
operations for their high level of professionalism, dedication,
and courage and to honor the memory of those who have
lost their lives in the cause of peace.

China sets up special cyber warfare unit: The
Peoples Liberation Army, of China has formed a special
cyber warfare unit, called Blue Team, to safeguard the
Internet security of the military. It is important for the military
to strengthen its defence capabilities against the Internet
attacks, Defence Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng has
been quoted as saying in the official media on May 27, 2011
in Beijing.

DISY wins Cyprus elections: Rightist opposition party
DISY has narrowly won Cyprus tightly contested
parliamentary elections, handing defeat to the governing
AKEL party, final results showed on May 23, 2011. But the
results indicate that voter support for leftist President
Dimitris Christofias handling of long-running talks with
breakaway Turkish Cypriots to reunify the divided island
remains steady. Cyprus is governed under a presidential

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

system, meaning that parliamentary elections dont result in
a change of government. But they reflect public sentiment
on a governments performance and are used to measure
party strength in alliance building for presidential elections
next due in 2013.

Ivory Coasts President Ouattara inaugurated:
Alassane Ouattara was on May 21, 2011 inaugurated as the
president of Ivory Coast in the capital, Yamoussoukro, after
months of violence and political turmoil. The ceremony was
attended by many African heads of state, as well as French
President Nicolas Sarkozy and the UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon. Ouattara won the November presidential
election but was prevented from taking office after
incumbent Laurent Gbagbo refused to give up power.
Gbagbo was arrested in April after a military raid on the
presidential compound where he had based himself.

Ecuador referendum gives Correa victory: Final
results in Ecuadors May 7 referendum on political reforms,
announced on May 20, 2011 have handed victory to
President Rafael Correa. The presidents plans include
greater control over the media and judiciary, but his win still
needs final confirmation from the national electoral council

Rouzier named Haitis new prime minister: Haitian
President Michel Martelly on May 21, 2011 chose US-
educated businessman Daniel-Gerard Rouzier as prime
minister. It is President Martellys first major appointment to
his new administration.

Obama nominates Panetta as secretary of defence:
US President Barack Obama on May 26, 2011 formally
nominated CIA Director Leon Panetta as his new Secretary
of Defence and David Petraeus, who commands the
international force in Afghanistan, as Panettas successor at
the CIA.

British boy is youngest seven-summit climber:
George Atkinson, a 16-year-old British schoolboy became
the youngest person ever to climb the highest mountains of
all the seven continents when he ascended Mount Everest,
the tallest of them, on May 26, 2011. Atkinson climbed the
8,850-metre Everest summit from the Tibetan side of the
mountain, which abuts Nepal and China, beating the feat of
the previous record-holder, American Johnny Collinsons, of
ascending all seven summits when he was 17.

War-crimes accused Mladic arrested in Serbia:
General Ratko Mladic, who commanded Bosnian Serb
troops during the 1991-1995 Balkan wars that tore apart the
former Yugoslavia, was arrested in Serbia on May 26, 2011,
President Boris Tadic confirmed in Belgrade. General
Mladic, also known as the Butcher of Srebrenica, was
wanted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the
United Nations special tribunal on the former Yugoslavia.

Abkhazia President Bagapsh passes away: Sergei
Bagapsh, president of Georgias breakaway region of
Abkhazia, died aged 62, on May 29, 2011. Abkhazia
declared independence from Georgia in 1992, but is only
recognised by Moscow and a handful of other countries.
Since its brief war with Georgia in 2008 over another
disputed territory, South Ossetia, Russia has provided
security for Abkhazia. Thousands of ethnic Georgians fled
the regions during the conflict and many remain internally
displaced in Georgia. In 2008, Western countries
condemned Russia for penetrating deep into Georgia,
beyond the conflict zones.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK


Section C: AWARDS

Subhasis Chaudhuri wins G. D. Birla Award:
Professor Subhasis Chaudhuri of Indian Institute of
Technology-Mumbai was on May 26, 2011 selected for the
prestigious G. D. Birla Award for Scientific Research. Prof.
Chaudhuri, 48, who works in the Department of Electrical
Engineering, is getting the award for his important
contributions in the area of electronic communications. The
award, constituted by the K. K. Birla Foundation, carries a
cash prize of Rs.1.50 lakh and is given to scientists below
the age of 50. Prof. Chaudhury joined IIT-Mumbai in 1990
and is currently serving as an Institute Chair Professor and
Dean of International Relations. He works in the area of
computer vision and image processing.

Aditya Sudarshan wins MetroPlus Award: Aditya
Sudarshan was on May 27, 2011 declared winner of the
MetroPlus Playwright Award 2011 for his entry The Green
Room. Instituted by The Hindu, the Award carries a prize of
Rs.1 lakh for the best original unpublished and unperformed
playscript in English. The 26-year-old, Mumbai-based
Sudarshan has published two novels, A Nice Quiet Holiday
and Show Me A Hero, and contributed several short stories
to anthologies and magazines. The MetroPlus Playwright
Award 2011 is the fourth since it was launched in 2008. The
other three winners were Abhishek Majumdar for Harlesden
High Street, Prashant Prakash and Kalki Koechlin for
Skeleton Woman, and Neel Chaudhuri for Taramandal.

Doordarshan Annual Awards presented: The
Doordarshan Annual Awards were presented to the winners
on May 26, 2011 in New Delhi. The programmes which
bagged the awards included Turnaround of DD Archives
under the category of DGs Special/DD Archive, Bhagan
Walian under the category of
Animation/Graphics/Promo/Spot category, Republic Day
Parade under the category of Live/Sports event, Ras
Baras Agle Baras under the category of Art Direction/Set
Designing/Costume, Eti Shaponave Pam Khedi under the
category of Women, Pachim Taal under the category of
Dance/Dance-Drama/Ballet, Farmers Pride under the
category of Agriculture, Emergency Action under the
category of Cinematography and Meri baat under the
category of Reality/TV Show. Doordarshan Kendra,
Hyderabad was awarded for the Best Doordarshan
Kendra. The award for the Best News Producer was given
to DD News. The Thiruvananthapuram Kendra was
awarded for the Best Regional News Unit. The award
under the category Children was given to the programme
Mukherjee, Jaitley conferred doctorates in UK:
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and senior BJP leader
Arun Jaitley will be conferred honorary doctorates by
Britains University of Wolverhampton on May 26, 2011 in
New Delhi. Mukherjee and Jaitley will receive the Honorary
Degree of Doctors of Letters. NRI Lord Swraj Paul is
Chancellor of Wolverhampton University. Mukherjee has
been selected for the honour for his outstanding service to
Indian society and contribution to international affairs.
Jaitley is being conferred the doctorate for his contribution
to Indian politics and service to the people of India. N Ram,
the Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu, will be conferred honorary
degree of Doctor of Social Sciences at a function in Chennai
on May 30.

A. Forna wins Commonwealth Writers Prize: Sierra
Leones Aminatta Forna was on May 21, 2011 awarded the
prestigious Commonwealth Writers Prize 2011 for best
book for her novel The Memory of Love at Sydney. The
Commonwealth Writers Prize for best first book was
awarded to New Zealander Craig Cliff for his collection of
short stories A Man Melting. The Commonwealth Writers
Prize is open to writers from across 54 countries. Former
winners include Louis De Bernieres, Ian McEwan and Zadie

Santiago Roncagliolo wins Foreign Fiction Prize:
Peruvian author Santiago Roncagliolo on May 27, 2011 won
the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize for his third novel,
Red April. The writer beat competition from the likes of
Nobel Prize-winning Turkish author Orhan Pamuk to
become the youngest person to win the prize at 36. He
shares his 10,000 award with the translator of his novel,
American Edith Grossman. The prize is given to a living
author whose book has been translated into English and
published in the UK. Roncagliolos political thriller,
translated from Spanish, tells of a Peruvian prosecutor in
charge of a murder investigation.

Terrence Malick wins Palme dOr at Cannes: U.S.
director Terrence Malick won the Palme dOr for the Best
Film for The Tree of Life at the 64
Cannes Film Festival
on May 22, 2011. Kirsten Dunst won the Best Actress
award for her role in Melancholia by Danish director Lars
von Trier. Denmarks Nicolas Winding Refn won Best
Director award for his film Drive. Frances Jean Dujardin
won the Best Actor award for his role in Michel
Hazanaviciuss The Artist.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK


RBI recommends holding company structure
for banking groups

Conglomerates like ICICI Bank, SBI and HDFC will find it
easier to raise capital for new financial activities with the
Reserve Bank of India favouring a holding company
structure for both banking and nonbanking financial groups.
The central bank in its proposed norms for holding
companies has said that financial groups can list both the
holding company as well as the subsidiaries. The proposed
structure is similar to that prevailing in Western countries
where holding companies like Citigroup are listed and serve
as a vehicle for raising capital. The holding company in turn
has subsidiaries in banking, asset management, insurance,
investment ban king and non-banking finance.

A panel headed by RBI deputy governor Shyamala
Gopinath, which submitted its report on May 23, 2011,
suggested that the holding company norm should be
pursued as a preferred model for the financial sector in

Experts have long said that a holding company structure
was ideal as it would allow investors to participate in all the
groups business which include housing finance, banking,
asset management, and life and non-life insurance.
However other experts say that such a structure was not
feasible because of multiplicity of regulators and different
foreign direct investment guidelines for different businesses.

Also, this option may not be immediately available as RBI
has said that recasting conglomerates under the financial
holding company structure can be done only after an
enabling legislation is passed and the government gives a
dispensation that provides a one-time tax exemption on
such a recast. Along with the introduction of a new
legislation, RBI has said that amendments need to be
simultaneously made to other acts governing state-owned
banks, the Companies Act and other legislations wherever

Bankers Committee on Rural Housing
submits report

A high level committee of bankers has recommended a hike
in allocation of grants for construction of rural housing units
for Below the Poverty Line Households (BPL) from Rs.
45,000 to Rs. 75,000 per dwelling unit. It has also
suggested a loan of Rs. 50,000 in the form of affordable
credit at 4% under Differential Rate of Interest (DRI)
Scheme of the Government of India. One of its
recommendations is to extend the repayment period to 15
years as the loan is given for housing and the EMI may be
limited to Rs. 300-350 as then it would be within the
repayment capacity of the borrower. These are some of the
recommendations made by the expert group

The Bankers committee Report was submitted to the Union
Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Vilasrao
Deshmukh by the Chairman of the Committee, Sri R.
Sridhar, Chairman and Managing Director, Central Bank Of
India on May 25, 2011. The committee included Suman Beri
of NCAER, Dr. K.G. Karmakar, MD of NABARD, Renu Sood
Karnad, MD of HDFC, V.K. Sharma, ED of RBI, R.V.Verma,
ED of NHB, Dr. D. Bhandari a Chartered Accountant and
Joint Secretary Rural Housing under the Ministry Of Rural
Development as its members.

The Committee has proposed the following Schemes for
BPL & APL households:

I. Bankable Scheme for Below Poverty Line (BPL)

The allocation of grant for construction of rural housing units
for below poverty line (BPL) households should be
increased from Rs 45,000 to Rs 75,000 a dwelling unit.

BPL households should be entitled to a loan of Rs 50,000 at
4 per cent a year under the governments differential rate of
interest scheme.

Repayment period for the loan could be up to 15 years and
the equated monthly instalment (EMI) limited to Rs 300-350
so that it is within the repayment capacity of the borrowers

II. Bankable Scheme for Above Poverty Line (APL)

Without any subsidy
In the case of bankable scheme for above poverty line
(APL) households, the loan amount (without any subsidy)
should not exceed Rs 4 lakh with the interest range of 7-10
per cent.

Subsidy based
The maximum loan amount may not exceed Rs. 2 lakh for
construction of new house and Rs. 1 lakh for addition/up-
gradation/repair of old houses. (Option I with 5% interest
the maximum loan amount may not exceed Rs. 3 lakh for
construction of new house and Rs. 1.5 lakh for addition/up-
gradation/repair of old houses. (Option II with 4% interest
III. Bankable Scheme of Productive Housing for
BPL/APL Households Loan Amount

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Under the Scheme, the loan amount will be extended to the
rural households for two purposes: (a) Loan for housing,
and (b) Loan for income generating activities with an
interest subsidy of 5%.

(i) The loan amount under the Scheme will be decided by
the Lending Institution based on the credit worthiness of the

(ii) However, the maximum loan amount may not exceed

Nature of
Housing Income
Housing Income
Rs. 10,000 Rs.
Rs. 30,000
Rs. 10,000 Rs.
Rs. 30,000

Other issues

Group-based lending should be promoted: A group
based lending approach for rural housing has been
recommended for giving better results The committee has
suggested that a multi dimensional strategy with necessary
risk safeguards is required to be adopted which will focus on
effective collaboration and partnership with Financial
Institutions like NHB, NABARD, SIDBI, Banks and other
successful channels including NGOs/MFIs, select corporate
etc. as well as evolving risk mitigating measures with
appropriate safeguards and evolving projects as
community-managed and driven.

Rural Habitat Development Fund: The Committee has
proposed setting up a dedicated Rural Habitat
Development Fund for the planned development of the
rural housing and housing finance landscape. The so called
Fund will be available to support Interest Subvention
Schemes, awareness building programs, training and
capacity building, technology and building material,
research and development etc. The contribution to such a
Fund maybe derived from the profits of various
Development Financial Institutions (DFIs), Reserve Bank of
India, Banks etc besides budgetary support.

Rural Risk Fund: The Expert group has recommended
setting up of a Rural Risk Fund with contributions from all
stake holders including beneficiaries and to encourage
Insurance Linked Products with housing so as to reduce the
cost of housing finance to the various stake holders.

Productive Housing in Rural Areas: The Committee has
underlined that there is a need for shift in focus from
facilitating housing to Productive Housing in Rural Areas
(PHIRA). Further, expanding SHG-Bank Linkage model may
result in enhancing the availability of micro credit to the rural
households. Also, such model coupled with savings will help
to expand the micro-credit operations for housing targeted
at women.

Guidelines for developing banking products for
rural housing

In view of the observations made by various agencies, the
Committee outlined that the appropriate banking product
applicable to BPL and non-BPL households/groups for rural
housing can be developed based on the following

While developing the product, low cost technology based on
locally available materials have to be considered along with
factors like natural calamities.

As there are problems of land ownership in rural areas,
appropriate solution may be found out in consultation with
the State Governments such as Panchayati Raj etc.

Recovery could be a major challenge in rural lending. To
overcome this, the scheme can be implemented through
SHG (Self-help groups) and JLG (Joint liability groups)

Flexible repayment schedule should be prescribed
depending upon the periodicity of the cash flow of the
borrower having regard to his/her source of income.
Development of appropriate risk mitigants and infusing the
concept of guarantee into the system could act as catalyser
for the overall development of the industry

Since the cost of servicing of the PLIs in lending towards the
rural housing is high, the cluster approach for housing may
be considered as an alternative.

Need for Policy Changes with regard to linking of repayment
of rural housing loans to crop cycle and permitting defaults
of two crop season installments in respect of housing loans
of upto Rs. 2 lakhs.

GoM refers Cairn deal back to CCEA

The Group of Ministers (GoM) on Cairn Indias sale to
Vedanta on May 24, 2011 upheld the conditions set by
former oil minister Murli Deora for clearing Scottish explorer
Cairn Energys nearly-$10 billion deal to sell control in its
Indian arm-Cairn India to London-listed Vedanta
Resources of NRI businessman Anil Agarwal. These pertain
to royalty on crude oil produced and right of refusal enjoyed
by the joint venture partner (ONGC).

Royalty: The GoM is said to be of the view that the two
firms (Cairn Energy and Vedanta) would have to agree to
pay cess on crude produced from the Barmer oil-fields

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

(owned jointly by Cairn India and ONGC) and treat royalty
as part of cost of running the oilfields. The royalty and cess
issues have been a hurdle to the deal since it was
announced in August 2010. State-run ONGC is Cairns 30%
partner in Barmer fields, but pays 100% royalty due to a
policy decision in 1990s.

Right of refusal: The GoM, chaired by FM Pranab
Mukherjee, also upheld ONGCs claim of first right of
refusal. Now, Cairn would have to seek clearance from the
state-run firm that is a partner in eight of the companys 10
acreages in India. The ONGC board had passed a
resolution, requesting the ministry to withhold permission
until Cairn agrees to royalty and cess issues.

Meanwhile, in a setback to the Cairn-Vedanta deal, Solicitor
General Gopal Subramanium on May 25, 2011 reaffairmed
that the government can impose preconditions like equitable
sharing of royalty for clearing Vedanta Resources takeover
of Cairn India. His opinion was sought by Finance Minister
and head of a ministerial panel vetting the USD 9.6 billion
deal Pranab Mukherjee.

A final call on the GoMs view would be taken by the
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA).

Trade unions oppose relaxation in labour laws
for NMIZs

The commerce ministrys position on the proposed National
Manufacturing and Investment Zones (NMIZs) has been
strongly objected by the labour ministry and trade unions.

The NMIZs were proposed early last year, as part of a
policy to raise the share of manufacturing in gross domestic
product from the present 15-odd per cent to about 22 per
cent. They are envisaged on the lines of Special Economic
Zones (SEZs).
Industry and chambers of commerce welcomed the idea
and are also cheered by the position paper of the
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) on
the issue. The paper echoes the feeling of the industry that
restrictions on hiring and dismissals are a big bottleneck to
expansion of the manufacturing sector.

The NMIZs are proposed to be exempted from the Factories
Act, the Industrial Disputes Act, the Trade Union Act, the
Gratuity Act, the Provident Fund Act and the Employees
State Insurance Act. The special purpose vehicle to set up
an NMIZ would be the guardian of workers and companies
would be free to create their own conciliation and
compensation mechanisms.

All labour laws, it has said, must apply to the proposed
NMIZs. Labour Secretary Prabhat Chaturvedi on May 22,
2011 said that the DIPP paper was only a discussion paper
seeking comments. The Ministry is of the opinion that labour
laws must be applicable in the special zones (NMIZs)
proposed. The Ministry has also opposed the proposal to
allow companies to create their own conciliation and
compensation mechanisms for dealing with labour issues. It
says it is against outsourcing of sovereign functions of the
government. At the same time it has supported the move for
simplification of labour laws and reduction in procedural

DoT supports 30% quota for Made-in-India
equipment in telecom

The Department of Telecom (DoT) on May 27, 2011
supported a proposal to reserve 30 per cent of all electronic
equipment procurement to those items that are
manufactured in the country. This will include telecom
equipment and IT peripherals. Though the proposal is for
restricting the quota system only on purchases by
Government owned companies, the DoT has said that the
quota system in the telecom sector should be equally
imposed on both private operators and public sector units.

The proposal to give preferential treatment to Made in India
products has been made by a committee formed by the
National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC)
and the Advisor to Prime Minister on Public Information,
Infrastructure and Innovation. The main objective of the
proposed policy is to promote manufacturers of electronic
equipment with emphasis on development of Indian
Intellectual Property. Under this policy, preferential
treatment will be given for a period of 10 years and shall
come into effect one year from the date of notification.

For a product to qualify as manufactured in India it has to
have local value addition to the extent of 25 per cent in the
first year of production and 45 per cent by the fifth year. If
the product has Indian IPR then the company will get
additional weightage and also income tax benefits available
to investments for R&D.

Private companies and foreign equipment vendors have,
however, opposed this move on grounds that such a
reservation is against WTO norms.

The proposed policy has been approved by the Committee
of Secretaries and will now be taken to the Cabinet for final

IMG on inflation favours FDI in multi-brand

The Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) on inflation on May 28,
2011 suggested opening up of multi-brand retail to foreign
direct investment (FDI) as a measure to tame inflation. The
group, chaired by Chief Economic Advisor Kaushik Basu,
also recommended amendments to the Agriculture Produce

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Marketing Committee (APMC) Act. The IMG says these two
steps will help in reducing the margin between the price that
farmers got and the price that consumers paid.

IMG said FDI in multi-product retail should be considered at
the earliest, as reforms in this sector could be an effective
inflation-busting measure. It, however, cautioned that the
entry of foreign investors should be properly regulated and
that India must guard against the risk of these new
corporations becoming monopolistic and charging high
prices. The share of organised retail in the total retail trade
is just over 4 per cent in India, compared to 66 per cent in
Japan, 20 per cent in China, 55 per cent in Malaysia and 30
per cent in Indonesia.

On the APMC Act, IMG said it ought to be amended to
enable farmers to bring their products to retail outlets and
also allow retailers to directly purchase from farmers,
without facing blockades by incumbent traders. It said the
law had contributed to helping cartelisation and collusion
among incumbent traders, and, therefore, there was a need
to re-visit it.

IMG was constituted in February 2011 and was given the
task of studying and proposing policies pertaining to food
article inflation and macro-economic demand management.
The groups mandate is to look at the whole range of
inflation policy issues, from distribution of foodgrains and
vegetables to macro policies connected to fiscal and
monetary matters.

India 32
in World Competitiveness

India slipped one rank, to 32nd position in overall
competitiveness among 59 nations, according to the World
Competitiveness Rankings, announced on May 18, 2011 by
the International Institute for Management Development,
Lausanne (Switzerland). The recovery of financial markets
pushed the US and Hong Kong to first place, followed by
last years topper, Singapore, which fell to third spot. In
2010, the US and Hong Kong ranked second and third,
respectively. Sweden jumped to fourth, from sixth in 2010,
and Germany came sixth, helped by buoyant exports.
Indias neighbouring competitor, China, also slipped one
rank, to 19
and Japan went up one rank to 26

Sharply different trends were observed in Indias ranking in
four major parameters. While the ranking relating to
economic performance, government efficiency and
infrastructure availability marginally improved, India slipped
on business efficiency, which pulled down its overall

On government efficiency, which includes fiscal
management and business legislation, India went up to 29th
rank in 2011 from 30th rank in 2010.
In economic performance, a macroeconomic evaluation of
the domestic economy and related to areas like trade,
investments, employment and prices, the position of India
improved by two ranks to 18th place.

In the case of infrastructure availability to meet basic,
technological, scientific and human resources needs of
business, the country improved its position to 50th rank in
2011, from the 54th position last year. This indicates the
considerable infrastructure investment of recent years have
started showing results, the statement said.

However, on the business efficiency parameter, relating to
productivity and management practices, India slipped from
17th rank in 2010 to 22nd rank in 2011. Apart from Hong
Kong and Singapore, two other Asian nations, Taiwan and
Qatar, came in the top 10 list. Venezuela was the least

India ranked 35
in the Global Talent Index

India stands 35
in the Global Talent Index Report: The
Outlook to 2015, which ranked 60 countries according to
their capacity to develop, attract and retain talent in 2011.
The reportby the Economist Intelligence Unit and Heidrick
& Strugglesplaces India in the same position for the year
2015 (projection).

Indias rapid rise in job opportunities is offset by poor
standard of mainstream education, says the report unveiled
in May 2011. In contrast, the strengths of the USranked
No. 1 in 2011 as well as 2015are the excellence of its
universities, high quality of its workforce and a meritocratic

Denmark, Finland and Norway figure in top five in both 2011
and 2015, and Sweden joins them in 2015all thanks in
part to their consistent and substantial investment in
education right from the primary level.

China seems to edge ahead of India by 2015, registering
the largest score improvement, boosted by its increasing
willingness to embrace foreign workers, a change in
approach triggered in part by the impending decline of
young indigenous workers entering the labour market.

RBI disallows banks from giving loans against
IDRs: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Mumbai May
26, 2011 asked banks not to extend loans against Indian
depository receipts (IDRs) issued by foreign companies.
IDRs are rupee-dominated depository receipts issued by
foreign companies to raise funds in India. These receipts
are then listed on Indian stock exchanges. They are similar
to American depository receipts (ADRs), through which
Indian companies raise resources abroad. Foreign-based
companies were allowed to issue IDRs through a domestic

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

depository, after an amendment in the norms in 2006. So
far, UK-based Standard Chartered is the only company to
issue IDRs. According to the norms, the proceeds of the
issue are to be deployed outside India by the companies
issuing such instruments.

Indias real GDP growth at 8.8% in 2011-12
CMIE: Indias real GDP growth is expected to grow by 8.8%
in 2011-12 after having grown at 9% in 2010-11, the Centre
for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) said on May 22,
2011. The agricultural and allied sector is projected to grow
by 3.3% in 2011-12, on top of the 5.4% growth estimated in
2010-11, said tha Mumbai based think-tank said in its
monthly review. Growth and inflation would remain high in
2011-12. The industrial sector, including construction, is
projected to grow by 9.4% during 2011-12, as compared to
8.5% estimated in 2010-11. The growth in industrial
production will be driven by a rise consumption and
investment demand. The growth in the services sector and
its segments is projected to marginally moderate. The
sector is projected to expand by 9.9% as compared to an
estimated 10.2% in 2010-11. Private final consumption
expenditure is projected to grow by a healthy 7.5% and
gross fixed capital formation by 14.6% in 2011-12 in real

RBI eases overseas investment norms: In a move
that will give Indian companies more flexibility in managing
international joint ventures (JVs) and wholly-owned
subsidiaries, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on May 28,
2011 announced a change in its overseas direct investment
guidelines. Indian companies will now be allowed to
restructure balance sheets of their overseas JVs and
wholly-owned subsidiaries. Listed companies will be allowed
to write off 25 per cent capital, loans and other receivables
such as royalty and management fee of their JVs and
wholly-owned subsidiaries through the automatic route.
Unlisted companies have also been allowed this write-off,
but will have to seek permission. In case of JVs, the Indian
promoters should own at least 51 per cent. Existing
regulations allow restructuring of balance sheets only for
winding-up of JVs and wholly-owned subsidiaries abroad.

RBI to release coin on 1,000 yrs of Brihadeeswara:
The Reserve Bank of India will shortly release into
circulation Rs.5 coin on the theme 1000 years of
Brihadeeswara Temple. The face of the coin will have the
Ashoka Pillar Lion symbol in the centre with the legend
Satyameva Jayate (in Hindi) inscribed below. The reverse
will bear the image of Brihadeeswara Temple and the statue
of King Raja Rajan 1 (with folded hands) of the Chola
Dynasty, according to a release.

Indias forex reserves at $308.534 bn: The countrys
foreign exchange reserves were $308.534 billion on May
20, 2011. Foreign currency assets were $277.202 billion,
gold reserves were $23.790 bn, SDRs were $4.585 billion
while the reserve position in the IMF was at $2.957 billion.

RBI limits NBFC stake in insurance JVs to 50%:
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on May 28, 2011 clarified
that a non-banking finance company (NBFC) together with
its subsidiaries and group companies cannot hold more than
50 per cent stake in an insurance company. Earlier, the
banking regulator had capped NBFCs stake in an insurance
company at 50 per cent.

New RBI guidelines call for 25% new branches in
unbanked areas: The Reserve Bank on May 26, 2011
said it will soon release guidelines for implementing its
proposal to locate at least a quarter of the new bank
branches in the unbanked areas, which generally fall in the
rural areas. In its annual monetary policy announcement on
May 3, RBI had asked banks to open 25 per cent of their
new branches in Tier-V and VI centres.

RBI eases CDS norms, gives banks 5 months to
comply: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on May 24, 2011
relaxed the eligibility norms for using credit default swaps
(CDS) on corporate bonds. CDS acts as an insurance for
lenders in case a borrower defaults on a loan. The buyer of
the cover against the loan makes regular premium
payments to a counterparty, which assumes the risk in case
of a default. The move is aimed at ensuring wider
participation from banks. The capital adequacy requirement
for banks has been reduced from 12 per cent to 11 per cent
and the requirement of core capital has been brought down
from 8 per cent to 7 per cent.

Indian Bank records highest RoA among PSU
banks: State-owned Indian Bank has fared better among
the PSU banks by recording highest returns on assets for
the financial year ended March, 2011, according to an
analysis of the annual results. The Chennai based lender
clocked an Return on Assets (RoA) of 1.53 per cent for
2010-11, highest among 21 public sector banks. The lowest
RoA was generated by Bank of Maharashtra at 0.47 per
cent. RoA is an indicator of how profitable a company is
relative to its total assets. It gives an idea of the efficiency of
the management in using its assets to generate earnings.

RBI asks banks to address ATM complaints within
7 days: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on May 24, 2011
asked banks to reimburse customers for amounts wrongfully
debited from their accounts in failed automated teller
machine (ATM) transactions within seven days (from the
earlier granted 12 days) of an account holders complaint, or
pay a Rs. 100 per day compensation. An RBI notification
said all customers are entitled to receive such
compensation for delays only if a claim is lodged with the
issuing bank within 30 days of the date of transaction. The
directive comes into effect on July 1.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Indias first rural bank ATM card launched: The
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) is making
fast progress with the rollout of the uniform national
payment card and launched the first such card with a
regional rural bank on May 23, 2011 in Varanasi. Indias first
gramin bank ATM card was launched by NPCI for the Kashi
Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank in association with Union Bank
of India. The card, called RuPay Gramin Card, can be used
by the Kashi Gramin Bank customers across any of the
87,000-odd ATM networks in the country. NPCI Managing
Director and Chief Executive A P Hota claimed that this is
the first gramin bank ATM card in India. Being sponsored by
the Union Bank (as RRBs dont have permission from the
RBI to make real time settlements), the RuPay Gramin Card
will have the logos of the NPCI, Kashi Gramin Bank and the
Union Bank. On May 14, NPCI had launched the first RuPay
Card with the Maharashtra-based urban cooperative bank,
Gopinath Patil Partik Janata Sahkari Bank.

Employees with income below Rs. 5 lakh
exempted from filing IT returns: Salaried taxpayers
with income below Rs.5 lakh a year and without any other
source of income will be exempted from filing tax returns,
Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on May 24,
2011. The new rule would apply for the 2011-12
assessment year for the income earned in 2010-11, and a
notification would be issued soon. To provide salaried
taxpayers with better services, the Income Tax Department
introduced SAHAJ, a simple and user friendly form, this
year. It also came out with SUGAM for small taxpayers who
avail themselves of the presumptive tax scheme.

5.77 lakh villages have Village Public Telephones:
The government on May 22, 2011 said that it has provided
village public telephones in most of the villages in the
country. Under Bharat Nirman, villages not having access
to public telephones were to be provided with Village Public
Telephones (VPTs). 5,77,671 villages, out of a total of
5,93,601 villages in the country, have been provided with
VPTs, the UPA government said in its annual report card
for the year 2010-11. The government also said that it has
provided broadband connections to more than 97,500
villages under its target of connecting 2.5 lakh village
panchayats by 2012. To enhance broadband connectivity in
villages, the government said the Universal Service
Obligation Fund proposes to launch a Wireless Broadband
Scheme, wherein broadband coverage will be provided to
about five lakh villages across the country.

Himachal is 1
state to sign agreement with World
Bank under CDM: Himachal Pradesh on May 22, 2011
became the first state in the country to sign an agreement
with the World Bank for securing carbon credits for its
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project in 11
watershed divisions under Mid Himalayan Watershed
Development Project. The project named Reforestation
Project-Improving Livelihood and Watersheds being
implemented in 177 panchayats in 11 watershed divisions
was aimed at reforestation in watershed areas, improving
livelihood, falling in these watershed, and generating carbon
revenue for the community. The Emission reduction
Purchase Agreement (EROA) for purchase of Certified
Emission was signed by reductions (CER) by World Bank
was signed by Hubert Nove Josserand, Deputy Country
Director of World bank on behalf of International bank of
Reconstruction and development and Sudripto Roy,
additional Chief Secretary on behalf of Himachal
government in the presence of Chief minister P K Dhumal.

More foreigners than Indians receive patents in the
country: There are more foreigners than Indians receiving
patents in India, prompting the government to say much
needs to be done to encourage more domestic innovations.
The number of patents granted to Indian applicants has
steadily decreased from a high of 41 per cent in 2002-03 to
a low of 17 per cent in 2009-10, according to an Industry
Ministry document released on May 22, 2011. The
proportion of patents granted to Indians vis-a-vis foreigners
showed a drastic drop from 28 per cent in 2009-10 to 17 per
cent in 2010-11. In 2010-11, of the total 7,486 patents
granted, Indians could claim only 1,272. On the other hand,
foreigners walked away with 6,214 patents. Worldwide,
Japan gave a maximum number of 1,93,449 patents in 2009
followed by the US (1,35,193), China (1,28,489). India
granted only 6,168 patents during the year.

Annual Conference of IT Commissioners
organised: Finance Minister inaugurates the 27
Conference of Chief Commissioners and Directors General
of Income Tax on May 24, 2011. Mukherjee said that for the
Financial Year 2011-12, the Income-tax Department has
been given a tax collections target of about Rs.5.33 lakh
crores, which is at 20 per cent growth over the actual
collections of the preceding year i.e. 2010-11. He said that
the 13
Finance Commission (2010-15) has projected direct
tax revenue collection at Rs.8.3 lakh crore by 2014-15 and
direct tax GDP ratio at 7.62 per cent. The Direct tax GDP
ratio as of now is 5.66 per cent.

Gas prices should be market-driven Chawla
Committee: The oil ministrys plan to make users of
domestic natural gas pay more so that costlier imported
LNG finds buyers has been opposed by a high-level
committee, headed by former finance secretary, Ashok
Chawla, saying prices should be market-determined. The
high-level committee on allocation of natural resources, in
its draft report unveiled on May 23, 2011, said that prices
should be determined by a market-driven mechanism, with
gas being eventually allocated to its most optimal use,
based on the specific circumstance of each sector. The oil
ministry is pushing for pooling or averaging out the price of
domestic natural gas and imported LNG so that the high
cost imported fuel contracted by Petronet LNG finds users.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

CCI penalises Multiplex owners: The Competition
Commission of India (CCI) on May 25, 2011 imposed a
penalty of Rs one lakh each on 27 film producers on
charges of colluding through a cartel to exploit theatre
owners. The CCI imposed the fine on filmmakers after
having found them guilty of entering into anti-competitive
agreement. The issue pertains to the strike in 2009 by film
producers who decided not to screen their movies in
multiplexes over payment matters. They have been found
having violated section 3 and 4 of the Competition Act 2002,
which pertains to anti-competitive agreement and abuse of
dominant position. In 2009, the Multiplex Owners
Association had filed a complaint against the United
Producers and Distributors Forum, the Association of
Motion Pictures, the TV Programme Producers and Film
and TV Producers Guild of India, among others.

Duty-free apparel import quota from Bangladesh
increased: The government on May 27, 2011 increased
the duty-free import quota for garments from Bangladesh by
two million pieces to 10 million. India provides duty
exemption on apparels imported into the country from
Bangladesh under South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA)

Sanovi wins recovery management contract for
UID: Bangalore-based Disaster Recovery management
(DRM) software provider Sanovi Technologies Pvt Ltd, on
May 25, 2011 announced that it has won the recovery
management contract for Indias Unique Identification (UID)
project Aadhaar. Sanovi would provide DRM software
that combines monitoring, reporting, testing and drill
automation capabilities for this data-intensive UID project.

OECD projects global GDP growth for 2011 at
4.2%: The global economy is projected to expand by 4.2
per cent this year, but rising oil and commodity prices and
European debt crisis could hurt the overall recovery,
according to Paris-based think-tank OECD. The expected
growth of the world economy is much lower than the 4.9 per
cent rate achieved in 2010. In its semi-annual economic
outlook released in London on May 25, 2011, the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) said the global recovery is becoming self-sustained
and more broad-based. OECD is a grouping of 34
developed and developing nations that account for over 60
per cent of global economic output.

Global accounting body calls for full IFRS
adoption in India: The International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) has requested the government to
adopt the global accounting standards IFRS (International
Financial Reporting Standards) in toto or at least allow
companies to voluntarily do so and not go ahead with the
convergence approach. The IFRS also wants India to get
more actively involved in the global standard-setting
process (on accounting).

McKinsey unveils Internet matters: Internet matters:
The Nets sweeping impact on growth, jobs, and prosperity,
a report produced by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)
and McKinseys Technology, Media and
Telecommunications practice states that internets
contribution to Indias GDP in 2009 at 3.2 per cent is higher
than China. Internets contribution to the GDP of China in
2009 was 2.6 per cent, says the study unveiled on May 26,
2011. Considering usage of the internet has a direct link to
growth, the study recommends policy makers and
businesses to consider pushing for increased internet
usage, strengthening supply ecosystems, and opening
public-private dialogue.

M.D. Mallya elected Chairman of IBA: The Managing
Committee of the Indian Banks Association has elected M.
D. Mallya, Chairman and Managing Director, Bank of
Baroda, as the Chairman, IBA, for the 2011-12 term on May
21, 2011. The committee also elected Aditya Puri, MD,
HDFC Bank, K. R. Kamath, CMD, Punjab National Bank
and Rana Kapoor, MD and CEO, Yes Bank, as Deputy
Chairmen. Pratip Chaudhuri, Chairman, State Bank of India,
has been elected as the Honorary Secretary of the

K Mehrotra appointed LICs interim chairman:
Uncertainty continued to loom over the appointment of the
chairman of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India, the
countrys largest life insurance company. Dinesh Kumar
Mehrotra, one of LICs managing directors was on May 27,
2011 appointed interim chairman for a period of three
months or till further orders, whichever is earlier. The
uncertainty over LICs top job arose when former chairman
TS Vijayan was denied an extension after his term came to
an end on May 2. He was then appointed a managing
director, a post he held before being elevated to the post of
chairman in 2006. In 2010-11, LIC accounted for Rs 86,445
crore of the of Rs 125,826 crore collected by the industry,
by selling new policies. LIC is also the largest institutional
investor in the country, managing assets worth more than
Rs 12 lakh crore.

Rajiv Kumar is new FICCI Secretary General: Rajiv
Kumar, a well-known economist, was on May 23, 2011
appointed as the FICCI Secretary General, a post vacated
by Amit Mitra who has joined the Mamata Banerjee
government in West Bengal as Finance Minister. Kumar, 59,
has been the Director General of the 84-year old countrys
leading chamber since October, 2010 and prior to that he
was Director and Chief Executive of an economic think-tank,
the Indian Council for Research on International Economic
Relations (ICRIER). Harsh Mariwala is President of FICCI.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 22 to 28, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

FIFA suspends Presidential candidate Bin
Hammam: Footballs governing body FIFA has
provisionally suspended executive committee members
Mohamed Bin Hammam and FIFA vice-president Jack
Warner after a meeting of its ethics committee on May 29,
2011. FIFA will now open a full investigation into allegations
that financial incentives were offered to members of the
Caribbean Football Union (CFU). The payments were
allegedly made to secure votes for Bin Hammam in his
campaign for the presidency. Bin Hammam was the only
candidate due to oppose Blatter in the forthcoming election
for the FIFA presidency but withdrew from the contest after
his suspension was announced.

Bengal enter Santosh Trophy final: Defending
champions Bengal on May 27, 2011 beat Railways by a
solitary goal to set up a summit clash against Manipur in the
Senior National Football Championship for the Santosh
Trophy at Guwahati. In the second semi-final played under
floodlights at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Bengal striker
Budhiram Tudu struck in the 39
minute to ensure his
teams entry into the final. Bengal, who have won the
Santosh Trophy 30 times earlier, will take on Manipur which
beat Services 1-0 from a late penalty in the extra-time in the
first semi-final on May 26. L. Thoiba Singh scored the goal
for Manipur in the 117

Salim Durani conferred Col. C K Nayudu Award:
Former all-rounder Salim Durani considered the architect
of Indias maiden Test series triumph over England in 1961-
62 was conferred with the BCCIs Col. C K Nayudu
Lifetime Achievement Award on May 31, 2011. The 76-year-
old cricketer played for India in the 1960s and 70s. The
honour comprises a trophy and a cheque for Rs 15 lakh.
Born in 1934 in Kabul, Afghanistan, Durani was an
aggressive left-handed batsman, and an outstanding left-
arm spinner. He was part of Indias first Test series triumph
over England, in 1961-62. India won the last two Tests of
the five-match series, after the first three were drawn.
Durani had match figures of 8-113 in the fourth Test at
Kolkata, and 10-177 in the fifth at Chennai.

BPCL wins Aga Khan Hockey: Bangalore-based
Bharat Petroleum Corporation lifted the revived Aga Khan
Hockey Championship when they drubbed Oil and Natural
Gas Corporation, Delhi 4-1 in a lop-sided final at the
Bombay Gymkhana turf on May 21, 2011.

Shooter Vijay Kumar wins silver and Olympic
quota: Vijay Kumar clinched the silver medal and the
Olympic quota place in the 25-metre rapid fire pistol event in
the shooting World Cup in Fort Benning, US, on May 21,
2011. The 25-year-old Himachal lad, a Subedar with the
army, lost the final shoot-off 1-4 in a dramatic anti-climax to
Christian Reitz of Germany, after having caught up with him
with a perfect round in the last series. Vijay became the
seventh Indian shooter, after Gagan Narang, Hariom Singh,
Sanjeev Rajput, Ronjan Sodhi, Annuraj Singh and Rahi
Sarnobat to clinch an Olympic quota for the London 2012

Beyond Mechanical Markets: Asset Price Swings, Risk and the Role of the State by Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg
The Constitution Of Liberty: The Definitive Edition (The Collected Works of F A Hayek, Volume XVII) edited by Ronald
MUSIC: R. D. Burman: The Man, The Music by Anuradha Bhattacharjee & Balaji Vittal
Anna Hazare: The Face of Indias Fight Against Corruption by Pradeep Thakur and Pooja Rana
Mafia Queens Of Mumbai: Stories Of Women From The Ganglands by S Hussain Zaidi with Jane Borges
Towards the True Kinship of Faiths by Dalai Lama
Urban Issues and Environmental Challenges by Hafiza Golandaz
Religion Caste and Politics in India by Christophe Jaffrelot
My Days in Sri Lanka by Lakhan Mehrotra
Internal Conflicts in Myanmar - Transnational Consequences by (edited) VR Raghavan
She - A Woman from India by Sangeeta Goel
Nehrus Kashmir by Sati Sahni
Humanitarian Intervention: A History by Brendan Simms and D.J.B. Trim
Law & Sports in India Development Issues and Challenges by Mukul Mudgal
Indias White Revolution Operation Flood, Food Aid and Development by Bruce A. Scholten
Religion, Tradition and Ideology - Pre-colonial South India by R Champakalakshmi
Journeys to Foreign Selves - Asians and Asian Americans in a Global Era by Alan Ronald
Hinduism and Law: An Introduction by Trimothy Lubin, Donald R Davis Jr

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

NAC calls for single land acquisition, rehabilitation legislation
German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits India
India, Pakistan agree to continue talks on Siachen
National Rural Livelihood Mission launched
Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) launched
Phase-I of Rajiv Awas Yojana approved
BPL families to get Rs 1,000 more for toilet facilities
Civil society demands inclusion of PM under Lokpal
Council of National Security Research and Studies to be set up
Home Ministry lays down norms for phone tapping
World Bank approves $1 bn loan for Ganga Project
NIC, CSIR to set up Cluster Innovation Centres
CM Yeddyurappa wins trust vote in Karnataka
Coast Guard Academy to come up at Kannur
Central Command to set up training centre in Chhattisgarh
IAF inducts indigenous radar Arudhra
New Talwar class frigate launched
New batch of MiG-29Ks inducted into IAF
North East Biodiversity Gallery inaugurated
North East Cultural Centre to come up in Delhi
Govt. sets up committee to check food wastage
Govt approves scheme to fast-track Solar Mission
Chenab rail-bridge to be worlds highest
Maharashtra increases minimum age for liquor consumption
New building of Tibetan cabinet in-exile inaugurated
India, Afghanistan sign MoU on statistics
National Animal Disease Reporting System launched
New warnings on tobacco packs from December 1
World Anti-Tobacco Day observed
Court stays release of book on Radia
Oxfam launches GROW campaign in India
Tenure of NATGRID CEO extended
Biman Bandopadhyay elected Bengal Speaker
G Karthikeyan elected Speaker of Kerala Assembly
N. Ram conferred honorary degree by UK University
Premlata is oldest Indian woman to scale Mt. Everest
Lt. General HL Kakria takes over as DGAFMS
Rajat Moona is C-DAC Director General
Atul Khare is Asst. Sec-Gen at UN Peacekeeping Operations
Afghanistan Defence Minister visits India
Ex- Haryana CM Bhajan Lal passes away
BJP expels J&K leader Chaman Lal Gupta

Section B: WORLD
Parties extend Constituent Assembly term in Nepal
Germany to shut nuclear reactors by 2022
NATO extends Libya mission by 90 days
UN condemns Sudans takeover of disputed Abyei
Asia Security Summit organised
Rainforest basin countries to jointly tackle deforestation
Iraq is worst in the world on CPJ Impunity Index
Space shuttle Endeavour returns
Iranian books added to UNESCOs World Register
WHO says mobile radiation is cancerous
Gen Dempsey to take over as next US military chief
Obama appoints Bryson as new Commerce Secretary
South African President Zuma meets Qadhafi
Dalai Lama formally relinquishes political role
Indian student wins US Spelling Bee contest
Pak journalist Shahzad found dead

Section C: AWARDS
Defence Minister confers DRDO Awards
14th Mahaveer awards conferred
Tendulkar wins Polly Umrigar award at BCCI awards


Revised estimates of national income for 2010-11 released
CBDTs Directorate of Income Tax to investigate offences
CBDT committee set up to curb black money
NCEAR, NIPFP & NIFM to quantify black money
PMEAC asks govt. to reconsider ethanol blending plan
DoT unveils new security rules for foreign telecom equipment
Fiscal deficit at 4.68% of GDP in 2010-11
PMO to handle Railway projects above Rs 100 crore
NPS equity investment cap to remain at 50% PFRDA
Nano-Manufacturing Tech Centre to come up at Bengaluru
National Legal E-Library to be launched on Aug 15
FDI in services at USD 3.4 bn in 2010-11
Agriculture & allied sectors grow 6.6% in 2010-11
India Inc confidence down in April-June CII
India Economic Summit to be shifted to Mumbai
Duty-free access to Afghan exports allowed
SEBI launches SCORES
India has 190,000 millionaire households BCG
IDFC, Khazanah JV to develop road projects
Bosch Group to set up research centre at IISc
Prakash Bakshi appointed NABARD Chairman
Prakash Chandra takes over as Chairman of CBDT
Sunil Mitra appointed Finanace Secretary

Section E: SPORTS

Chennai Super Kings win IPL 2011
Blatter re-elected FIFA President
China retains Sudirman Cup
Barcelona wins Champions League
Salgaocar crowned I-League champion
Bengal retains Santosh Trophy
Vettel wins Monaco Grand Prix
Gelfand wins right to challenge Anand
Nadal enters French Open final

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA

NAC calls for single legislation for land
acquisition & rehabilitation

The National Advisory Council (NAC) on May 25, 2011
suggested that no private sector company should be
allowed to buy land directly if more than 400 families are
going to be displaced by its project. It also favoured a single
legislation for both land acquisition and rehabilitation of the
displaced. A Bill drafted in 2007 envisaged 30 per cent land
for industrial projects if contiguity was a stumbling block
being acquired by the state government.

Single law for acquisition and rehabilitation
Private sector companies should not be allowed to buy
directly if more than 400 families are going to be displaced
The compensation should be six times the registered sale
deed value

When govt. should be involved: The NAC says its
recommendations would make the process of acquiring land
more transparent. Where the acquisition affects less than
400 households, industry has a choice. Either it can buy
directly from farmers or it can request the state government.
If it requests the state government, it must pay the entire
package. But for large projects affecting more than 400
households, industry should come to the government, said
NAC. Industry will have to bear the entire cost of not only
the land acquisition but also rehabilitation and resettlement.

Single Law for both acquisition and rehabilitation: The
UPA government has envisaged two legislations - the Land
Acquisition (Amendment) Bill 2009 and the Resettlement
and Rehabilitation Bill, 2009. These are likely to be placed
before Parliament in the monsoon session. However, NAC
has proposed modifications. The new Bill will be called the
National Development, Land Acquisition, Resettlement and
Rehabilitation Act. It will have several important features.

Compensation: NAC also recommended that farmers must
get six times the registered value of the land as
compensation. If the land is resold, the farmer will get 25
per cent of the difference. This will apply to government land
as well. The oustees will have the choice of getting
compensation either in lump sum or annuities, according to
the Bill. At least one person from each ousted family will be
entitled to a job in the enterprise that comes up on their

Purpose: NAC also said that acquisition should be
permitted only for public purposes. This will be defined as
acquisition necessary for strategic and infrastructural
purposes, and for social services like education and health
care. This means that the purpose for which land may be
acquired has been narrowed. The 2007 version said land
could be acquired for any purpose useful to the general
public if 70 per cent of the land has been purchased from
willing sellers through the free market.

National Commission for Land Acquisition: The
compensation policy has been made more stringent. If the
land belongs to those whose livelihood depends on it
tribals, tendu leaf collectors, fisherfolk, etc they will be
entitled to a grant amounting to 10 days of minimum wages
per month for 33 years. NAC said a National Commission
for Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation
(NCLRR) should be set up. It should have powers to
supervise and exercise oversight over land acquisition,
resettlement and rehabilitation.

Urban land for street vendors: NAC also suggested that
two per cent urban land be reserved for street vendors. It
also recommended a body to guard the rights of street



Land Acquisition Act, 1894: The word public purpose, as
defined in the Act, refers to the acquisition of land for putting
up of educational institutions or schemes such as housing,
health or slum clearance, apart from the projects for rural
planning or formation of sites.

Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, 2007: The Bill
redefines public purpose as land acquired for defence
purposes, infrastructure projects or for any project useful to
the general public where 70 per cent of the land has already
been purchased.

NACs recommendations: NAC defines public purpose
as acquisition necessary for strategic and infrastructural
purposes and for social services such as education and
health care.


Land Acquisition Act, 1894: There is no limit on the
amount of acquisition under this law. Private land can be
acquired on behalf of a company for public purpose

Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, 2007: At least 70 per
cent of the land should be purchased from willing sellers
through free market. The Bill bars acquisition for companies
except under the 70 per cent condition.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

NACs recommendations: No decision has been taken on
acquisition of land for private purposes. For public purpose,
industry can procure land directly from farmers if less than
400 families stand to lose their land.


Land Acquisition Act, 1894: Compensation to be
determined on the basis of the market value of the land as
on the date of preliminary notification. If there is a delay in
payment of compensation beyond one year from the date
on which possession is taken, interest at the rate of 15 per
cent per annum shall be payable.

Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, 2007: While
determining compensation, the intended use of land and
value of such land in the current market is to be considered.
When acquired land is resold, the original acquirer is to
distribute 80 per cent of the capital gains to the original
owners or their heirs. Companies have to offer part of
compensation as shares or debentures. Acquisition costs
will include payment for loss or damages to land, and costs
related to resettlement of displaced residents.

NACs recommendations: Compensation for those who
lose land will be six times the registered sale deed value,
including solatium. The assignees of government land will
also be entitled to the same compensation. Not only those
who lose land but also those who lose livelihoods should be
compensated. These include agricultural workers, artisans,
fisher-folk and forest-gatherers. They would be entitled to a
grant amounting to 10 days of minimum wages per month
for 33 years. At least one person from affected family will be
given first preference in available employment in
commercial projects, in conformity with their skills.


Land Acquisition Act, 1894: Objections to the acquisition
are invited within 30 days from the date of acquisition. The
collector after hearing the objections will submit his report to
the government who will finally declare the land for
acquisition under the Section 6 of the Act. Any person
interested to whom the award is not satisfactory can submit
a written application to the court. This application should be
made within six weeks from the date of declaration of the

Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, 2007: The Bill
establishes the Land Acquisition Compensation Disputes
Settlement Authority at the state and central levels to
adjudicate disputes resulting from land acquisition
proceedings. The Bill bars the jurisdiction of civil courts on
all matters related to land acquisition.

NACs recommendations: Recommends establishing a
National Commission for Land Acquisition, Resettlement
and Rehabilitation (NCLRR), with powers to supervise, and
exercise oversight over land acquisition, resettlement and
rehabilitation. Penal fines are to be imposed by NCLRR
based on responsibility fixed by state government by issuing


Land Acquisition Act, 1894: Section 17 of the Act gives
powers to the Collector to take over land for public purpose
in case of urgency. Sub-section 5 gives power to do so
without hearing objections of land owners. The Act doesnt
define urgency in unequivocal terms.

Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, 2007: The Bill makes
special provisions for compensation if land is acquired
under urgency. The term urgency is not defined.

NACs recommendations: Recommends that the urgency
clause shall not be used, unless it for national security and
defence purposes

UP announces new land acquisition policy: Uttar
Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on June 2, 2011
announced a new land acquisition policy under which the
government will play the role of a facilitator. Private
companies needing land for projects will have to acquire it
directly from farmers through mutual agreement. The
agreement for land acquisition can be finalized only after the
consent of 70% of farmers of the village or area in question.
The CM, however, clarified that the policy wont be
implemented in areas where land has already been
acquired and compensation distributed to farmers. So,
Bhatta-Parsaul and Tappal will be out of its ambit. The state
government would compensate farmers for damages to
their property in the recent clashes in Bhatta and Parsaul
villages in Greater Noida. As for compensation, farmers will
have the option either to take it one go from the developer
or take 16% of the total land from them in developed form
along with Rs 23,000 annual annuity per acre for 33 years.
Farmers who wish to forgo annuity will be entitled to a
rehabilitation grant at the rate of Rs.2.76 lakh per acre.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits India

German Chancellor Angela Merkel came on a one-day visit
to New Delhi on May 31, 2011 and held wide-ranging talks
on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual
interest with the Indian leadership. The German Chancellor
initiated the first inter-governmental dialogue with Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh. These were the first inter-
governmental consultations between India and Germany at
the cabinet level. The visit also marked the 60
of establishment of diplomatic relations between the two
countries and the launch of the Year of Germany in India.
Four agreements for cooperation in vocational education,

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

medical research and science and technology were signed
during the visit.

UNSC membership & Libya: A divergence of views
between the two sides was evident on political issues,
especially on the pace of expansion of the United Nations
Security Council (UNSC) and the bombing of Libya. Both
Germany and India, part of the G-4 grouping along with
Japan and Brazil, are pushing for their inclusion in an
expanded UNSC, but their divergent views came to the fore.
Germany is inclined to opt for an interim solution in which
some of the countries are accommodated without veto
rights. A final resolution could take place a decade later. On
the other hand, India, along with Brazil, wants to settle the
issue once and for all. It has already received endorsements
from 80 developing countries and is aiming to add 20 more
by the time the U.N. General Assembly convenes in
September. On Libya, while India wants an immediate
ceasefire, Germany wants a regime change.

M-MRCA & investment policy: India assured Germany a
transparent selection process for a multi-billion dollar tender
for the Medium Weight-Multi Role Combat Aircraft (M-
MRCA) aircraft and a stable investment policy. This was in
response to the German pitch for the Eurofighter Typhoon
and higher foreign investment limit in sectors such as
insurance. India also promised to look into intellectual
property issues of concern to German companies. Defence
Minister A K Antony also held talks with his German
counterpart Thomas de Maizere and explored ways to
enhance defence cooperation.

Science & Technology
India and Germany signed agreements in vocational
training, science and technology and research to encourage
greater exchanges in areas such as biotechnology, nano-
technology and material sciences. Kolkata-based Saha
Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) signed an agreement
with Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) that will
allow researchers in India access to PETRA III, the worlds
best high energy synchrotron light source, and also help
institute authorities in the setting up of a similar facility in
India . PETRA III in Hamburg, Germany is one of only four
third-generation synchrotrons in the world.

Other MoUs were signed between University of Hyderabad
and Westfalesche Wilhelms University of Germany and IIT,
Mandi and the University of Stuttgart in the presence of
Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal and the German Federal
Minister of Education & Research, Dr. Annette Schavan.
The Union Labour Minister Mallikarjun Kharge and German
Minister Annette Schavan signed an MoU on Cooperation in
the Field of Vocational Education and Training.

Award: Merkel was conferred with the Jawaharlal Nehru
Award for International Understanding for the year 2009 at
the Rashtrapati Bhavan by President Pratibha Patil.
India, Pakistan agree to continue talks on

India and Pakistan on May 31, 2011 agreed to continue
discussions to demilitarise Siachen glacier, where ceasefire
has held good for the last eight years. Both sides presented
their respective points of view and suggestions to resolve
the outstanding issue. Describing the 12th round of talks on
the issue as having been held in a frank and cordial
atmosphere, a joint statement at the end of the two-day
parleys in New Delhi said that it contributed to an enhanced
understanding of each others position on Siachen. They
also acknowledged that the ceasefire was holding since
November 2003. Both sides presented their positions and
suggestions towards the resolution of Siachen. Defence
Secretary Pradeep Kumar led the Indian delegation while
his Pakistan counterpart Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Syed Athar Ali
headed the delegation from the other side. The Pakistan
side presented a non-paper (unofficial paper) on Siachen.

While the Pakistan side sought to push for demilitarising the
glacier, described as the highest battleground in the world,
India had conveyed that Islamabad needed to dismantle the
terror camps operating on its soil.

Among the issues that remained to be sorted out, the
sources said, were modalities to authenticate the 110-km
Actual Ground Position Line (AGPL) in the Saltro-Ridge-
Siachen region. The Indian Army holds a dominant position
on the ridge. The modalities for the AGPL authentication
remains the main bone of contention. After the 1999 Kargil
incursion experience and in the backdrop of Chinese
presence in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, India does not
want to vacate the heights because if Pakistani troops
occupy them, it will be next to impossible to dislodge them.

National Rural Livelihood Mission launched

National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), one of the
major new initiatives under the Ministry of Rural
Development to bring the poorest of the poor above the
poverty line by ensuring viable livelihood opportunities to
them was launched by the UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi
at a function in Banswara, Rajasthan on June 3, 2011.

The Mission aims to ensure that at least one member from
each identified rural poor household, preferably a woman, is
brought under the Self Help Group (SHG) network in a time
bound manner. NRLM would reach out, mobilize and
support 7 Crore BPL households across 600 districts, 6000
blocks, 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats, in 6 lakh villages across
the country into their self-managed Self Help Groups
(SHGs) and their federal institutions and livelihoods
collectives. It would support them financially and
institutionally in their efforts to get them out of poverty. The
poor would be helped to achieve increased access to their

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

rights, entitlements and public services, diversified risk and
better social indicators of empowerment

NRLM has been mandated to ensure adequate coverage of
vulnerable sections of the society such that 50% of the
beneficiaries are SC/STs, 15% are minorities and 3% are
persons with disability, while keeping in view the ultimate
target of 100% coverage of BPL families. A unique feature
of the new initiative is that it would be led by the poor

NRLM would utilize the services of Community Resource
Persons (CRPs) women who have themselves come out
of poverty through being a part of the Self Help Group. They
will spread the concept of NRLM from one village to another
and from one district to another making NRLM a peoples

NRLM is based on large scale successes in states such as
Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar and Madhya
Pradesh where social mobilization and building strong
institutions of the poor have led to significant reduction in
poverty and empowerment of the poor. It will be a demand
driven approach and the states will have the flexibility to
develop their own action plans based on their local
requirements and availability of resources.

The role of Banks will be of prime importance under NRLM
as a source of credit for the poor at reasonable rates. NRLM
will focus on getting banks to lend to the poor by making
them bankable clients through smart use of subsidy. NRLM
will focus on women for reaching out to the whole family.
There will be a special focus on vulnerable sections:
scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, minorities, women
headed families, etc. The second focus of NRLM would be
rural youth of the country who are unemployed. They will be
supported through placement linked skill development
projects through which their skills will be upgraded through
short term training courses in sectors which have high
demand for services.

Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)

The UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on June 1, 2011
launched Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK), a
national initiative of the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare for providing better facilities for women and child
health services at Mandi Khera, District Mewat in Haryana.

The new initiative of JSSK would provide completely free
and cashless services to pregnant women including normal
deliveries and caesarean operations and sick new born (up
to 30 days after birth) in Government health institutions in
both rural and urban areas. The new JSSK initiative is
estimated to benefit more than one crore pregnant women &
newborns who access public health institutions every year
in both urban & rural areas.

JSSK supplements the cash assistance given to a pregnant
woman under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and is aimed
at mitigating the burden of out of pocket expenses incurred
by pregnant women and sick newborns. Besides it would be
a major factor in enhancing access to public health
institutions and help bring down the Maternal Mortality and
Infant mortality rates. Presently it is noted that, out of pocket
expenses and user charges for transport, admission,
diagnostic tests, medicines and consumables, caesarean
operation are being incurred by pregnant women and their
families even in the case of institutional deliveries.

The Free Entitlements under JSSK would include: free and
cashless delivery, free C-section, free treatment of sick-
new-born up to 30 days, exemption from user charges, free
drugs and consumables, free diagnostics, free diet during
stay in the health institutions (3 days in case of normal
delivery and 7 days in case of caesarean section), free
provision of blood, free transport from home to health
institutions, free transport between facilities in case of
referral as also drop back from institutions to home after 48-
hours stay.

Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi
Azad stated that the number of institutional deliveries, a key
determinant of maternal mortality, has increased from seven
lakhs (2005-06) to more than a crore (2010-11).

Phase-I of Rajiv Awas Yojana approved

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on June 2,
2011 approved the launch of the Phase-I of Rajiv Awas
Yojana (RAY) to provide financial assistance to States that
are willing to assign property rights to slum dwellers for
provision of shelter and basic civic and social services for
slum redevelopment, and for creation of affordable housing.

The scheme is expected to cover about 250 cities, mostly
with population of more than one lakh, across the entire
country by the end of 12
Plan (2017). The scheme will
progress at the pace set by the States.

The Central Government will bear 50% of the costs of slum
redevelopment. Existing schemes such as Affordable
Housing in Partnership and Interest Subsidy Scheme for
Housing the Urban Poor have been dovetailed into RAY. To
encourage private sector participation in slum
redevelopment, Central government assistance can be used
by the states and cities towards viability gap funding.

Credit enablement of the urban poor and the flow of
institutional finance for affordable housing is an important
component of the scheme. The Government has agreed to
establish a Mortgage Risk Guarantee Fund to facilitate

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

lending to the urban poor for housing purposes with an
initial corpus of Rs.1000 crore.

This scheme has been designed on the basis of experience
of the Jawaharlal National Urban Renewal Mission
(JNNURM) sub-mission of Basic Services to the Urban Poor
(BSUP) and the Integrated Housing and Urban
Development Programme (IHSDP). Under these schemes,
Government had sought to take action for inclusive urban
growth by enabling the redevelopment of slums with basic
amenities and decent housing with security of tenure.

The foundation laid by the JNNURM is now being built upon
by aiming at creation of a Slum-Free India through
assignment of Property Rights to slum dwellers with greater
inflow of additional Central assistance for slum
redevelopment and creation of new affordable housing

BPL families to get Rs 1,000 more for toilet

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on June 2,
2011 approved the upward revision in the incentive amount
to a Below Poverty Line (BPL) household for construction of
one unit of Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) from
existing Rs.2200 (Rs 2700 for difficult and hilly areas) to Rs
3200 (Rs 3700 for difficult and hilly areas). The central
share out of this shall be Rs 2200 (Rs 2700 in case of hilly
and difficult areas) and State Government share shall be Rs
1000. Minimum beneficiary share shall be Rs. 300. The date
of implementation for the revised rates of the incentives
would be with effect from 01.06.2011.

The increase in incentive amount is expected to have an
additional financial implication to the tune of Rs 1348.26
crore approximately on the Central Government. The State
Governments together shall also have to bear an additional
financial expenditure of Rs 577 crore approximately. The
revision in the incentive amount being provided to individual
households below poverty line is expected to accelerate the
pace of construction of these toilets thereby resulting in
better sanitation coverage in rural areas of the country. It is
expected that all rural households shall have access to
sanitation facilities by March 2015.

Background: Improved sanitation and safe drinking water
are the most important elements for improvement in the
health conditions of the rural population their development
and welfare. Under the centrally sponsored Total Sanitation
Campaign (TSC) launched by the Government of India, the
main focus has been given on enabling each and every
rural household in getting access to improved sanitation
through individual household latrines. The Government has
so far motivated 7.14 crore rural households to create
sanitation facilities which includes incentives to 3.85 crore
BPL households.
Civil society demands inclusion of PM under
Lokpal Bill ambit

The government and the Anna Hazare-led civil society team
on the Lokpal Bill joint drafting committee are on a collision
course over inclusion of the Prime Minister and the higher
judiciary, and the actions of MPs inside Parliament within
the purview of the proposed legislation.

With the government rejecting the demand to bring the
Prime Minister and higher judiciary within the purview of the
Lokpal Bill, and have the actions of MPs inside Parliament
subject to the Lokpals scrutiny, civil society representatives
are now virtually threatening to hit the streets once again.

The Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs, meanwhile, met
on May 30, 2011 to review the governments strategy in
view of the proposed fast-unto death by yoga guru Baba
Ramdev on corruption and black money-related issues
starting June 4.

The civil society members later issued a two-page note
listing the demands which had been raised and the
governments rejection of them. The note accused the
government of being hostile and showing an immensely
negative attitude to the suggestions, the note said, quoting
Justice Santosh Hegde, one of the civil society members.

Defence experts suggest establishment of
Council of National Security Research and

A committee of defence experts has suggested setting up a
Council of National Security Research and Studies on the
lines of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR) to promote and coordinate defence and strategic
studies in the country in its report submitted in May 2011.

The expert committee, set up by Union HRD Minister Kapil
Sibal, to make suggestions on developing scholarship in the
field of studies relating to national security interests, has
recommended setting up autonomous Centres of National
Security Studies on the pattern of the Defence Ministry-
funded Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA).
These would be funded directly by the HRD Ministry and will
aim to attract young, bright scholars to undertake policy
related future-oriented research through award of
fellowships. Appointment of National Research Professors
in the field of national security and related social science
fields has also been recommended.

The committee, which was also asked to review
programmes for Defence and Strategic studies in the
university system, was headed by Air Commodore (Retd.)
Jasjit Singh, Director of the Centre for Air Power Studies
and former Director, IDSA; Dr. Sanjay Baru, Editor-in-Chief,

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Business Standard; Prof. Satish Kumar, Editor, National
Security Annual Review; Prof. Gopal Malviya, Head,
Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, Madras
University; Prof. M.N. Verma, Head, Department of Defence
and Strategic Studies, Allahabad University; as Members
and Prof. Ved Prakash, Vice-Chairman, University Grants
Commission, as Member Convener.

Govt. lays down norms for phone tapping

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has asked all
state governments to make available lists of authorised
phone taps by them every month. It also directed the states
to destroy call records within 48 hours if permission is not
given by the competent authority within three days. At a
meeting of state chief secretaries and DGPs in New Delhi
on May 31, 2011, the MHA also shared its revised list of
standard operating procedures (SOPs) for wire tapping with
the states.

Many DGPs and heads of state intelligence wings opposed
the suggestion, saying that in many cases, there was a
need to preserve interception records or keep a phone on
surveillance even when the required clearances do not
reach them within the stipulated period or at times are not
given by the competent authority.

The MHA had recently agreed to allow the Central Board of
Direct Taxes (CBDT) to seek tapping of phones of suspects.
A committee of secretaries headed by Cabinet Secretary K
M Chandrasekhar had sometime back suggested that the
CBDT should not have the power to tap telephones.

As per the new SOPs, while the power to authorise phone
tapping would continue to rest with the state home
secretaries, the list of authorised telephone interceptions
sent by the states would be tallied with the records given by
the telecom service providers to the Department of Telecom
in order to detect misuse of tapping or illegal tapping.

So far, the states are not bound to make any disclosure
about tapping being done by state-level agencies.

WB approves $1 bn loan for Ganga Project

The World Bank has approved $1 billion as credit and loan
to support Indias efforts to clean up the Ganga River. The
sprawling river basin accounts for a fourth of the countrys
water resources and is home to more than 400 million
people. The $1.556 billion National Ganga River Basin
Project with $1 billion in financing from the World Bank
group, including $199 million interest-free credit and $801
million low-interest loan, was approved by the Banks board
of executive directors in May 2011 and will be implemented
over eight years. The project will support the National
Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) in building
institutions for managing the long term Ganga clean-up and
conservation programme. Apart from dedicated operational-
level institutions at the Central and State levels, the Project
will help the NGRBA to set up a state-of-the-art Ganga
Knowledge Centre to act as a repository of knowledge
relevant for the conservation of the Ganga.

The project will also help strengthen the Central and State
Pollution Control Boards for monitoring the pollution in the
Ganga better by modernising their information systems and
providing staff training. The project will also finance the
upgradation of the Ganga water quality monitoring system,
as well as carry out an inventory of all the sources of
pollution that affect water quality in the Ganga.

While NGRBA will fund investments (in sewage treatment
plants, sewer networks and the like) that are critical for
reducing pollution in the Ganga, it is the cities and
municipalities that will have to be responsible for managing
and maintaining them in the long run. The project will help
build the capacity of city-level service providers responsible
for running these assets and also modernise their systems
for doing so.

One of the reasons why earlier efforts to clean the Ganga
did not take root was the lack of public participation. The
project will help the NGRBA devise and implement
communications programmes to encourage people to
participate in the clean-up programme.

National Innovation Council, CSIR to set up
Cluster Innovation Centres

The National Innovation Council (NInC) and the Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) on June 1, 2011
announced a partnership to jointly promote Cluster
Innovation Centres as part of NInCs Industry and
University Innovation Clusters initiative by joining forces
with the CSIR-800 initiative of CSIR and Technopreneur
Promotion Program (TePP) of DSIR (Department of
Scientific and Industrial Research). The partnership was
jointly signed by the NInC Chairman and Adviser to the
Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and
Innovations, Sam Pitroda and Prof. Samir Brahmachari,
Chairman CSIR, who is also the Secretary to the
Government of India, DSIR.

A cluster is a geographic grouping of institutions/firms in one
industry which galvanises and strengthens the competitive
advantage of that industry. The innovation activities in the
clusters identified by NInC would be focussed around
Cluster Innovation Centres (CICs).

The President of India had declared 2010-2020 as the
Decade of Innovation. NInC has been set up to prepare a
Roadmap for Innovations 2010-2020 with a focus on
inclusive growth. One of the key initiatives of NInC is to

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

facilitate, promote, stimulate and strengthen innovation eco-
systems across the country by creation of local Industry and
University Innovation Clusters.

CSIR with its 37 laboratories, 3 units, 39 extension centres
and its over 4500 scientists will provide human capital and
know-how input to CICs. CSIRs involvement will also
involve sharing their knowledge base and programs to boost
the CICs, while CSIR will get new opportunities for
enhanced MSME interaction to develop new research and
innovations and fulfil the CSIR-800 mission.

CM wins trust vote in Karnataka: The Bharatiya
Janata Party government in Karnataka, headed by Chief
Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa, on June 2, 2011 asserted its
majority in the Legislative Assembly, registering a 119-0
victory in a confidence motion. Opposition parties including
Congress and Janata Dal (Secular) boycotted the
proceedings. This is the fourth time Yeddyurappa won the
trust vote the first was in June 2008 when the nascent
government had to prove its majority. There were two trust
votes in quick succession in October 2010. The Congress,
with 71 members, and the JD(S), with 26 members in the
225-member Assembly (in which the ruling party has a
strength of 122 members), have been demanding the
resignation of the Chief Minister and the Speaker in view of
the Supreme Court verdict in the case relating to the
disqualification of 16 MLAs. The Opposition maintains that
the Supreme Court has passed strictures against
Yeddyurappa and Speaker K.G. Bopaiah and demanded
their resignation.

Coast Guard Academy to come up at Kannur:
Defence Minister A.K. Antony on May 28, 2011 laid the
foundation stone for the Indian Coast Guard Academy
(ICGA) being built on 66.36 hectares on the banks of the
Valapattanam estuary at Irinavu, Kannur in Kerala. ICG
Director General Vice Admiral Anil Chopra said that with the
setting up of the ICGA, the country was joining the select
group of nations with their own Coast Guard Academies.

Central Command to set up training centre in
Chhattisgarh: The army has decided to set up a centre for
training commandos in the jungle warfare at Abujhmad in
Chhattisgarh. Around 500 jawans and officials of the Indian
army, on May 31, 2011, reached Raipur from the central
command headquarters of Lucknow. The Chhattisgarh
government has provided 750 square kilometre of land in
Abujhmad, Narayanpur district for the camp.

IAF inducts indigenous radar Arudhra: The Indian
Air Force on June 3, 2011 inducted the indigenous medium-
power radar at Naliya air base in Gujarat. Developed by
DRDO, the radar was commissioned by IAF Chief Air Chief
Marshal (ACM) P V Naik on the sidelines of three day-long
Commanders Conference of South Western Air Command
(SWAC). This state-of-the-art radar is being inducted to
strengthen air defence capabilities in the Surashtara-Kutch
region. The Gujarat coastline has several economically
important installations and the new radar will help in
extending their security.

New Talwar class frigate launched: A new Talwar
class stealth frigate built by Russia for the Indian Navy was
launched at the Yantar Shipyard in Russias Baltic exclave
of Kaliningrad on May 26, 2011. The stealth frigate Trikand
is the third of the three stealth frigates along with Teg
(Sabre) and Trakash (Quiver) in the Navys tradition of
naming the same class of warships beginning with common
letter. Trikand, means a mythological arrow with three

New batch of MiG-29Ks inducted into IAF: Indian
naval aviation has acquired new teeth with induction of nine
MiG-29K carrier-borne fighter jets from Russia with an
extended range of 3,000 kms and capable of firing air-to-air
and air-to-sea missiles. The Russian MiG Aircraft
Corporation on May 31, 2011 delivered the second batch of
five MiG-29K fighter jets to the navy, to add to its four, for
which it has raised the new Black Panthers squadron. The
MiG-29Ks will be deployed on the INS Vikramaditya (former
Gorshkov) aircraft carrier. Under the Gorshkov aircraft deal
inked between the two countries in 2004, Russia is to
supply 12 single-seater MiG-29K fighters and four two-
seater MiG-29KUB trainer-cum-combat jets.

North East Biodiversity Gallery inaugurated: A
North East Biodiversity Gallery showcasing mega
biodiversity of the region was opened at the Regional
Museum of Natural History (RMNH), Bhubaneswar, on June
1, 2011. The gallery, inaugurated by Chief Minister Naveen
Patnaik and Union Environment and Forest Minister Jairam
Ramesh, has exhibits depicting different eco-regions of the
North East such as the course of mighty river
Brahamaputra, Kaziranga - the habitat of one horned Indian
rhinoceros, the endemic and endangered avifauna, rich
diversity of non human primates, orchids and rhododendron
of North East. A unique Fragrance Park, which consists of
57 species having divergent aromatic properties, was also
inaugurated on the occasion. The park developed on half an
acre of land on the premises of Eastern Regional Office of
the Ministry of Environment and Forest has aromatic plants
collected from Orissa, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Manipur
and a few parts of other north eastern States.

North East Cultural Centre to come up in Delhi: The
government has decided to set up North East Cultural
Centre (NECC) in New Delhi. Union Minister of
Development of North East Region (DoNER), B.K.
Handique on June 2, 2011 said that the NECC will be
established within the complex of already existing Centre for
Cultural Resources & Training (CCRT) at Dwarka, New
Delhi. The NECC will be a permanent platform in the
national capital for cultural exchange not only among the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

people of the North East living in Delhi but also with those
from other parts of the country.

Govt. sets up committee to check food wastage:
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution on
June 2, 2011 constituted a fifteen member committee to
deliberate upon and suggest possible ways and means to
check food wastage. It has been estimated that about 15 to
20% of food is just wasted in our country at social
gatherings like marriages/parties/meetings. The Committee
will suggest suitable awareness programme/public
campaign to curb the food wastage. It will also explore
various options for introducing legislative and administrative
measures in due course. The Committee will be chaired by
Rajiv Aggarwal, Secretary, Consumer Affairs. Its list of
members includes Pushpa Girimaji (consumer columnist),
Rajan Gandhi (consumer activist) and Suresh Mishra, Prof.
Centre for Consumer Studies, IIPA. G.N. Singh, Deputy
Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs will be the
convener of the Committee.

Govt approves scheme to fast-track Solar Mission:
The Government on June 2, 2011 approved a scheme
which will help in availability of funds for carrying out
projects under the National Solar
Mission. The Union Cabinet
cleared the Payment Security
Scheme to enable financial
closure of projects under the
mission by extending Gross
Budgetary Support (GBS)
amounting to Rs 486 crore to the
New and Renewable Energy Ministry (MNRE). The scheme
will help MNRE in the event of defaults in payment by the
state utilities to NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN), the
Central Agency which will purchase solar power from the
developers and sell it to the utilities.

Chenab rail-bridge to be worlds highest: The worlds
highest railway bridge will come up over the Chenab river
on the under construction rail link to the Kashmir Valley. The
bridge will rise 359 metres over the Chenab on the 73-km
Katra-Dharam section of the ambitious Udhampur-Srinagar-
Baramulla Rail Link Project. Konkan Railway Corporation
will execute this particular section. The worlds tallest rail
bridge is on Frances Tarn River and its tallest pillar rises
340 metres while the actual height at which trains run on the
bridge is 300 metres.

Maharashtra increases minimum age for liquor
consumption: The Maharashtra Cabinet on June 1, 2011
announced an increase in the minimum age for
consumption of hard liquor from 21 to 25 years. The
minimum age for beer consumption continues to be 21.
Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan said that the decision is part
of the governments de-addiction policy that seeks to tighten
the implementation of laws on alcohol abuse and illicit sale
of liquor. There is no age stipulation on consumption of

New building of Tibetan cabinet in-exile
inaugurated: Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama on June
4, 2011 inaugurated the new building of the Central Tibetan
Administration in-exile (Kashag) at Gangchen Kyishong,
near Dharamshala. Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister) Samdhong
Rinpoche and Kalon Tripa (Prime Minister elect) Lobsang
Sangay were present at the event.

India, Afghanistan sign MoU on statistics: India on
May 30, 2011 signed an agreement with Afghanistan for
cooperation in the field of official statistics. Under this, New
Delhi would provide assistance including setting up of
institutes and training of staff to the Islamic Republic. The
memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed here by
Minister of Statistics and Programme Implementation M S
Gill, and Central Statistics Organisation, Afghanistan,
President General Abdul Rahman Ghafoori. This comes as
a follow-up to an umbrella agreement signed by India with
Afghanistan and the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) in March 2010 to strengthen the
working of Afghan ministries and agencies through the
National Institution Building Project.

National Animal Disease Reporting System
launched: A new system is being worked out for linking
block, district and state for animal diseases with a nodal
central agency for better monitoring and control of trans-
boundary diseases. The National Animal Disease Reporting
System (NADRS) will link each block, district and state
headquarters through computer with a central disease
reporting and monitoring centre in New Delhi. NADRS is
being implemented by the Department of Animal
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DADF) during 2010-11
through the National Informatics Centre (NIC). (May 2011)

New warnings on tobacco packs from December 1:
The Union government has notified the new pictorial
warnings for being printed on packages of smoking and
chewable tobacco products. The notification, which was
issued on May 27, 2011 and which will take effect from
December 1 this year, provides for strong pictorial warnings
for smoking (cigarettes, bidis, and cigars) and smokeless or
chewable forms of tobacco products, including gutka. A set
of four gory pictures, depicting lung and mouth cancer, will
be rotated every two years. For cigarettes and bidis, the
pictures show blackened lungs and cancer-affected
bloodied mouth, while for smokeless tobacco, pictures of
bloodied mouth and gums have been selected.

World Anti-Tobacco Day observed: May 31, 2011 was
observed as the World Anti-Tobacco Day around the world.
It is meant to encourage a 24-hour period of abstinence
from all forms of tobacco consumption across the globe.
The member states of the World Health Organization

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

(WHO) created World No Tobacco Day in 1987. Of over six
million deaths caused due to tobacco consumption world
over, one million occur in India alone. According to the latest
report of the Indian Council of Medical Research, smoking
and chewing tobacco is the cause of 50 per cent of all
cancer in men and 25 per cent in women. Almost 40 per
cent of tuberculosis deaths in India are caused due to
consumption of tobacco. The Tobacco Intervention Initiative
of the Indian Dental Association announced a partnership
with tobacco cessation products manufacturer Nicorette.

Court stays release of book on Radia: The Delhi High
Court on May 25, 2011 stayed the release and circulation of
Close Encounter with Niira Radia, the book on the
corporate lobbyist. Justice V.K. Jain granted the stay on a
petition by Radia submitting that its circulation would
damage her reputation and violate her fundamental right to
life, liberty and privacy. Written by advocate R.K. Anand and
edited by the former executive editor of India Today
magazine, Inderjit Badhwar, the book is based on Radias
tapped telephonic conversations with businessmen,
politicians and journalists.

South Asia Media Commission opposes Telangana
committee suggestions: The South Asia Media
Commission India has expressed deep concern over the
suggestion of a government-appointed committee to use
official advertisements to manage the media. The
suggestion is contained in the report of the Srikrishna
Committee, formed by the Union government to study the
Telangana issue. Part of a secret note, it comes to light in a
judgment of the Andhra Pradesh High Court on a petition on
issues arising out of the committees report. The Media
Commission commends the High Court for firmly opposing
the suggestion, making known its disapproval of the
mechanism to arm-twist the media, said K.K. Katyal,
president of the South Asia Media Commission on May 29,

Oxfam launches GROW campaign in India:
International charity organisation Oxfam launched its global
GROW campaign for a hunger-free world at Guwahati
along with Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Patna
on June 1, 2011. India, home to a quarter of the worlds
hungry people with nearly 40 per cent of the population
malnourished, is facing an unprecedented food crisis, said
Oxfam. The four-year long campaign seeks to address the
problem of spiralling food prices and rise in the number of
hungry people. It will make efforts to lead the transformation
to a fair and sustainable system by investing in agriculture,
valuing the worlds natural resources, managing the food
system better and delivering equality to women who
produce much of the worlds food.

Tenure of NATGRID CEO extended: The government
has decided to extend the service of Chief Executive Officer
of the proposed National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID)
Raghu Raman for six months beginning June 1. The
NATGRID the Home Ministrys ambitious project will
facilitate sharing of information by security agencies and law
enforcement agencies to combat terror threat at home and

Biman Bandopadhyay elected Bengal Speaker:
First-time Trinamool Congress MLA, Biman Bandopadhyay
was appointed the new Speaker of the West Bengal
Assembly on May 30, 2011. Leader of the House Partha
Chatterjee proposed his name which was supported by the
Chief Whip of Trinamool Congress Legislature Party
Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay. The motion to elect the 63-
year-old Bandopadhyay was adopted by voice vote.

G Karthikeyan elected Speaker of Kerala
Assembly: Legislators of the Kerala Assembly on June 3,
2011 elected Congress leader G Karthikeyan as the
Speaker of the House. Karthikeyan received 73 votes while
his opponent A K Balan (CPI-M) could secure 68 votes. All
141 members of the 13
Assembly took part in the election
process and no cross voting or invalid votes were reported.

N. Ram conferred honorary degree by UK Univ.:
UK-based NRI industrialist and Chancellor of the University
of Wolverhampton, Lord Swraj Paul conferred the honorary
degree of Doctor of Social Sciences on N. Ram, Editor-in-
Chief of The Hindu, in Chennai on May 30, 2011. Lord Paul
said it was in recognition of Rams distinguished
achievements, both as an outstanding public intellectual and
an eminent journalist.

Premlata is oldest Indian woman to scale Mt.
Everest: 45-year old Premlata Agarwal became the oldest
Indian woman to scale Mount Everest along with her 22
member team on May 20, 2011. Bachendri Pal is the first
Indian woman to climb Mount Everest.

Lt. General HL Kakria takes over as DGAFMS: Lt.
General H. L. Kakria has taken over as the Director
General, Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) on
June 1, 2011. He was working as the Director General,
Medical Services (Army). Lt. General Kakria has attained
global recognition for his pioneering work in joint
replacement and spinal surgery.

Rajat Moona is C-DAC Director General: The Pune-
based Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-
DAC) on June 2, 2011 announced the appointment of Rajat
Moona of the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE), IIT Kanpur, as its new Director General.
Prof Moona has played a key role in defining standards for
the operating systems for smart cards for the Government
of India, which are in use in applications such as driving
licences, vehicle registration systems, Indian national ID
and electronic passports.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Atul Khare is Asst. Sec-Gen at UN Peacekeeping
Operations: United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-
moon on June 1, 2011 appointed Indian diplomat Atul Khare
as Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping
Operations. Khare was earlier appointed by the previous
Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, as his Special
Representative for Timor-Leste and Head of the U.N.
Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste.

Afghanistan Defence Minister visits India: The
Minister of National Defence of Afghanistan,
General Abdul Rahim Wardak visited India
for delegation level talks with Defence
Minister, A. K. Antony, in New Delhi on June
01, 2011.

Ex- Haryana CM Bhajan Lal passes
away: Hisar: Bhajan Lal, one of Haryanas
leading political personalities who twice
served as Chief Minister for full five-year
terms passed away at the age of 80 on June 3, 2011. A
Congressman for a large part of his career, he fell out with
the high command in 2007 and floated the Haryana Janhit
Congress (HJC), and was its patron and Member of
Parliament from Hisar. Bhajan Lal became chief minister of
the state for the first time in 1980 when he left the Janata
Party along with 37 MLAs to join the Congress. His second
term began in 1991 and he ruled until 1996. He was also
Union agriculture and environment and forest minister in the
Rajiv Gandhi government. Bhajan dominated Haryana
politics, representing the non-Jats. With Congress sidelining
him for Bhupinder Singh Hooda as chief minister in the last
election, Bhajan floated HJC in 2007.

BJP expels J&K leader Chaman Lal Gupta: The
BJP on May 31, 201 expelled its seniormost leader in J&K
and former Union minister Chaman Lal Gupta from the
party for indulging in anti-party activities. Gupta, along
with six other party MLAs, was suspended from the party
in April 2011 after they cross-voted in MLC elections. The
decision to expel Gupta was taken by the BJP
Parliamentary Board. All the seven MLAs had been
served a showcause notice by the party. The BJP has 11
MLAs in the Assembly.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

Parties extend Constituent Assembly term in
Nepal: Nepals major political parties amended the interim
constitution and extended the term of the Constituent
Assembly by three months early on May 29, 2011. A five-
point agreement among the Unified Communist Party of
Nepal (Maoist), the Nepali Congress (NC), and the
Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist)
was the basis for the consensus. The Assemblys term
ended at midnight on May 28. The deal includes a
commitment to complete the fundamentals of the
peace process, and prepare a first draft of the new
Constitution within three months. It states that Prime
Minister Jhalanath Khanal will resign to make way for a
national unity government. The parties will also attempt
to arrive at a common view on the details of integration
and rehabilitation of the Maoist combatants.

Germany to shut nuclear reactors by 2022:
Germany wants to shut all nuclear reactors by 2022,
Chancellor Angela Merkels ruling coalition declared on May
30, 2011, in a policy reversal drawn up in a rush after the
Fukushima disaster in Japan. Minister of Ecology Norbert
Roettgen of the Christian Democratic Union party made the
announcement after negotiations with coalition partner, the
Liberal Party, which had been opposed to setting a date for
decommissioning the nuclear facilities. To accompany the
nuclear exit, Germany plans to cut electricity usage by 10
per cent by 2020 and double the share of renewable energy
sources to 35 per cent over the same period. Most voters in
Germany oppose atomic energy, which provided 23 per
cent of overall power before the seven oldest stations were
shut down in March.

NATO extends Libya mission by 90 days: Member
countries of NATO have given a unanimous extension to its
mission in Libya by another 90 days beyond the initial
deadline of June 27. This means the air-strikes, which
began in March following Resolution 1973 of the United
Nations Security Council, will continue. The resolution
authorised all necessary measures to protect civilians in
Libya from a crackdown by Muammar Qadhafis regime on
an anti-government uprising. The Libyan regime claims that
718 civilians have so far been killed and over 4,000 injured
in the bombings that began on March 18. Meanwhile, the
Obama administration has invited the Libyan rebel National
Transitional Council to set up a representative office in

UN condemns Sudans takeover of disputed Abyei:
The UN Security Council on June 3, 2011 condemned
Sudans takeover of the disputed border region of Abyei and
demanded it withdraw its troops. The region is also claimed
by South Sudan, which is due to become independent from
North Sudan in July. A Security Council statement said the
norths occupation of Abyei was a serious violation of a
peace accord with South Sudan. Sudanese troops moved
into Abyei on 21 May and seized the regions capital, Abyei
town. Under the 2005 peace deal, which ended the 22-year
civil war, Abyei was granted special status and a joint
administration was set up in 2008 to run the area until a
referendum decided its fate.

Asia Security Summit organised:
The 10
Asia Security Summit, the
Shangri-La Dialogue, was organised in
Singapore by the London-based
International Institute for Strategic
Studies from 3-5 June, 2011. Chinese
Defence Minister General Liang
Guanglie said that there is a huge space
to improve military to military relations
with India, but disputes or sensitive
issues needed to be handled properly during a bilateral
meeting with the Minister of State for Defence, M.M. Pallam
Raju, on the sidelines of the Summit. Gen Guanglie
complained that some artificial obstacles were being raised
by Indias senior officials and media which were impeding
the good momentum in defence cooperation between the
two nations.

Rainforest basin countries to cooperate in tackling
deforestation: The 32 countries sharing the worlds three
largest rainforest basins have agreed to cooperate in
tackling deforestation and called on industrialised nations to
help finance their efforts at the meeting in the Congolese
capital Brazzaville on June 3, 2011. Experts from the Congo
Basin in Central Africa, South Americas Amazon Basin and
the Borneo-Mekong Basin in South-East Asia participated in
the meeting. The three basins represent 80 per cent of the
worlds rainforests and two-thirds of its biodiversity.
Participating nations agreed in a declaration to put forward
their common interest in the framework of different
multilateral forums and to adopt concrete measures to
promote dialogue and cooperation between countries. They
acknowledged the links between deforestation and forest
degradation as well as socio-economic issues such as
sustainability and poverty reduction.

Iraq is worst in the world on CPJ Impunity Index:
Unsolved violence against media in Mexico rose sharply in
2010 but Iraq remained worst in the world when it comes to
punishing murders of reporters, the Committee to Protect
Journalists (CPJ) said on June 1, 2011. Iraq topped the list,
published by the New York-based press watchdog to
spotlight countries where media killings often go
unpunished, for the fourth year running. The CPJ, whose
Impunity Index calculates the number of unsolved murders
of reporters in each country per one million residents, noted

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

grimly that the countries at the top of the index Iraq,
Somalia and the Philippines showed either no
improvement or even worsening records.

Space shuttle Endeavour returns: NASAs space
shuttle Endeavour landed for the final time on June 1, 2011
at Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida,
wrapping up a 16-day mission to the International Space
Station (ISS). Endeavour was launched on its 25
and final
mission on May 16 to deliver a $2 billion astrophysics
experiment, called the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, and
extra supplies to the International Space Station. The
particle physics detector will measure high-energy cosmic
rays, and search for signs of antimatter and mysterious dark
matter in the universe. The landing marked the end of
NASAs 134
shuttle mission since flights began in 1981.
Endeavour was piloted by a six-member crew led by
Commander Mark Kelly. NASA has one final shuttle mission
planned before its 30-year space shuttle program is retired.
The STS-135 flight of Atlantis is scheduled to launch on a
supply mission to the International Space Station in July.

Iranian books added to UNESCOs Memory of the
World Register: Two Iranian books were added to
UNESCOs Memory of the World Register list during a
meeting of the International Advisory Committee of the
Memory of the World Program in Manchester, UK from May
22 to 25, 2011. At-Tafhim written by Abu Rayhan Biruni
(973-1048 CE) and Khamseh composed by Nezami
Ganjavi (1141-1209 CE) along with 43 documents and
documentary collections from all over the world were
registered on the list at the meeting. By helping safeguard
and share such a varied documentary heritage, UNESCOs
Memory of the World Program reinforces the basis for
scholarship and enjoyment of the creative wealth and
diversity of human cultures and societies, said UNESCO
Director-General Irina Bokova.

WHO says mobile radiation is cancerous: The World
Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that radiation from
cell phones is possibly cancerous. The study conducted by
the WHOs International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC) placed cell phones on a par with the carcinogenic
hazards category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.
The findings of the study will be published in the British
medical journal The Lancet Oncology in its July edition.

Gen Dempsey is next US military chief: US President
Barack Obama on May 31, 2011 nominated General Martin
Dempsey, an Iraq war veteran, as next Chairman of Joint
Chiefs of Staff to succeed Admiral Mike Mullen. Currently
the Army Chief, 59-year-old Dempsey needs to be
confirmed by the Senate before taking over the new
position. Dempsey served as acting commander of the US
Central Command overseeing military operations in the
Middle East, Persian Gulf and Central Asia. Obama also
announced that Admiral James A. Sandy Winnefeld Jr.
would be Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
Gen. Ray Odierno the new Army chief of staff.

Obama appoints Bryson as new Commerce
Secretary: US President Barack Obama on June 1, 2011
nominated John Bryson as his new Commerce Secretary.
Bryson will replace Gary Locke, who has been nominated
as the new US ambassador to China.

SA President Zuma meets Qadhafi: South African
President Jacob Zuma met Libyan leader Moammar
Qadhafi at Tripoli on May 30, 2011 in an African Union
initiative for a cease-fire between the government and the
rebels. Qadhafi said he was ready for a truce to stop the
fighting in his country but listed conditions that have scuttled
previous cease-fire efforts.

Dalai Lama formally relinquishes political role:
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has formally
relinquished his political and administrative role by signing
amendments to the Constitution of the Tibetan government-
in-exile. The amendments, mostly pertaining to political and
administrative powers vested with 75-year-old Dalai Lama
were debated during the special three day session of the
Tibetan Parliament and presented to the Dalai Lama, who
accepted them on May 29, 2011. Dalai Lama would only
remain the spiritual head.

Indian student wins US Spelling Bee contest:
Indian-origin students have made it four times in a row with
teenager Sukanya Roy on June 3, 2011 being crowned the
new Spelling Bee champion of the US after she correctly
spelled cymotrichous, which means wavy hair. The Class 8
student of Pennsylvanias Abington Heights Middle School
was declared winner following the finals between 13
candidates in Washington.

Pak journalist Shahzad found dead: Syed Saleem
Shahzad, a Pakistani journalist reported on links between
the al-Qaeda and the Pakistan Navy recently, was found
dead in Sarai Alamgir near the town of Jhelum, about 200
km from Islamabad on June 1, 2011. Shahzad, 40, was the
Pakistan bureau chief of the Hong Kong-based Asia Times
Online, and a correspondent for Italian news agency
Adnkronos International. In an article titled Al-Qaeda had
warned of Pakistan strike, published by Asia Times Online
on May 27, Shahzad reported that the terrorist attack on the
PNS Mehran naval base on May 22 was carried out by al-
Qaeda after their talks with the Pakistan navy over the
release of naval officials arrested for links with the terrorist
organisation failed.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK


Section C: AWARDS

Defence Minister confers DRDO Awards

DRDO awards for the year 2010 for outstanding contribution
in various areas of technology were given away by the
Defence Minister AK Antony on June 3, 2011. There are
eleven categories of DRDO awards presented each year to
DRDO Scientists/Teams for their outstanding contributions.
The transformation of technologies developed by DRDO
into products/systems/processes for Armed Forces requires
absorption of technologies by the production agencies.
Defence technology absorption awards are given to
production agencies associated with productionization of
DRDO technologies for their excellent support.

Silicon trophy: Silicon trophy for the year 2010 for the Best
Systems Laboratory of DRDO has been awarded to the
Research Centre Imarat (Programme AD), Hyderabad in
recognition of the outstanding achievements of the
laboratory in developing a Ballistic Missile Defence System.

Titanium trophy: Titanium trophy for the year 2010 for the
Best Science Laboratory of DRDO has been awarded to DL,
Jodhpur in recognition of its contribution in the area of
camouflage and low observable technologies for the Armed
Forces and critical defence equipment.

Life Time Achievement award
Life Time Achievement award for the year 2010 has been
conferred on Air Cmde R Gopalaswami (Retd), Defence
Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL) Hyderabad
for the development of liquid rocket engines for missiles and
multi-fold array of technology and management initiatives.

Technology Leadership awards
In recognition of their outstanding contributions and
leadership qualities, the Technology Leadership awards for
the year 2010 have been awarded to following Scientists:

1. Dr. V Bhujanga Rao, Distinguished Scientist & Director,
Naval Science and Technology Laboratory (NSTL),
Vishakhapatnam for outstanding contributions in the design,
development and induction of Indigenous Underwater
Weapons, Naval Stealth products, Underwater Mines, Fire
Control Systems and Autonomous Underwater vehicles.

2. S Sundaresh, Distinguished Scientist and Chief Controller
Research & Development. S Sundaresh pioneered the
development of complex, multi-disciplinary, technology
intensive Integrated Fire Control System (IFCS) for the MBT
Arjun through successful system integration, weapon
system trials and user acceptance.

3. Dr. G Malakondaiah, Distinguished Scientist and Director,
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL),
Hyderabad. Dr. G Malakondaiah has made valuable
contributions in the development of speciality low-alloy steel
DMR-1700 as a cost-effective replacement of maraging
steels. AB class naval steels were indigenized under the
leadership of Dr G Malakondaiah and are being used in the
construction of the very first indigenously built aircraft carrier
at the Cochin Shipyard.

Agni awards for excellence in self-reliance
Agni awards for excellence in self-reliance for the year 2010
have been conferred to the following Scientists along with
their teams for their excellent contributions towards building
self-reliance in defence technologies.

Dr Jagannath Nayak, Sc F, Research Centre Imarat (RCI),
G. Raghavaiah, Sc G, Defence Electronics Research
Laboratory (DLRL), Hyderabad
RC Agarwal, Outstanding Scientist and Director, Defence
Electronics Applications Laboratory (DEAL), Dehradun
Dr AK Singh, Sc G, Electronics & Radar Development
Establishment (LRDE), Bengaluru
MZ Siddique, Sc G, Gas Turbine Research Establishment
(GTRE), Bengaluru

Performance excellence awards
Out of the two performance excellence awards 2010 for
excellent performance and contributions, one has been
awarded to PS Krishnan, Distinguished Scientist and
Director, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE),
Bangaluru and his team.

The other award is shared equally among Dr Satish Kumar,
Outstanding Scientist and Director, Terminal Ballistics
Research Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh and SK Shenoy,
Sc G, Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory
(NPOL), Kochi and their team members from TBRL, NPOL,
Armament Research and Development (ARDE), Pune,
Research Center Imarat (RCI), Hyderabad, SPIC, and ADE,

Scientist of the Year awards
DRDO Scientist of the Year awards for the year 2010 have
been conferred to 20 Scientists. They are as follows:

Dr Ramprasad R Panyam, Outstanding Scientist,
Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL)
J Chattopadhyay, Sc G, Advance Systems Laboratory
(ASL), Hyderabad

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Dr Chitra Rajagopal, Sc G, Centre for Fire, Explosive &
Environment Safety (CFEES), Delhi
Dr Manoj Gupta, Sc G, High Energy Materials Research
Laboratory (HEMRL), Pune
Dr Dipti Deodhare, Sc F, Centre for Artificial Intelligence
and Robotics (CAIR), Bengaluru
Dr AK Singh, Sc E, Defence Institute of Advance
Technology (DIAT), Pune
Dr K Maheswara Reddy, Sc G, Defence Avionics
Research Establishment (DARE), Bengaluru
Padmavathi, Sc F, Aeronautical Development Agency
(ADA), Bengaluru
Dr Kadiyam Venkateswara Rao, Sc G, Naval Science &
Technology Laboratory (NSTL), Visakhapatnam
P Sivakumar, Sc G and Director, Combat Vehicles
Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE),
Dr DK Dubey, Sc F, Defence R & D Establishment
(DRDE), Gwalior
Gopal Bhushan, Sc G and Director, Dte of International
Cooperation, DRDO HQrs
Shyam Govind Vaijapurkar, Sc F, Defence Laboratory
(DL), Jodhpur
Dr Dev Raj Saroha, Sc G, Terminal Ballistic Research
Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh
Dr Bikash Chandra Chakraborty, Sc G, Naval Materials
Research Laboratory (NMRL), Ambarnath
Dr KS Premavalli, Sc F, Defence Food Research
Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore
Gokula Ranjan Panda, Sc F, Integrated Test Range
(ITR), Chandipur
Dr S Guruprasad, Sc G and Director, Research &
Development Establishment (Engrs), Pune
G Satheesh Reddy, Sc G, Research Centre Imarat
(RCI), Hyderabad
MS Easwaran, Sc G, Centre for Airborne Systems
(CABS), Bengaluru

Other awards
Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore has
been awarded the Defence Technology Spin-off award
for the year 2010 for developing physiologically active
foods, Aloe Vera juice, Aloe Vera based fruit spread,
seabuckthorn based herbal tea and baked foods, Rhodiola
based coffee for combating diabetes, hypercholesterolemia,
colon cancer and other stress related disorders & diseases.

The Special Award for Strategic Contribution for the year
2010 is conferred on Ajay Singh, Chief Executive, Dte of
Civil Works & Estates, DRDO HQrs and his team for
outstanding contributions in highly specialized nature of Civil
works at some of the most difficult and hazardous area
within the stipulated time frame.

Dr V Ramanujachari, Sc G, Defence Research &
Development Laboratory (DRDL), Hyderabad and his team
have successfully designed, developed and static tested the
scramjet combustor for HSTDV project and hence awarded
Best Innovation/Futuristic Development award for the
year 2010 for valuable contribution.

R Raveendran, Sc D, Combat Vehicles Research &
Development Establishment (CVRDE), Avadi and his team
coordinated with 24 laboratories all over India in the 98th
Indian Science Congress and successfully organized the
DRDO exhibits where more than 122 models from various
laboratories were kept in the DRDO pavilion. And the DRDO
pavilion was given the Best Exhibitor Award.

In recognition of their contribution the Best Popular
Science Communication award for the year 2010 is
conferred on R Raveendran, CVRDE, Avadi & his team
members. The award will be equally shared with Dr JP
Singh, Sc F, Directorate of Planning and Coordination,
DRDO HQ for disseminating information pertaining to
DRDOs contributions to the Parliament and its

M/s Tratec Engineers Pvt Ltd, Gurgaon and M/s VEM
Technologies, Hyderabad have been awarded Defence
Technology Absorption awards for the year 2010 for
excellent support associated with design and development
of critical DRDO technologies.

Mahaveer awards conferred: Voluntary Health
Services, Chennai, has been chosen for the 14
awards, which are given by Bhagwan Mahaveer
Foundation, in the category of excellence in medicine on
May 29, 2011. Others chosen for the award are: The Indian
Planetary Society, Mumbai, for excellence in education;
Snehalaya Social Charitable Trust, Maharashtra, for social
service; and Dayananda Swami based in Bangalore for his
contribution towards non-violence and vegetarianism. The
recipients would receive a cash prize of Rs.10 lakh each.

Tendulkar wins Polly Umrigar award at BCCI
awards: Sachin Tendulkar picked up the Polly Umrigar
award for outstanding Indian cricketer for the second time
at the BCCI awards ceremony for 2009-2010 on May 31,
2011. Award winners (2009-2010): Salim Durrani C.K.
Nayudu Lifetime Achievement award; Sachin Tendulkar -
Polly Umrigar award; Manish Pandey (KSCA) - Madhavrao
Scindia award for highest Ranji scorer; Abhimanyu Mithun
(KSCA) - Madhavrao Scindia award for highest Ranji
wicket-taker. B. Aparajith (TNCA) - M.A. Chidambaram
Trophy for best under-16 player; Bhargav Merai (GCA) -
M.A. Chidambaram Trophy for best under-19 player;
Nataraj Behera (OCA) - M.A. Chidambaram Trophy for best
under-22 player. M.D. Thirushkamini (TNCA) - M.A.
Chidambaram Trophy for best woman player; Reva Arora
(PCA) - M.A. Chidambaram Trophy for best junior woman
player; K. Hariharan - Best umpire in domestic cricket.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK


Revised estimates of national income for 2010-11 released

The Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, on May 31, 2011 released the
revised estimates of national income for the financial year 2010-11 both at constant (2004-05) and current prices.

The CSO has also released the corresponding annual estimates of Expenditure components of the GDP in current and
constant (2004-05) prices, namely the private final consumption expenditure, government final consumption expenditure,
gross fixed capital formation, change in stocks, valuables, and net exports.

The advance estimates of national income for the year 2010-11 were released on 7
February, 2011. These estimates have
now been revised incorporating latest estimates of agricultural production, index of industrial production and performance of
key sectors like, railways, transport other than railways, communication, banking and insurance and government expenditure.

The salient features of these estimates are detailed below:

(a) Estimates at constant (2004-05) prices

Gross Domestic Product: GDP at factor cost at constant (2004-05) prices in the year 2010-11 is now estimated at Rs.
48,77,842 crore (as against Rs. 48,79,232 crore estimated earlier on 7th February, 2011). The downward revision in the
GDP growth rate is mainly on account of lower performance in mining and quarrying, manufacturing and trade, hotels,
transport, and communication and financing, insurance, real estate & business services than anticipated.

Gross National Income: The Gross National Income (GNI) at factor cost at 2004-05 prices is now estimated at Rs.
48,34,759 crore (as compared to Rs. 48,44,971 crore estimated on 7
February 2011), during 2010-11, as against the
previous years Quick Estimate of Rs. 44,64,854 crore. In terms of growth rates, the gross national income is estimated to
have risen by 8.3 per cent during 2010-11, in comparison to the growth rate of 7.9 per cent in 2009-10.

Per Capita Net National Income: The per capita net national income in real terms (at 2004-05 prices) during 2010-11 is
estimated to have attained a level of Rs. 35,917 (as against Rs. 36,003 estimated on 7th February, 2011), as compared to
the Quick Estimates for the year 2009-10 of Rs. 33,731. The growth rate in per capita income is estimated at 6.5 per cent
during 2010-11 as against 6.1 per cent during 2009-10.

(b) Estimates at current prices

Gross Domestic Product: GDP at factor cost at current prices in the year 2010-11 is estimated at Rs. 73,06,990 crore,
showing a growth rate of 19.1 per cent over the Quick Estimates of GDP for the year 2009-10 of Rs. 61,33,230 crore,
released on 31
January 2011.

Gross National Income: The GNI at factor cost at current prices is now estimated at Rs. 72,41,026 crore during 2010-11, as
compared to Rs. 60,95,230 crore during 2009-10, showing a rise of 18.8 per cent.

Per Capita Net National Income: The per capita income at current prices during 2010-11 is estimated to have attained a
level of Rs. 54,835 as compared to the Quick Estimates for the year 2009-10 of Rs. 46,492, showing a rise of 17.9 per cent.

(c) Annual Estimates Of Expenditures on GDP in 2010-11

Alongwith the Revised Estimates of GDP by economic activity, the CSO is also releasing the estimates of expenditures of the
GDP at current and constant (2004-05) prices. These estimates have been compiled using the data on indicators available
from the same sources as those used for compiling GDP estimates by economic activity, detailed data available on
merchandise trade in respect of imports and exports, balance of payments, and monthly accounts of central government.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK


GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK


GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK


GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK


Gross National Income (GNI) is a measure of a countrys economic performance. It is calculated by adding to GDP the
income earned by residents from investments abroad, less the corresponding income sent home by foreigners who are living
in the country.

Net National Income (NNI) can be defined as the net national product (NNP) minus indirect taxes. Net national income
encompasses the income of households, businesses, and the government.
It can be expressed as: NNI = C + I + G + (NX) + net foreign factor income - indirect taxes depreciation.
C = Consumption, I = Investments, G = Government spending, NX = net exports (exports minus imports)

Gross Domestic product (GDP) is a measure of economic activity in a country. It is calculated by adding the total value of a
countrys annual output of goods and services. GDP = private consumption + investment + public spending + the change in
inventories + (exports - imports). It is usually valued at market prices; by subtracting indirect tax and adding any government
subsidy, however, GDP can be calculated at factor cost. This measure more accurately reveals the income paid to factors of

Net Domestic Product (NDP) is a measure of the economic output of a nation that is adjusted to account for depreciation,
calculated by subtracting depreciation from the gross domestic product (GDP). NDP accounts for capital that has been
consumed over the year in the form of housing, vehicle, or machinery deterioration. The depreciation accounted for is often
referred to as capital consumption allowance and represents the amount needed in order to replace those depreciated

Difference between Factor Cost & Market Prices: The term Factor Cost is used to refer to the prices of products as
received by producers. On the other hand Market Prices are the prices as paid by consumers. Thus, factor cost are equal to
market prices minus taxes on products plus subsidies on products.
CBDT to set up Directorate of Income Tax to
investigate criminal offences

The government on May 30, 2011 announced setting up of
a special wing Directorate of Income Tax (Criminal
Investigation) to investigate criminal offences under direct
tax laws. The DCI, to be set up with immediate effect, would
collect information about persons and transactions
connected with criminal activities and initiate prosecution
proceedings against them.

The DCI, to be a part of the Central Board of Direct Taxes
(CBDT), will seek and collect information about persons and
transactions suspected to be connected with criminal
activities having cross-border, inter-state or international
ramifications that pose a threat to national security and are
punishable under the direct tax laws including, the Income
Tax Act 1961 and the Wealth Tax Act 1957.

The DCI, in discharge of its responsibilities under the direct
tax laws, will be required to perform the following functions:

(a) To seek and collect information about persons and
transactions suspected to be involved in criminal activities
having cross-border, inter-state or international
ramifications, that pose a threat to national security and are
punishable under the direct tax laws;
(b) To investigate the source and use of funds involved in
such criminal activities;
(c) To cause issuance of a show cause notice for offences
committed under any direct tax law;
(d) To file prosecution complaint in the competent court
under any direct tax law relating to a criminal activity;
(e) To hire the services of special prosecutors and other
experts for pursuing a prosecution complaint filed in any
court of competent jurisdiction;
(f) To execute appropriate witness protection programmes
for effective prosecution of criminal offences under the
direct tax laws, i.e. to protect and rehabilitate witnesses who
support the state in prosecution of such offences so as to
insulate them from any harm to their person;
(g) To coordinate with and extend necessary expert,
technical and logistical support to any other intelligence or
law enforcement agency in India investigating crimes having
cross-border, inter-state or international ramifications that
pose a threat to national security;
(h) To enter into agreements for sharing of information and
other cooperation with any central or state agency in India;
(i) To enter into agreements for sharing of information and
other cooperation with such agencies of foreign states as
may be permissible under any international agreement or

The DCI will be headed by a Director General of Income
Tax (Criminal Investigation), who will be an officer of the
rank of Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, and will be
located in New Delhi. The DCI will function under
administrative control of the Member (Investigation) in the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and will be a
subordinate office of CBDT.

The DCI shall have eight Directors of Income Tax (Criminal
Investigation) located at Delhi, Chandigarh, Jaipur,
Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Lucknow.
These Directorates will be headed by officers of the rank of
Commissioner of Income Tax who will perform such
functions as are notified or assigned to them by the CBDT.
The CBDT shall have all powers to amend the functions
assigned to the DCI.

It may be recalled that the Government has adopted five-
fold strategy to tackle the menace of illicit funds. This
consists of:
i) Joining global crusade against black money;
ii) Creating an appropriate legislative framework;
iii) Setting up institutions for dealing with Illicit Funds;
iv) Developing systems for implementation; and
v) Imparting skills to the manpower for effective action.

Taking further the strategy of setting up institutions for
dealing with illicit funds, Government has approved the
setting up of the aforesaid Directorate.

CBDT committee set up to curb black money

The Government on May 28, 2011 constituted a Committee
under the Chairmanship of Sudhir Chandra, Chairman,
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), to examine ways to
strengthen laws to curb the generation of black money in
the country, its illegal transfer abroad and its recovery. The
Committee includes Director, Enforcement Directorate (ED)
and Director General, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence
(DRI) among its Members. The CBDTs commissioner of I-T
(investigation) would be the committees member secretary

The Committee will examine the existing legal and
administrative framework to deal with the menace of
generation of black money through illegal means including,
inter alia,

(a) Declaring wealth generated illegally as national asset;
(b) Enacting/amending laws to confiscate and recover such
assets; and
(c) Providing for exemplary punishment against its

The Committee will also consult all the stakeholders and
submit its report within a period of six months.

NCEAR, NIPFP & NIFM to quantify black

The finance ministry on May 30, 2011 said that it has
commissioned an indepth study to quantify unaccounted
income and wealth stashed within and outside the country in
the last 16 months.

The government has engaged three national level
institutions to conduct this study, which will bring out the
nature of activities that encourage money laundering and its
ramifications on the national security. The institutions
involved in the study are National Council for Applied
Economic Research (NCEAR), National Institute of Public
Finance and Policy (NIPFP) and National Institute of
Financial Management (NIFM).

The issue of black money has attracted a lot of public and
media attention in the recent past. The finance ministry has
said that so far there are no reliable estimates of black
money generated and held within and outside the country.
The different estimates on the quantum of black money
range from $500 billion to $1,400 billion. A recent study by
Global Financial Integrity has estimated the illicit money
outflow to be around $462 billion. These estimates are
based on various unverifiable assumptions and
approximations. The government has commissioned these
institutions to get an estimation and sense of the quantum of
illicit funds generated and held within and outside the
country, the finance ministry said.

The study will identify important sectors of the economy in
which unaccounted money is generated and examine
causes and conditions that result in generation of
unaccounted money. It will examine the methods employed
in generation of unaccounted money and conversion of the
same into accounted money. It will also suggest methods to
be employed for bringing into tax net the unaccounted
money kept outside India.

The first study on unaccounted money was conducted by
NIPFP way back in 1985.

The study has been commissioned at a time when the
government is finding itself cornered on the issue of black

PMEAC asks govt. to reconsider ethanol
blending plan

The Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC)
has questioned the rationale behind mandatory doping of
5% ethanol in petrol under the ethanol blending programme

The council, chaired by former RBI Governor C.
Rangarajan, has asked the government to reconsider the
programme or at least not make it binding for now. The
PMEAC has suggested that the government should make
ethanol available for blending only after meeting needs of
other key sectors, such as chemicals and potable alcohol.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

The National Policy on Biofuel envisaged blending of
biofuels with petrol and diesel to a level of 20 per cent by
2017. The oil marketing companies have failed to achieve
even 5 per cent blending countrywide. Mixing of ethanol in
petrol was seen as an environment-friendly initiative, which
would save the country foreign exchange, provide energy
security and benefit the sugar industry. Experts, however,
said the proposal would work only if there was adequate
supply of ethanol, opinion on which is divided. The
chemicals and alcohol industry says there is not enough
ethanol for everyone and it would be forced to import if
ethanol was diverted for blending.

A government constituted committee, headed by Planning
Commission member Saumitra Chaudhuri, has also
questioned ethanol availability. Chaudhuri is also a member
of the PMEAC. The council has also opposed direct ethanol
manufacture from sugarcane on account of food security
concerns. Ethanol is currently produced as a byproduct of
sugar manufacturing.

Tamil Nadu has already banned supply to the ethanol
blending programme and Bihar is understood to have
unofficially discouraged it. Andhra Pradesh, which earns
substantial revenue from the alcohol industry, has also
raised concern over the blending programme.

DoT unveils new security rules for foreign
telecom equipment

The telecom department (DoT) unveiled a new security
framework on May 31, 2011 that does away with many
controversial clauses in the July 2010 policy.

Same rules for all vendors: The Prime Ministers Office
(PMO) had asked the communication and home ministries
to review the strict security standards unveiled in the July
2010 policy after they were being labeled too tough by
foreign telecom equipment companies. While Chinese
vendors such as Huawei and ZTE had agreed to follow the
stringent guidelines, Western companies such as Ericsson,
Nokia Siemens and Alcatel-Lucent had refused. Imports of
telecom equipment from China resumed after its companies
agreed to adhere to the stringent rules. The new security
norms will bring all these vendors under a common security

Software disclosure: Under the July 2010 policy, foreign
equipment companies were required to put their software in
the equivalent of a sealed envelope and submit it to the
government. This requirement has been removed.

Penalties for security breach: Another controversial
clause that stipulates penalties of 100% of the contract
value on vendors if any spyware or malware is found in the
imported equipment has also been dropped. Instead, any
security breach will invite a maximum penalty of Rs. 50
crore in addition to criminal proceedings against the mobile
phone company.

Personnel: The new policy also dilutes the earlier rule that
mandated vendors to employ only Indian engineers to
maintain the networks of local mobile phone companies.
The fresh norms say only top personnel with vendors need
to be Indians. The names of these individuals will have to be
cleared by the telecom and home ministries prior to their
appointment. The changed policy also mandates that mobile
phone companies must only appoint Indians as chief
technical officer, chief information security officer or as
nodal executives for handling monitoring and interception
functions across mobile networks.

Audit: The new policy also mandates mobile phone
companies to get their networks audited once a year by
reputed international agencies for bugs and other security

Fiscal deficit at 4.68% of GDP in 2010-11

The governments fiscal deficit was at 4.68 per cent of gross
domestic product (GDP) during 2010-11, much lower than
the projected 5.1 per cent, due to higher tax receipts and a
larger cut in plan expenditure than pegged in the revised
estimates, according to figures released on June 1, 2011.
Fiscal deficit is an excess of government expenditure over
its revenues.

Fiscal deficit as percentage of GDP: Revised estimates
were based on GDP figures of Rs 78.78 lakh crore, whereas
actual GDP came out to be Rs 78.76 lakh crore. The actual
deficit figure stood at Rs 3.69 lakh crore, 92 per cent of over
Rs 4 lakh crore as estimated. The slight downward revision
did not alter the figures of fiscal deficit much as percentage
of GDP. The government has pegged the fiscal deficit for
2011-12 at 4.6 per cent of GDP.

Revenue deficit: The government also cut its revenue
deficit, an excess of the current expenditure over the current
receipts, to 3.11 per cent of GDP against the projected 3.4
per cent. It is lower than even 3.2 per cent, according to the
road map given by the 13
Finance Commission.

PMO to handle Railway projects above Rs 100

Railway Board on May 30, 2011 issued a circular that the
Prime Ministers Office (PMO) would handle all projects
worth Rs 100 crore and above. The circular also said higher
administrative grade appointments would be handled by the
PMO. This means large projects, including the Rs 77,000-
crore Dedicated Freight Corridor project, will come under
the prime minister. Other projects in this category are the
high-speed rail link to Bangalore airport (Rs 6,900 crore),

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

the Indo-Bangladesh rail link (Rs 251 crore) and the
Madhepura locomotive factory (Rs 1,290 crore). Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh holds temporary charge of the
Railways Ministry after Mamata Banerjees exit following the
West Bengal assembly elections.

Mukul Roy, the Trinamool Congress MP and minister of
state who was shifted from the shipping ministry, has been
given undertakings such as IRCTC, RITES, IRCON and
CRIS. But, the PMO has decided to keep Container
Corporation of India (Concor). Concor, incorporated in
March 1988, started operations in November 1989. It has
taken over the seven inland container depots of the
railways. Apart from Roy, the ministry has two more
ministers of state K H Muniappa and Bharatsinh Solanki.
Both belong to the Congress.

NPS equity investment cap to remain at 50%

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
(PFRDA) on June 3, 2011 said it favoured retaining the cap
on investment in equities by the New Pension Scheme at 50
per cent, irrespective of the recommendations of the Bajpai
committee. The NPS comprises three investment categories
- G (ultra safe), C (safe) and E (medium). Of these, the E
category investments are invested in equity-related
products, the cap for which is 50 per cent.

A committee headed by former SEBI Chairman G N Bajpai
is working on NPS fee structure and would suggest
changes to the scheme.

NPS was initially launched for central government
employees, but later extended to all citizens from May 1,
2009. Currently, seven pension fund managers account for
assets of about Rs 9,000 crore. Of this, about Rs 100 crore
is contributed by pension schemes for people other than
government employees. These fund managers include LIC
Pension Fund Ltd, SBI Pension Funds Ltd, UTI Retirement
Solutions, IDFC Pension Fund Management, ICICI
Prudential Pension Funds Management, Kotak Mahindra
Pension Fund and Reliance Capital Pension Fund.

Nano-Manufacturing Technology Centre to be set
up at Bengaluru: The Union Commerce & Industry
Minister, Anand Sharma on June 3, 2011 laid the foundation
stone of Nano-Manufacturing Technology Centre (NMTC)
and Academy of Excellence for Advanced Manufacturing
Technology (AEAMT) at Central Manufacturing Technology
Institute (CMTI) in Bengaluru. CMTI, established in 1963, is
a premier institute and the only of its kind in the country
carrying out applied R&D and Pre-competitive R&D in
Manufacturing Technology. It is an autonomous body under
the Administrative control of the Department of Industrial
Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India.

National Legal E-Library to be launched on Aug 15:
The National Legal E-Library project of the government is
to be dedicated o the nation on August 15, 2011. Dr. M
Veerappa Moily, the Minister of Law & Justice had proposed
the need for the formulation of a National Legal e-library for
students and practitioners of Law in 2009, during his
meeting with the vice chancellors of Law University and
Colleges across India. The scope of this program is creation
and management of the National Legal e-library for 933
schools in India, Bar Associations, Government Legal
departments etc. and meet the needs of academic
librarians, students, faculty and young practitioners. It aims
to provide a practitioners view and a comprehensive
understanding of core subject areas of law.

FDI in services at USD 3.4 bn in 2010-11: Foreign
direct investment (FDI) in Indias services sector, which
contribute over 50 per cent in the countrys economic
growth, declined by 22.5 per cent to USD 3.4 billion in 2010-
11, according to the industry ministrys latest data unveiled
on May 29, 2011. The services sector (financial and non-
financial services) had attracted FDI worth USD 4.39 billion
during 2009-10. Mauritius, Singapore, the US, UK,
Netherlands, Japan, Germany and the UAE, among other
countries, are the major investors in India.

Agriculture & allied sectors grow 6.6% in 2010-11:
Agriculture and allied sectors showed a marked
improvement by registering 6.6 per cent growth in 2010-11
against 0.4 per cent in the previous fiscal helped by a record
foodgrain production of 235.88 million tonnes. The third
advance estimates of crop production released by
Agriculture Ministry on May 31, 2011 showed an upward
revision as compared to their second advance estimates in
the production of wheat, pulses, oilseeds and sugarcane
during 2010-11. The government had earlier projected 5.4
per cent growth in 2010-11 for agriculture sector.

India Inc confidence down in April-June CII:
Rising inflation and expectations of yet another hike in
policy rates by the Reserve Bank has dampened the
business confidence of Indian corporates for the April-June
quarter, a survey released on May 29, 2011 said. According
to CIIs quarterly Business Outlook Survey, the Business
Confidence Index (BCI) for April-June, 2011 declined to
62.5 from 66.7 in the previous quarter (January-March). It
said the top three business concerns are high raw material
cost, infrastructural shortages and high interest rates. The
headline inflation in the country stood at 8.66 per cent in
April. Inflation has been above the 8 per cent mark since
January 2010, much above the governments comfort zone
of around 5 per cent.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

India Economic Summit to be shifted to Mumbai:
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the World
Economic Forum (WEF) will host their annual India
Economic Summit 2011 in Mumbai instead of New Delhi on
November 20-21, 2011. Under the theme, Linking
Leadership and Livelihood, this years summit will focus on
the critical governance reforms and innovative public private
partnerships needed for Indias rapid and inclusive growth.

Duty-free access to Afghan exports allowed: India
on June 3, 2011 extended duty-free market access to
Afghanistan as part of its economic package for least
developed countries (LDCs). Under the scheme, the import
of most products from the neighbouring country will be
allowed at zero duty. Indias Duty-Free Tariff Preference
(DFTP) scheme, launched by Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh in 2008, provides preferential duty access on
products comprising 92.5 per cent of global LDC exports.

Govt. loses $ 866 mn in 2009 due to software
piracy: In a significant finding, a study has claimed that the
government suffered revenue losses of USD 866 million
(about Rs 3,900 crore) in 2009 on account of the high rate
of software piracy in the country. Businesses, who are
otherwise legitimate, use software on a large scale but they
evade paying tax when they are not buying licensed
software, says an International Data Corporation (IDC)
whitepaper, Software Piracy in India, released in Pune on
June 4, 2011.

SEBI launches SCORES: SEBI has introduced a
centralised Web-based complaints redress system for
investors of listed companies. The system called SCORES
(SEBI Complaints Redress System) will be a centralised
database of complaints pertaining to companies which will
be sent electronically through SCORES at The companies then have to
view the complaints and submit action taken reports (ATRs)
along with the supporting documents electronically to the
system. Failure on part of the company to address the
system will be considered as non-redressal of investor
complaints by the company. (May 2011)

India has 190,000 millionaire households BCG:
A new report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), a global
management consulting firm, unveiled on June 1, 2011, has
revealed that India, along with China, has shown the highest
increase in private wealth in 2010. Private wealth relates to
holdings of individuals or households in various asset
classes including equities, commodities, real estates, etc.
According to the report titled Shaping a New Tomorrow:
How to Capitalize on the Momentum of Change, private
wealth in India has jumped 21.6 per cent in 2010 compared
with the overall 8 per cent or $ 9 trillion increase in global
wealth. The report states that the number of millionaire
households in India increased by over a third or 37 per cent
to 190,000 compared with 139,000 in 2009. China has the
highest number of millionaire households in the world. In
2010, the number of millionaire households in China was
11.1 lakh, and the country ranked third behind United States
and Japan.

IDFC, Khazanah JV to develop road projects:
Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) and
Khazanah, investment holding arm of the Malaysian
government, will form a joint venture company to develop
road projects in India. Khazanah will hold 80.1 per cent
stake in the proposed JV and IDFC the balance. Both would
also invest in convertible instruments issued by the JV, the
IDFC said on June 3, 2011.

Bosch Group to set up research centre at IISc:
Bosch Group will set up an independent research centre at
the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore with an
investment of Rs 140 crore. The decision to set up a Robert
Bosch IISc Centre for Research in Cyber Physical Systems
was announced by Bernd Bohr, chairman of Bosch
Automotive Group, on the occasion of 125
anniversary year on June 3, 2011.

Prakash Bakshi appointed NABARD Chairman:
State-run National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) appointed Prakash Bakshi as its
new Chairman on June 3, 2011. Prior to this new role,
Bakshi was handling the responsibilities as Executive
Director of NABARD and has been in-charge of various
departments such as cooperative revival and reforms,
institutional development, farm sector, non-farm sector,
microcredit innovations and financial inclusion initiatives.
Bakshi was member of the team that designed and
replicated the Self Help Groups (SHGs)-Bank Linkage
Programme and was also associated with the committee on
cooperative credit structuring set up by the government
under Prof Vaidyanathan.

Prakash Chandra takes over as Chairman of CBDT:
Prakash Chandra, an IRS (IT) Officer of the 1973 batch,
took over as Chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes
(CBDT) on May 31, 2011. He will also continue to look after
the work relating to Personnel and Vigilance matters.
Chandra was Director General of Income Tax (Investigation)
in Rajasthan and later Director General of Income Tax
(International Taxation) in Delhi before joining the CBDT as
Sunil Mitra appointed Finanace Secretary: Sunil
Mitra was on June 1, 2011 appointed as the Finanace
Secretary replacing Sushama Nath, who superannuated on
May 31, 2011. Mitra, a 1975-batch IAS officer from the West
Bengal cadre, retains the charge of Revenue Secretary as
well. Meanwhile Sumit Bose took charge as the new
Expenditure Secretary. Bose, a 1976-batch IAS from the
Madhya Pradesh cadre, has been given dual charge, as he
would continue to be Disinvestment Secretary till his
replacement in the key department is firmed up.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Chennai Super Kings win IPL 2011

Chennai Super Kings (CSK) successfully defended their
Indian Premier League (IPL) title beating Royal Challengers
Bangalore (RCB) by 58 runs in the final at MA
Chidambaram stadium in Chennai on
May 28, 2011. Brief Scores: Chennai
Super Kings: 205 for five in 20 overs.
(Murali Vijay 95, Michael Hussey 63;
Chris Gayle 2/34, Sreenath Aravind
2/39). Royal Challengers Bangalore:
147 for eight in 20 overs (Saurabh
Tiwary 42 not out, Virat Kohli 35;
Ravichandran Ashwin 3/16). The
winning teams Murali Vijay was named
Man of the Match.

IPL 2011 was the fourth season of the
Indian Premier League, a professional
league for Twenty20 cricket
competition conceived by Lalit Modi in
2007. The season ran from 8 April to
28 May 2011. This season the number of teams in the
league went from eight to ten with the additions of the Pune
Warriors India and the Kochi Tuskers Kerala. CSK became
the first team to win the title twice. Rajasthan Royals had
won the inaugural edition in 2008, while Deccan Chargers
won when the tournament was staged in South Africa in
2009. For RCB, it was their second loss in the title round.
Chris Gayle of RCB was named as the Golden Player of the
Tournament. He scored 608 runs in twelve innings the
most in the tournament and picked up eight wickets.

Mumbai Indians had to settle for third
place in the tournament, having lost to
RCB in the second qualifier. Chennai,
Bangalore and Mumbai will all represent
India in the Champions League
tournament in September.

The Fly Kingfisher Fair Play Award was
again won by the Chennai Super Kings
for topping the fair-play table.

Kings XI Punjab batsman Paul Valthaty
won the Best Individual Performance
award while bowler Iqbal Abdulla of
Kolkata Knight Riders won the 2011
Citibank Rising Star Award for the best
under-23 player.

Chris Gayle won the Orange Cap for maximum runs in the
tournament (608 from 12 matches) while Lasith Malinga
who plays for the Mumbai Indians got the Purple Cap for
most wickets (28 from 16 matches). Kieron Pollard was
awarded for taking most catches in the tournament.
Most runs
Player Team Runs Innings Matches Balls Strike Rate Average HS 100s 50s 4s 6s
Chris Gayle Royal Challengers Bangalore 608 12 12 332 183.13 67.55 107 2 3 56 44
Virat Kohli Royal Challengers Bangalore 557 16 16 460 121.08 46.41 71 0 4 55 16
Sachin Tendulkar Mumbai Indians 553 16 16 488 113.31 42.53 100* 1 2 67 5
Shaun Marsh Kings XI Punjab 504 13 14 344 146.51 42.00 95 0 4 52 20
Michael Hussey Chennai Super Kings 492 14 14 414 118.84 41.00 83* 0 4 53 6

Most wickets
Player Team Wickets Overs Matches
Lasith Malinga Mumbai Indians 28 63.0 16 5.95 13.39 13.5 5/13
Munaf Patel Mumbai Indians 22 54.2 15 6.58 16.27 14.8 5/21
Sreenath Aravind Royal Challengers Bangalore 21 46.0 13 8.00 17.52 13.1 4/14
Chennai Super Kings 20 63.0 16 6.15 19.40 18.9 3/16
Amit Mishra Deccan Chargers 19 53.2 14 6.71 18.84 16.8 4/9

GJ Tutorial For the Week: May 29 to June 4, 2011 Current GK

Blatter re-elected FIFA President

Sepp Blatter was re-elected as President of world footballs
governing body FIFA on June 1, 2011 by a landslide of 186
votes out of 203. Blatter, 75, did not face any opposition for
another four-year term following
the withdrawal on May 29 of
Qatars Mohamed bin Hammam
(President of the Asian Football

Both bin Hammam and FIFA vice-
president Jack Warner were
suspended by the organisations
ethics committee on allegations of
having offered bribes for votes in
their favour. Blatter, who took over
FIFA in 1998, has faced widespread calls for reform
following allegations of bribes surrounding the bidding for
the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, awarded to Russia and

Meanwhile, FIFA announced changes to the rules for
choosing World Cup hosts, giving a vote to each of the
organisations 208 members. Previous World Cup hosts
were chosen by a vote of the 24-member FIFA executive
committee. The law change was passed by a margin of 176
votes to four.

China retains Sudirman Cup
Hosts China beat Denmark 3-0 in the final to win its fourth
successive Sudirman Cup at Qingdao on May 29, 2011.
The results: China bt Denmark 3-0 (Xu Chen & Ma Jin bt
Joachim Fischer Nielsen & Christinna Pedersen 21-14, 21-
14; Lin Dan bt Peter Gade 21-16, 21-11; Cai Yun & Fu
Haifeng bt Carsten Mogensen & Jonas Rasmussen 21-17,
Sudirman Cup is the world mixed team badminton
championship which takes place every two years. There are
five matches in every round: men and womens singles,
men and womens doubles and mixed doubles. The first
Sudirman Cup tournament was held in Jakarta, Indonesia in
1989. There is no prize money in Sudirman Cup; players
play for their respective countries and to earn BWF world
ranking points and national prestige

Barcelona wins Champions League: Spanish club
Barcelona beat Englands Manchester United 3-1 in the
2011 UEFA Champions League final at the Wembley
Stadium in London to lift the European Champion Clubs
Cup (the European Cup) for the fourth time, on May 28,
2011. Barcelona dominated the match, winning 31 with
goals from Pedro Rodrguez, Lionel Messi and David Villa
while Wayne Rooney scored for Manchester United to level
the score going into half-time. Both teams entered the
competition having won it three times previously,
Manchester United in 1968, 1999 and 2008; Barcelona in
1992, 2006 and 2009. Sir Alex Ferguson was the coach of
Manchester United while Barcelona was coached by Pep

Salgaocar crowned I-League champion:
Salgaocar Sports Club (SSC) clinched its
maiden I-League football title after a 2-0 victory
over JCT in their last round match on May 30,
2011. The Goan team finished at the top of the
table with 56 points from 26 matches. Salgaocar
struck twice through Francis Fernandes (13th
minute) and Yusif Yakubu (85th) to become the
third Goan side to win the champion in four
years of I-League. Dempo had won the
inaugural edition in 2007-08 as well as in 2009-10.

Bengal retains Santosh Trophy: Branco Vincent
Cardozo and Budhiram Tudu produced a goal in each
session to help Bengal retain the Santosh Trophy after
beating Manipur 2-1 in the final at Guwahati on May 31,
2011. This was Bengals 31
title and second successive
triumph in three consecutive final appearances. The final of
the 65
Senior National football championship saw the
holder dominate for a greater part of the action before its
challenger mounted a late resistance to reduce the margin.
Manipurs goal came from L. Nabachandra Singh.

Vettel wins Monaco Grand Prix: Germanys Sebastian
Vettel won the Monaco GP, beating Fernando Alonso and
Jenson Button in an incident-packed race that several
drivers failed to finish on May 29, 2011 at Monaco. Adrian
Sutil produced Force Indias best result of the current
season by finishing seventh while his team mate Paul di
Resta finished 12th.

Gelfand wins right to challenge Anand: Boris Gelfand
of Israel has earned the right to challenge world champion
Viswanathan Anand after winning a series of intense battles
between eight grandmasters including Levon Aronian,
Vladimir Kramnik and Vaselin Topalov in Kazan, Russia in
May 2011.

Nadal enters French Open final: Spains Rafael Nadal
entered the final of the French Open at Roland Garros with
a 6-4, 7-5, 6-4 semifinal win over Britains Andy Murray on
May 27, 2011. Womens doubles title was won by Czech
pair of Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka who
defeated Indias Sania Mirza and her partner Elena Vesnina
of Russia 6-4, 6-3 in the final. Mixed doubles title was won
by Casey Dellacqua (Australia) & Scott Lipsky (USA) who
beat Katarina Srebotnik (Slovenia) & Nenad Zimonjic
(Serbia) 7-6(6), 4-6, 10-7 in the final.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

NAC unveils draft of National Food Security Act
Age limit under National Old Age Pension Scheme lowered
Rural Development Ministry conducts review of flagship programmes
Parliamentary committee unveils report on Whistleblowers Bill
Prithvi-II flight-tested successfully
Hyderabad to host Convention on Biological Diversity 2012
World Environment Day observed
CABE agrees for free education up to Class X
India 9
in R&D in 2010 as per Scopus
M.F. Husain passes away
N. Manohar appointed AP Assembly Speaker
Raja Narasimha appointed Andhra deputy CM
S. Chandrasekharan is Parliamentary Secretary
Ali Javed elected PWA general secretary
Former MP CM Uma Bharti re-inducted into BJP
Sushil Modi declines to head state Finance Ministers committee on GST
Baba Ramdev declares assets
IMF managing director aspirants seek Indian support
Artist Devi Prasad passes away
Kuchipudi legend Nataraja Ramakrishna passes away
Home Ministry issues statement on Ramdevs eviction
HRD Ministry launches Faculty Recharge Programme portal
India to acquire Globemaster from the U.S
NHRC retains A status at NHRI, Geneva
NFCH launches Volunteers for Peace & Harmony Programme
International Level Crossing Awareness Day observed
Environment Ministry orders action against Lavasa
Sandesh blames DMK for election defeat
INS Kabra commissioned at Southern Naval Command
Elections Commissioners disclose wealth voluntarily
Rate of new HIV infections in India down by 50%
Bengal govt. not to notify Singur ordinance
Haryana govt. declares strike at Marutis plant illegal
Bengal govt., Gorkha Janamukti Morcha sign agreement
Punjab Cabinet approves Right to Service ordinance 2011
TN Assembly passes resolution to abolish Legislative Council
TN passes resolution on atrocities on Tamils in LTTE-SL war
Delhi edition of Dinamani launched

Section B: WORLD
New IPv6 internet address system launched
FAO forecasts continuation of high food prices
India calls for action against trade, IPR barriers in pharma
Scientists at CERN devise way to trap antimatter atoms
ILO report A New Era of Social Justice unveiled
European Commission approves inclusion of Croatia into EU
Child Labour Eradication Day observed
IGC lowers global wheat production forecast for 2011-12
Swiss Parliament approves phasing out nuclear power
Pak to replace US made border security watch system
Indo-Nepal MoU on election management signed
UNEP calls for spending $40 bn more to halve deforestation rate

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

UN, US launch campaign to eliminate inherited HIV
E coli outbreak claims 25 lives in Europe
Russia and Norway agree deal over oil-rich Barents Sea
IEA sees prominent role for natural gas in global energy mix
Japan to host annual IMF-World Bank Meet in 2012
Mini Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Canada 2011 organised
IATA puts India on `wall of shame for high taxes
IUCN Red List for Birds unveiled
Two new elements included in period table
Ban Ki-moon seeks 2nd term as UN secretary general
Humala wins Presidential election in Peru
President Saleh wounded, leaves Yemen for Saudi Arabia
Tahawwur Rana acquitted of role in 26/11
White House economist Goolsbee to step down

Section C: AWARDS
KC Kulish International Award conferred
Dasgupta, Ninan win ISRO performance excellence award
Times of India launches Social Impact Awards
Tea Obreht wins Orange Prize for Fiction
FE-EVI Green Business Leadership Awards given
Bengaluru wins Emerging Markets Airports Awards
Tata Steel wins CSR award at Procurement Leaders Forum


Committee on National Small Savings Fund submits report
PM approves Draft Manufacturing Policy
CBDT sets-up committee to trace tax evaders
Cabinet Committee on Security approves NATGRID
Committee to monitor National Optic Fibre Network set up
CCEA approves MSPs for Kharif Crops
New IIP series with 2004-05 base unveiled
Expert group suggests stricter radiation norms for mobiles
Medicinal plants to get quality certification
IIM-A launches ecolabel certification The Green Signal
Govt. to provide 5 mn tonnes more for APL families under PDS
World Bank forecasts lower GDP growth for India in 201-12
Beedi workers to be covered under RSBY
Chawla committee calls for creation of National Market for Coal
Govt. relaxes curbs on organic farming exports
Home Ministry asks DoT to store call records for 5 years
Home Ministry for lowering reliance on imported telecom equipment
PSUs to make info on CSR public
Intel to launch UHD for financial inclusion program
Indias first cruise vessel, AMET Majesty launched
Environment Ministry notifies e-waste management rules
Corporate Affairs Ministry declines to probe Speak Asia
Maran forced me to sell Aircel C Sivasankaran
Y K Modi elected to ILO governing body

Section E: SPORTS

Sports Ministry launches Opex 2012 for London Olympics
Li Na wins French Open womens singles
Rafael Nadal claims sixth French Open title
Anand wins Leon Masters Chess
Gary Kirsten appointed South Africa coach
Tendulkar, Kallis joint first on ICC Test batsmen rankings

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA

NAC unveils draft of National Food Security Act

The Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council unveiled its draft of the National Food Security Act, 2011 in June 2011. The
draft gives legal backing to the PDS system, thereby excluding innovative options like
cash transfers, which may have included variants like food stamps and UID-linked
smart cards.

Universal legal entitlement
Despite the PMs panel objecting to universal legal entitlement, the draft says that not
less than 90% of all rural households and not less than 50% of all urban
households will be legally entitled to subsidized foodgrains.

Strengthening PDS
The draft Bill calls for legalising the PDS with an elaborate chapter detailing aspects
like procurement, storage and distribution through Fair Price Shops as the only approach for implementing the provisi ons of
food security.

The draft Bill makes it mandatory for the government to maintain financial viability of Fair Price Shops (FPS) by ensuring
(that) reasonable commissions, salaries for the manager are provided in a time-bound manner. It makes it obligatory on the
state to set up FPS for delivery of subsidized food grains within 3 km of a habitation.

The draft advises state governments to give preference to community institutions or public bodies while issuing licences for
these shops. It has also suggested daily management of Fair Price Shops shall be done by women or womens collectives.
The draft Bill recommends tagging each unit of foodgrain with a unique number. Purpose: to track its movement from the
stage of procurement to delivery to the ultimate beneficiary with a view to ensure receipt.

Women will be head of family for distribution of ration cards
The draft has proposed to term the eldest female member of a family, above 18 years, as the head. The objective is to ensure
that women get adequate say in the monthly procurement of grains under the proposed Act. Till now, the living male
members of the family were considered the heads for distribution of ration cards. The draft also talks about direct cash
transfer in case food is not available in sufficient quantity with states. In such a scenario, the women will have a say in
choosing food grains from the open market.

National Food Commission
The draft bill envisages setting up of a seven-member National Food Commission, to be headed by a sitting or a former
Supreme Court judge and similar State Commissions to be presided by a High Court judge. Required to inquire into all
complaints, the Commission shall have all the powers of a civil court trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure.

While suggesting appointments to the National Food Commission to be made by a collegium, comprising the Prime Minister
as the chair, an SC judge, the Leader of Opposition in both House of Parliament along with the Speaker, the NAC has also
called for the inclusion of chairpersons of various national-level statutory bodies. These include the chiefs of the National
Human Rights Commission, the National Minorities Commission, the National Commission for Women and the National
Commission for SC/STs. The draft bill wants the National Food Commission is empowered to suo motu inquire into any
complaint and has powers to impose penalty upto Rs 5,000 in the first instance and Rs 100 for every day thereafter until
relief is granted on any public servant if it is of the opinion that hes been guilty of dereliction of his duties

Private sector involvement
The draft Bill has ruled out the role of the private sector in any kind of operations pertaining to sourcing the food grain. No
private contractors shall be used for the delivery of any entitlements or procurement, storage and distribution for foodgrains,
specifies Section 105 of the proposed Act.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Age limit under National Old Age Pension Scheme lowered

The Union Cabinet on June 9, 2011 approved lowering the age limit for the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
(IGNOAPS) from 65 years to 60 years and increasing the rate of pension from Rs. 200 to Rs. 500 to persons of 80 years and
above. The revised norms would be applicable with effect from April 1, 2011.
It is estimated that lowering of the age limit would benefit about an additional 72.32 lakh persons in the age group of 60-64
years and living below the poverty line. It is estimated that 26.49 lakh persons above the age of 80 years and living below the
poverty line, would become eligible to receive enhanced central assistance @ Rs. 500 per month. At present 169 lakh
persons above the age of 65 years and living below poverty line are receiving central assistance under IGNOAPS.

The additional funds required will be Rs. 1,736 crore for providing old age pension @ Rs. 200 per month per beneficiary in
the age group of 60-64 years and Rs. 953 crore for providing enhanced pension @ Rs. 500 per month per beneficiary of age
80 years and above. Thus the total additional requirement will be Rs. 2,770 crore including 3% administrative expenses.

As a result of change in the eligibility criteria for receiving old age pension, eligibility criteria for widow pension under
IGNWPS and disability pension under IGNDPS will get revised from 40-64 years to 40-59 years and from 18-64 years to 18-
59 years respectively.

Rural Development Ministry conducts review of flagship programmes

The first meeting of the Performance Review Committee of the Ministry Of Rural Development for the financial year 2011-12
was organised on June 6-7, 2011 in New Delhi. The meeting took stock of the progress under the various schemes of the

The performances under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), preparations for
BPL Census along with the progress under National Social Assistance Program were reviewed. Indira Awas Yojana (IAY),
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) and Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)/National Rural
Livelihood Mission were also reviewed. The progress of training programs of the ministry and the status of Vigilance and
Monitoring Committees is on the agenda as well.

Data on MGNREGA was released on the occasion. During the financial year 2010-11, 5.45 crore households have been
provided employment under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA. Uttar Pradesh leads the pack with 64.2 lakh households being
provided jobs while Rajasthan follows next with 62 lakh households being provided employment under the act. Ministry Of
Rural Development has so far spent Rs. 36848.49 crores till March 2011 which amounts to around 70% of the expenditure as
against the total available funds. MGNREGA has generated 253.68 crore person days of employment during this period.
Average number of days of employment provided per household has been around 47 days in 2010-11 while the average
wages paid per day has gone up from Rs. 65 in 2005-06 to Rs.100 in 2010-11. The participation of Scheduled castes,
Scheduled tribes has been around 30% and 22% respectively while the womens contribution has been around 48%. Punjab
has appointed Ombudsman in all 20 rural districts while in Andhra Pradesh has appointed Ombudsman in 21 out of 22

Parliamentary committee unveils report on Whistleblowers Bill

A Parliamentary standing committee on June 10, 2011 submitted its report on the proposed Public Interest Disclosure and
Protection to Persons Making the Disclosures Bill, 2010, which is meant to establish a mechanism to receive complaints of
corruption by any public servant, conduct enquiry on the allegations and safeguard the person making the complaint. The
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice headed by MP Jayanthi Natarajan, in
its 46
report, presented before the Rajya Sabha chairman strongly favoured that no organ of governance or the higher
judiciary should be spared from the proposed law.

Scope and coverage: It has recommended that the higher judiciary, ministers and armed forces be brought within the ambit
of the Whistleblowers Bill. It has allowed exceptions in the case of the forces located in operational and non-operational
areas. The committee recommended necessary amendments in the current Bill to bring the Members of Council of
Ministers, the judiciary, including the higher judiciary, regulatory authorities, etc within its ambit.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Time period for reporting incidents: The committee is not in favour of barring complaints on incidents which took place
over five years ago, as proposed by the Bill. It says that a person should be free to file a complaint under the whistleblowers
law no matter when the alleged incident of corruption happened.

Protecting whistleblowers identity: The committee has also stressed on a foolproof mechanism to ensure that the
identity of the complainant is not compromised with, at any cost and at any level. It has sought a specific definition to the
term victimization under the proposed statute. It wants the law to provide support and help to not only the whistleblower but
also the witnesses/persons who support him.

Acceptance/rejection of complaints: The committee has recommended that the competent authority should ensure that a
complainant be given a full hearing before his complaint is dismissed, the committee said that the quantum of punishment
prescribed in the Bill for frivolous/malafide disclosure is too high and should be substantially reduced. Ideally, frivolous
complainants should be dealt with only a penalty, and there should be a provision for appealing against this in the high court.

Prithvi-II flight-tested successfully

Nuclear weapons-capable, surface-to-surface Prithvi-II missile was successfully flight-tested for its full range of 350 km by the
Strategic Forces Command (SFC) personnel at the Interim Test Range (ITR), Chandipur in Balasore
District of Orissa on June 9, 2011.

The nine-metre tall Prithvi-II, the first indigenously built surface-to-surface strategic missile, was fired from a
mobile launcher from Launch Complex-III at the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in Orissa. It achieved
a high degree of accuracy and zeroed-in on the pre-designated target in the Bay of Bengal with a CEP
(Circular Error Probability) of less than 10 metres.

The flight test met all the mission objectives and was like a text-book launch. A battery of radars, electro-optical telemetry
stations and a naval ship located near the impact point tracked and monitored the entire event, including the missiles
trajectory and final splashdown.

The missile was picked up randomly from the production lot and the launch operations were carried out by SFC personnel
and monitored by scientists of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

Capability: The single-stage, liquid-fuelled Prithvi-II that is capable of carrying payloads ranging from 500-1,000 kg had been
inducted into the armed forces. It is equipped with a high accuracy inertial navigation system with sophisticated on-board
control and guidance. It could be launched from anywhere with its mobile launcher having user-driven features.

Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister and Secretary Defence R & D, VLN Rao, Programme Director
AD and SK Ray, Director RCI were among those present during the Mission.

Hyderabad to host Convention on Biological Diversity

Hyderabad was on June 6, 2011 chosen for hosting the 11
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) in October 2012. The conference will be attended by representatives from
194 countries, including some Prime Ministers. This conference along with the 6th meeting of the
Conference of the parties serving as the meeting of the parties to Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
would be held from October 1 to 19, 2012 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC).
Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh announced that his Ministry was contemplating to take up
an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) on its own for projects involving multiple sectors and those
falling in eco-sensitive zones, instead of leaving it to project proponents. Referring to the project on
satellite-based imagery of the coastal erosion, the Minister said it had been completed for Gujarat,
Orissa and Pondicherry and Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Karnataka and Goa
would be covered by August this year.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

About CBD: The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - Opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in
1992, and entering into force in December 1993, the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international treaty for the
conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits
derived from the use of genetic resources. With 194 Parties, the Convention has near universal participation among
countries. The Convention seeks to address all threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services, including threats from climate
change, through scientific assessments, the development of tools, incentives and processes, the transfer of technologies and
good practices and the active involvement of relevant stakeholders including indigenous and local communities, youth,
NGOs, women and the business community.

About Cartagena Protocol: The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety is a subsidiary agreement to the CBD. It seeks to protect
biological diversity from the potential risks posed by living modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology. To date,
159 countries plus the European Union have ratified the Cartagena Protocol.

World Environment Day observed

June 5, 2011 was observed as World Environment Day. The Day marks the beginning of United Nations conference on
human environment in the year 1972. The first World Environment Day was on 1973. World Environment Day is celebrated
every year with a different theme. The theme for this year is Forests-Nature at Your Service. Forests cover one third of the
earths land mass. As many as 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods. They play a key role in mitigating the
effects of climate change, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere while storing carbon dioxide.

The week long events across the country to celebrate the World Environment Day-2011 (WED-2011), with India being global
host for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), WED-2011 for first time culminated on June 5. UNEP report on
Green Economy and the Forest was released on the occasion. The Ministry of Environment & Forests announced the
launch of Gaura Devi Award to recognize the initiatives of Gaura Devi in forest conservation during Chipko movement. The
award will carry a citation and cash prize of Rs 2 lakhs.

The North East Museum Gallery at Regional Museum of Natural History, Bhubaneshwar was inaugurated by the Environment
& Forests Minister on June 1, 2011.

CABE agrees for free education up to Class X

The provision of free and compulsory education will soon be extended up to Class X. A proposal to this effect was approved
at a meeting of the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) the highest decision-making body on education in the
country organised in New Delhi on June 7, 2011. The CABE announced initiatives on several other issues including
checking malpractices in school education, vocational education and university reforms.

Free and mandatory education upto X: The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), 2009, provides
for free and mandatory education only up to primary level from Class I to VIII. The CABE committee on extension of RTE
will look into finance, infrastructure and legal requirement. The Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan, promising free
education at the secondary level, is already in place and could become the vehicle for extending RTE till the secondary level .
Bringing Class IX and X under the provision of the RTE will either require amending the existing Act or enacting a new law.

Legislation on checking malpractices in school education: The CABE, represented by the States and civil society
members, also approved the drafting of new legislation to check malpractices in school education. While the Union Human
Resource Development Ministry has already introduced a Bill in Parliament to prohibit unfair practices in the higher education
sector, it was agreed at the meeting to initiate a similar legislative proposal for the school education sector also.

National framework on vocational education: The CABE also endorsed the need for a National Vocational Education
Qualifications Framework (NVEQF) providing for a nationally recognised framework with mobility between general and
vocational education. The group of State Education Ministers already constituted, will develop a road map for implementing
and incorporating the requirements and concerns of the States. The State governments will identify regional and local skills
and develop curriculum content to feed into the NVEQF.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

University reforms: The CABE also decided to set up another committee on university reforms. It will look into the
recommendations of the March Vice Chancellors conference that had called for major reforms in the university systems
including financial independence and more autonomy like doing away with the convention of President being the Visitor of all
Central Universities. It had also recommended allowing more colleges and institutions to grant degrees by doing away with
the affiliation system, as far as possible.

India 9
in R&D in 2010 as per Scopus

Indias position globally in the field of scientific research and development, as measured by the number of research papers
published, has improved from 13
position in 1996 to 12
position in 2001 and 10
position in 2006 and further to 9
in 2010 as per the Scopus International database. This information was released by Ministry of Science & Technology on
June 9, 2011. The number of applications submitted to patent new inventions made by scientists from India and other
developed and developing countries received at Indian Patent Office during the last five years is as follows:-

Applications 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Indian 4521 5314 6040 6161 7262
Foreign 19984 23626 29178 30651 27025
Total 24505 28940 35218 36812 34287
Source: Office of the Controller General Patents, Designs and Trademarks.

The Government has taken various measures for the promotion and growth of scientific research in the country. These
measures include, successive increase in plan allocations for Scientific Departments, setting up of new institutions for science
education and research, creation of centres of excellence and facilities in emerging and frontline areas in academic and
national institutes, induction of new and attractive fellowships such as Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research
(INSPIRE), strengthening infrastructure for Research and Development (R&D) in universities, encouraging public-private
R&D partnerships, national awards for outstanding R&D for firms etc.

M.F. Husain passes away

M.F. Husain, Indias foremost modern painter and an internationally recognised artist,
passed away in London on June 9, 2011 at the age of 97. Husain lived in Dubai, London
and Qatar after being forced to leave India in 2006. A number of legal cases based on the
charge of hurting religious sentiments were slapped on him. In 2007, he was offered
citizenship by the monarchy of Qatar which he accepted.

Born in Pandharpur in Maharashtra, Husain lost his mother when he was one and a half.
His father remarried and moved to Indore, where he went to school. In 1935, he moved to
Bombay and joined the J.J. School of Art. As a young, struggling artist he painted cinema hoardings. He later came to the
limelight in the 1940s. He quickly made his mark as one of the pioneering spirits behind Indias fledgling avante garde
movement and joined the Progressive Artists Group, largely an initiative of two other giants of contemporary Indian art,
Francis Newton Souza and S.H. Raza.

Husain made his international debut in 1952 with a solo exhibition at Zurich and soon established a worldwide reputation. He
soon became one of Indias highest-paid painters. Owning a work of his became a mark of social status. The first state
recognition came in 1955 when he was awarded the Padma Shri. In 1973, he was awarded the Padma Bhushan, and in 1991
the Padma Vibhushan. He was nominated to the Rajya Sabha in 1986.

Known for his free and creative spirit and sense of adventure, Husain experimented with cinema. He made his first film, a
documentary titled Through the Eyes of a Painter, in 1967: it won a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. He made
two Hindi films, Gaja Gamini and Meenaxi: A Tale of Three Cities. He also did a series of paintings inspired by the
Bollywood actor, signing off as Fida, an Urdu word for devoted.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

N. Manohar appointed AP Assembly Speaker: The N Kiran Kumar Reddy-led government in Andhra Pradesh on June
4, 2011 indirectly proved its majority in the House when Congress nominee Nandendla Manohar was elected the Speaker. In
a division of votes, sought by the main opposition Telugu Desam Party, Manohar got 158 votes in a House of 294 while TDP
nominee K E Krishnamurthy got only 90 votes. There was anxiety in the Congress party that the supporters of YSR Congress
president YS Jaganmohan Reddy among the Congress legislators might play spoilsport in the numbers game. But while
some of them abstained from voting, others extended their support to Manohar. As many as 25 Congress MLAs abstained
from voting; 17 members of Praja Rajyam Party and seven members of the Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen voted in support of

Raja Narasimha is deputy CM in AP: C Damodar Raja Narasimha, minister for higher education and agriculture (in
charge), has been appointed as deputy chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. Governor ESL Narasimhan issued orders on June
11, 2011 appointing him to the post following the Congress high commands decision to nominate a person from Telangana
as deputy chief minister owing to the ongoing political unrest in the region.

S. Chandrasekharan is Parliamentary Secretary: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) on June 9,
2011 approved the appointment of S. Chandrasekharan, IRAS (75), presently Additional Member (Finance), Railway Board,
as Secretary, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs in the vacancy of Usha Mathur, IRAS (74) (Retired). The ACC has also
approved the appointment of Atul Chaturvedi, IAS (UP:74 (Retired), as Member, Public Enterprises Selection Board for a
tenure of three years or until the age of 65 years or until further orders, whichever is earlier.

Ali Javed elected PWA general secretary: Ali Javed, an Urdu writer and professor at Delhi University was on June 8,
2011 elected general secretary of the Progressive Writers Association (PWA). The position was vacant since February this
year following the death of Professor Kamala Prasad. The executive committee of the PWA, which took the decision, also
named Dr. Arjumand Ara as general secretary of PWA (Urdu) till its conference is held in Kolkata in December. The meeting
was attended by writers and poets from a number of states. PWA president Namvar Singh spoke about the challenges faced
by writers.

Uma Bharti re-inducted into BJP: Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Uma Bharti was on June 7, 2011 re-inducted
into the BJP. She was appointed CM after leading her party to a three fourths majority in the 2003 Assembly polls but had to
resign from the post in August 2004, when an arrest warrant was issued against her regarding the 1994 Hubli riot case in
Karnataka. 52-year-old Bharti was expelled for indiscipline and defying the BJPs central leadership in December 2005 after
she had objected to L K Advanis praise of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Bharti had then formed her own outfit Bhartiya Janshakti

Sushil Modi declines to head state Finance Ministers committee on GST: The Union government faces the
prospect of missing the April 2012 deadline to roll out goods and service tax (GST) with Bihar deputy chief minister Sushil
Kumar Modi on June 7, 2011 formally turning down the offer to head the empowered committee of state finance ministers.
Modi is learnt to have cited his preoccupation with governance in Bihar to decline the offer. Although Amit Mitra, the newly-
appointed West Bengal finance minister, is emerging as a compromise candidate, without the support of BJP the bi ggest tax
reform move cannot be implemented. BJP is in power in seven states and it is an ally in Bihar and Punjab.

Baba Ramdev declares assets: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev and his aide Acharya Balakrishna, on June 9, 2011 declared
the assets of their business empire at a press conference in Haridwar. Balakrishna said all the institutions run by him were
being run according to government norms and the audited balance sheets of its various arms had been put up on their Web
site, The capital involving the four Trusts run by Baba Ramdev totalled Rs 426.19 crore. The Divya
Yoga Mandir Trust had a capital of Rs 249.63 crore, Patanjali Yoga Peeth Trust Rs 164.80 crore, Bharat Swabhiman Trust
Rs 9.97 crore and Acharyakul Shiksha Sansthan Rs 1.79 crore.

IMF managing director aspirants seek Indian support: The Governor, Central Bank of Mexico, Dr. Agustin Carstens
visited New Delhi on June 10, 2011 to gather support for his candidature for the International Monetary Funds next Managing
Director. He called on Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and sought their support for
his candidature amid Indias non-committal stand on support for any prospective candidates. Carstens visit came against the
backdrop of India refraining from committing support for the front-runner French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who
visited New Delhi on June 7, 2011. Traditionally, the multilateral lending agencys chief has always been a European.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Artist Devi Prasad passes away: Prominent artist Devi Prasad, who was taught painting by masters including Nandalal
Bose, passed away on June 1, 2011 in New Delhi at the age of 89. Born in Dehra Dun in 1921, Devi Prasad joined Mahatma
Gandhis Sevagram after his graduation from Santiniketan. He stayed in Sevagram till 1962 where he developed an art
school and edited a journal. He was awarded the Lalit Kala Ratna award by Lalit Kala Akademi in 2007. He has published
over 200 books and several articles on peace studies, child art and education and Tagore and Gandhi.

Kuchipudi legend Nataraja Ramakrishna passes away: Nataraja Ramakrishna (88), the Kuchipudi legend known
for his Andhra Natyam and Perini Shivatandavam, passed away on June 7, 2011 in Hyderabad. Among the awards
bestowed upon him were the Padma Shri in 1992, a doctorate from the Andhra University and a Bharata Kala Prapoorna,
apart from the NTR State Award. He is most known for reviving the 700-year-old dance form Perini Shivatandavam. He
served as Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh Sangeet Natak Akademi

Home Ministry issues statement on Ramdevs protest: The Union Home Minister, P. Chidambaram on June 8, 2011
briefed media regarding the events since the first of this month concerning the protests organised by Baba Ramdev. The
Bharat Swabhiman Trust was given permission to organise a Yoga Training Session at Ramlila ground
from June 1 to 20, 2011 for 4,0005,000 persons. When violations of the conditions attached to the
permission were noticed and brought to the attention of the BST, they affirmed that there will be no
program at all except residential yoga camp. However, Baba Ramdev, in the run up to June 1, at
several meetings, announced that he will undertake a fast-unto-death beginning June 4 as part of his
anti-corruption crusade. The government cautioned the Yoga guru that he would not be allowed to
organise any protest or undertake any fast-unto-death at Ramlila ground. When he refused, Delhi
Police removed Ramdev from Ramlila ground on June 5, 2011. Taking suo motu cognisance of the
incident, the Supreme Court on June 6 directed Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai, Delhi Police
Commissioner B.K. Gupta and Delhi Chief Secretary P.K. Tripathi to explain the circumstances under which the people at the
Ramlila grounds had to be forcibly dispersed in the early hours of June 5.

HRD Ministry launches Faculty Recharge Programme portal: An Empowered Committee had been constituted by
MHRD/UGC under the Chairmanship of Prof. M.M. Sharma, Former Director, ICT, Mumbai, to motivate students to take up
science education and doctoral research. One of the recommendations of the Committee has been recruitment of faculty in
science, engineering and technology through the scheme of Operation - Faculty Recharge. The objective is to strengthen
high quality research and teaching in the universities through induction of fresh talent through a nationally conducted
competitive process. Through this programme, universities would be able to upgrade faculty resources in their science related
departments. To make this programme operational, the UGC has set up a dynamic interactive web portal which can be used
by scholars to submit their applications on line. The web portal created exclusively for the Faculty Recharge Programme was
inaugurated by Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development on June 9, 2011.

India to acquire Globemaster transport aircraft from the U.S: India on June 6, 2011 decided to purchase 10 C-17
Globemaster III heavy-lift transport aircraft from the U.S. for the Indian Air Force. The deal under the Foreign Military Sales
(Government-to-Government) is estimated to cost Rs. 18,000 crore (approximately $4.1 billion). The decision was taken at a
meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The contract
includes an offset obligation of around Rs. 4,500 crore ($ 1 billion). Under the clause, U.S. company Boeing would have to
source 30 per cent value of the order from India. Work on the deal began last April during U.S. President Barack Obamas
visit to India when it was announced that New Delhi had agreed to buy these aircraft. The IAF plans to base these heavy lift
aircraft at Agra. These can carry 73,616 kg of payload and can be operated by a crew of three-two in the cockpit and one
loadmaster. At present the Russian IL-76 Gajraj and AN-32 are the IAF aircrafts for transporting men and material. Earlier
this year, the IAF inducted tactical lift C130J Super Hercules aircraft from the Lockheed Martin stable.

NHRC retains A status: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has retained its A status in its accreditation
with the International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), Geneva. The
Accreditation Sub-Committee of the ICC-NHRIs has recommended that the NHRC be reaccredited with A status. The
decision, taken at the session of the ICC Sub-Committee on accreditation in Geneva from May 23 to 27 was communicated
to the NHRC on June 10, 2011. The NHRC continues to hold A status with the ICC since 1999. This status is given to the
NHRIs, which are fully compliant with the Paris Principles towards the promotion and protection of human rights. There was
some apprehension that the ICC might review and withdraw the status granted to the NHRC, headed by Justice K.G.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Balakrishnan. However, the ICC meeting in Geneva decided to continue the status in recognition of NHRCs outstanding
performance in protecting human rights.

NFCH launches Volunteers for Peace & Harmony Programme: The National Foundation for Communal Harmony
(NFCH) on June 10, 2011 launched the Volunteers for Peace & Harmony (V for Peace-n-Harmony) programme to create a
network of volunteers. The launch of V for Peace-n-Harmony in 2011 coincides with the 10
anniversary of international year
of volunteers (IYV) being celebrated by the United Nations. The objectives of the Programme are: to create a network of
volunteers to act as facilitators / change agents for promoting social harmony, when peace and social cohesion between
communities is disturbed as well as during peaceful times for inclusive development; to spread awareness on peace and
harmony in their respective communities and neighbourhoods; to strengthen the sense of unity in diversity amongst citizens
of the country and to take active participation in the Communal Harmony Campaign Week from 19
of November
observed by NFCH every year in the country. NFCH was set up in 1992 as an autonomous body with the Ministry of Home
Affairs, Government of India. The Foundation undertakes various extension activities for promoting peace & harmony and
provides financial assistance to children affected by communal, caste, ethnic or terrorist violence.

International Level Crossing Awareness Day observed: Every year, International Union of Railways (UIC) observes
one day as the International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD). This year, June 9, 2011 was observed as ILCAD.
Indian Railways participated in this global campaign to sensitize road users to increase safety at unmanned level crossings.
The number of unmanned level crossing accidents occurring on Indian Railways is a cause of concern. At present, there are
total 32694 numbers of level crossings over Indian Railways out of which 14853 are unmanned where the accidents occur
primarily due to inadequate precautions by the road users failing to observe mandatory sign boards, signals and basic traffic
safety rules. Over the last five years, the train accidents at unmanned level crossings remained at low level.

Environment Ministry orders action against Lavasa: Union Environment Ministry has directed the Maharashtra
government to take necessary action against the Lavasas hill city project near Pune for violations under the Environment
Protection Act. In a letter to the State government on June 10, 2011y, the Ministry said Lavasa had started development and
construction work on 681 hectares of land without obtaining the necessary prior environmental clearance. As the letter
mentions, these violations were pointed out in a show-cause notice issued on November 25 last year and the final directions
issued on January 17. While the Act allows for action to the extent of the demolition of the violating constructions as, for
instance, was ordered against the Adarsh Housing Society building the Ministry, in its January order, had only chosen to
impose a fine on Lavasa and told the company to set up an Environmental Restoration Fund.

Congress magazine blames DMK for election defeat: Sandesh, a Congress magazine, holds the Dravida Munnetra
Kazhagam (DMK) responsible for the joint defeat of the two parties in the recent Assembly elections in Tamil Nadu and
Puducherry. There is need for a relook at the strategy in the southern State as the Congress must not lose its vote bank due
to the mistakes of its coalition partners, the magazine suggests in its current issue released in June 2011. Meanwhile, the
DMK reviewed its relationship with the Congress and decided to maintain status quo, even though it was critical of the latter
for not helping the partys high-profile members in the 2G scam.

INS Kabra commissioned at Southern Naval Command: Water jet-propelled Fast Attack Craft (FAC) INS Kabra,
eighth in a series of 10 Car Nicobar-class FACs designed and built by the Kolkata-based Garden Reach Shipbuilders &
Engineers (GRSE) for the Navy, was commissioned by Vice-Admiral K.N. Sushil, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the
Southern Naval Command, at the Kochi naval base on June 8, 2011. Vice-Admiral Sushil said smaller ships like FACs were
important in tackling peacetime challenges to maritime security such as piracy and low-intensity conflicts. INS Kalpeni, the
FAC commissioned in October 2010, has extensively participated in anti-piracy operations.

Elections Commissioners disclose wealth voluntarily: Chief Election Commissioner S.Y. Quraishi and Election
Commissioners V.S. Sampath and H.S. Brahma declared their assets voluntarily in June 2011. The details have been
updated in the Election Commission website. This is the first time in the country that the Election Commissioners have
declared their assets; there is no law that requires them to furnish the information for public consumption.

Rate of new HIV infections in India down by 50%: The rate of new HIV infections fell by more than 50 per cent in
India between 2001 and 2009, double the average decline in the world, according to a report released by UNAIDS on June 3,
2011. In India, the rate of new HIV infections fell by more than 50 per cent and in South Africa by more than 35 per cent;
both countries have the largest number of people living with HIV on their continents, according to the study entitled AIDS at

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

30: Nations at the Crossroads. The report said the global rate of new infections declined by nearly 25 per cent between 2001
and 2009.

Bengal govt. not to notify Singur ordinance: Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal government, which had issued an
ordinance to take back the entire land lying with Tata Motors and its vendors at Singur on June 10, 2011, has decided not to
notify it. The state government will now amend the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, and introduce a Singur Bill in the Assembly.
The disputed 400 acres will be returned to farmers, while Tata Motors is welcome to set up its project on the remaining 600
acres, Banerjee had said on June 10 while announcing the ordinance.

Haryana govt. declares strike at Marutis Manesar plant illegal: The Haryana government on June 10, 2011
declared the strike by workers of Maruti Suzukis Manesar plant illegal. The 2,500 workers who had struck work on June 4
have been demanding recognition of a new union Maruti Suzuki Employees Union (MSEU) independent of the existing
one which is dominated by workers of the Gurgaon plant. They have also demanded that the management take back the
order for termination of eleven employees who allegedly instigated the workers. The third demand is to scrap the order of no
work no pay imposed by the management. Under the state laws, a company after declaring a no work no pay policy can
impose a penalty of eight days of a workers salary for every day that he is on illegal strike.

Bengal govt., Gorkha Janamukti Morcha sign agreement: The West Bengal government Banerjee and the Gorkha
Janamukti Morcha (GJM) on June 7, 2011 signed an official-level agreement, paving the way for the setting up of a new
elected body in the Darjeeling hill areas. The agreement was signed between GJM general secretary, Roshan Giri and the
state home secretary, G.D. Gautama. The GJM reiterated that the new set-up would be formed without diluting its main
agenda for a Gorkhaland state, though the demand had been set aside for now. The GJM said that the new setup will replace
the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) without diluting its main agenda for a separate State. It would have full
administrative, financial and executive powers and would be given more autonomy than the DGHC. Meanwhile, a nine-
member high-level committee comprising representatives of the Centre, the State government and the GJM is looking into the
question of bringing the Gorkha-dominated areas in the Dooars and the Terai under its jurisdiction.

Punjab Cabinet approves Right to Service ordinance 2011: The Punjab Cabinet on June 8, 2011 approved the
Right to Service ordinance 2011 to ensure the delivery of citizen centric services like driving licence, arms licence, revenue
record and copy of FIR etc to people with in the stipulated time limit. The ordinance was aimed at empowering the citizens
with the right to get services from the government within a deadline on one hand and to ensure 100 per cent accountability of
the officers of implementing agencies on the other. A provision of penalty clause has been introduced in the Ordinance to
charge a lump sum penalty of at least Rs 500 up to Rs 5,000 from the authorised designated officers who failed to provide
the services to the persons in a time bound manner without any sufficient and reasonable cause.

TN Assembly passes resolution to abolish Legislative Council: The Tamil Nadu Assembly on June 7, 2011
adopted a resolution against attempts to revive the Legislative Council, which was abolished in 1986 and sought to be
resurrected thrice in 1989, 1996 and 2010. Chief Minister Jayalalithaa moved the resolution seeking to rescind an earlier
decision of the Assembly to create a Legislative Council. The DMK regime had passed a resolution in the Assembly on April
12, 2010 for the revival of the Council. As required in the Constitution, both Houses of Parliament passed the necessary
legislation to create the Council in May 2010. A 78-member second chamber was created and the Election Commission took
steps to hold elections. However, the delimitation of constituencies was challenged before the Supreme Court, effectively
stalling the conduct of the election.

TN passes resolution on atrocities on Tamils in LTTE-SL war: The Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly on June 8,
2011 passed a special resolution demanding that the Centre take action to get all those responsible for large-scale civilian
deaths, during the Sri Lankan civil war, declared as war criminals by the United Nations. The resolution, passed
unanimously, also demanded economic sanctions against the island nation to pressure the country into giving equal status
and dignity to Tamils.

Delhi edition of Dinamani launched: Chief Election Commissioner S.Y. Quraishi launched the Delhi edition of the Tamil
daily Dinamani, from The New Indian Express group, Chennai, on June 10, 2011.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

New IPv6 internet address system launched

The biggest ever test of the internets new address system is taking place. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Bing and Facebook are
among the companies switching-on IPv6 versions of their websites for the one day trial on June
7, 2011. The technology is gradually being introduced because the world is running out of older
IPv4 addresses as more devices come online. Companies and home users may need new
networking equipment. However the transition is likely to take years. World IPv6 day, on June 8,
is partly a technical exercise by internet companies to see how the technology works, and partly
an awareness-raising initiative. For users with an ordinary domestic internet connection, the
changeover may involve upgrading their hardware.

In India, R Chandrashekhar, Secretary (Telecom) released the first India IPv6 (Internet Protocol IPv6 )Task Force Newsletter
and technical compendium on IPv6 activities at Sanchar Bhawan in New Delhi on the occasion of World IPv6 day on June 8,
2011. The IPv6 newsletter will showcase the efforts and progress made by India and technical compendium compiled by TEC
will be useful and handy for IPv6 implementation in the country.

World IPv6 day is globally celebrated by the Internet Society. The goal of this event is to motivate organizations across the
industry, Internet service providers, hardware manufacturers, operating system vendors and web companies to prepare
themselves for a successful transition to IPv6 as IPv4 address space runs out.

In India about 18.5 million IPv4 addresses are available for more than 180 million data users and we need to have at least
one IP address for each data user, keeping this in view, Government of India has released IPv6 policy in July, 2010,
according to which All major Service providers will offer IPv6 services by December, 2011 and All Central and State
government ministries and departments, including its PSUs, shall start using IPv6 services by March-2012.

Facts & figures
IPv4 was conceived in the early 1980s as a way of identifying individual connections to a computer network. It is typically
made up of 32 bits, written as 12 digits, e.g. That gives a maximum of around 4.3bn addresses.

However, the rapid growth in PCs, smartphones and other internet connected devices means those addresses are close to
being used up, with an estimated 80 million still to be allocated.

IPv6 is a 128bit system, written in hexadecimal (base 16 counting using numbers and letters), e.g.
21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:02AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A. The system gives a maximum of 340 undecillion possible addresses (1
undecillion = 10 followed by 35 zeros in the British numbering system).

FAO forecasts continuation of high food prices

Global food prices will remain high and volatile throughout this year and into next despite record food production. The United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) twice yearly Food Outlook analysis on June 7, 2011 said rising demand will
absorb most of the higher output.

The FAO says higher food prices could mean poor countries will see food import costs rise by up to 30%. That would mean
them spending 18% of their total import bills on food this year, compared with the world average of 7%. The organisation says
the next few months will be critical in determining how major crops will fare this year. The FAOs May index which measures
price changes in a range of essential foodstuffs, including cereals, oilseeds, dairy, meat and sugar was 37% higher than a
year ago.

The FAO says although prospects are encouraging in some countries, such as Russia and Ukraine, weather conditions -
either too much or too little rain - could hamper wheat and maize production in Europe and North America. In 2010, drought
led Russia to ban exports of cereals and Ukraine to limit overseas sales.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

The big increase in the oil price has also had an impact. Soaring oil prices push food prices higher as they increase the cost
of food production and transportation. The role of commodities traders is increasingly coming under the spotlight with some
blaming the speculative element of their activities for pushing prices artificially high.

India calls for action against Trade, IPR Barriers in pharma

India has called for proactive and collective action from the international community to dismantle trade and intellectual
property right barriers and improve the availability of accessible, affordable and quality drugs for the needy and impoverished.
Speaking at the High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on HIV and AIDS in New York on June 9, 2011,

Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad underscored Indias efforts on prevention, treatment, care and
support of HIV and AIDS. He noted that India has been able to contain the epidemic with a prevalence of just 0.31%. Indias
focus has been on high risk groups, expanding services and improving access to Anti Retroviral Therapy.

The Minister called on the international community to vigorously scale up actions to provide resources in the global effort to
combat HIV and AIDS. Azad highlighted the active role of pharmaceutical companies from India in providing high quality
affordable generic drugs all over the world and noted that these drugs are not cheap in quality.

Azad urged the international community to dismantle barriers that obstruct universal access to treatment of HIV/AIDS. These
include the high cost of Anti Retro Viral medicines because of Intellectual Property Rights owned by MNC pharmaceutical
companies. He called for using flexibilities in TRIPS to overcome IPRE barriers and ensure better availability of affordable

Scientists at CERN devise way to trap antimatter atoms
Nuclear scientists at CERN, Geneva announced on June 5, 2011 that they have found a way to trap f or more than 15
minutes elusive antimatter atoms that used to disappear after a fraction of a second. That will give scientists at the European
Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) time to study the atoms properly, in the hope of understanding what happened
during the first moments of the universe.

The achievement is a significant improvement on earlier attempts to trap antihydrogen, which like all antimatter has a
tendency to disappear before scientists have time to examine it. The ALPHA research team working at the worlds biggest
particle physics lab, known by its French acronym CERN, on the Swiss-French border, managed to increase the time for
preserving anti-matter from two-tenths of a second to 1,000 seconds.

The team improved the efficiency of the antimatter trap by cooling antihydrogen atoms down to less than 0.5 degrees above
absolute zero. Their research was published online in the journal Nature Physics. The ALPHA team has already trapped
about 300 antihydrogen atoms. The more they trap, the easier it is to conduct experiments on antihydrogen. Understanding
antihydrogen will help solve one of the biggest riddles of physics. Theorists say both matter and antimatter must have been
created in equal amounts in the Big Bang, but antimatter has since disappeared from the natural universe while matter
abounds in the stars, planets and galaxies.

ILO report A New Era of Social Justice unveiled

The world urgently needs a new growth model to prevent further social unrest, says a new ILO report released on June 8,
2011. The report titled A New Era of Social Justice was released by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) at the 100

International Labour Conference in Geneva.

Govts should spend more on workers welfare: The report cautions governments against pursuing policies that give
precedence to economic goals over social and environmental ones as it could aggravate unrest, as being witnessed in the
Arab world. Countries are being ranked on the basis of their growth record, irrespective of the sustainability of that growth,
who benefited from it, or the possible damaging effects on other countries, warns the report. The report calls upon
governments to invest in social protection of the working millions, saying that it will not cost them much. It cites the example
of India, Indias Commission on Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector found that a basic package of social protection could
be offered to over 300 million Indians in the informal economy at a cost not exceeding 0.5 per cent of GDP.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Wage growth has lagged productivity growth: Globally, the relationship between labour productivity and wages has
weakened in the past decade. Labour productivity grew twice as fast as wages in the developed countries, by 10.3 per cent,
says the report. A similar pattern was seen in 16 of a sample of 21 emerging and developing countries. Overall, 17 out of 24
countries with data going back to the early 1980s registered a falling wage share, although with cross-country variation.
Warning governments against adopting a business as usual approach, the report says joblessness and low-quality job traps
are an obstacle to future growth.

European Commission approves inclusion of Croatia into EU: Croatia has been given the go-ahead to become a
member of the European Union, and is likely to join in 2013, the European Commission has said. Commission President Jose
Manuel Barroso on June 10, 2011 said he would recommend EU nations wrap up talks and prepare to greet Croatia as the
member state. Croatia started membership talks around six years ago, and would become the second former Yugoslav
nation to join following Slovenia. The EU kept Croatias membership application pending for years until it improved its
cooperation with the U.N. war crimes tribunal. Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said the countrys goal is to complete
its EU accession talks this year when it marks the 20th anniversary of independence from the former Yugoslavia.

Child Labour Eradication Day observed: World Day Against Child Labour was observed worldwide on June 12, 2011.
The ILOs most recent global estimate is that 115 million children are involved in hazardous work. This is work that by its
nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm childrens health, safety or morals. Children working in
many different industries and occupations can be exposed to such risks and the problem is global, affecting industrialised as
well as developing countries. Hazardous work is among the worst forms of child labour which the international community has
targeted for elimination by 2016.

IGC lowers global wheat production forecast for 2011-12: The International Grains Council (IGC) on June 10, 2011
lowered its global wheat production forecast for 2011-12 to 667 million tonnes as crop prospects in countries like the US are
not bright due to unfavourable weather. Earlier, in April, the London-based organisation had pegged global wheat output at
672 million tonnes this year. The wheat production forecast for the current year is still higher than the 649 million tonnes
output last year. Global wheat demand is expected to touch a new record of 669 million tonnes this year.

Swiss Parliament approves phasing out nuclear power: Swiss lawmakers have approved a government-backed
proposal to phase out the use of nuclear power. A majority of parliamentarians in Switzerlands lower house voted in favour of
the plan to shut down the countrys five nuclear power reactors in the medium term. The ballot passed the National Council
on June 8, 2011 with 101 votes in favour, 54 against and 30 abstentions. It had the support of all except the pro-business
Liberal Democrats and the nationalist Swiss Peoples Party.

Pak to replace US made border security watch system: Pakistan on June 8, 2011 rejected the US offer to upgrade a
border security watch system supplied by it and instead decided to replace it with locally-developed software so that the
integrity of data will be secured. The US provided Pakistan and 16 other countries including Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen
the Personal Identification, Secure Comparison and Evaluation System (PISCES) in 2002 as part of its Terrorist Interdiction
Programme to enable immigration and border control officials to document and identify people exiting and entering the
country. Pakistans Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is currently phasing out PISCES and replacing it with the Integrated
Border Management System (IBMS), which is budgeted at Rs 421 million.

Indo-Nepal election management MoU signed: A Memorandum of Understanding for mutual cooperation in election
management between India and Nepal was signed by Chief Election Commissioner of India S.Y. Quraishi and his Nepal
counterpart Neel Kantha Uprety in Kathmandu on June 7, 2011. The agreement covers exchange of knowledge/experience
in the electoral process, exchange of material and expertise, training of personnel, production and dissemination of material s,
voting technology and conducting voters education and awareness programmes. The Election Commission of India (ECI) is
already providing technical assistance to Nepal and the Indian election officers, including technical experts on the Electronic
Voting Machine (EVM), have been visiting Nepal for providing assistance and demonstration since 2006. The ECI had earlier
gifted 700 EVM to Nepal.

UNEP calls for spending $40 bn more to halve deforestation rate: Investing an additional $40 billion annually in
the forestry sector can halve the deforestation rates by 2030, increase the rate of tree planting by about 140 per cent by
2050, and catalyse the creation of millions of new jobs, according to a report by the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP). Such an investment could also remove an extra 28 per cent of carbon from the atmosphere, thus playing a key role

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

in combating climate change, says the report, Forests in a Green Economy: A Synthesis. The report unveiled in June
2011 says that natural capital such as forests can represent up to 90 per cent of the GDP of the rural poor. India is among a
dozen countries that take the global findings of the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity study into national
assessment and enable the translation of the value of nature and its services into national accounts. Carefully planned
investments would also contribute to increased employment from the current 25 million to 30 million by 2050

UN, US launch campaign to eliminate inherited HIV: The UN and the US government on June 10, 2011, launched an
initiative to eliminate HIV among babies by 2015. The UN says a baby is born with HIV nearly every minute, almost all of
them in sub-Saharan Africa. The new campaign will aim to treat HIV-positive pregnant women, cutting infection among their
babies to less than 5%. It will cost an estimated $2.5bn to care for 15 million women, double those currently being treated.
The plan, called Countdown to Zero, was developed by a team led by UNAids and the US Presidents Emergency Plan for
AIDS Relief. A key element of the campaign is to ensure that all women, especially pregnant ones, have access to quality life-
saving HIV prevention and treatment services for themselves and their children. In 2009, an estimated 370,000 children
were infected at birth with HIV, almost all in low- and middle-income countries, and chiefly in sub-Saharan Africa.

E coli outbreak claims 25 lives in Europe: Germany on June 8, 2011 said the deadly E coli outbreak appeared to be
waning. Health minister Daniel Bahr admitted failures by the authorities and said there have been too much speculations
which caused confusion among the public. The government has been criticised for its handling of the crisis by an increasingly
nervous public and by its partners in the European Union. So far, the outbreak of the infection has claimed 25 lives and
infected 1,959 people, 700 of them with the lethal haemolytic uramic syndrome (HUS), according to the Robert Koch Institute,
Germanys disease control and prevention centre.

Russia and Norway agree deal over oil-rich Barents Sea: Russia and Norway have agreed a deal to divide up their
shares of the Barents Sea. The deal follows decades of negotiations between the two sides over how to divide the region.
The accord will allow companies to explore for oil and gas in the 68,000 square mile area. The agreement has been
approved by the two countries parliaments and will be implemented on 7 July this year. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey
Lavrov and his Norwegian counterpart Jona Gahr Stoere ratified the deal in Oslo on June 7, 2011. It splits the disputed part
of the Barents Sea into two equally sized areas. The region has become more accessible recently as global warming has
caused the ice to melt. The melting ice could open up new, shorter, shipping routes between Russia and Norway and Asia.
The US Geological Survey estimated in 2008 that the Arctic was likely to hold 30% of the worlds recoverable, but yet to be
discovered, gas and 13% of its oil.

IEA sees prominent role for natural gas in global energy mix: As supply and demand factors increasingly point to a
future in which natural gas plays a greater role in the global energy mix, the International Energy Agency (IEA) on June 6,
2011 released a special report exploring the potential for a golden age of gas. The new report, part of the World Energy
Outlook (WEO) 2011 series, examines the key factors that could result in a more prominent role for natural gas in the global
energy mix, and the implications for other fuels, energy security and climate change. The report, titled, Are We Entering a
Golden Age of Gas? presents a scenario in which global use of gas rises by more than 50% from 2010 levels and accounts
for more than a quarter of global energy demand by 2035. However, the report also strikes a cautious note on the climate
benefits of such an expansion, noting that an increased share of gas in the global energy mix is far from enough on its own to
put the world on a carbon emissions path consistent with a global temperature rise of no more than 2 degrees Celsius.

Japan to host annual IMF-World Bank meet in 2012: In view of the recent developments in Egypt, the annual
meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in 2012 has now been moved to Japan, an official
announcement said on June 7, 2011. Egypt has witnessed major developments over the past six months, with a 30-year-old
regime being overthrown by a mass uprising and a transition to democracy in progress. The Annual Meetings serve to
discuss international economic and financial developments, and policies to strengthen inclusive economic growth and help
countries overcome poverty.

Mini Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Canada 2011 organised: Canada on June 10, 2011 announced a new visa regime that
will allow Indians a 10-year multiple entry visa to the country. The announcement was made by Canadian Minister of
International Trade Edward Fast at the two-day mini Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Canada 2011 convention organised on June 10-
11, 2011 in Toronto. Minister of State for External Affairs Preneet Kaur who led the Indian delegation said both countries
were committed to strengthen their bilateral trade relations.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

IATA puts India on `wall of shame for high taxes: India on June 6, 2011 was put on the Wall of Shame by the IATA
for imposing high service tax on air tickets. The Indian government was put on the Wall of Shame at the Annual General
Meeting of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), along with the European Union Parliament and the
governments of the UK, Germany and Austria, for imposing high taxes on air travel. Asserting that aviation fuelled global
trade stimulated economies and restored government budgets, IATAs director general and CEO, Giovanni Bisignani said
dont kill the goose that lays golden eggs.

IUCN Red List for Birds unveiled: The Great Indian Bustard, one of the heaviest flying birds in the world, is in danger of
going extinct according to the latest edition of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List for Birds
unveiled on June 7, 2011. The total number of threatened bird species has risen to 1253. In the space of a year another 13
bird species have moved into the threatened categories. In all, 189 species are now considered to be Critically Endangered.

Two new elements included in period table: Two new chemical elements, numbers 114 and 116, have been officially
recognised by an international committee of chemists and physicists in New York on June 8, 2011. The elements last for less
than a second and join such familiar neighbours as carbon, gold, tin and zinc. The new ones dont have approved names yet.
That brings the total of known elements to just 114 because elements 113 and 115 havent been officially accepted yet. Paul
Karol of US-based Carnegie Mellon University chaired the committee that recognised the new elements, based on
experiments done in 2004 and 2006 by a collaboration of scientists from Russia and the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory in California.

Ban Ki-moon seeks 2
term as UN secretary general: Ban Ki-moon on June 7, 2011 formally announced his
candidacy for a second five-year term as UN Secretary General. From the beginning Ban has presented himself as a man of
quiet diplomacy, which set him apart from his outspoken predecessor Kofi Annan. Ban says his accomplishments included
overseeing swift responses to a series of humanitarian crises, and pushing to make climate change a top concern of world
governments. European Union Foreign Policy Commissioner Catherine Ashton on June 8, 2011 said that the EU welcomed
Bans candidature. The United States, Britain, China and France have also announced their backing for Ban. Russia is the
only permanent UNSC member yet to declare its position.

Humala wins Presidential election in Peru: Former army officer Ollanta Humala of Peruvian Nationalist Party on June
7, 2011 won the Presidential election in Peru defeating right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori (the daughter of jailed ex-
president Alberto Fujimori) of Force 2011 in the run-off organised on June 5, 2011. The run-off vote was organised after the
first round on April 10 saw neither Humala nor Fujimori getting the 50% of votes needed to win outright. Humala will succeed
Alan Garcia, who could not stand for a second term.

President Saleh wounded, leaves Yemen: Yemens President Ali Abdullah Saleh on June 7, 2011 left for Saudi Arabia
for medical treatment, leaving behind a political vacuum and a glimmer of hope for the pro-democracy movement to achieve
its objectives. Most analysts are of the view that his departure from Yemen is permanent marking the end of a turbulent
33-year rule.

Tahawwur Rana acquitted of role in 26/11: In a verdict that was received with disappointment by India, a US court in
Chicago on June 10, 2011 acquitted Pakistani-Canadian businessman Tahawwur Rana on charges of plotting the 2008
Mumbai attacks but held him guilty of supporting Pakistan-based terror group LeT and planning a strike in Denmark that will
get him a maximum of 30 years in jail. A 12-member jury here reached a split verdict after two days of deliberations and ruled
that 50-year-old Pakistani- Canadian was not guilty of conspiracy to provide material support to the Mumbai attacks which
killed 166 people, including six Americans on November 26, 2008. If he was convicted on this count, he could have received
a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

White House economist Goolsbee to step down: Economist Austan Goolsbee has decided to step down from his
position as Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers in the Obama administration on June 7, 2011.
Goolsbee plans to return to his teaching job at the University of Chicago. His departure leaves Treasury Secretary Timothy
Geithner as the sole remaining senior member of Obamas original economic team, as the president is under pressure to
persuade Americans that he has a plan to boost growth.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS


KC Kulish International Award conferred: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gave away the Karpoor Chandra Kulish
International (KCKI) Award for Excellence in Print Journalism 2009 on June 6, 2011 in New Delhi to The New Crusading
Guide, a newspaper from Ghana, West Africa, for their stories on Undercover inside Ghanas Madhouse, and Undercover
inside the Chinese Sex Mafia. The winning team Anas Areneyaw Anas, Mary Fianko Akuffo and Selease Kove-Seyram
received a cash prize of US$11,000, along with certificates, medals and a trophy. Apart from this, seven outstanding stories
received a special merit award. The stories considered for the award are assessed on team work, ground investigation and

K.S. Dasgupta, K.N. Ninan win ISRO performance excellence award: K.S. Dasgupta, Director, Indian Institute of
Space Science and Technology, and K.N. Ninan, Emeritus Professor, have been selected for the performance excellence
award 2009 of ISRO. The names of the awardees were declared by K. Radhakrishnan, Chairman, ISRO, at Bangalore on
June 8, 2011.

Times of India launches Social Impact Awards: The Times of India announced the launch of its first ever Social
Impact Awards in partnership with JP Morgan in June 2011. The awards will be given in five key sectors: education, health,
environment, livelihoods and advocacy/ empowerment. There will be three awards in each sector one each for a
nongovernmental organization, a corporate-backed organization and a government body at the district or state level. These
apart, there will be an award for Lifetime Achievement and another for Global Impact.


Tea Obreht wins Orange Prize for Fiction: Serbian-American author Tea Obreht was on June 8, 2011 awarded the
2011 Orange Prize for Fiction for her debut novel The Tigers Wife. The 25-year-old, who is the youngest author to scoop the
honour, was praised by the judges as a truly exciting new talent for her exceptional book. Set in the Balkans, The Tigers
Wife tells the story of a young doctor who traces the life of her grandfather. The 30,000 annual prize recognises the work of
fiction written in the English language by women. Born in the former Yugoslavia in 1985 and raised in Belgrade, Obreht
emigrated to the US in 1997. The other nominees were Kathleen Winter for Annabel, Grace Williams Says It Loud by
Emma Henderson, Emma Donoghues Room, Aminatta Fornas The Memory of Love and Great House by Nicole Krauss.
US author Barbara Kingsolver won the prize last year for her sixth novel, The Lacuna. Previous winners of the prize, which
has been running since 1996, include Helen Dunmore, Zadie Smith and Rose Tremain.


FE-EVI Green Business Leadership Awards given: The FE-EVI Green Business Leadership Awards were conferred
on their winners by Former President APJ Abdul Kalam on June 5, 2011. The FE-EVI Green Business Leadership Awards for
2010-11 were presented to Binani Cement, Mahindra & Mahindra and Larsen & Toubro in the category of high-energy
intensive sectors and Tata Coffee, LOreal India and Hindustan Unilever in the category of low-energy intensive sectors. The
awards are jointly given by The Financial Express and Emergent Ventures India, an integrated climate change and clean
energy firm.

Bengaluru Airport wins Emerging Markets Airports Awards: Bengaluru International Airport (BIA) has been
acknowledged as the Best Emerging Airport, India Subcontinent for the second consecutive time by the Emerging Markets
Airports Awards (EMAA) at the awards ceremony held in Dubai on June 1, 2011.

Tata Steel wins CSR award at Procurement Leaders Forum: Tata Steel has been adjudged the winner in Corporate
Social Responsibility at the Procurement Leaders Forum. Ranjan Sinha, Chief Procurement, Tata Steel received the award
on May 23, 2011 at London. The award recognised outstanding social, ethical, environmental, sustainable and community-
centred initiatives. This is the second international recognition for Tata Steel in CSR in May 2011. Earlier, the company was
declared the best in corporate social responsibility by Finance Asia

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK


Committee on National Small Savings Fund submits report

The Committee set up for comprehensive review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) headed by Shyamala Gopinath,
Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India submitted its report to Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on June 7, 2011.

Major recommendations
Discontinuation of Kisan Vikas Patra and Continuation of other Schemes with Suitable Modification(s)
Reduction in the Maturity Period of Monthly Income Schemes and NSC
Upward Revision of the Ceiling on Annual Subscription in PPF from Rs.70000 to Rs. 1 Lakh
Revision in Rate of Interest in Post Office Savings Account from 3.5% To 4%

The Committee was set up by the Government after accepting the recommendations of the 13
Finance Commission in
principle regarding examination of all aspects of the design and administration of NSSF with the aim of bringing transparency,
market linked rates and other, much needed reforms to the schemes.

Other members of the Committee are R. Sridharan, MD, State Bank of India, Shaktikanta Das, Additional Secretary (Budget),
Ministry of Finance, Dr Rajiv Kumar, formerly Director & Chief Executive, Indian Council for Research on International
Economic Relations and currently Secretary General, FICCI and Anil Bisen, Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance.

Review of the existing parameters for the small savings schemes in operation and recommending mechanisms to make them
more flexible and market linked
Review of the existing terms of loans extended from the NSSF to the Centre and States
Recommending the changes required in the arrangement of lending the net collection of small savings to Centre and States
Review of the other possible investment opportunities for the net collections from the small savings and the repayment
proceeds of NSSF loans extended to State and Centre
Review of the administrative arrangement including the cost of operation; and review of the incentives offered on the small
savings investments by the States.


A. Small saving schemes

The Committee has examined all the small savings schemes, interest rates payable on them, their maturity period and other

The Committee has recommended discontinuation of Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) and continuation of all other schemes with
suitable modification(s) in some of them.

The Committee has recommended for reducing the maturity period of monthly income scheme and National Saving
Certificate (NSC) from six to five years. Recognizing the need for a long term investment opportunity after discontinuation of
KVP, the Committee has also recommended introduction of 10 years NSC scheme.

The Committee has also recommended an upward revision of the ceiling on annual subscriptions in Public Provident Fund
(PPF) from Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1 lakh.

The Committee has recommended revision of the rate of interest in Post Office Saving Account from 3.5% to 4%

The Committee has recommended benchmarking of interest rates on other small savings schemes to rates of G-Sec of
similar maturity with positive spread of 25 basis points with two exceptions. First exception is 100 basis points spread for
Senior Citizens Schemes keeping in view its social objective and second exception is 50 basis points spread for newly
recommended 10 years NSC keeping in view of its higher illiquidity. The Committee has recommended that these rates may

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

be notified by the Government afresh at the beginning of every financial year based on the average yields on Government
Securities in the previous calendar year.

B. Loans to States from NSSF

The Committee has recommended that the mandatory component of investment of net small savings collections in State
Government Securities be reduced from 80 per cent to 50 per cent. The balance amount could either be invested in Central
Government Securities or could be on-lent to other States on basis of requirement or could be lent for financing infrastructure
projects requiring long term finance. The Committee recommended that the tenure of these loans may be reduced from the
current 25 years including moratorium of 5 years to 10 years. The Committee has recommended that these loans may be
extended at 70 basis points higher than the average interest payment on small savings to the subscribers on the total
outstanding stock in previous financial years.

C. Cost of operation of small savings schemes

The Committee has recommended for abolition of payment of commission to agents on PPF and Senior Citizens Savings
Scheme and reduction of commission paid on Standardized Agency System to 0.5% from current level of 1%. The Committee
has also recommend reduction in Commission payable under Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana on Recurring
Deposits from current level of 4% to 1% in a phased manner over a period of three years. The Committee has recommended
that the total cost of operation of NSSF should be contained within 0.7 % of the outstanding small savings.

PM approves Draft Manufacturing Policy

The draft National Manufacturing Policy was on June 10, 2011 given in-principle approval at a meeting of the High Level
Committee on Manufacturing, held under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister and attended by the Finance Minister,
Commerce and Industries Minister, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Ministers for Environment and Forests,
Corporate Affairs, and the Chairman of the Economic Advisory Council.

Commerce and Industries Minister presented the draft Manufacturing Policy prepared by the Department of Industrial Policy
and Promotion (DIPP), in consultation with the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) and the Planning
Commission. This draft Policy has been finalized after stakeholder consultations with concerned Ministries, State
governments and industry associations.

The PM, however asked a committee of secretaries to fine-tune the policy following objections from the environment and
labour ministries. The Prime Minister observed that the policy measures proposed would reduce the compliance burden on
industry. At the same time, these measures have to be formulated while adequately taking care of the environmental and
labour welfare concerns, said an official press release.

Primary objective: The primary objective of the policy is to increase the share of manufacturing to 25 per cent of the gross
domestic product (GDP), from the existing 16 per cent. The government feels the sector has the potential to mitigate Indias
huge unemployment problem.

Employment, FDI potential: The new policy is expected to attract huge foreign investments and encourage large-scale
industrial activity. Foreign investment inflows have seen a decline in 2010-2011 compared to 2009-10. Besides, this would
result in job creation, which remains a primary concern for the government. The Policy has, as its objectives, the increase in
the sectoral share of manufacturing in GDP from the present 16% to at least 25% by 2025 and increase in the rate of job
creation in manufacturing to create 100 million additional jobs by 2025.

Focus areas: The draft policy had also stated that special focus would be given to machine tools, heavy electrical equipment,
heavy transport, earth moving and mining equipment. Time-bound programmes would also be initiated for building strong
capacities with R&D facilities and also to encourage growth and development of such capacities in the private sector while
strategically strengthening the public sector to complement private initiatives. The growth of small and medium enterprises
(SME) would also be encouraged and incentivised.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

MIPB: The draft policy has proposed the setting up of a Manufacturing Industry Promotion Board (MIPB) chaired by the
Commerce and Industry Minister and a careful evaluation of free trade agreements for their impact on domestic industry.

Concerns: The approval comes one year after the DIPP released a discussion paper on the issue. Several rounds of
discussions and consultations were held before the Prime Minister intervened. The policy measures proposed would reduce
the compliance burden on industry. The main issue was the suggestion to create massive National Manufacturing and
Investment Zones (NMIZ). The NMIZs, which were expected to be far bigger than Special Economic Zones (SEZs), would
come up across India, said the DIPP. The NIMZ would be patterned after the SEZ and would qualify for tax exemptions and
other incentives associated with export-manufacturing. The suggestion that the labour laws and environment rules in the
NMIZs should be relaxed was opposed by environment and labour ministries.

CBDT sets-up committee to trace tax evaders

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) on June 8, 2011 set up a committee to examine and suggest ways to recover
income tax in cases where the assessees are not traceable or the assets available for recovery are far too short. The
committee will look into Income Tax demand classified under the categories Assessees not Traceable and No
Assets/Inadequate Assets for Recovery. The committee will have Anita Kapur, Director General of Income Tax
(administration) as its Chairperson. DIT (Recovery) Sheba Bhattacharya, DIT(Systems) Harish Kumar, Director (ITCC)
Deepak Garg and a nominee of FIU-IND (Financial Intelligence UnitIndia) will be members. Addl. DIT (Recovery) H. A.
Siddiqui will be Member Secretary.

The decision was taken as the Income-Tax Department found that a huge outstanding demand was not recoverable. The
committee has been asked to examine the possibilities of engaging outside agencies to locate the whereabouts of non-
traceable assessees or their assets and also unknown/undisclosed assets owned by the assessees, with inadequate assets
against their outstanding demand. It will also examine the feasibility and methodology of putting the names of chronic tax
defaulters in public domain.

Tax facts
India currently has a taxpayer base of 35 million, which is about 3 per cent of the total population
Recovery of taxes from non-traceable assesses may help the department increase its revenue base
I-T department has been given a tax collection target of Rs 5.32 lakh crore this year, 20% higher than last year
13th Finance Commission has projected direct tax revenue collection at Rs 8.3 lakh crore by 2014-15

Cabinet Committee on Security approves NATGRID

The National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), Union Home Minister P. Chidambarams ambitious project, was given in-principle
approval by the Union government on June 6, 2011. A meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, chaired by Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh, cleared the project that will facilitate robust information-sharing among law enforcement agencies
to combat terror threats at home and abroad.

The NATGRID will pool information from 21 categories of database such as railway and air travel, income tax, bank account
details, credit card transactions and visa and immigration records.

It has been envisaged as a tool or technical solution that will provide uninterrupted access of data to nominated officials of
11 intelligence and investigative agencies. These include the Research and Analysis Wing, the Intelligence Bureau, the
Enforcement Directorate, the National Investigation Agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation, the Directorate of Revenue
Intelligence and the Narcotics Control Bureau.

The idea to set up a mechanism for pooling data was floated after the Mumbai terror attacks of November 26, 2008. in May
2011, the government extended the services of NATGRID Chief Executive Officer Raghu Raman for six months from June 1.

Committee to monitor National Optic Fibre Network set up

The Government on June 7, 2011 set up a high level committee, including Sam Pitroda and Nandan Nilekani, to monitor the
implementation of the National Optic Fibre Network (NOFN) project. Under the project, the Government is looking to lay optic

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

fibre cable network across the country to boost broadband uptake. A core team comprising executives from public sector
units with optic fibre already in the ground including BSNL, RailTel and PowerGrid has been constituted. It will work out the
details of implementing the project including revenue generation and technology issues. A special purpose vehicle will be set
up to execute the project.

The Government is working on a National Broadband Plan aimed at rolling at broadband infrastructure to every village with
more than 500 people. The focal point of this plan is to create an optic fibre cable network across the country. According to
the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, additional 25 lakh route kilometres of cable would be required at an estimated cost
of Rs 60,000 crore to meet future bandwidth demands. The project will be partly financed by the Universal Services
Obligation fund.

CCEA approves MSPs for Kharif Crops

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on June 9, 2011 approved the Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for Kharif Crops
of 2011-12 Season. The MSPs were fixed after receiving recommendations from Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices

The MSP of Paddy (Common) has been fixed at Rs.1080 per quintal and of Paddy (Grade A) at Rs. 1110 per quintal, which
represents an increase of Rs.80 per quintal over the last years MSPs.

The MSPs of Jowar (Hybrid), Bajra and Maize each have been raised by Rs.100 per quintal and fixed at Rs.980 per quintal
each. The MSP of Jowar (Maldandi) has also been raised by Rs. 100 per quintal over the last years MSP and fixed at Rs.
1000 per quintal.

The MSP of Ragi has been fixed at Rs. 1050 per quintal, raising it by Rs. 85 per quintal over the last years MSP.

The MSP of Arhar (Tur) has been fixed at Rs. 3200 per quintal, of Moong at Rs. 3500 per quintal and of Urad at Rs. 3300
per quintal marking an increase of Rs. 200 per quintal, Rs.330 per quintal and Rs. 400 per quintal, respectively over the last
years MSPs. In addition, similar to last year an additional incentive at the rate of Rs. 500 per quintal for tur, urad and moong
sold to the Government procurement agencies during the harvest/arrival period of two months shall also be given.

The MSPs of Groundnut-in-shell, Sunflowerseed, Sesamum and Nigerseed have been increased by Rs. 400 per quintal,
Rs. 450 per quintal, Rs.500 per quintal and Rs.450 per quintal over the last years MSPs and have been fixed at Rs. 2700 per
quintal, Rs. 2800 per quintal, Rs. 3400 per quintal and Rs. 2900 per quintal, respectively.

The MSPs of Soyabean (Black), Soyabean (Yellow) have been increased by Rs. 250 per quintal each over the last years
MSPs and fixed at Rs.1650 per quintal and Rs. 1690 per quintal, respectively.

MSP of Cotton has been raised by Rs. 300 per quintal and fixed at Rs. 2800 per quintal for Staple length (mm) of 24.5 - 25.5
and Micronaire value of 4.3 - 5.1 and at Rs. 3300 per quintal for Staple length (mm) of 29.5 - 30.5 and Micronaire value of 3.5
- 4.3.

New IIP series to include modern items

New base: The new industrial output data will reflect modern realities in the countrys economic journey. The Chief
Statistician of India & Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Prof. T.C.A. Anant released the new
series of all India Index of Industrial Production (Base: 2004-05=100), in New Delhi on June 10, 2011. The new series is more
representative and is meant to capture the widest range of industrial activity.

Inclusions/exclusions: Tape recorders, typewriters, sewing machines, television receivers and pencils will no longer form
part of the basket to calculate the Index of Industrial Production (IIP). Instead, computer UPSs, inverters, computer stationery,
shampoo, colour television sets, instant food mixes, skimmed and pasteurised milk, cattle and poultry feed, woollen carpets,
apparel, writing and printing paper, newspapers, glass sheets, lenses and molasseswill now form part of the basket.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Figures: The number of item groups in the manufacturing sector has gone up from 473 to 620, while that in mining has come
down from 64 to 61. The weight of manufacturing is down to 75.53 per cent, from 79.36 per cent in the earlier 1993-94 base.
The weight of mining has gone up to 14.15 per cent from 10.47 per cent. The weight of electricity has gone up from 10.17 to
10.32 per cent.

Expert group suggests stricter radiation norms for mobiles

An expert group set up by the Department of Telecom (DoT) on June 5, 2011 suggested stricter radiation norms for mobile
handsets and towers in order to mitigate any possible health related effects due to emissions from these devices. The
proposed radiation norms are 10 times stricter than the existing ones.

The current rules governing mobile radiation are based on the guidelines set by the International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP has stipulated that manufacturers must ensure that the Specific
Absorption Rates (SAR) level of a cell phone does not exceed 2 watts per kg averaged over 10 grams tissue. SAR is the
amount of radio waves absorbed by the body while using a mobile phone. The expert group has suggested that this limit
should be brought to 1.6 watts per kg averaged over 1 gram tissue. For mobile towers the committee has suggested revising
from 200 watts per square meter to 2,000 watts per square meter.

The group had experts from Ministry of Health, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Environment and Forests and Indian
Council of Medical Research. The WHO had recently said that use of mobile phones could cause cancer. The health body
advised consumers to switch to text messaging and use of the hands-free option to reduce exposure.

Medicinal plants to get quality certification

Medicinal plants cultivated in the country will now come with a special good quality tag with the government putting in place
a voluntary certification scheme for medicinal plant produce based on good agricultural and field collection practices. The
objective is to enhance confidence in the quality of Indias medicinal plant produce and make available good quality raw
material to the ayurvedic and herbal drugs industry. The step comes after Europe had placed a ban on all ayurvedic and
other herbal medicines from May 1 onwards.

Under the scheme, launched jointly by the National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) and the Quality Council of India
(QCI), any producer/collector or group of producers/collectors can obtain certification from a designated certification body
(CB) and will be under regular surveillance of the certification body.

India has 15 agro-climatic zones and 18,000 species of plants, of which 7,000 are estimated to have medicinal usage in folk
and documented systems of medicine, like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and homoeopathy. According to the QCI, the objective is
to provide medicinal plants producers a means of differentiating themselves based on quality and sustainability and obtaining
international acceptance for the scheme in the long run

IIM-A launches ecolabel certification: The Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) on June 9, 2011
launched Indias first Eco-label The Green Signal which certifies environmental preferences adopted during the
manufacturing of a product or a service. The broader parameters for assessing a product or service will be energy
consumption, carbon footprints, water consumption, waste generation and management, and CSR commitments of the entity.
Eco-labelling, a concept largely prevalent in developed countries, is a voluntary environment performance certification. It
labels products, on the lines to BEEs energy star rating and certain organic food certifications. The label is being launched
under the aegis of Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), IIM-A; in collaboration with CII.

Govt. to provide 5 mn tonnes more for APL families under PDS: The government plans to provide an additional 5
million tonnes of wheat and rice to above poverty line (APL) families at subsidised rates through ration shops, Food Minister
K V Thomas said on June 8, 2011. The additional allocation, which would be over-and-above the normal quota under the
Public Distribution System (PDS), would provide relief to the common man and also help the government in clearing godowns
for storage of new crops. The government is currently providing at least 15 kg each of grain to 11.5 crore APL families. Wheat
is being sold at Rs 6.10 per kg and rice at Rs 8.30 per kg to APL families.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

World Bank forecasts lower GDP growth for India in 201-12: Rising inflation and slowing demand would moderate
Indias economic growth to 8 per cent during 2011-12 from 8.8 per cent in the previous fiscal, said the World Bank in its June
edition of Global Economic Prospects unveiled on June 8, 2011. The bank says Indian economy is likely to see a
moderation in domestic demand, as elevated inflationary pressures have cut into disposable incomes and household
spending. The report further said the growth in the developing countries will slow down to 6.3 per cent during 2011 and 2013
from 7.3 per cent in 2010.

Beedi workers to be covered under RSBY: The Union Cabinet on June 9, 2011 approved extension of medical
facilities to beedi workers under the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY). The beedi worker and his family (unit of five)
will be covered and the total sum insured would be Rs 30,000. The other benefits and procedures under the scheme will be
the same as under RSBY. The estimated expenditure to be borne by the Central Government is approximately Rs 311.25
crore (this includes 75 per cent of the premium and the cost of the smart cards). The annual premium is estimated at Rs 750
a year per annum of which 75 per cent would be as Central share and the State Governments share would be 25 per cent.
The State Government will identify and register beedi workers.

Chawla committee calls for creation of National Market for Coal: A committee on natural resources allocation has
called for the creation of a national coal market to ensure greater transparency in the allocation of the dry fuel and reduce the
demand-supply mismatch. Pointing out the pitfalls of the existing allocation mechanism for the dry fuel, the committee headed
by former Finance Secretary Ashok Chawla in June 2011 recommended establishing a national coal market by creating a
platform for commercial trading of coal by suppliers and buyers. Meanwhile, Industry body Assocham on June 6, 2011
suggested the government should have a uniform coal price for captive and independent power plants in the country. The
Coal Ministry is set to review the New Coal Distribution Policy of October 2007. Coal India (CIL) recently increased the coal
price by 40% for captive power plants. Many steel and ferro alloy plants have set up captive plants for stable operations and
to reduce costs, as it is not feasible to buy power at grid rates.

Govt. relaxes curbs on organic farming exports: The government on June 5, 2011 partially relaxed restrictions on
exports of sugar, pulses and edible oils, produced without using chemical fertiliser and pesticides. The Directorate General of
Foreign Trade (DGFT) has allowed exports of organic cooking oil, sugar and pulses upto 10,000 tonnes each per annum.
Also the requirement of obtaining Release Order (RO) from the Chief Director (Sugar) would not apply to export of 10,000
tonnes of organic sugar per annum. The DGFT added that the exemption on export of 10,000 tonnes of pulses and lentils
would be given every year

Home Ministry asks DoT to store call records for 5 years: The Ministry of Home Affairs on June 5, 2011 asked the
Department of Telecommunication (DoT) to direct service providers to store call records of customers for at least five years
and make them available to law enforcement agencies whenever required. Citing security concerns, the MHA has conveyed
to the DoT that the existing system of keeping call records by the telecom companies for six months has not been able to
satisfy the security agencies and hence storing of call details for a longer period was necessary. However, the DoT has not
taken a final decision on the issue as the telecom companies have objected to the move citing operational costs.

Home Ministry calls for lowering countrys reliance on imported telecom equipment: The Ministry of Home
Affairs on June 5, 2011 sought information from the DoT on the timeline for implementing a new policy to promote domestic
manufacturers of telecom equipment and cut down the countrys reliance on imports. Most of the equipment used in Indian
telecom networks at present is imported. The government has expressed apprehensions that imported telecom equipment
may contain malware or bugs that will leak sensitive communications data to third parties, which could pose a threat to the
nations security. To ensure the long-term security of Indias telecom network, the MHA has expressed its desire to increase
local production of critical components both hardware and software in the country. The DoT has indicated that the
forthcoming National Telecom Policy 2011 will give preferential treatment to local manufacturers.

Action against NSE to harm consumers dissenting CCI members: In the long-running tussle between the
National Stock Exchange and its younger rival MCX-SX, two members of the competition watchdog CCI on June 5, 2011 said
the former did not violate any rules by offering zero-fee services. The two members -- Anurag Goel and Geeta Gouri -- have
expressed their opinion in a dissent note issued against a majority CCI order, dated May 25, where NSE was found guilty of
abusing its market dominance and following unfair trade practices in the currency derivatives market. In their 65-page dissent
note, the two have also said that any CCI (Competition Commission of India) action against NSE for providing zero-fee
services would harm the consumers.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

PSUs to make info on CSR public: The Ministry of Public Enterprises on June 7, 2011 designated Tata Institute of
Social Sciences as the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) hub besides creating a database of all the CSR projects
undertaken by central public enterprises. The department has taken these initiatives after making mandatory for the PSUs to
spend a prescribed portion of their net profit on CSR projects from April, 2010. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Secretary, Department of
Public Enterprises, said CSR initiatives would be in the form of specific projects while services of TISS would be utilised i n
determining such project ideas apart from evaluating the implementation and results of those projects.

Intel to launch UHD for financial inclusion program: Global chip maker Intel is set to launch its Universal Handheld
Device (UHD) for use in RBIs financial inclusion program by the end of this year. UHD is a compact instrument with seven
inch screen and a biometric finger print readers along with a thermal printer, which can be used by business correspondents
hired by banks to take banking to rural and remote areas of the country.

Entrepreneurship Development Institute to set up centres In African countries: The Union Ministry of External
Affairs (MEA), has asked Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI) to set up five centres for entrepreneurship promotion
in a select African countries, EDI Director, Dinesh N Awasthi said in Ahmedabad on June 8, 2011. The move follows
announcements made by the PM during the second Africa-India Forum Summit at Adis Ababa. The five countries shall
shortly be identified by EDI in consultation with the MEA, and the Association of African Countries.

Indias first cruise vessel, AMET Majesty launched: Indias first cruise vessel, AMET Majesty, belonging to the
Chennai-based AMET Shipping was launched by the Union Minister for Shipping, G.K. Vasan, in Chennai on June 8, 2011.
AMET Shipping Pvt Ltd of the AMET Group, which is in to maritime training, has invested Rs 100 crore in procuring the 35-
year-old cruise vessel Arberia from a Greek owner.

Environment Ministry notifies e-waste management rules: The Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) on June
9, 2011 notified e-waste management rules that put the onus of re-cycling of electronic wastes (e-waste) on the producers.
The e-waste (management and handling) Rules, 2011 would recognise the producers liability for recycling and reducing e-
waste in the country. The rules will come into effect from May 1, 2012. Personal Computer manufacturers, mobile handset
makers and white goods makers will be required to come up with e-waste collection centres or introduce take back systems.
India, at present, generates about 400,000 tonnes of e-wastes annually of which only 19,000 tonnes are getting recycled
according to the recent data by hardware manufacturers association, MAIT. E-wastes are considered dangerous as they
contain substances such as lead, cadmium and other toxic metals.

Corporate Affairs Ministry declines to probe Speak Asia: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs on June 9, 2011 said it
cannot investigate alleged irregularities in multi-level marketing company Speak Asia as the company is not registered with it.
Speak Asia is not registered in India so we cannot do any investigation against it. MCA does not have any database of the
company, said Corporate Affairs Secretary D K Mittal. Singapore-based Speak Asia, promoted by Hariender Kaur, was
incorporated last year. Currently, the company makes members by asking them to fill a form of subscribing to Singapore-
based survey magazine Ezine which costs a subscriber Rs 11,000. The company gives two forms to its subscribers every
week. It pays them Rs. 500 for every form submitted.

Maran forced me to sell Aircel C Sivasankaran: C Sivasankaran, the original promoter of cellular service provider
Aircel, on June 6, 2011 reiterated that Union textiles minister Dayanidhi Maran had coerced him into selling out to Malaysian
telecom company Maxis Communication. In a detailed statement to the CBI, Sivasankaran said that DoT under Maran sat on
his applications for 14 licences and spectrum, leaving him with no option but to sell out to Maxis. He said all pending
applications of Aircel for licences and spectrum were cleared after the change of ownership. The Justice Shivaraj Patil
Committee, which looked into procedures followed for allocation of licences and spectrum between 2001 and 2009, has
pointed out that in 2004, the then Telecom Minister Marans office delayed licences to Dishnet Wireless (now Aircel) by
raising queries that were vague and irrelevant.

Y K Modi elected to ILO governing body: Chairman of Great Eastern Energy Corporation, Y K Modi was on June 9,
2011 elected to the governing body of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) for three years. He will represent South
Asia as a voting member. With Modi, 62, having been elected to the position, India will have three votes on the 56-member
governing body. Labour union INTUC and the government each have a seat on it. The ILO governing body has 14 members
each from the employers and 28 from different governments.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 5 to 11, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS
Sports Ministry launches Opex 2012 for London Olympics: Union Sports Ministry on June 9, 2011 earmarked Rs
258.39 crore for preparation of athletes under Project Opex 2012 for London Olympics. Ajay Maken , Minister of State ( I/C)
for Youth Affairs & Sports, stated that based on the approved funding norms, which are at par with CWG-2010 scales, with
further up scaling in certain areas such as lodging, nutrition & scientific support, daily allowance etc, the budget has been
estimated for about Rs. 258.39 crore for the period April, 2011 to August, 2012. The London Olympics 2012 will be held from
July, 2012 till 13
August, 2012 at London with 26 sports disciplines. Keeping in view the performance of Indian
teams/individuals in Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and other international tournaments 16 disciplines, namely,
Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Boxing, Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Table Tennis, Taekwondo,
Tennis, Weightlifting and Wrestling have been identified for systematic and scientific training.

Li Na wins French Open: Li Na made sporting history at the French Open on June 4, 2011 when she became the first
player from China to win a Grand Slam singles title. The 29-year-old Na defeated defending champion 30-year-old Francesca
Schiavone of Italy 6-4, 7-6(0). Meanwhile, Daniel Nestor of Canada and Max Mirnyi of Belarus won their first Grand Slam title
together by defeating Eduardo Schwank of Argentina and Juan Sebastian Cabal of Colombia 7-6(3), 3-6, 6-4 in the Mens
doubles final.

Nadal claims sixth French Open: Rafael Nadal won a 10
Grand Slam title, and equalled Bjorn Borgs record of six
French Open titles, when he defeated Roger Federer 7-5, 7-6(7), 5-7, 6-1 on June 5, 2011. Top seed Nadal, who was also
champion in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010, took his overall Paris record to 45 wins against just one defeat. It was the 25-
year-old Spaniards 17
win over Federer in 25 meetings and fourth in a Roland Garros final. This was also Nadals sixth win
in eight Grand Slam final meetings with Federer.

Anand wins Leon Masters: World champion Viswanathan Anand completed a comprehensive 4.5-1.5 victory over Alexei
Shirov of Latvia to claim the Leon Masters rapid chess title for the eighth time at Leon, on June 5, 2011. In the six games,
spread over three days, Anand won a game and drew the other on each day to stamp his superiority. Each player had 45
minutes per game plus 30 seconds increment for each move made. This was Anands record eighth triumph at this annual
rapid chess destination. Anands previous triumphs came in 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Gary Kirsten appointed South Africa coach: Gary Kirsten, who guided India to the ICC World Cup title, was named
coach of his native South Africa on June 6, 2011. The 43-year-old former opening batsman will have the official title of head
coach and team director and be assisted by ex-South Africa fast bowler Allan Donald. Kirsten succeeds Corrie van Zyl.
Cricket South Africa also announced that batsman-cum-wicketkeeper A.B. de Villiers will become one-day and Twenty20
skipper while opening batsman Graeme Smith continues as Test captain. As a player, Kirsten appeared in 101 Tests
between 1993 and 2004 scoring 7,289 runs, 21 centuries and a highest score of 275 against England in Durban.

Tendulkar, Kallis joint first on ICC Test batsmen rankings: Indias Sachin Tendulkar and South Africas Jacques
Kallis remained jointly on top Reliance ICC Player Rankings for Test batsmen. Both Tendulkar and Kallis have garnered 883
points each. Kallis also maintained his top spot in the list of leading all-rounders in Test cricket in the current list released by
the ICC on June 8, 2011. In the list of bowlers, Dale Steyn is on top with 899 points with England off-spinner Graeme Swann
being a distant second.

India win 1
ODI in WI: Rohit Sharma scored an unbeaten 68 as India notched up an easy four-wicket win over the West
Indies in the first One-Day International of the five-match series at the Queens Park Oval in Port of Spain, Trinidad on June
6, 2011. Chasing a modest 215-run target, Rohit anchored the Indian innings and together with captain Suresh Raina (43)
raised 80 runs for the fifth wicket to guide India home in 44.5 overs.

India win a silver & 5 bronzes at Cuban boxing tournament: India won one silver and five bronze medals at the
Giraldo Cordova Cardin Memorial Boxing tournament that concluded in Havana, Cuba on June 7, 2011. Manpreet Singh
(91kg) won the lone silver medal for India, while Nanao Singh (49kg), Suranjoy Singh (52kg), Santosh Harijan (52kg),
Kuldeep Singh (75kg) and Paramjeet Samota (91kg) had to be content with a bronze medal each.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

Civil society, govt. differences over Lok Pal continue
Ramdev ends fast, to continue fight
India signs agreements with World Bank on Ganga, biodiversity
Bengal Assembly passes Singur Bill
International Institute of Democracy and Election Management (IIDEM) launched
Lawyers can now practice anywhere in the country
High Court declines to intervene in TN govts decision to shift State Secretariat
CRPF to set up CoBRA hub in Bengal
Lok Sabha Speaker returns PAC report on 2G
Tuticorin-Colombo ferry service launched
CIC directs Presidents Secretariat to make emergency papers public
Institute for urban studies coming up in Bangalore
Golden Jubilee of Indias 1st fighter plane observed
Switzerland sets up science research base in Bangalore
Gujarat invites tenders for worlds tallest statue
PM of Slovenia visits India
Mohta is Indias new ambassador to Poland
Mid-Day editor Jyotendra Dey shot dead in Mumbai
India ranked 7
in list of unsolved journalists murders
Ustad Asad Ali Khan passes away

Section B: WORLD
SM Krishna dismisses reports of Brahmaputra diversion by China
India seeks SCO membership at Astana summit
UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS organised
Swiss Parliament clears amendments to tax treaties with countries
Global labour norms for domestic workers adopted at ILO Conference
FAO launches Save and Grow to boost food production
India resumes defence exchanges with China
India, Russia express intent for CECA
Czech Republic pulls out of US missile shield plan
China says it would not use force in South China Sea
PM Erdogan wins a third term in Turkey
Social Democrat party wins polls in Portugal
UN Security Council backs second term for Ban Ki-moon
UN splits Taliban and al-Qaeda on sanctions blacklist
Nepal to provide security for Upper Karnali Project
Brazil signs agreement to digitalise Amazonian biodiversity
King Mohammed unveils reforms in Morocco
Filipino named worlds shortest man

Section C: AWARDS
Daffern conferred Anuvrat Ahimsa peace award
Imprisoned Iranian medics win Jonathan Mann Prize


RBI unveils mid-quarter Monetary Policy review
RBI unveils Financial Stability Report
Govt extends DEPB scheme validity
OECD, Finance Ministry tax conference organised

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

OECD prescribes remedy for tackling corruption in India
Handbook on disinvestment unveiled
Rupay debit cards launched for no frills account holders
India lost $462b to graft post-1947 Global Financial Integrity
RIL got huge, undue benefit at KG basin gas fields CAG
India to be 3
largest domestic banking sector by 2050 PwC
Farm credit flow at Rs. 4.26 lakh crore during 2010-11
RBI bars NBFCs from opening branches abroad
Govt. approves 54% rise in cost strategic crude oil storage
NTPC forms JV to set up power exchange
India initiates efforts to widen Exclusive Economic Zone
Planning Commission sets up working group on boosting exports, FDI
Domestic majors keen on passenger plane project
Strike at Maruti Suzukis Manesar plant ends
Lagarde, Carstens shortlisted to lead the IMF
Teledensity at 72.08% TRAI
CIL and Sun Pharma enter BSE Sensex
India earmarks $100 million each for SAFTA countries for infrastructure
Bihar is Best Performing State RBI Study
Child labour generates Rs 1.2 lakh crore of black money every year BBA
India is 5
in Ernst & Young European Attractiveness Survey
India has 62,000 ultra high net worth households Kotak Wealth, CRISIL Research
Bill Gammell to step down as Cairn Energy CEO

Section E: SPORTS

Rafael Nadal, Li Na win French Open Singles
Philipp Kohlschreiber wins Halle Open
Murray wins Aegon Tennis title
Jenson Button wins Montreal GP
India win ODI series in West Indies 3-2
Kerala wins Inter-State Athletics Meet

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA

Civil society, govt. differences over Lok Pal continue

Failing to arrive at a consensus on contentious provisions in the proposed Lokpal Bill, the two sides in the joint drafting
committee five government ministers and five civil society members led by Anna Hazare on June 15, 2011 agreed to
meet again on June 20 and 21 to bridge the strong differences. However, if they fail again in the two proposed meetings, it
was decided to send two separate versions of the Bill to the Union Cabinet by June 30, the deadline fixed for the panel to
come up with a robust draft anti-corruption law.

The issue of inclusion of the Prime Minister and the higher judiciary are still under discussion. The Anna Hazare-led civil
society members suggested that the Lokpal be empowered to probe corruption cases against officials, doing away with the
existing practice of conducting departmental probes along with a CBI inquiry. The government members rejected this.

One of the issues discussed at the meeting of the joint Lokpal Bill drafting committee was the structure of the Lokpal
institution. The Hazare team suggested a 11-member independent anti-corruption watchdog body, with subordinates having
powers, while the government side differed, arguing that only the 11 members be empowered to take decisions.

11-member Lokpal without any of investigative machinery. 11-member Lokpal with investigative machinery under it.
Appointment should not be delinked from government
Appointment should be delinked from government control.
PM, higher judiciary should not be brought under ambit of
PM, higher judiciary should be brought under ambit of
Only officials at joint secretary and above should come
under Lokpal.
Public servants at all levels should be covered under Lokpal.
Unwilling to bring acts of MPs in Parliament under Lokpal. Wants to bring acts of MPs in Parliament under the Lokpal.

Ramdev ends fast, to continue fight: Yoga guru Ramdev broke his fast on June 12, 2011 in Dehra Dun. Ramdev was
admitted to the hospital after he developed complications at the fasting venue at Patanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar. His aide
Balkrishna, who also broke his fast, read out a statement by Ramdev that said the crusade against corruption and black
money would continue as long as the yoga guru lived. Ramdev also demanded that black money be declared a national
asset under the Constitution.

India signs agreements with World Bank on Ganga, biodiversity

The Government of India and the World Bank on June 14, 2011 signed three agreements to for cleaning Ganga River and to
Strengthen Rural Livelihoods and Biodiversity Conservation in India. The River cleaning project is to the tune of US $ 1 billion
(approximately Rs 4,600 crore) loan and credit that will form part of the Banks long-term support for cleaning the Ganga
River. Two Biodiversity Conservation agreements are for a credit of US$15.6 million and US$8.14 million grant.

National Ganga River Basin Project
An empowered and collaborative body of the Central and state governments, National Ganga River Basin Authority
(NGRBA), will implement the National Ganga River Basin Project with the assistance of the World Bank. The Project will
focus on building and strengthening the NGRBAs related institutions at the Central and state level; establishing a world-class
Ganga Knowledge Centre; enhancing river basin management; and financing select priority investments to reduce point-
source pollution in a sustainable manner. The Authority has resolved under its Mission Clean Ganga that by year 2020 no
untreated municipal sewage or industrial effluents will be discharged into the river. Today, only about one-third of the sewage
generated by the towns and cities on the mainstream of the river is treated; and a significant volume of untreated or
inadequately treated industrial effluents is also discharged into the Ganga.

The Project, with an estimated cost of Rs 7,000 crore (approx US$ 1.5 billion), has been approved by the Government of
India and the World Bank. The share of the Government of India will be Rs 5,100 crore (approx US$ 1.1 billion) and that of

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

the five state governments (Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal) will be Rs 1,900 crore (approx
US$ 0.4 billion). The World Bank will support the Government of India by providing technical assistance and financing of US $
1 billion. The investments will be made in four key sectors: wastewater collection and treatment, industrial pollution control,
solid waste management, and riverfront management to reduce pollution in a sustainable manner under finance priority

Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihood Improvement Project (BCRLIP)

India is home to 8% of the worlds biodiversity. The challenge is to maintain this rich biodiversity under pressure from
increased population and demand on resources. BCRLIP will be implemented at two biodiversity rich landscapes, namely, (1)
Little Rann of Kachchh, Gujarat and (2) Askot landscape, Uttarakhand. The project will conserve biodiversity, while improving
rural livelihoods by applying culturally appropriate and tested participatory approaches to support opportuniti es for improving
rural livelihoods. The project will last six years with core activities undertaken by communities themselves. Total outlay of the
project is US$30.52million (Rs 137.34 crores) and will be funded by GEF (Global Environment Facility) grant and IDA
(International Development Assistance) credit.

Bengal Assembly passes Singur Bill

The historic Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill, 2011 was passed in the West Bengal Assembly on June 14,
2011. The Bill proposes to return land to the unwilling farmers of Singur in equivalent quantum of land as the land by virtue
of this Act will stand transferred to and vest in the state government, free of any lease or allotment. The Bill mentions non-
commissioning and abandoning of the project by Tata Motors and goes on to state that no employment generation and
socio-economic development has taken place and people in and around the area have not benefited in any manner The
small car Nano project that was slated to come up at Singur, 45 kms from Kolkata was withdrawn by Tata Motors on the back
of persistent agitation by unwilling farmers demanding the return of 400 acres, backed by the Banerjee and her party, the
Trinamool Congress.

The Singur Story

Allegations made by West Bengal govt
No small car unit commissioned even after four years
Tatas abandoned the site; reiterated in their letters
Firm shifted the plant from the said land to another state
No job creation or socio-economic development

Tata Motors clarifications
Operations for setting up of the plant were conducted under very difficult conditions
An appeal was made on August 22, 2008, which was rebuffed with an escalation of hostilities
Tata Motors had to reluctantly close operations on October 3, 2008, and eventually move out
Tata Motors invested Rs. 1,800 crore in establishing the plant
767 individuals were trained, 102 health clinics were run till the activity was forcibly stopped
The plant would have initially directly employed 2,000 persons, and later created employment in excess of 10,000 jobs

International Institute of Democracy and Election Management (IIDEM) launched: The Election Commission of
India on June 17, 2011 launched the India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management- an advanced
resource centre of learning, research, training and extension for participatory democracy and election management in New
Delhi. IIDEM has four components. These are Training and Capacity Development, Voter Education and Civic Participation,
Research, Innovation and Documentation and International Projects and Technical Collaboration. The Institute will be a
national and international hub for exchange of good practices in election management. The Institute is being developed in
collaboration with the Government of India, United Nations, the Commonwealth and inter-governmental organisations like
Sweden based International Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). The 54 member Commonwealth group
has proposed to set up a resource centre for its member nations at IIDEM. IIDEM will work for promoting democratic values
and practices, enhancing voter education and awareness and developing human resource and capacities for efficient conduct

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

of free and fair elections in India and for developing mutually beneficial partnership as well as collaborations with other

Lawyers can now practice anywhere in the country: Now, lawyers can practise, as a matter of right, in all courts and
forums, including tribunals or any quasi-judicial authority. Fifty years after the Advocates Act, 1961, came into force, the
Centre has notified Section 30 of the Act with effect from June 15, 2011 to enable advocates to practise anywhere
fulfilling a long-pending demand of lawyers. This provision was not notified when the Act was added to the statute book. As a
result, in certain courts and tribunals, lawyers could appear only if they were permitted by the presiding officer. The
government issued the Gazette Notification on June 9. It said: The Central government hereby appoints June 15, 2011 as
the date on which Section of the Advocates Act shall come into force.

High Court declines to intervene in TN govts decision to shift State Secretariat: The Madras High Court on
June 15, 2011 said it is for the government to decide as to which building would be comfortable for establishing the State
Secretariat. The First Bench consisting of Chief Justice M.Y. Eqbal and Justice T.S. Sivagnanam made the observation while
dismissing a writ petition seeking to forbear the authorities from re-shifting the Secretariat and the Tamil Nadu Assembly from
the new Rs.1100-crore Secretariat building at the Government Estate to Fort St. George. The new Secretariat complex was
opened on March 13 last year. On June 2, the Legislative Assembly Hall at the old Secretariat was allotted for use of a
library. The AIADMK government decided to shift the Secretariat from the Government Estate on Anna Salai to its original
place (Fort St. George).

CRPF to set up CoBRA hub in Bengal: A hub of the Central Reserve Police Forces CoBRA (Commando Battalion for
Resolute Action) and a training centre are being set up at Salboni in Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal. The area
falls within the Maoist-affected Jangal Mahal region that spans parts of three districts in southwest West Bengal. The hub will
be spread over 143 acres, Alok Raj, Inspector-General (Operations), CRPF, said in Kolkata on June 14, 2011.

Lok Sabha Speaker returns PAC report on 2G: Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar on June 14, 2011 returned the
Public Account Committees report on the 2G spectrum allocation issue back to its chairman Murli Manohar Joshi, indicating
that it cannot be tabled in Parliament as it has not been adopted by the committee members. The voluminous report which
created a furore after 11 of the 12 PAC members rejected it and which Dr. Joshi nevertheless submitted to the Speaker
had been lying with the Speaker since April 30. The PAC Chairman had on May 1 said he expected the Speaker to allow the
report to be tabled in Parliament, though other members belonging to the United Progressive Alliance said the report had no
sanctity or validity as it was rejected by the majority of the PAC members.

Tuticorin-Colombo ferry service launched: Union Minister of Shipping G. K. Vasan on June 13, 2011 launched the
passenger ferry service between Tuticorin and Colombo from the V.O. Chidambaranar Port in Tuticorin. Freedom fighter V.
O. Chidambaram Pillai had launched the maiden service in June 1907 but it was stopped abruptly by the British. As many as
201 passengers boarded Scotia Prince, a ship on lease promoted by Flemingo Duty Free Shops. The government is also
working on resuming the Rameshwaram-Talaimanar ferry service which was discontinued in the 1980s.

CIC directs Presidents Secretariat to make emergency papers public: Terming the imposition of Emergency in
1975 as a challenge to Indias commitment to democracy, the Central Information Commission on June 15, 2011 directed
the Presidents Secretariat to make public all documents on the Emergency by then President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed,
including communications from the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi, however,
exempted any advice by Gandhi to Ahmed on the imposition of Emergency as it would be a privileged document under
Article 74 of the Constitution which cant be made public.

Institute for urban studies coming up in Bangalore: Touted as the countrys first university, dedicated exclusively to
Urban Studies, the Indian Institute of Human Settlements (IIHS) is setting up its 58-acre campus in south-west Bangalore.
Currently offering week-long courses, the IIHS hopes to be formalised under the proposed Innovation Universities Bill. The
IIHS on June 13, 2011 said it had started recruiting faculty for its Masters in Urban Practice (MUP) programme. It is slated to
commence in July 2012. Leading entrepreneurs and professionals, including Nandan Nilekani, Shirish Patel, Rakesh Mohan,
Deepak Parekh, Vijay Kelkar and Jamshyd Godrej and Xerxes Desai will be working with the institute. So far, the IIHS has
conducted a seven-day course on Re-imagining the world-class city. The institute proposes to offer a four-year bachelors
and two-year masters degree in Urban Practice, doctoral and applied research programmes.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

Golden Jubilee of Indias 1
fighter plane observed: On June 17, 2011, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd celebrated the
golden jubilee of the fighter plane it built 50 years ago. The Marut or the `spirit of tempest, first took to air on June 17, 1961
and served the nation for two decades until it was taken off in the 1990s. It was used in the 1971 war with Pakistan to liberate
what is today Bangladesh. It was taken off service in the 1990s mainly for want of a powerful engine. The fighter spawned
squadrons that had daring names such as Lions, Desert Tigers and Daggers and made its last sortie in October 1984.
Designed by German aircraft designer Dr Kurt Tank, the indigenous fighter project was taken up by HAL (then Hindustan
Aircraft Ltd) in 1957.

Switzerland sets up science research base in Bangalore: Bangalore has been chosen as the fifth global location for
Switzerlands science and technology initiative Swissnex on June 17, 2011. Swissnex is an initiative of science education
and research of Swiss Ministry of Home Affairs and the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Switzerland has set up similar
institutions Boston, San Francisco in the United States, Shanghai in China, and Singapore. The objective is to explore the
potential of co-operation between Switzerland and the respective host countries in the fields of higher education, research,
technology, innovation and culture and to promote Switzerland as one of the leading countries in those domains.

Gujarat invites tenders for worlds tallest statue: Gujarat on June 17, 2011 invited bidders from around the world to
build the worlds tallest statue. The latest issue of the Economist magazine has a full-page advertisement inviting tenders for
the project. At 182m statue would be a memorial to Indias first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel and twice as high as New Yorks Statue of Liberty. The tallest statue in the world is Chinas Spring Temple Buddha at
128m. Sardar Patel, generally called the Iron Man of India, played a major role in the countrys fight for independence from
British rule.

PM of Slovenia visits India: Several agreements on bilateral cooperation were signed during the India visit of the Prime
Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor in New Delhi on June 14, 2011. Air India signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with Slovenias Adria Airways and Aerodrome Ljubljana in a bid to get access to the East European

Mohta is Indias new ambassador to Poland: Monika Kapil Mohta was on June 16, 2011 appointed Indias new
ambassador to Poland. Mohta was the Director of the Nehru Centre and Minister, Culture in the Indian High Commission at
London for the last four and a half years.

Mid-Day editor Jyotendra Dey shot dead in Mumbai: Jyotendra Dey, Editor, Special Investigations, MiD Day, was
shot dead in a Mumbai suburb on June 11, 2011. Dey, 50, was a well-known name in the citys media, police and political
circles. He reported extensively on crime, notably on Mumbais underworld. In his long career, Dey worked with many
publications, and had a brief stint in the television media. He authored Khallaas - an A to Z Guide to the Underworld and
Zero Dial - The Dangerous World of Informers. He began his career as a freelance photographer. Between 1996 and 2005,
he worked with The Indian Express, then for three years with Hindustan Times, and later joined MiD Day. He has done many
reports on underworld dons Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Rajan.

India ranked 7
in list of unsolved journalists murders: India on June 12, 2011 earned the dubious distinction of
being listed in the 2011 Impunity Index prepared by an international media watchdog on the basis of unsolved murders of
scribes - an issue that has again come to the fore after the killing of a senior reporter in Mumbai. Only 13 countries -- with five
or more unsolved cases of murder of journalists from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2010 -- have been included on the
index. India is at the 13th spot with seven such instances, or 0.006 unsolved journalist murders per one million inhabitants,
according to the report of Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). The index calculated the number of unsolved journalist
murders as a percentage of each countrys population

Ustad Asad Ali Khan passes away: Rudra Veena exponent Ustad Asad Ali Khan, one of the last existing advocate of
the Khandarbani dhrupad school, passed away on June 14, 2011 at the age of 74. The classical musician represents the 12
generation of Jaipurs Beenkar Gharana.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

SM Krishna dismisses reports of Brahmaputra diversion

The Minister of External Affairs S.M. Krishna on June 16, 2011 said that the dam at Zangmu being built by China in the
middle reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo (as the Brahmaputra is called in Tibet) is a run-of-the-river hydro-electric project,
which does not store water and will not adversely impact the
downstream areas in India. He was responding to speculation about
China diverting the Brahmaputra waters away from India. The minister
explained that the media reports about Chinese plans to construct a
dam on the Brahmaputra and possibly divert the river waters to
northern China were not new but based on previously known facts.

Experts have warned that the Brahmaputra River, which is the lifeline
for the vast majority of people living in Arunachal Pradesh and Assam,
could go dry if China went ahead with its plans of building a dam on
this river before it enters these states. The people in these states
depend on the river to meet their irrigation, fishing and for
transportation of goods.

There is no pact between India and China on the sharing of river waters, unlike the Indo-Pak Indus Waters Treaty of 1960.
Media reports suggest that China is planning to build 55 reservoirs on rivers flowing from the Tibetan plateau.

Meanwhile the Chinese government on June 14 indicated it would not divert the waters of the Brahmaputra river, saying it
would take into full consideration the interests of downstream countries in taking forward any development projects on the
river. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said in response to a question on Indias concerns about a diversion plan that
China adopted a responsible attitude towards the development of cross border water resources.

India seeks SCO membership at Astana summit

India on June 15, 2011 sought a larger and deeper role in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), saying it would
like to bring to the table its technical expertise, markets and financial commitment. Ten years since its founding, the SCO
faces a historic moment. Like other successful multilateral organisations, it must choose the path of its evolution, External
Affairs Minister S M Krishna said at the 11
Summit of the SCO at Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. He said India would
strive to play a larger and deeper role in the SCO when the rules and criteria for full membership are clear.

The SCO is a security bloc grouping Russia, China and four ex-Soviet Central Asian states. Apart from regional heavyweights
China and Russia, the SCO also includes the mostly Muslim ex-Soviet Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Iran, Pakistan, India and Mongolia have observer status.

Meanwhile, Russia won the backing of China and other members of SCO in criticising US plans for a missile shield, saying it
could undermine global security. The United States says its planned shield is meant to reduce the threat of a missile attack by
Iran. Moscow says it fears the true aim is to neutralise Russias own nuclear arsenal. US officials say the proposed shield
could not neutralise Russias vast arsenal, so Moscow has nothing to fear.

UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS organised

The UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS was organised at the UN in New York from June 8-10, 2011. The
Meeting took stock of the progress and challenges of the last 30 years and shape the future AIDS response. The Political
Declaration on HIV/AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to eliminate HIV/AIDS was adopted by the General Assembly on June 10.

New targets set by world leaders at the Meeting include:
To make efforts towards reducing sexual transmission of HIV and halving by 2015 HIV infection among people who inject
To eliminate new HIV infections among children in the next five years

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

To increase the number of people on life-saving treatment to 15 million
To reduce tuberculosis-related deaths in people living with HIV by half in the same time period.
To increase AIDS-related spending by 2015 to reach between $ 22 billion and $ 24 billion in low-and middle-income

The declaration notes that the HIV prevention strategies inadequately focus on populations at higher risk specifically men
who have sex with men, sex workers and people who inject drugs, and calls on countries to focus their response based on
epidemiological and national contexts.

Swiss Parliament clears amendments to tax treaties with countries

The Swiss Parliament on June 17, 2011 gave its approval for amendments to tax treaties with countries, including India,
making it easier for them to access information about illegal funds held by their nationals in private banks in this country. The
Upper House endorsed amendments to double-taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) in line with internationally applicable
standards. Governments which have signed the DTAAs can now secure easy legal assistance and information as well as
identify an account-holder from their territories by providing an IBAN number or social security number.

The Swiss Parliament approval comes at a time when the Indian government is facing intense pressure from the Opposition,
the Supreme Court and civil society to bring back black money stashed away in tax havens. In January this year, a Swiss
Parliamentary panel gave the go-ahead for the revised tax treaty with India. As per the revised treaty, India can get
information on secret bank accounts from Swiss authorities for cases dating from January 2011. Meanwhile, Swiss
Ambassador to India Philippe Welti said New Delhi could get banking details of Indian citizens in tax frauds and evasion
cases once the Swiss Parliament ratified the revised DTAA between the two nations.

Coming under intense pressure from the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and G-20
leaders, the Swiss authorities have begun a process of simplifying their tax laws. Switzerland was initially included in the
OECDs blacklist for following banking secrecy and client-confidentiality rules.

Global labour norms for domestic workers adopted at ILO Conference

Countries around the world, including India, have adopted a set of international standards aimed at improving the working
conditions of millions of domestic workers worldwide. The decision was taken by the Government, worker and employer
delegates at the 100
annual Conference of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva on June 17, 2011. The
conference adopted the Convention on Domestic Workers (2011) by a vote of 396 to 16, with 63 abstentions and the
accompanying recommendation by a vote of 434 to 8, with 42 abstentions. Around 83 per cent of these workers are women
or girls and many are migrant workers. We are moving the standards system into the informal economy for the first time, and
this is a breakthrough, said Juan Somavia, ILO Director-General, in a release. The ILO is the only tripartite UN organisation,
and each of its 183-member States is represented by two Government delegates, one employer and one worker delegate,
with an independent vote.

According to the new standards, domestic workers who care for families and households, must have the same basic labour
rights as those available to other workers reasonable hours of work, weekly rest of at least 24 consecutive hours, a limit on
in-kind payment, clear information on terms and conditions of employment, as well as respect for fundamental principles and
rights at work including among others freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

FAO launches Save and Grow to boost food production

Nearly half a century after the 1960s Green Revolution, the United Nations body FAO on June 13, 2011 launched a major
initiative to produce more food for surging world population in an environmentally sustainable way. To feed a world population
projected at 9.2 billion in 2050, which involves meeting double the demand for food in developing countries, there is no opti on
but to further intensify crop production, said the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). It added that food production
needs to increase by 70 per cent in the world and 100 per cent in developing countries to eradicate hunger and meet demand
by 2050.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

The FAOs call for sustainable crop production intensification, is contained in a new book, Save and Grow published by
FAOs Plant Production and Protection Division. The new approach calls for targeting mainly smallholder farmers in
developing countries. Helping low-income farm families in developing countries on reducing the cost of production and
building healthy agro ecosystems will enable them to maximise yields and invest the savings on their health and education,
the world body said. The save and grow approach draws partly on the conservation agriculture techniques which do away
with or minimise ploughing and tilling, thus preserving soil structure and health.

Other techniques developed by FAO include precision irrigation, which delivers more crop for the drop, and precision
placement of fertilisers, which can double the amount of nutrients absorbed by plants.

India resumes defence exchanges with China: India and China are all set to resume defence exchanges after about a
year, and a major general serving in J&K is leading a group of delegates to China from June 20. Major General Gurmeet
Singh, the commander of the Delta Force, a part of the specialized anti-insurgency Rashtriya Rifles deployed in J&K, is
leading an eight-member delegation to China from June 20-24. India had put bilateral defence exchanges with China on hold
since last July after Beijing refused a proper stamped visa to the then northern army commander Lt Gen BS Jaswal.

India, Russia express intent for CECA: India and Russia on June 16, 2011 expressed the political intent to move
towards a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CCEA) during the bilateral meeting between the Union
Minister of Commerce and Industry Anand Sharma and the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Elvira Nebullina at St Petersburg. The target is to achieve USD 20 billion in trade by 2015. NMDC, Indias largest iron ore
producer and Russian steel maker OJSC Severstal will invest a total of Rs 9,000 crore in setting up a two million tonnes a
year steel plant near Bellary in Karnataka. Furthermore, it was agreed to form six working groups under India Russia Working
Group on Trade and Economic Cooperation (IRWGTEC) with Government and private participation on IT, Pharma, Banking
and finance modernization, precision engineering and nano technology.

Czech Republic pulls out of US missile shield plan: Czech Republic on June 15, 2011 said it will no longer take part
in US missile defence plans. The Bush administration first proposed stationing 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and an
advanced radar in the Czech Republic. But Russia objected and warned that it would station its own missiles close to Poland
if the plan went through. In September 2009, the Obama administration shelved that plan and offered a new, reconfigured
phased program with a smaller role for the Czechs, who were offered an early warning centre that would gather and analyse
information from satellites to detect missiles aimed at NATO territory.

China says it would not use force in South China Sea: China on June 14, 2011 said it would not resort to the use of
force in the tense South China Sea, after its neighbours expressed concern about its more assertive maritime posture.
Vietnam on June 13 staged live-fire exercises following recent confrontations at sea with China which reignited a long-
standing dispute over the sovereignty of two potentially oil-rich archipelagos, the Paracels and Spratlys. China insisted
Vietnam was to blame for the recent flare-up, sparked by a confrontation between Chinese surveillance vessels and a
Vietnamese oil survey ship.

PM Erdogan wins a third term in Turkey: The Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan has won a third term after winning 50% of the vote and 326 seats in the 550-member Grand National Assembly in
the general election held on June 12, 2011. The AKPs majority is 41 seats short of the two-thirds majority needed to amend
the countrys constitution unilaterally. From the time it first came to power in 2002, the conservative AKP, with a vision rooted
in political Islam, made clear it did not embrace the strict secularism bequeathed by Turkeys founder Attaturk Mustapha
Kemal. The secular Republican Peoples Party (CHP) had 26% of vote (135 seats) and the far-right Nationalist Movement
Party (MHP) 13% (53 seats). Choosing to field independent candidates, the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP)
managed to win a respectable 35 seats an achievement that is likely to put pressure on the AKP-led government to
address Kurdish demands. Despite failing to secure a large-enough majority, the AKP leadership has not given up on a new
Constitution, based on a national consensus.

Social Democrat party wins polls in Portugal: Portugals new Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho on June 18, 2011
unveiled a slimmed-down cabinet and appointed seasoned bank policymaker Vitor Gaspar finance minister to tackle the debt
crisis. The 11-member cabinet includes four members of centre-right Social Democrat party (PSD), the winner of June 5
polls, three from junior coalition partner CDS-PP and four independents, the presidency announced. The new cabinet was
sworn in by President Anibal Cavaco Silva.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

UN Security Council backs second term for Ban Ki-moon: The UN Security Council on June 17, 2011 unanimously
recommended Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for a second five-year term. With no rival for the post, the former South
Korean foreign minister is almost certain to be re-elected. The 67 year old has been criticised for being too deferential to
major powers and for being too timid to confront human rights abusers. But he has won praise for his commitment to climate
change, nuclear disarmament and womens issues, and for his encouragement of the pro-democracy protests which have
swept the Middle East and North Africa.

UN splits Taliban and al-Qaeda on sanctions blacklist: The United Nations on June 18, 2011 split a sanctions
blacklist for the Taliban and al-Qaeda to encourage the Taliban to join reconciliation efforts in Afghanistan. Until now, both
organisations have been handled by the same UN sanctions committee. The UN Security Council says it is sending a signal
to the Taliban that now is the time to join the political process. Diplomats say the move recognises that the two groups have
different goals. Al-Qaeda is seeking worldwide jihad (holy war) while the Taliban are involved in an insurgency focused in
Afghanistan. The council unanimously passed two resolutions - one to set up a new blacklist of individuals and groups
accused of links to al-Qaeda and a second for those linked to the Taliban militia. The US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice,
said in a statement that the move sent a clear message to the Taliban that there is a future for those who separate from al-
Qaeda, renounce violence and abide by the Afghan constitution

Nepal to provide security for Upper Karnali Project: Nepal on June 16, 2011 decided to deploy Army personnel for
the security of 900 MW Upper Karnali Hydropower Project, which is being developed by Indias energy consortium GMR. The
decision comes in the wake of frequent attacks and threat issued by the cadres of UCPN-Maoist on the project site citing that
the project does not fulfill Nepals national interest. During his visit to Nepal recently, Indias External Affairs Minister S M
Krishna had raised concern for the security of Indian joint ventures operating in Nepal.

Brazil signs agreement to digitalise Amazonian biodiversity: The Brazilian government signed a partnership
agreement with IBM on June 15, 2011 to digitalise information on Amazonian biodiversity with the help of the U.S. Company.
The project, called Wikiflora, aims to allow the research community such as scientists and teachers to share knowledge and
findings on biological diversity by the model of citizen science, similar to Wikipedia.

King Mohammed unveils reforms in Morocco: Moroccos monarch King Mohammed unveiled major reforms aimed at
quelling dissent on June 17, 2011. The king said the measures would entrench democratic institutions and protect rights,
though he confirmed that he will retain some key powers. The reforms would give the prime minister and parliament more
executive authority and make Berber an official language in Morocco, alongside Arabic. The proposals will be put to a
referendum on 1 July. The king promised in March to introduce comprehensive constitutional reform after anti-government
protests inspired by those elsewhere in the region. Moroccos 400-year-old monarchy has a long history of enacting
superficial reforms. Morocco has been facing severe economic challenges with high unemployment and rising levels of
poverty. King Mohammed, 47, acceded to the throne in 1999 following the death of his father, Hassan II, and now heads the
Arab worlds longest-serving dynasty.

Filipino named worlds shortest man: Junrey Balawing of Sindangan, Philippines was named worlds shortest man on
his 18
birthday on June 12, 2011. Balawing measures 23.6 inches tall. The previous record-holder, Nepals Khagendra
Thapar Magar, is 26.3 inches tall and held the title for about eight months. Although the shortest living man, Balawing missed
the title of shortest man in history, which is held by Gul Mohammed of India, who was 22.5 inches tall and died in 1997.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS

Daffern conferred Anuvrat Ahimsa peace award: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot gave away the Anuvrat
Ahimsa international peace award to noted Gandhian philosophy exponent Thomas Clough Daffern at Anuvibha Kendra,
Jaipur on June 14, 2011. Dr. Daffern, Director of London-based International Institute of Peace Studies and Global
Philosophy, received a memento, a cheque for Rs.1 lakh and a certificate of merit. The institute works across several
academic fields for study and application of peace and philosophy to various spheres of life.

Imprisoned Iran medics win Jonathan Mann Prize: Two Iranian doctors imprisoned for allegedly plotting to overthrow
the government have been awarded the Global Health Councils Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights
on June 17, 2011. Kamiar and Arash Alaei were arrested in June 2008 and accused of communicating with the US to unseat
the regime of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The brothers began treating patients with HIV in the late 1990s, and
developed a three-pronged program that integrated prevention, care and social support.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK


RBI unveils mid-quarter Monetary Policy review

Repo rate hiked by 50 basis points to 7.5 percent
Reverse repo automatically revised upwards to 6.5 percent
Marginal standing facility rate increased to 8.5 percent
No change in other statutory rates
Deceleration in some interest-sensitive sectors such as automobiles, no evidence of any sharp or broad-based slowdown
Baseline projection for GDP growth for 2011-12 maintained at around 8 percent
Domestic inflation remains high and much above the comfort zone of the Reserve Bank
Non-food manufactured products inflation is a matter of particular concern, suggesting generalised inflationary pressures
Impact of the recent monetary policy actions is still unfolding
RBI says rate hike will contain inflation by reining in demand side pressures and anchor inflation expectations
RBI says actions expected to mitigate the risk to growth from potentially adverse global developments
RBI will persist with its anti-inflationary stance of monetary policy
Although global commodity prices have moderate they still pose a risk to both domestic growth and inflation

The RBI raised the repo rate (at which banks borrow from it) by a quarter per cent to 7.5 per cent in its mid-quarter monetary
policy review on June 16, 2011. The reverse repo rate (the interest RBI pays banks for parking their surplus funds) will go
upto 6.5 per cent.

GDP growth decelerated to 7.8 per cent in Q4 of 2010-11 from 8.3 per cent in the previous quarter and 9.4 per cent in the
corresponding quarter a year ago. For the year as a whole, GDP growth in 2010-11 was 8.5 per cent. While private
consumption was robust, investment activity moderated in Q4 of 2010-11.

Going forward, notwithstanding both signs of moderation in commodity prices and some deceleration in growth, domestic
inflation risks remain high. Against this backdrop, the monetary policy stance remains firmly anti-inflationary; recognising that,
in the current circumstances, some short-run deceleration in growth may be unavoidable in bringing inflation under control.

Domestic inflation remains high and much above the comfort zone of the Reserve Bank. Particularly, non-food manufactured
products inflation rose in May 2011 after showing some moderation in April 2011. Domestic fuel prices do not yet reflect the
current trends of global prices. Although global commodity prices moderated in recent weeks, it is too early to downgrade thi s
as a risk factor.

The headline WPI inflation rate was 9.7 per cent in March 2011. In April 2011, it was 8.7 per cent and rose to 9.1 per cent in
May 2011. Thus, the headline WPI inflation rate remains elevated, consistent with the projections made in the Annual Policy
Statement of May 3. The main drivers of WPI inflation in April-May 2011 were non-food primary articles, fuel group and non-
food manufactured products. The consumer price inflation for industrial workers (CPI - IW) rose from 8.8 per cent in March
2011 to 9.4 per cent in April 2011. Non-food manufactured products inflation was 8.5 per cent in March 2011. Provisional
data indicate that it increased from 6.3 per cent in April to 7.3 per cent in May 2011, numbers much above its medium-term
trend of 4.0 per cent.

The challenge of containing inflation and anchoring inflation expectations persists. Thus, while the Reserve Bank needs to
continue with its anti-inflationary stance, the extent of policy action needs to balance the adverse movements in inflation with
recent global developments and their likely impact on the domestic growth trajectory.

RBI unveils Financial Stability Report

The rebound in credit growth in 2010-11 was a necessity for a developing economy like India for sustaining high GDP growth.
But underwriting standards would need to be tightened to ensure that the quality of credit does not deteriorate. This was one
of the observations made by the Reserve Bank of India in its Financial Stability Report released on June 14, 2011. The
credit portfolio of commercial banks was well diversified across industries, geographies and sectors. However, during the last
few years, incremental credit growth was observed to be mainly propelled by few sectors, namely, retail, commercial real

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

estate, and infrastructure. In March 2011, these sectors accounted for 19 per cent, 4 per cent and 13 per cent, respectively,
of the gross advances of commercial banks.

Real estate: The incremental share of real estate in both credit and impaired assets remained large. Real estate loans
constituted 17.7 per cent of gross advances in March 2011. Credit to the sector grew by 24.6 per cent, that is, faster than the
overall credit growth of 22.6 per cent. The rate of growth of NPAs (non-performing assets) in this segment at 19.8 per cent
was also higher than the overall NPA growth rate of 14.8 per cent. The real estate sector posed some concerns given the
large and growing share of these loans in the credit portfolios of banks, its NPAs witnessing higher than system level NPAs
growth and potential of greater slippages into NPAs, the RBI said.

Retail credit: Retail loans grew by 19 per cent and credit to this sector accounted for 18.5 per cent of gross advances as at
end-March 2011. The bulk of the increase was attributable to the personal loans segment, which primarily comprised riskier,
unsecured loans. As on March 31, 2011, 31 per cent of retail loans were unsecured. The unsecured retail loans grew by 24.9
per cent during the year. The robust rebound in retail loans witnessed during recent quarters warrants close monitoring as
the asset quality of such loans could come under pressure given the increasing interest rate environment, the RBI said.

Infrastructure sector: Advances to infrastructure grew by more than 40 per cent and the share of infrastructure in total
advances increased to 12.9 per cent in the last fiscal. There was an increase of 42.5 per cent in impaired infrastructure loans.
However, the gross NPA ratio for such loans continued to be low at around 0.5 per cent. But the increased exposure to this
segment could heighten asset-liability management risks for banks, especially given the probability of projects getting
delayed. All this underscores the urgent need for evolving a long term funding market for infrastructure projects, the RBI said.

Priority sector: Another area of concern is the priority sector. Credit to this sector grew by 21 per cent, as against which its
impaired assets increased by 28 per cent. This asset quality of exposures to the priority sector, especially agriculture,
continued to compare unfavourably with the overall NPA ratio of the banking sector, the RBI said.

Stability assessment
The incremental share of real estate in both credit and impaired assets remained large.
The bulk of the increase in retail credit attributable to personal loans segment, which primarily comprised riskier, unsecured
Urgent need for evolving a long term funding market for infrastructure projects

Govt extends DEPB scheme validity

3 month extension: The government has decided to extend the validity of the Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB) scheme
for three months till September 30. The DEPB is a reimbursement of basic and special Customs duty paid by an exporter on
an imported input used in the export product. The benefit is given by way of a grant of duty credit against the export product
at specified rates. The government had lost revenue of around Rs 8,000 crore under the DEPB scheme, said finance and
revenue secretary Sunil Mitra on June 14, 2011. The scheme is also considered to be against the World Trade Organisation
rules, as it is a direct subsidy.

To be replaced with duty drawback scheme: The government is planning to replace DEPB with the duty drawback
scheme. The main difference between DEPB and the duty drawback schemes is that DEPB is disbursed in the form of DEPB
scrip, while the drawback is taken as cash. Further, DEPB is administered by the commerce and industry ministry, while the
drawback is administered by the revenue department under the finance ministry. The 14-year DEPB scheme is popular
among exporters, covering nearly 52 per cent of exports. The duty drawback, which reimburses the customs duty component,
covers 15-20 per cent of exports. Some major beneficiaries are engineering products, chemicals, plastics, leather, sports
goods, food products, handicrafts, electronics and textiles.

OECD, Finance Ministry tax conference organised

A two-day high level international seminar on Adopting Tax System and International Tax Rules to the New Global
Environment: a Shared Challenge for India and the OECD was organised on June 13-14, 2011 in New Delhi. Union Finance
Minister Pranab Mukherjee called for strong measures to reverse the ongoing trend of illicit outflows from developing

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

countries and exploitation of their natural resources through abusive transfer pricing schemes in his inaugural address at the

He said that these challenges of new global environment will have to be addressed through bilateral and multi-lateral
cooperation. India has also decided to strengthen ongoing cooperation on tax related issues with OECD through a three year
partnership programme. The emphasis of cooperation would be on professional and skill up-gradation both in tax
administration and in industry.

OECD Secretary-General, Angel Gurria, said India was impacted by some of its citizens using other countries to park their
money to avoid paying taxes in the country.

Sharing of data not retrospective
India has made a strong pitch to end banking secrecy and sought more teeth in multilateral measures to deal with abusive
transfer pricing. Some countries had agreed to end banking secrecy only from a prospective date and were unwilling to share
information on past bank transactions. The Finance Minister said that this raises questions about the efficacy of existing legal
provisions for exchange of banking information. India is currently negotiating banking information exchange agreements with
no-tax or low-tax countries to help it check tax crimes. The Finance Minister stressed on the need to revisit the existing legal
framework developed by the OECD in this regard.

Tackling bribery in private sector
On bribery in the private sector, the minister said a law to tackle it would be introduced in the monsoon session of Parliament.
India must introduce such a law as it has ratified the UN convention against corruption. The Prevention of Bribery of Foreign
Public Officials and Officials of Public International Organisations Bill, 2011 prohibits accepting and giving ratification to or by
foreign public officials.

Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing continues to be an important tax issue due to high increase in cross border trade taking place within
multinational enterprises located in developed, developing and undeveloped countries. The Finance Minister sought stiff
measures to check illicit outflows from developing countries and exploitation of their natural resources through transfer pricing
schemes. Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of assets, tangible and intangible, services, and funds transferred within an
organisation in a cross-border transaction. Misuse of this system by companies often leads to loss of revenue from natural
resources for developing nations. He said India had already overhauled its transfer pricing administration and tightened the
procedures provisions to check misuse to shift profit to another country.

India has also decided to strengthen ongoing cooperation on tax related issues with OECD through three year partnership
programme. The emphasis of cooperation would be on professional and skill up-gradation both in tax administration and in

The fight against illicit flows:

Illicit Flows on the rise:
A report by Global Financial Integrity pegs total illicit flows at $462 billion
It found high net-worth individuals and private companies to be the primary drivers of illicit flows out of the country, especially.
to tax havens with banking secrecy
The share of OFC (offshore financial centres) deposits increased from 36.4% in 1995 to 54.2% in 2009

The govt has formulated a five-pronged strategy to tackle the menace:
It has constituted a study to estimate black money
Set up a panel to suggest ways to tackle black money
Amended tax treaties and signed tax information exchange agreements with tax havens

But, India wants changes in tax treaty framework:
Some countries are not willing to share past information hence there is need for new framework
India has finalised tax agreements with 14 countries and completed double taxation talks with 36 countries

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

OECD prescribes remedy for tackling corruption in India: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) wants India to have transparency in involving the private sector in areas where government licensing
and regulation are required. In all areas of the economy, and especially those that depend on government licensing and
regulation, it is crucial that private sector involvement takes place transparently and on a level playing field in order to avoid
high-level corruption, OECD said in its Economic Survey of India, 2011 unveiled on June 15, 2011. The survey said India
needed to strengthen its anti-corruption agency through an independent appointment mechanism for its head. It said public
sector governance should be made more transparent and accountable by separating operational and regulatory functions
in the provisions of public services. India is not a part of OECD, a grouping of mostly developed nations and members of
the bloc account for over 60 per cent of the global economy.

Handbook on disinvestment unveiled

A handbook that can act as a ready guide for future divestments in CPSEs through the public offering route was released by
the Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee on June 17, 2011.

The Handbook on Disinvestment through Public Offerings is a step-by-step guide to the entire disinvestment process
starting from seeking Government approval to the final listing on stock exchanges. It compiles together in one place the
processes and procedures required for a public offering.

This should be useful to all parties involved in a Government divestment like the officials of the Central Public Sector
Enterprises (CPSEs), administrative ministries and the Department of Disinvestment.

In the last two financial years (2009-10 and 2010-11), the Department of Disinvestment had overseen 11 public offerings,
including that of Coal India, which is the largest in the history of the Indian capital market. The experience gained by the
Department of Disinvestment from these 11 public offerings finds reflection in the Handbook. The Centre has since November
2009 adopted a policy of disinvestment through minority share sale. The Disinvestment Department also intends to regularly
update the online version of the Handbook.

Rupay debit cards launched for no frills account holders

Rupay, dubbed as Indias answer to MasterCard and Visa, was unveiled on June 19, 2011 when Bank of India gave the first
batch of automated teller machines (ATM)-cum-debit cards to Unique Identification (UID) number holders in Pagdha village of
Maharashtras Thane district.

The card, which will be given to no frills account holders, can be used to withdraw cash from ATMs as well as from micro-
ATMs, the hand-held devices with the banks business correspondents. However, for swapping the card in point-of-sale
terminals at merchant establishments, customers will have to wait till the year-end.

RuPay card will have two identification features. The cardholder will have to provide the UID number for biometric
identification for using micro-ATMs, while the PIN will be required for transactions via ATMs.

To start with, banks are targeting semi-urban areas for RuPay card. To make these cards functional, one needs data
connectivity which is not available in rural areas, so banks are starting out with semi-urban areas for now, said A P Hota,
managing director and chief executive officer, National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).

Backed by NPCI, RuPay card is a payment gateway and an alternative to the global real-time payment processing firms like
Visa and MasterCard. Since these cards are being issued to no frills account holders for now, the limits for withdrawal and
transactions will be in line with terms and conditions laid down by the banks on their respective no frills accounts.

India lost $462b to graft post-1947 Global Financial Integrity

India lost a staggering $462 billion in illicit financial flows due to tax evasion, crime and corruption post-Independence,
according to a report released by Washington-based Global Financial Integrity released recently. The document on the
Survey on Bribery and Corruption was released at the first annual fraud conference on June 17, 2011. The report indicated

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

that deregulation and trade liberalisation actually contributed to or accelerated the transfer of illicit money abroad. Reports
about wealth stashed in offshore destinations and tax havens indicate the extent of the problem.

India has been facing governance challenges from within at various levels for a long time. Rigid bureaucracy, complex laws
and long-drawn judicial process deter people from considering legal recourse in corruption cases. India has around 35 million
court cases pending. Besides lack of manpower and poor infrastructure, other factors hindering the anticorruption drive
include lack of teeth in the legal framework, the study said.

A large number of organizations pay bribes to win and retain businesses, overlooking the implications of encouraging these
practices and focusing only on short term benefits. They fail to realize that what has worked in their favour could also lead to
adverse consequences for them later, the report said.

The study noted that another key area where business is impacted is mergers and acquisitions. Corruption could impact the
valuation of a company thereby denying shareholders of a fair price. Moreover, it could also make it difficult for them to find a
suitable business partner, thereby seriously impacting the growth prospects of the business, the study said.

RIL got huge, undue benefit at KG basin gas fields CAG

RIL paid less royalty to the government by showing artificially higher expenses in developing Krishna Godavari basin gas
RIL was allowed to retain potential oilfields even though it was unable to develop them within the stipulated time

The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on June 13, 2011 indicted the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry for allowing
irregularities and bending rules to oblige Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) in the Krishna Godavari basin gas fields, leadi ng to
a massive and as yet unquantifiable loss to the national exchequer. The CAG has charged RIL with inflating project cost to
show higher expenses leading to a large revenue loss for the government. The also says the government allowed RIL to
retain offshore acreage it had not developed in the stipulated time.

In its 193-page Draft Report on production sharing contracts (PSCs) in the oil and gas field, the CAG exposes the close
nexus between RIL and the bureaucrats working in the Petroleum Ministry as well as its Directorate General of
Hydrocarbons (DGH).

This allowed Reliance to retain its entire offshore acreage, rather than surrendering those areas where it had not found oil or
gas so that the government could invite fresh bids from other companies.

Also, RIL was uncritically allowed to hike the capital expenditure for developing Dhirubhai-1 and 3, the largest of 18 gas finds
in the KG Basin, popularly known as the KG-D6 block, by a whopping 117 per cent though this meant a revenue loss for the
exchequer. This unvalidated cost inflation allows RIL to get away with paying less royalty to the government, the CAG notes.
The increase in cost from $2.39 billion in the Initial Development Plan to $5.196 billion in the Addendum to the Initial
Development Plan is likely to have a significant impact on the Government of Indias financial take. However, at this stage,
based on the information provided, we are unable to comment on the reasonableness, or otherwise, of the increase in cost,
both overall and in respect of individual line items, the CAG stated in its report that has been sent to the Petroleum Ministry
for comments.

India to be 3
largest domestic banking sector by 2050 PwC

According to a PriceWaterhouseCoopers report titled Banking In 2050, India could become the third largest banking sector
by 2050 after China and US, leaving Japan, UK and Germany behind. Indian banking sector in general and the Reserve
Bank of India were applauded post financial crisis for fiscal prudence.

The report unveiled in June 2011 says that post downturn, Indian banks have become more efficient due to tighter credit
assessment and disbursals and improvements in their cost to income ratio. Indias largest private sector bank, ICICI Bank
improved its cost to income ratio from 53 per cent in 2007 to 38 per cent in 2010, owing to shift in strategy from aggressive
growth to cost rationalisation.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

The report includes 22 countries segregating them into G7 (US, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Canada), E7 (China,
India, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Indonesia and Turkey), other developed economies (Australia, S Korea, and Spain), newly
emerging economies (Argentina, Vietnam, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and South Africa).

According to the report, the financial crisis has brought about an acceleration in the shift of economic power from the
developed to the emerging economies. China could overtake US in 2023 and India could overtake Japan in 2033. Indias
domestic banking assets are expected to grow to $38,484 in 2050 from $945.

Farm credit flow at Rs. 4.26 lakh crore during 2010-11: Farm credit flow has registered a quantum jump during 2010-
11. Credit institutions disbursed Rs. 4,26,531 crore during the year against the target of Rs. 3,75,000 crore. Agency-wise,
Commercial Banks with disbursal of Rs. 3.14 lakh crore are on the top followed by Cooperative Banks with Rs. 69 thousand
crore and Regional Rural Banks with Rs. 43 thousand crore. The credit flow target for the current financial year (2011-12) has
been fixed at Rs. 4.75 lakh crore. In the current financial year (2011-12), the government is providing interest subvention by
3%, thus bringing down the effective rate of interest to 4% per annum. This interest subvention is provided to those farmers
who repay their short term crop loans on time.

2009-10 2010-11
Name of agency Target Achievement Target Achievement
Coop Banks 45,000 63,497 55,000 69,076
Commercial Banks 2,50,000 2,85,000 2,80,000 3,14,182
RRBs 30,000 35, 217 40,000 43,273
Total 3,25,000 3,84,514 3,75,000 4,26,531

RBI bars NBFCs from opening branches abroad: Non-bank financial companies (NBFCs) will not be permitted to
open branches abroad, the Reserve Bank of India said on June 15, 2011. However, NBFCs which already have branches
abroad, will be allowed to continue those operations, subject to their compliance with the revised guidelines.

Govt. approves 54% rise in cost strategic crude oil storage: The government on June 16, 2011 approved over 54
per cent increase in cost of the nations first strategic crude oil storage being built as insurance against supply disruptions.
India, which is 75 per cent import dependent to meet its crude oil needs, is building under-ground storages at Visakhapatnam
in Andhra Pradesh and at Mangalore and Padur in Karnataka to store about 5.33 million tons of crude oil. This is enough to
meet nations oil requirement of 13-14 days. India Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd (ISPRL) is building the Visakhapatnam
storage. The cost of storage at Visakhapatnam has been revised to Rs 1,038 crore from Rs 671.83 crore primarily due to
increase in cavern capacity from 1 million tons to 1.33 million tons, an official statement issued after a meeting of the Cabinet
Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), which approved the revised cost estimates, said.

NTPC forms JV to set up power exchange: NTPC on June 15, 2011 formed a joint venture company, National Power
Exchange Ltd (NPEX), to set up a power exchange. It will be a third exchange after Power Exchange India Ltd (PXIL) and
India Energy Exchange and is expected to be operational within a year. The joint venture with NHPC, Power Finance
Corporation (PFC) and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), has already received in-principle approval from the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) to begin. The exchange will have to compete in a market where there are already
two players and the total power purchase from the exchanges account for four per cent of the total consumption. The long-
term objective of exchanges is to drive the Indian power sector towards true competition-based pricing, as against scarcity-
based pricing.

India initiates efforts to widen Exclusive Economic Zone: Union Minister of State for Earth Sciences Ashwani
Kumar on June 11, 2011 expressed confidence that the United Nations Commission on the Law of the Sea would soon
accept its claim of almost doubling its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which could give it access to a larger wealth of oil,
natural gas and other off-shore resources. India last year submitted to the Commission its claim to extend its coastal EEZ
from 200 nautical miles to 350 nautical miles. The Minister was interacting with the media on the sidelines of an event at the
National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR) in Goa. Under a provision of U.N. Convention on the Law of the
Sea, a coastal country can seek an extension of its EEZ beyond the approved 200 nautical miles if it can demonstrate that

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

the continental shelf of the country extends beyond that distance. The approval can be given up to a maximum of 350
nautical miles. India produced data spanning over 6,000 pages, which were collected over almost a decade.

Planning Commission sets up working group on boosting exports, FDI: The Planning Commission on June 14,
2011 constituted a working group to suggest government policies to enable the private sector to meet the targeted increase in
exports. The group, headed by Commission member Saumitra Chaudhuri, will also identify policy measures to attract more
foreign direct investment (FDI), particularly into manufacturing and infrastructure. It would also assess existing schemes for
export promotion, to explore what to do to further boost private players. The group will take a view on the experience with
Special Economic Zones and other special trade facilitating measures.

Domestic majors keen on passenger plane project: Prominent domestic players have shown interest in taking
part in the national civil aircraft development programme. Formal expressions of interest will be sought in the coming months
for a joint venture partner, according to the Chairman of the High Powered Committee (HPC) for the project, G. Madhavan
Nair on June 11, 2011. The HPC includes Kinetic Engineerings Dr Arun Firodia, and former UTI chief, Mr M. Damodaran.
The feasibility report submitted for Government approval has put the cost of developing the countrys own passenger plane at
Rs 7,555 crore. Of this, the committee has sought a funding for the design and development cost of Rs 4,300 crore or about
58 per cent of the project from the Government. The remaining of around Rs 3,200 crore would be raised as equity from the
industry partner who would manufacture the planes, and as debt. National Aerospace Labs (NAL) is the nodal agency for the
project. NAL is partnering Mahindra & Mahindra on the latters five-seater aircraft.

Strike at Maruti Suzukis Manesar plant ends: Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) announced the end of 13-day long strike by
workers at its Manesar plant on June 17, 2011. As part of the agreement signed between the management and the
representatives of the striking workers, MSI will reinstate all the sacked 11 employees and take a lenient approach on
enforcing no-work-no-pay rule of eight days salary cut for every single day of the stir. The agreement, which was brokered by
the Haryana government, however, did not make a mention on the main demand of formation of a union, thereby leading to
the workers and the management making counter claims. Unlike Marutis Gurgaon plant where most of the workers are
permanent and have a legally recognised trade union, the Manesar plant runs on contract labour. So workers at two different
plants doing the same work are treated differently. The Manesar workers see this as unfair and launched an agitation. The
striking workers had been demanding recognition of a new union Maruti Suzuki Employees Union (MSEU) independent
of the existing one that is dominated by workers of the Gurgaon plant.

Lagarde, Carstens shortlisted to lead the IMF: Frances Christine Lagarde and Mexicos Agustin Carstens were on
June 14, 2011 shortlisted to lead the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The new managing director would be announced by
June 30, the IMF said in a statement. While Lagarde, a French national, is Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment of
France; Carstens is Governor of the Bank of Mexico.

Teledensity at 72.08% TRAI: Telecom operators in the country added 15.34 million mobile subscribers in April this year
2011, taking the total number of telephone users to 861.48 million, sectoral regulator TRAI said on June 14, 2011. With this,
the overall teledensity (telephones per 100 people) in India reached 72.08 per cent. However, the number of active mobile
subscribers, according to the visitor location register (VLR) data, during April was only 583.22 million. VLR numbers provide
details on active customers at any given point of time, excluding switched-off and out-of-the- coverage area customers.

CIL and Sun Pharma enter BSE Sensex: The Index Committee of the Bombay Stock Exchange on June 17, 2011
removed the Anil Ambani group stocks Reliance Communication and Reliance Infra for the first time from the
prestigious BSE Sensex 30 scrips. Coal India and Sun Pharma have been included in the place of ADAG stocks. The market
capitalisation of Reliance Communications (RCom) has come down from a high of over Rs 1 lakh crore to Rs 20,000 crore,
while Reliance Infra has a market cap of just Rs 15,000 crore.

India earmarks $100 million each for SAFTA countries for infrastructure: The Minister of Commerce & Industry,
Government of India Anand Sharma urged the member states of SAARC to bring down protectionist trade barriers to achieve
regional economies of scale at a much greater pace at the fifth meeting of SAFTA Ministerial Council in Male on June 13,
2011. He also announced that India has earmarked US$100 million each for its neighboring countries to undertake
developmental work in basic infrastructure projects. The Ministerial was attended by Trade & Commerce ministers of
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

Bihar is Best Performing State RBI Study: A Reserve Bank sponsored study on June 17, 2011 said Bihar
(including Jharkhand) was the best performing state during 1980-2004, while Tamil Nadu lagged behind in terms of TFPG, a
parameter that measures productivity of the organised manufacturing sector. Although Bihar did well in terms of TFPG (total
factor productivity growth), it faltered on employment generation, the study on Productivity, Efficiency and Competitiveness of
the Indian Manufacturing Sector, conducted by the Development Research Group (DRG), a research wing of the RBI said.
The inter-state performance of TFPG of organised manufacturing sector indicates that Bihar (including Jharkhand) is the
best performing state while Tamil Nadu is the worst performing state, it said. Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar in
November 2000.

Child labour generates Rs 1.2 lakh crore of black money every year BBA: A child rights outfit on June 12,
2011 claimed that child labour generates Rs 1.2 lakh crore of black money every year in India. According to a report Capital
Corruption: Child Labour in India prepared by Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA), the figure was arrived at by calculating the
number of child labourers, the income earned by them and the illicit profits being generated by employers by not appointing
adult workers.

India is 5
in Ernst & Young European Attractiveness Survey: Despite regulatory hurdles, India continues to be
among the preferred destinations for FDI due to the countrys high economic growth, with both Mumbai and Delhi being
touted as among the cities likely to produce the next Microsoft or Google, according to the 9th Annual European
Attractiveness Survey by Ernst & Young unveiled on June 6, 2011. The Survey says India will rank fifth among the most
attractive destinations for European firms within the next three years, mainly on account of Indias perceived specialisation as
a hub for low cost outsourcing business.

India has 62,000 ultra high net worth households Kotak Wealth, CRISIL Research: India has 62,000 ultra high
net worth households, with an average net worth of Rs 75 crore. In five years, the number of such households would more
than treble to 219,000, each with a net worth of about Rs 100 crore. According to a study by Kotak Wealth and Crisil
Research released on June 7, 2011, the number of ultra wealthy households remains a mere 0.03 per cent of the total
households in the country. The report titled Top of the Pyramid, defined ultra high net worth households as those with a
minimum net worth of Rs 25 crore. The study identifies three distinct profiles of ultra high net worth individuals (UHNIs) in
India the inheritor, the self-made and the professional. While real estate has been the most preferred investment avenue,
alternate asset classes are also likely to gain popularity.

Bill Gammell to step down as Cairn Energy CEO: A major overhaul of top management at Edinburgh-based Cairn
Energy got under way on June 16, 2011 as Simon Thomson, the current legal and commercial director of the firm, was
named as the companys new Chief Executive. As of July, he will replace Sir Bill Gammell, the companys founder, who in
turn will become Chairman of both the group and remain as Chairman of Cairn India, with responsibilities for the Vedanta

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 12 to 18, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

Rafael Nadal, Li Na win French Open Singles

Chinas Li Na made sporting history at the French Open when she became the first Asian to win a Grand Slam singles title on
June 4, 2011. The 29-year-old Na defeated defending champion 30-year-old Francesca Schiavone of Italy 6-4, 7-6(0).

Rafael Nadal won a 10
Grand Slam title, and equalled Bjorn Borgs record of six French Open titles, when he defeated
Roger Federer 7-5, 7-6(7), 5-7, 6-1 in the final on June 5. Top seed Nadal, who was also champion in 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008 and 2010, took his overall Paris record to 45 wins against just one defeat. It was the 25-year-old Spaniards 17th win
over Federer in 25 meetings and fourth in a Roland Garros final. This was also Nadals sixth win in eight Grand Slam final
meetings with Federer.

Meanwhile, Daniel Nestor of Canada and Max Mirnyi of Belarus won their first Grand Slam title together by defeating Eduardo
Schwank of Argentina and Juan Sebastian Cabal of Colombia 7-6(3), 3-6, 6-4 in the Mens doubles final on June 4.

Womens Doubles was won by Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka of Czech Republic who defeated Indias Sania Mirza
and Elena Vesnina of Russia in straight sets, 64, 63 on June 3.

Casey Dellacqua (Australia) and Scott Lipsky (USA) defeated the reigning champions Katarina Srebotnik (Slovenia) and
Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia) 76, 46 in the final on June 2 to take the 2011 French Open mixed doubles title.

Winners of both Singles titles received 1,200,000 while winners of Mens and Singles doubles got 330,000. Mixed doubles
winner received 100,000. Runners-ups got half in all categories.

Philipp Kohlschreiber wins Halle Open: Germanys Philipp Kohlschreiber won the Gerry Weber Open grasscourt
tournament in Halle, Germany on June 12, 2011 after compatriot Philipp Petzschner was forced to retire hurt with a back
injury while trailing 7-6(5), 2-0. Indias Rohan Bopanna and Pakistans Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi won the doubles title beating
Dutch-Canadian team of Milos Raonic and Robin Haase 7-6(8), 3-6, 11-9 in the final. Meanwhile, in Copenhagen, Denmarks
Caroline Wozniacki won the Copenhagen Open with a 6-1, 6-4 victory over Lucie Safarova of Czech Republic in the final on
June 12.

Murray wins Aegon Tennis title: Andy Murray clinched the Aegon Tennis title with a 3-6, 7-6(2), 6-4 victory over Jo-
Wilfried Tsonga in the final at Queens Club, London on June 13, 2011. Doubles title was won by Mike Bryan & Bob Bryan
who beat the Indian pair of Leander Paes & Mahesh Bhupathi 7-6(2), 6-7(4), 6-10. In Aegon Womens Classic in Sabine
Lisicki beat Daniela Hantuchova 6-3, 6-2 to win the title.

Jenson Button wins Montreal GP: McLaren driver Jenson Button beat Red Bulls Formula One World champion
Sebastian Vettel to win the Canadian Grand Prix at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, Montreal on June 12, 2011. Mark Webber of
Red Bull finished third.

India win ODI series in West Indies 3-2: The West Indies defeated India by seven wickets with eight deliveries
remaining at the Sabina Park, Kingston, Jamaica on June 16, 2011 and reduced the visitors series victory margin to 3-2.
Batting first, India was all out for 251 in 47.3 overs. Virat Kohli (run out) 94 (104b, 10x4) and Rohit Sharma 57 (72b, 2x4, 1x6)
were top scorers for India. Andre Russell (8.3-0-35-4 wickets) was the best bowler for West Indies. In reply, WI reached the
target in 48.4 overs. Ramnaresh Sarwan (retd. hurt) 75 ( 94b, 5x4, 1x6) and Darren Bravo 86 ( 99b, 3x4, 6x6) were the top
scorers for WI. Rohit Sharma was adjudged Player of the Series. Andre Russell was named Man of the Match.

Kerala wins Inter-State Athletics Meet: Kerala annexed the mens, womens and the overall team honours and
extended its domination to the individual best athlete with Sajeesh Joseph (800 metres gold) and Mayookha Johny (long
jump gold with a New Meet record) winning the best men and womens awards, respectively at the Inter-State Athletics Meet
that concluded at the at the Sree Kanteerava stadium in Bangalore on June 14, 2011. Kerala with 13 golds (four men and
nine women) finished ahead of Punjab with six gold medals (three men, three women).

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms approved
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana extended to domestic workers
NRHM to involve ASHAs in family planning initiatives
Rules governing release of MPLADS funds relaxed
NAC approves draft National Food Security Bill, 2011
NAC revises draft Communal Violence Bill
Group of Experts recommends university status for Pune Film Institute
Indo-Pak foreign secretary-level talks held
IMD scales down forecast for southwest monsoon
Day of the Seafarer inaugurated
IGNOU launches Sagardeep for Navy personnel
PNS Babur resorts to aggressive manoeuvres against INS Godavari
IAF launches So That Others May Live
Pilatus to sign trainer aircraft deal with IAF
DAE signs MoU with Rosatom for R&D
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed
Goa becomes first state to have diabetes registry
Mumbai has most area under lakes, wetlands
UNESCO removes danger tag imposed on Manas
Aadhaar can be ID proof for LPG connections
Rajiv Gandhi Adhivakta Prashikshan Yojna launched
First Central academy for police training to come up in Bhopal
IPS officers to get training from Scotland Yard
ICFJ to start journalism programmes in India
America Inc calls for bilateral investment treaty with India
Global conference on mango organised
Retd. HC Judge to probe construction of new secretariat complex in Tamil Nadu
External Affairs Minister Krishna visits Myanmar
Mohammed Haleem Khan appointed new Disinvestment Secretary
Raj Kumar Singh appointed Home Secretary
S. Chandrasekharan appointed Parliamentary Secretary
Nirupama to be Indias next ambassador to the US
Telangana ideologue Jayashankar passes away
Sahitya Akademi Award winning Assamese writer Saurav Kumar Chaliha passes away

Section B: WORLD

New NSG guidelines bar nuclear exports to countries outside NPT
Pak, SL, Bhutan, Bangladesh in Foreign Policy magazines Failed States list
G-20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting organised
Partners in Population Development Meeting organised
Asia surpasses Europe in number of high networth individuals
Kimberley Process ends ban on Zimbabwean diamonds
Global Zero Summit organised in London
World Refugee Day observed
International Widows Day observed
World Blood Donors day organised
World Music Day celebrated

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Armenia, Azerbaijan hold talks on Nagorny Karabakh
Croatia joins EU as 28
U.S. President announces troop withdrawal from Afghanistan
Communist Party of China is worlds largest political party
Japan quake caused $210 billion in property damage
China releases dissident artist Ai Weiwei
Qatar diplomat named next UN assembly president
Abdiweli Mohamed Ali appoints new PM of Somalia

Section C: AWARDS

da Silva, Kufuor win World Food Prize
Four Indians among Forbes Asia Heroes of Philanthropy
Indian animated childrens film wins PETA award
Hindi Academy awards conferred
Vijay Darda wins International Jurists Award


Key indicators of Employment and Unemployment in India unveiled
Diesel, PDS kerosene & domestic LPG prices increased
Structure of proposed Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs) unveiled
DBRS upgrades Indias credit ratings
Fitch affirms Indias credit ratings
Booz & Co roped in for national electric mobility mission
Guarantees to overseas JVs, subsidiaries rise in 2010-11
CCI penalises NSE for anti-competitive behaviour in currency derivatives
Government begins talks to revise DTAA with Mauritius
Economist Suresh Tendulkar passes away
Salaried taxpayers income up to Rs. 5 lakh exempted from filing IT return
TaxSpanner enables filing of Income Tax from mobile
India, Singapore ink DTAA to exchange tax information
XBRL to bring in more transparency in reporting financial results
CAG issues new accounting norms for government departments
IRDA to have final say on insurance companies IPOs
RBI upgrades SBIs CAMELS rating
RBI Deputy Governor S. Gopinath retires
Employment Guarantee Council rejects NCSD proposal to include skill development in NREGS
India-US Bilateral Investment Agreement on the cards
World rice output in 2011 estimated at 476 mn tonnes FAO
IEA to release oil reserves to check crude prices
Endosulfan listed under Rotterdam Convention
Indian women rise in business but not in power Centre for Social Research

Section E: SPORTS

India wins 1
Test of West Indies series
Chennai Spikers win Indian Volleyball League
China wins both singles titles at Singapore Open Badminton
Chetan Anand won the Mauritius Open badminton
Marion Bartoli wins Eastbourne tennis
McIlroy wins US Open Golf

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA

National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms approved

The Union Cabinet on June 23, 2011 approved an ambitious programme that would usher in radical legal reforms aimed at,
among other goals, disposal of pending cases in three years, from the current average of 15 years, and establishment of an
All India Judicial Service. Known as the National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms, it seeks to operationalise a
number of plans to ensure expeditious and quality justice. The Mission has been conceived on the basis of a Vision
Document adopted at the conference of Chief Ministers and Chief Justices in October 2009. The broad areas under it are:
policy and legislative changes, re-engineering of procedures, human resource development, leveraging information
technology and improvement of physical infrastructure of subordinate courts.

The Mission would comprise an Advisory Council, a Governing Council, a National Mission Leader and a Mission Directorate.
The Advisory Council will advise on the goals, objectives and strategies and an action plan. The Governing Council will
facilitate implementation, give policy directions and oversee the work of the Mission. The Mission Directorate will monitor t he
Missions various initiatives.

A tentative action plan worked out by the Ministry of Law and Justice focuses on initiatives such as an All India Judicial
Service, a Litigation Policy, Judicial Impact Assessment, Amendments to the Negotiable Instruments Act and the Arbitration &
Conciliation Act and Legal Education Reforms. It seeks re-engineering of the procedures and alternative methods of dispute
resolution such as identification of bottlenecks, procedural changes in court processes, statutory changes to reduce and
disincentivise delays, fast tracking of procedures, appointment of court managers and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Objectives of the National Mission
The National Mission will focus on improvement in administration of justice and justice delivery and legal reforms in the entire
country and it has to address diverse needs of all sections of stakeholders in a Mission Mode approach.
The Mission spanning 5 years from 2011-2016 would focus on two major goals as envisaged in the vision document, namely
(i) increasing access by reducing delays and arrears in the system, and
(ii) enhancing accountability through structural changes and by setting performance standards and capacities.

The salient features of the National Mission are:-
(1) The National Mission would comprise of Advisory Council, Governing Council, National Mission Leader and the Mission

(2) The Advisory Council will advise on the goals, objectives and strategies of the National Mission and the Action Plan and
its implementation and performance of the Mission in meeting its objectives and would be chaired by the Minister for Law and
Justice and would have membership from Parliament, State Governments, Jurists & senior officers of Government of India.

(3) The Governing Council would facilitate implementation, give policy directions and oversee the work of the Mission and
would be headed by the Minister for Law and Justice.

(4) The Secretary, Department of Justice would be the National Mission Leader.

(5) A Mission Directorate would be constituted to implement and monitor the various initiative / programme of the National
Mission. It would be headed by an officer of the rank of the Joint Secretary who would act as the Mission Director.

(6) An Action Plan has been drawn up which would of course be subjected to change once the Governing Council meets to
set out the agenda.

The tentative Action Plan for five strategic initiatives are:-
(i) Policy and Legislative changes such as All India Judicial Service, Litigation Policy, Judicial Impact Assessment,
Amendment in N.I. Act and Arbitration & Conciliation Act, Legal Education Reforms etc.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

(ii) Re-engineering procedures and alternate methods of Dispute Resolution such as identification of bottlenecks, procedural
changes in court processes, statutory amendments to reduce and disincentivise delays, Fast tracking of procedures,
appointment of court managers and Alternate Dispute Resolution.
(iii) Focus on Human Resource Development such as filling up of vacancy positions in all courts of judges and court staff,
strengthening State Judicial Academies, Training of Public Prosecutors and ICT enablement of public prosecutors offices,
strengthening National Judicial Academy and Training of mediators.
(iv) Leveraging ICT for better justice delivery such as implementation of E-courts project, integration of ICT in the judiciary
and use in criminal justice delivery and creation of National Arrears Grid.
(v) Improving Infrastructure such as improving physical infrastructure of the District and subordinate courts and creation of
special / additional courts like Morning / Evening Courts, Family Courts and Gram Nyayalayas.
There are certain initiatives listed above which are ongoing would be further strengthened and new initiatives would be
undertaken as indicated in the action plan which may be revised / enhanced by the Governing Council.

(7) Infrastructure development for the subordinate judiciary is the major thrust area of the National Mission. Inadequacy
of infrastructure facilities in District and Subordinate courts has remained a major bottleneck in the judicial system largely
contributing to the accumulation of arrears. In order to augment the resources of the State Governments for development of
infrastructure facilities for the judiciary a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) has remained in operation since 1993-94 at
50:50 basis. A preliminary assessment of requirement of infrastructure for subordinate courts from the States revealed that
around Rs. 7000 crore would be needed over five years for construction/maintenance etc. The Central Government outflow
would be around Rs. 5500 crore over five years.

(8) The funding of infrastructure development of subordinate courts in the ratio of Central/State assistance will be 75:25
instead of the present 50:50. In case of North-Eastern State, the ratio will be 90:10 as already agreed to in the CSS Scheme
by the Planning Commission. This modified scheme will be implemented under the National Mission

Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana extended to domestic workers

The Union Cabinet on June 23, 2011 approved the extension of the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) to all the
registered domestic workers in the country. The scheme is expected to cover approximately 47.50 lakh domestic workers in
the country. The Scheme envisages smart card based cashless health insurance cover up to Rs. 30,000/- in any empanelled
hospital anywhere in the country. The insurance coverage would be extended to all registered domestic workers in the age
group of 18-59 years. The beneficiaries would have to get identification certificates from any two of the four institutions the
employer, residents welfare associations, registered trade unions or the police. A maximum of five members per family would
be covered.

The funds will be allocated from the National Social Security Fund for Unorganised Workers. The premium will be shared by
the Central and State Governments in the ratio of 75:25. In case of States in NE Regional and J&K the ratio is 90:10. The
estimated expenditure to be borne by the Central Government is: 2011-12 Rs. 29.70 crore; 2012-13 Rs. 74.25 crore;
2013-14 Rs. 148.50 crore; 2014-15 Rs. 297.00 crore.

Domestic work forms one of the largest sectors of female employment in the urban areas. Domestic workers are
unorganized and the sector remains unregulated and unprotected by labour laws. These workers come from vulnerable
communities and backward areas. Most of these are poor, vulnerable, illiterate, unskilled and do not understand the urban
labour market.

About RSBY
The RSBY provides for smart card based cashless health insurance cover of Rs. 30,000/- per annum to BPL workers (a unit
of five) in unorganised sector is presently being implemented in 25 States / UTs. More than 2.34 crore smart cards have
been issued as on 31.5.2011. The scheme has since been extended to building and other construction workers registered
with Welfare Boards constituted under the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act, 1996, street vendors, beedi workers and such MNREGA workers who have worked for more than
15 days during the preceding year

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

NRHM to involve ASHAs in family planning initiatives

Family planning: The mission steering group (MSG) of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) on June 21, 2011 decided
to utilise Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) for delivery of contraceptives at the homes of beneficiaries. For this,
ASHAs can charge Re. 1 for a pack of 3 condoms, Re. 1 for an Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) cycle and Rs. 2 for an
Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP) from the beneficiaries.

Maternal & infant care: The MSG the highest decision-making body of the NRHM has also decided to provide a
performance-linked incentive of Rs. 250 to ASHAs for reducing the infant mortality rate. The proposed schedule of home visit
for institutional delivery is 6 home visits on days 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 42 to assess the newborn as well as to ensure post-
partum care of mother. In the case of home delivery, a total of 7 home visits will be required as ASHA should be present at
the birth or visit the mother and baby as soon as possible within the first 24 hours and on subsequent specified days.

Promoting menstrual hygiene: It was decided to further improve and streamline the scheme to promote menstrual hygiene
amongst the adolescent girls in rural areas. For this, the MSG has decided to revise the existing scheme. It will be taken up in
152 districts instead of 150. Six sanitary napkins (Rs. 7.50 per pack) will be procured for which assistance will be provided by
the Centre.

Rules governing release of MPLADS funds relaxed

The amount to be released in the first instalment for works proposed under the Member of Parliament Local Area
Development Scheme (MPLADS) has been increased. The MPLADS allows MPs to suggest works to the Head of District to
be taken up in their constituency. Projects implemented by government agencies would now be provided 75 per cent of the
project cost as the first instalment, while those implemented by non-governmental agencies would be provided 60 per cent,
according to Union Minister for Statistics and Programme Implementation M.S. Gill in June 2011. At present, only 50 per cent
of the estimated cost is released as the first instalment, irrespective of the nature of the project, which led to complaints of
delays in completion.

Conditions had been further relaxed for smaller projects costing less than Rs. 2 lakh. For them, the entire amount would be
released at one go. Besides, in a bid to ensure that funds were not spread too thinly, no project costing less than Rs.1 lakh
would be sanctioned. Exceptions, however, would be made in the case of essential projects, such as installation of hand
pumps, and purchase of computers and their accessories.

MPs would also be allowed to spend up to Rs.10 lakh a year on projects in any State or Union Territory other than the one
from where they were elected. The aim is to promote national unity and fraternity among the people at the grassroots level.

In an important departure from the past, a limit of Rs.50 lakh per annum has been imposed on contributions to trusts and
societies so that more money was available for community-related works.

NAC approves draft National Food Security Bill, 2011

Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) on June 23, 2011 approved the draft National Food Security Bill, 2011
which aims to make provision of food support to people facing hunger a duty of the state. The bill guarantees subsidised
foodgrains to at least 90 per cent of rural households, and 50 percent of urban households. The draft bill will now be placed
before the Union Cabinet for approval.

The Bill draft categorises two types of households as eligible for discounted grain priority households which are below the
poverty line (BPL); and general households which consist of Lower Middle Class families. 46 per cent of the rural and 28 per
cent of urban households are categorised as priority households. 49 per cent of the rural and 22 per cent of urban
households categorised as general group.

According to the Bill, priority households are entitled to 35 kilos (7 kg per head) per month of foodgrain at the rate of Rs 3 per
kg of rice, Rs 2 per kg of wheat, and Re 1 per kg of millets. General households would have the right to 20 kg (4 kg per head)
at a price not exceeding 50 per cent of the Minimum Support Price paid to farmers for the respective foodgrain.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

The Bill has also stood by the legal backing given to the PDS system, with extensively dealing with aspects like procurement,
storage and distribution through Fair Price Shops as the only approach for implementing the provisions of food security.

It also envisaged setting up of a seven-member National Food Commission, to be headed by a sitting or a former Supreme
Court judge and similar State Commissions to be presided by a High Court judge.

While legalising PDS, the proposed legislation has made it mandatory for the government to maintain financial viability of
Fair Price Shops by ensuring FPS are financially viable by ensuring that reasonable commissions, salaries for the manager
are provided in a time bound manner.

With NAC finalising the draft bill, the ball is now in the governments court which would have a difficult task of choosing from
this and the one prepared by the Food Ministry.

Economist Jean Dreze quits NAC: Economist Jean Dreze has resigned from the National Advisory Council. He had
expressed a wish to be relieved so that he could spend more time on other commitments, including his work on the NREGA
and a book project. The Government had rejected his demand to link NREGS wages to the Minimum Wages Act. On the draft
Food Security Bill that was sent to the Government by the NAC on June 23 Dreze also expressed several reservations
against the NAC version itself calling it a compromise.

NAC revises Communal Violence Bill

The Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) on June 22, 2011 decided to effect a number of amendments 49 in
total to the draft of the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011.
This follows concerns over some of the clauses in the original draft. The revised draft bill will now be placed before the Union
Cabinet for approval.

Among the controversial provisions that the NAC will delete from its draft is the one that gives power to the Centre to take
steps to check communal violence anywhere in the country. According to clause 20, Chapter III of the draft bill, The
occurrence of organised communal and targeted violence shall constitute internal disturbance within the meaning of Article
355 of the Constitution of India and the Central Government may take such steps in accordance with the duties mentioned
thereunder, as the nature and circumstances of the case so requires. The opposition BJP had questioned the proposal to
allow the Centre to unilaterally intervene in situations in states, saying that it would intrude into the domain of the state and
damage the federal polity since law and order is a state subject in the Constitution.

It was also decided that the provision defining communal and targeted violence will be re-worked. Clauses dealing with power
and functions of the National Authority for Communal Harmony, Justice and Reparation will also be removed. There were
some concerns about excessive powers to the National Authority and some clauses were deleted.

GoE recommends university status for Pune Film Institute

A Group of Experts (GoE), appointed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has recommended grant of
independent university status to Pune-based Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). The recommendation for university
status was one of the major demands put forth in the GoE report, which was submitted to the FTII governing council and the
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on June 28, 2011. P.K. Nair, film producer and founder-director of the National Film
Archives of India (NFAI) is the Chairman of GoE. The report, which took more than six months to be completed, chalks out
the future course of action for the premier institute.

If the recommendation is accepted, the premier institute will be able to award Bachelors and Masters degrees, along with the
existing post graduate diploma degrees. Other proposals include setting up of a welfare fund for the institute, to which the
alumni will be persuaded to contribute. The GoE has also suggested introduction of new courses such as cinema studies,
production management and marketing.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

The GoE was appointed in November 2010, after the earlier project report prepared by the private firm Hewitt Associates was
rejected by the institute, following protests by students. The GoE includes National Award-winning cinematographer Shaji N.
Karun; Director, Comet Media Foundation, Mumbai, Chandita Mukherjee; film director Kundan Shah; Film Editor Jabeen
Merchant; National Award-winning short-filmmaker Hansa Thapliyal and film director Nachiket Patwardhan.

Indo-Pak foreign secretary-level talks held: India made it clear to Pakistan on June 24, 2011 that resolution of the
Kashmir issue cannot take place under the shadow of the gun as the two countries concluded satisfactory talks in
Islamabad. The meeting resulted in agreement on various confidence-building measures. Two days of talks between foreign
secretary, Nirupama Rao, and her Pakistani counterpart, Salman Bashir paved the way for discussions between the foreign
ministers of the two countries in New Delhi next month. India pressed for satisfactory closure of the trial in Pakistan of the
Mumbai terror attack accused, saying it would help in normalisation of relations. Pakistan wanted the terrorism issue to be
addressed in a collaborative manner.

IMD scales down forecast for southwest monsoon: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) on June 21, 2011
said that rainfall in the four-month season would be only 95 per cent of the long period average (LPA) subject to a model
error of plus or minus 4 per cent. In the April 19 forecast, the IMD predicted a rainfall of 98 per cent of the LPA, subject to a
model error of plus or minus 5 per cent. The IMD also announced that the rainfall in July and August could be well below
normal this year. Asked about rains in July, which is crucial for the agricultural sector, IMD Director-General Ajit Tyagi said
the system was likely to be weak during the first half of the month and would pick up later.

Day of the Seafarer inaugurated: G.K. Vasan, Union Minister of Shipping inaugurated the Day of the Seafarer in
Mumbai on June 25, 2011. As much as 90 per cent of world trade is carried by sea by close to 1.5 million seafarers across
the world. The celebrations were attended by the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Nirmal Verma and a number of distinguished
personalities from the maritime sector. All 22 crew members including six Indian seafarers from M.V. Suez were released by
Somali pirates in June. India is one of the major manpower suppliers to the world shipping industry, contributing about 6 to
8% of the total manpower. On the occasion of the 1
International Day of Seafarers, the Union Minister of Shipping
announced a set of welfare initiatives which will be implemented before the next Day of Seafarers, i.e. before 25.06.2012.
These include launch of a Contributory Annuity Scheme for Seafarers by the SPFO, so that seafarers are assured of a
monthly income through this scheme.

IGNOU launches Sagardeep for Navy personnel: The Indian Navy on June 24, 2011 signed a MoU with Indira
Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), launching Sagardeep a project registering existing sailors training institutes as
Community Colleges. This will enable them to obtain a Bachelors degree whilst in service thus addressing professional
certification needs of higher learning and in service training of sailors. Under the arrangements, various in service training
will enable sailors to earn credit points that would be transferred to IGNOU for completing their certificates, diplomas and
associate degrees in various fields such as Arts, Science, Commerce, Business Administration, Hotel Management,
Hospitality services, Medical services, Para Medical Sciences etc. Subsequently, the sailor can enroll for a one-year distance
learning programme with IGNOU leading to award of Bachelors Degree. The launch of the project will benefit over fifty
thousand Indian Navy personnel who will, on completion of the syllabus receive a Degree from the National University that
has the potential to transform their post-retirement life besides helping them prepare for competitive jobs.

PNS Babur resorts to aggressive manoeuvres against INS Godavari: Pakistani naval ship PNS Babur on June 23,
2011 resorted to aggressive manoeuvres and rubbed against INS Godavari operations in international waters. Babur was
accompanying MV Suez, a cargo vessel which along with a 22member crew, including six Indians and four Pakistanis had
been released by Somali pirates. When Godavari approached to offer Suez further cover, the crew of the Pakistani naval ship
resorted to aggressive manoeuvres risking Godavari. The Indian ship had to take evasive measures to avert a collision.

Task force set up to review Kargil committee recommendations: The government on June 23, 2011 set up a new
task force to review measures for reforming management of the defence forces that were suggested by the Kargil Review
Committee. The task force, being headed by former bureaucrat Naresh Chandra, comes almost a decade after Atal Behari
Vajpayee government appointed the Kargil Review Committee headed by strategic affairs analyst, the late K Subrahmanyam.
Several suggestions of the Kargil committee have not yet been implemented. These include the setting up of a Chief of
Defence Staff. The task force headed by Chandra, who had been the Indian ambassador to the US and defence secretary,
has several experts from various fields including the military, intelligence, nuclear and media.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK


IAF launches So That Others May Live: The Indian Air Force (IAF) on June 23, 2011 launched a coffee-table book
titled So That Others May Live to showcase its role in counter-terrorism operations and humanitarian efforts. The book,
released by IAF chief Air Chief Marshal P V Naik is a compilation of photographs and notes on various humanitarian
operations conducted by the force over the last six decades since Independence. The book has photographs and description
of the activities other than the offensive roles performed by IAF since 1947. The book contains photos of IAF helicopters
dropping National Security Guards (NSG) commandos on the roof of Taj Mahal Hotel during 26/11 Mumbai attacks. It also
showcases the IAFs air-maintenance operations in North-East and Siachen glacier.

Pilatus to sign trainer aircraft deal with IAF: Switzerlands Pilatus Aircraft is about to sign a record deal to supply 75 of
its successful PC7 trainers to the Indian Air Force for 850 million francs ($ 1 billion), a press report said on June 18, 2011.
The daily, Le Temps, which described the contract as the biggest in the companys history, said it could eventually be
extended to as many as 200 of the singleengined turboprop.

DAE signs MoU with Rosatom for R&D: The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has signed a memorandum of
understanding with Rosatom Nuclear Energy State Corporation, of Russia, for cooperation in the activities to be pursued at
the Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) being set up by the DAE in Haryana. DAE Secretary and Atomic
Energy Commission chairman Srikumar Banerjee, and Rosatom Director-General SV. Kirienko, signed the MoU in Vienna on
June 21, 2011. The GCNEP would consist of four schools studying advanced nuclear energy systems, nuclear security,
radiological safety, and applications of radio-isotopes and radiation technologies.

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed: June 26, 2011 was observed as
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The Indian government recognises Drug abuse as a psycho-
socio-medical problem, which can be best handled by adoption of a family/community-based approach by active involvement
of NGOs/Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and has been taking several initiatives to help say no to drugs

Goa becomes first state to have diabetes registry: Goa on June 24, 2011 became the first state to have a diabetes
registry, which was launched in Panaji in association with Denmarks Novo Nordisk Education Foundation (NNEF).

Mumbai has most area under lakes, wetlands: Coastal wetlands like salt pans and inland water bodies like lakes take
up as much as 35% of Mumbai, the most in any major Indian city, says the recently-released atlas of wetlands by the Union
ministry of environment. Kolkata isn second with over 11% of its area covered by water bodies, Bangalore ranks third with 7%
as lakes and Chennai fourth with 5% under water. Capital Delhi comes in last with just 0.72% of its area (20 hectares)
covered by water. The Ahmedabad-based Space Application Centre (SAC) prepared the detailed national inventory of
wetlands on the basis of satellite imagery provided by ISRO, highlighting areas of critical ecological significance and those
facing threat due to developmental activities. Wetlands are productive ecosystems that play a crucial role in hydrological
cycle like helping in storm and flood control, water supply, providing food, fibre and raw materials. They also support lakhs of
migratory birds coming from colder regions of the world in summers, apart from diverse local flora and fauna.

UNESCO removes danger tag imposed on Manas: Acknowledging great revival story, UNESCO has removed the
famous Manas Wildlife Sanctuary of Assam from the World Heritage List in Danger following significant improvement in
wildlife conservation. The decision to remove the danger tag was announced during the 35
session of UNESCOs World
Heritage Committee in Paris on June 22, 2011. Situated on the foothills of the Himalayas, the Manas sanctuary, home to a
great variety of wildlife, including many endangered species, such as tiger, pygmy hog, one-horn rhinoceros and elephant,
was inscribed in the List of Danger in 1992, seven years after it had entered UNESCOs World Heritage List. It had decided to
include this site in the danger when the park became a safe haven for militants and there was rampant poaching inside it.

Aadhaar can be ID proof for LPG connections: People seeking new LPG connections from Indian Oil Corporation,
Bharat Petroleum and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation can now submit their Letter of allotment of Aadhaar - unique
identification authority number -- as a proof of identity. These oil marketing companies had advised their distributors to accept
Aadhaar issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) as proof of identity and address, a statement from IOC
on June 22, 2011. The Aadhaar (Letter issued by UIDAI) would be included in the list of documents sufficient for issue of new
domestic LPG connections.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Rajiv Gandhi Adhivakta Prashikshan Yojna launched: The Rajiv Gandhi Adhivakta Prashikshan Yojna (Rajiv Gandhi
Advocates Training Scheme), which envisages selection of 10 young practicing Advocates from each state every year for
being imparted professional training, was launched on June 27, 2011. The Scheme targets young lawyers who are practicing
in Magistrate and Munsif Courts, by providing proper professional training for a period of two months so that they may serve
the need of law professionals at grass root level. Advocates in actual practice in Magistrate or Munsif courts, not above 30
years of age, are eligible for the selection by the Selection Committee for this training. He/she should be willing to make
services available for legal aid programme.

First Central academy for police training to come up in Bhopal: Aimed at bringing uniformity in police training in
the country, the first Central Academy will shortly come up at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh. The funds for setting up the
academy are being provided by the Union Home Ministry and 400 acres of land has already been identified for the purpose in
Bhopal, Director-General of Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) Vikram Srivastva informed at the 41
India Police Science Congress (AIPSC) organised in Dehradun, Uttarakhand in June 21, 2011. The academy would
especially benefit those states which lack infrastructure for police training. All the police officers recruited as direct gazetted
officers or at the level of Deputy Superintendent of Police level, would be trained in the academy. The Centre has also
sanctioned two new Central Detective Schools, one at Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh and another at Gandhinagar in Gujarat
and the process has already been started for their early establishment. With this, the total number of such schools will rise to
five. Others are already being run in Hyderabad, Kolkata and Chandigarh.

IPS officers to get training from Scotland Yard: As many as 115 IPS officers will receive training at the famed
Scotland Yard of UK to enhance their crime investigation techniques in a two-week-long training programme starting from
June 27, said O P Jindal Global University, the organiser of the training programme, on June 24, 2011. Senior IPS officers of
the rank of DIG and Inspector General of Police completed their 6-week-long course in strategic management taught by
Cambridge University in collaboration with Jindal University at the National Police Academy in Hyderabad recently.

ICFJ to start journalism programmes in India: Non-profit group International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) on June 22,
2011 said it will start a 10-month long journalism programme in India from August 16. The ICFJ has tied up with leading
education provider Greycells Education for offering these certificate programmes for print and broadcast journalism. US-
based ICFJ, a non-profit professional entity, is into promoting quality journalism. It has presence in 60 countries including

America Inc calls for bilateral investment treaty with India: Corporate America on June 24, 2011 urged US
policymakers to enter into a bilateral investment treaty with India, which they argued is the next key step after the civil nuclear
deal to strengthen and deepen trade and business ties between the two largest democracies of the world. The priority is to
deliver on a US-India Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) that incentivises greater two-way foreign direct investment, said Ron
Somers, the president of US India Business Council (USIBC) in his address to the 36th anniversary leadership summit of the
organisation, which is the apex body of the Indian and American corporate world in the United States. Harold Terry McGraw
III, chairman, president and CEO of The McGraw-Hill Companies is the USIBC Chairman.

Global conference on mango organised: Lucknow hosted a global conference on mango and the challenges facing the
crop and its growers in backdrop of changing climatic conditions. India, being the worlds second largest producer of fruits, is
endowed with rich genetic diversity of over 1,000 mango varieties. The international event Augmenting Production and
Utilization of Mango: Biotic and Abiotic Stresses was organised from June 21 to 24, 2011 by Lucknow-based Central Institute
for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH), a constituent of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). India topped the list in
mango production and acreage at 15.02 million tonnes and 2.51 million hectares respectively. However, Indias productivity at
about 6.80 tonnes per hectare was much behind countries, such as, Brazil (16.8), Indonesia (10.9), Pakistan (10.6), Mexico
(10.5), Bangladesh (9.5) and China (8.8).

Retd. HC Judge to probe new TN secretariat complex: The Tamil Nadu government on June 24, 2011 appointed
retired Madras High Court Judge S Thangaraj to probe the construction of the new Assembly-cum-secretariat complex built
by the previous DMK government. The complex involved an investment of over Rs 1,100 crore and was inaugurated by the
Prime Minister. The Commission of Inquiry will inquire into the causes and circumstances leading to the alleged irregularities
like excess expenditure, irregularities causing loss to the exchequer, whether all statutory approvals and clearances were
obtained, inordinate delay and efficiency in standards of construction of the new secretariat complex in Omandurar
Government Estate, Chennai. The commission will submit its report to the government within three months. AIADMK leader

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

and chief minister J Jayalalithaa, the day she took charge on May 16, directly went to the old secretariat at Fort St George
and signed seven files. She defended her decision saying it was purely on grounds of administrative convenience.

External Affairs Minister Krishna visits Myanmar: Myanmar gave firm assurances to India on June 20, 2011 that its
territory would not be used for anti-India activities, even as their Foreign Ministers held a series of positive and constructive
meetings with focus on cooperation in security, energy and agriculture at capital Nay Pyi Taw. External Affairs Minister S. M.
Krishna went on a three-day visit to the country in June 2011. India has handed over 10 modern and disaster-proof rice
silos built at a cost of $2 million to preserve grains during natural calamities. Krishna inaugurated the silos, having a
combined storage capacity of 5,000 tonnes. India has already agreed to provide a grant of $10 million for procurement of
agricultural tools, besides providing 100 computers to the Central Land Records, as requested by Myanmar. India has
agreed to send a team from the Archaeological Survey of India to render its services in the restoration of 11th century
Ananda temple in Bagan in Mandalay region.

Mohammed Haleem Khan appointed new Disinvestment Secretary: The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
(ACC) on June 24, 2011 approved the appointment of Mohammed Haleem Khan, IAS (UP: 77), presently Director General,
Council for Advancement of Peoples Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) under the Department of Rural Development,
Ministry of Rural Development as Secretary, Department of Disinvestment, Ministry of Finance in the vacancy of Sumit Bose,
IAS (MP: 76).

Raj Kumar Singh appointed Home Secretary: Raj Kumar Singh on June 24, 2011 took over as Officer on Special Duty
(OSD) in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). He will succeed Gopal Krishna Pillai as Union Home Secretary for a period of
two years. Pillai demitted office on June 30. Raj Kumar Singh is an IAS officer of the 1975 Batch and belongs to the Bihar
Cadre. Before joining MHA as OSD, he was Secretary, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence. He has
served in his Cadre and at the Centre in various capacities including as Home Secretary of Bihar and Joint Secretary in MHA

S. Chandrasekharan appointed Parliamentary Secretary: S. Chandrasekharan, a 1975 Batch officer of the Indian
Railway Account Service on June 21, 2011 assumed charge as the new Secretary for Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. In his
career spanning over 36 years, Chandrasekharan has served as Additional Member(Finance) Railway Board;
AS&FA(Acquisition), Ministry of Finance; Financial Adviser and CAO, South Central Railway and Divisional Railway Manager,
Mysore among other portfolios.

Nirupama to be next envoy to US: The foreign secretary, Nirupama Rao, will be Indias next ambassador to the United
States after she retires in July 2011. She will succeed Meera Shankar in Washington. Rao, 60, had been due to retire in
December last year, but got an extension till July 31. During her term the government changed the rules stipulating that a
foreign secretary would henceforth serve for a fixed period of two years. The appointments committee of the Cabinet is likely
to approve the name of Raos successor soon. Among the foreign secretary probables are the ambassador to France,
Ranjan Mathai, and the UN permanent representative, Hardeep Puri.

Telangana ideologue Jayashankar passes away: Kothapalli Jayashankar (77), who emerged as an ideologue for the
separate movement and was former Vice-Chancellor of Kakatiya University, passed away in Warangal on June 21, 2011. His
death is a big setback to the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) since he had been the guiding force for the party in
channelising the aspirations of its cadres, particularly the youth, for creation of a separate State of Telangana. He played a
key role in the TRS negotiations with the Centre on December 9, 2009 that led to the announcement by Union Home Minister
P. Chidambaram that the Government of India would begin the process of creating a separate State. Prof. Jayashankar was
actively associated with the separate Telangana movement for the best part of his active life spanning five decades.

Saurav Kumar Chaliha passes away: Sahitya Akademi Award winner and noted Assamese writer Saurav Kumar
Chaliha passed away on June 25, 2011 at the age of 81. The reclusive publicity-shy writer wrote under his pen-name Saurav
Kumar Chaliha and his real name was Surendra Nath Medhi. His innovative style and cosmopolitan outlook ushered in
modernity in Assamese short story writing with his Ashanta Electron in 1962. He was conferred the Sahitya Akademi Award
in 1974 for his collection of short story `Golam

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

New NSG guidelines bar nuclear exports to countries outside NPT

The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) on June 24, 2011 adopted new guidelines on the transfer of sensitive nuclear
technology that could effectively nullify the clean waiver India received from the cartel in 2008 as far as the import of
enrichment and reprocessing equipment and technology (ENR) is concerned. The decision was announced from Noordwijk,
the Netherlands, where the 46-nation grouping held its 2011 plenary meeting. The NSG draft text makes it clear that the
group will exclude countries which are not signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (India, Israel, Pakistan and
North Korea) and which do not have a full-scope safeguards agreement allowing international inspections of all their nuclear

Prior to this, the NSG had the requirement of full-scope safeguards for the supply of any nuclear equipment or material. The
only additional requirement for ENR exports was that the suppliers were asked to exercise restraint and to ensure that any
supplied equipment or technology not be used to enrich uranium beyond 20 per cent. The NSGs September 6, 2008
Statement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation with India had waived the full-scope safeguards requirement and expressly allowed
ENR exports, subject to restrictions regarding enrichment of uranium.

Pak, SL, Bhutan, Bangladesh in Foreign Policy magazines Failed States list

Indias neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka are featured in the list of the most failed states, the
Foreign Policy magazine said in its latest annual ranking on June 21, 2011. Pakistan is at number 12, Burma is at 18,
Bangladesh (25); Nepal (27), Sri Lanka (29) and Bhutan is at 50 in a list of 60 countries in which African countries dominate.
Other countries in the top 10 are Chad, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan Central African
Republic and Iraq.

On Pakistan, the report said, Pakistan has long been dubbed the worlds most dangerous country in Washington policy
circles and yet Pakistan isnt just dangerous for the West -its often a danger to its own people.

On Bangladesh, the report said, two of five Bangladeshis live under the poverty line. Any improvements will also be fighting
the environmental clock. If sea levels rise just by 1 metre, scientists warn, 17 per cent of the country could be submerged.

Nepal is the poorest country in South Asia, according to the UN, and thats unlikely to change until the peace process is
implemented and security restored. There are signs that the Maoists may be losing patience and thinking about going
back to the trenches to fight for more, the report said.

On Sri Lanka, it said, The governments final push against the rebels relied on the shelling of civilians and other atrocities,
according to a report by the International Crisis Group. The most recent statistics from last year indicate that some 327,000
are still displaced from the conflict.

G-20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting organised

India has sought global action to achieve higher agriculture production to meet global food grain requirement. In the meeting
of G-20 Agriculture Ministers held on 22-23, 2011 at Paris, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar stressed the need for
concerted global action to achieve higher agriculture production in order to meet the growing demand of food grains.

The meeting was convened by the French Presidency, the current chair of G-20 countries in response to the growing concern
about the food price volatility, particularly in the context of very high food prices in recent times and an assessment that the
prices were likely to remain high.

India has endorsed the Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture prepared by French Agriculture Ministry in
consultation with G-20 member-countries. Pawar said that adequate supply response to the growing demand of food grains
was the most important measure to stabilize the food prices.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Other initiatives taken by G20 include:

Agriculture Market Information System to be set up: A new initiative on Agriculture Market Information System is to be
housed in FAO headquarters for developing early warning system. G-20 members agreed to share information on production,
consumption, price, trade and stocks to build the information system.

Rapid Response Forum to be set up: It was also agreed by G-20 Agriculture Ministers to create a Rapid Response Forum
linked to the Committee on Food Security in FAO. This forum would take note of the analytical reports produced by the
Information System for needed follow up action.

International Research Initiative for Wheat Development to be set up: An International Research Initiative for Wheat
Development has been agreed. This initiative would be a coordination mechanism that would work closely with the National
Research Bodies, CGIAR and private sector to give more focus to research for development of wheat crop in terms of
collaboration among agencies for avoidance of duplication of efforts and supplementing the ongoing research work.

Global Agricultural Geo-Monitoring Initiative to be launched: G-20 Ministers agreed to launch The Global Agricultural
Geo-Monitoring Initiative through an inter-governmental organization GEO (Group on Earth Observations) for better
assessment of the crops. These measures have been suggested to be implemented from September this year. Apart from
these initiatives, a number of other measures have also been suggested in the Action Plan which would be submitted for
consideration of the leaders in the summit scheduled at Cannes in November this year.

Partners in Population Development Meeting organised
The Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad chaired the 18
Executive Committee Meeting of the
Partners in Population Development (PPD), held in Dalian, China on June 23-24, 2011. India has been the chair of the PPD
Board for the last 3 years. China is vice-chair. PPD is an inter-governmental initiative which was launched in 1994 for the
purpose of expanding and improving South-to-South Collaboration in the fields of reproductive health, population and
development following the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).

Besides reviewing the progress made in different spheres of population development, the Executive Committee finalized the
broad areas and framework of the Strategic Business Plan for the period 2012-2014. The Executive Committee also finalized
the modalities and schedule for construction of its Secretariat building at Dhaka, Bangladesh, for which land was offered by
the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

The Executive Committee also discussed and adopted the agenda for the international conference being held at Pretoria,
South Africa from 31st October to 4th November, 2011 on the subject of Population Dynamics, Climate Change and
Sustainable Development. Over the years PPDs membership has increased from 10 to 25 developing countries covering
more than 57% of total world population. The PPD member countries now are: India, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia,
Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Colombia, Mexico, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Ghana,
Kenya, Mali, Uganda, Benin, Senegal, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Nigeria

Asia surpasses Europe in number of HNIs: The number of high networth individuals (HNIs) in Asia has surpassed
Europe for the first time in 2010 and is expected to overtake
the United States, according to the latest annual Merrill Lynch-
Capgemini World Wealth Report released on June 23, 2011.
The report considers people with at least $1 million of
investable assets, excluding their primary residence, as HNIs.
The Asia-Pacific regions HNIs numbers rose 10 per cent to
3.3 million, second only to the 3.4 million residing in North
America and inching ahead of Europe, which had 3.1 million.
Indias HNI population grew at 20.8 per cent to 153,000
compared with 126,700 in 2009. According to the report the
HNIs continued to benefit from a robust economy and strength
in other key wealth drivers such as equity-market performance.
Asias combined wealth, up 12 per cent to $10.8 trillion last
year, surpassed Europe but is behind the United States and
Canada, where wealth rose 9 per cent to $11.6 trillion. Assets
held by HNIs worldwide rose by 9.7 per cent to a record $42.7
trillion. The number of HNIs rose 8.3 per cent to 10.9 million.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Kimberley Process ends ban on Zimbabwean diamonds: The Kimberley Process has decided to lift a freeze on the
sale of diamonds from Zimbabwes disputed Marange fields, the head of the global blood diamonds monitor said on June
24, 2011. We have decided to lift the measure which prevented Zimbabwe from exporting its diamonds in the Mbada and
Kanadai mines in the Marange region, in eastern Zimbabwe, said Mathieu Yamba, chairman of the Kimberley Process. The
Marange fields, touted as Africas richest diamond find of the decade, have been at the centre of a years-long controversy
over abuses by Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabes military. Human rights groups say about 200 people were killed, and
Kimberley Process investigators later documented unacceptable and horrific violence against civilians by authorities,
prompting a ban on exports of the gems. The suspension of sales from Marange has done little to stem the flow of smuggled
diamonds across the nearby border with Mozambique and then to overseas markets

Global Zero Summit organised in London: The Global Zero Summit that seeks to bring all nuclear weapons countries
to the table to negotiate multilateral nuclear arms reductions was organised in London on June 22-23, 2011. Prime Minister
Dr. Manmohan Singh in his message to the participants of the Summit reiterated Indias steadfast support for global, non-
discriminatory, verifiable nuclear disarmament.

World Refugee Day observed: A mammoth burden of the worlds refugee population is being currently borne by poorer
countries, a UN report has found, putting Pakistan with 1.9 million refugees at the top of the table. The report released by
UNHCR on World Refugee Day on June 20, 2011 said that poor countries host 80 per cent of the worlds refugees now living
in developing countries. With 1.9 million people, Pakistan has the largest refugee population followed by Iran and Syria with
1.07 million and 1.005 million respectively. Fears about supposed floods of refugees in industrialised countries are being
vastly overblown or mistakenly conflated with issues of migration, said Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for
Refugees, noting that there are worrying misperceptions about refugee movements. Meanwhile, its poorer countries that are
left having to pick up the burden, he added. World Refugee Day, observed June 20 each year, is dedicated to raising
awareness of the situation of refugees throughout the world.

International Widows Day observed: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on the world community to
respect widows rights on the occasion of the first-ever International Widows Day on June 24, 2011. The International
Widows Day was created by the UN General Assembly in 2010 to highlight the plight of widows worldwide.

World Blood Donors day organised: World Blood Donors day was observed on June 14, 2011. The day was initiated in
2004 by World Health Organization in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies, International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and the International Society of Blood Transfusion to thank
all the Voluntary Blood Donors, who are the lifeline of a community. The theme for World Blood Donors Day 2011 was, More
blood, More life. This year the Indian Red Cross Society commemorated the day by a week long programme from June 14 to
21, 2011 at its states/district branches across the country. The IRCS is running 140 blood banks across 40 states. It supplies
blood free of charge to the patients admitted in the Government hospitals. According to Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi
Azad, Indias population of 1.2 billion requires 12 million units of blood annually. Ideally, if only 1% of the total eligible
population donates blood every year there would be no shortage of blood. At present, there is an annual shortage of about 2
million units.

World Music Day celebrated: June 21, 2011 was celebrated as the World Music Day. Origins of the day, celebrated on
June 21 every year, lie in France when, in 1976, American musician Joel Cohen, proposed an all-night music celebration to
mark the beginning of the summer solstice and since then, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with over 32 countries
worldwide having their own celebrations in their own way, regardless of the season.

Armenia, Azerbaijan hold talks on Nagorny Karabakh: Armenia and Azerbaijan reported progress on June 24, 2011
at a summit hosted by Russia but fell short of a breakthrough in a territorial row that world powers fear could erupt into armed
conflict. The two sides have faced international pressure to sign up to a basic principles agreement on the Nagorno
Karabakh a disputed ethnic Armenian enclave in western Azerbaijan.

Croatia joins EU as 28
member: Croatia became the 28
country to join the European Union on June 24, 2011 at
Brussels. After six years of tough talks, the EU leaders called for all necessary decisions for the conclusion of the accession
negotiations with Croatia by the end of June 2011 a de facto authorisation for Zagreb to join the worlds biggest market.
This is a milestone for Croatia and the western Balkans as a whole, said EU president Herman Van Rompuy. Croatia will
join the EU on July 01, 2013, as proposed by the European Commission. Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor observed that the

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

endorsement comes as Croatia celebrates 20 years of independence from Yugoslavia and 16 years since the end of the
bloody inter-ethnic war that ensued. Croatia will be only the second former Yugoslav republic to join the EU after Slovenia in
2004, but the first that suffered the full force of the brutal wars that ravaged the Balkans in the 1990s.

U.S. President announces troops withdrawal from Afghanistan: U.S. President Barack Obama declared on June
22, 2011 that the United States had largely achieved its goals in Afghanistan, setting in motion a substantial withdrawal of
U.S. troops from the country. Asserting that the country that served as a base for the September 11, 2001 attacks no longer
represented a terrorist threat to the US, Obama declared the tide of war is receding and announced plans to withdraw
10,000 troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year. The drawdown would continue at a steady pace, until the US
handed over security to the Afghan authorities in 2014. He acknowledged huge challenges remained before an end to the
conflict that has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and 1,500 American lives.

CPC emerges as largest political party in the world: Flourishing well in one-party system, the Communist Party of
Chinas (CPC) membership exceeded 80 million, making it the largest political party in the world. The CPC had 80.269 million
members by the end of 2010, the Organisation Department of the CPC Central Committee said on June 24, 2011 at an event
organised to mark the 90
anniversary of the party. CPC was founded by Mao Zedong with just 50 members and became 4.5
million when it took over power in 1949 defeating the Kuomintang forces led by Chiang Kai Shek.

Japan quake caused $210 billion in property damage: Japans March 11 quake and tsunami disaster destroyed
buildings and infrastructure worth about USD 210 billion, excluding costs caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident, the
government said on June 24, 2011.

China releases dissident artist Ai Weiwei: China on June 22, 2011 released high-profile
artist Ai Weiwei from detention on bail. Chinas state Xinhua news agency reported that the artiste
was released after he confessed to tax evasion and because he suffers from a chronic disease. The
outspoken dissident was taken into custody in April 2011 during the governments biggest
crackdown on activists in years. Ai had angered authorities with his involvement in a number of
sensitive activist campaigns and his criticism of the ruling Communist Party. He investigated school
collapses in the 2008 quake in the southwestern province of Sichuan, and launched a citizens
probe into a Shanghai fire that killed 58 people in November last year. Ai joined Facebook founder
Mark Zuckerberg, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British actor Colin Firth and Myanmars
democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi this year in Time magazines annual list of the worlds 100 most
influential people

Qatar diplomat named next UN assembly president: The 192-nation UN General Assembly elected veteran Qatari
diplomat Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser as its next president on June 22, 2011. Nasser, who has been Qatars ambassador to
the United Nations since 1998, will replace Joseph Deiss of Switzerland in mid-September. Nasser said he would act as a
bridge among developed, developing and least-developed nations. He added he would focus on building consensus on
major global challenges facing the world today. The post of president of the General Assembly has little real power but a
high profile in chairing the annual September gathering of world leaders in New York. The president also represents the
assembly on foreign tours. The General Assembly job rotates among geographic areas. This year, it is the turn of the Asia
Group, which includes countries in Asia and the Middle East

Abdiweli Mohamed Ali appoints new PM of Somalia: : Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on June 23, 2011
appointed Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, a Harvard tax law graduate, as his new prime minister in capital Mogadishu, handing him
the daunting task of trying to govern Africas most lawless nation. Ali replaces Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed who resigned
under a reconciliation accord recently. Ali taught at Niagara University in Buffalo, New York, before joining the Somali
transitional government (TFG), where he has already served as deputy prime minister and former planning minister. He will
take the helm of a country where many fail even to get even a primary education. He faces an uphill task in a capital plagued
by urban warfare on a daily basis. Shebab Islamist rebels, facing increasing pressure from an expanding African Union
AMISOM force, are stepping up their suicide bombing campaign in Mogadishu. His academic credentials include a masters
degree in public administration, also from Harvard, and a doctorate in economics

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS

da Silva, Kufuor win World Food Prize

The World Food Prize (WFP) Foundation, which includes Professor M.S. Swaminathan (winner of the first WFP award), on
June 21, 2011 chose the former President of Ghana, John Agyekum Kufuor, and the former President of Brazil, Luiz Incio
Lula da Silva as winners of the WFP for 2011. The World Food Prize was created in 1987 by Nobel Peace Prize winner and
Green Revolution pioneer Norman Borlaug Dr. Norman Borlaug, to recognize individuals who have contributed landmark
achievements in increasing the quality, quantity or availability of food in the
world. Kufuor will share the $250,000 prize with Silva.

Under Kufuors leadership, Ghana became the first sub-Saharan African
country to cut in half the proportion of its people who suffer from hunger,
and the proportion of people living on less than a dollar per day. Ghana saw
a reduction in its poverty rate from 51.7 percent in 1991 to 26.5 percent in
2008, and hunger was reduced from 34 percent in 1990 down to 9 percent in 2004. A guiding principle for President Kufuor
during the entirety of his two terms as president of the Republic of Ghana (2001-2009) was to improve food security and
reduce poverty through public- and private-sector initiatives.

President Lula da Silva, who took office as president of Brazil in 2003, made fighting hunger and poverty a top priority of his
government. More than 10 government ministries were focused on the expansive Zero Hunger programs, which provided
greater access to food, strengthened family farms and rural incomes, increased enrollment of primary school children, and
empowered the poor. Zero Hunger very quickly became one of the most successful food and nutritional security policies in
the world through its broad network of programs, including: the Bolsa Familia Program; the Food Purchase Program; and the
School Feeding Program.

Four Indians among Asian Heroes of Philanthropy: Singapore-based Forbes Asia on June 24, 2011 announced its
Heroes of Philanthropy list for the fourth year running, with four Indians among the top 48 philanthropists. The list includes
HCL Technologies Chairman Shiv Nadar, Wipro Group Chairman Azim Premji, GMR Group founder Grandhi Mallikarjuna
Rao, and actor Vivek Oberoi. Nadar takes the brightest children from the poorest villages of rural India and sends them to
boarding school, noted Forbes. Indias biggest philanthropist Premji, transferred nearly USD 2 billion of his wealth in
December 2010 to an irrevocable trust that focuses on education and childrens health and nutrition. Infrastructure-based
GMR Group founder Rao, 61, pledged USD 340 million in March, his 12.5 percent personal stake in the business and one-
eighth of his familys share, through an irrevocable endowment to the GMR Varalakshmi Foundation. It works primarily to
educate and train poor youths in 20 locations in India and two in Nepal. 34-year old Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi has
donated USD 3 million to date and helped raise USD 25 million to support education, health and disaster relief.

Animated childrens film wins PETA award: Animated childrens film The Green Chic Finding Dad on June 23,
2011 won the Proggy Award given by animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), India. The
award recognises animal-friendly achievements in the fields of commerce and culture, a PETA release said here. The film
has been produced by Koffee Break Pictures Ltd, who also made the popular childrens movie My Friend Ganesha.

Hindi Academy awards conferred: Hindi litterateur Arvind Kumar and seven other authors were on June 24, 2011
conferred awards by Hindi Academy, New Delhi. Kumar was conferred Shalaka Samman which carries a cash amount of Rs
2 Lakh and a citation. Parmanand Srivastava, Ramanika Gupta, Devendra Raj Ankur, Krishan Shalabh, B M Baxi, Alok
Puranik and Giridhar Rathi were presented awards which carry an amount of Rs 50 thousand and a citation each.

Vijay Darda wins International Jurists Award: Rajya Sabha MP, Mr Vijay Darda, who is a Congress member from
Maharashtra, was awarded the International Jurists Award along with seven other eminent personalities at a ceremony in
London on June 21, 2011. The other awardees included Bangladesh Chief Justice Muzammel Hussain, Bhutanese Chief
Justice Lyonpo Sonam Tobgye and Rohtak Range Inspector General V. Kamaraja. Darda was honoured by the council for
his contribution to the field of legal education in rural areas in India. Kamaraja, a Haryana cadre IPS officer, was honoured for
his exemplary contribution to the society by maintaining law and order and enhancing the confidence of the under privileged
people in the affairs of the state.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK


Key indicators of Employment and Unemployment in India unveiled

The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation on June 24, 2011 released
the key indicators of Employment and Unemployment in India, generated from the data collected in its 66
round survey
during July 2009 - June 2010. The survey results are used as inputs in planning, policy formulation and decision support by
the government. The indicators are based on the Central Sample of 1,00,957 households (59,129 in rural areas and 41,828
in urban areas) surveyed from 7,402 sample villages in rural areas and 5,252 urban blocks spread over all States and Union

Classification of workers into categories
In defining the lead indicators of Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR i.e. ratio of labour force to population), Workers
Population Ratio (WPR), Proportion Unemployed (PU i.e. percentage of unemployed in population) and Unemployment Rate
(UR i.e. the ratio of unemployed to labour force) in NSS surveys, persons are classified into various activity categories on the
basis of activities pursued by them during certain specified reference periods.

Reference periods
Three reference periods used in NSS surveys are (i) one year, (ii) one week and (iii) each day of the reference week. Based
on these three periods, three different measures of activity status are arrived at. The activity status determined on the basis of
the reference period of one year is known as the Usual Status (US) of a person, that determined on the basis of a reference
period of one week is known as the Current Weekly Status (CWS) of the person and the activity status determined on the
basis of the engagement on each day during the reference week is known as the Current Daily Status (CDS) of the person.

In US approach, there are two indicators viz. one based on principal activity called Usual Principal Status (PS) and other
based on both principal and subsidiary activities taken together called US (PS+SS). The unit of measurements in case
of US and CWS is persons and in case on CDS, it is person days.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

The key indicators are summarized in the table given on the previous page.

Besides these indicators, the other important statistics relating to distribution of workers according to employment status and
industry and also on wage rates of regular wage/salaried employees and casual labourers as emanating from the survey are
summarized as below:

1. Based on employment status

Distribution of Usual Status (PS+SS) workers according to employment status
At the national level, among all the workers, about 51.0 per cent were self-employed, about 33.5 per cent were casual
labour and 15.6 percent were regular wage/salaried employee.
Among the workers in the rural areas, about 54.2 per cent were self-employed, about 38.6 per cent were casual labour and
7.3 percent were regular wage/salaried employee.
Among the workers in the urban areas, about 41.1 per cent were self-employed, about 17.5 per cent were casual labour
and 41.4 percent were regular wage/salaried employee.

2. Based on Industry-wise distribution

Industry-wise distribution of workers according to usual status (PS+SS)
In rural areas, nearly 63 per cent of the male workers were engaged in the agricultural sector while in the secondary and
tertiary sectors nearly 19 per cent and 18 per cent of the male workers were engaged. There was a higher dependence of
female workers on agricultural sector: nearly 79 per cent of them were engaged in agricultural sector while secondary and
tertiary sectors shared 13 per cent and 8 per cent of the female workers, respectively.

The industry-wise distribution of workers in the urban areas was distinctly different from that of rural areas. In urban areas the
share of the tertiary sector was dominant followed by that of secondary sector while agricultural sector engaged only a small
proportion of total workers for both male and females. In urban areas, nearly 59 per cent of male workers and 53 per cent of
the female workers were engaged in the tertiary sector. The secondary sector employed nearly 35 per cent of the male and
33 per cent of the female workers. The share of urban workforce in agriculture was nearly 6 per cent of male and 14 per cent
for female workers.

3. Based on Wage Rates

Wage Rates of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees and Casual Labourers
In urban areas, the average wage/salary was Rs. 365 per day and for the rural areas it was Rs. 232. In the rural areas,
average wage/salary earnings per day received by male regular wage/salaried employees was Rs. 249 and for females it was
Rs. 156, indicating the female-male wage ratio as 0.63. In urban areas, male wage rate was Rs. 377 against the female wage
rate of Rs. 309, indicating female-male wage ratio as 0.82.

Wage rates (per day) for casual labour in works other than public works in rural areas was Rs. 93 and in urban areas it was
Rs. 122. In the rural areas, average wage/salary earnings per day received by male casual labours engaged in works other
than public works was Rs. 102 and for females it was Rs. 69 while in urban areas, the wage rates for casual labours in work
other than public works was Rs. 132 for males and Rs. 77 for females.

In rural areas, wage rates (per day) for casual labour in public works other than MGNREG public works was Rs. 98 for males
and Rs. 86 for females. For casual labour in MGNREG public works, wage rate (per day) in rural areas was Rs. 91 for males
and Rs. 87 for females.

Diesel, PDS kerosene & domestic LPG prices increased

Prices of diesel, PDS kerosene and domestic LPG have been increased. The Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on
under-recoveries met on June 24, 2011 under the chairmanship of the Finance Minister to consider the situation arising out
projected massive under-recoveries of the Oil Marketing Companies of Rs.1,71,140 crore for the year 2011-12 in the wake of
high international crude oil prices. It took the following decisions to meet the situation:

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK


(a) Elimination of 5% customs duty on crude oil (and on all petro-products also by 5 percentage points). This will entail a
loss of about Rs.26,000 crore to the Government for the full year.

(b) Reduction in excise duty on diesel (HSD) from Rs.4.60/litre to Rs.2/litre. This will entail a revenue loss of about Rs.
23,000 crore to the Government or the full year. It could not be reduced any further as the balance excise duty is on account
of additional excise duty which is earmarked for Central Road Fund and Education Cess.

(c) Increase in product prices to reduce the under recoveries of the Oil Marketing Companies. The price of Diesel will be
increased by Rs.3/litre, PDS Kerosene by Rs.2 per litre and of Domestic LPG by only Rs.50 per cylinder excluding state
levies such as VAT. These price revisions will reduce the under-recoveries of OMCs to the extent of approximately Rs.
21,000 crore.

Thus the government has entirely eliminated the customs duty on crude oil, reduced the customs duty on products to the
corresponding extent and drastically reduced the excise duty on diesel. It hopes that the State Governments would also
reduce the state levies to a corresponding extent

Structure of proposed Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs) unveiled

The Union Finance Ministry on June 24, 2011 finalised the structure of the infrastructure debt funds (IDFs) proposed in the
Budget. The IDF may be set up either as a trust or as a company. A trust based IDF would normally be a mutual fund (MF)
that would issue units while a company-based IDF would be a form of NBFC that would issue bonds. The trust based IDF
(MF) would be regulated by Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and an IDF set up as a company (NBFC) would
be regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Would be regulated by SEBI.
Any domestic entity could be the sponsor.
Would raise resources through Rupee denominated units of minimum 5 year maturity.
Units would be listed in a recognized stock exchange and tradable among equivalent (domestic vs. foreign) investors.
Would have to invest minimum 90% of its assets in the debt securities of infrastructure companies or SPVs.
Returns on assets will pass to the investors directly, less the management fee.
Credit risks will be borne by the investors and not by the IDF.
Can be launched either as close-ended scheme maturing more than five years or an Interval scheme with lock-in period of
five years.
Would have minimum 5 investors, each holding not more than 50% of net assets of the scheme.
Minimum investment would be one crore rupees with Rs. 10 lakh as minimum size of the unit.

Would be regulated by RBI.
Could be set up by one or more sponsors, including NBFCs, IFCs or banks.
Would be allowed liberal prescription of risk-weightage (50% instead of 100%).
Net owned funds (minimum Tier I equity of Rs. 150 crore) and exposure norms (not as a %age of net-owned funds).
Would raise resources through either rupee or dollar denominated bonds of minimum 5 year maturity.
Bonds would be tradable among equivalent (domestic vs. foreign) investors.
Would invest in debt securities of only PPP projects which have a buy out guarantee and have completed at least one year
of commercial operation.
Refinance by IDF would be upto 85% of the total debt covered by the concession agreement.
Credit risks associated will be borne by the IDF.
Potential investors would include off-shore institutional investors, off-shore High Net-worth Individuals (HNIs), NRIs and
domestic institutional investors.

Both RBI and SEBI would come out with the regulations on setting up of the IDFs falling in their respective domains.

The investors in the IDFs would primarily be domestic and off-shore institutional investors, especially insurance and pension
funds with long-term resources. Banks and FIs would only be allowed to invest as sponsors of an IDF.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

In case of an IDF that issues bonds, credit enhancement inherent in Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects would be
available. Such IDFs would refinance PPP projects after their construction is completed and successfully operated for at least
one year. Such projects would involve a lower level of risk and consequently a higher credit rating. This structure would
enable flow of insurance and pensions funds at competitive costs in order to channelise low-cost long-term debt in PPP
projects in infrastructure sectors such as roads, ports, airports, railways and metro rail.

In case of IDFs that would issue units, greater credit risk would be borne by the investors who would be free to seek
correspondingly higher returns. MFs would be especially useful for non-PPP projects. SEBI has formulated a draft chapter
that would be inserted in the existing mutual fund regulations for permitting setting up of IDFs on this route by registered MFs
as a scheme.

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, in his Budget speech for 2011-12, had announced setting up of infrastructure debt funds
(IDFs) to accelerate and enhance the flow of long-term debt in infrastructure projects. To attract off-shore funds into IDFs, the
finance minister had also announced that withholding tax on interest payments on the borrowings by the IDFs would be
reduced from 20 per cent to 5 per cent. Income of the IDFs has also been exempt from income tax.

DBRS upgrades Indias credit ratings

International sovereign credit rating agency DBRS on June 24, 2011 upgraded the trend of Indias Long Term foreign and
local currency debt ratings from BBB (low) Negative to stable outlook. DBRS has been rating Indias debt since June 2007.

Elaborating on the upgrade in the credit rating trend for India, DBRS has appreciated the efforts of the Government of India
stating that there is evidence of a stronger commitment to fiscal deficit reduction [in the] 2011-12 Budget. The rating agency
notes that Government is addressing the countrys infrastructure deficit by spending USD 514 billion, or 9% of GDP, on
infrastructure between 2007-2012, and an additional USD 1 trillion from 2013-2017, approximately one-half of which may
come from the private sector and public-private partnerships. It has also highlighted the possibility of the new direct tax code
(DTC) contributing to improved tax efficiency and the national identification card increasing labour market formality, raising
tax compliance and streamlining subsidies and social security expenditures.

DBRS has pointed out that Indias fiscal and monetary policy response to the global credit crisis helped restore the economy
to a path of higher growth. The economy has weathered the global credit crisis relatively well, and a strong private sector-led
recovery has returned Indias growth rates to pre-crisis levels. It has recognised that India has adopted a more responsible
medium-term fiscal policy and commitment to debt reduction which bodes well for the ratings.

Fitch affirms Indias credit ratings

DBRSs ratings trend upgrade follows the release of ratings by Fitch Ratings. Fitch, in June 2011, affirmed the credit ratings
issued in June 2010 : Long Term Foreign and Local Currency issuer default ratings at BBB- with Stable outlook, and Short
Term Foreign Currency IDR at F3 and the country ceiling at BBB-. It has appreciated the management of the economy by
Indian authorities. Fitch notes that since early 2010, Indias authorities have shown renewed commitment for reducing both
its fiscal deficit and debt... It believes that Indias medium-term economic growth prospects remain strong, as potential GDP
growth remains greater than 8%, well above the BBB-range median. It notes that Indias rating is supported by solid
external finances, as highlighted by a modest external debt service ratio and a robust external liquidity ratio. Further, the
countrys foreign exchange reserves are large, standing at USD 313.5 billion at end-May 2011. Fitch also considers that the
widening in Indias current account deficit, to an estimated 2.6% of GDP in FY 2010-11, is not a significant risk in light of
Indias current stage of economic development.

Indias sovereign debt is rated by six international sovereign credit rating agencies (SCRAs) namely Standard and Poors
(S&P), Moodys Investor Services, DBRS, Fitch Ratings, Japanese Credit Rating Agency (JCRA) and Rating and Investment
Information (R&I). These agencies normally visit Ministry of Finance and Reserve Bank of India before making their
assessment. The Government on its part has begun a structured interaction process with SCRAs

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Booz & Co roped in for national electric mobility mission

Global consultancy firm Booz & Company was on June 22, 2011 roped in to chart out a roadmap for promoting electric
vehicles in India as part of a joint initiative by the Department of Heavy Industry and industry body Society of Indian
Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) under the national mission for electric mobility. The firm will submit a report based on a
study conducted across India that will seek opinions from various stakeholders, including companies and consumers by
September. The idea behind the study is to find the issues that need to be tackled in order to promote electric vehicles in the

In the Budget presentation this year, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee proposed setting up a National Mission for hybrid
and electric vehicles to encourage manufacturing and selling of alternative fuel-based vehicles in India. Subsequently, a
National Council for Electric Mobility -- headed by Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises Minister Praful Patel -- was set up.
Besides, a National Board for Electric Mobility has also been formed at the secretary level.

In order to promote alternative fuel vehicles, the Budget for 2011-12 reduced excise duty on the development and
manufacturing of hybrid vehicle kits to 5% from the existing 10%, besides full exemption of customs and countervailing duty
(CVD) on the import of special hybrid parts. Earlier in 2010, the government announced incentives of up to 20% on the ex-
factory prices of electric vehicles, which was as high as Rs 1 lakh for an electric car sold in India during the remaining part of
the 11th Plan -- 2010-11 and 2011-12.

Guarantees to overseas JVs, subsidiaries rise in 2010-11

Guarantees for overseas joint ventures and subsidiaries by Indian companies saw a three-fold rise at $ 27.23 billion in 2010-
11, compared with $7.6 billion in the previous financial year. This follows a sharp rise in foreign business expansion, including
mergers and acquisitions. According to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) data unveiled on June 23, 2011, total outbound foreign
direct investment, which includes equity, loans and guarantees, stood at $43.29 billion in 2010-11.

Outward FDI from India
Period ended March 31 Equity Loan Guarantee Total
2008-2009 10,732.26 3,329.00 3,104.88 17,166.14
2009-2010 6,763.27 3,620.19 7,603.79 17,987.25
2010-2011 9,351.77 7,346.89 27,230.52 43,929.18
Apr-May 2011 731.41 3,193.24 1,166.23 5,090.88
Source: RBI Figures in$ million

RBI said overseas investments boosted growth in Indias exports, transfer of technology and skill, sharing of results in
research and development and provided more access to the global market. They also promote Indias brand image, generate
employment and aid in utilising raw materials available in India and in the host country.

Indian overseas investment policies abroad have been progressively liberalised. Corporate entities and registered
partnerships can now invest in businesses abroad a sum of up to 400 per cent of their net worth, under the automatic route.

CCI penalises NSE for anti-competitive behaviour in currency derivatives

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed a penalty of Rs 55.5 crore on the National Stock Exchange (NSE)
for abusing its dominant position in the currency derivative (CD) market. It has also asked the exchange to stop unfair pricing
practices immediately and modify its zero discount policy within 60 days. MCX-SX had lodged a complaint before CCI that
NSE was cross-subsidising its CD segment from other business segments where it enjoys a dominant position. NSE entered
currency derivatives in August 2008, followed by MCX-SX in October 2008 and later by USE in September 2010.

In an order passed on June 24, 2011 with a 4-2 majority, NSE has been asked to maintain separate accounts for each
segment of its operation with effect from April 1, 2012. Two members of the Commission Geeta Gouri and Anurag Goel

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

dissented with the majority order. NSE is directed to cease and desist from unfair pricing, exclusionary conduct and unfairly
using its dominant position in other market/s to protect the relevant CD market with immediate effect, said CCIs 170-page

The commission has levied a 5 per cent (of the turnover) fine on NSE. The Rs 55.5 crore penalty is five percent of the
average turnover of NSE (Rs 1109.66 crore) during the last three years.

The CCI report also noted that the intention of NSE was to acquire a dominant position in the CD segment by cross
subsidising this segment of business from the other segments where it enjoyed virtual monopoly. It also camouflaged its
intentions by not maintaining separate accounts for the CD segments.

Govt begins talks to revise DTAA with Mauritius

The government on June 21, 2011 said that it has finally resumed talks with Mauritius to review the 30 year old Double
Taxation Avoidance Agreement, which is widely popular with investors to save on paying capital gains tax in India. As far as
DTAA with Mauritius is concerned, it is nothing new. It is an old one. For some time talks were suspended. Now it is
resumed, finance minister Pranab Mukherjee said on the sidelines of a CAG seminar in New Delhi.


Indias Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement with Mauritius allows investors to pay tax on capital gains in the country of
residence, instead of the country where the shares have been sold.

A company resident in Mauritius selling shares of an Indian company will not pay tax in India. Since there are no capital
gains tax in Mauritius, the gain will escape tax altogether.

A large number of foreign institutional investors and some Indian companies who trade on the Indian stock markets
operate from Mauritius to avail of this tax exemption.

Most of the foreign direct investment and inflows in the stock market in India are round-tripped through Mauritius.

India had started renegotiating the tax treaty with the island nation in 2006, but it got stalled in 2008.

Of the total $129.7 billion FDI since April 2000, Mauritius accounted for about 42 per cent.

Economist Suresh Tendulkar passes away

Renowned economist Suresh Tendulkar, 72, passed away on June 22, 2011 in Pune. A Ph.D. in economics from Harvard
University and Professor of Economics at the Delhi School of Economics (University of Delhi) from 1978 to 2004, Prof.
Tendulkar was a member of the Prime Ministers Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) from 2004 to 2008 and its Chairman
from 2008 to 2009.

Prof. Tendulkars pioneering contribution was his extensive work on poverty and estimation of people below poverty l ine
(BPL). In his report submitted in November 2009 as Chairman of an expert group on the methodology for estimation of
poverty constituted by the Planning Commission, Tendulkar came out with a new method to calculate poverty. According to
this method, the number of the poor in the country in 2004-05 went up from 27.5 per cent of the total population to 37.2 per
cent. Earlier, the Centre used to estimate poverty by measuring calorie intake by individuals. But the Tendulkar committee
moved to a wider definition, including spending on food as well as education, health and clothing.

Prof. Tendulkar also did extensive work on credit and privatisation policies and Indian development issues and policies,
including liberalisation and globalisation. He was also a part-time member of the National Statistical Commission (2000-01),
the first Disinvestment Commission (1996-99), and the Fifth Central Pay Commission (1994-97).

Tendulkar authored several books like Reintegrating India with the World Economy and Understanding Reforms.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Salaried taxpayers income up to Rs.5 lakh exempted from filing IT return: Salaried taxpayers with total Income
up to Rs.5 lakh have been exempted from filing Income Tax return for assessment Year 2011-12 which will be due on July
31, 2011. According to the scheme notified by the Central Board of Direct Taxes on June 23, 2011, individuals having total
income up to Rs.5,00,000 for 2010-11, after allowable deductions, consisting of salary from a single employer and interest
income from deposits in a saving bank account up to Rs.10,000 are not required to file their income tax return. Such
individuals must report their Permanent Account Number (PAN) and the entire income from bank interest to their employer,
pay the entire tax by way of deduction of tax at source, and obtain a certificate of tax deduction in Form No.16. Persons
receiving salary from more than one employer, having income from sources other than salary and interest income from a
savings bank account, or having refund claims shall not be covered under the scheme

TaxSpanner enables filing of Income Tax from mobile: Online income tax return filing company TaxSpanner on
June 24, 2011 announced launch of mobile version of its solution that will enable users to file income tax returns from their
handset. This new solution from the company will offer taxpayers service to file income tax returns (ITR) through their mobi le
phones from the first week of July, 2011. To access the service, a mobile user will have to visit TaxSpanner site on his
handset from the browser present on the device. After this he will be automatically directed to eFile by eMail application
page of the site. The user is not required to be registered for this. Only he will need to fill up a form with some personal details
and upload Form 16 on the same page. Thereafter, the ITR will be filled and generated automatically.

India, Singapore ink DTAA to exchange tax information: India on June 25, 2011 amended a Double Taxation
Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Singapore to allow for exchange of information in tax matters. Banking information would
also come under the ambit of the new agreement. This would help India track assets illegally stashed away in Singapore.
Recently, while investigating into the tax evasion case of Pune-based businessman Hasan Ali, the Income Tax Department
had sought some information from the Singapore branch of an Indian public sector bank. The information, however, was
denied citing banking secrecy as per the law of Singapore. The amended treaty would help get information in such cases.
The negotiations for entering into an amending protocol were completed at Singapore. The protocol is based on
internationally agreed standards for exchange of information in tax matters. It includes the principles incorporated in the new
paragraphs four and five of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) model. The Article on
Exchange of Information in OECD Convention requires exchange of information on request in all tax matters for the
administration and enforcement of domestic tax law without regard to a domestic tax interest requirement or bank secrecy for
tax purposes.

XBRL to bring in more transparency in reporting financial results: The implementation of XBRL (eXtensible
Business Reporting Language) has been made mandatory from April 1, 2011, is expected to bring in more
transparency in how companies declare their financials. According to the new norms, companies with a
capital of Rs 5 crore or more or turnover of Rs 100 crore or more need to follow the XBRL reporting format
from the present financial year. XBRL, an open source free language, converts financial statements of any
format or reporting system into a machine-readable format that facilitates comparison and analysis quick
and easy. XBRL in India is technically made by ICAI and all the regulators concerned are its members.
There has been a shift from proprietary systems to standards-based intelligent data driven systems.
Common standards reduce the complexities in financial reporting system. XBRL is a kind of business barcode for reporting
world. Regulators, bankers, internal and external analysts of companies will benefit by the new reporting system.

CAG issues new accounting norms for government departments: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India
release new guidelines on June 21, 2011 for managing financial assets and liabilities in governments. The guidelines suggest
shifting from the present cash-based accounting system to an accrual basis of accounting. The guidelines are aimed at
improving transparency and fixing the accountability of departments for managing state-owned assets. CAG The objective is
to improve transparency in bureaucratic functioning. The guidelines are in line with the recommendations of the 12th and 13th
Finance Commissions and the second Administrative Reforms Commission.

IRDA to have final say on insurance companies IPOs: The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
(IRDA) on June 22, 2011 said companies planning to raise share capital through public issues and firms reducing promoters
share have to first secure the approval of the authority. The regulator also issued draft guidelinesIrda (Issues of Capital and
Disclosure Requirements for Life Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2011prescribing the norms for initial public offerings
or dilution of promoters stake for life insurers. To secure such an approval, an insurer would have to complete 10 years in the
insurance business, have a satisfactory regulatory record, maintain the prescribed regulatory solvency margin at the end of
the preceding six quarters and comply with the disclosures requirements and IRDAs corporate governance guidelines. Apart

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

from meeting these conditions, the company should also have an embedded value of at least twice the paid-up equity capital.
The regulator has sought opinions and suggestions on the guidelines by June 30.

RBI upgrades SBIs CAMELS rating: After an evaluation of key portfolios and the books of the countrys largest lender,
State Bank of India (SBI), the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in June 2011 raised its CAMELS rating by one notch. The rating is
generally assessed by the banking regulator on six key areas of bank and its portfolios capital, asset quality, management,
earnings, liquidity and systems & controls (CAMELS).

RBI Deputy Governor Gopinath retires: After serving the Reserve Bank of India for 39 years, Shyamala Gopinath
relinquished the office of Deputy Governor of the RBI on June 21, 2011. Gopinath was appointed Deputy Governor of the RBI
on September 21, 2004 for a period of five years. On completion of her term, she was re-appointed for a further period up to
June 20, 2011. Gopinath was handling departments of internal debt management, foreign exchange, government and bank
accounts, non-banking supervision, external investments and operations, financial markets, communication and legal before
her retirement. Joining the RBI as a direct recruit officer on probation in April 1972, Gopinath was the senior most Executive
Director in the RBI (appointed in June 2003) prior to her elevation as the Deputy Governor. The portfolios handled by the RBI
were redistributed among the other three Deputy Governors. A search committee to select a new deputy governor, headed
by RBI Governor D Subbarao, has shortlisted two candidates for the Deputy Governors post after interviewing seven RBI
Executive Directors recently.

Employment Guarantee Council rejects NCSD proposal to include skill development in NREGS: The Central
Employment Guarantee Council (CEGC) the apex monitoring agency for the implementation of National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) on June 23, 2011 rejected the suggestion of the Prime Ministers National
Council on Skill Developments (NCSD) to include providing skill development to unskilled wage seekers under the scheme.
The CEGC said the Rural Development Ministry should undertake skill development of unskilled workers under its other
programmes instead of overburdening NREGS with new tasks. The NCSD had recently suggested the Rural Development
Ministry to consider amending the preamble and Schedule 1 of the NREG Act to provide skill development training to workers
having completed stipulated number of days of unskilled manual labour in the list of works allowed under the scheme. It had
also suggested that the said change should primarily focus upon skill development in the artisan sector, such as handlooms
and handicrafts.

India-US Bilateral Investment Agreement on the cards: Anand Sharma, Union Minister Commerce and Industry,
went on a four day visit to the United States in June 21-24, 2011. During his visit he held discussions with Ambassador Ron
Kirk, the United States Trade Representative on June 22. Sharma and Ambassador Kirk agreed to re-invigorate the Trade
Policy Forum (TPF) and make it more robust and effective in resolving bilateral commercial issues, while maintaining the
political leadership of the process. The two sides also agreed to fast-track the technical negotiations for an early conclusion of
the India-US Bilateral Investment Agreement.

World rice output in 2011 estimated at 476 mn tonnes FAO: Global rice production is
expected to touch 476 million tonnes in 2011, on the back of improved weather conditions, as the
influence of La Nina is expected to neutralise by June, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
said on June 24, 2011. The world rice production reached a new record in 2010, at 464 million tonnes
(696 million tonnes paddy), up 1.8 per cent from the previous season, said FAO. World paddy production
in 2011 is forecast to expand by 2.5 per cent to 713 million tonnes (about 476 million tonnes, milled basis).
According to the third advance estimate of the Agriculture Ministry, rice production in India in the 2010-11,
season is pegged at 94.11 million tonnes.

IEA to release oil reserves to check crude prices: The United States will lead an international effort to release 60
million barrels of petroleum reserves to world markets, replacing some of the oil production lost because of the conflict in
Libya, the International Energy Agency announced in Paris on June 23, 2011. Of the total amount of oil to be released, about
half would come from reserves in the US, with the rest to be provided by other nations among the internati onal agencys 28
member states. The war in Libya since mid-March has been largely responsible for keeping about 140 million barrels of oil
from international markets. The 727-million-barrel Strategic Petroleum Reserve was established after the 1973-1974 Arab oil
embargo to provide presidents with an emergency response to similar disruptions in commercial supplies that threaten the
economy security.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 19 to 25, 2011 Current GK

Endosulfan listed under Rotterdam Convention: The Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention,
meeting in Geneva, decided to list endosulfan under annex III to the Convention on June 17, 2011. This makes prior informed
consent of importing countries necessary for export of the pesticide. India, an exporter, did not object to listing of the
pesticide. India exports half of its annual production of around 9000 tonnes of endosulfan. However, production was stopped
temporarily recently on orders from the Supreme Court on a petition filed by the Democratic Youth Federation of India, citing
harmful health effects of the pesticide. The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade is aimed at helping poor countries in managing potentially
hazardous chemicals imported by them.

Indian women rise in business but not in power Centre for Social Research: More Indian businesswomen
are gaining managerial positions as the countrys economic growth surges ahead, yet few are able to break the glass ceiling
and secure jobs with real power, due to stereotypical views of them as fragile and ineffective, said a study released on June
20, 2011. According to a report by New Delhi-based Centre for Social Research (CSR), professional women in India not only
face attitudinal challenges, but also problems within their organisations, like lack of gender policies, to accommodate the
domestic pressures on them. The study focused on the situation of women managers working in the health, media, hospitality
and banking & finance sectors, and surveyed 240 female managers and 24 human resource managers across three cities
New Delhi, Kolkata and Bangalore.

Section E: SPORTS

India wins 1
Test of West Indies series: India defeated the West Indies by 63 runs on the fourth day of the first Digicel
Test at Sabina Park, Kingston, Jamaica on June 23, 2011. Pursuing a target of 326, the hosts were bowled out for 262. Rahul
Dravid was declared Man-of-the-Match for his 112, his 32
test hundred, in Indias second innings. SCOREBOARD: India
1st innings: 246; West Indies 1st innings: 173; India 2nd innings: 252; West Indies 2nd innings: 262.

Chennai Spikers win Indian Volleyball League: Chennai Spikers on June 24, 2011 won the inaugural edition of the
Indian Volleyball League by registering a comprehensive four-set victory against Hyderabad Chargers 25-19, 21-25, 25-20,
25-17 at the Kotla Vijayabhaskar Reddy stadium in Hyderabad. The losing teams Gurvinder Singh was named as the Most
Valuable Player of the tournament. Overall standings: 1. Chennai Spikers (35) 2. Hyderabad Chargers (33) 3. Yanam Tigers
(31) 4. Karnataka Bulls (29) 5. Maratha Warriors (27) and 6. Kerala Killers (25).

China wins both singles titles at Singapore Open Badminton: Chinas Chen Jin won the Mens Singles at the
Singapore Open Super Series Badminton tournament on June 20, 2011 when his compatriot Lin Dan withdrew from the final
because of sickness. Womens Singles title was won by Chinas Wang Xin who beat Tine Baun of Denmark 21-19, 21-17 in
the final. Indonesias Tantowi Ahmad and Liliyana Natsir overcame Chen Hung-ling and Cheng Wen-hsing of Taiwan 21-14,
27-25 to take the mixed doubles crown.

Chetan Anand won the Mauritius Open badminton: Indias Chetan Anand won the Mauritius Open badminton
championship defeating Chiang Jiann of Malaysia 21-11, 21-14 in the mens final on June 20, 2011.

Marion Bartoli wins Eastbourne tennis: Marion Bartoli of France beat Petra Kvitova of Czech Republic to win the
Eastbourne Grass Court tournament 6-1, 4-6, 7-5 on June 18, 2011.

McIlroy wins US Open Golf: Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland won the US Open golf tournament at Bethesda, Maryland,
USA on June 19, 2011, confirming his rich promise as a potential golfing great by becoming the championships youngest
winner since 1923. Australias Jason Day finished second ahead of South Koreas Yang Yong-eun, Britains Lee Westwood
and Americans Kevin Chappell and Robert Garrigus. McIlroy, long regarded as a future world number one, eclipsed the US
Open scoring record of 12-under set by Tiger Woods at the 2000 US Open.


GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Weekly Current Affairs update
For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011

Major news of the week

Section A: INDIA

Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011 begins
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh interacts with group of editors
New Zealand PM John Key visits India
UNESCO World Heritage site nomination for Western Ghats postponed
Military delegations visit to China concludes
NAI, C-DAC to undertake digital preservation of govt records
Right to Privacy Bill proposes stringent punishment, data authority
Parliamentary committee supports direct cash transfers of subsidies
Committee proposes new law for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Honoraria for Anganwadi Workers and Helpers enhanced
Statistics Day 2011 celebrated
Doctors Day observed
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed
Chartered Accountants Day observed
Pradeep Kumar appointed new CVC
Vinay Mittal appointed Railway Board Chairman
Ranjan Mathai appointed new Foreign Secretary
Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha is new Chief of integrated Defence Staff
Raj Kumar Singh takes over as new Home Secretary
R. S. Gujral appointed Revenue Secretary
A.K. Upadhyay appointed Transport Secretary
Peter Burleigh appointed U.S. Charg dAffaires
Amartya Sen will be adviser to Presidency Mentor Group
Communist leader Chaturanan Mishra passes away
Poet Anwar Farrukhabadi passes away
Danish court rejects extradition of Purulia arms drop case accused Kim Davy
Govt keeps NIA, Natgrid out of RTI ambit
Nationwide programme to reduce pending court cases launched
One crore Aadhaar numbers issued
Training courses at Election Commissions Institute launched
Rajiv Gandhi Advocates Training Scheme inaugurated
Number of MBBS seats in the country rises to 39,785
Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) receives Rs 50 crore grant from Nandan Nilekani
Indian Forest Service exam eligibility expanded
Mozambique, India to work together on maritime security
Navy inducts three fast interceptor craft
Navy to add U.S. anti-submarine torpedoes to P-8I maritime patrol aircraft
Maoists supporters should be left alone Bureau of Police Research and Development study
New regional Coast Guard HQ to come up at Kolkata
High-speed trains to connect small towns to national capital
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau launches Friends of the wild
Bengal begins land distribution process; Tatas move apex court on Singur
Bengal Assembly passes resolution to set up Legislative Council
AP asks Sathya Sai Trust to furnish financials
Treasure unearthed at Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
1400-year-old Kerala mosque to be restored to its original form

Section B: WORLD
NSG decides to strengthen guidelines on transfer of enrichment and reprocessing technologies (ENR)
Gandhis Salt Satyagraha in Times top 10 protests
Communist Party of China celebrates 90th anniversary
Google receives 67 content removal requests from India

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

India rejects Organisation of the Islamic Conference comments on J&K
Greek Parliament passes austerity vote
German Parliament approves end to nuclear power by 2022
Caretaker govt. system for polls scrapped in Bangladesh
Bolivias exits UN anti-drug convention over coca leafs classification as narcotic
Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation organised
Worlds longest natural gas pipeline operationalised
Worlds longest sea-bridge opens in China
US Supreme Court clears tax exemption for Indian mission in New York
Male Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution organised
Frances Lagarde appointed IMF Managing Director
EU appoints Italys Mario Draghi as next ECB president
Jose Graziano elected FAO Director-General
Matthew Olsen is new US counterterrorism chief
International court issues arrest warrant for Gaddafi
Indias Kalyan Banerjee appointed Rotary International President

Section C: AWARDS
Krishi Karman Awards announced
Dabangg, My Name is Khan win IIFA awards
Anjali Joseph wins two literary awards for Saraswati Park
India honours doyen of modern Sinhala music
Japanese honour for IIT professor
Ravi Shankar wins Crans Montana award
Indian ad agencies win 4 golds at Cannes Lions
Microsoft wins Randstad award for Most Attractive Employer in India
Meghdoot Awards presented to Postal Employees
8 Indians among 40 young global telecom leaders


FDI declines 62% to $7b in 2010-11 RBI
10th Quarterly Report on Effect of Economic Slowdown on Employment in India unveiled
Cairn-Vedanta deal gets conditional approval from CCEA
Qualified Foreign Investors allowed to invest in mutual funds
Hydro, inter-state transmission projects exempted from tariff-based bidding
Committee on indigenous regional aircraft submits report
US-India Economic and Financial Partnership meeting organised
India-Malaysia CECA comes into effect
India ranked 62nd in Global Innovation Index rankings
HP, IBM lead 2011 India Supercomputers list
India Philanthropy Report 2011 unveiled
RBI allows Indian cos. To issue equity to fund capital goods imports
Dealer commission on petrol, diesel increased
Govt. plans 15 mn tonne extra storage capacity for foodgrains
PAN must for high value jewellery buy, debit cards
RBI to introduce Rs. 5 coin to honour Mother Teresa
SCOPE to evaluate PSUs
TRIFED, NSTFDC sign MoU for economic upliftment of Tribal Artisans
India in Figures 2011 unveiled
Advanced Centre for Energetic Materials inaugurated
India is worlds 4th largest steel producer in 2010
Essar to exit Vodafone JV for $5.46 billion
Worlds first e-book on spices launched
CBI registers FIR against former DGH V.K. Sibal
S. Goenka appointed ICC President
Tanksale is new CMD of Central Bank

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

India agrees to modified version of Umpire Decision Review System
ICC bans politicians from national boards
VVS Laxman touches 8000 runs in Tests
Sanath Jayasuriya retires from international cricket
Saina Nehwal ends runner-up at Indonesian Open
Prerna Bhambri wins ITF womens tennis
Sebastian Vettel wins European GP
Michael Nobbs appointed Indias Chief Hockey Coach
Japan wins FIH womens Champions Challenge

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Section A: INDIA

Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011 begins

The 1
ever post independence Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011 began on June 29, 2011 from the Sankhola village
of Hazemara block in West Tripura District. It is a door-to-door census in the entire country. This massive exercise will pave
the way to identify the households living below the poverty line in rural and urban
areas of the country. The entire process will be completed by end of 2011-12. The
results relating to the identification of poor households would be utilized in the 12

Five Year Plan (2012-13 to 2016-17). C. Chandramouli is the Registrar General of
India and Chief Commissioner of Census.

The BPL Census will be conducted by State Governments/Union Territory
Administrations with the technical and financial support of the Ministry of Rural
Development (MoRD). The Census would be based on a self-declaration model of
the respondents. The information would be verified and approved by the Gram
Sabha. Procedure for filing claims and objections and its disposal will be
prescribed separately.

Low cost handheld device will be used for collection of data in Socio Economic
Census 2011. It would reduce the time required in processing the data after collection in the field. Bharat Electronic Ltd.
(BEL) is involved in the production of this device on large scale.

National Informatics Centre (NIC) will develop the Management of Information System (MIS) for the management of the
database of Socio Economic Census 2011 and to facilitate its subsequent use by the MoRD, other ministries and State
Governments for their own requirements.

It may be noted that for the Identification of BPL (below poverty line) Households in Rural Areas the suggestions of the Expert
Group chaired by Dr NC Saxena and a pilot study carried out in 29 States/Union Territories have been the basis of the
methodology to conduct the Census in the rural areas.

It has been decided to include (a) households without shelter, (b) destitutes/living on alms, (c) manual scavengers, (d)
Primitive Tribal Groups, and (e) legally released bonded labourers, in the BPL list. These households will have the highest
priority for inclusion in the BPL list.

The remaining households will be identified as poor from the angle of deprivation to which they are subjected to. The
deprivation of the households is assessed from the following deprivation indicators:

Households with only one room with kucha walls and kucha roof;
Households with no adult member between age 16 to 59;
Female headed households with no adult male member between age 16 to 59;
Households with any disabled member and no able bodied adult member;
SC/ST households;
Households with no literate adult above 25 years;
Landless households deriving the major part of their income from manual casual labour;

For the households eligible for ranking under deprivation indicators as per paragraph, a deprivation score would be derived
for each household by adding up the number of deprivations satisfied by the household. This score will vary from a minimum
0 to maximum 7. The order of priority for inclusion of households in the BPL list would be from largest number of deprivations
to smallest number of deprivations. For the purpose of coverage of income re-distributive anti-poverty programmes and
welfare schemes of the Government, households eligible for compulsory inclusion will have highest priority, followed by
households with higher deprivation scores.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Several households would be automatically excluded from the BPL list. These are:
Households owning Motorized Two/Three/Four Wheelers/Fishing boats (which require registration);
Households owning mechanized Three/Four wheeler agricultural equipments such as tractors, harvesters etc;
Households having Kisan Credit Card with the credit limit of Rs.50,000 and above;
Households with any member as Government Employee: gazetted and non-gazetted employees of Centre government,
State government, Public Sector Undertakings, Government-aided autonomous bodies and local bodies. This will exclude
incentive and other honorarium based workers like ASHA, Anganwadi workers etc;
Households with Enterprises registered with the Government for any purpose: any non agricultural enterprise registered
with the Central or State Governments;
Households with any member in the family earning more than Rs. 10,000 per month;
Households paying income tax or professional tax;
Households with three or more rooms with pucca walls and pucca roof;
Households owning Refrigerator;
Households owning landline phones;
Households owning 2.5 acres or more irrigated land with at least one irrigation equipment such as diesel/ electric operated
borewell/ tubewell;
Households owning 5 acres or more land irrigated for two or more crop seasons;
Households owning 7.5 acres or more land with at least one irrigation equipment such as diesel/ electric operated
borewell/ tubewell.

PM interacts with group of editors

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on June 29, 2011 interacted with a small group of editors in New Delhi. Following are the
highlights of his response to several issues raised by the editors.

On issue of authority: Dismissed talks of being a lame duck Prime Minister as Opposition propaganda.

On succession: Said he had no objection to Rahul Gandhi succeeding him, but no such discussions were currently taking
place in the Congress party.

On Lokpal: Pointed out that he is personally not opposed to inclusion of PM under the ambit of Lokpal.

On Baba Ramdev: Owned up the decision of sending ministers to meet Baba Ramdev at Delhi airport; said police action at
Ramlila grounds was unfortunate but there as no alternative

On the role of media: Made a critical remark saying the media has become accuser, prosecutor and judge

On Cabinet reshuffle: Said that work was in progress but did not disclose when it will take place

On bugging in Finance Ministry: Confirmed a complaint by FM of suspected bugging, but said it was a closed chapter
following an IB probe

On Sonia Gandhi: Praised her for extending maximum cooperation and doing a superb job as Congress president

New Zealand PM John Key visits India
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his New Zealand counterpart, John Key, resolved to diversify its ties with New Zealand
in non-traditional areas such as defence during bilateral talks at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi on June
28, 2011.

Defence: The two Prime Ministers agreed to strengthen bilateral defence cooperation. Key announced that
his country would appoint a Defence Adviser to India to facilitate defence linkages better. India has defence
agreements, among others, with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Malaysia. It has conducted joint
exercises with most countries in the region. Both sides noted need to ensure the safety and security of sea
lanes and agreed that regional and global cooperation should continue to ensure maritime security.

Trade: Both sides also expressed themselves in favour of a free trade agreement (FTA) and signed protocols in film
production, higher education and research to strengthen people-to-people interaction. India already has a FTA in goods with
the ASEAN and Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements (CCEPA) with Japan and South Korea.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

India and New Zealand trade has more than trebled between 2004-05 and 2010-11. In 2010-11, Indian exports to New
Zealand were US $ 191.39 million and Indian imports from New Zealand were US $ 621.55 million. Total bilateral trade was
thus about US $ 812.94 million and grew 7.83% over the previous year. Major items of Indias exports to NZ include parts
of engineering goods, mineral fuels, pharmaceutical products, natural or cultured pearls, precious & semi precious stones,
items of jewellery set in gold and diamonds, textiles, inorganic chemicals and electrical machinery and equipment. These top
ten items account for 68.17% of Indias total exports to NZ. Major items of Indias imports are mineral fuels and mineral oils
and products of their distillation, wood and articles of wood, dairy products, papers and paperboard, wool, engineering goods,
raw hides and skins and leather, iron and steel, electrical machinery and edible fruit and nuts. These top 10 items explain
94.09% of Indias total imports from New Zealand.

The Prime Ministers also announced a jointly funded education cooperation initiative to promote partnerships in higher
education and research, and skills and vocational education.

UNESCO World Heritage site nomination for Western Ghats postponed

Indias campaign to get the Western Ghats declared as a UNESCO World Heritage site received a setback, with the United
Nations committee postponing the decision to 2012, and asking the government to furnish more
information. This came even as Karnataka one of the five States (Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
Goa, Karnataka) where the Ghats are located ran its own last-minute campaign against the World
Heritage tag, arguing that it could protect its own forests and claiming that the tag would prevent
development work to help forest dwellers. The other four states have not expressed any dissent on the
proposed UNESCO tag.

The World Heritage Committee (WHC) met in Paris to debate the merits of 42 nominations to its list of 900 cultural and
natural treasures from across the world in June 2011.

India had nominated 39 sites in the Western Ghats, a unique hotspot of biodiversity. However, the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on June 28, 2011 recommended that the WHC defer Indias proposal. That would mean
starting the whole process anew, with more information, another visit from the IUCN team and the submission of a revised
nomination dossier. Most of the additional information required is about governance and coordination mechanisms to
synergise the management of the 39 sites as well as a buffer zone and connectivity issues. The WHC will now consider the
nomination at its next meeting in Thailand in June 2012.

Military delegation visit to China concludes

India and China on June 25, 2011 concluded week-long defence talks, the first in almost a year, with officials on both sides
welcoming resumption in contact as the two countries look to tackle persisting strategic mistrust. Indian officials described the
visit of the eight-member delegation, led by Major-General Gurmeet Singh, as successful and productive but gave little
information on the content and outcomes of meetings the delegation had with the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) leadership.
The delegation visited Beijing; Urumqi, the capital city of Chinas far western Muslim-majority Xinjiang autonomous region;
and Shanghai, from where they returned to India on June 25.

Defence exchanges between the two countries were suspended last July, when China refused to issue a visa to the then
head of the Northern Command, Lieutenant-General B.S. Jaswal, saying the sensitive region of Kashmir was under his
charge. China had linked its decision to the policy of issuing stapled visas to Indian citizens from Jammu and Kashmir. The
Chinese have, however, publicly maintained that their visa policy remained unchanged. India, for its part, appeared to make a
concession to the Chinese position by sending an officer of Major-General rank, rather than the head of the northern
command, to China.

Chinese analysts welcomed the resumption of defence ties as a sign that the two countries had put problems such as the
visa issue behind them but cautioned against high expectations amid persisting mistrust on a range of issues. This visit, they
said, was more about symbolism, taking forward confidence-building measures and addressing ground concerns rather than
a platform to resolve larger pending issues.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

NAI, C-DAC to undertake digital preservation of govt records

In a project, aimed at preserving electronic public records generated through e-governance initiatives of the Central
government, Pune-based Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), on July 2, 2011 signed a MoU with the
National Archives of India (NAI), New Delhi, for development of software for the purpose.

This MoU has been signed as part of the project of Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation (CEDP) sanctioned by the
Department of Information Technology, MCIT, Government of India. This project will be handled by Human-Centred Design
and Computing (HCDC) Group of C-DAC, which specialises in digital preservation and archival. The implementation of the
MoU will enable the NAI to develop the technical capabilities for digital preservation and acceptance of records.

The CEDP will create a machinery to archive the electronic public records of the government. This project, after completion of
its first three year phase, is expected to benefit the common people with an enhanced accessibility and retrieval of public
records, and also help those who seek information under the RTI act.

Right to Privacy Bill proposes stringent punishment, data authority

Government is drafting a new law that provides for stringent punishment, including revocation of licences of telecom service
providers, for illegally intercepting telephone calls and making their content public.

The Right to Privacy Bill, which is likely to be tabled in the next session of Parliament, also proposes to set up a Data
Protection Authority of India (DPAI) to monitor and enforce compliance of all provisions and receive and investigate
complaints about alleged violations of data protection rules. The Bill has provisions for tough punishment for the head of any
department which indulges in circulating the intercepted data in public.

While illegal snooping or interception can land a person in jail for a period of five years and a fine up to Rs one lakh, people
involved in circulation of an intercepted communication or any other personal information shall be punished with a prison term
of three years and with a fine up to Rs 50,000.

In case of violation of condition of licence of the service providers pertaining to maintenance of secrecy and confidentiality of
information and unauthorised interception of communication, the service provider [besides the penalty] shall be liable for
suspension or revocation of their licences.

Parliamentary committee supports direct cash transfers
A parliamentary committee has recommended direct cash transfer of subsidies to bank accounts of beneficiaries of various
social sector schemes of the government. It (transfer of cash) would also facilitate the process of financial inclusion being
attempted by the banking sector and if it is integrated with the Aadhar numbers, go a long way in plugging rampant leakages
in dissemination of benefits to the poor, said a report by Parliaments Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) unveiled on
June 27, 2011. The panel, chaired by BJP leader Yashwant Sinha, questioned how crores of rupees spent on anti-poverty
programmes had not yielded the desired results.

It recommended the government also study successful cash transfer schemes in operation elsewhere, such as the Bolsa
Famila Programme (BFP) in Brazil and a similar model in Indonesia. Under the BFP, cash is transferred to poor Brazilian
families through banks but with a condition that their children attend school and are vaccinated. A World Bank study showed
the BFP helped lift 20 million Brazilians out of poverty between 2003 and 2009. Incomes of the poor grew seven time faster
than the rich and three times faster than the national average during the period. Ensuring that every rupee reaches the
person it is meant for, as Brazils popular BFP shows, can strengthen Indias fight against poverty, says the report.

Committee proposes new law for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The Committee appointed by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, to draft a New
Legislation replacing the existing Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)
Act, 1995, presented the final draft of the new law, The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2011, to Mukul Wasnik,
Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment on July 1, 2011.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

The proposed law seeks to repeal the Persons with Disabilities Act of 1995 and to replace it with a comprehensive rights
based law in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

A Committee under the Chairpersonship of Dr. Sudha Kaul, Vice Chairperson, Indian Institute for Cerebral Palsy, Kolkata,
and consisting of experts and representatives of stakeholders including Central Ministries, State Governments, Civil Society
Organisations and experts, including persons with disabilities, was therefore, set up by the Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment on 30.4.2010 to consider various suggestions and views and to draft a comprehensive law.

Honoraria for Anganwadi Workers and Helpers enhanced

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on June 30, 2011 approved the enhancement of Honoraria for Anganwadi
Workers (AWWs) to Rs.3000/- from Rs.1500/- per month and for Anganwadi Helpers (AWHs) and Workers of Mini-AWCs
(Mini-Anganwadi Centres) to Rs.1500/- from Rs.750/- per month under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)

The estimated additional requirement comes to Rs.3479.83 crore per annum. The Government of India liability which is to the
extent of 90% will be an estimated Rs.3131.85 crore. The enhancement of honoraria will be made effective from 1.4.2011
through a letter to all the States/UTs as soon as the Cabinet accords its approval.

A total of 11.71 lakh AWWs including Workers of Mini-AWCs and 10.97 lakh AWHs (as on
31.12.2010) will benefit from this enhancement in honorarium w.e.f. 1.4.2011. This would also go a
long way in motivating the honorary work force for delivering services in a committed way. ICDS
Scheme has been universalized to cover each and every habitation in the country. All Workers
/Helpers in all States/Districts will be covered.

Anganwadi Workers (AWW) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWH) are the front-line functionaries at the AWC who render services
as honorary workers. Over time, AWWs have emerged as the central figure for child care and development under the ICDS
Scheme. AWC has come to be acknowledged as the first out-post of health, nutrition and early learning at habitation level.
Therefore, AWWs besides shouldering the responsibility of providing nutritional support to children and mothers, assist the
PHC staff in immunization, health check-up, ante and post natal checkups, counsel the care-givers and organize non-formal
pre-school activities. Their honoraria has been fixed and enhanced from time to time.

The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a nation-wide programme for Early Childhood Care and Development.
It is one of the flagship programmes of the Government. The Scheme provides a package of six services comprising (i)
supplementary nutrition (SNP) (ii) immunization, (iii) health check-up, (iv) referral services, (v) pre-school non-formal
education and (vi) nutrition and health education. The beneficiaries are children below six years of age, pregnant women &
lactating mothers. Immunization, health check up & referral services are all provided in coordination with the public health
infrastructure and system.

ICDS Scheme is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme being implemented through the States/UTs en a cost sharing basis in the
ratio of 50:50 for SNP and 90:10 for other components except in case of North Eastern States where the Central and
State/UT Government share for SNP, is also in the ratio of 90:10. The focal point of delivery of services is the Anganwadi
Centre (AWC). Anganwadi Workers (AWW) and Anganwadi Helpers (AWH) are the front-line functionaries at the AWC who
render services as honorary workers.

There has been significant progress in the implementation of ICDS Scheme during XI Plan both, in terms of increase in
number of operational projects and Anganwadi Centres (AWCs). The no. of operational projects and AWCs as on 31.12.2010
was 6719 and 12.41 lakh respectively as against 5829 Projects and 8.44 lakh AWCs operational as on 31.3.2007. The total
number of beneficiaries has also increased from 705.43 lakh as on 31.3.2007 to 918.65 lakh as on 31.12.2010.

Alongside gradual expansion of the Scheme, there has also been a significant increase in the Budgetary allocation for ICDS
Scheme from Rs. 10391.75 crore in 10th Five Year Plan to Rs.44,400 crore in the XI Plan Period.

Honorarium of AWWs /AWHs is a component of the budget for ICDS Scheme. This has been revised from time to time. Last
revision was in 2008 when the honorarium was enhanced by Rs.500/- p.m. over the last honorarium drawn by AWW and
Rs.250/- p.m. over the last honorarium drawn by AWHs of AWCs and Workers of Mini-AWCs.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Statistics Day 2011 celebrated

The Fifth Statistics Day was celebrated all over India on June 29, 2011 by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation, State Governments, Offices of National Sample Survey Organizations spread throughout
the country, University Departments, etc by organizing Seminars, Conferences, Debates, Quiz
Programmes, Lecture Series, Essay Competitions, etc.

National Award in Statistics, constituted in the Honour of Prof. C. R. Rao was also conferred on the
occasion. It was given to Dr. Rajender Parsad, Head, Division of Design of Experiments at Indian
Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi. The dignitaries also released some important
publications on the occasion.

The highlight of Statistics Day 2011 was taking up the theme Gender Statistics and making concerted
efforts throughout the year to bring improvements in the quality of data in this particular field, for objective planning and policy

The Government of India designated 29
June every year as the Statistics Day, in the category of Special Day to be
celebrated at the national level, in recognition of the notable contributions made by (Late) Professor Prasanta Chandra
Mahalanobis in the fields of economic planning and statistical development. The Day coincides with his birth anniversary.

Born on June 29, 1893, in Calcutta, P. C. Mahalanobis was a statistician and physicist, instrumental in formulating Indias
strategy for industrialization. The Second Five-Year Plan (1956-61) adopted by the Government of India was based on the
Mahalanobis model. He established the Indian Statistical Institute in Calcutta in 1931.

Mahalanobis introduced innovative techniques for conducting large-scale sample surveys and calculated the acreage and
crop yields by using the method of random sampling. He devised a statistical method called fractal graphical analysis, which
could be used to compare the socio-economic conditions of different groups of people. He also applied statistics to economic
planning for flood control.

Mahalanobis established the National Sample Survey in 1950 and also set up the Central Statistical Organization, to
coordinate the statistical activities in India. He was also a member of the Planning Commission of India from 1953 to 1967.
For his pioneering work he was awarded the Padma Vibhushan by the Government of India in 1968.

Doctors Day observed: July 1, 2011 was observed as Doctors Day. In India the Doctors Day is being celebrated on July
1, to mark the birth anniversary (as well as death anniversary) of famous physician, freedom fighter and Chief Minister of
West Bengal for 14 years, Dr. B.C. Roy. He was born on July 1, 1882 and passed away on July 1, 1962. The idea of thanking
doctors for their service to the society first originated in the US in 1933. Eudora Brown Almond, wife of a doctor Charles B.
Almond of the Winder (Georgia) sent greetings to her husbands colleagues appreciating the services being provided by
them. She sent the greetings on March 30, 1933. March 30 is the day in 1841 when Dr. Crawford W. Long performed a
surgery with the help of anaesthesia for the first time. Doctors Day is being observed in India on July 1 every year since

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking observed: International Day Against Drug Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking was observed on June 26, 2011. In India, Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) of the Ministry of Home
Affairs organized various activities all over the country to raise public awareness against the menace of drugs and mobilize
support for drug control. The theme/campaign of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for 2011 is Think
Health not drugs.

Chartered Accountants Day observed: The Chartered Accountants Day function was observed in New Delhi on July
1, 2011. July 1 is remembered as the Foundation Day of the accountancy profession in India and celebrated as Chartered
Accountants Day (CA Day). G. P. Kapadia was the first and founder President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI). G. Ramaswamy is the current President of ICAI.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Pradeep Kumar appointed new CVC

Defence Secretary Pradeep Kumar was on June 25, 2011 unanimously chosen the next Chief Vigilance Commissioner four
months after the Supreme Court had quashed the appointment of P J Thomas to the post. Kumar, who retires as Defence
Secretary on July 31, was chosen by consensus by a panel comprising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Home Minister P
Chidambaram and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj.

Kumar, who will be 60 this month, is a Haryana cadre IAS officer of the 1972 batch. He was Secretary,
Defence Production, before becoming the Defence Secretary. He will have a five year term as he will have to
demit office on attaining age of 65 under the CVC Act.

Swaraj, who had opposed in writing the appointment of Thomas as CVC, had no objection to Kumars
candidature. Thomas selection in September 2010 had created a major controversy with reports coming out
about his facing a charge sheet in the palmolein import scam in Kerala. A war of words erupted between the
government and the opposition after Swaraj had recorded her dissent to the selection of Thomas, a Kerala
cadre officer. The Supreme Court had on March 3 set aside the appointment of Thomas as Central Vigilance
Commissioner. The apex court had termed as illegal the September 3, 2010 recommendation for appointment of Thomas as
CVC since the high-powered committee did not consider the pending charge sheet against Thomas in the palmolein import

Vinay Mittal appointed Railway Board Chairman: Vinay Mittal has taken over as the new Chairman, Railway Board
and ex-officio Principal Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Railways, on June 30, 2011. He replaces Vivek
Sahai who superannuated from this post on June 30. Prior to this, Mittal was serving as General Manager, South Eastern
Railway since January 12, 2011. An officer of Indian Railway Traffic Service (1975 batch), Vinay Mittal is credited with huge
improvements in freight loading and punctuality performance in Central Railway and North Western Railway.

Ranjan Mathai appointed new Foreign Secretary: Ranjan Mathai, presently Ambassador in Paris, was on June 27,
2011 selected to take over as the new Foreign Secretary for a term of two years following the retirement of Nirupama Rao on
July 31, 2011. Mathai, who did his MA in Political science from Pune University, has served in Indian missions in Vienna,
Colombo, Washington, Tehran and Brussels. As Joint Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi between Jan
1995 and Feb 1998, he headed the division dealing with Indias relations with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and
Maldives. He also served as Indian Ambassador to Israel from February 1998 to June 2001 and Qatar from August 2001 to
July 2005. He was Deputy High Commissioner in Indias mission in the UK from August 2005 to January 2007.

Vice Admiral Shekhar Sinha is new Chief of integrated Defence Staff: Vice-Admiral Shekhar Sinha on July 4,
2011 took over as the Chief of Integrated Defence Staff to Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee at the Headquarters,
Integrated Defence Staff of the Ministry of Defence in New Delhi. Vice Admiral Sinha who was commissioned on 1 June,
1974 into the Naval Aviation Fighter Stream, is an alumnus of the Defence Services Staff College, College of Naval Warfare
and National Defence College. With over 2,700 hours of flying 18 different aircraft, mostly from aircraft carrier Vikrant and
Viraat on the Sea Harrier, he has commanded two Sea Harrier Squadrons and the Air Station at Goa. Vice-Admiral Sinha is
recipient of the Ati Vishisht Sewa Medal and two Gallantry awards Nau Sena Medal and Bar Earlier, Vice-Admiral Sinha
served as the Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff Operation and Policy Planning and Force Deployment and Control
Personnel Services at MoD (Navy).

Raj Kumar Singh takes over as new Home Secretary: Raj Kumar Singh on June 30, 2011 took over as Union Home
Secretary. He succeeds Gopal Krishna Pillai who retired on June 30. Singh is an IAS officer of the 1975 Batch and belongs to
the Bihar Cadre. Before joining MHA, he was Secretary, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence. He has
served in his Cadre and at the Centre in various capacities including as Home Secretary of Bihar and Joint Secretary in MHA.
The new Home Secretary said that ongoing initiatives taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs to meet the challenges facing the
nation will be further strengthened. He said that the country has the resilience to meet these challenges.

R. S. Gujral appointed Revenue Secretary: Raminder Singh Gujral, presently Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport
and Highways was appointed Secretary, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, replacing Sunil Mitra who retired on
June 30, 2011. A 1976-batch IAS from the Haryana cadre, Gujral will have the responsibility of meeting the revenue
collection target, which, according to Mitra, looks difficult this year. In the current financial year, the target for indirect tax

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

collections has been fixed at Rs 3.92 lakh crore and for direct taxes at Rs 5.32 lakh crore. Gujral will also be involved in the
rollout of Goods and Services Tax and Direct Taxes Code. Though slated to be rolled out from next year, implementation of
GST from April 1, 2012, looks difficult.

A.K. Upadhyay appointed Transport Secretary: A.K. Upadhyay, presently Secretary, Department of Youth Affairs,
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, was appointed as Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in place of R. S.
Gujral on his relinquishing the charge of the post.

Burleigh appointed U.S. Charg dAffaires: Peter Burleigh on July 2, 2011 assumed charge as the Charg dAffaires
of the U.S. Embassy after the resignation of Ambassador Timothy Roemer. Burleighs interim appointment reflects the U.S.
governments emphasis on assuring highest-level representation and continuity in U.S.-India relations, says a release from
the embassy. He had served as Charg dAffaires from April to July 2009. A retired diplomat, Burleigh is fluent in Hindi,
Bengali and Sinhala. He has also lectured on topics such as Asian religions (Hinduism and Buddhism) and humanitarian
intervention in world crises

Amartya Sen will be adviser to Presidency Mentor Group: Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen will be the
adviser to the Mentor Group which has been set up by the West Bengal government to help Presidency University regain its
excellence. The aim is to turn the university into a world class research and teaching institution by its 200
anniversary in
2017-18. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said on June 29 that Professor Sen has agreed to the proposal and would advise
the 10-member committee, which is chaired by Sugata Bose, Gardiner professor of Oceanic History and Affairs, Harvard
University, and a grand-nephew of Subhash Chandra Bose.

Communist leader Chaturanan Mishra passes away: Veteran Communist Party of India (CPI) leader from Bihar and
former union Agriculture Minister Chaturanan Mishra passed away at the age of 86 on June 25, 2011. Mishra joined the
freedom struggle in his student days in Madhubani and was arrested twice for his participation in the struggle. He joined CPI
in early 1940s. After independence, he emerged as one of the top leaders of the trade union and communist movement in
Bihar. He was twice the Leader of the Opposition in Bihar. After two terms in Rajya Sabha, he was elected to Lok Sabha from
Madhubani in 1996. When in 1997 the CPI joined the United Front government headed by H D Deve Gowda, Mishra became
Agriculture Minister.

Poet Anwar Farrukhabadi passes away: Noted poet Anwar Farrukhabadi, who penned the popular film song Hamein
to loot liya mil ke husn walon ne passed away at the age of 83 on June 29, 2011. Anwar wrote around 2,000 songs for
Bollywood films and private albums. His songs have been immortalised in the voices of Mohammad Rafi, Manna Dey, Pankaj
Uddhas, Shankar Shambhu and Sabri brothers, among others. Born in 1928 in Farrukhabad, the poet left for Mumbai in 1945
in search of a better future and spent about 40 years there. Some of the films for which he wrote lyrics are Al Hilal, Mere
Piya and Pardesi Sajan.

Danish court rejects extradition of Purulia case accused
Indias chances of getting Purulia arms drop case mastermind Kim Davy extradited from Denmark for his alleged involvement
in the sensational dropping of arms in 1995 suffered a setback with the High Court in Denmark on June 30,
2011 rejecting a plea by the government there. The plea by the Danish government to allow 49-year-old
Davy, who is also known as Niels Holck, to be extradited in the Purulia case was dismissed on the grounds
he would risk torture or other inhuman treatment in India.

Davy is wanted by CBI in connection with the arms drop case when an AN-26 aircraft dropped arms and
ammunition in Purulia district of West Bengal on December 17, 1995. The consignment had hundreds of
AK-47 rifles, pistols, anti-tank grenades, rocket launchers and over 25,000 rounds of ammunition. Davys
associates in crime, five Latvians and a Briton, Peter Bleach, were also arrested. Bleach spent eight years
in jail but Davy had escaped. Preliminary investigations had hinted that Davy was a member of the Ananda Marga and the
arms were meant for the socio-religious sect. However, Davy alleged the RAW and other Indian intelligence agencies had
given him the arms to destabilise the Left Front government in West Bengal. He also alleged that Indian covert agencies had
helped him escape.

India had assured the Danish court that Davy will not be sentenced to death, the court decided to reject the Indian
Governments plea. The CBI said it will request the Danish Ministry of Justice through diplomatic channels to appeal against
the verdict in the Supreme Court of Denmark.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Govt keeps NIA, Natgrid out of RTI ambit: After keeping the CBI out of the ambit of RTI Act, the government has now
made the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the National Intelligence Grid (Natgrid) inaccessible under the
transparency law. The Right to Information Act, 2005 has been amended to include NIA, Natgrid and CBI in its second
schedule which exempts intelligence and security organisation established by the central government out of the purview of
the Act, according to a notification issued on June 9, 2011 by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). Now, 25
organisations have been listed under the second schedule of the RTI Act which includes Intelligence Bureau (IB), Research
and Analysis Wing (RAW), Central Economic Intelligence Bureau, Aviation Research Centre and National Security Guards
among others not to provide information except the ones relating to allegations of corruption and human right violations.

Nationwide programme to reduce pending court cases launched: Union Minister for Law and Justice M. Veerappa
Moily on July 1, 2011 launched a nationwide programme for reducing the number of pending cases in courts. The launch of
the Mission Mode Programme for Reduction of Pendency of Arrears in courts coincided with the celebrations of the 150

Anniversary of the Calcutta High Court. The programme aims to dispose of 40 per cent of the cases, pending in subordinate
courts across the country, in the coming six months. Rs. 21,000 crore has already been set aside for the subordinate courts
to implement the programme.

One crore Aadhaar numbers issued: In just nine months since the launch of the Aadhaar project in Maharashtra, UIDAI
has issued one crore Aadhaar numbers. 52 year old, N. K. Chheda from Maharashtra has the distinction of being the resident
whose Aadhaar number was generated on reaching this milestone on June 30, 2011. The first resident to get the Aadhaar
number, Ranjana Sonawane, is also a resident of Maharashtra. She received her number on 29th September, 2010 in
Tembhli village of Nandurbar district. This is yet another milestone, en-route to our goal of issuing 60 crore Aadhaar numbers
by 2014 Nandan Nilekani, Chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India said. Enrolments are in progress in more
than 25 states and Union Territories by more than 30 registrars through 11,000+ operators. Currently, the Aadhaar
ecosystem is enrolling more than 4,00,000 residents a day said RS Sharma, Director General & Mission Director of UIDAI.

Training courses at Election Commissions Institute launched: Courses for the first batch international participants
at the India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management (IIDEM) set up by the Election Commission of
India started on June 27, 2011. The first short course is being held for a 5 member delegation from Interim Independent
Electoral Commission (IIEC) of Kenya. IIDEM is envisaged as an advanced resource centre of learning, research, training
and extension for participatory democracy and election management. The Institute is being developed in collaboration with
the Government of India, United Nations, the Commonwealth and inter-governmental organisations like Sweden based
International Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). The 54 member Commonwealth group has proposed to
set up a resource centre for its member nations at IIDEM. IIDEM has four components. These are, Training and Capacity
Development, Voter Education and Civic Participation, Research, Innovation and Documentation and International Projects
and Technical Collaboration. The Institute will be a national and international hub for exchange of good practices in election

Rajiv Gandhi Advocates Training Scheme inaugurated: The Rajiv Gandhi Advocates Training Scheme was
launched at the National Law University Delhi with the objective of providing continuing and well-organised legal education to
young practising advocates on June 27, 2011. The scheme envisages selection of 10 advocates from each state of India,
every year for being imparted professional training. This training programme will cover issues such as: Alternative dispute
resolution (ADR) Mechanism for settlement of Disputes; Plea bargaining and its importance; How to use Information
Technology and Communication in court proceedings? Advantages of these tools in court proceedings; Art of cross
examination; etc.

Number of MBBS seats in the country rises to 39,785: 21 new medical colleges were approved by the newly
constituted Medical Council of India (MCI) on July 1, 2011. The new board of the MCI, governed by Dr K. K. Talwar, gave its
approval to these institutions based on the report of the earlier board, headed by Dr S K Sarin. On June 30, the MCI
increased about 1,800 undergraduate seats. The total number of MBBS seats in the country now stands at 39,785. Of the 21
new medical colleges, five are government institutions one each in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and two in
West Bengal. It also approved three private medical colleges in Gujarat, one each in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
Madhya Pradesh. Two other private medical colleges have been approved in Punjab, three in Tamil Nadu and three in Uttar

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

IIHS receives Rs 50 crore gift from Nilekani: Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani along with his wife Rohini Nilekani
on June 28, 2011 announced a gift of Rs 50 crore ($11 million) to the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) to fund its
School of Environment and Sustainability. This is a major step in a Rs 300 crore ($67 million) IIHS resource mobilisation
campaign to fund five interdisciplinary schools, one of South Asias largest reference and digital libraries and other facilities
for its Bangalore campus. An additional Rs 100 crore ($22 million) will be raised for chair professorships. The IIHS is nurtured
and led by a group of eminent Indians who include: Xerxes Desai, Jamshyd Godrej, Cyrus Guzder, Renana Jhabvala, Vijay
Kelkar, Keshub Mahindra, Kishore Mariwala, Rahul Mehrotra, Bansi Mehta, Rakesh Mohan, Nandan Nilekani, Nasser
Munjee, Deepak Parekh, Shirish Patel and Deepak Satwalekar.

Indian Forest Service exam eligibility expanded: The government plans to expand the eligibility criteria for the Indian
Forest Service examination, to include Indian Institute of Forestry Management graduates and other science and technology
graduates. This decision was taken at a recent meeting chaired by Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh in June 2011,
considering the recommendations of the J.C. Kala Committee to improve IFS recruitment over the next 20 years. It was also
decided that the examination, now conducted only in English, will soon be held in all other national languages too. In a further
reform, specialisations in remote sensing and GIS will be introduced for IFS probationers, similar to the current wildlife

Mozambique, India to work together on maritime security: India and Mozambique have agreed to work together on
maritime security to make the Indian Ocean a safe region for trade. An agreement to this effect was reached during
delegation-level talks between the visiting Mozambique Minister of National Defence, Filipe Jacinto Nyussi, and Defence
Minister A.K Antony in New Delhi on June 28, 2011. Nyussi thanked India for the help rendered by the Indian Navy in the
rescue of a Mozambican shipping vessel from pirates off the Mozambican coast last year. The issue of piracy off the East
Coast of Africa prominently figured during talks between the two leaders. Both sides also discussed various bilateral defence
cooperation issues while identifying some new areas for cooperation to strengthen the existing relations between the two

Navy inducts three fast interceptor craft: The Navy on July 1, 2011 inducted its first batch of three Fast Interceptor
Crafts adding strength to its nascent Sagar Prahari Bal (sea protection force) tasked to protect naval assets and bases on
both the East and West coasts and island territories of the country. As part of the plan, orders for 15 FIC were placed with a
French company at a cost of Rs. 60 crore. The first lot was deployed in Mumbai recently. The French firm is expected to fulfi l
the order by next year. Solas Marine, Sri Lanka is all set to be given the orders for another 80 FIC, worth Rs. 300 crore, after
a global tender. The Cost Negotiation Committee of the Navy has completed its task and the formal contract is to be signed.
After formal orders, it will take up to 36 months for the Sri Lankan firm to deliver the boats. These boats are normally between
80 and 100 metres in length, can travel at a high speed of 40 to 50 knots with a crew of up to 7 personnel and can carry a
light machine gun.

Navy to add U.S. anti-submarine torpedoes to P-8I maritime patrol aircraft: The Navy will procure anti-submarine
torpedoes to be mounted on the P-8I long range maritime patrol aircraft that is currently under assembly in the United States.
The U.S. Congress was officially notified by the Defence Security Cooperation Agency of the potential sale of 32 Mk-54
torpedoes and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support to the Indian Navy at an estimated cost of $86
million. The P-8I is based on the Boeing Next-Generation 737 commercial airplane and is a variant of the P-8A the company
is developing for the U.S. Navy. Last year, Congress was informed of the possible sale of 21 Harpoon missiles to the Indian
Navy at an estimated cost of $200 million to be mounted on the P-8I.

Maoists supporters should be left alone, says study: A study sponsored by the Union home ministry has
recommended that Naxal sympathisers should be left alone to the confinement of seminar halls rather than persecuting
them. Distinction needs to be made between Naxal activists and the cheerleaders, between incitement and advocacy and
between criminal conspiracies and ideological sympathises. While the state can go all out against the Naxal over-ground
activists, alleged persecution of the cheerleaders would provide no operational benefit, the study said. It would only endorse
the Naxal description of the state as an intolerant oppressor, the study conducted under the aegis of the Bureau of Police
Research and Development (BPRD) said in its action plan for the Left-wing extremism hit areas. The BPRD does studies on
policing subjects under the command of the home ministry and the study was titled Social, Economic and Political Dynamics
in Extremist Affected Areas. The findings of the study, conducted in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh, have
been submitted to top security establishment in the country including the home ministry and the National Security Advisor in

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

June 2011. In recent times, Naxalites have been described to benefit from support they have managed to generate from key
intellectuals in the society.

New regional Coast Guard HQ to come up at Kolkata: A new Indian Coast Guard region with Kolkata as its
headquarters would become operational before the end of this year. The new Coast Guard North East Region, being set up
in Kolkata, will become operational by the end of 2011, said IG S. P. Sharma, Regional Commander, Coast Guard East
Region on June 27, 2011. Presently, the Indian Coast Guard has four regions - North West, West, East and Andaman and
Nicobar headquartered in Gandhinagar, Mumbai, Chennai and Port Blair, respectively.

High-speed trains to connect small towns to national capital: The Railways plan to high-speed trains connecting
small towns of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan to the national capital New Delhi under the proposed Regional Rapid
Transport System (RRTS) to reduce travel time to just about an hour. The air-conditioned trains will run on dedicated tracks
with a combination of elevated, at-grade and underground lines at a maximum speed of 160 km per hour. Initially three
corridors have been prioritised, connecting Delhi-Gurgaon-Rewari-Alwar, Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut and Delhi-Sonipat-
Panipat. According to a memorandum of understanding signed in New Delhi on June 29, 2011, the project will be
implemented through a joint venture between the Centre and the States involved, the cost of which will be shared equally.

Wildlife Crime Control Bureau launches Friends of the wild: Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB), India on
June 28, 2011 launched its Friends of the Wild Initiative calling for enrolment of volunteers from all walks of life above the
age of 21. The objective of the initiative is to conserve the countrys rich flora & fauna.

Bengal begins land distribution process, Tatas move apex court on Singur: The West Bengal government on
June 29, 2011 initiated the process of identifying land at the abandoned Tata Motors factory in Singur as part of its land
distribution initiative for the unwilling farmers. The Tatas, meanwhile, moved the Supreme Court seeking a stay on the state
governments move. A team of 50 surveyors began measuring the land at the project site to mark the 400 acres to be
returned to the farmers who had not collected their compensation cheques.

Bengal Assembly passes resolution to set up Legislative Council: A 15-member House Committee comprising
members of the ruling coalition as well as the Opposition was constituted on June 29, 2011 to discuss the proposed
Legislative Council for West Bengal on which a resolution was moved by the State Government in the Assembly on June 28.
The proposal to revive the West Bengal Legislative Council after 42 years was referred to the Committee for further
discussions following reservations expressed by the Opposition. The Committee would be headed by Partha Chatterjee and
would comprise 10 members of the Assembly including Leader of the Opposition Surjya Kanta Mishra.

AP asks Sathya Sai Trust to furnish financials: The Andhra Pradesh government on June 29, 2011 asked the Sri
Sathya Sai Central Trust to furnish details of all the financial transactions, returns filed with the income tax department along
with the assets, and activities of the trust and organisations associated with it within ten days. The move comes in the wake
of a series of controversies regarding the alleged siphoning of cash and other valuables from Prasanthi Nilayam, where Sai
Baba used to live. Allegations over shifting of cash clandestinely by people associated with the trust grew bigger after a
vehicle carrying Rs 35 lakh from Prasanthi Nilayam was seized by the state police some ten days ago.

Treasure unearthed at Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple: Hundreds of kilos of coins issued by the government of
erstwhile Travancore and those from the time of Napoleon and the British East India Company were among the articles that
were counted and weighed on the second day of inventorying of the contents of vault A of Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
in Thiruvananthapuram on June 29, 2011. The inventorying is being done by a seven-member panel appointed by the
Supreme Court in presence of experts from the Department of Archaeology. The articles found inside the vaults are being
counted and weighed. The inventorying of vaults A to F began on June 27; on the first day C was opened. D and F were
opened on June 28. Vaults A and B were opened on June 29. Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said on July 1, 2011
said the government would prepare a comprehensive security plan for the temple.

1400-year-old Kerala mosque to be restored to its original form: The Cheraman Juma Masjid in Kodungallur,
Kerala, believed to be the countrys first and oldest mosque, will soon be restored to its original form. Its management
committee was giving final touches to a renovation project that would start in September, Masjid president P.A. Mohammed
Sayed said in June 2011. The 1400-year-old mosque was reconstructed many times to accommodate the increasing number
of believers. The mosque is believed to have been constructed in 629 AD by Malik Bin Dinar, a contemporary of Cheraman

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Section B: WORLD

NSG decides to strengthen guidelines on ENR transfer

In a decision that could have a bearing on India, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) has decided to strengthen its guidelines
on the transfer of sensitive enrichment and reprocessing technologies (ENR) at its two-day
meeting in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, which ended on June 24, 2011. The 46-nation NSG
also considered all aspects of the implementation of the 2008 Statement on Civil Nuclear
Cooperation with India.

India had got a clean waiver from NSG in September 2008. Under the terms of the
waiver, NSG members are allowed to make ENR transfers to India.

The public statement of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) on June 24, 2011 stated that
The NSG agreed to strengthen its guidelines on the transfer of sensitive enrichment and
reprocessing technologies; without elaborating the changes to the guidelines. However, it
is commonly understood that one of the major substantive changes, of concern to India,
was the condition that suppliers should not authorise the transfer of enrichment and
reprocessing facilities, and equipment and technology, if the recipient is not a party to the
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and is in full compliance with its obligations under the treaty. The changes to the NSG
guidelines have caused some concern in India since India is not a member of the NPT and hence under the new NSG
guidelines not eligible for ENR (enrichment and reprocessing) transfers from the NSG members.

The US has sought to play down any concerns, saying the NSG decision would bring India closer to international commerce
in the nuclear sector.

France has sought to reassure India that its recent endorsement of tighter rules for the export of ENR at the NSG in no way
undermines the parameters of our bilateral cooperation in the nuclear field. France is committed to the full implementation of
its cooperation agreement on the development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy signed on September 30, 2008,
Ambassador of France to India Jerome Bonnafont said in a statement on July 1, 2011.

However, the Ambassadors silence about the new condition of NPT membership for ENR transfers has worried India. Anil
Kakodkar, who was head of Indias Atomic Energy Commission when that deal was reached, has termed the NSGs latest
decision a betrayal.

Indias membership of NSG
Meanwhile, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) began consideration of an American proposal to enrol India as a member.
The NSG admits new members by consensus on the basis of a procedural arrangement, which stipulates that the proposed
candidate must be a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or a regional nuclear weapons free zone, place all its
nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards if it is a non-nuclear weapon state, be in a position to supply items on the NSG
control lists, and adhere to the groups guidelines and non-proliferation efforts.

Indias membership of the NSG is going to be difficult because this will be the first time the group will consider the case of a
country, which has not signed the NPT. Israel and Pakistan are the two other countries, besides India, that have not signed
the NPT, while North Korea, which signed, has since walked out.

The U.S. backing for Indian membership of the NSG and other multilateral arms control bodies follows the public commitment
made by U.S. President Barack Obama. Countries opposed to the move argue that allowing India to join the NSG could
trigger similar demands from Pakistan and Israel.

In its paper, the U.S. has said that it believes the NSG will be justified in assessing India to be a like minded partner based on
the steps it has taken and will take to separate its military and civil nuclear programme.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Gandhis Salt Satyagraha in Times top 10 protests
Mahatma Gandhi-led Salt Satyagraha during Indias independence movement has been named among the 10 most
influential protests in the world by Americas prestigious Time magazine on June 28, 2011.

In March 1930, Gandhi embarked on a 24-day march from Sabarmati Ashram near Ahmedabad to the small seaside town of
Dandi, attracting followers along the way. The assembled throngs watched as he and dozens of others dipped into the sea to
produce salt. The campaign was a non-violent protest against the British salt monopoly in colonial India, and triggered the
wider Civil Disobedience Movement.

Known as the salt Satyagraha - a Sanskrit term loosely meaning truth-force - it carried the emotional and moral weight to
break the British Empire, the Time said. According to the magazine, Britains centuries-long rule over India was, in many
ways, first and foremost a regime of monopolies over commodities like tea, textiles and
even salt. Under colonial law, Indians were forbidden to extract and sale their own salt,
and instead were forced to pay the far costlier price of salt manufactured and imported
from the UK. That act - for which more than 80,000 Indians would get arrested in the
coming months - sparked years of mass civil disobedience that came to define both the
Indian independence struggle as well as Gandhi himself, the Time said

Others in the list include: Boston Tea Party, 1773; Civil Rights March on Washington,
1963; Stonewall, 1969 (USA); Moratorium Against the Vietnam War, November 15, 1969;
Muharram Protests in Iran, 1978; People Power, 1986 (Philippines); Tiananmen Square,
1989; Purple Rain Protest in Cape Town, 1989 and Egypt, Jan. 25, 2011.

Communist Party of China celebrates 90
The Communist Party of China (CPC), which celebrated its 90
anniversary on July 1, 2011, was founded on July 1, 1921.

In the turmoil of 1920s China, CCP members such as Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and
Li Lisan began organizing labour unions in the cities. The CCP joined with the
Nationalist Party in 1924, and the alliance proved enormously successful at first. But
after liberating Shanghai, the Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek turned violently on
the CCP and drove it underground in 1927. Many of the CCP cadres, such as Mao,
then abandoned their revolutionary activities among Chinas urban proletariat and
went to the countryside where they were successful in winning peasant support. But
this was destroyed by the military campaigns of the Nationalists, and Mao and the
remnants of his forces escaped in the Long March (193435) to northern China. It
was during this march that Mao achieved the leadership position in the CCP that he
held until his death in 1976. Other important leaders who supported him in this
period were Zhou Enlai and Zhu De.

In 1936, Chiang Kai-shek was forced to call off his military campaigns against the CCP and instead enter a United Front with
it against the Japanese invaders. While Chiang Kai-sheks Nationalist forces basically sat out the war in Chongqing, the CCP
tremendously expanded its strength by fighting the Japanese invaders of China. By the end of the war it controlled base
areas of some 100,000,000 people and had an experienced army and a workable political program of alliance between
peasants, workers, the middle class, and small capitalists.

When the civil war between the CCP and Chiang Kai-sheks Nationalists recommenced in 1946, the CCPs land-reform
program increased its peasant support while Nationalist ineptitude and demoralization cost it what little support it had.
Decisively defeated, remnants of the Nationalists fled to Taiwan while the CCP and its allies founded the Peoples Republic of
China in 1949.

Now 80 million strong, the CCP has transformed itself from an ideology-driven party of peasants and workers to a vast
organisation that has shed much of its politics, now counting among its members Chinas most successful and wealthiest
businessmen and women as well as the nations best and brightest.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK


Google receives 67 content removal requests from India

Search engine Google on June 29, 2011 unveiled its Transparency Report, which is a complete list of elements that
governments across the world have requested it to remove. The report in itself is an interesting window into how different
governments treat the issue of free speech, readily available information and content.

Content removal requests: Google received 67 requests from the Indian government for removal of content from its
services in July-December 2010. 22% of these requests were fully or partially complied with. Web Search had 50 items
requested to be removed followed by while Google Images had 1, Google Profiles had 2 and YouTube had 199. These were
sought on grounds of Defamation, Impersonation, Privacy and Security, Government Criticism, Pornography, Hate Speech
and National Security. These included requests from different law enforcement agencies to remove a blog and YouTube
videos that were critical of Chief Ministers and senior officials of different states. It did not comply with these requests.

Requests on user data: The search engine 1,699 received requests for disclosure of user data from Google accounts or
services of which 79% was complied with.

India rejects OICs comments on J&K: India on July 1, 2011 rejected comments by the Organisation of the Islamic
Conference (OIC) on Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that the grouping has no locus standi on matters related to its internal
affairs. The 38
Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers held in Astana, Kazakhstan from June 28-30, 2011 said it
extended total support for the Kashmiri people and their legitimate struggle for legitimate right to self-determination.

Greek Parliament passes austerity vote: The Greek Parliament passed a second austerity Bill by a comfortable margin
of 155 votes to 138 on July 1, 2011, opening the way for the European Union (EU) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to
release a euro 12 billion ($17 billion) loan installment which Athens urgently needs to stave off bankruptcy. The vote on
detailed measures to implement euro 28 billion in spending cuts, tax increases and privatisations passed without any of the
violent street protests which marred the June 30 vote on an initial austerity Bill. With Greece perilously close to a default that
would cause chaos in financial markets, the EU and IMF had demanded that both Bills be passed before it releases the next
batch of a bailout package agreed last year. The Socialist government of Prime Minister George Papandreou, whose Pasok
party trails the conservative opposition in opinion polls, is likely to face major problems turning the deeply unpopular austerity
measures into action. The endemic problem of tax evasion and the need for swift action to begin a sell-off of state assets will
be among the top priorities, bringing the risk of more confrontation with powerful public sector unions which oppose

German Parliament approves end to nuclear power by 2022: Germanys lower house of Parliament on June 30,
2011 overwhelmingly approved plans to shut the countrys nuclear plants by 2022, putting Europes biggest economy on the
road to an ambitious build-up of renewable energy. The lower house of parliament voted 513-79 for the shutdown plan drawn
up by Chancellor Angela Merkels government after Japans post-earthquake nuclear disaster. Germanys remaining nine
reactors will be shut down in stages by the end of 2022. By 2020, Germany wants to double the share of energy stemming
from water, wind, sun or biogas to at least 35 percent. Until this year, nuclear energy accounted for close to 25 per cent of
Germanys power supply. The June 30 vote completed a spectacular about-face on nuclear energy by Merkels centre-right
coalition. Only last year, it had amended a previous centre-left governments plan to abandon nuclear power by the early
2020s and extended the life span of Germanys 17 reactors by an average 12 years

Caretaker govt. system for polls scrapped in Bangladesh: The Bangladesh Parliament on July 1, 2011
Constitutional amendments in has passed a crucial amendment to the Constitution, scrapping the caretaker government
system for holding polls and restoring secularism but retaining Islam as the state religion. Under the caretaker system,
introduced in 1996, general elections are overseen by non-partisan caretaker governments. The Constitution (15

Amendment) Bill, 2011 also brings in some other fundamental changes in the context of the liberation war against Pakistan,
bringing back some principles which were deleted during military-rule. The Constitution now also acknowledges the countrys
Independence War hero Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as the Father of The Nation. The Bill was passed by division vote with a
majority of 291-1 for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinas ruling alliance.

Bolivias exits UN anti-drug convention over coca leaf classification as narcotic: Bolivias government has
informed the United Nations it is renouncing the world bodys anti-drug convention because it classifies coca leaf as an illegal

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

drug, the Foreign Ministry said on June 30, 2011. Bolivias decision comes after a proposal by President Evo Morales to
remove language obliging countries that have signed the convention to ban the chewing of coca leaves was rejected by the
convention following US objections. Bolivia argues that coca leaf in its natural form is not a narcotic and forms an age-old part
of Andean culture. Morales is a former coca growers union leader who has campaigned for the leafs traditional uses. Coca is
a mild stimulant with high religious and social value in the Andean region. While it fights hunger and alleviates altitude
sickness, it is also the raw material of cocaine. US officials have said they are concerned that Bolivias proposal would
weaken the integrity of the UN Convention on Narcotic Drugs.

Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation organised: The 50the annual session of the Asian African Legal
Consultative Organisation (AALCO) was held at Colombo from June 26 to will open here on June 26 to July 1, 2011 against
the backdrop of increasing incidents of piracy in the region, and at a time when some nations are pushing for higher
cooperation in legal matters. Eminent jurists, lawmakers from 47 member countries, and the President of the International
Court of Justice, Hisashi Owada, attended the six-day deliberation, which did not list mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters as part of the agenda as some member countries had reservations in acceding to the Treaty on Mutual Legal
Assistance in Criminal Matters.

Worlds longest natural gas pipeline operationalised: Chinas 8,700-kilometre-long natural gas pipeline, which is the
worlds longest, was operationalised on June 30, 2011. The pipeline, which linked Turkmenistan with southern China, will
boost supplies to the countrys booming industrial zones in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. The annual natural gas
transportation capacity of the pipeline is expected to be 30 billion cubic meters. It is designed to provide stable gas suppl y for
at least 30 years. It is expected to help ease strained natural gas supply in the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta.

Worlds longest sea-bridge opens in China: The worlds longest sea bridge, spanning 36.48 km across the mouth of
the Jiaozhou Bay in eastern Shandong Province, opened to traffic on June 30, 2011, four years after construction started.
The 14.8-billion-yuan ($2.3-billion) bridge connects urban Qingdao with the citys less-developed district of Huangdao.
Authorities expect the project to boost the development of an industrial zone in Huangdao and to facilitate the rise of foreign
trade by increasing the ports handling capacity. The bridge would shorten the route between Huangdao and urban Qingdao
by 30 km, cutting the travel time down from over 40 minutes to around 20 minutes. Before the projects completion, the
Hangzhou Bay Bridge across the bay of Hangzhou, in eastern Zhejiang Province, was considered the worlds longest sea
bridge. Qingdao officials also announced the completion of a 9.47-km-long undersea tunnel that runs parallel to the bridge.

US Supreme Court clears tax exemption for Indian mission in New York: The U.S. Supreme Court on June 28,
2011 upheld a decision by a Federal Appeals Court that had exempted the Indian and Mongolian missions from paying taxes
of nearly $50 million on property in New York. In 2010, 2
US Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan upheld the State
Department intervention in 2009, which exempts taxes on property owned by foreign governments and U.N. missions that
housed diplomatic staff. Aaron Stiefel, India missions lawyer, underlined that the rule of reciprocity applied to the case since
U.S. diplomatic buildings in India were not taxed.

Male Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution organised: The Male Declaration on Control and
Prevention of Air Pollution and its likely trans-boundary effects for South Asia was started by the Secretary, Ministry of
Environment and Forests, T. Chatterjee in New Delhi on June 28, 2011.

Frances Lagarde appointed IMF Managing Director: French Finance Minister Christine
Lagarde was on June 28, 2011 elected Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund,
maintaining Europes grasp on the top job at the global lender. Lagarde, 55, is the first woman to lead
the IMF, succeeding Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who resigned in May to defend himself against
charges of sexual assault against a hotel maid in New York. Her victory over Mexicos Central Bank
Governor Agustin Carstens was assured after the United States made its support clear and emerging
market economies China, Brazil and Russia did the same. She will have to immediately deal with an
IMF-European Union effort to keep debt-stricken Greece afloat.

EU appoints Draghi as next ECB president: EU leaders on June 24, 2011 appointed Italys Mario Draghi as the next
president of the European Central Bank from November 1, 2011 to October 31, 2019. The 63-year-old economist and banker
will replace Frances Jean-Claude Trichet, who steps down at the end of October after eight years in the euro zones top
monetary policy post.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK


Jose Graziano elected FAO Director-General: Jose Graziano da Silva, a former food security minister of Brazil, has
been elected Director-General of the Rome-headquartered Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO),
the U.N. agency tasked with reducing world hunger at a time of record high food prices. Graziano,
currently FAOs regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean, won on the second ballot
with 92 of the 180 votes of FAO member states on June 26, 2011 in Rome. He beat out Miguel Angel
Moratinos of Spain and four other candidates to replace Jacques Diouf of Senegal, whose 18-year
tenure prompted a change in the agencys rules to set term limits. The Rome-based FAO is the largest
U.N. agency with an annual budget of about $1 billion. It has faced longstanding calls from top donors
like the United States for reform and budget cuts. World food prices hit a record high earlier this year,
triggered mainly by bad weather, reviving memories of soaring prices in 2007-2008 that sparked riots in
countries such as Egypt, Haiti and Cameroon. Current food security crisis that has left almost one billion
people hungry could turn into a permanent disaster, endangering millions of lives as well as international
cooperation, said former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who chairs the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, warned
on June 27, 2011 in Rome.

Matthew Olsen is new US counterterrorism chief: President Barack Obamas choice for his next counterterrorism
chief is Matthew Olsen, a former prosecutor with extensive experience in intelligence matters for the federal government, the
White House announced on July 1, 2011. Olsen, if confirmed by the Senate, would take over as the Director at the National
Counterterrorism Center, an agency launched in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks on America. The Center is
charged with analyzing and integrating information gathered across the intelligence community and then providing
assessments to the president and other senior policymakers.

International court issues arrest warrant for Gaddafi: The International Criminal Court (ICC) based at The Hague,
Netherlands on June 27, 2011 issued an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam and Libyan
intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi on charges of crimes against humanity. ICC prosecutors allege they were involved in
the killing of civilian protesters who rose up in February against Gaddafis 41-year rule. To prevent them covering up ongoing
crimes and committing new crimes, they should be arrested. This is the only way to protect civilians in Libya, said ICC
prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who had sought the arrest warrants.

Indias Kalyan Banerjee appointed Rotary International President: For only the third time in its
history, Rotary Club has installed an Indian as its President. Starting June 30, 2011, 69-year-old United
Phosphorous Limited director Kalyan Banerjee will preside over Rotary International. Although Rotary is 106-
year-old, it came to India only in 1920, its first foray into Asia. Banerjee will oversee Rotarys campaigns for
health, literacy and safe drinking water, while advocating his Presidential message: Reach Within to Embrace
Humanity. The worlds first service club, the Rotary Club of Chicago, was formed on 23 February 1905 by
Paul P. Harris, an attorney who wished to capture in a professional club the same friendly spirit he had felt in the small towns
of his youth. The Rotary name derived from the early practice of rotating meetings among members offices. By 1921, Rotary
clubs had been formed on six continents. The organization adopted the Rotary International name a year later. The
organizations motto: Service Above Self.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Section C: AWARDS


Krishi Karman Awards announced

Ten States have been selected by the Ministry of Agriculture on July 2, 2011 for the newly instituted Krishi Karman awards
for their performance in raising production of food grains. Three awards are being given for total food grain production and
four awards for production of rice, wheat, coarse cereals and pulses the crops that constitute the food grain basket. Krishi
Karman awards are the first-ever awards being given to States for their effort and contribution towards raising the countrys
food grain production.

Punjab and Uttar Pradesh are the joint winners of the Krishi Karman award in the category of States with overall food grain
production of more than 10 million tonnes recorded in the last five years. Assam and Orissa get the award in the category
of States with overall food grain production of between one and 10 million tonnes. Tripura is the sole winner in the
category of States with overall food grain production of less than one million tonnes.

In the second set of four awards, being given for individual crops and crop groups, the award for rice goes to Chhattisgarh,
wheat to Haryana, pulses to Maharashtra and Rajasthan, and coarse cereals to Karnataka.

Each award winning State gets a trophy, a citation and cash award. The cash award (for each State) is Rs. 2 crore for total
food grain production and Rs. 1 crore for each of the four crops included in food grains.

The awards will be given away by the Prime Minister later in July 2011.

Dabangg, My Name is Khan win IIFA awards: Shah Rukh Khan received the Best Leading Male Role award for
My Name is Khan while veteran actress Sharmila Tagore was conferred with the Outstanding Achievement award at the
International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards in Toronto, Canada, on June 25, 2011. Karan Johar was the Best
Director for My Name is Khan. Dabangg was adjudged the Best Film of 2010. Anushka Sharma won the Best Leading
Female Role award for Band Baja Baraat. Sonakshi Sinha won the Best Debut Female award for her performance in
Dabangg. Sajid-Wajid, alongwith Lalit Pandit, bagged the Best Music Direction award for their chartbusting numbers in the
film, while Abhinav Kashyap and Dilip Shukla bagged the Best Screenplay award. The Best Playback Singer (Male) award
went to Rahat Fateh Ali Khan for Tere mast mast do nain, while the item number Munni Badnam Hui got Mamta Sharma
the Best Playback Singer (Female) award, both for Dabangg. Asha Bhosle was honoured with the Lifetime Achievement
award, while Dharmendra was honoured for his contribution to the film industry. The Best Story award went to Shivani
Makhija for My Name Is Khan, while Vishal Bhardwaj won the Best Dialogue award for Ishqiya. The Best Lyrics award
was bagged by Niranjan Iyengar for My Name Is Khan.

Anjali Joseph wins two literary awards for Saraswati Park: Mumbai-born writer Anjali Joseph on
June 26, 2011 bagged two top literary awards for her critically-acclaimed debut novel Saraswati Park the
Betty Trask Award and the Desmond Elliot Prize. Both the awards carry a cash prize of 10,000 pounds. The
Betty Trask Award is given to a debut novel by authors below the age of 35 who reside in a current or former
Commonwealth nation. Desmond Elliot Prize is also awarded annually to the best first novel.

India honours doyen of modern Sinhala music: The Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka honoured
Sinhala musician and Magsaysay award winner Pandit Amaradeva at India House in Colombo on June 29, 2011 to celebrate
his six decades of excellence in music and to underline the deep cultural and civilisational links the two countries share.
Pandit Amaradeva (earlier known as Albert Perera) was awarded the Padma Shri in 2002. He composed the melody for the
Maldivian national anthem along with Ananda Samarakoon (author of the Sri Lankan national anthem) and composer-
musician Sunil Santha. They are regarded as the founding fathers of the modern Sinhala music.

Japanese honour for IIT professor: An honorary professor at IIT Kanpur, Dr. Shoji Shiba, was June 27, 2011 honoured
with the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon by the Emperor of Japan for his contribution toward
fostering academic exchanges between Japan and India. The honour is a decoration bestowed in recognition of an

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

individuals (both Japanese and foreign) notable long-term public service. Dr. Shiba is the chief advisor to the Visionary
Leaders for Manufacturing Programme in India, which seeks to create visionary leaders to lead Indias manufacturing sector
into future growth. He is also a Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Ravi Shankar wins Crans Montana award: Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has become the first Indian to
receive the Crans Montana Forum Award. The honour was conferred upon him at a ceremony in Brussels on June 24, 2011.
Along with Ravi Shankar, other recipients for 2011 were Alassane Ouattara (President of Cote dIvoire), Adrian Nastase
(Former Romanian Prime Minister), Philippe Maystadt (President of European Investment Bank), Tahar Benjelloun
(Psychologist and Writer), Mohamed Ibn Chambas (Secretary General of the African, Caribbean and Pacific, Group of States)
and Richard Holbrooke (U.S. Ambassador) who was awarded posthumously.

Indian ad agencies win 4 golds at Cannes Lions
Indian advertising agencies won 24 medals, including four Gold Lions and 10 Silver Lions at the Cannes Lions International
Advertising Festival organised in Cannes, France from June 19 to 25, 2011. Advertiser of the Year award went to Swedish
furniture company IKEA while Media Person of The Year award was conferred on Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of
Google. The Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival is the largest gathering of worldwide advertising professionals,
designers, digital innovators and marketers.
Mudra Communications scored the maximum points for India and topped the table with three Silver Lions and five Bronze
Lions and nine shortlisted entries. BBDO India came second with 20 points for its two Silver, one Bronze metals and seven
shortlists. Ogilvy & Mather India with 13 points finished their trip at the third position.
Gold Lion winners: Ogilvy & Mather, Lodestar UM and Out of the Box were the only Indian agencies to return home with a
Gold Lion, while BBDO India won a Creative Effectiveness Lion.
BBDO Indias entry W.A.L.S Women Against Lazy Stubble for Gillette won the agency a Creative Effectiveness Lion.
The category was introduced at Cannes Lions this year, and doesnt have a Gold or Silver or Bronze distinction.
Ogilvy & Mather won a Gold Lion in the Film Craft category for their entry titled Train for Indian Railways under the Best
Use of Music sub-category.
Lodestar UMs work for Garnier The worlds first newspaper on 100% newsprint for Garnier earned the media agency a
Gold in the Media Lions category.

Delhi-based design boutique Out of the Box won the agency a Gold Lion for their entry Love Blossoms Here for Mothers
Pride in the Design Lions category.

Microsoft wins Randstad award for most attractive employer: Microsoft on June 30, 2011 won the first Randstad
Award 2011 for being the Most Attractive Employer in India, closely followed by Larsen & Toubro. The Randstad Award, to
encourage best practices and build the Employer Brand, has been launched in India by HR services company Ma Foi
Randstad. Winners from different industry sectors were Volkswagen (auto and auto component), Ernst & Young (consulting),
ONGC (energy), SAIL (manufacturing) and Taj Group (travel and hospitality).

Meghdoot Awards presented to Postal Employees: Kapil Sibal, Minster of Communications & Information
Technology and HRD on June 27, 2011 conferred the Meghdoot Awards here today to the postal employees. This scheme
of National awards known as Meghdoot Awards was instituted in the year 1984 to provide encouragement to the postal
employees by recognizing performance of high standard. Meghdoot awardees in individual category were given a medal, a
scroll and cash award of Rs. 11000 (Rupees eleven thousand). In Group Category, the Best Post Office Award for 2009 and
2010 was won by Chandragiri Head Office, Andhra Pradesh

8 Indians among 40 young global telecom leaders: As many as eight Indian-origin persons, including those working
with Tatas and Bharti group, were named among 40 young leaders of the global telecom industry on June 26, 2011. Indians
featured in the 40 under 40 list by Global Telecoms Business (GTB), a telecommunications magazine, include Srinivasa
Addepalli of Tata Communications, Pankaj Agrawal (Aircel), Ajay Chitkara (Bharti Airtel), Gauri Raizada (Tata Teleservices)
and Rene Meza (Airtel Kenya), Mukesh Bavisi (Exponential-e), Udit Mehrotra (Shyam Networks) and Upendra Poranki (Nokia
Siemens Networks). For the study, respondents were asked who they thought are the global telecom industrys young
leaders of today and the leaders of tomorrow. To prepare the list, only those born on or after July 1, 1971, were considered.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK


FDI declines 62% to $7b in 2010-11 RBI
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the country in 2010-11 declined by 62 per cent in 2010-11 to $7.1 billion from $18.8
billion the previous year, according to the RBI data released on June 30, 2011.

Major Highlights:
During the year as a whole i.e. April-March 2010-11, despite improvement in net invisibles surplus, higher trade deficit led to
increase in absolute size of current account deficit. However, as a proportion of GDP, CAD (Current Account Deficit) was
marginally lower than the preceding year.
Trade Balance (trade deficit) widened to US$ 130.5 billion (7.5 per cent of GDP) during 2010-11 from US$ 118.4 billion (8.6
per cent of GDP) a year ago.
Net invisibles surplus (Invisibles Receipts minus Invisibles Payments) increased to US$ 86.2 billion during 2010-11 (US$
80.0 billion last year). The increase in invisibles receipts was mainly driven by services exports, which recorded a growth of
37.8 per cent during 2010-11 (as against a decline of 9.6 during the preceding year)
The Current Account Deficit (Trade Balance + Net Invisibles) at US$ 44.3 billion works out to 2.6 per cent of GDP during
2010-11 as compared to US$ 38.4 billion (2.8 per cent of GDP) a year ago.
Net capital inflows increased to US$ 59.7 billion mainly driven by external assistance, short-term trade credits, ECBs and
banking capital. Although net capital inflows were higher, accretion to foreign exchange reserves during 2010-11 was
marginally lower as a larger share of increased flows was absorbed by the widened current account deficit.

Major Items of Indias Balance of Payments (US $ billion)
Item April-March
2008-09 (R) 2009-10 (PR) 2010-11(P)
1 2 3 4
1. Exports 189.0 182.2 250.5
2. Imports 308.5 300.6 380.9

3. Trade Balance (1-2) -119.5 -118.4 -130.5
4. Invisibles, net (Invisibles Receipts minus Invisibles Payments) 91.6 80.0 86.2
5. Current Account Balance (3+4) -27.9 -38.4 -44.3
6. Capital Account Balance 7.8 51.8 57.3
7. Change in Reserves (-Indicates increase;+ indicates decrease) 20.1 -13.4 -13.1
R: Revised. P: Preliminary. PR: Partially Revised.

Net Capital Flows (US$ billion)
2009-10 (PR) 2010-11 (P)
1 2 3
1. Foreign Direct Investment 18.8 7.1
Inward FDI 33.1 23.4
Outward FDI -14.4 -16.2
2. Portfolio Investment
Of which:
32.4 30.3
FIIs 29.0 29.4
ADR/GDRs 3.3 2.0
3. External Assistance 2.9 4.9
4. External Commercial Borrowings 2.8 11.9
5. NRI Deposits 2.9 3.2

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

6. Banking Capital excluding NRI Deposits -0.8 1.7
7. Short-term Trade Credits 7.6 11.0
8. Rupee Debt Service -0.1 -0.1
9. Other Capital -13.0 -10.4
Total (1 to 9) 53.4 59.7
P: Preliminary. PR: Partially Revised.

Invisibles Gross Receipts and Payments (US$ billion)
Invisibles Receipts (April-March) Invisibles Payments (April-March)
2009-10 (PR) 2010-11 (P) 2009-10 (PR) 2010-11 (P)
1 2 3 6 7
A. Services (1 to 5) 95.8 132.0 60.0 84.3
1.Travel 11.9 15.3 9.3 11.2
2.Transportation 11.2 14.3 11.9 13.9
3.Insurance 1.6 1.9 1.3 1.4
4.GNIE 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.8
5.Miscellaneous 70.7 99.9 36.9 57.0
Of Which:
Software 49.7 59.0 1.5 2.2
Non-Software 21.0 40.9 35.4 54.8
B. Transfers 54.6 56.5 2.3 3.1
Private 53.9 55.9 1.8 2.5
Official 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6
C. Income 13.0 9.1 21.1 24.0
Investment Income 12.1 8.0 19.4 21.9
Compensation of Employees 0.9 1.1 1.7 2.1
Invisibles (A+B+C) 163.4 197.6 83.4 111.4

Quarterly Report on Effect of Economic Slowdown on Employment in India unveiled

The Tenth Quarterly Survey Report on Effect of Economic Slowdown on Employment in India covering the period January
to March 2011 brought out by Labour Bureau was unveiled on June 29, 2011. The survey is an assessment of the impact of
economic slowdown on employment in India in the period January to March 2011. The sample establishments covered in the
previous survey have been revisited to assess the changes in employment. The results about effect on employment in the
eight selected sectors i.e. textiles including apparels, leather, metals, automobiles, gems & jewellery, transport, IT/BPO and
handloom / power loom are briefly summarized as below:-

Overall employment has increased: It may be observed from the enclosed statement that the upward trend in employment
has been continuously observed since July 2009. During the quarter January to March 2011, the employment has increased
in respect of these sectors except Textiles including apparels, Leather, Gems & Jewellery and Handloom/Powerloom and the
overall employment has increased by 1.74 lakh during the quarter.

Increase maximum in IT/BPO: At the sectoral level, the maximum increase of 2.87 lakh in employment during the period
March, 2011 over December, 2011 is in IT/BPO sector, followed by increase of 0.16 lakh in Metals, 0.13 lakh in automobile
industry and 0.06 lakh in Transport industry.

Direct Vs contract workers: The maximum increase in overall employment by 1.80 lakh is seen in the direct category of
workers as compared to (-) 0.06 lakh in the contract category of workers at overall level during the period January, 2011 over
December, 2010.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Exporting & non-exporting units: In the export oriented units, the employment at the overall level has increased by 1.99
lakh whereas in the non-exporting units, it has decreased by (-) 0.25 lakh during the period January, 2011 over December

Annual results: While comparing the results of the last four quarterly surveys conducted during 2010-11 i.e. March 2011
over March 2010, the overall employment has increased by 9.79 lakh, with highest increase in IT/BPO (6.65 lakh) followed by
1.11 lakh in automobiles, 1.01 lakh in textiles including apparels , 0.88 lakh in metals and 0.33 in leather during the period

Sector-wise Changes in Estimated Employment based on Tenth Quarterly Surveys conducted by Labour Bureau

Industry /
Changes in Employment during the Quarter (in lakh)
2008 09 2009 10 2010 11
Oct Jan April July Oct Jan April July Oct Jan
To to to to To to to to To To
Dec March June Sept Dec March June Sept Dec March
1. Mining (-) 0.11 * * * * * * * * *
2. Textiles
(-) 1.72 2.08 (-) 1.54 3.18 0.16 (-) 1.19 (-) 0.63 2.45 0.4 (-)1.21
3. Leather * (-) 0.33 0.07 (-) 0.08 0.09 0 0.21 0.04 0.16 (-)0.08
4. Metals (-) 1.06 (-) 0.29 (-) 0.01 0.65 0.23 0.04 0.45 0.27 0 0.16
5. Gems &
(-) 0.99 0.33 (-) 0.20 0.58 0.07 0.24 0.04 0.04 (-) 0.10 (-)0.02
(-) 0.83 0.02 0.23 0.24 0.06 0.29 0.51 0.29 0.18 0.13
7. Transport (-) 0.96 (-) 0.04 (-) 0.01 0 (-) 0.02 (-) 0.02 (-) 0.21 0.13 (-) 0.01 0.06
8. IT/BPO 0.76 0.92 (-) 0.34 0.26 5.7 1.29 1.29 1.08 1.41 2.87
9. Handloom
/ Powerloom
* 0.07 0.49 0.15 0.09 (-) 0.05 (-) 0.04 0.06 0.03 (-)0.18
Overall All
the above
(-) 4.91 2.76 (-) 1.31 4.97 6.38 0.61 1.62 4.35 2.07 1.74
* Not Covered

Cairn-Vedanta deal gets conditional approval

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on June 30, 2011 gave its conditional approval to Vedanta Resources
to buy UK-based Cairn Energys Indian business. The CCEA has given approval to the proposal subject to Vedanta and
Cairn agreeing to bear the cost of royalty for the countrys most prolific onshore field in Barmer, Rajasthan. Cairn will also
have to withdraw the arbitration case challenging the paying of cess. Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister S. Jaipal
Reddy said that Cairn and Vedanta will have to agree in principle to all these conditions. He also made it clear that the
companies couldnt raise these issues again in the future.
Cairn may have been expecting such a decision as on June 27 it had sweetened the deal for Vedanta by dropping the non-
compete fee of Rs. 50 per share. Due to this, the value of the deal had dropped by more than $600 million.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Cairn India may have to fork out Rs. 12,600 crore as royalty over the lifetime of the Barmer oilfield, if it agrees to the

The deal has been hanging fire since August 2010 when Cairn decided to sell its stake in Cairn India to Vedanta due to lack
of regulatory approval.

Cairn India holds 70 per cent stake in the Barmer oil field and the rest is owned by ONGC. However, the PSU pays entire
royalty on the crude oil produced from the Rajasthan oil fields.

2002: Cairn steps in when Shell left the exploration work at Rajasthans Barmer. Public sector ONGC continued to be a
partner in the block and decided to carry on the work along with Cairn, in what is known in government books as RJ-ON-
90/1 block.
Aug 24, 2009: Cairn finds crude oil at RJ-ON-90/1, potential estimated at about 20 per cent to Indias production.
Aug 16, 2010: Anil Agarwal-controlled Vedanta Resources agreed to buy a controlling stake in Cairn India from Edinburgh-
based Cairn Energy.
Sept. 23: Government owned-ONGC, Cairn Indias joint venture (JV) partner in Rajasthans prolific Barmer oilfields,
decides against placing a counter-bid.
Oct. 3: ONGC, which currently pays 100 per cent royalty even though it owns 30% share in the JV wants Cairn Indias new
buyer Vedanta to share royalty burden for government approval of the acquisition. Do not clear the deal till you get the
royalty burden off our shoulder, was ONGCs message to the petroleum ministry.
Feb. 2, 2011: The oil ministry says it will approve the deal only after royalty issue is settled. Cairn disagrees as it would
reduce the price it would get from Vedanta. Claims that change in royalty or any other issues would violate terms &
conditions of contract it signed in 2002.
May 19: Cairn Energy extends deadline for Vedanta deal indefinitely.
June 28: Cairn Energy Plc drops non-compete fee of 750 per share. It proposes an initial sale of a 10 per cent stake and a
subsequent sale of a 30 per cent stake, after approvals.

New class of investors Qualified Foreign Investors created
In a significant move that could lead to higher and stable foreign inflows, the government has allowed a new class of foreign
investors that would include individuals and bodies such as pension funds to invest up to $10 billion in domestic mutual
funds from August 1.

Currently, only foreign institutional investors (FIIs) and sub-accounts registered with the market regulator SEBI and non-
resident Indians are allowed to invest in mutual fund schemes in the country.

Under the norms, released by the Finance Ministry on June 27, 2011, a special class of investors Qualified Foreign
Investors that would include individuals and bodies such as pension funds and are separate from FIIs has been created.
All investments from the two routes would be under the purview of market regulator SEBI.

The proposed move would not only help in attracting more foreign funds but is also expected to bring in more depth in the
fast-growing domestic mutual funds industry. It was aimed at broad-basing the flow of foreign investment in the Indian stock
market, so that dependence on FII funds, considered as hot money, is reduced.

Hydro, inter-state transmission projects exempted from tariff-based bidding
The Union government on June 30, 2011 amended the Tariff Policy to exempt all hydro power projects and inter-State
transmission projects from the mandatory tariff based competitive bidding.

Hydro power majors such as state-owned NHPC Ltd and Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVNL), along with transmission utility
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd are among those likely to benefit from the move.

Under the tariff-based competitive bidding norms, developers quoting the lowest average electricity tariffs from a proposed
project get to set it up, as against the erstwhile cost-plus model, where projects were set up through pacts with distribution
utilities and were entitled to assured returns.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK


The deferment for hydro sector projects is based on recommendation of a Power Ministry taskforce, which cited high risks
and uncertainties inherent to these projects as among the reasons why it is difficult for hydro projects to compete with thermal
generation on long-term basis.

Apart from an exemption to the all hydro electric projects from the mandatory competitive bidding till December 31, 2015, it
cleared an exemption to the intra-state transmission sector from the mandatory competitive bidding for two years up to
January 5, 2013

Solar power developers exempted from environment clearance: Solar thermal power developers such as Lanco
Infratech, Reliance Powers Rajasthan Sun Technique, and Godavari Power and Ispat can now go ahead with their projects
without concerns regarding environmental delays. The Ministry of Environment & Forests on July 1, 2011 exempted entities
implementing projects under the National Solar Mission from environment clearance requirement.

Committee on indigenous regional aircraft submits report

India could join by 2020, if not earlier, the select group of countries that manufacture aircraft. A committee, comprising top
bureaucrats, aerospace scientists and industry leaders, on July 2, 2011 submitted a report to the Prime Ministers Office,
which says the country has the technical capability to make a project to design and develop a regional aircraft with a seating
capacity of 70 to 90 that would be stretchable to 80-100 seats.

The committee chaired by former ISRO Chairman, G. Madhavan Nair, and Director-General of CSIR Samir Brahmachari has
estimated that the project could cost about Rs. 7,700 crore Rs. 4,500 crore for the design and development activities and
Rs. 3,200 crore for the production unit.

The committee has suggested that the government bear the entire cost of design and development and set up a joint venture
with the participation of the private sector for establishing a production facility. Discussions in this regard included interactions
with the Israeli Aerospace Agency and a Swedish company, recommended that it could be a narrow-body turbo fan aircraft.

The aim was to have an aircraft that would require a shorter runway for take-off and landing and at the same time be able to
fly non-stop for about 2,500 km. The idea was to ensure direct connectivity among as many centres as possible in the

The CSIRs Bangalore-based National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) would take care of the design and development
activities. It had recruited 85 engineers over the past one year for the project and 300 more would be brought in as the project

US-India Economic and Financial Partnership meeting organised

India and the US have agreed to work together in key areas of macro-economic coordination, financial sector reforms and
infrastructure finance. The decision comes following bilateral talks between Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and US
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on June 28, 2011.

The two sides agreed to a robust roadmap for the coming year that included deeper engagement in areas such as macro-
economic challenges, including growth, unemployment, inflation, global liquidity, commodity prices, international capital flows
and fiscal consolidation, as per a joint statement released after the second ministerial level meeting of the US-India
Economic and Financial Partnership in Washington DC. The first meeting of the US-India Economic and Financial
Partnership was held last year in April, 2010 in Delhi.

The joint statement said that the United States is committed to making the investments in technology, skills and infrastructure
necessary to maintain and enhance U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. It said that India intends to take steps to
marshal private and public saving to meet the infrastructure needs of a rapidly growing Indian economy.

According to the joint statement, the two sides agreed to a robust roadmap for the coming year that included deeper
engagement in the following areas within each pillar of the Partnership:

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Macroeconomic challenges, including growth, unemployment, inflation, global liquidity, commodity prices, international
capital flows and fiscal consolidation.
Financial sector reforms, including deepening of capital markets, financial inclusion, and ensuring the stability,
transparency, and integrity of the financial system.
Infrastructure finance, including innovative strategies to mobilize capital for infrastructure development, and sharing best
practices and building capacity for design and successful execution of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).

India-Malaysia CECA comes into effect
The India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) came into effect from July 1, 2011. This is
Indias fourth bilateral CECA, after Singapore, South Korea and Japan. The CECA envisages liberalisation of trade in goods,
trade in services, investments and other areas of economic cooperation. Trade between India and Malaysia has reached US$
10 billion in 2010-11, an increase of 26% from the previous year. It is expected that the implementation of this agreement will
boost bilateral trade to US$15 billion by 2015.

Goods trade: The trade in goods package under India-Malaysia CECA takes the tariff liberalization beyond the India-ASEAN
FTA commitments, which were implemented by both countries on 1 January 2010. Under India-Malaysia CECA, the items on
which India has obtained market access from Malaysia include basmati rice, mangoes, eggs, trucks, motorcycles and cotton
garments, which are all items of considerable export interest to India. At the same time, adequate protection has been
provided by the Indian side for sensitive sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, textiles, chemicals, auto, etc.

Trade in Services: Under the services agreement of the CECA, India and Malaysia have provided commercially meaningful
commitments in sectors and modes of interest to each other which should result in enhanced services trade. The CECA also
facilitates the temporary movement of business people including contractual service suppliers, and independent professionals
in commercially meaningful sectors including accounting and auditing, architecture, urban planning, engineering services,
medical and dental, nursing and pharmacy, Computer and Related Services (CRS), and Management Consulting Services.

Investments: The India-Malaysia CECA also facilitates cross-border investments between the two countries. It aims to
promote investments and create a liberal, facilitative, transparent and competitive investment regime. The CECA creates an
attractive operating environment for the business communities of both countries to increase bilateral trade and investment

India 62
in Global Innovation Index rankings
India was ranked 62
in the 2011 edition of the Global Innovation Index rankings from being 56
in 2010 and 41
in 2009
issued on July 1, 2011 by the leading international business school INSEAD and its knowledge partners, Alcatel-Lucent,
Booz & Company, CII and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

Switzerland topped this years list. The others in the top 5 are Sweden, Singapore, Hong Kong and Finland. The other major
countries are; US (7), China (29), Brazil (47) and Russia (56).

The Global Innovation Index is computed as an average of the scores across inputs pillars (describing the enabling
environment for innovation) and output pillars (measuring actual achievements in innovation). The Innovation Input Sub-
Index comprises five pillars: Institutions, Human capital and research, Infrastructure, Market sophistication and Business
sophistication. The Innovation Output Sub-Index is composed of two pillars: Scientific outputs and Creative outputs. The
Innovation Efficiency Index, calculated as the ratio of the two Sub-Indices, examines how economies leverage their enabling
environments to stimulate innovation results.

HP, IBM lead 2011 India Supercomputers list

Indias fastest: The supercomputer at Computational Research Laboratories (CRL), jointly built with HP and armed with
172.60 teraflops (one trillion floating point operations in a single second), has topped the 2011 Supercomputers in India list
unveiled on June 28, 2011. The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing ranked second with its Param cluster
supercomputer. IBM, with its Blue Gene solution jointly developed with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR),
Mumbai, came third. IBM, however, had six of its high-performance computing (HPC) installations across India in the list that
comprised 16 supercomputers. HP followed with five and SGI with three systems.
Applications: Supercomputers are typically used for highly calculation-intensive tasks such as problems involving quantum
physics, weather forecasting, climate research, molecular modeling such as computing the structures and properties of

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

chemical compounds, biological macromolecules, polymers, and crystals, and physical simulations such as simulation of
airplanes in wind tunnels, simulation of the detonation of nuclear weapons, and research into nuclear fusion. They were
introduced in the 1960s and were designed primarily by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation until Cray left to form his
own company, Cray Research. Today, supercomputers are built by traditional companies such as Cray, IBM and Hewlett-

Worlds fastest: Globally, Japans K computer is the fastest in the world. Named after the Japanese word kei, stands for
10 quadrillion, the K supercomputer is being produced by Fujitsu and located at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for
Computational Science campus in Kobe, Japan. K computer is still under construction and is scheduled to enter service in
November 2012. The K Computer retained its position in the 37
TOP500 list announced at the 26
Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2011) held in Hamburg, Germany.

India Philanthropy Report 2011 unveiled

According to the India Philanthropy Report 2011, a report that tracks individual and corporate spending towards
philanthropic activities, donations made by wealthy Indians stood at $5-6 billion in 2010. The figure has risen by at least 50
per cent since 2006. The report brought out by Bain & company, a global business consulting company, included a survey of
over 300 wealthy individuals, including 100 high networth (HNI) individuals with assets of more than $ 1 million, focused on
private giving within the country.

The report unveiled on June 30, 2011 found that the wealthy were now giving away 1.5-3 per cent of their annual household
income education, food, housing & shelter being the most popular causes for distribution of private wealth. Interestingly,
about 40 per cent of them planned to increase their philanthropic donations over the next five years. Indias private charitable
donations had stood at 0.3-0.4 per cent of GDP in 2010 up from the 0.2 per cent in 2006. Some of the biggest constraints
holding back private donors in India are lack of accountability and transparency in charitable organisations and tax laws that
deter giving.

Indian cos. can issue equity to fund capital goods imports: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on June 30, 2011
liberalised foreign direct investment norms allowing corporates to pay for import of capital goods, machineries and
equipments by issuing equity to their suppliers. At present, corporates can issue equity shares or preference shares to
foreigners who provide technology under the automatic route as also against royalty or lump sum fees. Equity issues of such
nature are allowed subject to other conditions like entry route, sectoral cap, pricing guidelines and compliance with the
applicable tax laws. This is subject to the import being in accordance with the Exim policy and the regulations issued under
the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 relating to imports issued by RBI. This move provides some
operational flexibility to issue shares but does not open up new sectors for FDI.

Dealer commission on petrol, diesel increased: The government on June 30, 2011 raised the commission paid to
petrol pump dealers. The dealers commission on petrol has been raised from Rs 1,218 per kilolitre (kl) to Rs 1,499 per kl,
resulting in Rs 0.27 per litre increase in retail price. The commission on diesel has been raised from Rs 757 per kl to Rs 912
per kl, resulting in Rs 0.15 a litre increase in retail prices.

Govt. plans 15 mn tonne extra storage capacity for foodgrains: The Union government is planning to create an
additional warehousing capacity of 15.2 million tonnes at an estimated investment of Rs 7,000 crore by end of 2012. The
proposed capacity addition would be done under a public-private partnership (PPP) model, K V Thomas, Union minister of
state for consumer affairs, food and public distribution, said on June 28, 2011. Presently, the gap in warehousing is estimated
at 32 million tonnes. The present capacity is of the order of 6.2 million tonnes. Last year, the Warehouse Development and
Regulatory Authority was set up to promote scientific warehousing in the country, regulate and enforce accreditation of
warehouses, build a system of quality certification and grading of commodities and usher in a system of negotiable
warehouse receipts in the country. The government of India has also extended the duration of the seven-year guarantee
scheme for construction of warehouses to 10 years to attract more private players in storage and warehousing.

PAN must for high value jewellery buy, debit cards: Any purchase of bullion or jewellery worth Rs. 5 lakh or more
will require mandatory quoting of PAN from July 1, 2011. High-value purchase of jewellery, among valuables, have often
been feared to be a much favoured route for circulation of black money and quoting of PAN would help the tax authorities in
tracking such transactions. Recently, RBI had also asked the banks to consider the jewellers and bullion dealers as high-risk
customers and to keep an enhanced vigil on their transactions. The transactions that already require PAN include sale or

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

purchase of any immovable property valued at Rs. 5 lakh or more, sale or purchase of motor vehicles other than two-
wheelers and bank deposits exceeding Rs. 50,000. These also include opening of bank accounts, hotel bills of over Rs.
25,000 and mutual fund investments of Rs. 50,000 and above.

RBI to introduce Rs. 5 coin to honour Mother Teresa: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will shortly introduce a new
Rs. 5 coin with the theme Birth Centenary of Mother Teresa, a press release from AGM, RBI, Hyderabad, Ajit Prasad said
on June 28, 2011. The face of the coin bears the lion capitol of Ashoka Pillar with the legend Satyameva Jayathe in Hindi
inscribed below. The reverse of the coin will bear the portrait of Mother Teresa with the word Birth Centenary. Below the
portrait of Mother Teresa, the year 1910-2010 will be inscribed in International numeral.

SCOPE to evaluate PSUs: The Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), an apex organisation of public
sector enterprises, is in the process of laying down a system of accreditation and evaluating them on the basis of
performance. SCOPE Director-General U.D. Choubey on June 28 said once the evaluation criteria are finalised, SCOPE to
will start rating the 249 public sector undertakings (PSU) after receiving governments approval. The ratings will help investors
to measure the degree of professionalism in the board of the PSUs and their functioning.

TRIFED, NSTFDC sign MoU for economic upliftment of Tribal Artisans: An MoU was signed between Tribal
Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) and National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development
Corporation (NSTFDC) for collaboration on Economic Upliftment of Tribal Artisans, in New Delhi on June 30, 2011. Kantilal
Bhuria is the Union Minister for Tribal Affairs while Mahadev S. Khandela is the Minister of State for Tribal Affairs.

India in Figures 2011 unveiled: The Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahluwalia and the Union
Minister for Statistics and Programme Implementation, Dr. M.S. Gill released the Statistical Publications Infrastructure
Statistics and India in Figures 2011 at the inauguration of the Statistics Day 2011, in New Delhi on June 29, 2011.

Advanced Centre for Energetic Materials inaugurated: DRDOs state-of-the-art composite propellant processing
facility ACEM (Advanced Centre For Energetic Materials) was inaugurated by Defence Minister, A. K. Antony at Nasik,
Maharashtra on June 29, 2011.

India is worlds 4
largest steel producer: Despite a 7 per cent hike in its output, India slipped by a step to be the
fourth largest steel producer in the world in 2010, according to World Steel Association on June 30, 2011. India produced
68.3 million tonnes of steel in 2010 as against 63.5 million tonnes in 2009. The US, which produced 80.5 million tonnes as
against 58.2 million tonnes in the previous year, overtook India and Russia to emerge as the third largest producer in 2010.
China with an output of 626.7 million tonnes (573.6 mt in 2009) and Japan with an output of 109 million tonnes (87.5 mt)
remained the top two producers of steel in 2010. Total global steel output stood at 1,413.5 mt, up from 1230.9 mt in 2009.

Essar to exit Vodafone JV for $5.46 billion: The Essar Group on July 1, 2011 decided to sell its entire 33 per cent
stake in the countrys second-largest GSM mobile operator Vodafone-Essar to the Vodafone Group for $5.46 billion. Essar
will also pay a withholding tax of $880 million to the government. The deal will be completed by February 15, 2012. The
amount is higher than the $5 billion that Essar was entitled to get by selling its entire stake to Vodafone before May 2011 as
per their agreement in 2007.

Worlds first e-book on spices launched: Worlds first electronic book on spices, The agronomy and economy of black
pepper and cardamom the king and queen of spices was launched in London and other world capitals by Elsevier
International on June 30. Prof K. Prabhakaran Nair has compiled the book in electronic form. Prof Nair traces the origin,
history, global spread, development, agronomy, nutrition, economy, world trade, pharmacopoeia, end products etc., of black
pepper and cardamom in 30 chapters.

CBI registers FIR against former DGH V.K. Sibal: The Central Bureau of Investigation on July 2, 2011 registered a
case against certain officials of the Directorate-General of Hydrocarbons, including its former chief, V.K. Sibal, and some
private persons under the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. It was alleged that the then officials
of the DGH, technical arm of the Petroleum Ministry supervising the grant of licences and permission to private operators,
had given undue favours to a private firm in a speculative seismic survey in lieu of personal favours obtained from its
representatives. In 2005, a contract was awarded to the company for conducting a speculative seismic survey on a
nomination basis at an exorbitant cost, and this allegedly caused the government a huge financial loss. A First Information
Report was registered under Sections 120-B (conspiracy) and 420 (cheating) of the IPC and Section 13(2) read with 13(1)(d)
of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

S. Goenka appointed ICC President: Shrivardhan Goenka, Director, Duncan Goenka Group, was on July 1, 2011
elected as the President of the Kolkata-based Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) for the year 2011-12. Rajiv Mundhra,
Director, Simplex Infrastructures Ltd, and Sumit Majumder, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of TIL Ltd, are elected as
Senior Vice-President and Vice-President of the chamber, respectively, for the year.

Tanksale is new CMD of Central Bank: The government on June 29, 2011 appointed M. V. Tanksale, Executive
Director, Punjab National Bank, as Chairman and Managing Director of Central Bank of India for a period up to July 31, 2013.
Established in 1911, Central Bank of India was the first Indian commercial bank which was wholly owned and managed by
Indians. The Bank was founded by Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala and Sir Pherozesha Mehta was its first Chairman. It was
nationalised in the 1969. The Bank, headquartered in Mumbai, has a network of 3656 branches in 27 States & 3 UTs.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Section E: SPORTS

India agrees to modified version of Umpire Decision Review System

India said on June 27, 2011 that it had agreed to a modified version of the controversial Umpire Decision Review System
(UDRS). The International Cricket Councils chief executives committee
unanimously agreed at its Hong Kong conference to make UDRS mandatory in
all international Tests and one-day matches. This was disclosed by N.
Srinivasan, the president-elect of the Board of Control for Cricket in India, in a
statement posted on the BCCI website. The BCCI had questioned the accuracy
of the technology involved in the DRS and the recent agreement marks a
significant concession from BCCI which has been opposed almost from the
moment of the systems inception in 2009. The ground-breaking deal means
that India will, for the first time, agree to use the UDRS in a Test series when it
tours England from July.

Hot Spot to be used for catches: The BCCIs opposition to the current Hawkeye ball-tracking technology, on which the
UDRS system is based, was accepted by the ICC. Hot Spot, the thermal imaging technology now available and made
mandatory in the UDRS, will mostly be used for close catches and edges. The committee decided that the use of Hawkeye
would continue to depend on agreement between both teams in any match.

Lbw decisions: Lbw decisions will continue to be governed by the on-field umpires. Under the agreement, teams will be
allowed to make one incorrect challenge to an on-field umpires decision before all their referrals for that innings are used up.
A two-challenge system, broadly accepted by most of crickets leading nations, was in use at the recent World Cup in the

Non-Test playing nations participation in world cup: The ICC also opened the door for non-Test playing nations to
compete in the next World Cup, reversing its earlier decision to limit the 2015 World Cup, in Australia and New Zealand, to
the 10 full-member teams excluding countries such as Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada and Kenya. The ICC said in a
statement its chief executives committee had recommended a qualifying process for the 2015 tournament, without specifying
how many teams it wanted to see taking part.

ICC bans politicians from boards: The International Cricket Council (ICC) crickets governing body on June 30,
2011 banned countries from appointing politicians to national boards, vowing to free the sport from undue government
influence. The ICC took the decision to uphold the important principle of free elections and the independence of the sport at
a meeting organised in Hong Kong. It was agreed that all member boards must implement the provisions before the annual
conference in June 2012 and a further 12 months to June 2013 would be allowed before any sanctions are considered,
the ICC said in a statement. The reform, which allows the ICC to suspend a member country in the event of government
interference in the running of a national cricket board, will be hugely controversial in Pakistan where the President is the
boards patron. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh will also be hit by the change. ICC chief executive Haroon Lorgat said the reform
was needed to bring cricket in line with standards practised in other global sports.

Laxman touches 8000 runs in Tests: V.V.S. Laxman reached the 8000 run milestone in Test Cricket in his 85 run
knock in Indias first innings of the second test of the three-match series against hosts West Indies at the
Kensington Oval in Bridgetown, Barbados on June 28, 2011. The test which began on June 28 and
ended on July 2, 2011 ended in a draw. India scored 201 runs in their first innings after West Indies won
the toss and elected to field. West Indies were bowled out for 190 runs in their first innings with Marlon
Samuels scoring the highest (78 not out). India scored 269 runs in their second innings setting a target of
281 for the hosts. Laxman again top scored with 87 runs. West Indies were 202 for 7 wickets when play
ended on the final day on July 2. Darren Bravo was the highest scorer with 73. Ishant Sharma who took six
wickets in the first and four in the second innings was declared Man of the Match. Laxman who scored his
fifty-first half-century in the second innings has also scored 16 centuries in 122 Tests. Only Sachin
Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid and Sunil Gavaskar have scored more runs for India. India had won the first test (June 20 to 23,
2011) at Sabina Park, Kingston, Jamaica by 63 runs; scores: India 246 and 252; West Indies 173 and 262. The third and
final test of the series will be played at Windsor Park, Roseau, Dominica from July 6 to 11, 2011.

GJ Tutorial For the Week: June 26 to July 2, 2011 Current GK

Sanath Jayasuriya retires from international cricket: Sri Lankan allrounder Sanath Jayasuriya retired from
international cricket after playing the final match of his career a one-dayer
against England at The Oval in Southwest London on June 29, 2011. The
cricketer-turned-politician scored only 2 runs before he was caught by Eoin
Morgan off Tim Bresnan. A member of the Sri Lankan cricket team since 1989
and Wisden Cricketer of the Year 1997, Jayasuriya is the only player to score
more than 13,000 runs and capture more than 300 wickets in One Day
International cricket. Batting: He scored 6973 runs in 110 Tests at an average of
40.07 with 14 centuries and 31 half-centuries and a highest score of 340.
Member of Sri Lankas world cup winning team of 1996, Jayasuriya scored 13430
runs in 445 ODIs at an average of 32.36 at a strike rate of 91.21. He scored 28
centuries and 68 half-centuries with a highest score of 189. Bowling: 98 wickets
in 110 tests at an average of with best figures of 5/34 (innings) and 9/74 (match). In 445 ODIs, he took 323 wickets at an
average of 36.75 at an economy rate of 4.78 runs per over with best bowling figures of 6/29. Fielding: He took 78 catches in
Tests and 123 catches in ODIs.

Saina Nehwal ends runner-up at Indonesian Open: Defending champion Saina Nehwal failed to complete a hat-trick
of titles at the Indonesia Open Super Series losing to Chinas Yihan Wang in the final in Jakarta on June 26, 2011. Saina,
who won the title in 2009 and 2010, lost 21-12, 21-23, 14-21. World No. 1 Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia beat Denmarks Peter
Gade 21-11, 21-7 to win the Indonesian Open for a third time. Saina had won three titles Indian Open Grand Prix Gold,
Singapore Super Series and Indonesian Super Series in June 2010, before winning the Commonwealth Games gold
medal and the Hong Kong Super Series. But in 2011, she has just one title Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold to her name.

Prerna Bhambri wins ITF womens tennis: Prerna Bhambri outplayed the top-seeded Keren Shlomo of Israel 6-2, 6-3
in the final to win the $10,000 ITF womens tennis tournament at the DLTA Complex in New Delhi on June 25, 2011.

Sebastian Vettel wins European GP: Force India driver Adrian Sutil finished ninth in the European Grand Prix while
Paul di Resta finished in the 14
position on June 27, 2011. Red Bulls Sebastian Vettel won the race and was followed by
Ferraris Fernando Alonso and Mark Webber. Indias Narain Karthikeyan, who drives for Hispania, was last in the 24


Michael Nobbs appointed Indias Chief Hockey Coach: Michael Nobbs was appointed as Indias new Chief Hockey
Coach on June 29, 2011. His credentials were found superior to the other two candidates, both Dutch, Roelant Oltmans and
Jacques Brinkman. The 57-year-old Australians name was finalised after a series of interactions with officials from Hockey
India (HI) and the Sports Authority of India (SAI). A formal approval from the Union Sports Ministry is awaited. Nobbs has
been offered a five-year contract.

Japan wins FIH womens Champions Challenge: Japan won the FIH womens Champions Challenge I beating United
States by three goals to two in the final at Dublin on June 25, 2011. Scotland won the bronze. India finished seventh while
Azerbaijan finished last.

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